1. PPT

    hypothesis on paper towel

  2. Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment

    hypothesis on paper towel

  3. PPT

    hypothesis on paper towel

  4. The Perfect Paper Towel? by Sara Hildreth

    hypothesis on paper towel

  5. PPT

    hypothesis on paper towel

  6. PPT

    hypothesis on paper towel




  3. Smoothness Adaptive Hypothesis Transfer Learning

  4. What I didn't like about using reusable paper towels

  5. The Platonic Representation Hypothesis (paper review)

  6. Experiment


  1. Paper Towel Experiment

    Method. Fill the beaker up with exactly 200 ml of water. Take a sheet of the first brand of towel. Fold and insert into the water. As you dip the towel into the water, start your stopwatch. After 20 seconds, remove the towel from the beaker and squeeze as much water as you can out of the towel in to the graduated cylinder using the funnel.

  2. How to Do a Science Fair Project on Paper Towels

    Your hypothesis can be an educated guess based on personal experience or advertising. For instance, if one brand of paper towel advertises itself as the strongest, your hypothesis could read, "Brand X is the strongest wet paper towel." Create a backboard that has some examples of the paper towels, pictures from the experiment, and the most ...

  3. Penny Paper Towel Experiment: The Easiest Way to Teach ...

    The penny paper towel experiment is a simple experiment that kids of all ages can do as they test whether a wet or dry paper towel can hold more pennies. Children can declare a hypothesis on which towel will be strongest, and then once completing the experiment, the students can record the data they discovered while doing the experiment.


    the wet towel will be called the wet weight. 6. Discard the wet sheet and dry the bowl with an extra paper towel. The weight of the water absorbed by the paper towel is the wet weight minus the dry weight. Before you start measuring the absorbency for the selected sheets, you should try obtaining this measurement on a sheet or two for practice.

  5. Compare the strength of different paper towels

    Cut 10 strips of cardboard or heavy construction paper about 2 inches long and the same width as paper strips. Fold them from the middle so they can be glued to the paper. Apply some glue to the inside of each cardboard fold and connect it to the ends of each paper towel strip. Let them dry overnight.

  6. Keep a Paper Towel Dry Under Water Science Experiment

    Write down your hypothesis (prediction) and then follow the steps below. Step 1 - Begin by filling a large container full of water. There must be enough water in the container for you to completely submerge the glass. Step 2 - Next tear off a section of paper towel and put it into the bottom of the cup. Make sure that the paper towel is big ...

  7. PDF The Big, the Bad, and the Brawny: Paper Towel Absorbency

    Instead of 10 seconds, the dip time was increased to 30 seconds. The overall results remained the same, with Brawny being the most absorbent of the four. The results of the experiment completely support the hypothesis. Brawny paper towels performed better in each of the three tests.

  8. Paper Towel Experiment

    Paper towels are often made from post consumer recycled paper fiber, requiring fewer trees being cut down and using up to 50% less energy. Performing the Paper Towel Experiment Hypothesis "More expensive brands of paper towel are more absorbent." What You Will Need for the Paper Towel Experiment At least four brands of absorbent paper towel

  9. Which paper towel is more absorbent?

    This group activity focuses on conducting an experiment to determine which of two brands of paper towels are more absorbent by measuring the amount of water absorbed. A two-sample t-test can be used to analyze the data, or simple graphics and descriptive statistics can be used as an exploratory analysis. Students are asked to think about design ...

  10. Understanding Absorption

    Procedure: Place a piece of tape down the length of the jar so you can mark the water level on it as you conduct this experiment. Fill the jar 3/4s of the way full with water. Use the ruler to measure how many inches of water are in the jar and record your observation in your notebook. Make a mark on the piece of tape showing the water's ...


    The absorbency of paper towels experiment is an example of a factorial experiment. A factorial experiment consists of several factors (brand type, immersion time) which are set at different levels, and a response variable (weight of water absorbed). The purpose of the experiment is to assess the impact of different combinations of the levels of ...

  12. Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment

    Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment. Amanda has taught high school science for over 10 years. She has a Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Physiology from Tufts Medical School and a Master's ...

  13. Folded or Flat Paper Towel: Which One Absorbs More Water?

    This is expected, as the tiny space between paper towel layers helps hold more water. Paper is made of cellulose, which water molecules like to cling to. As a result, paper readily absorbs water ...

  14. Paper Towel Science Project: Capillarity

    5 different types of paper towels cut into 3"x3" rectangular strips (be sure that you use a variety: rough, soft, brown, white, recycled material, etc.) 5 cups filled with a small amount of water; 1 marker; Notebook; Procedure. Cut a 3"x8" strip from each type of paper towel. Observe any differences you see between the paper towels.

  15. Paper Towel Experiments

    Place one paper towel over one pool of water. Wait ten seconds. Remove the paper towel, and record your findings of the paper towel absorbency in the notebook. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each paper towel brand. Create a graph to illustrate the results of which paper towel absorbs the most water.

  16. Absorbency of Paper Towels Across Different Brands

    Make five 10cm by 20cm rectangles for each brand of paper towels (Bounty, Viva, Kirkland, Sparkle). Fill the beaker with 250 mL tap water and use that water to fill the large cake pan. Put the rectangles of paper towels into the cake pan and start the timer. The rectangles of paper towels will stay in the water-filled cake pan for 15 seconds.

  17. Experiment-Which paper towel is most absorbent?

    A conclusion should reference the original hypothesis and state whether it was correct or incorrect. It should also summarize the findings of the experiment. For example, for those who thought Kirkland was the most absorbent, the conclusion would have been like this: Our hypothesis that Kirkland paper towels would be the most absorbent was correct.

  18. Science Projects on Which Paper Towel Is the Strongest

    Wet Strength. Take a new sheet of paper towel off each roll and soak them with water. Repeat the weight test with your objects to see if water makes any of them weaker or stronger. Write down your results for each. Then, while one person holds the paper towel flat in the air, place one of the objects in the center of the wet paper towel--the ...


    The absorbency of paper towels experiment is an example of a factorial experiment. A factorial experiment consists of several factors (brand, time) which are set at different levels, and a response variable ... If the hypothesis for main effects for at least one of the factors is rejected, multiple comparisons might be considered for the means ...

  20. Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

    This rainbow science experiment is as magic as the science behind it. The colored water travels up the paper towel by a process called capillary action. Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow upward, against gravity, in narrow spaces. This is the same thing that helps water climb from a plant's roots to the leaves in the tree tops.

  21. Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment

    Pour water into the cylinder. 5. Put a rolled paper towel in the cylinder so 3cm of the towel is submerged in the water. Dip the paper towel in. 6. Hold the towel in water for 10 seconds, then lift it up out of the cylinder and allow to drip into the cylinder for 5 seconds.

  22. Colorful Capillary Action "Walking Water"

    Line up all your glasses in a row. Starting with a glass on one end, fill every other glass with water. Put a few drops of food coloring in each water-filled glass. You can choose what colors to use, but don't use the same color twice in a row. Use the spoon to mix the food coloring in each glass. Use a paper towel to wipe off the spoon in ...

  23. Science Fair

    Procedure: 1. Get a measuring bowl and put the same amount of water in it to wet the paper towel. 2. Place as many pennies on the wet paper towel until it starts tears. 3. repeat 5 times for each different paper towel. 4. When the paper towel rips count the pennies that were on the paper towel. Conclusion- After experimenting the strongest ...