Themes and Analysis

Things fall apart, by chinua achebe.

Chinua Achebe sought to rediscover pride and dignity among Africans by rehabilitating their image damaged by the humiliating effect of racist portrayals. In 'Things Fall Apart' he does this with grace and clarity.

Israel Njoku

Article written by Israel Njoku

Degree in M.C.M with focus on Literature from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

In ‘Things Fall Apart ,’ Achebe details Western colonialists’ impact on African societies. This impact is outlined in a very simple manner, but within this simplicity, there is a rich and inventive use of language. The plot might move irregularly for large sections of the book, but this pacing represents a deliberate attempt to conform to an essentially African literary tradition and style. ‘Things Fall Apart ‘ contains themes that reflect the richness and sophistication of African cultures as well as the debilitating impact of outsiders on this culture.

Themes in Things Fall Apart

The humanity of african societies.

Achebe was motivated to write ‘Things Fall Apart’ because he wanted to re-tell the story of the Africans who European imperialists and their enablers in the arts had depicted in unfair one-dimensional representations. Achebe creates a fairly sophisticated and self-sufficient society with organized institutions. His aim was not to create a perfect society, but one more true to the facts of the situation. In Umuofia, we see disputes settled between members fairly, as seen in the case between Mgbafo’s brothers and husband before the Egwugwu . The temperaments of people in the community are not uniformly animalistic or primitive as depicted in the works of Joseph Conrad. Rather, there is a wide range of personality types, ranging from the extremely chauvinistic and aggressive Okonkwo to the sentimental and gentle Unoka and Nwoye. In between them, we have the likes of Obiereka and Ogbuefi Ezeudo, who do not lose their sense of sentiment and passion while subscribing to the patriarchal tenets of their society. Within individuals, there is much complexity, as Okonkwo himself isn’t innately evil but rather forced into that way as a result of childhood trauma and pressure to meet the expectations of society. This complexity of the African individual and society marks them out as ordinary, rather than exciting or exotic.

Clash of Cultures

‘Things Fall Apart’ chronicles the great tragedy of the displacement of traditional African societies by encroaching Westerners with imperialist ambitions. The community of Umuofia had ruled itself and observed its customs, and preserved its institutions for years. The worldview every community member learned from birth, all systems and institutions they came to accept without question, were suddenly threatened by the arrival of the white man with his religion and political system. The British came with a fundamentally different value system, power structure, and religion. Disputes were no longer solved the old way, under the overarching goal of maintaining communal cohesion over everything else. The people of Umuofia, who had lived without rulers, now have to deal with colonialists exerting uncommon power and authority over them. With the coming of the Whiteman with his process and sense of justice that took no cognizance of the customs of the people, the people of Umuofia essentially faced the erosion of their traditions and values.

Umuofia’s society is highly patriarchal, and Okonkwo’s behaviors and motivations are, in part, informed by his society’s gender roles and expectations. Okonkwo measures his success according to the fulfillment of his society’s ideal of masculinity. He strove to be a valiant wrestler and a hard physical laborer on his farm because these activities represent peak male performance and demonstration of physical strength. Okonkwo’s desire for an unquestionably dominant status in his family often motivates his physical violence when he perceives some challenge to his authority from his wives. The patriarchal ordering and gender expectations in the community extend into farming, with Okonkwo focusing on cultivating the supposedly manly yam while leaving other less important crops like cocoyam to his wives to cultivate. Women also have some importance in society. For example, the goddess Ani is one of the most powerful and important deities within the Umuofia religious system. She has a huge influence in day-to-day life as the goddess of fertility and has an entire week devoted to honoring her, within which feminine attributes like peace and tolerance are encouraged. 

Class Struggle

‘Things Fall Apart’ sees the construction of Igbo society in a pristine and undisturbed form, including its class system. As is typical of the Igbos, the Umuofians valued and respected wealth, placing the wealthy firmly at the top of the social hierarchy even though theirs was essentially a democratic system without clear rulers. 

Titles, number of wives, number of yams, and size of one’s compound, as well as the number of huts inside, are some of the physical and symbolic evidence of wealth, and the absence of all these was clear evidence of an individual’s failure in life. The less fortunate are not exactly marginalized or excluded, they are still carried along, and we see evidence of this when public opinion swung against Okonkwo when he tried to shut a fellow villager up in a meeting by implying this individual’s opinions weren’t needed as he has not taken any title. Nevertheless, the people of Umuofia valued wealth and thought of the wealthy as better than the poor. Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, was derided in the village for his poverty, and the existence of the insult of ‘Agbaya’ and the popularity of its usage suggests the presence of societal consequences of poverty in this society. 

Wealth is also not the only marker of status. Within Umuofia’s religious system, there are two classes of people; the freeborn and the Osu . The Osu are descendants of people who have been dedicated to the lifetime service to the gods of the land. This permanently separates them in many ways from the freeborn, and they are thus seen as an inferior stock. With the coming of the Christian missionaries and British overlordship, these marginalized groups were accepted by the church and consequently gained a gradual ascendancy in society, upturning Umuofia’s normal hierarchy.

Within the inclusive tenet of Christianity, the Osu were judged to be equal to all other humans in Christ.  The “poor” and otherwise “worthless” gained a new sense of purpose and importance. The church’s propagation of supposedly “feminine” qualities like love, tolerance, and acceptance stands at variance with traditional patriarchal Umuofia values. Meanwhile, the stock of those who hold uncompromisingly to traditional Umuofia values continues to fall. Powerful villagers, including Okonkwo, were captured and humiliated by the British when they tried to challenge the growing boldness and authority of those elements of the community who had joined the church. The failure of the Umuofians to stamp authority on this group of people who would have been powerless before them before the arrival of the missionaries and colonialists signified a demolishment of traditional Umuofia systems and a transfer of power away from the usual power brokers. Those who still further resist this new state of affairs meet an ignominious end, like Okonkwo, who was forced into suicide. So, throughout the novel, we see the colonialists function as both oppressors and liberators of certain groups within Umuofia’s society. 

Analysis of Key events in Things Fall Apart

  • Okonkwo throws Amalinze the Cat and establishes himself as a man of talent and strength.
  • Okonkwo comes to care for Ikemefuna, the gesture marking his status as one of the leading men of the community.
  • Okonkwo participates in the killing of Ikemefuna, demonstrating his fear of being seen as weak.
  • Okonkwo is banished from Umuofia after accidentally killing the son of Ezeudo.
  • Obierika visits Okonkwo in exile and informs him about the arrival of the White men.
  • Nwoye leaves his father’s hut to join the Christians in Umuofia.
  • Okonkwo returns from exile with his family to meet a much-changed Umuofia.
  • Men of Umuofia destroy the church building in retaliation after Enoch commits a sacrilege.
  • The District Commissioner arrests Okonkwo and other leaders of the clan as punishment for destroying the church and forces the community to pay a fine for their release.
  • Okonkwo beheads the chief messenger and commits suicide afterward

Style, Tone, and Figurative Language of Things Fall Apart

‘Things Fall Apart’ is divided into three parts, with the first part being much longer and slower-paced than the remaining two parts. The first part employs a circumlocutory narrative technique that shifts between the present and the past. This represents the Igbo rhetorical technique of initially skirting around a subject before directly addressing it.

The progression of the plot is often halted to regale us with bits of Okonkwo’s backstory and information on Umuofia culture. This arrangement lacks the narrative linearity that is typical of classical European fiction.  The structure helps in portraying African culture as comparatively developed, sophisticated, and self-sufficient. The considerable treatment of crops, the festivals attached to them, marriage and funeral ceremonies as well as the convening of the Egwugwu judicial process are not necessarily central to the immediate plot but exist to paint a rich cultural texture around the story.  All these gradually build up a picture of the culture in which Okonkwo inhabits as well as illuminate Okonkwo’s character.

By the second part of the novel, when the White missionaries and colonizers had arrived in the picture, the novel picks up the pace and continues with the plot almost without interruptions.

‘ Things Fall Apart’ is written in a very accessible manner. The sentences are simple enough, and the words are uncomplicated, save for a couple of Igbo words that warrant translations. Achebe’s writing is very effective. The sprinkling of Igbo proverbs all around the work helps to enrich the narrative and dialogues as well as accord them a measure of authenticity. Although written in English, Achebe maintains a strong local cultural flavor in the language. When we read the dialogues or follow the narrative, the English language used does not interfere with the authenticity of the dialogues and narrative because Achebe’s writing transmits as accurately as possible the original Igbo contexts. 

Achebe can induce great emotions through seemingly innocuous actions. For example, before Ikemefuna was killed, as he walked in front of the Umuofians who had been tasked with this job, Achebe chose this time to write about Ikemefuna’s excitement and hope at seeing his mother again. Achebe sets up a powerful moment when Ikemefuna breaks into a childhood song and walks in sync with the rhythm, deciding that if the song ends on his right leg, it will mean his mother was still alive, but that if it ends on his left, his mother would be dead or ill. This mood of great optimism and innocence sets up a stark contrast with the horrific murder that follows. Ikemefuna’s death, just at the point when we are getting to know him far more and relate with his hopes and fears and even root for him, makes the entire scene all the more powerful and emotional. Ikemefuna’s superstitions are only part of a large corpus of myths or other religious injunctions or ancient wisdom preserved through songs, folklores, mythologies, legends, aphorisms, and proverbs, which constitutes an important part of Umuofia culture. Achebe utilizes all these to great effect through the interlaying of these cultural vestiges and artifacts within the narrative to provide a rich texture and foundation.

All these properly secure the novel’s ties to Igbo culture and leave no one in doubt as to its authenticity and status as a legitimate representation of Igbo sensibilities.  ‘Things Fall Apart’ utilizes the Third Person’s point of view, but this narrator’s perspective switches between a participating actor and an external observer, a “we” and a “them” at different points in the story. Sometimes the narrator seems to be intimately in the know and involved with the actions and the customs of the people, other times he seems like a detached observer.

Analysis of Key Symbols in Things Fall Apart

Yam is the primary crop in Umuofia society. Called the king of crops, it is associated with manliness and is an important status symbol. Okonkwo considers yams to be the only crop worth personally growing, leaving the other crops for his wives and children. The number of yams in a man’s barn is a definitive indicator of his level of success in life. Yams symbolize wealth and abundance.

Egwugwu Masks

The Egwugwu masks symbolize the villagers’ ties to the spirit realm, or rather to the land of their ancestors. The scary nature of the designs and carvings on the masks as well as the secrecy and anonymity with which its wearers operate, allows certain individuals to act on behalf of or with the unquestionable authority of the clan’s gods or ancestors.

What does Okonkwo’s death symbolize in ‘Things Fall Apart?’

Okonkwo’s death in ‘Things Fall Apart’ symbolizes the futility of the struggle against change as brought about by European colonizers. The moment the British came to their doorstep, the people of Umuofia were fated to lose their independence and way of life.

Why did Chinua Achebe write ‘Things Fall Apart’?

Achebe wrote ‘ Things Fall Apart’ mainly to challenge racist and uncomplimentary portrayals of African societies at the point of contact with colonizing Europeans.

Did Chinua Achebe present a perfect traditional African society in ‘Things Fall Apart?’

Although Chinua Achebe sought to challenge racist portrayals of traditional African society with ‘Things Fall Apart,’ he did not go the other extreme by presenting a perfect society. Instead, he presented an African society with all of its strengths and faults, asking not that people idolize or dismiss these societies, but instead view them as essentially human.

Is ‘Things Fall Apart’ popular internationally?

‘Things Fall Apart’ has sold over 20 million copies all over the world, making it one of the most popular African novels of all time. It is used widely in schools across the world.

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Israel Njoku

About Israel Njoku

Israel loves to delve into rigorous analysis of themes with broader implications. As a passionate book lover and reviewer, Israel aims to contribute meaningful insights into broader discussions.


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Identity in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe Essay

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Interaction with other human beings is the crucial element of life, as it directly affects the emotional and psychological development of the person and the formation of his/her worldview. Therefore, the society surrounding the person can be considered the most important factor influencing the formation of one’s views and opinions.

Though modern people often claim that the most important thing is to be faithful to one’s personal values, the fulfillment of values regarded as essential by the people surrounding the person remains much more influential. Cultural history is one of the vital factors that have an impact on the attitudes and beliefs prevailing in the society.

Therefore, cultural history often shapes the person’s sense of identity, as people regard their cultural background as the essential constituent of their personality. If the person loses the ability to distinguish between cultural history and his/her identity, the consequences can be rather destructive, as in the case of Okonkwo from Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart.”

The example of Okonkwo illustrates how cultural history can be connected to the sense of one’s identity. Okonkwo considers being devoted to the traditions originating from the history of his tribe, the most important duty in his life. His personality is inseparable from the culture of the environment where he grew up, as all of his actions are guided by the strong willing to be a respectful member of his community.

Okonkwo’s obsession with trying to demonstrate masculine traits is directly related to the cultural history of his tribe. One of the brightest episodes revealing the dominance of cultural history over Okonkwo’s personality is the scene of the murder of Ikemefuna. Though Okonkwo loves the boy and treats him as a part of his family, he ignores his personal feelings and attitudes in order to demonstrate his devotion to the traditions of his tribe and avoid being considered effeminate.

Okonkwo suppresses his personal wishes in favor of the traditions and beliefs of the tribe. Such an example demonstrates that cultural history can be not only an influential factor but a dominating one. Some people lose the ability to distinguish their personal beliefs and opinions from the attitudes of cultural history. In such cases, the identity of a person becomes inseparable from his/her cultural history.

The destructive nature of excessive devotion to cultural history is also expressed it the person’s inability to exist outside his/her culture. In such a case, a person can lose the motivation to live and experience severe psychological problems if certain events modify the cultural environment or force him/her to move to another environment.

For example, Okonkwo fails to adjust to the new conditions after the culture of his tribe experiences the influence of white Christians. Okonkwo’s sense of identity is that much inseparable from the cultural history that the changes in the culture of his tribe put a serious threat to his ability to lead a normal life.

Many people in the real world experience similar difficulties related to the significant stress caused by the impact of modern tendencies at the culture they feel indivisible with. Such a situation can have significant negative effects on the life of a person as the loss of the sense of identity makes the person disorientated in life goals and vulnerable.

The phenomenon of the deep connection between cultural history and the sense of identity has its roots in the history of mankind and the specifics of the human psyche. Most developed societies have put a strong emphasis on promoting the traditions and culture prevailing in them. Being devoted to the values dominating the culture of the society has always been one of the main requirements for achieving success in the community.

Therefore, people have always been forced to consider cultural history as an essential element of their sense of identity. The human psyche is another factor contributing to the significant role of cultural history. The human psyche can function well if the person fulfills the needs of a social creature. Existing outside of society causes severe negative psychological consequences.

The feeling of belonging to some community and the willingness to be respected and praised by the members of society is one of the essential needs of any human. Any action the person does has value only if other people witness and appreciate it. That is why the factors influencing the dominating views of society, such as cultural history, have a strong influence on the personality and shapes his/her sense of identity.

There is no doubt that humans are highly social creatures. The cultural history as an important heritage of the society plays a crucial role in forming a person’s sense of identity. The excessive influence of cultural history can lead to the situation when the person’s identity is inseparable from the traditions of its society. When the connection between cultural history and one’s sense of identity becomes too strong, the person can experience significant difficulties, as in the case of Okonkwo from “Things Fall Apart.”

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 9). Identity in "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe.

"Identity in "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe." IvyPanda , 9 May 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Identity in "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe'. 9 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Identity in "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe." May 9, 2020.

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On Pride Goes before a Fall

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Words: 867 |

Published: Sep 16, 2023

Words: 867 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Historical narratives and prideful falls, literary explorations of prideful downfalls, everyday dynamics and the pitfalls of pride, psychological insights into pride and downfall.

  • McManus, J. (2005). Trying Not to Try: Ancient China, Modern Science, and the Power of Spontaneity. Crown.
  • Robins, R. W., Tracy, J. L., & Sherman, J. W. (Eds.). (2007). The Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory and Research. Guilford Press.
  • Shakespeare, W. (1603). Othello. William Jaggard.
  • Shelley, M. (1818). Frankenstein. Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor & Jones.

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