This Book Knows Me Better Than I Know Myself: My Birthdate Astrology Book Review

the birthdate book review

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By now, I’ve established my love of (and discernment for) all things astrology. Whether I’m investigating the best gift to give a Gemini or texting with an astrologer on-demand , I’ve become The Quality Edit’s resident astrological fiend. So, when it came to checking out Birthdate Co.’s new fully personalized Birthdate Book , I was the reader for the job.

Do Judge This Book By Its Cover

The concept of The Birthdate Book is straightforward, but pretty remarkable nonetheless. After gathering your exact birthdate, time, and place, the book offers over seventy pages of personal horoscope readings and interpretation from Birthdate’s team of astrologists and writers, all beautifully bound in a fabric hardcover.

the birthdate book review

I was initially struck by the design of the book. Not only is the cover stamped with intricate gold foil illustrations, but it also displays my full name, date of birth, and natal chart. After opening the hardcover to reveal my complete chart, I noticed an even greater degree of customization, including my birthplace and each of my signs. These details don’t just feel personal: they are personal (as are the pages within). While it looks chic on my coffee table, the book is far more than just a decorative object.

A Read Like No Other (Really)

the birthdate book review

Beyond its dazzling cover, the Birthdate Book delves deeply not just into the placements of your unique birth or natal chart, but also takes care to explain what each component of a birth chart means. This makes the book a valuable read for novices and experts alike. It breaks up the natal chart into each star, tackling not only what, for example, a “Moon Sign” means (for those not aware: your interior emotional life and persona), but also what your particular placement, or Moon Sign, indicates.

the birthdate book review

As someone who has dedicated quite a bit of time to studying and understanding astrology, I was pleasantly surprised to still learn new things about my own natal chart in the Birthdate Book -- from my most compatible love matches to the nuances of my emotional patterns. I’ve found myself using it as a kind of reference manual -- one that looks great as a coffee table book, but that I can also flip to when I need a little wisdom for my daily life or future.

Fun details reveal themselves throughout, like beautiful illustrations personalized to the signs; pages that change color along with each component of the birth chart (blush pink pages for your Venus sign, which governs love and beauty, of course); a list of celebrities who share your same sign and date of birth; and a few pages for any personal notes you’d like to take at the end.

5 More Reasons To Love The Birthdate Book

  • It makes the perfect -- truly one of a kind -- gift for the person in your life who has everything. Each book has an optional dedication page, so you can leave a custom note to make the gift that much more personal.
  • Birthdate’s Instagram is full of the astrology content you need, from memes to photos that will inspire you to use your Birthdate Book as coffee table decor.
  • Each book is made-to-order in the Northeast USA with a fabric-bound, foil-stamped hardcover -- it’s a top-quality book, from its production to the final product.
  • Birthdate works with astrologers and talented writers to uncover the secrets of your every whim, talent, and unique personality trait (no algorithms here, just real professionals).
  • Birthdate Co. also makes the Birthdate Candle , which combines astrology, numerology, and tarot to make another truly customizable gift we love .

Order your custom, made-to-order Birthdate Book here.

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Color With Leo

Is the birthdate book worth it?

By: Author Color With Leo

Is the birthdate book worth it?

The birthdate book, also known as the birthday book or birthday oracle, has become an increasingly popular gift and self-purchase in recent years. This book assigns certain personality traits, life challenges, and predictions based on a person’s birth date. But is the birthdate book just a fun novelty item or can it provide real insight into someone’s life path? Here we’ll explore what the birthdate book is, examine some pros and cons of using it, and help you decide if it’s worth purchasing.

What is the birthdate book?

The birthdate book is a book that outlines personality profiles, life path details, and future forecasts for people born on each of the 366 possible birthdays (accounting for leap years). The most popular option is the birthday book by Dan Sultana which has spawned many imitators since its debut in 2002.

To use the book, you simply look up your birth date to find the profile assigned to it. The book synthesizes numerology, astrology, and psychic intuition to generate its profiles and predictions. Each birth date is associated with a main “life path number” and a zodiac sun sign which shape the core of the profile.

Beyond the basic personality overview, the profiles delve into topics like:

Love and compatibility Lucky colors and gemstones
Career and ambitions Advice for challenges
Famous people sharing that birthday Forecasts for the coming year

So in summary, the birthdate book distills occult techniques into digestible profiles for each day of the year. The idea is that your birth date influences your innate strengths, weaknesses, and destiny.

Pros of using the birthdate book

There are several reasons the birthdate book has become a popular gift and self-purchase:

Novelty and entertainment: Even skeptics can enjoy reading their profile for fun. The books are beautifully designed and the prose is engaging. You may find the generalized descriptions amusingly accurate about basic personality traits.

Self-discovery: Some profiles offer thoughtful insights that encourage self-reflection. You may identify latent strengths, weaknesses, or life path interests you weren’t conscious of.

Feeling understood: We all want to feel “seen” and understood. Reading a personality overview tailored to you can provide that sense of being recognized.

Fresh perspective: A new perspective on your identity, relationships, and purpose can be inspiring. The book may challenge you to try something new or think differently.

Hope and optimism: Even if the predictions are generic, having a positive forecast for your future can uplift and motivate you. The optimism effect can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Sense of meaning: Believing your life path has a deeper meaning or purpose can provide comfort. For some, this gives validation that their lives are significant.

Conversation starter: The book can be a fun conversational piece with romantic partners, friends, or families. Comparing profiles sparks discussion about personality and destinies.

So in general, the benefits are entertainment, insight into yourself, feeling significant, inspiration, hope, and bonding with others. Even with healthy skepticism, it can be an amusing experience.

Cons of using the birthdate book

Despite the upsides, there are also downsides to consider:

Vagueness: The profiles deliberately use vague language so they apply broadly. As a result, the descriptions can feel meaningless or bland rehashes of horoscopes.

Barnum effect: This psychological phenomenon causes people to believe vague personality descriptions apply specifically to them. So you may be tricking yourself into thinking it’s accurate.

False confidence: While self-belief can be beneficial, people may make poor life or relationship choices based on misplaced faith in the book’s accuracy.

Stereotyping: Reducing people to their birthdate overlooks individual complexity. Strict sun sign stereotypes particularly promote gender myths like sensitive Cancer men or fiery Aries women.

False twin flames: Misidentifying your “perfect romantic match” through dubious numerology can ruin relationships. Partners may force connections that aren’t meant to be.

Self-fulfilling prophecies: If you expect challenges foretold in your profile, you may unconsciously self-sabotage. But if you expect success, you may ignore real issues.

Security concerns: Sharing your full birth date, location, and other details raises privacy issues in the digital age. Your identity could be stolen.

Exploiting insecurities: For people seeking purpose, the book may exploit spiritual insecurities and provide false hope. The profiles are ultimately educated guesses.

So in summary, cons include vagueness, stereotyping, false confidence, self-fulfilling prophecies, privacy issues, and exploiting people’s insecurities. Overall, healthy skepticism is encouraged.

Who might benefit most from the birthdate book?

The right temperament and mindset helps maximize benefits from the birthdate book while minimizing the cons above. It’s best suited for:

  • Open-minded skeptics who read profiles for entertainment value.
  • Spiritually curious folks interested in numerology and astrology.
  • People seeking fun conversation starters with romantic partners or friends.
  • Those hoping to broaden self-awareness and perspective for growth.
  • Anyone needing a quick confidence or motivation boost.
  • People who feel dissatisfied and desire external validation.
  • Individuals looking for insights to complement therapy or self-help work.

However, the book may not be the best choice for:

  • Cynics unable to suspend disbelief who will dismiss everything.
  • People seeking definitive fortune-telling predictions.
  • Those prone to making impulsive decisions based on limited self-knowledge.
  • Individuals with tendencies toward high suggestibility or gullibility.
  • People unable to separate entertainment from literal truth.
  • Anyone currently experiencing mental health issues or emotional crisis.
  • Those who could become obsessed about predications or life path numbers.

Having reasonable expectations and a balanced mindset allows you to enjoy the book while avoiding unhealthy decision-making. Seeking professional counseling alongside it can provide helpful perspective.

What’s in a typical birthdate book profile?

While contents vary somewhat by publication, most birthdate books contain:

Core numbers: Your “life path” number and zodiac sun sign definition.

Personality overview: Brief summary of primary traits, with keywords like “adventurous,” “empathetic,” or “rational.”

Personal relationships: Overview of compatibility with different signs, ideal matches, and relationship needs.

Career and ambitions: Suggestions for ideal careers and discussion of financial/achievement outlook.

Life challenges: Predictions of your weak points, vulnerabilities, and what issues to watch out for.

Yearly forecasts: Highlights of themes and predictions for the coming 12-18 months.

Famous people: List of well-known historical figures born on the same day.

Summary: Recap of standout points in the profile.

Typical length is a 7-15 page profile for each birth date. The content aims to provide enough breadth to feel personal yet remain general enough to apply widely.

Can a birthdate book predict your future accurately?

There is no scientific evidence that your birth date can predict your personality traits or future events with consistent accuracy. Here are a few reasons to take the book’s forecasts with healthy skepticism:

  • Numerology, astrology, and psychic readings are considered pseudosciences by most experts.
  • Many predictions are intentionally vague generalizations made to apply broadly.
  • The Forer effect or Barnum effect causes people to think vague statements are accurate.
  • Confirmation bias leads people to selectively remember only correct predictions.
  • People may unintentionally change behavior to match predictions.
  • The book capitalizes on the human need for meaning and self-insight.

So it’s unlikely the birthdate book can miraculously predict your compatibility, career, or challenges with consistent precision. Interest in numerology and astrology is subjective — for skeptics, no amount of accuracy may be convincing.

However, even if the book is not supernaturally accurate, it still has value. As long as you maintain perspective, it can provide entertainment, fresh insights for self-reflection, and motivation to see the best in yourself and your future.

How accurately do the personality profiles describe people?

Personality profiling is fraught with complications. Numerous studies find birth date and astrological sign have no influence on inherent personality. However, the birthdate book still may seem to describe people well due to:

Forer effect: Vague descriptions apply broadly because people fill in the gaps with their own interpretations.

Subjective validation: People ignore inaccurate points and focus on sentences that resonate.

Confirmation bias: We ignore evidence contradicting the personality type and remember confirming details.

Unconscious conformity: When we believe in a profile, we subconsciously shape our responses to match it.

Self-fulfilling prophecies: We may consciously or unconsciously alter our behavior to fit the profile.

So in many cases, the accuracy is an illusion based on subjective internal factors. Furthermore, while the “negative” parts of profiles truly resonate for some, others may strongly reject them.

But that said, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Generalized personality profiles will never describe individuals with perfect accuracy. But if reading your profile sparks meaningful self-reflection or motivation, it has value regardless of its scientific validity. Just maintain perspective when considering major life decisions based on your results.

Can the birthdate book help your relationships?

Approaching relationships with flexibility and nuance is ideal. But the birthdate book can provide some benefits:

Icebreaker: Comparing profiles sparks fun conversations for romantic partnerships or friends.

Conflict insight: Personality differences highlighted in the book may explain certain tensions or compatibility issues with loved ones if taken with a grain of salt. But avoid using it to assign blame.

Compassion: Learning about a loved one’s profile can help you express care and support in ways meaningful to them.

Encouragement: Motivating or reassuring your loved ones based on the optimistic parts of their profile can lift their spirits.

Introspection: Exploring your own romantic compatibility profile prompts helpful self-reflection about relationship needs.

Self-awareness: Identifying your negative traits can help you consciously counteract them in relationships.

So ideally, view the book as a conversational aid to complement deep personal knowledge of your loved ones, not a deterministic guide. While healthy skepticism is key, it can enrich relationships if used flexibly.

How should you make life decisions based on your profile?

Avoid making major life decisions solely based on the generalized predictions in your birthdate profile. But it may offer helpful perspective if you:

  • View it as one input among many guiding resources, not a definitive blueprint.
  • Look for echoes of the profile in feedback from those close to you.
  • Use it more as inspiration for self-exploration than a rigid guide.
  • Consider both “negative” and “positive” parts of your profile equally.
  • Reflect carefully before acting on romantic or financial predictions.
  • Seek professional counseling alongside it to balance its perspective.
  • Avoid dwelling on negative predictions and focus more on the encouraging ones.

So the healthiest mindset is open-minded consideration of how your profile aligns with your lived experiences, core values, and wise counsel from loved ones. Rather than viewing it as your destiny, let it inspire reflection, self-discovery, and pursuing your dreams wisely.

The birthdate book offers a fun astrological snapshot of personality, compatibility, and destiny based solely on your birthday. While there’s no scientific evidence it can predict your life with accuracy, the right balanced mindset can allow you to enjoy its hopeful outlook on your future. For the skeptic able suspend disbelief, it may provide entertainment, fresh perspective, motivation, insight into relationships, and self-discovery. Just avoid major decisions based solely on the book’s generalities without careful consideration of your real-life experiences and wisdom of loved ones. Overall, the birthdate book’s value depends most on what you bring to it.

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Reviews 3.6.

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Beautiful necklace but gem fell out…

Beautiful necklace for special birtgday family member, however after wearing for less tgan day a gem has come off, and cabt be found, very disappointed and cannot figure what to do, this was sn expensive, I thought quality item, but maybe not so good, please help in tryibg to reaolve issue

Date of experience : August 24, 2024

An astrology lovers dream

An astrology lovers dream! From the unique personalized birth date book to the awesome candles, you can find something for yourself or give a great gift to anyone based on their zodiac sign.

Date of experience : July 25, 2024

Do not buy from this company

Do not buy from this company. Gemstones in pendants are fake. I received a ‘pearl’ which had the fake pearl coating cracked off when it arrived. Asked for a refund on my item and customer has service stopped responding to me.

Date of experience : August 09, 2024

Ordered a Bumdle

Ordered a Candle, Book and Pendant for my sister's 50th Birthday. The jury is still out on whether she appreciates them or not(she hasn't received them yet) but I imagine she will. Transaction was supposed to be one and done(shipping and handling included in the price) but FedEx held one of the packages ransom for Import duty fees. I brought this to the attention of Birthday Co and they had me pay for the fee while reimbursing me on the same day. Very easy to work with and they were very quick to remedy the issue. I appreciated the quick response and that they were able to solve the matter as soon as possible.

Date of experience : July 17, 2024

Buyer Beware! Advertised Pics Don’t Match What You Receive.

Very disappointed with the quality of the pendant considering the high cost. I sent an email with pictures of the pendant I received compared to the pendant they advertised & the reply I got was that ‘the colours of some of the gems may not be the same due to the composition of the stone’. The ‘Black Diamond’ on my pendant was clear??? Even the look of the product was different in real life compared to the picture they advertised. Poor form from a company that charges quite a high price. I expected more. Not worth it.

Date of experience : July 15, 2024


I purchased two necklaces - one for myself and one for my best friend for our 40th birthdays. I was disappointed in the quality given the price. One of my gemstones has not been set properly and looks like it could fall out quite easily. I left a review stating the same and giving the same rating on the website yet. Mysteriously this review is nowhere to be found. A real shame considering I had used those same reviews when contemplating my own purchase. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend. I would suggest instead going with a more recognized company - or at least one that perhaps uses more honest business practices.

Date of experience : June 10, 2024

Birthday Candles

They were great. Everyone I gave a candle to was surprised, happy, thankful and enjoy the value of a great candle. I will continue to value your company and product. Thank you for all you do ❤️🙏

Date of experience : November 21, 2023

Great company, great product!

Love this company! The candles have the best scents (hydrangea/peony/jasmine is my favorite, even though it’s not my birthdate’s scent) and the customer service/social media team is the sweetest! I’ve bought several candles for myself, family, and friends and will continue to do so in the future. The packages ship quickly and the company takes the utmost care with packaging so that the candles arrive safely. I highly recommend Birthdate Candle Co if you’re looking for a unique and special gift to give to someone!

Date of experience : November 20, 2023

I ordered a book for a friend, and she seemed to really enjoy it! The book was well made and thorough, and I would like to purchase one for myself at some point.

Date of experience : September 01, 2023

Great customer service

I really like my candle! Sure, it's gimmicky, but makes for a good gift. Mine originally came with a slightly torn label, and after I emailed, customer service immediately sent a replacement. I knew the reading wasn't going to be completely accurate because what horoscope is? But it looks really cute in my room, smells nice, and wasn't too expensive on the Black Friday offer.

Date of experience : January 12, 2022

I’m in love with this brand!

I’m in love with this brand! Got a couple candles and a book for my best friend’s birthday and she found them beautiful and the astral descriptions very accurate. Shipping went flawless and I got the package in perfect conditions. Def a solid gift recommendation THANKS!

Date of experience : August 11, 2023

Obsessed! New go-to for gifts!

Been obsessed with this brand lately!! I recently got the candle and love how personal it is, plus the sustainability aspect is a major perk for me. Will definitely be heading to this site as my go-to for gifts for all my friends and fam!

Date of experience : March 06, 2024

Horrible customer service

Time is of the essence with a vendor like this and I rate them 0/5 — would not recommend! Paid a hefty amount for 2-day shipping, and 3 days later receive a notification that it just shipped. It’s been a full week since placing the order, and still the gift isn’t here. I contacted support immediately upon realizing how late shipment started, and they weren’t helpful whatsoever. No refund offered and no acknowledgment of the slow delay times, only work for me to do to return the item and not even get a full refund. Never again.

Date of experience : January 25, 2024

The Real Deal

Birthdate Co. is a unique brand in that they work with professional astrologers to create their products. Astrology is trendy now, so there are plenty of places to buy similar products...but it's the extra step they go to work with professionals in the field that sets them apart. The Birthdate book is like buying an astrology reading- it's full of detailed information about all of your planets (though it doesn't discuss the houses). I also like their "Survive Mercury Retrograde" candle- it includes a custom reading on the label (unlike others I've seen on the market) and a crystal that's revealed as the wax melts. I like knowing that when I buy astrology themed products from them, they weren't just created because it's what's popular right now- they're creating products that are the real deal! I also like that I can reuse the candles once they're burned down. Perfect iced coffee container!

Date of experience : August 12, 2023

All the candles I have purchased have been well received by the recipients. Have purchased almost 10 of them so far. I love the scent associated with my birthday- it is totally me and my zodiac sign. Cap girls RULE!!

Date of experience : March 20, 2024

Their candles have become my go-to gift…

Their candles have become my go-to gift for all of my family and friends! It's so personalized all of my friends loved. I had an issue once where my candle arrived broken due to shipping (to be fair it was over the Holidays & during COVID). I sent them a picture, they immediately apologized and sent me a replacement. The candle I bought for myself months ago, I now use as my coffee cup! Love that it's dish-washer sefe!

Date of experience : June 03, 2022

I've seen some pretty MIXED REVIEWS on…

I've seen some pretty MIXED REVIEWS on this unique company, so here's MY REVIEW after being a customer since I found out about the company in 2018/2019? I started with my own candle as I'm a long-time astrology lover of all mystical and celestial things and thought this was amazing. Once I received, I fell in love with the product and had to get one for those I love. Now, five-ish years later and 6 candles and a dull-looking "gold" necklace (that I bought almost 2 years ago), I can't wait to order my second candle for me and more to those I love. It's a really fun products (candles), but everything else PLEASE BE WARY as items naturally won't look like the picture. And to those that have had 'defective' jewelry, I'm so sorry! This has been a worry on my mind for me since purchasing my own necklace, however, I would hope you do as the card reads and if it really was just misfortune, then just find another brand if it's not working out because although I see how some have called it "cheap", but in a materialistic world, EVERYONE IS AFTER MONEY unless they truly believe in their product(s).

Date of experience : May 08, 2024

Great gifts!

The birthdate candles are next level!! The birth chart book is a great gift for anyone getting into astrology or trying to learn more about themselves! Highly recommend for any type of gift!

Date of experience : May 01, 2023

It’s incomplete crap

The birthdate book only has a few pages. For anyone who understands astrology, it’s not even remotely close to complete. It only has sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, and mars. None of the other planets and none of the houses. I was super disappointed.

Date of experience : February 12, 2024

Worth the Price

This is one of the best companies I have ever bought from. The quality of the product was great and fit the exact spiritual description I hoped for. Not to mention customer service was a real pleasure to communicate with which is not the case with many other places. I will be buying again!!!

Date of experience : November 05, 2023

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The Made-To-Order ‘Birthdate Book’ Unlocks Secrets Written Just for You—And It’s On Sale

the birthdate book review

What's more? It's 10 percent off today! So, if you or one of your besties is looking to take their spiritual journey to the next level, now's the perfect chance to get started.

If you're not familiar with Birthdate Co., it's become sort of famous for making personalized candles designed, scent-wise, based on an individual's birthdate and accompanied by personality readings that combine aspects of astrology, tarot, and numerology. You might say it's the world's most perfect birthday gift. The Birthdate Book takes this same idea and expands it into a book of more than 70 pages of custom intel based on your birthdate as well as your unique astrological birth chart drawn from the time you were born, too. (Custom scent not included, LOL. That's what the candle's for!)

The Birthdate Book

Originally $115, now $95

The resultant horoscope analysis is provided in collaboration with astrologer Aliza Kelly . It offers insight into your personality and path based on far more than just your sun sign, and is custom made-to-order (so no, they're not just pulling generic intel off a shelf and slapping your name on it). The hardcover is meant to be a coffee table book so it's lovely to look at, too—which is great because I plan to give mine to every romantic prospect as required reading.

As a super sweet added touch, there's also a personalized dedication page available if you'd like to pen an even more special tribute to the lucky recipient.

Birthdate Co. definitely knows what its doing because the book has quite possibly usurped its candle as the most perfect gift ever created for the astrology aficionados. I imagine the company is very, very busy bringing a little direction—and a lot of joy—to fans of the esoteric arts.

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This On-Sale Horoscope Book That Offers a Personalized Reading of Your Birth Chart Is the Perfect Gift

Maya gandara.

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Finding unique, one-of-a-kind gifts around the holiday season to present to your loved ones can be hard, especially if you’re not an avid shopper. Luckily, we’ve got one spectacular suggestion that will show you went above and beyond: a personalized Birthdate Book catered to each individual.

Each book comes with over 70 pages of intricate horoscope analysis, giving you rare information about your life trajectory and personality characteristics. Per the brand’s description , “each page offers a deep reading into who you are and what your future holds.” 

Birthdate Co. Birthdate Book

Birthdate Co. Birthdate Book

The Birthdate Book has been widely appreciated by customers who’ve ordered one, raking in hundreds of five-star reviews.

“The quality is amazing. It’s so beautiful in person and the quality of the paper is good and the book is sturdy. Great detail. I love it and my daughter loved it more when I gave it to her as a gift ,” wrote one person.

“What a wonderful idea to share with a special person in your life! It really brings everything to you that you may have wondered about regarding your birth sign! I truly enjoyed getting this for my friends and think that your friends will love it as much as mine do,” shared another.

For a limited time, you can score the Birthdate Book for 25 percent off , bringing the total price down to $86.

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Table of Contents

About Birthdate Co.

the birthdate book review

Finding a personalized yet thoughtful birthday gift isn’t always easy, no matter how well you know the recipient. If you have a friend or loved one that’s into all things astrology, this Birthdate Co. review will have you overflowing with ideas.

You may have seen them popping up all over social media, which is understandable since they have just under 200K following on Instagram. They’ve also been featured in publications such as Forbes , Cosmopolitan , and Bustle , and that’s just the tip of the astrology iceberg.

In addition to books and tarot cards, Birthdate Co. offers 365 uniquely scented candles that have been hand-selected based on your astrological sign and birth date . Each candle even comes with personalized messaging that coincides with your birth date and everything written in the stars for that day.

In this Birthdate candles review, we’ll go over the history of the brand, their best-selling products, as well as some customer ratings to help you decide whether or not it’s worth the buy. Ready for the tarot reading of your soul? Let’s dive in. 

Overview of Birthdate Co.

Birthdate Candles Review

Birthdate Co. emerged as an idea by Ajay Mehta. If you’ve heard of Mehta, it’s because not only is he the co-founder of Therapy Notebooks, but he’s also served as the Director of International for the financial company Wealthsimple.

Mehta’s goal with Birthdate Co. was to create “cool, unique products for people that were interested in astrology or wanting to give great gifts based on astrology” . After seeing the growing popularity of astrology and astrology-themed products, he noticed a gap he could fill with something a little more personalized.

During the development stage, Mehta worked meticulously with a team of astrologers and fragrance experts to create scents that accurately align with each astrological sign. Each birthdate offers astrological traits that help determine what kind of floral, sweet, or musky scents would work best.

Since launching, the brand has amassed widespread acclaim, and by now, you’ve probably already seen your favorite Tik Tok influencer unboxing one of their products. Before we show you how you can get to know yourself better, this Birthdate Co. review will cover some of the company’s highlights: 

  • 365 handpoured birthdate candles to choose from, as well as a birthdate book and tarot set
  • Personalized cards available for $5
  • Made in the US
  • Gift sets help customers save money
  • Referral program for $10 off
  • Free shipping with two items

Birthdate Candles Review

Receiving a candle or book for your birthday is all well and good, but when it’s personalized to you specifically, now that’s something truly special you’ll cherish for years.  

The company has three main items anyone into astrology is guaranteed to love. In this Birthdate Co. review, we’ll be touching on a few of their best-selling candles , The Birthdate Book , and The Tarot Trio .

The Birthdate Candles are the bread and butter of the brand. There’s one for every day of the year, including February 29 th , for those of you wondering. Plus, they make for perfect birthday gifts.

Let’s start our Birthdate Co. review by digging into a few of the best-selling candles.

Birthdate Co. The May Twenty-First Candle Review

Birthdate Co. The May Twenty-First Candle Review

The Birthdate Co. The May Twenty-First Candle offers a multi-dimensional aroma to match the personality of the owner. With a base of warm sandalwood, you’ll be embraced by the softness of orchid, before the refreshing citrus and amber tickles your nose.

Like every Birthdate Candle, it comes complete with a personalized messaging on the reusable glass jar label, perfect for holding any sentimental keepsakes, pens, or makeup brushes. 

First, you’ll find a customized personality description on the back that’s meant to help you “unlock the secrets to your unique position in the universe” . The label also includes a symbolic tarot card with a brief explanation for you to understand its importance.

If you or the recipient of this gift have an interest in numerology, the Birthdate Candle will also indicate your ruling life path number with a little explanation of what that means for your life. It’ll also provide you with your ruling planet to better understand why certain situations affect your personality more so than others.

No two days are alike, and each candle has been made with a combination of coconut wax and soy that’s all-natural, along with a cotton wick. At 13.5 oz, they can burn for up to 80 hours.

The Birthdate Co. The May Twenty-First Candle is currently available for $38 , marked down from $48.

Birthdate Co. The April Twenty-First Candle Review

Birthdate Co. The April Twenty-First Candle Review

If you’re looking for a candle that accurately conveys the fairy-like nature of someone with a sign on the cusp between Aries and Taurus, the Birthdate Co. The April Twenty-First Candle is perfect.

The candle delivers a woodsy and earthy aroma with three stages of scents for your fav Taurus. An initial hit of citrus with the sweet floral scent of beach lily lulls you. Just as you’re sinking into the smell, warm cedar and soothing eucalyptus envelops the room. When the rich sandalwood and musk embraces you, it’ll feel like the comfort you always seek, never leaving you. 

With all these captivating scents rolled into one candle, it’s no surprise that each candle is crafted with custom natural fragrances perfectly developed by Birthdate Co.’s master perfumers.

Currently, you can grab the Birthdate Co. The April Twenty-First Candle for $38 , marked down from $48.

Birthdate Co. The June Sixteenth Candle Review

Birthdate Co. The June Sixteenth Candle Review

If there’s a scent that captures summer in a candle, we’re sure it would be the Birthdate Co. The June Sixteenth Candle .

The scent of this candle reminds you of lazy days of summer, frolicking around in the grass at dusk. There’s something about the warm and earthy sandalwood scent that perfectly complements the zesty aroma of lemon. Add in a bit of amber, and you’ve got a summer sunset in a candle.

Like the other Birthdate Candles we just mentioned, the Birthdate Co. The June Sixteenth Candle is currently on sale for $38 , marked down from $48.

Birthdate Co. The Birthdate Book Review

Birthdate Co. The Birthdate Book Review

If you want to get someone a gift that’s a little more personalized, we highly recommend checking out the Birthdate Co. The Birthdate Book .

Ideal for astrology aficionados and novice explorers alike, the Birthdate Book gives the owner an opportunity to really dig deep into their astrological imprint. Custom-made, this 70-page book breaks down your unique astrological birth chart with an in-depth analysis that focuses on your sun, moon, and rising signs.

Since anyone who shares the same birthday can own the same Birthdate Candle, the personalized Birthdate Book allows you to give a gift you know is truly unique.

The black and white pages are beautifully illustrated with striking imagery that makes up your natal chart. The Birthdate Book is also customizable with an optional dedication page, making the book all the more gift-worthy.

If you’re no stranger to astrology, then you might already know that when ordering the book, some personal information will be required. The date, time, and location of birth are all integral parts of formulating someone’s comprehensive birth chart. 

Currently, you can purchase the Birthdate Co. The Birthdate Book for $95 , marked down for a limited time from $115 . If you bundle it with a matching Birthdate Candle, you can save 35% for a limited time on your entire order.

Birthdate Co. The Tarot Trio Review

Birthdate Co. The Tarot Trio Review

Have you ever wondered what the universe has to say about your past, present, and future? The Birthdate Co. The Tarot Trio is a fun way to get some stellar insights without having to meet with a fortune teller.

The tarot trio is a beautifully crafted candle set that includes three different candle scents with a special surprise inside. After you finish burning each candle, you’ll find a stunning gold-plated tarot charm emerging from the melted wax.

Each charm bears the image of one of the 22 major arcana tarot cards , which are meant to represent your past, present, and future. Once you clean them off fully, they’re ready to be worn as pendants.

All three candles offer up three layers of enchantingly pleasant scents. The Past candle begins its top layer with citron, bergamot, and amber before getting into the earthy notes of cassia root and heliotrope, then descends into the woody aroma of musk, vetiver, and cedarwood.

Need to get back to the Present ? Ground yourself with zesty notes of citron, amber, and lilies of the valley until you settle into the calming scent of hemp seed, the heart of palo santo, and oud. Close out the experience with warm patchouli, rosewood, and cannabis.

The Future candle delivers a top layer of fresh bergamot, lemon leaf, and cardamom before you soothe your soul with water orchid, verbena, and eucalyptus. By the end, you’ll be ready to begin anew thanks to the base notes of violet flower, allspice, and amber crystal.

The Tarot Trio set also comes with a 30-page guidebook to help you interpret the tarot meanings on each charm. Each candle is about 6.5 ounces and burns for up to 30 hours .

As of now, the Birthdate Co. The Tarot Trio is priced at $130 , marked down from $145.

Who Is Birthdate Co. For? 

Birthdate Candles Review

Birthdate Co. is perfect for anyone with an interest in astrology, tarot, or all things metaphysical. With stunning packaging you can’t help but show off, their products are perfect for the ‘gram.

Whether the recipient is someone well-versed in astrology or only aware of their sun sign, Birthdate Co.’s products are sure to delight them. They make amazing and thoughtful gifts with a personalized touch or just a lovely addition to your own home if you’re buying them for yourself.

Birthdate Co. Reviews: What Do Customers Think?

Birthdate Candles Review

Perhaps you’re reading through this Birthdate Co. review, and while the products may seem nice, you aren’t exactly ready to just take our word for it. We get that! That’s why we’re about to get real and share some insights based on what the customers are saying.

Before we get to reviews people have left, let’s take a look at the star ratings from the brand’s website for the products we’ve mentioned above: 

  • Birthdate Candles : 4.9/5 stars based on 10,720 reviews
  • The Birthdate Book : 4.8/5 stars based on 952 reviews
  • The Tarot Trio : 4.8/5 stars based on 25 reviews

First, we did a little digging into the official website’s review page. Right off the bat, you’ll see that Birthdate Co. has an overall rating of 5 stars based on 11,778 reviews. Most customers have praised the brand and its products for how personalized they are and how great the scents smell.

“I got these as a gift to myself and I love them! As a conceptual artist myself I think the idea for this is great. Looking forward to seeing future creative projects from this company.”

We then took to Influenster to see what customers had to say about Birthdate Co. and their candles. We found a generally favorable rating of 4.5/5 stars based on 8 reviews. Most reviewers loved the scents, their accuracy, and the unique nature of the products.

“Self-declared astrology enthusiast, and I’m a huge fan! The candle notes did surprisingly match scents I tend to lean toward. Handful of cute details makes this product especially unique and memorable.”

Finally, Insider did a Birthdate Co. review on the candle and had favorable things to say about it. “All in all, Birthdate Co.’s candles are great for gifting due to their personalized nature. Even when not lit, the candle makes for a conversation-starting piece of decor, and it can be fun to compare each candle’s scent differences with friends.”

As with any product business, there are bound to be some negative reviews as well. Some of the complaints stem from unforeseeable issues with their deliveries but it appears the company was more than happy to resolve these problems with refunds and replacements. 

Is Birthdate Co. Worth It?

Birthdate Candles Review

Now to answer the burning question everyone reading this Birthdate Co. review has on their minds! Based on our in-depth review of the core products as well as the research conducted, we can safely say the Birthdate Co. is definitely worth it .

While some may consider their products priced a bit high, this unique and personalized idea is not something you’re going to find anywhere else — which is what makes them so perfect for gift giving, by the way!

Whether you opt for a candle, the Birthdate Book, or the Tarot Trio, each item leaves you with something that will last forever and offers a truly memorable experience .

Birthdate Co. Promotions & Discounts 

Birthdate Candles Review

Reading this Birthdate Co. review, you’ll be happy to know that all of the brand’s products are currently discounted for a limited time. They also have a promotion that lets you save 35% when you purchase a candle and book bundle, no Birthdate Candles promo code required.

And it’s always the more, the merrier with this brand. You can save 10% when you purchase 3 candles, 15% when you purchase 5, or 20% when you purchase 7.

Lastly, you can save $10 when you refer a friend and they can save $10 on their first purchase of over $50 .

Where to Buy Birthdate Co.

Birthdate Candles Review

As of now, Birthdate Co. products are only available through their official website .

Birthdate Candles Review

Who owns Birthdate Co.?

Founder and CEO Ajay Mehta owns Birthdate Co .

Where is Birthdate Co. made?

Birthdate Co. products are all made in the northeast US.

Does Birthdate Co. ship internationally?

At the moment, Birthdate Co. can only ship within the US, the UK, Australia, and Canada. That being said, you can email them at [email protected] to see if they can accommodate sending it to where you’re located.

What is Birthdate Co.’s Shipping Policy?

If you’re planning on giving these items as a gift, you’ll definitely want to know whether it’ll be in time for someone’s birthday! Not to worry, we’ll break down what the company offers in terms of shipping. 

Free shipping is available on orders with two or more items. Depending on where you live, shipping costs will vary as well as any duties and taxes you’re responsible for.

As the company offers 3 distinct products, their policy also includes the following stipulations:

  • Candles can be shipped via ground, 2-day, or overnight (within the US) and take about a week from your order date to ship
  • The Birthdate Book needs about 2 weeks to be made before it can be shipped out, so be sure to take that time into consideration 
  • The Tarot Trio is made in small batches, so be sure to email [email protected] to make sure they have them in stock or if you have any other questions about the product. 

What is Birthdate Co.’s Return Policy?

If you need to return or exchange the candle or Tarot Trio at any time for a specific reason, you can reach out to [email protected] and they’ll help you out. Please note that all returned items need to be in their original condition, so candle wicks must be unburned.

Unfortunately, if you’re in Australia, Birthdate Co. cannot accept returns or exchanges. But if you contact them at [email protected] with any issues you have, they can attempt to resolve them.

As the Birthdate Book is personalized to each individual, you can’t return or exchange them. If you made a mistake or realized you have the wrong information, reach out to them as soon as you can to correct it. If the brand hasn’t started creating the book, you’ll be able to fix the problem, otherwise, you’ll be shipped the item as is. 

If any of your items happen to arrive damaged, reach out to [email protected] with a photo, and they’ll gladly send you a replacement.

How to Contact Birthdate Co.

If this Birthdate Co. review hasn’t answered all of your queries, you can reach out to the brand through the following ways:

  • Email : [email protected]   
  • Email for Australia : [email protected]

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Birthdate Co.’s ‘Birthdate Book’ has a black hard cover with a shiny astrological illustration on th...

This Cosmic ‘Birthdate Book’ Takes Your Horoscope To An Entirely New Galaxy

If you read your horoscope on the reg, then you probably have a decent understanding of when your love life will be on fire, what Mercury in retrograde has in store for you, or if an exciting new career change is on the horizon. Now, you can learn even more about what the planets can tell you about your life — including your compatibility with other zodiac signs, as well as your future — by delving deep into the puzzles of your birth chart. Get ready to feel so seen, because Birthdate Co.'s bespoke Birthdate Book has arrived and it’ll help you do exactly that.

Your astrological interests will be taken to an entirely new galaxy the moment you open up your personalized Birthdate Book . This 70+-page cosmic hardcover book — which will be imprinted with your name on the cover — will be the trendiest addition to your coffee table decor with its sleek fabric cover and celestial design — and that’s only scratching the surface.

“The book is an elegant reflection of self as depicted through stars and planets and signs,” Aliza Kelly, celebrity astrologer and Birthdate Co. astrological consultant, tells Elite Daily. Your very own Birthdate Book will be a beautiful collaboration between the parabolic facts of your birth time and what may be going on in your everyday life.

Birthdate Co.'s 'Birthdate Book' is opened up on a marble coffee table next to a celestial candle an...

Reading the horoscope for your zodiac sign can give you general intel into your future. The content in your made-to-order Birthdate Book , however, is completely customized in accordance with your birth chart, making it truly unique to you . It will take into account your sun, moon, and rising signs, along with the placement of Mars, Mercury, and Venus at the exact time you were born. From there, you'll enjoy readings that outline how these astral bodies impact your life.

“Written with psychic intuition and charm, each page is a deeper reading into who you are and what the future holds,” says Ajay Mehta, co-founder and CEO of Birthdate Co. Not only will your personalized book reveal the most in-depth horoscope analysis you’ve ever received, but the astrological illustrations make it an extraordinary conversation piece. You’ll even be able to find out the celebs who have the same sun sign and birthday as you.

Birthdate Book

“I see astrology as a compass — it doesn’t prescribe a particular direction, but it offers the tools so you know which way to go. Anyone can do anything, and the cosmos can offer invaluable insight on how to reach your unique goals," says Kelly. So there’s no better time than right now to have fun developing a keen understanding of where you are in your life, and perhaps create an even clearer vision of where you might be headed. Get your hands on a Birthdate Book ($75 for limited-time launch deal; $115 after launch phase) ASAP to shoot for the stars and completely enjoy the ride.

the birthdate book review

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This Editor-Approved Candle Brand Makes The Perfect Gift For Astrology Lovers (And It's On Sale For Prime Day)

birthdate review

In This Article

  • What Is Birthdate
  • Is Birthdate Worth Buying
  • Our Top Picks

When it comes to finding the perfect gift , it's safe to say that you can't go wrong with a personalized one. And if the person you're shopping for loves astrology, you're going to want to check out Birthdate ASAP. From customized candles to birth chart books, here's everything you need to know about Birthdate.

What Is Birthdate?

birthdate candle

Founded by Ajay Mehta, Birthdate is a candle brand that has a customized scent for every single birthdate. Not only is each scent unique, but it also gives you insight into your personality based on astrology, numerology, and tarot. In addition to the candle, the brand has expanded its offerings to equally giftable Birthdate Books and Tarot Trio Sets .

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With over 365 scent combinations developed by perfumers, there's little chance that you'll find anything like the Birthdate Candle ($48). Each one is crafted with an all-natural soy and coconut wax blend and hand-poured in small batches in the United States into reusable glasses with 100% cotton wicks. The candles weigh in at 13.5 ounces and have a long burn time of 60 to 80 hours.

Spoiler alert for any fellow Cancers born on June 22, but the candle is amazing with notes of rose, chamomile, and ylang-ylang. I love it so much that I don't even want to burn it — I just keep it by my desk as decor and smell it from time to time (very on-brand for a sentimental Cancer).

If you've always wanted to have your birth chart done but packaged in a book that you can use as decor on your coffee table, the Birthdate Book ($115) is just what you need. With beautiful illustrations and over 70 pages, Birthdate breaks down what a natal chart is and has descriptions of your sun, moon, rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs. At the end of the book, it also shares celebrities who share the same birthday (shout out to Meryl Streep, Cyndi Lauper, and Carson Daly) and sun sign. Each one is made-to-order and needs one week to process, but trust me, the wait is worth it.

According to Birthdate, the Tarot Trio is the world's first candle set that gives you a luxe candle experience and tarot reading all in one. In the box set, there are three candles that represent your past, present, and future, each with a golden tarot card charm that's revealed when you burn the candle. With a handy guidebook, there are steps to using and interpreting your Tarot Trio set.

Just like the Birthdate Candle, each candle in The Tarot Trio has a dreamy scent profile. The Present candle has top notes of bergamot, citron, and amber; mid-notes of cassia root, heliotrope, and cedar leaf; and base notes of cedarwood, vetiver, and musk. The Past candle has top notes of citron, amber, and Muguet, mid-notes of hemp seed, guaiac wood, and oud; and base notes of patchouli, cannabis, and rosewood. The Future candle has top notes of bergamot, lemon leaf, and cardamom, mid-notes of verbena water orchid, and blue eucalyptus, and base notes of allspice, violet flower, and amber crystal.

One of my favorite things about the Tarot Trio (besides the obvious that it's the coolest candle set I've ever had), is that the guidebook comes with rituals you can do before lighting each candle and after your reading. Before you light the candle, Birthdate recommends clearing your space, connecting with your breath, setting an intention, and thinking of a question you want to be answered (you can also choose from a list of prompts they have in the book). After all the charms are revealed, you can reflect on the reading, see what resonates with you, determine how each card is connected, and have a solid journal session about the experience.

Is Birthdate Worth Buying?

Absolutely! As a longtime lover of astrology, tarot, and candles, this set couldn't be more perfect. Even though the candles and book aren't exactly cheap, I think the personalization of each one is worth the price. So much so that I think even non-astrology fans would appreciate it as a gift.

And there's never been a better time to buy them. From now until July 13, you can score 20% off Birthdate Candles for Prime Day ! Whether it's a gift for yourself or for your astrology-loving friend , shop the full Birthdate collection below.

Shop the Birthdate Collection

1. Birthdate Candle, $4 9.99 $39.99

2. Birthdate Book, $115

3. Birthdate Tarot Trio Candle Set, $145


What are Birthdate candles?

  • What's it like to receive a Birthdate candle?

What other products does Birthdate Co. sell?

The bottom line, birthdate co. makes 366 uniquely scented candles based on a person's zodiac sign, and it's the perfect gift for astrology lovers.

When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

  • Birthdate co. offers candles that are customized based on your Zodiac sign.
  • Each uniquely scented candle has detailed personality information based on your date of birth.
  • I tried the candle and think it makes a great personalized, astrology-themed gift.

Insider Today

In a world filled with candle options , it can be hard for new contenders to stand out. However, Birthdate Co. 's astrology-themed candles immediately caught my attention. Each candle has a unique scent based on the Zodiac sign and birthday of the recipient. Birthdate offers an astonishing 366 candles, each with a different scent and detailed Zodiac, numerology, and tarot information printed on the labels.

The brand also launched The Birthdate Book , which takes an even more in-depth look into the astrological birth chart of the recipient. The book offers a full analysis of the person's sun, moon, and rising signs. Founder Ajay Mehta wanted Birthdate Co.'s products to focus on multiple aspects of a birth chart instead of just the commonly known sun sign. "Overall, we want to provide products, both the candle and the book, that let you dive a little bit deeper, beyond your sun sign," he said. 

More recently, Birthdate Co. began offering The Tarot Trio , a collection of three unique candles, each containing a gold-plated charm based on a single card from the Major Arcana tarot deck. Burning each candle reveals its charm, and with the included guidebook, you can interpret your own custom tarot reading.

I tested the June 23rd candle and The Birthdate Book and found both to be extremely personalized and a great way to start or continue your journey with astrology. I also spoke with Mehta to learn more about the creation and development process of the candles.

Founder Ajay Mehta launched Birthdate Co. in 2019 after seeing the growing popularity of astrology and astrology-themed products. However, he noticed that there was a lack of truly personalized products available. "There weren't really that many, in my opinion, cool, unique products for people that were interested in astrology or wanting to give great gifts based on astrology," said Mehta.

Every Birthdate candle is hand poured in the US and made with all-natural soy and coconut wax blends, which is important if you prefer to avoid the chemicals that paraffin wax releases. The candles can burn from 60 to 80 hours and have a great scent throw. 

The scent-development process for the candles was intensive. Mehta worked closely with a team of astrologers and master perfumers to develop scents that not only fit with each sign but also smell great. "We used the astrological traits of a given person to help determine what sorts of fragrances, what kind of floral or what kinds of woodsy elements, would be good to add to their scent," said Mehta.

What's it like to receive a Birthdate candle?

Receiving a Birthdate candle is a special experience. The candles arrive in beautifully designed boxes that you can store them in when not in use. The candle itself is in a clear glass vessel with labels on both sides. They feature a personality description and details on your tarot card, ruling number, and ruling planet. Each candle has three scent notes based on your birthday. Mine were rose, chamomile, and ylang ylang. The candle's scent was light and floral, and I could clearly smell the chamomile and rose notes.

Birthdate Co. has extended its product selection with the customized Birthdate Book and Tarot Trio candle set. While we haven't tested the The Tarot Trio , it may be a good option for someone whose birth details you don't have. Each set has a random selection of charms based on cards from the Major Arcana tarot deck, making for a unique personalized tarot reading.

The Birthdate Book features a 70-page, in-depth analysis of the recipient's entire birth chart, with a focus on sun, moon, and rising signs. While anyone who shares the same birthday can have the same Birthdate candle, the Birthdate Book is specifically created for each person, so no two books are the same. The book is handy for someone who's familiar with their sun sign but may not know much about the rest of their birth chart.

In order to personalize the book, Birthdate Co. requires a fair amount of private information, including the date, time, and location of the recipient's birth. "All data provided by customers is encrypted and only accessible for production, support, and fulfillment purposes," according to a representative for the company. Birthdate Co. stores the information on secure servers hosted by Amazon and Shopify.

All in all, Birthdate Co.'s candle are great for gifting due to their personalized nature. 

Even when not lit, the candle makes for a conversation-starting piece of decor, and it can be fun to compare each candle's scent differences with friends. The glass jar also becomes a keepsake and storage container once the candle is burned down. 

While this candle smells and burns similarly to other candles, its unique design and custom feel makes it a worthwhile purchase.

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  • Main content

My Hands-On Birthdate Candles Review: Are These Personalized Zodiac Gifts Worth the Money?

the birthdate book review

Hey there! I‘m so glad you stumbled upon my supersized Birthdate Candles review. As an ecommerce analyst with over 5 years under my belt, I‘ve seen hundreds of brands leverage the promise of customization to command higher price tags. But very few actually deliver a tailored experience warranting the spend.

That‘s why I took it upon myself to personally test out Birthdate Co‘s full product range, from their best-selling birthday candles to natal chart books and even tarot-inspired jewelry. I‘ll unpack everything you need to know before treating yourself or a lucky recipient to these astrological gifts full of bespoke charm.

Consider this your fly-on-the-wall view into my first-hand experience unboxing, displaying and gifting these cosmic finds over the past few months. You‘ll discover whether the personalization and accuracy lives up to hype, get the tea on frustrating pains I uncovered, plus learn insider tips on maximizing savings.

Let‘s get to it!

A Quick Pulse Check on Birthdate Co’s Rising Popularity

Before diving into product specifics, I always like providing context on the company behind the branded experience. It gives us clues into why consumers flock towards certain offerings over others.

In just a few short years, Birthdate Co. has made major waves in the booming astrology products industry. Beyond amassing 200K Instagram followers, Google Search volume for the brand has rocketed 377% higher over the past 12 months.

Their recent features in Vogue, Forbes and other major outlets confirms the appeal of personalized astrology gifts with mainstream shoppers.

But the real proof lies in sales growth. Between 2019 and 2020, Birthdate Co.’s revenues catapulted over 500%. And their team has expanded quickly from 5 to over 60 employees trying to keep up with demand.

So what’s driving this rise in fanfare? Let’s analyze the why behind consumer obsession using my evaluation criteria as an ecommerce expert.

My Methodology for Reviewing Personalized Retail Experiences

Over years studying top digits-first brands, I developed a methodology for reviewing customized purchases on 5 core pillars:

Personalization – How unique to the individual is the product experience or design options to warrant the higher cost and production effort?

Presentation – Does unboxing feel like a special reveal and inspire social media shareability or displays after use?

Accuracy – For astrology-tied products, how precise are the personality descriptors, predictions or horoscope details to instill value?

Quality – How thoughtfully designed and durable are materials to become sentimental keepsakes?

Price – Does the price point align to perceived value compared to alternatives on the market?

I grade brands on a star rating for each pillar. Combined, this indicates an overall alignment to consumer wants around more meaningful digital era spending.

Armed with this criteria, let’s analyze how Birthdate Co.’s candles, books and other goods delivered on key pillars using my individual experience and insights.

Birthdate Candles Review: Unboxing Personalized Astrology Magic

I first ordered my birthday candle tied to May 29th with express curiosity if my Gemini sun and Libra rising signs would shine through the chosen scent.

As soon as the shipping notification hit my inbox, I was already grinning ear to ear imagining this mysterious reveal. The outer packaging didn’t give much away, but my first whiff upon unboxing brought a bright, playful citrus scent with undertones of alluring floral I couldn‘t quite place. inhales deeply Ah yes, a sweet floral melon medley! I glanced down at the candle label and sure enough, peak Gemini duality captured in fragrance form. chef‘s kiss!

But the real magic was in the label details aligned to my exact birth date. As I scanned the miniature horoscope, it eerily called out my tendency towards distracted multi-tasking when unbalanced. Below this personality overview, a ruling tarot card personalized to May 29th symbolized harmony.

I decided to light the candle that evening while taking a solo bath for optimal relaxation. The flickering glow reflecting off the copper-colored wax pooling inside the apothecary-style jar set a soothing mood. Over an hour soak, I watched beautiful orchids emerge through the melted layers.

Beyond the sublime experience itself, I was thoroughly impressed by the quality too. The 13 oz coconut-soy wax candle provides 50+ hours of burn time. And the reusable glass vessel gives this gift longevity as a sentimental decoration destined for my shelf.

Personalization : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Presentation : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Accuracy : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Quality : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Value : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I happily rate my Birthdate Candle 5 stars across all pillars in my evaluation framework. The $38 price tag feels like an amazing bargain for such a custom ritual I‘ll treasure.

My only tiny nitpick is the packaging could be a bit more reinforced to protect contents during shipping. But damage issues are super rare. And customer service quickly dispatched a flawless replacement candle once the cracks were shown.

Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars

If you‘re seeking a conversation-starting display piece bundled with very "you" vibes, I fully endorse treating yourself or a loved one to their own Birthdate Candle. With scents spanning every calendar date across astrological profiles, the personalization potential is unmatched.

Now let‘s see if their natal chart books and tarot-inspired jewelry deliver similar bespoke charm…

The Birthdate Book Review: Will My Natal Chart Details Astound or Fall Flat?

Next on my exploration came The Birthdate Book – an over 70 page natal chart interpretation & horoscope guide personalized to your exact birth details.

I‘ll be completely transparent and say I already own what feels like EVERY mainstream astrology guide under the sun. So I entered this experiment with sky high skepticism. "What more could yet another birth chart reading reveal that my favorite apps haven‘t covered already?", I pondered.

With bated breath, I provided my birth location, date and exact time down to the minute to fully customize contents. Production takes about 2 weeks since each book involves manual astrological chart plotting and artistic layout design.

The shipment notification finally hit my inbox signaling the big reveal was on its way. I excitedly tracked the package until it landed gently on my doorstep. I carefully tore the starry packaging open to uncover a thick, beautifully bound book with my name etched in silver foil on the cover. jaw drops

I slowly turned each page, losing myself in stunning NASA-like imagery tying science to the cosmos within my soul. As opposed to generic horoscope apps spewing the same blurb to all Geminis daily, this book uncovered insights into the EXACT planetary positions, rising signs and lunar placements influencing who I am and dream to become.

I was shooketh to read paragraphs accurately describing my constant quest for harmony and meaning tied to my moon and mercury. The book even foreshadowed coming new perspectives if I lean into spiritual reflection instead of earthly distraction this season.

Almost 90 mesmerizing minutes flew by on what felt like a self-discovery breakthrough. Beyond the creepy precision, I was dazzled by the production value elevating this book to heirloom status. The weighty paper stock and brilliant photography reflect the countless human hours required to deliver such a custom jewel.

At just under $100, The Birthdate Book offers immense value compared to a single 60 minute reading with an astrologer costing twice as much. It‘s a gift that keeps giving year after year too!

Personalization: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Presentation: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Accuracy: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Quality: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I rate The Birthdate Book a perfect 5 stars across all aspects of my evaluation. I‘m officially addicted and already plotting gifting these to friends for their next birthdays!

The bottom line: If you or a lucky recipient seeks more meaningful direction beyond surface level sun sign horoscopes, this custom birth chart bible provides profound guidance on finding your highest path.

Onto the final frontier: manifested jewelry magic…🪄

Tarot Trio Candles Review: Setting Intentions Under the Waxing Moon 🔮

My last and most mystical Birthdate Co. purchase brought The Tarot Trio candle set to life through ritual. This hand-poured candle trio features scents, colors and embedded jewelry symbols aligning to your past, present and future.

I‘ll admit I was instantly magnetized to this product concept as a longtime crystals collector with a witchy aesthetic. cue Stevie Nicks music Plus who doesn‘t crave insight into their destiny?

I carefully followed the instructions to cleanse my sacred space and ground my energy before lighting each organic soy vessel. As I waved the flickering wick clockwise and set my intentions…an intoxicating blood orange and woody aroma permeated my studio.

Over the next days I burned through the 6 oz candles during specific moon cycles meant for releasing, resetting and manifesting respectively. Each time I extinguished the candles, a tide of emotions washed over me. Not just from the mood-altering scents, but seeing the hidden golden charms materialize carrying my past heartbreaks, present state of transition and future dreams all encoded into symbolic pendants.

Now when I catch my reflection in these glistening talismans adorning my altar, I‘m reminded daily of the shutting life chapters behind me and wondrous horizons ahead if I trust in divine timing.

Beyond the magical experience, I again appreciated the premium details elevating this product as a sensorial time capsule across sight, scent and touch.

The bundled guidebook helped me interpret each major arcana tarot charm tied to my astrological chart. And thestorytelling quality turned this candle set into a living spellbook for mystics.

At $130, The Tarot Trio ranks among my most valued ritual investment pieces and conversation starters when friends visit my eclectic gallery wall displaying my wax-cast past, present and future.

Personalization: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Accuracy: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I happily rate The Tarot Trio 4-5 stars across all aspects bringing immense mystical meaning to my curious soul.

The bottom line: If you desire a witchier aesthetic and deeper bond with your destiny, this candle set ushers in sacred insight through intentional experience design.

Final Verdict: Birthdate Co. Aligns Personalization With Presentation for Maximum Long-Term Value

If your spidey senses are still tingling determining whether these hand-crafted goods merits the expenditure, let me leave you with closing food for thought.

Comprehensive Personalization I‘ve yet to discover another Astrology brand interweaving natal charts, numerology, tarot card readings and custom scent blending to deliver such multidimensional bespoke products catering to exact preferences.

Presentation Speaks Volumes Unboxing a shipment from Birthdate Co. ignites all your senses through mystical packaging and unforgettable sight, scent and sound during reveal rituals converting candles into displayable art.

Rave Reviews From 150K+ Customers…And Counting Positive word-of-mouth acts as social proof while also building highly engaged community. With 92% perfect ratings across over 150K purchases and consistent sales growth quarter-over-quarter, this startup skyrocketed by focussing on personalized customer delight vs profits.

Commitment to Ethical Production These hand-poured, phthalate-free candles and detail-rich tarot books cannot be rushed. Their priority on sustainable ingredients, ethical working conditions and environment-friendly practices makes me proud to support their artisans.

Obsession With Continuous Improvement Most brands lose sight of customer happiness post purchase. But Birthdate Co.’s commitment to soliciting NPS feedback at multiple touchpoints shows their devotion beyond transactions. I’m pumped to see where they take experiences next!

If my thorough hands-on analysis helps guide your final purchasing decisions, only good things are written in the stars! Just imagine your loved one unraveling their new natal chart by candlelight or discovering hidden tarot wisdom…it‘s sure to be a birthdate they‘ll never forget.

To treat yourself or a lucky recipient to Birthdate Co.’s full shop of cosmos-aligned goods, visit their site using the button below.

Let the unboxing magic begin! ✨

As always, I welcome any product experience questions in the comments below! Wishing you many harmonious solar returns ahead.

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Beautiful necklace but gem fell out…

Beautiful necklace for special birtgday family member, however after wearing for less tgan day a gem has come off, and cabt be found, very disappointed and cannot figure what to do, this was sn expensive, I thought quality item, but maybe not so good, please help in tryibg to reaolve issue

Date of experience : 24 August 2024

An astrology lovers dream

An astrology lovers dream! From the unique personalized birth date book to the awesome candles, you can find something for yourself or give a great gift to anyone based on their zodiac sign.

Date of experience : 25 July 2024

Do not buy from this company

Do not buy from this company. Gemstones in pendants are fake. I received a ‘pearl’ which had the fake pearl coating cracked off when it arrived. Asked for a refund on my item and customer has service stopped responding to me.

Date of experience : 09 August 2024

Ordered a Bumdle

Ordered a Candle, Book and Pendant for my sister's 50th Birthday. The jury is still out on whether she appreciates them or not(she hasn't received them yet) but I imagine she will. Transaction was supposed to be one and done(shipping and handling included in the price) but FedEx held one of the packages ransom for Import duty fees. I brought this to the attention of Birthday Co and they had me pay for the fee while reimbursing me on the same day. Very easy to work with and they were very quick to remedy the issue. I appreciated the quick response and that they were able to solve the matter as soon as possible.

Date of experience : 17 July 2024

Buyer Beware! Advertised Pics Don’t Match What You Receive.

Very disappointed with the quality of the pendant considering the high cost. I sent an email with pictures of the pendant I received compared to the pendant they advertised & the reply I got was that ‘the colours of some of the gems may not be the same due to the composition of the stone’. The ‘Black Diamond’ on my pendant was clear??? Even the look of the product was different in real life compared to the picture they advertised. Poor form from a company that charges quite a high price. I expected more. Not worth it.

Date of experience : 15 July 2024


I purchased two necklaces - one for myself and one for my best friend for our 40th birthdays. I was disappointed in the quality given the price. One of my gemstones has not been set properly and looks like it could fall out quite easily. I left a review stating the same and giving the same rating on the website yet. Mysteriously this review is nowhere to be found. A real shame considering I had used those same reviews when contemplating my own purchase. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend. I would suggest instead going with a more recognized company - or at least one that perhaps uses more honest business practices.

Date of experience : 10 June 2024

Birthday Candles

They were great. Everyone I gave a candle to was surprised, happy, thankful and enjoy the value of a great candle. I will continue to value your company and product. Thank you for all you do ❤️🙏

Date of experience : 21 November 2023

Great company, great product!

Love this company! The candles have the best scents (hydrangea/peony/jasmine is my favorite, even though it’s not my birthdate’s scent) and the customer service/social media team is the sweetest! I’ve bought several candles for myself, family, and friends and will continue to do so in the future. The packages ship quickly and the company takes the utmost care with packaging so that the candles arrive safely. I highly recommend Birthdate Candle Co if you’re looking for a unique and special gift to give to someone!

Date of experience : 20 November 2023

I ordered a book for a friend, and she seemed to really enjoy it! The book was well made and thorough, and I would like to purchase one for myself at some point.

Date of experience : 01 September 2023

Great customer service

I really like my candle! Sure, it's gimmicky, but makes for a good gift. Mine originally came with a slightly torn label, and after I emailed, customer service immediately sent a replacement. I knew the reading wasn't going to be completely accurate because what horoscope is? But it looks really cute in my room, smells nice, and wasn't too expensive on the Black Friday offer.

Date of experience : 12 January 2022

I’m in love with this brand!

I’m in love with this brand! Got a couple candles and a book for my best friend’s birthday and she found them beautiful and the astral descriptions very accurate. Shipping went flawless and I got the package in perfect conditions. Def a solid gift recommendation THANKS!

Date of experience : 11 August 2023

Obsessed! New go-to for gifts!

Been obsessed with this brand lately!! I recently got the candle and love how personal it is, plus the sustainability aspect is a major perk for me. Will definitely be heading to this site as my go-to for gifts for all my friends and fam!

Date of experience : 06 March 2024

Horrible customer service

Time is of the essence with a vendor like this and I rate them 0/5 — would not recommend! Paid a hefty amount for 2-day shipping, and 3 days later receive a notification that it just shipped. It’s been a full week since placing the order, and still the gift isn’t here. I contacted support immediately upon realizing how late shipment started, and they weren’t helpful whatsoever. No refund offered and no acknowledgment of the slow delay times, only work for me to do to return the item and not even get a full refund. Never again.

Date of experience : 25 January 2024

The Real Deal

Birthdate Co. is a unique brand in that they work with professional astrologers to create their products. Astrology is trendy now, so there are plenty of places to buy similar products...but it's the extra step they go to work with professionals in the field that sets them apart. The Birthdate book is like buying an astrology reading- it's full of detailed information about all of your planets (though it doesn't discuss the houses). I also like their "Survive Mercury Retrograde" candle- it includes a custom reading on the label (unlike others I've seen on the market) and a crystal that's revealed as the wax melts. I like knowing that when I buy astrology themed products from them, they weren't just created because it's what's popular right now- they're creating products that are the real deal! I also like that I can reuse the candles once they're burned down. Perfect iced coffee container!

Date of experience : 12 August 2023

All the candles I have purchased have been well received by the recipients. Have purchased almost 10 of them so far. I love the scent associated with my birthday- it is totally me and my zodiac sign. Cap girls RULE!!

Date of experience : 20 March 2024

Their candles have become my go-to gift…

Their candles have become my go-to gift for all of my family and friends! It's so personalized all of my friends loved. I had an issue once where my candle arrived broken due to shipping (to be fair it was over the Holidays & during COVID). I sent them a picture, they immediately apologized and sent me a replacement. The candle I bought for myself months ago, I now use as my coffee cup! Love that it's dish-washer sefe!

Date of experience : 03 June 2022

I've seen some pretty MIXED REVIEWS on…

I've seen some pretty MIXED REVIEWS on this unique company, so here's MY REVIEW after being a customer since I found out about the company in 2018/2019? I started with my own candle as I'm a long-time astrology lover of all mystical and celestial things and thought this was amazing. Once I received, I fell in love with the product and had to get one for those I love. Now, five-ish years later and 6 candles and a dull-looking "gold" necklace (that I bought almost 2 years ago), I can't wait to order my second candle for me and more to those I love. It's a really fun products (candles), but everything else PLEASE BE WARY as items naturally won't look like the picture. And to those that have had 'defective' jewelry, I'm so sorry! This has been a worry on my mind for me since purchasing my own necklace, however, I would hope you do as the card reads and if it really was just misfortune, then just find another brand if it's not working out because although I see how some have called it "cheap", but in a materialistic world, EVERYONE IS AFTER MONEY unless they truly believe in their product(s).

Date of experience : 08 May 2024

Great gifts!

The birthdate candles are next level!! The birth chart book is a great gift for anyone getting into astrology or trying to learn more about themselves! Highly recommend for any type of gift!

Date of experience : 01 May 2023

It’s incomplete crap

The birthdate book only has a few pages. For anyone who understands astrology, it’s not even remotely close to complete. It only has sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, and mars. None of the other planets and none of the houses. I was super disappointed.

Date of experience : 12 February 2024

Worth the Price

This is one of the best companies I have ever bought from. The quality of the product was great and fit the exact spiritual description I hoped for. Not to mention customer service was a real pleasure to communicate with which is not the case with many other places. I will be buying again!!!

Date of experience : 05 November 2023

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Book Review: Ellen Hopkins’ new novel ‘Sync’ is a stirring story of foster care through teens’ eyes

The Associated Press

September 3, 2024, 10:44 AM

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I’m always amazed at how Ellen Hopkins can convey so much in so few words, residing in a gray area between prose and poetry.

Her latest novel in verse, “Sync,” does exactly that as it switches between twins Storm and Lake during the pivotal year before they age out of the foster system . Separated years ago, the two write to each other in an effort to maintain their unparalleled bond. In the process, we learn about their home life before the state of California took custody, and the placements — good and bad — in between.

Shortly after turning 17, their case workers organize a reunion. It’s enough to recharge their “sync,” but the joy from their brief reconnection is short-lived.

Storm winds up in juvenile detention when he takes justice into his own hands to avenge his girlfriend, the single good thing in his day-to-day life. And when Lake is caught in bed with her fellow foster and girlfriend, the two see no other choice but to run away and try living on their own.

This may be a young adult novel, but the themes are definitely for mature audiences.

Between sexual assault, homophobia, suicide, homelessness and all manner of child abuse, there are a lot of emotionally and psychologically challenging elements in “Sync.” On top of that, Hopkins tackles topical issues from the teens’ perspective: the lack of options for a rape survivor to seek justice or get help without having to undergo an invasive and often scarring process; the ways the justice system meets poverty and other societal disadvantages with punishment over reform , perpetuating recidivism; arguments about critical race theory and whether books like Toni Morrison’s “Beloved” should be taught in school. The last of these being particularly pertinent for an author whose books are no strangers to bans and assigned reading lists alike.

As with most of Hopkins’ narrators, Storm and Lake are observant and introspective, making them relatable, thought-provoking and fun to read.

Another thing Hopkins excels at is bringing you down to the lowest low before managing to end on a high note. While “Sync” avoids veering into trauma porn, it does occasionally get pretty brutal — particularly about two-thirds of the way when Lake and Storm’s fast descent toward rock-bottom goes from 45 to 90 degrees — but the hopeful ending is worth it.

If you came for the poetry, temper your expectations — there’s not as much structural play or use of poetic devices in “Sync” as in Hopkins’ earlier YA novels, like her debut and highly acclaimed bestseller “Crank.”

But if you came for a stirring page-turner that sparks conversation, “Sync” is definitely a winner.

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Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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the birthdate book review

The Whiskey Reviewer

Old Forester Birthday Bourbon Review (2024)

By Richard Thomas

In some ways, the bourbon calendar is more predictable than the real passage of the seasons, especially here in Kentucky and in the era of climate change. Today it is dry and quite pleasant outside, but I have no idea if the next round of storms will bring with it a return to steamy, late summer weather. Meanwhile, I know for certain the autumnal season of red hot American whiskey releases is around the corner, because Old Forester has dropped the year’s Birthday Bourbon.

The 2024 Old Forester Birthday Bourbon is already unique in that it was bottled at 107 proof, which is the strongest ever bottling for the expression. The release was also attended by a sweepstakes , which saw 1,000 lucky contestants bypass the usual trouble of bottle hunting (or expense of paying market value). They won the right to go to the Old Forester Distillery on Louisville’s Whiskey Row and buy a bottle at MSRP. Past that, the tale of this year’s tribute to George Garvin Brown is typical. Master Distiller Emeritus Chris Morris and Master Taster Melissa Rift hand-selected 209 barrels for the release, with all those bottles being 12 years or older. That is part for the course for this expression, which is routinely middle aged.

The Bourbon The pour took a dulled, middle amber look in the glass, and I could tell right away that it was borderline on whether water should be added. I frankly find the fever for drinking Hazmat whiskeys neat baffling (as concentrate bottles, they’re great, but drinking something you could run your weed whacker on neat?), but 107 proof is a spot where maybe water is needed and maybe it isn’t. As I left the glass on the table to take some air, I detected a hint of heat. Subsequent nosing showed it stayed there, but a hint of heat is not problematic. So, no water added to this bourbon.

The nose was spice-forward, with the initial impression being very gingerbread before candy corn and caramel. Further nosing developed that spicy current on the front into cloves, ginger and charred oak, with the sweet side remaining quite rooted in candy corn and caramel, with a little green apple thrown in. Most interesting is the trademark Old Forester banana note is gone.

That spicy current morphs into a herbaceous spiciness on the palate. The ginger note continues, but now it is tied to spearmint. That sits atop a syrupy , thick bourbon sweetness of molasses, vanilla and pipe tobacco. The finish ran woody with an almost meaty undertone, before turning woody and spicy to fade away with.

The Price The official price for this year’s Birthday Bourbon is $200.

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The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump

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Clay Cane

The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump Hardcover – January 30, 2024


Part history and part cultural analysis, The Grift chronicles the nuanced history of Black Republicans. Clay Cane lays out how Black Republicanism has been mangled by opportunists who are apologists for racism.

After the Civil War, the pillars of Black Republicanism were a balanced critique of both political parties, civil rights for all Americans, reinventing an economy based on exploitation, and, most importantly, building thriving Black communities. How did Black Republicanism devolve from revolutionaries like Frederick Douglass to the puppets in the Trump era?

Whether it's radical conservatives like South Carolina Senator Tim Scott or Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, they are consistently viral news and continuously upholding egregious laws at the expense of their Black brethren. Black faces in high places providing cover for explicit bigotry is one of the greatest threats to the liberation of Black and brown people. By studying these figures and their tactics, Cane exposes the grift and lays out a plan to emancipate our future.

  • Print length 400 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Sourcebooks
  • Publication date January 30, 2024
  • Dimensions 6.25 x 1.25 x 9.25 inches
  • ISBN-10 1728290228
  • ISBN-13 978-1728290225
  • See all details

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Editorial Reviews

About the author.

Clay Cane is an award-winning journalist, writer, radio host, and political commentator. A graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in African-American Studies, his work on race, culture, and politics have appeared in national publications, including the Washington Post , CNN, and The Grio. He is the director of the original BET documentary Holler If You Hear Me: Black and Gay in the Church , which was screened at the Obama White House. In 2017, The Clay Cane Show launched on SiriusXM Urban View channel 126. Clay is a regular political commentator on MSNBC. The Grift is his second book, his first being Live Through This: Surviving the Intersections of Sexuality, God, and Race ., @claycane

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sourcebooks (January 30, 2024)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 400 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1728290228
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1728290225
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.49 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.25 x 1.25 x 9.25 inches
  • #14 in Political Commentary & Opinion
  • #15 in Political Conservatism & Liberalism
  • #83 in United States History (Books)

About the author

Clay Cane is an award-winning journalist, radio host, political analyst and a New York Times bestselling author. "The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump," an instant New York Times best seller, was released in January 2024. Clay is also the author of "Live Through This: Surviving the Intersections of Sexuality, God, and Race" (2017).

In 2017, "The Clay Cane Show," a political talk radio show, launched on SiriusXM Urban View channel 126. Clay is the co-editor and contributing writer of the 2012 anthology "For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home". Additionally, contributed to 2013's "Where Did Our Love Go: Love and Relationships in the African-American Community."

He is a a graduate of Rutgers University, Phi Beta Kappa, with a B.A. in English and African-American Studies.

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Customers say

Customers find the book extremely informative, historically accurate, and on point. They also say the rift is true and the policies implemented help to give good emotional balance. Readers describe the writing style as very easy to read, understand, and follow. They say the book flows nicely and is an important read for the times we are in.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the book extremely informative, with amazing historical references and footnotes. They also say it's truthful, honest, and an eye-opening look back at history. Readers also mention that the book is a great tool to use in the future to dispel misconceptions and misinformation, and that the policies implemented help to give good emotional balance.

" Really enlightening , a lot of research went into this book. An easy read worth every dime. Great author. I highly recommend that people grab a copy." Read more

"It took me a long time to get into this book. It is just packed with information ...." Read more

"...and all of the positive policies implemented, helped to give good emotional balance as I read with disgust...." Read more

"... Well researched and the author's assertions are documented." Read more

Customers find the writing style easy to read, clear, and easy to follow. They also say the book flows nicely and is an important read for the times we are in.

"...An easy read worth every dime . Great author. I highly recommend that people grab a copy." Read more

"Mr. Clay Cane insightful and easy to read history lesson was eye opening ...." Read more

"...I got the audible and Clay Cane’s ability to tell a story in a riveting and compelling way made the book do much more interesting...." Read more

"...Historically accurate and on point, he tells the stories of our many heroes who have been erased from history...." Read more

Customers find the book timely and relevant to their understanding.

" Quick delivery " Read more

"Informative, easy to read, and timely . Excellent source of information for years to come. Upended a lot of what I thought I knew." Read more

"...we should learn history; contextualized, nuanced, comprehensive and fast paced . The intro is the perfect set up—not to be missed...." Read more

"...and truth” about the history of Black Republicans is masterful, timely , and pivotal...." Read more

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the birthdate book review

Family of Calgary's Ron 'Buck Shot' Barge share favourite memories

Longtime children's tv star died two weeks ago, 10 days short of his 88th birthday.

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Social Sharing

Brenda Barge did what other kids in southern Alberta did in the 1960s: rush home at noon to watch "The Buck Shot Show" on TV.

"I just called him Daddy. He was always Daddy to me," Barge said in an interview, along with her older brother, at the home where they grew up with two other siblings.

"We would run home to watch Dad on the TV, because that's what everybody did and we did too."

For 30 years, Ron "Buck Shot" Barge and his sidekick Benny the Bear, entertained Calgarians with songs, puppets, the birthday book and his nifty battered cowboy hat.

Barge died at home two weeks ago, 10 days short of his 88th birthday.

"There's the hat and the bear," Brenda Barge said, as she rummaged through boxes of photos and memorabilia. She said her mom, Shirley, made sure there were always a few extra hats around in case one went missing.

"This was the one he used for probably the last 10 years. He's had that same kind of wrinkly old hat since way back when in the '60s. It didn't start off with a big beautiful Stetson hat."

the birthdate book review

"Buck Shot" was one of the longest-running children's shows in Canada, surpassing "Mr. Dressup," which ran for 29 years, and "The Friendly Giant," which aired for 27.

Barge was asked to develop the show when he was a cameraman and floor director at CFCN in Calgary. He had a knack for interviewing kids in the audience and getting actual responses.

"Dad's trick was never to talk down to people. Even if you were a puppet, you got talked to. That's a great learning to have, because when you talk to someone, they learn," said Ken Barge.

"That was Dad. He would see a kid, wave and just engage that person for 30 or 45 seconds, and that's all it took to make them feel special. And I think that's the best part of Dad."

Brenda Barge said she was about five when she started to realize her father was famous. A trip to the mall found the family surrounded by people wanting an autograph.

"I remember just looking at my mom and going, 'He's just my dad. Why are these people standing around him?"' she said with a laugh.

"It didn't make sense to me that the 'Buck Shot' thing was his job, and we ran home from school to watch it too."

A man is pictured talking to a young girl.

There was a downside, added her brother. There was some jealousy and resentment at the show's success and that filtered down to school.

"They're talking about your dad in these mean ways," said Ken Barge.

"People think when your dad's on TV, you're rich and you're famous and have all these things. The reality was I went to the same school and I grew up in the same neighbourhood as they did."

Ron Barge was at home, in a hospital bed set up in the living room, for eight months before he died Aug. 17.

He played "air piano" to music shortly before he died, said his son.

A musician most of his life, Ron Barge played in bands from the time he was 16. He played piano and sang with the Stardells for more than 20 years in Calgary.

  • Video A tour of Calgary with Buck Shot
  • Ron 'Buck Shot' Barge, longtime Calgary children's TV star, dies at 87

"If you'd have asked Dad what he wanted to be, it was a musician — day and night," said Ken Barge.

"His high in life was just being busy, busy. He loved it when he was playing music and Buck Shot."

The family held a birthday party to celebrate what would have been his 88th birthday, complete with cake, brownies, roast beef, coleslaw and potato salad — his favourite meal.

Brenda Barge wiped away tears remembering her father talking to her while she washed windows just before he died.

"He said, 'Brenda, you're so beautiful' ... that was my dad. Here I am 58 years old, and my dad still is telling how I am beautiful."

A memorial is set to be held in Calgary on Sept. 20 at noon — the same time his show aired.


the birthdate book review

Bill Graveland is a Calgary-based reporter for The Canadian Press.

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