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Technical Writing Examples

33 good technical writing examples (word & pdf).

The advancement in technology inevitably leads to people training their skills in technical writing, a valuable asset. The skill is crucial, especially for those who work in tech-related businesses. Learning how to make technical writing examples gives you the ability to communicate knowledge. Technical writing skills don’t just involve understanding information and writing it down in a document but also taking high-level information and processing it into a more “digestible” content.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Technical Writing Examples
  • 2 What does technical writing mean?
  • 3 Technical Writing Samples
  • 4 Characteristics of technical writing
  • 5 What is the purpose of technical writing?
  • 6 Technical Writing Skills
  • 7 Where is technical writing used?
  • 8 Tips for technical writing

Free technical writing examples 01

What does technical writing mean?

With regard to importance, technical writing is now at par with journalistic and creative writing. Many would feel surprised to discover that technical writing has existed since the dawn of writing language itself. People have used technical writing examples to transform complex explanations and equations then simplify them for average readers and laypersons to understand.

Take, for instance, a textbook. You may consider this a document done using technical writing because it takes complex ideas and breaks them down into more comprehensible bits for students. The main purpose of technical writing samples has nothing to do about entertainment or engagement. It was primarily created to teach the required information for learning how to perform a certain task.

Each time you purchase a product, it usually comes with a set of instructions, an instruction manual , rulebook, definitions or other such manuals. The writing used here is different types of technical writing. To learn how to master this skill, you should learn the right technical writing tips.

Technical Writing Samples

Free technical writing examples 10

Characteristics of technical writing

If you have an interest in acquiring technical writing skills, you should know the important characteristics of the art. There various types of technical writing, each having its own purpose. What makes technical writing special is that it’s primarily informative, specifically in explaining different topics to other people.

It is commonly used in manuals and other technical documents that provide information and direction. L ike any other styles of writing, technical writing has its own characteristics including:

  • It’s very direct It doesn’t use terms that people don’t understand and shuns away from eloquent writing styles.
  • It’s straightforward and clear If you want to create a professional technical writing sample, stick to the subject matter and convey the information you’re writing about in a concise and clear manner.
  • It has a solid structure This means the style of writing has an easy-to-follow composition that makes it easy for readers to understand. Solid structure is the main feature of technical writing as it enables the readers to access the information they need easily.
  • It’s very informative and detailed The contents of materials written using technical writing skills should provide information by describing the topic as completely as possible.

What is the purpose of technical writing?

Every style of writing has its own objective. For a technical writing example, the purpose is to provide complex or confusing information to help people understand better a certain item like a computer, a new technological device, a new drug, and so on. It should also explain how a certain item works or how to finish a project .

The main target of technical writings is the people searching for information about a specific subject. The main goal is to make certain that the information provided is very concise, clear, and easy to comprehend. Technical writing can sometimes be very challenging for some people because it requires the reader to translate the information that’s hard to understand into terms that anyone can comprehend without any problems.

There are other informative types of writing as well, but it is only the technical writing style that focuses on clearly presenting the information in a specific way so that readers can utilize the information for different purposes.

Technical Writing Skills

Free technical writing examples 20

Where is technical writing used?

The main purpose of a technical writing example is to share technical information with those who need to learn about a certain subject. It comes as no surprise why most of the occupational and technological fields like robotics, electronics, engineering, chemistry , and more all use technical writing when creating instructions for the operation of machinery, technologies or for conducting experiments.

The field of technical writing can be extremely complex, especially for beginners but you can avail of technical writing samples to create for yourself a textbook, manual or other technical writing documents. With these samples, you can help create a good tone and flow for your document and outline all of the information you intend to include in your material. Here are some of the most common technical writing examples:

  • Annual Reports As a rule, companies should provide annual reports for the purpose of informing shareholders about last year’s stock performance along with other pertinent financial information. Even non-profit organizations have to come up with annual reports. For this, the technical writer needs a great amount of time to compile information, then present these in a comprehensive and attractive manner to the shareholders.
  • Help Files In the digital world, these files are necessary for all software produces. The main purpose of these files is to make users independent. Businesses know that maintaining a Help Desk or a Customer Support Staff can be very expensive, thus, reducing company profits . You can even write a Help file for novice users who have had no prior knowledge of the software.
  • Legal Disclaimers The legal disclaimer is a statement that establishes the terms of service . You would write this to limit your liability in the event of any legal processes like lawsuits. You should make sure that you’re kept protected if anything bad happens because of the use of your document. In simpler terms, you seek to disavow any future claims made by readers.
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) If you’re working in a company, you should familiarize yourself with its SOP. Most companies have these well-defined procedures for accomplishing routine tasks . For instance, an SOP can establish how the payroll process works, how new employees get hired or how to calculate vacation hours . The use of an SOP can ensure that several persons in the company can do the same task in the same way to ensure consistent quality of work. Moreover, SOPs eliminate irregularities and favoritism. It ensures that workers can assume the tasks of employees who don’t come to work, have gone on vacation or got terminated without any changes in performance.
  • User Manuals This refers to documents that usually accompany various electronics like televisions, gaming consoles, cellular phones, and the like. As a technical writer, you would have to write manuals that a novice will understand easily. The manual should be easy to follow otherwise the user will resort to technical support through email or by phone. If the manual is too difficult to comprehend, the customer might have no recourse but to return the product.

Tips for technical writing

Free technical writing examples 30

Even if technical writing skills take high-levels details, you should still explain these concisely and clearly to your audience. As a technical writer, you should come up with documents that are very clear, simple, and succinct. Sometimes, though, the results could just be the opposite.

One of your greatest challenges as a technical writer is to transform complex information into an accessible and digestible document. To help you out, here are some technical writing tips you can apply to your work:

  • Before writing, think about your target audience The greatest challenge of technical writing is to write for your target audience. Because of this, there is a need to define the audience in the document’s planning process then consider this audience in each step of your writing process. When you have identified your audience, go a step further by coming up with a persona for such an audience and imagine that this exact person will be the one reading your document.
  • When you choose examples, think about them carefully first Keep in mind that each technical writing sample you may encounter might not be a good example. You might even want to consider some of these documents as illustrations of what you shouldn’t do instead of the guidelines for what you should do. At one point in your life, you may have bought an item that you needed to assemble and find out later that the instructions were not sufficient or were too confusing. This is a perfect example of poor technical writing. It is a good practice to review any sample document that you plan to use and make sure that the writing style and quality of information are good enough to serve the document’s intended purpose.
  • Use global English Since English is an international language. Therefore, writing technical documents in this language allows access of your document by a broader audience. Also, consider that many readers will be non-native speakers. To accommodate the largest audience possible, use global English. This English style is both literal and logical which makes it easier to understand. Furthermore, it overlaps with the principles of technical writing in terms of clarity and precision. Writing globally means you’re aware of the contents of your document which can be a challenge to comprehend or simply misunderstood.

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11 Technical Writing Examples & Samples in 2024

  • Published: October 21, 2021
  • Updated: January 23, 2024

11 Technical Writing Examples & Samples in 2024

For any organization, there is a need for technical writers to provide easy-to-understand technical documentation to help explain complex processes for its products end-users, customers, and internal workforce. 

Many organizations are a renewed focus on developing the technical writing skills of their writers and product managers. According to the U.S. Department of Labour Statistics, employment for technical content writing is expected to grow at a 12% faster rate between 2020-2030 in comparison to the overall average of other writing occupations.

With different industries having various technical writing needs (ie. in format types, tone, complexity, etc.), analyzing industry-leading technical writing examples from other companies can provide a roadmap and inspiration for new technical writers. 

What Are Common Examples of Technical Writing?

  • User Manuals
  • Software Installation Guides
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
  • API Documentation
  • Service Level Agreements (SLA)
  • Press Release
  • Case Studies & White Papers
  • Company Documents
  • Requests for Proposals
  • Annual Reports
  • Business Plans

What Is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is a niche, user-centric form of writing used to disseminate information on technical or specialized topics, such as software applications, environmental regulations, or medical procedures. This writing style simplifies complex information and processes, allowing readers to use that information for an intended purpose – such as using technology, executing a project, onboarding a user, exemplifying a complex process, or informing a large audience.

Types of Technical Writing

Technical writing majorly falls into fourr categories:

1. End-User Technical Writing

End-user documentation aims to empower the user of a product by helping them understand the core functionality of a product and how to solve common troubleshooting issues. This form of writing is observed in types of technical documentation such as user manuals, legal disclaimers, employee handbooks, and website help centers.

2. Expert-to-Expert Technical Writing

A niche style of technical writing, this documentation includes types such as research summaries, legal documents, and white papers. These technical writing examples are written by experts, for experts, to help them dive deeper into a complex, industry-specific topic. 

3. Process Documentation Writing

Process documentation is a form of technical writing that is designed for internal use by organizations to share knowledge on how to complete a task, with an emphasis on creating consistent, company-wide procedures. Examples of this type of technical writing include step-by-step process guides, internal wikis, KPI and goal reporting, OKRs, and HR policies.

4. Technical Marketing Communications

Most technical marketing communications fall under the B2B (business to business) writing umbrella. A technical writer needs to communicate their expertise in user-friendly language to help drive brand awareness and help prospective customers understand the product’s core benefits. Examples of companies using technical marketing writing include competitive analysis documents, in-depth case studies, marketing landing pages , informative articles, and business emails to promote or sell their services and products.


What’s the Difference Between Business Writing & Technical Writing?

Technical writing is often confused with business writing. Although both writing styles share similarities, writers can’t use them interchangeably. Both writing styles adhere to formal, specific, and concise language to convey the intent. There is an additional use of bulleted and numbered lists for an easier-to-read content structure. 

Technical writing maintains a neutral, competent tone throughout its documentation, as the sole purpose of technical writing is to clearly explain complex topics to a non-technical reader. However, in business writing, the tone varies depending on the target reader. For example, a proposal requires persuasive language to highlight the factual aspects of a bid, while an external email to a new client requires a professional, yet warm tone. 

PRO TIP : To decide the writing style, answer a simple question. Is my writing intended to communicate the desired purpose or an instruction?


11 Examples of Technical Writing in 2024

Here are 11 examples of common technical writing documents – with real-world samples for you to use as inspiration for your business’s technical writing needs.

1. User Manuals

User guides are instruction training manuals written for novice end-users to help them with products ranging from consumer products such as electronics or appliances to B2B SaaS tools and solutions. These manuals are user-friendly and well-illustrated to highlight common issues and features.

Additionally, technical writers must collaborate with engineers, programmers, and product designers to cover all the bases. 


2. Software Installation Guides

Computer software must be equipped with software documentation , such as installation guides, to assist users through the software implementation and installation process.

A well-written installation guide must include detailed workflows, video tutorials, FAQs, and a troubleshooting guide. Often the programmers automate the process, and the technical writer authors alert boxes and the ReadMe file.

Software installation guides can be easily created, published, and maintained with software documentation tools .


3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are holistic processes to help employees work in unison and accomplish various tasks in an organization. SOPs are a form of process documentation that ensures smoother internal operations and workflows by making business processes more efficient and economical. Examples of an SOP document include anything from payroll processing to manufacturing guidelines.


4. API Documentation

API documentation helps your customers’ developers interact easily with a product’s code to implement an API effectively. It contains instructions and tutorials to simplify integration with other APIs such as web-API, software API, and SCPIs.

API documentation

5. Service Level Agreements (SLA)

An SLA is a legally binding contract between a provider and a customer that outlines services, guarantees, warranties, and other mutually negotiated items between the two parties.


Source: BMC

6. Press Releases

Press releases are formal and factual documents issued by an organization to make business-related announcements.

They are short and factual documents that highlight how the announcement impacts users and external stakeholders of the organization. This technical document has a specific format and includes a headline, overview of the information, company’s contact information, and direct quotes from internal stakeholders like the CEO.

press release

Source: Apple

7. Case Studies & Whitepapers

Case studies & whitepapers are industry-specific documents that provide real-world examples testifying to an organization’s expertise and value, and are used for lead generation purposes.

Case studies are instance-specific documents written in passive voice and offer key takeaways, often using data to highlight its benefits. In comparison, whitepapers address a specific challenge and are written in an active voice. Technical writers authoring such documents should possess in-depth knowledge about the industry for effective writing.

case study

Source: Whatfix

8. Company Documents

Company HR documents such as employee handbooks and orientation manuals require a perfect combination of technical writing skills and organizational knowledge. These documents are of immense help during the initial phases of employee onboarding and provide continuous support for ongoing employee development and general assistance.


9. Request for Proposal (RFP)

An RFP is a business document that announces a project and solicits bids from multiple qualifying contractors. The writing style of this document is persuasive, and a poorly-written RFP document can ensure whether or not the deal will be successful. A well-written RFP must clearly highlight the project goals, challenges, scope of work, and evaluation metrics.

proposal template

Source: Venngage

10. Annual Reports

Annual reports are exhaustive documents that indicate a company’s financial health and yearly performance. These reports are of prime importance to the organizations seeking investors’ trust and include stock performance, financial information, new product information, and strategic developments.

annual report

Source: Tesla

11. Business Plans

Every organization starts with a detailed business plan to secure funding and requires an update during expansion phases. A business plan must include the following sections:

  • Executive Summary: This section provides an overview of the business plan, target market, and purpose.   
  • Product Description: The product or service description includes a brief about the offering, its USP, and the development stage.
  • SWOT Analysis:   A complete analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the business. 
  • Market Research: This section includes a detailed analysis of all the competitors and product potential in the target market. 
  • Organizational System: Before the initial start-up, it is crucial to clarify the organizational hierarchy and team members to support the business.  
  • Schedule: This section highlights the implementation schedule and includes start date, hiring, and investment milestones. 
  • Financial Planning: This is the most critical section and highlights the viability of the business plan. It includes income statements, projected revenues, balance sheets, and liquidity measures.
  • Appendix: The appendix consists of any other additional and relevant information such as patents.

Create contextual user onboarding flows, drive adoption of new features, and make in-app announcements with Whatfix

Whatfix is a no-code digital adoption platform that enables product managers to create contextual in-app guidance, product-led user onboarding, and self-help user support – all without engineering dependencies. With Whatfix, create branded product tours, user onboarding checklists, interactive walkthroughs, pop-ups, smart tips, and more – all enabling customers and users with contextual guidance at the moment need. With Whatfix, analyze, build, and deliver better user experiences.

Technical writing is an analytical form of writing where attention to detail is paramount. Unlike creative writing, technical writing doesn’t need to invoke the reader’s emotions – but instead, its goal is to convey complex information in an easy-to-read, digestible form. 

Technical writing doesn’t negate creativity. It’s a subtle form of writing which needs to be highly user-centric and understandable.

Technical writing tools such as Whatfix help you author impactful technical documents in a way that encourages interaction and retention. With Whatfix, technical writers create on-screen guides, pop-up prompts, tooltips, chatbots, in-app knowledge bases, and more to inform users how to use your product. A technical writer’s goal should be to create documents that promote your product effectively and to make those documents easy and fun to read.  

Learn how Whatfix can help create the interactive product and process walkthroughs you need now!  

Picture of Priyanka Malik

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A Guide to Technical Writing (With Examples)

A Guide to Technical Writing (With Examples)

4-minute read

  • 5th May 2023

You can find technical writing in lots of places, including in your home, at your job, in many industries, and in businesses of all sizes. If you need help with business writing specifically, check out how we can assist you .

In today’s post, we’ll break down what technical writing is and how to do it effectively. We’ll also provide some handy examples.

What Is Technical Writing?

Technical writing doesn’t always look very technical! It can be anything that describes how to do a task or how to operate a machine or system. Or it can cover a specialized topic. Technical writing includes recipes in your favorite cookbook, board game instructions, operator manuals, health and safety regulations, legal documents, and financial reports.

Instructions for Carrying Out a Task

This type of technical writing can be a recipe for a cake, the instructions for a board game, tips on how to walk your dog to heel, or the script for a social media video on how to cut your own hair.

Operating Manuals for Machinery, Appliances, or Systems

Technical writing can also be the user guide for a dishwasher, for a factory machine that makes cardboard boxes, a “how to” guide for spreadsheets, or instructions for changing the oil in your motorcycle.

Specialized Topics

The list here could be very, very long! Technical writing on specialized topics includes a company’s business reports, a medical consultant’s letter to a patient, health and safety regulations, employment policies, and legal documents.

So How Do I Produce a Great Piece of Technical Writing?

Let’s take it in three stages: Who? What? How?

Who Is It For?

In any type of writing, knowing your audience is important. This is particularly true of technical writing. Here are some examples of who might read technical writing:

·  A renter of an apartment that needs details on their lease

·  An electrical engineer who needs to know how the wiring is laid out in the apartment block

·  The janitor of that same building who needs to know the location of the emergency lights

·  The occupant of apartment 61, who needs to know how to use the oven in their kitchen

They all need information presented to them, but what information do they need?

What Do They Need?

The renter needs a legal document that leaves no room for doubt about their legal rights and obligations and those of their landlord. The document will be very detailed, containing terms that need careful explanation.

The electrical engineer needs accurate, clear information about the wiring, as they could get hurt or cause harm to someone else if the diagram is inaccurate.

The janitor needs clear directions and a map of where the emergency lights are.

The occupant of apartment 61 needs instructions that are written in plain English so they can use their oven safely.

How Should Technical Writing Be Composed?

Follow these steps when writing a technical document:

·  Research and know your subject thoroughly.

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·  Decide on the appropriate writing style. Just because it’s technical, doesn’t mean it has to contain lots of jargon . Be concise, be direct, and be straightforward.

·  Consider whether you need to include diagrams, maps, images, charts, and/or tables.

·  If writing instructions, take it one step at a time, write objectively , and make sure the instructions work!

Examples of Technical Writing

Let’s look at some examples:

The first version contains unnecessary words, but the warnings are not specific enough. The instructions should be concise and clear. In the second version, the danger is stated right away, and the critical warnings are concise and specific.

In these examples, the first version is unnecessarily wordy. It provides a lot of detail for minor tasks but gives vague instructions for bigger tasks. The second version is much clearer. The instructions are easier to follow, and they include each necessary step.

Good technical writing needs the following attributes:

1. Relevance

2. Accuracy

4. Accessibility

5. Simplicity

Really good technical writing will include these attributes every time.

Is technical writing difficult?

Technical writing does not have to be difficult if you follow our guide and do your research beforehand.

Are there professional bodies for technical writers?

There are several professional organizations for technical writing. This list from UTA Libraries is very useful.

What can I do if I’m not sure that my technical writing style is appropriate to my subject?

We have experts in many fields who can check your writing and advise on style .

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Home › Writing › What is Technical Writing? › 8 Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You 

8 Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You 

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As a technical writer, you may end up being confused about your job description because each industry and organization can have varying duties for you. At times, they may ask for something you’ve never written before. In that case, you can consider checking out some technical writing examples to get you started. 

If you’re beginning your technical writing career, it’s advisable to go over several technical writing examples to make sure you get the hang of it. You don’t necessarily have to take a gander over at industry-specific examples; you can get the general idea in any case. 

This article will go over what technical writing is and some of the common technical writing examples to get you started. If you’re looking to see some examples via video, watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead.

If you’re looking to learn via video, watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead.

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Let’s start by covering what technical writing is .

What Exactly is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is all about easily digestible content regarding a specialized product or service for the public. Technical writers have to translate complex technical information into useful and easy-to-understand language. 

There are many examples of technical writing, such as preparing instruction manuals and writing complete guides. In some cases, technical writing includes preparing research journals, writing support documents, and other technical documentation. 

The idea is to help the final user understand any technical aspects of the product or service. 

In other cases, technical writing means that the writer needs to know something. For example, pharmaceutical companies may hire medical writers to write their content since they have the required knowledge. 

If you’re interested in learning more about these technical writing skills, then check out our Technical Writing Certification Course.

Technical Writing Certifications

8 Technical Writing Examples to Get You Started 

As a technical writer, you may have to learn new things continually, increase your knowledge, and work with new forms of content. While you may not have experience with all forms of technical writing, it’s crucial to understand how to do it. 

If you learn all the intricacies of technical writing and technical documents, you can practically work with any form of content, given that you know the format. 

Therefore, the following examples of technical writing should be sufficient for you to get an idea. The different types of technical writing have unique characteristics that you can easily learn and master effectively. 

1. User Manuals 

fitbit user manual

User manuals or instruction manuals come with various products, such as consumer electronics like televisions, consoles, cellphones, kitchen appliances, and more. The user manual serves as a complete guide on how to use the product, maintain it, clean it, and more.  All technical manuals, including user manuals, have to be highly user-friendly. The technical writer has to write a manual to even someone with zero experience can use the product. Therefore, the target audience of user manuals is complete novices, amateurs, and people using the product/s for the first time. 

Traditionally, user manuals have had text and diagrams to help users understand. However, user manuals have photographs, numbered diagrams, disclaimers, flow charts, sequenced instructions, warranty information, troubleshooting guides, and contact information in recent times. 

Technical writers have to work with engineers, programmers, and product designers to ensure they don’t miss anything. The writer also anticipates potential issues ordinary users may have by first using the product. That helps them develop a first-hand experience and, ultimately, develop better user manuals. 

The point of the user manual isn’t to predict every possible issue or problem. Most issues are unpredictable and are better handled by the customer support or help desk. User manuals are there to address direct and common issues at most. 

You can check out some user manual examples and templates here . You can download them in PDF and edit them to develop an idea about how you can write a custom user manual for your product. 

2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 

SOP manual

Standard operating procedures are complete processes for each organization’s various tasks to ensure smoother operations. SOPs help make each process more efficient, time-saving, and less costly. 

An SOP document can include:

  • Everything from the method of processing payroll.
  • Hiring employees.
  • Calculating vacation time to manufacturing guidelines.

In any case, SOPs ensure that each person in an organization works in unison and uniformly to maintain quality. 

SOPs help eliminate irregularities, favoritism, and other human errors if used correctly. Lastly, SOPs make sure employees can take the responsibilities of an absent employee, so there’s no lag in work. 

Therefore, developing SOPs requires a complete study of how an organization works and its processes. 

Here are some examples of standard operating procedures you can study. You can edit the samples directly or develop your own while taking inspiration from them. 

3. Case Studies & White Papers 

AWS white paper

Case studies and white papers are a way of demonstrating one’s expertise in an area. Case studies delve into a specific instance or project and have takeaways proving or disproving something. White papers delve into addressing any industry-specific challenge, issue, or problem. 

Both case studies and white papers are used to get more business and leads by organizations. 

Technical writers who write white papers and case studies need to be experts in the industry and the project itself. It’s best if the technical writer has prior experience in writing such white papers. 

The writing style of white papers and case studies is unique, along with the formatting. Both documents are written for a specific target audience and require technical writing skills. Case studies are written in a passive voice, while white papers are written in an active voice. In any case, it’s crucial to maintain a certain level of knowledge to be able to pull it off. 

You can check out multiple white paper examples here , along with various templates and guides. You can check out some examples here for case studies, along with complete templates. 

4. API Documentation 

Amazon Alexa API documentation

API documentation includes instructions on effectively using and integrating with any API, such as web-API, software API, and SCPIs. API documentation contains details about classes, functions, arguments, and other information required to work with the API. It also includes examples and tutorials to help make integration easier. 

In any case, API documentation helps clients understand how it works and how they can effectively implement API. In short, it helps businesses and people interact with the code more easily. 

You can find a great example of proper API documentation in how Dropbox’s API documentation works. You can learn more about it here . 

5. Press Releases 

Splunk press release

Press releases are formal documents issued by an organization or agency to share news or to make an announcement. The idea is to set a precedent for releasing any key piece of information in a follow-up press conference, news release, or on a social media channel. 

The press release emphasizes why the information is important to the general public and customers. It’s a fact-based document and includes multiple direct quotes from major company stakeholders, such as the CEO. 

Usually, press releases have a very specific writing process. Depending on the feasibility, they may have an executive summary or follow the universal press release format. 

You can find several examples of press releases from major companies like Microsoft and Nestle here , along with some writing tips. 

6. Company Documents 

Orientation guide

Company documents can include various internal documents and orientation manuals for new employees. These documents can contain different information depending on their use. 

For example, orientation manuals include:

  • The company’s history.
  • Organizational chart.
  • List of services and products.
  • Map of the facility.
  • Dress codes.

It may also include employee rights, responsibilities, operation hours, rules, regulations, disciplinary processes, job descriptions, internal policies, safety procedures, educational opportunities, common forms, and more. 

Writing company documents requires good technical writing skills and organizational knowledge. Such help files assist new employees in settling into the company and integrating more efficiently. 

Here are some great examples of orientation manuals you can check out. 

7. Annual Reports 

Annual report

Annual reports are yearly updates on a company’s performance and other financial information. Annual reports directly correspond with company stakeholders and serve as a transparency tool. 

The annual reports can also be technical reports in some cases. However, mostly they include stock performance, financial information, new product information, and key developments. 

Technical writers who develop annual reports must compile all the necessary information and present it in an attractive form. It’s crucial to use creative writing and excellent communication skills to ensure that the maximum amount of information appears clearly and completely. 

If the company is technical, such as a robotics company, the technical writer needs to develop a technical communication method that’s easy to digest. 

You can check out some annual report examples and templates here . 

8. Business Plans 

Business plan

Every company starts with a complete business plan to develop a vision and secure funding. If a company is launching a new branch, it still needs to start with a business plan. 

In any case, the business plan has a few predetermined sections. To develop the ideal business plan, include the following sections in it. 

  • Executive Summary – includes the business concept, product, or service, along with the target market. It may also include information on key personnel, legal entity, founding date, location, and brief financial information. 
  • Product or Service Description – includes what the offering is, what value it provides, and what stage of development it is in currently. 
  • Team Members – includes all the information on the management team. 
  • Competitor and Market Analysis – includes a detailed analysis of the target market and potential competitors. 
  • Organizational System – includes information on how the organizational structure would work. 
  • Schedules – include start dates, hiring dates, planning dates, and milestones. 
  • Risks and Opportunities – include profit and loss predictions and projections. 
  • Financial Planning – includes planned income statements, liquidity measures, projected balance sheet, and more. 
  • Appendix – includes the organizational chart, resumes, patents, and more. 

The technical writer needs to work closely with the company stakeholders to develop a complete business plan. 

According to your industry, you can check out hundreds of business plan samples and examples here . 

Becoming an Expert Technical Writer 

Becoming an expert technical writer is all about focusing on your strengths. For example, you should try to focus on one to two industries or a specific form of technical writing. You can do various writing assignments and check out technical writing samples to understand what you’re good with. 

You can also check out user guides and get online help in determining your industry. Once you’ve nailed down an industry and technical writing type, you can start to focus on becoming an expert in it. 

In any case, it always helps to check out technical writing examples before starting any project. Try to check out examples of the same industry and from a similar company. Start your writing process once you have a complete idea of what you need to do. 

Since technical writing involves dealing with complex information, the writer needs to have a solid base on the topic. That may require past experience, direct technical knowledge, or an ability to understand multiple pieces of information quickly and effectively. 

In becoming a technical writer, you may have to work with various other people, such as software developers, software engineers, human resources professionals, product designers, and other subject matter experts. 

While most organizations tend to hire writers with a history in their fields, others opt for individuals with great writing skills and team them up with their employees. 

Technical writers may also work with customer service experts, product liability specialists, and user experience professionals to improve the end-user experience. In any case, they work closely with people to develop digestible content for the end customers. 

Today, you can also find several technical writers online. There is an increasing demand for technical writing because of the insurgence of SaaS companies, e-commerce stores, and more. 

In the end, technical writers need to have a strong grasp of proper grammar, terminology, the product, and images, graphics, sounds, or videos to explain documentation.

If you are new to technical writing and are looking to break-in, we recommend taking our Technical Writing Certification Course , where you will learn the fundamentals of being a technical writer, how to dominate technical writer interviews, and how to stand out as a technical writing candidate.

technical essay example

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How to Write a Technical Essay

How to Write a Dissertation Summary

How to Write a Dissertation Summary

Unlike a personal or an expository essay, technical essays are intended to educate and inform about a technical topic. They tend to have a more regimented format than other types of essays. They naturally include an introduction, a body and a conclusion, but they also include elements that make them more like research documentation, including references and an abstract. Thus, writing one requires a sense of organization and credibility.

Essay Purpose

The technical essay is intended to explore a technical or scientific subject, to explain how to carry out a particular technical task, or to argue for a particular method of doing something. Essays could involve subjects in mathematics, computer science, physics or any other topic that could benefit from a written explanation of the processes required to complete a task or the reasons a researcher chose a particular method.

Essay Format

In general, these types of essays follow a similar format as research or other academic papers. If you're writing the technical essay for a specific journal or a college course, check whether there are any specific requirements for formatting your essay. You may be required to use a specific font in a specific size, for example, or justify the paragraphs to the left-hand side of the page without paragraph indentations. In addition, you may have specific requirements for how to format the section titles and reference materials or works cited. Research papers often employ the American Psychological Association, or APA, citation style. In an academic setting, not getting these elements perfect could cause you to lose points; in a business setting, poor formatting could make you look like an amateur.

Essay Structure

A technical essay typically presents a question, details the methods explored to answer the question, and then presents a conclusion. Like with academic research papers, start off with a compelling title that describes the question you seek to answer or the methods you're going to describe, then begin with a section titled "Abstract" that details your question or method, your process of inquiry and your conclusion, all in a brief paragraph of a few sentences. Following that, create headings such as "Introduction" -- sometimes also called a "Thesis" -- and then "Methodology" and "Conclusion." Create this structure first, and then make a few notes about what you plan to include in each section. Creating this structure first can help you start to organize your thoughts and make the task of filling in the details less overwhelming.

Filling in the Sections

In the "Introduction" section, describe why you decided to explore this particular topic and why it might matter to the readers; the Writing Center at Harvard University also suggests to provide the background historical context that precipitated your inquiry. Follow this up with a description of what you're going to explore in the subsequent paragraphs, then dive into the details of your exploration in the "Methodology" section. If you carried out several experiments or explored several questions in your research, you might need to break this section down further and create subheads that describe your practices. Throughout the section, stick to tight, declarative sentences that describe the methodology as clearly and simply as possible. If you're explaining a complicated process, use bullet points to visually break up each step and make it easier for the reader to digest. In the "Conclusion" section, briefly review your question and methodology again, and describe what result you've come to through this process. At the very end, include your references.

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  • Carleton University: Academic Essay Writing: Some Guidelines
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Nicole Vulcan has been a journalist since 1997, covering parenting and fitness for The Oregonian, careers for CareerAddict, and travel, gardening and fitness for Black Hills Woman and other publications. Vulcan holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and journalism from the University of Minnesota. She's also a lifelong athlete and is pursuing certification as a personal trainer.


How to Write a Technical Essay

Students are required to write different essays during their time at school, ranging from argumentative to descriptive and narrative. Even if you’re accustomed to writing these types of essays, the technical ones differ. These types of essays are intended to educate readers about a topic which is scientific.

What is a technical essay?

Technical writing is distinct from writing an essay due to its purpose, audience, structure, and style. Technical writing focuses on conveying specific information, instructions, or explanations related to a technical subject. It is clear, concise, and task-oriented, aimed at helping readers understand and perform tasks effectively. Essays, on the other hand, are more expressive and exploratory, often presenting arguments, analysis, and personal viewpoints. While essays may be creative and flexible in structure, technical writing follows a structured format with headings, bullet points, and diagrams. In essence, technical writing prioritizes clarity and usability, while essays emphasize exploration and persuasion.

Be aware of the reasons for the essay you wrote.

Find out more about formatting styles..

Technical essays tend to be written in a similar style to research papers and other academic writings, with respect to the formatting. In the event that you’re writing an article for a specific journal or degree programme, it is important to be aware of the formatting guidelines. You may also be asked to use a specific font size or to align your paragraphs on the different edges of the pages.

When you write for academic purposes Failure to include the necessary elements mentioned above could result in a low grade. When you write for professional purposes, documents that are not properly formatted may appear sloppy and make you appear an amateur. Know the format style required to allow others to be impressed by your work.

Don’t forget about the structure

Join the two sections..

Write down the reasons why you chose to study this particular topic and also explain why this subject is important to your reader In the “Introduction” section. Also, Harvard University Writing Center Harvard University Writing Center suggests adding some historical context that will help your research.

If your research involves many questions or tests it is advised to split this section into sections and include subheadings to explain your approach. In each section, you should give your readers an analysis report that clearly and concisely defines the procedure and the process. If your subject requires the examination of a complex procedure, you can utilize the bullet point format to clearly separate every part to help readers understand the concept.

Be sure to label the document in the correct way.

If you are writing technical essays it is recommended to name the document in order that it is able to be displayed along with the content. Include the entire essay’s title. Also, ensure that the name of the file doesn’t contain spaces. Make more use of dashes. In addition, not only is the right name essential for the overall layout however, it must be easy and clear to comprehend. 

Many people think they are similar to persuasive essays due to their structure. However, there are a lot of distinctions to consider. For example, technical essays can be utilized to accomplish specific research goals which require a deeper dive into specific scientific methods and related topics, and other topics. In case some help is needed, feel free to share your tasks with the best academic writing assistant – studycrumb . 

Additionally, technical essays must be written in compliance to specific guidelines. The most important thing to remember is to use appropriate headings and subheadings. In addition, you need to identify the document in a manner that demonstrates that the document is geared towards technical. When you’re done you’ll have a clear concept of how to write an outstanding technical essay, if you stick to the rules above.

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Home » Blog » 8 Great Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You

8 Great Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You



Detailed examples are a treasure for technical writers. They are a great way to understand and adapt to the best practices that can make your technical writing content stand out.

An example of good technical writing can help you identify phrases, words, and practices that can improve your content. They can also help you start writing a type of technical document you haven’t read before.

However, there aren’t only  good  examples of other technical documentation writing out there. A poorly written technical document example can also teach lessons on avoiding common mistakes. The example work allows you to develop a writing outlook to create successful technical documentation.

We will discuss technical writing and how you can write a technical document. We will also enlist eight technical writing examples that may help you write exceptional pieces.

What is Technical Writing?

Free Person Writing On A Notebook Beside Macbook Stock Photo

Whenever technical information is written and documented, it is technical writing. Technical writing contains all documentation for complex technical processes. It includes executive summary statements, reports, briefs, and much more.

It can also include high-tech manufacturing, biotech, aerospace, finance, IT, engineering, and supply chain information. The format of a technical document is no longer bound to lengthy user manuals; it must be distilled and presented unambiguously. It can also come in technical reports, emails, briefs, press releases, or policies.

8 Best Technical Writing Examples

Technical writing continues to be a high conversion skill in all professional workplaces. Its demand grows at 10% annually from 2014 to 2022 — faster than any other occupation. Therefore, it would be great if you learned to write complex documents for your organization, and we have prepared a list of technical  writing examples  to help you understand and write better.

1. User Manuals

Writing a user manual is a daunting task for a  technical writer , as it contains all the instructions a user needs to operate a product or feature. Writing a user manual requires a combination of organizational and technical writing skills, so it is an essential example of technical writing to follow.

Before moving into the components of a user manual, make sure you have worked on three things for this type of technical writing: 1) collecting information, 2) choosing structure and style, and 3) putting the manual together.

Here are five major components of effective user manuals:

a. Procedure

It is the central part or body of the user manual that explains the process. The logical, numbered steps help the user solve the problem. Illustrations can also be used to facilitate component or experience visualization.

Avoid technical language whenever there is a risk of isolating audience segments. The best way to make your content super easy is to imagine you are writing for a junior high school student. Tables and graphs can also be included to show how content sections relate, complement, and contrast.

c. Glossary of Terms

Every industry has its language and vocabulary. However, some users are not familiar with even the most commonly used terms. A glossary of terms serves as their reference and a home for each term. It eliminates the need for technical writers to restate and re-explain definitions repeatedly.

d. Table of Contents

As a general rule, if a user manual exceeds 10–12 pages, you must use a table of contents. The entries are listed in order of presentation with accompanying page numbers.

e. Precautionary Information

Notes of caution, warnings, and danger notices help user safety. They also help the manufacturer address liability concerns related to the product. Also, use universal graphic symbols to present each type of risk to the reader.

A user manual’s content can range from less than a dozen to hundreds of pages. The more complex the product or service, the lengthier the manual. In its ideal state, a user manual is a set of instructions presented in a style and format that helps quick reference and facilitates the product’s success in the market.

Unbounce’s user manual is a sublime example of effective user documentation. Their documentation is easy to navigate, with each step having its table of contents to make it easy to find. Refer to their user manual as a standard if you ever write a user manual.

technical essay example

Example taken from “How Do I Add My Domain To Unbounce?” User Manual

2. API Documentation

Similar to the user manual, API documentation helps guide the user through configuring an API. Before we move to API documentation, let us reveal exactly what API is.

API is the short form for the application programming interface. It is like a bridge between your computer, mobile phone, or other application and external resources.

In simple words, APIs allow the software to interact with other software programs, resources, and databases. Since APIs are built by software developers, it is easier for a software developer to create the documentation.

Moving on to the next part of writing API documentation, here is what you must include.

a. An Overview

An overview is just like an abstract page of a project report. It contains a summary of the API and the problem it is solving. It also includes the benefits of using the particular API over similar ones.

b. Tutorial

It is the main instructional body of the documentation. A tutorial must include different content formats you are using to explain the concept of the API to the user. It also contains links for reference and a detailed guide for integrating and consuming the API so it functions properly.

c. Examples

Once you have explained how the API works and provided steps, it is a good idea to show examples of it. Examples of calls, error handling, responses, and other operations can help demonstrate how the developer interacts with the API.

d. Glossary

Although a glossary is optional, it is recommended for your API documentation. Instead of boring the user with long text blocks, explanations of various terms, images, and schemas can be pushed to the glossary. Then, you can reference these things in the documentation and link to the glossary.

Stripe API Reference  is the best example of API documentation and a work of art. It includes a sleek, two-panel design, with explanations written in plain English on the left and handy code snippets on the right. It has all the crucial information one needs.

technical essay example

The example is taken from Stripe’s “API Reference”  API Documentation

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

A standard operating procedure or SOP is a set of written instructions. They describe the step-by-step process of performing a routine activity. SOPs follow the same approach every time to guarantee that the organization remains consistent and complies with industry regulations and business standards.

SOPs provide the policies, standards, and processes required for the organization to succeed. They also benefit a business by reducing errors and increasing profitability and efficiencies. They create a comfortable work environment and generate guidelines for how to resolve issues and overcome obstacles.

Before writing the SOP, ensure the writers perform a risk assessment. It will help them determine any obstacles that may arise during the process. They should also consider the risk associated with those obstacles.

Here are the three components that comprise a standard operating procedure.

  • Title Page: A title page lists the title of the SOP, what it is written for, its SOP identification, and the names and signatures of the people who prepared and approved the manual.
  • Table of Contents: It provides easy access to the various sections in large SOPs.
  • Steps of Procedure: It includes explanations of the task’s goal, roles and responsibilities, terminology, regulatory requirements, descriptions of what should be done to complete each step, and a discussion of decisions that must be made. It is the central part and takes the main portion of the SOP.

Once technical writers finish the draft, it must be reviewed, edited, and tested. The process should repeat until all stakeholders have written and approved an SOP. At this point, the SOP can be distributed to each person who needs it.

These technical writing examples record the production line procedures used to train employees and make products. It can also be used in finance and administrative environments to document the processes of customer finance collection. Examples of how an SOP is used can be found in a manufacturing environment.

technical essay example

Example taken from WHO’s “ Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) : Waste management of used COVID-19 vaccines vials and ancillary supply ” SOP

Both case studies and white papers are the most potent and sought-after types of content. Both can help an organization generate leads for the business. However, both differ in purpose, audience, and funnel stage.

White Papers

A white paper is a technical document that helps readers understand an issue and devise a strategy to solve a problem or make a decision. It is a lengthy piece of content, at approximately 2,000 words or six pages. White papers can be practical to target people at all steps of the funnel.

One white paper can create awareness of a persona’s problem by targeting someone at the top of the funnel. While a second can focus on advanced product uses, targeting someone at the bottom of the funnel.

Technical writing examples like white papers include the following:

  • Introduction with a problem statement
  • Proposed solution

Case Studies

On the other hand, a case study features extended testimonials on how a product or service helped a customer. It is shorter than a white paper and consists of around 800 words. These are best suited for the audiences at the top or middle of the funnel. Use these to create awareness of a problem and show how a solution worked for a real customer.

These technical writing examples include the following components:

  • Executive summary
  • Outlining customer’s challenges
  • The leading reader through the customer’s journey
  • Moment of discovery
  • Writing solutions as the central part
  • Walking reader through implementation
  • Celebrating customer results
  • Closing with CTA

Gravitate’s  setting the stage for success  is the best example of how to transform a detailed case study for an easier read. It introduces the customer to give visitors a little background of what they do. Then they dive straight into their role of helping the customer with a robust marketing strategy.

Global Trade Professionals Alliance’s (GTPA)  Capacity Building And Standards Development For Inclusive Trade  is the top example of a white paper. It starts with an overview of the problem, then states the role of GTPA in solving the problem, and finally, it reveals the outcomes and way forward.

technical essay example


4. Press Releases

Free Ethnic female traveler with backpack and newspaper near wall Stock Photo

A press release is a short yet compelling news story. These technical writing examples are written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media. Its goal is to press release the interest of a community or business. The press release contains all the necessary information for the journalists to quickly produce their stories.

It is also defined as a brief, printed statement highlighting significant facts of a news story in journalistic style. A press release can read like a news story, written in the third person but cites quotes and sources containing standard press release information.

Press releases are essential as they can be an excellent way to start a dialogue with a report. Journalists usually get dozens of irrelevant press releases every day. So, if you reach out to a reporter with a well-written press release, they may take notice and appreciate it. The press release also helps build credibility and control the narrative. Moreover, it can also build SEO traffic and increase customer engagement with your product or service.

A press release has six essential components. These include:

  • Data and location
  • Boiler place

The top example of a press release is  Hobby Lobby’s press release . Hobby Lobby is a nationwide retail store that issued a press release announcing an increase in the minimum wage.

With an ongoing debate on minimum wage, the store gave a newsworthy story for corporations to instill a minimum wage increase. Not only did this build a positive brand image, but it also helped attract and retain more staff.

technical essay example

Example taken from Hobby Lobby’s “ Hobby Lobby Raises Minimum Wage ” Press Release

5. Business Plans

A business plan is a technical document that tells the company’s objectives in detail. It also describes the strategies for achieving these objectives. A business plan lays out a written guide for the firm from financial, operational, and marketing standpoints. Startups and established companies use business plans as their basic requirement. These technical writing examples are essential for a company’s external and internal audiences.

For instance, a business plan can be used to bring investment even if the company doesn’t have an established track record. It can also help secure lending from financial institutions. Additionally, a business plan keeps a company’s executive team on the same page about strategic actions. It helps them meet established goals. Sometimes, a business plan is created for a business that decides to move in a new direction.

Below are some of the most common components of a business plan.

  • Market analysis
  • Products and services
  • Marketing strategy
  • Financial planning

A business plan is not as difficult as one might think. It is a written tool about a business that projects 3 to 5 years ahead. It also outlines a company’s path to making money and growing its revenue. Think of your business plan as a living project for your business and not a one-time project. Break it down into mini plans like one for sales, pricing, marketing, and so on.

If you want to write your business plan, know there is no right or wrong way to write it. You can pick a plan format and start writing. It also helps you reach business milestones and get you the required funding. The important thing is that your business plan must meet your needs.

ThoughtCo’s  business plan for a fictional company called Acme Management is the best example of a business plan. Its executive summary occupies nearly half the page. So, if you intend to write your business plan, follow this example as your guide.

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Example taken from ThoughtCo.’s “ Sample Business Plan ”

6. Company Documents

Business or company documents are written papers that represent you, your department, and your company. Whether it is external parties or other stakeholders in your organization, a company document will list them all. For precision, a company document is any sort of format document that is used for business purposes.

Free A Man Sitting at the Table Stock Photo

Multiple things fall into the company documents category. The list can be extended, but we will only include the most common things considered for a company document.

  • Accounting Documents
  • Formal Letters or Memos
  • Financial Documents
  • Meeting Summaries
  • Business Plans
  • Customer Service Documents
  • Operational Documents

How to Write a Company Document

A company document is not only a representation of your company but also represents you. So, make sure you do a solid job putting these materials together. If you don’t know already, here is how you write the best version of a company document.

First, start with an outline that is well-organized and highly structured to be effective. If you begin writing prematurely, the thoughts will be less structured and repetitive. So, before starting, always do three things: 1) generate ideas, 2) organize, and 3) structure.

Secondly, do not bury the lead. Do not hide the most critical information deep within your writing. In company documents, do not start with a bunch of fluff. You do not need to introduce anyone and build anticipation. A business document should be as streamlined and straightforward as possible.

Thirdly, use active verbs. You do not need to make your business document a thriller; neither should it be dry and bland. Instead, make your documents a little more engaging to keep the audience engaged.

Syngenta’s financial report  is the perfect example of a business document. Please give it a read to understand the main components of an excellent company document.

7. Annual Reports

Free Close-Up Photo of Accounting Documents Stock Photo

As the name suggests, an annual report is a comprehensive overview of a business’s achievements and financial statements from the preceding year. It also tells the financial status and vision for the future. It is produced annually and provided to shareholders, stakeholders, investors, and others to inform them of the business’s overall performance.

Today, businesses and organizations create different types of annual reports. These are used as a marketing tool for organizations to impress their investors and donors1, showcase their brand to employees and companies, and attract new ones. Each type of annual report is designed with a specific goal in mind.

A standard annual report for a public company must have:

  • A letter from the CEO
  • Corporate financial data
  • Market segment information
  • Operation and impact
  • Plans for new products
  • Subsidiary activities
  • Research and development activities

Length and Components of Annual Reports

Depending on the size of a company, an annual report can range between 20 to 200 pages. Remember that actual human being read your annual report. So, it must not be filled with fluff. Make it easy to read, review, and understand for the concerned people.

The annual report’s main section should include the following as its components:

  • A table of contents
  • Mission and vision statement
  • CSR initiatives
  • An afterword
  • Charts, graphs, and tables

Concerning annual reports, MailChimp’s name tops the list for great examples. With bold colors and playful illustrations, the  2020 report  feels more like a video game than a regular annual report. It includes yearly traditional report content, like information about products and sales, as well as fun anecdotes about their culture and data about value-based initiatives they will take. As a result, an exciting and entertaining recap of the year is formed.

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Example is taken from  MailChimps’s 2020 Annual Report

6 Steps to Craft the Best Technical Document in 2022

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After you know all the best technical writing examples, it is time to write one. But what if you write a technical document and no one reads it? To avoid this, here are six steps that one must follow to create a technical document that everyone loves to read.

1. Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is indispensable, especially when creating technical content for a product or service. For instance, a cab driver may have a different level of knowledge and understanding than a doctor reading your SOPs.

So, before you write or even create an outline, make sure you have a clear idea of who your readers are. Knowing this lets you adjust your tone, vocabulary, and framing accordingly. It also helps you to meet your readers’ needs from their point of knowledge.

2. Do Your Research

Free Person Holding Blue Ballpoint Pen on White Notebook Stock Photo

As a technical writer, you have to guide your readers through unfamiliar territory. For this, you must know everything about that particular thing. Otherwise, it will be unwise to expect a tremendous technical document. Remember, you can only teach what you thoroughly know and understand. A knowledge gap is immediately visible when you are not thorough in your research.

The best way to do this is to place yourself in your reader’s shoes. Then, imagine you had zero knowledge of a particular thing. Doing this will force you to cover all the potential questions that come to your mind.

3. Craft an Outline

An outline is essential because it gives a roadmap of what to cover in your piece. It can also help identify knowledge gaps as you conduct your research. A longer form of technical content, like white papers and case studies, always requires an outline. It serves as their marker to remind you of what you need to include in your technical document.

Some  technical writing , like business plans and annual reports, has predefined formats. You can also use a template in place of an outline.

All in all, crafting an outline is an essential component of writing great technical content.

4. Prioritize Readability

Free Woman Sitting on Chair Using Black Ipad Stock Photo

Technical writing is more fact-based rather than entertaining. So, to tackle complicated topics, use sentences that are easily readable and can make your work more enjoyable to read.

In contrast, if you are verbose in your sentences and use words that are hard to understand, you will only frustrate your reader. To improve the readability of your technical content writing, apply these tips:

  • Use shorter, direct sentences that are easy to follow. Avoid passive voice wherever possible.
  • Add subheadings to break up the long texts for better readability.
  • Bold text and highlight paragraphs for emphasis and improving readability.
  • Add hyperlinks for web pages to reference and navigate to other sections of your piece.

5. Add Visuals

Free Overhead Shot of a Paper with Graphs and Charts Stock Photo

A technical document is all about words and sentences, but if you add visuals, it makes both writing and reading easier. Adding visuals is becoming less of an option and a necessity today. With flowcharts, illustrations, screenshots, and more, a technical document needs a dose of visuals to look presentable.

Whether creating a user manual or business documents, your reader will be happy to see product drawings, pie charts displaying the numbers, and more.

6. Cut the Fluff

Once you have written the technical document, the final part is to double-check the facts and cut the unnecessary information.

But what exactly is fluff? Fluff is anything that does not add value to your content; instead, it negatively impacts the understanding of your text. It can be a word, a sentence, or a phrase — if you find it, cut it off. Every word in your technical document must add value to your reader’s life.

Once you know the steps to write a technical document, it is time to learn the tips that will help you write effectively.

Tips for Improving Technical Writing

Free Woman Writing on a Notebook Beside Teacup and Tablet Computer Stock Photo

Poor writing affects the reader’s understanding of the product. It also damages the reputation of the company. So, how do you make your technical writing more inspiring and practical? Below are the five tips that will make your technical writing skills superb, even if you are just starting to write.

  • Stick to a technical writing style
  • Use plain language
  • Give important information first
  • Clear sentence structure
  • Don’t use passive voice

Good technical writing is not easy to achieve and often quite challenging to find. However, with these technical writing tips, you can take your writing to the next level and maximize the value you provide to your audience.

Now that you’ve read this guide with technical writing examples, remember the document you create represents your company. If it’s written poorly, the user will consider it useless, and the company’s reputation will be at risk.

On the other hand, if it’s written well and follows every instruction, it will enhance user understanding, and the company will attract more attention.

So, read this guide carefully and create your technical documents accordingly. Whatever type of technical document you write, follow the rules defined above, and they will improve your skills. Always keep; a note of your mistakes and things you have learned, and never stop honing your skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s take a look at some questions and answers:

What should be the format for technical writing?

Technical documents typically use single spacing, without indented first paragraph lines. Paragraphs are separated by an additional space.

What are the two purposes of technical writing?

Technical writing focuses on simplifying complex concepts to create easily understandable documentation for users. Clear and concise documentation not only aids users but also helps organizations enhance business processes by enabling efficient communication.

What are the primary characteristics of technical writing?

Technical writing employs specialized vocabulary to convey precise information about products and procedures. However, writers prioritize using plain language and avoiding overly complex terms to ensure comprehension. They rely on literal and straightforward definitions to convey information clearly.

What kind of language is used for technical writing?

Technical writing typically uses straightforward language, shorter sentences, and direct voice. This approach caters to a less knowledgeable audience who require information that is easy to understand and act upon without delay.

Where is technical writing required?

Technical writing is the most prevalent form of technical communication. It is widely used in various fields, including computer technologies, architecture, and engineering.

Josh Fechter

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How to Write A Technical Essay

Technical Essay

Thornie Longmuir

  • April 5, 2022
  • Reading Time: 4 minutes

Unlike personal or explanatory essays, technical essays are designed to inform about a technical topic. Such papers tend to have a more regulated format than other papers. Thus, writing requires a sense of organization.

  • Purpose of the essay

You need to study a technical subject and explain how to accomplish a specific technical assignment or to argue for a specific method of doing something. Essays are written for such disciplines as computer science, math, physics, and other technical subjects.

As you can see, writing a technical essay may not be easy, especially if you have this task for the first time. If you face some problems, you can get help from services like getcodinghelp.com . There, you can find an expert who understands your topic. Such help is also suitable for those who cannot complete the task on time. 

  • Essay format

Technical essays have the same format as a research or other scientific paper. However, you need to find out if there are any special formatting requirements for your paper. You may need, for example, to use a specific font or align paragraphs to the left of the page without indents. You need to check whether your essay should be written in MLA , APA , or Chicago format style. In the academic sphere, not following the required style can lead to a low grade; in the business sphere, poor formatting can make you an amateur.

  • Structure of a technical essay

Start with a heading that describes the question you want to answer or the methods you are about to describe. Then write an abstract section detailing your question or method, your research process, and your conclusion, all in a short paragraph of several sentences. After that, create headings for the introduction, main body, and conclusion.

  • Writing essay sections

In the introduction of your technical essay, describe why you chose to explore this topic and why it is of value to your readers. Then provide a description of what you intend to research in the following paragraphs, and then dive into the details of your research in the main body. If you have conducted multiple experiments or explored multiple questions in your research, use this section and write subheadings describing what you are going to talk about in this particular subsection. In the conclusion, describe how you have achieved the result of the research process. At the very end, include the section with used sources.

  • Recommendations for writing an IT essay

By creating this essay, students demonstrate the skills of independent search and analytical work, immerse themselves in the topic, and try to find a solution to a specific problem that is embedded in the topic of the paper. But not all students know how to write an essay in IT. There are certain recommendations following which you can write a high-quality, informative, meaningful paper.

6. Stages of writing an essay on IT

An essay on IT is a scientific work; therefore, it should be approached responsibly and with complete seriousness. When writing it, the student reviews existing sources of literature and supplements the material with his or her own conclusions.

Let’s consider in stages how writing an essay looks and what needs to be taken into account.

  • Choosing a topic for the technical essay

As a rule, university teachers offer students a list of topics to choose from. When the topic is chosen, it is approved by the teacher. Alternatively, you can offer your ideas, but it should be borne in mind that the topic should be relevant and correspond to the content of the IT discipline.

  • Collect and analyze the material for the technical essay

This stage allows you to find information on the selected topic presented in different sources. Libraries, textbooks, the Internet – there is a lot of material here. If you have difficulties with the search, it is recommended to contact the teacher who will tell you where and in what sources you can find relevant information.

  • Think over the structure of the essay

There is no need to come up with something new since there are certain rules for the format and content of scientific works, and an essay on IT is no exception. It consists of:

  • Introduction
  • The main body – sections, subsections, paragraphs
  • List of used literature

Difficulties can arise when writing the main part of the text. Here, it is necessary to reveal the topic as much as possible, study the problem, and find a solution independently or based on information from other sources. If the student performs any calculations or creates tables or graphs, then they should be attached at the end of the essay. It is also important to adhere to the length recommended by the teacher.

7. Common mistakes

  • The text compiled purely on the basis of the author’s own thoughts, without using sources on the topic of the paper. The author is recommended to competently alternate personal thoughts with the studied information – this is how the objectivity of the presented data is achieved.
  • A bias towards presenting your own thoughts with a focus on the points of interest to you. This approach reduces the quality of the essay.
  • Lack of understanding of the essence of the problem posed with a lack of coherent text. A good technical essay is a detailed, comprehensive study of a topic. Such a paper is interesting to readers and valuable as scientific material.
  • Enumeration of outside thoughts, and the lack of the author’s position. Such an essay is not suitable, because without the author’s opinions it is not unique, but looks like a collection of other people’s ideas, developments, etc.

When it comes to writing technical essays, some students don’t know how to adjust. For this reason, we have presented this guide. You will succeed in writing if you follow our recommendations. Good luck!

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Writing a Technical Essay

Writing a technical essay is practically every student’s nightmare. The long hours put into researching, writing, and editing can be extremely exhausting — which is why students put it off so much. Since the summative essay is just around the corner, here is my guide to writing a technical essay to (hopefully) help you out a little bit.

  • Read the Essay Brief

Reading through the essay brief will provide you with a better understanding of what you’re supposed to write about. Once you’ve done that, identify the key ideas that you’ll need to cover, this will help you structure out your points in the essay.

  • Choose a Good Subject

This is extremely crucial as a good subject choice will allow you more flexibility in your writing. Make sure you can produce an in-depth, detailed essay regarding your chosen topic as this will show your tutors that you have a concise and thorough understanding of it (in other words go for more depth rather than breadth). If you’re unsure about your choices, approach your tutor. They will provide you with proper feedback and may even give you some tips along the way!

  • Start finding articles

Websites like ScienceDirect and Wiley are great for article-hunting. A good technical essay should have about 15 to 25 references. Don’t forget you can also use the references from the articles themselves! Download them and highlight information you find relevant, this will help you keep track of what you can write about in your essay.

Under ‘Essay Skills’ in BlackBoard, you can find an assignment task planner. Using this will help you allocate your time properly for research, structuring your essay, writing, and re-editing. There are also other tools that can help you as well so explore them!

  • Starting Your Essay

Start writing your essay from the introduction or the essay body. The abstract is practically a summary of your entire essay, so save that and the conclusion for last. You should have a formal writing style, and I would recommend citing your sources as you go; it makes your life easier, trust me.

  • Technicality vs. Simplicity

Striking a balance between technicality and simplicity is critical. Having too many technical terms will likely confuse the reader, and even digress them from what you were trying to say. A technical essay is a means of educating others; My advice is to write it so that people outside your field can understand and learn from it.

Happy writing! Don’t be shy to ask your seniors and tutors for help.

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Tips for Writing Technical Papers

Jennifer widom , january 2006, running example, paper title, the abstract, the introduction, related work, performance experiments, the conclusions, future work, the acknowledgements, grammar and small-scale presentation issues, versions and distribution.

7 Technical Writing Examples That Will Inspire You


If you think technical writing is always complicated, these seven examples will prove otherwise.

technical essay example

If you had to list elements of a great product, what would you name?

Features, customer service, marketing, and proven results are some of the apparent answers.

However, you shouldn’t forget that excellent documentation has the ability to elevate the product as much as a clever marketing strategy.

Although technical writing has a far broader scope than mere product documentation, there are some common principles that you should adhere to when writing any professional or occupational content.

For instance, technical writing should always be informative, but there are also ways you can make it enjoyable to read without compromising professionalism.

In this article, we’ll go through seven examples of technical writing and examine the elements that make them substantially more effective than average technical docs.

White Paper

White papers are great examples of how technical writing can contribute to the perception of your company.

A white paper is more than an informative tool; you can also use it to attract attention and generate leads.

11:11 Systems, an IT company, frequently capitalizes on this quality and produces excellent white papers, such as this one about cloud-based back-up and disaster recovery.

Developer Documentation

Who says that code-heavy developer documentation has to be boring? GitHub is the definitive proof of the opposite.

It may sometimes seem like sprucing up your technical documentation is futile.

After all, code is the primary reason people read it, and you can’t (and shouldn’t) really make the code entertaining.

However, GitHub manages to make this type of technical writing approachable by combining a clear layout with a multitude of screenshots and examples.

You can see how GitHub organizes information in the image below.

technical essay example

On the left side, you can see a clickable and expandable table of contents that makes navigating through the content easier.

Each part of the documentation is prefaced with an overview and definitions you’ll need to understand the section.

There are also step-by-step instructions so that the readers can’t get lost when setting up features.

technical essay example

GitHub also pays attention to the language.

For instance, not everybody finds API documentation particularly exciting, but GitHub still manages to inject the personality of their brand into their tech documentation.

Here’s an example.

technical essay example

You can also find phrases such as:

“The tokens in these examples are fake and the names have been changed to protect the innocent.”

So, the company occasionally uses humor to make the technical components less intimidating while still maintaining professionalism.

If your business needs to shape up developer and technical docs, you’ll be glad to hear that there are tools that let you emulate GitHub’s documentation outline.

For instance, Archbee, our product documentation platform, can help you build a clear, intuitive knowledge base you can either keep available only internally (within your company) or share with the world.

technical essay example

Unfortunately, we can’t supply your developer documentation with GitHub-like zingers, but we can make it organized and engaging.

Legal Disclaimer

Frequently overlooked as a part of the technical writing category, a legal disclaimer is an essential piece of documentation your business needs for protection against legal claims.

Jonathan Fields, a media producer, has an excellent example of a legal disclaimer on his website.

If you’ve ever browsed copyright, fair-use, or other types of legal disclaimers, you’ve probably noticed they’re loaded with legalese.

Indemnification , herein , notwithstanding are just some of the words that obfuscate the meaning of what is said.

When Jonathan Fields first created his affiliate disclaimer, he wanted to avoid the typical structure of legal disclaimers and write the policy in simple terms, boosted with a dose of humor.

technical essay example

However, Fields’ legal team probably wasn’t too fond of the disclaimer that you see above, seeing that it has since been replaced with a more subdued version.

technical essay example

As the screenshot of his current affiliate disclaimer shows, it’s possible to find a balance between starchy legalese and plain language in legal writing.

Fields started the disclaimer by thanking the audience, making the document sound more personal. The rest of the disclaimer describes the affiliate policy in clear terms.

The disclaimer is the perfect example of how technical writing doesn’t have to be yawn-inducing, even when legal documents are concerned.

Still, if you don’t want to spend hours drafting a legal disclaimer, you could hire a legal writer to make sure you’ve covered all crucial areas while maintaining the tone of professionalism.

Another option would be to automate the process with a policy-generating tool like this one.

technical essay example

The Free Privacy Policy tool generates different types of legal disclaimers, helping you meet standard compliance requirements. As its name suggests, the tool is free.

So, if you think your current legal disclaimer needs a makeover, you can find inspiration in Jonathan Fields’ policies. Just make sure you’re referencing the updated version!

Medical Paper

Medical writing is a type of technical writing that deals with developing clinical and scientific documentation.

For this section, we’ll analyze a paper published in the open-access journal Stem Cell Reports and see what makes it an excellent example of medical writing .

Let’s start with the title, “Biomanufacturing in low Earth orbit for regenerative medicine”. It’s quite a mouthful, especially compared to the sleek titles we saw in white papers.

technical essay example

However, the title is still informative, and sums up the topic of the paper.

Next, what sets this medical paper apart from the others is the use of visual elements.

Of course, you’ve already seen black and white illustrations in other scientific papers, but the authors of this one have gone the extra mile and created unique explanatory images to help readers visualize the subject matter.

technical essay example

Since this is a medical paper, we can’t expect it to only contain everyday language.

Still, this paper resorts to jargon only when absolutely necessary, and explanations are frequently provided in brackets, like in the following example:

“Initial discussions regarding gaps centered on the need to gain additional insights on fundamental behaviors of materials (i.e., cells, liquids, and proteins)...”

It’s worth noting that this kind of paper takes more resources to compose.

We aren’t only talking about the costs of research; time is also a significant resource, especially when production involves this many contributors.

technical essay example

So, make sure you factor in the longer time frame when planning a medical paper.

We hope that this example of technical writing has managed to demystify medical and scientific documentation.

And while these types of documentation will always require specialized vocabulary, note that there are still ways for authors to increase the readability of the texts.

User Instructions

If you read user instructions each time you get a new appliance or an app, you belong to the minority of people.

There’s a good reason why most people don’t read manuals and instructions: they’re generally monotonous.

ChartHop , a people analytics platform, is a great example of how you can present instructions and other pieces of technical information in an engaging way.

Their user documentation starts with a one-sentence description of the product. No more than that—user instructions aren’t a sales pitch.

technical essay example

After the brief intro, clients can continue reading about the app or skip straight to setup instructions.

This is a great feature of ChartHop’s documentation you can replicate.

Rather than forcing the readers to go through every single line of text, you should let them browse through those parts of user instructions they find relevant.

Another great characteristic of these user instructions is the glossary .

technical essay example

Technical writing requires specialized terminology, so it’s best to form a knowledge base where readers can always check the meaning.

Lastly, readers often give up reading instructions or manuals because they get overwhelmed with information.

If you’ve ever seen those tiresome three-column texts, you know that’s a format to avoid.

Instead, it’s better to include charts, examples, or illustrations to help readers visualize the data. ChartHop’s documentation does an excellent job with this.

technical essay example

Throughout the instructions, you can find multiple screenshots of using the platform’s features. That’s a better way to demonstrate the product than simply writing about it.

Remember, the better user instructions you build, the fewer calls your customer support team gets.

Archbee has built ChartHop’s documentation base, and we can help you construct yours, too.

Safety Manual

Safety manuals are often challenging to create because this type of technical writing requires you to speak to consumers and experts simultaneously.

The Construction Safety Manual written by the Port of Seattle shows that structuring the information properly lets you do just that.

The manual starts with a note to readers asking them to apply the procedures they read about.

“Please read these procedures and make sure that you fully understand all sections. More importantly, use them to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees. Safety is an essential element of construction at the Port.”

Misinterpreting the instructions in safety manuals can lead to grave consequences.

The Port of Seattle therefore ensures the procedures are laid out clearly and asks readers to implement them.

One of the ways they ensure clarity is by providing a glossary prefacing each procedure. For instance, take a look at the instructions for pile installation and extraction.

technical essay example

A worker specializing in a different field of construction may not be familiar with all these terms, which is why there’s a list of over thirty definitions of tools and methods mentioned in the section.

Additionally, there isn’t a general glossary of terms. Such an exhaustive dictionary would be too long to navigate and probably deter a good amount of users from reading it.

Instead, the manual explains the relevant vocabulary right when you need it, making the text accessible to both professionals and regular staff.

All in all, if you’re concerned about your subject matter being too convoluted to describe clearly, safety manuals like this one should be able to convince you that you can make any topic, no matter how complex, more accessible with the right approach to technical writing.

Onboarding Documentation

That’s right; onboarding documentation is also considered a type of technical writing.

Usually intended for internal users, onboarding documents introduce new employees to the values and practices of the company.

HubSpot’s Culture Code , an employee handbook , is one of the most captivating pieces of technical writing you can find, proving that there’s room for creativity even in the most elaborate of documents.

technical essay example

The document consists of 153 bite-size slides—an innovative format of technical documentation you can explore.

Readers who go through the handbook learn what makes HubSpot a successful company and how the employees implement a customer-first approach.

Admittedly, the new employees at HubSpot still have to browse through additional documents before they start working, such as documents defining salary and workflow for specific positions.

Still, if you place as much emphasis on core values as HubSpot does, it makes sense to dedicate an entire piece of documentation to beliefs and principles.

An additional element that makes the Culture Code a handy onboarding supplement is describing work principles in a lighthearted tone. Take a look at the following slide.

technical essay example

As you can see from this short statement, there are no secrets regarding the work processes.

Being upfront with such values allows new hires to adjust to the work environment where all moments of success and failure are shared.

To date, the document has received more than five million views , so it’s undoubtedly worth giving a read. If you do, you may get inspired on how to present corporate data in a charismatic way.

As you can see, listing accurate information is not the only aspect of technical writing.

Your text has to be accessible to the target audience, whether you’re writing for medical professionals or construction workers.

Each of the examples we’ve shared stands out for its informative or educational value. There are subtle traces of entertainment value, too.

So, we hope you’ll be able to use these as inspiration for your next technical writing piece.

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Writing Essays

Dawn Atkinson

The current chapter focuses on essays , pieces of persuasive writing developed around defined topics. This genre’s persuasiveness rests in large part on its logical structure, inclusion of quality evidentiary support, and consistent design, as explained herein; hence, essay writing calls for planning, researching, synthesizing, and revising. Although essays are generally considered a form of academic rather than technical writing, the division is not absolute, and the prevalence of essay assignments in both writing and other university-level courses merits our focus on them here.

While reading this chapter, keep in mind that college essays typically require use of a formal writing style, although the specifics may vary depending on the particular assignment and area of study. For an overview of formal writing guidelines, see the George Mason University Writing Center’s (2017) handout entitled “Reducing Informality in Academic Writing” ( https://writingcenter.gmu.edu/guides/reducing-informality-in-academic-writing ).

Essays can be divided into two broad types: expository and argumentative essays. To define these categories using information adapted from Student Academic Success Services, Queen’s University (2018b, para. 13), expository essays explain—they teach, illustrate, or clarify a subject for a reader—while argumentative essays make claims and seek to convince a reader to accept a position or point of view.

Focusing an Essay

For an essay topic to be manageable, its focus must be narrow enough so that it can be addressed adequately within the word or page count available; however, the topic should not be so narrow so as to impede your research efforts. When deciding on a topic, conduct initial research using library or internet resources to get a sense of current scholarship in the area, as well as points of agreement and contention, which may lead you to a focused direction for research. To pinpoint your particular interest in a topic, you might also consider using listing, mind mapping, outlining, freewriting, looping, or questioning, the brainstorming strategies described in the “Maintaining a Productive Writing Schedule” chapter of this textbook. Talking with your instructor or a librarian about a topic may also help you decide a paper’s focus.

What other methods could you use to narrow the focus of an essay?

Figure 1, a multi-page handout adapted from the Writing and Communication Centre, University of Waterloo (n.d.a, pp. 2-3), illustrates the process of narrowing an essay topic.

Developing and Narrowing a Topic

Develop and Narrow a Topic

A well-written paper depends on a strong topic that is focused and specific. To get there, you need to develop some topic ideas, choose the best one, and narrow that topic further.

Developing A Topic

Researching your subject, brainstorming ideas, and sharing your ideas with others are three steps that can help you develop a strong topic.

Do your research

Doing preliminary research will help you to discover what people who work on the topic are interested in or concerned about.

There are countless ways to brainstorm ideas for a topic; below are three common approaches.

  • Freewriting: Jot down ideas without revising or proofreading
  • Questioning: Write down questions you have about your topic without revising or proofreading
  • Mapping: Starting with a main topic, write down subtopics that come to mind, drawing links that show how the different subtopics relate.

Talk about your ideas

Talking to others helps you to understand your ideas from a reader’s perspective. It can help you refine the topic or even move in a new direction.

Narrowing Your Topic

Narrowing your topic makes your work more manageable and your paper more likely to succeed. A good paper takes a smaller portion of a larger issue or problem and investigates that part in depth. Narrowing your topic allows you to choose a problem that is specific enough to research with vigour. Below is an example of the process:

Municipal policies and bicycle use.

Move from abstract to concrete

A manageable topic is concrete. As we narrow the scope of a topic, the subject matter moves from abstract concepts to ideas that are more precise. Let’s use bicycles, again, as our example.

Main topic:  Bicycles

Subtopics: Design, Safety, Health impacts, Charity drives, Bicycle usage, Bicycles and education, Reuse, Infrastructure, Environmental impacts, Policies, Bicycles and urban development, Bicycles and commercial products, Bicycle culture

Although bicycles are concrete “things,” the word bicycles could mean different things to different people. These ideas, such as design, bicycle culture, or infrastructure, are subtopics of “bicycles.”

Add specific details

As you narrow in on one subtopic, the number of subtopics decreases:

Revised main topic: Bicycles and policies

  • safety standards for bicycle design
  • safety gear policies
  • urban development policies and bike lanes
  • road policies and cyclists

Tip: Is it narrow enough?  In our last example, notice that when you begin to narrow a large topic, the initial subtopics that come up are still broad, general ideas. The more you narrow, the more specific your descriptions become. You can use the traditional journalistic questions (Who, What, Where, When, Why) to help you move towards more specific topics:

  • road building policies?
  • building zone policies?
  • other infrastructure?
  • metropolitan areas?
  • medium-sized cities?
  • small cities?
  • construction companies?
  • planning committees?

Using these questions to target the subject matter, we might narrow the topic, bicycle lanes and urban development , even further to the following:  policies related to bike lanes in mid-sized metropolitan areas .

As the handout illustrates, deciding upon a suitably narrow essay topic is a process that may require several attempts to complete. Regardless, devoting time to this initial planning process is a wise investment since a defined essay topic will usefully guide a paper’s development.

Structuring an Essay

Essays, like letters and memos, follow an introduction, body, and conclusion structure, although these sections may also be subdivided. The sections need to be fully developed to coherently deliver an essay’s central message to readers. They also need to be proportionate to an essay’s overall length: for instance, a brief essay requires a brief introduction and conclusion, whereas an extended essay can accommodate a longer introduction and conclusion. In general, budget 10 percent of the paper’s word count for the introduction, 80 percent for the body, and 10 percent for the conclusion.

Composing an Introduction Section

An essay introduction establishes context for the reader by commencing discussion of the document’s central message, around which all the other content will coalesce, and by revealing how the essay will unfold. To be more specific, the introduction delimits the scope and purpose of the essay so that readers understand its direction, range of coverage, and intent.

The context-setting information provided at the beginning of an introduction might include definitions of key terms that will be used throughout the rest of the paper, a summation of how something works, essential background on the topic to be addressed in the piece, or articulation of circumstances pertinent to a problem—perhaps a concise discussion of historical events surrounding the topic, previous research conducted in the area, or treatment of the topic in the news. A writer has considerable leeway when deciding how to articulate context-setting information, and inventiveness in this section can help draw readers into the essay. Schall (2014, para. 7), for instance, describes how narration , storytelling in other words, can be used to stimulate reader interest in an essay. The following examples, adapted from Schall (para. 7), present the initial lines from two essay openings, one focused on the “generic nature of America’s highway exit ramp services” and the other on shape constancy in relationship to human visual perception, to demonstrate the interest that narration can inspire.

  • The observation struck me slowly, a growing sense of déjà vu. I was driving the endless miles of Interstate 70 crossing Kansas when I began to notice that the exits all looked the same. → Notice how the writer uses I to communicate his/her experience.
  • Our eyes often receive pictures of the world that are contrary to physical reality: a pencil in a glass of water miraculously bends and railroad tracks converge in the distance. → Notice how writer omits I but is nevertheless reflective about the subject matter.

Regardless of the flavor of context-setting information you provide in an essay, the information should help readers connect with the text’s central message. Therefore, avoid beginning an essay with an overly general statement, such as “People argue about many controversial topics,” that could apply to any number of papers. This kind of nondescript material wastes readers’ time.

An essay’s central message is delivered in its thesis statement , a sentence, sometimes more, that articulates the theme of the paper and the writer’s view on it. The thesis thus explains the paper’s controlling idea by specifying what the writer has to say about a particular topic and by clarifying what will and will not be covered. The thesis statement is typically placed at or near the end of the introduction to initiate the reader’s progression into the rest of the paper. Schall (para. 8) explains that a well-written thesis statement should be inexorably tied to the essay it accompanies, carefully constructed, and revealingly focused: “concretely announce the most important elements of your topic and suggest your fundamental approach—even point [readers] toward the paper’s conclusion if you can.”  The following two thesis statement examples, adapted from Schall (para. 9), fit this description.

  • This paper reviews the problem of Pennsylvania’s dwindling landfill space, evaluates the success of recycling as a solution to this problem, and challenges the assumption that Pennsylvania will run out of landfill space by the year 2024.
  • As this paper will show, the fundamental problem behind the Arab-Israeli conflict is the lack of a workable solution to the third stage of partition, which greatly hinders negotiations for peace.

Notice that each example indicates the paper’s unifying theme and the writer’s viewpoint on the matter.

Developing an effective thesis statement for an essay requires work on a writer’s part. Try using these steps, adapted from the Writing and Communication Centre, University of Waterloo (n.d.c, “Building Effective Thesis Statements”), when building a thesis statement to make the task more straightforward.

  • Read the assignment directions carefully so you are clear about the expectations.
  • Conduct preliminary research to gather and organize information about your topic.
  • What is new about this topic?
  • What is important about this topic?
  • What is interesting about this topic?
  • What have others missed in their discussions about this topic?
  • Conduct additional research once you have narrowed your focus in order to find evidence to support your thesis. As you research, your understanding of the topic may further develop and evolve.
  • Refine your thesis statement so it clearly expresses your angle or position.

As this list points out, an effective thesis statement typically develops over time and with concerted effort.

A thesis statement should fulfill the functions set out in its definition otherwise it will not guide the development of an essay. The following list, adapted from McKeever (n.d.c, paras. 12, 16, 17) and Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan (2020a, para. 8), identifies markers of weak thesis statements.

  • A simple observation (Example: NASA scientists regularly conduct experiments in space.) Although an observation may be true, it cannot initiate a lively and extended discussion of the multiple views surrounding a complex topic.
  • A statement of fact (Example: Some people are opposed to stem cell research.) To determine whether a statement is a fact, ask if anyone could reasonably disagree with it. If everyone would agree that the statement is true, it is a fact, meaning that it is not open to interpretation or discussion.
  • A broad generalization (Example: Politics requires working for the people.) It may seem that a broad thesis statement creates the possibility for numerous essay directions, but broad issues contain too many specific arguments within them, and making a broad claim leads to making a shallow argument.
  • A question (Example: Why are self-service checkout machines popular in stores?) A thesis must be phrased as a statement, although you might decide to narrow the focus of an essay by devising a research question (a question that a research project seeks to answer). A thesis statement answers a research question in sentence form.
  • A misleading statement (Example: This essay will prove that a person who is old enough to vote and serve in the armed forces should be allowed to drink alcohol too.) The word prove points to a fact, something that is indisputable, and a thesis cannot be a statement of fact. More troubling about the example, however, is that an essay cannot irrefutably prove something, so the statement is misleading.
  • A statement that uses figurative language (Example: The runaway train of individualism must be controlled and not allowed to jump the tracks and obliterate innocent bystanders.) A thesis statement should enable a reader to clearly and immediately identify the focus of an essay. Figurative language, such as that used in the example, is wordy, vague, and quite frankly confusing, so avoid it.
  • An unfocused statement (Example: I think the inconsistent penalties for drunk driving, even if enhanced, because of the impact of drinking and driving on families who lose their children, fathers, mothers, or other family members to death and/or disability, are not strict enough in the various states, allowing drunk drivers to go free although there is a high risk of offending again.) A thesis statement that contains multiple clauses and lists is confusing. Oftentimes, such statements also present details that should be discussed in body paragraphs. Remember that a focused thesis statement identifies and delimits the direction of an essay, as this revised example does: The United States needs a consistent, national law that strips drunk drivers of driving privileges for five years after their first offense. Notice that the revised example omits I think since the phrase is redundant; the writer’s view is implicit in the sentence. In general, avoid the phrases I think , I feel , and I believe since they add unnecessary words to an essay and give the appearance of uncertainty.

Prevent the thesis statement problems listed by focusing on a specific topic and articulating your view on that topic in a clear, concise, and unambiguous way. In addition, be prepared to revise the thesis statement as necessary during your essay’s development.

Depending on assignment specifications, disciplinary conventions, educational context, or authorial choice, a writer may integrate a route map , a brief outline of the specific topics the essay will cover and in what order, in the thesis statement or provide this information in a separate sentence or sentences at the end of the introduction. The order of topics in the route map should match the sequence in which they are addressed in the body of the essay; the route map thus serves as a skeleton outline of the essay by giving readers a sense of how the text will be organized.

The essay introduction structure described here takes the form of the inverted triangle presented in Figure 2, with the reader connecting with broad context-setting information before moving on to a more narrow discussion of the essay’s focus area and organizational structure provided in a thesis statement and route map.

Upside down triangle images showing: Context-setting/background information to Thesis statement to Route Map

Figure 2. Moving from general to specific information as an essay introduction proceeds

Figure 3, adapted from the Academic Writing Help Centre, Student Academic Success Service at the University of Ottawa (2016c, para. 10), shows the introduction elements at work in a sample paragraph.

Image of essay. Why is industrial expansion more important than the survival of valuable ecosystems?  Last year, that kind of priority resulted in the death of 600,000 red-tailed swallows in Ungolu. While environmentalists protest the destruction of the Ungolu rainforest for the sake of its wildlife, and particularly for the sake of the red-tailed swallow, the inhabitants of the area demand more land for cattle and living space and require more wood to generate revenue. Although the residents insist their society depends on logging practices, this does not justify the effects of these practices. Without a change in policy, the red-tailed swallow will most likely disappear in just a few years. The extinction of this species must be prevented because it would have a devastating impact on the Ungolu rainforest. As this paper will show, the clear-cutting of the rainforest has already eliminated much of the natural habitat of the red-tailed swallow, thus reducing the population growth rate of a species that plays a vital part in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Its extinction would result not only in the destruction of the rainforest, but in the destruction of the ecology that it shelters in as well. Moreover, the extinction of the red-tailed swallow is unnecessary—there are more ecological and long-lasting ways to ensure the economic development of Ungolu than logging.

Figure 3. An introduction with context-setting, a thesis statement, and a route map

If an introduction is clearly focused, comprehensibly organized, and grammatically and mechanically sound, it can inspire a reader’s interest in the remainder of the essay.

Composing a Body Section

The body of an essay expounds upon the central theme articulated in the text’s thesis statement until that theme is fully developed. The body section is divided into paragraphs, and each paragraph centers on one main point that unifies the content of the paragraph and is articulated through an explicit or implied topic sentence. A topic sentence encapsulates a paragraph’s focus, and in technical writing, explicit topic sentences typically appear at the beginnings of paragraphs to expediently deliver needed information to readers. Using this structure, everything that follows the topic sentence in a paragraph—examples, illustrations, explanations, quotations, paraphrases, summaries, reasons—supports the point made in the topic sentence. If a writer instead opts to use an implied topic sentence, he or she may discuss a source, viewpoint, question, or piece of evidence slowly in the paragraph, allowing the paragraph’s momentum to develop the text’s key takeaway. The reader is consequently responsible for inferring the paragraph’s topic sentence in this situation. Whether the topic sentence is explicit or implied, the reader should leave the paragraph with a clear understanding of its main point.

To successfully communicate a paragraph’s main point and give readers a sense of the paragraph’s direction, a topic sentence must be specific. A topic sentence that simply announces the subject matter of a paragraph—“In this paragraph, I will discuss…”—does not fit this description, as the professionals at Student Academic Success Services, Queen’s University (2018a, para. 5) explain. To devise a precise alternative, think carefully about the paragraph’s key takeaway and how that point ties in with surrounding paragraphs and ultimately links back to the essay’s thesis statement; then try to articulate the key takeaway in one focused and unifying umbrella sentence underneath which all the other points in the paragraph fall.

In the process of developing an essay’s central theme through the inclusion of focused topic sentences and relevant and substantive follow-up sentences, the body section of an essay aims to be compelling: for example, an author might try to convince readers to adopt his or her position on an issue; to take a careful look at a text and how it is constructed; to contemplate the layers of complexity surrounding an area of investigation; or, more generally, to consider the well-informed nature of the essay and its fluid delivery of information. The body section thus involves persuasion. To address an essay’s central theme in a comprehensive and fair way, a writer who aims for maximum persuasiveness will speak to the multifaceted perspectives surrounding points of discussion rather than focusing exclusively on his or her own viewpoint. The latter signals bias in an argument, a situation to avoid in academic and technical writing.

Writers may employ certain patterns of development to present information in body paragraphs so that it is logical and compelling. The following list, adapted from Student Academic Success Services, Queen’s University (2018b, paras. 12, 17-21), describes a number of these patterns.

  • Description: Conveys specific details about the look, taste, smell, sound, or feel of something.
  • Illustration/Example: Illustrates a general concept with specific examples or uses an example as evidence to support a point.
  • Spatial: Describes how something looks in relationship to how it occupies space (e.g., inside to outside, top to bottom, front to back, or left to right).
  • Comparison/Contrast: Examines two or more things to determine their similarities and differences using clearly defined criteria.
  • Cause/Effect: Examines the causes that have led to certain results.
  • Evaluation: Measures something by examining it in relation to a given set of criteria; may discuss the thing’s strengths and weaknesses in light of this evaluation.
  • Classification: Examines something by dividing it into categories or subtypes.
  • Sequence/Process: Explains how something works in sequential or step-by-step fashion.
  • Narration: Tells a story in chronological order.
  • Definition: Explains the distinguishing features of something.
  • Order of Importance: Places the most important information in a strategic place to affect reader perception.

Writers may combine these patterns when developing body paragraphs or use them separately; assignment directions may also specify the use of a particular pattern in an essay.

Figure 4, adapted from the Academic Writing Help Centre, Student Academic Success Service at the University of Ottawa (2016a, para. 11), demonstrates elements of persuasion at work—in this case a viewpoint (claim) supported with a reason and evidence—in an argumentative body paragraph.

What do you think of the paragraph?  Apart from the argument elements identified in the paragraph, what else helps to make it persuasive?

Figure 4. A body paragraph containing a claim supported with a reason and evidence

technical essay example

While Figure 4 uses a quotation as evidence to support a claim, evidence in body paragraphs can take many forms: for example, summaries, paraphrases, tables, figures, equations, anecdotes, personal experiences, facts, statistics, and numerical and word field data.

Composing a Conclusion Section

A conclusion emphasizes an essay’s central message by reiterating its thesis (without repeating it word for word) and summarizing its key points. Because a conclusion brings an essay to a cohesive end, it should not discuss new information; instead, it should follow on logically from content already covered. A conclusion’s very definition—“an articulated conviction arrived at on the basis of the evidence you have presented” (Schall, 2014, para. 15)—points to its unifying function. The following conclusion sample, adapted from Schall (para. 16) and excerpted from the paper “Exercise in the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Women,” reflects directly on the paper’s hypothesis, stated in the introduction, and presents a logical realization of the paper’s goals.

The majority of evidence presented in this paper supports the hypothesis that exercise positively affects bone mineral density in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Importantly, exercise has been shown to increase bone mineral density in premenopausal women even after the teenage years, and it helps preserve the bone mass achieved in the subsequent decades. Evidence also shows that exercise adds a modest amount of bone mass to the postmenopausal skeleton. As these findings demonstrate, women of all ages can benefit from regular weight-bearing exercise, an increased intake of calcium-rich foods, and—for postmenopausal women—the maintenance of adequate estrogen levels. Women of all ages can prevent osteoporosis or lessen its severity by making appropriate lifestyle choices.

If you experience a roadblock when constructing a coherent conclusion such as this, Schall (para. 14) recommends reviewing the essay’s introduction and body to revisit what the paper set out to do and how it accomplished its aims or reviewing these sections to determine the paper’s contributions to the particular research area addressed.

While focusing squarely on the essay’s central message and the document’s particular purpose, a conclusion may also discuss how the essay’s findings compare with other research in the area; emphasize the implications of the findings (what they mean and why they are important—the so what , in other words); consider the limitations of the research conducted for the essay; or make recommendations for further research. Again, these elements should link back to the essay’s central message so readers understand the context for their discussion. Here is a conclusion example, adapted from the Academic Writing Help Centre, Student Academic Success Service at the University of Ottawa (2016b, para. 7), that emphasizes the essay’s central message and summarizes its key points before underscoring the implications of the findings and proposing a solution to the issue discussed in the paper.

In the end, there is no way to deny the seriousness of the environmental threat. If the current clear-cutting practices continue, the Ungolu rainforest will be unable to support the red-tailed swallow, and it will become extinct. Without this bird, the tree-eating corkscrew beetle will have nothing to stop its spread, and it will disrupt the rainforest’s ecosystem even further. Although the inhabitants of the area request the commercialization of land and wood to encourage the economic development of Ungolu, initiatives with regard to ecotourism and biological agriculture can be pursued to ensure both the growth of the economy and the survival of the red-tailed swallow. Because of the dire environmental consequences of its extinction, it is vital that this species be preserved—and it is possible to do so with a reasonable amount of effort and resources. Indeed, the best way to encourage the inhabitants of the area to let the Ungolu rainforest recover is for northern countries to stop purchasing the products obtained from logging practices and to subsidize the local initiatives discussed in this paper, otherwise the local population will not be motivated to make a significant change. Without quick and decisive action, rainforest tracts will be eliminated, and the inhabitants of the area will be even worse off than before the introduction of logging.

The implications and call to action discussed in this conclusion coherently link back to the introduction and body sections of the essay.

Gathering Quality Evidence for an Essay

In addition to a logical structure, an essay’s effectiveness largely hinges on the quality of its evidentiary support. Evidence that is inaccurate, untrustworthy, irrelevant, insufficient, dated, or flawed in some other way is unlikely to convince a reader to adopt a writer’s perspective and may actually inspire the opposite effect. On the other hand, sound evidence can contribute to the persuasiveness of an essay and demonstrate a writer’s research ability. While the “Writing Topic Proposals” chapter of this textbook supplies tips for evaluating the quality of sources and the evidence they provide, the multipage handout in Figure 5 (adapted from McKeever, n.d.a) offers additional points to consider.

Does anything on the handout surprise you?  Why or why not?

Figure 5. A guide to evaluating information sources

You might decide to use the checklist items in Figure 5 to evaluate sources of information for your essay. Figure 6 (Webber, 2018, p. 1) presents an alternative tool: a visual scorecard for source evaluation.

Figure 6. A scorecard tool for evaluating source information

The instruments in figures 5 and 6 can help you apply consistent evaluation criteria to potential sources of evidentiary information for an essay.

Incorporating Quality Evidence into an Essay

After locating quality evidentiary support for an essay, you must incorporate it into your text in a logical and ethical way so that readers understand its presence, its origin, and how it relates to your own ideas. Quotation, paraphrase, and summary offer three means by which to integrate evidence into an essay.

Before attempting to quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source, make sure you fully understand the text’s meaning and feel confident about discussing it. If you are unclear about what the source text says, do not try to integrate its information into your essay; such confusion can damage the persuasiveness of a paper since savvy readers may detect the issue. Instead, read the text several times slowly to grasp its meaning or discuss it with your classmates and instructor before attempting to incorporate its information into an essay. Class discussions about confounding texts can oftentimes provide clarification and fruitful avenues for writing projects.

Using Quotations

When writers quote , they use the exact words from source texts, enclose those words in quotation marks, and cite and reference the sources to document the origin of information. Quotations can provide telling evidence in a paper if they are used sparingly and strategically. Conversely, their overuse can affect the flow of a piece of writing and give readers the impression that the writer cannot formulate his or her own thoughts about a text. Table 1 explains when to use and avoid quotations.

Table 1. Reasons to use and avoid quotations when writing

When the language of a source is the focus of your project or investigation When the quotation repeats rather than expands on the point you are making
When a text’s language is especially expressive When you simply want to fill space
When the precise words of an authority give credence to your argument When the quotation makes rather than supports your point
When exact wording is necessary for technical accuracy When you cannot weave the quotation into your own text in a cohesive manner

If you decide to use quotations in an essay, take care to integrate them cohesively.

Quotations cannot on their own provide compelling evidentiary support for an essay; a writer must consequently explain their presence and relevance to readers. In other words, a writer must contextualize a quotation so readers understand its use. The quotation sandwich offers a helpful method for working quotations into papers in a cohesive way. Using this technique, a writer introduces a quotation, provides the quotation, and comments on the quotation’s relationship to the paper. Figure 7, adapted from McKeever (n.d.b), demonstrates use of the quotation sandwich approach.

Figure 7. A quotation sandwich can contextualize source information for readers

  The sandwiching method in shown in Figure 7 can also be used with paraphrases, summaries, visuals, and lists to interweave those elements into a document so it flows together effectively.

Using a quotation from the first page of Charles Dickens’ 1859 novel A Tale of Two Cities —“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”—textbook writers Last and Neveu (2019, pp. 236-237) explain that the seamless integration, signal phrase, and colon methods can also be used to integrate quotations into a text in a cohesive manner. The following list, adapted from Last and Neveu, explains and exemplifies these methods.

  • Seamless Integration: Embed the quotation or parts of it into your sentence so that if you read the text aloud, listeners cannot distinguish the quotation from the rest of the sentence.

Example: Charles Dickens begins his 1859 novel with the paradoxical observation that the eighteenth century was both “the best of times” and “the worst of times” (p. 1).

  • Signal Phrase: Use a signal phrase (author + reporting verb) to introduce the quotation, clearly indicating that the quotation originates from a specific source.

Example: Describing the eighteenth century in his 1859 novel, Charles Dickens observes, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” (p. 1). → Notice that a comma follows observes since the verb signals the beginning of a quotation.

  • Colon: Use a colon to introduce a quotation when your own introductory words constitute an independent clause (i.e., a complete sentence); the colon emphasizes the quotation.

Example: In his 1859 novel, Charles Dickens defines the eighteenth century as a time of paradox: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” (p. 1).

Any of these techniques can be used in conjunction with a quotation sandwich for maximum cohesive effect.

Although a quotation extracts the exact words from a source, a writer might need to adjust the quoted material to interleave it into his or her own text so the language flows together in a concise, grammatical manner that makes sense to readers. For example, the writer might need to alter the verb tense of the quotation so it matches the tense used in the rest of the sentence or insert a clarifying comment into the quotation to help readers understand its meaning. Both of these situations call for the use of brackets (i.e., [ ]). Ellipses, three periods in a row (…), are used to show that irrelevant words have been omitted from the middle of a quotation; four periods are used when a sentence or more is omitted from the middle of a quotation. Instead of quoting full sentences, writers oftentimes integrate short phrases or parts of sentences into their texts, using ellipses in these circumstances. If a writer omits words from the beginning or ending of a quotation, the ellipses are unnecessary.

Last and Neveu (2019, p. 238) call upon the following text from Petroski (2014) to demonstrate the use of brackets and ellipses in action. The text is a long quotation (40+ words), so it begins on a new line and is indented rather than enclosed in quotation marks. When citing a long quotation such as this, place the citation information (in this case, the page number of the quotation) outside the final mark of punctuation at the end of the quotation. These are standard conventions for incorporating long quotations into a piece of writing. The examples that accompany the text are adapted from Last and Neveu (2019, p. 238).

Engineers are always striving for success, but failure is seldom far from their minds. In the case of Canadian engineers, this focus on potentially catastrophic flaws in a design is rooted in a failure that occurred over a century ago. In 1907 a bridge of enormous   proportions collapsed while still under construction in Quebec. Planners expected that when completed, the 1,800-foot main span of the cantilever bridge would set a world   record for long-span bridges of all types, many of which had come to be realized at a great price. According to one superstition, a bridge would claim one life for every  million dollars spent on it. In fact, by the time the Quebec Bridge would finally be        completed, in 1917, almost ninety construction workers would have been killed in the course of building the $25 million structure. (p. 175)

Petroski, H. (2014). To forgive design: Understanding failure . Belknap Press.

  • Brackets can be used to signal a change to the verb tense in a quotation:

Petroski (2014) recounts the story of a large bridge that was constructed at the beginning of the twentieth century in Quebec, saying that “by the time [it was done], in 1917, almost ninety construction workers [were] killed in the course of building the $25 million structure” (p. 175).

  • An ellipsis can be used to signal the omission of words from a quotation:

“Planners expected that when completed, the…bridge would set a world record for long-span bridges of all types,” according to Petroski (2014, p. 175).

  • Brackets can be used to signal a clarifying insertion into a quotation:

“Planners expected that when completed, the…cantilever bridge [built using structures that were anchored at one end and projected horizontally at the other] would set a world record for long-span bridges of all types,” explained Petroski (2014, p. 175).

Brackets and ellipses help authors cohesively incorporate quotations into their own writing.

When source material contains a misspelling or other composition blunder, signal the error’s presence to readers in a quotation by enclosing the italicized word sic (Latin for thus ) in brackets and placing it right after the error. Here is an example of the notation used in a sentence.

According to Jones’ (2019) Best Journal review, the book is “an important contribution    to gender studies, suceeding [ sic ] where others have fallen short” (p. 2).

The notation informs the readers that the mistake appeared in the original text.

Lastly, when quoting text that already contains quotation marks, change the internal double quotation marks (“ ”) to the single variety (‘ ’) to help readers distinguish the elements. Here is an example that illustrates this use of punctuation.

In their journal article “Fish Tales: Combatting Fake Science in Popular Media,” authors Thaler and Shiffman (2015, p. 88) classify “‘bad science’ as unsound conclusions drawn from invalid premises; ‘pseudoscience’ as sound conclusions drawn from invalid premises; and ‘fake science’ as unsound conclusions drawn from invalid premises.”

Help readers understand how you have integrated quotations into your own sentences by using the standard conventions discussed herein.

Using Paraphrases

Paraphrasing is another technique that can be used to integrate evidence from sources into an essay. When paraphrasing , a writer articulates a text’s ideas using his or her own words and sentence structures and cites and references the original source. This technique has a number of benefits, as the following list explains.

  • To compose a paraphrase, a writer must have a strong command of a source. Thus, inclusion of a paraphrase in an essay demonstrates that a writer has engaged actively with the source and can discuss it in an informed way using his or her own words.
  • A writer can oftentimes incorporate a paraphrase into an essay in a more straightforward way than a quotation by maintaining his or her own writing style.
  • If a source uses complex technical terms, a writer can translate this wording for a general audience of essay readers by articulating the ideas in a paraphrase.

Paraphrase when a text’s ideas are more important than how a source communicates them. Also bear in mind that paraphrasing and summarizing are the norm in much academic and technical writing, while quotations are used sparingly if at all.

To be certain you are using your own words and sentence structures when paraphrasing, follow these steps.

  • Read the source text carefully to make sure you understand it.
  • Decide which short section of text (a sentence or two or a brief paragraph) you intend to paraphrase.
  • Note down key points about the text on a separate piece of paper using your own words.
  • Put the source text away so you cannot see it.
  • Write your own version of what the original text said using your notes.
  • Leave the paraphrase alone for a while, and then revisit it to see if it can be improved.
  • Check that the paraphrase expresses the overall idea of the source text in a new form.
  • Enclose any unique terms borrowed from the original source in quotation marks.
  • Provide an in-text citation and accompanying reference list entry for the original text.

The example below, adapted from Last and Neveu (2019, p. 239), follows the principles conveyed in the list while paraphrasing the final two sentences of the Petroski (2014) text presented earlier.

At the end of its construction, the large cantilever bridge in Quebec cost $25 million, explains Petroski (2014, p. 175), but the cost in lives far exceeded the prediction of one death for each million dollars spent. While the planners hoped that the bridge would set a global record, its enduring reputation was much grimmer.

An unacceptable paraphrase is one that simply replaces source language with synonyms. To avoid this form of plagiarism, use the steps listed here to express the meaning of a source in your own words.

Using Summaries

Summarizing , when a writer communicates a text’s central idea or theme in his or her own words while excluding details, is another technique that can be used to integrate source evidence into an essay. Although the “Reading Actively” chapter of this textbook contains detailed summary-writing guidance, Figure 8, a handout adapted from the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre, University of Toronto Mississauga (n.d.), lists essential reminders for constructing a summary.

In what instances might you use summaries in essays?

Figure 8. Steps for composing a summary

The following example, adapted from Last and Neveu (2019, p. 239), follows the principles discussed herein when summarizing the Petroski (2014) text.

According to Petroski (2014, p. 175), a large bridge built in Quebec during the early part of the twentieth century claimed the lives of dozens of workers during its construction. The collapse of the bridge early in its construction represented a pivotal design failure for Canadian engineers that shaped the profession.

As the sample illustrates, a summary condenses an extended text down to its essential meaning, providing readers with an overview; a summary also supplies readers with a citation and reference for the source text.

Synthesizing Ideas for an Essay

Although this chapter has discussed quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing as means to integrate source information into essays, before you can use these techniques to their fullest potential, you must think carefully about the points your essay sources make, how they concur or disagree with one another, and how they connect to and extend your own ideas about an essay topic. Collectively, these activities facilitate synthesis , or connecting with sources by responding to their ideas and research in a piece of writing in order to contribute your own unique insights to the area of focus. Many composition scholars liken synthesis to engaging in conversation with sources since it involves establishing how sources relate to one another and to your own thoughts about a subject.

Using Summary to Synthesize

To demonstrate synthesis in action, we will explore a scenario adapted from Excelsior Online Writing Lab (2020f). Imagine you are researching a topic. You will likely encounter a variety of sources about the subject that contain different information and points of view, and you will need to compare and evaluate this information to draw your own conclusions—a process that leads to the synthesis of new ideas. It may help, at this point, to compare synthesizing to analyzing. Whereas analysis breaks something into parts to examine how they work together, synthesis combines ideas to form new ones. Regardless, synthesizing is not the same as summarizing; summary involves concisely stating someone else’s ideas, while synthesis is a critical and creative process in which you compare or combine the ideas you have read to form new ones. Although synthesis can involve summarizing ideas from other texts in order to compare them and draw a conclusion, the result is a new idea.

To continue the scenario, we will read two passages that express different points of view about bike lanes: first, we will summarize the authors’ main ideas, and then we will compare them and draw a conclusion. The author of this first passage is in favor of bike lanes.

Bike lanes are an essential feature of modern, urban life. Indeed, many urban residents have traded their cars for bicycles. Bicycling offers many advantages to driving: bicycles do not get stuck in traffic, run out of gas, break down often (and even when they do, repairs are inexpensive), need insurance, produce pollution, or receive parking tickets. They also offer an excellent way to add exercise to a busy schedule. Many cities across the nation have encouraged bicycling to cut down on traffic, accidents, and pollution and have added bike lanes to downtown areas to provide safe and speedy thruways for bicyclists, producing a net positive result for all parties.

We can summarize this argument by pulling out some keywords: bike lanes, advantages, urban, traffic, accidents, pollution, inexpensive, safe, and exercise. Putting this information together, we can summarize the author’s argument as follows.

Placing bike lanes in urban areas is beneficial because bicycling reduces traffic, accidents, and pollution and offers an inexpensive, safe, and healthy way to travel.

The author of the second passage opposes bike lanes, as this text reveals.

Bike lanes remove valuable space from already crowded inner-city streets. Urban areas already suffer from traffic and pedestrian congestion, and such overcrowding is worsened by the introduction of legions of reckless bicyclists. Many bicyclists also ignore street signs, causing additional accidents with cars and people. Furthermore, parked bicycles clutter congested sidewalks, making many areas impassable. These problems far outweigh the benefits of bicycling. People who do not want to drive can hop on a bus or subway and gain most of the benefits of bicycling without taking up precious space on the roads.

We can use several keywords to summarize this argument: bike lanes, urban, space, crowding, accidents, congested sidewalks, problems, buses, and subways. Combining this information leads to the following summary.

Placing bike lanes in urban areas is problematic because bicycles take up valuable space, create additional crowding, cause accidents, and congest sidewalks. Bike lanes can also be replaced with better alternatives, such as buses and subways.

Having summarized the passages, we can practice synthesizing by combining the two summaries and drawing a conclusion.

  • In the first passage, the author argues that placing bike lanes in urban areas is beneficial because bicycling reduces traffic, accidents, and pollution and offers an inexpensive, safe, and healthy way to travel.
  • Synthesis: These opposing viewpoints demonstrate that while bike lanes encourage a healthy, safe, and low-cost way to travel in cities, they also cause problems that need to be addressed through better urban planning.

The synthesis statement fuses the two passages by combining and comparing the two summaries and then drawing a conclusion that raises a new idea about the need for better urban planning to support bicycling.

Using a Matrix Tool to Synthesize

When exploring the connections among various sources for an essay, you might also decide to use a matrix tool to create a visual representation of source relationships. When using this type of tool, a writer groups common themes, arguments, or points raised in sources in tabular fashion to facilitate synthesis. Table 2 is an example of a synthesis matrix.

Table 2. A matrix tool to facilitate synthesis

Theme, Argument, or Point 1: Source 1:


My Thoughts:
Source 2:


Source 3:


Theme, Argument, or Point 2: Source 1:


My Thoughts:
Source 2:


Source 3:


Theme, Argument, or Point 3: Source 1:


My Thoughts:
Source 2:


Source 3:


When using a matrix tool, it is vital to consider your own thoughts regarding groupings in order to encourage synthesis, as the right column of the figure indicates.

Signaling Synthesis in an Essay

When synthesizing ideas in an essay, you can help readers understand how they connect by using sentence structures that signal relationships. Bruce and Gagich (2018, p. 93-94) explain that these sentence structures oftentimes point to a writer’s agreement or disagreement with sources, although you can also use them to discuss patterns of thinking, errors in logic, omission of points, or other matters that add to the research conversation. The textbook authors provide examples of sentence structure templates (adapted below) that can be used to establish synthesis.

  • Source A asserts…Source B agrees when stating…
  • According to sources A and B…
  • The combined conclusions of sources A and B seem to indicate that…
  • The evidence shows that…
  • Source A is correct that…However, source B’s point that…is also valid.
  • Source A makes a convincing case when she argues…
  • I agree with source A’s conclusion that…
  • Source A asserts that…, while source B offers a different perspective by…
  • Sources A and B disagree regarding…
  • Contrary to what source A has argued, my view is that…
  • I argue that X is the best option even though source B proposes a different solution.
  • I would like to offer several objections to the opinions expressed by source A…
  • While source B makes a strong argument, I would disagree with…because…
  • Instead of focusing on…as source A does, source B emphasizes…
  • While most of the experts on X see…as the primary cause of…, only source A acknowledges that there may be other…causes.
  • When I began researching topic X, I expected to find…To my surprise, neither source A, B, nor C address this reason, which leads me to believe that…
  • Because source A is an expert in the field of X, most others writing about X accede to A’s authority, but a closer examination of A reveals an important omission about X.

These templates demonstrate how you can weave together source information with your own thoughts to create new ideas about a topic.

Although synthesis is critical to developing an effective essay, you will also regularly call upon the skill when producing other types of writing assignments as well.

Formatting an Essay

As with any other type of document you write, design an essay with the principle of consistency in mind so that readers can concentrate on its content rather than on formatting variations. When producing an essay, use double spacing throughout, one-inch margins, and indentation to signal the beginnings of new paragraphs, unless you are told otherwise. This list, adapted from Lambert (2019, paras. 4-8), indicates other ways to stay consistent with design.

  • Make sure your font and type size is the same throughout the entire paper. If you opt to use different fonts or type sizes for headings and body text, employ this design decision consistently.
  • Use the same style bullet points throughout lists in the paper. Remember that numbers and letters indicate rank or sequence, whereas bullets do not.
  • Design lists in a consistent manner. In general, capitalize the first letter of the first word in a list, and use punctuation at the end of full-sentence list items.
  • Format all same-level headings the same way, using uniform design choices (bold or italic lettering), standardized positioning (center or left alignment), and a consistent pattern of capitalization.
  • Apply the design principle of repetition when implementing color. If you decide to employ color in visuals, aim to use the same or a similar color in more than one visual.

Keep in mind that certain formatting conventions (e.g., heading design and placement) are associated with documentation styles. The “Reporting Research Outcomes” chapter of this textbook provides specific guidance on formatting documents using APA (American Psychological Association) style.

Developing an Essay Title

An essay’s title offers insight into the accompanying text’s direction, purpose, and content, so devise a precise title that is particular to the paper you are developing and is clearly written with an envisioned audience in mind. Implementing this piece of advice may mean fully drafting the essay before composing its title.

To elaborate on the previous paragraph while adapting advice provided by the Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan (2020b, paras. 5, 11-16), readers typically find titles like “Essay One,” “Society and its Many Problems,” “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words,” and “Technical Writing Assignment Two” unhelpful. These types of titles are simply too general to provide any needed context. To avoid such titles, think carefully about the essay’s thesis, research, and implications, and identify keywords that succinctly encapsulate these. Imagine, for instance, that you are writing an essay about animal behavior. You have a particular species to study, conduct relevant research, and have conclusions to offer. Here is your first attempt at an essay title: “Monkey Behavior.”  This title says nothing about the kind of monkey or its distinctive behavior and does little to attract or inform the reader. Your second attempt is a little better: “The Effects of Sugar on Monkey Behavior.”  This title is clearer and somewhat amusing. Regardless, it still does not offer many specifics or include key terms from the paper. Readers can already conjecture that sugar would have some effect on monkey behavior, so the title needs to be markedly more precise. Here is a revised version: “Sugar Stimulates Intensity of Tail-Twitch Social Behavior in Panamanian Monkeys.”  This title contains specific terms, includes a clear location, and provides an explicit claim—information the reader can use to immediately identify the paper’s focus.

Developing Essay Headings

Create specific and informative headings for essay sections since headings signal a paper’s organization and scope and help readers follow the text’s development. So, rather than using the vague Body as a heading, divide the body section of the paper into segments organized by the main points covered in paragraphs, which should all relate back to the paper’s thesis statement, and give the sections explanatory headings. By reading an essay’s explanatory headings, the reader should be able to discern the general progression of the piece and what the essay sections cover.

Revising an Essay

Like any quality piece of extended writing, an essay requires time and effort to prepare, and revision is a key step in the composition process. Revision is most effectively completed in stages: a writer begins the process by looking for big-picture issues that might affect an essay’s coherent construction, then considers mid-level issues that can impact paragraph development, and finishes by checking for sentence-level errors that can influence reader understanding. The following list provides guiding questions that can be used during each stage of revision.

  • Do you have a clear thesis? Do you know what idea or perspective you want the audience to understand upon reading your essay?
  • Is your essay well organized?
  • Is each paragraph a building block in your essay: does it explain or support your thesis?
  • Does the essay need a different shape? Do parts need to be moved?
  • Do you fully explain and illustrate the main ideas of your paper?
  • Does your introduction grab the reader’s interest?
  • Does your conclusion leave the reader with an understanding of your point of view?
  • What is your paper’s strength? What is its weakness?
  • Does each paragraph contain solid and specific information, vivid description, or examples that illustrate the point you are making?
  • Can you add other facts, quotations, paraphrases, examples, or descriptions to more clearly illustrate or provide evidence for the points you are making?
  • Can you delete any sentences, words, descriptions, or information because they may confuse or tire the reader?
  • Are your paragraphs in the right order?
  • Does each paragraph explore one main idea?
  • Do you use clear transitions so the reader can follow your thinking?
  • Do any of your paragraphs contain redundancies that can be deleted?
  • Have you been consistent in your use of tense?
  • Do your pronouns agree with their antecedents (referents)?
  • Have you accurately and effectively used punctuation?
  • Do you rely on strong verbs and nouns to enhance descriptions and build clear sentences?
  • Are your words as accurate as possible?
  • Do you define any technical or unusual terms that readers may not know?
  • Can you delete any extra words from your sentences?
  • Have you avoided clichés and slang?
  • Do you vary your sentence structures?
  • Have you accurately presented facts?
  • If you are writing an academic essay, have you tried to be objective in your evidence and tone?
  • If you are writing a personal essay, have you used a lively narrative voice?
  • Have you spellchecked your paper?
  • Have you ethically incorporated source material by effectively quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing it?
  • Have you consistently cited and referenced source information using a standard documentation style?

Although a draft paper represents an important milestone in a writing project, a draft typically needs considerable revision and refinement before it is ready for submission. Figure 9, an essay extract reproduced courtesy of Excelsior Online Writing Lab (2020d, “Rough Draft Example”), illustrates this point.

technical essay example

Figure 9. The revising process at work in an essay extract

Think of revising as a recursive activity, meaning that you may proceed through the previously listed revision stages multiple times during an essay’s development.

In addition to revising a paper in stages using the prompt questions listed, you may also have the opportunity to revise an essay based on peer feedback. Peer review sessions offer valuable chances to find out what others think of your writing and what suggestions they can contribute to help you during revision; the sessions also give you the chance to supply constructive feedback on your classmates’ writing—a vital skill you will need in the workplace. When supplying constructive criticism, identify what needs to be changed in a paper, why it needs to be changed, and how it can be changed. Alternatively, highlight what works well in a paper, why this is the case, and how the positive aspect affects you, the reader. Figure 10, a multipage handout produced by the Writing and Communication Centre, University of Waterloo (n.d.b), offers further peer review advice and a feedback template that can be used during peer review sessions to help ensure they are maximally productive.

Have you ever participated in a peer revision session before?  What did you think of it?  What do you think of the peer review advice presented in the handout?

Peer Review Theory and Practice

Peer review is one of a number of revision and proofreading strategies available to you. While there are many ways to structure peer review sessions, at its core, this technique involves soliciting feedback on one or more aspects of your writing from classmates or colleagues.

Peer Review: Purpose and Scope

interact, models, concrete advice, and think and learn

While peer review has the obvious benefit of getting feedback on your writing, it also has benefits for the person doing the reviewing:

  • We become better writers by being diligent peer reviewers
  • We learn good writing habits by writing often and by reading the writing of others
  • Giving feedback requires us to think carefully – not only about what we think about someone’s writing, but also about how writing is constructed and why we are making specific suggestions.

It is up to individual peer review groups to determine what aspects of writing a given session (or series of sessions) will look at. Broadly speaking, the following aspects of writing are the ones that you could potentially focus on:

  • Content : arguments, analysis, logic, evidence
  • Structure : organization, transitions, connections
  • Style : tone, word choice, formality
  • Mechanics : punctuation, sentence structure, spelling

General Tip :Avoid the urge to focus initially or primarily on mechanics. The revision and proofreading process will be more effective when you focus on higher-order concerns (content and structure) first and lower-order concerns (style and mechanics) second. See our handouts on revision and proofreading for more strategies that you can use.

Done correctly, the peer review process is a social, productive, and engaging way of participating in your discipline’s community of practice. However, though some instructors or supervisors will encourage their students to work together in a peer review process, others may require that projects be completed independently. In order to avoid any issues around academic integrity , make sure to consult with your instructor or supervisor before engaging in peer review.

Peer Review: Spaces

There are lots of spaces available for conducting peer review, including the following:


  • Coffee shop
  • Someone’s home
  • Google Hangouts
  • Google Docs

Peer Review: Practice

Steps in peer review.

explain what to look for, exchange, feedback for improvement, and discuss and plan

  • Write notes for your reviewer on the peer review sheet and exchange papers. If you are not using a peer review sheet, discuss the specific questions or concerns that you’d like your reviewer to pay attention to.
  • Read actively and critically . Make notes in the margins of the paper or in the track changes feature if using Word. If using a review sheet, make general notes there, too.
  • Return the paper (and the review sheet, if you used one) to the original writer; discuss the feedback and create an action plan for revision and proofreading.

Sample Peer Review Worksheet

Feel free to adapt the templates of these peer review worksheets to suit your needs Printable version of Peer Review Worksheet  (PDF) Fillable Peer Review Marking form (PDF)

Peer Review Marking Sheet

Name of Writer:

Name of Reviewer:

Notes from the writer to the reviewer:

Aspect of Writing Being Reviewed: Content / Structure / Style / Mechanics

( )

( )

(e.g., Use of transition words or phrases)

Additional comments on writing :

Post-Review Discussion

Action Plan: How will you (the writer) incorporate the suggestions of your reviewer into your edits? What steps will you take during the editing process? Be specific:

  Figure 10. Peer review guidance and a feedback template

  Notice that the final procedure on the handout asks you to specify how you will use peer comments to revise your paper, a crucial step when working with feedback.

Drawing the Chapter to a Close

Take the advice in this chapter into account when preparing an essay to persuasively communicate with readers.

Activity A: Producing a Reverse Outline and Answering Questions about an Essay

This chapter discusses revising in stages and peer reviewing as means to facilitate the revision process. A reverse outline offers another technique that can be used to revise an essay, as the following handout, adapted from Student Academic Success Services, Queen’s University (2018c), describes.

Reverse Outline

Practice using the reverse outline technique with the sample proposal essay provided on upcoming pages (Hanna, 2020, as cited in Excelsior Online Writing Lab, 2020e, “Sample Essay”). The essay argues for streamlining the recycling infrastructure on a college campus to encourage recycling.

Sample Essay

After reading the proposal essay, also answer the following questions about it. Be prepared to share your answers in class.

  • In what way does the author create a narrowly defined focus for the essay?
  • Does the author provide sufficient coverage of her topic in the paper? How?
  • Identify the introduction, body, and conclusion sections of the essay. Are they logically structured and easy to follow? What makes them so?
  • A proposal aims to persuade readers. What does the author do to try to persuade you in her essay?
  • What do you think about the evidence the writer uses? For instance, is it accurate, trustworthy, relevant, sufficient, and timely?
  • How does the writer incorporate source evidence into the essay? Could her technique be improved in any way?  If so, how?
  • Where do you detect synthesis in the essay?
  • What do you think of the essay’s formatting? Could it be improved in some way?
  • Do you think the writer has put sufficient effort into revision? What makes you think so?
  • Imagine you are giving constructive criticism to the author during a peer review session. Identify one thing that needs to be changed in the paper, why it needs to be changed, and how it can be changed. In addition, name one thing that works well in the paper, why this is the case, and how the positive aspect affects you, the reader.

  Activity B: Reading and Answering Questions about an Essay Focused on Source Credibility

Read Warrington et al.’s (2020) essay entitled “Assessing Source Credibility for Crafting a Well-Informed Argument” located at https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/writingspaces3/warrington.pdf . To reflect on the essay and its relevance to your own academic work, answer the five questions starting on page 202 of the text. Be prepared to talk about your answers in class.

Activity C: Applying the Ideas Discussed in the Essay to a Text

Working with a group of classmates, apply the credibility questions Warrington et al. discuss in their essay to the journal article “Fish Tales: Combatting Fake Science in Popular Media” (Thaler & Shiffman, 2015), which is available at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0964569115000903 . Afterwards, share your group’s determination about the article’s credibility with the whole class during a brief informal presentation. This activity is adapted from Warrington et al. (2020, p. 203).

Academic Writing Help Centre, Student Academic Success Service, University of Ottawa. (2016a). Body . License: CC-BY 4.0 . https://sass.uottawa.ca/sites/sass.uottawa.ca/files/awhc-body.pdf

Academic Writing Help Centre, Student Academic Success Service, University of Ottawa. (2016b). Conclusion . License: CC-BY 4.0 . https://sass.uottawa.ca/sites/sass.uottawa.ca/files/awhc-conclusion.pdf

Academic Writing Help Centre, Student Academic Success Service, University of Ottawa. (2016c). Introduction .  License: CC-BY 4.0 .   https://sass.uottawa.ca/sites/sass.uottawa.ca/files/awhc-introduction.pdf

Bruce, Y., & Gagich, M. (2018). Synthesizing in your writing . In M. Gagich, E. Zickel, A. Lloyd, C. Morgan, J. Lanning, R. Mustafa, S.M. Lacy, W. Breeze, & Y. Bruce , In practice: A guide to rhetoric, genre, and success in first-year writing (pp. 93-94). MSL Academic Endeavors.   License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.  https://pressbooks.ulib.csuohio.edu/csu-fyw-rhetoric/

Excelsior Online Writing Lab. (2020a). Revising stage 1: Seeing the big picture . License: CC-BY 4.0 . https://owl.excelsior.edu/writing-process/revising-and-editing/revising-and-editing-revising-stage-1/

Excelsior Online Writing Lab. (2020b). Revising stage 2: Mid-view . License: CC-BY 4.0 . https://owl.excelsior.edu/writing-process/revising-and-editing/revising-and-editing-revising-stage-2/

Excelsior Online Writing Lab. (2020c). Revising stage 3: Editing up close . License: CC-BY 4.0 . https://owl.excelsior.edu/writing-process/revising-and-editing/revising-and-editing-revising-stage-3/

Excelsior Online Writing Lab. (2020d). Rough drafts . License: CC-BY 4.0 .   https://owl.excelsior.edu/writing-process/essay-writing/essay-writing-rough-drafts/

Excelsior Online Writing Lab. (2020e). Sample proposal assignment . License: CC-BY 4.0 . https://owl.excelsior.edu/argument-and-critical-thinking/argumentative-purposes/argumentative-purposes-sample-proposal-argument/

Excelsior Online Writing Lab. (2020f). Synthesizing what you read [Video transcript]. License: CC-BY 4.0.   https://owl.excelsior.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/02/SynthesizingTranscript2019.pdf

George Mason University Writing Center. (2017). Reducing informality in academic writing .  https://writingcenter.gmu.edu/guides/reducing-informality-in-academic-writing

Lambert, R. (2019). Writing with consistency . Colorado School of Mines Writing Center. License: CC-BY-NC 4.0 .  https://www.mines.edu/otcc/wp-content/uploads/sites/303/2019/12/OTCCConsistencyLesson.pdf

Last, S., & Neveu, C. (2019). Appendix C: Integrating source evidence into your writing. In S.    Last, Technical writing essentials: Introduction to professional communications in the technical fields (pp. 235-242). University of Victoria. License: CC-BY 4.0 .  https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/technicalwriting/

McKeever, R. (n.d.a). Post-truth: Evaluating sources . Yuba College Writing and Language Development Center. License: CC-BY-NC 4.0.  https://yc.yccd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/EvalSourcesPostTruthAccessibleMarch2019.pdf

McKeever, R. (n.d.b). The quote “sandwich.” Yuba College Writing and Language Development Center. License: CC-BY-NC 4.0.  https://yc.yccd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/QuoteSandwich.pdf

McKeever, R. (n.d.c). Thesis statements . Yuba College Writing and Language Development Center.  License: CC-BY-NC 4.0.  https://yc.yccd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ThesisStatementAccessibleFebruary2020.pdf

Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre, University of Toronto Mississauga. (n.d.). Six effective tips to write a summary . License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 . https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/asc/sites/files/asc/public/shared/pdf/tip_sheets_writing/Summary_6Tips_web_v1.pdf

Schall, J. (2014). Essays and term papers: Effective technical writing in the information age . Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 .  https://www.e-education.psu.edu/styleforstudents/c6_p13.html

Student Academic Success Services, Queen’s University. (2018a). Developing the “what”: Effective topic sentences . License: CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5 .  https://sass.queensu.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Developing-a-Topic-Sentence.pdf

Student Academic Success Services, Queen’s University. (2018b). Organizing the body of an essay . License: CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5 .  https://sass.queensu.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Process-Essay-Body-Organization.pdf

Student Academic Success Services, Queen’s University. (2018c). The reverse outline . License: CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5 .  https://sass.queensu.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/The-Reverse-Outline.pdf

Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan. (2020a). How can I create a strong thesis . License: CC-BY-NC-SA. https://lsa.umich.edu/sweetland/undergraduates/writing-guides/how-can-i-create-a-stronger-thesis.html

Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan. (2020b). How do I write a great title for my academic essay? License: CC-BY-NC-SA.   https://lsa.umich.edu/sweetland/undergraduates/writing-guides/how-do-i-write-a-great-title-.html

Thaler, A.D., & Shiffman, D. (2015). Fish tales: Combating fake science in popular media. Ocean & Coastal Management, 115 , 88-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.04.005

Warrington, K., Kovalyova, N., & King, C. (2020). Assessing source credibility for crafting a well-informed argument. In D. Driscoll, M. Stewart, & M. Vetter (Eds.), Writing spaces: Readings on writing (Vol. 3, pp. 189-203). Parlor Press. License: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 .  https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/writingspaces3/warrington.pdf

Webber, N.R. (2018). Activity: Source evaluation scorecard. Information Literacy, 19 . License: CC-BY 4.0 .  https://digscholarship.unco.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=infolit

Writing and Communication Centre, University of Waterloo. (n.d.a). Develop and narrow a topic . License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 . https://uwaterloo.ca/writing-and-communication-centre/sites/ca.writing-and-communication-centre/files/uploads/files/narrow_your_topic.pdf

Writing and Communication Centre, University of Waterloo. (n.d.b). Peer review: Theory and practice . License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 . https://uwaterloo.ca/writing-and-communication-centre/sites/ca.writing-and-communication-centre/files/uploads/files/peer_review.pdf

Writing and Communication Centre, University of Waterloo. (n.d.c). Thesis statements . License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 . https://uwaterloo.ca/writing-and-communication-centre/sites/ca.writing-and-communication-centre/files/uploads/files/thesis_statements.pdf

Mindful Technical Writing Copyright © 2020 by Dawn Atkinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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20 Technical Writing Examples (Word & PDF)

How often have you picked up an instruction manual of some sort and found that you really could not understand the message or follow the instructions after reading it? The document did not make sense and did not help you at all. This is an example of technical writing that did not achieve the objective of turning a complex subject into something the average person understands.

We all have had this experience at one time or another. A good technical writer can take a complex subject or set of instructions and turn it into everyday language that we all understand. Technical writing has been around for centuries; however, recently, it is becoming recognized as a highly valuable skill for anyone writing instructions for consumers, in technology-related businesses, and many others. Many people are finding full-time work that is rewarding and pays well;

What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing has become a critical skill set that many companies recognize they require for their products to achieve success in the marketplace. Translating engineering and scientific jargon into readable information that is easily understood by operations personnel and the average person is both challenging and interesting work. It is also highly valued.

Technical writers must be able to understand the technology or complex instructions. They may need to learn about new technologies and processes before turning that information into easily understood instructions. This leads to lifelong learning situations for many writers.

They also have to understand their audience and write accordingly for that audience. Operations people in a technology company have a better understanding of technology than the average person. The style of writing and the information discussed must be written for these two distinct audiences.

A broad definition defined by the Society of Technical Communication as “any form of communication that shows one or more of the following qualities:

  • Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations.
  • Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites.
  • Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute that communication.”

Technical writing is becoming more common as our society embraces technology more and more. This style of writing must also be professional, grammatically correct without spelling mistakes, and avoid jargon or acronyms as much as possible.

Technical Writing Examples & Templates

Technical Writing Examples #01

How Technical Writing Examples Can Help You?

As a technical writer, one of your main tasks is to understand the product, learn how to use it, and interpret the instructions provided to you by the developer, manufacturer, or creator. Working on a variety of projects provides a lifelong learning opportunity for many writers who enjoy this type of work. It can be very rewarding.

Anytime a consumer purchases a product of some kind, some instructions come with it, covering installation procedures and user manuals to help you know how to use the product and gain the most out of it. These are technical documents written by a technical writer. They cover everything from thick car manuals to one-page instructions on how to connect your coffee maker. Consumers find these documents very helpful every day they purchase a product.

Technical writing is a growing industry due to increases in scientific areas and technical products. However, technical writing is not limited to technology. Writers are needed in academia, broadcasting, government, energy, transportation, financial services, telecommunications, safety, and health, security, and more areas are becoming available every month.

The Purpose of Technical Writing

The purpose of technical writing is to take complex information written in technical or industry jargon and turn that into concise, clear information that can be understood and utilized by the reader. The document might explain how something works, how to assemble something, how to use something, or how to maintain an item.

The information should be easy to comprehend by individuals not familiar with the product and perhaps folks who have no understanding of how to use a particular product, e.g., a computer. There are different styles of technical writing – informative, detailed instructions, etc. consumers may use the information for many different purposes, including making decisions about financial products, for example.

Essential Characteristics of Technical Writing

While there are different types of technical writing, the main objective is to take complex information and translate it into an informative narrative that explains the topic to a variety of people in the terminology they understand.

Some of the characteristics of technical writing include:

  • Clear and Concise
  • Solid Structure
  • Detailed and Informative

Direct – avoid jargon, acronyms and avoid flowery or eloquent writing styles. If you must use acronyms, always spell them out in long form the first time you use the acronym in each section of the document. Include an acronym list somewhere in the document.

Clear and Concise – stay focused on the subject matter, use short sentences that convey clear instructions or details.

Solid Structure – your document should easily flow naturally from one topic to the next. As the reader reads the document, information should be presented in a logical manner that makes sense to the reader. Use proper grammar and check for spelling mistakes.

Detailed and Informative – do not leave out details or make assumptions about the reader’s understanding of the topic. Provide all of the details someone who has no knowledge of the subject will need to understand the topic.

When to Use Technical Writing?

Technical writing is used in many different fields and situations. It is also essential that the correct type of technical document be used to have the desired outcome. As a writer, you may have to make the decision, or your client may indicate what type of document and when they want to use it. The following area few examples of when technically written documents are used:

  • Technical reports
  • Technical manuals
  • Technical proposals
  • Specifications
  • Guides and handbooks
  • Installation guides
  • Operating procedures

Technical reports – to provide analysis, conclusions, recommendations with sufficient information for the reader to draw conclusions and make decisions.

Technical manuals – to provide instructions on how to use a program, a device, or a product

Emails – used to share company-wide instructions or communications

Technical proposals – describe a project, including planning activities, methods and procedures, anticipated results and benefits, and may also include a budget.

Specifications – provide details concerning the structure, materials, design, packaging with sufficient detail that an external company could reconstruct it or produce it for a client.

Guides and handbooks – for users to follow to assemble or use a product

Installation guides – provide instructions for end-users to install a product in their home, office, or manufacturing plant

Operating procedures – provides step by step instructions to complete routine operations to maintain consistency and quality

Warranty – provides warranty description information for the product, labor, shipping, etc.

How to Become a Technical Writer?

While there are no current degrees offered for technical writers, practical writing skills, experience, and building a portfolio of written documents are helpful to win assignments and impress employers.

The most difficult step is to find your first assignment. Practice writing and post these as examples. Use tools to assist with grammar and spelling. Check for plagiarism and assign credit when specific information must be used and quoted. Build your portfolio one document at a time. You may have an interesting area that you are knowledgeable in. Focus on niches that build on your industry knowledge and contacts.

Many technical writers prefer freelance writing to work in-house. There are advantages to both, including hours, work, salary, and security, depending on your mindset and approach to your career. There are a variety of online systems that cater to freelancers.

Consider taking online courses in subject fields that you may be writing about. Read all the time to improve vocabulary and become a subject matter expert in the field you chose for technical writing.

Join professional organizations to network with other writers and contacts who may know about writing projects and opportunities. There are many opportunities available for those people who can write and are continually improving themselves.

Many companies place a great deal of value on employees who are skilled in both the technical field they work in as well as have the ability to write and communicate their fields clearly and concisely.

Technical Writing Processes

Many technical writers will develop their process to follow to help them deliver high-quality, clearly written documents for their clients. However, some of the steps that most successful writers include are:

  • Preparation
  • Who is the Audience
  • Who is the User
  • Maximize the User Experience
  • Layout the Document Plan
  • Check with the Experts
  • Prepare the Document
  • Write Accurately with an Active Voice
  • Avoid Jargon
  • Visual Check
  • Add Graphics
  • Technical Review
  • User Review

Preparation – gather information such as the document type, subject, goals, scope, and audience. Gather as much raw material as you can to use as input for the document.

Who is the Audience – define who the end customer is and how they will use the information. You may have to remind your client or at least agree on the answer before starting.

Who is the end-user – is the user new to the topic, or do they have expertise in the subject. They may have their expectations of what should be in the document. What are their concerns, and how much knowledge do they have of the subject?

Maximize the User Experience – consider how the user will use the document and write accordingly. Writing for the end-user can be quite different than writing for the client who has intimate knowledge of the subject.

Layout the Document Plan – map out the document subject areas and flow in a logical manner that flows and contributes to the end goal for your document.

Check with the Experts – use the experts and technical documents as references during the writing process. It is impossible to fully understand everything about a given product or process.

Prepare the Document – begin writing the document while keeping the following points in mind. Write accurately with an active voice, avoid jargon, is the document visually appealing, do a visual check, and add graphics to assist in illustrating concepts and processes.

Review – the document for spelling, grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and does it meet both your client’s aims and objectives as well as the end-user?

Technical Reviews – are always a good idea. Utilize your experts to review the technical aspects of the document.

User Review – if possible, arrange for users to review the document and identify any questions, concerns, or confusion they may have as they work through the document.

There are many frequently asked questions regarding technical writing. We have included a few of the more common questions in the following section.

What are the types of technical writing?

Each type of technical writing has a purpose and a particular type of audience. Regardless of the type, it should be direct, concise, clear, clear writing structure, informative, and detailed. The following list of different types of technical reports are some of the most common types in use:

Is a Manual an Example of Technical Writing?

Manuals are examples of technical writing. Manuals are written for almost every product delivered to consumers as well as to commercial customers. Manuals describe how to assemble a product, how to install a product, how to operate a product, and how to maintain a product. These could be separate technical documents or assembled all in one document.

Technical writers must also consider the audience for the manual. If the manual is for the general consumer without a high degree of technical knowledge, it must be written with simple, clear, step-by-step instructions. On the other hand, if the product is aimed at a highly technical audience, the manual must still provide clear, concise instructions but can include a much higher level of technical information for the reader.

What are the technical writing skills?

Technical writing skills must include the basic writing skills of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and document structure organization. Many people use various online tools to help them with booth grammar and spelling accuracy.

In addition, writers must be able to take technical information, interpret and understand it and translate this information before writing it down using language the intended readers can use to help them utilize the product. You must be able to take high-level information, process it, and write it in a document that is easily understood.

Writing in a direct manner that is straightforward and clear with a clear structure that is informative and sufficiently detailed for the end-user is the objective of every technical writer.

How is technical writing unique?

Technical writing is unique from many other types of writing. It can be best described by describing what it is. i.e., if it includes one or more of the following elements, it is considered technical writing:

  • Communication about technical , specialized processes, applications, or regulations
  • Communication using technology – e.g., social media, help files or web pages
  • Communicating instructions – how to do something, whether it is technical or process-oriented

Writing that does not fall within these three points is probably not technical writing, although many of the same skills are required, e.g., excellent grammar and spelling are considered the basics.

Technical writing is a burgeoning industry that continues to grow in our technology-driven society. Technical writing skills are in demand within companies as well as for freelancers interested in jobs in many industries. Many technical writers focus on a specific area of technology to help improve their understanding and ability to translate technical information into clear, concise, and easily readable information for non-technical readers. Technical writers have opportunities to learn about new technologies and deliver value to their customers, driving increased sales and customer satisfaction. If you cannot understand how to use the technology, customers will not purchase it or recommend it. Technical writers can get their start by practicing writing documents and posting them online to show their work. They can bid on jobs using online freelance systems to build up a clientele and customer base. They should use available online tools to check grammar and spelling to ensure their work is high quality. They must also consider the end customer of their writing products. For one set of clients they may need written step-by-step instructions that are acronym-free. While for others with a high level of technical skills, they can prepare documents at a higher level of technical communications. All technical documents should be written in a direct manner that is straightforward and clear with a clear structure that is informative and sufficiently detailed for the end-user.

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Technical Writing

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technical essay example

Though it was already observed in times of Aristotle, technical writing only paved its way as a profession in World War II. Starting from solely catering instructions, it expanded its constituents to various documents used in the specialized areas. However, not everyone is capable of creating this, technical compositions also require writing skills in order to be crafted. Presuming that you possess that attribute, read through this article to hone your technical writing skills.

For the mere purpose of clarifying things beforehand, technical writing is not a document but an action and a routine. Moreover, the specialized composition is also a profession which can be done as a freelance writing work. Nevertheless, this type of composition can be applied in numerous papers but does not encompass all. For you to be educated further with the fundamentals of technical writing, here are some samples and templates you can use as your reference.

Report Writing

Report Writing

Size: 170 KB

Technical Content

Technical Content

Size: 477 KB

Technical Essay Writing

Technical Essay Writing

Size: 174 KB

Business Technical

Business Technical

Size: 537 KB

What Is Technical Writing?

In its conventional definition, technical writing is depicted as the practice or routine with regards to process documentation which is presumed to be constrained to manual-like materials as it were. All things examined, this description was changed and in the meantime, this sort of composing gained its milestones to the documentation of complex specialized duties. It moreover incorporates the majority of the procedures of composing that demands direction, instruction, or clarification of a specific subject in a specialized field.

Some documents that fall under technical writing include:

  • Analysis report
  • Product assembling instruction
  • Report summary
  • Executive summary

To see these samples, you may view our gathered writing examples in PDF in this article.

How to Write College Admission Essays?

A college admission essay or college application essay is a composition that is freely written by an academic candidate to be admitted to a college or university. This writing is commonly included as a segment of college admission measurements. Additionally, this type of essay is apart from academic ones because of its massive probable impact to its proponent. In this segment, we are going to teach you how to compose an essay that would enable you to study in your dream college. Read through to learn how to write one of these free writing examples .

  • Know the point.  In writing your college admission essay, the first thing you should ponder about is to understand the main question asked. It would be easier for you to plan and compose your essay if you are a hundred percent certain that you already recognized the pieces of information needed by the institution.
  • Think over it.  Once you already have seen the target, hit it with the ideas you have in your mind. This prewriting process is truly vital and challenging because, in this step, we aim to juice your brain out with creativity and practical thoughts. You may write the details you can think of, as many as you can.
  • Craft an outline.  Considering that you already have the pieces of information to compose your essay, at this point, plan on how you will construct it. For you to do that, make an outline. An outline is a helpful tool in writing. This framework aids an author to organize his/her thoughts easily.
  • Write the essay.  Following your outline, compose your essay. Do this on a computer or paper, depending on the instruction of the college admission. You don’t need to do this perfectly in its first blow. You can always do numerous revisions if needed.
  • Proofread.  Before submitting your essay , remember that grammar, sentence construction and all other technical aspects make some difference in your essay’s rating. Hence, do proofreading.
  • Submit the essay.  After all of your hard work; at last, it’s already time for you to pass your composition. Though it may sound really simple and easy-to-do, be careful still. In submitting your work, make sure to include your name, contact details, general admission email account, and ID number if you already have one. These pieces of information are vital because it makes your entry valid and recognizable. Nevertheless, do not forget that a poorly written essay will always be better than a nameless one.

Technical Paragraph Writing

Technical Paragraph Writing

Size: 228 KB

Technical Communication

Technical Communication

Size: 42 MB

Writing Instructions

Writing Instructions

Technical Writing Letter

Technical Writing Letter

Size: 54 KB

Writing Resume

Writing Resume

Size: 233 KB

Importance of Technical Writing

Technical writing is seen by numerous individuals to be basically a variety of composition but in fact, there are loads of advantages tailed in engaging yourself in this writing type. Here are some of the significance of technical writing that you might not have realized previously.

  • Communication.  A technical composition is specialized in a particular field of discipline; hence, it is comprehensible that the terms and word choices used in a composition are well recognized by individuals in a circle of particularity. As a result, better communication in the applied area is then achieved.
  • Support.  In technical writing, authors see to it that their composition suits their goals and recipient. Taking into account that investors always want to see their investment worth it, technical writers have some sort of edges in this matter. Technical writing has that feature of knowing the message’s encoder and apply the appropriate formality in the document.
  • Money-saving.  Recall, technical writers need to know what they are writing. Consequently, it is more common to see a technical writer that could act out what he/she writes than a person who knows the application of a certain discipline that also knows how to write a specialized composition. For this reason, recruiting the former type of people indeed saves an institution office space and money.

These enumerated significances may sound absurd but viewing our technical writing templates and examples would surely enlight you of the hidden potentials that a specialized composition possess.

Ideas for Technical Writing

Technical writing widely covers various forms of application. This form of composition is utilized from engineering, culinary, education, and even to sciences and medical purposes. For you to have a broader understanding of what technical writing truly is, here are some productive topic ideas you can use too.

  • How-to topics.  Considering that technical writing is originally written to guide and direct, this composition type is most evident in instructional materials. Nowadays, the internet has provided the crowd with a reference to various how-to articles to help them with their D-I-Ys. If you want to take part in this trend, make one now.
  • Proposing topics.   Business proposals are also under technical writing; hence, if you want to suggest something, a document for this purpose applies technical writing as well.
  • Press releasing topics.  Whether most people need it or not, a fresh and strangely cool product or service is something we are crazy for. With the help of the emergence of the internet,   showcasing one is now a lot easier and faster. Try it yourself.

Here are more topic ideas for your technical document; nonetheless, if you can’t relate to these, you can always see our gathered writing examples in doc.

  • Descriptive topics
  • Website ideas
  • Case studies


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

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Technical Writing vs. Essay Writing

Major variations of writing in both styles, beyond common writing distinctions, key challenges, how is technical writing different from writing an essay.


  • Read in 07 mins Published: 14-Nov-2023

how is technical writing different from writing an essay'

When we think of writing, we often connect it with articles, blogs or essays. But do you know there are many different styles and formats to consider while writing content? The two most popular writing types we are going to discuss here are technical writing and essay writing. Both of the styles involve the use of words and language to communicate ideas and information to a specific audience.

However, there are some key differences between the two styles that set them totally apart. Understanding these differences can help identify which approach is best suited for your particular needs. Through this article, we will explore how technical writing is different from writing an essay, their characteristics, as well as tips on how to excel in each style.

Technical writing and essay writing are two interesting styles of writing that have their unique characteristics and purposes for a diverse audience. So, whether you're a student working on an academic paper or a professional looking to communicate complex ideas, read on to discover the right way!

Technical writing focuses on providing clear and straightforward informative content to help readers understand complicated concepts. At the same time, essay writing aims to convince and engage readers with well-developed arguments and analysis. Understanding the difference between the two styles can help you figure out which approach is right for you.

For example , if you were writing a technical manual on how to assemble a computer, you would use technical writing to provide step-by-step instructions with clear diagrams and explanations. On the other hand, if you were writing an essay on the benefits of renewable energy, you would use essay writing to present compelling arguments supported by evidence and expert opinions.

Technical writing is highly objective and focuses on practicality and efficiency, aiming to convey information in a concise and precise manner. It is often used in fields such as engineering, technology, and science. Essay writing is more subjective and allows for the expression of personal opinions and interpretations. It is commonly employed in academic settings and aims to persuade and engage readers through effective rhetoric and logical reasoning.

Understanding the appropriate style for your purpose can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your writing and ensure that your intended message reaches and resonates with your target audience.

Four major variations of writing can be found in both technical and essay writing styles.

Formality and Tone

  • Technical Writing: The language in this style is straightforward and specific. It resembles a set of instructions for assembling structured content, avoiding unnecessary details, and focusing on clarity.
  • Essay Composition: Now consider it as a letter to a friend. It's informal, like a casual chat. The tone can be personal, expressing emotions and opinions freely. An essay weaves a narrative, allowing the writer's voice to shine through.

Use of Jargon

  • Technical Writing: It often includes industry-specific terms and jargon. The goal is to communicate efficiently within a particular field, assuming a level of knowledge among the readers.
  • Essay Composition: Essays generally avoid excessive jargon, opting for easy and accessible language. The emphasis is on connecting with a broader audience, making the content relatable and engaging.

Structural Framework

  • Technical Writing: Technical documents follow a structured and logical format, just like maps. Whether it's a manual or a report, the information is organized systematically, allowing readers to navigate with ease.
  • Essay Composition: Essays have a more flexible structure. While they may have an introduction, body, and conclusion, the content flows naturally, allowing for creativity and exploration of ideas.

Audience Considerations

  • Technical Writing: Technical writing is tailored to a specific audience with a particular knowledge base. It assumes the readers have a certain level of expertise in the subject matter.
  • Essay Composition: Essays adapt to various readerships, considering a broader spectrum of backgrounds and interests. The goal is to engage and resonate with a diverse group of readers.

Technical writing and essay writing both require solid skills in writing along with the ability to communicate information effectively. Let us understand some unexplored distinctions that can help writers tailor their approach and achieve their intended goals.

Intent of Communication

  • Technical writing mainly serves a practical purpose. It aims to express information, focusing on delivering instructions or presenting facts. The focus here is on providing guidance or documentation for a specific task or process.
  • Essay writing takes a more exploratory route. Essays are a platform for expressing ideas, opinions, and emotions. They invite readers to delve into the writer's thoughts, often without a predetermined practical outcome.

Emotional Engagement

  • Technical writing is more objective and factual. The major goal is the transmission of information with minimal emotional engagement or personal biases.
  • Essay writing encourages emotional connection. Essays often involve personal reflections, storytelling, or persuasive elements that light up emotions and relate with the reader on a more personal level.

Flexibility in Structure

  • Technical writing follows a structured and standardized format. Whether it's a manual or a report, our technical writing services follow a predetermined framework to ensure clarity and consistency.
  • Essay writing embraces a more flexible structure. It allows for creativity in the organization, enabling writers to experiment with different formats to suit the content and convey ideas effectively.

Language Complexity

  • Technical writing prioritizes clarity over literary flair. The language used is straightforward, avoiding unnecessary complexity. The focus is on delivering information comprehensively to a specific audience.
  • Essay writing celebrates the beauty of language. Essays often employ a more varied and expressive vocabulary, allowing writers to craft sentences that convey not only information but also evoke a particular atmosphere or emotion.

Objective & Subjective Evaluation

  • Technical writing is subject to objective evaluation. Technical documents are assessed based on accuracy, clarity, and adherence to predefined standards. Success is measured by how effectively it fulfills its intended purpose.
  • Essay writing involves subjective evaluation. The assessment of an essay includes factors such as creativity, originality, and the ability to engage the reader emotionally. Success is often measured by the impact on the reader's perspective.

Facing challenges is a natural part of life, and in various aspects, understanding the key challenges helps us find effective solutions. Here are some informative pointers illustrating key challenges to shed light on these hurdles:

Resource Limitations

Limited budgets and resources constrain growth and innovation. These limitations can hinder the ability to implement new ideas and strategies. In order to succeed in writing an impactful essay, it is important to incorporate factors such as creativity, originality, and the ability to engage the reader emotionally. However, one must also navigate technical communication hurdles and find a balance between creativity and coherence in the narrative.

Adapting to Change

Change is constant, but coping with it can be not easy. It requires individuals and organizations to be flexible and open-minded, willing to embrace new ideas and approaches. Adapting to change also involves overcoming resistance and fear of the unknown, as well as continuously learning and evolving to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Market Competition

Staying competitive in a crowded market is a perpetual struggle. Companies must innovate and differentiate themselves to stand out from their competitors regularly. It involves understanding customer needs and preferences, conducting market research, and developing unique value propositions.

Regulatory Compliance

Following through complex regulations requires ongoing effort. Businesses must stay updated on changes in regulations, ensure their operations comply, and allocate resources to implement necessary changes. It may involve hiring legal experts or consultants to navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements and mitigate potential risks.

Talent Acquisition and Retention

Attracting and retaining skilled employees is a continuous battle. Businesses must develop effective recruitment strategies, offer competing remuneration packages, and develop a positive work environment to attract top talent. Additionally, implementing employee retention programs and providing opportunities for growth and development can help retain skilled employees and reduce turnover rates.

Technical writing and essays are distinct but equally valuable. In this guide, we have understood how technical writing is different from writing an essay. While technical writing ensures precision in conveying information, essays bring a personal touch, enriching the world of words with creativity.

As technical writing excels at delivering information with precision, essays unfold as a canvas for personal expression and exploration of ideas. Recognizing these differences empowers writers to choose the most suitable form based on their communication objectives and the nature of the content.

  • content development
  • technical writing

Mary Parker


Mary has extensive experience of over 5 years in writing on a wide range of topics, including healthcare, technology, science, and business. She is highly knowledgeable and skilled in researching and crafting accurate, well-structured, and engaging content. Mary is a reliable and professional writer who is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure her clients are satisfied with her work. She is committed to delivering quality content on time and within budget.

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Acadecraft has been helpful with connecting our editorial team with subject matter experts (SMEs) who help us QA assessments and create solutions for computational assessments. They have been able to find SMEs to meet our needs and our deadlines. We are happy to continue to partner with Acadecraft.

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Acadecraft team is always very supportive, and we and Acadecraft corroborate to create educational contents for K12 Students in India.

We appreciate Acadecraft teams' professionality, punctuality, creation skills in each subject.

  • Mikiko Matsuoka
  • Content Manager

I am thrilled to share my testimonial for Acadecraft which creates interactive and engaging content. Working with this team has been an absolute pleasure from start to finish. Not only did they create outstanding content for our project, but they also went above and beyond to ensure that it was interactive, engaging, and effective.

Throughout the entire process, the team was highly cooperative and communicative, always available to resolve any issues or concerns that arose. They truly made us feel like partners in the project, and their dedication to delivering high-quality content was evident in every interaction.

Thanks to their exceptional work, our project was a huge success, and we couldn't be happier with the results. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a team that is passionate, professional, and committed to excellence. Wishing them all the best in their future endeavors.

  • Hemika Kumar
  • Ed-Tech Program Lead


The team at Acadecraft has truly been an end-to-end service provider for us, providing content development services and their commitment, attention to detail and expertise have made the project a success. Their team's dedication, attention to detail, and expertise have been unmatched, making our partnership an absolute pleasure. We highly recommend Acadecraft to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient education solutions provider.

  • Yogesh Malhotra
  • Senior Manager Team - Program Management

Our experience working with Acadecraft has been great. Their highly knowledgeable team of experts was always available to answer our questions, provide guidance, and ensure we were delighted with the services. Their thorough, accurate assessments provided valuable insights that helped us make informed decisions about our exam performances.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Acadecraft and leveraging their expertise to help us achieve our business goals.

  • Sohail Ahmed
  • Senior Manager

I recently used Acadecraft's Video Editing services and I am extremely impressed with the quality of their work. The team at Acadecraft was highly professional, attentive and skilled in delivering my company’s project on time and within budget.

Their attention to detail was impeccable, and they understood my needs and requirements very well. They were able to create a video that not only met my expectations, but far exceeded them.

Throughout the process, they kept me informed and updated on the progress of the project, and were always available to answer any questions I had. Their customer service was excellent, and they were always friendly and easy to work with.

I highly recommend Acadecraft's Video Editing services to anyone who is looking for a high-quality and professional video editing experience. They are truly experts in their field and I look forward to working with them again in the future.

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The video creation team of Acadecraft is insightful. They understood my requirements carefully and delivered a winning video that perfectly aligned with my business needs.

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The passionate team knows great about getting into the details and providing impeccable video services. I am extremely impressed by the work Acadecraft has delivered to me.

I appreciate my collaboration with Acadecraft and look forward to availing of services again.

  • Ganesh Sonawane
  • Founder & CEO

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Acadecraft’s 3d video solutions are amazing. They used a perfect blend of art, color, shape, sound, and editing to create the video, making the video engaging and immersive.

I have always been excited to explore the opportunities of videos in business, and it was my pleasure to make Acadecraft my companion for the best video solutions. I highly recommend this organization and would love to collaborate with them again.

With a holistic approach to creating powerful blended videos, Acadecraft delivered me a well-developed video solution. I appreciate the relentless efforts of the video editing team, whose in-depth knowledge and analytical skills effectively catered to my needs.

The services Acadecraft has given me exceeded my expectations; the team was effective and listened to my requirements carefully, and went the extra mile in researching and creatively developing awesome pieces of video content.

Not only from a quality perspective but on the management and delivery front, Acadecraft’s services are prolific. They stuck to the turnaround time and were constantly in touch with me throughout the creation process.

I recommend Acadecraft for video solutions as they have great hands-on use of animation, graphics, and other creative assets.

  • Shweta Patidar

I am thoroughly astounded by Acadecraft's proficient skills! Their exceptional voiceover and translation services were instrumental in amplifying our marketing endeavors and video promotions. They enabled us to communicate effectively with varied audiences and significantly propelled growth across numerous media platforms.

  • Sparsh Verma
  • Marketing Strategist

Working along with Acadecraft has been an exceptional journey. Their meticulous attention to detail and commitment to maintaining the essence of the content in the transition from English to Arabic was truly impressive. The collaborative spirit and timely communication made the entire process smooth and enjoyable. Without a doubt, I wholeheartedly endorse their services for a remarkable translation experience.

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616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Check out our collection of creative titles about artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other trending topics in technology.

⁉️ How to Write a Technology Essay: Do’s and Don’ts

🏆 best technology topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics about technology, 🎓 simple & easy research titles about technology, 📌 creative titles about technology, 🥇 most interesting technology topics to write about, ✍️ technology essay topics for college, ❓ technology essay questions.

If you are looking for a research title about technology, you are probably aware this broad subject requires careful thought. In this article, our experts put together a list of ideas to nudge you in the right direction before choosing your final topic.

A technology essay is a challenging assignment, and it can be very hard to achieve an A on it. Nevertheless, there are certain small things that you can keep in mind that will help you write an excellent paper on technology.

DO check the instructions carefully to know what is expected of you. Carefully noting each point of the instructions is 50% of the work because it will ensure that you don’t lose marks on accident. Apart from the instructions, make sure to read through the grading rubric. If you have trouble memorizing some bits, highlight and reread them while writing the paper.

DON’T start working on the essay until you’ve gathered enough information. If your subject requires research, choose reliable references, such as peer-reviewed journal articles or books by qualified authors. If your tutor provided a reading list on the subject, you should also check the titles to see if any of them are applicable. Sometimes your textbook might give you excellent ideas, so don’t overlook the course material.

DO write down your topic and title before you begin writing. This will help you to keep your essay organized and focused. Choosing what to write about can be challenging, particularly if you didn’t get a list of preliminary topics from your tutor. Luckily, you can browse the internet for good technology essay topics and select one that draws your attention.

DON’T choose a subject that is way too broad. This is a mistake made by many students that leads them to lose marks for content. When you write on a general subject, such as “modern technology” or “computer history,” it can be hard to demonstrate the required depth and analysis.

DO find ways of narrowing down your subject of interest. This step will help you write a paper that provides enough detail and offers interesting information that goes beyond Wikipedia content. For example, if you are interested in digital technology, write about a particular device or software. Note how it can benefit users, what are the core technologies involved, and whether or not there are any limitations.

DON’T include irrelevant information or details. The key to writing the best essay is to stay focused on your subject and use points that fit logically together. If you are writing about cell phone technologies, do not spend more than a couple of sentences talking about laptop technologies. If you choose to focus on graphic design, do not consider other digital technologies, and so on.

DO structure your paper well. The key here is to create an outline first so that you can organize your key points in a sequence. In a technology essay, introduction, main body, and conclusion are the three core parts.

To see how other people structure their work, browse examples of technology papers online. In particular, note how they used the first sentence to draw the readers’ attention – this might help you with technology essay hooks.

Based on your observations, make a detailed outline and return to it throughout the writing process to nail the structure of your paper!

Following the advice we provided will help you to create a top-notch essay that will impress your tutor and earn you a high mark. Don’t forget to look around our website to find some useful technology essay titles, sample papers, and more!

  • How Technology Affects Our Lives – Essay Another example of the use of technology in improving productivity and output is the use of database systems to store data and information.
  • Impact of Technology on Communication Essay Debating on how the technology has changed the way we communicate and connect with other people seems to be the topic of the day.
  • The Impact of Technology on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Report Technology assists in the development of a positive attitude to learning mathematics. The paper has revealed that use of technology improves students’ learning and leads to better results in mathematics.
  • Human Dependence on Technology Essay Overdependence on technology has made us become sedentary and therefore diseases that did not exist in the 18th century and below have now become a great threat to our livelihoods.
  • The Effect of Technology on the Environment At the present moment, humankind has to resolve one of the most complicated dilemmas in its history, in particular how to achieve equilibrium between the needs of people or and the risks to the Earth.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Tourism Industry The advancement of technology has seen the emergence of internet and the World Wide Web, which have transformed the way people interact and or do their businesses.
  • The Digital Divide The invention of the computer and the subsequent birth of the internet have been seen as the most significant advances of the 20th century.
  • How Innovation and Technology Makes Life Easier On the contrary, all of the essential parts of the life of our society are based on the use of technology.
  • Technology and Its Effect on Society This essay sets out to support the fact that technology has had a great impact on human culture as well as people’s interactions and improved the way of living worldwide.
  • The Use of DNA Technology in the O. J. Simpson’s Murder Trial The tests revealed that the blood samples taken from the crime scene, the victims’ blood and the blood at the gate matched Simpson’s blood.
  • Impact of Technology on Business Essay This paper is an analysis of the impacts that technology has had on businesses in the past and the impact that future technology is expected to have on businesses.
  • People Have Become Overly Dependent on Technology This is because it has come to the knowledge of many that human being is prone to errors, and the only way these errors can be eliminated is to engage technology in order to ensure […]
  • How Technology Is Changing Education With the availability of learning content, digitalization, and access to learning tools such as eBooks, technology is changing the education sector for the better, despite a few drawbacks such as students accessing inappropriate content online.
  • Is Technology Hindering Creativity? However, reliance on digital technology is turning people uncreative as most of them rely on the internet for nearly all their information needs.”People are increasingly turning to digital platforms, especially the internet, to access knowledge […]
  • Technology and Its Impact in the World Technology has a profound root in the society; this is because today’s world relies on the advances in technology. Technology has brought the discovery of electricity that is important in lighting up the world.
  • Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life Although the Internet was invented at the end of the 1980s, this technology was implemented for everyday use in the middle of the 1990s.
  • Science and Technology Will Change Our Future Sky car will be cost less to main and will launch and land at a pad the size of the dining room.
  • Use of Technology as a Learning Tool With the enhancement of technology that has been evident in the past years, technology has become an integral part of most of the activities carried out by humans.
  • Impact of Science and Technology on the Natural Environment He “is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the water he drinks, the food he eats, and the flow of energy and information”.
  • Technology, Privacy, and the Person These threats revolve around personal information and all efforts have to be put in to protect the privacy of internet users.
  • The Role of Technology in Education The state of the education system has moved to greater heights as compared to that in the past centuries. Computer and internet technology has completely brought a new trend in the global education that makes […]
  • Modern Technology’s Impact on Society Moreover, new technologies in medicine also contribute to a longer life expectancy of the population and the cure of diseases that were previously beyond the reach of doctors. In addition to medicine, technology has brought […]
  • Moral and Ethical Issues in Science and Technology The aspects that pose moral and ethical issues in technology today need to be outlined and controlled with consideration of all the parties involved.
  • Computer Technology: Evolution and Developments The development of computer technology is characterized by the change in the technology used in building the devices. The semiconductors in the computers were improved to increase the scale of operation with the development of […]
  • The Internet Revolution and Digital Future Technology Essay The revolution have been characterized by rapid developments in the information technology with the computers becoming,faster,cheaper,powerful and smaller and this has information technology to be part and parcel of lives as it is embedded in […]
  • Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Teachers’ attitudes towards technology and its use in teaching Al-Zaidiyeen, Mei, and Fook conducted a study with 650 teachers randomly picked in Jordan in order to determine “the level of ICT usages among teachers and […]
  • Radio and Information, Technology and Society Arguably one of the most epic accomplishments of the 20st century was the discovery of radio waves and the subsequent invention of the radio.
  • Technology in the 20th Century Astronomy is one of the major scientific advancements made in the 20th century with the invention of satellites which have been used for communication purposes, monitoring of weather and observation of sites by military.
  • Information Technology in the Employment Field Information technology is the branch of technology devoted to the study and application of data and the processing thereof. Moreover, the development and use of the hardware, software, firmware, and procedures associated with this processing […]
  • Online Gaming as a Technology Based Entertainment The use of web-based games and simulations has raised a lot of concerns due to the impact it has had on the lives of the students and the lives of individuals at home and at […]
  • The Impact of Technology in Education This essay addresses the issue of technology in education by summarizing a scholarly article on the subject and synthesizing the impact of technology in education.
  • Technology in Psychological Assessment The speed in conducting tests with the help of technology and the improved data analysis based on the effective use of statistical procedures make the technology play the important role in the sphere of emotional […]
  • How Changes in Technology Has Contributed Towards the Globalization of Markets and of Production The new developments have lead to a scenario of a free market where there are may buyers and sellers, complete knowledge of the products produced, and entry or exit of the market is on the […]
  • Technology for Crime Prevention With the modern computer technology and advanced software, criminal justice system has been in a capacity to compile data and store it as well as share its analysis with other agencies both in and out […]
  • Over Dependence on Technology The earlier discovery and developments in computers has seen the reliance of the technology in domestic and industrial applications. The developments of the internet communications has as well caused significant changes in the accessibility of […]
  • Technology Effect on Students’ Enthusiasm: Analysis The main research question for the study is how the implementation of technologies in the science course can affect the students’ enthusiasm related to learning the course topics.
  • Technology in Hospitality Industry Some customers would like to continue working while in the hotel or even to keep in touch with the progress of their businesses and information technology advancement has made this possible nowadays.
  • Impact of Information Technology in Organizations Effectiveness This paper seeks to investigate the impact of information technology on the results of organizational processes or results of the organizational performance.
  • Maryland Technology Consultants: New Hiring System The current report introduces the analysis of the business environment for the application of the new hiring system and the analysis of the existing hiring processes.
  • Bluetooth Technology in Your Life Bluetooth Smart Ready mechanisms are the gadgets receiving information sent from the conventional Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart gadgets and passing it to the applications, which make use of those data.
  • Educational Technology During the COVID-19 Pandemic Both learners and teachers agree that adopting educational technology to enhance virtual and online classes is the best move in continuing the learning and teaching processes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Nanotechnology: Applications and Implications Data by Dang and fellow researchers shows that patent application for nanotechnology inventions in developed countries increased from zero percent in 1991 to about 27 % in 2008 and that this growth is set to […]
  • Technology is Making Communication Easier at the Expense of Personal Contact The availability and easy access to the internet has also influenced the use of communication gadgets. In face-to-face communication, it is possible to detect foul play and deceit, but it is very hard to do […]
  • The Technology Influence on Youth This paper examines some of the main effects of new technologies on adolescents and young people, including deterioration of the physical and mental condition, increased risk of becoming a victim of a fraudster, and the […]
  • Information Technology and Human Society It led to the creation of the Internet that enabled computer users in India to communicate to computer users in the United Kingdom, the United States and even as far as New Zealand.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Nursing Technology is used by many organizations to improve the security and confidentiality of patient information and data. It increases the security of patient information and data.
  • Technology as a Form of Material Culture Typically, the advance in technology is necessitated by the desire of human beings to perform efficiently and to make life more comfortable.
  • How Technology Affects Children The first potential impact is that more young individuals who start to use different technologies and the Internet may develop brains that are wired to scan information without the need to process it completely or […]
  • Technology and Society: Advantages and Disadvantages The use of the internet in trading has necessitated the creation of large databases that are used to save private information.
  • Science and Technology’ Development in Ancient Civilizations These observations on Egyptian civilization assisted many in understanding the daunting challenges human beings experienced in terms of: the nature of human relationships; the nature of the universe; and the role of the divine forces […]
  • The Improvement in Technology The better technology the industry has, the greater the computing power and in effect the faster, persuasive and competitive the product becomes.
  • Information and Communications Technology Benefits in Healthcare ICT has also made it possible for caregivers and their institutions to easily transfer information from one place to the other.
  • Impact of Computer Technology on Economy and Social Life The rapid development of technologies and computer-human interactions influences not only the individual experience of a person but also the general conditions of social relations.
  • Impact of Technology on Healthcare Services This chapter will highlight some of the important milestones in the health sector in relation to health technology. The benefits of the spending will be weighed against the efficacy of the technology in this chapter.
  • Column Agglutination Technology (CAT) in Blood Bank Serology is a term utilized in study of fluids of the body as well as blood serum. In practice, blood bank refers to a division in laboratory where blood storage, testing and in some cases, […]
  • Technology Impact on Human Civilization Despite the large amount of information that the internet provides to people, research shows that the internet may have a negative effect on the intellectual ability of an individual. The use of technological devices may […]
  • Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages The disadvantages of modern technology involve numerous risks related to people’s cognitive intelligence and children’s healthy development. The problem related to the exposure to age-inappropriate materials with the help of new technology can be solved […]
  • The Role of Technology in Climate Change The latter is people’s addiction, obsession, and ingenuity when it comes to technology, which was the main cause of climate change and will be the primary solution to it as well.
  • Technology’s Role in Environmental Protection: The Ocean Cleanup Proponents of The Ocean Cleanup technology emphasize the fact that the devices have the capacity to effectively address oceanic plastic pollution.
  • The Importance of Information Technology in Healthcare The act has four subtitles whereby subtitle A deals with the adoption of health IT, subtitle B deals with testing of health IT, subtitle C is concerned with loans and grants for funding, and subtitle […]
  • Technology & Innovation: LG Electronics Strategy Report The development of technology is very important in the electronics industry and therefore LG electronics ensures that innovation and technology of the organization are managed effectively.
  • Virtual Reality Technology The third negative impact of virtual reality is that it causes human beings to start living in the world of fantasy.
  • Unemployment Rate Due to Impact of Technology By understanding the role of technology on unemployment, the public can develop innovative mechanisms to overcome the issue. The impact of technology on the labor market is relevant to my present and future life.
  • Technology Impact: 24 Hours Without My Cell Phone I use my laptop extensively as I am a student and do most of my academic work with the help of this tool.
  • Social Theories of Technology As such it has been viewed by many as the core impetus of transformation and development in society and it has resulted into emergence of the philosophical and scholarly belief referred to as technological determinism […]
  • Overview of Instructional Technology in Education Instructional technology is the theory of the design, utilization and development of items or ideas in order to enhance the evaluation procedures for the enhancement of learning.
  • Children’s Dependence on Technology About 75% of parents say that “they are satisfied with the amount and quality of the educational media available to their children”.
  • Emerging Trends in Technology Future advancements in mobile or wireless technology promise to be a hot subject for the future of the globe, especially about lifestyle and conduct of business.
  • Advertising Technology’ Changes in the 1980s The current forms of advertising such as the use of print and electronic media have helped define the practice of advertising. In the 18th century, advertising was mainly in the form of announcements of the […]
  • Effects of Technology on Sony Corporation Inc. The company has embarked on the use of technology to automate its internal process; some of the areas involved are the use of integrated supply chain management, this is a system where different sectors of […]
  • Technology: Shaping the Future of Education With the abundance of new technologies and advancements that occur every year, integrating innovative solutions into education has become paramount.
  • Information Technology Specialist as a Profession The field of IT industry is vast, and it is full of opportunities for young specialists. However, it is also important to understand that the given prevalence of positive factors in an IT specialist field […]
  • “The Question Concerning Technology” by Martin Heidegger Heidegger is very interested in the essence of modern technology that is highlighted in his work “The Question Concerning Technology” but the basic subject of his work is not the interpretation of different approaches of […]
  • Information Technology Impacts on the Logistic Industry The advent of information technology has led to the enhancement of organizational services through the adoption of IT. The following objectives will guide the study: Firstly, this paper investigates and reports on the state or […]
  • How Has Technology Affected Your Life? In this essay, I will provide examples proving the positive and negative influence of technology. I believe that filtering content and controlling the time spent on social networks will maximize the positive influence of technology.
  • Technology Impact on US Teenagers’ Reading Habits Since the turn of the century, numerous changes in the type and amount of material teenagers are reading in the United States have been witnessed.
  • Medical Science and Technology in Society It turns out that the solution to the problem of health preservation depends not least on the formation of the correct attitude to human health as on the value.
  • Effect of Technology in Networking The adoption of technology in this particular domain extends boosts the standards of the transmission and circulation of data. Second, the learning and application of technology in networking will bridge the gap between the physically […]
  • New Technology Training in Hospitality Industry The emergence of new technologies in the hospitality industry has made it possible to enhance training and learning among the employees and the management team.
  • Technology as a Macro-environmental Force that Affect Marketing Related Decision In order to comprehend the significance of technology in the market, it is imperative to fully understand the meaning of macro-environment forces.
  • Disadvantages of Modern Technology for Critical Thinking Due to the ubiquity of the Internet, people have access to all sources of information, libraries, research, etc. Modern technologies open access to knowledge to everyone, but at the same time, they do not provide […]
  • Sensor Technology Company’s Vision Statement and Strategy The automation will be moderate, and capacity levels will be maximized for low-end and traditional markets only, and in order to achieve the vision of cheapness, it is important to obtain economies of scale.
  • Social Change With Technology: Ogburn’s Model Thirdly, the invention of the steam engine improved transport and communication while the invention of the computer has led to the massive change in all societies.
  • Smartphones and Information Technology Systems Management Smartphones such as BlackBerry have applications that increase the accessibility of information, which is critical in enhancing the organisations’ effectiveness particularly in the management of tasks and projects.
  • The History of Catapults Technology Before 1850 Most of the other literatures detailing the use of the catapult claim that the inspiration came from the bow and sling, which is well known to be a popular weapon in the ancient times.
  • How Technology Is Positively Changing Work The manner people function and transact business is being altered and reshaped by the advancement of workplace technology. While technology can benefit social networking, information exchange, and improved efficiency, its use in the workplace can […]
  • Face Recognition Technology Face recognition is the automatic localization of a human face in an image or video and, if necessary, identifying a person’s identity based on available databases. Interest in these systems is very high due to the wide range of problems they solve (Jeevan et al., 2022). This technology is a biometric software application capable of […]
  • Technology Influence on Problems of Modern Society In the globalized and digitalized era, it is vital to preserving the balance and control physical activity, food habits, and relationship patterns to avoid suffering from the negative aspects of technologies and their dominance in […]
  • The Technology of Drones Drones are an emerging sector of the aviation industry that has been received differently by the public primarily due to the possibility of misuse, infringement of privacy, and military use in combat.
  • Tablet Computer Technology It weighs less than 500g and operates on the technology of AMOLED display with a resolution of WVGA 800 480 and a detachable input pen.
  • Advantage Energy Technology Data Center Migration Below is the Advanced Energy Technology matrix: Priority matrix determines the most crucial duties in the project management and it indicates the tasks that project leader’s needs to put emphasis on to accomplish the project.
  • Smart Technology for Enhancing Guest Experience in Luxury Hotels Therefore, the new era of the hotel industry will depend on the extent to which the businesses embrace the technologies and how the millennials respond to them.
  • Electronic Health Record Technology: Swimlane Diagram Therefore, the objective of this paper is to make an attempt to understand and assess one of the processes commonly conducted in an ordinary health-care facility and improve it, representing the major steps related to […]
  • How Does Technology Affect the Economy? The net effect of this phenomenon is the creation of jobs in developed countries and the loss of jobs in developing nations.
  • 3D Printing Industry and Market One can understand the industry of 3D technologies in terms of the software technology, the hardware and the nature of the products.
  • World War I Technology Although the question of the origins of the Great War is highly debated, and although this war is considered by many as the beginning of a new stage in history and the real starting point […]
  • History of the Networking Technology The development of computer networks is the answer to the urgent need of the modern day workplace to have the ability to receive and send information quickly and efficiently.
  • Conflict Theory Applied to Technology-Related Issues Examples are personal choices and social forces: while the former contributes to one’s personality and psychology, the latter is connected with social norms and influences of other people.
  • Information Technology Code of Ethics & Responsibilities According to the social contract theory, the government has the obligation of ensuring the security of individual and organizational information by instituting laws on the protection of their privacy.
  • Cause and Effect of Change in Technology The cause of change in technology is, perhaps, rightly due to the evolution of humankind. A rosy picture is generally painted by the proponents of modern and contemporary technology in the business world.
  • Science and Technology Impact on Globalization Globalization has by now laid down the phase for this epoch through making the world interrelated further and the tools of empowerment available to all.”To start with, Globalization refers to the trend toward countries joining […]
  • Multimedia Technology for Teaching and Learning Studies have shown that the use of multimedia is a technological phenomenon because its applications involve the use of technology. The implication is that multimedia has a theoretical basis for both teaching and learning.
  • Push Versus Pull Technology Therefore, the number of business applications as well as the tools and protocols that guide the operations of the internet will keep on increasing.
  • Smart Grid Technology The most common application of smart grid technology is in electricity distribution. In conclusion, smart grid technology has changed the way power is generated and transmitted.
  • The Role of Technology in Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills Modern technologies are effective in enhancing critical thinking skills because they expose teachers and students to valuable information and allow them to develop their research competencies.
  • Technology in Nursing The main themes in the analysis showed that reducing risks and improved access to health care were the most important factors leading to the use of the systems.
  • Information Technology in Logistics Management Logistics management is for that reason, the management of the supply chain system to ensure efficient, smooth running and well coordination of the chain of supply in order to take advantage of it.
  • Using Technology in Classrooms Baylor and Ritchie found that for technology to work well in the classroom, it must be complemented by a series of other activities.
  • Environmental Science & Technology In terms of architecture, the attempts of architects to decrease the impact on the environment right from the beginning is based on the desire to produce the item of the building components, continuing so in […]
  • Sports as Media, Technology, and Innovation Sport is the sum of all efforts made to safeguard an individual’s mental and physical well-being, maximize the sensations of excitement, competition, and victory, and optimize personal accomplishment within a set of regulations.
  • How Has Technology Influenced the Creation of Art? In the modern conditions of the development and manifestation of the possibilities of humanity, new creative cultural products and directions appear, the boundaries between art and technology are erased, and they are connected.
  • Technology and Human Development This paper discusses video games as learning tools to highlight the kind of knowledge that they present to learners and their effectiveness in enabling people to acquire the knowledge.
  • Technology in “Society is Dead: We Have Retreated into the IWorld” by Andrew Sullivan The main purpose of the essay is to point out how much a person is a mission out on while aimlessly listening to music and adding a personal soundtrack to their life.
  • Emerging Technologies: Augmented Reality and iPhone Technology Although this technological innovation has not been used in any learning environment, because it is partly real and virtual; hence, its ability to show required information at the required time and place using a special […]
  • Assistive Technology in Education Discuss the role and importance of assistive technology in the lives of individuals with disabilities AT has several roles in the lives of people with disabilities, and there are wide ranges of devices to cater […]
  • Sciences and Technology Role in History Technology has played a key role in development of such inventions as gunpowder in 13th century, printing development in 15th century, steam engine invention in the 18th century, and development of various factories in the […]
  • Music Technology in Michael Jackson and Pink Floyd’ Songs When it comes to identifying the instrumental elements that make Thriller unique as not only as one of the pop songs of the 80s, but also pop songs in general, the variety of the instruments […]
  • How Technology Has Destroyed Jobs in Our World Today? As pointed out by Rotman, the same technology that is apparently making work easier and helping to increase the level of productivity in business enterprises is responsible for killing jobs and getting rid of humans […]
  • Music Industry & Technology: Benefits and Threats One of the advantages that technology introduced to the music industry is that it has enabled the distribution of music all over the world, thus increasing sales.
  • History of Communication Technology The process calls for a correspondent, the information to be conveyed, and an anticipated receiver, even though the recipient need not be at hand or cognizant of the dispatcher’s intention to pass information at the […]
  • Technology Siri for Submission Voice recognition and generation, whether in the form of Siri or some other software, is a welcome and useful part of users’ lives now.
  • Is Modern Conveniences and Technology a Curse or a Blessing? However, although modern conveniences and technological innovations have some negative effects, the benefits of such conveniences and innovations overshadow such effects; hence, modern conveniences and technological developments have greatly improved the quality of life; hence, […]
  • Computer Technology Use in Psychologic Assessment The use of software systems in the evaluation may lead a practitioner to misjudge and exceed their own competency if it gives the school psychologists a greater sense of safety.
  • Wood-Based Technology and Manufacturing Processes The strength and stiffness of wood vary due to the structure of the wood. This is the ability of the wood to resist shearing.
  • Impact of Science and Technology If the answer to all such questions is in the negative then undoubtedly science and technology have made a great impact on our lives and surroundings.
  • Ethicality in Information Technology To avoid these are designed significant frameworks that consider issues of morality as pertaining to privacy of information, environmental aspects; how agents should carry themselves in the info-sphere, information life-cycle; how information is created, distributed […]
  • The Cellphone: The History and Technology of the Gadget that Changed the World This paper reviews the book The cellphone: the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world by Guy Klemens.
  • Technology Impact on Society and Environment It is possible to think of a variety of effects of technology. Availability of food also adds to the increase of people’s lifespan.
  • Wood Technology: Blenheim Bridge Construction The image below shows the site of the bridge: Nicholas Powers, the man who is credited for the design of the longest wooden bridge in the world went to Schoharie in New York to carry […]
  • Electronic Range Finder Technology Application In the early 1960s, the devices were actively fitted in the most expensive cameras. Although more sophisticated auto-focus devices later outnumbered the range finders, some of these cameras are still in use today.
  • Technology’s Impact on Events of the 21st Century In this paper, the researcher seeks to discuss the impact of technology on social and economic events in the twenty-first century.
  • Technology in Society, Healthcare and Education However, the research on this topic is extensive and shows the impact of technology to be a positive one. Further research on this and other topics should be considered due to the widespread presence of […]
  • Ethics in Computer Technology: Cybercrimes The first one is the category of crimes that are executed using a computer as a weapon. The second type of crime is the one that uses a computer as an accessory to the crime.
  • The Automotive Technology Evolution This marked the beginning of the car industry, which ultimately led to the development of modern automobiles and opened the way for their production. The reliability and safety of automobiles have increased due to technological […]
  • Environmental Degradation and the Use of Technology in the Agricultural Sector According to the United Nations Environmental Program, environmental degradation is the term used to refer to the destruction of the environment through the exhaustion f natural resources such as air water, and soil along with […]
  • Information Technology, Its Role, Pros and Cons The work also gives ground for discussions related to the nature of technologies and their implementation in the majority of modern activities to increase their efficiency.
  • Information Communication Technology in Egypt Education One of the ways through which the firm intends to achieve this is through incorporation of ICT in the education sector.
  • Technology Intervention or Change in the Walt Disney Company The reason for the anticipated change in the technology to shape the company’s business is primarily that technology is changing the way consumers’ consumption pattern was changing with changing technology, and may affect the demand […]
  • How Digital Technology Influences Art This section of the paper discusses the impacts of digital technology on the world of arts. Digital technology has extended the array and amount of artwork that one artist can do in a given period.
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education One of the significant advantages of using technology is that it enables teachers to design and implement interactive course materials that could be used to enhance learning experiences that are more pleasurable and meaningful to […]
  • Negative Impacts of Computer Technology For instance, they can erase human memory, enhance the ability of human memory, boost the effectiveness of the brain, utilize the human senses in computer systems, and also detect anomalies in the human body. The […]
  • Challenges of Computer Technology Computer Technologies and Geology In fact, computer technologies are closely connected to any sphere of life, and it is not surprisingly that geology has a kind of dependence from the development of computers and innovative […]
  • Risk Management in a Technology Company: Huawei Risk is the likelihood of an organization or business not meeting its projected outcome due to the probable impacts of the incidents. Risk is a subset of uncertainty, but risk and uncertainty are not the […]
  • Role of Technology in the Future of Farming The role technology has to play in farming in the future needs to be in great as it has been in the transportation sector in the past.
  • Space Technology: a Critical Investment for Our Nation’s Future by Bobby Braun The author devoted the article called Space Technology: A Critical Investment for our Nation to discussing the advantages of the process and positive outcome of the American aerospace industry.
  • Green Revolution Technology The increased consumption of cereals especially rice and wheat, as a result of Green Revolution led to increase in the consumption of milk and meat to balance the diet.
  • Technology and Relationships: Positive and Negative Effects The research proposal provides an analysis of two topics namely ‘the positive effects of using technology to communicate in an organization’ and ‘the negative impacts of using technology for individual and family communication’.
  • Effects of Technology on Culture To identify the main players, such as people and devices, that led to the attainment of this condition in the family unit.
  • Technology and Music Industry The impact of file sharing technology in the music industry has been a major obstacle to its advancement. In a clearer way, the future purchase and sale of music is anticipated to be easier.
  • Role of Technology in Business and Advertising As a firm that is concern with raising other firms to a competitive level by marketing and enhancing promotion of the products, the company is not the typical business-advertising agency that fits the needs of […]
  • Impact of Technology on Human Beings However, despite the numerous benefits of such technology, there are concerns of the effects it has on humans. In that regard, media and communication technologies are suggested to affect the mental capacity of people while […]
  • Health and Environment: The Impact of Technology This is a foundation of the healthcare sector that has been offering support to the integration and operation of variety of health services applications and thus contributing to the betterment of the healthcare sector.
  • Spray Dryer Absorber (SDA) Technology: Flue Gas Desulfurization by Lime Spray Drying It is a requirement that the SDA be upstream of a particulate control device so that the sorbent can be removed from the flue gas.
  • The Compact Disc Technology Compact disc players are physical equipments that retrieve encoded information from the CDs using a decoder section of the player, producing the output in form of sound, motion pictures, and other data forms to the […]
  • Self Service & Bagging Technology The EFTPOS machine makes contacts with the store’s bank to inform them of the transaction and also to the customer’s bank to debit the account.
  • Information Technology in Business Imagine a news channel where work is done in a very fast pace, in coming of information, screening and sorting it out, getting them edited, capturing proper footages, stopping on air program to break the […]
  • Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence The first limitation is the speed of information transfer, which, thanks to the advances in information technology, is becoming faster and faster. Advances in information technology and the AI would have to remove the biological […]
  • Virtual Reality Technology for Wide Target Audience Due to the numerous applications in both leisure and industry, as well as massive popularity with audiences of different ages, there is a chance that, in several years, evaluating the target audiences of Virtual Reality […]
  • Gender Gap in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics The common argument against affirmative action in STEM is that since there are no tangible barriers for women to enter the STEM field, it is thus a matter of their choice which should be respected. […]
  • Audiovisual Technology Application Under the display individual static images function-type, traditional technologies used to support teaching and learning process comprise of overhead and slide projectors, bulletin board and posters; while the digital-and-other-emerging versions of the same comprise of […]
  • Actor-Network Theory and the Theory of the Social Construction of Technology
  • Technology Fails to Deliver Happiness
  • Drone Technology and the Future
  • Technology and Negative Effects
  • Academic Writing Under Impact of Technology
  • Smart Bed Technology in Healthcare
  • Impact of Technology on Design Industry
  • Postman’s Concept of Technology
  • Technology Evolution in The Modern Society
  • Marketing Plan for Safety Systems Technology
  • Information Communication Technology in Retail Logistics
  • Technology in Business
  • Effects of Technology in Education
  • Food: How Technology Has Changed the Way We Eat?
  • Pros and Cons of Information Technology
  • Historical Evolution of Technology in Healthcare
  • Digital Technology’s Impact on the Body, Gender, and Identity
  • Role of Technology Behind Discord
  • Information Technology in Healthcare
  • Innovation in Construction: Green Technology
  • Wi-Fi Technology and Applications
  • Science and Technology as Powerful Tools of Warfare and Destruction
  • 21st Century Communication Technology
  • Future Trends in Educational Technology
  • Technology Failure in Business: Problem Solving
  • Article Review on Technology in Education
  • College Technology Application
  • The Role of Technology in Making Important Health Decisions
  • The Concept of Green Technology in Modern World
  • Technology Effect on the Disappearance of Specific Jobs
  • Apple as a Multinational Technology Corporation
  • Zoom Technology and Its Ethical Issues
  • Disruptive Innovations: Self-Driving Vehicle Technology
  • Efficient Solar Refrigeration: A Technology Platform for Clean Energy and Water
  • Interlocking Bricks: Production Technology
  • Design Technology: Digital Devices, Their Advantages and Disadvantages
  • How “Making It Eco Friendly” Is Related to Information Technology and the Environment
  • Computer Sciences Technology: Smart Clothes
  • History of Television: The Most Influential Personalities That Contributed to the Development of Television Technology
  • Technology Effect on Early Learning
  • Technology Effects on Operations Management Decision Making
  • Touch-Screen Technology and Its Practical Benefits
  • The Printing Technology: Principles and Applications
  • Smart Card Technology, Its Benefits and Usage
  • Target Stores’ Information Technology Failures
  • Technology for Learning: Digital Students
  • Integrating Technology Into Classroom
  • Effects of Technology on Tertiary Education
  • The Technology in Facility Management in the Hospitality Industry
  • Impact of New Forms of Technology on Our Understanding of Pornography
  • The Role of Technology in Facilities Management
  • The Impact of Technology on Global Business
  • Gender and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Programs
  • Science and Technology in World History
  • Facial Recognition Technology and Ethical Concerns
  • Applicant Tracking Software for Maryland Technology Consultants
  • Genetic Technology Integrated in Modern Society​
  • Parents’ Role in Children-Technology Relations
  • Informational Technology Applications to Facilitate Hospital Expansion
  • Integrating Technology in Curriculum
  • Analysis of Technology in Milk Industry
  • The Flashlight Technology Description
  • Ortho BioVue and Lateral Grifols Column Agglutination Technology
  • Engineering and Technology Management
  • A Technology System Purchase Contract
  • Modern Technology: Invasion of Human Communication
  • Construction Technology Is Reshaping the Industry
  • Basic Technology and Human Rights
  • Virtual Reality: A Powerful New Technology for Filming
  • Worship and Changes in Culture and Technology
  • The Impact of Technology on Organizational Performance
  • Technology and Language Relationships
  • Educational Policy Changes: Technology in Education
  • The Information Technology Department: Concept Map
  • Emirates NBD’s Information Technology Project
  • Mobile Technology in Japan
  • Web 2.0 Technology: Development and Issues
  • The Role of Science and Technology in International Relations Regarding Climate Change
  • Educational Technology in Mmall State Countries: The Maldives
  • Laser Technology in Medicine and Future
  • Technology Triangle of Sustainable Development of Masdar City
  • The Role of Diversity in the Use of Technology by Educational Organizations
  • How the technology impact education
  • Multimedia and Information Technology Contemporary Issues
  • Organizations in the Engineering and Technology Environment
  • “At-Risk Students and Technology Education: A Qualitative Study” by Philip Cardon Critical Analysis
  • Technology Development In Asia
  • Business Memo: Impact of Technology on Quality of Work
  • Information Technology in People’s Lives
  • Impact of Technology on the Way People Celebrate Christmas
  • Network Topology Design Process
  • Information Technology: Computer Software
  • Effects of Computer Programming and Technology on Human Behavior
  • Avon Community Business Plan: Reforming Library Technology
  • Computer-Based Communication Technology in Business Communication: Instant Messages and Wikis
  • A Critical Evaluation of the Impact of Project Management Office on the Organization’s Delivery of Information Technology Projects
  • Processing of Intel and AMD: Chipset Technology
  • Space Science and Technology Development in the UAE
  • FBI Information Technology and Data Scientist Jobs
  • Smartphone Technology and Its Brief History
  • Benefits of Distance Managing and Technology in Context
  • Health Information Technology and Its Benefits
  • How Has Technology Changed the Health Education
  • Technology Acceptance Model and Cybersecurity
  • Welcome to Video Telepresence Technology
  • Technology and Innovation: Entrepreneurial Action Research Project
  • Education: Student Use of Technology in Classroom
  • Technology and Parenting: Gaming and Social Media
  • Technology Acceptance Model
  • Influence of Technology of the Quality of Care
  • ADSL Internet Connection Technology
  • Thomas More’s Utopia, Utilitarianism, and Technology
  • Advances in Medical Technology and Society
  • Technology vs. Nature in ‘ War Horse’ by Steven Spielberg
  • Bra Technology: Uses and Effects
  • Improving Taxi Businesses With Information Technology
  • Technology in Classrooms: Learning and Teaching Geometry
  • Importance of Health Information Technology
  • Computer Technology in the Student Registration Process
  • Information and Communication Technology in Learning
  • Technology Influence on Climate Change
  • The Information Technology Revolution
  • Technology Use among Children: Ethical Issues
  • How Technology Has Changed Lives?
  • Role of Technology in Retail Sector
  • Security in the Information Communication Technology
  • Technology and Children’s Social Skills
  • Application of Technology in Education
  • How the Way of Reading Books Changed due to Rapid Evolution of Technology
  • The Question Concerning Technology – Expository Essay
  • How Business Sectors Benefit from Information Technology?
  • Bioremediation Technology
  • How Women Are Using Technology
  • The History of Relational Database Technology
  • Importance of Information System and Technology in Companies
  • Application of RFID Technology
  • Impact of Modern Technology on Human Communication
  • 3D Printers: Innovative Tools or Threat to Business?
  • The Use of Radio Frequency Identification Technology: Issues and Solutions
  • Technology: The Level of Safety and Health Inside the Department
  • Technology Strategy for Business Success
  • Freedom and Social Justice Through Technology
  • The Ethical Use of Technology in Healthcare
  • Information Technology in Microsoft’s Business as a Project Topic
  • The People-Environment-Technology Relationships
  • New Technology’s Influence on the Future
  • Technology and Learning in Criminal Justice
  • Reading and Writing with Use of Technology
  • Barriers That Exist for Women in Information Technology (IT)
  • Recruiting Strategies in the Technology Industry
  • The Zipcar Company’s Technology and Security
  • Decreasing Health Disparities Using Innovative Technology
  • Technology: Improvement of Human Resources Functions With Minimal Costs
  • Use of Technology in Healthcare
  • Technology Trends and Ethical Considerations
  • Digital Technology in Healthcare
  • Health-Focused Wearable Technology
  • The Technology Role in the 6th of January Event
  • How Society and I Engage With Technology
  • Ethical Challenges in the Workplace: Technology-Based Platforms
  • Human Performance and Technology in Education
  • Health Technology Assessment: The Ethical Issues
  • The Use of Technology in Nursing Education
  • Information Technology’s Impact on Education
  • Administration of School Technology Programs
  • An Instructional Technology Facilitator’s Reflection
  • The Tax Transformation Technology Roadmap
  • COVID-19 and Depression: The Impact of Nursing Care and Technology
  • The Role of Technology in the Psychology Profession
  • The Valley Healthcare System’s Use of Technology
  • Impact of a Financial Technology (Govcoin) On UAE Local Exchange Financial Industry
  • Technology Skills in Professional Writing
  • The Impact of Technology Development on the Adolescence Psychology
  • Technology in Education and Business
  • The TREND-UP Solar Technology
  • Technology Promoting Learning in Education
  • “The Gods and Technology” Article by Rojcewicz
  • The Significance of Studying Technology
  • Health Information Technology: The Main Benefits
  • Influence of Technology on Environmental Concerns
  • Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Technology
  • FashTec Technology Company’s Design Thinking
  • Wearable Technology in Healthcare
  • Incorporation of Technology into the Medical Profession: Research
  • Technology to Fight Postpartum Depression in African American Women
  • K-12 Learning and Technology in a Post-COVID-19 Era
  • How Technology Affects Sleep in Adolescents
  • The Use of Technology in American Schools
  • Technology to Improve Gun Safety
  • How Technology Helps in Health and Medical Care
  • Incorporating Technology in Science Curriculum
  • Technology and Restaurant Guest Service
  • The Technology Use in Communication Processes
  • Technology Acceptance Model and Technology Readiness
  • Information Technology and Pedagogy in Nigeria
  • Elements and Infrastructures for Technology Startups
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Medical Technology
  • Bad Influence of Technology Designs on Human Psyche
  • Mobile Phone as Personality-Forming Technology
  • Change Leadership: Telehealth Technology at Orlando Health
  • Will Advancement in Technology Positively Impact the Future
  • Technology of Intelligence Collection of the 21st Century
  • Bitcoin Technology: Ethical Considerations and Summing Up
  • Bringing Technology to Business: The Risk of Job Loss
  • Digital Technology for Learning and Development
  • Technology Revolutionizing Ethical Aspects of Academic Freedom
  • Technology in Nursing Education
  • Modern Communication Impacted by Technology
  • Technology and Public Outreach in Healthcare
  • Overreliance on Technology in Educational Institutes
  • Information Technology Influence on Ethics
  • Aspects of the Development of Technology
  • Advanced Technology and Data Protection
  • Technology in Use Every Day: Praxis EMR
  • Researching of Blockchain Technology
  • Information Technology Support for Virtual Teams
  • Humans and Technology: Building Relationships
  • Theories of Social Change: The Role of Technology
  • Virtualization Technique in Business Information Technology
  • Technology and Impact of Engineering Funding
  • The Societal Impacts of Job Displacement Caused by Changes in Technology
  • Analyzing Technology & Job Displacement
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Technology Solutions
  • Ethics and Information Technology in the Medical Workplace
  • ReliaQuest: Information Technology Security
  • Innovation and Technology in the Construction Industry
  • Innovation and Technology Management and Decision Making
  • Personal Code of Technology Ethics
  • The Process of Deploying New Technology in the Healthcare Organization
  • Communication Technology as a Novel Environment for Human Brain
  • Technology Barriers in Care Coordination for Individuals with Chronic Illnesses
  • Blockchain Technology and Potential Issues
  • The Influence of Technology on Communication and Team Management
  • Integrating Technology in the Curriculum
  • The King Company’s Technology Implementation
  • Use of Technology in the Educational System
  • Project Management in Information Technology Sphere
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in Education
  • Power and Technology: Power in Apple Inc.
  • Human Impact on Technology: Ethics for the Information Age
  • Information Technology Aspects and Issues
  • Cloud Technology for Data Management
  • Automation Processes: Blockchain Technology in Education
  • Technology and Cost Containment Discussion
  • Technology Is an Embedded Agent of Cultural Impact: Critical Review
  • Technology Usage in Skilled Nursing Facility
  • Co-Teaching and Use of Technology in Education
  • ShotSpotter: New Technology Adoption in Policing
  • Green Steel Production Technology Assessment
  • Organic Photovoltaic Cells Technology Production
  • Discussion of Technology in Supply Chain Management
  • Examining Educational Technology: Student Benefits and Misuse Possibilities
  • Civil War: Causes, Technology, and Justification
  • Materiality, Agency and Evolution of Lithic Technology
  • The CO2 Laser Technology and Its Application
  • Gulf Information Technology Exhibition Global X AI 2021
  • Telehealth Technology: Impact on Patient Safety and Outcomes
  • Blockchain Technology Importance and Advantages
  • Technology Implementation in Future Elder Care
  • An Alluring Technology That Ransoms the Future
  • Telehealth Technology and Feedback on Its Effectiveness
  • Innovation Technology for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
  • Life, Technology and Relationships in Year of 2160
  • Digital Technology Impact on Study of Languages
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology: Benefits for People
  • Cashless Technology Trend in China
  • Aspects of Technology Gameplan
  • Health Management Information Systems: Impact on the Technology Implementation
  • Community Standard Marketplace Technology of Hospital
  • Technology Needs Assessment in Health Care
  • The Use of Technology in the Human Services Field
  • General Healthcare Technology Trends at Miami Valley Hospital
  • Technology in the Realm of Healthcare
  • Internet Technology and Impact on Human Behavior
  • Integrating Cybersecurity Framework With Information Technology Governance Frameworks
  • Technology Assessment of Turtle Excluder Device
  • 5G Technology and Its Implementation in Business
  • Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
  • Radio Frequency Identification Technology as Artifact
  • History and Technology Relationship Analysis
  • New Technology Pros and Cons
  • Portable Mass Spectrometers Technology Implementation in Law Enforcement
  • Artificial Intelligence Effect on Information Technology Industry
  • Genetic and Genomic Technology
  • How Technology Is Changing Our Minds
  • Social Workers’ Roles: Technology Tools
  • Facial Recognition Technology Lab Report
  • Technology and Society Relations
  • Technology for TechFite Company’s Improvement
  • Drone Technology and Its Role in Logistics
  • Apple’s iPhone in the Technology Market
  • The Role of Technology in Human Capital Management
  • Technology in Education: Benefits and Challenges
  • Aspects of Fingerprint Technology
  • Information Technology Systems in Universities
  • First American Financial Corporation: Ethics and Information Technology
  • Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age
  • DNA Microarray Technology and Applications
  • Technology in Medical Care
  • Mobile Computing Technology and Accounting
  • The Website Caters to Technology Enthusiasts
  • Disruptive Technology Overview
  • Technology and Its Impact on Education Process
  • Modern Storage Technology: Data Compression
  • Technology in the Healthcare: Telehealth and Medical Apps
  • Technology and Wind Energy
  • The NP Core Competency of Technology and Information Literacy
  • Aspects of Management of Technology
  • HIPAA Technology Breach
  • Technology Adoption in Plymouth-Canton School District
  • Managing Generational Differences in Approaches to the Utilization of Technology
  • Chainlink Technology and Its Importance
  • Holacracy in Washington Technology Solutions and Precision Nutrition
  • The Use of Technology in Teaching Practice
  • Jobs & Technology: “In the Age of AI” Documentary
  • Technology & Brand Promotion Nexus in the 21st Century
  • Botulinum Toxin A: Chronic Migraine Prophylaxis
  • Information and Communications Technology in Education
  • Empire Technology Solutions Company: Principles of Management
  • Technology Use and Healthcare Organizations
  • Technology: Aspects of RAID System
  • Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology
  • CPOE: Information Technology Marketing
  • Information Technology Marketing: CPOE
  • Verizon Wireless: Forced Ranking and Technology
  • “Technology, Place, and the Nonmodern Thesis”: Architecture From the Perspective of Regionalism
  • Evolution of Autonomous Driving Technology
  • The Information Technology Security Strategy
  • Cloud Computing and Blockchain Technology Combined
  • The Use of Technology in the Education of Patients
  • “Promoting Urban Teachers’ Understanding of Technology…” by Mouza
  • Nursing Informatics: Mobile Stroke Unit Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence in Drone Technology for Farming
  • 3D Technology History in Cinema Industry
  • Firefighting Methods, Technology Availability in Qatar
  • Profitability in the UK Technology Industry
  • Technology and Generations: Mutual Influence
  • The Impact of Technology on Behavior: Articles of Brandon Ambrosino and Tristan Harris
  • Ethical Decision Making and Information Technology
  • Relation Between Technology and Data Gathering
  • Technology in Healthcare: Nanthealth
  • Technology Management Manual-Script
  • Police Technology Risks Regarding Personal Privacy
  • Healthcare Technology Implementation Plan
  • Improving the Centre for Appropriate Technology Hotspot
  • World History: Gunpowder Technology
  • Technology and Innovation Management in Organizations
  • Health Information Technology Adoption in California Community Health Centers
  • Maximizing Assessment Practice Through Domains, Technology, and Partnerships
  • Fall-Preventing Technology: Bed Alarms
  • Technology Upgrading in Resolving Problems
  • Transforming Healthcare Through Technology
  • The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Helping Entrepreneurship
  • Education & Medical Technology in the Surgical Setting
  • Information Technology Evaluation in Healthcare
  • Information Technology in Healthcare of Future
  • Information Technology Sector of the Government
  • Peter Drucker’s Management Can Keep Up with Technology
  • Safe Use Technology Observation During Covid-19
  • Entering a Travel Technology Company into a New Market
  • Role of Information Technology in the Business Sector
  • Genetics, Reproductive and Cloning Technology in “Frankenstein”
  • Information Technology Metrics and Measurements
  • Information Technology Quality Management Project
  • Using Information Technology to Analyze Financial Market
  • Nurse Involvement in Technology Acquisition
  • Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Through Technology
  • Advancement of Communication Through Technology
  • Canberra Institute of Technology Training Hub
  • Adopting Technology to Schedule Roles for RNs & LVNs in Home Health Agency
  • Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysian Natural Resource Sector Through Modern Technology & Equipment
  • Environmental Biology: Hydraulic Fracturing Technology
  • New Technology & Criminal Justice
  • Australian Prisoner System’s Strategic Information Technology Project
  • Decision Making and Benefits: Cincinnati Flow Technology
  • Advantages, Disadvantages and Scenarios for the Development of NFC Payment Technology
  • Digital Privacy Value in an Information Technology Age
  • Evaluation of Health Information Technology
  • Interesting and Relevant Applications of DNA Technology
  • Integrated Intellectual Property Strategies of Technology Firms
  • Global Positioning System Technology and Security
  • Healthcare Information Technology: Systems Analysis & Design
  • Wireless Technology: Issues, Impact, Compatibility
  • Liquid Mirror Telescope Technology
  • Ajman University of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Technology Opportunities for Information Management
  • Medical Technology Benefit the Human Race More Than It Is Harmful
  • Barriers to the Use of Technology to Support Users of Health and Social Care
  • Technology Upgrade: The “A” Energy Company
  • The Ethics of Reproduction Technology Book by Alpern
  • Embracing Technology in Healthcare for Impaired Patients
  • The Innovative Wood Technology of Cross-Laminated Timber
  • Factors Influencing Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Health Care Technology
  • Smart Soccerball: Goalline Technology
  • New Laboratory Cell Technology
  • Adoption of New Technology Systems
  • GE Taps into Coolest Energy Storage Technology around
  • Improving Program Design and Technology Indicator of Pressure Ulcer Training Program
  • Standardized Technology and the Impact of CMS on the Healthcare System
  • The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture: Evaluating the Improvements
  • Influence of Ethics on Information Technology
  • The Application of FinFET Technology in the Manufacture of Semiconductors
  • Nursing Informatics – New Technology System
  • Forecast of Genetic Technology
  • The Web-Enabled Technology: Key Aspects
  • Digital Information Technology
  • Energy Trust: Technology and Innovation
  • Basic Network Technology SLP 1
  • Ethical Considerations in Information Technology
  • Computer Technology: Databases
  • Information Technology Acts: Overview
  • Information Technology to Enhance Competitiveness
  • Human Performance Technology: End-User Security
  • Ethics Behind Technology Implementation in Justice System
  • Information Communication Technology Security in College of North London
  • Organic-Led Technology Application
  • Active Server Pages Analysis: Technology Overview
  • Definition of 3D Television Technology
  • Noise Cancelling Headphones Technology
  • Computer Sciences Technology: E-Commerce
  • Patrol Procedures: Technology
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Implementing VPN Technology
  • Bar-Code Technology & Automated Medication Dispensing Devices and Reducing Medication Errors
  • How Technology Impacts Careers: Education, Medicine, Retail Outlets
  • Stakes International Information Technology Project
  • The Impact of Modern Network Technologies on the Educational Technology
  • How Have the Latest Advances in Technology Impacted Recruitment?
  • Are Technology Related Field Only for Men?
  • What Are the Effects of Technology on Learning?
  • How the Society Values Computer Technology?
  • Can Technology Affect Ethics and Culture?
  • Are Teens Too Dependent on Technology?
  • Can Nano Technology Help Clean up Oil Spills in the Ocean and Seas?
  • Can Modern Technology Alter Our Thought Process?
  • Can Information Disclosure Technology Improve Investment Efficiency?
  • Can Technology Affect Your Mind?
  • Are Asian Technology Gaps Due to Human Capital Quality Differences?
  • Can Institutional Change Impact High-Technology Firm Growth?
  • How Does Technology Influence the Social Life of Students?
  • Are Technology-Intensive Industries More Dynamically Competitive?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Technology at School?
  • Can Digital Technology Change Consumer Behavior?
  • Are American Farmers Better off as a Result of Technology Gains?
  • What Are the Channels for Technology Sourcing?
  • Can Health Care Information Technology Save Babies?
  • Are Technology Shocks Contractionary?
  • How Has the Entertainment Industry Rapidly Changed Due to Technology and Pirates?
  • What Are the Benefits of Mobile Technology?
  • Can General Purpose Technology Theory Explain Economic Growth?
  • How Is the Gap Between Healthcare and Technology?
  • How Does the Technology Benefit Your Patients?
  • Can Computer Technology Improve the Lives in Developing World?
  • What Are the Benefits and Limitations of Nuclear Technology in Generating Energy?
  • How Is the Human Race Too Dependent on Today’s Technology?
  • What Are the Effects of Modern Technology on Relationships?
  • Our Clean Technology and Environmental Quality Conflicting Policy Goals?
  • Robots Questions
  • Online Education Topics
  • Cyber Security Topics
  • Data Management Essay Ideas
  • Research and Development Essay Topics
  • Digital Transformation Topics
  • Computer Forensics Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/technology-essay-examples/

"616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/technology-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/technology-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/technology-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/technology-essay-examples/.

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Creating Essay about Technical Education

A technical essay is a matter of effort and critical thinking. That is, you will not find the task to be easy. When you need to produce a great technical essay in English, you will first need to explore various technical essay topics. Then, you will use numerous quotations on technical education essay to create a perfect paper. When you are done gathering all necessary information, you will need to have at least one spare day per page. In other way, you will hardly manage to write more than one page per day. Therefore, if you have a 10-page technical essay waiting for you, be ready to spend at least 10-12 days to complete it.

Of course, when writing a technical essay, you will need to explore tons of literature. An average technical education essay will have between 1400 and 2000 words in it. It is not that much, given the amount of information you wish to include. Your technical writing essay must include only the most relevant information and support your argument and thesis.

When you study in a technical school, you will need to write at least one essay on importance of technical education. Most likely, this will be the first time you do it.

Please, take a look at our technical essay examples. If this is not what you need, do not hesitate to order your technical paper from us today.

New IT Trends and Technology

Today, the development of IT technologies is one of the most significant factors affecting the lives of people. Humans produce more and more information every day, which is an important asset for the companies to operate. At the same time, due to the recent scandals, the organizations need to become more respectful with the personal […]

Blockchain Beyond Crypto: The Future Unveiled

The Future and Perspectives of Blockchain Technology Research Question or Hypothesis: State clearly what your research interest is. Define your research question/hypothesis and the main objectives of your research (around 300 words). The research interest consists in the disruptive blockchain technology. This technology first came into the limelight in 2009 when it was first used […]

Upcoming Trends in Communication and Technology

Upcoming Trends in Communication and Technology and Their Integration in the Bank of America Information technology is one area that advances quite often. The IT realm has many upcoming trends with most of them contributing to the effective management of an organization. Some of these entities use the developments in information technology to manage data, […]

The Impact of Technology on a Young Child Brain

The technology essay explores how different technological tools, such as the Internet, social media and electronic gadgets, influence the brain of a young child. In particular, the paper investigates how technology affects the cognitive, social, emotional and sensory skills of a child. In the contemporary technologically advanced society, electronic gadgets and theInternet are aninevitable part […]

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is undoubtedly a brilliant invention, as the technology of the block system built the basis for a new era on the Internet by allowing digital information to be distributed not being copied. Despite the technology was created for Bitcoin, technicians are looking for other potential implementations for blockchain technology in other spheres, as […]

Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence Knowledge is one of the most significant assets of the organization. Knowledge management is an integrative business model which focuses on knowledge within the foundation of a firm. Being rooted in many spheres, including economics, business, information as well as psychology, knowledge management becomes an ultimate competitive advantage for any […]

Graphing Calculators

Mathematical Application Graphing Calculators Yearly, the recognition of the capability of technology in the aspects of learning and teaching mathematics has been developing greatly. Various math congresses, workshops, and publications developed an idea of graphing calculators, which help to understand the concepts of mathematics. The graphing calculator is a small handheld device capable of solving […]

Media and Globalization’s Impact on Gender Equality

Impact of Media and Globalization on Gender Equality The world has been becoming progressively more integrated. The changes, which began with greater trade openness, are interpreted into increasing global economic integration and interdependence due to the fact that transnational movements of capital and people expedite, while information becomes even more accessible. Technological enhancements are dramatically […]

Hubble Space Telescope: Beyond the Naked Eye

It is a fascinating aspect of the human nature that things that mesmerize a human soul generally have their technological reflection in the ideas of the mind. One of the most unique minds of the nineteenth century has changed the whole perception of the universe. It was Edwin Powell Hubble (1889–1953) who found himself lost […]

Virtual Meeting

Today, the ability to communicate online makes a huge difference compared to the past. In fact, such a possibility opens a wide range of opportunities for the people worldwide. Such opportunities could be used in the major areas of human focus, in particular, personal and professional development. In other words, the virtual meeting is an […]

7 Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Examples for 2024

As a hiring manager, I see many entry-level technical writer resumes. This article offers strong examples and advice to help you create a good resume. We'll cover key sections, important skills, and best practices to make your resume competitive.

Portrait of Liz Bowen

  • 06 Sep 2024 - 5 new sections, including 'Position education prominently', added
  • 06 Sep 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Entry-Level Technical Writer, added
  • 04 Sep 2024 - Article published

  Next update scheduled for 14 Sep 2024

Here's what we see in the best entry-level technical writer resumes.

Show Impact By Using Numbers : Highlight metrics like increase in time savings , reduction in customer support issues , document turnaround time , and accuracy improvement rates .

Include Relevant Skills From Job Descriptions : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are XML , DITA , MadCap Flare , MS Office , and CMS . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Showcase Relevant Coursework Or Training : Add phrases like technical writing course or certified writing program to show your education.

use this maybe to have a resume upload button widget 1: yellow Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. If your symptoms get worse or do not improve after 1 day, go to a lower altitude if you can. Try to go around 300 to 1,000 metres lower.

widget 2: red / but not serious Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. If your symptoms get worse or do not improve after 1 day, go to a lower altitude if you can. Try to go around 300 to 1,000 metres lower.

helpful blue / but not serious Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include.

Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Get your resume scored

Want to know if your resume stands out for entry-level technical writing roles? Our resume scoring tool gives you a clear picture of where you stand. It checks your resume against key criteria that hiring managers in the technical writing field look for.

Upload your resume now for a free, unbiased assessment. You'll get a score and useful tips to make your resume stronger for technical writing jobs.

Position education prominently

If you are a new graduate or an entry-level technical writer, your education is one of your strongest assets. Place your education section near the top of your resume, right after your contact information and summary or objective. This will show hiring managers your most recent academic achievements first.

Highlight any relevant courses or projects that you have completed, especially those that involved technical writing or communication skills. If you have experience with specific writing tools or technologies, list those as well. These details will help hiring managers see that you have a foundation in technical writing even if you do not have much work experience.

Include writing samples

Attach or provide a link to writing samples or a portfolio. These samples should demonstrate your ability to write clear and concise technical documents.

Focus on including pieces that relate directly to the job you are applying for, like user manuals, process documentation, or online help content.

Junior Technical Writer Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

As you prepare your resume for an entry-level technical writing position, keep it concise. You should aim for a single page. This encourages you to focus on your most relevant experiences and skills. Highlight your technical writing projects, proficiency in writing tools, and any internships. Remember, clear and brief resumes are a sign of your ability to communicate complex information efficiently, a key skill for a technical writer.

Respect the reader's time by making sure your strongest points are on the first page. Use a readable font and margin size. If you are faced with the choice, it's better to select the most relevant details over squeezing in less critical information. Think like a technical writer: prioritize clarity and relevance.

Senior Technical Writer Resume Sample

Highlight technical skills.

As a new technical writer, you should showcase your writing and technical skills prominently. This includes knowledge of tools like Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, and content management systems.

List any experience with coding languages such as HTML, CSS, or Python. These can make you a strong candidate because many technical writing jobs value these skills.

Entry-Level Technical Writer with Healthcare Specialization Resume Sample

Aspiring entry-level technical writer resume sample.

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  1. 33 Good Technical Writing Examples (Word & PDF) ᐅ TemplateLab

    technical essay example

  2. 33 Good Technical Writing Examples (Word & PDF) ᐅ TemplateLab

    technical essay example

  3. Technical Writing Essay Example

    technical essay example

  4. 33 Good Technical Writing Examples (Word & PDF) ᐅ TemplateLab

    technical essay example

  5. 33 Good Technical Writing Examples (Word & PDF) ᐅ TemplateLab

    technical essay example

  6. 33 Good Technical Writing Examples (Word & PDF) ᐅ TemplateLab

    technical essay example


  1. Information Technology Essay writing in English..Short Essay on Technology Information in 150 words

  2. Midterm revision technical writing

  3. Essay on Technical Education with Quotations

  4. Technical Education Essay

  5. Technical Business Writing

  6. Purpose of technical writing/importance of technical writing /How to became a technical writer?


  1. 33 Good Technical Writing Examples (Word & PDF)

    Learn how to write technical documents that communicate complex information clearly and concisely. Find out the characteristics, purposes and types of technical writing, and download 33 examples in Word and PDF formats.

  2. 11 Technical Writing Examples & Samples in 2024

    Learn what technical writing is, why it is important, and how to create different types of technical documents with real-world samples. Explore 11 examples of technical writing, such as user manuals, software installation guides, SOPs, API documentation, and more.

  3. A Guide to Technical Writing (With Examples)

    Learn what technical writing is and how to do it effectively with examples. Find out how to write for different audiences, topics, and styles, and get tips on clarity, accuracy, and accessibility.

  4. 8 Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You

    Learn what technical writing is and see examples of different types of technical documents, such as user manuals, standard operating procedures, case studies, white papers, API documentation, and press releases. Find out how to write and format these documents for various audiences and purposes.

  5. How to Write a Technical Essay

    Learn the purpose, format, structure and elements of a technical essay, a type of writing that explains or argues a technical or scientific topic. Find tips on how to organize your thoughts, use references and follow specific formatting requirements.

  6. How to Write a Technical Essay

    Example of Technical Essay: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare sector. AI-driven diagnostic tools analyze medical images with remarkable accuracy, aiding early disease detection. Natural language processing enables efficient patient data analysis for personalized ...

  7. PDF Technical writing: Its importance & how to do it well

    Technical writing: the clear, concise, & unambiguous presentation and analysis of scientific or engineering results. Distinct from literary, journalistic, or personal communication styles and contents. Differences in their respective purposes and intended audiences. In technical writing, every statement should be based on evidence and not on ...

  8. 8 Great Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You

    Learn what technical writing is and how to write effective technical documents with examples of user manuals, API documentation, standard operating procedures, and more. See how to structure, format, and style your technical content for different audiences and purposes.

  9. How to Write A Technical Essay

    Essay format; Technical essays have the same format as a research or other scientific paper. However, you need to find out if there are any special formatting requirements for your paper. You may need, for example, to use a specific font or align paragraphs to the left of the page without indents.

  10. Writing a Technical Essay

    Writing a technical essay is practically every student's nightmare. The long hours put into researching, writing, and editing can be extremely exhausting — which is why students put it off so much. Since the summative essay is just around the corner, here is my guide to writing a technical essay to (hopefully) help you out a little bit ...

  11. 7 best technical writing examples to improve your skills

    Learn what technical writing is, how to write a technical piece, and see examples from various industries. Find out how to use simple language, subheadings, visuals, and more to make your technical content readable and engaging.

  12. Tips for Writing Technical Papers

    Learn how to structure, write and present a technical paper for a conference or journal. This web page provides guidelines, examples and exercises for various sections of a paper, such as title, abstract, introduction, related work, body, performance experiments, conclusions, future work, acknowledgements, citations and grammar.

  13. Examples of Technical Writing: 3 Different Types

    Learn about the three main types of technical writing: end-user documentation, traditional technical writing and technical marketing communications. See examples of each type and how to write them for various fields and purposes.

  14. Top 7 Inspiring Technical Writing Examples to Know

    The disclaimer is the perfect example of how technical writing doesn't have to be yawn-inducing, even when legal documents are concerned. Still, if you don't want to spend hours drafting a legal disclaimer, you could hire a legal writer to make sure you've covered all crucial areas while maintaining the tone of professionalism.

  15. Technical Writing and Its Types

    Technical writers use various types of electronic communication equipment for accomplishing their work. According to 2010 statistics, the Median salary of technical writers equals about $ 63,000 annually and about $ 30 per hour. There exist about 50,000 types of jobs for technical writers with experience from 1 to 5 years.

  16. Writing Essays

    The current chapter focuses on essays, pieces of persuasive writing developed around defined topics. This genre's persuasiveness rests in large part on its logical structure, inclusion of quality evidentiary support, and consistent design, as explained herein; hence, essay writing calls for planning, researching, synthesizing, and revising.

  17. 20 Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You (Word & PDF)

    As a writer, you may have to make the decision, or your client may indicate what type of document and when they want to use it. The following area few examples of when technically written documents are used: Technical reports. Technical manuals. Emails.

  18. Technical Writing

    Technical writing widely covers various forms of application. This form of composition is utilized from engineering, culinary, education, and even to sciences and medical purposes. For you to have a broader understanding of what technical writing truly is, here are some productive topic ideas you can use too. How-to topics.

  19. How to Write a Technology Essay: Tips, Topics, and Example

    If you choose, for example, to write an argumentative essay, then your essay will argue out the main point established in your introduction. Prepare Your Outline and Structure. After selecting a ...

  20. Difference Between Technical Writing and Essay Writing

    Learn how technical writing and essay writing differ in formality, jargon, structure, audience, intent, and evaluation. Find out the key challenges and tips for each style of writing.

  21. 616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    🏆 Best Technology Topic Ideas & Essay Examples. Get your 100% original paper on any topic done in as little as 1 hour. Learn More . How Technology Affects Our Lives - Essay. Another example of the use of technology in improving productivity and output is the use of database systems to store data and information.

  22. Best Technical Essay Examples

    The technology essay explores how different technological tools, such as the Internet, social media and electronic gadgets, influence the brain of a young child. In particular, the paper investigates how technology affects the cognitive, social, emotional and sensory skills of a child. In the contemporary technologically advanced society ...

  23. Technical Writing Essays (Examples)

    Technical Writing: Answers to Questions Hypoxic (Swimming) -- ABC Format 'Hypoxic' is a technical term used to refer to the historical mode of training where the swimmer is taught how to restrict breathing whilst swimming. It was invented by swimming coach, James Counsilman, of Indiana University and it basically entails reducing the number of times a swimmer comes up to the surface for oxygen ...

  24. 7 Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Examples for 2024

    Here's what we see in the best entry-level technical writer resumes. Show Impact By Using Numbers: Highlight metrics like increase in time savings, reduction in customer support issues, document turnaround time, and accuracy improvement rates.. Include Relevant Skills From Job Descriptions: Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description.