resort management system thesis pdf

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Resort management system


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Resort Management Practices and Tourism Impacts of an Island Resort in Negros Occidental

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(Master in Business Administration Major in Hospitality and Tourism Management of Recoletos De Bacolod Graduate School, University of Negros Occidental Recoletos, Bacolod City, Philippines)

(Professor of Recoletos De Bacolod Graduate School, University of Negros Occidental Recoletos, Bacolod City, Philippines)

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Online Reservation System of Sallie Ville Resort

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Resort Online Reservation: Basis for Action Plan

  • Emman Annwei M. Generoso , R. Ilagan , +2 authors J. C. Pulhin
  • Published 2019
  • Business, Computer Science

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Usability measurement of web-based hotel reservation systems, relationship between convenience, perceived value, and repurchase intention in online shopping in vietnam, the effects of perceived value, website trust and hotel trust on online hotel booking intention, service quality and customer satisfaction: qualitative research implications for luxury hotels, management responding strategy to customer online reviews : a case study of hotels in taiwan, e-service quality: a study of online hotel booking websites in hong kong, customer satisfaction on the quality services of one department store in batangas city, philippines, improving completeness of inpatient medical records in menelik ii referral hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia, customers’ perceptions of service quality, using an online reservation system, and online reviews affecting intention to use the system to book a hotel room.

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Capstone Guide Logo

Online Billing and Reservation System Capstone Project Document

Background of the study.

Nowadays, information about anything is within reach. The online world is fast approaching that every companies has its own websites or its own online service. And one of better known online services is the Online Billing and Reservation System, which most hotels, restaurants and resorts wish to have. This system provides immediate communication between the company and its customers and clients wherever they are. Customers and clients can reserve in a fast and efficient way that can eliminate their long travel just to get a reservation slot.

Adams Beach Resort, a newly established resort in Nasugbu, Batangas, is one of these competitive resorts in town. It is located at #24 Maligaya Beach, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines, and was founded and established by Mr. and Mrs. Nonalita Adams in the year 2007. It was just a rest house of the Adams family before, but Mr. and Mrs. Adams saw that the place has the potential of being a resort.

Adams Beach Resort offers beach front (black sand), two swimming pools, six air-conditioned rooms for overnight use only (four to six persons each), nine nipa huts for overnight and day use (ten to twelve persons each), and six open cottages for day use only. The resort also offers some recreational facilities like spa room, snack bar place, videoke and some sport amenities like bamboo rafts/ balsa , horseback riding (for summer only), beach volleyball, table tennis, badminton, junior sized billiard, and for Filipino games: sack race and tug-of-war. The resort also has a venue for catering services for special occasions, an air-conditioned and a non-air conditioned function halls that each has a capacity of 50 persons and a restaurant that can be reserved for a whole occasion in one day.

The proponents were motivated by the stated factors above to pursue the study and provide Adams Beach Resort a system that will make their work convenient and efficient. An online billing and reservation system will help ABR to advertise their resort more effectively and provide for an easy reservation to their clients.

Statement of the Research Problem

For the past two years, Adams Beach Resort has been using manual billing and reservation system. Though they have an existing website, they do not update this because it is only for advertisement. Reservations in this website can be made by sending an e-mail to the manager of the resort, but because of the busy schedule of the manager, they cannot always monitor their mail and confirm reservations of clients. As a result, difficulties are experienced by the resort.

Adams Beach Resort is having a problem on Data Redundancy. Reservations through phone calls, e-mails and walk-ins are written repeatedly in their logbook. Cancellations of reservations are also written repeatedly in their logbook.

There are cases when clients want to reserve on the same date or same facilities without knowing that the scheduled date has already been reserved. In such case, Conflict in Schedule is faced by the resort. The manager of the resort deals with this by giving the reservation to the first client who will give their down-payment to avail of the reservation slot. The other client will be asked or suggested to reschedule, avail of the other facilities or transfer to other resorts.

Another problem of the resort is about the Inaccurate Computation and Information. Computations are done manually which result to wrong input of the right figures or amount resulting to inconsistencies in their reports. Regarding the information, though the resort has a website, this is not always updated. It causes wrong information about the resort, the policies and most especially the new rates of each room, amenities and other facilities.

Security of Data is also one of their problems. The resort’s manager is only using a logbook for the reservations. If the logbook is lost, the manager does not have any back-up files for the reservations. Similar problem is faced in the generation of reports. The reports needed for the resort are not summarized. The owner only receives the compilation of the official receipts and the listed reservations on the logbook.

With these problems, the resort is really alarmed. They cannot compete with other resorts easily and if this will continue it may result to losses or worse, bankruptcy. The proponents will therefore try to make an online billing and reservation system that will surely lessen the burdens of the management, improve their reservation system, and solve the problems of Adams Beach Resort.

Statement of Objectives

General objective.

To develop an online billing and reservation system for Adams Beach Resort.

Specific Objectives

  • To gather information about the manual system of Adams Beach Resort by interviewing the caretaker and the owner.
  • To evaluate the existing system of Adams Beach Resort through observation.
  • To identify the prototype needed to support the needs of the company.
  • To provide and design a solution for their problems by creating a system that will help them organize their transactions to minimize or eliminate the problems that they are experiencing today.
  • To make the reservations more accessible by creating a website where you can reserve anytime by filling up the necessary forms online.

Significance of the Study

The proponents believe that this study is important because it can help the Adams Beach Resort by enhancing their manual system of billing and reservation by making it online and computerized, quick and accurate reservations for the resort.

The beneficiaries of this system are not only the owner / manager of the resort but also their clients.

Company – The proposed system will make the procedure faster and easier. The proponents’ system also introduces them to a new trend of technology that would lead to gain more profit and more clients.

Manager – This system lessens the work to be done by the manager because it can generate reports easily.

Employees – This system helps them to give accurate information and billing statement to the customer.

Clients – They will have no difficulties in making reservations through this online system. This system gives accurate information and eliminates travel expenses going to and from the resort for the booking.

Proponents – This system serves as a guide for them to apply their knowledge about programming and databases.

Future Researchers – This serves as a reference and guides for future researchers especially those who decide to conduct a study related to Online Billing and Reservation System.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study will be the overall online billing and reservation system of Adams Beach Resort. The proposed system covers the different processes involved in making reservations in the resort that deals with acquiring the client’s reservation information. The study also covers the client’s account, online scheduling of each reservation, online cancellation of each reservation, online viewing of the available facilities, security of the client’s information, computation of bills, generation of receipts, mode of payment, maintenance, and the generation of reports – the customer records, facilities reservations and cancellations availability of the facilities and the weekly reservation list. In addition, the proponents also include the resort’s vision mission, terms and conditions, area information, facility rates, packages, resort’s promos, and the photographs of the resort and its facilities that will serve as an online advertisement of the Adams Beach Resort.

The study is only limited to Online Billing and Reservation process, thus, the computation of income and computation of expenses such as electric and water bills, and expenses for the maintenance of function rooms, kubos and other amenities are not included.

Methodology of the Study

In order to develop a billing and reservation system for Adams Beach Resort, the proponents have chosen V-Model from among other software models. This model is a variation of the waterfall model. It focuses on testing throughout the development life cycle. Planning is very important in this method thus it is really helpful in developing the system.

          Requirement Analysis

“In the Requirements analysis phase, the requirements of the proposed system are collected by analyzing the needs of the user(s). This phase is concerned with the establishment of what the ideal system has to perform. However, it does not determine how the software will be designed or built. Usually, the users are interviewed and a document called the user requirements document is generated.”

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The proponents gathered information by conducting an interview to Adams Beach Resort. They determined the current system and problems of the resort. From this information, they’ve determined the requirements they’ll need to have an online billing and reservation system.

System Design

            “Systems design is the phase where system engineers analyze and understand the business of the proposed system by studying the user requirements document. They figure out possibilities and techniques by which the user requirements can be implemented. If any of the requirements are not feasible, the user is informed of the issue. A resolution is found and the user requirement document is edited accordingly.”

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In this process, the proponents decided the features they will implement in their system. The proponents created a data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram and conducted a conceptual design with the help of the Adams Beach Resort caretaker.

Program Design

“In systems, design functions and operations are described in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams and other documentation. The output of this stage will describe the new system as a collection of modules or subsystems.

The design stage takes as its initial input the requirements identified in the approved requirements document.”

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The proponent wrote codes to the system design and included the complete description of the functions and interactions involved. The proponents chose the language to be use and analyzed it. They will prepare the flow of the transactions for their system.

            “Modular and subsystem programming code will be accomplished during this stage. Unit testing and module testing are done in this stage by the developers. This stage is intermingled with the next such that individual modules will need testing before integration to the main project.”

  • []

The proponents used PHP for the front-end and MySQL for the back-end of the system.

Unit and Integration Testing

“In the V-model of software development, unit testing implies the first stage of dynamic testing process. According to software development, a fault discovered and corrected in the unit testing phase is more than a hundred times cheaper than if it is done after delivery to the customer. It involves the analysis of the written code with the intention of eliminating errors. It also verifies that the codes are efficient and adhere to the adopted coding standards. Testing is usually white box. It is done using the Unit test design prepared during the module design phase. This may be carried out by software developers. In integration testing, the separate modules are tested together to expose faults in the interfaces and in the interaction between integrated components. Testing is usually black box as the code is not directly checked for errors.”

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The proponents ensured that all aspects of the program design are implemented and the system’s module is tested by using the top down method to make sure that there will be no errors.

System Testing

            “System testing will compare the system specifications against the actual system. After the integration test is completed, the next test level is the system test. System testing checks if the integrated product meets the specified requirements.”

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The proponents made sure that the system, including the modules, are correctly implemented. The proponents tested the finalized system in order to avoid errors or faults in the system.

Acceptance Testing

            “Acceptance testing is the phase of testing used to determine whether a system satisfies the requirements specified in the requirements analysis phase. The acceptance test design is derived from the requirements document. The acceptance test phase is the phase used by the customer to determine whether to accept the system or not.”

  • []

The proponents demonstrated the system to the Adams Beach Resort’s owner and staff and asked if all the requirements they expected were implemented.

Operation and Maintenance

            “The deployment of the system includes changes and enhancements before the decommissioning or sunset of the system. Maintaining the system is an important aspect of SDLC. As key personnel change positions in the organization, new changes will be implemented, which will require system updates.”

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The proponents implemented the system and it was used by Adams Beach Resort. If the resort will add some new facilities, a modification of the system is needed. And if the system malfunctions, the proponents will maintain and enhance it to suit the user’s needs.

V Model

Review of Related Literature

This chapter is about the literatures that have several special problems about online billing and reservation system that are related to the proponent’s study.  It helped the proponents to analyze and develope their proposed system more effectively.

 Local Literature


  • Estores,, C. Ignacio, 2009

Sierra Madre and Spring Valley uses a manual system for their reservations. Their reservation is done mostly through calls. Their computation of bills is also done manually. The database for customer records and other files needed are not included in their system.

From the specified problems above, the system that was created is online reservation and billing system. It monitors the files and records of the customers via database. Clients with user accounts can reserve hotel rooms and other amenities and payments for their reservation are also done via internet.

The proponents’ proposed system is similar to their study in terms of monitoring their customer records and other files needed by having a database. The system also includes a user account for the clients of the resort.


B.B.  Zapanta, R.L. Belardo, F.E. Flores, G.L. Sobrevilla, 2009

Villa Silvina Resort uses the traditional way in providing quality service and catering to the needs of their customers. Villa Silvina Resort also focuses on keeping track of records, generating billing reports and inventory reports.

Villa Silvina Resort uses a manual billing and reservation system and they experienced difficulties in monitoring the reservations and billing, specifically in organizing the reservations and accuracy in the computation of the total bills. Using a manual system is prone to errors because of inconsistency of data, misplaced data and redundancy of records.

The proponents cited some similarities in the use of manual process in their transaction which could be used as reference. The system makes the operation faster.


D.M. Cabatbat, G.S. Gonzalvo, 2009

The ‘Online Billing and Reservation System of Hotel Dominique’ was developed for the replacement of the manual system of Hotel Dominique. In reservation, the system contains the checking of available rooms, function rooms and amenities. Viewing of the assessment of reservations and cancelation of reservations are also provided in it. In billing, the system offers online payment thru the use of credit card. The proponents of this study used the V-Model as their methodology.

The proponents found some similarities with Hotel Dominique’s Online Billing and Reservations System. In terms of reservation, both systems are proficient of making, checking, viewing and canceling of reservations. The proposed system uses the same methodology used by the study.


M.P. Benamir, K.R. Berin, G.N. Gallano, 2009

The reservation system of Villa Felicidad Resort is done manually. The management encounters inefficiency in their transactions and operations particularly in scheduling of reservation, security of data or misplaced data due to disorganized filing. It is also time consuming for the computation of bills. The resort is also having a hard time with these entire stated problems. The goal of this study is to eliminate the difficulties of Villa Felicidad Resort and have a more efficient reservation process.

The proponents saw some similarities in their study in terms of using the manual reservation process. The system has confirmation online and also serves as an advertisement for Adams Beach Resort.

Foreign Literature


[ ]

Bacara Resort and Spa has a website that is truly captivating. With its design, interfaces, simplicity, easy-to-browse and 24-hour website, the clients will be captivated. The online reservation system of Bacara encompasses registration for a clients’ account, calendar to verify the availability of rooms, instant confirmation online and modification or cancellation of reservation at any time. They also have a virtual tour that takes the customers and clients around the whole resort.

The proponents found many similarities in Bacara Resort & Spa website and system with the proposed system. The design of the website, the virtual tour, the calendar that checks the availability of rooms, the modification and cancellation of reservations and the 24 hour accommodation covers this comparison.


[ ]

The Aston Hotels and Resorts’ website have a reservation and billing system. It also includes all their information, from the hotel and resort’s history to the type of accommodations the clients may use. In terms of reservation, the system has a calendar that can be viewed to verify the available dates of the selected destination resort. While having reservation, the clients can see the prices of all facilities. They can choose from any accommodation easily that corresponds to their budget. The clients may also choose their desired payment via credit card. The total amount of their billing is also stated there. The system also has a user account for their clients.

The proposed system is similar to that of Aston Hotels and Resorts in terms of having a calendar that verifies the availability of dates. It gave the proponents an idea how the availability of rooms should be checked, trapped and monitored. The billing system of the resort is also similar with that of the proponents in terms of payment via credit cards and delivery of prices in the website.



Hotel Santa Caterina has a website to which the clients can browse some of their features. It also includes the reservation system where clients can fill-out an application form, reserve their desired slot, or cancel their previous reservation. Clients can also view the availability of rooms for reservation together with the estimated fees that the clients have to pay. The system also ensures the security of the transactions made by their clients. In their terms and conditions, all the data given by their clients are encrypted by SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. They will not share the client’s data to any other party.

The assurance of security given by the Hotel Santa Caterina to their clients is similar to the proponents’ proposal. Reservation online is really high in terms of risk because of online hackers. In this case, the proposed system also ensures an assurance of the security of the given data by their clients.



The Summit Hotel Subang USJ uses an automated system that gives the client a more systematic way of reserving a slot in their hotel thru online reservation. The online reservation of Summit Hotel Subang USJ include features such as viewing the availability of rooms, filling up the application form, reserving the clients’ desired slot as well as cancelling their reservation.

This study is similar to the proponents’ study because the proposed system is an online reservation system which has the same features of Summit Hotel Subang USJ such as viewing the availability of rooms, reserving and cancelling a slot.

Statement of Assumptions

The proponents gathered information and data about the current system of Adams Beach Resort. The following statements of assumptions were made with reference to the study.

3.1.1 The resort staff and owner will provide all the necessary processes and data for the system.

3.1.2 The authorized persons who will use the proposed system are knowledgeable on the use of computer and Internet.

3.1.3 The resort has a computer that has an Internet access.

3.1.4 The resort staff and owner will support the development of the system.

3.1.5 The developed website of Adams Beach Resort will be hosted by a web-hosting domain.

3.1.6 The information inputted in the system will be accurate and updated.

 Operational Definition

 definition of terms.

                        Amenities – Facilities that increased the attractiveness or value of a resort.

Billing – The total amount of the costs of goods and services billed to a customer, usually covering purchases made or services rendered within a specified period of time.

Down Payment – An initial amount paid at the time of purchase.

Generated Reports – To create, produce or form reports for management.

Mode of Payments – A particular type of payment via personal or credit cards.

Reservation – An arrangement to secure accommodation at a restaurant or hotel, on a boat or plane, etc.

Reservation Fee – A charge or payment for reservation.

Walk-in – A person, as a customer, who arrives without an appointment.

Definition of Processes Inquire – The process of a request for information about the rates, facilities, packages, and other services offered by the resort. Answer Questions of the Manager – The process of answering the questions asked to the client. Fill up the Reservation Form – The process of filling up the reservation form on the resort’s website to give the client’s reservation details to the manager. Check Availability – The process of checking the available facilities in the resort. Confirm Reservation – The process of confirming the reservation of the client if still interested and calculating the rates of the facilities and services that the clients will be used in the resort. Finalize Reservation – The process of receiving the down payment, verifying if the clients will surely attend their reservation and finalizing all the needed concerns on the reservation of the client. Assess Billing Details – The process of computing 50% of the total bill to determine the needed down payment. Compute Billing – The process of accepting the deposit given by the client, deducting it to the total bill to determine the total remaining balance and recording it as the initial payment for the recording of the reservation. Record Reservation – The process of recording the verified reservation details of the client. Cancel Reservation – The process of cancelling the reservation in the resort. Check-In – The process of accommodating the client. Check-Out – The process of settling the expenses made by the client and issuing of the official receipts. Assess Bills – The process of assessing the payments of the client. Issuance of Official Receipt – The process of generating and issuing official receipts. Generate Reports – The process of generating the needed reports of the management.

Theories Used in the Study

          data flow diagram.

“A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). A DFD provides no information about the timing or ordering of processes, or about whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel. It is therefore quite different from a flowchart, which shows the flow of control through an algorithm, allowing a reader to determine what operations will be performed, in what order, and under what circumstances, but not what kind of data will be input to and output from the system, nor where the data will come from and go to, nor where the data will be stored (all of which are shown on a DFD).” (

The proponents used this to analyze the process of existing system. The proponents used the data-flow diagram as the graphical representation of the flow of data in the system. In DFD, the proponents can easily determine if the flow is correct, users can visualize how the system operates, how the system can be implemented.

“A database is an integrated collection of logically-related records or files consolidated into a common pool that provides data for one or more multiple uses. One way of classifying databases involves the type of content, for example: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and image. Other classification methods start from examining database models or database architectures. Software organizes the data in a database according to a database model. As of 2010, the relational model occurs most commonly. Other models such as the hierarchical model and the network model use a more explicit representation of relationships.” (

The proponents used database in creating, managing and maintaining the user and administrator’s database. This helped the proponents by its capabilities of sorting, querying and storing large amounts of data. This software helped the company to be more organized.


“In the field of relational database design, normalization is a systematic way of ensuring that a database structure is suitable for general-purpose querying and free of certain undesirable characteristics—insertion, update, and deletion anomalies—that could lead to a loss of data integrity.” (

The proponents used normalization to exclude data redundancy and data inconsistency and to produce well-structured relations. By using this, the proponents made the system more consistent and accurate because the records are less and free from anomalies.

Web Application

“Web application is an application that is accessed via a web browser over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. Web applications are popular due to the ubiquity of web browsers, and the convenience of using a web browser as a client, sometimes called a thin client. The ability to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers is a key reason for their popularity, as is the inherent support for cross-platform compatibility. Common web applications include webmail, online retail sales, online auctions, wikis and many other functions.” (

The proponents used this by giving the idea on how to develop an online reservation. This lessens the burden of the manager, especially the customers with this reservation process. The customers can also view the function rooms, other amenities and their corresponding bill. Instead of communicating thru text or phone calls, the customers will just have to visit the website of the company and reserve easily.

“SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database computer language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS), and originally based upon Relational Algebra. Its scope includes data query and update, schema creation and modification, and data access control.” (

The proponents used the concept of SQL because it is easy to use and reliable. SQL is a programming language for modifying data and managing database. And just like database, the proponents used SQL to maintain, manage and create databases. In addition, SQL helped the proponents to perform the necessary operations in a more efficient way.

The Existing System

Description of the system.

The reservation system of Adams Beach Resort starts when a client contacts the resort via email, phone calls, text messages or personal. In email, the client will fill up the reservation form and submit it to the resort’s email. In phone calls, text messages or personal, the client will answer the manager’s questions about their reservation. After the manager gathered all the information needed in making reservation, the manager will check if the date and facilities to be reserved are available. If it is not available, the manager will inform the client. But if it is available, the manager will confirm the client’s information and other related reservation details. Then, the manager will compute the total bills of the reservation. In terms of email, phone calls and text messages, the client should pay the 50% down payment of the reservation fee on the bank account number given by the manager. In personal, the client needs to pay directly the computed down payment before entering the resort. Payment of the remaining balance is processed before leaving the resort.

If the client wants to cancel his/her registration, they should inform the manager of Adams Beach Resort one week or three days before the event. The manager will give their 50% refund. Failure to inform Adams Beach Resort’s manager one week or three days before the event, the down payment will automatically forfeited.

The billing system of Adams Beach Resort is done in the process of computing the down payment given by the client and the remaining balance. After the computation, the official receipt will be given. There will be two copies of the official receipt, one for the client and the other one for the management of Adams Beach Resort. The compiled receipts and logbooks that have the inquiry’s and reservation list will be kept for the generation of their reports.

Name of Report:


Number of Copies:



Reservation Form



Serves as reference for the reservation details and includes customer’s information




The client contacts the Adams Beach Resort.

IF Client reserves personally, via phone calls or text messages THEN

GOTO Answer Questions of the Manager Process

ELSE IF Client reserves via email THEN

GOTO Fill up the Reservation Form Process

Answer Questions of the Manager

The client inquires for information about the resort.

The client answers the questions of the manager regarding his/her information and reservation.

The manager writes the client’s information and reservation details in the inquiry logbook.

Fill-Up the Reservation Form

The client looks at the website of Adams Beach Resort.

The client gives the necessary information and reservation details by filling up the reservation form on the website.

Check Availability

The manager checks the availability of the reserved dates and facilities of the client.

IF Reserved dates and facilities are available THEN

GOTO Confirm Reservation Process

ELSE IF Reserved dates and facilities are not available THEN

The manager informs the client that their reserved dates and facilities are not available.

Confirm Reservation

The manager informs the client that their reserved dates and facilities are available.

The manager asks the client for the confirmation of his/her reservation.

IF Client confirms his/her reservation THEN

The manager gets all the information and rates of the requested facilities.

The manager computes the rates to generate the total bill.

The manager informs the client about the total bill of the reservation.

GOTO Finalize Reservation Process

No reservation created.

 Finalize Reservation           

The manager tells the client to give the down payment for his/her reservation.

GOTO Assess Billing Details Process

 Assess Billing Details

The manager computes the 50% of the total bill.

IF Client pays the 50% of the reservation fee a week before the reserved date THEN

GOTO Compute Billing Process

The reservation is not prioritized.

                                    Compute Billing


The manager accepts the client’s deposit.

The manager deducts the client’s deposit to the total bill.

The manager records.

GOTO Record Reservation Process

Record Reservation

The manager records the reservation details and billing statement of the client in their reservation logbook.

The manager calls the client to verify again their reservation.

IF Client verifies their reservation THEN

The manager and staff prepare the client’s reserved facilities.

The reservation is cancelled.

GOTO Cancel Reservation Process

Cancel Reservation

IF Reservation is cancelled a week or three days before the reserved date THEN

The client gets their refund.

The reservation fee is forfeited.

The client arrives and avails their reservation in the resort.

Check – Out

The client settles his/her expenses in the resort.

The manager informs the client about the remaining balance.

GOTO Assess Bills Process

Assess Bills

The manager checks the remaining balance of the client.

The client pays the remaining balance.

GOTO Issuance of Official Receipt Process

Issuance of Official Receipt

The manager accepts the full payment of the client.

The manager generates two copies of official receipt.

The manager gives one copy of the official receipt to the client.

The manager keeps one copy of the official receipt for the               generation of reports.

Generate Reports

The manager gets the record of reservations in the reservation logbook.

The manager gets the inquiry details in the inquiry logbook.

The manager gets the compilation of receipts.

The manager generates a report from the reservation logbook, inquiry logbook and compilation of receipts.

The manager gives the generated reports to the ABR management.

Filename Data Needed
Reservation Logbook  Client’s Name

Client’s Address

Check-In Date

Billing Statement

Check-Out Date

Room Number

Received By

Inquiry Logbook Client’s Name

Mobile Number

Telephone Number

Email Address

Number of Days

Facilities Reserved

Official Receipt (Compilation) Date

Client’s Name

Client’s Address


Authorized Person Signature

Name of Report

Prepared by

No. of Copies


Frequency Distribution


Official Receipt



To prove that the client paid their corresponding bill

Confirming in person



Name of Report

Prepared by

No. of Copies


Frequency Distribution


Inquiry Logbook



As needed

Contains the inquiry, clients and reservation details.


Name of Report

Prepared by

No. of Copies


Frequency Distribution


Reservation Logbook



Shows reservation details and other information needed



Name of Report

Prepared by

No. of Copies


Frequency Distribution


Generated Reports



Shows the compilation of Official Receipts; and the records in the Inquiry Logbook and Reservation Logbook

As monthly


 Problem Areas

Based on the information, obtained by the proponents from Adams Beach Resort, their manual billing and reservation has been consistently used for two years which resulted to data loss and redundancy. Though the resort has a website, purposely it is just for advertisement purposes. As the researchers analyze their process, the following problems are encountered.

  • The manager is too busy to check her e-mail regularly.
  • The files are recorded manually that causes them to be disorganized. Determining the availability of dates or facilities is time consuming. Inconsistencies and redundancy of records were also encountered. Conflict in schedule of the clients always occurs.
  • The computation of bills is done manually. They are just using a calculator that may lead to inaccurate computations.
  • The reservation and inquiry logbook is only for the manager. The company does not have a backup copy at all.  Security of data is in danger.
  • Due to above problems, most clients are disappointed and patronage recommendations fail. With this, the proponents’ proposed online billing and reservation system will truthfully provide the resort to improve the quality of their services.

The Proposed System

System overview.

The proposed system is designed to reduce time-consuming transactions by computerizing the records of the company. It is protected from the scrutiny of any unauthorized person and only the administrator can manipulate the database. The client must create an account in the website by filling-up the registration form. With this, the redundancy of client’s information will be eliminated.

In making reservation, the client must also fill-up the reservation form with all the needed details. If the client just walked-in, the manager/staff are the ones who will register and reserve based on the client’s request. In billing, there will be an automatic computation to avoid incorrect results with all the transactions. A deposit of 50% or 100% is needed to provide assurance that the room will be reserved to the customer. It can be paid through credit card or cash. In case of cancellation, The client must request one week/three days before the event.

The system features includes monitoring the availability of all the facilities and generation of reports such as billing report, reservation report, customer list and facility report. The system also provides accurate information about online reservation and makes the computation easier and simple. The system also includes a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) to make it easy for the user to understand and use the system. And the clients can inquire, make reservations and automatically compute their bills through the internet, anytime and anywhere.

System Objectives

  • To develop an online system that will speed up billing and reservation process.
  • To secure customers’ and company’s information and records.
  • To make the reservation process easier for the customers and administrator.
  • To give accurate computation and information regarding their billing statement.
  • To monitor the availability of their facilities using database.
  • To implement user-friendly interface for users so as with the manager.
  • To advertise all the services of Adams Beach Resort.

The study focuses on developing an Online Billing and Reservation System for Adams Beach Resort. This aims to speed-up the transaction, identify available facilities, and eliminate data loss and wrong computations. The system will also include password-protected accounts to protect the record from unauthorized users. The clients can make reservations by filling-out all the information needed and can cancel the reservation. All the information regarding the clients, reservations, and availability of the facilities are saved in a database. This will provide faster updates of information in the database and allow records to be updated. The system will also include producing of accurate transaction reports with the use of automatic computations.

System Justification

The proponents developed an Online Billing and Reservation for Adams Beach Resort in the public to have constant information about its facilities. Since the company had a hard time using manual system, the proposed system will turn it into a better and improved system.

The manual system that they are using now has several errors. In such case, improvements come in the form of prevention of unauthorized access, security in storing data and faster information retrieval.

The proposed online billing and reservation is necessary to Adams Beach Resort because it will be a lot easier to manipulate reservation because the inquiry of the resort and the reservation information is through the website. In terms of billing, the proposed system will be more useful for the staff because the computation of bills will be easy for them. The proposed system will also help them in securing all the data, and in monitoring all the facilities, transactions and reservations. With these, the files can be easily accessed and will have no redundancy, inconsistency or data loss. Through the proposed system, the staff can generate an accurate report easily and they can maximize their time doing other jobs.

            Name of Document: Customer’s Information

Origin: Customer

No. of Copies: 1

Purpose: Serve as record information for the company

Name of Document: Reservation Form

Purpose: Serve as reservation information for the company

Name of Document: Cancellation Request

Purpose: To cancel a reservation

Name of Document: Modification Request

Purpose: To modify a reservation

Name of Document: Customer’s Payment

Purpose: Serve as payment of the customer

            Register of Client

Client fills up the customer’s information

System will create an account

 Reserve Facilities

Client will give the reservation details

System will check the availability of rooms, kubos , and amenities

IF available THEN

GOTO Payment

Suggest other reservation OR no reservation.

System will generate the billing information.

Assess Payment

System will assess the total bill.

Identify Mode of Payment

The client will identify the mode of payment.

IF payment will be paid in cash THEN

GOTO Receive Payment.

ELSE IF payment will be paid on credit card THEN

GOTO Verify Credit Card. Verify Credit Card

The client will give the credit card details

The system will verify the credit card details.

IF customer pays full payment THEN

GOTO Issue Official Receipt

ELSE IF customer pays fifty percent THEN

Receive Payment

The client will give the payment.

IF client pays full payment THEN

ELSE IF client pays fifty percent THEN

 Issue Official Receipt

Adams Beach Resort will receive the payment.

The receipt will be generated.

The client will receive the original copy of the receipt.

          Confirm Reservation

                        The paid reservation details will be confirmed

Reserve Room

The system will update the room reservation file.

The client will receive a confirmation message.

Reserve Kubo

The system will update the kubo reservation file.

 Reserve Amenity

The system will update the amenity reservation file.

Reserve Day Tour

The system will update the day tour reservation file.

Modify or Cancel Reservation

The customer will request for modification or cancellation of reservation.

System will check again the availability of rooms, kubos , and amenities.

The system will update the reservation file.

The system will update the cancellation file.

            Generate Reports

The system will generate the reservation and customer report

The system will also generate the facility and billing report

All the reports will be submitted to the manager

The manager receive the report of all the transaction

            File Name: Report File

            Data Needed: Collection of reports such as reservation report, customer report,                                        billing report and facility report

File Name: Reservation File

            Data Needed: Reservation Information

File Name: Customer File

            Data Needed: Customer Information

File Name: Receipt File

            Data Needed: Customer Billing Information

File Name: Facility File

            Data Needed: Facility Information and Updates

Name of Document: Official Receipt

Prepared By: Adams Beach Resort

No. of Copies: 2

Purpose: Serve as proof of billing and transaction

Frequency of Distribution: As needed

Name of Document: Confirmation

Prepared by: Adams Beach Resort

Purpose: Serve as confirmation of the transaction

Frequency of Distribution: as needed

            Name of Document: Billing Report

Prepared by: Staff

Purpose: To view all the paid bill transaction

Frequency of Distribution: daily, monthly, annually

Name of Document: Reservation Report

Purpose: To view all the reservation transaction

Name of Document: Customer Report

Purpose: Serve as the list of all the customers

Name of Document: Facility Report

Prepared by: Adams Beach resort

Purpose: To view all the facilities, rooms, kubos, amenities, rates


Resource requirements.

The requirements of the proponents to develop a system are software, hardware and human resources for its excellent implementation.

Software Requirements

  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP / 2000 / Vista / 7
  • Web Browser: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
  • Database Management System: SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • Report Generation: Microsoft Office 2003 and higher
  • Internet Connection

Hardware Requirements

  • Hard Disk: 60 Gigabytes of free space or higher
  • RAM: At least 256 MB or higher
  • Processor: Pentium 4 or higher
  • Monitor: Colored with screen resolution of 1024 x 600

Human Resource Requirements

  • Clients – the person who made the reservation of the desired rooms and amenities. They are the front-end user of the system and must be knowledgeable to use Internet.
  • Administrator – the person responsible for maintaining the system and must be an active user of the system.

Installation Plans

             System Installation

The proposed system does not need to be installed and only an Internet connection is needed to access the system. The management needs a web hosting site to handle the entire reservation system so that it can be accessed by Internet users. The system will work efficiently if the necessary hardware and software requirements are met.

Table 1.1 Installation Plan

Checking software and hardware requirements Proponents June  2010
Verifying software functions and set up Proponents July 2010
Training intro Proponents August 2010
System familiarization Proponents August 2010

            Training Plans

The training of the potential users must be implemented to be able to assure the success of the proposed system. The proponents will explain the function of the system, and will guide the personnel on how to manipulate the entire system. The proponents will make sure that the possible user has fully understood the training and ask suggestions for the improvement of the system. They will also give time for the trainee to clarify things that they don’t understand well.

Table 1.2 Training Plan

·         System Introduction

·         Show all the processes and modules of the system

·         Allow the admintrator to use the system.

Proponents Administrator three hrs

 Conversion Plans

The proponents decided to use the parallel conversion wherein you can run a manual and computerized system at the same time. When the users are already familiar with new system, they can now replace the old system with the new system. With this parallel process, users have the time to acquire changes from the manual system to an online system.

The proposed system will be tested if it encounters some error, and the proponents will have a series of testing to ensure that the system is efficiently and consistently working. The proponents will also allow other users to explore the system.

  • Unit testing – it verifies the system if it functions as well as it should, with the type of input component design.

The proponents will test if the process for every transaction is appropriate to the input-process-output of the reservation.

  • Module testing – it validates if the system components work together as described in the system and program design specifications.

The proponents will test if the system and design specifications meet the needs of the transaction as well as the interface of the system.

  • Function testing – the process by which the proponents evaluate the system to determine if the functions described by the requirements specifications are actually performed by the integration system.

The proponents will test the entire system if the system already meets the requirements to solve the stated problems.

  • Acceptance testing – the proponents checked the system against the customer’s requirements description.

The proponents will present the proposed system so that the users and the administrator will test if the system meets the requirements to solve the problem that the users encounter during reservation.

Conclusions and Recommendations


Nowadays, businesses should consider the latest trend in technology to be more updated and not to be left behind. The proponents’ observation regarding the online billing and reservation is that it is very much appropriate for resorts and hotels. The system is user-friendly and more convenient for the clients. The online billing and reservation system would help the resort to be more productive and competitive. And with this system, the billing statement is more precise and the customers are assured that their information is highly secured.


The proponents recommend to future researchers the use of as their programming language and SQL server in terms of database handling. The proponents also recommend developing the best design suitable for online billing and reservation and for the company to advertise their resort in a more efficient way, so that they can have more clients.

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