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ISEE Essay Practice & Information

The last part of the ISEE Test is the essay section. This is an important component that allows your child to demonstrate their writing skills to prospective schools. Preparing for the ISEE Essay is crucial, so read on to find out how to prepare for the essay writing section. Free ISEE Sample Questions

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About the ISEE Essay

  • How To Write An ISEE Essay

ISEE Essay Prompts

Isee sample essay, isee essay practice tips.

The ISEE essay gives admissions officers a sample of the applicant's writing, helping them assess their writing skills, personality, and potential for success in the school's academic setting. While it is a crucial part of the overall ISEE evaluation , the essay itself is not scored by the ERB.

Writing Prompt: Your child will receive a writing prompt, which is a short passage or quote related to a specific topic. Prompts cover topics of interest to students at their grade level.

Test Instructions: During the 30-minute Essay Section , your child will be given a sheet of paper to take notes on. They must write the essay in ink on two pre-lined pages, rewriting the prompt at the top of the first page. The essay must be written in print or cursive with black or blue ink. Erasable ink is allowed.

Preparation: Encourage your child to practice writing essays on a variety of topics. Help them develop skills in analyzing prompts, organizing their thoughts, and presenting a well-rounded perspective supported by relevant examples or evidence.

How to Write an Essay for the ISEE Test 

This is a sample prompt: Write an essay about your favorite season. Describe what makes this season special to you, including any specific memories, activities, or traditions that you associate with it. Explain why this season stands out above the others and how it influences your mood and daily life. Use vivid details and examples to support your points.


Begin with a clear, focused topic sentence that answers the essay prompt directly.  

Introduce your main idea or thesis statement in the first paragraph . Clearly state your position: The introduction should clearly state your position or stance on the topic. For example, if the prompt asks about your favorite season, your introduction should state which season is your favorite.  

Keep it concise: While the introduction should be engaging, it should also be relatively brief, taking up only 2-3 sentences. The goal is to hook the reader and set up the rest of the essay, not to provide extensive details.  

💡Avoid clichés : Avoid overused introductory phrases such as: "In my opinion..." or "I believe that..." 💡 .

For example:  

Clichés of Origin:  

  • Time-based openers: "Since the beginning of time..." or "Throughout history..." These are vague and lack a specific focus. 
  • Quoting a dictionary: "Webster's defines..." Essays should showcase your own analysis, not dictionary definitions. 
  • Famous person quotes: Unless the quote is incredibly relevant and insightful, it can feel unoriginal. 

Clichés of Content:  

  • Personal anecdotes (when not specific): "The first time I realized..." can be effective, but only if the anecdote directly connects to the essay's theme. 
  • Hypothetical questions: "Have you ever wondered...?" This is a weak way to engage the reader. 
  • Exaggerated claims: "This is the most important issue of our time..." Such statements are subjective and hard to support. 

Clichés of Wording:  

  • Overused phrases: "A cloud has a silver lining," "Every rose has its thorn," etc. These are trite and predictable. 
  • Vague adjectives: "Amazing," "Wonderful," etc. Use more specific and descriptive language. 

💡B egin your essay with a unique attention grabbing statement💡

✍️Alternatives to Clichés✍️

Start with a surprising fact or statistic.

Pose a thought-provoking question relevant to your topic.

Open with a vivid description that sets the scene.

Introduce a relevant historical event or anecdote.

Start with a powerful quote that you can analyze.

✍️Body paragraphs✍️

  • Aim for 2-4 body paragraphs that support your main idea with specific examples and details.
  • Use each body paragraph to explore one of the main reasons or supporting evidence for your thesis. In each body paragraph, include specific examples, anecdotes, and details to support your key points . This helps bring your essay to life and makes it more engaging for the reader.
  • Organize your body paragraphs in a logical way, with each one building upon the previous one. Use transition words and phrases strategically to seamlessly guide the reader through the progression of your essay.
  • Don't just list facts or examples - take the time to analyze and explain how they support your main argument or thesis . This demonstrates your critical thinking skills.
  • Use a variety of sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) to make your writing more engaging and sophisticated. Avoid repetitive or overly simple sentences.

💡Here's a breakdown of some powerful transitions categorized by their function💡

✍️These are just a few examples, and the best transition words will depend on the specific relationship you want to show between your ideas. Remember, the key is to choose words that create a smooth flow, logical progression, and clear connections within your writing✍️

For Emphasis:

Indeed: Strengthens a point you just made.

Undoubtedly: Conveys strong certainty.

More importantly: Highlights the significance of a point.

In fact: Introduces additional evidence or clarifies a point.

For Logical Flow:

Therefore: Shows a conclusion based on previous information.

Consequently: Indicates a result of something previously mentioned.

Hence: Shows a logical connection between ideas.

Accordingly: Shows ideas are in agreement or follow from each other.

For Contrast:

However: Shows a difference or opposing viewpoint.

Conversely: Presents an alternative idea.

On the other hand: Introduces a contrasting viewpoint.

Despite this: Acknowledges an opposing idea but reaffirms your main point.

For Similarity:

Similarly: Shows a connection between similar ideas.

In the same way: Highlights a parallel between ideas.

Likewise: Indicates agreement or similarity with a previous point.

By the same token: Shows a related idea based on the previous one.

For Addition:

Furthermore: Adds additional information to support your point.

Moreover: Introduces another point that strengthens your argument.

In addition: Adds another element to your list of ideas.

What's more: Introduces an even more significant point.

For Examples:

For example: Introduces a specific instance to illustrate your point.

For instance: Similar to "for example" but can sound slightly less formal.

Specifically: Narrows down the focus and provides a concrete example.

To illustrate: Introduces an example to clarify your point.


Here's how to craft a powerful conclusion in just 2-4 sentences:  

  • Restate Your Thesis with a Twist: Don't simply repeat your thesis word-for-word. Rephrase it using different words or emphasizing a key aspect.  
  • Connect to the Bigger Picture: Briefly show how your essay's argument relates to a broader concept or implication.  
  • End on a Strong Note: Leave a thought-provoking question, a powerful image, or a memorable statement that lingers with the reader. 

By following this structured approach and incorporating these strategies, you can create a strong, well-organized ISEE essay that effectively communicates your ideas and showcases your writing skills. Proper preparation and practice with suggested writing prompts can help your child approach this section with confidence and do their best.

Your child will respond to a grade-appropriate writing prompt that may relate to their personal experiences, their community, or global issues. The prompts are designed to encourage your child to express their ideas and perspectives in a written format.

ISEE Middle Level Essay Prompts

  • Is it important for students to participate in extracurricular activities? Why or why not? Provide examples to support your argument.
  • Describe a person who has had a significant influence on your life. What specific qualities do they possess that you admire, and how have they influenced you?
  • Do you think it's better to have a few close friends or many acquaintances? Explain your preference and provide reasons.
  • Imagine you could change one thing about your school. What would it be, and how would it improve the learning environment?

Use one of these prompts to write an essay when you take one of our ISEE Middle Level Practice Tests to get a complete simulation of the test experience.

   Full ISEE Middle Level Prep

ISEE Upper Level Essay Prompts

  • Discuss the impact of technology on society. Do you think technology has more positive or negative effects? Support your stance with examples.
  • A Book That Changed My View: Write about a book that significantly changed your perspective on a particular subject. What was the subject, how did the book change your view, and why was it impactful?
  • The Future of Education: How do you envision the future of education? What changes do you predict or hope will occur in the next 20 years?
  • Historical Event: Choose a historical event that interests you. Explain why it is significant, how it has impacted the world, and what lessons can be learned from it.

For a complete test simulation experience, use one of these prompts to write an essay when you take one of our ISEE Upper Level Practice Tests.

Full ISEE Upper Level Prep  

Remember that the ISEE essay is an opportunity for your child to demonstrate his or her writing skills and intellectual curiosity , both of which are highly valued by independent schools. Proper preparation and practice can help your child approach this section with confidence and do his or her best.

ISEE Essay Plan

ISEE Essay Prompt: What is your favorite season? Why is it important to you?

Follow the guidelines set out above and work to a tight schedule.

State your position -My favorite season is Fall.

Then ask yourself why do you like Fall. Here are some brief notes :

  • It's a beautiful time of the year- we start a new school year
  • I like the traditions-Harvest, Halloween (pumpkins, Thanksgiving) Classic American
  • The falling leaves inspire reflection, and we think of change as the trees change

Many of these traditions involve spending time outdoors, gathering with family and friends, enjoying seasonal foods, and celebrating the fall harvest and Thanksgiving.

Here is an example of a well-crafted ISEE essay written using the guidelines provided by our in house educational consultant.

Of the four seasons, Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. I look forward to its arrival every September when the summer heat begins to fade and the crisp, cool air starts to bring a burst of color to the trees. There are so many reasons why I love the Fall season.  

First and foremost, Fall marks the start of a new school year. Although the end of summer vacation is bittersweet, there is an exciting feeling of getting new teachers, classes, school supplies, and reuniting with friends after a long break. The start of the academic year brings a sense of energy and possibility.  

Another big reason I cherish Fall is the holiday traditions that come along with it. Classic American traditions like Halloween and Thanksgiving make Fall feel extra special. I love carving pumpkins, going trick-or-treating, and dressing up in costumes. Then Thanksgiving brings get-togethers with extended family to enjoy amazing seasonal foods like turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. These celebrations strengthen my connection to family, friends, and the year's natural rhythms   

Speaking of the rhythms of nature, the changes happening across the landscape in the Fall are breathtaking. The trees put on a dazzling display as their green leaves turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow before falling to the ground. Raking the fallen leaves into piles is a favorite activity from my childhood. The stunning Autumn colors and shedding of leaves inspire a sense of transition and reflection on the cycle of life. I recall the line in Emily Bronte’s poem that says, “Every leaf speaks bliss to me Fluttering from the autumn tree,” which perfectly captures the joyous feeling of witnessing the vibrant colors and gentle descent of falling leaves during the autumn season.  

Fall makes me want to spend as much time outdoors as possible before winter's chill drives everyone back inside. Going for crisp morning walks, sipping apple cider, picking apples or pumpkins from the local farm, and simply admiring the beautiful foliage are all reasons I cherish this season. The outdoors simply feels more alive and invigorating in the Fall air.  

Fall makes me want to spend as much time outdoors as possible before winter's chill drives everyone back inside. I cherish this season for taking crisp morning walks, sipping apple cider, picking apples or pumpkins from the local farm, and simply admiring the beautiful foliage. The outdoors feels more alive and invigorating in the Fall air.  

With the change of seasons, the gathering of families, the celebration of traditions, and nature's grand finale before winter, Fall is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. From the start of the school calendar to the holiday festivities, Fall is a season to be embraced and celebrated.  

  • Read the essay prompt carefully. During the test, you may be tempted to answer a question as quickly as possible. While keeping an eye on the clock is a good tactic, rushing through questions is not. Make sure you fully understand the essay prompt before attempting to answer it. An essay whose content is off topic is an immediate zero, no matter how well-written or insightful it may be.
  • Practice with sample prompts regularly. While you might not encounter the exact same prompt on the test, you'll likely face a similar one. This practice will help you understand the typical format, familiarize yourself with the appropriate writing style, and give you practical insight into the writing process required.
  • Spend 2-5 minutes outlining your essay before you begin writing.
  • Allow 15-20 minutes for actual writing.
  • Allow 2-5 minutes at the end to review and edit your work.

Now that you've enjoyed and benefited from our expert teacher guidelines on how to write an essay, why not take your skills to the next level? Check out our TestPrep online ISEE practice tests and start preparing for your test today!

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Mastering the ISEE Essay

Posted on September 4th, 2019 by btsadmin . Posted in ISEE , ISEE Admission Essay , ISEE Strategy , ISEE test prep , Standardized Tests , Test Taking Strategies - 0 Comments

The key to mastering the ISEE essay is preparing yourself for the difficulty of developing a full essay within 30 minutes. Before we discuss the details of the essay assignment, there’s something you need to know: your ISEE essay is not being scored. It will be sent along with the rest of your test to the schools to which you are applying. It is going to be looked at alongside your admission essay (if the school requires one) and sample essays from your classwork. One of the main reasons for the schools to include an ISEE essay component is to ensure that each student’s application essays match the level of the essays they complete on the exam. It is a red flag to a school if it does not sound like the same student has submitted all of these pieces of writing. 

In addition to this, the reviewers are looking for a consistent writing style and general writing competency in each student. Don’t worry about the fact that this will not be as good of an essay as you could write if you had more time and could put together a revised draft. They know you don’t have much time and are not expecting perfection. 

Essay Questions

ISEE essay questions fall into two categories: 

  • The Standard Essay: When you are prompted to craft a standard essay, you are expected to create an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement as well as supporting body paragraphs and a conclusion, which is a summation of the points presented and a restatement of the thesis. 
  •   A Fiction Story:  Requires creative writing and using your imagination.  

Either way, you won’t have much time, just 30 minutes. Here are the types of prompts that you can expect:

ISEE Lower Level: Topic 1: Describe in detail where and how you would spend your perfect vacation. Topic 2: What would you like to do to make the world a nicer place in which to live? Explain. Topic 3: Who is your favorite relative? Why have you chosen this person?

ISEE Middle Level: Topic 1: If you could improve your school in one way, what would that be? Describe the improvement you would make and explain how it would benefit students. Topic 2: What would be the perfect career for you some day? Topic 3: There are many problems in our world today. Name one you would like to solve and explain how you would do it.

ISEE Upper Level: Topic 1: Of the books you have read in the past year, which one made the biggest impression on you and why? Topic 2: Your school requires you to perform forty hours of community service in order to graduate. Describe which type of community service you would choose and explain your choice. Topic 3: Describe what you would consider a “really successful person.” Explain why you consider this person and this person’s qualities to be successful.

For the essay prompts that ask you to answer a question, such as Of the books you have read in the past year, which one made the biggest impression on you and why?, your goal is to structure an essay that answers the question and presents paragraphs with supporting evidence. Your essay should have four paragraphs: the introduction, two supporting paragraphs, and the conclusion. 

Your answer to the given question will form the thesis of your essay and will be the first sentence in your essay. It is simply rephrasing the question so that you are answering it. For example, This year I read The Giver, and it made a big impression on me because _________. What you put in that blank will be your thesis. For example, … it made a big impression on me because I could relate to how Jonas wanted more choices over how he lived his life, or …it made a big impression on me because like Jonas, I don’t always agree with all the rules that I have to follow. 

You then need to write two supporting paragraphs about your thesis. Each supporting paragraph should be a different reason why you have made your claim. For example, if you wanted Jonas to have more choices over how he lived his life, you could give two different of examples of times when he did not have choices in his life, each one its own paragraph. Or, if you don’t always agree with the rules you have to follow, like Jonas, you could have two separate paragraphs citing two separate rules that you don’t agree with in your own life. Notice how you can take this essay prompt in two different ways: you can directly use examples from the book, or you can make your thesis about your own life and how you relate to the book. Either way is fine, as long as you can come up with two supporting paragraphs, each its own reason to back up your thesis. Your conclusion will remind the reader of your thesis and will summarize the two supporting paragraphs, showing the reader why you chose them to back up your thesis. 

Schools want to make sure that you have developed each of your paragraphs in a clear and organized way, used interesting vocabulary choices, and varied your sentence structure. Schools are not looking for a perfectly polished essay, but they do want to see that you know how to structure your writing into the format described above, and that you can develop your ideas in a clear and cohesive way.

Our ISEE/SSAT test prep program is customized to address each child’s individual strengths and weaknesses, and we will develop a customized preparation plan to arm your child with powerful and up-to-date strategies for all sections of the test.

Click here to learn more about our ISEE/SSAT test prep programs.

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Upper Level ISEE: What to Expect

The ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) is the exam used by most private schools to evaluate candidates for admission. Here's what you need to know...

Lisa Speransky

What Is the Upper Level ISEE Test?

The ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) is the exam used by most private schools to evaluate candidates for admission. There are three ISEE levels, but the Upper Level Test is the one taken by middle school students applying to high school.

Traditionally, the ISEE was required for independent day school, while the SSAT was required for private boarding schools. Nowadays, most schools accept either test, but one should always check the requirements of individual schools before deciding whether to take just one or both.

Upper Level ISEE Test Dates

It is important to note that students may only take the ISEE up to 3 times per year , or once every testing season.

There are 3 ISEE testing seasons:

  • Fall – August, September, October, and November
  • Winter – December, January, February, and March
  • Spring/Summer – April, May, June, and July

Upper Level ISEE Testings Seasons

How Long is the Upper Level ISEE Test?

The Upper Level ISEE is 3 hours long, including breaks.

Upper Level ISEE Test Structure

There are 4 multiple choice sections on the Upper Level ISEE: Verbal Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Reasoning, Mathematics Achievement, as well as an ungraded essay section.

Upper Level ISEE Test Structure

Verbal Reasoning

The Verbal Reasoning section of the ISEE is primarily vocab based. There are both synonym and sentence completion questions. For the synonym question, students are given a word and then must choose the synonym for it out of 4 other word choices. For sentence completion questions, students must fill in one or two blanks in a sentence with the best word(3) among the answer choices.

Students are given 20 minutes for 40 questions, so this section goes fast.

Quantitative Reasoning

There are two types of problems on the Quantitative Reasoning section of the Upper Level ISEE: word problems and quantitative comparisons. For quantitative comparison, students must determine which of the quantities in column A or B is greater, if they are equal, or if this cannot be determined from the information given.

This section is 35 minutes long and there are 37 questions.

Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension section of the Upper Level ISEE is 35 minutes long and consists of 6 passages, for a total of 36 questions.

For each passage, students must answer a series of multiple choice questions, which will ask them to identify main and supporting ideas, draw inferences, and analyze the vocabulary, organization, tone, and figurative language used in the passage

Mathematics Achievement

The Mathematics Achievement section of the Upper Level ISEE is 40 minutes long with 47 questions.

This section is less about reasoning and more about testing students on specific math concepts. Here are the broad content areas covered:

  • Numbers and Operations Algebra
  • Measurement
  • Data Analysis and Probability Problem Solving

Students are NOT allowed to use a calculator. So it’s important they memorize essential formulas needed to solve problems.

This 30 min essay provides students with a prompt for which they need to write a coherent, (ideally) 5-paragraph essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The essay is NOT graded. Instead, it functions as a writing sample that is sent out to all the schools a student applies to with the ISEE.

Is the Upper Level ISEE hard?

The Upper Level ISEE contains content that most students taking it should be familiar with from their normal coursework in school. If students are keeping up with their schoolwork and doing well in their classes, the ISEE should not be too difficult. However, some students may be behind in school due to a variety of factors, or may not be comfortable with taking timed tests, which can make the ISEE a lot harder for them. This is why it is paramount to start studying for the ISEE early, in order to fill in content gaps and practice test taking strategy.

What is the hardest section of the Upper Level ISEE ?

This will vary depending on the student. Many students find the Verbal Reasoning section difficult because of the amount of vocabulary, especially if they are not consistently reading and acquiring new words. Others may find the Mathematics Achievement section more challenging because it contains a few more advanced math topics that students may not have covered yet in school.

Upper Level ISEE Test Scoring

For each section of the ISEE, students receive a “Stanine” Score ranging from 1 to 9. Students receive a Raw Score based on the number of questions answered correctly. There is no guessing penalty (this is one of the important differences from the SSAT , which does take off points for wrong answers). This is then converted to a Scaled Score between 760 and 940, which is then used to generate the Percentile Rank and Stanine Score. The Percentile Rank shows how well you did compared to all students of the same grade level who took the ISEE in the last three years. Finally, the Stanine Score (1-9) indicates if you fall into an average, below average, or above average percentile for a given section.

What Is a Good Score on the Upper Level ISEE?

Ideally, we like to see all our students scoring above a 7 in each of the four sections. A 7, 8, or 9 are all “good” scores.

ISEE Test Pre-Test Day Checklist

  • DO remember all the effort and progress you have made on this test prep journey - you’ve come a long way!
  • DO visualize calm, successful feelings about traveling to, arriving and taking the test.
  • DO eat nutritious, healthy meals.
  • DO print your emailed Verification Letter and double check your scheduled starting time and test location.
  • DO contact the ISEE Office at (919) 956-8524 if the Verification Letter is lost or you find incorrect info in it.
  • DO pack your bag and make sure you have: the Verification Letter, an approved form of ID, a bottle of water, a snack, tissues; and for the paper test: 4 sharp pencils with good erasers, and 2 blue or black pens.
  • DO set an alarm and plan your route to the test center. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get ready, have a big breakfast, and get to the test site 30 minutes early.
  • DO calculate when you’ll be done with the test (Primary 53-60 mins., Lower 140 mins., Middle/Upper 160 mins.) and make a plan to do something fun (or take a nap) to reward yourself afterwards!
  • DO go to sleep early, try to relax and get a good night’s rest.
  • DO call or email us with any questions. Don’t worry if it’s late. We’re here!
  • DO NOT study. Let yourself truly rest the day before the big test.

ISEE Test Day Checklist

  • DO wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Dress in layers so you can adjust to the room’s temperature.
  • DO plan to arrive 30 mins early.
  • DO take deep, slow breaths to keep yourself from getting anxious, especially right before the test begins.
  • DO plan your time. Remember: you can skip questions and then return to them.
  • DO place all answers on the answer sheet and not in the test booklet or scrap paper.
  • DO mark your answers carefully. This is a machine-scored test, and you will not receive credit if you mark the wrong answer or two bubbles per question. If you change your answer, make sure to erase well.
  • DO use your test booklet or scrap paper to work through each question as much as you like.
  • DO guess. There is no penalty for wrong answers, so make sure you eliminate any obvious wrong answers and then fill in any blanks 5-10 minutes before time’s up in each section.
  • DO check your work, if there is time. You can’t leave before the allotted time is up anyway!
  • DO NOT bring papers, books, rulers, any kind of phone or electronic device, or calculator into the classroom.

How to Prepare for the Upper Level ISEE

We recommend that students start studying for the ISEE at least three months before the first intended test date. Students should start by taking a diagnostic exam . This will allow you to see what areas need improvement and help to establish a study plan. Ivy Tutors can administer this exam for students and provide a detailed diagnostic report to function as a road map for future study.

From there, students should work with a prep book, or an experienced tutor, to begin filling in content gaps. Vocabulary study is VERY important. The Verbal Reasoning section is essentially a vocabulary test, and many students make the mistake of not starting to drill their words early enough. There are many ISEE vocabulary lists in books or online. Students should make flashcards, either physically or virtually, and work through their words consistently (every day leading up to the test, ideally).

Consistent independent reading is also essential for helping students improve on the Reading Comprehension section. Reading a novel, short story, or newspaper or magazine article and then writing down the main ideas can be a great way to exercise your ability to absorb and synthesize textual information.

isee upper level essay prompts

Finally, frequent practice tests are the best way to reinforce content, track progress, and practice test-taking strategies. At Ivy Tutors Network, we provide our students with a 3-pronged test prep approach: Content, Strategy, and Practice. After the initial diagnostic, students work with a seasoned tutor to learn all the content they need to know on the test and reinforce it with homework and exercises. Tutors also provide students with invaluable strategy tips for pacing, guessing, and answering questions more quickly. The right strategy is essential for standardized tests, and can really make a difference in helping students earn more points. Last but not least, Ivy offers all our students unlimited mock testing included with tutoring, so students can practice as much as possible to improve their score.

We hope this overview was helpful. Please reach out to us to find a tutor, book a free consultation, or schedule a diagnostic exam. Wherever you are in the testing process, Ivy’s ISEE exam tutors are here to support and guide you every step of the way! Bonus: If you have your ISEE in the next few days, feel free to check out our ISEE Pre-Test checklist . Good Luck!


Take a Diagnostic Exam in NYC

Start with a diagnostic SAT, ACT, SHSAT, ISEE, SSAT, TACHS, or AP test so you know where you stand and where you need improvement. Knowledge is power!

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Ace the ISEE Upper Level with  Top-Rated Prep Material


The ISEE Upper Level, one of the main private high school entrance exams, is a challenging test covering a wide range of concepts. That’s why we’ve created comprehensive and effective test prep resources for the exam, including a practice workbook with over 2500 practice problems and three full-length practice tests, a comprehensive video course covering every topic in our workbook, and free study notes .

Practice workbook.

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ISEE Upper Level: 2500 + Practice Questions

Feel prepared on test day with our comprehensive practice workbook. with over 2500 practice questions, three full-length practice tests, and detailed answer solutions for every question, our book is the most comprehensive isee upper level prep book on the market., video courses.

Comprehensive Course

ISEE Upper Level

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Improve your ISEE scores by over 40 percentile points with 30+ hours of expert-taught video lessons.

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Strategy Course

Boost your scores with key test-taking strategies for every section of the ISEE Upper Level.  

Free Videos

The quantitative reasoning and mathematics achievement sections of the isee upper level are challenging for students. our math youtube channel, partners in prime , contains videos covering some of the most common math topics that show up on the isee upper level. .

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Make ISEE Prep Fun!

Add, subtract, multiply, & divide in this fast-paced card game..

Since students can’t use a calculator while taking the ISEE, they need to feel confident with their mental math skills. Our math game, Target, not only helps sharpen your mental math skills, but also boosts your confidence in math and improves your math fluency, all while having fun!

Free Study Notes

Click each image below to download study notes for some of the most common math topics on the ISEE Upper Level. 

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The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts

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Overview of the ISEE Upper Level

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Prompts and tips for the isee essay.

Posted on January 11th, 2023 by Allison . Posted in ISEE ESSAY , ISEE TEST PREP , ISEE TUTORING - 0 Comments

The ISEE essay requires students to write a descriptive essay in thirty minutes. The essay is not scored, but a copy of the writing sample is sent to the admissions officers of the schools to which the ISEE score report is sent. Essay prompts are a great way to practice for the exam. Read on for our best essay prompts and tips.

Here’s a list of essay prompts with which to practice:

Lower Level (grades 5 and 6): Topic: Describe your favorite subject in school and explain why this subject is your favorite. Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Topic: Think about some of the books you have read. What is one character you admire and why? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Middle Level (grades 7 and 8): Topic: Describe one important lesson you learned in the last year. Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Topic: What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time? Why is this important to you? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Upper Level (grades 9 and up): Topic: Schools offer many extracurricular opportunities. Describe one extracurricular opportunity you would like to pursue. Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

Topic: What three words would you use to describe yourself and why? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

For all students: Topic: What is the most important problem facing the world today and what is one thing you can do to help solve it? Assignment: You have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the assigned topic. Do not write on another topic. An essay on another topic is unacceptable. Please write this essay topic on the first few lines of your answer sheet.

ISEE Essay Tips:

  • Follow directions! Make sure you rewrite prompts at the top of the first page of your answer sheet.
  • Budget your time! Make sure to save time at the end to edit for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • ISEE Essays tend to be descriptive essays. A descriptive essay requires you to write about a person, place, thing, idea, or event in a way that makes it possible for your reader to properly visualize or understand it. You might be asked to offer your own definitions or explanations.
  • Make sure your essay has a clear introductory paragraph, two or three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
  • While you will be asked to write about a specific topic, the topics themselves tend to involve broad subjects: books, school, community service, role models.
  • Choose a subject that appeals to you.
  • Choose subjects about which you know a great deal.
  • Identify two or three important qualities about the subject you choose. Example: Two qualities of a good teacher are expertise and organization.
  • Write about two or three reasons why you chose the subject you chose. My favorite author is William Shakespeare because he vividly recreates history and he writes humorously.

Allison Green Boston Tutoring Services

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isee upper level essay prompts

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The ISEE Essay Section: What To Expect

About the isee essay section.

Did you make it through the ISEE’s four multiple-choice sections? You’re not quite done yet!

The fifth and final section on the ISEE is an essay section. Students are given 30 minutes to write an essay in response to a single prompt. Although the essay is not graded, as we’ll discuss below, it is still a critical part of the test.

How is my essay scored?

The ISEE’s essay section is not scored in the traditional sense, but your essay will be sent to the schools to which you send your score report. This means that your essay is a very important part of the test, and you should prepare for it just as you prepare for the multiple-choice sections. Practice putting your best foot forward!

Schools tend to use your essay in a few different ways. Admissions teams will consider how clearly you can express your ideas, how well you’ve mastered the grammatical and spelling conventions of standard English, and how you portray your thoughts and values.

Many admissions departments also compare your ISEE essay to other written works that you submitted as part of your application – this is a good way for schools to make sure that you (not a parent or a friend) were the person who wrote those other pieces.

What kind of prompts should I expect?

All three levels of the ISEE will present students with an open-ended prompt which encourages some combination of self-reflection, creativity, story-telling, and persuasion.

Here are a few examples of the types of prompts you should expect to see on the ISEE:

If you were able to move anywhere in the world, where would you decide to live and why?

Describe a time when you helped someone in need.

Your friend calls to share great news with you. What news would you want to hear and why?

What topic should I choose for the prompt I receive?

Your audience is the most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a topic for the ISEE essay. Who’s your audience? The admissions board at your school of choice.

So, consider how you’d like to portray yourself to the people who will be reviewing your application. You probably don’t want to choose a topic that makes you sound mean, insensitive, or out of touch with your prospective peers.

Try brainstorming a few topics for the prompt  “If you were able to move anywhere in the world, where would you decide to live and why?”  A good topic for this prompt would allow you to tell a story about yourself (maybe a story about when you went to a beautiful place and why that was inspiring to you) or describe some things that you are passionate about (maybe you’d want to live on a lake because you love vibrant ecosystems). A bad topic might be one about cutting yourself off from others or prioritizing material goods above all else (living in a penthouse suite and having everything delivered to you, for example).

Want to learn more about the ISEE’s essay and it’s importance in admissions decisions? Watch our  webinar at this link.

Want to learn more about the ISEE? Read our  breakdown of the ISEE here .

Find all of our ISEE preparation materials at !

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isee upper level essay prompts

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5 Tips for a Perfect Exam Day

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  • How It Works
  • Testimonials
  • Primary Level ISEE
  • Lower Level ISEE
  • Middle Level ISEE
  • Upper Level ISEE
  • Pricing for Schools
  • Admissions Assist
  • 1-on-1 Tutoring
  • Admissions Coaching
  • Admissions Classes
  • Free Webinars
  • ISEE Prep Guide

Overview of the ISEE

The ISEE (Independent Schools Entrance Exam) is an admission test administered by the ERB (Educational Records Bureau). Many private schools in North America, and a handful of international schools, use the ISEE as a crucial part of the admissions process for grades 2 through 12.

The ISEE serves as a standardized metric by which admissions departments can compare students from different schools. There are many parts to an application, and the manner in which ISEE scores impact admissions is very school-dependent.

Regardless of the school, an excellent score on the ISEE sets you apart in the admissions process, especially at highly competitive schools. Based on our years of test prep experience, we believe that standardized test taking is a skill that you can master, and—like all skills—you need to learn and practice in order to improve.

Note: Is the ISEE related to the ERBs that I took? If you already attend an independent school, you may have taken the Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP), which is commonly referred to as the ERBs. The CTP, like the ISEE, is developed by the ERB. However, the CTP is an achievement test administered by schools to assess their students’ current skills, whereas the ISEE is an admission test.

Scores on the CTPs and other achievement tests are often higher than ISEE scores. Achievement tests are designed to measure a student’s grade-level proficiency in a subject, while admission tests like the ISEE are designed to compare many potentially qualified applicants.

Primary Level 2

Application to grade 2, primary level 3, application to grade 3, primary level 4, application to grade 4, lower level, application to grades 5 or 6, middle level, application to grades 7 or 8, upper level, application to grades 9–12, what are the isee questions like.

The structure and timing of the Primary Level ISEE varies by grade. Because elementary-school children are at such a different stage in their schooling, many aspects of the Primary Level are slightly different from the other levels. Overall test-taking strategies still apply and will help younger students acclimate to standardized test taking, something with which they may not have much experience.

Note: Three main differences between the Primary Level ISEE and other levels: No Verbal section, no writing sample, and only one Math section.

Primary Level 2 ISEE:

For application to grade 2

Section # of Questions Time

Primary Level 3 ISEE:

For application to grade 3

Section # of Questions Time

Primary Level 4 ISEE:

For application to grade 4

Lower Level ISEE:

For application to grades 5 or 6

Section # of Questions Time

Middle Level ISEE:

For application to grades 7 or 8

Upper Level ISEE:

For application to grades 9–12

 ISEE Prep Guide Home

 Getting Started

5 Critical Things to Know about the ISEE 

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“The videos were very helpful.” Parent of a Houston 8th grader

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“Piqosity really helped.” Tutor to a Los Angeles 6th grader

Advanced ISEE Upper Level Test Prep Enabled by Innovative Platform Features 

Virtual tutor, explanations.

12 ISEE Practice Tests &

Piqosity’s market-leading prep courses include up to

Our includes an unrivaled amount of practice content with bundled, grade-level English and Math courses.

And every test question on Piqosity is for difficulty to ensure that students are expertly prepared for test day.

Not knowing where to start is no issue for Patrick the Piqosity Virtual Tutor (PVT).

Simply tell PVT what your goals are and when your test or desired completion date is, and it’ll guide you step-by-step through lessons and practice.

PVT adapts the course curriculum to your individual goals and needs including content difficulty and mastery expectations.

Brush up on ISEE tested concepts with our educator-created tutorials and animated video lessons that cover everything from types of numbers (for ISEE’s Lower Level) to trigonometric functions for the ACT and SAT.

Piqosity dynamically recommends lessons based off of a student’s demonstrated weaknesses and our growing community of real educators is constantly adding and updating new content.

Piqosity allows you to choose how to tackle your practice.

In adaptive mode, Piqosity dynamically adjusts the difficulty up or down based off your correct or incorrect responses so that you’re always challenged accordingly.

In gamified mode, Piqosity combines elements of adaptive practice with instant scoring, badges, and sounds to liven up even the most challenging of practice sets.

Piqosity dynamically peer norms every question for difficulty to ensure that you’re adequately challenged.

There’s no more guessing about what a “hard question” looks like—on Piqosity a hard question is simply the one where only the most advanced learners are answering it correctly.

Piqosity keeps track of your key performance indicators including improvement, timing, and weakest areas.

Every full-length ISEE test question contains at least 1 explanation. Students may request additional explanations from all educators in our network.

A Question and Answer feature even allows them to ask specific questions.

Both full-length ISEE practice tests and personalized practice sets can be downloaded as a PDF for printing.

Want to time your ISEE test prep? The countdown timer can be set to standard time, time-and-a-half, and double time according to your preferences.

Piqosity’s student interface includes helpful tools like answer choice strike-throughs, question flagging, and a on which to do scratch work.

Our global team of software engineers, curriculum editors, and educators is continuously deploying features and updating materials. We generally make behind-the-scenes code updates every two weeks.

Piqosity’s Affordable Pricing for the ISEE Upper Level

Optional services, competitive comparison, group pricing, isee upper level course plans.

On-Track Honors Advanced
ISEE Learning Materials
2 6 12
150 300 2,100+
- -
Supplementary Learning Materials
optional optional
optional optional
Key Platform Tools
Score Report & Prediction
Strengths & Weaknesses Analysis
Gamified & Adaptive Practice
3rd Party Tutor Compatibility
Optional Services
Parent-Tutor Consultation optional optional optional
Remote, Online Tutoring optional optional optional
One-Time Fee free $99 $199

The chart above is for users who sign up directly with Piqosity beginning June 20, 2024.

  • No credit card is required to register for the free, On-Track plan.
  • All plans include unlimited access for 365 days.
  • Lower-tier plans can be upgraded after initial purchase; however, the upgrade will not extend the initial validity period of the plan.

Optional Services for Individual Users

These optional* services will help to ensure that parents and students get off to a great start and know how to correctly use Piqosity’s platform.

These consultation and tutorial services are provided by third-party educators not employed by Piqosity. Parents will have the opportunity to select from up to three available providers.

Have you already made your purchase?

  • Request your consultation and/or tutorial.
  • Preview the available educators on our Leaderboard.

Parent-Tutor Consultation

The purpose of the Parent-Tutor Consultation is for parents to get a better understanding of the steps required for their child to succeed at ISEE test prep and testing. These consultations are between a qualified tutor or manager and the student’s parent or guardian.

  • Students are not generally part of this meeting
  • Consultations last approximately 20 minutes
  • Consultations are typically virtual but can take place in-person when possible

Topics to be covered in the consultation include:

  • Answering a parent’s general questions about the selected course
  • Showing quick tips on how to best use Piqosity
  • Providing recommendations for next-steps

Private Tutorial

The purpose of the Private Tutorial is for students to review their completed Mini Diagnostic test with an experienced tutor and receive quick tips and strategies.

  • Tutoring sessions are help one-to-one with the student
  • Session last a maximum of 1 hour
  • Sessions are typically virtual but can take place in-person when possible

Topics to be covered in the 1-hour tutoring session include

  • Reviewing a student’s Piqosity mini-diagnostic test
  • Providing recommendations for next steps

*These services were included for purchases of the Advanced Plan prior to June 20, 2024

when compared to Test Innovators Key Features Piqosity Advanced Test Innovators Advanced
1 Full-Length ISEE Practice Tests 12 7
2 Bundled ELA Courses with 500+ Reading Passages Yes No
3 Bundled Math Courses with 5,000+ Questions Yes No
6 Piqosity Virtual Tutor with Remediation Yes No
7 Price (validated June 24, 2024) $199 $399

Group Pricing for Educators

Discounted, per-student pricing is available to any educator including schools, tutoring companies, teachers, or tutors. Each student license is charged individually depending on the number of active licenses in the educator’s account.

Only one type of plan is available for group discounts–the Group Plan. The Group Plan includes access to all 10 full-length practice tests but no additional services or bundled courses.

No application is required; to qualify for group pricing, simply register as an educator or organization, and the discounts will be automatically applied.

  • Learn more about our group pricing .
  • Learn more about our free Learning Management System (LMS) for educators .

The Piqosity Advantage

Full-length isee tests.

Plus complementary math and English courses for unrivaled practice content

Innovative Platform

Our global team is continually expanding our app every 2 weeks


One product launch at a time, we’re on a mission to rethink education

Proven Experience

Our team has more than 2 decades of experience in K12 education

How to Improve Your ISEE Score with Piqosity

Our proven test prep methodology for the last 20+ years.

success cycle

Take a Practice Test

Taking practice tests is the best way to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, familiarize yourself with the test format, and build endurance. Piqosity offers up to 10 full-length practice tests, more than any of our competitors.

Use the analysis generated by mock tests to develop or refine your ISEE test prep roadmap. Read Piqosity’s content lessons or watch how-to videos to review areas where you need a little refreshing.

Internalize what you’ve reviewed in the concept lessons by discussing your findings with a peer, parent, or tutor. Use Piqosity’s question-and-answers feature and the discussion forum.

Practice does not always make perfect, but it can get you close! Work practice questions using Piqosity’s adaptive practice feature; liven things up by switching to gamified mode. If you run out practice, consider taking a complementary Piqosity course in math and English.

Repeat this cycle until you achieve your desired score!

Free ISEE Upper Level Study Guide

For students applying to grades 9-12

isee upper level essay prompts

Verbal Reasoning is the first and fastest section. It is composed of two parts – synonyms and sentence completions.

  • 1st multiple-choice section
  • 40 questions
  • 30 seconds per question

Learn more about the ISEE Upper Level Verbal Reasoning Section.

Quantitative Reasoning  is often considered the most difficult part of the ISEE; it includes word problems and quantitative comparison questions.

  • 2nd multiple-choice section
  • 37 questions
  • 57 seconds per question

Learn more about the ISEE Upper Level Quantitative Reasoning Section.

Reading Comprehension is comprised of 6 ~600 word passages followed by 6 questions each; students generally think it’s the easiest section.

  • 3rd multiple-choice section
  • 36 questions
  • 58 seconds per question

Learn more about the ISEE Upper Level Reading Comprehension Section.

Mathematics Achievement is the longest part of the ISEE and comprised of word problems; a calculator is not allowed on the ISEE.

  • 4th multiple-choice section
  • 47 questions
  • 51 seconds per question

Learn more about the ISEE Upper Level Mathematics Achievement Section.

The personal-style Essay is the last section of the ISEE; it is not scored but is sent directly to schools.

  • 5th and last section
  • 2 pages max

Learn more about the ISEE Upper Level Essay .

Complementary Courses

Bundle our 8th grade English course for 100+ more reading passages to practice with.

Bundle our Algebra I math course for 1300+ more questions to practice with.

Advanced learners can add an ACT course to qualify for gifted & talented summer programs.

Watch a Short Demo

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pricing & Policies

Will Piqosity’s courses help my child if they are falling behind in school?

Yes! Piqosity’s courses are designed to meet your student where they are, and they can be used for both enrichment and remediation. Your child can use Piqosity’s lessons and practice materials to review and reinforce the concepts they are struggling with in class. If they aren’t sure where to start, they can take a diagnostic test to help them understand where their weaknesses lie, or they can use the Piqosity Virtual Tutor to progress through the Course Outline from start to finish.

Why is Piqosity’s Digital SAT Course Free?

Piqosity’s new Digital SAT course is currently free through May August 24, 2024. We are confident in the quality of our content but not all of it is available. Therefore, access is free because this course is still in development:

  • Not all 12 full-length tests are available. While we intend to offer 12 digital SAT practice tests plus 2 PSAT tests, we are rolling them out sequentially between February and May, 2024.
  • Instructional lessons are not yet uploaded. Our content team is in the process of adapting paper SAT lessons plus writing entirely new lessons and videos. These how-to guides will be uploaded beginning in May.
  • The questions are not normed. Piqosity is unique among e-learning platforms in that every question on our platform is continuously peer-normed for difficulty . However, given the newness of the DSAT content, we don’t yet have that data. For this reason, you’ll also notice that our full-length tests are not currently numbered 1-12. Instead they have unique names like “Baker” or “Sid Rich” so that we can shuffle the order around in order to encourage more usage of certain tests during the free, development period.

Who creates Piqosity’s courses?

Our content is partly written in-house and partly by third party publishers including tutors and teachers. Our in-house team has more than 15 years of experience helping thousands of students achieve their potential at our home base in Houston and around the world.

Our content is aligned to both Common Core and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). We and our partners also write content in accordance with our experience and the specifications set forth by the test makers (i.e. ACT, College Board, and ERB).

Which ISEE level should my child take?

  • The ISEE Upper Level is for students applying to grades 9-12.
  • The ISEE Middle Level is for students applying to grades 7&8.
  • The ISEE Lower Level is for students applying to grades 5&6.
  • The ISEE Primary Level is offered for students applying to grades 2, 3, and 4; however, ISEE scores are not that important at this early age .

Where do I go for technical assistance or customer support?

Piqosity works hard to make our platform as straightforward and easy-to-navigate as possible. If you are experiencing issues, please visit our support center for immediate answers to most questions, including how-to guides for students and educators , as well as a list of known technical issues . You can also contact us via support ticket any time or call us at +1 713-234-6098 within business hours.

When should my child start preparing for the ISEE?

Assuming a winter application deadline in December or January, the majority of students will start preparing in fall. About a quarter of students plan ahead and start in summer. And another quarter play catch-up in the winter.

Read our article to learn more about when to prepare for the ISEE test .

What is the ISEE test?

The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is a standardized test required by many American private schools for admission. It is comprised of 4 scored sections testing math and reading plus 1 non-scored, 2-page personal essay. The ISEE admission test lasts between 2.5 and 3 hours depending on which grade to which the student is applying. The worst stanine score is a 1 and the best score is a 9; average scores are 4, 5, and 6. Students may take the ISEE test up to 3 times a year, but most students only have two chances to make their best score before applications are due.

  • Read more about the ISEE Upper Level test .
  • Read more about the ISEE Middle Level test .
  • Read more about the ISEE Lower Level test .

What is Piqosity?

Piqosity means to pique curiosity. We are a Houston-based education technology startup on a mission to rethink education. One product launch at a time, we are on a journey to democratize education publishing, personalize student learning, and empower future generations to tackle the greatest challenges. Our team has more than 18 years of tutoring and test prep experience since we first helped our first student out of a Rice University dorm room in 2003.  Click here to learn more about our company .

What is a good score on the ISEE test?

When you hear other people discussing ISEE scores, they are usually referring to Stanine Scores. The Stanine Scores are also what schools usually care about most, as they provide the most succinct way of measuring a student’s performance on the ISEE test.

In general, a good ISEE score for an academically competitive school is a Stanine Score of 7, 8, or 9. Stanine Scores of 4, 5, and 6 are considered average, and scores of 1, 2, and 3 are below average. However, the comprehensive answer to this question depends on several factors, including the schools to which you are applying.

For more information, read our comprehensive article, “ What is a Good Score on the ISEE ?”

What if I need paper tests?

Every practice set on Piqosity, including adaptive questions and full-length mock tests, can be downloaded as a PDF file for easy printing.

Should I take an online class?

Piqosity’s online classes are suitable for many different types of self-directed learners. Whether you’re a student looking for additional \ enrichment and test prep outside of the classes or are simply looking for a little remediation, Piqosity’s courses provide you with the tools and resources you need to meet your goals.

However, online learning is not for everyone. Students who struggle to focus on the computer may find that classroom learning is better suited to their needs.

Is there a time limit to complete my Piqosity online course?

All courses are available for a full 365 days after the date of purchase. 

Is the ISEE test difficult?

The ISEE test can be difficult but it does not have to be. The ISEE tests both what students have learned in school (achievement) as well as how they apply that knowledge to new and novel situations (reasoning). The ISEE test is comprised of four scored sections in this order:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Mathematics Achievement

High achieving students who are already performing well in school tend to naturally do well on the achievement parts of the test (Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Achievement). Conversely students who are already struggling with fractions or building their vocabularies will see those deficiencies amplified on the ISEE.

Almost all students find the two reasoning sections difficult (Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning). These two sections are specifically designed to challenge students to take their in-class learning one step further.

Is a calculator allowed on the ISEE?

No, the ISEE test does not allow a calculator on either of the two math sections of the ISEE test—Mathematics Achievement and Quantitative Reasoning. All math questions are designed to be answered without the aid of a calculator. In fact, when a question looks like it might involve many steps and complex calculations, it can often be solved very quickly with a little mental math and logic.

I’m an educator or publisher; can I publish with Piqosity?

Yes! We are actively looking for educators and publishers to contribute to our platform. Please contact us for more information.

How much should you study for the ISEE?

The average student preparing with Piqosity reports that they spent between 30 and 40 hours in total studying for the ISEE. However, how long your student will need to study for the ISEE depends on three primary factors:

  • The academic competitiveness of the schools to which your child is applying.
  • Your child’s baseline score after taking a diagnostic test.
  • Your child’s desired score.

For example, an average student applying to a large private school that caters to students of different abilities will not need to study nearly as much as an average student applying to a small private school that prides itself for academic rigor.

How long is the ISEE test?

In general the ISEE test lasts between 2.5 and 3 hours with breaks, but the exact duration depends on the level of the test the student is taking.

  • The ISEE Upper Level is for students applying to grades 9-12 and lasts 2 hours and 40 minutes not including two breaks. Students must answer 160 multiple-choice questions and write 1 essay in this time period.
  • The ISEE Middle Level is for students applying to grades 7&8 and lasts 2 hours and 40 minutes not including two breaks. Students must answer 160 multiple-choice questions and write 1 essay in this time period.
  • The ISEE Lower Level is for students applying to grades 5&6 and lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes not including two breaks. Students must answer 147 multiple-choice questions and write 1 essay in this time period.

How long do ISEE results take?

ISEE test score results can take anywhere from 24-hours to 10 days before they are viewable in the ERB’s online parent portal .

Tests taken on a computer either at home or at a testing center are scored within 24-hours.

Tests taken on paper are not promised to be scored until 10-14 days after the test date. However, the reality is that most large testing sites (popular private schools) quickly turn around the results as soon as the Monday or Wednesday after a Saturday testing.

As of 2021, there was no paid option for guaranteed faster scoring since the online testing results are already so fast.

How do Piqosity’s online classes work?

As always, it’s free to sign up with Piqosity’s Community Plan, which provides you with limited access to premium content. The paid plan unlocks all of Piqosity’s key innovative platform features, including:

  • Instructional lessons with multiple variations including videos
  • Adaptive practice including the option for gamification
  • Student analytics and strengths and weakness diagnostics
  • Answer explanations from both the original author and third-party educators
  • Printable PDF practice tests and question sets
  • Timers with settings for time and a half and double time
  • Online test taking tools like whiteboard, question scratch throughs, and flagging

Register now to get started!

How do Piqosity’s ISEE practice tests compare to the actual exam in difficulty?

As a rule, our editors try to ensure that Piqosity’s first-party preparation material for the ISEE test is at or slightly above the expected difficulty of the actual ISEE. The last thing we want to do is provide unrealistically easy material that lulls families into a false sense of confidence (and the next to last thing we want to do is make the content so difficult that we scare students into feeling defeated).

Beginning in winter 2021, we started to peer norm every question on Piqosity and compare it to the actual ISEE test results. When we examined our 3,597 questions for the ISEE Upper Level on December 21, 2021, we found that students were answering our questions with a mean accuracy of 51.25% and a median accuracy of 51.75%, which is nearly exactly the same as the official ISEE results reported from students testing in November of 2021.

However, Piqosity’s norm group is smaller and likely more studious than the ISEE-taking population as a whole, which means that Piqosity’s content may skew more difficult than what students can expect to find on the actual ISEE.

How do I register to take the ISEE test?

Parents must create an online account at ERB to register for the ISEE test:

  • Create an online account at ERB
  • Pick a test date and location (online, school, or testing center)
  • Pay a fee of between $140 and $200 depending on the location

To avoid paying a $30 late registration fee, parents should register at least 3-weeks before their desired testing date.

Some testing locations require an access code to register because they only test students enrolled or applying to their school. Parents obtain this code by speaking with the school’s admissions team.

How do I prepare my child for the ISEE test?

As a parent or tutor you might be anxious about preparing your student for the ISEE especially since you probably never took this relatively new and niche test yourself. But Piqosity makes it easy; if you can explain  To Kill a Mocking Bird or remember Algebra I, then you can also tutor the ISEE:

  • Start by having your student take a diagnostic test to understand their starting point; Piqosity’s free mini-diagnostic will work.
  • Walk them through the math and English concepts they’re weak in; Piqosity’s lessons will help you.
  • Have them work full-length practice tests to find knowledge gaps and get them comfortable with the test format and question styles; Piqosity offers 10 full-length practice tests.

Read more in our guide, “How to Tutor the ISEE as a Parent or Tutor.”

How can we trust Piqosity’s ISEE, ACT, and SAT test prep content?

Our preparation material for standardized tests like the ISEE, ACT, and SAT go through a rigorous research, writing, and editing process:

  • We analyze the test specifications released from the publishers like College Board and ACT .
  • We analyze the previously released official practice tests.
  • We write our practice tests based off this analysis while citing official practice test questions.
  • We edit each question and test for facsimile to the official tests, difficulty, and completeness.
  • We peer norm each question with actual students.
  • And because 10,000 sets of eyes are still better than our 10 sets, we continuously make improvements from your feedback.

Our brilliant writers scored in the top 1% on these tests, and our Houston-based team of editor/educators has more than 20 years of experience in K12 education. We won’t let you down!

Does Piqosity offer tutoring?

No, as an education-technology company, Piqosity does not directly provide tutorial services. However, we do partner with independent, third-party educators across the world. Some of our course packages include a consultation or tutorial session with these tutors and teachers.

Do Piqosity’s math and ELA courses last a full school year?

Currently, all of our Math and ELA courses are estimated to take around 40 hours to complete. School is in session for roughly 35 weeks out of the year; assuming a student works roughly 1 hour per week, your Piqosity math course will take the average student a full academic year to complete. Students using Piqosity to remediate or prepare for a standardized test such as the ISEE Lower Level , will likely have to compress this timeline.

Do Piqosity’s classes come with tutoring hours?

Piqosity does not provide tutorial services. However, we do partner with independent, third-party educators across the world. Some of our course packages include a consultation or tutorial session with these tutors and teachers.

Do I receive a certificate of completion or course credit for a Piqosity course?

Piqosity is not an accredited institution and does not offer course credit. We do not currently offer certificates of completion at this time, but are working towards doing so in the near future.

Can I use Piqosity’s courses to teach a class or tutor?

Yes! We built Piqosity not only to be user friendly for parents and students at home but also for the advanced needs of tutors and teachers. Key features for educators include:

  • Student management including the ability to see everything the student sees
  • Automatic scoring and analysis of all student work
  • Assignments with due dates
  • Custom Branding (tutoring companies and schools)

The biggest features for educators are still yet to come. Beginning this fall we will open up our platform to enable any qualified educator to upload their own instructional content to Piqosity. This means that educators will be able to create their own lessons and questions. They will be able to share this content with all users or just with their own students. We are actively looking for educators and publishers to contribute to our platform. Please contact us for more information.

Can I try before I buy?

Yes! All of our courses include a free “Community” plan with limited access to premium content like mini diagnostic tests. No credit card is required to register. If you decide that you want access to more premium content, simply upgrade your plan. Upgraded course plans are single-pay, non-recurring, and provide access for 365-days from the date of purchase.

Can I print Piqosity’s course materials?

Yes! Every practice set on Piqosity, including adaptive questions and full-length tests, can be downloaded as a PDF file for easy printing.

Can I cancel at anytime?

If you upgrade from the free Community plan, your credit card will only be charged the one time with no recurring fees. All paid plans are currently valid for 365 days from the date of activation. No credit card is required to initially register for Piqosity’s free Community plan.

Our Latest ISEE News, Analysis, and Research

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Free ISEE Practice Tests, Full-Length

Piqosity now offers two, absolutely free ISEE practice tests. These tests are full-length and level-specific for the ISEE Upper, [...]

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The Student’s Role in the Private School Admissions Process

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The Benefits of Retesting and Taking Multiple Practice Exams

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sample isee essay prompts

ISEE Sample Essay Prompts and Responses

The ISEE Essay is the fifth and final section of the ISEE lower, middle, and upper level tests. This [...]

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isee upper level essay prompts

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  1. Essay Prompts For College Essays

    isee upper level essay prompts

  2. ISEE Upper Level Practice Questions : ISEE Practice Tests & Exam Review for the Independent

    isee upper level essay prompts

  3. ISEE Sample Essays and Responses

    isee upper level essay prompts

  4. About the ISEE Upper Level

    isee upper level essay prompts

  5. Ultimate ISEE Upper Level Practice Tests & Guide

    isee upper level essay prompts

  6. The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts

    isee upper level essay prompts


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  3. Momentum Learning ISEE Lower Level English Open House

  4. Momentum Learning ISEE Upper Level English Open House

  5. Upper Intermediate Essay

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  1. ISEE Upper Level Exam Prep

    Pass Your ISEE Upper Level Exam With Our Practice Exams, Study Guides & Course. Learn faster. Stay motivated. Study smarter.

  2. The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts

    Essay Practice Prompts. Below you'll find five practice prompts for each level of the ISEE. For each prompt, set a timer for 30 minutes, and make sure to go somewhere quiet to write your essay. Write your essay on a sheet of lined paper (you can use the front and back of the sheet, but no more). Once you've finished, have an adult read over ...

  3. ISEE Sample Essay Prompts and Responses

    Find 10 sample prompts for the ISEE essay, a personal statement that is not scored but sent to schools. Learn how to brainstorm, outline, and write your essay with examples and tips.

  4. Essay Writing Practice and Prompts for the ISEE

    Therefore, while this section doesn't contribute to your ISEE scores, it plays a significant role in the admission process as it provides schools with a direct insight into your thought process, comprehension skills, and writing abilities. Sample Prompts to Practice. Choose one of the following topics on which to write your essay.

  5. ISEE Practice Essays

    The ISEE essay requires students to write a descriptive essay in thirty minutes. The essay is not scored, but a copy of the writing sample is sent to the admissions officers of the schools to which the ISEE score report is sent. Follow directions! Make sure you rewrite the prompt on the top of the first page of your answer sheet. Budget your time!

  6. How to Prepare for the ISEE Essay

    Learn how to write a successful ISEE essay in 30 minutes with strategies, tips and examples. The ISEE essay is not scored, but it shows your communication skills and personality to admissions officers.

  7. Free ISEE Practice Tests

    Download a sample ISEE Upper Level exam into a printable format below. ISEE Lower Level Test (Grades 4-5) Essay: 30 minutes. 1 prompt. Download. 1. Verbal Reasoning Section ... ISEE Writing (Essay) ISEE Essay Topics. ISEE Math. ISEE Basic Algebra Strategies. Preview our ISEE Books . Preview ISEE Math Book (35 page sample)

  8. Expert Guide to Writing an Impressive ISEE Essay

    Upper Level: Admission to Grades 9-12 ... ISEE essay topics can cover a wide range of subjects, but they are always simple and open-ended. There is no right answer, and they do not require any outside information. Topics may ask about students' favorite book, relative, or season. Students may be asked to describe a dream job or dream vacation ...

  9. Essay Prompts to Practice for the ISEE

    Read on for our best essay prompts and tips. ISEE Essay Tips: Follow directions! Make sure you rewrite the prompt on the top of the first page of your answer sheet. Budget your time! Make sure to save time at the end to edit for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. ... Upper Level (grades 9 and up): Topic: Schools offer many extracurricular ...

  10. Upper Level: Essay Study Guide for the ISEE

    General Information. Your ISEE essay will not be scored by the testing scorers, but a copy of it will be sent to the school(s) to which you are applying. A copy of it is not included in the parent score report.. The ISEE Essay has a time limit of 30 minutes.During that time, you need to plan, write, and review (proofread/edit) an essay written on a given prompt.

  11. ISEE Essay

    The fifth and final section of the ISEE Upper Level is the Personal Essay, which allows 30 minutes to plan and respond to 1 prompt. The essay is not scored. ... (good or bad) that addresses an ISEE essay prompt about something you've read. However, do not fill your essay with negativity. Instead, make the essay a positive, yet critical ...

  12. ISEE Essay Practice with Prompts

    Prompts cover topics of interest to students at their grade level. Test Instructions: During the 30-minute Essay Section, your child will be given a sheet of paper to take notes on. They must write the essay in ink on two pre-lined pages, rewriting the prompt at the top of the first page.

  13. ISEE Essay Strategies

    Start by spending the first 2-5 minutes outlining your work. After you have a plan, go ahead and get writing! This is where you will spend the bulk of your time. Youʼll need to watch the clock, and save yourself 2-5 minutes at the end for review. Plan: 2-5 minutes. Write: 15-20 minutes.

  14. Mastering the ISEE Essay

    ISEE Upper Level: Topic 1: Of the books you have read in the past year, which one made the biggest impression on you and why? ... Notice how you can take this essay prompt in two different ways: you can directly use examples from the book, or you can make your thesis about your own life and how you relate to the book. Either way is fine, as ...

  15. Upper Level ISEE: What to Expect

    This 30 min essay provides students with a prompt for which they need to write a coherent, (ideally) 5-paragraph essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The essay is NOT graded. Instead, it functions as a writing sample that is sent out to all the schools a student applies to with the ISEE. Is the Upper Level ISEE hard?

  16. ISEE Upper Level Test Prep

    The ISEE Upper Level Test is 2 hours 40 minutes long and contains 160 multiple-choice questions and one essay question. There are two math sections and two verbal/reading sections, then an essay ...

  17. Free Ultimate ISEE Test Prep Guide and Practice Tests

    Full-Length ISEE Practice Tests. Piqosity offers up to 12 full-length practice tests plus 2,000 adaptive practice questions. Students receive an estimated test-day score every time they practice. Additional practice adapts to the student's individual strengths and weaknesses. Start Middle Level Free Trial.

  18. ISEE Essay Overview

    How schools use the ISEE essay. The way in which each admissions department uses the ISEE essay varies from school to school, but the following are the main essay elements that will be evaluated: Topic choice. Organization and structure. Use of examples and details. Writing mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar)

  19. ISEE Upper Level

    The ISEE Upper Level, one of the main private high school entrance exams, is a challenging test covering a wide range of concepts. ... The ISEE Essay: Tips and Practice Prompts. Essay Overview The ISEE essay is the last section of the ISEE. Students are given 30 minutes to respond to a prompt. The essay is not...

  20. Prompts and Tips for the ISEE Essay

    The essay is not scored, but a copy of the writing sample is sent to the admissions officers of the schools to which the ISEE score report is sent. Essay prompts are a great way to practice for the exam. Read on for our best essay prompts and tips. Here's a list of essay prompts with which to practice: Lower Level (grades 5 and 6):

  21. The ISEE Essay Section: What To Expect

    The ISEE's essay section is not scored in the traditional sense, but your essay will be sent to the schools to which you send your score report. This means that your essay is a very important part of the test, and you should prepare for it just as you prepare for the multiple-choice sections. Practice putting your best foot forward!

  22. The Essay on the Upper Level ISEE

    The Essay on the Upper Level ISEE. The fifth and final section of the ISEE is always the essay, a two-page response to a specific prompt. Your essay is not scored, but a copy of your essay is sent to every school you designate to receive your ISEE results. The schools may then use your essay as a separate weight in determining whether or not to ...

  23. Overview of the ISEE

    The ISEE (Independent Schools Entrance Exam) is an admission test administered by the ERB (Educational Records Bureau). Many private schools in North America, and a handful of international schools, use the ISEE as a crucial part of the admissions process for grades 2 through 12. The ISEE serves as a standardized metric by which admissions ...

  24. ISEE Upper Level Practice Tests

    The ISEE Upper Level is for students applying to grades 9-12 and lasts 2 hours and 40 minutes not including two breaks. Students must answer 160 multiple-choice questions and write 1 essay in this time period. The ISEE Middle Level is for students applying to grades 7&8 and lasts 2 hours and 40 minutes not including two breaks. Students must ...