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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale.

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education courses

Education Courses

  • Social Sciences

education courses

Early Childhood Development: Global Strategies for Interventions

Examine best practices in child and family policies, advocacy, financing, and pathways to scale.

A girl writing at a desk.

Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching

Learn what is involved in using data wisely to build a culture of collaborative inquiry. 

Paint cups by an easle.

Leading Adults for Quality Improvement: A CEEL Module

Leading Adults for Quality Improvement is a module within the Certificate in Early Education Leadership: Series 1, Learn B

Teacher assisting children on a task in the classroom.

Leading Change in Others: A CEEL Module

Leading Change in Others is a module within the Certificate in Early Education Leadership: Series 2, Learn B

Group activity with the teacher and students.

Teaching for Cognitive Growth: A CEEL Module

Teaching for Cognitive Growth is a module within the Certificate in Early Education Leadership: Series 3, Learn B

A group of smiling educators collaborate at a table

Questions at the Core: Extending the Question Formulation Technique to Sustain an Inquiry-based Culture in Schools

Strengthen and refine your inquiry aptitude.

Rows of brightly colored rubber ducks sit in a grid of wooden squares, each in its own cubby hole

Universal Design for Learning: Explore

Develop a deeper understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to design learning environments for engaging, meaningful experiences for all students.

Students raising their hands in a classroom

Harvard Bok Higher Education Teaching Certificate

Explore Higher Education Teaching and its practices offered by Harvard’s Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning. Learn to create a collaborative, engaging learning environment.

Two teachers standing in a classroom, working together at a white board with writing on it

Leading Teacher Teams: Promoting Growth Through Effective Collaboration

Examine strategies for facilitating and empowering groups of educators by developing a deeper understanding of the needs of adult learners and learning to use collaboration to foster educator growth and enhance student learning.

Three professional adults sit around a communal table, talking and collaborating

Teachers Mentoring Teachers: Practices for Powerful Professional Communities

Explore mentoring relationships at different stages of a career in teaching, aiming to uncover practices that are specific to the teaching profession and to name what makes them so effective

a diverse group of men and women sit around a table smiling and engaging with each other

Articulating the Intangibles of Teaching: Aligning Your Purpose and Practice for Instructional Leadership

Join a community of peers to excavate the intangibles of teaching, aligning mission, vision, methods, decisions, and student work in a comprehensive, personal language of practice.

Teacher leading an activity with students.

Effective Classroom Management: A CEEL Module

Effective Classroom Management is a module within the Certificate in Early Education Leadership: Series 3, Learn C

Teacher smiling at students.

Leveraging Diversity for Improvement: A CEEL Module

Leveraging Diversity for Improvement is a module within the Certificate in Early Education Leadership: Series 2, Learn C

Empty classroom with book on shelf.

Stress, Adversity, and Trauma: A CEEL Module

Stress, Adversity, and Trauma is a module within the Certificate in Early Education Leadership: Series 1, Learn C

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Adult Learning Center

The Adult Learning Center provides quality instruction in reading, writing, math, and the English language to help adults transition into college and/or prepare for the GED tests. Services are available in Grangeville, Lewiston, Moscow, and Orofino.

What is Adult Basic Education?

ABE is a basic skills program for adults 16 years of age and older who are not currently enrolled in high school. We also serve adults who have graduated from high school and want to improve their reading, writing, or math skills so they can transition into college or the workforce. All new students attend an orientation session that covers program expectations and provides assessments.

Each student's course of study is framed by an educational plan based on the unique needs of the student. ABE offers structured classes at various levels of reading, writing, and math. Our students have the option of online instruction as well.

ABE can help you:

  • Improve math, reading, and writing skills.
  • Prepare for college.
  • Prepare for and pass the GED.
  • Become digitally literate.
  • Learn to speak English (for non-native learners).
  • Prepare for U.S. Citizenship

Contact Information

Clearwater Hall

500 8th Avenue

Lewiston, Idaho 83501

  • calls--solid 208-792-2238
  • envelope--solid [email protected]
  • time--solid Mon-Thu, 8:00 - 5:00

Online Russian Course

  • Introduction lesson: define your level, get tips for studying from our teacher
  • Study materials are included
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Conducting online lessons on different platforms: Zoom, Skype, Wereby, etc.

Why learn Russian language online with us?

  • choose a course that meets YOUR expectations and goals
  • calculate the required frequency and intensity of classes (in particular, the number of training hours per week)
  • find the training materials that are right for you
  • gain the required level in the shortest possible time
  • prepare for the exam
  • achieve your goals, whether it's spoken Russian for everyday communication, for upcoming trip to Russia or Russian as the language of the specialty, business Russian etc.

Prices & Schedule

It is also important to inform that we issue a certificate of attendance (with a minimum package of 8 lessons!)

  • Days: Monday till Thursday
  • Time: 10 am - 2 pm Moscow time
  • Intencity: 20 academic hours per week
  • Price: 140 Euro per week
  • Price for 2 weeks: 135 Euro per week
  • Price for 3 weeks and more: 125 Euro per week
  • Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Time: 7 pm - 9:15 pm Moscow time
  • Intencity: 9 academic hours per week
  • Price: 75 Euro per week
  • Price for 2 weeks: 70 Euro per week
  • Price for 3 weeks and more: 65 Euro per week
  • Days: Any day
  • Time: Any time
  • Price for 3 weeks and more: 128 Euro per 8 ac. hours

How long do I study Russian?

Programs available.

  • Russian language "from scratch"
  • The course of practice
  • Express course "Tourist Russian"
  • Advanced Russian
  • Russian grammar is easy
  • Russian: we love books
  • Russian language in the songs
  • Watch movies in Russian

Do you want to understand what your Russian friends are talking about, watch Russian movies, understand Russian humor, or communicate with your mother-in-law in her native language? Try to understand the mysterious Russian soul, get acquainted with the rich culture of Russia? Perhaps you have some requests of your own? Let us know and we will be able to create a course specifically for your request.

- We have various payment methods. We accept all international bank cards, so you can pay online.

- We will send you all the materials electronically. They are included in the course price

- We will send it to you by email. In case if you need the original, we will send it by post.

- Yes, we offer tiral lesson for both group and individual classes

- Usually we have 3-5 students in our online group.

- We use English for some explanations and mostly use Russian

education courses

  • Sales Associate Pre-License Course
  • Pre-Licencia para Vendedores Asociados de Bienes Raíces
  • Broker Pre-License
  • Pre-Licencia para Corredores de Bienes Raíces
  • 14-hour Continuing Education
  • 14-Horas Educación Continua de Bienes Raíces
  • 3-hour Core Law
  • 3-hour Business Ethics
  • 28-hour Reactivation
  • 4-hour Escrow Management
  • 4-hour Instructor Continuing Education
  • 45-hour Sales Associate Post-License Course
  • 45-Horas Pos-Licencia de Bienes Raíces
  • 60-hour Broker Post-License
  • Advanced Training
  • Property Management
  • Next Step Course
  • Programa de entrenamiento de bienes raíces
  • Administración de Propiedades
  • Sales and Broker Online Practice Exams (English)
  • Real Estate Sales Associate Exam Prep (Español)
  • Cram Class (English and Spanish)
  • Mutual Recognition Florida Exam Prep & Simulators
  • Downloads & Links
  • Career Opportunities
  • Career Connections
  • Career Fair
  • Commission Calculator
  • Student Referral Program
  • State Applications
  • Fingerprinting
  • Refund Policy
  • Partner With Us
  • NAR Settlement
  • Curso De Contratista General en Florida
  • Building Contractor
  • Residential Contractor
  • AC AB Contractor
  • AC Mechanical Contractor
  • Roofing Contractor
  • Plumbing Contractor
  • Glass and Glazing Contractor
  • Pool and Spa Contractor
  • Curso de Inspector de Viviendas en Florida
  • Building Inspector
  • Construction CE (CILB)
  • Construction CE (ECLB) Electrical Contractors
  • Construction CE (BCAIB)
  • Construction CE (Architects)
  • Construction CE (Interior Design}
  • Home Inspector CE
  • Miami Dade County CE
  • Palm Beach County CE
  • Broward County CE
  • Financial Responsibility & Stability in Construction
  • Individual CE Courses
  • Plan Reading
  • Hurricane Wind Mitigation
  • Estimating & Bidding
  • General Contractor
  • Home Inspector
  • Specialty Contractor
  • Endorsement
  • Program Schedule
  • Application Services
  • Contractor Exam Prep Workshops
  • Online Exam Simulators
  • Career Fairs
  • Community Association Manager Pre-License
  • CAM Continuing Education
  • CAM Cram Exam Prep
  • Mortgage Loan Originator Pre-License
  • Mortgage Loan Originator – Continuing Education
  • Mortgage Loan Originator – Exam Prep

Florida CAM Continuing Education

Complete your required florida cam continuing education today.

Gold Coast is Florida’s established leader in CAM continuing education courses. Our highly successful CAM program has helped thousands of Florida CAM professionals obtain and renew their license and we look forward to helping you do the same.

In the state of Florida, community association managers are required to complete 15-hours of approved continuing education every two years, before their license expiration date, September 30th even years. This date can be found printed on your license. Licensees licensed for 24 months or less at renewal time are exempt from compliance with the CE requirements above until the end of the next renewal cycle. Nobody makes it easier to renew your Florida CAM license than Gold Coast Schools. Our continuing education courses will enable you to meet the state education renewal requirements and keep your license active.

Please contact our helpful Career Counselors at 800-732-9140 if you have any questions. We are happy to assist.

Have you already completed your correspondence CE course and would like to submit your answers online? [su_button url="/cam-grading" style="flat" background="#31bd52" color="#ffffff" size="6"  radius="10" icon="icon: arrow-right" icon_color="#ffffff" text_shadow="0px 0px 0px #000000"]Submit Answers Here[/su_button] ---->

Choose Your Learning Format

Cam license renewal classroom packages.

15-Hour CAM CE Package

  • No Exam  at the end of course
  • Networking opportunities
  • Enjoy a lively review of new State law updates
  • Course completion reported directly to the DBPR for you

Two-Day Course Package Includes:

  • Fundamentals of Financial Management (IFM) 3-Hours
  • Human Resource Management Systems and Development (HR) 3-Hours
  • Legal Update 2023-2024 (LU) 3-Hours
  • Who’s Moving In (ELE ) 3-Hours
  • Maintenance Responsibilities of a Community Association (OPP) 3-Hours

9-Hour CAM CE Package

  • No Exam at the end of course

One-Day Package includes the following courses:

CAM licensees are required to complete 15 hours of state approved continuing education courses prior to the expiration of their license on September 30, 2024.  The 15-Hour continuing education can be achieved through classroom, livestream, online and correspondence courses. 

If you have any questions about renewing your CAM license, please contact our helpful Career Counselors at 1-800-732-9140 .

Check on your state renewal requirements and license status:

Verify Your License Status with DBPR

CAM License Renewal Livestream Packages

  • Network from anywhere with an internet connection

CAM License Renewal Online Packages

  • Immediate access to the enrolled courses upon registration
  • Access to course for 1 year
  • Unlimited test attempts
  • Designed to run on most computers and mobile devices

Online Course Package Includes:

Package includes the following courses:

Fundamentals of Financial Management

3- Hour Insurance (Financial Management) or Elective (ELE)

Human Resource Management Systems and Development

3-Hours Human Resource (HR) or Elective (ELE)

Legal Update 2023-2024

3-Hour Legal Update (LU)

Who's Moving In

3-Hour Human Resource (HR) or Elective (ELE)

Maintenance Responsibilities of Community Association

3-Hour Operation of Physical Property (OPP) or Elective (ELE)

CAM Continuing Education Requirements:

CAM licensees are required to complete 15 hours of state approved continuing education courses prior to the expiration of their license on September 30, 2022.  The total 15 hours can be achieved through either classroom , online , or correspondence courses. 

To check on your state renewal requirements and license status click:


Doral (South Miami)

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Take a Virtual Tour

North Miami

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Tamarac (Broward)

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West Palm Beach

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East Orlando

education courses

North Orlando


Look for your CAM CE book to arrive in February 2024.

Interested in more information and updates about CAM continuing education?

Learn more by completing the form below:

New IUB 2030 initiative helps faculty transform gateway courses with student success in mind

A new initiative at Indiana University Bloomington is helping faculty rethink the design of some historically difficult gateway courses in an effort to help more students succeed academically.

The Crimson Course Transformation Initiative — run by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and facilitated by the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning — is part of the IU Bloomington 2030 strategic plan that includes student success and opportunity as one of its pillars.

The goal is to transform entry-level courses that have high enrollments and a large number of students receiving D or F grades, or withdrawing from the course, so that students can be successful, complete the courses and continue the pathways of their majors. Courses targeted for the initiative typically have had at least a 15% DFW rate, said Vasti Torres , vice provost for undergraduate education.

“The belief was that if students do not do well in these courses, they would leave the institution,” Torres said.

education courses

Nine courses from the mathematics and chemistry departments, the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, and the Kelley School of Business were selected for the initiative, which started in January. Fifteen faculty members attended monthly workshops during the spring 2024 semester and an intensive three-week summer seminar. The faculty will implement the planned changes to the courses in the fall semester.

“We use evidence-based techniques to help faculty members evaluate their courses and the types of students they have,” Torres said. “It helps faculty learn how to use different techniques to produce better ways of introducing information to students and them understanding it.”

A different approach

The focus during the spring semester was helping faculty learn more about their students, and developing student personas that capture and make real those sometimes abstract data points, said Greg Siering, director of the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. For example, one persona could be a first-generation sophomore with an outside job who just declared a major for which the class is required.

In addition to the courses being inherently difficult because of the subject matter, the students come from varying learning backgrounds and enter with different expectations about how much work will be required of them, Siering added.

“As you think of the changes you want to make in the classroom, you think about how it would work for these student personas,” he said. “It makes it very student-centered.”

The faculty were given data about students who dropped their courses and the reasons why. They also received feedback from students who persisted regarding what worked well in the courses and any barriers they encountered, said Madeleine Gonin, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning’s assistant director for inclusive teaching.

Faculty also were asked to think about how students will interact with the content, and the skills and knowledge they are being asked to use, Gonin added.

The summer seminar looked at the courses’ design, such as whether the material is appropriate for that level, what the faculty want the course to accomplish, and whether there is too much material for the students to understand, Siering said.

Measuring the effectiveness of changes to the courses will involve examining how much students improve from one test to the next, how much self-efficacy and belonging improve, and ultimately whether the DFW rates decrease, Siering added.

‘We want students to succeed’

Corrin Clarkson , director of general education math modeling and a clinical associate professor in the Department of Mathematics, is participating in the initiative to transform M211. The calculus 1 course is foundational for students following the chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science degree tracks.

education courses

“We care about the logic and argumentation that got you to the answer,” she said.

Clarkson’s role in the math department focuses on student success, and she leads a team of instructors who teach introductory classes. She said she was happy to participate and look at M211 through a different lens.

“We want students to succeed in this math class,” she said.

Clarkson said the equity approach to understanding students in the class was valuable. She liked the team approach to course transformation and appreciated the help from the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning.

M211 is a dense course with a lot of material, and Clarkson chose to focus deeply on core ideas.

Rethinking the course involved a backward design approach, focusing on the end goal and working backward to make sure the material and learning expectations progressed sensibly. Clarkson said this involved identifying major themes and stating them intentionally very early so students could see from the beginning where they are going.

“We want to try and provide consistent messaging about the big picture,” Clarkson said.

Also, the decision was made to allow students to retake some of the exams with similar exams so students could learn from the feedback and have another chance, she added.

Clarkson said she believes the Crimson Course Transformation Initiative is a good jumpstart for helping students be more successful.

“I wholeheartedly approve of the mission,” Clarkson said.

Kirk Johannesen

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‘Star on the Rise: La Bayadère ... Reimagined!’ replaces caricature with character

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Mellon Foundation grant funds Floating Museum arts collective

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15 Free and Cheap Universities in Moscow for International Students

In Moscow, there are a lot of affordable universities that you can find. Enrolling in these schools will help you fulfill your dream of studying in Russia without paying a lot. These institutions also provide well-rounded academic programs and curriculums, allowing students to earn a degree with less burden on their pockets.

Now, if you’re planning to study in Moscow , you’ll have a lot of school options, as they are home to 59 universities . But if you’re looking for cheap universities in Moscow, make sure to read more!

Cheap Bachelor's Colleges and Universities in Moscow for International Students

Here is the list of affordable institutions in Moscow ordered by their tuition fee for international bachelor's students.

0 RUB - 290,200 RUB 100%
31,200 RUB - 264,000 RUB 86%
73,500 RUB - 340,000 RUB 67%
107,200 RUB - 164,400 RUB 52%
142,800 RUB - 301,600 RUB 36%
164,000 RUB - 187,000 RUB 26%
170,000 RUB - 400,000 RUB 24%
178,800 RUB 20%
179,300 RUB - 344,400 RUB 19%
202,000 RUB - 258,000 RUB 9%
209,500 RUB - 251,000 RUB 6%
213,900 RUB 4%
222,800 RUB - 290,300 RUB -0%
235,800 RUB - 370,300 RUB -6%
243,500 RUB - 317,200 RUB -10%

* Average Bachelor’s International Tuition is 221,200 RUB for universities in Moscow.

1. Moscow Polytechnic University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 0 RUB to 290,200 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 0 RUB to 290,200 RUB
  • Moscow Polytechnic University Admissions Pages
  • Moscow Polytechnic University Tuition Pages

Established in 1865, Moscow Polytechnic University, or Moscow Poly, is one of Russia’s educational institutions that provide technology-related programs. Currently, they deliver education to more than 16,000 local and international students. As they provide top-quality education and research in various fields, they also have various activities on campus to foster diversity.

2. Moscow International University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 31,200 RUB to 264,000 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 31,200 RUB to 264,000 RUB
  • Moscow International University Admissions Pages
  • Moscow International University Tuition Pages

Moscow International University ensures that students are being taught with a combination of theory and practice. It allows students to experience modern practical approaches that give them the opportunity to be creative in their respective fields and to achieve the ultimate foundation that reflects on their professionalism. The university follows global standards and deeply connects with international organizations.

3. Moscow Region State University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 73,500 RUB to 340,000 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 73,500 RUB to 340,000 RUB
  • Moscow Region State University Admissions Pages
  • Moscow Region State University Tuition Pages

The Moscow Region State University was established in 1931 in the region of Moscow, which is the official capital city of Russia. This university is very famous in the region because of its affordable prices that are established for every level of study. Some of the best directions a student can choose at this university are mathematical education, physics education, and professional education. Another attraction point for this university is the fact that they introduce innovative programs and concepts from which students can take advantage and become experts in their chosen fields.

4. Moscow City Teachers’ Training University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 107,150 RUB to 164,350 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 107,150 RUB to 164,350 RUB
  • Moscow City Teachers’ Training University Admissions Pages
  • Moscow City Teachers’ Training University Tuition Pages

Moscow City Teachers’ Training University is a public university in Moscow, Russia. The Ministry of Education established it in 1995 as a pedagogical university, with only 1300 students in its first year. The university currently has over 18,000 students and offers degree programs in the humanities, natural sciences, sports technology, law, business, and language studies.

5. Russian State Social University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 142,800 RUB to 301,563 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 142,800 RUB to 301,563 RUB
  • Russian State Social University Admissions Pages
  • Russian State Social University Tuition Pages

The Russian State Social University is a distinguished university in the country of Russia because it provides all levels of study to both domestic and international students with the opportunity to gain various financial aid through university or state-funded scholarships. This university is located in Moscow and was founded in 1991, but it is making its way slowly toward the ranking of the best universities in Russia.

6. Moscow Information Technology University – Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 164,000 RUB to 187,000 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 164,000 RUB to 187,000 RUB
  • Moscow Information Technology University – Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering Admissions Pages
  • Moscow Information Technology University – Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering Tuition Pages

Moscow Information Technology University – Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, or MITU-MASI, is a university that allows extramural, full-time, and part-time learning modes for students. All students may apply for Preparatory courses, Bachelor’s degrees, and Master’s degrees. Preparatory and special courses can also be undertaken by these students. The university promises quality education, multiple extracurricular opportunities, and strong international connections.

7. Moscow State Pedagogical University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 170,000 RUB to 400,000 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 170,000 RUB to 400,000 RUB
  • Moscow State Pedagogical University Admissions Pages
  • Moscow State Pedagogical University Tuition Pages

Moscow State Pedagogical University is a Russian higher education institute that offers Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs. It was established as the Women’s Courses of Higher Education in 1872 and underwent a transformative journey to what it is now. The university is well-recognized with International Partners across the globe, such as the University College of Teacher Education Vienna in Austria, the University of Pardubice in the Czech Republic, and the CY Cergy Paris University in France. Accessibility is a forefront advocacy with dedicated institutes for it, such as the Center for Student Disability Services and Psychological Assistance Center.

8. Russian New University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 178,800 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 178,800 RUB
  • Russian New University Admissions Pages
  • Russian New University Tuition Pages

Russian New University has branches in over 21 cities in the country, offering adequate educational opportunities for students regardless of their gender and race. The university is proud of its diverse learning environment, which is composed of various institutes, research facilities, and training laboratories. It follows a teaching method that enhances not just the theoretical foundation of students but also their critical and practical skills.

9. N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 179,292 RUB to 344,358 RUB
  • N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute Admissions Pages
  • N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute Tuition Pages

N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute is a public technical university in Moscow with a prominent reputation for producing outstanding scientists and engineers for more than 90. It is also one of the most sought-after universities for aspiring engineers from around the world. The university also has numerous cooperation agreements with foreign universities and companies for its students and faculty to participate in different international programs and activities. 

10. Moscow University for the Humanities

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 202,000 RUB to 258,000 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 202,000 RUB to 258,000 RUB
  • Moscow University for the Humanities Tuition Pages

The Moscow University for the Humanities is a private university in Moscow, Russia. It was founded in 1944 as the Central Komsomol School, but it was only in 2003 that it was designated as a university. As one of the country’s leading classical universities, the university provides affordable tuition, a cultural center for performing arts, and a sports center for a variety of sports activities.

11. National University of Science and Technology MISIS

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 209,500 RUB to 251,000 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 209,500 RUB to 251,000 RUB
  • National University of Science and Technology MISIS Admissions Pages
  • National University of Science and Technology MISIS Tuition Pages

The National University of Science and Technology MISIS started as a mining academy and then became a steel institute. Over time, it expanded its course offer and modernized its facilities, but it’s still widely known for its programs in metallurgy and mining. Nowadays, the university has six campuses, 8 academic colleges, and multiple research institutes. They also have cutting-edge specialized laboratories in fields such as nanomaterials, cryoelectronic systems, biophysics, casting technologies, and much more!

12. Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 213,900 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 213,900 RUB
  • Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University Admissions Pages
  • Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University Tuition Pages

Established in 1930, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI) is a specialized institute that leads in providing study programs in transportation, road and airport construction, traffic safety management, logistics and transport, and economics. It offers advanced and innovative educational courses at the undergraduate, master’s, doctoral, and postgraduate levels. Graduates of the school are guaranteed to acquire fundamental knowledge and skills deemed necessary for their future careers.

13. Russian State Geological Prospecting University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 222,800 RUB to 290,260 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 222,800 RUB to 290,260 RUB
  • Russian State Geological Prospecting University Admissions Pages
  • Russian State Geological Prospecting University Tuition Pages

One of the oldest universities in Russia, Russian State Geological Prospecting University was founded in 1918 as Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting. It was first made for Russian students only and was opened to students from abroad in 1931. All students may study programs at Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral levels. Six faculties exist in the university, covering multiple disciplines of study. All students are provided accessible services, but foreign students are advised to get a health insurance plan.

14. RUDN University

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 235,710 RUB to 370,220 RUB
  • Domestic Bachelor's Tuition: 236,500 RUB to 342,199 RUB
  • RUDN University Admissions Pages
  • RUDN University Tuition Pages

RUDN University is one of the best universities in the capital city of Russia and is known as The People’s Friendship University of Russia. This higher education institution is mostly known for the high number of international students attracted to this university’s high ranking. The university is ranked among the world’s top 500 universities, which speaks volumes about the level of study this university provides.

15. Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism

  • International Bachelor's Tuition: 243,500 RUB to 317,200 RUB
  • Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism Admissions Pages
  • Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism Tuition Pages

Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, and Tourism is a leading sports university in Russia. It was established in 1918 and is known for producing over 200 outstanding athletes that have made their marks in prestigious international competitions such as the Olympics. The academic and research programs at the university are conducted by highly qualified and reputable coaches, experts, and scientists to further enhance athlete training and prepare future sports champions and professionals. 

Cheap Master's Colleges and Universities in Moscow for International Students

Here is the list of affordable institutions in Moscow ordered by their tuition fee for international master's students.

0 RUB - 269,000 RUB 100%
21,800 RUB - 318,000 RUB 92%
31,200 RUB - 264,000 RUB 89%
90,000 RUB - 408,000 RUB 66%
107,700 RUB - 165,500 RUB 59%
119,000 RUB - 336,000 RUB 55%
179,000 RUB - 187,000 RUB 32%
193,000 RUB 26%
198,800 RUB - 374,600 RUB 24%
218,000 RUB 17%
220,000 RUB - 450,000 RUB 16%
229,400 RUB 12%
230,000 RUB - 357,600 RUB 12%
230,500 RUB 12%
240,000 RUB - 450,000 RUB 8%

* Average Master’s International Tuition is 260,300 RUB for universities in moscow.

  • International Master's Tuition: 0 RUB to 269,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 0 RUB to 269,000 RUB

If you're looking to save the most on your graduate studies abroad, Moscow Polytechnic University should be at the top of your list. International students here pay only 0 RUB to 269,000 RUB annually for their master's degree.

2. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

  • International Master's Tuition: 21,800 RUB to 318,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 21,800 RUB to 318,000 RUB
  • I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Admissions Pages
  • I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Tuition Pages

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University or usually referred to as Sechenov University was founded in 1758, making it the oldest medical school in Russia. It was initially the medical faculty of the Imperial Moscow University and eventually became independent in 1930. At present, the university has more than 18,000 total enrollment and offers undergraduate to Ph.D. programs in Medicine, Sciences, and Professional Education.

3. Moscow International University

  • International Master's Tuition: 31,200 RUB to 264,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 31,200 RUB to 264,000 RUB

The tuition fee at Moscow International University for incoming international master’s students is 31,200 RUB to 264,000 RUB. With its cheap rates, you can guarantee you’ll get a quality education without breaking the bank!

4. Moscow Region State University

  • International Master's Tuition: 90,000 RUB to 408,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 90,000 RUB to 408,000 RUB

Another affordable university to consider in Moscow is Moscow Region State University.

The tuition fee in Moscow Region State University for master’s program for foreign students starts from 90,000 RUB.

5. Moscow City Teachers’ Training University

  • International Master's Tuition: 107,700 RUB to 165,500 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 107,700 RUB to 165,500 RUB

Aside from its outstanding quality of education, Moscow City Teachers’ Training University has some of the lowest tuition fee prices for foreign students who are planning to take a master's degree here. International master's students only pay as low as 107,700 RUB yearly.

6. Russian State Social University

  • International Master's Tuition: 119,000 RUB to 335,938 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 119,000 RUB to 335,938 RUB

7. Moscow Information Technology University – Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering

  • International Master's Tuition: 179,000 RUB to 187,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 179,000 RUB to 187,000 RUB
  • International Master's Tuition: 193,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 193,000 RUB
  • International Master's Tuition: 198,800 RUB to 374,551 RUB
  • International Master's Tuition: 218,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 218,000 RUB

11. National Research University Higher School of Economics

  • International Master's Tuition: 220,000 RUB to 450,000 RUB
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics Admissions Pages
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics Tuition Pages

The National Research University Higher School of Economics, or otherwise known as HSE University, is one of the best universities of higher education in the capital city of Russia. This institution has one of the largest campuses in the country that houses approximately 50,000 students and can provide them with all the necessary equipment for them to have the best possible experience.

  • International Master's Tuition: 229,400 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 229,400 RUB

13. National University of Science and Technology MISIS

  • International Master's Tuition: 230,000 RUB to 357,600 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 230,000 RUB to 357,600 RUB

14. Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University

  • International Master's Tuition: 230,490 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 230,490 RUB
  • Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University Admissions Pages
  • Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University Tuition Pages

Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University is a private theological university in Moscow, Russia. It was founded in 1991 by Orthodox missionaries who offered evening theology classes, and it received state accreditation as a university in 1992. Degree programs are available in theology, history, education, missionary practice, religious art, and music at the university.

15. Kutafin Moscow State Law University

  • International Master's Tuition: 240,000 RUB to 450,000 RUB
  • Domestic Master's Tuition: 240,000 RUB to 450,000 RUB
  • Kutafin Moscow State Law University Tuition Pages

Kutafin Moscow State Law University is one of the prominent law schools in the country. The university has been the home of more than 150,000 lawyers since its establishment. It has become popular because of its practical-oriented academic training that allows students to have strong theoretical knowledge and sound ethical values.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i get admission to affordable universities in moscow.

Applying to cheap universities in Moscow requires you to complete different requirements depending on your degree and chosen university. These usually include admission forms, language proficiency scores, and a visa. Check out our full guide to studying in Russia for a more comprehensive guide!

2. What can I study at Best affordable universities in Moscow?

International students can study a variety of programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels in Moscow. For example, one of the best affordable schools in Moscow is the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University , which offers Environmental Engineering, Staff Management, and Transportation Technologies to students seeking a bachelor’s degree. At the master’s level, the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University offers Public Health, Biotechnology, and Biology.

It's important to take a look at all your options when selecting where to attend post-secondary school. With so many different types of schools, degrees, and universities in Moscow, it can be tough to know where to start looking.

So, make sure to explore the best public universities in Moscow as well if you're looking for affordable education!

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Delaware nonprofit launches $10,000 in 'mini grants' for school boards: Education roundup

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Class is now in session.

Well, school starts both this week and next for most systems across Delaware. And education in the state has already been making headlines regardless, from back-to-school dates and supply events, to public school board dysfunction and new bans around student cellphones.

As students set to return, one education nonprofit hopes to fuel innovation in school boards with "mini grants," while another Delaware Vo-Tech district is taking a moment to honor the past.

In this weekly roundup, we'll catch you up on these and other education updates you may have missed.

[Did we miss another good education story?  Tell me about it:  [email protected] . ]

Wait when is the first day of school? Start dates vary across Delaware's public school districts

Delaware education nonprofit announces 'mini grants' for school boards

First State Educate wants to help school boards across Delaware improve governance, better engage their communities and start tackling challenges in public education. This month, the nonprofit announced its latest tool to aid: money.

First State Educate is launching a "Mini Grant Program," fueled by $10,000 in total funding.

Small grants will be allotted to school board members who apply with proposals for their school system, from Aug. 26 to Oct. 11 . Applicants who pass initial screening will undergo further interview in November, and funds should hit the boards by December. Such structure hopes to allow thorough evaluation of proposals, per First State Educate, to land on projects with the greatest potential impact.

Eligible board members must have participated in at least three First State Educate activities, events, initiatives or meetings this year, according to the nonprofit, while also maintaining a record of "effective leadership" in their roles.

More application information should publish Monday at FirstStateEducate.org .

What's happening in Christina schools? Why Christina School District's lawyer is 'gravely concerned' with board's actions

New Castle County Vo-Tech unveils new marker for historic school

New Castle County Vocational Technical schools just unveiled a new historic marker.

Last week, Delcastle Technical High School hosted a ceremony that formally honored the location of the former Industrial School for Colored Girls, later known as the Edwina Kruse School. The school was dedicated in 1920 as the first educational institution for the "care and rehabilitation" of Delaware's young Black women, the district said in a press release.

Back then, minors were redirected to such industrial schools instead of prison to learn, reform and reenter society. Young men, both white and Black, were sent to the Ferris Industrial School, while young white females attended the Industrial School for Girls in Claymont.

But before this school on Newport Gap Pike, there was simply no Delaware location for the care of young women of color. And at available schools in Philadelphia and Baltimore, deaths from tuberculosis began to grow more frequent, according to a written synopsis on this history from Delcastle Tech social studies teacher Donato Rufo.

Land was purchased by the Federation of Colored Women's Clubs of Delaware after fundraising, and by 1919, the new school was founded.

These days, Delcastle Tech sits on much of that old farm land hosting the Edwina Kruse School. And Kruse, its namesake, was not only a former principal of now-Howard High School of Technology, per Rufo – but a pioneer for Black education throughout Delaware.

Howard was once the  only high school  serving Black students in the state, as well as one of the earliest in the nation. The Edwina Kruse School stayed in operation until 1960. So last week, State Rep. Kim Williams, Sen. Spiros Mantzavinos, Delaware Public Archives' Stephen Marz and many more celebrated the marker highlighting just one piece of history held within this district.

More Delaware history: How one Wilmington bus tour honored 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

New Delaware charter school celebrates its opening in Georgetown

The Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence opened its doors to the community for the first time with a ribbon cutting ceremony last week.

The new Georgetown charter school saw some 200 community members, families and staff mark the occasion, according to a press release, including the local chamber of commerce, Georgetown Mayor Bill West and more.

“I’m very excited to welcome our students in the 2024 school year,” Chantalle Ashford, the school's founding leader, said in a statement. “The Board, our inaugural staff and our youth leaders from our summer program built a strongfoundation for our school community. We will continue to build on their work during our inaugural year!”

The school is named after Bryan Stevenson, the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, renowned lawyer, human rights activist – and Delaware native. Filling the old Howard T. Ennis building, the school will open with sixth, seventh and eighth grades in its first year.

And Ashford is confident the tenants of her new school will set it apart: with personalized learning plans, service-focused learning, unique scheduling and extracurricular activities for all students.

Look back: New Sussex charter enrolling students for 2023-2024 school year

Wilmington University debuts a business course with total Spanish immersion

Wilmington University just unveiled the latest addition to a growing portfolio of bilingual options in its undergraduate business curriculum.

That "business communications" course will be live, online and in Spanish immersion, according to a press release from the Delaware institution. It's designed for students who speak Spanish and English, while preferring Spanish instruction.

It joins the first Spanish immersion course at WilmU, launched back in 2023, aiming to benefit both native speakers and those preparing for bilingual careers. U.S. Census data shows Latino population compromising some 19% of the U.S. population, per WilmU, with about 7% of Delaware's residents hailing from Spanish-speaking households.

“Wilmington University is committed to meeting the diverse needs of our student body,” said Robin Weinstein, dean of the College of Business, in a statement. “Reflective of our ongoing efforts to provide innovative, inclusive and relevant educational opportunities for all students, the introduction of a Spanish immersion format for our Business Communications course exemplifies this dedication by offering courses that cater to bilingual students."

More information on the course is available on the university's website .

Delaware footballl preseason poll: Vote for the best defensive lineman in Delaware high school football

Got a story? Kelly Powers covers race, culture and equity for Delaware Online/The News Journal and USA TODAY Network Northeast, with a focus on education. Contact her at [email protected] or (231) 622-2191, and follow her on X @kpowers01.

2024-2025 Catalog

Continuing education.

The University of Idaho offers a variety of courses for individuals to continue their education, whether in Moscow or not. Continuing education courses fall into three categories:

  • Conferences, courses, seminars, or workshops offered by academic departments;
  • Credit and non-credit courses offered by the Engineering Outreach Program ; and
  • Independent Study in Idaho courses.

Courses Offered by Academic Departments

Several academic departments offer conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops throughout the region where students can earn U of I credit or Continuing Education Units (CEU) (see regulation D-5 for information on CEUs). These conferences, courses, seminars, or workshops are taught by U of I faculty members or by qualified local instructors who are approved by the respective college in which the course is offered.

Students earning U of I credit for these conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops must be admitted by the U of I Admissions Office; students earning credit through Independent Study in Idaho or CEUs do not.

Each college and department is responsible for developing and administering these courses as well as registering students. Those interested in taking such courses should contact the respective college for courses available in their geographic area.

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Ohio prison holds first-ever five-course meal open to public on facility grounds

by PATRICK AFTOORA ORSAGOS. The Associated Press

Efrain Paniagua-Villa, 28, picks up drinks to serve to guests at a dinner event inside the Grafton Reintegration Center on Thursday, Aug. 25, 2024 in Grafton, Ohio. (AP Photo/Patrick Aftoora Orsagos)

GRAFTON, Ohio (AP) — A state prison in northeast Ohio says that for the first time in the state's history, a five-course meal has been served to members of the public with food prepared by incarcerated men from fruits and vegetables grown in the prison garden.

Almost 60 people dined at Grafton Correctional Institution, where incarcerated men in the prison's EDWINS Leadership and Restaurant Institute hosted the event in the “EDWINS’ Garden” and “Hope City Garden.”

EDWINS, an organization dedicated to education in prisons, hosted the dinner as part of its culinary course, offered in 652 prisons and jails around the country. The six-month course provides training to incarcerated people, teaching them cooking techniques, safety and sanitation, knife skills and other certifications needed to work in a fine dining establishment.

“Figuratively what is happening is that we’re reframing what’s possible in prison,” said Chef Brandon Chrostowski.

Chrostowski — a James Beard Award semifinalist and finalist for Outstanding Restauranteur — formed a partnership with the staff at Grafton Correctional Institution in 2012, and designed a class to teach incarcerated men about culinary arts and hospitality.

The program was born out of the belief that “every human being, regardless of their past, has the right to a fair and equal future," Chrostowski said.

Bouquets of magenta roses, lilies and other flowers lined a table covered with white linen cloth. Fresh bread and olive oil was set out for each diner. The table was placed in the middle of the two gardens.

Incarcerated men grow a range of fruits, vegetables and herbs ranging from parsley to corn and beets.

Greg Sigelmier, 40, an incarcerated person at GCI, says he looks forward to attending the program every week. He says the class has helped him come out of his shell.

He first signed up to work in the kitchen for the dinner party because he didn't want guests to see how nervous he was.

After some thought and conversation with others close to him, he thought it would be good to challenge himself by doing something that makes him feel uncomfortable. Sigelmier said he's considering working in the industry when he is released in a year.

“This could be the rest of my life. And they’re doing this for everybody. They’re not looking at me as a number. They’re looking at me as a person,” Sigelmier said.

The five-course meal began with a beet salad with goat cheese and greens, followed by a kale “purse” with farmer cheese. Guests ate roasted salmon topped with a béarnaise sauce and braised garden greens. Roasted lamb with tomato provencal followed. Dessert included a corn cake with blueberry compote and Chantilly cream.

Each course was paired with a mocktail, one of them named the “botinique” — soda with a thyme-infused honey syrup and lemon.

The program also requires participants to learn each other's working styles and behaviors, and helps them to build relationships over preparing and sharing a meal.

“Working together as the community that we are and at the end getting to eat the food, it’s the best part. You should see the faces on these guys when they’re eating just the regular chicken noodle soup that we just all worked together. It’s incredible,” 28-year-old Efrain Paniagua-Villa said.

Before his incarceration, Paniagua-Villa said he spent a lot of his time cooking at home with his mother and sister. He said cooking with his classmates has helped fill the gap that was left when he began his stint in prison 2 1/2 years ago.

The incarcerated men in the EDWINS culinary program at GCI are serving a variety of sentences from short to life and range in age from 20 to 70, according to the organization.

Some of the men in the EDWINS program will graduate and have the option to apply to work at many restaurants in the Cleveland area upon their release.

“Many of our guys that live here are going home, so they’re going home to be our neighbors. We want our neighbors to be prepared to be law-abiding citizens, and that’s what this program is about. It’s not just about teaching guys how to cook or how to prepare food," said GCI warden Jerry Spatny. “This gives them reentry level skills so that when they go home, they can be successful in that environment.”

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  9. Lomonosov Moscow State University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details

    Tuition fees vary depending on your course - for example, a BSc in Geography costs 325,000 rubles (approximately US$4,800) per year, while a BSc degree in Public Law, Civil Law or Criminal Law costs 385,000 rubles (~US$5,660) per year. Depending on your program, postgraduate degrees at Lomonosov Moscow State University can take three or four ...

  10. Courses < University of Idaho

    College of Education, Health and Human Sciences Toggle College of Education, Health and Human Sciences. Curriculum and Instruction Toggle Curriculum and Instruction . Career and Technical Education (B.S.Ed.) ... Courses Toggle Courses. Accounting (ACCT) Adult, Org Learng and Ldrshp (AOLL) Aerospace Studies (AERO) Agricultural and Life Sciences ...

  11. Hunter Education Courses Offered In Moscow, Troy & Deary

    The Troy course will be held April 4 - 8, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Troy High School located at 101 South Main. The field day is scheduled for April 9 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the location yet to be determined. Pre-registration is required by calling Bill Howard at 835-4727 before 9 p.m. The class will be limited to 25 students.

  12. Online Russian Course with Moscow State University tutors

    Group intensive. Days: Monday till Thursday. Time: 10 am - 2 pm Moscow time. Intencity: 20 academic hours per week. Price: 140 Euro per week. Price for 2 weeks: 135 Euro per week. Price for 3 weeks and more: 125 Euro per week.

  13. Online Courses

    Online courses. Online educational courses at the SKOLKOVO Centre for Educational Development will familiarise you with best practice in university transformation and the education of the future. Each course consists of several video lectures. You can choose to receive a completion certificate from the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO at ...

  14. Online Master's and Doctoral Programs

    To get your questions answered, reach out to the College of Graduate Studies by email or by phone at 208-885-2647, or request additional information today. The University of Idaho's College of Graduate Studies offers online master's and doctoral degrees using a convenient and flexible format.

  15. Master's Programmes at HSE Moscow

    With a wide range of Bachelor's programmes and Master's programmes, HSE attracts students from across Russia and the world. Each year, the opportunities for education in English at HSE grow. In 2020 they will include 39 English-taught Master's programmes and 8 English-taught Bachelor's programmes. Master of Data Science programme is taught entirely online in partnership with Coursera.

  16. CAM Continuing Education

    Our continuing education courses will enable you to meet the state education renewal requirements and keep your license active. Please contact our helpful Career Counselors at 800-732-9140 if you have any questions. We are happy to assist. Classroom Classroom Livestream Livestream Online Online Correspondence.

  17. 15 Free and Cheap Universities in Russia for International Students

    Here is the list of affordable institutions in Russia ordered by their tuition fee for international bachelor's students. Show entries. University. Annual Bachelor's International Tuition. % Cheaper than Average*. Altai State Academy of Education. 80,100 RUB - 144,000 RUB. 54%. Altai State Medical University.

  18. Drivers Education

    A Driver Education Permit must be obtained from Drivers Licensing Office (200 S Almon) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays, prior to the first class session. The permit fee is $15.00 and the road test fee is $6.50. In order to get the permit, you need to take a certified copy of the student's birth certificate, social security ...

  19. New IUB 2030 initiative helps faculty transform gateway courses with

    Photo by Ali McConnell, Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. Nine courses from the mathematics and chemistry departments, the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, and the Kelley School of Business were selected for the initiative, which started in January. Fifteen faculty members attended monthly workshops ...

  20. Independent Study in Idaho

    Flexibility is fundamental to the Independent Study in Idaho program. With open enrollment, you can register and start your course whenever you're ready. Designed for completion in one year or less, ISI courses cater to your schedule and commitments, allowing you to complete coursework at your own pace. The credits you earn upon completing ISI ...

  21. 15 Free and Cheap Universities in Moscow for International Students

    14. RUDN University. RUDN University is one of the best universities in the capital city of Russia and is known as The People's Friendship University of Russia. This higher education institution is mostly known for the high number of international students attracted to this university's high ranking.

  22. UVA Health Continuing Education

    UVA Health, UVA Health CE provides a wide variety of educational and performance/quality improvement opportunities in primary care, medical specialties and interprofessional care that incorporate cutting edge research, faculty expertise to address:• Population health issues• Complex clinical and health care challenges• Optimum clinician and team performance• Lifelong learning and the ...

  23. Russian Grammar: Adverbial Participles in context of A-level theme

    Courses Courses home For prospective teachers For teachers For schools For partners Resources Resources home Early years / Pre-K and Kindergarten Primary / Elementary Middle school Secondary / High school Whole school Special Educational Needs Blog

  24. Online Courses-Doceo Center PD-EHHS-University of Idaho

    For 30+ teachers taking 1 course each, discount 30% of the $135/course cost ($94.50/teacher) University of Idaho Doceo Center In-person or Online Synchronous PD to support individual district/school needs: $700/day Online Synchronous. $700/day + travel for in-person PD. In this case, teachers pay only $60/pd credit.

  25. Delaware nonprofit launches $10,000 in 'mini grants' for school boards

    Kelly Powers covers race, culture and equity for Delaware Online/The News Journal and USA TODAY Network Northeast, with a focus on education. Contact her at [email protected] or (231) 622-2191 ...

  26. Continuing Education < University of Idaho

    Continuing Education. The University of Idaho offers a variety of courses for individuals to continue their education, whether in Moscow or not. Continuing education courses fall into three categories: Conferences, courses, seminars, or workshops offered by academic departments; Credit and non-credit courses offered by the Engineering Outreach ...

  27. University of Idaho Extension

    University of Idaho Extension delivers programs and conducts research to help guarantee the sustainability of our land for the future. A bundle of white cut flowers and a bundle of pink cut flowers. Idaho citizens are improving their health and building crucial life skills through hands-on activities offered by University of Idaho Extension.

  28. Ohio prison holds first-ever five-course meal open to public on

    GRAFTON, Ohio (AP) — A state prison in northeast Ohio says that for the first time in the state's history, a five-course meal has been served to members of the public with food prepared by ...

  29. Degree Finder

    Agriculture Art and Design Business Communication Education Engineering Health Language and Writing Natural Resources Performance Art Sciences Social Sciences Apply Filters × by Location Boise CDA Idaho Falls Moscow Apply Filters. by Online Degrees. Go. Search. Search for your degree or major by keyword or title. ...