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50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report: Profits, Setup Cost, and Bank Loan in India

Table of contents, dairy farming advantages, herd management, dairy farming’s potential and national importance, financial assistance, technicals/business plan, lending terms, particulars, lactation and dry period feed consumption chart, capital cost, recurring cost, income table, loan repayment schedule and profit margin years.

Dairy farming is a significant source of revenue for small/marginal farmers and agricultural laborers. Animal manure, in addition to milk, is a good source of organic matter for boosting soil fertility and crop yields. The dung’s Gober gas is used for home reasons as well as to power engines that pull water from wells. Feeding the animals with leftover fodder and agricultural by-products is a profitable endeavor.

50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report1

Bullocks provide almost all of the draught power for farm activities and transportation. Dairy farming provides year-round work for many people because agriculture is mostly seasonal. As a result, dairy provides year-round work. Small and marginal farmers are the primary beneficiaries of dairy programs. Experts always recommend that farmers begin a small dairy operation. Establishing a small-scale enterprise benefits farmers with little or no prior expertise.

It can be a good way for them to supplement their income. Farmers can gradually expand their farms to large herds in the future. Many banks and financial institutions offer loans to farmers under various development programs to support them. Since the introduction of refrigeration technology in the late 1800s, including direct expansion refrigeration and the plate heat exchanger, milk preservation methods have improved.

Dairy farms could preserve milk by decreasing spoilage caused by bacterial growth and humidity using these cooling technologies. Many countries, including India, the United States, China, and New Zealand, have large dairy sectors that act as critical producers, exporters, and importers of milk. According to the FAO, total milk production has risen steadily since the late twentieth century, with 827,884,000 tonnes produced in 2017.

  • Currently, the milk manufacturing sector is the most sought-after industry on the planet. In the market, milk and milk products are in high demand. This is the most significant advantage of starting a commercial dairy cow farming business.
  • Milk and its products will never be in short supply because both vegetarians and non-vegetarians will consume it.
  • You won’t have to bother about promoting the products because it’s a typical firm, which means you’ll be able to sell them quickly.
  • It is an environmentally friendly company.
  • Instead of employing workers, you can improve dairy output through technology.
  • Proper planning, managing, and caring for your animals may make the most profit. As a result, you will have an excellent source of revenue.

The dairy sector is a dynamic industry that is always changing. New technology and legislation modify management techniques, allowing the industry to evolve toward greater economic and environmental sustainability. Intensive and extensive systems can be used to categorize management strategies. Extensive systems follow a philosophy of low input and low output, whereas intensive systems follow a philosophy of high input and high output.

In case you missed it: How to Start Sustainable Dairy Farming: Benefits and How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With Dairy Cattle

50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report2

Different management of nutrition, housing, health, reproduction, and waste reflects these beliefs, as well as available technologies, local rules, and environmental conditions. Animals are divided into distinct management units on most modern dairy farms based on their age, nutritional demands, reproductive state, and milk production status. The milking herd, or the group of cows that are now lactating, is frequently maintained the most actively to ensure that their nutrition and surroundings are suitable to produce as much high-quality milk as possible.

On specific farms, the milking herd is separated into milking strings, which are groups of cows with varying nutritional requirements. Dry cows are members of the adult herd who are not being milked during their resting phase before giving birth to their next calf. Heifers are female animals that have not yet given birth to their first calf. They will eventually grow up to replace older animals in the milking herd and are consequently referred to as the replacement herd.

I ndia is home to the world’s greatest livestock population. It is home to 57.3 percent of the world’s buffalo population and 14.7% of the world’s cattle population. In 2011-12, milk production was valued at Rs. 3,05,484 crores. At the end of the Eleventh Plan (2011-12), the country’s total milk production was 127.9 million tonnes per year, with demand predicted to reach 180 million tonnes by 2020.

To meet this demand, milk output must grow at a rate of 5% per year rather than the current 2.5 percent. In 2011-12, the annual growth rate for milk production was at 5%. As a result, there is a huge opportunity/potential for profitable dairy farming to increase milk output.

Milk-Producing Cow Breeds in India

This cattle breed is native to the Gir forests of Gujarat’s South Kathiawar district but can also be found in Rajasthan and Maharashtra. Bhandari, Desan, Gujarati, Sorthi, Kathiawari, and Surati are some of the other names for it. Gir cattle’s horns are unusually curled, giving them a ‘half-moon’ look. It produces between 1200 and 1800 kilos of milk every lactation. This bread is known for its hardiness and resistance to disease.

Sahiwal is the Punjabi language that emerged in undivided India’s Montgomery region (now Pakistan). Lola, Lambi Bar, Teli, Montgomery, and Multani are all names for this cow breed. The Sahiwal is the country’s best indigenous dairy breed. Sahiwal milk yields between 1400 and 2500 kilos per lactation on average. Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh are just a few of the states where it may be found.

The red Sindhi is primarily prevalent in Pakistan’s Karachi and Hyderabad districts. Sindhi and Red Karachi are two other names for it. This cattle breed’s body color is primarily red, with tints ranging from dark to light red and white stripes. It produces milk in quantities ranging from 1100 to 2600 kilos. In crossbreeding programs, red Sindhi is frequently employed.

Another milch cattle breed is found in Rajasthan’s arid regions. This breed is thought to have arisen from a cross between the Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar, and Dhanni breeds, with a heavy Sahiwal influence. The cows are efficient and excellent milkers. The lactation milk yield ranges from 1062 to 2810 kilos, and they produce 1560 kilograms of milk.

In case you missed it: Sustainable Solutions of Cow Dung Manure: Production Process, Exploring the Benefits and Applications

50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report3

This cattle breed is native to the Ongole taluk in Andhra Pradesh’s Guntur region. They are a huge, muscular cattle breed with a prominent hump. Ongole is well-suited to heavy-duty draught work. They’re also known as Nellore, and their average milk supply per lactation is 1000 kg.

Deoni is native to Western Andhra Pradesh, but it can also be found in Maharashtra’s Marathwada region and bordering Karnataka. Deoni’s milk output ranges from 636 to 1230 kg each lactation, with an average calving interval of 447 days. Bullocks are employed to help with hard farming.

Detailed project studies will be required for dairy schemes with high outlays. Capital asset purchases, such as dairy cows, shed construction, and equipment purchases, are examples of finance items. The cost of feeding for the first one or two months is capitalized and lent as a term loan.

Land development, fencing, well drilling, diesel engine/pump set commissioning, electrical connections, essential servants’ quarters, godowns, transport vehicles, milk processing facilities, and other costs may be eligible for a loan. Borrowers can use the services of NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) for high-value projects, as they have extensive experience in preparing Detailed Project Reports.

  • Proper location, and Effective use of Land
  • Number of animals to consider
  • Cowshed, storage rooms, and labor rooms
  • Required equipment such as feed cutting machine (you can get a subsidy on this), digging pits for sailage, feed storage bags,s, etc.
  • Transport van, milking machines, milking cans, etc.
  • Division of shed for adult cows and calfs
  • Selection of best cow breeds from a genuine source
  • Management of lactation periods, milk yield per day, dry days, conception rate, the mortality rate
  • Fodder management and nutrition management
  • Taking care of veterinary requirements for any diseases and regular checkups and vaccinations
  • Outlay : The cost of the project is determined by the local conditions, unit size, and project components. The outlay may be calculated using current market values.
  • Margin cash : The margin varies depending on the borrower’s category and might range from 10% to 25%. Within the broad guidelines, banks are permitted to set their interest rates. However, we used a 12.50 percent-per-annum interest rate to calculate the financial viability and bankability of the model projects.
  • Protection : The security would be by NABARD/RBI norms that are updated regularly.
  • Repayment period of the loan : The scheme’s gross surplus determines the repayment period. The loan will be repaid in convenient monthly/quarterly installments over five to seven years.
  • Insurance : The animals and capital assets may be insured annually or on a long-term master policy, where ever it is applicable.

In case you missed it: How to Make Cow Dung Manure Compost: A Step-by-Step Guide to Use in Your Farm/Garden

50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report4

50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report

No. of Animals50
Cost of Animal (Rs. /animal) including transportation53,000
Average Milk Yield (liter/day)15 liters
Covered Floor space per adult animal (sq. ft)30
Open space per adult animal (sq. ft)100
Manger length/animal in inches25
Cost of construction per sift (Rs)200
Cost of milking machine with accessories5,00,000
Another equipment cost per animal (Rs.)1,000
Cost of fodder cultivation (Rs. /acre/season)5,000
Insurance premium (% per annum)5
Veterinary aid/animal/ year (Rs.)1,000
Cost of concentrate feed (Rs. /kg)12
Cost of dry fodder (Rs. /kg)1
Rate of interest (%)12
Repayment period (years)6
The selling price of milk/liter (Rs. /kg)24
Lactation days270
Dry days150
Quantity (kg)Cost (Rs)Quantity (kg)Cost (Rs)
Concentrate feed126.578112
Fodder (green)125Cultivation20Cultivation
Fodder (dry)2612510

In case you missed it: Country/Free Range Chicken Farming Project Report: Business Plan, Investment, Profit, and Loan in India

50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report5

Investment Capital

Covered area for 50 cows (30sq.ft/bufalo@200/sqft)3,00,000
Cost of construction
of boundary & manager for
open space and miscellaneous
Cost of Storeroom construction
store room cost
(200 sq. Ft @250 per sq. Ft)
Cost of 50 cows with a minimum
average 15-liter milk yield /day
including transportation)
Cost of dairy appliance @
Cost of a bulk cooler of
500 liter capacity for a shed
Borewell and pump set
Cost of overhead tank &
pipeline installation
Cost of chaff cutter1,00,000
Cost of medicine, vaccine, and
electricity for the first month
Insurance (5% of the animal cost)1,25,000
Cost of feed for the first batch
of50 cows for one month,
as per the feed chart
Cost of medicine, vaccine, and
electricity for the first month
Cost of medicine, vaccine, and
electricity for the first month
Total recurring expenditure3,31,250
Margin money12,53,125
Bank loan 75% of project cost37,59,375
Sale of cow milk per annum48,60,000
Sale of manure
(5000 Rs/cow/annum)

In case you missed it: Beekeeping Business Plan: Bee Farming Cost, Profit, and Project Report in India

50 Cow Dairy Farming Project Report6

137,59,37551,10,00 04,69,921. 86,26,562. 510,96,484.340,13,51 5.731,32,812.5
231,32,812. 551,10,00 03,91,601. 56,26,562. 510,18,164.040,91,83 5.925,06,250
325,06,25051,10,00 03,13,281. 26,26,562. 59,39,843.741,70,15 6.218,79,687.5
418,79,687. 551,10,00 02,34,960. 96,26,562. 58,61,523.442,48,47 6.512,53,125
512,53,12551,10,00 01,56,640. 66,26,562. 57,83,203.143,26,79 6.86,26,562.5
66,26,562.551,10,00 078,320.36,26,562. 57,04,882.844,05,11 7.10

Disclaimer : The figures above are entirely fictitious and are just assumed (not verified) to produce excellent outcomes in practice. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in this project, as well as any decisions or activities performed as a result of using this site.

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Opening Dairy Farm 100 Cattles 50 bufflows 50 cows

hi Sudershanji,

all the best wishes, just enquirying , have to started your project and how it goes, what are the major advice you can give . thanking you.

i m very interest in Dairy Farming but due to money and place(plot) I could not do. If any of you help and support me sir I promise will success and show my ability.

I interested diary project,I have 10 lakh, minimum requirements 40 lakhs .any central government schemes & subsidy policy details please,at present starting 20 cow then after one year added 15 cow and finally added 15 Cow, my land at present 4 bigha./80 Katha’s _80×720 sqft

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Dairy industry in Gujarat

Dairy industry in gujarat: market size, growth, prices, segments, cooperatives, private dairies, procurement and distribution.

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IMARC Group’s latest report, titled “ Dairy Industry in Gujarat 2024-2032: Market Size, Growth, Prices, Segments, Cooperatives, Private Dairies, Procurement and Distribution ”, offers an in-depth analysis of the Gujarat dairy market. The milk production in Gujarat mainly consists of cow and buffalo milk. According to the report, the dairy market in Gujarat size reached INR 1,311.1 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, the market is expected to reach INR 4,127.7 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2% during 2024-2032.

INR 1,311.1 Billion
INR 4,127.7 Billion

Note: Information in the above chart consists of dummy data and is only shown here for representation purpose. Kindly contact us for the actual market size and trends.

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Based on the product type, this report has categorized the Gujarat dairy market into 18 major product segments:

  • Liquid Milk
  • Table Butter
  • Skimmed Milk Powder
  • Frozen/Flavoured Yoghurt
  • Fresh Cream
  • Butter Milk
  • Flavoured Milk
  • Dairy Whitener
  • Sweet Condensed Milk
  • Infant Food
  • Malt Based Beverages

For each of the product segments, the report provides a thorough analysis of the current and historical value and volume trends, market share of key players and market forecast. Currently, liquid milk represents the biggest product segment in Gujarat, accounting for majority of the market share. Some of the fastest growing segments include frozen/flavoured yogurt, cheese, probiotic milk drinks, UHT milk and flavoured milk. The competitive landscape of Gujarat’s dairy market has also been examined in this report. Some of the major players include Amul (Gujarat State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation), Maahi Milk Producer Company Ltd and Vimal Dairy Ltd.

The study provides a detailed evaluation of the dairy market landscape in Gujarat, covering the current, historical and future trends for milk production, milk production by cattle, milk procurement prices, etc. The report also offers SWOT, Value Chain and Porter’s Five Forces analysis of Gujarat dairy market along with market segmentation by product type and an analysis of the competitive landscape. The study is based on both desk research and multiple waves of qualitative primary research. This report is a must-read for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, consultants, business strategists, and all those who have any kind of stake or are planning to foray into the Gujarat dairy market in any manner.

Report Coverage:

Report Features Details
Base Year of the Analysis 2023
Historical Period 2018-2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
Units INR Billion, Million Tons
Product Types Covered Liquid Milk, Ghee, Curd, Paneer, Ice-Cream, Table Butter, Skimmed Milk Powder, Frozen/Flavoured Yoghurt, Fresh Cream, Lassi, Butter Milk, Cheese, Flavoured Milk, UHT Milk, Dairy Whitener, Sweet Condensed Milk, Infant Food, Malt Based Beverages
Companies Covered Amul (Gujarat State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation), Maahi Milk Producer Company Ltd and Vimal Dairy Ltd.
Customization Scope 10% Free Customization
Report Price and Purchase Option Single User License: US$ 3999
Five User License: US$ 4999
Corporate License: US$ 5999
Post-Sale Analyst Support 10-12 Weeks
Delivery Format PDF and Excel through Email (We can also provide the editable version of the report in PPT/Word format on special request)

Key Questions Answered in This Report

The dairy industry in Gujarat was valued at INR 1,311.1 Billion in 2023.

We expect the dairy industry in Gujarat to exhibit a CAGR of 13.2% during 2024-2032.

The evolution of the dairy industry into a relatively organized sector, along with the increasing consumption of different value-added dairy products, such as cheese, probiotic drinks, yogurt, etc., is primarily driving the dairy industry in Gujarat.

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the changing consumer inclination from conventional brick-and-mortar distribution channels towards online retail platforms for the purchase of dairy products across the region.

Based on the product type, the dairy industry in Gujarat can be segregated into liquid milk, ghee, curd, paneer, ice-cream, table butter, skimmed milk powder, frozen/flavoured yoghurt, fresh cream, lassi, butter milk, cheese, flavoured milk, UHT milk, dairy whitener, sweet condensed milk, infant food, and malt based beverages. Among these, liquid milk currently holds the majority of the total market share.

Some of the major players in the dairy industry in Gujarat include Amul (Gujarat State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation), Maahi Milk Producer Company Ltd, and Vimal Dairy Ltd.

India Dairy Market Report Snapshots Source:

Statistics for the 2022 India Dairy market share, size and revenue growth rate, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. 

  • India Dairy Market Size Source
  • --> India Dairy Market Share Source
  • India Dairy Market Trends Source
  • India Dairy Companies Source

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Dairy industry in Gujarat: Market Size, Growth, Prices, Segments, Cooperatives, Private Dairies, Procurement and Distribution- Product Image

Dairy industry in Gujarat: Market Size, Growth, Prices, Segments, Cooperatives, Private Dairies, Procurement and Distribution

PDF Icon

  • Region: India
  • IMARC Group
  • ID: 4225939
  • Description

Table of Contents

Companies mentioned, methodology, related topics, related reports.

  • Purchase Options
  • Ask a Question
  • Recently Viewed Products
  • Liquid Milk
  • Table Butter
  • Skimmed Milk Powder
  • Frozen/Flavoured Yoghurt
  • Fresh Cream
  • Butter Milk
  • Flavoured Milk
  • Dairy Whitener
  • Sweet Condensed Milk
  • Infant Food
  • Malt Based Beverages

Key Questions Answered in This Report

  • Amul (Gujarat State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation)
  • Maahi Milk Producer Company Ltd
  • Vimal Dairy Ltd.

Table Information

Report AttributeDetails
No. of Pages134
PublishedJuly 2023
Forecast Period2022 - 2028
Estimated Market Value ( INR in 2022 INR  1139.1 Billion
Forecasted Market Value ( INR by 2028 INR  2648.6 Billion
Compound Annual Growth Rate15.1%
Regions CoveredIndia
No. of Companies Mentioned3

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dairy business plan in gujarat

A dairy farmer and his cattle in Rampara village in Bhavnagar

  • Along the milky way

The show is getting stronger for dairy farming, which provides a steady alternative source of income while reducing the dependency on agriculture

T here are two common reasons why rural Indian families rear cattle: it provides an additional source of income and it cuts the risk attached to being dependent solely on agriculture for a livelihood. It’s no different in Gujarat, where the practice is perhaps even more pronounced.

According to census data, close to half of rural households in the state rear cattle. The numbers are higher still in the stretch along the Saurashtra coastal belt, where about 70% of rural families have at least one head of cattle. Animal husbandry is, consequently, an important part of the social development efforts of the Coastal Salinity Prevention Cell (CSPC).

CSPC works with small and marginal farmers to improve the productivity of milch cattle, promoting proper breeding and feeding methods and providing market linkages. The health and fertility of the bovines being bred are other aspects on the animal husbandry agenda.

Camps are held in villages covered under the programme to treat the increasing infertility problem affecting cattle in the region. This is caused by them feeding on cotton seed cake — easily available in the area thanks to the large volume of cotton production — which harms their reproductive organs. The programme also enables better breeding and milking practices so that cattle productivity remains optimal.

Improper and inadequate feeding is a factor in low milk production by milch cattle. CSPC’s ‘Azolla experiment’ has sought to right this by delivering a low-cost, protein-rich alternative for scarce green fodder. Azolla is a fast-growing plant that thrives in ponds. The programme has helped cattle-rearing villagers cultivate Azolla in small ponds, providing them with the initial culture, necessary equipment, and technical and other guidance.

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Banas Dairy’s Ambitious Investment in Gujarat

dairy business plan in gujarat

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dairy business plan in gujarat

In a significant move that promises to reshape the dairy industry in Gujarat, Banas Dairy has pledged a whopping investment of Rs. 2,100 crore. This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signals a transformative phase for the dairy giant, opening new avenues for growth, innovation, and expansion.

Setting the Stage

Banas Dairy, the largest dairy cooperative in the state, is all set to embark on a transformative journey. The monumental decision to invest Rs. 2,100 crore comes on the heels of an MoU that was signed on January 10-12 of the next year. This strategic partnership is a game-changer for the dairy industry and the economic landscape of Gujarat.

The Significance of Banas Dairy

Banas Dairy has been a pioneer in the dairy industry, known for its consistent quality, innovation, and a strong cooperative framework. As the largest dairy cooperative in Gujarat, Banas Dairy plays a pivotal role in supporting the livelihoods of numerous farmers and contributing significantly to the state’s economy. With this substantial investment, Banas Dairy is poised to not only consolidate its position but also reach new heights of excellence.

The Investment Breakdown

This historic investment can be segmented into various crucial aspects, each contributing to a holistic transformation of the dairy sector in Gujarat.

1. Infrastructure Development

A substantial portion of the investment will be allocated towards upgrading and expanding infrastructure. This includes modernizing dairy processing units, enhancing cold storage facilities, and improving logistics. This will result in increased efficiency and a reduction in wastage, ultimately benefiting both the dairy and its stakeholders.

2. Value-Added Product Expansion

In line with market trends and consumer demand, Banas Dairy will be diversifying its product portfolio. With an emphasis on value-added products like cheese, butter, and flavored milk, the dairy is set to cater to a broader consumer base, creating more opportunities for revenue generation.

3. Strengthening Farmer Ties

Banas Dairy’s cooperative model places farmers at the heart of its operations. A significant portion of the investment will be directed towards farmer development programs, offering training, modern farming equipment, and improved cattle breeds. This not only boosts farmers’ income but also ensures a consistent supply of high-quality milk.

The Impact on Gujarat

This colossal investment by Banas Dairy is poised to have a ripple effect on Gujarat’s economy and society. Here’s how:

Economic Growth

The modernization and expansion of dairy infrastructure will create numerous job opportunities and contribute to the state’s economic development. The investment will spur economic growth, making Gujarat an even more attractive destination for investors.

Agricultural Development

Empowering farmers with advanced training and resources will lead to higher agricultural productivity, benefiting not only the dairy but also agriculture as a whole in the state. This, in turn, supports the government’s vision of doubling farmers’ income.

Sustainable Practices

Banas Dairy is committed to sustainable and environmentally responsible dairy practices. The investment will also focus on reducing the dairy’s carbon footprint and implementing eco-friendly technologies.

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Dairy Farm License in India, Rules, Guidelines, Permissions

Table of contents, how safe is the dairy business, limitations and constraints of dairy farming, starting steps in processing the dairy farm industry, tips to remember while you start the dairy farming, how to select the breeds for getting the good yield, infrastructure and manpower requirements to setup a dairy farm, vaccines and other medications for dairy animals, insuring the dairy animals, maintenance of the dairy farm, permissions and legal requirements to setup a dairy farm, forms need to be filled to get permissions to import the live stocks, fssai rationalizes licensing and registration for dairy farms or industries, gst registration for dairy farm in india, guidelines to practice good dairy farm.

Dairy Farm License in India: Hello entrepreneurs, today we will learn about how to start dairy farming business in India along with dairy farm rules and guide lines to get permission for starting a dairy farm. The information in this article may be applied to dairy farm license in Kerala, dairy farm license in Karnatka, dairy farm license in Maharashtra, dairy farm license in Telangana, dairy farm license in Gujarat, dairy farm license in Rajasthan, dairy farm license in Punjab, dairy farm license in West Bengal, dairy farm license in Madhya Pradesh, dairy farm license in Uttar Pradesh, dairy farm license in Andhra Pradesh, dairy farm license in in Tamil Nadu, dairy farm license in Odhisa, dairy farm license in Haryana, dairy farm license in Bihar, dairy farm license in Chhattisgarh and other states of India.

Starting a Dairy Farm in India.

A guide to dairy farm license in India, rules, guidelines, permissions

Before going into the details let us go through the following points which are very important before starting the dairy farm business. These includes –

Dairy business is a safe business because of the following reasons-

  • Dairy farming is an eco-friendly and does not cause much harm to the environment when compared to other industries.
  • The requirement of skilled labour is very less.
  • The demand for dairy products is increasing day by day, hence the dairy market is active all around the year.
  • It requires a minimum investment and there is no need to store the raw materials for longer durations.
  • It is easy to shift the whole business to other new locations if a need arises.
  • You can insure the animals which will be benefit able when the animals get affected due to the harmful infections.
  • Biogas plant and producing the gas through the fermentation of the cow dung and the remaining can be used as organic manure for growing plants.
  • Breeding of the animals and getting the yield in an expected way depends upon the various factors.
  • Inadequate management of feeding heard maintenance and lack of quality feed management causes huge loss affecting the profits.

You can even get the training from universities like Agriculture or veterinary universities in various states; Krishivigyankendras; state department of animal husbandry; state institute of rural development. These can be found in every state. From which you can choose and get the training on rearing of dairy animals and manufacturing its products. There are few non-government organizations which will also provide training in different farming sectors.

You should not miss the Poultry License in India, Guidelines, Permissions .

In Indian population you can find most of them from middle-class who are more health conscious and and prefer low fat milk for consumption hence you can go for a mixed type of farm such as cross breeds, cows, buffaloes, that are maintained in separate rows under one shed. You can mix the milk from both cows and buffaloes. Cow milk has low fat content and is good for health. Few other people prefer buffalo milk.

Dairy Farm Tips.

You can select the popular buffalo breeds such as Murrah, Surti, Mehasani, Nali-Ravi, Jaffarabadi and Badhawari. The milchbreeds of cattle includesGir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi and Tharparkar and the other exotic breeds of cattle are Holstein Friesian. Jersey, and the Brown Swiss.

To establish a set of 20 animals in dairy farm you need to maintain a space of 40sq.ft per animal in shed and 80 sq. ft open space and beyond these you need to maintain the following

  • A room with measurements of 10 x 10 for keeping farm implements.
  • One with 10 x 12 for milk storage.
  • Office room of suitable size.
  • Water tank having a capacity of storing 2000 liters of water.
  • Bore well having capacity to fill the storage tank for 1 hr.

Dairy Farm Infrastructure.

You need to have minimum of 3000 sq. ft of land to maintain 20 animals. If you are planning to increase your farm size to 100 or more than you need to have at least of 20 to 30 acres of land with dimensions of 120 x 125. You can make the contractual agreements for getting the 20 animals for assured supply of 300 Kg of Lucerne and 400Kg of maize fodder per day this will reduce your costs on concentrate feed.

Make sure that you provide timely medication based on the behaviour of the animals. Follow proper vaccination for the farm animals in a timely manner. Do not miss the any vaccination.

It is better to insure the farm as it will be useful for you, if the animal suddenly gets infected with harmful diseases.

Maintain the farm clean and neat always as the animals will be infected with different kinds of diseases. Maintain the farm place by following proper hygiene.

You may also like the Cost of Tilapia Fish Farming in India .

How to Maintain Dairy Animals.

It varies from state to state and it also depends whether you intend to process milk,and its products. Firstly it needs the following steps –

  • Registration in the local veterinary and dairy development department
  • You can contact district or block office of these agriculture or veterinary departments or dairy cooperate society.
  • For getting license to start the dairy farm you need to contact Municipality Corporation or local panchayats based on your place. If you are planning for large size farms the yu need to get permission from pollution control board.
  • You need to get BIS standards such as – -BIS IS 11799:1986 (R2002): Recommendations for poultry farm housing in rural areas. -BIS IS 11942:1986 (R2002): Recommendations from Gaushalas and other organized milk – BIS IS 12237:1987 (Reaffirmed 2004): Getting recommendations for loose housing system for animals.
  • You need to register with Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) is mandatory to start a dairy farm.
  • The application to animal husbandry practices are required for each species in order to encourage strong resistance towards the harmful diseases in the farm animals.
  • The other factors which will be counted to get the license are climate, soil conditions, land quality, the farm infrastructures, dairy stock and the agricultural support system and other skills of the farmer.

The below are the forms which you need to fill them for getting license to start a dairy farm in India. These includes-

Filling the FORM A i.e., application for permit to import live-stock products, in which the details has to be given as per the below sections –

  • Name and the description of the farm animals that has to be imported.
  • Description of the consignment and mention the quantity of the stock.
  • Name and address of the person who is setting up the farm business.
  • Name and address from which you are importing the animals.
  • Country and locality of the imported farm animals in which it is produced.
  • Country from which it is imported to India and the special features if any.
  • Foreign port of shipment if you have imported them from other countries.
  • Approximate date and arrival of the imported animals to India.
  • Name and address of the point of entry into India like customs, seaport or land customs station etc.
  • Declaration of the given information documents and certificates attached regarding the permit sanctioning applied for importing the animals.

This FORM A should be submitted to the Trade division, department of Animal husbandry  and dairying, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi.

The other Form includes FORM B which has to be filled if you are planning to set up a business to import live-stock for trading or marketing. This also has the similar details as like FORM A to be filled.

If you start dairy farm then you has to setup it near the fodder cultivation area so that it would reduce you the cost of fodder and the leaves and the other dry fodder or grass can be utilised at a lower price tag.

Incase if you miss this: Loans and Subsides for Beekeeping in India .

In India most of the dairy farms and industries does not get license from the FSSAI standards and the milk may either be contaminated which may also contain the harmful chemicals like neutralizers, urea and other detergents are the common contaminants. To ensure these in Dairy industry, FSSAI has released curtails rules stating that even small dairy farmers also has to get the license and registration to carry out their Dairy operations in India.

Small farmers who collect milk from the dairy business operators need not apply for any individual license or registration. Here there a condition for milk collection centres who collect and process sit through chilling facilities must work under the supervision of licensed organisations or plants. These have to obtain permissions and license from the FSSAI.

After checking all these permissions and grants then the license will be allotted for a dairy farm. Make sure that you will follow all the rules and regulations perfectly.

GST registration is required for commercial dairy farm. You should contact any charted accountant for dairy farm GST registration procedure.

Dairy farmers should follow the below guidelines for good practise of dairy farming in a successful way. These includes animal health, proper hygiene in milk and its by products, animal nutrition, animal welfare activities, surrounding environment, farm temperature, socio-economic management, proper vaccination at times to make the animals resistant against harmful diseases and many more.

Guidelines of Dairy.

Conduct regular check-up for animals to notice the signs of disease so as to aid the detection and provide proper treatment at times regularly. You also have to maintain few medicines along with you in order to take the immediate precautions. You also sometimes have to take the animals to herd improvement centres. Detailed breeding and records should be maintained for proper and regular management of the farms.

To get more details regarding license in dairy industry you can also check the searches like –license to sell milk in India;  the place which you are willing to start your project; central government schemes for dairy farming; milk and dairy license; milk packing license;

Finally you can find all the details regarding how to start a dairy farm in India including license, forms to fill, guidelines etc. You might be interested in Duck Farming Basics, Housing, Feeding for Eggs and Meat .


nice explaination and if it is possible I want a model project proposal an cattle fatteninig and dairy farm

I want to start dairy farming.

Thanks it is helpful for me i am planning to start a small dairy farm.

Can we open a dairy farm in residential area?

Please check the rules explained in the article.

Mr Reddy your efforts are appreciable,my heartiest regards for you, Could you plz advise the fodder in Summer for Bufalloes….

I have 1 question. Actually I’m from Haryana. And i want to open a dairy farm In Maharashtra navi Mumbai. Is it possible. ? Please let me know.

very clear said about small scale dairy business.. this is very useful information to the new entering the entrepreneur.. thank u sir.

Hello Sir, If I wanted the start a Dairy Farm, how much man power needed and the required place for shedding etc..

My name is N Harish Kumar iam from Andhra Pradesh i need which documents required to start dairy farm business in my stste plz give your suggestion

Licences required for less than 100 Desi cows? Main objective to produce organic fertilizer such as vermy compost, Ghana jeevamrutham, etc.

Please let me know how much investment needed to start a cow shed of 19 milk giving cows

I have four buffalo and one cow, I am able to get dairy licence.

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8 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Your Own Dairy Farm

8 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Your Own Dairy Farm

Develop a Business Plan and SWOT Analysis

It is important to remember that a dairy farm is a business. Development of detailed business plan and a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of your plan and the resources you have available will be critical to the success of your business. How many cows will you milk? Where will you market your milk? Will you hire employees? How much money do you need to live on after the dairy bills are all paid? Your business plan should include a cash flow plan that will help you set reasonable expectations for your expenses and cost of production.

Consult the Experts

Even if you grew up on a dairy and learned how to feed and milk cows from your parents and grandparents it is important to consult experts in the dairy industry as you develop your business plan and design your management system. Other dairy producers are great resources. Attend field days and open houses on dairy farms in your area and other parts of the state or country. When visiting other farms find out what has worked well on those farms and what has not worked, but keep in mind that just because something worked on one farm does not mean it will work for you on your farm. In addition to farmers, talk to veterinarians, nutritionists, agronomists, bankers, extension educators, and others that can provide different perspectives on management of your dairy.

Create a Cropping and Feeding Program

Whether you are going to feed a TMR (total mixed ration), graze your cattle, or some combination of both; dairy cattle require a certain set of nutrients to support themselves, produce milk, and grow a calf. Work with a nutritionist to develop rations for your lactating cows and dry cows and heifers if these animals are to be raised on the farm. Many dairy farms in Pennsylvania produce most if not all their own forages and many of their concentrate (grain) needs. Raising all your own feed takes land and time, not to mention equipment for planting and harvesting the crops. Hiring custom operators to plant and harvest crops, or making arrangements with neighbors to share equipment and labor can reduce your capital investment as you get started with your dairy business and are building capital. Double cropping systems, with small grain crops following corn silage, are used successfully on many Pennsylvania farms.

Create a Waste Management Plan

Dairy cattle produce a lot of manure. While this manure is often referred to as waste, if managed and used properly it can be a great resource on the farm. Manure management will be tied closely to your cropping and feeding program. If you are able to use a double cropping system on your farm it will not only allow you to produce more feed but will also allow you to apply more manure to your land. Alternatives to direct land application of manure include composting and anaerobic digestion of manure, while these options may provide additional revenue and other benefits to your dairy they will also increase the capital investment required to get your dairy started. Every farm will need a manure management plan, but depending on the size of your farm a nutrient management plan may also be required. Check with your county Conservation District or local Extension office for more information.

Build Your Equity Over Time

Dairy farming requires a large capital investment. Land, buildings, equipment, and cows are expensive and few new dairy farmers will have the capital required to purchase everything when they get started in business. Many beginning farmers begin by purchasing their cows first and renting the farm and land. These initial animals are your farms equity.

Dairy Farming is a Biological System

The dairy farm is dependent on the cow's ability to live a healthy life, produce milk, and have calves that can become the next generation of the farm. Dairy farming requires detailed programs for herd health, reproduction and calf care in addition to the nutrition and financial aspects on the farm. Working with your veterinarian, genetics representatives and extension agents can help you develop comprehensive farm plans to create a positive future.

One Size Does Not Fit All

All dairy farms are different based on the producer's wishes, resource requirements, market needs and more. Multiple systems exist and can be profitable. Some producers contract out their replacements to a custom heifer raiser while others diversify by selling crops, raising steers or creating a home-bottling plant. How you farm will depend on your desires, resources, and drive.

You are a Manager First

All these previous items are just pieces of the puzzle. In order to succeed you will need to combine each aspect of management into a whole farm plan. However, you don't need to do it all. Work with trusted consultants to help you build a plan, and stick with your strengths. If you love milking cows but hate planting corn, find someone to work with who does, or contract that work out to a third party. Consider creating a farm management team or profit team that engages your consultants to be active participants in the farm's progress.

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Grande cheese breaks ground on acquired foremost facility, plans new renovation.


A manufacturer of Italian cheese, Grande Cheese Company announced   last year that it had acquired the former Foremost Farms cheese plant in Chilton, Wis., furthering its manufacturing capabilities. Recently, Grande Cheese broke ground for a 60,000-square-foot expansion to the former Foremost plant. Along with the new construction, Grande will renovate 20,000 square feet of the existing facility. Todd Koss, chief executive officer for Grande, says that over the past several years, they have explored opportunities to develop their manufacturing network. “The Chilton property will undoubtedly help us meet our obligation to support a growing and thriving business and those who are a part of the Grande family – including producers, foodservice operators and distributors, CIG customers, and stakeholders,” he said last year. “The addition of this facility also continues to build on our commitment to financial security and development opportunities for current and future generations of associates and their families.” According to the company, construction is expected to be complete in mid-2026. The Chilton facility will be Grande’s third largest plant and will primarily produce mozzarella cheese. Grande Cheese Company manufactures several lines of cheese for pizzerias and restaurants and provides specialty whey products to international food and beverage manufacturers. They have seven Wisconsin production facilities, including Brownsville, Fond du Lac, Friendship, Juda, Lomira, Rubicon and Wyocena.

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How Consumer Trends and Digital Adoption are Fueling India’s FMCG Growth

Indian Retailer

India's Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector has demonstrated remarkable growth, driven by consumer demand and increasing product prices, especially for essential goods. This sector not only contributes significantly to the country's economy but also provides employment to around 3 million people , accounting for approximately 5 percent of total factory employment in India.

Revenue Growth and Key Drivers

In the fiscal year 2022-23, FMCG sales in India grew by 7-9 percent in revenues. Key drivers of this growth include favorable government initiatives and policies, a burgeoning rural market and youth population, the introduction of new branded products, and the expansion of e-commerce platforms. The sector saw a 7.5 percent volume growth in the April-June 2023 quarter, marking the highest growth in the last eight quarters, largely due to a revival in rural demand and higher growth in modern trade.

Economic Contributions and Consumer Trends

As the fourth-largest sector in India, FMCG has been expanding steadily due to rising disposable incomes, a growing youth population, and increasing brand awareness among consumers. Household and personal care products account for 50 percent of FMCG sales in India, making the industry a crucial contributor to the GDP. India's middle-class population, larger than the total population of the USA, makes it a market no FMCG player can afford to ignore.

Urban and Rural Market Dynamics

The urban segment remains the largest contributor, accounting for around 65 percent of the revenue generated by the FMCG sector. However, the rural market has been growing at a faster pace in recent years. Semi-urban and rural segments are expanding rapidly, with FMCG products accounting for 50 percent of total rural spending.

Market Size and Future Projections

The FMCG market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.9 percent from 2021 to 2027, reaching nearly $615.87 billion. In 2022, the urban segment contributed 65 percent, while rural India accounted for over 35 percent of annual FMCG sales. A good harvest and government spending are expected to aid rural demand recovery in FY24. The sector experienced an 8.5 percent revenue growth and a 2.5 percent volume growth last fiscal year. The January-June 2022 period saw value growth of about 8.4 percent due to inflationary price hikes, with the third quarter of FY23 clocking a 9.0 percent YoY value growth.

Government Initiatives and Support

The Indian government has launched several initiatives to support the FMCG sector:

  • A new Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for the food processing sector, with a budget outlay of Rs 109 billion ($1.46 billion), providing incentives until 2026-27.
  • Promotion of millets for their health benefits, establishing the Indian Institute of Millet Research in Hyderabad as a global center of excellence.
  • Investment of Rs 4,900 crore ($593 million) in the food processing industry under the PLI scheme, approved in March 2021.
  • Completion of 112 food processing projects in 2022, leveraging Rs 706.04 crore ($85.4 million) in private investment and generating employment for over 25,000 people.
  • Tax incentives for new agro-processing industries and reductions in excise duties for dairy machinery and meat, poultry, and fish products.
  • Initial funding of Rs. 1,000 crore ($ 120.7 million) in NITI Aayog for incubation centers and skill development to facilitate the startup ecosystem.

Digital Transformation and E-Commerce Growth

The FMCG sector's growth is also fueled by the rise of digital advertising, which reached $9.92 billion by 2023, with the FMCG industry contributing 42 percent of the total digital spend. India, with 780 million internet users , sees an average individual spending 7.3 hours daily on smartphones. This number is expected to increase to 900 million by 2025. E-commerce now accounts for 17 percent of overall FMCG consumption, driven by affluent consumers with average spending of about Rs 5,620 ($677.11 million).

The Indian e-commerce market is projected to grow from $83 billion in 2022 to $185 billion by 2026 , and it is expected to reach an annual gross merchandise value of $350 billion by 2030 . The market's exponential growth over the past five years is attributed to increased internet and smartphone users, improved policy reforms, and higher disposable incomes. Digital transactions, valued at $300 billion in 202 1, are projected to reach $1 trillion by 2026 .

Competitive Landscape and D2C Disruption

Traditional FMCG giants such as Johnson & Johnson, Himalaya, Hindustan Unilever, and ITC are now competing with D2C-focused startups like Mamaearth, The Moms Co., and Azah. Market giants like Revlon and Lotus took around 20 years to reach the Rs 100 crore ($ 13.4 million) revenue mark, while new-age D2C brands such as Mamaearth and Sugar achieved this milestone in just four and eight years, respectively.

The Road Ahead

Rural consumption is on the rise, driven by increasing incomes and higher aspiration levels, with branded products seeing higher demand in rural India. The organized sector is expected to grow as the share of the unorganized market decreases, driven by rising brand consciousness and modern retail growth. The growing youth population in urban areas is also propelling the demand for food services.

Online portals are expected to play a key role in penetrating hinterlands, with the internet providing a cost-effective and convenient way to increase reach. By 2025, India is expected to have 1 billion internet users, with 40 percent of all FMCG consumption projected to be online by 2030. The implementation of GST and demonetization is expected to drive structured economic growth, benefiting both rural and urban areas.

India's FMCG sector is poised for continued robust growth, supported by favorable government policies, increasing digital penetration, and evolving consumer preferences. As the sector adapts to new market dynamics and leverages digital advancements, it will continue to be a vital contributor to India's economic development.

  • FMCG companies
  • retail India

 Product Life Cycle | Defined, Importance and Stages

The life of a product from manufacturing to the shelf of a customer, is most important for a business for it to grow and flourish in the respective market. Know all about a product's life cycle, its importance and its main stages. Every product, whether cosmetics, clothing, furniture or electronics, has different life spans. This article delves into how the product life cycle works. 

What is Product Life Cycle?

The process of a product passing through development to its expiry is defined as the product life cycle. Marketing and business management use this concept to make the market aware of the product. The product life cycle is a key feature of an item, explaining everything from initial creation to its decline. The time when a product enters the market to its removal from a shelf is a concept that determines how long it will work and stay in the market. 

For instance, the concept of television entered the Indian market in 1959. Television is still persistent due to its upgrade to becoming smart. Its existence would have been diluted without modifications. Hence, the product should have an enticing feature making it long-lasting in the market or keep developing the product. The methods or strategies used to maintain and continue a product's life in the market are known as product life management. 

4 Stages of Product Life Cycle 

The product life cycle has four stages to make the product stand long in the market. Every product needs to go through the four steps, to determine its life of the same. Four stages include - introduction, growth, maturity and decline. 

  • Introduction - This is the first stage of making the product's grand entrance into the market. It is essential to make target customers aware of the product’s existence. The launch of the product is used as an opportunity to make an announcement, a promotional tool.  The initial investment in marketing the products can help build brand demand. There can be competition, bringing difficulty, in that case, the USP of the product can help to defeat competitors. 

Example : Various smart TV brands in India are in the introduction phase, where customers are still getting informed about their presence in the market. Brands like OnePlus, LG, Samsung and more are spreading awareness about smart TVs in the Indian market. 

  • Growth - After making customers aware of the product and a high investment, it's time to cover up. Utilize the surge created for the product, and build the identity for the brand. Sustain the position and develop an expansion plan. Growth is a stage where a brand can have leadership in the market. Getting customer acceptance can recover the high-end investment. 

Example : Amazon is a leading e-commerce platform. It expanded to streaming services and gained growth by offering free shipment on the shopping platform. This increased the Amazon Prime video subscription. This strategy made the brand more noticeable in the market. 

  • Maturity - After a hike in demand comes a product's saturation point. This stage has the highest competition as various new brands imitate the market. The product life starts to end. To sustain in the market there is always a way to bring offers, discounts, innovation and something new on the table for customers to explore.

Example : McDonalds faced its maturity stage when it started having competition in the fast food market. To stay in the industry McDonalds maintained its market share and adapted to consumer preference for healthy food.  Making it more enticing by providing fresh food services.

  • Decline - The end of a product's life is known as the decline. There are less sales and no profit. However, some might survive, with innovation, upgradation and enticing consumers with something new. The market presence gets lost in the last stage, making the product almost disappear. 

Example : Chevrolet, an automobile company faced its decline in 2017. It failed to fulfill customer satisfaction and compete with competitors. It faced challenges in building a name in the Indian market, due to its luxury automobile brand. 

4 Stages of Product Life Cycle

Why is Product Life Cycle Important?

It is important to understand why a company needs to work on the product life cycle. It gives allowance to gather insights on the demand of consumers and improve products accordingly. Why is the product life cycle important? Here is the answer for it:-

Improvement to help develop products - The concept of the Product life cycle is important as it allows businesses to make necessary improvements to their products. Serving all purposes in the market space. Allocating resources strategically, making an existing product stay longer. 

Awareness about the product presence - The first stage of the product life cycle, introduction, makes it easier for companies to spread awareness about the product. It could be an idea, innovation or something unique that could help in gaining attention and expand in the market. 

Brand building to entice customers - Product life cycle can make a brand noticeable to consumers. Developing a customer relationship for loyalty and satisfaction. Engaging with the audience teaches upcoming trends and looks for what is missing in the market. 

Resource allocation for growth and investment - Dividing resources for marketing and promotions, manufacturing costs, and R&D for the product. Generating knowledge about the brand and its product USP, with using allocated resources for stable profitability. 

How Does Product Life Cycle Work for Different Industries? 

PLM plays a vital role across different industries, which are:

Apparel Industry 

The product life cycle for apparel is usually a bell-shaped curve, on the four stages. There are various materials used in the manufacturing of cloth. The life span of a particular apparel item is highly dependent on that. There are natural and artificial fibres that are used in the manufacturing.

3D printing, sustainability clothing, smart fabrics and using AI in the manufacturing of apparel are trending. Getting introduced in the market. It shall go through all the stages of the product life cycle, declining at the end and other innovative ideas in the fashion industry will again be introduced. 

Electronic Industry

The electronic industry tends to last the most as compared to other products in the market space. This happens due to the innovation in the electronic field every year. There is an upgrade every year, making it hard to reach the decline stage for some.

For instance, television started with just one channel in India, carry forward it had multiple channels and today a normal television has been converted to a smart one. This has made consumers stay, building the lifespan of a television. 

Cosmetic Industry

The cosmetic industry has a much lesser product life cycle as compared to other industries. The lifespan of a cosmetic or skincare product depends on the formulation, packaging used and quality of the products. 

The lifespan of a cosmetic product tends to last 1-2 years, then it faces a decline. Today the cosmetic industry has a lot of competition, making it hard for previous brands to compete. 

How Does Product Life Cycle Work for Different Industries?

Factors Affecting the Product Life Cycle

Various factors influence the product life cycle for a company. Businesses must work according to the following factors to beat the competition in the market space. Here are key factors affecting the product life cycle with examples:- 

Tech advancement

There are changes in everyday life on the technical grounds of various products. Countries having high-end technological changes tend to shorten the product life cycle. Businesses continuously evolve to remain consistent in the market. Using the available technology in developing a product and maintaining the image of the brand.  

Samsung, a leading smartphone manufacturer, proposed first-generation memory technology. It included V HAND with 200 cell layers for smartphones and premium memory solutions. Along with the first generation PCle Gen5 SSDs for storage and applications. This upgrade in the technical front makes it more enticing for the consumer to explore. This is the first stage of the product life cycle. 


A product always has competition in the market. To increase the value, sales and growth of a business, it is a must to understand and improve according to the competitors. Fulfilling the demand of the customer before the competitor. 

Nykaa faced competition in the online fashion industry from Myntra, Amazon and Ajio. To overcome its losses and continue its existence in the market, the brand focused on building brand relationships. Improving customer experience on the online shopping platform of Nykaa application and faster delivery than its competitors. 

Market Demand

Every product has different factors that maintain its performance in the market. Adapting to changes in the market according to the product line the business is in. Market acceptance is necessary, and that can happen by fulfilling the changing demands of consumers.

Maruti Suzuki, the largest economy car manufacturer in India, always caters in regards with what customers want. Every car produced by the company has four models, serving different consumer needs. Making the company a dominant player in the automobile market in India. 

From the Indian Retailers eye, the product life cycle is that various product categories are different from one another. Various factors and functions contribute to the lifespan of a product. Four stages define the life cycle of a particular product. The four stages of the product life cycle are introduction, growth, maturity and decline, which is followed by most companies. There are ways to increase the life of the product by necessary changes according to trends, technology and development, making it more wanted in the market. 

What are the four stages of the product life cycle?

Introduction, growth, maturity and decline are the four stages in the product life cycle.

How can companies expand the product life cycle?

These are the following points to improve the product life cycle:

  • Upgrade and improve products
  • Expand reach by entering new markets
  • Pricing strategies
  • Marketing strategies 

How does the product life cycle affect business?

The product life cycle determines the growth of the business. With the innovations and upgrades, the PLC can be increased leading to profitability for different businesses in sales. 

  • consumer products

How ONDC's Interoperable QR Code will Transform India's Retail Sector

In India, one of the most daunting tasks for small businesses is the struggle to gain visibility and establish an online presence. Platform constraints and high costs have made it challenging for them to compete with larger e-commerce giants. However, the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) is poised to change the game with its innovative interoperable QR code. Currently in its alpha phase, this tool enables sellers to generate unique QR codes that customers can scan using an ONDC-registered buyer app, such as magicpin and Paytm. This initiative is set to expand across the entire network following successful initial testing.

"Today marks a transformative moment in Indian commerce," declared T Koshy, MD & CEO, ONDC, during the launch event for the QR code. "ONDC’s interoperable QR code breaks down the barriers that have held small businesses back. Now, every seller has the power to reach cus tomers digitally, just like the e-commerce giants. It’s a massive leap towards an open, inclusive, and democratized digital marketplace."

Empowering Sellers with Simple Technology

The beauty of this technology lies in its simplicity and potential for far-reaching impact. Sellers can display their QR codes anywhere — on storefronts, products, marketing materials, or social media — instantly connecting with customers both offline and online. For consumers, it means unparalleled convenience: a quick scan with any QR scanner app or ONDC Buyer Apps links them directly to the seller’s online store through their preferred buyer app.

"Think of the local shopkeeper, the street vendor, the artisan — they can now be discovered and patronized by anyone, anywhere," Koshy emphasized. "This isn't just a new feature; it's a catalyst for economic growth and digital inclusion. Millions of businesses will come online, creating new opportunities and driving India’s digital economy forward. Just think of the possibilities!”

A Game-Changer for Small Businesses

Before ONDC’s interoperable QR code, sellers were either not online because of demand generation costs or were having to pay a high revenue share. Now, with this game-changing tool, they can drive their own growth in affordable ways. From the last two years, since its launch, ONDC has been empowering a diverse set of merchants and service providers, from kirana stores to restaurant owners to fashion B2C clients. The key advantage of the QR code is its power to the brand owner or the shop owner. "Imagine you are a kirana store owner. One of the challenges you are facing today is that your target segment is your neighborhood. Nobody's going to come from a few kilometers or tens of kilometers away. So, we want to have all of them aware of your existence," Koshy explained. "Today, everyone knows they can come to you, but what happens in the next generation? By the time the next generation is there, they won't even know where your store is. They'll all do online shopping. So, how will you expand and why would they come to you?"

The ONDC QR code allows small merchants to publish themselves through social media, WhatsApp, or leaflets, saying, "I exist, look at this scan, this QR code." Many big brands, when they advertise their products, will put a QR code saying "scan with any ONDC application”. The nearest store will show it to you because they don't have to go and tie up with each of them separately. They have to only make sure that they're there.

"This way, the shops together with the big brands, will make their existence more relevant in the digital world; otherwise, they will become irrelevant," Koshy noted. "In developed countries like the US, as e-commerce gets more prevalent, small shops or as we say, mom-and-Pop stores are becoming irrelevant. They have no discoverability unless they follow the rules and regulations of a few existing platforms. Here, they have discoverability and existence of their own. Not everyone will succeed, but they have to innovate with good products and offers. This definitely gives them a power in their hand, and the QR code is one more tool."

A Cost-Effective Solution

The qr code costs the sellers nothing they don't need to give any special price to any application. they can generate it and give it to everybody, and they can scan it..

For the food services and restaurants onboarded on ONDC, this new model offers significant advantages. In the existing platform world, there are only one or two options, giving certain privileges. Now, with many seller aggregators, the service is only to make the seller visible to the network, with demand coming from buyer applications. This reduces the rent-seeking capability and profit maximization possible with only a few players, making it more competitive for sellers. Restaurants, for example, can make themselves visible in the ONDC network at a low cost. "If you're a digitized restaurant, you can be visible in the ONDC network, let everybody else bring demand, and use it. It becomes a no-brainer decision to be part of it and benefit from it," Koshy elaborated.

The new network-wide logistics are hyperlocal, available at the most competitive price, matchable to any price that even the established players will offer. This makes it easier for small businesses to compete, offering good food and competitive logistics, representing themselves at a lower cost.

Encouraging Broader Participation

The post-budget reaction to the reduction of TDS on e-commerce to 0.1% and the establishment of export hubs has been positive. "These steps are encouraging for both sellers and startups. My ecosystem consists of merchants, innovators, and startups, and if they're happy, I'm happy," Koshy remarked.

The goal is ambitious. In the next one or two years, the target is to have 500 million ONDC QR codes out there in the country. This ambitious target is reflective of the aspirations of the Indian government and the startup sector. The beauty of ONDC is that it works with a lot of seller aggregators who target specific segments. There are innovations even in small cities, where simple tools will help onboarding easier.

  • india retail

Top 10 Car Brands in India 2024

India is considered as the third largest automobile industry. As in India cars are emotions to many people, many people consider the car as a statement of their standard. The country is vibrant with the automobile industry and it can be an exciting journey to explore India’s automobile industry from luxurious rides to rugged performers. Here are the top 10 Car brands in India that have a huge impact on the Indian automobile industry with a revenue of Rs 15 lakh crore by the end of the year 2024 , highlighting their unique features, safety standards, and engineering marvels.

Top 10 Car Brands in India 

1 Maruti Suzuki 2,135,323 units
2 Hyundai 42,16,898 Units
3 Tata Motors 2,65,090 units
4 Mahindra & Mahindra  68,413 units 
5 Kia 2,61,022 units
6 Toyota 27,474 Units
7 Honda 18,84,958 units
8 Skoda 1,00,000 units 
9 Volkswagen 7,64,800 units
10 Renault 11,54,700 units

Let’s Discover the top 10 car brands in India, and find out about the brand which are driving the Indian market.

1. Maruti Suzuki

Maruti Suzuki is the biggest automaker in India, and it has been making cars that are inexpensive and dependable since 1981. A joint venture of Maruti Udyog Limited and Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, Maruti Suzuki is based in New Delhi. The brand's position in the Indian market is strong, as it provides quality vehicles that are both practical and cost-effective. Maruti Suzuki's design philosophy prioritizes streamlined forms and practical features, as seen in the Maruti Suzuki Swift and Maruti Suzuki Baleno, which have aerodynamic shapes and luxurious, tech-rich interiors.

Maruti Suzuki

A major area to look out for at Maruti Suzuki is safety, with such standard features as dual airbags, ABS with EBD, and rear parking sensors. The hidden talent under the hood, which is equally good, arranges the Swift with a 1.2-liter DualJet petrol engine of 88 bhp and the Baleno with a similar engine which is enhanced by a mild-hybrid for improved fuel efficiency. The brand has a net income of Rs 13,488 crore as of 2024 and the total asset is worth Rs 115353 crore. Maruti Suzuki's dedication to innovation and efficiency is what made it the most successful car maker in India with over 3.5 thousand exclusive showrooms.

Hyundai Motor India Ltd. which is a subsidiary company belonging to the South Korean firm Hyundai Motor Company was set up in 1967 by Chung Ju-yung and is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Hyundai is well known for its stylish and technologically advanced vehicles and has a significant share in the Indian market. The brand is admired for its dedication to the creation of modern, attractive designs, an example of which can be seen in popular models like the Hyundai Creta and Hyundai Verna. These vehicles are characterized by the signature Hyundai cascading grille and elegant headlight design and have spacious interiors that boast the freshest infotainment systems. Besides, the Hyundai vehicles are equipped with safety features like the presence of a multiple Airbags system, ABS with EBD as well as ESC.

Hyundai Motor

Hyundai ensures these engines have strong support for longer use and are well-tuned for both performance and fuel economy. The Creta comes with a powertrain In May 2023, with a 1.4-litre turbo petrol engine that outputs 138 bhp, and if we talk about the Verna, i t has a 1.5-litre petrol engine that is rated at 113 bhp. Currently, the company owns 33.88 percent of Kia Corporation and fully owns two marques including its luxury cars subsidiary, Genesis, and their electric vehicle brand Logic. Hyundai has constantly renewed its quality issues and has come to be trusted by Indian customers who want an innovative model that combines style with performance and safety.

3. Tata Motors

Tata Motors Limited is the automotive manufacturer of the Tata Group and the biggest in India. It has got a prominent place in the development of the Indian automotive sector. The company was established in 1945 by J.R.D. Tata. It is headquartered in Mumbai and manufactures a wide range of vehicles from passenger cars to commercial vehicles. The brand is known for its innovative design philosophy, which emphasizes strength and sophistication. This is evident in models like the Tata Nexon and Tata Harrier, which feature bold and muscular exteriors combined with plush, tech-laden interiors.

Tata Motors

The major foundation of Tata Motors is safety, and a lot of models have a 5-star Global NCAP safety rating. Features like ABS with EBD, dual airbags, and an advanced electronic stability program are the standard for the range of models. Tata's engines are made to perform and use less fuel, as the Nexon has a 1.2L turbocharged gasoline engine with 118 hp while the Harrier has a 2.0L diesel engine that produces 168 hp. Jaguar and Land Rover are subsidiaries of the company. The company’s net income is Rs 31,806 crore as of 2024. Tata Motors' persistent efforts toward sustainability and innovation are at the top of the industry and slowly but surely they are gaining influence not only in India but also around the world.

4. Mahindra & Mahindra 

Mahindra & Mahindra Limited is the Indian subsidiary of Mahindra Group, and it is an Indian automobile manufacturer that is big and has been around since 1945 established by J.C. Mahindra, K.C. Mahindra, M.G. Muhammad. The headquarters is in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Mahindra is a well-known name in the production of rugged and reliable vehicles and has a strong market position in the SUV and commercial vehicle segments. The brand's long-time association with hardiness, such as the Mahindra XUV500 and Mahindra Thar models, is still valid today. The XUV500 is well-designed with a roomy interior, while the Thar is a traditional off-road vehicle with a modern style. Mahindra's commitment to safety includes such features as ABS with EBD, dual airbags, and strong structural integrity.

Mahindra & Mahindra

Mahindra automobile-powered engines are full of performance and long-lasting, XUV500 with a 2.2-liter mHawk diesel engine that produces 155 bhp and Thar with a 2.0-liter medallion petrol engine that produces 150 bhp. The subsidiaries include companies like Mahindra Tractors, Mahindra Truck and Bus and BSA Company. The net income of the company is Rs 11,269 crore as of 2024. Mahindra's focus, thus, is not only on delivering powerful, robust, and trendy vehicles but also on establishing itself as one of the most loved automobile manufacturers in India whether one is looking for adventure or reliability.

Kia Motors Corporation which is a South Korean automobile manufacturing corporation was founded in 1944 and in no time it has become a household name in India and entered the market in 2019. The company whose headquarters are in Seoul, South Korea produces stylish vehicles that are packed with lots of features and provide good performance and comfort. The brand's unwavering dedication to agile design can be seen through the Kia Seltos and Kia Sonet, characterized by their dynamic tiger-nose grille and lean body lines that differentiate the Kia brand from others. Kia's driving force is safety, including standard features like multiple airbags, ABS with EBD, and electronic stability control, thus offering an accident-free experience.


The Seltos 1.4-liter turbo petrol engine with a power of 138 bhp and the Sonet 1.0-liter turbo petrol engine with a power of 118 bhp are the two options Kia engines are engineered for maximum efficiency and power. Kia is owned by Hyundai with a stake of 33.88 percent. In India , Kia gained immense popularity due to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, making it the choice among consumers looking for style and technology.

Toyota Motor Corporation, which was established in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda, is an automobile giant on the world stage. With its administrative center in Toyota City, Japan, it has earned its place among the most dependable and innovative car manufacturers. In India, Toyota is known for its versatile range of vehicles that are suitable to different types of customers. According to Toyota's design approach, practicality and style are embraced, which is the case with the Fortuner and Innova Crysta models. These cars embody audacious exteriors along with lavish and spacious interiors that are made for comfort and utility.

Toyota Motor

Safety is primarily on the agenda of Toyota, with an array of advanced features including double airbags, ABS with EBD, Vehicle Stability Control, and the Toyota Safety Sense suite, which has sophisticated technologies such as a Pre-Collision System and Lane Departure Alert. Besides being known for their efficiency and reliability, Toyota engines are also known for their ruggedness. With the Fortuner, for instance, you can get a 2.8-liter diesel engine that pumps out 201 bhp and a 2.7-liter petrol engine that gives you 164 bhp on the Innova Crysta. Toyota's commitment to innovation as well as sustainability is one of the major reasons why the company is still the leader in the automotive industry.

Honda Motor Co., Ltd., founded in 1948, is a Japanese globally operating corporation that has a reputation for its engineering and automotive innovations. Honda has its base in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, and it has successfully penetrated the Indian market with a wide range of vehicles. Honda cars stand out with their striking, aerodynamic configurations as can be seen in top models such as Honda City and Honda CR-V, both of which flaunt stylish outsides and high-tech comfortable interiors. Honda is very concerned about safety, which is why standard features like dual airbags, ABS with EBD, and the Advanced Compatibility Engineering (ACE) body structure come with their cars.

Honda Motor

This is complemented by the Honda Sensing suite of safety technologies that include features such as Collision Mitigation Braking System and Lane Keeping Assist that provide extra protection to passengers. Honda is known for their excellence in all respects, but the City comes with a 1.5-liter i-VTEC engine that gives 119 bhp, while the CR-V has a 2.0-liter engine that generates 152 bhp. The unwavering commitment of Honda to innovation, performance, and road safety further engraves its existence in the minds of Indian consumers.

Škoda Auto is a renowned automaker known for producing vehicles that blend luxury and practicality, founded in 1895 in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic. In India, Skoda has made significant strides with its premium offerings that cater to discerning consumers. Skoda cars are designed with a focus on elegance and functionality, evident in models like the Škoda Octavia and Škoda Kodiaq, which feature sharp lines and spacious, luxurious interiors. Safety is a priority for Škoda, with vehicles equipped with multiple airbags, ABS with EBD, Electronic Stability Control, and Rear Parking Sensors.

Skoda Auto

Škoda engines are crafted for performance and efficiency, with the Octavia featuring a 2.0-liter TSI petrol engine that delivers an impressive 190 bhp, and the Kodiaq offering a 2.0-liter TDI diesel engine producing 148 bhp. The Škoda Octavia is well-regarded for its smooth ride and high-quality interior, which includes a 10-inch touchscreen infotainment system and a virtual cockpit. The Škoda Kodiaq, on the other hand, is a spacious SUV that offers excellent off-road capabilities and a luxurious cabin. Škoda's commitment to producing vehicles that combine innovation, safety, and elegance has solidified its presence in the Indian market, appealing to those who seek both comfort and performance in their cars.

9. Volkswagen

Volkswagen, the origin of Volkswagen in 1937 sounds like a tale of the German state automobile manufacturer that had been producing cars reliable and well-engineered for decades. The company is headquartered in Wolfsburg, Germany, and is known for its precise engineering and uncompromised quality. Volkswagen India offers a diverse portfolio of cars not only for those who heat their hearts with motors but also for those who are not fanatics, but use them for work and everyday driving . As the brand's signature image is captured in the sleek exteriors and high-quality interior of advanced infotainment systems, models like Polo and Tiguan embody the design philosophy of Volkswagen.


Volkswagen is safety-conscious and integrates features like ABS, electronic stability control, multiple airbags, and rear parking sensors across its entire lineup. The engines of VW cars are intentionally set to be both very efficient and very powerful, with the Polo having a 1.0 lTSI gasoline engine with 108 horsepower and the Tiguan flaunting a 2.0 lTSI engine with 187 horsepower. VW's commitment to engineering perfection and technology is still the preference among Indian customers who are looking for precision and reliability in their cars.

10. Renault

Renault, a French corporation of car manufacturers, was founded in 1899 and has its headquarters in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. Renault is widely acknowledged for its creative designs and for providing cars which not only look good but are also comfortable and practical. In India, Renault has created a special place in the market by introducing models such as the Renault Kwid and Renault Duster, which are made to provide a combination of aesthetic and functional appeal.


The Renault Kwid is selling like hotcakes, especially because of its stylistic design, which makes it look like an SUV while being very compact and suited for the city. T he Duster, in contrast, is a sporty SUV that offers good off-road performance and roomy cabins. Renault puts a cardinal focus on safety, incorporating into its vehicles things like dual airbags, ABS with EBD, and reverse parking sensors . The engines from Renault are not only efficient but also perform well, with the Kwid model using a 1.0-litre petrol engine providing 67 bhp and the Duster model with a 1.3-litre turbo petrol engine giving 154 bhp. Renault's commitment to inventive solutions has become a key reason Indian consumers have been drawn to the brand, who value the exclusive look and solid performance.

Final Thought

At Indian Retailer, we understand Automobile industry is driving the market crazy with unique style and innovative technology. It's important to understand how impactful this industry is, so we have made a list of the top 10 car brands in India with the details of brands, their style, and technology. Above we have mentioned all the information anyone needs to know about the brands to understand the top car brands in India in detail.

FAQs on Top Car Brands in India

1. Which is the No. 1 car brand in India?

Maruti Suzuki is India's Most Popular Automobile Brand. The company has operated for over 40 years and has a wide range of cars to offer, from compact hatchbacks to SUVs.

2. How many car brands are there in India?

It's no surprise that there are over 35 global and Indian car brands active in the country.

3. What is the most expensive car?

The most expensive car ever sold in the world is the Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé, which sold for $142 million in 2022 through RM Sotheby's. 

4. Which car is safest in India?

The Tata Harrier is the safest Indian car as per Global NCAP adult safety ratings. The Harrier prioritizes safety by boasting six airbags as standard, with top-tier variants featuring a driver knee airbag.

5. Which is India's most selling car?

Maruti Suzuki manufactures the best-selling cars in India. 

  • Maruti Suzuki
  • Tata Motors
  • Mahindra & Mahindra

Why 72 pc of Indian Shoppers Are Embracing AI Chatbots for Online Purchases

Indian online shoppers exhibit distinct behaviors and preferences, placing a high value on brand trust and the quality of products and services. Indian online shoppers are tech-savvy and value efficiency, relevance, and personalized experiences. Social media ads, search filters, and technologies like AI chatbots and QR codes play significant roles in their shopping journeys.

The Power of Social Media Advertising

According to a survey by Capterra, despite the ubiquitous nature of ads, they remain a potent tool for reaching online consumers. The survey revealed that 70 percent of respondents had purchased one or more products after seeing a social media ad in the past 12 months. Additionally, 69 percent of these shoppers sought more information about a product after viewing an ad, while 65 percent followed the brand. This indicates that even when social media ads do not lead to immediate purchases, they generate significant engagement and build a potential customer base for future sales.

The engagement sparked by these ads extends beyond initial interest, fostering continuous interaction with brands. This ongoing dialogue allows brands to consistently deliver relevant content, updates, and offers to their followers, reinforcing brand presence and increasing the likelihood of converting engagement into sales.

Relevance of Ads

73 percent of respondents found ads acceptable if they were relevant to their interests. This highlights the importance of effectively targeting the right audience. Businesses can leverage marketing automation software to analyze customer data, segment audiences, and deliver personalized content that is more likely to engage and convert.

Interestingly, 53 percent of respondents indicated they found ads for products they had not previously shown interest in acceptable. This presents a significant opportunity for companies to use social media platforms to attract new customers, not just reach existing ones. In a dynamic market like India, where half of consumers are open to discovering new products through social media, effective targeting becomes crucial.

The Role of Search Filters in Online Shopping

Search filters play a significant role in online shopping. The survey found that 52 percent of respondents always use search filters to narrow their product searches, while 36 percent use them often, and 11 percent use them sometimes. However, there are areas for improvement. About 46 percent of respondents found search filters too specific, and 40 percent felt overwhelmed by too many filters.

Too many search filters can confuse and frustrate customers, potentially leading to a loss of interest or search abandonment. Direct and relevant search filters can improve user experience and expose shoppers to products they might not have initially considered.

Growing Interest in Chatbots and QR Codes

Technology has significantly transformed the online shopping experience, making it more efficient and enjoyable. The survey revealed that 51 percent of respondents are interested in using AI chatbots and QR codes for shopping online. These technologies simplify the shopping process and enhance decision-making and satisfaction.

AI chatbots provide real-time, 24/7 customer service, offering tailored recommendations and assisting with purchases. QR codes offer a quick way to access product information, promotional offers, and digital services. These tools make the shopping experience more dynamic and engaging, helping customers find and buy what they need more efficiently.

The Future of AI-Enabled Shopping

The survey indicated that 72 percent of respondents have used AI-enabled chatbots to search for products online and would like to use them again. This growing interest highlights a shift towards a more convenient and interactive shopping experience. According to a Gartner report, by 2026, 50 percent of customer service and support organizations will have implemented GenAI-driven virtual assistants for customer-facing tasks.

GenAI chatbots can simulate human-like conversations, efficiently route conversations to relevant stakeholders, offer personalized responses, and help visualize content. These advancements can significantly enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

Challenges and Opportunities for Businesses

While technology enhances the online shopping experience, not all consumers feel the same way. About 8 percent of respondents who have used chatbots do not plan to use them again. This indicates that there is still work to be done to improve these tools and address customer concerns.

Businesses must optimize their e-commerce platforms and marketing strategies to gain insights into consumer behaviors and preferences. Enhancing search filters to be more user-friendly and implementing personalized marketing tactics can help companies better connect with online consumers. By focusing on efficiency, customization, and relevance, businesses can increase customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Indian online shoppers are tech-savvy and value efficiency, relevance, and personalized experiences. Social media ads, search filters, and technologies like AI chatbots and QR codes play significant roles in their shopping journeys. Businesses that recognize and adapt to these behaviors will be better positioned to engage and convert this dynamic consumer base. By leveraging advanced technologies and personalized marketing strategies, companies can enhance their online presence, build brand trust, and drive sales in the ever-evolving Indian market.
  • Consumer trends
  • Artificial intelligence

How Amazon India is Bringing International Beauty Brands to Every Pin Code

India’s beauty market is a burgeoning arena, forecasted to reach a staggering $46 billion in the coming years. International brands are keenly eyeing this vast potential, and Amazon India stands at the helm of this transformation, leveraging its vast reach and robust infrastructure to cater to the burgeoning demand. In an exclusive interaction with Indian Retailer, Zeba Khan, Director, Fashion and Beauty, Amazon India, shared fascinating insights into how the e-commerce giant is navigating this exciting market.

Surge of Global Brands

"You're absolutely right. The Indian beauty market is so ripe," Zeba begins, setting the stage for our discussion. "E-commerce in India is still only about 20 percent of the market. The Indian beauty customer is spending less than one-fourth of what a person in China spends on beauty,” she notes, highlighting the untapped potential in the market. To bridge this gap, Amazon India launched the Global Beauty Store, a curated collection of trending international brands. “We have 60-plus international brands and over 5,000 products on that store,” she adds. This initiative has seen tremendous success, with a 2.5x spike in traffic on launch day alone, underscoring the excitement among Indian consumers for global beauty products.

One of the standout features of Amazon’s approach is its ability to democratize access to these international brands. “We serve almost all the pin codes in India, bringing these products to the doorstep of the last pin code at the convenience of a click,” Zeba proudly states. This level of accessibility ensures that even consumers in remote areas can enjoy the latest beauty trends from around the world.

Trends in Luxury Beauty

Luxury beauty is a fast-evolving segment in India, with perfumes and makeup leading the charge. “Perfumes remain evergreen, with brands like Carolina Herrera now available on our platform,” Zeba shares. The makeup segment is also booming, with renowned brands like Anastasia Beverly Hills making their debut on Amazon India. This marks a notable trend where luxury makeup brands are gaining traction, whereas previously, the focus was more on skincare and perfumes.

Interestingly, there is a growing interest in derma brands. “Indian consumers are very particular about their skin type and ingredients,” Zeba observes. This shift is driven by increased consumer awareness and interest in the specific ingredients and types of skincare products. Indian customers are now well-informed about national brands and equally discerning about the ingredients in these products. As a result, there's a growing trend of people consulting dermatologists and using derma products without hesitation.

To cater to this demand, Amazon launched the Derma Store, offering a curated selection of derma products and expert consultations. “This platform is highly educational and informative, featuring experts who customers can consult. It offers a curated selection of products, providing customers with reliable and specialized skincare options,” she adds.

A Diverse Portfolio

While international brands are a major draw, Amazon India is equally committed to promoting homegrown brands. “We have more than 1,300 homegrown trending direct-to-consumer brands,” Zeba reveals. This diverse portfolio ensures that customers have access to a wide range of products, catering to varied preferences and needs.

For Zeba, this extensive selection is a personal boon. “I shop for Moroccan Oil for haircare, and derma brands for my sensitive skin,” she shares. The vast array of options allows her to explore new brands and products regularly, a perk she relishes.

The beauty industry is no longer the exclusive domain of women. Men’s beauty is a rapidly growing segment, with skincare leading the charge. “Last year, we saw growth in men’s skincare, but now makeup is also picking up,” Zeba notes. Indian brands are catering to diverse skin tones and preferences, encouraging more men to experiment with makeup.

The Beauty Sale

Amazon’s Beauty Sale is a much-anticipated event, offering up to 70 percent off on a wide range of products. “This is our fourth edition. The sale features 8,000-plus deals across international and homegrown brands, with categories like skincare, makeup, and luxury beauty seeing significant traction,” she shares. But the Beauty Sale is more than just discounts. “We have continuous live sessions on our app with derma and makeup experts, social media giveaways, and exciting contests,” Zeba highlights. Additionally, the Amazon Beautyverse brings top creators together to network and educate customers, making the shopping experience both enjoyable and informative.

Exclusive collaborations are a cornerstone of Amazon’s strategy to offer unique products to its customers. “We launched St. Botanica perfumes exclusively with us,” Zeba shares. These perfumes feature scents crafted from the world’s best ingredients, offering a diverse selection to consumers. In the skincare segment, Amazon partnered with CeraVe, a US derma brand in India. “While it wasn’t exclusive with us, we are one of the first few e-commerce partners offering this brand,” Zeba states, expressing excitement about this collaboration.


Amazon India’s vision for the future of beauty shopping is clear: to provide an unparalleled selection of products, ensure authenticity, and offer a seamless and informative shopping experience. With initiatives like the Global Beauty Store, Derma Store, and exclusive collaborations, Amazon is well on its way to transforming the beauty landscape in India.

Zeba Khan’s insights paint a vivid picture of an industry on the brink of a major evolution. As international and homegrown brands converge on the Indian market, consumers stand to benefit from a plethora of choices, expert guidance, and the convenience of shopping from the comfort of their homes. The treasure trove of beauty is truly being unlocked, one click at a time.

  • Amazon India
  • Indian Beauty Industry
  • Beauty Products
  • Beauty & Personal Care Market

How Bharat’s Small Towns Are Driving India’s $300 Bn Retail Future

In recent years, Bharat has witnessed a significant shift in the eCommerce landscape. Traditionally dominated by major urban centers like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, the spotlight is now turning towards non-metro areas where the eCommerce revolution is thriving. 

Shiprocket’s latest report titled “How MSMEs of Bharat sell online” sheds light on this transformation, revealing intriguing trends and data that highlight the expanding reach and evolving nature of online retail in Bharat.

71 Percent of Orders from Small Towns

One of the standout findings from the report is the substantial shift of eCommerce activity from metropolitan cities to non-metro areas. In 2023, approximately 71 percent of all online orders originated from these smaller towns and rural regions. This trend underscores a pivotal change in India's retail dynamics, with rural and semi-urban areas becoming significant contributors to the eCommerce growth narrative.

"This shift is a clear indicator of the burgeoning potential in Bharat’s smaller towns," said Atul Mehta, CEO of Domestic Shipping at Shiprocket. "It highlights the immense opportunity for eCommerce growth beyond just the traditional urban centers. The rise in digital access and smartphone usage in these regions is transforming them into vital hubs of online shopping."

Changing Consumer Preferences

Consumer behavior has also evolved, particularly with regards to shopping patterns. MSMEs have noted that 84 percent of their orders are placed over weekends, indicating a preference for shopping during leisure time. The report also reveals that personal care products are leading the charge, accounting for 27 percent of all orders in early 2024. Apparel & footwear and electronics follow, capturing 20 and 9 percent of orders, respectively.

"Understanding these trends is crucial for MSMEs as they navigate the competitive eCommerce landscape. The weekend shopping spike presents a significant opportunity for targeted marketing and promotional strategies. Additionally, the increasing trust in digital payments, with 42 percent of buyers preferring prepaid methods, reflects a growing confidence in online transactions,” explains Mehta.

MSMEs Embrace WhatsApp and Data Analytics

As eCommerce continues to evolve, MSMEs are increasingly integrating advanced technology solutions to enhance their operations. A notable trend is the growing adoption of WhatsApp for direct marketing, with usage rising from 25 to 30 percent among small and medium-sized businesses. This shift towards instant communication channels reflects a broader move towards more personalized and efficient customer interactions.

"WhatsApp and other direct communication tools are revolutionizing how MSMEs engage with their customers. The rise in usage from 25 to 30 percent among SMBs underscores the shift towards more immediate and personal marketing channels. This trend is a testament to the increasing importance of real-time interaction in building customer relationships," said Mehta.

Furthermore, data analytics tools are becoming indispensable for MSMEs. By leveraging these tools, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, optimize their product offerings, and make informed decisions. "The integration of data analytics is empowering MSMEs to refine their strategic planning and respond more effectively to market trends," Mehta added.

The $300 Billion Vision

The report emphasizes the potential of the Indian eCommerce market, projected to reach $300 billion by 2030. This growth trajectory is expected to be driven by inclusive development, with women-led MSMEs playing a crucial role. Currently, women-led businesses account for 20.5 percent of all registered MSMEs and generate 19 percent of employment, reflecting their significant contribution to the market.

"Sustainability and inclusivity are not just trends; they are shaping the future of eCommerce in Bharat. Women entrepreneurs are making significant strides, and their stories are inspiring. The focus on sustainability, from eco-friendly packaging to ethically sourced products, is also driving consumer preferences and business practices," Mehta noted. 

Sustainability is also becoming a key factor, with a rising demand for eco-friendly practices and ethically sourced products. MSMEs are adapting to these changes by adopting sustainable packaging and exploring environmentally friendly logistics solutions. " Consumers today are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases, MSMEs that embrace these sustainable practices will not only meet consumer expectations but also stand out in a competitive market," Mehta observed. 

Indian Brands Making Their Mark Globally

The report also touches on the growing trend of Indian brands expanding internationally. As Indian eCommerce businesses gain traction with unique and well-crafted product offerings, many are finding success beyond domestic borders. " Brands that offer specialized and differentiated products, such as those targeting specific needs like curly hair care, are not just catering to the Indian market but are also making a mark globally, " Mehta observed.

This international expansion is facilitated by the strong foundation and success of these brands in the domestic market. With a compelling brand story and a clear value proposition, Indian eCommerce businesses are well-equipped to enter and compete in global markets. The strength of Indian brands lies in their unique value propositions and the ability to tell compelling stories. When these brands succeed in India, they are well-positioned to replicate that success internationally.

Insights and Opportunities for MSMEs

"As we look towards the future, it is clear that India is poised to become a major player in the global eCommerce arena. The growth of MSMEs, especially those from non-metro areas and led by women entrepreneurs, is a testament to the vibrant and dynamic nature of our digital economy," said Saahil Goel, MD & CEO, Shiprocket. 

The eCommerce sector in Bharat is experiencing a transformative phase, with non-metro areas emerging as key contributors to growth. The evolving consumer preferences, technological advancements, and the increasing focus on sustainability and international expansion are shaping the future of online retail in India. As MSMEs continue to embrace these changes, the potential for further growth and innovation remains boundless.

  • growth in India:

Rural FMCG Sector in India Poised for Significant Growth with 6.1 pc Increase in Current Fiscal

The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector in India is poised for a notable shift, driven by robust growth in the rural market. The rural FMCG volume is expected to grow by 6.1 percent in the current fiscal year, up from 4.4 percent the previous year. This projection presents a strong positive outlook, especially in contrast to the urban market, which is predicted to remain relatively flat at 4.2 percent.

The Rural Challenge: A Seismic Shift

According to a recent report by Kantar Worldpanel, titled 'The Rural Challenge,' suggests that the rural market is on the brink of a significant transformation. Stability in the macro market is anticipated to catalyze this change, potentially enabling rural volumes to catch up with urban growth. Currently, the rural market generates half of the FMCG volume and value in India, underscoring its importance to the sector. The report also highlights that growth in rural areas is largely population-driven rather than consumption-driven.

Premiumization and Evolving Consumer Preferences

Kantar's findings indicate a notable trend towards premiumization in the FMCG sector. As rural consumers experience a higher standard of living, there is an increasing demand for premium products. Categories such as food spreads and dressings, face scrubs, body washes, hair conditioning serums, muesli, and Korean noodles are seeing heightened consumer interest. This shift mirrors trends in other sectors where consumers are willing to pay more for products that elevate their experience.

Additionally, products that simplify daily life and save time are gaining popularity. Liquid dishwashing soaps, liquid detergents, ready-to-cook mixes, cornflakes, oats, frozen foods, and fabric conditioners are among the categories witnessing increased demand. In personal care, items that address specific consumer needs, such as targeted skin creams, sensitive toothpaste, roll-on deodorants, tampons, and prickly heat-cooling powders, are also experiencing higher growth.

Healthier Alternatives and Quick Commerce

There is a growing preference for healthier alternatives within the FMCG sector. Products such as healthy bread, various types of healthy oil (olive, canola, rice bran, flaxseed), sweeteners, sugar-free cold drinks, dark chocolates, and healthy biscuits are becoming increasingly popular. This shift is part of a broader trend where consumers are making more health-conscious choices.

Moreover, the adoption of e-commerce and quick commerce channels is accelerating. Quick commerce, in particular, is seeing significant growth in premium categories, with users frequently purchasing larger packs. This trend indicates a shift in consumer behavior towards convenience and faster delivery times, which are becoming critical factors in purchasing decisions.

Leading FMCG Brands: Parle and Britannia Dominate

The latest Kantar Brand Footprint India 2024 report sheds light on the most chosen FMCG brands in the country. Parle has maintained its top spot as the most chosen in-home FMCG brand for the 12th consecutive year, with a Consumer Reach Points (CRP) score of 7,980 million. Britannia follows closely with a CRP score of 7,937 million. Other leading brands include Amul (6,137 million), Clinic Plus (4,144 million), and Tata Consumer Products (3,035 million).

CRP is a metric that measures brand popularity and reach by combining penetration (the percentage of households buying the brand), frequency (how often they buy it), and population (total households). This metric provides a comprehensive view of a brand's strength and consumer preference.

Out-of-Home Consumption Trends

Britannia leads the out-of-home brand rankings with 628 million CRP points, surpassing Haldiram’s (442 million), Cadbury's (427 million), Balaji (362 million), and Parle (302 million). The report indicates that out-of-home consumption is on the rise, driven by different choice triggers compared to in-home consumption.

Growth and Penetration Insights

Despite a general slowdown in CRP growth across sectors such as FMCG, foods, homecare, health and beauty, and beverages, the dairy sector showed resilience with a 2 percent growth. Haldiram’s and Balaji performed exceptionally well, entering the top 25 in-home brand list with over 30 percent growth in 2023. Brands like Sunfeast, Sunsilk, Stayfree, and Oreo made significant penetration gains, reaching the top 10 list.

K. Ramakrishnan, Managing Director of the South Asia Worldpanel division at Kantar, emphasizes that the increasing availability of brand options is evolving consumer choices in India. This evolution is reflected in the steady increase in CRPs, indicating that consumers are making more frequent purchase trips and expanding their options.

  • FMCG sector
  • Business Growth
  • rural India

Top 9 Young Entrepreneurs in India Acing the D2C Segment

The younger generation aims to reach new heights today, especially in entrepreneurship. Gone are the days when a traditional nine-to-five job was the only path to success. With the rise in technology and independence, young entrepreneurs in India are building their own legacies. Resources like online education, crowdfunding, and global market access have made everything easier to reach.

In India, 14 percent of 18-37-year-olds are getting into entrepreneurship. For these top young entrepreneurs in India, it’s not just about making money; it’s about creativity, innovation, and personal achievement. Among them, the top 9 young entrepreneurs in India are setting new standards and inspiring others. This trend has led to a rise in famous young entrepreneurs in India who are making big strides in their fields.

These successful young entrepreneurs in India are especially impressive because they show great drive and creativity. They are not just building businesses but also making meaningful contributions to the economy and society.

Top 9 Successful Young Entrepreneurs in India

Here is a list of the top young entrepreneurs in India in 2024.

Anchit and Adwaita Nayar Nykaa
Gazal Alagh and Varun Alagh  Mamaearth
Ankit Nagori Curefoods
Bala Sarda Vahdam
Dhvanil Sheth Skillmatics
Ankit Garg and Chaitanya Ramalingegowda Wakefit
Manoj Meena  Atomberg
Harsh Lal Souled Store
Siddharth Dungarwal Snitch

1. Anchit and Adwaita Nayar- Nykaa

Anchit and Adwaita Nayar : Top Entrepreneurs in India

Anchit Nayar, a successful Indian entrepreneur, is the chief executive officer of the beauty e-commerce giant with ten years of experience in marketing, retail and banking serving in expanding Nykaa retail stores. Adwaita Nayar is also the Chief executive officer of the company. She has instituted Nykaa Fashion Business by supervising NykaaFashion.com with more than ten years of experience in the equity market, fashion and retail.

At the age of 50, Falguni (mother) started the company from scratch with $2 million in 2012 and now has GVM (gross merchandise value) of $1 million during FY2024 a 25 percent year-on-year increase. The Omnichannel company trades in cosmetics and fashion in both men's and women's gentry. The Fashion and beauty retail brand is projected to shoot up 20 percent in CAGR. The B2B segment called the superstore and media arm had grown to Rs 835 crore (59 percent).

Read More:  Female Entrepreneurs : 7 Retail Empires Built in India (2024)

2. Gazal Alagh and Varun Alagh – Mamaearth

Gazal Alagh and Varun Alagh, are successful Indian entrepreneurs and the founder of Mamaearth . The journey of the Rs 2,488 crore personal care company, started when the parents-to-be were searching for toxin-free baby products for their firstborn. The fact that most of the parents were using deleterious products for their little ones, got Gazal (36) and Varun (38) young entrepreneurs in India,  to form a brand that uses well-researched methods to provide baby-safe items.

Mamaearth, a D2C brand, announced the highest quarterly net profit of Rs 30.5 crore for 2023-2024. Consolidated revenue increased by 21 percent year-on-year to Rs 471.1 crore in the fourth quarter of 2024. Mamaearth has grown sales by 21.5 percent and consolidated EBITDA at Rs 33 crore.

Gazal Alagh and Varun Alagh – Mamaearth: Top Young Entrepreneurs in India

Read More:  How the Emergence of Young Entrepreneurs is Reshaping the Notion of Youth in Biz

3. Ankit Nagori - Curefoods

Ankit Nagori (36) an Indian entrepreneur, came across the idea to jump-start a food delivery company, Curefoods in 2020. As time passed, the company climbed the ladder of cloud kitchen by collaborating with various brands. Today, Curefoods has eight affiliated brands named - EATFIT, Sharif Bhai, Olio, Great Indian Khichdi, Rolls on Wheels, Nomad Pizza, CakeZone, Millet Express, Chaat Street and Juno’s. Curefoods focuses on developing food that is made on a sustainable basis, chemical-free items that are loved by consumers covering 75 percent of India’s online food market. Ankit is well-known in both private and professional spheres for his perennial drive for food and fitness, pushing his devotion to the field.

Curefoods, a F&B company has over 200 cloud kitchens and offline stores serving over 10 cuisines between 15 cities in India generating an annual revenue of Rs 412 crore ($51.3 million) for FY2023. It has taken second place in the list of largest cloud kitchen players in India with the philosophy to be a chemical-free, ISO-certified kitchen and hygienic food provider.

Ankit Nagori - Curefoods: Top Young Entrepreneurs in India

4. Bala Sarda- Vahdam

Bala Sarda (25) is a famous Indian entrepreneur in India, who started his business ‘Vahdam’ with the ancestry experience of 80 years in the tea industry. In 2015, to solve the problem of the massive gap of $90 billion in the tea market, he made fresh teas available to consumers worldwide using technology to deliver home-grown tea. He plans to take the Indian tea industry global.

Vahdam generated a revenue of Rs 26.2 million in FY 2023 with an increase of 5 percent CAGR. It generates 90 percent of the revenue from e-commerce and other online sales platforms rest 10 percent from offline presence. Vahdam has 6500 stores globally including the US, Canada and Europe are the main consumer-centric countries. 

Bala Sarda- Vahdam: Top Young Entrepreneurs in India

5. Dhvanil Sheth- Skillmatics

Dhvanil Sheth (29), a successful Indian entrepreneur, founded Skillmatics in 2016. When he saw his nephew going through a book he realized learning could be done through games. A mover and shaker educational product brand is committed to developing innovative games that build essential skills in children. He started by investing $50.000 and came up with early learning games to help children gain knowledge without applications and smart electronics.

The brand has over 20,000 retail stores worldwide with an omnichannel distribution model. The plan for the company is to hold a dominant position in the global market by expanding product assortment and getting deeper into online as well as offline channels. Skillmatics generated a revenue of $5.9 million (Rs 47.7 crore) and net profit.

Dhvanil Sheth- Skillmatics: Top Young Entrepreneurs in India

6. Ankit Garg and Chaitanya Ramalingegowda - Wakefit

Ankit Garg and Chaitanya Ramalingegowda, young entrepreneurs in India, founded ‘Wakefit’ in 2016 with a well-researched and innovation-driven home and sleep solution brand. Director and Co-founder Chaitanya Ramalingegowda with more than 20 years of experience in managerial capacities in large and start-up companies, looks upon all front-end operations such as sales, marketing, technology and consumer experience. Ankit Garg Co-founder of Wakefit leads the product development, design, research and innovation operations for the company with over 10 years of experience in the professional domain.

Wakefit, a sleep and home solution company, follows a niche delivery model with a product-oriented approach that exercises research and innovation to be ahead of the industry. As of FY 2023, the company has a valuation of $ 275 million and an annual revenue of $102 million along with total funding of $145 million.

Ankit Garg and Chaitanya Ramalingegowda - Wakefit: Top 9 Young Entrepreneurs in India

7. Manoj Meena - Atomberg

Manoj Meena is a young Indian entrepreneur who noticed an energy efficiency problem in India. To solve the concern they catered to making energy-efficient smart appliances like the smart BLDC fans which reduce energy consumption by up to 65 percent. The story of Atomberg starts with two IIT Bombay friends,  Manoj Meena and Sibabrata Das. 

Atomberg is a pioneer in the premium fans segment along with expanding newer categories like mixers, grinders and smart locks. The company has more than 30,000 retail stores across 400 tons in India and also has a presence in all e-commerce platforms. The company has an annual revenue of $80.9 million and a valuation of $359 million as of FY2023.

Manoj Meena - Atomberg: Top 9 Young Entrepreneurs in India

8. Harsh Lal- Souled Store

Harsh Lal, a young entrepreneur in India and the owner of Souled Store founded the brand in 2013 to overcome the gap between fashion and customers. Harsh Lal is the modern-day entrepreneur and the co-founder of the souled store overseeing licensing, retail and marketplaces for the biggest brand for offline merchandise with products from T-shirts, backpacks, and phone covers to socks and badges.

The company has an annual funding of $29.4 million and a valuation of $98.6 million in FY2023 with a total funding of $29.7 million. 

Harsh Lal- Souled Store: Top 9 Young Entrepreneurs in India

9. Siddharth Dungarwal- Snitch

Siddharth Dungarwal,  a successful young entrepreneur and the founder of Snitch, always had a passion for fashion, he entered into the industry mainly self-tutored and started by providing products under the Snitch label, distributing to different retailers. It started with the D2C brand through “snitch.co.in” a website offering unconventional styles in male fashion.

The brand has achieved a GVM of Rs 400 crore and sets its sights to reach Rs 600 crore at the end of FY2024. 80 percent of the operating revenue is driven by the men's fashion category with a 130 percent increase in sales. 

Siddharth Dungarwal- Snitch: Top 9 Young Entrepreneurs in India

Final Outlook 

In the Indian Retailer's eye, the country is a hub of opportunities for young entrepreneurs. Everyone has a new idea to develop and produce, filling the gaps in the market. Making it easier for customers to attain their needs. Bring creative thoughts and knowledge for others to gather, and achieve entrepreneurial goals. These top 9 young entrepreneurs in India are a great inspiration for the youth of the country. Get inspired and start your venture!

What is a young entrepreneur?

A young adult who starts a business in a particular field. A person who thinks about taking a risk and starting a new venture from scratch along with contributing towards society as well.

Who is the most famous young entrepreneur in India?

Gazal Alagh and Varun Alagh followed by Anchit Adwaita Nayar and Ankit Nagori are the top 3 most famous young entrepreneurs in India.

Who is the first woman entrepreneur in India?

Kalpana Saroj is the first woman entrepreneur in India.

Top 10 Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India 2024 - Top Picks

Ever imagine why smartwatches are more popular than regular watches? Because they can do so much more than just tell you the time and date. From tracking your steps and distance, counting the calories burned, to watching your heart rate and monitoring your sleep patterns, they are your personal trainers. So are you excited to uncover more features about the top 10 best budget smartwatch brands in India? Let’s find out who’s leading the Indian market size of $33.58 billion and what are your best options.

10 Best Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India 2024 - Top Picks

Below are the top 10 affordable smartwatch brands that are leading the Indian market with budget-friendly prices.

Check More:  Top 10 Ladies Watch Brands in India

BoAt is one of the leading earwear audio brands in India, founded by Aman Gupta and Sameer Mehta in 2014, headquartered in Mumbai. BoAt quickly became famous in India's wearable technology market. The boAt also provides a reasonable price range of Rs 800 to Rs 6,000 of smartwatches, so you can be sure that this is one of the most affordable brands showcasing its tech products.

BoAt : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

The most popular boAt products include functionalities such as bright displays, and also health monitoring services. The Xtend series possesses a 1.69-inch screen with Alexa built-in, interchangeable watch faces, and a SpO2 monitor, which is a very useful and good thing for people who care about their health. At the same time, the brand is tied up with IPL teams for its marketing which is the other part of the reason why its status is the best as a tech company. The name 'boAt' is a very interesting one, and it represents a journey that is not lost in the sea of technology and lifestyle products, which in a way, is the brand's strength of resilience and innovation.

Best-Selling Models:

BoAt Ultima Connect Max Rs 1,149
BoAt Storm Rs 1,099
BoAt Xtend‌ Rs 999

Check More:  Top 10 Affordable Watch Brands in India for Every Style

NOISE started its journey selling smartphone accessories but it’s today renowned for smart wearable and wireless headphones. The name is now a highly recognized technology brand in India. The name NOISE represents the voice inside each of us, the only voice which can push each one of us every day for the daily hustle and win in life. And that NOISE gave the wings to both Gaurav Khatri and Amit Khatri to come into existence in 2014 as the creators of Noise. The brand is based in Gurugram and offers affordable and budget-friendly smartwatches which are loved by people with different interests and are in the price range of Rs 1,000 to 8,000.

NOISE : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

Among the most popular models that Noise produces are the ColorFit Pro 4. Its ColorFit Pro 4 is the name of a watch that has a 1.72-inch touchscreen, along with 24/7 heart rate tracking and SpO2 measurement, making it an optimum choice for fitness freaks. Noise is among the few who are trying to take technology to the heights of innovation through products like AMOLED screens, Customizable Watch faces, and Seamless smartphone Integration. With a gonoise.com platform dedicated to lifestyle gadgets, Noise frequently introduces creations that are out of the ordinary to the market, thus underlining the company's philosophy.

Color Fit Pulse 4 Max Rs 2,499
Noise Fit Halo Plus Rs  2,799
Color Fit Pro 5 Rs 3,599

Titan, a trusted brand in the Indian watch industry, was founded by Xerxes Desai in 1984. Headquartered in Bengaluru, Titan is part of the Tata Group and has made a significant impact in the smartwatch segment with a price range of Rs 2,500 to 25,000. Popular models like the Titan Crest and Titan Smart offer a blend of elegance and advanced technology. Titan brings you a lot of smartwatches that can meet different tastes and needs, nowadays. The Titan Smart Watch with a 4.97 cm Super AMOLED display comes with SingleSync Bluetooth, AI assistant, and a durable IP68 rating.

Titan  : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

Similarly, the Titan Crest features a 3.63 cm AMOLED display with Always-On functionality, a crown that helps in easy navigation, and supports Bluetooth calling Titan Celestor has highly accurate GPS for tracking, an altimeter, and a barometer, is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts for reliability. Associated with brands like Tanishq, Fastrack, and Sonata, 

Titan Smart Watch with 4.97 CM Super AMOLED Display Rs 4,995
Titan Crest Rs 5,995
Titan Celestor Advanced GPS & Barometer 3.6 CM AMOLED Display Rs 9,995

Timex , a watch brand with a rich heritage, was started named Waterbury Clock Company in 1854. It was purchased by Thomas Olsen and renamed to Timex which is based in Middlebury, Connecticut, US. Timex has a stronghold in the Indian market with budget-friendly smartwatches ranging from Rs 1,000 to ₹15,000. The Timex iConnect Active is one of the top models. The iConnect Active comes with a touchscreen display, which is the main feature that sets it apart, and the ability to change the watch faces and the 24/7 monitoring are cool features.

Timex Watch : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

The brand Timex has been giving the market the impression of being classic and reliable with a timeless design and great performance, the main features that users see when using them to monitor their health. With brands like Adidas, Guess and Versace under its umbrella, Timex progresses to develop its partner-built reputation of innovation and mass appeal, thus maintaining its name, which merges 'Time' with 'Kleenex.'

Best-Selling Mod els:

Timex IConnect Calling+ Rs 1,795
Timex IConnect Calling+ 2.01 Rs 1,795
Timex iConnect Gen+ Rs 2,473

5. Fire-Boltt

Fire-Boltt is a smartwatch brand which is affordable and stylish at the same time was established by Arnav Kishore and Aayushi Kishore in the year 2015. Headquartered in New Delhi, Fire-Boltt is a brand that provides smartwatches which are priced between Rs 800 to 5,000. The brand offers a 1.39-inch AMOLED display, Bluetooth calling, and also an AI-based voice assistant, although its model is among the top ones appreciated for its full-touch display, SpO2 monitor, and sports modes.

Fire-Boltt : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

Fire-Boltt smartwatches are appreciated for their stylish design, and the cheap price tag of the watches, which also often include IP67 water resistance and multiple sports modes. The company is oriented toward the audio and fitness accessory devices segment and it offers a striking combination of both speed (Bolt) and passion (Fire) as seen in its vibrant product line-up. Bolt is partnered with Amazon, Croma, Reliance Digital, etc for its product sales in addition to their website.

Epic Plus Rs 899
Ninja 3 Plus Rs 999
Ultimate Rs 1,399
Expedition Rs 1,899

Hammer , the tech start-up wearable brand that offers smartwatches at a very stylish range of products at a very affordable price, was established by young spiritual leader, Rohit Nandwani, in 2019 and soon drew attention for its chicness and pocket-friendly price tags. Situated in Haryana, Hammer watches have costs ranging from Rs 1,000 to 4,000. Its products include LCD and AMOLED displays, a 1.69-inch display, SpO2, heart rate monitoring, and sports mode options, Pulse ACE comes out on top, whereas the simplicity of Solo catches the consumer's eye along with its health tracking options.

Hammer : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

This brand is centered on the creation of impressive and long-lasting devices that serve the purpose of fitness tracking and smart notifications. Their collaboration with the company Nykaa allows them to expand their production line.

ACE 3 Rs 1,099
PULSE ACE Rs 1,599
PULSE 2.0 Rs 1,749

7. Fastrack

Fastrack , which is a sub-brand of Titan, is a fashion accessory retail brand designed to attract the energetic youthful market. Established in 1998, the company’s headquarters is located in New Delhi, and the first store was opened early in 2009. The company's smartwatches are priced between Rs 1,500 to Rs 7000. Fastrack has released several wristwatches over the years, some of them, for example, Fastrack Reflex Hello and Fastrack Reflex Beat are their popular models.

Fastrack Smartwatch : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

Fastrack's emphasis on the latest style, and durability, and the Reflex mobile app that can provide a thorough classification of physical activities and fitness are among the company's attributes. Jointly with Titan, Sonata, and Tanishq, Fastrack will not lose its shine with the new generation, who are the major clients themselves because the brand name is synonymous with speed and modernity. Fastrack entered the Affordable Smart Segment with the launch of Reflex Beat+ in 2023.

Fastrack Reflex Beat Plus Rs 1,795
Fastrack Reflex Hello Rs 1,999
Fastrack Reflex Play Plus Rs 4,995

Pebble, a tech company that offers a diverse range of smartwatches is the most funded project of Kickstarter, funded around $10.3 million. Established in the year 2013 by Eric Migicovsky. Pebble has established its presence in the Indian market with smartwatches priced at Rs 1,000-6,000. The most sought-after ones are, however, the Pebble Revolve and Pebble Royal.

Pebble Smartwatch : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

Pebble smartwatches are widely granted for their sleek design and nifty pricing, allowing basic functions such as IP68 water resistance and various sports modes. The name 'Pebble' stands for simplicity and timelessness, with a focus on the creation of products that combine visual beauty with practical features. Pebble is partnered with Amazon, Myntra, Nykaa and Croma for its sales.

Pebble Dare Rs 1,499
Pebble Royal Rs 3,999
Pebble Revolve Rs 4,499

Redmi is one of the leaders in the smartwatch market thanks to its affordable and feature-rich products. It is part of the brand Xiaomi which was set up by Lei Jun in 2010. The brand is headquartered in Beijing, China. The Watch 3 Active and Watch 2 Lite models come with a 1.83-inch HD touchscreen display through which you can have a heart rate; it also offers over 110 fitness modes including 10 different water sports and can display information, such as OS.

Redmi Smartwatch : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

The Redmi smartwatches exclusively draw their success thanks to their mega battery life, state-of-the-art displays, and in-depth health options. Oftentimes these academic activities are at affordable prices. Dedicated to healthier living and healthy physical and mental development, these gadgets are part of the well-being approach that Tech can offer. The Mi. Fit app has been integrated with it to get all-round features and great usability and convenience.

Redmi Watch 3 Active Rs 2,599
Redmi Watch 2 Lite Rs 1,799

Maxima is a well-established name in the Indian watch industry, having expanded into the smartwatch sector with offerings that blend tradition with modern technology. Maxima was launched under P.A. Time Industries, founded in 1962 by Mr. GS Purewal. In India, It is headquartered in Solan, Himachal Pradesh and provides smartwatches in the affordable price range of Rs 1,500 to 5,000. Known for its commitment to quality and affordability, Maxima has a strong market presence with bestselling models like the Maxima Max Pro Hype and the Maxima Max Pro Fire.

Maxima Smartwatch : Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India

Maxima's smartwatches have a 1.83'' display with a tap advanced calling function. It uses an advanced JL7012 chipset and is enabled with features like AI voice assistant, inbuilt games, smart notifications and multiple cloud-based watch faces. Some of the models are also water resistant, include additional features like SPO2 and sleep monitoring, and are powered with the GloryFit app for user interaction. Maxima smartwatches are lauded for their user-friendly interface and reliability, appealing to consumers who seek a balance of technology and affordability. Maxima is partnered with Amazon, Ajio and Nykaa.

Max Pro Grand Rs 1,599
Max Pro Fire Rs 1,799
Max Pro Hype Rs 1,999

At Indian Retailer, we understand how important it is to know about the brands before purchasing any technical stuff, you need to know everything about the brand and its technology. So for that, we prepare a list of the top 10 affordable smartwatch brands in India to help you make an informed decision.

FAQs on Affordable Smartwatch Brands in India 

1. What is SpO2 in a smartwatch?

The term blood oxygen level, represented as Sp02, refers to the amount of oxygen saturation in the blood.

3. Which shape is better for a smartwatch?

There are two popular designs of smartwatches: round-faced and square-faced. Round-faced watches sell better than square-faced watches, most probably because of psychological reasons.

4. What is the life of a smartwatch?

Most smartwatches can last for 2 to 5 years depending on several factors, including the brand, model, and how often it is used.

5. Which watch brand is most famous in India?

Titan, BoAt, Timex, Fasttrack, and Noise are the popular choices in Smartwatches.

  • titan watches

From Metros to Tier I Cities, How Mars Wrigley Plans to Redefine Premium Gifting in India

Imagine unwrapping a gift so exquisite that it feels like a treasure trove of delights, each piece as precious as a jewel. Mars Wrigley India has just launched something that promises to redefine the way we think about gifting: GALAXY® Jewels. This isn’t just another box of chocolates — it's an experience, a statement, and a celebration all wrapped into one. From the moment you set eyes on its disruptive packaging to the last bite of its luxurious flavors, the newest entrant in the premier gifting market is designed to captivate and enchant.

The sleek, jewel-like design isn’t just about aesthetics; Mars Wrigley India has poured its legacy of over 20 years of global success into creating an offering that is as much about the visual and sensory pleasure as it is about taste. The box offers four individually wrapped flavors: Smooth Milk, Crispy, Caramel, and Dark Cream, and is available in two sizes — priced at Rs 299 and Rs 549.

 “At Mars Wrigley, we believe in the power of creating iconic brands that become a part of people’s fondest memories. GALAXY® Jewels embodies this philosophy with its luxurious pralines in delectable flavors and elegant packaging, making it the perfect gift to celebrate special moments. We are focusing on the fast growing premium gifting segment and this will make Galaxy’s play in India more complete,” says Nikhil Rao, Chief Marketing Officer, Mars Wrigley India.

A Strategic Move

With its focus on the fast-growing premium gifting segment, Mars Wrigley India is strategically positioning GALAXY® Jewels in the top tier of the market. The company is targeting e-commerce, modern trade, and standalone supermarkets, primarily in metros and Tier I cities. Rao explains, “Our focus right now is on the top end of India. We are going to participate in e-commerce, modern trade, and standalone supermarkets. It will largely be metros and Tier I cities.”

Quick commerce is an essential part of Mars Wrigley’s strategy. According to Rao, quick commerce has been growing rapidly and significantly contributes to the business. He confirms that the newest launch would be listed on quick commerce platforms, ensuring that consumers can quickly and easily purchase this luxurious treat.

When it comes to market penetration, Mars Wrigley India is taking a measured approach. “We are largely a premium player compared to the Indian market and we are focused on metros, Tier I and Tier II. We do not go beyond that. We have not entered rural India yet,” Rao shares. The company employs a hub-and-spoke mechanism to reach Tier II towns indirectly, ensuring focused and strategic growth.

Collaborations and Brand Extensions

Mars Wrigley India is open to collaborations and brand extensions, although no specific plans are in place yet for GALAXY® Jewels. Rao mentions that while they have done successful collaborations globally, they were still exploring opportunities in India. “We would be keen to partner with the right brand, the right company,” he says.

Looking ahead to FY25, Mars Wrigley India plans to continue its sequential expansion. “India is such a massive market. The chocolate category reaches out to 50 lakh stores, and today we are present in 5 or 6 lakh stores. It is an inch-by-inch, step-by-step kind of process,” explains Rao. The company’s focus will remain on core brands like Snickers, Galaxy, and Boomer, with innovation contributing to 10 percent of growth.

In an era where digital and social media marketing are crucial, Mars Wrigley India is tailoring its strategies to engage Gen Z. Rao acknowledges the short attention span of this demographic and emphasizes the importance of digital and social media marketing. “The TV is more geared towards their parents, I guess. And the younger ones,” he concludes.

Why Haier India's Hybrid Retail Model is the Future of Consumer Electronics

Haier India is blazing a trail in the consumer appliance market, redefining how traditional brands can evolve into modern, innovative hybrid retailers. NS Satish, President of Haier Appliances India, recently shared insights with IndianRetailer about the company’s transformation and its strategies to meet the dynamic demands of today’s consumers.

The Indian Consumer Electronics Landscape

India’s consumer electronics market is on a rapid growth trajectory, driven by rising disposable incomes and technological advancements. In FY24 (April-January), electronics exports reached $22.64 billion, and India aims to achieve $300 billion in electronics manufacturing and $120 billion in exports by FY26. By 2025, India’s Consumer Electronics and Appliances Industry is projected to be the fifth-largest globally. The market, valued at $9.84 billion in 2021, is expected to nearly double to $21.18 billion by 2025.

NS Satish notes, "The growth in India’s consumer electronics market presents both immense opportunities and intense competition. As a key player, Haier India is committed to leading this evolution through innovation and customer-centric strategies."

Overcoming Traditional Challenges

Transitioning from a traditional appliance brand to an omnichannel retailer has been a complex journey. Haier India faced several challenges, particularly in a high-involvement category where repurchase cycles are long. Satish explains, "We are in a high involvement category. The average life of a repurchase has dropped from 10 years to 6 or 7. This means consumers are more engaged and discerning."

One major shift for Haier was reducing the traditional product introduction cycle. "We moved from a traditional marketing focus to a digital-first strategy. This summer, we were print-free. Not a single newspaper ad was released," says Satish. This bold move reflects Haier's commitment to staying ahead of the curve.

Innovation at the Core

Haier’s commitment to innovation is evident in their product designs. For instance, their bottom-mounted refrigerator has been a game-changer. Satish elaborates, "We redesigned our refrigerators with the freezer at the bottom. This user-centric innovation has allowed us to capture 75 percent of the market in this segment."

Data-Driven Decision Making

In today’s competitive market, data analytics is crucial. Satish shares, "We combine data analytics with ground reports to make informed decisions. Experience alone is no longer sufficient; the market is evolving too quickly."

A notable example is Haier’s campaign for refrigerators. "We saw that the highest number of clicks was coming from Bihar. This insight led us to adjust our strategy and implement geo-fencing to better target our audience," Satish explains.

Understanding Consumer Segmentation

Haier India has tailored its marketing strategies based on household decision-makers. "In our market, different products are decided by different family members. Understanding these dynamics helps us tailor our strategies effectively," Satish says. This approach allows Haier to connect with various consumer segments more effectively.

Embracing Omnichannel Strategies

Haier’s omnichannel approach balances online and offline experiences. Satish emphasizes, "Price parity between offline and online channels is crucial. If there’s a discrepancy, it leads to dissatisfaction. We need to ensure a seamless experience across all touchpoints."

Dynamic pricing is another challenge. "Consumers are highly sensitive to price differences. They are willing to travel to save even a small amount. We have to manage this sensitivity carefully," Satish explains.

Adapting to Consumer Behavior Shifts

The shift towards online shopping for high-value items was surprising for Haier. "When we first ventured into e-commerce, we didn’t anticipate high-value items like side-by-side refrigerators selling online. Today, we sell over 2,000 of these refrigerators online every month. This shift highlights the importance of adapting to consumer preferences," Satish reveals.

Advice for Omnichannel Success

For brands aiming to thrive in an omnichannel environment, Satish offers valuable advice, "Understand the changing decision-making processes of consumers. They expect everything to happen instantly and online. Maintaining price parity and providing a seamless pre-sale and post-sale experience are crucial."

Under the leadership of NS Satish, Haier has not only adapted to market changes but has actively driven them. As Haier continues to grow, its commitment to digital transformation and customer-centric strategies will remain central to its success in the competitive Indian market.

  • Consumer Durable brands

Explore the Top 10 Men's Formal Wear Brands in India

Want to know about the top 10 formal men's wear brands in India? The formal men's wear industry has taken a steep curve over a period of time in the Indian fashion market. Formal attire serves as the perfect option in case of a professional occasion, a wedding, or a casual meet as well, making you stand outside the crowd. There has been an evolution of formal men's wear from designing to using technology in the fabrics. To answer the question, here are the top 10 formal men's wear brands in India.

Top 10 Men's Formal Wear Brands in India

Here are the top 10 formal men's wear brands that every retailer should consider stocking:

Raymond Ltd was established in 1925 in Thane, Maharashtra as a woollen mill. Raymond Group has over 60 percent market share in the fabric industry in India. It was founded by Albert Raymond and Abraha[node:title] - Indian Retailerm Jacob Raymond and later passed on to Lala Kailashpat Singhania in 1944. Today Gautam Singhania is the Chairman and the Managing Director of Raymond Ltd.

Aparshakti Khurrana and Aakriti Ahuja are the brand ambassadors of the apparel brand. Presenting a huge catalogue of formal men's wear in India. Raymond has various associated brands- Raymond Fine Fabrics, Raymond Ready to Wear, Park Avenue, Parx and Colorplus serving all types of styling in formal men's wear. It has a presence in over 1000 outposts within 600 towns and cities in India. 

Raymond: Top Formal Men Wear Brand in India

Rare Rabbit

Rare Rabbit, owned by Manish Poddar, saw a gap in the Indian apparel market for men's fashion. Hence, he started a flagship store of Rare Rabbit in Bengaluru along with an e-commerce website in 2015. The parent company of Rare Rabbit is Radhamani Textiles, owned by the Poddar family. 

It has over 135 physical stores in India across Tier II and II cities. The House of Rare Rabbit has an associated premium women's wear brand named Rareism and another brand named Articale. It has an omnichannel presence as well. 

Rare Rabbit: Top Formal Men Wear brand in India

Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer is a British retail company formed in 1884, earlier called as Marks and Sparks. It was founded in London by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer. It deals in the retailing industry with 434 stores globally (Source: Wikipedia). Along with an e-commerce platform, it has its own 39 websites worldwide.

This public listed company has collaborated with reality stars- Mark Wright and Spencer Mathews. The partnership launched its A-list star Sienna Millers clothing range. Marks & Spencer has also shaken hands with Vick Hope, an influencer on social media platforms, to reach its customers. 

Marks & Spencer: Top 10 Formal Men Wear Brands in India

Van Heusen is a premium formal men's wear brand known for fashion for professionals. It was developed by Moses Philip and his son Isaac. Founded in 1881 in Pennsylvania, it is a premium formal men's wear brand in India. Father and son duo sold hand-sewn shirts to coal miners, made by Phillip’s wife Endel. Time passed and the company expanded its operation to New York City. In New York, the encounter happened between Van Heusen and Phillip and an alliance was formed named Phillip Van Heusen.

It has more than 300 stores. These standalone outlets are present across 70 counties and 5 continents, providing billions to its retail sales. Van Heusen has been working on sustainability measures in collaboration with various brands like Forest Stewardship, SmartWay, Textile Exchange and more. It entered the Indian market in 1990 when Aditya Birla Group gained a license of operation for the company. India has 97 retail stores along with an e-commerce presence of Van Heusen. 

Van Heusen: Top 10 Formal Men Wear Brands in India

  • Louis Philippe

Louis Philippe is a leading brand in the formal wear segment for men in India. Founded in 1989, named after the king of France, is a part of Aditya Birla Group, a multi-industry corporation. It is a subsidiary of Madura Fashion and Lifestyle that is a benchmark for premium formal men's wear.

It has 300 plus stores across 100 cities in India. Along with that, it has its e-commerce website globally and flagship stores, exclusive brand outlets, Planet Fashion, trouser town, departmental stores and multi-brand outlets. 

Louis Philippe: Top 10 Formal Men Wear Brands in India

  • Peter England

Peter England, a top-rated formal men's wear brand in India, started its journey in 1889 in Ireland. It provided attires in the Boer War, later owned by Coats Viyella, a British company. Its presence in the Indian market was obtained by Madura Fashion and Lifestyle, a subsidiary of the Aditya Birla Group in 2000. Now Peter England is in an alliance between Aditya Birla Group and M2C2 group. 

Peter England is present in more than 1000 exclusive stores, and 3500 multi-brand outlets within 800 towns in India. It is operated from an e-commerce platform as well.  ABFRL has a portfolio of leading clothing brands in India- Peter England, Allen Solly, Louis Philippe and more. 

Peter England: Top 10 Formal Men Wear in India

  • Park Avenue

Park Avenue is owned by Raymond Group in India. It is known as the exclusive formal men's wear brand in India. This fashion brand was born in 1986, creating a space in men's wardrobes. It is a premium apparel brand with a presence all across India. Park Avenue is available in 8 cities with 12 exclusive stores in India. It is expanded through multi-brand outlets and under Raymond which has chains of flagship stores across 150 cities in the country. The clothing brand had collaborated with actor Siddhant Chaturvedi for Park Avenues Deo for men. 

Park Avenue: Top 10 Formal Men's Wear Brands in India

Allen Solly 

Allen Solly was founded by William Holin and Company Limited, and made an entrance into the Indian market in 1993. Today, the formal men's wear brand is a division of Aditya Birla Group. The brand is present in 200 outlets in India, including retail stores in malls. It also has brick-and-mortar stores, EBOs (Exclusive brand outlets) and an e-commerce presence. Indrani Dasgupta has collaborated with Allen Solly as the brand ambassador. Sooraj Bhat is the CEO of the company and serves in the retail segment for Allen Solly. 

Allen Solly: Top 10 Formal Men Wear Brands in India

United Colors of Benetton 

United Colors of Benetton was launched in 1965. The journey of the formal men's wear brand started in Ponzano Veneto, Italy. It is solely owned by the Benetton Group which has about 5000 stores globally. It has an afflicted brand called as Sisley that is making apparel in urban lifestyle. 

The brand made an entrance into the Indian market in 2011, with a 20-year expansion plan in mind. It had 400 stores in 100 cities in the country in the early stages. The fashion retail brand has 6,000 stores in 120 countries globally.

United Colors of Benetton: Top 10 Formal Men Wear Brands in India

Jack and Jones

Jack and Jones is a brand founded in Denmark in 1990. It started with just jeanswear in the initial stage of its retailing parented by the Bestseller Foundation. Today, it is the best-selling formal men's wear brand in India owned by Anders Holch Povlsen. It has 1000 stores in 38 countries worldwide. Jack and Jones have five associated brands - Jack and Jones Vintage Clothing, Premium by Jack and Jones, Originals by Jack and Jones and Core by Jack and Jones. It is operated in India through 69 EBOs and 221 shop-in-shop stores. Actor Ranveer Singh has joined forces with Jack and Jones to unveil different collections. 

Jack and Jones: Top 10 Formal Men Wear Brands in India

Final Outlook

In the eyes of Indian Retailers, these brands top the list of best formal men's wear brands in India. Each brand has something exclusive to look out for. These top 10 formal men's wear brands cater to all the needs of their audience by using technology and sustainability methods in their apparel business. Formal wear is a fit suitable for any occasion and these brands are there to give options to a wide range of customers. 

What are the 3 best formal men's wear brands in India?

The 3 best formal men's wear brands are Raymond, Rare Rabbit and Marks and Spencer. 

Which brand offers customisation in the list?

Raymond and Louis Philippe are the brands offering customisation for formal men's wear. 

Is formal wear suitable for casual events?

Yes, formal menswear enhances the appearance of casual or formal events. 

Which Indian brand is known for having colors in its stores?

United Colors of Benetton is known for having creative and attractive visual merchandising.

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  • Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands Every Stylish Man Should Check Out
  • Top 10 Best Formal Shirt Brands in India 2024

Earlier in News:

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  • Marks and Spencer

Union Budget 2024: The Impact on the Jewelry Market

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has recently represented the first budget of PM Modi government’s third term in parliament. A range of economic measures and policy changes were also introduced aiming at stimulating growth and addressing various sectoral challenges. Sitharaman highlighted Modi 3.0’s roadmap aiming to transform India into ‘Viksit Bharat’ by 2047. 

In the budget session, the Finance Minister reduced custom duties on gold and silver jewelry to 6 percent, and platinum to 6.4 percent. The following move will lead to increasing demands. The jewelry market which is a significant segment of India’s retail industry is poised to experience notable shifts due to the new budgetary provisions. The decision to reduce the basic customs duty on the jewelry market has always been a long pending demand in the jewels and gems industry. 

" The decision to reduce customs duty on gold and silver to 6 percent, and on platinum to 6.4 percent, is a welcome move that will have a positive impact on the precious metals market. This reduction will make gold, silver, and platinum more accessible to consumers and investors, stimulating demand and enhancing market liquidity. We believe this policy change will encourage the growth of the jewelry and bullion industry, fostering economic development and creating new opportunities. This budget reflects a strategic approach to strengthening the sector and supporting its long-term sustainability ,” stated Aksha Kamboj, Executive Chairperson, Aspect Global Ventures and VP, India Bullion Jewellers Association (IBJA).

According to the experts, this reduction in the customs duty on the jewelry will lower the prices of gold, silver, and platinum jewelry. The support initiated for Micro, Medium, and Small Enterprises (MSMEs) will also aid many of the nation’s jewelers. Also, in the long run, this could potentially widen the trade deficit and there are chances that it further weaken the rupees. 

MP Ahammed, Chairman, Malabar Group commented, “ The reduction in import duty on gold has been a long-standing demand for gold retailers, and we are extremely grateful to the Union Finance Minister for addressing this issue in today’s Union Budget by reducing the duty from 15 percent (including cess) to 6 percent. This move not only relieves consumers who have eagerly awaited this announcement but is also expected to boost gold demand in the country and create jobs for artisans. High import duty often leads to increased smuggling of gold through illegal routes, which hampers the growth of the organized retail gold trade and results in revenue losses for the government. It is expected that the duty reduction will drastically cut down gold smuggling, thereby curbing illegal trade and enhancing tax revenues. This reduction benefits organized retail jewelers, consumers, and the government, making it a positive development for all parties involved. ”
Vidita Kochar, Co-Founder, Jewelbox also stated , “ The recent reduction of customs duty on gold to 6 percent marks a significant advancement for the jewelry industry, enhancing its competitiveness and making it more accessible to consumers. This move aligns seamlessly with our commitment to providing high-quality, affordable lab diamond jewelry to our customers. Additionally, the abolition of the angel tax is a laudable initiative that will invigorate India’s startup ecosystem. This change is poised to spur innovation, attract global investors, and provide a substantial boost to startups. We are confident that these measures will significantly contribute to the growth and dynamism of both the jewelry sector and the broader startup community in India .”

The increasing demand for gold from India could boost global prices, which is estimated to reach a record high earlier this year. This could also possibly result in growth in India's trade deficit and will put additional pressure on the struggling rupee. The Finance Minister also announced the reduction in the cost of production of other metals like steel and copper. 

concerning the near future, the provisions introduced in the budget are expected to contribute to the overall development of the jewelry industry. Also, the focus on supporting SMEs and artisans is also expected to strengthen the sector's foundation and will promote a more inclusive market ecosystem. This will benefit local jewelers and artisans and will enable them to scale their operations and adopt modern practices while preserving traditional craftsmanship.

Ramesh Kalyanaraman, Executive Director, Kalyan Jewellers said , “ We welcome the 2024 Budget's progressive measures to reduce customs duties on gold, silver, and platinum. These changes, coupled with the government's commitment to enhancing domestic value addition and craftsmanship, are poised to significantly benefit the jewelry industry, further contributing to the sector’s growth. The new tax regime, with its focus on increased disposable income, will boost demand for jewelry as consumers will invest in asset creation. Kalyan Jewellers looks forward to leveraging these positive changes to further enhance the quality and global competitiveness of the organized Indian jewelry sector, contributing to the industry's growth and India's continued economic prosperity ." 
Vipul Shah, Chairman, GJEPC also expressed , “ The Union Budget 2024 is a game-changer for the gems and jewellery sector. The reduction in import duties on gold and silver to 6% and platinum to 6.4 percent is a major boost for our industry, enhancing affordability for consumers and competitiveness for the manufacturing sector by releasing working capital. The abolition of the 2 percent Equalization Levy and introduction of the Safe Harbour Rule on the sale of rough diamonds at SNZs will firmly establish India as a global rough diamond trading hub. These combined measures will propel the sector’s growth, and generate lakhs of employment opportunities by benefitting the small-scale jewellery manufacturers & exporters and diamond cutters and polishers, thus contributing significantly to India’s vision of becoming a Viksit Bharat by 2047 .”

The Union Budget 2024 represented by Sitharaman will have a mixed but largely favorable impact on the Indian jewelry market. The planned reductions in customs duties will set a positive trajectory for the industry's growth. However, the market will need to navigate potential challenges and leverage the opportunities presented by these changes to achieve sustainable and long-term success. Overall, the trends in both gold and silver markets highlight a resilient landscape, offering strategic opportunities for informed investors.

  • Fashion and jewelry

Why India's Budget 2024 Is a Win for Mobile Manufacturers and Consumers

The Union Budget 2024 announced by India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has introduced a series of measures poised to energize the mobile industry. By slashing the basic customs duty on critical mobile components, the budget not only supports local manufacturing but also aims to make cutting-edge technology more accessible to consumers across the country.

‘Viksit Bharat’ is a forward-thinking approach to job creation, skill enhancement, and MSME support. Sitharaman also mentioned that duties on ‘oxygen-free copper for manufacture of resistors’, hitherto set at 5 percent, would be eliminated.

The "Make in India" campaign, which aims to stimulate local manufacturing and cut production costs for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), is expected to benefit greatly from Sitharaman's declaration. This decrease in import taxes follows comparable tax breaks on essential parts like lithium-ion batteries and camera lenses from the previous year, which similarly sought to increase domestic manufacture of electric cars and cellphones.

Custom Duty Reduction

In a bid to foster a more robust domestic mobile industry, the Union Budget has announced a significant reduction in customs duties. The budget reduces customs duties on essential mobile phone components, including camera lenses, display assemblies, and battery packs, from 20 percent to 15 percent. This initiative is to take place to promote Indian smartphone brands in the competitive market.

The reduction in import taxes follows last year’s similar tax breaks on lithium-ion batteries and camera lenses, which were aimed at promoting the domestic manufacture of electric cars and smartphones. Sitharaman's current initiative continues this trend, emphasizing the government's commitment to supporting the ‘Make in India’ campaign.

Impact on Industry

The production cost of mobile phone manufacturers like Samsung, Xiaomi, and Apple, is expected to lower in manufacturing operations who are trying to expand in India for the reduction in the customs duty. This step will directly impact the retail prices of making smartphones and other accessories super affordable. The leading industry welcomes these changes in the hope of change, that global brands will increase their investment in India and the local supply chain.

Amit Khatri, Co-Founder, of Noise  said, “youth and participation of women in the workforce hold the key to India’s success. To this end, the focus on extensive training and skill development initiatives demonstrates a clear commitment to boosting employability and productivity. By linking job creation in manufacturing to first-time workers and offering EPFO incentives, the government is paving the way for a robust manufacturing ecosystem, creating 4 crore jobs over the next five years.”
“It is certainly a commendable initiative to boost local manufacturing. India has long been an attractive consumer market for international brands, supported by our collaborative and business-friendly policies that enable seamless operations. The export hubs are an efficient step in unlocking similar avenues for homegrown companies, allowing a global stage for their innovation and entrepreneurial mindset, and strengthening India’s position in manufacturing,” added Khatri .

Sustainable Growth and Innovation

The budget emphasizes enhancing India’s technological capabilities, aiming to transform the country into a global hub for electronics manufacturing. By reducing the cost of key components, the government seeks to support innovation and sustainability in the mobile phone sector. The approach is expected to foster increased research and development in India, potentially leading to new advancements in mobile technology and a stronger presence in the global market.

On a similar note, Avneet Singh Marwah, CEO of SPPL, added, “The budget allocates Rs 3,000 crore for the development of semiconductor and display manufacturing, more than doubling the previous allocation. Additionally, the allocation of 3 crore more houses under the PM Aawas Yojana is expected to boost demand for entry-level large consumer durables. The government also promotes ease of doing business in the manufacturing sector. New and additional employment incentives across sectors will encourage workforce growth and bolster the Make in India initiative, complementing existing PLI schemes. Despite these progressive steps, the industry anticipated more aggressive measures to increase disposable income to further stimulate consumer spending.”

However, the production Linked Incentive (PLI) seems limited focus, and can create gaps in its effectiveness. A substantial Rs 2 lakh crore is allocated for skilling programs to equip the workforce with essential skills for a competitive global market.

Charger Costs to Also See a Dip

According to Sitharaman's statement, mobile phone chargers are expected to become cheaper with the reduction of customs duties. This move is expected to drive the overall cost of mobile phones in India. This decision aligns with the government's broader goal of increasing the affordability and accessibility of digital technology, thereby empowering more citizens to participate in the digital economy.

Pawan Kumar, CEO, of Elista  said, "We commend the government's proactive measures in the Union Budget 2024, particularly the introduction of the credit guarantee schemes for MSMEs in manufacturing. This initiative, facilitating term loans for the purchase of machinery and equipment without the need for collateral, is a significant step forward in the manufacturing sector. The guarantee fund providing guarantees of up to Rs 100 crore will undoubtedly bolster the manufacturing industry, fostering growth and innovation. The decision will help reduce production costs, making high-quality consumer electronics more affordable and accessible to the Indian market."

Elista sees these changes as opportunities to leverage growth and meet the evolving demands of consumers. This step will help the manufacturer to implement great technology in their electronic sector to enhance the production capabilities and product quality, which will benefit the consumer getting the advanced machines from the domestic manufacturer.

Kumar further added, “The government's focus on youth development, with five dedicated schemes and a central outlay of Rs 2 lakh crore over the next five years, is also highly praiseworthy. Investing in the skills and potential of 4.1 crore youth will drive our nation’s future economic growth and stability. We look forward to leveraging these initiatives to further enhance our operations, contribute to the local economy, and support the broader national objectives.”

With the approach of ‘Viksit Bharat’, India is strengthening its position in the global tech manufacturing sector, and the government's commitment towards technological growth and economic development.

  • eCommerce Trends
  • smart phones

Top Highlights for the Retail & E-commerce Sectors from the Union Budget 2024-25

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget for 2024-25 in Parliament today, marking the first budget of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's third term. This budget unveiled significant advancements for the retail, start-up, and e-commerce sectors . Here are the top highlights for the retail and e-commerce sectors from the Union Budget 2024-25 .

1. Custom Duty Reduction on Gold & Silver to 6 pc and Platinum to 6.4 pc

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a cut in customs duty on gold and silver to 6 percent. Additionally, the finance minister further informed the customs duty slash on platinum to 6.4 percent.

Welcoming this announcement, Amit Pratihari, MD, De Beers Forevermark said, “The Gems and Jewelry sector has made significant contributions to India’s GDP, and we appreciate the announcements made in the Union Budget for this sector. The proposed reduction in customs duties to 6 percent on gold and silver, and 6.5 percent on platinum, will enhance sales by making these precious metals more affordable. The implementation of safe harbor rates for the diamond-cutting industry, for foreign mining companies selling rough diamonds in India, will stimulate growth, boost consumer spending, and increase global competitiveness.”

Vidita Kochar, Co-Founder at Jewelbox added, “The recent reduction of customs duty on gold to 6 percent marks a significant advancement for the jewelry industry, enhancing its competitiveness and making it more accessible to consumers. This move aligns seamlessly with our commitment to providing high-quality, affordable lab diamond jewelry to our customers.”

“This reduction is a significant move that will not only make these precious metals more affordable for consumers but also provide a great boost to the jewelry industry. Lower customs duties mean reduced costs for raw materials, enabling jewelers to offer more competitive prices and innovative designs to our customers,” stated Piyush Gupta, Director at PP Jewellers by Pawan Gupta.

Ramesh Kalyanaraman, Executive Director, Kalyan Jewellers added, "We welcome the 2024 Budget's progressive measures to reduce customs duties on gold, silver, and platinum. These changes, coupled with the government's commitment to enhancing domestic value addition and craftsmanship, are poised to significantly benefit the jewelry industry, further contributing to the sector’s growth. 

2. BCD Rates on Mobile Phones, Mobile PCBA, and Charger Reduced to 15 pc from 20 pc

Nirmala Sitharaman proposed to reduce the basic customs duty (BCD) rates on imported mobile phones, mobile printed circuit board assembly (PCBA), and mobile chargers to 15 percent from 20 percent. Presenting the budget in the Lok Sabha, Sitharaman said, “With a three-fold increase in domestic production and almost 100-fold jump in exports of mobile phones over the last six years, the Indian mobile phone industry has matured.”

ND Mali, Founder, KDM stated, “The budget will steer India towards a Viksit Bharat by 2047 through a slew of measures that boost consumption. Tax reduction of up to 15 percent on mobile phones, mobile PCBs, and chargers is expected to boost domestic manufacturing and benefit customers.”

3. Introduction of E-commerce Hubs under the PPP model

India is set to establish dedicated e-commerce export hubs to boost online trade. The government aims to create a streamlined regulatory and logistics environment to support the growing e-commerce sector. These hubs are expected to offer a range of services, including export clearances, warehousing, customs clearance, returns processing, and product handling.

Amit Khatri, Co-Founder, Noise said, “The establishment of e-commerce export hubs in a PPP model is another significant step taken by the government and will significantly empower MSMEs and traditional artisans to compete internationally. It will open opportunities for Indian players to boost their reach globally while enhancing the ease of doing business and accessing new markets.”

Anand Ramanathan, Partner and Consumer Products and Retail sector Leader, Deloitte India asserted, “Focus on e-commerce hubs through PPP mode is a creative intervention to help MSMEs in this sector derive benefits of a cluster approach such as access to cheaper finance and export markets. The approach will also help organize supply in sectors such as footwear, apparel, jewelry, and other categories where there is heavy dependence on skilled artisans and weavers.”

Nitya Sharma, Founder and CEO, Simpl noted, “The proposed development of e-commerce export and industrial hubs will enable our sellers to cater to a global market while support to MSMEs and promoting entrepreneurship through policy interventions will further propel opportunities for sellers including Direct-to-Consumer brands.”

4. Boost to Consumer Durable Products

The Centre’s focus on pumping in higher allocations for rural development, agriculture, and allied services and schemes for employment and skilling of youth is expected to boost both rural and urban consumption of consumer products. At the same time, the construction of an additional one crore homes under PMAY Urban 2.0 with an outlay of Rs 10 lakh crore will also boost the purchase of consumer durable products.

5. Abolition of Angel tax

Sitharaman also proposed to abolish the Angel Tax. She said the Indian startup ecosystem is buzzing with innovation and ambition, but Angel Tax often sparks debate. “To bolster the Indian start-up eco-system, boost the entrepreneurial spirit, and support innovation, I propose to abolish the so-called angel tax for all classes of investors,” the finance minister said.

M Ramakrishnan, Managing Director at Primus Partners noted, “It is such a relief that Angel Tax is finally scrapped. This has been a much-sought-demand from the start-up ecosystem - both Founders and the Investors.”

Amit Khatri, Co-Founder, Noise explained, “I feel the abolition of the angel tax will undoubtedly boost funding in the startup ecosystem, fueling innovation and growth. This move, along with incentives for job creation in the manufacturing sector and support for MSMEs, will not only stimulate valuable employment opportunities for millions of young people but also ensure economic resilience, laying a strong foundation for a powerful growth trajectory for India.”

Gaurav Manchanda, the Founder & MD, The Organic World highlighted, “As an entrepreneur, I am also extremely pleased with the abolition of the angel tax for startups. It will not only encourage resilience in entrepreneurship but also strengthen the startup ecosystem, fostering innovation across India.”

Kunal Bahl, Chairman, CII National Start-up Council and Co-Founder, Titan Capital & Snapdeal added, “Budget 2024 brings cheer to India’s fast-growing start-up ecosystem. The abolition of angel tax removes friction and ambiguity in the fundraising process by start-ups. Reducing TDS to 0.1 percent for e-commerce operators will free up working capital.”

6. Reduction in Tax Rates for Foreign Companies Operating in India from 40 pc to 35 pc

She unveiled a proposal to reduce the corporate tax rate on foreign companies from the current 40 percent to 35 percent, aiming to boost foreign investment. This strategic decision is expected to enhance the attractiveness of the country as a global investment destination and stimulate economic growth.

Manoj Purohit, Partner & Leader, Financial Services Tax, Tax & Regulatory Services, BDO India said, “The FM has proposed a reduction in tax rates for foreign companies operating in India from 40 percent to 35 percent. This has been a much-awaited change for reinsurance companies operating through a branch office in India since 2017. The proposed change may not provide a level-playing field to the reinsurance branches with the domestic insurance companies (which continue to be taxed at a much lower rate) but will surely pave the path towards rationalizing the tax rates for foreign companies operating in India.”

7. TDS Rate on E-Commerce Exporters to be Reduced to 0.1 pc from 1 pc

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has proposed to reduce the TDS rate on e-commerce operators from the existing 1 percent to 0.1 percent.

“The reduction of TDS from 1 percent to 0.1 percent for e-commerce operators will substantially support the industry's expansion. These new measures will not only strengthen the valued investment of Indian households in diamonds but also add to their emotional significance,” said Amit Pratihari, MD, De Beers Forevermark.

Dr. Somdutta Singh, First-Generation Serial Entrepreneur, Founder & CEO Assiduus, Investor & Ex-Member Niti Aayog explained, “The reduction in TDS from 1 percent to 0.1 percent for e-commerce operators, is a significant relief for sellers. This change will enhance their working capital flow, allowing them to reinvest in their businesses more swiftly. By reducing the tax burden, sellers can maintain better liquidity and manage their cash flows more effectively. This move will particularly benefit SMEs that rely heavily on timely access to funds for day-to-day operations.”

8. Boost to Leather and Textile Industries

Giving an export fillip to the leather and textile sectors, the budget proposed to reduce BCD on real down filling material from duck or goose and added to the list of exempted goods for manufacturing leather and textile garments, footwear, and other leather articles for export. 

“To rectify inversion in duty, I propose to reduce BCD, subject to conditions, on methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) for the manufacture of spandex yarn from 7.5 percent to 5 percent,” the FM said.
  • Indian retail industry
  • e-commerce space
  • Indian Startup
  • Nirmala Sitharaman
  • Finance Minister

10 Best Formal Shoe Brands for Men in India 2024

Did you know the fact that Oxford shoes are the standard style of shoe to wear with any suit, which are mostly made of leather and sometimes the entire shoe is made of leather including the outers, lining and sole but for more durability at the expense of elegance, many shoes are made with rubber soles. But now people are not buying shoes for fashion but they want comfort as well. And obviously, comfort brings confidence, right? 

In everyday life, many working professionals wear formal shoes and for them, it is important to stay comfortable for long working days. So let’s find out the top formal shoe brands for men which will help you to stay comfortable all day long and also find out why they are the top choice in the Indian market value of $26.06 billion.

Top 10 Formal Shoe Brands in India                                             

Here are the top 10 formal shoe brands for men in India to stay comfortable and stylish all day long. Let’s find your style now. Happy Reading!

Clarks :Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Clarks is a footwear giant that was started in 1825 by Cyrus Clark and James Clark in the village of Street, Somerset. The shoes of this brand are popular among the best formal shoe brands all over the world with a market evaluation of about $254.39 million. The majority of the stakes of the brand are currently owned by Viva Goods, Hong Kong. Clark is a company that is famous for its formal shoes and its commitment to comfort, innovation, and heritage, it also excels in the sphere of sophisticated marketing strategy which includes hefty discounts on their official website. 

In addition to formal shoes, the product lineup covers models like the Clarks Desert Boot and Clarks Wallabee and is priced between Rs 2000 and Rs 20,000. Their stores are located in 65 countries across the globe in over 1,400 stores. Since 2010, the company has begun to trade in India where it now has 25 standalone stores. They are supplied with more than 22000 Clark’s styles and shoes that sparked a revolution, defined a generation and captured the evolution. They are the companies that work with such brands as Clarks Originals and Clarks Cloud steppers.

Related Article: Top 10 Shoe Brands in India: 2024's Top Picks

Aldo : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

ALDO is a footwear brand also famous for men's formal shoes was established in 1972 in Montreal by the Aldo Group. The brand was launched and associated with the fashion company Le Château. The multinational brand has 3000 stores across 100 countries worldwide. ALDO has a revenue of $1.69 million and has divisions in ALDO, Call it Spring and GLOBO. 

ALDO wants to use powerful keywords to target the right public and they have built a good reputation concerning users of the website which is one of the main features of their marketing. The company is associated with JCPenney and Kohl to spread its exclusive footwear and other products like handbags and accessories.

Check More: How Footwear Brand Cheré is Planning to Double its Reach by Year-End

3. Bruno Magli

Bruno Magli : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Bruno Magli is one of the most respected names in the luxury footwear market and is best for men's formal shoes was established by the Magli siblings in 1936. Its headquarters are based in Bologna, Italy, where the shoes of Bruno Magli are esteemed for using the best quality leather and making them from the hand of the master craftsmen. Their products cover formal and casual shoes, which are known for their timeless and sophisticated designs. 

The main motto of their marketing plan is to heavily rely on such assets as Italian heritage and elegance, using the high-end fashion magazine, and the digital campaign. The brand's commitment to both the quality and style of Bruno Magli Moccasins and Monk Straps has made them the most popular among users. The brand was acquired in 2015 by Marquee Brands, a holding company that owns several brands in fashion and home cooking.

4. Carlton London

Carlton London :  Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Carlton London is a fashion brand known for its footwear, was established in 1992 in the East end of London. The brand is popular in the Indian market for the best formal shoe brands for men in India by launching products of British sophistication with a price range between Rs 2,500 and Rs 10,000. They develop products with a distinct line of fashion-forward styles, keeping the focus on quality and comfort. Among the brand’s promotional techniques are more expensive fashion events and social media campaigns that target young urban professionals. Its headquarters in London, UK, are inclusive of the first stuff that is noticeable yet it is also prominent in the largest Indian retail stores. 

As far as the Indian consumer is concerned Carlton London provides the rare combination of being trendy at the same time it is conscious of their longing for fashion. In addition to both men’s and women’s footwear, Carlton is also famous for its handbags and accessories.

5. Pedro (Charles & Keith)

Pedro : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Pedro is part of the Charles & Keith Group which was founded by Charles Wong and Keith Wong in the year of 1996, Under which they launched their male segment on Pedro which was founded in the year 2005 and headquartered in Singapore. The brand is best known for its fashionable men's formal footwear which is priced between Rs 3,000 and Rs 15,000 and they are the fastest in the latest fashion and digital marketing. Charles & Keith has over 700 and for its brand Pedro which has the male collection they have 107  stores worldwide across 37 countries that can suggest what will be the next popular styles and the most accessible luxury. The brand is associated with L Capital Asia LLC, a private equity firm. Charles & Keith has partnered with international organizations such as UN Women, Dress for Success, The Asia Foundation, Save the Children, UNICEF, Red Cross, WWF, and Plastic Bank.

Dune : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Dune, a british shoe manufacturer who dreams of creating affordable luxury is famous for men's formal shoes for their stylish look and comfort was founded by Daniel Rubin in 1992, and is a dazzling shoemaker who started with a small concession store in Oxford Street, London, UK. The first standalone store was launched in 1993. The company makes luxury and middle-market shoes at a price that ranges from Rs 4000 to Rs 20000 and sells them in 350 stores worldwide. The company claims that a pair of shoes undergoes more than 120 processes which make them out-of-the-box. 

Dune uses its retail network and online communications to reach its high-end and fashion-savvy customers. The name Dune embodies the purity and aesthetics of the sand dunes, as well as the perfect nature of their star models, like Dune London Sandals. Dune has won the Drapers Multiple Footwear Retailer for five years and has collaborations with fashion designers Rupert Sanderson and Kit Neale.

7. Rosso Brunello

Rosso Brunello : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Rosso Brunello is a chic footwear brand considered the best formal shoe brand for men in India was founded by Sahil Malik in 2010 (in association with Da Milano) is provides shoes under Rs 3,000 to Rs 12,000. The brand is known for its stylish and fashion-forward styles for both men and women. Despite the scarcity of authentic documentation about the initial stages of the brand, the association between the brand and the wine Brunello communicates Italian charm and elegance. 

Rosso Brunello, which is favored for its mastery of art and a limited edition, is a premium retail outlet that combines them. The evergreen models such as the Rosso Brunello Leather Boots show the brand’s perfect way of balancing elegance and comfort, so it’s the must-have item for those who love to wear spirited footwear that is very elegant. The brand has grown to 23 Exclusive stores and 52 points of sale in India, the Middle East and Asia.

8. Red Tape

Red Tape : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Red Tape is a well-known Indian footwear brand which is famous for its formal shoes for men was established in 1996 by Mirza International, Red Tape offers a wide range of casual, formal, and sports shoes priced between Rs 2,000 and Rs 10,000. The brand’s marketing strategy includes celebrity endorsements and focuses on affordability and quality. 

Red Tape’s name represents a mark of distinction, and its high-quality leather shoes are known for durability and comfort. With over 390 opulent stores in India and presented in 17 countries associated with brands like Bond Street and MODE, Red Tape has become a trusted name in the Indian footwear industry.

9. Lee Cooper

Lee Cooper : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Lee Cooper is one of the most iconic footwear brands of the fashion group named Iconix Brand Group which was founded by Morris Cooper back in 1908 The brand is known for best formal shoe brand for men. It is headquartered in Shoreditch, East End London, UK . Originally, a developer of denim, Lee Cooper's shoes that are sold in casual and formal manner feature both toughness and elegance (ruggedness with style), the price range of which is Rs 2,000-Rs 8,000. The brand's promotion is mainly based on its tradition and the importance of the product's quality and durability. Operating from London, UK, and distributing in a good number of retail stores, Lee Cooper's iconic goods like Lee Cooper Boots are another example of the brand's ability to combine fashion and ease. The brand, through its nomenclature, has managed to remain authentic and innovative in its craft, thus carrying a mark of trust for the endowments and the company's culture.

10. Hush Puppies

Hush Puppies : Best Formal Shoe Brands in India

Hush Puppies is a footwear brand which is known for best men's formal shoe brand that was established in 1958 by Wolverine Worldwide. The brand is headquartered in Rockford, Michigan. Hush Puppies has, over the years, blended comfort with casual style, marketing their tees and leisure wear in a way that is lively, revels in their nostalgic style, and sets them apart from others. As the first brand of Wolverine Worldwide, it designs so much that it offers all types of formal and casual shoes priced from Rs 3,000 to Rs 15,000. 

Hush Puppies is a comfort footwear enterprise famous for its products Bounce and ZeroG product lines assemble them through multi-brand channels and other retail companies.  Hush Puppies is recognized globally by its logo of a dog and has become a solution for sore feet, aka, ‘barking dogs’.

At Indian Retailer, we bring to you the top world-renowned brands that are widely available in India to cater to the need for men’s formal shoes. Here we give you a complete guide of the top 10 formal shoe brands for men in India to understand and carry your fashion and comfort at the same time. In this article, you find out about this brand's history, its story and its retail price in India to make an informed decision.

FAQs on Top Formal Shoe Brands in India

1. Which type of shoes are best for formal wear?

Classic Oxfords are always recommended for such ensembles for a sleek & formal appeal.

2. What are the formal shoe options for men?

Men's formal shoes are no longer just plain patent leather. Today, loafers, boots, and oxfords can all be used as formal shoes for men.

3. Which formal shoe material is best?

Leather is a high-quality material that has long been used to create long-lasting and fashionable shoes.

4. How long should formal shoes last?

Leather shoes or dress shoes last for every 6 to 12 months, depending on their quality and walking frequency which wears out the soles. Good maintenance can stretch their lifespan.

5. What is the most expensive pair of shoes?

Moonstar Shoes by Antonio Vietri is priced at around $19.9 Million. 

Unlocking India’s E-commerce Export Potential: A Path to $200-300 Bn by FY30

The Indian government has set an ambitious target to boost e-commerce exports to $200-300 billion as part of its broader $1 trillion merchandise export goal by FY 2030. This requires a significant transformation, necessitating a 50-60-fold increase from the current levels.

As per the latest EY-ASSOCHAM report titled "Enabling e-commerce exports from India," achieving this target demands addressing key barriers, including complex customs procedures, payment repatriation challenges, and restrictive policies. The report provides a comprehensive roadmap for policy changes required in payments, customs, and logistics to help MSMEs access export markets and achieve this ambitious goal.

The Current Landscape

Currently, India's e-commerce exports for FY2023 are estimated to range between $4 to $5 billion, accounting for approximately 0.9 percent to 1.1 percent of India’s total merchandise exports. Despite this modest share, the potential for growth is enormous, especially for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which form the backbone of the Indian economy. The EY-ASSOCHAM report underscores the need for more flexible policies and streamlined processes to unlock this potential.

Streamlining Customs and Regulatory Procedures

One of the primary areas for improvement is the customs and regulatory framework. The report highlights the need to simplify customs procedures to make them more conducive for e-commerce exporters. Increasing the courier consignment limit to $50,000 is a critical recommendation. This change would allow exporters to send larger shipments with fewer constraints, facilitating smoother trade operations. Furthermore, creating separate customs supervision codes for cross-border e-commerce trade can expedite the clearance process. These codes would enable efficient data collection and streamline customs procedures, significantly reducing delays.

Another crucial recommendation is to expedite the customs clearance process for courier shipments. This can be achieved by implementing functionalities in the CSB-V system and collaborating with e-commerce marketplaces for verification. Clear guidelines for re-import transactions, including duty-free re-import of consignments up to $600, would further simplify the process for exporters handling returns. For consignments above this threshold, formulating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to recognize returns as re-imports of returned goods is essential.

Enhancing Payment Reconciliation and Financial Flexibility

Payment reconciliation remains a significant hurdle for e-commerce exporters, particularly MSMEs. The report suggests several measures to ease this burden. Reducing the cost of payment reconciliation by tying fees to a percentage of consignment value can alleviate financial pressure on small-scale exporters. Moreover, extending payment realization and repatriation periods up to 18 months, in alignment with global practices, would provide exporters with greater financial flexibility. Removing the 25 percent variation clause on realized payments and enabling periodic shipping bill reconciliation would also enhance financial predictability and stability for exporters.

Establishing E-commerce Export Hubs (ECEHs)

To foster a supportive environment for e-commerce exports, the report calls for various policy interventions. Extending export promotion incentives under the Courier Import and Export Regulations, 2010, to e-commerce exporters can stimulate growth. These incentives would encourage more MSMEs to engage in cross-border trade. Additionally, establishing e-commerce export hubs (ECEHs) with integrated training centers is crucial. Expanding the scope of ECEHs by providing customs support, training facilities, and logistical infrastructure near air cargo terminals can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of e-commerce exports. Stationing customs officials within these hubs would facilitate faster clearance and reduce bottlenecks.

Policy Interventions and Support Mechanisms

Another significant recommendation is to add explicit provisions in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policies to allow FDI-funded e-commerce entities to hold inventory for sale in international marketplaces. This change can enable global sales of Indian MSME products, broadening their market reach. Establishing regulatory testing sandboxes for e-commerce exports is also suggested to foster innovation and compliance testing, allowing businesses to experiment with new models and processes in a controlled environment.

Financial Accessibility and Priority Sector Lending

Furthermore, including e-commerce exports in the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) priority sector lending category would improve access to affordable finance for exporters, enabling them to scale their operations and invest in growth. Granting Authorized Economic Operator-Tier III (AEO-T3) status to e-commerce marketplaces can streamline customs procedures, ensuring faster and more reliable export processes. Additionally, incorporating provisions for cross-border e-commerce trade in bilateral agreements can enhance India’s global e-commerce export capabilities, creating more opportunities for Indian businesses in international markets.

Reflecting on the report's findings, Deepak Sood, Secretary General of ASSOCHAM, emphasized the necessity of streamlined regulations and supportive policies for e-commerce exports. "In today's global marketplace, the need for streamlined regulations and supportive policies for e-commerce exports cannot be overstated. This report's recommendations are essential for empowering Indian e-commerce exporters and positioning them competitively on the world stage," he said.

Bipin Sapra, Tax Partner at EY India, echoed these sentiments, noting that the Indian e-commerce export ecosystem is poised for exponential growth, benefiting the economy and MSMEs alike. He stressed the importance of government and regulatory intervention to iron out the kinks in current laws and processes to help MSMEs access global markets efficiently and easily. "This report brings together all the recommendations needed to build a thriving e-commerce export ecosystem in India," he added.

READ MORE: Indian E-commerce Market to Reach $163 Bn by 2026, Poised for Global Second Place by 2034

Building a Competitive E-commerce Export Ecosystem

By addressing these existing barriers and implementing the recommendations outlined in the EY-ASSOCHAM report, India can create a supportive environment for e-commerce exporters. Streamlined customs procedures, enhanced financial flexibility, supportive policy interventions, and targeted infrastructure development are crucial to empowering Indian e-commerce exporters, particularly MSMEs. The government’s commitment to reform and innovation will be instrumental in positioning India competitively on the world stage and achieving the ambitious export targets set for FY 2030.

In conclusion, the path to achieving $200-300 billion in e-commerce exports by FY 2030 is challenging but achievable. By embracing the necessary changes and fostering a supportive environment for e-commerce exports, India can not only meet but exceed its goals, driving economic growth and establishing itself as a global leader in the e-commerce export market.

  • E-commerce industry

How Online Businesses are Fueling India’s Pre-Owned Smartphone Industry

India is home to 659 million smartphone users, the second largest smartphone user base in the world. Internet penetration, mobile-first infotainment and financial platforms, and superlative camera features are some of the contributing factors to the growth of smartphone aspirations, even in Tier II and below towns. However, aspiration needs affordability to create a market. This is where pre-owned smartphones come into play.

Industry estimates project that the overall pre-owned smartphone market in India is close to $5 billion and is expected to reach $10 billion by 2030. The organized segment accounts for 20-25 percent of the current market. This segment is largely made up of online platforms that enable consumers to buy authentic pre-owned smartphones, along with various value-added benefits. These platforms, including several new entrants, are not only reshaping consumer behavior but also propelling technological advancements and sustainability initiatives. Let us see how online businesses, particularly newer players, are playing a pivotal role in the pre-owned smartphone industry in India.

Consumer Behavior: Convenience and Affordability

New online platforms have made it incredibly convenient for consumers to buy and sell pre-owned smartphones. The typical hassles of offline transactions, like trust deficit and the long time required to identify buyers or sellers, have already been tackled to a great extent. These new brands provide user-friendly interfaces, detailed product listings, and secure payment gateways that add to the user’s convenience.

Apart from convenience, consumers also look for affordability when it comes to changing or upgrading their smartphones. With the tech advancements, more consumers are willing to try out the newly launched high-end phones. New platforms allow them to sell their old devices so that they can partially fund their new purchases. Consumers can also fund the gap between their sales and purchase prices through easy EMIs. Thus, consumers can access a range of smartphones at significantly lower prices than new models, making technology accessible.

 Ensuring Quality and Trust

The quality and authenticity of pre-owned smartphones has always been a big concern for consumers. To address this, many online platforms now offer certified pre-owned phones that have been thoroughly inspected on many parameters and have gone through multiple quality checks. This assures the consumers that their phones are in good working condition. The additional guarantee provided by the platform takes this confidence a notch further.

Sustainability Initiatives: Promoting a Circular Economy

The pre-owned smartphone market contributes significantly to the cause of environmental sustainability. By extending the life cycle of smartphones, online platforms focus on the reduction of manufacturing and electronic waste, which is a growing concern globally.

Although India's 'Make in India' initiative aims to boost local manufacturing, the reality includes a complex landscape. While many components are sourced locally, high-end parts often need to be imported due to supply chain constraints. Unfortunately, these imports face steep tariffs aimed at protecting domestic manufacturers, thereby increasing overall production costs.

However, India faces challenges in becoming a dominant manufacturing hub. Key issues include deficiencies in infrastructure, such as inadequate transportation networks and limited access to advanced technology and connectivity. These deficiencies can significantly hinder manufacturing productivity and operational efficiency.

Despite these challenges, India possesses substantial potential as a manufacturing destination. Addressing infrastructure gaps and improving 'ease of doing business' metrics are critical steps to unlock this potential fully. Additionally, proactive steps to integrate more seamlessly into the global tech manufacturing supply chain will be essential for India to capitalize on its strengths and attract further investment."

Challenges and Road Ahead

Despite the significant progress made by multiple online platforms, there are still some challenges. As mentioned earlier in the article, a large chunk of the Pre-Owned phone market is still unorganised. Here, the consumers are always prone to issues such as poor quality and the lack of standardization. Moreover, in some consumer segments, there is still an underlying perception about used smartphones being inferior in quality.

They need to continue investing in technology and customer education to come around these issues. Enhancing transparency through detailed product information, and warranties, and providing credible after-sales service will help consumers feel more confident about their purchases. Additionally, these platforms can also collaborate with manufacturers and authorized service providers to standardize the refurbishment process. This will provide a consistent supply of high-quality pre-owned smartphones.

While the challenges are steep, the current trend indicates that online platforms will be able to address most of these. This will also help them play an even more important role in Digital India.

Yug Bhatia, CEO and Founder, of ControlZ

Singer India Embarks on a Technological Revolution

Singer, the world-renowned brand in the household sewing machine segment, boasts a rich legacy of 170 years in the sewing machine and home appliance industry. In India, Singer has embarked on a new journey that remains anchored in its core business, ethos, values, and principles.

Singer India has strategically positioned itself in the competitive retail market by focusing on innovation, technological advancement, and customer-centric initiatives. The company is committed to bringing highly functional and technologically advanced machines to India. This commitment is reflected in its refined product messaging, streamlined inventory management, optimized operations, and enhanced stakeholder engagement.

“In the home appliances segment, we aim to achieve profitable growth by launching and focusing on high-quality products that command premium pricing. This strategy helps establish a premium positioning in the consumer's mind. We also place significant emphasis on after-sales service to improve consumer engagement and the post-sales experience,” said Rakesh Khanna, MD & VC, Singer India.

Key Strategies Driving Growth

One of the key initiatives by the company in the sewing machine segment is the launch of "Singer Live Assist," a first-of-its-kind virtual service for sewing machine consumers across the country. This service strengthens the after-sales experience by reducing turnaround time for product demonstrations, especially in remote areas. It also saves on service costs and prevents post-sales service delays, thereby strengthening customer relationships.

Singer India is also bringing technologically advanced and globally popular machines to the Indian market. For instance, the company launched the M3330, a global icon and top seller on Amazon, and supported its launch with a focused marketing campaign. The machine has been voted the best sewing machine in the home segment and is one of the company's best sellers on Amazon. Another innovative product, the SE9185, a Wi-Fi-enabled, 3-in-1 sewing cum embroidery and quilting machine, has received positive responses across the country.

“Strategic investments are another critical area for us. The US-based multinational SVP Worldwide, which owns the iconic Singer brand, is set to be our knowledge partner. We plan to set up a second manufacturing facility for the brand, focusing on Zig-Zag machines to cater to both domestic and global markets,” he stated.

Adapting to Changes in Consumer Behavior

Singer India has observed significant changes in consumer behavior in recent years. There is a growing interest in crafting and self-expression, leading to renewed interest in learning sewing as a skill. To cater to this evolving demand, the company is incorporating best-in-class technologies into its sewing machines, making them more user-friendly and enjoyable to use.

The influence of DIY influencers on global platforms has also played a crucial role in raising awareness and familiarity with sewing and embroidery. This trend has further fueled interest, desire, and willingness to learn sewing. Singer India's latest offering, the SE9185, exemplifies the company's commitment to technological advancement and meeting the needs of modern consumers. This 3-in-1 Wi-Fi-enabled machine comes with a large 7-inch color touchscreen and mySewnet, the industry’s first cloud-based operating system. It is designed to cater to both experienced sewists and beginners.

Omnichannel Presence

The brand has a robust offline presence, with over 2,500 dealers and sub-dealers across the country and 21 exclusive Singer sewing machine retail stores. The company is currently undertaking a pan-India branding exercise, starting with key states such as Bihar, Jharkhand, Punjab, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.

Singer India's D2C strategy focuses on building a strong online and offline presence around three key pillars: awareness, experience, and building desire. The company leverages online communication to make people aware of its new technologically advanced machines, which are easy to learn and use. Consumer-centric campaigns like "CreatewithSINGER" and "#TurnoldintoBold" encourage consumers to showcase their crafting skills and engage with the brand.

“We are also actively engaging with the DIY community of influencers and creators, who create awareness around the endless sewing and crafting possibilities. We sell our products on platforms like Amazon and Flipkart, in addition to our website and 21 exclusive store locations. This multi-platform approach maximizes reach, caters to diverse customer preferences, and provides convenient purchasing options for sewing enthusiasts across the digital landscape,” noted Khanna.

“Currently, e-commerce contributes over 30 percent of our revenue. With a robust online strategy and increasing digital engagement, we expect e-commerce to play a significant role in our revenue growth over the next 2-3 years,” he added.

Product Categories and Upcoming Launches

Singer India's sewing machine range offers over 140 SKUs across key categories such as Straight Stitch, Artisan, Embroidery, AZZ line, and Industrial machines. In the home appliances segment, the company offers products like washing machines, coolers, JMGs, MGs, kettles, and irons, with over 90 SKUs available in offline and online trade. Recent product launches like the M3330 and SE9185 highlight the company's focus on innovation and consumer-centric design.

In the sewing machine segment, the brand is focused on strengthening its offerings and expanding aggressively in the Indian market. Recognizing the growing DIY community and the demand for innovative, user-friendly machines, the company introduced the SE9185, a 3-in-1 Wi-Fi-enabled sewing cum embroidery and quilting machine. This product showcases Singer India's dedication to delivering cutting-edge, consumer-focused sewing machine options that cater to modern sewing enthusiasts.

Embracing Digital Transformation

Singer India understands the importance of a strong digital presence in today's technology-driven world. The company has enhanced its online visibility and engagement with customers through various digital marketing campaigns and collaborations with influencers. For instance, the M3330, a global best-seller on Amazon, has benefited from digital collaborations that highlight its user-friendly design and extensive features.

Singer Live Assist, an innovative service offering real-time virtual support for customers, has significantly enhanced the customer experience. Available through WhatsApp and a toll-free number, this service provides product demonstrations and resolves customer concerns from the comfort of their homes. The "Revive Traditions with SE 9185" campaign further emphasizes Singer India's commitment to digital engagement and fostering a vibrant community of creators.

Revenue Targets

Despite facing setbacks, Singer India achieved a revenue of Rs 425 crore last year. The company has seen steady growth in its AZZ and Industrial lines and is confident that e-commerce will be a key driver of future growth. The target for this year is to increase and improve customer experience and engagement, strengthen product messaging, and showcase capabilities.

Future Growth

Over the next 2-3 years, Singer India aims to strengthen and expand its market presence through several key growth levers. These include product innovation and diversification, enhancing manufacturing capabilities, improving customer experience, and engaging with the community. The recent launches of the M3330 and SE9185 highlight the company's focus on functional, user-friendly, and technologically advanced products.

Singer India is a pan-India brand with a strong presence in Tier II and Tier III towns and cities. “To strengthen our presence in these markets, we are increasing branding and visibility, expanding our distribution network, and leveraging the SINGER Live Assist service. These initiatives aim to reinforce our presence, create consistent and recognizable branding, and meet the increasing demand in these regions,” Khanna concluded.

  • Consumer durable
  • Indian retail market

How to Start a Clothing Boutique Business? Expert Tips For Success

Starting a clothing boutique business in the Indian market space can be profitable. A small space with a specific product line serving a particular clientele is called a boutique. Boutiques are successful due to the product masters present in the store, assisting customers with expert insights and answering all the questions about costing, expenses, retailing options and profitability. Here is a complete guide for you to start a boutique business in India. Let your passion for starting a boutique business win over with these tips. 

1. Run Through Market Research

Investigate trends, demands, styles or categories. Resonate with the target audience. Fill the gap in the market. What is your target market? Are they people between 15 and 60 years of age? For whom do you want to make it? For male, female or both. What style of clothes do you want to wear? Indian, western or indo-western, provide both for more options for your customers.

Make your brand stand out. Have a unique boutique name, use an attractive color palette and consider having a slogan. The boutique should have a business name held on the front of the store with a name, logo, colorful and memorable slogan. 

It is also crucial to understand who are the competitors in the same location. What strategies do the competitors use to attract customers? What makes the other boutique popular? Mark and make changes accordingly for the growth of the boutique. 

Market Research to Start a Clothing Boutique

2. Select a Location 

Making the right choice in which area, locality or state you want to set up your boutique is essential for success. Selecting a particular location for a boutique store is a time-consuming process. In India, most of the fashion boutiques are present in Tier I, II and III. The most recognised Tier I cities in India are Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata and Ahmedabad. Tier II and III cities that are recommended for a boutique business are Kanpur, Jaipur, Amritsar, Jamshedpur, Faridabad, Chandigarh, Kochi, Nagpur, Raipur, Bhopal, Mysuru, Surat, Agra, Ajmer, Srinagar, and Bhubaneshwar among others. 

Here are more criteria that need to be looked after while buying or renting a space for a boutique business.

  • Availability: The area should be easily accessible for staff and vendors. Having good connectivity to major highways or roads can be beneficial in this regard.
  • Distance for easy accessibility of raw materials: Consider the distance to raw material suppliers as it can impact the lead times and transportation costs which, when minimized, contribute to enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Transit Systems: Evaluate the ease of access for transportation purposes both in terms of exporting final goods easily and receiving basic supplies conveniently. Take practicality into consideration when assessing transit facilities available at your location. 

3. Create a Business Plan

There is a need to form a proper business structure. It means what kind of a structure will a boutique follow for instance will it function as a sole proprietorship, LLC (limited liability company), partnership, corporation or private limited company. To opt for an ideal structure, various factors like current situation and aspiration play a key role. 

4. Get the Boutique Registered

GST is another critical legal permit. If the boutique business's annual turnover exceeds Rs 40 lakh, it must register for GST. In states like Tripura, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Puducherry, Nagaland and Mizoram, the GST turnover limit is more than Rs 20 lakh. 

It is a necessity to register under the Shop and Establishment Act according to the selected area for the boutique. It must be done within a month. In case the boutique business is earning more than Rs 9 lakh annually, it must pay the service tax as suggested by the government of India. 

5. Develop a Funding Structure

It is believed that to start a boutique business in India, one must have an initial investment of around Rs 2-5 lakh. It can vary according to the size and location of the store. There are various ways to get funds for a kickstart. Bank loans, other financial institutions or SME loans are another option. Saving is the best option to avoid loans. The funding must include enough for rent, raw materials, labor, production process and interior decor for the boutique initially. 

There are various government schemes in India for flagship funding, subsidy schemes, and women empowering schemes. Here are some of the schemes by the government of India for small businesses like a boutique:-

  • Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
  • Capital Investment Subsidy
  • National Small Industries Corporation 
  • MUDRA Bank 
  • Mahila Coir Yojana
  • Government Women Entrepreneur Schemes

Funding Structure to Start a Clothing Boutique Business

6. Spread Awareness via Online and Offline Platforms

It is important to market your boutique business. Spread awareness about the existence of the boutique. Otherwise, how will the target audience know about you? In today's world, small businesses like boutiques are using online platforms more than offline ones. The platform you choose depends on the target audience you cater to. Social media is the perfect option for enticing the young crowd towards your boutique. Instagram and Facebook are the most popular fashion advertisement formats.

Make a marketing strategy for your boutique business. Marketing your products, showcasing the store, and making the brand name noticeable will engage customers. Here are some marketing channels:- 

  • Content marketing 
  • Influencer marketing
  • Organic social media marketing 
  • Paid social media marketing 

Offline Marketing Strategies assist small businesses in attracting customers with visual appeal. Especially when it's a boutique business where the B2B model is followed. Here are a few of the offline strategies to help your business grow:-

  • Local events

Online and Offline Platforms to Start a Clothing Boutique Business

The Final Outlook

In the eye of an Indian Retailer, starting a boutique business needs an initial investment of around Rs 2 to 5 lakh. It is a profitable market space. There are various schemes provided by the government of India for starting a small business like a boutique. Opening a boutique business requires you to apply for necessary legal permits and allowances. Lastly, bring them to the target audience, making potential customers aware that the boutique is available in the market. 

What is a boutique?

A small specialized retail store often selling clothing, accessories, jewelry or other specialty items. 

How do I choose a location for opening a boutique store?

Demographics, footfall of customers, nearby competitors, easy accessibility of raw materials, and labor are a few common factors that should be catered to while opening a boutique store in a particular location. 

Which tier cities in India should I open a boutique store?

Tier I, II and III cities are the most efficient places to start a boutique business in India.

Which platforms can I use to market a boutique business?

Both online and offline marketing platforms are viable for starting a boutique business.

Plant-based Foods to Shape the Organic Food Retail Landscape in India

Over the past decade, India’s organic food retail landscape has experienced remarkable growth, driven by increasing consumer awareness, health and sustainability concerns, and government support for organic farming practices. Valued at over $1.5 billion in 2023, the Indian organic food market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 20 percent, reaching approximately $9 billion by 2032. A key emerging player in this sector, with the potential to revolutionize the market, is plant-based foods.

The evolving demands of Indian consumers, influenced by health, environmental, and ethical considerations, are steering a significant shift towards plant-based alternatives. With around 30 percent of India’s population adhering to a vegetarian lifestyle, the market is ripe for the adoption of these alternatives.

Similarly, the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases, coupled with concerns about sustainability, is driving the global trend towards plant-based options. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated this demand, with consumers seeking organic food options, including plant-based products, to mitigate the risks of chronic diseases.

What Consumers Want

Plant-based milk, meat alternatives, and organic vegetables are becoming popular choices among health-conscious consumers. The environmental advantages of plant-based foods are also significant, as they are known to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and land usage compared to animal-based diets.

The surge in demand for plant-based foods is largely driven by Millennials, Gen Z, and urban consumers, who prioritize sustainable and healthier food options. A 2023 survey revealed that 63 percent of Indian millennials are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products. Over the last few years, there has been a steady growth in the demand for plant-based meats, reflecting a strong market potential. Whether it’s the rising demand for plant-based milk alternatives and meat substitutes or vegan snacks and confectioneries, sustainable and healthier food options are what consumers want.

Golden Opportunity for Retailers 

Currently, the market is dominated by startups and small-scale players, highlighting a significant opportunity for those in the organic food retail market to cater to the evolving preferences of consumers. Innovation is crucial, particularly in research and development to introduce new and exciting plant-based products tailored to the Indian palate and nutritional needs.

Jackfruit-based meat alternatives, almond and soy-based dairy substitutes, and plant-based snacks are already gaining acceptance among Indian consumers. Expanding and diversifying product offerings to include a wider range of plant-based options is essential for retailers. Organic retailers are particularly well-positioned to capitalize on the demand, leveraging their expertise in sourcing and distribution.

Further, effective marketing strategies, including targeted campaigns, strategic merchandising, and strong branding, can help attract and retain customers. Collaborations with influencers, driven by the reach of social media, can significantly enhance the visibility and appeal of plant-based products, especially among younger, digitally-engaged consumers.

Getting Future-Ready

Globally, the plant-based food market was valued at $11.3 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $35.9 billion by 2033. Although the market is niche in India at present, it has the potential to be a game-changer. Companies that successfully incorporate traditional Indian flavors and ingredients into their plant-based offerings are likely to resonate better with consumers who prioritize products that align with their values.

With access to locally sourced plant-based ingredients, such as legumes, cereals, fruits, and vegetables, organic retailers in India have a definite competitive advantage. This can translate to lower production costs, allowing them to offer competitively priced, plant-based products while maintaining their commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing practices.

Building a robust supply chain is equally critical to ensure the availability and quality of plant-based products. Retailers need to establish strong partnerships with suppliers and manufacturers to secure a consistent supply of high-quality ingredients. This involves sourcing sustainable raw materials and adopting eco-friendly packaging solutions, aligning with the clean-label movement and appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

Plant-based foods represent more than a passing fad; they signal a fundamental shift in consumer behavior that is reshaping the organic food retail landscape in India.

About the Author

Gaurav Manchanda, The Founder & Managing Director, The Organic World

Gaurav Manchanda, The Founder & Managing Director, The Organic World

  • organic food

Personalized Customer Experiences Make It Non-intrusive

Marketers and consumers have long recognized the value of personalized experiences. Besides improving customer outcomes, it opens up revenue-generation opportunities for brands. McKinsey research found that those growing more rapidly compared to their peers attributed 40 percent more of their revenue to their personalization strategy. According to another McKinsey study, more than 70 percent of consumers anticipate personalized interaction and even tend to be discouraged by its absence.

Yet, in a world of imperfect data, such personalization attempts can often have the contrary impact. As a consumer, how often have we felt irked by unwanted ads as we browse online?  And wondered why we are served a financial product ad, as you click on a sleep-inducing music video on YouTube? Consumers are likely to feel overwhelmed and intruded upon when incessantly bombarded with seemingly customized recommendations. Stereotyping by inference and imposing irrelevant or insensitive content can come in the way of successful personalization.

What can marketers, publishers and consumers do, to fine-tune personalization attempts to remove negative, disruptive experiences that impede consumer’s continued engagement with the brand?

Customer-first, Cautious approach from marketers/brands

Personalization must hit the sweet spot of meeting specific customer preferences while never crossing the privacy line. Although achieving personalization non-intrusively might feel like a tough balancing act, the constant target for marketers must be to preserve the consumer-brand relationship. This can be achieved through empathy for the consumer in every situation.

Appropriate controls over inappropriate ad placements and constant review of consumer reactions, can avoid potential consumer backlash.

Here are some practices to help make personalization of consumer experiences non-intrusive:

Focusing on first-party data: Since 2018, data regulations have evolved and become more stringent. In keeping with this trend, the likes of Google phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome and first-party cookies coming into focus can be a blessing in disguise for brands. They can look at alternative ways to gather consumer data and make sure of the credentials of their first–party data sources.

Using storytelling that connects back to the customer: Today, storytelling and content that is well-timed and immersive finds more takers, even before marketers impose the brand image. Consumers increasingly prefer more experiential content rather than the push method used in cookies, ads, and targeting content thrust into their space. An already engaged customer has a low risk of alienation

Using tech to enable non-intrusive personalization: The evolving privacy laws, cookie banners, and ad blockers have impacted how advertising analytics is done. Instead, marketers can choose from a host of privacy-friendly tracking technologies that empower cookie-proof tracking, cohort analyses, and statistical modelling solutions. These are more sophisticated than conventional methods that rely mostly on cookies.

Weeding out the irritability factor: Inappropriate ad insertions can damage the brand reputation and must be quickly addressed by marketers. Consciously using consumer insights and social science expertise to understand trigger areas will help the brand avoid content that could be irritating, off-putting, or even offensive.

Emphasizing the overall consumer journey: Obsessing over insights on individual touchpoints can make it intrusive for consumers. Instead, brands should consider consumer perception, attitudes, and data analytics on overall buying patterns and propensity from their interactions in a holistic way.

Being transparent about how they use the data: Brands have the opportunity to build trust by disclosing their awareness and serious attention to their consumer’s privacy concerns and how it translates into policy. Being open about how they collect and intend to use the data will help improve the trust factor and chances of consent from the consumer for their stated purpose.

As consumers, we can make choices too – taking care to set appropriate privacy settings including ad blockers, leveraging browsers that are inherently more privacy friendly, choosing paid subscriptions  (e.g. for YouTube) and regularly reviewing and unsubscribing to content we no longer want.

Publishers, especially those media houses that rely on ad revenues, can do well to reduce ad insertions and limit flashing pop-ups.

The consumer holds the final choice but can be much aided by the marketers.

Authored By

Andal Alwan, VP - Consumer, Retail and Logistics for APAC, Infosys.

Andal Alwan, VP - Consumer, Retail and Logistics for APAC, Infosys.

  • Customer Experience

Top 10 Strongest Beer Brands in India | with Highest ABV%

In India, alcohol is preferred in every situation whether you are celebrating or want to end a stressful day. Alcohol which everyone should avoid is driving the Indian market crazy with an estimated value of  $ 11.7 billion in 2024. But people in India have a diverse taste and hence different people prefer different tastes. Some people prefer soothing beer for fun and some want strong beer . Here we prepare a list of the top 10 beers with the highest alcohol percentage beer in India to find out some of the strong beer brands which drive the market crazy.  Are you ready to discover the best beer brands in India?

List of Top 10 Strong Beer Brands in India

1. bro code.

2. Kingfisher 

4. Carlsberg 

5. Godfather 

6. Haywards 

7. Budweiser 

8. Bira 91 

9. Bad Monkey

10. bee young.

Here is the list of the top 10 beer brands with maximum alcohol. Know more about the brands to understand why they are the strongest beer brands in India.

BroCode :Strong Beer Brand in India

Bro Code , the strongest beer brand, the brainchild of Indospirit Beverages launched in 2018. It is a product for the modern generation, the youth who love strong and you-can-feel-it beer. The ABV of Bro Code is 15 percent separates it from others due to its feisty flavors and a top brand label. The brand began in India and has its administrative offices in New Delhi. Bro Code plans to gain young audiences through digital platforms and various other methods, involving influencer partnerships and social media to amplify fan engagement. Bro code has other variants which include Bro Code 10 and Bro Code Club Soda.  

2. Kingfisher

Kingfisher :Strong Beer Brand in India

Kingfisher , one of the strongest beer brands in India and worldwide, crowned as the "King of Good Times” is manufactured by United Breweries Group. The brand was relaunched in 1978 by Vijay Mallya headquartered in Bengaluru, and holds a market share of over 36%. The pool where the beer Kingfisher Strong comes with 8 percent ABV is a beer brand with a reputation worth the taste and the mainstay of the Indian beer market. Kingfisher Storm is another strong beer variant of them which has the same ABV of 8 percent. Every batch of the beer goes through the same rigorous process to make it full-bodied, flavorful, and crisp beer with a distinct aftertaste. Other popular strong variants of this brand include Kingfisher Ultra Max and Kingfisher Blue with the same ABV. The brand promotion is done by representational TV commercials all over the country, and the sponsorship of sporting events like IPL. Kingfisher is available in 60+ countries across the globe. It is associated with Heineken which augments its portfolio with stellar products of global repute.

Simba : Strong Beer Brand in India

Simba is a strong beer brand and its Brewery has been serving local beer with a new look since 2016. The brand was co-founded by Ishwaraj Bhatia. Simba Strong with 5.5 percent ABV and Simba Stout with 7 percent ABV are one of the strongest beers brewed in the country and are based in Chhattisgarh. They are well-liked for their recognizable taste and branding. The brewery developed a strategy that includes funny content on social media, booths at craft beer festivals, and partnering with some of the trendiest bars and restaurants to get brand recognition in the global market. 

4. Carlsberg

Carlsberg Elephant : Strong Beer Brand in India

Carlsberg Elephant, a strong beer variant from the Carlsberg Group, was established in 1847 by J.C. Jacobsen. The beer is a good option for those who love robust flavors. This beer with its ABV of 7.20 percent is a commemorative product of Denmark with its origin in Copenhagen . The Carlsberg brand is the one that defines the term "global branding”. It has become a premium event sponsor using a global approach that not only promotes beer labels but succeeds in bringing partners together. Carlsberg has more than 140 associated brands with the likes of 1664, Tuborg and others, in their beer portfolio. Carlsberg spans core beer brands, craft & speciality and alcohol free brews. Other variants of the brand include Carlsberg lager which has less alcohol content of up to 5 percent. 

5. Godfather

Godfather Strong Beer

Godfather, the famous beer brand by Devans Modern Breweries Ltd ., is the owner of three strong variants. The Brewery was established in 1961 by Dewan Gian Chand in Jammu, India . Godfather Super 8 contains 8 percent ABV and is the top choice for those drinkers who like the strong flavor. It also comes with a variant named Godfather Legendary which has 7.2 percent ABV, while the last variant is Godfather Premium with 6.5 percent ABV. The production department of the beer's manufacturer pays attention to the promotion of various products in the region, the organization, and the sponsorship of local events in this region, and the carefully directed advertisement in the primary markets. 

6. Haywards

Haywards 5000 Strong beer

Haywards 5000 from the stables of SABMiller (now owned by AB InBev) has been the champion of the Indian strong beer market since the 1970s. Haywards 5000 was launched by Sir Anthony William Byrd Haywards in India. The beer has carved a niche for itself with its bold alcohol content of 7%. The brand is also popularly identified with Haywards 2000 which is another variant popular in the Indian market. The brand promotion is obtained by the two mediums: mass media commercials and outreach programs done in various regions. In addition, Haywards 5000 is also involved in organizing sporting events as promoters. The parent company AB InBev is associated with brands like Budweiser, Corona Extra and Stella Artois .

7. Budweiser

Budweiser Magnum Strong Beer

Budweise r is one of the most popular beer brands in the world and was first introduced in 1876 by Carl Conrad . It is a brand of the Belgian brewing company AB InBev. Budweiser Magnum Strong, which is a strong beer variant of the Budweiser brand, is popular among beer lovers and is a well-known beer in India with an ABV of 8 percent. Budweiser's main marketing practices revolve around top-flight advertising through high-profile event sponsorships. AB InBev advertises the Budweiser brand heavily, spending $449 million in 2012 in the United States alone, making it one of the most advertised brands worldwide. Other popular products of Budweiser in India include Budweiser lager which has less alcohol content and has a segment of non-alcoholic products as well. 

Bira Strong Beer

Bira 91 , is a renowned beer brand from B9 Beverages Pvt. Ltd. known for strong beer in India. The brand was introduced in 2015 by founder Ankur Jain. Bira 91 is headquartered in New Delhi and it holds 4% of the market share. Bira Gold Wheat Strong beer has an ABV of 8% and is brewed with the choicest golden wheat from India and caramel malts from Europe,   imparting a hint of honey sweetness with a toasted malty flavor. Bira 91 Blonde Lager, a new product, became instantly viral because of its flavor and creative promotion and has an ABV of 8  percent. Furthermore, its line-up also includes Bira 91 Premium. Bira 91 has an energetic social media presence with fun on-brand collaborations. Bira 91 is now available in 24 countries and around 31k outlets. Other popular products include Bira 91 Light, Bira 91 White, and Bira 91 Classic which has a lower alcohol content of less than 5 percent.

Bad Monkey Strong Beer

Bad Monkey , known for its strong beer, is owned by Sinq Beverages Inc, founded by Rohan Khare in 2018 . It is a manufacturer and marketer of strong beer loved by consumers in India. The brand is mostly available in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh and exports to countries like Australia, New Zealand and in the Middle East. Bad Monkey is a late addition brand in the Indian beer market. Sort of an odd man out, Bad Monkey has a liquor content of 8 percent in the Bad Monkey Strong Beer variant. It also comes with another variant o f Bad Monkey Tamed beer which has an ABV of 5 percent. The company uses advertising that is innovative and unconventional, guerrilla marketing tactics and is strong in digital space to get to more people. 

Earlier in News:  Bad Monkey Beer Makes Official Entry into Uttar Pradesh

Bee Young Strong Beer

Bee Young is a beer brand produced by Kimaya Himalayan Beverages LLP and founded by Abhinav Jindal in 2018. It is identified by its silk texture and appealing logo, and is a popular brand among beer-lovers in India. Bee Young has a beer with an ABV of 7.2 percent, with brewing facilities in New Delhi. Bee Young uses lifestyle marketing that utilizes social media to advertise music and cultural festivals in connection with its target audience. The brand is mainly brewed in Delhi, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab and is available in 100+ locations in PAN India and is expanding. Other brands of Kimaya Himalayan Beverages include Yavira.

At Indian Retailer, we are showcasing top Indian strong beer brands like Bro Code, Kingfisher Strong, Simba, and Bira 91 that can meet diverse consumer preferences for the HoReCa industry. It enhances the market presence and ensures consistent demand. 

FQAs on Top 10 Strong Beer Brands in India

1. Which beer drink is strongest?

Bro Code is the strongest beer in India and Brewmeister Snake Venom is currently recognised as the strongest beer in the World.

2. Which beer is costly?

The Belgian Stella Artois is also one of the most expensive beers in India. The luxury beer costs around Rs 325-345.

3. What is Whisky beer called?

Bulleit Boilermaker is called Whisky beer. 

4. What does 90 percent of beer contain?

Water comprises 90-95% of beer, playing a crucial role as both a primary ingredient and a major influence on the beer's flavor and quality. The mineral content of water can significantly alter the taste of beer, leading breweries to meticulously adjust water chemistry to craft specific beer styles.

5. What is the best beer in the world?

Russian River Supplication Beer is considered the best beer in the world by connoisseurs. It is a delicate blend of Belgian bitter and sour ales with fruity aromas of raisins, currants, and cherries. The flavor has been described as both tart and sweet, with a slight oakiness that gives way to a dry finish.

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Scotch vs. Whisky: The Key Differences Explained

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  • alcoholic beverages

How BB Matrix is Riding the $62 Billion Supply Chain Software Boom

Innovation is not just a necessity — it's the cornerstone of success. Enter BB Matrix, the all-in-one SaaS-based supply chain platform developed by BigBasket, a TATA Enterprise. Launched amidst a burgeoning global demand for supply chain management software, BB Matrix promises to offer comprehensive visibility across the entire supply chain to enterprises worldwide. The platform is set to reshape how businesses handle their supply chains, providing real-time updates, swiftly identifying bottlenecks, and empowering data-driven decision-making to build resilient supply chains.

The launch of BB Matrix could not be timelier. According to a Gartner report, global annual SCM software spending is projected to reach $62 billion by 2028, up from $29 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.3 percent. Spearheaded by Hari Menon, Co-Founder and CEO, BigBasket, and Rakshit Daga, Chief Product and Technology Officer, BB Matrix is designed to deliver next-generation supply chain solutions that cut costs and boost productivity.

"The SaaS-based solution has made it possible to reduce transportation costs by nearly 50 percent, lower lead times by around 60 percent, and ensure up to 100 percent supply chain visibility with its cutting-edge solutions," said Manish Mishra, Head of Sales & Marketing, BB Matrix.

Comprehensive Support and Global Reach

BB Matrix offers configuration and optimization, seamless data integration with over 150 ERP, CRM, and POS tools, and flawless migration for its customers. This holistic approach positions BB Matrix as a singular, expert solution provider tailored for the modern supply chain landscape.

One of the standout features of BB Matrix is its adaptability to changing market conditions. Whether forecasting inventory, managing stock replenishment, storage, payments, delivery, or handling returns, the platform provides real-time updates and helps in identifying bottlenecks swiftly. This enables users to make data-driven decisions, crucial for building resilient supply chain processes.

"BB Matrix brings to the table a vast infrastructure and network globally with a nearly 99.1 percent on-time delivery record," Mishra noted. "This helps our clients deliver an excellent customer experience and achieve optimal outcomes in their supply chain operations."

The Genesis of BB Matrix

The inception of BB Matrix is a fascinating story of innovation within a thriving enterprise. "It's kind of a startup within a startup," Mishra explained. "With BigBasket's operations expanding, we realized the potential of providing our advanced technology as a service to the external world. This led to the SaaSification of our product stack, transforming it from a monolithic form to a scalable, cloud-based solution."

This journey began a couple of years ago, starting with the technological foundation and gradually moving towards a go-to-market strategy, which has been largely product-led. The development of BB Matrix was driven by a clear market need for a unified SaaS platform for supply chain management. "Efficiency was a big item on the list for many organizations we spoke to," Mishra clarified. "With increasing competition, there was a pressing need to enhance efficiency and customer experience. That's where we saw an opportunity to step in."

Salient Features and Unique Technologies

BB Matrix is a cloud-based platform hosted on AWS, offering three primary modules within the supply chain software portfolio: warehouse management system, transport management system, and order management system. These modules cover supply chain execution and, to some extent, sourcing and procurement.

"Our focus is on efficiency around warehouse operations, order management, and transport management," Mishra highlighted. "Ease of deployment and integration with third-party tools are also critical features our customers look for."

A significant advantage of BB Matrix is its off-the-shelf customization capabilities. "Based on our customers' needs, we've ensured that the platform addresses key gaps in servicing, visibility, and tracking," Mishra said. "Our goal is to offer a product that meets 80-90 percent of our customers' needs out-of-the-box, requiring minimal customization."

Addressing Key Supply Chain Challenges

BB Matrix tackles traditional problem areas in supply chain management head-on. "Productivity is a major focus, alongside competitive pressure and customer satisfaction," Mishra explained. "A cloud-enabled product like BB Matrix reduces capex and keeps technology up-to-date, addressing scalability challenges effectively."

While BB Matrix starts with a strong focus on the Indian market, its ambitions are global. "We're catering to retail, e-commerce, manufacturing, logistics, and transportation sectors," Mishra said. "Our aim is to stabilize our operations in India and then expand into emerging markets in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and eventually the US. The platform is capable of offering its solutions in international markets like the US, Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa regions as well," Mishra added. "This global reach sets us apart in the industry."

Expectations and Market Impact

With a well-tested product and a growing market, BB Matrix has high expectations for the future. "The supply chain market is growing phenomenally, with high double-digit growth rates," Mishra noted. "Our expectation is to achieve triple-digit million-dollar revenues in the next three to five years and make significant inroads into international markets."

BB Matrix is poised to revolutionize supply chain management with its innovative, SaaS-based platform. By offering comprehensive support, real-time efficiency, and global reach, BB Matrix is set to meet the evolving needs of modern enterprises and drive significant improvements in supply chain operations.

  • Supply Chain Management

Exclusive: How Lava's Blaze X Series is disrupting the Sub-Rs 15,000 Smartphone Market in India

Smartphone prices are skyrocketing all over the world. In such a scenario, Lava International Ltd. is shaking things up with their Blaze X Series by focusing on affordability, premium design, and value for money, while meeting the needs of a diverse consumer base. Sunil Raina, Managing Director, Lava, gives Indian Retailer an exclusive look at how this new series is set to redefine value in the sub-Rs 30,000 segment. Get ready to be amazed by the groundbreaking features and thoughtful design that make Blaze X a game-changer for budget-conscious consumers.

The Blaze X Vision

According to Raina, Lava identified a significant gap in the market for smartphones priced below Rs 30,000. He explains, "If you scan the smartphone market today, you'll notice that unique features are often reserved for higher price segments. We believe there's a large consumer base, primarily below the Rs 30,000 price point, that deserves access to advanced technology. Their aspirations need to be met just as much as those of high-end consumers."

This philosophy led to the creation of Blaze X, a smartphone series designed to bring premium features to an affordable price bracket. Raina proudly states, "Blaze X is going to be the first smartphone with a curved display in the sub-Rs 15,000 category. It will feature an in-display fingerprint sensor, a high-quality chipset, and an exquisite design that looks and feels expensive."

Premium Design without the Premium Price

One of the key differentiators of the Blaze X series is its aesthetic appeal. Raina criticizes the industry norm of making lower-priced phones look less attractive to push consumers towards more expensive models. He says, "We have a clear principle that people must get their money's worth. Aesthetics and build quality don't have to cost a fortune. Our phones, whether priced at Rs 7,000 or Rs 25,000 rupees, all look premium and offer the best build quality available."

Lava's commitment to providing excellent value is evident in every aspect of the latest series. Raina emphasizes, "It's important to recognize that someone buying Rs 7,000 device values their money just as much, if not more, than someone spending Rs 40,000 or Rs 50,000. We're dedicated to offering the best value to all our consumers."

Check out LAVA Blaze X Key Features

The smartphone features a 16.94 cm (6.67”) 120 Hz Curved AMOLED Display with a punch-hole design for an immersive experience.

  • It boasts a 64MP + 2MP rear camera with a Sony sensor and a 16MP front camera, offering modes like Dual View Video, Film, Pro Video, Slow Motion, Timelapse, UHD, GIF, Beauty, HDR, Night, Portrait, AI, Pro, Panorama, Filters, Macro, and AI Emoji.
  • Powered by the latest MediaTek Dimensity 6300 processor with AnTuTu 420K+, the smartphone offers three RAM options (4GB+4GB, 6GB+6GB, 8GB+8GB) and 128GB UFS 2.2 storage for smooth multitasking and ample space.
  • Blaze X includes a 5000mAh battery, Type C port, and 33W Fast charging.

Catering to Diverse Markets

The Blaze X series is not just about affordability; it's also about accessibility. Raina highlights the different market dynamics, explaining, "Lower-end price points are typically more popular in rural areas and Tier II and III cities, while higher-end phones are more prevalent in urban areas. For instance, our Agni 2 model was very popular in metro cities, whereas our Rs 7,000 models are more popular in rural regions."

Lava's strategy is to ensure that their products reach every corner of the country. With a distribution network of 950 distributors and over 120,000 retailers, they have one of the largest market presences in India. Raina mentions, "We have built an automated platform connecting all our retailers and distributors, giving us direct visibility of each and every operator."

As far as their online-offline sales ratio is concerned, they are about 65 percent offline and 35 percent online, with a tie-up with Amazon. “Three years back, we used to be about 5 percent online and 95 percent offline. Now that has shifted dramatically, and we are bridging that gap,” he says.

Competing in a Crowded Market

The smartphone industry is fiercely competitive, but Lava is well-prepared to stand out. Raina notes, "Our industry has never had a shortage of competition. When we started, there were over 200 brands in the market. Today, we are the only Indian brand remaining, competing with global giants."

Lava's focus on providing the best value to consumers has been a key factor in their success. Raina states, "The battle is about who can give consumers the best value. Our view of best value is ensuring that every device we release offers full value to the consumer, regardless of the price point."

Commitment to Security and Updates

In today's digital age, security is paramount. Lava ensures that their devices are secure by using the Android operating system and regularly providing security updates. Raina explains, "We promise updates and upgrades for each device and fulfill that promise. While other brands may focus on high-end devices, we ensure that even our lower-priced models receive regular updates, reducing vulnerability."

 Lava's ambitious plans include exploring IPO options and raising capital to further invest in research and development and marketing. Raina is optimistic about the future, stating, "India is set to become the manufacturing hub for the world. With initiatives like the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for components, the opportunities are immense. We believe that the next decade will be crucial for the manufacturing sector in India."

With ambitious plans for expansion and a commitment to providing the best value, Lava is poised to make a significant impact in the market. As Sunil Raina aptly puts it, "We believe our people deserve the best, and we're here to deliver just that."

  • Cheapest Smartphone
  • Smartphone Industry
  • Brand Expansion
  • brand expanding in tier II III cities

Top 10 Scotch Whisky Brands in India 2024 | Alcohol%

A scotch can be called a whisky but a whisky cannot be called a scotch . Want to know more about scotch whisky ? Did you know that all the scotch whisky must be made in Scotland by law? Here are the top 10 scotch whisky brands in India. 

Scotch Whisky is the largest export segment for Scotland, with millions of bottles being shipped around the globe each year! It must be matured in oak casks in Scotland made from malted barley for three years as per the Scotch Whisky Association, established in 1912 to watch over the production and labeling of scotch whisky.

Read More:  Scotch vs. Whisky: The Key Differences Explained

Top 10 Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Discover the top 10 scotch whisky brands in India, and gather all the Information you Need!

1. Glenlivet

Glenlivet, a scotch whisky brand was started by George Smith in 1824 with the Glenlivet being the main range of single malt scotch whisky. It goes through the process of malting, milling, mashing, fermenting, distilling and maturing. This scotch whisky is made in Livet Valley, Scotland. The brand became a part of the Pernod Ricard group, the Chivas brothers subsidiary.

Glenlivet: Top Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Top 4 Glenlivet Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi

Name Quantity ABV 
The Glenlivet Founder's Reserve 1000 CL 40 percent
The Glenlivet TCM White Oak Reserve 1000 CL 40 percent
The Glenlivet 12-Year-Old 1000 CL 40 percent
The Glenlivet 15-Year-Old 1000 CL 40 percent

2. Monkey Shoulder

Monkey Shoulder, a scotch and whisky brand owned by William Grant & Sons since 1887, originated in Scotland. The name ‘Monkey Shoulder’ came from the traditional process of whisky making. Way back malters would have strain injuries which led their hands to hang down like a monkey. It was the third best-selling scotch whisky brand in 2023. It comes from the Balvenie, Glenfiddich and Kininvie distilleries. (Source: Wikipedia)

Monkey Shoulder: Top Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Monkey Shoulder Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi 

Name Quantity ABV 
Monkey Shoulder Blend 1 L 40 percent

3. Black and White 

Black and White, a scotch and whisky brand was started by James Buchanan, through a London whisky brokerage in 1879. He found that whisky was believed to be harsh and saw a chance to sell something smooth. He used the finest molten grain whisky from Dalwhinnie, Clynelish and Glen Dullan. A balanced content was made in the Buchanan blend with the mixture of these. Later it was renamed as ‘Black and White’. Diageo owns the brand now. This scotch whisky is produced in Scotland. 

Black and White: Top Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Black and White Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi  

Name Quantity ABV 
Black & White Blended Whisky 1 L 40 Percent

Chivas , a scotch and whisky brand, was founded by John and James Chivas in the rural Scottish Highlands. It has had its distillery since 1789 called the Strathisla. This scotch whisky brand is popular due to its smoothness and taste of Speyside malt. The Chivas scotch whisky range is matured between 10-25 years. Pernod Ricard has been the parent company since 2001. 

Chivas: Top Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Chivas Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi 

Name Quantity ABV 
Chivas Regal 13 Extra Rum Cask Scotch Whisky 100 CL 40 percent

5. 100 Pipers

100 Pipers, a scotch whisky brand, produces its product with a blended mixture of 25-30 fine malt whiskies. It has been a part of Pernod Richard since 2001. The brand name was adapted from a ballad of ‘the hundred pipers’ which explains the store of pipers of a troop commanded by Bonnie Prince Charlie, in a battle. It was started by Jimmy Lang and Chivas brothers and Alan Baillie in 1965.

100 Pipers:Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Top 2 100 Pipers Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi   

Name Quantity ABV
100 Pipers  750 ml 40 percent
100 pipers 12 years 750 ml 40 percent

6. Johnnie Walker

Jonnie Walker, a scotch whisky brand, has a great story. John Walker as a teenager started the distillery, grocery and wine segment when his father died. Slowly, he began to focus on whisky exclusively. It originated from Kilmarnock, Ayrshire in Scotland, and was passed on to his son and later to his grandson. Now the company is owned by Diageo.

Johnnie Walker: Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Top 5 Johnnie Walker Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi  

Name Quantity ABV
Johnnie Walker Double Black Blended Scotch Whisky 1L 40 percent
John Walker & Sons King George V Blended Scotch Whisky 750CL 40 percent
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Blended Scotch Whisky  1L 40 percent
Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky 1L 40 percent
Johnnie Walker Island Green Blended Scotch Whisky Travel exclusive 1L 40 percent

7. Black Dog

Black Dog is a blended scotch whisky producer established in 1883. It was blended and bottled by James Mackinlay. It is now produced by the Indian Beverage Company United Spirits Limited (USL), a subsidiary of Diageo. Since 1992 it has been bottled and marketed in India.

Black Dog: Top Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Top 3 Black Dog Scotch Whisky Range in Certain Parts of Delhi

Name Quantity ABV
Black Dog Black Aged & Rare Blended Scotch Whisky 750 ml 42.8 percent
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Blended Scotch Whisky  750 ml 40 percent
Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky 750 ml 40 percent

8. Teachers 

Teachers is a scotch whisky brand started by William Teachers. After the Excise Act in 1823 William got the opportunity to sell whisky in his grocery store. He obtained a legal allowance to create and sell self-made whiskies in his shop. Years passed and his sons and grandsons held the legacy and became William Teachers & Sons Ltd. In 2011 Fortune Brands acquired Teachers and made it into Beam Inc. In 2014, Suntory bought Beam, forming Beam Suntory.

Teachers: Top Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Top 2 Teachers Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi 

Name Quantity ABV
Teachers 50 Blended Scotch Whisky 750 ml 42.8 percent
Teachers Highland Cream Blended Scotch Whisky 750 ml 42.8 percent

9. Ballantine

Ballantine, a scotch whisky brand, started in 1836 when a Scottish greengrocer named George Ballantine turned to the art of whiskies. He started marketing his hand-selected malts. He first started his grocery with just shakes and ended up being the top scotch whisky brand around the globe. It provides blended scotch whisky from the most renowned whisky regions in Scotland which are Speyside, Highlands, Islay and Lowlands. It became a part of the Pernod Ricard Group in 2005. 

Ballantine: Top Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Top 3 Ballantine Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi 

Name  Quantity ABV
Ballantine Finest Blended Scotch Whisky 750 ml 43 percent
Ballantines Blended Scotch Whisky 12 Years 750 ml 40 percent
Ballantines Blended Scotch Whisky  375 ml 40 percent

Vat 69 is a scotch whisky brand that was started in Leith, Scotland by William Sanderson in 1839. He owned his own alcohol business in 1863. To make it perfect, William developed 100 different vatting of whiskies for expert testing. The number 69 came from the chosen number of vatting by the experts. Hence the brand name ‘Vat 69’. Today it is owned by Diageo and is produced in Scotland. 

Vat69: Top 10 Scotch Whisky Brands in India

Top-rated Vat 69 Scotch Whisky Range in Delhi

Name Quantity ABV 
Vat 69 Blended Scotch Whisky 1L 40 percent

From the Indian Retailers' view, Scotch Whisky has a special place in the global market of spirits products, differentiating itself and appealing to sophisticated consumers all over the world by being made following strict regulations that are based on time-honored Scottish methods of production. 

Which are the top 3 scotch whisky brands in India?

Glenfiddich 12, Chivas Regal 12, and Johnnie Walker Black Label are the best scotch whisky brands in India. 

What factors are required before purchasing a scotch whisky?

Price, age, range and flavor are the top four factors that should be considered before purchasing a scotch whisky.

What are the main types of scotch whisky?

Single malt scotch whisky, single grain scotch whisky, blended malt scotch whisky, blended grain scotch whisky and blended scotch whisky are the main four types of scotch whisky in the market. 

What are the common scotch whisky regions in Scotland?

Speyside, Highlands, Islay, Lowlands and Campbeltown are the main regions in Scotland. 

Mango Rakes in Record 1.543 Billion Euro Revenue in First Half of the Year - Up 6.3 pc!

In a spectacular display of business acumen, Mango has set a new benchmark with the highest revenue in its 40-year history, raking in over 1.543 billion euros in the first six months of the year. This marks a 6.3 percent increase compared to the same period last year, showcasing the brand's relentless upward trajectory despite facing challenges like climate impacts, inflationary pressures, and geopolitical tensions.

The secret behind Mango's soaring success? A series of blockbuster collections that have captivated customers worldwide. Mango’s collections and value proposition, meticulously designed in Barcelona, have been exceptionally well received. From the much-anticipated collaboration with fashion icon Victoria Beckham for its Woman line to an exclusive partnership with Italian tailoring powerhouse Boglioli for Mango Man, the brand has consistently delivered on quality and innovation. These new capsule collections, alongside fresh editions of its Capsule and Selection lines, have not only reinforced Mango's commitment to aspirational style but also resonated deeply with fashion enthusiasts.

Unstoppable Sales across All Business Lines

Mango's diverse business lines have all seen remarkable growth. Mango Man has emerged as a star performer with a jaw-dropping 21 percent increase in sales. Meanwhile, Mango Kids and Teen have recorded impressive growth of over 11 percent. The Woman line, the backbone of Mango's business, has achieved a slight but significant growth of 4 percent, securing the highest revenue for a six-month period in the company's history and accounting for a whopping 79 percent of total revenue.

Toni Ruiz, CEO, Mango, expressed his pride in the company's achievements. "In a very competitive environment, the company has achieved the best six months in its history, with growth above the market average. The excellent performance in revenue during the first half of the year reinforces our commitment to our value proposition, our business model and the international expansion plan with which we want to continue to inspire the world with our passion for fashion," he stated.

Global Domination 

With a presence in over 115 markets, Mango's international business now accounts for more than 78 percent of the group's total revenue. The top-performing regions include Spain, France, Turkey, Germany, and the US. The brand's aggressive expansion strategy has led to 57 net store openings in the first half of the year, bringing the total to 2,743 stores worldwide. By the end of 2024, Mango aims to surpass 2,800 stores, a testament to its ambitious growth plans.

Mango's expansion is nothing short of impressive. In the US, the brand is opening more stores than initially planned, with new locations in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Virginia, as well as a strengthened presence in California and New York. In Spain, around twenty new stores are set to open, particularly for the Mango Teen line, with a new Teen store already making waves at Passeig de Gracia in Barcelona.

The UK market is also a key focus, with plans for over twenty new stores this year, including first-time ventures into cities in Northern Ireland and central and southern England. London has already welcomed its first international Mango Teen store.

Italy is another hotspot for Mango's expansion, with more than fifteen new stores slated to open, pushing the total number of stores in the country past one hundred. Key cities like Rome, Bologna, Genoa, and Verona are seeing significant investments, including a new flagship store in Rome's Alberto Sordi shopping gallery and a revamped iconic store in Milan's Galleria del Corso.

Physical and Online Channels Flourish

Mango's physical channel growth has been bolstered by not just new store openings but also a significant double-digit growth in Like-for-Like (LxL) sales. Meanwhile, the online channel continues to perform robustly, with slight growth over the same period last year. Online sales now represent approximately 33 percent of the group's total revenue, a figure that far exceeds industry competitors.

Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2024, Mango has unveiled a bold new Strategic Plan named 4E, outlining the business priorities until 2026. The four pillars of the 4E Plan—Elevate, Expand, Earn, and Empower—will drive the company towards its ambitious goals, including surpassing 4 billion euros in revenue by 2026. Central to this plan is a reinforced value proposition and a strategic expansion that envisions the opening of over 500 stores in the next three years.

Mango closed a record 2023 financial year with revenue exceeding 3.1 billion euros. As the company now pushes forward with its 4E Strategic Plan, the goal is clear: exceed 4 billion euros in revenue by 2026. With its eyes firmly set on the future, Mango continues to inspire the fashion world, setting new standards and breaking records with each passing day. Stay tuned as this fashion juggernaut continues its unstoppable ascent!

  • retail revenue
  • retail expansion

How to Start a Shoe Business in 14 Steps: A Hands-On Guide

Everyone has shoes in their wardrobe, and people like buying good shoes. Therefore starting a shoe business can be an exciting and rewarding venture, but there is always a right strategy to kick start, the perfect push, isn't it? To assist you on h ow to start a shoe business , here is a 14-step hands-on guide that will describe the path for your entrepreneur journey. 

14 Steps to Starting a Shoe Business

Starting a shoe business involves careful planning and execution. Here are 14 steps to guide you through the process:

Step 1. Research Your Market

Engagement, Awareness and Analysis of  the Market:

  • Conduct Surveys: gathering information about the market, audience wants and demands is essential. In today's technology there are various ways to collect information, using online tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey can help you gain customer insights. 
  • Analyze Competitors: One must know their competitors. Thorough research on what the other shoe brands are doing, their performance, their market information, and whether there are any gaps that you are missing. Understand the strategies of successful shoe brands and improvise yours. 
  • Attend Trade Shows: Engaging with industry experts is crucial, make your networking, and gain knowledge about the shoe industry in your country. Recognize and integrate with a first-hand look at upcoming trends. 

Tip : Create an online survey and share it on social media to gather initial feedback. Use this data to refine your shoe business concept.

Step 2. Define Your Niche 

Spot Your Target Audience:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location, and income level are the key elements to define and understand your target audience. This will help you to dedicate your product to a specific customer making it resonate with them. 
  • Interests and Lifestyles: Who are you designing and manufacturing for? What type of shoe needs to be made for what type of audience? Get answers to these questions, whether you want to produce a show for an athlete, a fashion admirer or a corporate audience. For instance, if your shoe business is for an athlete, then design your product accordingly, make it a high-performance running shoe, soft foot strike and other features. 

Tip : Develop customer personas. Give them names and backstories to better visualize and cater to their needs.

How to Start a Shoe Business - Define Your Niche 

Step 3. Brand Identity

Build a Strong Brand Identity :

  • Name and Logo: A memorable and unique name and logo can add a lot of value to your shoe business. It catches the eye of a consumer. 
  • Visual Elements: Making the right choice of color scheme, the typography in the logo and content and the images is a great way to attract customers. The logo and brand name should have the right balance of colors and readable typography.
  • Brand Story: The narration of your brand story builds a connection between the target audience and your brand. A compelling storytelling that resonates. Honesty and achievements should be a part of the storytelling. Mark the milestones. For example: Nike’s “swoosh” logo is instantly recognizable and symbolizes speed and motion.

Tip: Use a free logo maker tool like Canva to experiment with designs. Share your top choices with friends and family for feedback.

Step 4. Plan Out Your Business

Components of a Business Plan:

  • Executive Summary: Answers to why, what, who, where and how of the shoe business will bring an objective to your brand. Make an overview of the business.
  • Marketing Strategy: Develop and improve the marketing plan as per the trends. Customers want something new and niche, adapt to a plan that can retain and entice your customers. 

Tip: There are tons of business plan websites that can make a template for you according to your needs. Small Business Administration (SBA) is a well-known website in India. 

Step 5. Secure Funding                 

Explore Funding Options: Know What Suits You!

  • Bootstrapping: It is the most popular option for starting a shoe business. It means building your brand from scratch with owner finances without external capital. It provides full ownership and eliminates the payment of interest, dividends and external investors.
  • Bank Loans: Secure funding option from a financial institute that can be used in purchasing inventory, storefront and manufacturing. A bank provides a lump sum amount that needs to be repaid with interest but mostly for a business loan banks give long-period repayment. 
  • Crowdfunding: It is a recent and upcoming option to raise your funding to start a business. It means a practice of raising money by a large number of people who would like to invest small or big amounts. It usually happens on online platforms, Kickstarter and IndieGoGo are the top crowdfunding websites. 

Tip : Create a crowdfunding campaign video that tells your story and explains why people should support your venture.

How to Start a Shoe Business - Secure Funding   

Step 6. Manufacturing of the Products

Design and production:

  • Sketch Designs: A developed and researched design information is put down on a piece of paper. Make sketches, and translate the gathered knowledge on what type of shoes is the company making. 
  • Create Prototypes: Make a rough outlined duplicate of your shoe. A show sample can assist in rectifying the little details are are left. Ensuring the sample is correct as per the expectation, then master the final product.
  • Test for Quality: Certainty in the quality, durability, comfort and style of the shoe is a must. Make sure the shoe has all the elements that are required like lace, sole or color.

Note: The development process for a running shoe will differ significantly from that of a high-heeled shoe in terms of materials and design.

Tip: Gather feedback from customers and improve. The sketches can be shared with potential customers on online mediums like social media or via email.

How to Start a Shoe Business - Manufacturing of Products

Step 7. Managing Supply Chain

Establish a Reliable Supply Chain:

  • Source Materials supplier: Building and maintaining a strong relationship with suppliers benefits the brand in procurement, and responsible products, ensuring quality, delivery, and sustainability. Do not depend on one supplier, diversify. 
  • Manufacturing: Reduce risk factors and resolve common challenges in the manufacturing process. Partner with reputable suppliers.
  • Logistics: Adopt and plan your inventory, and how to transport your products from the factory to your storage facility or directly to customers. Implement ABC analysis and Embrace Just-in-time inventory.

Tip: Trello is a reputed supply chain and inventory company. 

Step 8. Register Your Business

Legal Requirements:

  • Choose a Business Model: Decide if you want to start with a retail store, or through e-commerce or Omnichannel (retail store as well as online presence). If the budget is open to a large investment a retail store is the right call. If the budget allows low investment e-commerce is the best.
  • Register Your Business Name: Make your shoe brand authentic to gain the confidence of your customers. Choose a business structure, for instance, sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation. 

Step 9. Set Up Your Storefront or an Online Presence

Ways of Selling : 

  • Brick-and-Mortar Store: A retail store in a specific location where customers have the comfort of testing and trying the shoe. 
  • E-commerce Website: Use online applications and websites like Amazon, Flipkart or Myntra etc. Online presence has a wider reach ability to gain the attention of the audience. 

How to Start a Shoe Business - Set up your Storefront 

Step 10. Marketing Strategy

Promote Your Brand: 

  • Social Media Marketing: Today the most popular marketing platforms are social media. Build a presence on Instagram and Facebook to showcase the footwear. It is best for making a large number of audiences aware of your shoe business. 
  • Influencer Collaborations: Influencer marketing is when you partner with social media influencers or even celebrities with a huge number of followers, to advertise your footwear brand.
  • Email Campaigns: Newsletters have a dual advantage, it makes consumers aware of the brand as well as bring the innovative upgrades seen. keep the audience updated with new arrivals and promotions. 

Tip: Hootsuite is a common and well-rated website for managing social media posts, and stories with cost efficiency. 

Step 11. Launch Your Business

Plan Your Launch:

  • Pre-Launch Hype: Make a tease about your footwear in the market. Encourage customers through marketing strategies before the launch. Use social media, and offline advertisements like billboards and merchandising. 
  • Launch Event: Host an event online or offline. Make the store an e-commerce presence seen in the market. 
  • Exclusive Offers: To engage and entice the customers, avail with offers, discounts, and coupons.

Tip: Live stream your launch event on social media to engage with a broader audience.

Step 12. Manage Inventory

Efficient Inventory Management:

  • Inventory Management System: For a successful operation consider investing in a reliable inventory management system. The software must manage the stock levels, sales performance, and generate real-time reports. 
  • Set Par Levels: Ensure stock-ins and stock-outs. Manage with balance for dealing with minimal quantities for each footwear to ensure it is never out of stock. 

Tip: QuickBooks is a website to integrate inventory management with your accounting system.

How to Start a Shoe Business - Inventory Management 

Step 13. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Customer Experience:

  • Sizing Guides: Help customers choose the right size, acknowledge the feedback and improve.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Suggest and customize products based on customer preferences. It builds trust and confidence from a customer's perspective towards your brand. 
  • Easy Returns: Offer hassle-free returns to build trust. Certain coupons or discounts can be made available for dissatisfied customers, generating a want for customers to come back. 

Tip: Implement a live chat feature on your website to assist customers in real-time.

How to Start a Shoe Business - Customer Experience

Step 14. Plan Future

Stay Ahead of the Curve:

  • Monitor Trends: Keep upgrading and follow the latest footwear trends and technology 
  • Collect Feedback: Regularly ask customers for their opinions. 
  • Adapt Quickly: Be ready to pivot your strategy based on market changes.

Tip: Use Google Analytics to track your website’s performance and gain insights into customer behavior.

Final Thoughts

In the Indian retailer's eye, omnichannel presence is gaining heights for a startup. A business must choose the right path in the business model. E-commerce and retailing strategies influence the usual shopping experience still liked by the majority. Retailers are now integrating physical and digital mediums into omnichannel presence to expand their customer base. It is important to combine e-commerce and traditional retail, it was revealed that 73 percent of consumers incorporate multiple channels in their shopping. 

Is the shoe business profitable?

Yes, the shoe business can be profitable. Different types of shoe businesses have different cost structures and profit margins. For example, a retail shoe store has a profit margin of approximately 20% to 30%, whereas a wholesale shoe distributor has a profit margin of about 35% due to lower costs of goods sold​.

What are the most popular types of shoes demanded in the market?

The top 3 types of market-demanded shoes are - casual footwear, formal footwear, and customized footwear.

What is the minimum investment for a footwear business?

The minimum investment to start a footwear business typically ranges from Rs. 8 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs. This amount covers essential costs such as renting a space, purchasing inventory, business registration, and initial marketing efforts.

Difference between Supermarket and Hypermarket

The ones responsible for the high amounts of market value in India and rapid growth among all others are Supermarkets and Hypermarkets. It's expected that in 2026 the retail market value of India will reach $1.7 trillion, with super and hypermarkets being important drivers of it. The retail giants in addition not only revolutionized the shopping experience but also completely changed consumer behavior and the economy. It is most likely that urbanization together with the increase of disposable incomes contributes to the very fact that the distinction between supermarkets and hypermarkets becomes more comprehensible.

What is a Supermarket?

What is Supermarket

A Supermarket is a very large retail establishment that particularly sells in big quantities to family members. Bringing you back to the story, supermarkets operate in self-service and provide a wide list of foods in their inventory including vegetables, fruits, meat, packaged goods, and also non-food items such as cleaning things and personal hygiene products. An instance in India that portrays an adequate example is Reliance Fresh. The global Supermarkets Market value is approximately $0.98 trillion in 2024, along the line is expected to touch $1.16 trillion by 2029, although the CAGR has been cited to reach 3.30 percent in the period of the forecast (2024-2029).  Such grocers usually set up shops near urban and semi-urban centers, thus enabling convenience and a wide selection of food items for one's daily needs in shopping. There are different types of Supermarkets which are:

  • Conventional supermarkets
  • A limited assortment of supermarkets
  • Supercenters
  • Warehouse clubs
  • Convenience stores

Check More:  Retail Store: Definition, Types and Components

What is a Hypermarket?

What is Hypermarket

A hypermarket is an immense supermarket-like enterprise, which combines a supermarket with a department store. Normally, these shops have a wide selection of products in one place, such as groceries, apparel, electronics, furniture, and much more. Hypermarkets are a type of large retail store that provides a more comprehensive shopping experience and because of that, they are usually larger than supermarkets. The success of Lulu Hyderabad in India is a wonderful illustration of a hypermarket chain. A majority of the time, hypermarkets are found either in the suburbs or on the outskirts of towns, and they usually offer large parking lots and diverse stock. The Hypermarket market size is calculated as $774.27 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $876.03 billion as soon as the end of the year 2029 with an every-year development proportion of 2.5 percent within the same period between 2024 and 2029.

Check More:  Difference Between Supermarkets and Department Stores

Major Differences between Supermarket and Hypermarket

Size Typically ranges from 10,000 to 40,000 square feet. Generally spans over 80,000 square feet, sometimes exceeding 200,000 square feet.
Product Range Focuses mainly focus on food products and other usable items that are often found in households. Serves a broad scope of customer needs with products that include food and beverages, apparel, electronics and accessories, and home goods.
Shopping Experience  More focused, convenient, and quicker for everyday shopping.  Offers a comprehensive, one-stop shopping experience with a wide variety of goods.
Service Emphasizes convenience with easy access and quick shopping trips. Provides a broad selection of products often with additional services like food courts and entertainment options.
Target Market Serves and targets the urban and semi-urban areas consumers who are mainly looking for convenience. These appeal to consumers who shop for a variety of goods and those who shop in bulk.

The main difference between a supermarket and a hypermarket is that a hypermarket is a supermarket that also sells expensive items like appliances and is much more significant. Hypermarkets are massive, whereas supermarkets are small.

Examples of Supermarkets and Hypermarkets:

  • Supermarkets: Walmart Inc. and in India Reliance Fresh, and Hypercity are the greatest examples of Supermarkets. 
  • Hypermarkets: Reliance Retail, DMart and Spencer’s are some examples of Hypermarket 

Strategies for Success:

To thrive, both supermarkets and hypermarkets must adopt specific strategies:

Store Location:

  • Supermarkets can be found near housing areas and that is why they are more accessible to the consumers.
  • The central part of the city is the location of the hypermarkets. This is due to the huge area of them, which is why more parking spaces are provided and thus, the site can attract more customers.

Merchandise Range:

  • Supermarkets are the first to enter with the least brand variety but more product categories (e.g., 500 categories with 10 choices each).
  • Hypermarkets are the second for they offer more products but fewer brand choices in each category (e.g., 3,000 categories with top 3-5 brands).

Inventory Management:

  • With supermarkets, there are such practices as inventory turnover, demand-making estimation, communicating with a reliable supplier, setting auto reorders, etc.
  • In hypermarkets, by inclusion of forecasted demands commodity-wise, they escape overstock or stockouts.

Store Layout:

  • Supermarkets make use of the same layout for all the departments and thus a customer can get familiar with everything by following the signboards.
  • Hypermarkets do the same for the board (i.e. rows for groceries, and free flow for clothes) and the customer will be able to find a way to move through the store because of the signboards.

Online Presence:

  • Supermarkets have put up more user-friendly websites or have made apps for online ordering and home delivery. They are also taking advantage of social media and digital marketing.
  • Hypermarkets have evolved traditional shopping methods, letting patrons order curbside pick-up and combining such walks with car-parking directions filled through online channels.

Technology Integration:

  • Supermarkets also believe in the concept of implementing ERP solutions that can be adapted to different business functions (e.g., inventory control, billing, accounts, and GST filing).
  • Similarly, Hypermarkets will also be capable of being extended to security measures like even theft-detection cameras, especially for self-checkout POS machines.

Customer Service:

  • Supermarkets: Staff must be taught to help customers who are overwhelmed by the huge number of shoppers. The personnel should be effortlessly approachable by the customers.
  • Hypermarkets: They have a nice idea such as the addition of in-store restaurants and cafes thus an important reason behind them to shop and boost sales.

A Quick Summary of the Differences between Hypermarket and Supermarkets

  • Size: Hypermarkets are significantly larger than supermarkets.
  • Location: Supermarkets are usually located near residential areas while hypermarkets are located in commercial areas or ideally on the outskirts areas.
  • Product Range: Hypermarkets offer a more extensive range of products.
  • Pricing: Supermarkets prices are based on their nearest competitor's price while the hypermarkets follow everyday low pricing strategies after their large sales volume.
  • Shopping Experience: Supermarkets are convenient for quick trips, while hypermarkets provide a comprehensive shopping experience.
  • Checkout counters: Supermarkets have a single counter with multiple tills but Hypermarket has departments with their different counters for billing.
  • Service: Supermarkets focus on speed and convenience hypermarkets on variety and additional services.
  • Target Market: Supermarkets cater to the daily needs of urban shoppers; hypermarkets target bulk buyers and those seeking a wide variety.

Final Words

At Indian Retailer, we think that both Hypermarket and Supermarkets play important roles in the Indian economy, and play a crucial role in the Indian retail market, understanding their difference is also important for anyone to make an informed choice and also for the people who want to strategize growth in the retail world.

FAQs on the Difference Between Supermarkets and Hypermarkets

1. Is DMart a supermarket or a hypermarket?

DMart is an Indian retail corporation that operates a chain of supermarkets in India.

2. Is mall a hypermarket?

No, a mall is not a hypermarket. A mall is a large complex with multiple retail stores and entertainment options, while a hypermarket is a single, extensive store combining a supermarket and a department store.

3. What is the difference between a retail store and a hypermarket?

Hypermarkets are usually part of a larger retail chain, and they often have a larger selection than supermarkets or department stores. In addition to offering a wide variety of items, hypermarkets typically sell items at lower prices than other retailers.

4. What is the difference between a supermarket and a grocery store?

A grocery store tends to be more focused on food and produce, often smaller in size, and might not carry the same extensive range of non-food items. Essentially, supermarkets are like a one-size-fits-all store, while grocery stores are more specialized.

5. Why is a supermarket necessary?

The benefit of a supermarket is that customers can get all of their goods under one roof, which saves a lot of time.

  • Hypermarket
  • Supermarket

82 pc of Indian Consumers Prioritize Data Protection for Trust in Brands

In an era where digital transactions are burgeoning, Indian consumers are particularly sensitive about their personal data. 82 percent of consumers consider the protection of their personal data as the most critical factor in earning their trust. This sentiment is echoed by Ravi Kapoor, Partner and Leader – Retail and Consumer sector, PwC India, who stated, "Protecting consumer data has not surprisingly been voted by 82 percent of consumers as the most important factor that will help build trust."

PwC India has released its latest survey titled "Voice of the Consumer Survey 2024," providing a comprehensive look at the sentiments and shopping behaviors of Indian consumers. The survey, encompassing responses from 1,000 Indian consumers, underscores significant trends and imperatives that brands must heed to build trust and foster loyalty. According to the survey, Indian consumers are increasingly discerning about where they spend their money and whom they trust with their personal data. The survey provides a comprehensive look into the sentiments and shopping behaviors of Indian consumers, offering crucial insights for brands aiming to refine their strategies and marketing efforts.

82 pc of Indian Consumers Prioritize Data Protection for Trust in Brands

The Crucial Role of Data Protection

Consumers are increasingly cautious about privacy and data sharing, particularly on social media. Despite 58 percent of consumers buying products through social media, it remains the least trusted channel, with 76 percent of consumers expressing concerns about privacy. This underscores the need for brands to implement stringent data protection measures and transparently manage consumer data.

“The survey advises businesses to adopt rigorous data protection strategies, as 83 percent of consumers value knowing their devices secure their information, and 74 percent approve using their data for beneficial services. Additionally, over 66 percent are willing to share data for more personalized experiences, provided their privacy is not compromised,” he explained.

Health, Wellness, and Sustainability

Indian consumers' preferences are increasingly leaning towards health and wellness-focused products. The survey reveals that 69 percent of consumers plan to eat more fruits and vegetables soon, and 75 percent actively seek information on food sustainability. Millennials, in particular, show a proactive stance, with 78 percent favoring independent sustainability scores on labels, compared to 66 percent of Gen Z.

This shift towards sustainability is further driven by concerns over climate change, which 46 percent of Indian consumers view as a significant threat. As a result, 60 percent of these consumers are changing their behavior and moving towards sustainable products, even willing to pay a premium of 13.1 percent for sustainably sourced goods.

Kapoor emphasized, "Our survey reveals three main drivers of building trust; firstly, how well do brands make life easier for their consumers; secondly, how well they connect with their consumers and finally how do they ensure inclusiveness with their consumers."

Businesses are advised to align their offerings with wellness, nutrition, and sustainable practices. The top incentives for sustainable purchasing include water conservation (43 percent), eco-friendly packaging (41 percent), and waste reduction and recycling (36 percent). By addressing these concerns, brands can tap into the growing market of environmentally conscious consumers and strengthen their trust and loyalty.

Physical Stores vs. Online Shopping

While the global trend shows a significant shift towards online shopping, Indian consumers still exhibit a strong preference for physical stores. According to the survey, 56 percent of Indian consumers frequently purchase non-grocery items from physical stores, a figure substantially higher than the global average of 34 percent. In-store shopping remains popular, with 62 percent of consumers preferring to visit stores to discover products, while 53 percent browse online.

This preference for physical stores is balanced with the convenience of online marketplaces, with 43 percent of purchases happening in-store and 44 percent online. Businesses are encouraged to enhance the physical store experience by incorporating technologies like augmented reality and mobile payments to make shopping more seamless and engaging.

"Indian consumers’ optimistic sentiment shines through the survey with a whopping 75 percent of consumers saying that they will increase spends in the clothing/footwear/grocery and health and beauty categories in the next six months," noted Kapoor.

The Impact of Social Media and Influencers

Social media plays a crucial role in consumer decision-making, despite being the least trusted industry. The survey indicates that 77 percent of consumers discover new brands via social media, and 81 percent use it to seek reviews before making purchases. Influencer endorsements and targeted ads significantly influence purchasing decisions, highlighting the importance for brands to maintain authenticity and transparency on these platforms.

However, the concerns about privacy and data sharing on social media cannot be ignored. Kapoor highlighted, "The main theme of the survey is the need for brands to stay authentic to earn consumer trust and ultimately build loyalty." To address these concerns, businesses must implement stringent privacy measures and clearly communicate their data protection policies to consumers.

AI and the Human Touch

The integration of AI in business operations is a double-edged sword. While 57 percent of consumers trust AI for low-risk activities like obtaining product information or receiving recommendations, they remain skeptical about AI’s role in high-risk tasks. Despite interest in chatbots, there is a strong preference for direct interaction with sales representatives. Over 86 percent of consumers express concerns about the potential cyber risks and job security implications of future AI developments.

The survey cautions businesses to carefully integrate AI, emphasizing the need to balance AI with human interaction, especially in complex and personal services. He advised, "Brands need to deploy generative AI tools responsibly to build consumer trust." This balance is crucial in ensuring that AI enhances the consumer experience without overshadowing the human touch that many consumers still value.

Building Trust Through Authenticity and Value

The survey identifies six key imperatives essential for building consumer trust: focusing on value-creating purchase journeys, proactively helping consumers manage their health and wellness needs, staying authentic on social media channels, building watertight personal data protection capabilities, creating sustainable business models, and deploying generative AI tools responsibly.

82 pc of Indian Consumers Prioritize Data Protection for Trust in Brands

By addressing these imperatives, businesses can meet consumer expectations and build long-lasting trust and loyalty. High-quality products and services, clear communication, consistent consumer experiences, affordability, transparency in ESG matters, and improved decision-making and execution are the cornerstones of building trust with consumers.

  • Consumer Behavior
  • Shopping experience
  • Consumer Spending

India's FMCG Market to Grow from $121.8 Bn in 2023 to $615.87 Bn by 2027

The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector in India is witnessing significant growth driven by consumer demand and price hikes, particularly for essential items. As of 2023, the FMCG market has reached a valuation of $121.8 billion. This report delves into the various factors contributing to the sector's expansion and the projections for its future growth.

According to IBEF(India Brand Equity Foundation), the total revenue of the FMCG market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.9 percent from 2021-27 , potentially reaching nearly $615.87 billion . In 2022, the urban segment contributed 65 percent to the overall annual FMCG sales, while rural India accounted for over 35 percent. This growth is supported by a good harvest and government spending, which are anticipated to aid rural demand recovery in FY24.

Volume and Value Growth

India's FMCG sector grew by 6.4 percent in volumes during the October-December 2023 quarter, led by positive consumption trends across the country. In FY23, the sector witnessed an 8.5 percent increase in revenues and a 2.5 percent rise in volumes. During the first half of 2022, value growth was approximately 8.4 percent due to inflation-induced price hikes. In Q2 of 2022, the FMCG sector recorded a 10.9 percent year-on-year value growth, surpassing the 6 percent growth seen in Q1.

Digital Influence and Resilience

India boasts 780 million internet users, with the average person spending around 7.3 hours daily on their smartphone, one of the highest rates globally. This digital presence has significantly influenced the FMCG sector, with digital advertising spending reaching $9.92 billion by 2023. The FMCG industry contributed 42 percent of the total digital spending, highlighting its dominance in the digital advertising space.

Food Processing Industry: A Key Contributor

The Indian food processing market reached $ 307.2 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow to $ 470 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 9.5 percent from 2023-28. From April 2000 to December 2023, the food processing industry received $ 12,466 million in foreign direct investment (FDI). The Union government has approved a new production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for the food processing sector with a budget of Rs. 109 billion ($ 1.46 billion), with incentives disbursed over six years until 2026-27.

Investment Announcements and Acquisitions

  • Varun Beverages: In February 2024, the company announced a Rs. 3,500 crore ($ 421.69 million) investment to set up manufacturing plants, generating 1,500 jobs.
  • Unilever: In October 2023, Unilever entered into an agreement to sell Dollar Shave Club while retaining a 35 percent minority shareholding.
  • VLCC: In June 2023, VLCC acquired the men's grooming brand Ustraa.
  • Reliance Retail Ventures: Completed the acquisition of a controlling stake in Lotus Chocolate in May 2023.
  • ITC: In January 2023, ITC announced plans to acquire 100 percent of Sproutlife Foods, the parent company of the health food brand 'Yoga Bar', over three to four years.

Government Initiatives and Budget Allocations

The Union Budget 2023-24 allocated $976 million for PLI schemes aimed at reducing import costs, improving domestic production cost competitiveness, increasing domestic capacity, and promoting exports. These initiatives are expected to drive growth in the FMCG sector by creating jobs and strengthening the supply chain.

ALSO READ:  FMCG Sector in India Sees Strong Growth in 2023-24

Employment and Consumption Trends

The FMCG sector employs around 3 million people, accounting for approximately 5 percent of the total factory employment in India. Sales in the sector were expected to grow by 7-9 percent in revenues for 2022-23. Key growth drivers include favorable government initiatives, a growing rural market and youth population, new branded products, and the rise of e-commerce platforms. By 2025, the number of active internet users in India is expected to reach 900 million, up from 622 million in 2020.

Rural Markets and Urban Contributions

Rural markets contribute more than 35 percent to overall annual FMCG sales. E-commerce accounts for 17 percent of the overall FMCG consumption among affluent buyers, who spend an average of Rs 5,620 ($68). The sector's growth is also fueled by increased spending on healthcare products, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rising demand for branded products in rural areas.

Future Outlook

The FMCG market in India is expected to increase at a CAGR of 14.9 percent, reaching $220 billion by 2025, up from $110 billion in 2020. The government's incentives and FDI funds have bolstered the sector, improving employment rates and establishing a robust supply chain. The FMCG sector's resilience, coupled with digital advancements and government support, ensures its continued growth and contribution to India's economy.

  • FMCG Products
  • FMCG industry
  • FMCG Report

After Rs 500 Crore ARR in 4.5 years, The Sleep Company Targets 200 Stores in 12 Months!

Revolutionizing the traditional mattress industry, TSC leads on the front foot with 100 company-owned-company-led stores. Remarkably, it's India's fastest D2C brand to reach this milestone within two years of launching its first store in Bengaluru in June 2022. In just four-and-a-half years, The Sleep Company has hit an impressive Rs 500 crore ARR! The Sleep Company is redefining the landscape of comfort with its innovative approach to sleep and seating products. From humble beginnings to becoming a trailblazer in the comfort tech industry, the journey of The Sleep Company is nothing short of inspiring.

Priyanka Salot, Co-founder, The Sleep Company, along with her husband Harshil, embarked on a transformative journey after identifying a gap in the Indian market for high-quality sleep products. "When I became a mom, sleep became a luxury that I couldn't afford. Despite trying various mattresses, my quest for comfort remained unfulfilled," Priyanka recalls. "That's when we realized the stark difference in product quality available in India compared to the global market. It sparked the idea that led to the birth of The Sleep Company."

With a decade-long experience at Procter & Gamble, Priyanka's passion for consumer brands and tangible products that improve lives fueled the foundation of the brand. "We wanted to create a consumer brand that would make a real difference. Our goal was clear: to revolutionize sleep and seating comfort with innovative products," she says.

Disrupting with SmartGRID Technology

The turning point came when Priyanka and Hershel met AK Tripathi, a former Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) scientist. "We spent two years in R&D, developing a product far superior to anything available in the country. Our patented SmartGRID mattress was born, designed to provide unparalleled comfort and support," Priyanka explains. The SmartGRID technology, now patented in multiple countries including India, has set new standards in the comfort tech industry.

From the outset, the vision was ambitious. "Can we make people sleep and sit better and become the world's best comfort tech brand?" Priyanka asked. In just two years, the company has established a strong offline presence, opening 100 company-owned experience centers across 30 cities in India. "We didn't want to be just another online brand. We aimed to create a tangible experience for our consumers," she emphasizes. "Our stores are designed to educate consumers about the importance of sleep and the benefits of SmartGRID technology. We offer a unique 'Sleep Lab' experience where customers can see and feel the difference." The company offers a host of products including mattresses, sofa, pillows, cushions, bedding, office chairs, smart recliner bed, among others.

From 100 to 200 Stores

With the recent milestone of 100 stores, The Sleep Company is poised for further expansion. "We plan to double our store count to 200 in the next 12 months," Priyanka shares. "Our approach is data-driven. We use proprietary tools to identify the best locations based on demographics, income levels, and other parameters. This ensures a high success rate for our stores."

The focus remains on direct-to-consumer sales, providing a seamless shopping experience both online and offline. "Our strategy of Research Online, Purchase Offline (ROPO) has worked exceptionally well. Today, more than 60 percent of our business comes from offline sales," she notes.

The Sleep Company saw its operating revenue soar to over Rs 127.14 crore in FY23, a massive leap from Rs 74.05 lakh in FY20. The company is on track to hit Rs 1000 crore in revenue within the next two-three years. This ambitious goal aligns with the leadership’s strategic vision, and will be fueled by a robust growth strategy, including expansion plans across India. The company has two manufacturing sites, one each in Mumbai and Bengaluru. Since December 2022, it has opened one store every 4-5 days, and all of TSC stores have been EBITDA profitable since the beginning of its operations.

The company generates 85 percent of its sales through its omnichannel presence, which includes both retail stores and its website. Dominating the office chair market in India, it has seen an astounding 10X growth in its chair category since launch. With the recent debut of its chair brand 'ErgoSmart', TSC aims to double its market share in the next 24 months. So far, TSC has raised Rs 184 cr in a Series C funding round from Premji Invest and Fireside Ventures in December 2023, Rs 177 cr in a Series B round led by the same investors and Alteria Capital, and Rs 13.4 cr in a pre-Series A round. Currently, they don’t have plans to raise more capital.

Inventing for the Future

Innovation continues to be at the core of the brand. "We operate in two main categories: sleep and seating. We are constantly launching new products within these categories," says Priyanka. "Our aim is to continue innovating and offering products that truly solve consumer problems." Beyond products, Priyanka and Harshil are committed to building a great organization. "Every employee at The Sleep Company has ESOPs, and we've conducted two rounds of buyback in our three-year funding journey. We want to ensure our employees are part of our success," Priyanka states proudly. "We strive to create a company that is not just profitable but also a great place to work."

To solidify its market position and omnichannel presence, The Sleep Company plans to boost its workforce from the current 1000 employees to 1300-1400 by the end of 2024. “This rapid growth and expansion is attributed to a combination of innovative products, expansion of our omnichannel presence and our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Innovation remains at the core of our growth strategy and our patented SmartGRID technology is what gives us a competitive edge and makes us stand out in the industry. We are now looking to enhance our position as a ‘House of Brands’ and expand our product line while setting new standards in the industry.  The integration of AI into our future products will help us further enhance customer experience. We are extremely grateful to our people, customers and investors for being a part of this growth journey and we remain committed to improving the lives of individuals with our sleep and sitting solutions,” she adds.

Global Ambitions

While the primary focus remains on India, The Sleep Company is testing international waters. "We are present in the UK and UAE, and have patents granted in several countries. Our vision is to become a global brand, made in India," Priyanka reveals. "The potential in the Indian market is vast, and we are just getting started."

The Sleep Company's journey from a startup to a leading comfort tech brand is a testament to its innovative spirit and consumer-centric approach. As Priyanka concludes, "We are committed to making people sleep and sit better. With our continued focus on innovation and expansion, we aim to set new benchmarks in the comfort tech industry." With the ambitious goal of doubling their store count and expanding their product line, The Sleep Company is well on its way to becoming a household name in the comfort tech industry, both in India and globally.

  • omnichannel
  • Expansion Plans

Top 10 Luxury Furniture Brands in India

What makes furniture truly luxurious? How do you choose pieces that perfectly blend sophistication and comfort? We have the solution with India’s top 10 luxury furniture brands , popular for the substantive luxury and ecology standards that have become a new trend. So let’s look into the leading furniture makers with their huge brand history, and their flagship stores to reach the brands which help you to analyze the best furniture brands for both domestic and international markets. Ready to discover the finest in luxury furniture?

Furniture Lifting the Indian Market

  • In 2024, the Furniture market in India is projected to generate a revenue of Rs 5.48 billion.
  • This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.42 percen t from 2024 to 2029.
  • The largest segment within this market is the Home Décor, which is estimated to have a market volume of Rs 1.95 billion in 2024.

Top 10 Furniture Brands in India

Here is the list of the top 10 luxury furniture brands in India to help you understand why they come under the luxury segment. 

1. Sources Unlimited

Sources Unlimited

Helmed by Falgun Shroff, Sources Unlimited is a luxury home decor brand in India. Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Mumbai, the company has delivered projects throughout India, boasting well-known public figures and top corporate houses amongst their list of clients. With a focus on giving highly personalized service, ‘Sources Unlimited’ today has 3 showrooms - in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. Currently, Sources Unlimited has exclusive tie-ups with various top European brands such as Giorgetti, Rimadesio, Turri, Longhi, Baxter, Promemoria, Sicis, Wall & Deco. Besides these brands, they house 500 other high-profile international brands, which are globally renowned and can be easily accessed through Sources Unlimited. Media Milestone is in charge of exclusively marketing and promoting the brand. 

2. IOTA Furniture

Iota Furniture

IOTA Furniture began its journey as a family-owned timber shop founded in the year 2003 by Namit Ajmani, their headquarters is in Kirti Nagar, Delhi. IOTA is one of the trusted resources of imported luxury furniture in Delhi. Iota’s flagship features an eclectic mix of high-impact furniture pieces and interior accessories over seven countries. T heir selection boasts timelessly elegant design marvels from global heavyweights such as Ligne Roset, Kartell, Lenzi, Innovation Living, Arosio Milano, and many more. The marketing is majorly through blogs on their official website and articles. They provide special offers for their customers on their websites and stores. The expertly curated range of products, cherry-picked by IOTA’s skilled design team, typifies the contemporary style, soul, and spirit.

3. Sarita Handa

Sarita Handa Home

Sarita Handa, founded by the legend herself - Sarita Handa - has today metamorphosed into a hallmark luxury home design. Founded in 1992, the brand opened its first retail store in 2004. Later, Handa opened retail stores in Mumbai and Chennai. Today, helmed by her daughter, Suparna Handa, the brand opened its doors to a fourth luxury retail space in the upscale Defence Colony area of South Delhi. Spread across 1800 sq. feet, the store exudes an inviting, contemporary sophisticated ambience. Last year, the company registered an annual turnover of Rs 500 crore. The brand now sells bed and bath linen, furniture, décor products, and furniture fabrics all over India and overseas. Sarita Handa's marketing is mainly through news articles and social media. Their feed showcases a diverse mix of home decor, cushions, bed linens, furniture, fabrics, and lifestyle inspirations, all presented with a colorful and minimalist style that exudes sophistication.

4. Beyond Designs

Beyond Designs

Beyond Designs, the maximalist, luxury furniture brand was founded by the designer duo Sachin Gupta and Neha Gupta in the year 2000. Beyond Designs specializes in custom-made furniture, lights and accessories. They started their manufacturing unit in 2003 on a 500 square ft space. The Beyond Designs retail store was launched in South Delhi in 2010, and in 2018 they unveiled their flagship store at MG Road, Sultanpur in the Delhi Design District. The 8,000-sqft store showcases high-end furniture pieces, lights and accessories that use exclusive materials like stone, mirror, metal, crystals, semi-precious inlay, gold, and silver leaf etc.

Nivasa Furniture. Art

Nivasa specializes in creating homes, furniture and accessories. Founded in 1993 by Rohit Kapoor, the headquarters is in Sultanpur, New Delhi. Nivasa is a design and manufacturing company, engaged in creating exclusive furniture for the last 20 years. They offer bespoke furniture that is designed to fit your lifestyle and personality, along with different lines of ready-to-buy designer furniture. These comprise the following: PALAIS is intricately carved from solid wood, with elaborate craftsmanship. SCANDINAVIA is known for clean, minimalist furniture with innovative textures, materials, and finishes. The company’s share capital is Rs 90.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is Rs 64.60 lakh. Nivasa Retail Private Limited's operating revenues range is Rs 1 crore - 100 crore for the financial year ending on 31 March 2023.

6. Nitin Kohli Home

Nitin Kohli Home

The brand name is Furncraft Decollage, but, since the designer’s name was vastly known and respected throughout the country, the company it was rebranded to Nitin Kohli Home in 2018. Nitin Kohli Home is an ambidextrous and versatile design company with an in-house design center brimming with unique materials, along with dedicated units for stone, metal, fabrics, soft furnishings, and glasswork. Favored by top architects, the brand ensures that every project embodies a true masterpiece. It has its showhouse/flagship store based in Ambawatta One, near Qutub Minar, New Delhi , specializing in residential and commercial design. Nitin Kohli markets through social media.

7. Bay Window

Bay Window

Bay Window , a rising mid-luxury furniture brand has marked its debut with a sprawling 30,000-square-foot, five-storey flagship store in the upscale suburb of Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.  Founded in 2009 by Siddhant and Shivani Anand, Bay Window’s collaborations with renowned international designers infuse the brand's offerings with a worldliness, enabling them to cater to a variety of tastes and preferences. Their collections include pieces by London-based Leonhard Pfeifer, Scandinavian designer Anders Östberg, and Serge Milan, amongst others, all of whom merge their distinct design sensibilities with the Bay Window ethos. Bay Window has an ambitious roadmap, eyeing expansions across 10 cities in the next three years. The goal is to revolutionize the shopping experience in the home decor segment, promising customers not just exceptional products but also an unmatched omnichannel shopping experience with lightning-fast delivery. The brand attracts people through various news articles and online magazines. 

8. Vita Moderna

Vita Moderna Furniture showroom

Vita Moderna was established in the year 2008 by Akshay Adhalrao and Pritesh Modi and emerged slowly to rule the luxury furniture and interior design products in India. The company has been associated with luxurious homes across India for the last 15 years and maintains a close association with top interior designers and architects. The brand has successfully executed over 500 projects not only in India but also in international markets such as the UK and the Middle East. Vita Moderna has truly excelled in bridging the gap between Indian consumers and the finest Italian and European home decor brands, delivering a seamless fulfillment experience. It is associated with Flexform, Vittoria Frigerio, Reflex Angelo, Glas Italia, etc.

9.  Ralph Lauren 

Ralph Lauren Home

Ralph Lauren , a renowned name in the design, marketing and distribution of premium lifestyle products and other licenced product categories, was founded in the year 1983 by Ralph Lauren, The renowned classic American brand is available at Seetu Kohli Homes in India. The brand offers products, including furniture, bedding, lighting, and decor, with SKUs priced between Rs 2,00,000 and Rs 30,00,000. The brand’s emphasis on sustainable materials and custom furniture options, coupled with collaborations with top artisans, has solidified its global reputation, including a strong presence in India. Its headquarters is located in New York, US, and it is associated with brands like Polo Ralph Lauren and Lauren Ralph Lauren. Seetu Kohli Homes is headquartered in New Delhi’s posh Ambawatta complex.

10. Bent Chair

Bent Chair

Bent Chair founded in the year 2016 by Neeraj Jain and Natasha Jain,  a place where tradition was blended with modern technology. Bent Chair's headquarters is based in Ambala, the brand offers a wide range of premium sofas, dining tables & chairs, tables, mirrors, bookends, cushions, and wall decor items in varied designs and styles. Bent Chairs has a presence in over 15+ stores in PAN India and 10k+ app downloads. It has 12+ retail outlets in Indian cities such as Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Agra, Raipur, Patna and Ahmedabad. Internationally, Bent Chair has collaborated with BD Homes in China.

At Indian Retailer, we understand choosing a piece of furniture is not just about the standard but about the person's personality, family culture and fashion as well, and for that, we have a list of the top 10 luxury furniture brands, which help you to choose the right furniture according to your style.

FAQs on Luxury Furniture Brands in India

1. Which type of sofa is best?

If you want the sofa to be firm and provide good support, go for higher-density foam. The foam is usually supported by different types of springs and elastic belts. Polyurethane (PU) Foam: PU foam has a broad range of load-bearing capabilities and resiliency. Multiple layers of foam can provide suitable firmness.

2. What is luxury furniture?

It gives a sense of spaciousness as well as the appearance of a luxury lifestyle. They combine high-end furniture materials with creative styles that make them simply unique. Whether it's a bed base, a leather sofa, a solid wood dining table, or a sideboard, every piece of furniture can be a piece of luxury.

3. Who dominates the furniture market?

The United States generated nearly 254 billion U.S. dollars in furniture revenue in 2023, making it the leading market globally. China and Germany came in second and third place, with both markets worth over the 50 billion U.S. dollars mark.

4. Which city is famous for furniture goods?

Jodhpur (Rajasthan) is a furniture city in India, as there are almost 2000 big and small manufacturers of different types of furniture. And this city alone exports 1000 containers per month to the biggest furniture retailers all over the world.

  • ralph lauren
  • Interior designs

Difference between Retail and Visual Merchandising: Grow Your Business Idea

Have you ever wondered what attracts us when we visit a store? Is it the decorative mannequins or the styling or the aesthetic setting; or the kind of products that are available? All these aspects come under merchandising. From selection to placement of products, everything is done exclusively for a particular store. But there are two aspects that make a store entice you to walk in and explore. They are retail merchandising and visual merchandising. Let’s explore what the differences are between these two. 

This article will help you understand the differences, key features, and importance of retail and visual merchandising for your business idea. 

What is Retail Merchandising?

Retail Merchandising's primary objective is customer attraction. Retail merchandising is the art of showcasing and selling diverse products in a store that catches the eye of potential buyers. It calls for innovation in approach — using strategies like store layout and product placement based on customer demographics. The selection of stock-keeping units (SKUs) plays a vital role in defining the store's identity and appeal to its target market. In layman’s terms - whatever product you see in the store is painstakingly chosen and placed with utmost care to attract the customer.

Check More:  Why is AI Retail Merchandising Essential for the Holidays?

What is Visual Merchandising?

Visual Merchandising The main thing that visual merchandising does is determine how a store looks to showcase the brand's identity. The concept encompasses all aspects of store presentation from the layout to mannequin placement. Brick-and-mortar stores typically leverage visual merchandising as a tool for establishing their brand identity. It consists of such components as lighting and music selection blended with interior design that creates an image in customers' minds about the brand. In layman’s terms it is styling the store so that it looks and feels its best and can then entice the customers. 

Check More:  Top 5 retail visual merchandising strategies from the industry stalwarts

Difference between Retail and Visual Merchandising

Retail merchandising is primarily concerned with product selection and presentation to drive sales; visual merchandising, on the other hand, underscores the store's aesthetics and ambience to boost brand value and draw in clientele. Here are the key differences between retail and visual merchandising:-

Retail Merchandising aims to plan, buy and sell products for profitability, build engagement with customers and develop a brand identity. 

Visual Merchandising is the visual presentation for engaging customers towards a store. The attractive elements on banners, posters or digital screens assist in enticing customers, and building a curiosity to walk inside a store. 

Retail Merchandising focuses on product selection, prices, inventory management, and promotions.

Visual Merchandising focuses on display, customer experience and store outlook.

Retail merchandising impacts profitability and sales with constructive product supervision.

Visual merchandising plays a key role in customer interaction, shop experience and sales as well.

  • Role in Branding

Retail Merchandising makes sure the correct number of product stock is available at the right time (seasonal product accessibility).

Visual Merchandising increases the brand image by providing an environment that entices customers and making visually appealing stores.

Examples of Retail and Visual Merchandising

Retail Merchandising : Placing the products on particular shelves, dedicating a particular area of the shop to a particular product, understanding the trends and seasonal demands in the market in regards to the product and updating them. For example, Zara changes its stock every few days to keep up with trends and resonate with young customers, and look fresh for repeat customers.

Visual Merchandising : Banners, posters, digital panels above or at the entrance of a store, crowd-free and simple checkout mechanism. For example, McDonald's has a digital screen where ordering and payment options are done with a few clicks. 

Importance of Retail Merchandising

Strategic showcasing of products in retail merchandising is vital to maximize sales, draw in customers, and improve the shopping experience. Understand the importance of retail merchandising by the following points: 

1. Customer Fulfillment

Providing a satisfying experience is crucial as it naturally increases customer fulfillment. There should be easy selection, accessibility and clear signage for products. At the least, neatness and organized placement are necessary in stores to ensure comfort for customers. Zara for example, keeps up with the trends in the clothing market, it focuses on freshness and timeliness delivery of products to its customers in stores.

2. Stock Control

Maintaining inventory is essential for avoiding an overload of product stocks or minimizing out-of-stock scenarios. Expanding store space for products in an organized manner affects customer engagement.  

3. Branding

Retail merchandising shapes the customer perspective of a brand and lights its identity. Effective merchandising can make the brand stand outside the crowd, reflecting the unique selling proposition. For instance, H&M systematically arranges its products, making them easily accessible and within a free-flow layout. All this merchandising assists H&M in promotion with a remarkable customer experience.

Importance of Retail Merchandising

Importance of Visual Merchandising

Creating an in-store atmosphere boosting brand perception and drawing in customers through design and display are key elements of effective visual merchandising. Understand the importance of visual merchandising by the following points:

1.       Increase Sales

A visual presentation like a unique window display outside a retail store can gather attention from customers as it provides an overview of what to expect when inside the store. For example, the Adidas London flagship had a bold and innovative display using augmented reality, movable cables and a ‘Marley’ sneaker display to show sustainability and eye-catching storytelling, making a want to enter the store.

2.       Showcase Product Characteristics

Visual merchandising enables brands to showcase the key features, upgrades and other characteristics of their products that can interest customers. For example, Apple displays a digital screen on the entrance that explains the functions of the products so that it attracts customers.

3.       Connection with Customer

Visual merchandising involves displaying trends, seasonal products, new arrivals, and decorative interiors of the store, proper color palettes, and describing the history of the brand, all these contribute to building an emotional connection with customers.  

Importance of Visual Merchandising

What are the Key Features of Retail Merchandising and Visual Merchandising?

Retail merchandising focuses on product selection, pricing, promotions, inventory, and displays, while visual merchandising emphasizes store design, lighting, layout, and branding. Know more with the mentioned pointers below:-

Retail Merchandising

  • Product – There are certain ways in which a product can be displayed. Products should be kept at the eye-level shelf, positioned vertically, maintained quantity on the shelves, checked pricing on the shelf to match the product, and putting similar products together all these factors affect gathering the attention of consumers.
  • Segmentation – Catering to designing and layouts of the store that bring attention to core products and division of product zones to manage traffic flow.
  • Retail analysis - Trace sales, customer behavior and feedback to improve and adapt to the changes and trends.
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Brand Aesthetics – Window display, lighting, color palettes, and interiors of a retail store catering to amplify product presence, and make customers want to enter the store and spend more time.
  • Signages – Innovative, seasonal, and trendy standing boards or digital screens can entice customers to have a look around the store, explore and gain brand knowledge.
  • Customer flow – Navigation for effortless finding of different categories of products, segments, checkout counters and more so that there is less hustle for the customer, making them want to return to the store.  

Indian Retailer Overview:

Merchandising is vital for every retail brand in various aspects like branding, engaging customers, recognising brand identity and commerce. Differences between retail and visual merchandising are based on goal, focus, impact and role in branding. It is said that retail merchandising increases brand revenue by 23 percent! Window displays can increase traffic by 23 percent, 82 percent of eye-level shelves products are purchased, and customers spend 20 percent more time due to innovative visual displays. Both the type of merchandising retail as well as visual play specific roles in the growing process of a brand.

What are the main two types of visual merchandising?

Mannequins and signage are the top preferred types of visual merchandising.

What is the primary objective of retail merchandising?

The primary objective of retail merchandising is to entice and engage customers with creative and innovative merchandising.

What are the top two retail merchandising techniques?

Inventory management and product selection process are the top two retail merchandising

  • merchandising

How Orange Tree Became a Leader in India's Furniture Market with State-of-the-Art Manufacturing

India’s furniture market is booming, and is mostly controlled by the unorganized sector. The local carpenters can copy designs at a fraction of the cost. In this labyrinth, there are a few home-grown furniture and décor brands that stand out from the crowd and beckon the customer with their alluring wares, which are of top-notch quality and design. Founded by Gaurav Jain in 2014, Orange Tree is the retail arm of the House of Basant, a brand that boasts a 25-year heritage of exquisite lighting and décor. With an extensive 9 lakh square feet state-of-the-art factory, Orange Tree today truly reflects global design excellence while emphasizing sustainability and meticulous craftsmanship. The company's journey from being a prominent exporter of high-quality furniture to international markets to establishing a strong presence in the Indian retail landscape showcases its commitment to quality, design, and innovation. Orange Tree aims to bridge the gap between global standards and local accessibility, offering Indian consumers an opportunity to experience world-class furniture and décor within their reach.

A Family Legacy

"We are a family of furniture," says Gaurav Jain, Founder, Orange Tree. "My father started the company, and Orange Tree is essentially an extension of the House of Basant, our family business. At Basant, we have been exporting furniture and making pieces for global brands. There was always this aspiration to provide the same quality of furniture to the Indian market. Some of my friends would visit the factory, see the furniture we were exporting, and always ask how they could get it. That's how Orange Tree came to be."

The brand prides itself for its in-house design capabilities. "We design, manufacture, and now also sell directly to consumers," Jain explains. "At Orange Tree, we have a separate vertical for designing lighting, décor, and furniture. All the designs you see at here are created by our in-house team, though we do collaborate as well with brands such as Doodlage and Muse Mart."

Commitment to Innovation

One of the recent collaborations with the Raw Collaborative (design exhibition platform) was a testament to Orange Tree's commitment to innovative design. "Design is something I am very passionate about," says Jain. "Whenever I have the chance to meet creative people, I try to engage in any way I can. For instance, our collaboration with Muse Mart was an enriching experience."

Orange Tree stands out in the competitive Indian market by focusing on quality and unique design. Jain believes that there is still a lot of room for growth and improvement in the Indian furniture market. "India is a vast market with 1.5 billion people. When you think of furniture or home space brands, there aren't many that come to mind. There are some local brands doing good work, but on a national level, there is still much potential. We aim to fill that gap with our young and vibrant design ethos."

Inspiration and Design Process

The design process is driven by global trends and local inspirations. "We don't follow trends religiously," Jain says. "Our biggest inspiration comes from travel and meeting people. For instance, one of our design team members recently visited Ladakh and saw some beautiful textiles. Now, we're working on a collection inspired by those fabrics and techniques. We combine customer feedback with our design team's inspirations to create our collections."

Customization is another key aspect of Orange Tree's offerings. "We do customize for projects, and customers can choose from various fabric options, finishes, and sizes," Jain explains. "Our sales team listens to customer needs, and we use that data to form our designs. For example, we've noticed a growing demand for bar cabinets, so we are working on incorporating that into our SKUs."

As of now, Orange Tree has three operational stores in Bangalore, Jodhpur, and Hyderabad. "By October, we plan to have five more stores," Jain shares. "Selecting the right location and partner to manage the store is crucial. We take a step-by-step approach, ensuring we have the right people and location before expanding."

While the brand started as an online player, physical stores have provided valuable insights. "Online and physical stores cater to different customers," Jain explains. "Having a physical presence allows customers to touch and feel the products, leading to valuable conversations and feedback that help us improve our products."

Despite facing challenges like logistics and building trust as a young brand, Orange Tree has continued to grow. "Shipping heavy furniture was a major challenge initially, and building trust was another. But as we grew, word spread, and those challenges became less significant. Our current challenge is meeting the high expectations of our customers and delivering products quickly," says Jain.

Embracing Technology

Technology plays a significant role in Orange Tree's operations, with a mix of handcrafted and mechanical processes. "We use a mix of manual and mechanical processes depending on the product," Jain explains. "For instance, some of our recent collections required manual weaving, so we hired local artisans. For more straightforward products like dining tables, we use mechanical processes."

Looking ahead, Jain sees sustainability as a major trend. "Globally and in India, consumers are becoming more conscious about sustainability. They want to know how the product is made and whether the process is sustainable. At Orange Tree, we focus on sustainable materials and processes, aiming to create timeless pieces that bring nature into homes."

As for the future of the brand, Jain is optimistic but focused on quality over rapid expansion. "We hit our highest sales last month, which is encouraging," he shares. "However, we are not pressured by numbers. Our goal is to create beautiful products and provide a great customer experience. We are privately held and haven't raised money, so we are not answerable to investors. This allows us to focus on doing things right and ironing out challenges. Growth will follow naturally."

The brand is poised for a bright future, driven by its commitment to design excellence, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. As Gaurav Jain aptly puts it, "We are growing, and we are happy. Our focus is on bringing beautiful products and providing a great experience to our customers. Everything else will follow."

  • Furniture brand
  • Furniture market
  • Home decor & furnishing
  • lighting industry

Top 10 Smart TV Brands in India 2024: Best Picks for Retailers

In 2024, the Indian smart TV market is poised for impressive growth, with an expected annual increase of 12.4% and a market valuation reaching ₹35,000 crores. With this rapid expansion, selecting the right smart TV brand becomes crucial. To simplify this process, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 smart TV brands in India for 2024. This guide focuses on providing detailed brand overviews, including brand history, parent companies, and associated brands. Whether you’re a retailer, entrepreneur, or consumer, understanding these key aspects will help you make informed choices in the bustling smart TV market.

To 10 Best Smart Tv in Brands in India

Here are the top 10 smart TV brands in India to help you make the right choice. 

Samsung - Top TV Brands in India

Samsung , a South Korean multinational conglomerate, is renowned for its innovation in technology. Founded in 1938 by Lee Byung-chul, Samsung ventured into the electronics industry in the late 1960s and has since become a leading smart TV brand globally. Samsung has been the world's largest smartphone manufacturer since 2011 and operates Samsung Experience Store retail locations worldwide. These stores primarily showcase Samsung Galaxy devices, along with other Samsung-owned brands. In India, Samsung smart TVs are marketed by Samsung India Electronics and are available through numerous outlets across the country. Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan currently represents the brand as its ambassador. Known for their vibrant displays, sleek designs, and advanced Tizen OS, Samsung smart TVs in India start at a price range of ₹30,000.

Earlier in News: Daewoo Launches Smart LED TVs to Elevate Home Entertainment Experience

LG - Top TV Brands in India

LG Electronics , a prominent South Korean company, has been a significant force in the smart TV market. Founded in 1958 as Lak-Hui (pronounced ‘Lucky’), the company rebranded to LG Electronics in 1995. Known for its innovations in display technology, LG excels with OLED and NanoCell. LG previously had joint ventures with Royal Philips Electronics, including LG Philips Display and LG Philips LCD. Philips sold its shares in these ventures in late 2008.

In India, LG smart TVs are marketed by LG Electronics India, which operates numerous showrooms nationwide. Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is the current brand ambassador. LG smart TVs feature AI ThinQ and WebOS, offering advanced functionality. Prices for these models start around ₹35,000.

Sony- Top TV Brands in India

Sony Corporation , a Japanese multinational, has been a leader in consumer electronics since its founding in 1946 by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita. Renowned for its high-quality audio and visual products, Sony is a major player in the smart TV market. In 2023, Sony was ranked 57th in the Forbes Global 2000. The company is also recognized as the world's largest player in the premium TV market for models of at least 55 inches priced over $2,500. Additionally, it is the second-largest TV brand by market share and, as of 2020, the third-largest television manufacturer globally by annual sales figures.

In India, Sony smart TVs are marketed by Sony India and are available through various electronic stores nationwide. Indian cricketer Virat Kohli serves as the brand’s ambassador. Sony smart TVs are praised for their superior picture quality and advanced features like TRILUMINOS Display and Android TV. Prices for Sony smart TVs start at approximately ₹40,000.

XIAOMI - Top TV Brands in India

Xiaomi , a Chinese electronics company, has made significant strides in the Indian smart TV market since its debut in 2018. Founded in 2010 by Lei Jun, Xiaomi is known for offering affordable yet high-quality electronics. The company is ranked 338th on the Fortune Global 500 and is noted as the youngest company on the list. Xiaomi keeps its prices close to manufacturing costs by maintaining most products in the market for about 18 months and using inventory optimization along with flash sales to manage stock. In India, Xiaomi smart TVs are marketed by Xiaomi India, which operates over 5,000 outlets across the country. Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is the brand’s current ambassador. Xiaomi smart TVs feature MIUI TV and are competitively priced, starting around ₹25,000.

TCL - Top TV Brands in India

TCL , a leading Chinese electronics manufacturer, has made a significant impact in the Indian smart TV market. Founded in 1981, TCL (The Creative Life) was the world's 25th-largest consumer electronics producer in 2010 and became the second-largest television manufacturer by market share by 2019. On February 7, 2020, the company rebranded as TCL Technology. It operates through divisions in TV sets, cell phones, home appliances, and semiconductor displays, and has four affiliated business areas

including real estate and finance. In India, TCL smart TVs are marketed by TCL India and available in numerous electronic retail stores. Known for their high-quality displays and smart features like Android TV, TCL smart TVs start from ₹28,000.

6. Panasonic

Panasonic - Top TV Brands in India

Panasonic - Panasonic Corporation, a Japanese multinational, has been delivering high-quality electronic products since its founding in 1918 by Kōnosuke Matsushita. Originally known as Matsushita Electric Housewares Manufacturing Works, the company was incorporated in 1935 as Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. It was renamed Panasonic Corporation in 2008 and became a holding company in 2022. Panasonic is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is part of the Nikkei 225 and TOPIX 100 indices, with a secondary listing on the Nagoya Stock Exchange.

In India, Panasonic smart TVs are marketed by Panasonic India and are available in various electronic retail stores. Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan is the current brand ambassador. Panasonic smart TVs feature technologies like My Home Screen and are priced from around ₹32,000. The brand is well-regarded for its durability and innovative features.

One Plus - Top TV Brands in India

OnePlus - OnePlus Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., doing business as OnePlus, is a Chinese consumer electronics manufacturer headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. It is a subsidiary of Oppo. OnePlus, founded in 2013 by Pete Lau and Carl Pei, has made a notable impact in the smart TV segment with its premium offerings. Known for its high-performance smartphones, OnePlus has expanded into smart TVs with impressive specifications.

In India, OnePlus smart TVs are marketed by OnePlus India, and the brand is represented by Bollywood actor Yami Gautam. The smart TVs feature OxygenPlay and start at around ₹30,000. OnePlus is celebrated for its sleek design and high-performance features.

Philips - Top TV Brands in India

Philips is a Dutch multinational corporation with a long history of innovation in consumer electronics. Founded in 1891 in Eindhoven, the company moved its headquarters to Amsterdam in 1997. However, its Benelux headquarters remain in Eindhoven. Philips was once a major player in consumer electronics but now focuses on health technology.

In India, Philips smart TVs are marketed by Philips India and endorsed by Indian cricketer MS Dhoni. Known for its Ambilight technology and Android TV features, Philips smart TVs are priced from around ₹27,000. The brand is celebrated for its innovative display technologies and user-friendly interfaces.

Sharp - Top TV Brands in India

Sharp - Sharp Corporation, a Japanese electronics company, was founded in 1912 by Tokuji Hayakawa in Honjo, Tokyo. It was initially established as Hayakawa Metal Works Institute in Abeno, Osaka, in 1924. The company is headquartered in Sakai, Osaka. Since 2016, Sharp has been majority-owned by Taiwan-based Foxconn (Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd.). Sharp's net sales reached 2.55 trillion yen in the fiscal year 2022 (ending 29 February 2024), a slight increase from 2.5 trillion yen the previous year. While Sharp was once known for its mass-marketed electronics, it ventured into the high-end stereo market in 1976 with high-end receivers, amplifiers, speakers, turntables, and cassette recorders.

In India, Sharp smart TVs are marketed by Sharp India. The brand does not have a notable celebrity ambassador in the country. Sharp smart TVs feature technologies like AQUOS and Android TV, with prices starting at ₹35,000. The brand is recognized for its reliable technology and advanced display features.

Haier - Top TV Brands in India

Haier, a Chinese multinational founded in 1984 by Zhang Ruimin, is headquartered in Qingdao, Shandong. The company designs, develops, manufactures, and sells a range of products, including refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, dryers, microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers, and televisions. Haier operates seven global brands in the home appliances sector: Haier, Casarte, Leader, GE Appliances, Fisher & Paykel, Aqua, and Candy. According to data from Euromonitor, Haier was the number one global brand in major appliances for 10 consecutive years from 2009 to 2018.

In India, Haier has made a strong entry into the smart TV market with competitive offerings. Haier smart TVs are marketed by Haier India and are represented by Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar. These smart TVs come with features like Android TV and are priced from around ₹24,000. Haier is known for its affordability and reliable performance.

Indian Retailers Angle

The smart TV market in India is booming, with projections indicating a 12.4% annual growth rate, reaching around ₹35,000 crores by the end of 2024. This surge is driven by increasing consumer demand for advanced features and technologies. For retailers, entrepreneurs, and industry professionals, understanding the top 10 smart TV brands in India is crucial. This list highlights the best options available, offering insights into features, pricing, and market presence. Staying informed about these brands will help you make informed decisions and remain competitive in the evolving retail landscape.

FAQ on Best Smart TV Brands

Which brand is best for smart TVs? The list starts with Sony followed by Samsung and LG.

Which is better 4K, QLED or OLED? QLED is preferred the most in the market due to brighter picture quality as compared to OLED and 4K resolutions.

What is the preferred smart TV size? As per the analysis, 65-85 inches are the most sole and popular choice in the market.  

  • Samsung Electronics
  • LG Electronics

Top 10 Brandy Brands in India with Price List

Brandy is becoming Trendy in the Indian market. Brandy is a liquor based on the wine distillation process. Having a PV of 35-60%, 70-120 US proof, brandy is often served as a digestive . India is a large producer and consumer of spirits in the international context as measured by volume. India is gradually metabolizing the alcohol culture into its society. That is due to the increasing number of outlets, including bars. It is also safe to assume that the cost of brandy has elevated having regard to the preceding few years. Therefore, let me post the following to discover what brandy brands are the best in India, including the prices.

Another reason why brandy is popular is the great many of the brands and their types; Armagnac, Cognac, Pomace, Calvados, the American brandy, South-American Pisco, Spanish, Armenian, South-African, German, Turkey, Cyprus, Russian, and many others for tasting . Here are a few exciting pieces about brandy in general as well.

Best Brandy Brands at a Glance

Here we have a list of the top 10 best brandy brands in India so that you can have a taste of the best spirit in the Indian Market.

1. Morpheus

Morpheus - Best Brandy Brand

It was particularly introduced in India in the early 2010s, but it has quickly gained supremacy of quality, for Radico Khaitan, one of the largest spirits manufacturers in India and one of the world's leading spirits companies. Morpheus - premium quality, exceptional taste. With 5 gold medals at the prestigious Monde Selection, This brandy features rich, resonating notes of dried fruits, vanilla and spices with an Intoxicating and complex aroma.

  • ABV: 42.8 percent
Morpheus X.O. Blended Premium Brandy 180ml Rs 430
Morpheus X.O. Blended Premium Brandy 375ml Rs 800
Morpheus X.O. Blended Premium Brandy 750 ml Rs 1520
Morpheus Blue X.O. Blended Premium Brandy 180ml Rs 480
Morpheus Blue X.O. Blended Premium Brandy 375ml Rs 890
Morpheus Blue X.O. Blended Premium Brandy 750 ml Rs 1620

  (Price list 2024) This is the MRP set by the state government and can be different in each state

2. Remy Martin

Remy Martin - Best Brandy Brand

A branch of the ancient heritage found in France, Remy Martin practices a custom dating to the 19th century and the name is derived from its founder’s name. In the case of India, Remy Martin is referred to as a distinguished imported brandy. Furthermore, it is a product that is very attractive to connoisseurs who are looking for a luxury kind of drinking experience. It offers a smooth, velvety taste with subtle fruit and oak notes. The aroma is elegant and refined.

  • ABV: 40 percent 
Remy Martin VSOP 1000CL Rs 9,000
Remy Martin XO Excellence 1000CL Rs 33,500

(Price list 2024) This is the MRP set by the state government and can be different in each state

3. Old Admiral

Old Admiral - Best Brandy Brand

Old Admiral Brandy started relatively in the early 20th century in India and has gained the loyalty of Indian brandy consumers. Old Admiral Brandy is produced by one of India’s well-known alcohol makers, Radico Khaitan and is appreciated on account of its heavy body and rich taste. Old Admiral is gradually penetrating the urban as well as the rural markets due to its superior quality at reasonable prices. Another known brandy has a sharp, spicy taste, part of its flavour being a fruity tone.

Old Admiral VSOP Brandy 750ml Rs 310
Old Admiral VSOP Brandy 1000ml Rs 390

4. Bootz Authentic Dutch Grape

 Bootz Authentic Dutch Grape- Best Brandy Brand

The Bootz range originated in Holland and for generations, the boots have been made in that tradition. Bootz Authentic Dutch Brandy is made from the Dutch and this brand is recognized from the country through importation. It provides the drink with a rich and creamy flavor that has the notes of caramel and spice.

  • ABV: 38 percent
Bootz Dutch Grape Brandy 180ml Rs 290
Bootz Dutch Grape Brandy 375ml Rs 580
Bootz Dutch Grape Brandy 750ml Rs 1,160

5. Mont Castle French Grape

Mont Castle Mont Castle French Grape - Brandy Brand in India

Mont Castle, which established its roots in France, is a classic embodiment of the French implications in winemaking. Mont Castle French Grape Brandy comprises its French grape base that is both unique and has an exceptional flavor profile it features a complex flavor with notes of ripe grapes, vanilla, and spices. The aroma is fruity and floral, with a hint of oak.

  • ABV: 40 percent
Mont Castle French Grape 750 ml Rs 960

6. Hennessy

Hennessy - Best Brandy Brand In India

Hennessy Brandy is known for its smooth taste and affordability. It originates from France, named after surname of founder Richard Hennessy, has been a popular choice among consumers seeking quality. It offers a balanced flavor with subtle hints of fruit and spices. The aroma is mild and pleasant. Hennessy is favoured in urban markets for its high price point which offers a smooth drinking experience.

Hennessy V.S 1000 CL Rs 6,490

7. Golden Grapes

Golden Grape - Best Brandy Brand

Golden Grapes has been a trusted name in the Indian market for several years, known for its consistent quality. Produced by Golden Grape Wines, Golden Grapes Brandy is known for its smoothness and it offers a smooth, mellow taste with hints of fruit and spice. The aroma is light and pleasant. Golden Grapes is popular in both urban and rural areas.

Golden Grapes Brandy 750ml Rs 250

8. McDowell’s No. 1

 McDowell’s No. 1 - Best Brandy Brand

Launched in 1963 in India, McDowell’s No. 1 began its journey in Bangalore and has a long history with the creation of it there. The brand is named after the founder, Angus McDowell. The brand not only has domestic but international exposure as well. It has become the brand of celebrations and deep friendships in the entire country. McDowell's No. 1 is the main brand of United Spirits Limited, which is a Diageo group company. It is the number one selling and the most demanded brandy in India. Now it’s not strange to find the term “the market leader in the Indian brandy segment” being used, indeed its sales and customer base are very strong. This brandy is known for its smooth, full-bodied flavor with hints of fruit and oak. The aroma is inviting, with notes of vanilla and spice.

McDowell’s brandy price in Bangalore 1000ml Rs 1,220
Brandy by McDowell’s price in Delhi 750ml Rs 460
McDowell’s VSOP brandy price in Chennai 750ml Rs 360
McDowell’s VSOP brandy price in Chennai 180ml Rs 160

9. Honey Bee

Honey bee - Best Brandy  Brand

Introduced in the 1960s in India, Honey Bee is one of the other chief brands belonging to the mighty United Spirits Limited. Honey Bee easily became very popular for its good flavor and affordable price. This type of brandy has a sweet, honey-like flavor profile with clever winks such as wood and spice. Honey Bee ranks first no matter where it is in South India, which makes it the best choice for economy-minded consumers.

Honey Bee Brandy 750ml Rs 580
Honey Bee Brandy 180ml Rs 180

10. Courrier Napoleon

Courrier Napoleon - Best Brandy Brand

With roots in the mid-20th century in India, Courrier Napoleon Brandy has always been a preferred choice of Indian customers. By Jagatjit Industries, Courrier Napoleon Brandy is a catalyst for the price of it is known for its bold taste and low price. The name pays homage to Napoleon Bonaparte, evoking a sense of grandeur and boldness associated with the historic figure. It has a pleasant, creamy flavor of caramel and is quite spicy. The smell is very faint and nice, with excellent wood notes. It remains to be a mid-segment brand that is a customer's choice for its unmatched quality and relatively low price.

Courrier Napoleon brandy price in Delhi 750ml Rs 550.00
Courrier Napoleon brandy price in Mumbai 750ml Rs. 1600.00
Courrier Napoleon brandy price in Goa 750ml Rs. 450.00
Courrier Napoleon brandy price in Bangalore 750ml Rs. 1080.00
Courrier Napoleon brandy price in Kolkata 750ml Rs. 960.00

At IndianRetailer, we have made this list top 10 best brandy brands in India offering a fascinating glimpse into the diversity and richness of the brandy market. Whether interested in the brand’s historical background or curious about the taste of these brands had something for every brandy fan. Cheers to discovering your next favourite brandy!

FAQs on Best Brandy Brands

1. What type of alcohol is brandy?

brandy, an alcoholic beverage distilled from wine or a fermented fruit mash. The term used alone generally refers to the grape product; brandies made from the wines or fermented mashes of other fruits are commonly identified by the specific fruit name.

2. Is brandy a beer or wine?

Brandy is distilled wine and the concentration of alcohol in Brandy is around 35% to 60%. Brandy slows down ageing, improves cold and cough, and reduces the risk of heart diseases.

3. What is special about brandy?

Wine brandy is produced from a variety of grape cultivars. A special selection of cultivars, providing distinct aroma and character, is used for high-quality brandies, while cheaper ones are made from whichever wine is available.

4. Who first made brandy?

Brandy began to be distilled in France circa 1313, but it was prepared only as a medicine and was considered as possessing such marvelous strengthening and sanitary powers that the physicians named it “the water of life,” (l'eau de vie) a name it still retains.

5. What does VSOP mean?

VSOP, “Very Superior Old Pale”, which is now common for all Cognac Houses actually dates back to the 1817 British Royal Court. So, what does VSOP stand for exactly? For a cognac to be classified as a VSOP, the minimum age of the youngest eau-de-vie in the blend must be at least 4 years old.

  • Consumer Demand

How Beyond Snack is Transforming India's Banana Chips Market with a 3.5 Million Euro Boost

In July 2023, Beyond Snack, a pioneering brand in the banana chip industry, received a substantial funding boost of 3.5 million euros. This financial injection has catalyzed the company’s ambitious expansion plans, both within India and internationally. Manas Madhu, Co-founder, Beyond Snack, shares insights into the company's new factory, strategic growth plans, and innovative approaches that distinguish their products in a competitive market.

New Factory and Increased Capacity

The establishment of a new factory in Tumkur, Karnataka, marks a significant milestone for Beyond Snack. This location, just two hours from Bangalore Airport, offers logistical advantages that streamline operations and reduce shipping times. Madhu explains, "One of the primary reasons for choosing Tumkur was its logistical advantage. Consignments coming from Kerala save us a couple of days in transit, and sourcing raw materials from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka adds additional value."

Currently, the factory has a capacity of 200 tons per month, which can be expanded to 600-800 tons in the coming years. This increased capacity is pivotal for meeting the growing demand for Beyond Snack's products. "This plant is spearheading our entire growth plan. All our expansion efforts, both in India and globally, will be driven from this plant," Madhu emphasizes.

Domestic and Global Expansion

Beyond Snack initially had a strong presence in the Maharashtra region. However, post-funding, the company has expanded significantly into northern India, including Punjab, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh. Madhu elaborates, "We have expanded into the eastern side as well and are slowly moving into the southern regions. We aim to establish ourselves as a national brand in banana chips."

However, the brand is not just focused on domestic growth. The company already has a presence in 15 countries, including the US, UK, Sweden, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. "Currently, the consumption in these countries is primarily from the Indian diaspora. Our goal is to go beyond that," says Madhu. The initial global expansion will target Western countries and the Middle East, with a strategic approach driven by the company's vision rather than market demand alone.

Distribution Strategy

The distribution strategy of Beyond Snack is multifaceted, involving general trade (GT), modern trade, quick commerce, and e-commerce. The pandemic initially pushed the company towards e-commerce, but they have since made significant inroads into the general trade market. "We launched our product right before the pandemic, which forced us to focus on e-commerce. However, we have substantially penetrated the general trade market in the last two years, especially post-funding," explains Madhu.

Currently, Beyond Snack products are available in over 14,000 outlets across India. The focus on GT will continue to grow, ensuring the brand’s presence is widespread and easily accessible to consumers.

Product Differentiation

Beyond Snack aims to dominate the banana chip category through continuous innovation. "Our objective is to grow this category and be number one in it. Banana chips never got the attention they deserved until Beyond Snack," Madhu states. The company has introduced several meaningful innovations, including flavor variations and format changes, such as the crinkle-cut style banana chips.

One of the standout innovations is the use of coconut oil for cooking the chips. While traditionally, banana chips have been cooked in coconut oil, Beyond Snack has refined this process to enhance quality and health benefits. Madhu explains, "Coconut oil in its crude format does not have a high smoking point, which is essential for deep frying. We spent eight months developing a refined coconut oil suitable for cooking banana chips, ensuring it retains all its health benefits without the overpowering smell."

Technological Advancements

Beyond Snack has integrated technology at various stages of production to maintain high quality and consistency. From raw material standardization to precise slicing and cooking processes, the company leverages technology to enhance efficiency. "The traditional method of making banana chips is outdated. We have brought in technological advancements at every stage to ensure our product stands out," says Madhu.

Sustainability is a core principle for Beyond Snack. The company sources its raw materials directly from farmers or farmer groups, ensuring fair practices and quality control. "We are working closely with farmers to implement better farming practices and technologies to improve crop quality. This is an area we plan to expand significantly in the coming years," notes Madhu.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, Beyond Snack aims to become a global brand originating from India. "Our vision is to have Beyond Snack products on retail shelves worldwide. We want to build a brand from India that has a global presence," Madhu asserts. The company is focused on making Kerala, the banana chip capital of the world, synonymous with Beyond Snack's high-quality, innovative products.

  • retail expansion overseas

The Retail Transformation: How 7.6% Economic Growth in FY24 is Redefining India’s Market!

The global economic environment in FY24 has been marked by significant challenges, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, rising inflation, tightening monetary policies, and disrupted global supply chains. Amid these headwinds, the Indian economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience, growing at an impressive rate of 7.6 percent in FY24. This growth is driven by robust government spending on infrastructure, growing private consumption, and a resilient services sector. This decoupling of India’s growth from global trends underscores the dynamism and potential of the Indian consumer market.

Indian economic growth in FY24 has remained strong in the face of global economic crises, driven by strong domestic demand for premium products and services, such as leisure travel. The IMF revised global growth forecasts downwards to 3.2 percent, due to factors such as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, rising inflation, and tightening of monetary policies. These events have created a cautious consumer environment globally. However, India remained a bright spot amid these economic challenges. Per the Second Advance Estimates (SAE), the Indian economy grew at 7.6 percent in FY24. This growth was propelled by government spending on infrastructure and a resilient services sector. This growth decoupling highlights the inherent dynamism within the Indian consumer market.

To gain deeper insights into these trends, we turned to Praveen Govindu, Partner, Deloitte India, who shed light on the future of malls, the rise of value-conscious spending, and the potential of omnichannel retail.

The Future of Malls in India

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered consumer behaviors, leading to the rise of e-commerce. However, physical retail spaces, particularly malls, continue to hold relevance in the Indian market. Praveen Govindu emphasizes the importance of malls, stating, "Malls will continue to stay relevant, and my sense is they'll actually be even more relevant than probably pre-pandemic times."

Post-pandemic, consumers exhibit a strong desire to engage socially and experience out-of-home activities. Malls have become hubs for these interactions, offering not just products but also experiences and emotional connections. Govindu notes, "Successful brands are investing in delivering customer delight, which is a mix of product experience and storytelling." This evolution highlights that the role of malls extends beyond mere shopping to creating a holistic customer experience.

Moreover, the omnichannel approach, which integrates online and offline shopping experiences, is gaining traction. "Malls are great opportunities to enable those omnichannel journeys," Govindu explains, pointing out that consumers often research products online and make purchases offline, or vice versa. This seamless integration enhances the relevance of malls in the modern retail landscape.

Different Retail Channels in FY24

In FY24, the Indian retail landscape witnessed a significant shift in consumer preferences and channel performance. Various retail formats, including Exclusive Brand Outlets (EBOs), Multi-Brand Outlets (MBOs), Large Format Retail (LFR), e-commerce, and Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) online websites/apps, have experienced diverse growth trajectories across different segments.

Exclusive Brand Outlets

Exclusive Brand Outlets (EBOs) have shown significant growth in FY24, driven by strategic expansions and consumer demand for specialized shopping experiences. In FY24, Page Industries grew its retail footprint with more than 90 new EBOs, while Titan’s jewelry brands launched more than 170 new stores. In addition, Titan’s watch brands added 115 stores and Taneira added 32 stores. Tanishq experienced a like-for-like sales increase of 15 percent, Caratlane saw a growth of 6 percent, and Titan World saw a 5 percent growth. Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Limited launched 700 new stores between Q4 of FY23 and Q4 of FY24, reaching a total of 4,247 stores. Further, premium and designer wear brands, such as Jaypore, Shantanu & Nikhil, and Masaba together added 7–8 new stores in this FY. The strong brand loyalty built by EBOs and targeted marketing initiatives has bolstered foot traffic and sales. Innovations, such as digital receipts and omni-channel deliveries, have enhanced the shopping experience, leading to better consumer engagement.

Multi-Brand Outlets

Multi-Brand Outlets (MBOs) have also performed well, particularly in the fashion and apparel sector. In FY24, Metro Brands saw a growth in standalone net profit, rising by 18.02 percent to INR 417.81 crore. In addition, the brand registered an 11.29 percent increase in revenue from operations, reaching INR 2,305 crore in FY24 compared with FY23. It added 97 stores (covering 19 new cities in FY24) across all formats during the year. Aditya Birla Fashion’s MBO network grew by 3,500 to surpass 37,000 stores in FY24. To address the challenges posed by EBOs and e-commerce channels, MBOs have adapted to changing times by continuously enhancing customer experience and service. These outlets have included free home deliveries, festive discounts, and seamless returns and exchanges. MBOs have evolved into a product discovery platform for the largest brands by forming exclusive partnerships with brands to run store-in-store initiatives and hosting brand In-store Promoters (ISPs).

The Rise of Value Retail

The pandemic also influenced spending patterns, with a notable rise in value-conscious spending. Govindu outlines the shift, explaining that post-pandemic, premium and luxury segments experienced significant growth as consumers indulged in high-end purchases. However, this trend has waned, making way for the resurgence of the value segment.

"The larger economies are reviving, and the rural economy, tier-two markets, and tier-three markets have also come out of the impact of COVID to a large extent," Govindu observes. This shift is driving growth in the value segment, with brands like Yousta, Zudio, and others rapidly expanding their presence. These brands are tapping into the aspirations of consumers in smaller cities and towns, where disposable income is rising, and the availability of products was previously limited.

Govindu further highlights, "Retail brands are opening exclusive outlets deep in tier-two and tier-three markets, and they're doing pretty well." This trend underscores the importance of accessibility and availability in driving retail growth in non-metro areas.

The Enduring Relevance of Kiranas

In the context of Indian retail, the role of kirana stores remains pivotal. Despite the proliferation of modern retail formats, kiranas continue to thrive due to their deep-rooted relationships with local communities. Govindu asserts, "You can't replace a kirana in the India market so easily," emphasizing the personalized service and trust these stores offer.

However, to stay relevant, kiranas must embrace digital transformation. Large companies are investing in modernizing kirana outlets by integrating digital payment systems, inventory management platforms, and connecting them with distributors. This transformation enables kiranas to cater to evolving consumer needs while retaining their unique strengths.

The Promise of Omnichannel Retail

Omnichannel retail is no longer a buzzword but a necessity in the Indian market. Consumers seamlessly move between online and offline channels, expecting a unified and consistent experience. "From a customer standpoint, there is nothing called omnichannel; everything is a channel of engagement," Govindu states.

The challenge for retailers lies in integrating these channels effectively. This involves managing costs, optimizing operating models, and resolving conflicts such as pricing discrepancies. The franchisee ecosystem in India adds complexity, as independent business owners must align with the brand's omnichannel strategy.

Govindu emphasizes the importance of investing in the right operating model, stating, "Companies need to invest in the right operating model when it comes to omnichannel to really succeed with this new customer segment." This includes addressing technological investments, profit-sharing mechanisms, and maintaining a consistent customer experience across all touchpoints.

Economic Expectations and Challenges for FY25

GDP growth is predicted at 7.0 percent for FY25, as markets adapt to geopolitical uncertainties. The global economy is expected to rebound in 2025, as central banks anticipate rate cuts. This recovery is expected to boost India’s private investment and export sectors. The anticipated growth in GDP over the next few years is expected to be primarily driven by Total Factor Productivity (TFP), supported by an increase in labor growth contribution (despite a smaller one) and a modest increase in capital accumulation.

This forecast suggests a shift towards efficiency-driven economic expansion, where advancements in technology, innovation, and skill development play a significant role in enhancing productivity. TFP represents the efficiency of all inputs combined. However, the emphasis on labor and capital highlights the importance of human capital development and strategic investment in physical infrastructure to ensure sustained economic progress.

Despite growth projections, inflation remains a concern, exacerbated by demand exceeding supply and higher food prices. However, as private investment improves supply-side capabilities, inflationary pressures are expected to ease below the RBI's 4 percent target all through the forecast period. India’s shift towards aspirational spending is a natural outcome of economic growth. However, managing the associated risks of rising inflation is crucial to maintaining economic stability and ensuring sustainable growth.

Embracing Unified Commerce in FMCG

In the dynamic landscape of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) , companies face unique challenges when trying to implement unified commerce, primarily due to the lack of direct control over retail front-end operations. Sanjay Singal, the Chief Operating Officer for Dairy & Beverages at ITC Ltd., shared valuable insights on ITC's journey and strategies in embracing unified commerce during IReC X D2C Summit 2024 .

Unified Commerce vs. Omnichannel: A Critical Distinction

Unified commerce goes beyond the omnichannel approach by integrating all systems, databases, and processes to provide a seamless consumer experience across both digital and physical platforms. For traditional FMCG players like ITC, this integration is particularly challenging due to the fragmented nature of retail outlets, which often lack automation and operate on cash transactions. Singal emphasizes that while omnichannel ensures a consistent customer experience across different touchpoints, unified commerce aims to unify the entire backend to maintain a single, coherent view of the consumer.

ITC's Initiatives in Digital Transformation

Despite these challenges, ITC has made significant strides in digital transformation, particularly post-COVID. The pandemic underscored the importance of digital channels, leading ITC to launch the ITC e-Store. This platform aims to offer the entire range of ITC products, including new launches that typically face distribution challenges. Additionally, ITC ventured into the food tech space with three Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands in Bengaluru and Chennai: Aashirvaad Soul Creations, Sunfeast Baked Creations, and ITC MasterChef.

“These initiatives allowed us to understand and excel in the D2C space, leveraging real-time feedback and ratings to continually improve our offerings. The success of these ventures has provided ITC with valuable lessons on managing consumer experiences directly, despite the inherent challenges of the FMCG sector,” said Singal.

Leveraging Consumer Insights and Data

One of the primary benefits of unified commerce for FMCG companies is the ability to gather real-time consumer insights. Traditionally, FMCG brands relied heavily on mass distribution and broad advertising campaigns. However, with the rise of modern trade, e-commerce, and quick commerce, companies like ITC can now gain detailed insights into consumer behavior. Singal cites examples of how consumer data helps ITC understand purchasing patterns, such as why a consumer buys a pack of six coconut water bottles online but only a single bottle in a retail shop.

ITC has also focused on building a robust consumer data hub, which now holds data on approximately 4 to 5 crore consumers. This database allows ITC to retarget campaigns effectively and run lookalike campaigns, significantly improving conversion rates and reducing costs.

Challenges in Unified Commerce

Despite these advancements, significant challenges remain. Data integration is a major hurdle, as legacy systems and disparate databases complicate the creation of a unified consumer view. Additionally, the reliance on third-party data is becoming increasingly difficult, pushing FMCG companies to prioritize first-party data collection. Singal highlights the importance of value exchange in this context, where consumers are more willing to share data if they receive something valuable in return, such as nutritional advice.

Another critical challenge is ensuring a consistent consumer experience across various channels. Channel conflicts often arise due to differing costs and pricing strategies across modern trade, quick commerce, and traditional retail. Finding a balance that provides a uniform consumer experience while managing operational costs is a delicate task.

READ MORE:  The Evolution of Retail: Embracing Omnichannel Strategies

Practical Applications and Future Directions

To illustrate the practical application of unified commerce, Singal shares the example of ITC's Aashirvaad brand. ITC has segmented the Atta category to cater to evolving consumer health needs. Through digital marketing, the company engages consumers at multiple touchpoints, from initial discovery via advertisements to personalized offerings like Namma Chakki, which allows consumers to order customized, freshly ground Atta blends.

Moving forward, ITC aims to enhance its consumer data hub to create a more interactive system that not only gathers data but also actively engages with consumers to provide real-time feedback. This shift towards a more dynamic and integrated approach will help ITC better understand and respond to consumer preferences, ensuring a more personalized and consistent experience.

In conclusion, while unified commerce presents significant challenges for FMCG companies, ITC's innovative strategies and focus on digital transformation provide a roadmap for leveraging this approach to enhance consumer experiences and drive growth. By integrating systems, gathering real-time insights, and maintaining a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints, FMCG players can successfully navigate the complexities of unified commerce.

  • Food & Grocery

FMCG Sector Anticipates Revenue Growth of 7-9 pc This Fiscal Year

The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is poised for a notable revenue increase of 7-9 percent this fiscal year, driven by higher volume growth. This positive outlook is bolstered by an expected revival in rural demand and stable urban demand. This growth projection follows an estimated 5-7 percent increase in the previous fiscal year of 2024.

Product realizations are anticipated to grow in the low single digits, primarily due to a marginal rise in the prices of key raw materials for the food and beverages (F&B) segment. However, the prices of raw materials for the personal care (PC) and home care (HC) segments are expected to remain stable. The combination of increasing premiumization and volume growth is projected to expand the operating margin by 50-75 basis points, reaching 20- 21 percent. However, this margin expansion is tempered by rising selling and marketing expenses amidst heightened competition from both organized and unorganized players.

A comprehensive study by CRISIL Ratings, encompassing 77 FMCG companies that represented about one-third of the estimated Rs 5.6 lakh crore sector revenue last fiscal year, supports this optimistic outlook. The F&B segment accounts for nearly half of the sector’s revenue, while the PC and HC segments each constitute a quarter.

Rural Demand

Aditya Jhaver, Director of CRISIL Ratings, remarked, “We expect volume growth of 6-7 percent in fiscal 2025 from the rural consumers (~40 percent of overall revenue), supported by expectation of better monsoon benefitting agricultural production, and hike in minimum support price supporting farm incomes. Higher government spending on rural infrastructure, primarily through Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Grameen (PMAY-G) for affordable houses, will aid higher savings in rural India, supporting their ability to spend more.”

Conversely, volume growth from urban consumers is expected to remain steady at approximately 7-8 percent during fiscal 2025. This steady growth is supported by rising disposable incomes and a continued focus on premium offerings by FMCG players, particularly in the personal care and home care segments.

Modest Realisation Growth

Revenue growth for the sector will also be supported by modest realization growth of 1-2 percent, mainly due to a slight increase in the prices of some key F&B raw materials, including sugar, wheat, edible oil, and milk. Prices for most crude-based products, such as linear alkyl benzene and high-density polyethylene packaging, are expected to remain rangebound. The emphasis on enhancing premium product offerings, particularly in the F&B and PC segments, will further support realizations.

Segment-Wise Growth Projections

Rabindra Verma, Associate Director of CRISIL Ratings, elaborated, “Revenue growth will vary across product segments and firms. The F&B segment is expected to grow 8-9 percent this fiscal, aided by improving rural demand, while the personal care segment will grow 6-7 percent. The home care segment, which outpaced the other two segments last fiscal, is expected to grow 8-9 percent this fiscal, led by continued premiumisation push and steady urban demand.”

Stable Credit Profiles

The credit profiles of CRISIL Ratings-rated FMCG companies are expected to remain stable, underpinned by their healthy cash-generating ability, strong balance sheets, and substantial liquid surpluses. These companies will continue to pursue inorganic growth opportunities, particularly small to mid-sized acquisitions, to expand their product offerings in fast-growing premium segments targeting higher-income groups.

Monitoring Rural Economy and Input Prices

In this optimistic scenario, the sustained improvement in the rural economy, which heavily depends on monsoon patterns and farm incomes, will be crucial for maintaining steady and balanced demand. Additionally, the extent of input price fluctuations and competitive intensity within the sector will be closely monitored.

The FMCG sector is set for a robust growth trajectory this fiscal year, buoyed by a resurgence in rural demand and consistent urban consumption. With a strategic focus on premiumization and volume expansion, coupled with stable credit profiles, the sector is well-positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the coming months. As industry leaders keep a close watch on rural economic conditions and input price trends, the FMCG sector is expected to achieve a balanced and sustained growth path.

Top 10 Sunglasses Brands in India Under ₹2500

Are you a fashion enthusiast looking to upgrade your style without breaking the bank? IndianRetailer has got you covered. Fashion experts agree that accessories can significantly enhance your look. While earrings, bracelets, and necklaces are popular choices, one often overlooked accessory is sunglasses. The right pair of sunglasses can make a huge difference in your overall appearance.

To help you choose the perfect pair, here are the top 10 sunglasses brands in India. Explore various styles from the best eyewear brands in India to find the perfect fit for your face.

Top Sunglasses Brands in India Under 2500

Here are the top sunglasses brands in India:

1. John Jacobs

This brand offers top-grade material products crafted by specialists. It manufactures premium quality eyewear at one-third of the price of fancy labels. John Jacobs eyewear is designed and made with the best Italian houses to bring the latest new designs and innovative sunglasses. It produces eyewear with D2C retail excluding middlemen, hence the affordable price of sunglasses. It is known for technological use in the selection of raw materials, and robotic use in lens cutting. The sunglasses go through a five-step quality check to guarantee accuracy. 

John Jacobs sunglasses

Top Rated Sunglasses of John Jacob with Price (Myntra price)

  • John Jacob Sunglasses with UV Protected Lens 134947 – Rs 2,399 onwards- This sunglass is a top-rated customer choice which is grey-coloured with a metallic framework, apt for an oval face structure. 
  • John Jacobs Full Rim Aviator Sunglasses with UV Protected Lens 138598 - Rs 1,999 onwards- It's an aviator type of sunglasses, best for a square face. Full rim style with blue colour lens and metallic body, with gunmetal toned frame colour. 
  • John Jacobs Unisex Green Lens & Gold-Toned Round Sunglasses with UV Protected Lens – Rs 1,999 onwards- It has a green lens with a gold hue frame and round type glasses, advised for a square face. The frame material is made out of metal with a full-rim style. 
  • John Jacobs Unisex Brown Rectangle Sunglasses – Rs 1,699 onwards- A rectangular-type, brown-coloured len sunglass primarily for heart-shaped faces. Its frame is made with acetate material along with a full rim style. 

An American clothing brand started in 1853 it has become the world's largest apparel brand and a leader in jeans worldwide. The company has around 500 stores in more than 110 countries. It believes in delivering quality and originality in products. The partnership between Safilo and Levis brought eyewear products to the market.  It features niche and modern colour-integrated sunglasses at affordable pricing. 

Levis sunglasses

Top recommended and affordable sunglasses by Levi’s with price (Myntra price)

  • Women Cateye Sunglasses with UV Protected Lens- Rs 2500 onwards- It has a black colour frame and purple coloured lens with cat-eye type and fill rim styling. Best for oval-faced women.  
  • Levis Unisex Other Sunglasses with UV Protected Lens–Rs 2500 onwards- Made with metal framework and full-rimmed style ideal for oval face structure for females as well as males. It has brown coloured lens and frame. 
  • Levis Men Square Sunglasses with UV Protected Lens 16426927661 – Rs 2500 onwards- Ideal for oval-faced males. Made out of metallic material frame and gunmetal-toned frame colour. Its lean are purple and has full rimmed style. 

3. Fastrack

It was set in motion in 1998 and became India’s most-worn youth accessory brand. The brand started with a niche collection of sunglasses and watches and extended its product line in 2009 with bags, belts and wallets. Across the nation, Fastrack has 158 exclusive stores in more than 79 cities. It also retails through multi-brand outlets and an online website. It believes in delivering quality products that are affordable, not cheap. 

Fastrack sunglasses

Bestselling Affordable Sunglasses by Fastrack with Price (Official website price)

  • Black Aviator Sunglasses for Men and Women – Rs 1,200 onwards- A unisex affordable sunglass with stainless steel front, frame and temple material. With a black colour temple and aviator-shaped frame best suited for angular face type. 
  • Smoke Gradient Pilot Rimmed Sunglasses – Rs 1,400 onwards- A metallic-based frame, front and temple material for both women and men. With a black colour temple and pilot-shaped frame best for triangular-shaped faces.
  • Black Square Rimmed Sunglasses – Rs 1,400 onwards- Made with plastic matter for the front, frame and temple parts of the sunglass. It has a black temple colour with square shaped frame for both women and men. Best suited for round-shaped faces. 

4. Decathlon

It is one of the largest sports products retailer brands in the world with 1,700 stores within 72 countries. The company has partnered with worldwide suppliers and it markets in-house products through D2C retail with megastores and operates through an online website as well. It has six different brands named – Quechua, Forclaz, Van Rysel, Rockrider, Riverside and BTWIN for Hiking and camping, Backpacking, road cycling, mountain biking, gravel biking and kids cycling respectively. 

decathlon sunglasses

Most Popular and Affordable Sunglasses by Decathlon with Price (official website price)    

MH140 Anti UV Cat 3 Impact Resistant Sunglasses for Adult Hiking, Blue –Rs 800 onwards

  • Usage: Now and then used in mountains in sunny weather.
  • Weight: 26 grams 
  • Made with polycarbonate glass with a rubber temple and wraparound shape, best suited for square-shaped faces. 

MH570 Anti UV Cat 4 Impact Resistant Sunglasses for Adult Hiking, Blue – Rs 1,500 onwards

  • Usage: Perfect for mountains and hiking and ideal for sunny weather or high altitude. 
  • Weight: 28 grams
  • For high resistance, polycarbonate glasses are used with pliable material for the temple. 
  • Adult Hiking Sunglasses Cat 3 MH160 Bronze Ochre – Rs 1,000 onwards
  • Usage: Used in mountain areas for sunny weather. 
  • Weight: 21 grams
  • It has a wraparound shape and polycarbonate glasses with different and appealing temple shape. 

This affordable sunglasses brand offers a wide range of products from aviators to wayfarers and many more. It believes in providing a comfortable fit, stylish appearance and long-lasting styles of affordable yet premium glares. It is present on almost all leading e-commerce platforms. Voyage aims to enhance personality and sense of styling via its eyewear for all its customers. 

Voyage sunglasses

Bestselling Affordable Sunglasses by Voyage with Price (Official website price)

  • Voyage Exclusive Gold And Black Polarized Round Sunglasses for Men & Women - PMG3981 – Rs 1,700 onwards- These top affordable sunglasses are unisex with a round shape frame, black lens, Metallic body and golden frame. Ideal for square-shaped faces. 
  • Voyage Round Black Sunglasses MG2975 – Rs 1,100 onwards- This 100 percent UV protection glare has a metal body, black temple and round shape for males and females. 
  • Voyage Black Silver Round Sunglasses - MG3504 – Rs 1,100 onwards- Made with a metal frame, temple and nose bridge with a round shape for unisex.  It has a silver colour frame and black lens. 

It has 1000 plus opticians, 220 departmental stores and more than 31 brick-and-mortar stores in India including airports and malls. Opium caters to providing affordable sunglasses in India for males and females. It delivers products that integrate affordability, style and quality that are functional and fashionable.  It stands out in the queue due to its trendy and peculiar craftsmanship.  

Opium sunglasses

Bestselling and Affordable Sunglasses by Opium with Price (Official website price)

  • EDEN – Rs 2,300 onwards- The frame is made out of plastic with a round shape and provides polarised and UV protection. It is ideal for females as well as males. 
  • SUPER SOLDIER- TAC lens used with TR-90 frame with Polarized and UV protection. Caters for Unisex use due to pilot-shaped frame.  
  • MAGNIFIQUE – Rs 2500 onwards- It is fitted for sports, outdoor and athleisure activities. The lens is made with advanced vision system (AVS) technology contributing to durability, strength and lightweight. It is unisex with a plastic frame and a hexa-shaped frame. 

The Titan Company started Titan eye+ in 2007 and today it has 900 plus exclusive stores in more than 350 cities in India. The brand maintains international standard products with quality and trust making it one of the top affordable sunglasses brands in India. It caters to modern trendy designs that are scattered in the Indian retail market space. 

Titan sunglasses

Bestselling Affordable Sunglasses by Titan with Price (Official website price)

  • Grey CatEye Sunglasses For Women – Rs 2,500 onwards- It is made out of acetate material on the front and frame part of the glare. Has a cat-eye shape with a stainless steel frame, ideal for women. 
  • Grey Square Men Sunglasses (GM311BK2P|58) – Rs 2,500 onwards- It has a clubmaster-shaped frame with a metallic front and frame. With grey coloured temple suitable for men. 

The brand caters to youth aged between 15 to 25 years. Idee is well-known for its fresh designs, boldness and buoyant styles. It regales class quality, valued frames and sunglasses. The affordable sunglass brand has set an uber-cool trend in the market attracting a vast range of eyewear crafted with tested and tried material.

Idee sunglassese

Top affordable sunglasses by Idee with price (Official website price)

  • IRUS S1111 UNISEX FLIER SUNGLASSES – Rs 1,100 onwards- Shiny light gold coloured frame with red Revo lens colour made with polycarbonate material. 
  • IRUS S1068 UNISEX ROUND SUNGLASSES – Rs 1,600 onwards- Provides 100 percent UV protection with the polycarbonate lens. Shiny light golden coloured frame with gradient green mirror effect. 
  • IRUS S1030 UNISEX RECTANGULAR SUNGLASSES – Rs 1800 onwards- Made with rose gold frame colour and light brown lens, shaped in rectangular style of glare. 

9. Flying Machine

Flying Machine

The company started in 1980 in India, owned by Arvind Limited. In the fashion industry, Flying Machine is a trendsetter due to its exclusive designs in apparel, accessories as well as eyewear. Flying Machine has 1300 stand-alone stores, more than 5000 departmental stores and many multi-branded stores across parts of India. It retails through brick-and-mortar and D2C channels.

Bestseller sunglass by Flying Machine with price (Official website price)

  • FLYING MACHINE Rectangular Frame Tinted Sunglasses – Rs 1,600 onwards- Made with plastic along with a tinted lens, nose grip and broad temple tip

10. The Tinted Story

Lately started an eyewear brand offering versatile and affordable sunglasses in India. The brand was born in 2021 with a vision to make luxury sunglasses at a premium price. The glares are manufactured in high-quality factories around the world. This eyewear brand retails through e-commerce platforms with doorstep delivery in pan India, allowing to maintain affordable pricing. 

The Tinted Story sunglasses

Best-selling affordable sunglasses by The Tinted Story with price (Official website price)

  • Rimless Rectangle Tint Sunglasses (UV400 Protection) – Rs 2000 onwards- This unisex sunglass is made with regular fit type, golden frame and multi-coloured lens. It has a metallic frame material with 400 UV protection. 
  • Elfin Sunglasses (UV 400 Protection) – Rs 2,000 onwards- Made with a sleek build and regular fir type. Polycarbonate lens and frame material with multi-coloured for unisex.
  • Hexagon Retro Sunglasses (UV400 Protection) – Rs 1700 onwards- Large type fit made for women with golden frame colour and multi-coloured lens. 

IndianRetailer’s Vision:

The primary objective of a pair of Sunglasses is to protect your eyes but it offers much more- enhances your style, personality, as well as your aura. Furthermore, it helps you stand out of a crowd and make a statement, while being affordable and versatile. So, select a brand that serves your style. To make it all easy for you this is a list of our top 10 affordable sunglass brands in India. Enjoy shopping!

What type of sunglasses are suitable for protection? Various sunglasses provide UV protection at different percentages. 

Name the top three affordable sunglasses brands in India. The list starts from John Jacobs followed by Levis and Fastrack. 

How to make sure that the sunglasses are effective? Check for 100 percent UV protection or UV 400 label. 

  • John Jacobs

8 Most Expensive Cigarette Brands in India You Must Try in 2024

The first puff of a cigarette is thrilling and satisfying. Holding that sleek, white stick isn't just a habit; it's a style statement.

Curious about the top cigarette brands in India? Wonder what makes a cigarette premium? Why do some people spend more on certain brands? Let's find out.

In the Indian cigarette market, some brands really stand out. These brands offer quality and have unique stories behind them. In this article, we'll look at the eight most expensive cigarette brands in India. We'll talk about their parent companies and where they come from. You'll find out where these cigarettes are made and who markets them. We'll share the stories behind their names and an interesting fact about each brand. We'll also discuss the type of tobacco they use and why smokers love them.

India Cigarettes Market:

Here are some updated key points about the cigarette market in India as of 2024, including relevant statistics and data:

  • The Indian cigarette market was worth INR 1,307.7 billion ($16.6 billion)  in 2022. It is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 3% from 2022 to 2027​.
  • ITC Limited is the top company in India's cigarette market. Other leading companies include Godfrey Phillips India, VST Industries, and Dalmia Industries​.
  • Cigarette consumption per person in India is low compared to global levels. Many smokers prefer beedis over cigarettes​.
  • India reduced cigarette imports significantly in 2022. Singapore is the largest cigarette exporter in India​.
  • Tobacco specialists are the main sellers of cigarettes in India. These specialized outlets are preferred over general stores​.

Most Expensive Cigarette Brands in India

Here are the most expensive cigarette brands in India in 2024:

1. Treasurer

Treasure - Premium Cigarette Brand in India

Treasurer is a premium cigarette brand made by The Chancellor Tobacco in the UK. It uses high-quality, pure Virginia tobacco. ITC Limited markets these cigarettes in India. The name "Treasurer" comes from the idea of luxury and exclusivity. This brand is known for its high standards and refined quality. A pack of 20 Treasurer cigarettes costs around Rs. 4,500 in India.

Check More: 10 Best Cigarette Brands in India to Know in 2024

2. Davidoff

Davidoff Cigarette : Most Expensive Cigarette Brand in India

Davidoff is a premium cigarette brand owned by Imperial Brands, a British company. Dunhill cigarettes are marketed by Imperial Brands as well. The Davidoff brand is named after its founder, Zino Davidoff. In 1968, Zino introduced the first line of Davidoff cigars. He did this after traveling widely and learning about tobacco farming. This knowledge helped him create a high-quality product. Davidoff cigarettes use a blend of premium tobacco. This blend keeps their standards high and makes them expensive. In India, a pack of 20 Davidoff White 8-mg King Size cigarettes costs approximately Rs. 1,700.

Check This - Explore What's New in Cigarettes

3. Sobranie

Sobranie - Premium Cigarette Brand

Sobranie is a luxury cigarette brand from the UK, owned by Japan Tobacco. The Gallaher Group, a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco, manages marketing for Sobranie. The name "Sobranie" comes from the Russian word for "gathering" or "assembly." Sobranie was established in London in 1879 by Albert Weinberg. This makes it one of the oldest cigarette brands. The brand is famous for its luxury image and high-quality tobacco. Sobranie cigarettes use a blend of Virginia, Turkish, and Oriental tobaccos. These tobaccos are stored and matured over time to develop a richer flavor. In India, a pack of 20 Sobranie Black Russian cigarettes costs around Rs. 1,200.

Check More : Top Whisky Brands in India for 2024 | ABV%

4. American Spirit

American Spirit is a premium cigarette brand owned by Reynolds American. In India, these cigarettes are made and marketed by Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company , part of ITC Limited. The name "American Spirit" shows their focus on natural, additive-free tobacco. Founded in 1982 by Bill Drake and his partners, the brand became popular for its natural and organic tobacco. American Spirit uses only 100% additive-free tobacco. They offer options with organic tobacco and a Perique tobacco blend. In India, a pack of 20 American Spirit Yellow cigarettes costs about Rs. 999.

American Spirit - Premium Cigarette Brand

5.  Parliament Cigarettes

Parliament, one of the exclusive cigarette brands from Philip Morris International, is marketed in India by Godfrey Phillips India. The brand started in 1931 and is known for its unique recessed paper filters, which were initially an advertising gimmick. The name "Parliament" reflects its high-end image. In the past, wealthy smokers preferred Parliament. It was also one of the first brands to use commercial cigarette filters. Parliament uses high-quality Virginia and Turkish tobacco. They offer different blends, including menthol varieties. In India, a pack of 20 Parliament cigarettes costs between Rs. 300 and Rs. 600.

Parliament - Most Expensive Brands in India

6. Marlboro

Malboro - Most Expensive Brands in India

Marlboro is a premium cigarette brand. Its parent company is Philip Morris International. Philip Morris International handles the manufacturing and marketing of Marlboro. The brand was launched in 1924 and was initially marketed as "America's luxury cigarette. In the 1950s, the "Marlboro Man" campaign was introduced to make the brand more appealing to men. Marlboro uses a blend of high-quality Virginia, Burley, and Oriental tobaccos. The approximate price of a pack of 20 Marlboro cigarettes is Rs. 400.

7. Benson & Hedges

Benson & Hedges - Most Expensive Brands in India

Benson & Hedges is a cigarette brand owned by Philip Morris USA, British American Tobacco, and Japan Tobacco. In India, ITC Limited handles its marketing. The brand was founded in 1873 by Richard Benson and William Hedges in London. The brand's name, "Benson & Hedges," comes from the surnames of its founders, Richard Benson and William Hedges. In 1878, the brand received a royal warrant from the Prince of Wales. Benson & Hedges cigarettes use high-quality tobaccos, including Virginia, Burley, and Turkish varieties. In India, a pack of 20 Benson & Hedges cigarettes costs around Rs. 340.

Dunhill - Most Expensive Brands in India

Dunhill is a premium cigarette brand in India, owned by British American Tobacco and Alfred Dunhill Limited. ITC Limited markets Dunhill cigarettes in India. Alfred Dunhill founded the brand in London in 1907, naming it after himself, a renowned English tobacconist and inventor. Dunhill cigarettes are known for their luxury and high-quality tobacco blends. They include popular lines like Dunhill Fine Cut and Dunhill International, which use high-grade Virginia and Oriental tobaccos. In India, a pack of 20 Dunhill Switch cigarettes costs around Rs. 349.

Cigarette Market Global Analysis: The big picture

Global Market Overview:

  • The global cigarette market was valued at USD 738.6 billion in 2022.
  • By 2028, the cigarette market is projected to reach USD 890.25 billion.
  • This growth represents a CAGR of 3.1% from 2023 to 2028.
  • Major brands in the global cigarette industry include Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, and Imperial Tobacco Group.

Indian Market Overview:

  • In 2022, the Indian premium cigarette market was valued at INR 1,307.7 billion.
  • The Indian cigarette industry is growing at a rate of over 3% CAGR.
  • Premium brands such as Treasurer, Davidoff, Dunhill, and American Spirit are gaining popularity in India.


  • Both the global and Indian cigarette markets face significant regulatory challenges.
  • Health concerns related to smoking are prevalent in both markets.
  • Premium cigarette brands are preferred by consumers with higher disposable incomes in both the global and Indian markets.


  • Global cigarette markets, especially in Europe and the U.S., are more mature compared to the Indian market.
  • Growth of the Indian cigarette market is driven by rising disposable incomes and urbanization.
  • Growth in the global cigarette industry is fueled by innovations in reduced-risk products.
  • Premium branding plays a significant role in the global cigarette market.

At Indian Retailer, we examine the most expensive cigarette brands in India. These high prices come with promises of quality, tradition, and unique flavors. These premium brands target a small group of smokers who seek more than just a product—they want a special experience.

However, these luxury cigarette brands face challenges. They must deal with strict regulations and a growing number of health-conscious people. The future of these premium cigarettes is uncertain. Will they continue to grow in popularity, or will the market shift due to these challenges? Only time will tell.

FAQs on Most Expensive Cigarette Brands in 2024

1. Which is the costliest cigarette in India?

The costliest cigarette in India is Treasurer . A pack of 20 Treasurer cigarettes costs around Rs. 4,500.

2. Which cigarette is banned in India?

In India, e-cigarettes and vaping devices are banned, including their production, sale, and advertisement. This ban, enforced since 2019, aims to prevent vaping among youth and address health concerns. Traditional tobacco cigarettes, however, remain legal.

3. Which cigarette brand has the lowest tar and nicotine levels?

American Spirit is the cigarette brand with the lowest tar and nicotine levels. They offer options with natural, additive-free tobacco, including varieties with lower tar and nicotine content.

4. Do cigarettes expire?

Cigarettes do not have an expiration date. According to the World Health Organization, an expiration date may make consumers think that it's safe to smoke cigarettes before the printed date while smoking cigarettes at any time can cause health problems.

5. Who invented cigarettes?

James Albert Bonsack invented the cigarette-making machine in 1880, which allowed for mass production of cigarettes.

Health and Wellness Trends: How Pickle Brands are Adapting to Consumer Preferences

In today's dynamic and health-conscious consumer landscape, the food industry is witnessing a significant shift towards products that not only tantalize the taste buds but also offer health benefits. One such category that has been undergoing a remarkable transformation is pickles. Traditionally known for their tangy and flavorful appeal, pickles are now adapting to meet the evolving preferences of health-conscious consumers. Let's delve into the fascinating realm of how pickle brands are embracing health and wellness trends to cater to the changing needs of their customers.

The Rise of Health-Conscious Consumers

With a growing awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, consumers are increasingly seeking food options that are not only delicious but also nutritious. This shift in consumer behavior has prompted food companies, including pickle brands, to reevaluate their product offerings and make necessary adjustments to align with the changing preferences of the market.

Innovation in Ingredients

One of the key ways pickle brands are adapting to consumer preferences is through innovation in ingredients. Traditionally, pickles were made using high amounts of salt and sugar for preservation purposes. However, in response to the demand for healthier options, many brands are now exploring alternative ingredients and methods to reduce the use of these additives.

For instance, some pickle brands are incorporating natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead of refined sugar. Others are using less salt or exploring salt alternatives to cater to consumers looking to reduce their sodium intake. By experimenting with new ingredients and recipes, pickle brands are able to offer products that are not only tasty but also aligned with the health and wellness goals of their customers.

Focus on Organic and Locally Sourced Ingredients

Another significant trend in the pickle industry is the emphasis on using organic and locally sourced ingredients. Consumers today are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of food production and are looking for products that are sustainably sourced and produced.

Pickle brands are responding to this trend by sourcing their ingredients from local farmers and suppliers who follow sustainable practices. By using organic ingredients, these brands are able to offer pickles that are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, appealing to health-conscious consumers who prioritize clean eating and sustainability.

Introduction of Functional Pickles

In addition to incorporating healthier ingredients, some pickle brands are taking innovation a step further by introducing functional pickles. These pickles are infused with beneficial ingredients known for their health-promoting properties, such as probiotics, turmeric, or ginger.

Probiotic pickles, for example, support gut health and digestion, while turmeric-infused pickles offer anti-inflammatory benefits. By adding functional ingredients to their products, pickle brands are not only enhancing the nutritional profile of their pickles but also tapping into the growing trend of functional foods that promote overall well-being.

As consumer preferences continue to evolve, pickle brands are adapting to meet the changing demands of the market. By embracing health and wellness trends, these brands are not only staying relevant but also carving a niche for themselves in the competitive food industry. Through innovation in ingredients, a focus on organic and locally sourced ingredients, and the introduction of functional pickles, pickle brands are redefining the traditional perception of pickles and offering consumers a healthier and more diverse range of options.

In this era of heightened health awareness, the transformation of pickle brands serves as a testament to the industry's commitment to meeting the needs of today's health-conscious consumers. As we move forward, it will be exciting to witness how pickle brands will continue to evolve and innovate to cater to the ever-changing landscape of health and wellness trends. By staying attuned to consumer preferences and constantly striving to offer products that not only satisfy taste buds but also contribute to overall well-being, pickle brands are poised to make a lasting impact in the food industry.

In conclusion, the journey of pickle brands towards embracing health and wellness trends is a testament to their adaptability and commitment to meeting the evolving needs of consumers. As we savor the tangy delights of these revamped pickles, we can appreciate the fusion of tradition and innovation that characterizes this dynamic industry. Cheers to a future filled with delicious, nutritious, and health-conscious pickle options that delight our taste buds and nourish our bodies.

-Authored By Harpal Singh Gulati, founder of Martban Pickles

  • food & beverage

48 pc of Indian Consumers Willing to Share Data for Personalized Retail Experiences

Indian consumers are increasingly prioritizing value-conscious purchases and experiential spending. Inflation has greatly impacted consumer spending, pushing a shift towards value-conscious purchases and a renewed interest in experiences like travel and hospitality. While spending in areas such as recreation, entertainment, leisure, and travel has surged, traditional retail segments like fashion and lifestyle have seen flat volume growth.

Deloitte India's latest report, "Future of Retail: Sweating Assets for Growing Volumes and Same Store Sales," highlights a significant shift in spending habits, emphasizing the importance of experiences and localized innovation over traditional product-centric purchases.

The global economic environment in FY24 has been marked by significant challenges, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, rising inflation, tightening monetary policies and disrupted global supply chains. Amid these headwinds, the Indian economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience, growing at an impressive rate of 7.6 percent in FY24.

This growth is driven by robust government spending on infrastructure, growing private consumption, and a resilient services sector. This decoupling of India’s growth from global trends underscores the dynamism and potential of the Indian consumer market. The report delves into the performance of various subsectors within the consumer and retail sectors, highlighting their resilience and vulnerabilities. It examines the impact of inflation on consumer spending patterns, exhibiting a transition towards value-conscious purchases and a resurgence in demand for experiences, such as travel and hospitality.

Key Highlights

  • Dining out or ordering in: Despite 29 percent of respondents planning to reduce dining out or ordering in due to health and budget concerns, over 50 percent strongly preferred maintaining or increasing their dining frequency. This suggests a resilient demand for dining options prioritizing health, quality, and appeal, presenting an opportunity for establishments to cater to this discerning segment.
  • Apparel, footwear, and fashion accessories: While 32 percent intend to decrease spending, citing satisfaction with their current wardrobe and a preference for minimalist lifestyles, around 14 percent plan to increase their purchases. Retailers need to offer compelling design considerations for customers to refresh their wardrobes, such as new trends or sustainable fashion options, to maintain engagement.
  • Leisure travel: Around 29 percent of respondents plan to increase travel frequency in the coming year, indicating a growing appetite for experiential spending. This trend allows travel companies to create tailored experiences that resonate with consumers seeking unique adventures and cultural immersion, potentially driving higher engagement and loyalty.
  • Consumer durables and appliances: Despite 30 percent of respondents citing financial constraints as a deterrent, approximately one-third have recently purchased in this category. This indicates that there is still a market segment with unmet needs, possibly looking for more affordable options or innovative features.
  • Consumer electronics: Anticipated purchases are declining, due to existing device adequacy and financial considerations. To stimulate demand, brands may need to introduce budget-friendly variants or flexible payment plans that align with consumers' financial priorities.
  • Furniture and home furnishings: Nearly 60 percent expressed no immediate intent to purchase major furniture items; however, there is sustained interest in home décor purchases for redecoration purposes. This suggests an opportunity for retailers to focus on smaller, more affordable home décor items to serve this segment.
  • Luggage items: Interest in luggage purchases remains modest, with only 15 percent considering a purchase in the next year. This aligns with a broader trend of selective spending on travel-related items, primarily driven by the need to replace old or damaged luggage. This segment may benefit from value-driven offerings or innovative designs to attract consumers.
Anand Ramanathan, Partner and Consumer Products and Retail Sector Leader at Deloitte India shared his perspective on the evolving consumer landscape. "The premium segment led the post-pandemic recovery in consumption. However, most categories in retail are now witnessing a slowdown in premium demand and a revival in the mass segment. The evolving consumer landscape presents a complex interplay of value consciousness and a growing demand for unique experiences, highlighting the need for localized innovation at scale."

Ramanathan emphasized the importance of maximizing existing investments and assets to drive like-for-like growth. "Companies that innovate to meet evolving consumer preferences on convenience, affordability, and health will not just survive but thrive. One of the key imperatives for consumer businesses is the importance of sweating existing investments and assets to drive like-for-like growth. Industry leaders will need to leverage the use of technology and AI for operational efficiency and strategic resource allocation. This report offers a detailed analysis and actionable insights for stakeholders to navigate and capitalize on these dynamic trends."

The report outlines businesses can aim for an incremental 8 to 20 percent growth in like-to-like sales by sweating their investments in customer, product, channel, and experience.

Following growth levers for businesses will reshape the retail experiences:

  • Refining Consumer Personas: Around 48 percent of consumers are willing to share data, providing an opportunity for businesses to focus on profitable segments and emerging consumer groups. Implementing targeted interventions across the purchase journey using technology can enhance consumer engagement and loyalty.
  • Enhancing Perceived Value: Nearly 42 percent of consumers look for value-added services and benefits. Companies should clearly communicate their holistic selling proposition, covering benefits across product/service offerings, experience, loyalty rewards, warranty, and post-sales support.
  • Advanced Data Analytics to Drive Sales : Using centralized customer data platforms for hyper-personalization and optimizing store performance through targeted operational enhancements can significantly impact sales. In fact, 45 percent of consumers expect brands to anticipate their needs and proactively communicate.
  • Localization: Tailoring product assortments and marketing strategies to local preferences can strengthen brand connections. Consumers show interest in geo-targeted ads, with 27 percent expressing interest in product offers.
  • Interactive and Immersive Experiences : Creating engaging experiences across physical and digital channels, implementing innovative in-store activations, and using digital tools for high-quality customer advisory services can drive consumer engagement. For instance, 80 percent cited word of mouth as influencing their purchase decisions, 55 percent highlighted the importance of quality advisory, and 43 percent of global retailers plan to offer virtual expert connects.

The Role of the Upcoming Union Budget

Ramanathan also highlighted the potential impact of the upcoming Union budget for 2024-25. "The upcoming Union budget for 2024-25 will be an excellent opportunity to add momentum to the revival of the mass segment by enhancing investments in the rural economy and agriculture. A normal monsoon, festival season, and replacement demand will help drive volumes in all categories for broad-based growth in consumer and retail beyond urban markets to rural and semi-urban centers."

Thus, by leveraging the insights and recommendations outlined in the report, businesses can navigate the dynamic trends and capitalize on opportunities to drive growth and enhance consumer engagement. As the retail sector continues to evolve, the focus on localized innovation, advanced data analytics, and immersive experiences will be crucial in meeting the changing preferences of Indian consumers.

  • Customer Data solution

Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India | Best Scents for Men

Raw, musky, sensual – the scent of an alpha male! What is it that a man looks for when he chooses his scent out of the plethora of choices available in the market today? The answer: power. When he walks into a room, he should be perceived as the most successful person there. So, how to choose your signature fragrance – should it be the most expensive or most famous or the one worn by a celeb. Here, we list the top 10 perfumes brands for men in India that have kept the ‘worldly’ men enraptured in their notes. Pick the one that best ignites your senses, and of course, have a sniff test before you craft your signature.

Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

Here are the top 10 perfume brands for males in India that will elevate your style and leave a lasting impression. Discover the perfect scents to make you stand out and get noticed.

1. Hermès Terre d'Hermès Parfum Pure Perfume

Hermes Terre : top 10 perfume brands for male

Terre d’Hermès Parfum is more complex and has excellent longevity. This fragrance starts with an exciting burst of citrus and has the primary notes of grapefruit and orange. Upon its finish, the heart presents a rather interesting interplay of flint and pepper that provides a mineral sharpness and a hint of spice. 

  • Fragrance: Woody Oriental and Fresh lime
  • Price Range : Rs 10,000 (75ml) and Rs 18,000 (200ml)
  • Evocative Essence: This perfume captures the essence of the earth itself, with rich, woody notes that ground the scent in a deeply sophisticated, earthy aroma. Think of a scent that takes you on a journey through forests and fields.
  • Citrus Twist: The fragrance opens with a burst of citrus, adding a fresh and invigorating contrast to the deep, woody base. This balance creates a dynamic, evolving scent experience that remains captivating from start to finish.
  • Elegance in a Bottle: Ideal for those who appreciate a scent that is as timeless and refined as it is bold and complex.

2. Ralph Lauren Polo Blue Eau de Toilette for Men

Polo Blue : Top 10 perfume brands for male in India

Polo Blue is the scent that embodies the nautical spirit and the desire to be free as a bird, associated with the energizing and cool breeze of the sea. Right from the onset of the perfume’s application, one is offered a splash of delicious and thirst-quenching watermelon giving the fragrance a lively and zesty character.

  • Fragrance: Refreshing, Aquatic
  • Price Range: Rs 4,000 (75ml) and Rs 5,000 (125ml)
  • Lifestyle Inspiration: The campaign shot at the core of Polo Blue has been anchored on a washed suede accord, which has become the crowning glory of the brand. Polo Blue will take inspiration from the looks of the clear and vast blue skies, and the cold blow down by the beach. It is to smell the fragrance that defines such virtues as comfort, refinement, and a light-hearted demeanour.
  • Invigorating Blend: A refreshing blend of melon, cucumber, and basil creates a clean, crisp fragrance that’s perfect for daytime wear. It’s light yet enduring, making it ideal for the modern gentleman on the go.
  • Versatile Freshness: Whether you're at the office or on a casual outing, this scent offers a refreshing burst of energy and sophistication.

3. Bvlgari Man in Black Eau de Parfum for Men

Bvlgari : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

Bvlgari Man in Black, the fragrance is a passionate, playful side of the fire-element, a symbol of strength and energy. An appealing Eau de Parfum surrounded by seductive fascinating powers to make a resolute and charismatic attitude to sexuality.

  • Fragrance: Sophisticated, Leather-Oriental
  • Price Range: Rs 10,000 (100ml) and Rs 12,000 (150ml)
  • Opulent Origins: Inspired by Bvlgari’s luxurious design ethos, this scent is rich and opulent, embodying the essence of sophistication and style.
  • Spicy Elegance: Combines leather with spicy notes of amber and rum, creating a scent that’s both bold and intricate. It’s perfect for those who appreciate a fragrance that’s as multifaceted as it is luxurious.
  • Evening Aura: Ideal for evening wear, it exudes confidence and a touch of mystery, making a lasting impression wherever you go.

4. Paco Rabanne One Million Eau de Toilette for Men

Paco Rabanne One Million : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

Get lost in the intoxication of the smell of real leather with the note of spices and a hint of freshness. This fantasy makes one’s head spin from the first accords to the final dry down while leaving a lasting impression that linger in the air.

Unlike other fragrances that are intended to revitalise and invigorate, this one is supposed just to perplex and seduce. It has become a declaration of a man’s soul and desire, a fragrance version of mystery. Every time you spray it, it breaks conventions and rules, prescribed by society, men and all other powers that be, and letting you make a powerful statement. Open yourself up for the semi-erotic cloud of uncertainty and dull Sheen, freshness kisses complexity, and vice versa.

  • Fragrance: Matte blonde leather and exude sensuality and depth
  • Price Range: Rs 7,000 (100ml) and Rs 9,000 (200ml)
  • Modern Edge: Reflects the edgy, contemporary style of Paco Rabanne. It’s a fragrance that stands out, much like the gold bar-inspired bottle it comes in.
  • Dynamic Notes: Features vibrant notes of grapefruit, mint, and blood orange, creating an energetic and bold scent profile. It’s for the man who’s unafraid to make a statement.

5. Tom Ford Noir

Tom Ford Noir : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

A highly erotic scent, TOM FORD’s Noir is a perfect mix of citrus with notes of mandarin and grapefruit with black pepper at its end. Loaded with a rich amber and dry cedarwood base, Noir can be described as an elegant addition to every contemporary man’s routine.

  • Fragrance: Sophisticated, Seductive
  • Price Range: Rs 17,000 (100ml)
  • Mysterious Allure: Embodies the sleek, enigmatic allure of Tom Ford’s designs, creating a fragrance that’s both sophisticated and seductive.
  • Complex Blend: A masterful blend of oud, rich vanilla, and amber, creating a deeply intoxicating and luxurious scent.
  • Intimate Charm: Ideal for evening wear and intimate settings, this scent exudes an air of mystery and allure.

6. Christian Dior Sauvage

Christian Dior Sauvage : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

Imagine yourself in the fascinating reception of the desert at dusk with Dior Sauvage Eau de Parfum which embodies this magical time of awakening, enveloping the sensuous bouquet of the night with warm haze. Nightfall and the refreshing winds of the desert, and Sauvage Eau de Parfum plays its music, wrapping you in the blue haze which evokes the untamed passions within you.

It incarnates the wildness within each of us that has been domesticated for one reason or the other, and which instantly reconnects with the forest that still dwells in it to embrace the enchantment of the wild. May the royal path of this exceptional scent help to strengthen you throughout your journey of life and accept the wildness inside oneself as well as the mysteries of life.

  • Fragrance: Freshness and Sensuality
  • Price Range: Rs 9,000 (60ml), Rs 13,000 (100ml) and Rs 19,000 (200ml)
  • Adventurous Spirit: Captures the essence of Dior’s modern, adventurous aesthetic, making it perfect for the dynamic man.
  • Invigorating Notes: Features top notes of bergamot and lavender, creating a fresh and energetic scent that’s both invigorating and enduring.
  • Everyday Elegance: Ideal for everyday wear, this scent offers a fresh burst of energy that’s perfect for the man on the move.

7. Chanel Bleu de Chanel

Chanel Bleu De Chanel : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

The fragrance that defies expectations and embraces boldness: a provocation which is blindingly new, clean, and sexual. This scent is for the man who does not follow the trend but creates his own path by never giving up hope—a man who defies the odds and creates his own fate.

It is the tribute to the man, who breaks the conventional rules and is proud of it, this fragrance gives amazing and unique trail, the trail for the man who writes his own story and leaves the mark wherever he goes.

  • Fragrance: Fresh Citrus accord
  • Price Range: Rs 16,000 (150ml) and Rs 13,000 (100ml)
  • Timeless Elegance: Reflects the timeless sophistication of Chanel’s designs, offering a fragrance that’s both classic and modern.
  • Rich Composition: Combines rich cedar and incense with refreshing citrus top notes, creating a complex and enduring scent profile.
  • Versatile Sophistication: Suitable for both day and night wear, this scent offers versatility and elegance, making it a perfect addition to any fragrance collection.

8. Prada Amber Pour Homme Eau de Toilette for Men

Prada Amber Pour Homme : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

Find a scent that is not so common and certainly not overshadowing your individuality. Adrenaline and influential characterisation Prada Amber Pour Homme Eau de Toilette which Introduced back in 2006 has uniqueness of four components: amber with oriental notes, fougere with sides of soap, refreshed citrus additives and the mild notes of leather. They combine well to create a package that will leave you helpless from the first glance.

  • Fragrance: Oriental fougère
  • Price Range: Rs 7,000 (100ml)
  • Understated Sophistication: Embodies Prada’s refined, understated style, offering a fragrance that’s both luxurious and comforting.
  • Warm Notes: Features notes of vanilla, tonka bean, and amber, creating a warm and inviting scent profile that’s perfect for cooler weather or evening wear.

9. Valentino Uomo Eau de Toilette for Men

Valentino Uomo : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

What does masculinity smell like? Just like the Valentino Uomo Eau de Toilette that is designed for men. They completely evoke the atmosphere of Venice as if someone waved a wand, and here you are placed in front of you. It will be one of the leather fragrances you will love to wear and the ladies you come across will also do. It is usually worn for occasions when the temperature drops in the autumn and winter.

  • Fragrance: Leather-Oriental
  • Price Range: Rs 6,000 (100ml)
  • Rich Blend: Combines notes of bergamot, coffee, and rich leather, creating a deeply sophisticated and elegant scent profile.
  • Formal Elegance: Perfect for formal occasions and evening wear, this scent offers a touch of luxury and refinement.

10. Davidoff Cool Water Intense Eau de Parfum for Men

Davidoff Cool Water Intense : Top 10 Perfume Brands for Male in India

Experience the magic of seduction with Davidoff Cool Water Intense a new sophisticated Eau de Parfum by Davidoff. A modern reinterpretation of the iconic Cool Water fragrance, it unveils a renewed freshness and indulgent allure, enriched with a responsibly sourced gem from nature: the carefully selected green mandarin from the Brazilian gardens.

The green mandarin acts as the centrepiece of this great composition of blends and contributes the fresh zest sensation. It is not just a luxurious ingredient but also an entire sentiment; the desire for sustainable sources, and a conservation of the earth’s gifts.

  • Fragrance: Refreshing and a sense of liberation and adventure
  • Price Range: Rs 5,000 (125ml)
  • Modern Freshness: Captures the essence of Davidoff’s sleek, modern designs, offering a fragrance that’s both fresh and invigorating.
  • Everyday Vitality: Ideal for those seeking a fresh, invigorating scent that’s perfect for daily wear and casual settings.

At IndianRetailer, we understand how tough it is to select the right fragrance, which is a deeply personal choice, but these top 10 perfume brands for male in India offer a diverse range of scents that cater to various tastes and preferences. From the luxurious and sophisticated to the fresh and modern, these famous perfume brands provide options that will elevate your style and boost your confidence.

FAQs on Top Perfume Brands for Male in India 

1. What is the number 1 selling perfume for men?

Dior Sauvage is by far the best-selling men's cologne.

2. What is the highest quality of perfume?

Extrait de Parfum and Essence de Parfum is the highest level of quality and fragrance concentration available on the market. The fragrance concentration of at least 20% is the highest and therefore particularly intense and long-lasting.

3. Which country's perfume is best?

French perfume. France is renowned for its perfume industry and is home to some of the world's most famous perfumeries, such as the Maison Guerlain.

4. What are the 4 grades of perfume?

These are the 4 grades of perfume,

  • Parfum – Concentration of perfume oils – 20-40%
  • Eau de Parfum – Concentration of perfume oils – 15-20%
  • Eau de Toilette – Concentration of perfume oils – 5-15%
  • Eau de Cologne – Concentration of perfume oils – 2-5%
  • Eau Fraîche – Concentration of perfume oils – 1-3%

5. Which type of perfume is best?

Eau de Toilette is one of the most widely-used types of perfume. Most brands are generally cheaper than Eau de parfum. The name came from the French term "faire sa toilette," which means getting ready, so many people consider it the go-to choice for getting ready for a typical day.

Top 10 Sneaker Brands in India to Keep You Ahead of the Fashion Curve

It is widely known that most women are obsessed with shoes. In fact, one of the most coveted real estate areas in a home is the shoe closet. However, this craze has been overtaken by the new breed of collectors – the Sneakerheads – they not only covert the best and the most luxurious of sneakers in the world, but most have a dedicated place in their home to store these sneakers properly. Gone are the days when sneakers used to be a utility accessory – made for running or walking. Now, they are the fashion icons – to be desired, acquired, admired and of course, flaunted.  

Top 10 Sneaker Brands in India 

If you are a beginner sneakerhead, this guide will help you build up a collection with ease:

The story of the brand traces back to 1962 when Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman changed their brand name from Blue Ribbon Sports to ‘Nike’ which represents the Greek god of victory. The company became public in 1980 and entered the Indian market in 1995 licensing with Sierra Industrial Enterprise. Nike has retained in India with different product line-ups from shoes to apparel to health products.  The company has more than 230 store locations within 40-plus countries. It has reached $37.4 billion in revenue FY 24 and is anticipated to surpass $45 million by FY25.

Nike: Top sneaker brand in India

Best sneakers by Nike with Price (Official website price)

  • Air Jordan 13 Dune red – Rs 16,595 - A summer Jorden lineup 2024 collection with mesh panels, Terra suede on medial sides with microfiber accents. The shoe style is encouraged by black cat’s predator nature. 
  • Field General ’82 White and Light Bone – Rs 8,695 - A vintage classic look was worn in 80’s with gum rubber waffle soles spotlighting the mix of leather, suede and long-lasting textiles in a balance of white and light bone colouration. 
  • Field General ’82 Barely volt and Dusty Cactus – Rs 8,695 - General 82 returned with the exquisite light-volt edition featuring a mix of barely volt and dusty cactus. Giving a stadium look pairing with smooth leather, synthetic leather, tough textile and waffle soles. 
  • Air Max 1 x HUF – Rs 14,995 - Instilled with a foam midsole and max air cushioned air heel. It runs back with three new colourations of pear and flat pewter, green colourway and medium grey premium leather upper.  

One of the largest sportswear manufacturers in Europe and the second largest globally. Adolf Dassler started the company to build spiked running shoes for different athletic events. The company had its big hit during the 1936 Berlin Olympics when an American star wore Adidas, helping gain international attention and expansion worldwide.  In 1989 Adidas invaded in Indian market with a license agreement focusing on urban and semi-urban youth. 

The company had a market capital of $42.06 billion as of July 2024. In the Indian market, Adidas has generated a revenue of Rs 2,578.1 crore in FY23. It aims to expand franchise stores in tier 2 and 3 with over 350 stores. Online channels contribute 40 percent of sales and the rest from e-commerce and application platforms. 

Adidas: Sneaker brand in India

Best sneakers by Adidas with Price (Official website price)

  • Samba OG Shoes - Rs 10,999 : Supporting grip on hard and flat surfaces, a top choice for indoor sports. Available in different styles for cycling, football, golf and streetwear as well. Has a rubber cupsole texture with a suede T-toe design
  • YZY 350 V2 CMPCT – Rs 11, 499 : Made with BOOST technology contributing to a cushioned sole experience. It has used 50 percent recycled material on the upper features. It had a strong sock fit with lock support without no-tie stretch laces. 
  • Gazelle Shoes – Rs 9,999 : Archive edition with same texture and material as the 1991 version with suede and detailed echo style of 90’s. 
  • Superstar – Rs 8,999 : This basketball shoe became a cultural phenomenon with innovative features, collaborations and consistent evolution for over 50 years. This sneaker comes in various models with iconic, bold and smooth leather upper and rubber shell toe. 

The company is a leading sports brand that designs, develops, sells and markets footwear, apparel and accessories. It has headquarters in Herzogenaurach, Germany, distributing items in 120-plus countries. Collaborating with various designers and brands to deliver street culture and fashion offering sport-inspired and performance-based products for football, running, golf, basketball and motorsports. 

Recently Puma has partnered with Riyan Parag and Nitish Kumar Reddy to associate with Genz audience in the Indian market. 

Puma: sneaker brand in India

Best sneakers by Puma with Price (Official website price)

  • Rider Future Vintage Unisex  – Rs 5,399 : Old-school styling with ripstop nylon upper, nylon tongue with woven label, suede toe, heel and eyestay overlays. 
  • RS-X Efekt PRM Unisex – Rs 7,199 : Utilizing cushioned technology with rubber sole, PU midsole – RS technology and mesh upper with nubuck and suede overlays. 
  • CA Pro Classic Unisex – Rs 4,799 : Classic casual sneaker focusing on comfort and quality contributing to a supportive fit with durability. 20 percent recycled material was used on the upper part giving a slug fit. 
  • Palermo Special Unisex – Rs 6,999 : Archives and classic terrance shoe with T-toe styling bold color blocking and plush material. Has a leather upper, lace closure and rubber outsole.

The brand has its headquarters in Boston, the US and is a major designer, marketer and distribution company for fitness and lifestyle in footwear, apparel and equipment. Reebok targets fitness freak consumers and allows them to experience products designed with innovation, technology and programming to excel in functional training, running, combat training, walking, dance, yoga as well as aerobics.

Reebok is projected to reach Rs 997.8 billion by 2024 with CAGR at 13.59 percent. The brand is in more than 160 stores and gets 800 plus sales points from departmental stores and multi-brand outlets. 

Reebok: sneaker brand in India

Best sneakers by Reebok with Price (Official website price)

  • Unisex Reebok RBK Classics Leather – Rs 4,799 : A balanced mix of design and support with a sleek look. Constructed with rubber sole and white leather for durability and practicality. 
  • Reebok Men Club C 85 Classic Leather Shoes – Rs 4,559 : Made for casual and social occasions made with exceptional craftsmanship and detailing. Built with cushioned rubber sole and genuine leather for better comfort.
  • Unisex Reebok Classic Leather Shoes – Rs 4,799 : Orchestrates sophistication without settling for style and comfort. Developed with black leather with cushions and rubber soles for longevity and resilience. 
  • Reebok Unisex Court Advance Clip – Rs 4,199 : A classic navy sneaker made with vegan leather for durability and comfort. Non-slip gripping with rubber sole and lightweight.

5. Skechers

A brand that caters to designing, building and marketing a wide range of footwear, apparel, and accessories for men, women as well as children. Skechers is present in 180 countries via departmental stores, and speciality stores resulting in 5,200 retail stores and a D2C website. It stands for innovational technology catering to athletic consumers in running, training, walking, golfing, pickleball, basketball and football.

Skechers sales in the Indian market contribute to 27 percent of business on a global level. It has recorded $8 billion of annual sales with 17.3 percent D2C sales.

Skechers: Top Sneaker brand in India

Best sneakers by Skechers with Price (Official website price)

  • Uno - Spread The Love – Rs 7,999 : Muralist James Goldcrown inspired the distinguished look of this sneaker. This has an air-cooled memory foam comfort sole and sketch air-visible air-cushioned midsole. The sneaker has a heart design print on the outer sole and synthetic duraleather.
  • Mira – Rs 8,999 : This sneaker is popular for its athletic style and comfort because of Skechers air-cooled memory foam in the inner sole. It has lace-up, mono mesh and synthetic upper features. 
  • Uno - Rolling Stones Single – Rs 6,299 : This sneaker has ‘Lick’ logo of The Rolling Stone which is designed with cushioned Skechers Air- cooled memory foam insole and Skech-Air airbag in the midsole.
  • Rover X : A street style fashion features leather, mesh and synthetic upper upgrading the balance between comfort and trends. 

6. Converse

This sneaker brand was started by Marquis Converse in 1908 in Boston. It got its inspiration from street culture. This top sneaker brand functions in lifestyle from marketing to distribution to licensing of footwear, apparel and accessories. Converse is well-known for its originality, self-knowledge and artistry lending a hand for customers to express themselves. The brand has a flexible and ageless approach which encourages a broader audience. 

In the US 40 percent of sneaker consumers prefer Converse, generating $2.43 billion of global revenue. 

Converse: sneaker brand in India

Best Sneakers by Converse with Price (Official website price)

  • Chuck Taylor All Star Canvas – Rs 3,699 : The orthoLite insole for cushioning and canvas low-top sneaker styling make this sneaker stand outside the crown. It has a classic woven tongue label and licence plate. 
  • Star Player 76 Premium Canvas – Rs 5,999 : Made with recycled mesh lining taking inspiration from Converse basketball sneakers. It is famous for its pro leather and brick pattern outer sole. 
  • Chuck Taylor All Star Cruise Checkered : The prominent white and black look gets reconditioned with prints that can be put together and yet slay. Its tongue, heel and eyerow have suede along with cushioning providing ultimate comfort. 
  • Chuck 70 Seasonal Color : It has a glossy, egret middle sole with an original license plate on the premium canvas upper. It is designed by integrating periodical details and modernity with comfort. 

A Japanese MNC that deals in sportswear and is well known for its sneakers. This top sneaker brand offers products in various sports including tennis, badminton, cricket, squash and more. It claims that the scientific approach used in making niche products gives customers a sense of reliance. It participates in sustainable practices following innovation and best-class products. Asics has franchise stores and a multi-brand store presence in India along with their own website and e-commerce marketplace for their sales. It aims to open its first exclusive store in 2026 in India. 

As of FY23 Asics generated a revenue of Rs 344.85 crore which is 36.98 percent as compared to 2022. The profit of the company increased by 37.74 percent to Rs 55.11 crore.

Asics: sneaker brand in India

Most popular Sneakers by Asics with Price (Official website price)

  • GEL-LYTE V – Rs 7,199 : It is influenced by the Japanese phrase ‘Godai’ reflecting five elements of Japanese philosophy. It has been designed with leather, nubuck and suede on the overlays. The midsole is made with 20 percent recycled material.
  • GEL-LYTE III CM 1.95 – Rs 7,799 : It has carbon-negative foam in the midsole and sockliner, upgraded with a taping structure that helps in 100 percent renewable energy usage in the making process.
  • GEL-LYTE V – Rs 7,199 : It originated from Vietnam with a focus on coin dubrae representing Japanese elements and symbols. Made with leather, nubuck and suede on the other layers.  

8. Onitsuka Tiger

From its first basketball shoe that looked like straw sandals to its running shoe, which was used by Toru Terasawa marathon runner in 1953, the company had a long way to go. The company started in 1949 with a vision of being a part of the development of Japan’s youth. It commits to detailing and innovating the products for a pleasant future.

The brand has 11 brick-and-mortar stores in India, with the latest store opened in Dehradun. It entered the Indian market in 2017 with just brick-and-mortar stores in Delhi and Mumbai and in due course made an e-commerce presence in metro cities of India. 

Onitsuka Tiger: sneaker brand in India

Bestsellers sneakers by Onitsuka Tiger with Price (Official website price)

  • ULTIMATE 81 EX – Rs 15,500 : Made with advanced technology and modernization through alternative cushion holes below the heel to improve overall performance and stability. 
  • SERRANO CL – Rs 12,500 : Soft leather and high-density Japanese polyester of upper and two-layer midsole for elasticity through material that increases cushioning. 
  • MEXICO 66 PARATY – Rs 9,000 : A summer-friendly and lace-free style made with natural fibre for the upper and rubber soles. The convertible print presents a two-in-one appeal and casual comfort.
  • SERRANO – Rs 10,500 : The suede texture and padded tongue with accenting heel give comfort in performance. It has a nylon lightweight upper and texture rubber outer sole. 

9. Under Armour

An American sportswear company founded in 1996 that produces footwear and apparel. The brand gained attention through a front-end photo of Oakland Raiders quarterback Jeff George wearing an Under Armour mock turtleneck. It is an investor, marketer and distributor of branded athletic products. 

This sneaker brand in India has 40 stores within malls and stands alone as well. It propagates to expand its market in metropolitan cities like Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Pune, Ahmedabad, Surat, Lucknow, Ludhiana, and Jaipur apart from Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

Under Armour: sneaker brand in India

Best-selling Sneakers by Under Armour with Price (Official website price)

  • UA Charged Phantom Spikeless Shoes – Rs 10,799 : It has a spikeless outer sole for flexibility and is lightweight. Included never-wet treatment for water resistance along with a knit upper supporting golf swing.     
  • Unisex Curry 11 'Girl Dad' Basketball Shoes – Rs 16,999 : The eye-catching 3D molded TPU and forefoot Pebax plate for amplified fit and support along with flexibility. It has UA flow dual density flow and internal midfoot shank for being light weighted, stable and give lateral support. 
  • UA HOVR Apparition Shoes – Rs 13,499 : Comprises synthetic overlays with sock line comfort for support and durability. 

10. New Balance

A sports footwear and apparel manufacturer based out of Boston, founded in 1906. It stands out in the sneaker market due to the advanced technology used like blended gel inserts, heel counters and plus sizes. New Balance re-entered the Indian market in 2016 and opened its first store in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The balanced mix between sports and culture makes the brand more popular among the younger demographics. 

The sneaker brand had increased its sales by 23 percent reaching to $6.5 billion in FY23. 

New Balance: sneaker brand in India

Best Selling Sneakers by New Balance with Price 

  • New Balance unisex-adult Bb550 Casual Shoe – Rs 9,099 :  It has a leather upper, adjustable lace and rubber outer sole for flexibility, durability and Closure. 
  • New Balance men 574 Sneaker – Rs 6,499 : It comprises EVA form cushioning and ENCAP for light weight, durability and all-day support. 
  • New Balance Unisex-Adult 574 Athletic Grey (053) – Rs 5,999 : EVA foam and heel cushioning comfort with ENCAP middle sole with durable polyurethane rim. 

In Indian Retailer's eye, these top 10 sneaker brands in India stand out in the market due to their various qualities from technology to durability to providing comfort to consumers. The Indian sneaker market is on the rise with various categories and styles fulfilling the demands of consumers. This guide provides top best sellers and the most popular listing of top sneaker brands in India to help you decide effectively and efficiently. 

FAQs on Top Sneaker Shoe Brands in India

1. Which is the best sneaker shoe brand in India? Nike, Adidas and Puma are the top three sneaker brands in India. 

2. Which is the highest-selling sneaker brand in India? Nike is the most selling sneaker brand in India, followed by Adidas, Puma, Reebok and Skechers.

3. Best Quality Sneaker brands in India? Adidas ranks the highest followed by Asics, Converse, Onitsuka Tiger and Under Armour.

4. What type of sneakers are best for everyday wear? The running shoe type of sneakers are best for everyday casual wear.

India’s Jewelry Market Poised for Explosive Growth, Projected to Reach $145 Bn by FY28

India’s jewelry retail sector has witnessed a remarkable growth trajectory, expanding from $50 billion in 2018 to an impressive $80 billion in the financial year 2024, according to a report by Motilal Oswal Financial Services. Projections indicate that the market will continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15-16 percent, reaching a staggering $145 billion by FY28. This substantial growth can be attributed to several key factors.

Drivers of Growth

Rising Disposable Income

One of the primary drivers behind the rapid expansion of the jewelry market in India is the increase in disposable income among the population. As more people experience higher earnings, their purchasing power increases, leading to greater spending on luxury items, including jewelry.

Improving Mix for Regular Wear

There has been a notable shift in the jewelry market with an improving mix for regular wear. Consumers are now more inclined to purchase jewelry for everyday use rather than reserving it solely for special occasions. This shift has broadened the market, creating a steady demand for diverse jewelry pieces.

Enhanced Product Offerings

Jewelers are continually innovating and enhancing their product offerings to attract a broader customer base. This includes a wider range of designs, the incorporation of diamonds, and other precious stones. The focus on variety and quality has made jewelry more appealing to consumers across different demographics.

Government Regulations and Trust Building

The implementation of mandatory hallmarking by the government has significantly boosted consumer trust in the jewelry sector. Hallmarking ensures the purity and authenticity of gold, which has led to increased confidence among buyers, thereby driving sales.

Better Buying Experience at Organized Retail Outlets

Organized retail outlets have revolutionized the jewelry shopping experience in India. These stores offer a more professional and reliable buying environment compared to traditional local jewelers. Enhanced customer service, better ambiance, and transparency in pricing have contributed to the popularity of organized retail.

Market Composition and Challenges

Dominance of Unorganized Sector

Despite the growth of organized retail, unorganized and local players continue to dominate the market, accounting for 62-64 percent of the retail segment. The sector comprises over 500,000 local goldsmiths and jewelers. Bridging this gap remains a significant challenge for organized retailers.

Gold Consumption Patterns

India’s gold consumption is split between jewelry (66 percent) and bars and coins (34 percent). The country’s gold supply is predominantly driven by imports, which have experienced notable fluctuations. Gold imports reached 980 tonnes in FY19 before declining to 720 tonnes in FY20 due to rising import duties and an economic slowdown.

India’s Jewelry Market Poised for Explosive Growth, Projected to Reach $145 Bn by FY28

Regional Insights and Consumer Preferences

Top States for Organized Retail

Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, and Uttar Pradesh are the leading states for organized retail jewelry stores in India. These states have seen significant growth in organized jewelry retail due to their large, affluent populations and strong cultural affinity for gold.

Occasions and Demand Segmentation

Weddings and festivals are the primary occasions for jewelry purchases in India, with bridal jewelry accounting for a significant 55 percent of total demand. Bridal jewelry remains a crucial segment, with families often investing heavily in gold and diamond pieces for weddings.

The market for daily wear jewelry is also substantial, accounting for 30-35 percent of the Indian jewelry market. Younger consumers, especially those inclined towards Western-style attire, prefer lightweight, versatile pieces that can be worn daily.

Fashion jewelry contributes nearly 10 percent to the market. This segment appeals to consumers looking for trendy, affordable alternatives to traditional gold and diamond jewelry.

READ MORE:  How Farah Khan Ali Transformed Indian Jewelry with Bold Designs and Sustainability

Product Segmentation

In terms of product segmentation, bangles and chains dominate domestic jewelry consumption, making up 60-70 percent of total sales. These items are preferred for daily wear by women across India. Necklaces account for 15-20 percent of sales, with demand peaking during special occasions such as festivals and weddings. The remaining 5-15 percent of sales are attributed to rings and earrings, which are popular as both daily wear and gifts.

  • jewellery market
  • Retail industry

How Streax Professional Grew from 100 to 40,000+ Salons in India

Greens, purples, reds, ash blondes, oranges – these are the new-age hair shades that are ruling both the Indian and global markets. While these unconventional colors may seem suited only for metropolitan audience, they have seeped through the length and breadth of the country. One such hair color brand, Streax Professional, recently launched new shades in their Hold & Play Funky Colours series, after a careful market research that revealed that Indians were ready to experiment with their mane.

Streax Professional burst onto the scene in 2004 thanks to the visionaries at Hygienic Research Institute (HRIPL). Over the years, it's become the go-to brand for savvy Indian stylists and consumers, dishing out cutting-edge products crafted just for Indian hair. With a rock-solid distribution network and a sizzling product lineup, the brand is leading the professional haircare revolution, hooking up with over 40,000 salons in India and beyond.

HRIPL is known for its top-notch quality, innovative spirit, and customer-first mantra, and has morphed from a single-brand wonder into a multi-brand, multi-category giant backed by private equity. HRIPL’s star-studded lineup includes big names like Vasmol, Streax (retail), and Streax Professional, along with Florozone for skin care. Their manufacturing prowess spans six locations, all upholding international quality standards.

Speaking with IndianRetailer, Neha S Bhattacharyya, General Manager Marketing, Streax Professional, shared her insights into the brand's journey and its unique market positioning. "We are not just a pan-India brand; we are also present across various countries, including the Middle East, Nepal, Bangladesh, and the broader Indian subcontinent," she explained. "Our journey started very humbly in 2004 with around 100 salons in the first year. Over the years, we have built a strong distribution network, and today we partner with more than 40,000 salons in India and internationally."

Catering to Professionals

Streax Professional focuses exclusively on catering to salon professionals, offering a range of products designed for professional use. "The Funky Colors are part of the Streax Professional range and are meant for salon use," Bhattacharyya noted. "In retail, we have different brands, including Streax and Vasmol, which are designed for end consumers to use directly."

The brand's primary markets have historically been stronger in the north and west of India, followed by the east. "We have more ground to cover in the south," Bhattacharyya acknowledged. "Internationally, while we have a presence in the Middle East, there is room for us to grow even further and venture into markets in the US and Europe through online channels."

Understanding Indian Hair

One of the key differentiators for Streax Professional is its deep understanding of Indian mane. "Our research begins with Indian hair," Bhattacharyya explained. "The very genesis of our products starts with understanding the requirements of this hair. The research is conducted with Indian water and Indian hair, ensuring that our products deliver effectively. This approach sets us apart from other brands that may develop products internationally and then adapt them to the Indian market."

This commitment to understanding Indian hair is reflected in the brand's product formulations, which are designed to meet the specific needs of Indian consumers. "Whether it's the long-lastingness of the hair color, the smoothness and softness of the hair, or the color upkeep, our products are designed to cater to these key parameters," she added.

Product Inventions

Innovation is at the heart of Streax Professional's growth strategy. The brand continuously expands its product range to meet the evolving needs of salon professionals and their clients. "This year, we've launched new products, including expanding our color range with two exciting shades - yellow and orange - within the Funky Hair Colors range," Bhattacharyya revealed. "These shades encourage salon professionals to elevate their artistry levels and create new looks for their customers."

Additionally, the brand has introduced a Yellow Deleted! Purple shampoo designed to reduce brassiness or yellow undertones in hair color. "This product helps achieve cooler shades, which are increasingly popular, and maintains the tone of blonde hair for longer," Bhattacharyya explained. "It can also be used by those with salt-and-pepper hair to keep a fresh look without coloring."

The brand's commitment to innovation extends to ensuring the health of the hair. "All our shampoos are now formulated without parabens and sulfates, including our yellow-neutralizing Yellow Deleted! Purple shampoo," she noted. "These formulations are designed to care for hair even with frequent coloring and styling."

Future Trends

Looking ahead, Bhattacharyya predicted a rise in the popularity of cooler shades in the Indian market. "Shades like ash blonde and silver blonde, which have been popular in the western world, are gaining traction in India," she said. "Additionally, hair coloring techniques like Balayage and Money Piece highlights that are becoming more popular."

To support these trends, Streax Professional ensures that its products are available both at salons and through e-commerce platforms. "While our products are not available at retail counters, they can be purchased online through platforms like Nykaa, Purplle, and Amazon," Bhattacharyya explained.

As for the future, the company is focused on continued innovation and market expansion. "We have a robust innovation pipeline and are always working on new products, some planned for two or three years down the line," Bhattacharyya shared. "We are also looking at expanding our market reach, both geographically and through different customer segments."

With a target of increasing its salon partnerships from 40,000 to 75,000, Streax Professional is poised for significant growth. "The serviceable salon market in India is around 75,000, and we aim to be there soon," Bhattacharyya concluded. "Our journey of innovation and expansion continues, driven by our commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of Indian hair."
  • hair colour

How India’s Home and Interior Market Skyrocketed to $29.5 Billion—Top Trends Driving the Boom

India's home and interior market is witnessing significant growth, reaching approximately Rs 2.4 trillion ($29.5 billion) in 2023. The indoor living product segment dominates, holding around 41 percent of the total market share. Several key factors are driving this expansion, including rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and a booming real estate sector, all contributing to the increased demand for premium home furnishings and improvement products.

Market Trends and Consumer Preferences

According to the Praxis Global Alliance report, the real estate surge has significantly shaped consumer behavior, with a growing emphasis on quality, aesthetics, and technological advancements in home decor. Modern consumers are prioritizing self-expression and comfort in their home design choices, leading to a noticeable shift towards minimalist and maximalist design trends. Warm color schemes, indoor plants, and eco-friendly materials have become especially popular.

In response to changing consumer preferences, the market has adapted by enhancing consumer engagement efforts. Companies are using social media and e-commerce platforms to connect directly with consumers and create personalized brand experiences. Many businesses are adopting omnichannel strategies, integrating online and offline channels to provide a seamless shopping experience. Premiumization remains a dominant trend, marked by innovative product offerings, smart home solutions, and sustainable materials.

The Role of E-commerce and Digital Innovations

The thriving e-commerce industry, driven by increasing internet penetration and reliance on smartphones, tablets, and laptops, is a key factor propelling the market's growth in India. Leading players in the country are focusing on visually attractive online product displays and aggressive promotional campaigns to expand their consumer base. They are also offering customization options, enabling customers to request specific materials and colors of furniture upholstery to match their home decor. This approach has significantly enhanced consumer engagement and satisfaction, driving further market growth.

The Government of India is introducing campaigns like Make in India to minimize exports and encourage domestic manufacturing of home furnishings, thereby offering employment opportunities. Additionally, the government is implementing the Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) to catalyze capital investments for technology upgradation and modernization of the textile industry. These initiatives, along with rising foreign direct investment (FDI) in the textile sector and growing demand for bath and table linen, are driving market growth across the country.

Export and Import Patterns

India's home and interior exports have grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12 percent from 2017 to 2022, while imports have increased at a CAGR of 2 percent during the same period. This strong export growth reflects the rising global demand for Indian home and interior products, while the modest growth in imports indicates a robust domestic production capability.

Future Growth Outlook

The Indian home and interiors market is projected to reach ~$48.1 billion by 2028. The home furnishings segment is expected to grow the fastest, at a CAGR of 11.4 percent from 2023 to 2028, while services are anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 9.8 percent during the same period. Continued urbanization, evolving consumer preferences, and technological advancements will drive this growth. Brands are increasingly focusing on omnichannel strategies and niche product segmentation to cater to diverse consumer needs and preferences.

Key Growth Factors

Several factors are driving the growth of the home and interiors market in India:

  • Higher Disposable Income: The increase in GDP per capita (from $1.3K in 2010 to $2.6K in 2023) has led to greater demand for high-quality products.
  • Real Estate Sector Expansion: Metro cities have experienced a ~20 percent increase in project launches in 2023 compared to the previous year, boosting demand for home improvement and furnishing products.
  • Shorter Renovation Cycle: The average renovation cycle has decreased from 15 years to 10-12 years, driven by evolving family needs and a growing desire to incorporate new trends.
  • Increased Trust in Professionals: Customers are increasingly seeking professional services such as design consultants and 3-D design model visualization, enhancing trust and reliance on these services.
  • DIY Trends: The rise in DIY trends has increased demand for unique products like decorative paints and DIY tools.
  • Young Consumers: Younger customers are shifting from a product-focused to a design-focused mindset, leading to higher spending on premium products as aesthetics are prioritized.
  • Luxury Home Furnishings: There is a rising demand for luxury home furnishings, driven by increasing disposable incomes and a growing number of households.

Competitive Landscape

India's home and interior market is characterized by a diverse range of players competing for market share. Established brands leverage their strong distribution networks and brand recognition, while newer entrants focus on innovation and niche product offerings to carve out their market presence. E-commerce platforms have democratized access, allowing smaller brands to reach a broader audience and compete effectively.

Consumer Trends and Preferences

Indian consumers are engaging in home makeovers more frequently, driving the home renovation market to an estimated $14.3 billion by 2027. Purchase decisions are becoming more collective, with all family members participating in the process. Millennials, in particular, view home furnishing as a collaborative effort. For example, the mattress replacement cycle has shortened from 10 years in 2010 to 7.7 years in 2022.

Brand Innovations and Experience Centers

Several brands have introduced innovative concept stores and experience centers to enhance customer engagement:

  • Hindware: Launched 'Lacasa' concept stores in Delhi, Kochi, and Chennai to showcase its premium brands.
  • Fabindia: Unveiled unique experience centers featuring wellness centers, design studios, and cafes all under one roof.
  • Merino Laminates: Opened 10 experience centers across India, presenting all its brands in a single retail space.
  • Pottery Barn: Opened flagship stores in Delhi and Mumbai.
  • West Elm: Partnered with Reliance Brands Limited to launch stores in Mumbai and Gurugram.
  • Kohler: Established experience centers in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore.

The Indian home and interior market is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and evolving consumer preferences. The market is characterized by a shift towards premiumization, sustainability, and omnichannel retailing. As the market continues to grow, brands are increasingly focusing on innovation, customer engagement, and product differentiation to remain competitive. The thriving e-commerce industry, government initiatives, and rising demand for luxury and personalized home furnishings further strengthen the market. With promising growth prospects, the Indian home and interiors market is poised to become a significant player on the global stage.

  • retail interior.

How to Start a Cosmetic Business in India: 2024 Guide

The cosmetic industry has a market size that is projected to reach $393.75 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 5.8-9.8 percent from 2030 to 2032. Due to the popularization of e-commerce and social platforms, the need for new and specialized beauty products has only grown. If you're considering starting a cosmetic business, now is an opportune time to capitalize on this trend.

Understanding the Cosmetic Industry Landscape

Some well-known companies that operate in the cosmetic industry include giants like L’Oreal, Unilever and Procter & Gamble. However, society’s current situation is more liberal than it was decades ago, providing opportunities for further progress and revolution. Sustainable beauty, skincare, and inclusivity are new opportunities for start-ups with more established players.

Understanding the Cosmetic Industry Landscape

Market Segmentation

The cosmetic industry can be broadly segmented into:

  • Skincare (40 percent market share)
  • Haircare (24 percent market share)
  • Makeup (21 percent market share)
  • Fragrances (10 percent market share)
  • Others (5 percent market share)

This is estimated information from reports from various sources and can be subjected to change according to market change.

Key Players and Market Share

  • L'Oréal (14.9 percent market share)
  • Unilever (44 percent market share)
  • Procter & Gamble (6 percent market share)
  • Estée Lauder Companies (9.5 percent market share)
  • Shiseido (6.2 percent market share)

Starting Your Own Cosmetic Business

1. Conduct Market Research

Identify your Target Customer Base for information about demographic stats, psychographic characteristics, and buying habits to focus on the clients you want to target. These include the following Organic products for millennials and long-wearing makeup for professionals are markets. Knowing what drives them to purchase goods and services and what turns them off is very important. Understand the demands and wants of the market by talking to potential customers, reviewing market trends and researching competitors intensively. Lack of niches and customer demands could mean that there is an attractive business opportunity waiting to be exploited. It involves the consideration of emerging trends that can help your brand. Industry Trends to watch for the changes in cultural expectations of beauty, technology being incorporated in the process of formulation and the growing concerns for ecological conservation and diversity. I find that concepts such as clean beauty and individualized skin care have great potential in terms of innovation and sales growth.

2. Develop a Unique Value Proposition

  • Innovate with Products: On a competitive basis, stand out from the competition by offering new and innovative ingredients, new varieties of existing products, or multi-purpose products. Healthy botanical ingredients and exceptional factors like biotech incorporation should be useful to make your brand unique.
  • Embrace Sustainable Practices: Modern customers are environmentally conscious and as such they will prefer environmentally friendly brands. Employing sustainable and biodegradable containers, sourcing ingredients from responsible companies, and not using animals for testing appeals to modern ethical consumers. Ensuring that the slightest amount of environmental impact is made while still preserving product effectiveness creates customer loyalty.
  • Focus on Inclusivity: Measuring and providing a diverse selection of shades and meeting the needs of a variety of customer types and skin colors is important. Inclusiveness holds the key to unlocking competitive advantage in the fiercely contested global economy.
  • Outline Your Goals: Identify the goals for the short-term and the strategic plans for the future. High market access and slow but persistent market development suitable for the effects of brand differentiation represent a measured strategy. Strategic goals provide direction in the attainment of business objectives.
  • Financial Projections: Be very particular with your business start-up expenses, projected annual income and potential breakeven. Addressing manufacturing costs, marketing expenses and probable funding proves viable to have a thorough planning.
  • Marketing Strategy: Begin to construct a detailed business plan that defines how new products will be launched, advertised and managed for communicating with customers. The effective use of influencers and advertising through social networks and the Internet strengthens a strong brand image.

4. Choose a Business Model

  • E-commerce: Choose the pure-play strategy to target Internet users globally with negligible operating costs. Platforms like Shopify, Amazon, and BigCommerce act as customer e-commerce platforms.
  • Brick-and-Mortar : Acquire geographical locations to give customers a tangible feel of the products they intend to buy. This approach is particularly useful for luxury or what can be referred to as experiential brands with physical experiences to offer.
  • Hybrid Approach: Combine online and offline strategies to maximize reach and customer engagement. Integrating both channels creates a cohesive and versatile brand experience.

Choose a Business Model

5. Formulate and Manufacture Products

  • Partner with Contract Manufacturers: Collaborate with reputable manufacturers to leverage their expertise, facilities, and economies of scale. Compliance with quality standards and regulatory requirements ensures high product standards.
  • Establish In-House Production: Set up your own manufacturing unit for greater control over production processes, quality, and innovation. Investing in necessary resources and expertise maintains high standards of production.
  • Focus on R&D: Invest in research and development to continually innovate and improve your product offerings. Staying ahead of the competition through constant innovation solidifies market position.

6. Licenses and Certifications

  • Regulatory Compliance: Understand the regulations governing cosmetic products in your target markets. This includes FDA regulations in the U.S., EU Cosmetic Regulations in Europe, and other regional guidelines. Adhering to these standards ensures market readiness.
  • Safety Testing: Ensure your products undergo rigorous safety and efficacy testing. Partnering with certified labs for dermatological testing, stability testing, and allergen screening validates product safety.
  • Labeling and Packaging Requirements: Adhere to labeling guidelines, including ingredient lists, usage instructions, and cautionary statements. Meeting packaging safety standards while appealing to consumers is critical.

7. Build a Strong E-commerce platform

Build a Strong E-commerce platform ; How to start a Cosmetic Business

  • Leverage Social Media: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to create engaging content, connect with influencers, and build a community around your brand. A dynamic social media strategy enhances brand visibility.
  • Optimize E-commerce Platforms: Ensure your online store is user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and secure. Implementing SEO strategies improves visibility and attracts organic traffic. A seamless user experience fosters customer retention.
  • Engage with Customers: Foster customer loyalty through personalized marketing, responsive customer service, and loyalty programs. Transforming one-time buyers into brand advocates strengthens your brand’s market position.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Competition: The cosmetic industry is an active market in which both giants and newcomers and small-levered companies actively act. Sustaining yourself out here is not easy, and, therefore, coming up with mechanisms to beat the competition is a must do. Aim high, today’s business needs to create products that elicit the emotional side of the consumer. Utilise hostile but efficient and intense promotional tactics. Creating a brand image that is different from that of your competitor, one that captures the consumer’s attention and provides a reason for their attention that cannot be matched is useful. Be picky with your choice, or focus on some under developed segment of people, or extraordinary goods and services to stand out.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The issue of regulation of cosmetics is a rather complex one and therefore involves a daunting task of wading through a maze. Observance of safety and labeling regulations is mandatory and differs depending on the country which introduces additional levels of difficulty. Innovators must be particularly detailed on standards that are provided by bodies such as the FDA in the US or the EMA. This requires product testing, properly labeling the products, and record keeping among other things. It is a risky business; failure to meet the requirements can lead to product recalls, litigations, and battered image. The specific issue here is business regulation and it is crucial to follow and undergo changes in these regulations.
  • Sustainability: In an era where the awareness of the environment influences purchasing decisions, the management of the company is not just a trend—it is a necessity. Seize the tremendous and continuously growing market for environmentally and socially conscious products and integrate sustainability within your brand’s values. This entails obtaining raw materials from fairly sourced suppliers, carrying out production using methods that will not harm the environment and packaging of products in reusable or biodegradable material. However, sustainability refers to environmental impact, labor welfare, and the community. Sustainability efforts should not be fake but sincere since the consumers have the ability to differentiate between the two. It is possible to create a strong association between your brand and such values as transparency and sustainability, which will definitely make people choose you.

At IndianRetailer, we understand starting a cosmetic business requires careful planning, research, and execution. By understanding the industry landscape, market segmentation, and key players, you can position your brand for success. If you get ready to respond to the potential challenges in the context of the new tendencies and consumer preferences you become ready to reveal the potential of the cosmetic industry.

1. How much does it cost to start a cosmetic business?

So for starting a cosmetic business in India, you will need a minimum of Rs 7 lakhs - Rs 10 lakhs initially. The investment will be put into renting a place, renovations, buying the inventory, utility bills, salaries, logistics and miscellaneous expenses.

2. Who has the biggest market share in the beauty industry?

L'Oréal is the leading beauty products company with over $40 billion in global sales (Statista). L'Oréal remains the top player in the beauty industry, with around $18 billion more in sales than second-place Unilever.

3. What is the rank of Unilever in the world?

Ranks #5 globally in the personal products category, and is ranked among the top 10 percent of S&P Global ESG Score companies as per DJSI Yearbook 2024—a member of DJSI Emerging Markets Index.

4. Who is bigger Unilever or PG?

Unilever and Procter & Gamble are two of the biggest multinational consumer goods brands in the world and, together, they are responsible for most products in your local supermarket. As of March 2018, Unilever is valued at $143.9 billion and P&G is valued at $228.1 billion.

5. Which country is best for cosmetics?

While there are cultural differences in each country, consumers demand high-quality in beauty products. According to one survey, the highest-quality beauty products come from Japan, the United States, and France.

  • cosmetics industry
  • Cosmetics Market
  • Hindustan Unilever

Does Cloud Computing Help Retail Businesses?

Envision a retail environment where retailers anticipate your needs before you enter where checkout queues are obsolete and where each interaction feels customized just for you. Cloud computing is enabling this futuristic retail vision so it is not just a pipe dream. Cloud technology has become the cornerstone of retail innovation in an era where customer-centricity, speed and agility are paramount. 

Reliance Retail, Flipkart, Tatacliq, and Myntra use FnydxGoogle cloud, AWS solutions and Microsoft Azure for cloud computing services for optimal supply chain operations, extensive inventory, supply chain management, combining data for offline and online retail and enhanced customer experience. The public cloud market revenue is expected to reach $10.05 billion by the end of 2024 along with a 24.20 percent CAGR of revenue, generating a market volume of $29.70 billion by 2029. Over and above it is predicted to pitch in between $450-500 billion to India’s GDP by 2025. 

What is Cloud Computing, and Why is it Relevant for Retail?

The data storage, networking, servers and computing power all are a part of cloud computing. This service is provided by ordering IT solutions over the Internet which is managed by the cloud service provider. 

The retail industry is evolving in online as well as offline landscape realising the importance of cloud computing in various functions of retail businesses. Managing tools, sales, consumer behaviour, cyber-attacks, historical trends and improving the overall experience of a business are the key features of using a cloud computing service. 

There are various advantages of cloud computing in retail starting from maintaining ups and lows in demand without excessive investment, paying for just those services that are being used and catering to security aspects. Using cloud computing in retail has helped in e-commerce, inventory, customer relationship management and Omnichannel integration.

 In recent times AI has been adopted by cloud computing service providers. The combination of GenAI and the cloud is bringing advanced security, scalability, data usability and cost-efficiency for Indian-based start-ups.  AWS (Amazon Web Services) has started to work with Indian start-ups to make them reach global lengths. E-commerce logistics unicorn Shiprocket is working with AWS product leaders to focus on GenAI customers to grasp technology in a cost-efficient and practical manner. 

What are the Three Types of Cloud Computing?  

1.    SaaS (Software as a service) There is no need to have hardware. This is a cloud service over the internet as per the subscription bases. Can be accessed anywhere and is made and managed by a service provider. 

Used for: Email services, CRM, ERP (enterprise resource planning) and collaboration tools.  Provider: Microsoft Office 365, HubSpot, Trello and Salesforce. 

2.    IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) The virtual resources services provided are storage, virtual servers, infrastructural components and networking features (virtual or hardware). The provider is responsible for creating the subscribed features.  Used for: Data storage, hosting website, backup, building and examining applications and top performance computing Provider: Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud and Alibaba Cloud 

3.    PaaS (Platform as a service) Infrastructural, middleware, building tools, business intelligence services and database system series of functions are enabled in hardware and software tools over the internet.  Used for: microservices, testing, developing and deploying applications, combining data bases and automatic workflow analysis. 

Provider: Google Cloud, AWS, Red Hat OpenShift and Microsoft Azure

Cloud computing types: benefits in retail business

Top three Companies for Cloud Computing in India

AWS (Amazon Web Services) Caters to all three types of cloud computing (Saas,Iaas and PaaS) without outspoken investment, long-term commitment and adjusts demand according to the business. The serverless cloud function provides a focus on assembling the operations, scaling and managing structure. 

Microsoft Azure Azure serves IaaS and Paas modes of cloud computing. Security, ductility, hybrid capabilities, integrated Microsoft components, and identity and access management (IAM) are the key functions of the cloud company. 

Google cloud platform Services provided by google are computing, networking, storage and databases, AI and ML (Machine learning), big data, Identity and security and management tools. 

Benefits for Retailers

Pliability Cloud computing in retail adapts to trends and improves as per the customer's wants. Rise the competitive ladder in the retail industry by analysing purchase history, consumer interaction and behaviour. 

Storage management and security  One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing in retail is that security and storage can be managed from anywhere, anytime. Ensuring efficiency and consistency for retailers in huge amounts of data and preventing security breaches.

Costing This benefit of cloud computing is essential as these services are based on subscriptions also known as the pay-as-you-go model. It means a retail company can pay for the amount of resources required, reducing unnecessary investment in IT.

Escalate customer experience Utilising cloud services can help understand customer preferences, history, behaviour and trends for the retail brand. CRM tools enable retailers to gain knowledge about the customers and make improvements accordingly.

Challenges of Cloud Computing

Reliability In case of downtime or service outrages, there can be a direct impact on retail functions like loss in sales or customer discontentment. 

Issues in performance Limited information about networking and skills in cloud service can influence the performance of the retail business as well as the cloud computing company. 

Opportunities of Cloud Computing

Omnichannel  Cloud services can benefit retail businesses by combining different sales platforms like online and offline presence. Ensuring customer consistency and better experience. 

Expansion Cloud computing in retail benefits the company to go global, and expand in different markets without spending on physical investments. 

In Indian Retailers last word there are various benefits of cloud computing in retail starting from inventory to cost efficiency and going beyond expansion without any hardware investment. Cloud computing services are reshaping the retail industry through advancements in technology and AI mitigating risks and revolutionary approaches. The options in cloud services are making it easier for retailers to opt for the suitable one and enhance the companies in various magnitudes. There is a growing demand for cloud computing in India for retail in optimizing, enhancing effectively managing the data, pricing and inventory keeping up with the trends. 

How can cloud services help start-ups and small businesses? The service provided by cloud computing companies enables opportunities to access information and gather data anytime, anywhere.

What are the benefits of using cloud computing services for retail business? These are the benefits of using cloud services in retailing Pliability Storage management and security  Costing Escalate customer experience

Where is cloud computing used? These are some of the places where cloud service comes in use. Backup, email, software development and testing, customer experiences and demands and data recovery.

Is cloud computing service free of cost? The service of cloud computing is as per the subscription chosen.   

  • retail business
  • Cloud Computing
  • indian retail

Top 10 Affordable Watch Brands in India for Every Style

Finding a stylish yet affordable watch in India could not have been made easier than by the countless brands that cater to style-conscious as well as the budget-savvy customer. Be it a classic timepiece for everyday wear or a chic arm candy to glam up your look, India's watch market has it all - quality, durability and affordability. In this article, we introduce the top 10 affordable watch brands in India which have proven their stamp on these three counts. Right from trusted names like Titan and Sonata to new emerging ones such as Fastrack and Chumbak, these brands provide an array of diverse designs catering to every taste and occasion. So read on and find your perfect watch that matches your personality without burning a hole in your pocket.

Here’s a list of top 10 affordable watches from leading brands, highlighting their histories, standout models, and what makes each one unique. Prepare to be amazed by the diversity and value these timepieces offer.

Establishment Year: 1854 

Founders: Waterbury Clock Company 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Timex Weekender 

Price Range: Rs1,000 - Rs3,000 

Best Fit: Men and Women 

Brand Value: Timex is renowned for its timeless appeal and innovative designs. 

Timex Watch

The first one to vie for our attention is the iconic Timex Weekender – a tribute to timeless class and consistent dependability. It was originally founded in 1854 its origins can be traced back to Waterbury Clock Company known for its quality timepieces including the world-famous Timex brand. The Weekender starts at Rs 1,000 and goes up to Rs 3,000, making it a go-to for everyone, further proving that it caters to men and women. This lack can be explained by three features: the absence of numerous complications on its face, the presence of a minimalist dial, and the availability of leather or nylon straps as an option. It, however, receives very many accolades for its great value and durability that gives it an everyman wristwatch status.


Quality: Durable and reliable, Timex watches are built to last.

Material: Typically features leather or nylon straps, and brass or stainless steel cases.

Style: Classic, casual, and elegant designs.

Dial Design: Simple, clean, and easy-to-read dials.

2. Fastrack

Establishment Year: 1998 

Founders: Titan Company Limited 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Fastrack Casual 

Price Range: Rs 700 - 2,500 

Brand Value: Fastrack is synonymous with youthfulness and trendy designs. 

Fastrack casual watch

The Fastrack Casual Analog Black Dial Men’s Watch comes next, which is a brand that came into existence in 1998, under Titan Company Limited. The brand name Fastrack resonates with the vibrancy of youth and upcoming fashion trends that symbolize a spirit to play and explore. Costs range from Rs 700 to 2,500 this is a perfect watch for the modern day active man. Its build is tough, incorporating silicone, leather, as well as metal to guarantee that it endures usage every day. The design they like most is its dial simple yet highly provocative making it the best brand ever of Fastrack known for being trendy and tough.

Quality: Reliable and trendy, suitable for daily wear.

Material: Often uses silicone, leather, and metal.

Style: Sporty, casual, and vibrant.

Dial Design: Bold and innovative dials.

3. Casio (Youth Digital Series)

Establishment Year: 1946 

Founders: Tadao Kashio 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Casio Youth Digital 

Price Range: Rs 1,000 - 3,500 

Best Fit: Men 

Brand Value: Known for technological innovation and digital precision. 

Casio Youth Digital Watch

The Casio Youth Digital AE-1200WH is a marvellous piece produced by Casio, which was founded in 1946 by Tadao Kashio. This has made Casio’s Youth series of calculators to be among the most popular in the market given their technological value. Priced within the Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,500 range, this levitating digital marvel is for the man who can embrace the new-century utility. Innovatively it comes with a complex digital display, which is enclosed in hard-cast resin and steel with backlights, World Time, and Tachymeter. Both tech enthusiasts who would like to test its versatile functionality, as well as outdoor enthusiasts, have received the device’s expansive capabilities and sturdy construction well.

Quality: High precision and durability.

Material: Resin, stainless steel.

Style: Modern, functional, and sporty.

Dial Design: Digital displays with multiple features.

Establishment Year: 1997 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Sonata Classic 

Price Range: Rs 500 – Rs 2,000 

Brand Value: Sonata stands for trust and affordability. 

Sonata Watches

Since the year 1997, Titan Company Limited has owned Sonata and the Analog White Dial Men’s Watch is available under its series. People know Sonata as an incredibly cheap and diverse food place. The affordable range of the model costs from Rs 500 up to 2000 which meets the demand of masculine everyday watch wearers. This watch is very fashionable because its watch face and dials are clean, and the materials used in making such as steel and leather ensure that it can be worn with any outfit. It is here that customers trust and Sonata admirably provides at its affordable prices further solidifying its cornerstone position within the bandwidth.


Quality: Reliable and budget-friendly.

Material: Stainless steel, leather, and synthetic.

Style: Classic, formal, and casual.

Dial Design: Elegant and straightforward.

Establishment Year: 1984 

Founders: Tata Group and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Titan Raga (for women), Titan Workwear (for men) 

Price Range: Rs 1,500 - 5,000 

Brand Value: Titan is a symbol of luxury and reliability. 


That stunning piece is the Titan Raga Analog Pink Dial Women’s Watch, the Titan’s jewel was established in 1984 by Tata Group and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation. Titan is a synonym of gentle and classy and Raga – the series in the price range of Rs 1,500 to Rs 5,000 corresponds to the name. It is designed for ladies and it merges fashion with functionality incorporating materials like leather and steel. The appearance of its dial, which is fashionable and may include stone decorations, makes it an object of people’s desire. Lovers appreciate its scrubs’ elegance and their durability, it is truly a breath of fresh air for any Listerine collection.

Quality: Superior craftsmanship and long-lasting.

Material: Leather, stainless steel, and gold-plated.

Style: Elegant, formal, and contemporary.

Dial Design: Sophisticated and chic.

Establishment Year: 1996 

Founders: Pooja Watch Company 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Maxima Attivo 

Price Range: Rs 500 - 2,000 

Brand Value: Known for its affordability and reliability. 

Maxima Watches

Maxima from the Pooja Watch Company that started in 1996 offers the Attivo Analog Men’s Watch. Maxima products are tested, well-built, and at the lower price point as befitting a company with a strong local presence. The Attivo comes from Rs 500 to Rs 2000, matching the price for an average daily driver and a more rugged style. They are neither overly stylish nor chunky, with stainless steel watches cases and leather straps. Lauded for their cheap price and well-done executions, Maxima watches are functional and sought-after.

Quality: Durable and budget-friendly.

Material: Stainless steel and leather.

Style: Classic and sporty.

Dial Design: Simple and functional.

Establishment Year: 2011 

Founders: Timex Group 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Helix Spark 

Price Range: Rs 800 - 2,500 

Brand Value: Helix combines modern designs with affordability. 

Helix Watches

Something that’s colorful and could also double as both a casual and professional watch, that’s Helix by Timex. Bright colors and multifunctional panels will suit the active, youth audience perfectly. It is important to mention that Helix is one of the brightest representatives of the budget segment of watches. Helix which has existed as a contemporary branch of the Timex Group since 2011 offers the Spark Analog White Dial Men’s Watch. The watch comes at an affordable range of Rs 800 to Rs 2,500, and it is for the class male, the strong and the stylish. The feature of the dial that is built with considerable risk and modern outlook, its look combining leather and stainless steel is praised. Young customers especially enjoy the colourful outlook of the item and the attainable costs.

Quality: Stylish and durable.

Material: Leather, stainless steel, and silicone.

Style: Trendy and vibrant.

Dial Design: Bold and colorful.

8. Joker & Witch

Foundation Year: 2015

Founders: Satish Singh and Maya Verma

Most Affordable Watch Series : Joker and Witch Originals

Price Range: Rs 1,400 - 5,000

Best Fit: Men and Women

Brand Value: Joker and Witch is famous for its quirky and fashionable designs.

Joker And Witch Original watch

From the brains behind Joker and Witch, founded in 2015 by Satish Singh and Maya Verma, Swiss precision with playful aesthetics - that is Swatch for you. Priced between Rs 1,400 and Rs 5,000 - this range of watches were always meant for the young at heart. The use of plastic and silicone along with quirk dials made for eye ball grabbing designs. Just right to show off the most representative piece from your watch collection. Its fashion forward style & dependability has had it's takers no doubt.


Quality: High Quality along with some new innovative designs.

Material: Plastic, silicone and stainless steel.

Genre: Funky and artistic.

Dial Design: Creative and unique


Establishment Year: 1981

Founders: Jimmy Lai

Most Affordable Watch Series: GIORDANO Casual watch

Price Range: Rs 2,000 - 5,000 

Brand Value- GIORDANO is known for its stylish yet affordable products.

GIORDANO casual watch

Giordano is known for its trendy and modern designs which help the brand building. Founded by Jimmy Lai in 1981, Giordano is a blend of Swiss precision and trendy designs to create unique watches. The price range for this brand starts from Rs 2,000 to Rs 5,000 which is pretty affordable. The blend of plastic and silicone gives the watch an innovative look, but it’s the dial that really makes heads turn.

Quality: High quality with innovative designs.

Material: Plastic, silicone, and stainless steel.

Style: Funky and artistic.

10. Chumbak

Establishment Year: 2010 

Founders: Shubhra Chadda and Vivek Prabhakar 

Most Affordable Watch Series: Chumbak Printed 

Price Range: Rs 1,000 – 3,000 

Best Fit: Women 

Brand Value: Chumbak is known for its colorful and quirky designs. 

Chumbak Watches

Last but not the least, Chumbak which was started in 2010 by Shubhra Chadda and Vivek Prabhakar has the Analog Women’s watch. The ideas behind the creation of the Chumbak are quite stunning and its usage of colours and designs on accessories can be described as eccentric. Depending on the model it costs from Rs 1000-3000 which makes this watch suitable for the women who does not want to stay unnoticed. Creative, stylish, and with emotional appeal, it uses silicone and leather in its designs. People enjoy how it looks in terms of patterns and colors, which is what gives it the appealing quality of putting fun in any outfit.

Quality: Fun and functional.

Material: Silicone and leather.

Style: Vibrant and artistic.

Dial Design: Unique and eye-catching.

The final decision:

At IndianRetailer, we find out that the perfect watch is all about balancing style, functionality, and personal flair. Dive into this selection, The Indian market is replete with affordable watch brands that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Whether you are looking for a classic timepiece, a digital marvel, or a trendy accessory, these brands offer an array of options that combine quality, style, and affordability. From Timex's timeless elegance to Chumbak's quirky flair, there's something for everyone, making it easier than ever to find the perfect watch without breaking the bank. With these popular affordable watches, you don’t have to sacrifice quality for cost. Choose your favorite, and let your wrist do the talking with the best budget watch brands India offer.

FAQs on Top affordable watch brands:

1. Is Casio Watch a luxury brand?

Casio's brand positioning is unique, as it straddles multiple market segments. While it's primarily seen as a mass-market brand offering excellent value for money, certain premium collections, like the Oceanus or MR-G, cater to a more discerning clientele seeking luxury and advanced tech in their wristwear.

2. How much is the cheapest Rolex?

Even the cheapest Rolex watch will cost around $5,000. Rolex is a luxury watch brand, so while collectors pay to wear a brand name, they also pay for quality Swiss craftsmanship designed to remain in perfect working condition for generations.

3. What makes a cheap watch?

Affordable watches tend to be more mass-produced ones, as opposed to handcrafted timepieces that are often part of the luxury market. If you are looking for a watch to wear every day that you don't have to worry too much about looking after, then the affordable watch market might be the best option.

4. Which watch shape is best?

Round-faced watches sell better than square-faced most probably because of psychological reasons that is people's semantic notion of what a watch should look like.

5. Which display is good for watch?

Since AMOLED screens can selectively light up pixels, they are more power-efficient than then LCD or TFT screen smartwatches. This helps conserve battery life and prolong the overall life of the watch.

  • Citizen Watchs

How ITC’s Omnichannel Expansion Doubled Market Reach in Two Years

With rapid technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, ITC Ltd. is standing at the forefront of driving change and innovation. The company's ITC Next initiative is a testament to its commitment to building structural competitiveness and creating sustainable value. ITC's strategic initiatives showcases its vision for a future-ready enterprise, highlighting the significant strides made in supply chain optimization, digital transformation, sustainability, and market expansion.

Building Structural Competitiveness

ITC's commitment to structural competitiveness is exemplified by its focus on agile, resilient, and efficient supply chains. The company's renowned brands derive their competitive edge from high-quality offerings, extensive agri-value chains that benefit millions of farmers, and a state-of-the-art, digitally enriched manufacturing and distribution infrastructure. This strategic approach ensures that the company not only meets but exceeds market expectations, fostering a robust and responsive supply chain network.

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing and Logistics

Significant investments in Integrated Consumer Goods Manufacturing and Logistics facilities have provided ITC's FMCG businesses with structural advantages. These investments ensure product freshness, enhance agility and responsiveness, and reduce the cost of servicing proximal markets. The omnichannel distribution infrastructure, reaching over 250 million households in India, underscores ITC's expansive market penetration and its ability to cater to diverse consumer needs effectively.

Mission DigiArc

Central to ITC's vision of becoming a Future Tech Enterprise is 'Mission DigiArc’, a next-generation smart digital architecture anchored in a 'digital first' culture. This initiative accelerates digital adoption across all business and value chain nodes, transforming operations from product development and smart sourcing to smart supply chains and real-time brand engagement and marketing. Embedded with cutting-edge AI/ML technologies and featuring Centres of Excellence in Industry 4.0, Advanced Analytics, and Data Sciences, Mission DigiArc positions ITC as a leader in digital innovation.

Embracing Sustainability 2.0

As part of ITC Next, the company has embraced a bold new Sustainability 2.0 agenda, reimagining sustainability in response to the challenges of climate change and social inequity. This agenda promotes inclusive strategies that support sustainable livelihoods, pursue innovative climate change solutions, transition to a net-zero economy, ensure water security for all, and create a circular economy for post-consumer packaging waste. ITC's products are progressively embedding purpose, driving social action through the power of its brands, and reinforcing the company's commitment to national priorities and sustainability leadership.

FMCG Strategy

ITC's FMCG businesses are well-positioned for rapid growth under the ITC Next strategy, which focuses on a 4P approach: fortifying and scaling mega brands, leveraging power brands to address value-added adjacencies, crafting future categories, and premiumization. This strategy includes greater market penetration through an omnichannel approach, personalization to meet diverse consumer needs, and building purpose-led brands. ITC is also pursuing value-accretive acquisitions, joint ventures, and collaborations to accelerate growth.

Enhancing Rural Market Coverage

In rural markets, ITC continues to deploy market-specific interventions based on socio-economic indicators and market potential. Supported by a hub-and-spoke distribution model and an expanded rural stockist network, which has grown by 1.3 times over the last two years, ITC leverages synergies from its deep rural connect through its agri business. Extensive consumer activations and market development activities in high-potential rural areas have significantly enhanced ITC's product distribution reach, leading to sales growth substantially ahead of the industry.

Leveraging Technology for Market Expansion

Automation, data-led insights, and machine-learning solutions drive field-force productivity and performance across urban markets. Emerging technologies like Generative AI automate operations and increase efficiency. Customized servicing based on outlet potential and retail engagement programs stimulate demand for ITC's products, with a focus on premium grocery outlets. Specific interventions, driven by sharp data analytics, promote premiumization in general trade outlets.

Smart Omnichannel Distribution Network

ITC's multi-channel distribution network ensures product availability in nearly seven million retail outlets, with over one-third serviced directly. This network was further strengthened with the addition of new markets and outlets, doubling the market coverage compared to pre-pandemic levels. The transformation of ITC's Trade Marketing & Distribution highway into a smart omnichannel network has been a pivotal development. The 'ITC e-Store’, an exclusive D2C platform, offers consumers on-demand access to a wide range of FMCG products across 45+ categories, receiving excellent consumer response. Category-specific D2C platforms like Classmateshop.com, Dermafique.com, Aashirvaadchakki.com, and Fiama.in provide valuable consumer insights and augment ITC's product franchise.

Digitally Powered eB2B Platform

The digitally powered eB2B platform, UNNATI, has been rapidly scaled up, covering nearly 700,000 outlets with a large number of retailers placing orders directly on the platform. ITC's distribution network remains pivotal in enhancing market presence, gaining valuable insights into consumer and trade behavior, and facilitating product launches across geographies. ITC executed over 100 new product launches across target markets and extended the distribution reach of several existing products in the portfolio.

Enhancing Operational Effectiveness and Productivity

Several interventions were undertaken to improve operational effectiveness and productivity, strengthening ITC's competitive advantage structurally. These include supply chain and network optimization, smart buying, efficient freight procurement, and direct shipments to customers. ITC continued to leverage an integrated planning and supply chain tool, powered by best-in-class algorithms, for inventory optimization and productivity enhancement, significantly improving supply chain agility and market servicing through enhanced forecast accuracy. The supply chain network was redesigned to enhance premium portfolio availability in both existing and target markets across urban and rural landscapes.

Real-Time Stock Monitoring

An IoT-based solution monitors stock movements in real-time, improving vehicle turnaround time and enhancing customer service through data analytics. This solution is part of ITC's continuous efforts to leverage technology for operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

How OMA and  Zwiesel Glas Aim to Redefine Home Luxury

Luxury is not just about opulence; it is about transforming lives. This principle has been the guiding force behind the creation of OMA, a premier destination for luxury home accessories in India. Munish Rishi, Business Head of OMA, shares, "At OMA, our journey began with a profound commitment to transforming lives. We recognized a significant gap in the Indian market for luxury home accessories and were driven by a desire to offer sophisticated and elegant home décor."

Inspired by the intricate blend of traditional Indian aesthetics with contemporary styles, OMA aims to cater to modern homeowners seeking quality and exclusivity. Each collection at OMA is a testament to fine craftsmanship, meticulously curated to embody the essence of luxury. "Our focus is on finely crafted, unique designs. We aim to carve a niche in the luxury home décor market, elevating the lifestyles of our customers through exceptional products," Rishi adds.

OMA's Approach to Luxury

OMA's dedication to excellence is unwavering. The team at OMA meticulously selects each item, collaborating closely with skilled artisans across Europe to create unique, handcrafted pieces. This commitment to quality is evident in every product they offer. "We use high-quality materials for durability and elegance, focusing on intricate details and fine craftsmanship. Our designs incorporate innovative and timeless elements, drawing inspiration from global trends while honoring Indian heritage," Rishi explains.

To ensure exclusivity, OMA offers limited edition pieces and frequently updates its collections to reflect the latest luxury trends. Rigorous quality control measures guarantee consistent excellence, making each OMA creation a testament to superior craftsmanship.

Signature Collections

OMA's collections are celebrated for their timeless elegance and impeccable craftsmanship. Each piece, whether a décor item, tableware, or unique lighting fixture, sets the highest standard in its category. "Our home décor blends traditional and contemporary styles, adding sophistication to any space. Our tabletop and bar collections combine functionality with luxury, crafted from premium materials for lasting beauty," Rishi highlights.

In bed and bath, OMA's plush towels and elegant accessories offer exceptional comfort and style. Unique lighting fixtures emphasize fine craftsmanship and innovative design, making a refined statement in any setting. By curating collections from the best parts of the world, OMA ensures every item reflects their unwavering commitment to superior craftsmanship and design.

The OMA- Zwiesel Glas Collaboration

In an exciting collaboration, OMA has partnered with  Zwiesel Glas, a renowned German brand that has perfected the highest standards of glassware for over 150 years. Known for their superior wine glass collections,  Zwiesel Glas aims to bring unparalleled luxury to Indian homes.

 Zwiesel Glas's journey began in 1872, with a foundation built on craftsmanship and innovation. Dr. Andreas Buske, Owner and Director of the Board of Zwiesel Kristallglas AG, shares, "From its foundation to today's world market leader, Zwiesel Glas has stood for a love of craftsmanship and design, as well as sustainability and innovation."

 Zwiesel Glas has revolutionized the glassware industry with innovations like the Tritan crystal glass set, which combines brilliance and strength. "Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our production processes, using recyclable materials and regional raw materials to minimize environmental impact," Dr. Buske explains.

How OMA and Schott Zwiesel Aim to Redefine Home Luxury

Blending Tradition with Modernity

OMA seamlessly blends traditional Indian aesthetics with contemporary luxury designs. Their collections, crafted in collaboration with global brands, reflect deep-rooted Indian sensibilities while meeting rigorous international design standards. "This fusion of cultural richness and modern sophistication has set new benchmarks in luxury home accessories, appealing to discerning consumers who value sustainable materials and versatile décor suitable for diverse interior styles," Rishi notes.

Adding on to the same,  Zwiesel Glas's superior wine glass collections are a result of merging craftsmanship with state-of-the-art technology. "The hybrid glass series 'Duo' combines machine-made functionality with handcrafted elegance, showcasing the perfect harmony of tradition and innovation," Dr. Buske highlights.

Maintaining Leadership in Luxury

Leadership in the luxury home accessories market is more than a goal at OMA—it's an enduring legacy. For over two decades, OMA has pioneered innovation and excellence, introducing iconic products that set new standards of sophistication. "Each product emphasizes high-quality craftsmanship and premium materials, blending traditional Indian aesthetics with modern styles," Rishi states.

OMA's strategy includes offering exclusive and unique items, strategically expanding its presence online and offline, and staying attuned to market trends. Collaborations with designers and artisans ensure that OMA continues to lead the industry with timeless elegance and innovation.

 Zwiesel Glas’s India Story

India is a significant market for  Zwiesel Glas. "We established our local representative office in 2012 to influence the culture of good quality glassware and extend institutional support to our valued customers in this region," Dr. Buske notes. The growing demand for luxury glassware, driven by urbanization and rising disposable incomes, makes India an attractive market for  Zwiesel Glas.

 Zwiesel Glas aims to achieve closer engagement with Indian customers, understanding their expectations on product lines and price points. "We are implementing a dual-brand strategy (Schott Zwiesel and Zwiesel Glas) in retail and focusing on B2C activities, building a strong online presence," Dr. Buske says.

Enhancing the Shopping Experience

Shopping at OMA is more than just making purchases; it's an immersive experience. Proform, renowned for their skill in crafting concept shops, has meticulously planned OMA's stores to evoke exquisite experiences. "Each physical site is designed to create an opulent and inviting ambiance, where customers can peruse our carefully chosen products amid interactive exhibits showcasing features and design ideas," Rishi describes.

OMA also prioritizes luxury and customer satisfaction online, with an intuitive and easy-to-navigate website. High-resolution images and videos showcase their products, accompanied by comprehensive information to aid in decision-making. "We offer communication through multiple channels, ensuring that every interaction with OMA online mirrors the same commitment to excellence found in our physical stores," Rishi adds.

Personalized Luxury

Personalization is central to OMA’s philosophy. Beyond carefully curated collections, OMA offers bespoke services such as personalized home staging, transforming spaces to embody individual taste and refinement. "This approach highlights artisanal craftsmanship, emphasizing the exceptional quality and uniqueness of our offerings," Rishi explains.

Exclusive events provide early access to new collections, while luxurious in-store experiences ensure each interaction with OMA is memorable and distinctive. "We maintain ongoing personalized communication to deeply understand and meet client needs," Rishi notes.

The Future of Luxury Glassware

The future of luxury glassware is evolving with a focus on sustainability, personalization, and design innovation.  Zwiesel Glas is committed to leading this evolution, collaborating with exclusive designers and launching unique, one-of-a-kind pieces. "Our goal is to create unique products that offer extraordinary experiences of enjoyment and community," Dr. Buske explains.

Maintaining a balance between rich heritage and modern needs is crucial for  Zwiesel Glas. "We strive to create unique products that reflect our manufacturing skill and craftsmanship, adapting to changing market needs while upholding the Made in Germany standard," Dr. Buske emphasizes.

The collaboration between OMA and  Zwiesel Glas brings together the best of both worlds—luxurious home accessories and superior glassware. This partnership not only enhances the offerings of both brands but also sets new benchmarks in the luxury home décor market in India.

OMA’s Retail Strategy

OMA's retail strategy is tailored to meet diverse customer needs. They strategically place stores in affluent areas with high consumer traffic and spending potential, based on thorough market research. "Our locations target affluent areas, ensuring a luxurious ambiance that enhances the premium shopping experience," Rishi says.

Flagship stores in major cities showcase the full range, complemented by strategic pop-up stores for seasonal promotions. With a strong e-commerce presence, OMA ensures nationwide accessibility while maintaining a consistent brand experience across all locations.

A New Era of Luxury

As OMA continues to expand its footprint in India and beyond, and  Zwiesel Glas strengthens its presence in the Indian market, the future of luxury home décor looks promising. Together, they are poised to transform lives, one exquisitely crafted piece at a time, offering a blend of tradition, innovation, and unparalleled elegance. "Our vision is to establish OMA as a hallmark of sophistication and excellence in every market we enter, fostering a legacy of enduring success and unparalleled craftsmanship," Rishi concludes.

  • Home Decor & Furniture

India’s Booming Retail Market: Major Trends & Outlook for 2024

As India accelerates towards becoming the third-largest retail market in the world, 2024 is further poised to be a transformative year for the industry. Driven by rising disposable incomes, rapid urbanization, a burgeoning middle class, and an increasingly digitally-savvy consumer base, the Indian retail sector offers a promising investment landscape for both domestic and global entities.

The retail market, this year, is set to witness a significant influx of international brands and foreign investments entering India and reshaping the country’s retail landscape. The demand from a new generation of shoppers for upscale brands is driving international retailers to actively seek partnerships and establish their presence in India. Additionally, the organized retail sector is expected to grow substantially here, with its market share projected to increase from 12 percent in FY 2021 to an estimated 20 percent in FY 2025. The luxury market is also on the rise, propelled by an increasing number of high-net-worth individuals (HNWI), the emergence of non-metro areas as luxury consumption hubs, and the growing popularity of luxury products.

Rise of Tier I & II cities

Smaller cities are taking the lead in the Indian retail success story in a post-pandemic world. In fact, the next phase of growth in the retail sector will be driven by Tier II and III cities as they witness a surge in demand for both physical stores and online shopping experiences. The increased purchasing power and a growing appetite for quality products, particularly among younger generations, are pushing retailers to expand beyond major cities. The franchise sector is also booming in these regions as established brands seek to capitalise on the growing market, explore new concepts and expand their reach. Overall projections indicate that by 2025, the Indian franchise industry will surpass $845.09 million. What is adding to the momentum is that online shopping is gaining traction in smaller cities, with most buyers coming from Tier II and III cities. These cities have become critical development hubs, attracting numerous major brands in 2023, a trend that is likely to continue in the future.

Innovating with Tech

India's retail sector is undergoing a technological revolution, with brands increasingly adopting technology to enhance in-store experiences. Innovations such as smart trolleys and electronic shelf labels are being introduced to make shopping more convenient. This drive for innovation extends to online shopping as well, where advanced checkout solutions are being created to reduce friction; these include AI chatbots, QR codes for contactless payments, and biometric security measures. The retailers are also embracing augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) to create immersive experiences. These technologies are especially appealing to Gen-Z and millennial consumers who prioritize experiential spending. This is evident in the case of Titan Eye+’s interactive advertisement, which features a virtual image of a prominent Bollywood personality, engaging shoppers with style advice and interactive experiences. This year, we can expect to see more such consumer-facing, novel, and convenient technology solutions roll out and light up the shopping scene.

Generative AI Adoption Set to Surge

Generative AI is poised to become a core component of the Indian retail business strategy in 2024. According to TCS’ AI for Business Study, The vast majority of Retailers surveyed (93 percent) have AI implementations planned, in process, or already completed. Hyperpersonalised recommendations, virtual product trials, and seamless product discovery are just a few examples of how generative AI will enhance the shopping experience. Its impact on business operations is equally significant, aiding in inventory management, demand forecasting, and supply chain management. The retail industry is at a pivotal moment to intensify generative AI adoption, making it crucial for retailers to act now and capitalize on the transformative power of this technology, or risk falling behind their competitors.

Super Apps to Take Centrestage

The growing demand for one-stop solutions among Indian consumers and the potential of the digital commerce sector will have conglomerates and e-retailers vying for dominance in the super apps space in 2024. These all-in-one platforms simplify processes, improve customer engagement, and increase revenue opportunities by allowing users to make payments, book travel, order food, and access other services all within one platform. To maintain a competitive edge, super app players will increasingly collaborate with digital start-ups, service providers, and local vendors. Retailers must carefully evaluate these opportunities and build their presence in this competitive market strategically to optimize their services.

Hyperlocal Commerce and 15-Minute Delivery

India’s retail sector is experiencing a surge in online shopping, driven by a combination of factors including post-pandemic consumer spending and the rise of e-commerce. The contemporary Indian consumer is expected to significantly increase e-commerce subscriptions, emphasizing convenience, especially in rural areas. The rise of direct-to-consumer brands and quick commerce services, offering lightning-fast delivery to urban and rural areas, highlights the ongoing trend towards online shopping. In 2024, this shift, combined with AI advancements and India’s thriving start-up ecosystem, will drive new last-mile delivery models focused on cost-efficiency, hyperlocal commerce, and rapid delivery times, with some services promising doorstep delivery in as little as 15 minutes. This not only revolutionises last-mile delivery models but also creates new opportunities for businesses.

As India’s retail sector embarks on this exciting journey, driven by dynamic consumer demand and the adoption of new technologies, it’s clear that adaptability, innovation, and a focus on the customer will be essential for success. In doing so, the retailers who embrace these trends will be well-positioned to capitalize on the immense growth potential of the Indian market.

This article is written by Abhijit Niyogi, Head – Retail, TCS.

  • Retail Market

Cosmetics Craze: How Online Shoppers are Splurging on Beauty Essentials

The beauty industry, often relegated to the back of the shopping list, has finally found the spotlight. Emerging from the shadows, the new-age digital shopper today is seeking out the luxury of cosmetics and adding them to their carts first, before the practical items. From discovering a new fragrance to finding the perfect lipstick, online shoppers aren't just buying products — they're creating personal experiences. This trend towards luxury in beauty reflects a cultural shift, blending self-care with digital expression, shaping how we shop and express ourselves in the modern age.

In a recent report, the latest trends in online shopping reveal a surprising shift towards luxury in the cosmetics aisle. According to a comprehensive report by Adobe Analytics, covering the period from January 1 to May 31, 2024, consumers are prioritizing pampering themselves with high-end beauty products, despite a general trend towards budget-friendly shopping in other categories like electronics and apparel.

Cosmetics Steal the Spotlight

While many categories see consumers opting for lower-priced items, the cosmetics segment tells a different story. Fragrances and premium lipsticks have emerged as the stars of the digital shopping spree, with sales soaring to new heights. Fragrance aficionados, in particular, are indulging in top-tier scents, with a significant uptick in daily sales from April to May 2024, marking a 53 percent increase compared to earlier in the year.

The report found that the share of the two least expensive quartiles of goods increased materially across major categories including electronics (up 5.3 percent), apparel (up 4.7 percent), home & garden (up 3.3 percent), furniture & bedding (up 2.1 percent), grocery (up 1.8 percent) and personal care (up 4.2 percent). Conversely, share of the two most expensive quartiles decreased by 8.5 percent in a category like electronics, and 9.5 percent in apparel.

Lipstick Luxe

The allure of luxury extends to lipstick choices as well. Online shoppers are not only gravitating towards high-end lipsticks but also showing a preference for vibrant shades like purple tones, which have seen a remarkable 103 percent year-over-year surge, followed by pink tones (e.g., pink, rose, nude) which are up 61 percent YoY. From velvety mattes to lustrous glosses, these premium products are driving a 49 percent spike in sales from spring to early summer 2024. Some of the top trending lipstick finishes have included satin (up 35.5 percent), matte (up 35.2 percent) and glossy (up 21.7 percent).

Cosmetics Lead the Digital Charge

While staples like electronics and apparel dominate online spending, cosmetics have carved out a niche as a powerhouse growth sector. In 2023 alone, consumers spent a whopping $35 billion on beauty products online, marking a 15.6 percent increase from the previous year. The trend continues strong in 2024, with a notable $16.3 billion spent in the first five months alone, showcasing an 8.8 percent year-over-year rise.

Beyond Lipstick and Fragrance

The surge in beauty spending isn’t limited to lipsticks and perfumes. Other cosmetic categories are also witnessing significant growth. Lip glosses (31.4 percent YoY), setting powders ((up 18.4 percent YoY), mascara (up 8.6 percent YoY), concealer & foundation (up 8.3 percent YoY), nail polish (up 5.1 percent YoY), and skincare essentials like serums and creams enriched with peptides are flying off digital shelves, reflecting evolving consumer preferences and the growing influence of online beauty trends.

The Rise of Digital Beauty Influencers

In addition to traditional marketing channels, the rise of digital influencers has played a pivotal role in shaping consumer choices in the cosmetics sector. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have become virtual beauty counters, where influencers showcase the latest products and trends, influencing millions of followers with their recommendations. Brands are increasingly leveraging these platforms to connect directly with consumers and drive sales through targeted influencer collaborations and sponsored content.

Tech Innovations Driving Beauty Trends

Advancements in technology have also revolutionized the beauty industry. Virtual try-on tools and augmented reality (AR) applications allow consumers to visualize products before purchase, enhancing their shopping experience and confidence in their choices. These technologies not only bridge the gap between online and offline shopping but also cater to the increasing demand for personalized beauty solutions tailored to individual preferences.

Sustainability and Ethical Beauty

Beyond product efficacy and aesthetic appeal, today’s consumers are also prioritizing sustainability and ethical practices when choosing beauty products. Brands that emphasize cruelty-free formulations, recyclable packaging, and eco-friendly ingredients are gaining traction among environmentally conscious shoppers. This shift towards sustainable beauty reflects a broader global movement towards responsible consumption and corporate social responsibility.

Future Forecasts

Looking ahead, the report predicts continued momentum in the cosmetics realm. Products like Sol de Janeiro Perfume Sets and Charlotte Tilbury's Plumping Lip Gloss are set to dominate shopping carts, driven by both e-commerce traction and social media buzz. As consumers navigate an evolving digital marketplace, one thing is clear: when it comes to cosmetics, indulgence is the new norm. Whether it’s treating oneself to a signature scent or splurging on a statement lipstick, the allure of luxury in beauty remains irresistible in the world of online shopping.

Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands Every Stylish Man Should Check Out

Today it is not just women who like to style themselves, men are equally experimenting and trying on new fashion available in the market. Earlier, limited information, social and economic limitations and utilitarian needs were certain issues that restricted men from exploring their style. Times have changed, and everyone wants to try out new trends, and distinctive variety in clothing and accessories. Fashion inspires people to be empowered, motivates them to express themselves and breaks barriers to what is acceptable for men.

The global fashion retail market size was evaluated at approximately $92.25 billion in 2023 . It is predicted to reach $157.88 billion by 2032, with 7.09 percent of CAGR from 2024- 2032 . The apparel market in India is expected to reach $105.50 billion in 2024 with a 3.81 percent rate of CAGR (2024-2028).

So, whether you're a dapper dude or a casual cool cat, we've got the ultimate list to transform your wardrobe. From sharp suits to trendy tees, these top 10 men's clothing brands are your ticket to sartorial stardom. So, buckle up and get ready to strut your stuff in the finest threads India has to offer. It's time to check out the brands that every stylish man needs to know! Let's dive in!

Check More:  Top 10 Men's Formal Wear Brands in India

Top 10 Men's Clothing Brands in India

Below are the top 10 brands that define men's fashion in India. From classic styles to the latest trends, these brands have something for every stylish man.

1. Louis Philippe

 Louis Philippe : Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

Named after King of France Louis Philippe from 1830- 1848 is one of the largest men's clothing brands in India. It is a symbol of class, elegance, status and a lifestyle that is royal and luxurious, reflected as a premium brand. Philippe offers a span of formal, and semi-formal clothing and accessories for men. The target market for the brand is urban men upper class and upper middle class.

Louis Philippe

420 Locations

29 states and territories

216 Cities

Formal, Casual and

Ceremonial Shirts

Polo and Crew Neck T-Shirts

Formal, Wedding and Party Wear Suits

Formal and Casual Blazers

Formal and Casual Trousers




Jogger And Track Pants


Ethnic Wear

Nehru Jackets

Formal and Casual Shoes

Slider & Flip Flops

Tamil Nadu has 55 stores of Louis Philippe which is 13 percent of all the stores present in India followed by Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka contributing 10 percent. There are seven states including Tripura, Sikkim, Mizoram, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Ladakh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu and Lakshadweep. The brand has a turnover of more than $150 million taking up nearly 20 percent of the market share in the apparel industry in India.

2. Van Heusen

Van Heusen - Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Lid and a division of Aditya Birla Group bear the license to perpetually operate the brand in India. Their camp shirts set up the bar in the fashion industry, these shirts are made out of 30 percent recycled materials and the brand is planning to introduce polos and T-shirts made out of 100 percent recycled material. Van Heusen is going to feature 75 percent of the product line with recycled fibre material.

Van Heusen

345 locations

27 states and territories

165 cities








Trousers and Chinos









Special sizes

The highest number of Van Heusen stores are in Uttar Pradesh which is 56 stores contributing to 16 percent of the total stores in India. The list is accompanied by Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu with 11 percent and 10 percent respectively. Nine states in India do not have Van Heusen stores- Tripura, Meghalaya, Goa, Sikkim, Andaman and Nicro Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Nagaland, Ladakh and Lakshadweep.

3. Blackberrys

Blackberrys: Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands Every

One of the prime men's fashion brands in India co-founded by Nitin Mohan along with Nikhil Mohan in 1991. Blackberry was reputed very swiftly because of the high-quality clothing with worldliness catering to modern men's fashion value. It started with just formal wear and later on expanded to casual and semi-casual wear as well for men. The brand integrated sustainable practices into the production process.

Blackberrys 352 cities

Formal and Casual Shirts

Party/Wedding Shirts

Formal Suits/Blazer

Wedding Suits/Blazer

Bandhgala & Indo Western

Waist Coat

Polo T-Shirts

Crew Neck T-Shirts



Zipper Jackets

Formal Trouser

Casual Trouser





Casual and Formal Footwear




The company is located in Gurgaon, Haryana has generated a revenue of $142 million and a net profit of $8.79 million as of March 2023 with an 18 percent increase in CAGR.

Raymond : Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

The brand was established as Raymond Woolen Mill in 1925 since then it has been elegant and well-connected with the class making a discernable name in men's fashion. Raymond is famed for their well-crafted ethnic, indo-western formal and casual apparel. It is perceived to be a premium styling brand providing value and quality to customers.


Also available in tiers 4 and 5

1500 plus outlets across 600 towns

Formal Shirts

Casual Shirts

Trousers & Chinos

T-Shirt & Polos


Suits & Blazers

Ethnic wear


Belts & Wallets




Raymond one of the largest coherent textile companies located in Mumbai, Maharashtra created a revenue of Rs 5,913 crore ($710 million) in the FY 2023. It exports its product to over 60 plus countries including the US, Canada, Europe, Japan and the Middle East.  

5. Peter England

Peter England : Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

It made its swoop into the Indian market in 1997 and was obtained by Aditya Birla Group in 2000. The price range is considered to be economic, mid-price and premium. Peter England is known for keeping up with youth, being in sync with every fashion occasion in professional as well as easy-going wear for men. The brand markets products through an in-house platform named trendin.com along with other e-commerce websites in India.

Peter England

1000 plus exclusive store

3500 plus multi-brand outlets

800 plus towns






Trousers and chinos



Ethnic and Indie wear




Plus size

Protective gear


This Indian-based clothing brand generated a revenue of Rs 12,500 crore ($1.56 billion) in the FY 2023 with a funding of $ 1.26 billion.

6. Allen Solly

Allen Solly : Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands Every

The brand is known for its distinctive and chic fashion galvanising an entire new customer class. Allen Solly was launched in India in 1993 by Madura Fashion and Lifestyle a division of Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited. It is reviewed as a premium brand in India having a diversified range of fashion wear for men which includes shirts, jeans, suits, joggers as well as accessories.

Allen Solly

281 stores in India

Present in 25 states and territories, 120 cities.









Track Pants & Joggers






Maharashtra has the majority number of Allen Solly with 37 stores putting up to 13 percent of the total number of stores in India followed by Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh with 35 (12 percent) and 33 (12 percent) respectively. Sikkim, Puducherry, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur, Andaman and Nicobar Island, Ladakh, Dadra and Nagpur Haveli and Daman and Diu, Chandigarh, Arunachal Pradesh and Lakshadweep are the 11 states that do not have Allen Solly stores.

Arrow : Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

The brand aims to serve the evolving impeccable fashion needs of India and initiate innovation like Autopress shirts, Autoflex trousers, Superflex stitchless shirts, smart shirts, 4-in-1 shirts and anti-UV shirts. Arrow has a set-up to fulfil the urging needs of young stylish and fashion-loving professionals. The unique selling proposition is the expert shirt makers giving shrink-free, stain-free and wrinkle-resistant shirts.


1300 stand-alone stores

5000 multi-brand and departmental stores





Track pants






Arrow Clothing Private Limited is an unlisted company located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The EBITDA of the company has increased by 950.26 percent with a net worth grown by 39.88 percent. Recognised for its American styling the brand has licensed in approximately 120 territories and 400 free-standing stores worldwide.

US polo : Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

The official brand of USPA (United States Polo Association) a non-profit governing body for the sport of polo in the United States. Has a distribution of 1,030 mono-branded stores, boutiques, departmental stores and e-commerce. US polo describes the spirit of sport and takes the inspiration for their styling. It focuses on maintaining the brand as athletic, genuine, approachable and most importantly classic.

US Polo 50 stores

Polo Shirts





Joggers and Trackpants




The Indian market has made a 15 percent initiative to expand US Polo retail stores. The company plans to generate $ 2 million in retailing by the year 2025. Worldwide the brand is present in 190 countries with 1,100 stores and planning to take it up to 2000 by the year 2030.

 Mufti - Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

The brand was born in 1998 representing fashion for men. It is owned and directed by Credo Brands Marketing Ltd. It claims to be creating expressive fashion for men inspired by the nature of Mumbai. A brand that seeks to refine styling for men. Mufti has instilled their creativity in clothing from the heritage, coastline, gymkhana and tropical areas of Mumbai. Created a revenue of $ 63.7 million with a net profit of $ 9.65 million in FY 23.


1400 multi-brand outlets

120 large stores












The brand has started a new sub-brand named ‘4ooo5o’ spelt as ‘Four Triple oh Five oh’ catering to GenZ shoppers, centring on casuals and oversized garments.

10. Indian Terrain

 Indian Terrain - Top 10 Men’s Clothing Brands

Initially was a part of Celebrity Fashion Limited, demerged in 2011. Fulfilling the fashion needs of upwardly mobile young, cosmopolitan Indian men. The brand targets customers aged between 22- 44 years. Indian Terrain provides articles of clothing with premium fabrics, superior tailoring and comfortable fit in men's wear. The brand has a ready-to-wear branded sector for men as well which led to great customer flow.

Indian Terrain

200 plus exclusive stores

1000 plus multi-brand outlets

400 plus large format stores














Indian Terrain has opened 30 more retail stores and is looking at a 10 percent growth in revenue from Rs 460 crore in 2024 generating 15 percent from e-commerce. Last three months the company has increased a 4.48 percent revenue.

FAQs on M en's Clothing Brands

Best men’s fashion brands in India?

Louis Philippe, Van Heusen, Blackberry, Raymond and Peter England and the most renowned fashion brands in India for men,

Which brand is suggested for affordable and stylish brands for men?

Peter England and Indian Terrain are considered to be affordable yet stylish at the same time.

Which of the brands are considered to be luxury fashion brands in men's wear in India?

Louis Philippe and van Heusen are considered to be luxury brands for men's wear in India.

Where can I buy from these brands?

The brands have their shopping website page or in-house websites and are even available on various e-commerce platforms.

Which brand is best for semi-formal clothing for men?

Indian Terrain and Blackberry are the best brands for semi-formal men's wear.

  • US Polo Association
  • Blackberrys
  • Indian Terrain
  • allen solly

How to Start a Jewellery Business : 9 Steps to Launch and Grow

The global jewellery market, valued at $353.26 billion in 2023, is on a growth trajectory, expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7 percent from 2024 to 2030. This growth is driven by increasing incomes, innovative designs, and changing consumer perceptions of jewellery as a status symbol.

The Indian market, with its rich cultural heritage and significant consumption patterns, presents an opportunity for aspiring jewellery entrepreneurs.  And if you have a passion for all things glittering and want to turn it into a profitable business, you're in the right place. Grab a drink, and get settled because this is going to be a complete guide.

How to Start a Jewellery Business in 9 Steps?

A step-by-step instructions for those who've never started any business before, we’re going from top to bottom from finding your manufacturers to running the financial side of your business, and then we'll look at effective marketing strategies.

1. Research the Current J ewellery  Market

Before diving into the jewellery business, understanding market trends is crucial, and conducting thorough market research is also a major part. Current trends highlight in demand for colored gemstones and sustainable jewellery options. Understanding consumer behavior and competitive strategies can unveil niche opportunities and define a compelling brand proposition.

2. Define Who You Are as a Brand

Imagine you’re telling your best friend about your jewellery venture. That’s your brand story—what makes your business uniquely yours. Take Finley jewellery, for instance, with its focus on ethics and sustainability. What’s your special angle? Does a particular cause drive you? Do you offer a unique solution through your jewellery? Make your story heartfelt and simple.

With your brand story set, it’s time to decide on the type of jewellery you’ll create. Will your pieces be for daily wear or special events? Think about materials—gold, silver, pearls, beads, and more. Use Google to explore current trends. Staying on trend while remaining true to your brand is key.

3. Define Your Target Audience with the Right Price

Knowing your customers is essential. Consider their lifestyles, preferences, and needs. Use social media to learn about their habits and interests. Platforms like Instagram and Reddit are gold mines of information. The better you understand your audience, the more effectively you can market to them.


Setting the right prices involves balancing costs and perceived value. Consider all expenses, including marketing, production, hiring, and operating costs. Use a pricing calculator to ensure profitability. Sometimes, higher prices can enhance the perceived value of your jewellery, so don’t be afraid to price accordingly.

4. Set a Demographic Location

Choosing the right location for sourcing raw materials and setting up production is critical. Considering places known for their jewellery artisan and access to quality materials is important to get the raw materials easily which can boost your manufacturing time. For instance, Jaipur is renowned for its gemstone cutting and jewellery manufacturing, while Mumbai is a hub for gold and diamond trading. The proximity to these regions can reduce costs and ensure a steady supply of raw materials.


5. Create Your Visual Identity

Your visual identity helps people recognize your brand. Collaborate with a graphic designer to craft a logo, select fonts, and choose brand colors that reflect your story. Find designers on platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, and Behance. Once you have your visual identity, create a style guide to maintain consistency. Selecting the right materials is like choosing the best ingredients for a dish. Each material has its unique appeal and cost. Solid gold is durable and often mixed with other metals for strength. Gold vermeil and gold-filled options are more affordable. Silver and stainless steel are trendy and durable. Understanding the properties and care needs of each material helps you make informed choices.

6. Marketing and Supplying your Product

Marketing is the lifeblood of your business. Start with a few key strategies like influencer partnerships, email marketing, and ads. Collaborate with other brands to grow your email list. Use tools like Dovetale to find influencers and consider hiring agencies or freelancers for Facebook ads. Creative campaigns, such as offering free jewellery for the cost of shipping, can attract attention and new customers.

Whether you choose manufacturers, buy wholesale or partner with local artisans, reliable suppliers are crucial. Websites like Indiamart, Amazon business and TradeIndia are good starting points. Check reviews, compare prices, and always request samples to ensure quality before making large orders.


It’s a very crucial part for any business to reach its target market and for that, you need to keep your finances organized and marketing in both online and offline markets.  Now both offline and online markets are crucial to cover to get a good reach of your target market and with that is important to manage your financial statement

Register your business to protect yourself and save on taxes. Open a separate bank account and credit card for your business to maintain clarity. Use accounting software like QuickBooks and consider hiring an accountant to assist with bookkeeping.

7. Design Custom J ewellery

To bring your custom designs to life, clear communication with your manufacturer is vital. Use tools like Adobe Illustrator for detailed designs or simple sketches with reference photos. Clear communication ensures your vision is accurately realized.

8. Build your e-commerce store

Setting up your business Domain, Email, and Website presence is important to reach a wider audience. Your online presence is your digital storefront. Begin by registering a domain and setting up a professional email. Then, create your website. Shopify is a user-friendly option for e-commerce. Choose a theme that aligns with your brand and ensure your site features high-quality product photos, detailed descriptions, and easy navigation. Include sections like About, Shop, Collections, and Contact.


9. Customer Experience and Logistics

Packaging and shipping are significant aspects of your brand. Good packaging can enhance the perceived value of your jewellery. Keep it simple to streamline fulfilment. Consider eco-friendly options and maintain adequate supplies to prevent delays. Use tools like Shopify’s shipping settings or services like eShipper for efficient shipping.

At IndianRetailer, we have witnessed how the jewellery market, both globally and in India, presents a lucrative opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. With a growing market value and evolving consumer preferences, now is the perfect time to launch your business. Remember, success in the jewellery business hinges on understanding your audience, staying true to your brand, and continuously adapting to market trends. With passion, creativity, and strategic planning, your jewellery venture can flourish in this dynamic market. So, take the plunge, and let your entrepreneurial journey shine as brightly as the gems you'll be crafting!

Top 5 FAQs on Starting a Jewellery Business

1. what are the threats to the jewellery industry.

The jewelry industry faces several challenges, such as:

  • The fluctuating prices of gold and gemstones
  • Increasing production costs
  • High competition from both local and international brands
  • Changing consumer tastes and trends
  • Security risks, including theft and fraud
  • Economic downturns that affect how much people spend on jewelry
  • New regulations and import/export rules
  • Growing demand for ethically sourced and sustainable materials

2. Is the jewellery business has high-risk?

Yes, the jewellery business has high risks. These include fluctuating gold and gemstone prices, security concerns, high competition, changing consumer preferences, and significant investment requirements. However, with careful planning and good market understanding, these risks can be managed.

3. Which type of jewellery demand in India?

Gold jewellery is the most in-demand in India, followed by diamond and silver pieces. Traditional and ornate designs, especially for weddings and festivals, are particularly popular.

4. What is 24-karat gold?

24-karat gold is the purest type of gold you can get, made up of 99.9% gold without any other metals mixed in. It's very soft and malleable, so it's great for investment or special pieces, but not as durable for everyday jewellery.

5. How to identify the gold is it real or fake?

To identify if gold is real or fake, you can:

  • Check for hallmarks: Authentic gold jewelry usually has a stamp indicating its purity (e.g., 24K, 18K).
  • Perform a magnet test: Real gold is not magnetic, so it won't be attracted to a magnet.
  • Conduct a scratch test: Use a ceramic plate to gently scratch the gold. Real gold will leave a gold streak, while fake gold may leave a black streak.
  • Try a nitric acid test: Apply a drop of nitric acid to the gold. Real gold will not react, while fake gold will show a green or milky reaction.
  • Consult a professional: Take the gold to a reputable jeweler for an expert opinion and testing.

Top FMCG Companies in India by Market Cap in 2024

FMCG means fast-moving consumer goods, where the products are sold at the speed of a bullet train but with a low cost and are in high demand. Most of the non-durable products, are consumed quickly and have a high turnover rate. In the Indian fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), market, total revenue is expected to increase by 27.9 percent from 2024 to 2030, reaching nearly $1,288.52 billion.

The giant FMCG companies produce, manufacture and distribute household and personal items found at supermarkets, pharmacies, other retailers and e-commerce into several categories, including Beverages and tobacco, Confectionery and baked goods, Fruit and veg, Processed foods, Meat and dairy products, Toiletries, cosmetics, and over-the-counter medications, Batteries, Electronic devices such as cell phones, earbuds, game players and many more.

Top 10 FMCG Companies with Market Capitalisation:

1 Hindustan Unilever Rs 562139.73
2 Nestle India Rs 236715.10
3 Godrej Rs 136142.47
4 ITC Limited Rs 5,29,976
5 Colgate Rs 73142.39
6 Britannia Industries Rs 155800.00
7 TATA Consumer Product Rs 1,03,573
8 P&G (Procter & Gamble Rs 52,236
9 Dabur India Rs 1,06,162
10 Emami Rs  30,998

The above information is based on the companies' 2023 performance.

Let's explore the top 10 FMCG companies and why they should be on your radar:

1. Hindustan Unilever:


Hindustan Unilever is a familiar name for every individual. It is the best FMCG company in India and a subordinate company for global products. Established in 1933 by Rohit Jawa as Lever Brothers Indian Ltd., it later merged with the global giant Hindustan Vanaspati Mfg. Co. Ltd. and United Traders Ltd. in 1956.

In 2024, the company's market value will be around $68.50 billion, which makes it the world's 256th most valuable company.

2024 $ 68.50 B -8.98 percent
2023 $75.25 B 3.48 percent
2022 $72.72 B -2.37 percent
2021 $74.49 B -3.13 percent
2020 $76.89 B 31.71 percent

End-of-year Market Cap

Their service includes foods, beverages, cleaning agents, personal care products, and water purifiers. Some of the popular and most used products of every household are Lux, Surf Excel, Dove, Lifebuoy, Kissan, and Brooke Bond.

2. Nestle India:


Nestle which was founded by Henri Nestle a Swiss food and beverage giant, Today Nestle India is a household name across the globe and one of the top ten FMCG companies in India, Nestle started its operations in 1961, From chocolates, Maggi, health drinks, coffee and many more, and their first Indian factory was set in Moga, Punjab where they developed the milk economy. This fast-moving consumer goods company offers a wide range of consumer products manufactured in its 8 factories located across the country.

On the June 2024 BSE report India’s FMCG powerhouse is facing a downfall, which shows that Nestle India shares are down at Rs 2538.95.

2024 $29.07 B  -5.65 percent
2023 $30.81 B 34.87 percent
2022 $22.84 B  -10.5 percent 
2021 $25.52 B  5.29 percent 
2020 $24.24 B 21.28 percent

Nestlé India has changed their most iconic product packaging to support girl child education, which are, MAGGI, NESCAFÉ and KITKAT, in association with Nanhi Kali. Nestlé is also associated with these well-known brands Milkybar, Milkmaid, and Nestea.

3. Godrej Consumer Products:


Since 2001, Godrej has been a leading player in the Indian FMCG market. current CEO and MD, Mr Sudhir Sitapati created a brand value of around Rs 14,365 crore. Godrej is considered one of the top 10 FMCG companies in India in the home and personal care segment, which is a part of the Godrej Group.

In today date the market cap of Godrej Consumer is $17.29 Billion. This shows that the market share of the company is rising by 2.58 percent per day and 34.31 percent annually.

2024 $17.29 B  24.18 percent
2023 $13.92 B 28.92 percent
2022 $10.80 B -18.8 percent
2021 $13.30 B 28.58 percent
2020 $10.34 b 5.41 percent

The iconic and well-known products are hair care, skin care, oral care, household insecticides, and hygiene. And Cinthol, Godrej No. 1, Godrej Expert, Hit, and Protekt are very common names in every Indian household.

4. Britannia Industries:


Britannia is the oldest multinational food manufacturing company which has been trusted by every Indian, is actually an FMCG giant, who known for its biscuits, bread and dairy products. It is a part of the Wadia Group, headed by Nusli Wadia and was founded in the year 1892 in Kolkata. Britannia is mostly known for their biscuit products, which generate 80 percent of revenue for the company. Britannia has its footprint in 60 countries across the globe.

In 2022, the revenue of the company is around $1.99 billion but in 2023, the company is not able to reach its target and ended up at $1.98 billion, If we talk about their market cap, as of June 20th, 2024, the market capitalization of Britannia Industries is $15.52 billion.

2024 $15.56 B 0.65 percent
2023 $15.46 B 23.15 percent
2022 $12.55 B 7.56 percent 
2021 $11.67 B -0.87 percent
2020 $ 11.77 B 15.35 percent

Their iconic products are biscuits, breads, cakes, rusk, cheese, and milk products under brands such as Britannia, Good Day, Tiger, Marie Gold, NutriChoice, and Cheese.

5. P&G Hygiene and Health Care:


The global giant of manufacturers of feminine hygiene and healthcare segments. The Procter and Gamble Company was founded by William Procter and James Gamble in 1837. P&G is one of the leading names in the top 10 FMCG companies.

Under the leadership of Chittranjan Dua, the current Director and MD of P&G Hygiene and Health Care Limited, the market cap is Rs 52,236 crore. And as of June 26, 2024, their market share had decreased by 0.74 percent. But still, the company has managed to maintain their position at No. 3 in the personal care industry.


Current Market Cap

Their iconic brands are Whisper, Vicks, and Old Spice which still hold the No. 1 position in the health and personal care industry. The product line of P&G includes sanitary napkins, tampons, and cough and cold remedies.

6. Colgate:


Colgate became a necessity in everyone’s life, is a top FMCG company, but it was initially established as a soap and candle business in the early days. Colgate a multinational corporation, was founded by Willian Colgate in 1806, but in 1928, the company merged with Palmolive-Peet and evolved over the years.

As of June 2024, the company is ranked as the 209th most valued company in the world. The market cap of Colgate Palmolive is $80.97 billion. The company is constantly rising, at 28.78 percent a year.

2024 $80.97 B 23.38 percent
2023 $ 65.63 B -0.27 percent
2022 $65.80 B -8.51 percent
2021 $71.92 B -1.87 percent
2020 $73.29 B 24.57 percent

This top FMCG company in India’s Colgate product line includes household items, health care products, personal care items, and veterinary products. Their iconic brands are Colgate, Palmolive, Softsoap, Irish Spring, Protex, Speed Stick, Lady Speed Stick, Sanex, and Hill's Pet Nutrition.

7. Dabur India:


A small pharmacy in Kolkata, which is based on the principles of Ayurveda and natural ingredients, is now one of the top 10 FMCG companies. Dabur was founded by S.K. Burman in 1884. Dabur is now considered one of the largest Ayurvedic and natural healthcare companies in India, with a legacy of over 135 years.

Dabur is now running under the leadership of Mohit Burman and positions the company as the world's 1327th most valuable company by market cap. The market cap of Dabur as of June 2024 is $12.72 billion.

2024 $12.72 B 7.14 percent
2023 $11.87 B -1.26 percent
2022 $12.02 B -12.76 percent
2021 $13.78 B 6.82 percent
2020 $12.90 b 13.61 percent

Dabur offers various products in health and pharmaceuticals, which include health supplements, hair care, oral care, skin care, home care, and foods under the brand names like Dabur Chyawanprash, Dabur Honey, Dabur Honitus, Dabur PudinHara, Dabur Lal Tail (in healthcare); Dabur Amla and Dabur Red Paste (in personal care); and Real (in food & beverages).

8. ITC Limited:


ITC is a global giant and one of the top 10 FMCG companies was established by William M. Jacks in the year 1910 as Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited, Later in 1970, the company was renamed as Indian Tobacco Company Limited. But now the company called as ITC Limited since the year 2001. ITC is present across six business segments as FMCG, Hotels, Agribusiness, Information Technology, Paper Products and Packaging. 

ITC Limited has a total market cap as of June 2024 of around Rs 5,29,976 crore and with that, ITC is ranked no. 1 in the Tobacco sector.


ITC's most iconic brands are Aashirvaad, Sunfeast, Yippee! Bingo!, B Natural, ITC Master Chef, Fabelle, Sunbean, Fiama, Engage, Vivel, Savlon, Classmate, Paperkraft, Mangaldeep, Gold Flake; Wills Navy Cut; Classic.

9. TATA Consumer Product:


TATA is a very trusted name around the globe. It was founded in the year 1962, in Kolkata. TATA is considered as a giant in FMCG.  TATA consumer product are part of the TATA group. TATA is the world's second-largest manufacturer and distributor of tea and also a major producer of coffee.

TATA Consumer Products' market cap as of June 2024 is $12.41 billion, and their share is increasing by 23.90 percent a year.

2024 $12.41 B 2.2 percent
2023 $12.15 B 41.03 percent
2022 $8.61 B -6.38 percent
2021 $9.20 B 23.88 percent
2020 $7.43 B 161.49 percent

TCP's product range includes salt, pulses, spices, ready-to-cook mixes, breakfast cereals, snacks, and mini-meals. And the most iconic brands of TCP are Tata Tea, Tata Salt, Tetley, Tata Sampann, and Himalayan.


Emami is a well-known name in Personal care, health care and the paper sector. Emami was founded by Radhe Shyam Agarwal and Radhe Shyam Goenka in the year 1974 in Kolkata, and in today’s date is one of the Top FMCG companies.

Emami is one of the best FMCG companies, with a market share rate of 65.81 percent and a market cap of a total of $3.70 Billion as of June 2024.

2024 $3.70 B 25.06 percent
2023 $2.95 B 30.55 percent
2022 $2.23 B -26.97 percent
2021 $3.10 B 20.27 percent
2020 $2.58 B 30.84 percent

Emami products are based on Ayurveda and natural ingredients namely balms, oils, creams, lotions, powders, and deodorants. Their most iconic brands are Boroplus, Navratna, Zandu, Fair and Handsome, and Kesh King.

According to the performance of the FMCG sector, as witnessed by IndianRetailer, it is being driven by rising consumer demand and diverse product offerings. The top 10 FMCG companies, including industry giants like Hindustan Unilever, Nestle India, and ITC Limited, play a pivotal role in shaping the market with their extensive product portfolios and innovative strategies. As the market is projected to grow significantly, reaching nearly $1,288.52 billion by 2030, these companies will continue to expand their influence and adapt to changing consumer preferences. By understanding the key players and their market shares, investors and consumers can gain valuable insights into the industry's landscape. As we move forward, the emphasis on sustainable practices and technological advancements will further propel the growth and success of FMCG brands in India, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the global market.

Top 5 FAQs on Top FMCG Companies in India  :

1. What is the biggest challenge for FMCG companies?

By 2040, 95% of all retail purchases will be made online. Challenges and Opportunities: Despite its promising outlook, the FMCG sector in India faces challenges such as data management, brand management, price wars, and catering to diverse demographics.

2. Which FMCG product is most profitable?

Personal care products like skincare, hair care, and oral care products are in high demand. These products have a low production cost and a high margin of profit.

3. Which FMCG company has the highest market share?

Nestle India Private Limited. List of FMCG companies in India. Nestlé tops the list as the largest food and beverage corporation in the world.

4. Which is the fastest-growing FMCG Company in India?

Among the top FMCG companies in India, VBL has grown the fastest in recent years. This growth is due to its partnership with PepsiCo, allowing VBL to distribute PepsiCo drinks in many countries and expand internationally.

5. Who regulates the FMCG industry in India?

Operating by the guidelines set forth by the FSSA 2006, the FSSAI is the responsible authority that safeguards public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.

  • Nestle India
  • P&G India
  • Hindustan Unilever Limited

How to Open a Home Décor Retail Business in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

There is a rising demand for trendy home décor; from millennials to Gen Z, everyone wishes to have a home that represents them. A home décor business is the answer to providing and fulfilling people's demands. Are you looking to open a home décor store? We have got you covered.

The Indian home furnishing market size has reached Rs 52,626.8 crore in 2023 . IMARC Group anticipates the market will reach Rs 97,051 crore by 2032, with a growth rate of 7.04 percent during 2024-2032. The light is shining on online shopping for home décor, furniture, and high-end luxury items.

How  to start  a  Home Decor Business  in India?

Here are the key 7 steps to start your business in home décor:

1. Know the Market

Understand the market trends and know your target audience. What are the latest additions in the décor market in various categories? Millennials are generally the target audience for those starting furnishing and home décor businesses. The market in India demands something innovative and new; this country is very experimental and versatile. All that needs to be done is to make a unique niche for the consumers. The home décor market is expected to have a growth rate of 6.20 percent (CAGR) from 2023 to 2028.

Choose a specific genre such as vintage décor, modern furniture, eco-friendly décor, or DIYs to start a home decor business idea: the more collections, the merrier. Make your brand visible in the market through different platforms. Social media has a lion's share of influence on every generation nowadays.

Key Insights:

  • Know your target audience-  Identify the age group ( between 20- 60 years).
  • Make your brand versatile- Make a brand strategy, create a unique brand style, widen the product range and use technology for innovation. 
  • Keep up with the trends- Study the latest trends in the furniture and decor market, and upgrade the brand with upcoming revolution in the home decor business. 
  • Gather knowledge of the respective market- Know the competitors and understand the strategy.
  • Use various platforms to generate awareness- in-house website, e-commerce platforms, and retail stores. 

2. Make a Plan

Making a home decor business plan is a must. It allows the business to follow the guidelines through each stage of starting and managing your brand. The plan can include factors like business models, value propositions, financial projections, and marketing strategies.

Understand what mode of business suits you: B2B (business to business), B2C (business to consumer), or C2C (customer to customer). It is suggested that you use a B2C model for a home décor business as it allows consumers to visit a physical store where they can see and feel the product before buying.

  • Be realistic- cater to practical limitations, and make pragmatic decisions.
  • Choose a suitable mode- carefully opt for the right type of business model that caters to all the needs. 
  • Be thorough with the research- market research is a key to understand growth and decline patterns should be thorough. 
  • Maintain consistency- Be steady and regular in the making of the plan. 
  • Review regularly- evaluate the decor business market and bring changes to your plan accordingly. 

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Open a Home Décor Retail Business in 2024

3. Supplying, Inventory, and Selling

Find an appropriate and authentic supplier (wholesalers, manufacturers, or your product) and establish a strategy for managing inventory properly to avoid overstocking and stockouts to help you start your decorating business efficiently.

Opt for a reasonable and well-functional mode for selling to start a home decor business. Nowadays, there are three types: offline, online, and hybrid. Offline can be a retail store or showroom; online selling can be done with the help of e-commerce platforms like Flipkart, Myntra, Amazon, or your website. The hybrid mode is the most exciting, where the customer has the option to sit back and browse online or visit the store and purchase what they like. This type gives the consumer comfort in making their choice.

4. Promotion

This step is the most important in the process of starting a home decor business as it helps the business gain awareness, increase its customer base, and expand in the market. Branding and marketing are crucial for the growth of any business. There are various modes of promotion: advertisement, marketing strategy, public relations, personal selling, social media, email marketing, and many more.

An advertisement should aim at people's interests in “modern bedroom décor” or “vintage wall hangings.” Home décor representation, usage of technology in furniture, or any kind of upgrade can add value to your business.

  • Build a strong brand identity- Define the mission, vision, and unique selling proposition(USP). Make the physical appearance of the brand attractive ( name, logo, tagline) that defines the decor business.  
  • Build an online presence- Use social media, email marketing, blogs and other streaming platforms)
  • Make a marketing plan- Analyse your brand with SWOT analysis, SMART goals and key performing indicators (KPIs)

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Open a Home Décor Retail Business in 2024

5. Logistics

The word logistics means the commercial transportation of products. Organizing the movement, equipment, and accommodation is very essential for proper management to maintain the order of the supply chain.

The décor and furniture business faces challenges in shipment, warehousing and storage, assembling, and installation. Hence, there is a need to have adequate management of logistics. It helps the brand enhance customer experience and increase its value. It also contributes towards cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

  • Operation management in logistics- Choose reliable suppliers and ensure timely and cost-effective purchase of materials. Solve storage, ordering, packaging issues, and shipping-related issues.  
  • Improve customer service- consistent response and resolution. Provide with innovative ideas. 
  • Handle returns and refunds efficiently- assistance in building a good brand image. 

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Open a Home Décor Retail Business in 2024

6. Budgeting

Define the scope of your home décor or furniture business. Research the difference in cost expenses from suppliers, inventory, promotion, and logistics. Determine the total cost involved in making the marketing plan.

Items to Include in Budgeting:

  • Product development
  • Supplying and inventory
  • E-commerce and retail
  • Sales and marketing
  • Operational cost
  • Human resources

7. Feedback and Improvising

For the success of a home decor business, its foremost focus should be to improve and bring changes according to the feedback from consumers. Reviews assist in catering to consumer expectations, guiding the design process to ensure that the final product aligns with the audience's vision.

  • Improve product and service- work on the suggested improvements by customers. 
  • Expand with the help of trends- Keep the research work on always to enhance customer reach.
  • Build partnerships- Diversify the business. 

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Open a Home Décor Retail Business in 2024

Indian Retailer says:

There are various companies in the décor and furniture industry in our country contributing to a tough market with a wide range of competitors. This industry promises growth due to the diverse needs and demands of customers. Proper planning, creativity, and dedication towards your décor business can aid in building a successful brand. The home decor business is growing at a stable speed in the succor of urbanization, rising disposable income and rising interest in interior design. Consumers are taking a look at sustainable, eco-friendly and durable decor and furniture. Keeping a wide variety will assist in catching the eye of consumers. Along with in-store experience a decor business can also avail with omnichannel strategy. 

FAQs on How to Start a Home Decor Business

1. How to make a home décor business effective?

Use different marketing strategies, including digital platforms. Email marketing, websites, advertisements, and influencer marketing are a few ways to help your business become effective.

2. How to price home décor products?

Determine your price by evaluating COGS (cost of goods sold), involving materials, labor, and other expenses. Ensure profitability while sustaining in the competitive market.

3. Is it possible to start a home décor business with a small budget?

Of course, you can start small and expand your scale gradually. Build a strong online presence and start with a unique niche product range. Reinvent inventory and marketing.

Top 10 Retail Companies in India : Sector to Hit $1,407B by 2026

The retail industry in India is essential for understanding customer preferences and company performance. Knowing the top retail companies in India, their IPO offerings, and current stock prices is crucial.

The retail sector contributes 10 percent to India’s GDP and is expected to create 25 million new jobs by 2030. It is projected to grow at 9 percent annually, reaching $1,407 billion by 2026, up from $779 billion in 2019. India’s direct selling market is anticipated to be worth $7.77 billion by 2025.

Factors driving this growth include economic expansion, changing demographics, higher disposable incomes, urbanization, and shifting consumer needs. For instance, retail sales in India increased by 5 percent in February 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Multinational corporations are drawn to India due to its diverse consumer base and lower labor costs.

Let's explore the top 10 retail companies in India, their latest updates, IPO offerings, and current stock prices.

Top 10 Retail Companies in India

Here are the top 10 retail companies in India:

The company began as ‘Lakme’ in 1952, focusing on cosmetics, toiletries, and perfumes. Over time, Lakme Exports Limited joined forces with Little Woods International Limited Private Limited (LIIPL) and later became Trent Limited. Today, Trent is one of the top retail companies in India, running popular stores like Westside, Landmark, Zudio, and Utsa.

In the past year, Trent's stock price has soared by 207.69 percent, reaching a high of Rs 5,452 and a low of Rs 1,657. The company made a profit of about Rs 712.09 crore in the fourth quarter of 2024. As one of the top 10 retail companies in India, Trent continues to be a key player in the retail market.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

What does the future hold for the company?

Based on the present and past performance, the company is predicted to generate Rs 10,728.81 in share price.

2. V-Mart Retail

V-Mart is a family fashion store that focuses on affordability and a wide range of products for its customers. It has a strong presence in Tier II, III, and IV cities across India, with over 450 stores in more than 250 cities and 26 states. V-Mart offers a variety of items, including fashion apparel, footwear, home furnishings, general merchandise, and kirana products.

In 2008, V-Mart went public and has since achieved significant milestones. In the fourth quarter of 2023-24, the company's net revenue increased by 11.9 percent from the previous year, reaching Rs 673.03 crore. Over the past year, V-Mart's stock has shown impressive growth, with a return of 30.44 percent, a high of Rs 2,849.90, and a low of Rs 1,595.  

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

The price target for the brand is Rs 2,399 share price with a maximum estimate of Rs 2987 and a minimum estimate of Rs 2,000 in 2025.

3. Reliance Retail 

Started by Reliance Industries Limited in 2006, this company aims to revolutionize retail in India. In 2024, it saw over 1.06 billion visits to its stores, thanks to a strategy that covers shopping, FMCG, pharmaceuticals, fashion, and lifestyle. It also has a strong presence in digital commerce channels. Reliance Retail generated a gross revenue of Rs 3,06,786 crore in FY24, marking a 17.8 percent increase compared to the previous year.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

The company is unlisted but the parent company Reliance Industries plans to do value unlocking by bringing IPOs of Reliance Retail and JIO.

4. Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail

Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail was formed in 2015 when the Aditya Birla Group combined ABNL’s Madura Fashion and ABNL’s subsidiary Pantaloons Fashion and Retail (PFRL). As of March 2024, the company has a revenue of Rs 13,996 crore and an EBITDA of Rs 1,703 crore. Over the past year, it has achieved a 52.93 percent return, with stock prices reaching a high of Rs 335.25 and a low of Rs 192.95. The total income for FY24 stands at Rs 3,406.65 crore. The company has also partnered with international brands like Ralph Lauren, Hackett London, Simon Carter, Ted Baker, Fred Perry, Forever 21, American Eagle, Reebok, and Galeries Lafayette.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

It is predicted to grow 102.6 percent in earnings and 12 percent in revenue. The average one-year share price target for ABFRL is Rs 278.46 with a low forecast of Rs 202 and a high forecast of Rs 360.15.

5. Avenue Supermart Ltd.

Founded by Radhakishan Damani in 2002, this Indian retail corporation manages a chain of supermarkets across India. Avenue Supermart owns well-known brands like DMart, D Mart Minimax, D Mart Premia, D Homes, and Dutch Harbour. The company operates in ten states, offering a wide range of basic home and personal products. Over the past year, there was a slight return of 0.60 percent, with stock prices peaking at Rs 4,875 and dipping to Rs 4,765.85. The company's revenue grew by 6.63 percent, reaching Rs 2,536.17 crore for the year ending March 2024.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

Revenue is believed to grow more than 17 percent, with earnings increasing at 20 percent and more. EPS is expected to shoot up to 18.2 percent.

The company was formed in 1984 through a joint venture between TATA Industries and The Tamil Nadu Industrial Development (TIDCO). Titan has since expanded into various sectors, including watches, jewelry, clothing, eye care, and the fashion and fragrance industry. As of March 2024, Titan posted a net profit of Rs 786 crore, with revenue reaching Rs 11,257 crore. Over the past year, the company has seen a return of 14.79 percent, with stock prices ranging from a low of Rs 2,882.45 to a high of Rs 3,886.95.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

Titan is assumed to grow 20.5 percent and 12.7 percent in earnings and revenue respectively. The price target for the company should reach Rs 3706.20 with a maximum of Rs 4337 and a minimum of Rs 2750 for the upcoming year.

7. V2 Retail

V2 Retail is the largest and fastest-growing retail chain in India, with a presence in 17 states, mainly in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, and Assam. It operates 107 stores in Tier II and III cities, focusing on fashion and lifestyle products. The company offers various brands for apparel and non-apparel products, including One Human, Glamora, Godspeed, Herrlich, No War, and Honey Brats.

Over the past year, V2 Retail's net profit surged by Rs 3.60 crore, an increase of 146.69 percent from the same period last year. The company's stock performance has been impressive, with returns of 418.60 percent, reaching a high of Rs 687 and a low of Rs 120.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

V2 Retail Ltd. has an average target of Rs 841 share price. The consensus estimate represents an upside of 15.36 percent from the last price of Rs 729.

Raymond is a brand with extensive business interests in the textile and apparel sector, covering customer care, real estate, and engineering in both national and international markets. With 97 years of textile expertise, Raymond combines tradition with modern infrastructure. The brand and its various lines, such as Raymond Apparel, Raymond Lifestyle, and Silver Spark Apparel, also have a presence in Tier 4 and 5 cities.

In the past year, Raymond's net profit increased by 17.94 percent, reaching Rs 229.21 crore for 2023-2024. The company's stock has performed well, with a return of 52.59 percent. The share price ranged from a low of Rs 1,487.60 to a high of Rs 2,695 over the past year.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

The share price of RAYMOND is expected to reach a value of Rs. 3036 by January 2025. If the Macro and Micro economic factors along with the industry trend support, we might see the target price of Raymond Ltd reach Rs 3406 by December 2025.

9. Spencer Retail

Part of the RP Sanjiv Goenka Group, this multi-format retailer offers a wide range of products in categories like food, fashion, home essentials, electronics, and more. The company has seen a return of 47.63 percent over the past year, with stock prices ranging from a low of Rs 57.90 to a high of Rs 139.30.

Spencer's, the retailer, introduced the concept of organized retailing in India by launching the first hypermarket. Today, it operates 120 stores, including 37 hypermarkets, across more than 35 cities in India. In the fourth quarter of 2023-24, the company's revenue increased by 0.31 percent, reaching Rs 551.15 crore.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

Based on the analysis long-term increase is expected with the stock price of Rs 234.210 in 2029. With a year's investment, the revenue is expected to be around 156.02 percent.

10. Future Retail

In 1992, the company launched its IPO, starting the distribution of branded garments through various retail outlets. The Future Retail Group is known for popular brands like Big Bazaar, Heritage Foods, WHSmith, and more. The company aims to achieve a $15 million turnover in the next five years.

Focusing on hypermarkets, supermarkets, and home solutions, it operates 1,500 stores in over 400 cities and towns across India.

India's Retail Sector to Hit $1,407 Billion by 2026: Top Companies & Their Stock Performance

FAQs on Top Retail Companies in India

1. Who is the biggest retailer in India?

Reliance Retail is the biggest retailer in India.

2. Which is the biggest retail business in India?

Reliance Retail is the biggest retail business in India.

3. Who are the top 5 retailers in India?

  • Reliance Retail
  • Future Group
  • Avenue Supermarts (DMart)
  • Aditya Birla Retail

4. Who is the richest retailer in India?

Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Retail is the richest retailer in India.

5. Who is the king of retail in India?

Mukesh Ambani is often referred to as the king of retail in India.

  • Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd

Indian Consumers Prioritize Value-Conscious Buys Amid Experiential Spending Surge

The retail landscape in India is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by shifts in consumer spending dynamics. The emphasis is moving away from traditional product-centric purchases towards experiences and localized innovation. This change underscores the need for retailers to adapt and innovate to meet evolving consumer preferences .

Indian Consumers Prioritize Value-Conscious Buys Amid Experiential Spending Surge

Shifts in Consumer Spending Dynamics

Indian consumers are increasingly prioritizing experiences over material goods. This shift is reflected in the surge in spending on categories such as travel, hospitality, recreation, and entertainment, while traditional retail segments like fashion and lifestyle have experienced flat volume growth, according to Deloitte India’s latest report. The report highlights several key trends and consumer spending behaviors expected in FY25 based on Deloitte’s comprehensive consumer survey.

Dining Out or Ordering In

Despite health and budget concerns prompting 29 percent of respondents to plan a reduction in dining out or ordering in, over 50 percent still prefer maintaining or increasing their dining frequency. This resilient demand for dining options that prioritize health, quality, and appeal presents a significant opportunity for establishments. Restaurants and food delivery services can capitalize on this trend by focusing on health-conscious menus, superior-quality ingredients, and enhanced dining experiences.

Apparel, Footwear, and Fashion Accessories

While 32 percent of respondents intend to decrease spending on apparel and accessories, citing satisfaction with their current wardrobe and a preference for minimalist lifestyles, around 14 percent plan to increase their purchases. To engage these consumers, retailers need to offer compelling designs and trends that encourage wardrobe refreshes. Emphasizing sustainable fashion options can also attract environmentally conscious consumers, thereby maintaining engagement and driving sales.

Leisure Travel

Leisure travel is set to see a significant boost, with 29 percent of respondents planning to increase their travel frequency in the coming year. This growing appetite for experiential spending provides travel companies with an opportunity to create tailored experiences that resonate with consumers seeking unique adventures and cultural immersion. Offering personalized travel packages and immersive experiences can drive higher engagement and foster brand loyalty.

Consumer Durables and Appliances

Despite 30 percent of respondents citing financial constraints as a deterrent, approximately one-third have recently purchased items in this category. This indicates a market segment with unmet needs, likely looking for more affordable options or innovative features. Retailers can tap into this demand by offering budget-friendly variants and promoting the long-term benefits and efficiency of their products.

Consumer Electronics

Anticipated purchases of consumer electronics are declining due to existing device adequacy and financial considerations. To stimulate demand, brands may need to introduce budget-friendly variants or flexible payment plans that align with consumers' financial priorities. Highlighting the technological advancements and enhanced features of new devices can also encourage upgrades.

Furniture and Home Furnishings

Nearly 60 percent of respondents expressed no immediate intent to purchase major furniture items. However, there is sustained interest in home décor purchases for redecoration purposes. Retailers should focus on offering smaller, more affordable home décor items that cater to this segment. Emphasizing customization options and trendy designs can attract consumers looking to refresh their living spaces.

Luggage Items

Interest in luggage purchases remains modest, with only 15 percent considering a purchase in the next year. This aligns with the broader trend of selective spending on travel-related items, driven primarily by the need to replace old or damaged luggage. To attract consumers, retailers can offer value-driven products or innovative designs that enhance the travel experience.

Navigating the Evolving Consumer Landscape

The evolving consumer landscape presents a complex interplay of value consciousness and a growing demand for unique experiences. Anand Ramanathan, Partner, Consumer Products and Retail Sector Leader at Deloitte India, emphasizes the importance of localized innovation at scale to meet these evolving preferences. Companies that innovate to address convenience, affordability, and health will not only survive but thrive.

Indian Consumers Prioritize Value-Conscious Buys Amid Experiential Spending Surge

Sweating Assets for Like-for-Like Growth

One of the key imperatives for consumer businesses is to maximize the use of existing investments and assets to drive like-for-like growth. Industry leaders can leverage technology and AI to enhance operational efficiency and strategic resource allocation. The report outlines several growth levers that businesses can employ to reshape the retail experience and achieve incremental growth.

Refining Consumer Personas

Approximately 48 percent of consumers are willing to share data, presenting an opportunity for businesses to refine consumer personas and focus on profitable segments. By implementing targeted interventions across the purchase journey using technology, retailers can enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Personalization and data-driven marketing strategies can help in catering to the specific needs and preferences of different consumer groups.

Enhancing Perceived Value

Nearly 42 percent of consumers look for value-added services and benefits. Companies should articulate a holistic selling proposition that covers product/service benefits, experience, loyalty rewards, warranty, and post-sales support. By enhancing the perceived value of their offerings, businesses can attract and retain value-conscious consumers.

Advanced Data Analytics to Drive Sales

Utilizing centralized customer data platforms for hyper-personalization and optimizing store performance through targeted operational enhancements can drive sales. In fact, 45 percent of consumers expect brands to anticipate their needs and proactively communicate. Leveraging advanced data analytics can help retailers understand consumer behavior, predict trends, and tailor their offerings accordingly.


Tailoring product assortments and marketing strategies to local preferences is highly valued by consumers. About 27 percent of consumers show interest in geo-targeted ads and product offers. By focusing on localization, retailers can strengthen brand connections and increase consumer loyalty. Understanding regional trends and preferences can help in creating relevant and appealing product lines.

Interactive and Immersive Experiences

Creating engaging experiences across physical and digital channels is crucial for modern retail. Innovative in-store activations and digital tools for high-quality customer advisory services can enhance the shopping experience. For instance, 80 percent of consumers cited word of mouth as influencing their purchase decisions, while 55 percent highlighted the importance of quality advisory. Implementing virtual expert connects and other interactive features can attract and retain customers.

Implications for the Retail Sector

The report highlights the need for retailers to adapt to the changing consumer landscape by focusing on innovation, value, and personalized experiences. The upcoming Union budget for 2024-25 is seen as an excellent opportunity to add momentum to the revival of the mass segment by enhancing investments in the rural economy and agriculture. A normal monsoon, festival season, and replacement demand are expected to drive volumes in all categories, contributing to broad-based growth in consumer and retail sectors beyond urban markets to rural and semi-urban centers.

Indian Consumers Prioritize Value-Conscious Buys Amid Experiential Spending Surge

Businesses can aim for an incremental 8 to 20 percent growth in like-for-like sales by optimizing their investments in customer, product, channel, and experience. By focusing on the following growth levers, retailers can reshape the retail experience and capitalize on dynamic consumer trends:

  • Refining Consumer Personas : Focus on profitable segments and emerging consumer groups through targeted interventions.
  • Enhancing Perceived Value : Offer value-added services and benefits to enhance the overall selling proposition.
  • Advanced Data Analytics : Use centralized customer data platforms for hyper-personalization and store optimization.
  • Localization : Tailor product assortments and marketing strategies to local preferences.
  • Interactive and Immersive Experiences : Create engaging experiences across physical and digital channels.

READ MORE:  India Retail Poised to be a $2.2Tn Market by 2030

The future of retail in India is poised for significant change, driven by shifts in consumer spending dynamics towards experiences and localized innovation. Retailers must adapt by focusing on health-conscious and quality dining options, compelling fashion designs, personalized travel experiences, affordable consumer durables, and innovative consumer electronics. Additionally, they should capitalize on the interest in home décor and offer value-driven luggage options.

By refining consumer personas, enhancing perceived value, leveraging advanced data analytics, and focusing on localization, retailers can navigate the evolving consumer landscape. Creating interactive and immersive experiences will further enhance customer engagement and loyalty. The upcoming Union budget and the focus on rural and semi-urban markets provide additional opportunities for growth. Retailers that innovate to meet evolving consumer preferences on convenience, affordability, and health will not just survive but thrive in this dynamic environment.

  • experiential
  • value shopping

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

Bollywood has always been hugely popular in India and has a significant impact on the lives of young people. Celebrities hold a lot of sway in the country, making it easy for them to enter the Indian retail market with their brands. Thanks to the globalization of entertainment, Indian celebrities now act as global brand ambassadors, representing their brands worldwide. Bollywood actors and actresses are also in high demand as the faces of international brands. In 2024, the top ten brands endorsed by celebrities were predicted to be worth $1.9 billion, marking a 15.5 percent increase from the previous year. Celebrity-owned brands also perform well, contributing to the economic growth of the Indian market.

Top 10 Celebrity-Owned Brands:

Let’s dive into the top 10 celebrity-driven firms that have thrived in the highly competitive retail industry while capturing consumer interest. These companies have carved out a niche for themselves, showcasing the potential of celebrity entrepreneurship in India.

1. Virat Kohli – One8 and WRONG:

This year's top spot goes to Virat Kohli, whose brand is valued at $227.9 million overall. With 264 million followers, Virat is Instagram's third most-followed athlete, and it is not only because of his accomplishments in cricket but also because of the brands he owns – namely One8 and WROGN.

Virat started One8 as a sportswear brand and slowly diversified the business into a chain of restaurants named One8 Commune. Moreover, in 2017, Kohli inked a deal with PUMA to collaborate with his sportswear brand One8, and sneakers were the first in this collection. Presently, this collaboration not only features sneakers but also other products for men, women, and kids.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

When it comes to WROGN, Virat has made sure to provide the country with one of the best fashion brands, which is fit for all. This brand is managed by Universal Sportsbiz Pvt Ltd (USPL) and recently became the sponsor of one of the most followed and loved IPL teams, Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB). Virat Kohli has a whopping net worth of over Rs.1,050 crore. It is also reported that Kohli charges a whopping sum of Rs. 7.50 crore to Rs. 10 crore for brand endorsements.

2. Hrithik Roshan – HRX:

Along with co-founders Sid Shah, Afsar Zaidi, and Kamal Punwani, Hrithik Roshan introduced the fitness and sportswear line HRX in 2013. Since then, the brand has started doing business online via Myntra, and now it is available in brick-and-mortar store formats. By the end of the current fiscal year, HRX hopes to generate Rs 225 crore in revenue from its clothing division.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

HRX made its debut on Myntra in November 2013, introducing an athleisure collection for men, and in January 2023, the brand marked its first foray into physical retail with the opening of its offline store at Phoenix Market City, Bengaluru followed by its second store in Mumbai.

3. Alia Bhatt - Ed-a-Mamma and SuperBottoms:

Alia Bhatt has a $101.1 million brand value globally. The previous year was amazing for her; in addition to landing a Bollywood hit with "Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani”, she debuted in Hollywood with "Heart of Stone”. Gucci, an international luxury brand for women, signed her as a global brand ambassador.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

Bhatt has also been balancing her skyrocketing career with investments in diverse ventures, including sustainable baby care brand SuperBottoms. The brand has a special resolution to allot 1,424 Series preference shares at an issue price of Rs 1, 57,872.4 per share to raise Rs 22.5 crore. Venture Catalyst has invested Rs 38 lakh, while DSG and Sama have contributed Rs 11.05 crore apiece. It looks like there is still a Series A round going on, and additional money could be raised. Apart from that, recently her kid's wear start-up, Ed-a-Mamma, was acquired by the corporate giant Reliance Retail, giving a stamp of success. Ed-a-Mamma ranked with a value of $101.1 million, in the year 2024.

4. Deepika Padukone- 82°E:

With the launching of her self-care line, 82°E, into the Indian market, actress Deepika Padukone ventured into her retail career. Star-owned and backed by foreign institutional investors, 82°E is being positioned as the first Indian self-care brand. Self-care should be an easy, fulfilling, and productive part of your life, according to the company. Utilizing a product drop strategy, the company continues to market and sell its line on its website. 82°E earned approximately $12 million in annual revenue rate (ARR) in the first six to eight months of its launch.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

In November 2022, 82°E launched Patchouli Glow, a liquid sunscreen that resembles oil, and Ashwagandha Bounce, a moisturising cream. The longitudinal meridian in India that defines the nation’s standard time served as the basis for the brand name 82°E.

5. Katrina Kaif -Kay Beauty:

Kay Beauty by Katrina is a cosmetics brand founded by Indian actress Katrina Kaif in 2019 in collaboration with Nykaa. Kaif has said that she created Kay Beauty to provide women with makeup products that are both effective and easy to use. Kay Beauty products are made with high-quality ingredients and are cruelty-free. Kay Beauty is a socially responsible brand that is committed to sustainability and ethical practices. The brand uses sustainable materials and practices in its production process.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

Kay Beauty has a gross margin value of Rs 1.5 billion. Within three years of its launch, Kay Beauty had an annualized gross merchandise value (GMV) of over Rs 130 crore. Kay Beauty products are available in over 300 stores and online marketplaces across India, as well as in Tier II and III markets and the UAE.

6. Saif Ali Khan -House of Pataudi:

With a loose-fitted shirt, wavy mane, and washed jeans, a young man entered Bollywood in 1993. Fast forward to the present that young man has evolved into one of the most successful actors in the Bollywood industry. This evaluation isn’t constrained only to his Bollywood career. His fashion sense also has changed dramatically over the years.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

Actor Saif, Myntra, and Exceed Entertainment jointly forged the brand "House of Pataudi”, which debuted apparel range meant to highlight the company's ancient legacy. The value of Saif's Pataudi Palace, also referred to as "Ibrahim Kothi”, is Rs. 5000 crores the fact that everything associated with Saif's Bhopal ancestral home and Pataudi Palace is valued at Rs. 4,200 crores.  The daily Indian ready-to-wear line, called Firdaus, Festive with royal appeal, Noor, and Riwayat for a traditional Indian wedding, is part of their fashion collection.

7. Kriti Sanon – HYPHEN:

Kriti Sanon's skincare brand was founded in the year 2023. HYPHEN originated from a pure passion for skincare and a curious, driven mind that always wanted more in life! Each product blends a multitude of amazing ingredients from both nature and science to create a power-packed solution for every concern. Hyphen goes beyond just offering products. They aim to bridge the gap between a cluttered skincare market and effective solutions.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

HYPHEN has less than Rs 1 crore in revenue.  A 67.18 percent increase in the company's net value has occurred. The company's EBITDA has increased by 157.16 percent. The company's total assets have grown by 4.88 percent. Hyphen aims to be the fastest-growing Rs 100 xr D2C skincare brand in India within a year of launch. The brand targets a young, urban audience in India interested in effective yet approachable skincare solutions.

8. Sonakshi Sinha- SOEZI:

Sonakshi Sinha, the Bollywood actress known for her bold style, launched SoEzi in 2022. SoEzi caters to the growing demand for convenient and stylish press-on nails. The brand offers salon-quality nails at home without lengthy appointments. Its premium, reusable nails prioritize reducing environmental impact. A wide variety of styles, lengths, and hues to accommodate any taste. In comparison with acrylics or gels, press-on nails are gentle to natural nails.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

SoEzi's initial online launch was followed by an offline store opening, indicating potential for further physical retail expansion. Collaborating with Amazon Beauty, take your pick from over 100 designs on the platform.

9. Sunny Leone – StarStruck:

For the past ten years, Sunny Leone has been one of the most well-known brand faces in the world and has been the most-searched-for figure on the internet for six years consecutively. "StarStruck" by Sunny Leone, a cruelty-free cosmetics brand launched in 2018, offers luxurious, high-quality products at reasonable costs. It is notable for being the first cosmetics company in India to be fully owned and run by a celebrity. Because of its PETA certification, the brand appeals to customers who prioritize ethics.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

Regardless of establishing her cosmetics brand StarStruck in 2018 with an initial investment of Rs 10 lakh, StarStruck has attained annual sales of Rs 10 crore. Currently, StarStruck promises to be 'cruelty-free' and offers a selection of more than 260 unique products, which are occasionally referred to as stock-keeping units (SKUs), in the retail sector. Under the "Infamous by StarStruck" brand, she and her husband, Daniel Webber, extended their business into the innerwear market in 2019. And has invested in several profitable endeavours in 2024. According to that, she is worth more than Rs 100 crore today.

10. Priyanka Chopra Jonas – Anomaly:

The world-famous Priyanka Chopra Jonas founded Anomaly Haircare in 2021 to transform the hair care sector. High-performance, vegan, and clean products free of harsh chemicals like sulphates and parabens are the hallmarks of Anomaly's offerings. Anomaly, a company dedicated to environmental responsibility, uses only recycled plastic waste for its bottles.

Bollywood Icons' Brands Valued at $1.9 Billion in 2024! Guess Who's Number One!

The brand, which had $542.7 million in sales the previous year, debuted as an inexpensive vegan line with a focus on natural ingredients in India in 2022 and America in 2021. The most popular item is the hair and scalp oil, which is a huge hit with the patrons.

Top 5 FAQs:

1. Which celebrity has the most brand value in India?

Cricket superstar Virat Kohli has reclaimed his throne as the top celebrity in brand value, now reaching a staggering $227.9 million.

2. Which is Priyanka Chopra's beauty brand?

With her glossy tresses, it is little surprise that Anomaly Haircare by Priyanka Chopra Jonas is second on the list of most valuable beauty brands.

3. What is the Deepika Padukone brand?

Padukone earns a huge amount of her income from brand endorsements and other projects. She also has her beauty line called 82°E, which she launched in 2022.

4. Which beauty brand is No. 1?

L'Oréal is the No. 1 cosmetic brand in the world.

5. Which perfume is used by Katrina Kaif?

Katrina loves perfumes by Gucci and Gucci Rush tops the list of her favourite perfumes.

  • Fashion and lifestyle
  • celebrities
  • celebrity brands
  • Virat Kholi
  • hrithik roshan
  • Fitness Products

Top 10 Air Cooler Brands in India 2024: Ultimate Cooling Choices

Feeling the heatwave taking over your life? Don't sweat it! With scorching temperatures and rising electricity bills, staying cool is more important than ever. Luckily, brands like Blue Star , Crompton , Voltas , and Bajaj, known for being some of the best air cooler brands in India, have you covered. They offer air coolers that are both effective and budget-friendly, perfect for keeping your indoor and outdoor spaces refreshingly cool. The air cooler market is booming, growing from $1.62 billion in 2023 to $1.8 billion in 2024, and it’s expected to hit $2.7 billion by 2028.

With so many options, picking the right air cooler can be tough. That’s why we’ve put together this guide for businesses. We'll provide detailed information on the top 10 air cooler brands in India. If you're considering opening a retail store, this guide will also help you understand the top brands in the market. This way, you can make an informed decision and ensure your business stays cool and profitable all summer long.

10 Best Air Cooler Brands in India

Here are the top 10 best Air Cooler Brands in India

1. Blue Star 

Blue Star - Best Cooler Brands

Blue Star Ltd, headquartered in Mumbai, is an Indian multinational home appliances company. Founded by Mohan T. Advani in 1943, it is recognized as a top air cooler brand in India. The company offers a variety of products including air conditioners , air coolers, water purifiers , air purifiers, and commercial refrigeration. Vir S. Advani is the current Executive Chairman. Blue Star operates around 8,000 stores across India, with a flagship store in Mumbai. It also has a subsidiary, Blue Star Engineering & Electronics Ltd, focusing on engineering solutions. The company employs over 3,132 people and reported approximate revenue of ₹9,685.36 crores for FY23. 

Check Out More :  Best AC Brands in India: Top Picks to Cool Your Summer

Voltas - Best Air Cooler Brand

Voltas is an Indian multinational home appliances company, headquartered in Mumbai, and part of the Tata Group. Founded in 1954, it is a leading brand in air conditioning and air coolers in India. Voltas offers products including air conditioners, air coolers, air purifiers, water dispensers, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and commercial refrigeration. The company operates over 25,000 customer touchpoints across India. It has a subsidiary, Voltas Beko, providing additional home appliances. The company employs over 7,000 people and reported revenues of approximately ₹9,667 crores for FY23​.

Bajaj - Best Air Cooler Brand

Bajaj Electricals Ltd is an Indian consumer electrical equipment manufacturing company based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is part of the $100 billion Bajaj Group, founded by Jamnalal Bajaj in 1938. The company manufactures its products in India and manages marketing internally. The brand name "Bajaj" comes from the founder's family name, symbolizing trust and reliability. A historical fact: Bajaj Electricals was initially incorporated as Radio Lamp Works Limited and renamed in 1960. The company reported revenues of approximate ₹5,429 crores for FY23 and employs over 3,132 people. Bajaj Electricals is a top air cooler brand in India. Its subsidiaries include Bajel Projects Limited. Strategic partnerships include brands like Nirlep and Morphy Richards.

4. Symphony

Symphony - Best Air Cooler Brand

Symphony Limited is a top Indian company specializing in air cooling solutions. It is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Achal Bakeri founded the company in 1988. Symphony is famous for its air coolers. The name Symphony reflects harmony and efficiency. Initially, it was called Sanskrut Comfort Systems Ltd. The company went public in 1994. Symphony introduced evaporative air cooling in India, setting high industry standards. In 2023, Symphony's revenue was between ₹500 - 1000 crores. It employs over 400 people. Symphony is a leading air cooler brand in India. It has expanded globally with subsidiaries like Symphony USA Inc. and strategic acquisitions such as IMPCO in the USA and Munters Keruilai in China.

5. Havells 

Havells - Best Air Cooler Brand

Havells India Limited is a major player in Fast Moving Electrical Goods (FMEG), with a strong global presence. The company's success is driven by its commitment to "Make in India," a wide distribution network, and high-quality products. Havells owns well-known brands like Havells, Lloyd, Crabtree, and Standard. The network includes 4,000 professionals, over 7,900 dealers, and 40 branches across the country.

6. Crompton

Crompton - Best Air Cooler Brand

Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd is a well-known Indian company in the electrical equipment sector, based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The company started in 1937 as Crompton Parkinson Works Limited and joined the Bajaj Group in 1947. The name "Crompton" reflects its reputation for quality and innovation. The company was restructured in 2016 to focus on consumer electronics. Crompton manufactures fans, lighting, pumps, water heaters, and air coolers in its facilities in Goa, Vadodara, Ahmednagar, and Baddi. It is also a leading air cooler brand in India. A notable fact: Crompton introduced India's first anti-dust fans. The company reported revenues of ₹5,038.81 crores for FY23 and employs over 1,500 people. Crompton has expanded its kitchen appliance range through partnerships with brands like Butterfly Gandhimathi.

Kenstar - Best Air Cooler Brand

Kenstar, a well-known Indian home appliance brand, is headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana. Founded in October 1996, it is now a subsidiary of the Everstone Group, previously part of the Videocon Group. Kenstar manufactures products like air coolers, microwaves, washing machines, and kitchen appliances in Aurangabad, Ahmednagar, and Salt Lake, Kolkata. Kenstar introduced India's first branded air coolers and remains a leading air cooler brand. The name "Kenstar" signifies high standards and innovation. The company operates through 28 sales and service offices, 300 service franchisees, and over 3500 trade partners across India. In FY23, Kenstar reported revenues of ₹800 crores, maintaining a strong market presence.

Usha - Best Air Cooler Brand

Usha International is a prominent air cooler brand in India. It is headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana. The company was founded in 1934 by Lala Shriram. Usha produces various types of air coolers, including desert, personal, and tower coolers. The manufacturing facilities are located in Gurgaon, Hyderabad, and Chennai. Usha operates 60 showrooms and 33 warehouses across India. In FY23, the company reported annual revenue of approximately $1.33 billion. Usha employs around 3,700 people. The company is known for its innovative and reliable air cooling solutions, making it a top choice for consumers.

Orient - Best Air Cooler Brand

Orient Electric is a leading air cooler brand in India, headquartered in New Delhi. It is part of the USD 3 billion diversified CK Birla Group and has been a significant player in the electrical equipment industry since its founding in 1954. Orient Electric manufactures a variety of air coolers, including desert, tower, personal, window, and commercial coolers. These products are made in state-of-the-art facilities located in Kolkata, Faridabad, Hyderabad, and Noida.

The company is recognized for its innovative technologies like the ECM inverter technology in air coolers, ensuring energy efficiency and superior cooling performance. Orient Electric operates through a robust distribution network with over 1,25,000 retail outlets and a strong service network in more than 450 cities across India. In FY23, Orient Electric reported significant growth and maintains a strong market presence, exporting products to over 30 countries.

10. Croma  

Croma - Best Air Cooler Brand

Croma is a leading Indian electronics retail brand, owned by Infiniti Retail, part of Tata Digital. Established in 2006, Croma offers a wide range of consumer electronics and home appliances, including efficient and modern air coolers. The brand has over 400 stores in 130+ cities across India and provides an online shopping experience through its website and the Tata Neu App. In FY24, Croma expanded by opening 149 new stores. The brand is dedicated to customer satisfaction, offering services like ZipCare for support and Express Delivery for quick orders.

What Indian Retailer has to Say?

India's air cooler market offers retailers a prime opportunity to cater to a diverse consumer base with varied cooling needs. The top 10 brands highlighted in this article stand out for their innovative designs, energy efficiency, and reliable performance, making them must-have products for any retail inventory. Stocking these leading air cooler brands can attract a wide range of customers seeking quality and value. As the demand for effective cooling solutions rises, ensuring your shelves feature these top performers can drive sales and customer satisfaction, solidifying your position as a go-to retailer for summer essentials.

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Bakingo Targets QSR Format Bakery Stores across India by 2025

In an era where micro-moments and personalized celebrations are the norm, Bakingo stands out as a premier destination for delectable cakes and desserts. Catering to a diverse audience, from young college-goers to mothers planning family celebrations, Bakingo has established itself as a brand synonymous with quality, convenience, and personalization.

From Floweraura to Bakingo

The entrepreneurial journey of Bakingo began 13 years ago with the founding of Floweraura, an online gifting brand. The success of Floweraura illuminated the need for a nationally recognized bakery brand that could offer consistent taste and experiences across India. This realization led to the inception of Bakingo.

“What started as a humble cloud kitchen has now blossomed into a thriving business with over 75 fulfillment centers across major cities in India. Our product range has also expanded significantly, now offering over 200 flavors and varieties to suit diverse tastes and occasions,” said Himanshu Chawla, Founder and CEO, Bakingo.

National Expansion

Bakingo's vision is to become a national bakery brand. It is strengthening its presence in Tier II cities such as Kanpur, Patna, and Dehradun. This strategic expansion allows Bakingo to reach a broader customer base while maintaining its commitment to quality and consistency.

“Looking ahead, we plan to open Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) format bakery stores across pan India markets by the end of 2025. This initiative aligns with our goal of enhancing accessibility to its premium baked goods,” stated Chawla.

Challenges and Growth

Like any entrepreneurial journey, Himanshu revealed that Bakingo has faced its share of challenges. Scaling production while ensuring stringent quality standards has been a significant hurdle. However, by prioritizing innovation, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency, the brand has successfully navigated these challenges. This perseverance has led to sustainable growth and the establishment of Bakingo as a trusted name in the bakery industry.

Business Model

Bakingo's business model revolves around delivering baked goods that are tailored to individual preferences. By focusing on quality, convenience, and personalized experiences, the brand has carved a niche for itself in the premium baked goods segment. The average order value (AOV) of Rs 800 reflects the premium nature of Bakingo's products and underscores its commitment to delivering value-driven experiences to customers.

Omnichannel Distribution Model

Bakingo operates on an omnichannel distribution model, strategically leveraging both physical and digital channels to maximize customer reach and engagement. The primary digital channel is the D2C model through Bakingo's website. This platform allows customers to conveniently browse through a wide range of products, place orders, and enjoy seamless delivery services. The D2C model enables Bakingo to directly interact with customers, personalize their experiences, and maintain full control over the customer journey from browsing to purchase.

In addition to its website, Bakingo partners with aggregator channels like Swiggy and Zomato to expand its reach and cater to a nationwide audience. These partnerships allow customers to discover and order Bakingo's products through their preferred food delivery platforms, enhancing accessibility and visibility in the market.

Leveraging Technology and AI

The brand thrives on the integration of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) within its operations. Advanced forecasting tools enable precise demand prediction, ensuring efficient resource allocation and minimizing wastage. This technological foresight is crucial in managing inventory and delivery processes, allowing Bakingo to maintain high standards of quality while scaling production.

“We are also actively developing AI models to enhance consumer experiences. These models aim to provide personalized recommendations and streamline the ordering process, ensuring a seamless and delightful customer journey. The most impactful technology integration to date has been advanced forecasting, which has revolutionized inventory management and significantly reduced wastage,” he explained.

Vision for the Future

Bakingo's vision for the next two years is to establish itself as a leading national bakery brand renowned for quality and innovation. Key strategic plans include expanding the product line to cater to diverse preferences, strengthening distribution networks for nationwide reach, and enhancing customer engagement through various platforms.

To cater to the evolving tastes and preferences of its target audience, the brand plans to expand its product line. This expansion will include introducing new flavors, varieties, and personalized options. Additionally, strengthening distribution networks will enable Bakingo to reach more customers and enhance accessibility to its premium baked goods.

It further aims to enhance customer engagement through various platforms, including social media, e-mail marketing, and personalized customer interactions. “By fostering a strong connection with our customers, we hope to build a loyal customer base that trusts us for all their celebration needs,” Chawla concluded.

Sustainable Future in Fashioning: The Emergence of Eco-Friendly Fabrics

In an era marked by heightened environmental consciousness, the fashion industry is undergoing a significant transformation. The traditional approach to clothing production, which often prioritized profit over sustainability, is giving way to a more eco-conscious ethos. Central to this shift is the emergence of eco-friendly fabrics, offering a promising path towards a more sustainable future for fashion.

The Need for Change

The conventional fashion industry has long been associated with environmental degradation and exploitation of resources. From water pollution to deforestation and hazardous chemical use, the environmental footprint of clothing production is substantial. Additionally, the industry's reliance on non-renewable resources exacerbates the problem of resource depletion. With consumers increasingly demanding accountability from brands, the pressure to adopt sustainable practices has never been greater.

Embracing Eco-Friendly Fabrics

Enter eco-friendly fabrics, heralding a new era of sustainable fashion. These fabrics are crafted from renewable, biodegradable, or recycled materials, minimizing the environmental impact of clothing production. From organic cotton and hemp to bamboo and recycled polyester, the options for eco-conscious consumers are expanding rapidly.

Modal : Modal fabric, a bio-based material made from beech tree cellulose, is an eco-friendly alternative to cotton. Beech trees require minimal water, making the production process 10-20 times more water-efficient. This light, airy fabric has a silky, breathable texture, making it an excellent choice for summer wardrobes. Its comfort and safety make it ideal for those with allergies or sensitive skin and it is much easier to care for. This semi-synthetic fiber is derived from beech tree pulp. Beech trees, like bamboo, are self-seeding and a renewable resource. Modal fabric has become a popular choice of fabric for lingerie, and nightwear in the apparel industry, and leading brands including SOIE amongst many others are embracing this trend with a range of products in the Modal Fabric collection. 

Organic Cotton : Unlike conventional cotton, which relies heavily on pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, organic cotton is grown using natural methods that promote soil health and biodiversity. By eschewing harmful chemicals, organic cotton cultivation reduces water consumption and prevents soil contamination, making it a more sustainable choice for clothing production.

Hemp : Hemp is a versatile and eco-friendly fiber that requires minimal water and pesticides to grow. Renowned for its durability and breathability, hemp fabric is well-suited for a wide range of clothing applications. Moreover, hemp cultivation can help mitigate deforestation and soil erosion, making it an environmentally responsible choice for fashion brands.

Bamboo : Bamboo fabric, derived from the fast-growing bamboo plant, is gaining popularity for its sustainability credentials. Bamboo cultivation requires little water and no pesticides, making it a highly renewable resource. Additionally, bamboo fabric possesses natural antibacterial properties and is biodegradable, further enhancing its eco-friendly appeal.

Recycled Polyester : Conventional polyester, derived from non-renewable fossil fuels, is a major contributor to environmental pollution. However, recycled polyester offers a sustainable alternative by repurposing post-consumer plastic waste into high-quality fabric. By diverting plastic from landfills and reducing the need for virgin polyester production, recycled polyester helps mitigate the environmental impact of clothing manufacturing.

Driving Sustainable Innovation

The rise of eco-friendly fabrics has catalyzed a wave of innovation within the fashion industry. Brands are increasingly investing in research and development to explore new materials and production methods that minimize waste and environmental harm. From bio-based textiles made from agricultural by-products to closed-loop manufacturing processes that recycle water and chemicals, sustainable fashion is at the forefront of technological advancement. Furthermore, consumer awareness and demand play a crucial role in driving the adoption of eco-friendly fabrics. As more individuals prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions, brands are compelled to align with these values or risk losing relevance in the market. Social media and digital platforms have become powerful tools for raising awareness about sustainable fashion practices and holding brands accountable for their environmental impact.

While the emergence of eco-friendly fabrics represents a significant step towards a more sustainable fashion industry, challenges remain on the path to widespread adoption. Issues such as supply chain transparency, labor rights, and affordability pose ongoing hurdles for brands seeking to integrate sustainable practices into their operations. Moreover, consumer education and behavior change are essential for fostering a culture of sustainability that transcends fleeting trends. As we look to the future, collaboration and collective action will be key to realizing the vision of a truly sustainable fashion ecosystem. From designers and manufacturers to policymakers and consumers, each stakeholder has a role to play in advancing the cause of environmental responsibility in fashion. By embracing eco-friendly fabrics and adopting holistic sustainability practices, the industry can pave the way for a brighter, more resilient future—one where fashion is not only stylish but also ethical and eco-conscious.

In conclusion, the emergence of eco-friendly fabrics marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of the fashion industry. By prioritizing sustainability and innovation, brands have the opportunity to redefine the norms of clothing production and consumption. As we navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world, the embrace of eco-friendly fabrics offers hope for a more sustainable future—one where fashion is not just a reflection of style but also a catalyst for positive environmental change.

This article is written by Amrit, Sethia, Vice President, SOIE - Ginza Industries Ltd. 

  • Sustainable brands
  • Fashion Industry
  • retail brands

NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show Asia Pacific Wraps Up with Stellar Attendance & Resounding Impact on Retail Future

The inaugural NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show Asia Pacific, organized by the National Retail Federation (NRF) in collaboration with global event organizer Comexposium, concluded successfully, making a significant impact on the future of retail. Held at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre in Singapore from June 11-13, the three-day event attracted over 7,000 registrations and participation from 238 exhibitors across Asia Pacific and the globe.

Diverse and Insightful Sessions

Themed “Fast Track Your Success,” NRF 2024 featured over 100 speakers across 60 sessions, including keynotes, panel discussions, special programs, and tours. These sessions addressed the latest trends, technologies, and strategies transforming the retail landscape in Asia Pacific. Industry leaders from renowned companies such as AEON Group, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Central Retail Corporation (Thailand), Domino’s, Fast Retailing (UNIQLO), Hermès, Mastercard, Moët Hennessy, Puma, Lotte Corporation, and Wumart, among others, shared their insights on topics ranging from omnichannel retailing and sustainable practices to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and the evolution of customer experience.

Positive Exhibitor Feedback

"NRF 2024: Retail's Big Show Asia Pacific met our expectations as an exhibitor in areas of attendance, thought leadership, and influence. It's clear that this event is a pivotal platform for driving the future of retail, fostering meaningful connections, and sparking transformative ideas,” said Mette Krogh, Chief Marketing Officer, RELEX Solutions. “We are looking forward to leveraging the invaluable insights and connections gained at the event to propel our initiatives for Asia Pacific forward.”

Showcasing Innovative Technologies

A standout feature of the event was the NRF Innovation Lab, which showcased the most visionary retail technologies available today. Attendees experienced firsthand advancements in areas such as AI, augmented reality, data analytics, and Web3, poised to power the new retail in the digital age.

Impressed Industry Leaders

"As a speaker, I was impressed by the breadth of topics covered and the depth of expertise shared at the conference,” said Xu Ying, President, Wumei Technology Group. “The showcase of retail solutions at the expo, and the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices, have left a lasting impact. NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show Asia Pacific has not only set a new standard for industry events but also solidified its influence as a cornerstone for retail thought leadership and innovation.”

Warm Reception Across the Region

“The warm and favorable reception we have received from retail communities spanning India, Japan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and New Zealand strongly indicates a significant demand for a pan-regional retail event,” said Ryf Quail, Managing Director, NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show Asia Pacific, Comexposium. “The energy and enthusiasm from participants have been incredible, underscoring the dynamic and evolving nature of the retail industry in the region. We are proud to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and innovation that drives the industry forward.”

Looking Ahead to NRF 2025

Looking ahead, NRF is excited to announce that NRF 2025: Retail's Big Show Asia Pacific will take place on June 3-5, 2025, at the same iconic venue in Singapore. The upcoming event promises to build on the success of this year’s show, with even more visionary speakers, pioneering technologies, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

Rebooking has commenced for existing exhibitors, with bookings for new exhibitors opening from July 1, 2024. Retail professionals, technology innovators, and industry stakeholders are encouraged to mark their calendars and join the largest and most influential retail conference in the Asia Pacific region.

‘Tier II and III Cities are Fueling Beauty Boom’, Mansi Sharma of Boddess Beauty

The rise of Indian beauty consumerism can be directly related to the new-age adage that self-care is synonymous with empowerment. Post-COVID, this transformation has accelerated, driven by a surge in digital-first approaches and a growing appetite for beauty products across diverse markets, including the elusive Tier II and Tier III cities, which until recently stuck to the legacy brands. One such company, House of Beauty, exemplifies this evolving landscape – blending digital innovation with a robust offline presence to redefine consumer engagement and satisfaction.

Mansi Sharma, Co-founder & Creative Director, Boddess Beauty & House of Beauty, shed light on this dynamic shift: "In the last five years, especially in the D2C space, we have seen a proliferation of around 800 brands, many of them focused on beauty. This surge is fueled by the financial independence of Indian women and their increasing discretionary spending." Additionally, she emphasized how attitudes towards self-care had evolved: "Unlike previous generations, today's women take pride in indulging in beauty products. It's about serving yourself before others, a reflection of changing societal norms."

The emergence of this new consumer base is characterized by increased access to information, facilitated by social media platforms. Consumers in these regions are knowledgeable about skincare ingredients like Niacinamide, the benefits of Korean beauty brands, and the latest trends in color cosmetics. This awareness has incited demand and contributed to the buoyancy of the beauty industry.

Omnichannel Expansion

Boddess Beauty began its journey as a digital-first company, leveraging the power of e-commerce to reach a wide audience. However, recognizing the unique advantages of physical retail, Mansi noted, "Our roots were always in offline retail, with over 200 stores for The Body Shop and 20 stores for Kiehl's. We understood the credibility and engagement that came from a physical store experience."

The influence of brand ambassadors (BAs), the strategic advantage of prime mall locations, and the art of visual merchandising play pivotal roles in shaping consumer perceptions and preferences. These elements collectively transform global brands into locally resonant entities that captivate the Indian consumer market, making products not just accessible but also compelling choices for shoppers across the country.

Mansi highlighted the strategic shift towards an omnichannel approach: "While online channels help in discovery and push marketing, offline stores provide unparalleled credibility and customer engagement. It's about bridging the gap between digital discovery and physical interaction."

This trend underscores why leading brands continue to invest in offline retail despite a decline in sales in this sector. By enhancing its physical presence, such as implementing trial stations in key stores like those of The Body Shop equipped with sinks for testing products like shower gels and face washes, House of Beauty has been able to maintain consumer engagement and drive higher conversion rates. “While offline operations may not allow for the same aggressive discounting seen online, they have proven to be a more profitable model and significantly bolster brand credibility. This commitment to offline expansion is evident across our portfolio, including newer in-house brands like The Honest Tree and established global brands,” she revealed.

Venturing into Tier II and Tier III

Looking ahead, Boddess Beauty plans to deepen its footprint in Tier II and Tier III cities. Mansi elaborated, "Some of our most profitable stores per square foot are in cities like Itanagar and Agartala. There's a significant demand for international beauty brands and niche products like salicylic acid, reflecting the untapped potential in these markets."

When Kylie Cosmetics launched less than a month ago, the search trends from these geographical locations for the Kylie Jenner brand were immense. This surge in interest can be attributed to the significant amount of time people from these cities spent on social media platforms.

She highlighted their growth strategy: "Expanding into these regions isn't just about market penetration; it's about meeting the evolving beauty needs of consumers who are increasingly informed and aspirational. The kind of appetite that rests there is yet to be tapped into and I think we're just scratching the surface right now as an industry.”

Innovation and Sustainability

Central to House of Beauty's ethos is a commitment to clean beauty and sustainability. Mansi explained, "Our product portfolio prioritizes vegan and sustainable options. Whether it's through brands like Neal's Yard Remedies, Juice Beauty, The Body Shop, The Honest Tree, Kylie Cosmetics, we aim to offer products that are safe, effective, and aligned with modern consumer values."

However, adopting clean and ethical norms comes with its own set of challenges. For instance, while building The Honest Tree brand, Mansi became aware of the issues with the manufacturing side of the products.

“Manufacturing often goes overlooked by retailers and brand developers, despite its critical role in product execution. While creating a new beauty brand involves defining a niche, building a unique product concept, and establishing a clear differentiation strategy, the actual manufacturing process presents distinct challenges. These include negotiating margins, sourcing quality ingredients, selecting appropriate packaging, and ensuring all necessary certifications for product claims. These challenges are compounded by cultural norms within manufacturing facilities, where women negotiating directly with suppliers were met with surprise or skepticism,” she stated.

Overcoming these initial barriers was just the beginning, as the broader challenge lay in navigating the intricacies of production in India's competitive market landscape. Price sensitivity among Indian consumers further complicated matters, with even minor price variations influencing purchasing decisions significantly. Balancing product quality and affordability became crucial, as exceeding certain price thresholds could hinder consumer adoption, regardless of product superiority.

Despite these complexities, strategic approaches to manufacturing and pricing have allowed Mansi to thrive, albeit with ongoing challenges and opportunities for improvement.

While the company has embraced technology, including AR/VR for virtual trials and advanced analytics for personalized marketing, Mansi emphasized, "AI integration is an area for future exploration. Our focus remains on creating seamless, omnichannel experiences that blend digital convenience with physical engagement."

Looking ahead, Mansi envisions expanding their portfolio and geographical reach: "Our goal is to make premium beauty accessible across India, adapting global brands to resonate with the Indian consumer mindset. This includes expanding our reach to new cities and enhancing our distribution network."

  • Beauty brands

ShopClues’ $12 Mn Export Run Rate Set to Skyrocket to $100 Mn by Year-End

Founded in 2011, ShopClues started with a mission to provide a seamless shopping experience, offering a vast array of products across numerous categories. Over the years, it has grown exponentially, catering to millions of customers and sellers alike. In 2019, the company took a significant leap forward when it was acquired by Qoo10, one of the world's largest online marketplaces. This acquisition aimed to bridge the gap between Southeast Asian consumers and Indian products while aligning with Qoo10's vision of global connectivity and convenient, secure shopping.

In an exclusive interaction, Anuraag Gambhir, MD, Shopclues explained the company's meticulous rise. Its journey can be divided into two phases: ShopClues1 and ShopClues2. ShopClues1, from its inception in 2011 until 2019, focused on becoming the platform for first-time buyers. The company partnered with over 40 courier companies to achieve the highest pin code coverage in India, targeting Tier III and Tier IV markets. "Our marketing initiatives were always focused towards Tier III and Tier IV markets. We built our foundation on the value segment shopper. At that time, we were the only ones who were playing in that space. I think that was a time when our technology capabilities were differentiating us from everybody else," he recalled.

Working closely with sellers, businesses, SMEs, and MSMEs, Shopclues set out to empower them and bring them online. Today, they have about 1.1 million plus registered sellers on the platform!

In November 2019, Qoo10 acquired ShopClues, marking the beginning of ShopClues2. Qoo10, a Singapore-based e-commerce company, has a strong presence in Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam. The acquisition enabled us to leverage Qoo10's extensive network and expertise in cross-border trade. "Qoo10's vision has always been cross-border trade. Our strength lies in facilitating seamless and fast cross-border transactions," Gambhir explains.

ShopClues Bazaar

To better serve budget-conscious customers, especially in Tier II and Tier III cities, ShopClues introduced "ShopClues Bazaar”. This section mirrors the traditional ShopClues model, focusing on affordable products tailored to the needs of these markets. Gambhir emphasized that empowering MSMEs had always been the core mission of the company. "Empowering MSMEs has been at the forefront of our strategic discussions and the defining force behind all our initiatives," says Gambhir.

Biting the E-commerce Pie

The Indian e-commerce market, currently valued at approximately $60-70 billion annually, is expected to grow to $200 billion by 2030, according to government estimates. The e-commerce export market, which ShopClues is targeting, aims to reach $200-300 billion as part of India's broader $2 trillion export goal. "There's a potential for a hundredfold increase in e-commerce exports over the next six years," Gambhir shares. He is confident that Indian products, known for their quality and competitive pricing, will see increasing demand globally.

Empowering MSMEs to Go Global

One of the key benefits ShopClues offers MSMEs is the ability to expand globally without incurring significant upfront costs. Gambhir highlights two primary costs that brands save by partnering with ShopClues: information costs and inventory costs. "Understanding local governing laws and customs of different countries can be challenging and expensive. We save brands this cost. Additionally, they no longer need to take inventory abroad and risk unsold stock," he notes.

By allowing sellers to list products directly from India and ship only upon receiving orders, ShopClues eliminates the need for local warehousing. The company charges minimal operational costs for translation and content management, along with a standard commission of 5 to 20 percent on each transaction. "We make it as easy for them to list on global marketplaces as it is on domestic ones. The differentiator is our ability to do seamless and fast cross-border transactions. So if somebody wants to list their products in another part of the country, he will be given an end-to-end solution as part of ShopClues and Qoo10 family. Qoo10 also has Q-Express, a logistics company. Q-Express helps from an operational point of view and deals with complicated cross-border logistics,” explained Gambhir.

The Role of AI in E-Commerce

Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in enhancing e-commerce operations. Gambhir explains that AI improves efficiency across various aspects of the business, from customer service to social media management. "For us, 70 percent of queries are now handled by Chatbots, which can detect customer mood and respond faster than human agents," he says. AI also aids in cataloging and generating social media content, making operations smoother and faster. “I think AI will just help things move 40 percent to 50 percent faster in a lot of things,” he added.

ShopClues' Unique Position in the Market

With its association with Qoo10 and now Wish.com, ShopClues has access to a vast network and robust logistics infrastructure. This enables the company to differentiate itself by facilitating global trade for Indian brands. "Our edge lies in our ability to take brands global, not necessarily competing head-on with giants in certain geographies," Gambhir explains. The company focuses on overcoming language, cultural, and geopolitical barriers to boost trade between India and other countries.

Projections and Future Goals

Currently, ShopClues' e-commerce export business operates at a $12 million run rate, with ambitions to reach $100 million by the end of the year. Additionally, the company is working closely with the government to digitize MSMEs and artisans, further expanding its sourcing capabilities. "Our target is to reach $100 million in e-commerce exports by the end of the year, and we are confident in achieving this goal," says Gambhir.

ShopClues is poised for significant growth, driven by its commitment to empowering MSMEs and facilitating global trade. With the support of Qoo10 and Wish.com, the company continues to innovate and expand, offering unparalleled opportunities for Indian brands to reach global markets. As Gambhir aptly puts it, "If any small, medium Indian brand wants to go global today, we are the platform they should come to."

Top Sports Shoe Brands in India: Best for Comfort and Style

Are you ready to explore the latest trends in India's sports footwear market? Set to reach $46.16 billion by 2024, this market is expanding rapidly, fueled by an increased focus on health and fashion. This guide will help you navigate through the booming sports shoe industry, highlighting the need for consumers to choose well-made sports running shoes from the leading sports shoe brands in India for optimal quality, performance, and style. In this guide, you'll discover a curated list of the top 10 sports shoe brands in India, helping you choose the best in quality, performance, and style for your active lifestyle.

Top 10 Sports Shoe Brands in India:

Here's a simple summary of the top 10 best-selling sports shoe brands in India, noted for their excellent comfort, stylish designs, and advanced technology.

1. Nike Sports Shoes: 

Nike, founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, is a leading shoe brand in India and the largest global seller of athletic footwear and apparel. Known for its innovative designs and high-performance products, Nike is a favorite among athletes and sports enthusiasts. In 2020, Nike's revenue reached over $37.4 billion, and it's expected to exceed $45 billion by FY25, thanks to ongoing investments in technology and innovation. This growth underscores Nike's strong presence and continuous evolution in the sportswear market.

Nike - Sports Shoe Brands in India


  • Price: ₹4,500 - ₹15,000, varies by model
  • Rating: Typically 4-5 stars
  • Weight: 200-400 grams range
  • Sole Material: Durable rubber, Air technology
  • Category: Running, basketball, lifestyle
  • The Nike Air Max series features a wide range of styles and designs, catering to various fashion preferences.
  • Nike shoes are crafted from premium materials, making them sturdy enough for both everyday wear and sports activities.
  • While Nike Air Max shoes are comfortable and supportive, they may not fit everyone due to differences in foot shapes and walking styles.
  • Some Nike Air Max designs might be too intricate or have bold colors that don't appeal to everyone's taste.

Who Should Buy This?

  • Perfect for those who value long-lasting quality, excellent cushioning, and effective responsiveness.

Read More:   Footwear Industry in India: How Bright is the Future?

2. Reebok Sports Shoes: Detailed Overview

Reebok , founded in 1958 in England by Joe and Jeff Foster, has grown into a major shoe brand in India, known for its sports and lifestyle products. As a subsidiary of Adidas, Reebok has revitalized its market value, significantly contributing to the group's revenues. The brand is enhancing its presence through investments in sustainable materials and fitness-focused designs, targeting a $2 billion revenue increase by FY25. This strategic shift underscores Reebok's commitment to innovation and its strong position in the global market.

 Reebok - Top Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Varies widely, from budget-friendly options around ₹2,500 to premium models upwards of ₹10,000.
  • Rating: Generally receives good ratings, often around 4 to 5 stars.
  • Weight: Lightweight to moderate, specific weights vary by model.
  • Sole Material: Usually crafted from durable rubber, often featuring specialized technology for added grip and comfort.
  • Category: Includes running, training, walking, and casual lifestyle shoes.
  • Excellent appearance and quality.
  • Comfortable grip.
  • Lightweight design.
  • Cost-effective.

Sole quality could be improved.

If you're passionate about fitness, these shoes are ideal for you.

Latest Updates in the Reebok Sports Shoe Market

Reebok Expands Presence with New Chennai Stores

3. Adidas Sports Shoes

Adidas , established in 1949 by Adolf Dassler, stands as the second-largest sportswear manufacturer worldwide and the top in Europe. As a prominent player among the best sports shoe brands in India, Adidas is renowned for its high-quality sports running shoes and innovative designs. The brand has significantly impacted India's footwear brands, aiming to elevate its global revenue to $30 billion by FY25 through sustained investments in digital innovation and sustainability initiatives.

Adidas - Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Typically ranges from ₹3,000 to ₹20,000.
  • Rating: Often rated between 4 and 5 stars.
  • Weight: Lightweight, specifics vary by model.
  • Sole Material: Often uses high-performance rubber.
  • Category: Includes running, training, basketball, and casual.

Durable, stylish, and equipped with advanced technology like Boost.

Some models may be expensive; sizing can be inconsistent.

Ideal for athletes and casual wearers looking for high-quality, technologically advanced footwear.

4. Puma: Sports Shoe Brand in India

Puma, founded in 1948 by Rudolf Dassler, is recognized as one of the top sports shoe brands in India and globally. Renowned for its trendy and high-performance sports running shoes, Puma holds a strong position among India's footwear brands. The company's market value benefits from its innovative products and significant global presence. With plans to reach a revenue of $8 billion by FY25, Puma is focusing on strategic collaborations and the use of eco-friendly materials in its offerings.

Puma - Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Generally ranges from ₹2,000 to ₹12,000.
  • Rating: Often receives ratings of 4 to 5 stars.
  • Sole Material: Typically made with durable rubber.
  • Category: Offers shoes for running, training, football, and casual wear.

Positives :

  • Stylish designs, comfortable fit, good durability.
  • Perfect for warm weather
  • Sleek, lightweight construction
  • Sole absorbs shocks effectively

Negatives :

  • Not ideal for individuals with wide feet

Who Should Buy It?

Perfect for daily wear for those with narrow to medium-width feet.

5. Skechers: Sports Shoe Brand in India

Skechers , an American brand founded in 1992 by Robert Greenberg, ranks among the top sports shoe brands in India. Known for its comfortable, stylish footwear, Skechers has secured a strong position within India's footwear brands, appealing to both performance and lifestyle segments. With a robust global presence, the company aims to reach $7 billion in revenue by FY25, driven by ongoing innovation and strategic marketing efforts in the sports running shoes category.

Skechers - Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Typically ranges from ₹3,000 to ₹8,000.
  • Rating: Generally receives 4 to 5 stars.
  • Sole Material: Often made with flexible rubber and memory foam insoles.
  • Category: Includes casual walking shoes, running shoes, and lifestyle sneakers.
  • Stylish, versatile footwear.
  • Highly comfortable and robust.
  • Reduces foot pain effectively.
  • Laces often come untied.
  • Issues with heel slippage.
  • Padding inside could be improved.

Who should buy this?

Skechers' trekking shoes are ideal for anyone who enjoys outdoor adventures and needs comfortable, sturdy footwear.

​​​​ 6. New Balance: Top Sports Shoe Brands India

New Balance , established in 1906 by William J. Riley, is known for its high-quality athletic shoes and has a strong presence among the best sports shoe brands in India. With a focus on performance and innovation, New Balance aims for a revenue of $5 billion by FY25, continuously investing in research and development to enhance its offerings in the sports running shoes category.

New Balance - Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Typically ranges from ₹4,000 to ₹15,000.
  • Weight: Lightweight to moderate, specifics vary by model.
  • Sole Material: Commonly uses durable rubber or blown rubber.
  • Category: Includes running, walking, cross-training, and lifestyle shoes.

High-quality construction, excellent cushioning, stylish designs.

Ideal for athletes and casual wearers looking for high-performance, comfortable, and stylish footwear.

7. Bata: Sports Shoe Brand in India

Bata, founded in 1931 and headquartered in Switzerland, is a cornerstone among India's footwear brands, known for its quality and affordability. As one of the best sport shoes brands in India, Bata boasts a comprehensive retail network that enhances its robust market presence. The company aims to continue its growth trajectory, targeting revenues of Rs 3,500 crores by FY25 through strategic investments in expanding its diverse range of sports running shoes and other footwear products.

New Balance-Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Ranges from ₹999 to ₹3,499.
  • Rating: Typically receives 3.5 to 4.5 stars.
  • Weight: Varies, generally lightweight to moderate.
  • Sole Material: Often made with rubber or synthetic materials.
  • Category: Includes casual, formal, and sports shoes.
  • Closure Type: Mainly lace-up, some models with Velcro straps
  • Soft-cushioning
  • Looks and feels high-quality

May develop cracks with use.

This is ideal for individuals looking to enhance their formal style while maintaining comfort and design.

8. ASICS: Sports Shoe Brand

ASICS , a Japanese multinational corporation founded in 1949 by Kihachiro Onitsuka, is known for its high-performance athletic footwear. The brand has a loyal customer base in India due to its focus on quality and innovation. ASICS has a strong market presence, particularly among professional athletes and serious runners. With a focus on innovation and performance, the brand projects its revenue to reach $4 billion by FY25.

ASICS - Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Ranges from ₹2,199 to ₹13,989 depending on the model.
  • Rating: Generally around 4 to 4.5 out of 5.
  • Weight: Approximately 250-300 grams for typical running models.
  • Sole Material: Commonly uses AHAR rubber.
  • Category: Mainly sports and running shoes.

Excellent stability, cushioning, and durable design.

  • Can be expensive, and limited in fashion-forward styles.
  • Who Should Buy This: Best for runners and athletes seeking performance footwear.

9. FILA: Sports Shoe Brand in India

FILA, an Italian sportswear brand founded in 1911, has made a significant impact in the Indian market with its stylish and high-quality footwear. The brand is known for its fashionable designs and performance-oriented products. FILA’s market presence has been revitalized through strategic collaborations and trendy designs. With investments in branding and product innovation, FILA targets a revenue of $2 billion by FY25.

 FILA - Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: Varies, roughly ₹2,000 to ₹10,000.
  • Rating: Typically around 4 out of 5.
  • Weight: Approx. 252 grams for performance models.
  • Sole Material: Often uses specialized compounds like Evergrip.
  • Category: Sports and lifestyle footwear.

Casual and semi-professional athletes.

10. Campus: Sports Shoes

Campus, an Indian brand known for its affordable and trendy sports shoes, has gained popularity among young consumers. The brand offers a wide range of products that cater to various sports and casual activities. Campus has rapidly grown to become a leading sports shoe brand in India, particularly among the younger demographic. With continuous investments in marketing and expanding its product range, Campus aims to achieve a revenue of Rs 1,500 crores by FY25.

Campus - Sports Shoe Brands in India

  • Price: ₹600 to ₹1,200.
  • Rating: Around 4.1 to 4.3 out of 5.
  • Weight: Lightweight options available.
  • Sole Material: Various, including rubber and PVC.
  • Category: Includes sports, casual, and formal.

Who Should Buy This:

Budget-conscious consumers seeking versatile footwear.


India's sports shoe market is lively, with a mix of global leaders and strong local contenders. Brands like Nike, Adidas, Reebok, and Puma are at the forefront with their innovative designs, catering to both athletic performances and lifestyle needs. Additionally, Indian brands such as Bata and Campus offer cost-effective, stylish options, broadening the range of choices for consumers.

The rising interest in health and style continues to propel the demand for quality sports footwear, positioning these brands to benefit from future market growth.

For a deeper look at the top shoe brands in India, check out this article . Whether you're searching for high-performance sports running shoes or stylish athletic footwear, this guide offers a comprehensive overview to help you make the best choice for your needs.

FAQs on Top Sports Shoe Brands in India

1. Which is the best sports shoe brand in India?

Nike is often highlighted as the top sports shoe brand in India, recognized for its quality and innovation in sports footwear.

2. What are the most affordable sports shoe brands in India?

Sparx and Campus are noted for their affordability, offering good quality sports shoes at lower price points.

3. Which sports shoes are best for running in India?

ASICS and Adidas are widely recommended for running due to their superior cushioning, stability, and support features.

4. Where can I buy original sports shoes in India?

Original sports shoes can be purchased from reputable online platforms like Amazon and Flipkart, as well as from the official stores of brands like Nike, Adidas, and Puma.

5. What are the latest trends in sports shoes in India?

The latest trends include the integration of sustainable materials, the rise of custom and athleisure styles, and technology enhancements for better performance and comfort.

Wholesale vs. Retail: What’s the Difference in 2024?

The global wholesale market has experienced robust growth in recent years, with its size projected to increase from $49,488.7 billion in 2023 to $53,017.84 billion in 2024, reflecting a CAGR of 7.1 percent. This growth trajectory is attributed to factors such as economic expansion, global trade facilitation, improved supply chain efficiency, government policies, infrastructure development, and globalization processes during the historical period. Looking ahead, the wholesale market is anticipated to continue its strong momentum in the coming years, reaching $68,092.65 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 6.5 percent.

As we navigate through 2024, the lines between these two facets of the supply chain have become more defined, influenced by technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and global economic trends.

What is Wholesale?

Wholesale refers to the process of purchasing goods in large quantities from manufacturers and selling them to retailers or other businesses, who in turn sell them to consumers. Wholesalers act as intermediaries in the supply chain, facilitating the distribution of products on a large scale. Their primary focus is on high-volume, low-margin transactions, which allows them to offer discounted prices to retailers while still making a profit.

Manufacturers prefer selling in bulk to wholesalers because it allows them to move large quantities of goods efficiently, reducing their distribution costs. Wholesalers then warehouse these goods until they are sold to retailers.

Retail, on the other hand, involves selling goods directly to consumers for personal use. Retailers acquire products either from wholesalers or directly from manufacturers, selling them in smaller quantities at higher prices per unit. The goal of retail is to provide a convenient, accessible, and appealing shopping experience to individual customers.

In India, retail encompasses a variety of formats, including standalone brick-and-mortar stores, shopping malls, and e-commerce platforms. The industry has evolved significantly with the advent of digitalization, allowing retailers to enhance customer experiences through personalized service and efficient online transactions.

Key Differences Between Wholesale and Retail

Wholesalers are essential mediators in the supply chain, serving a business-oriented customer base that includes retailers, other wholesalers, and institutions. It operates on high volume and low margins with the ability to purchase goods in bulk from manufacturers at discounted rates. This enables wholesalers to offer significant discounts per unit, making them a cost-effective choice for businesses looking to stock their shelves.

Orders handled by wholesalers are substantial, often involving large quantities of products shipped in pallets or truckloads. The business model revolves around maintaining long-term B2B relationships, focusing on partnership and trust-building with their clients. Wholesalers typically operate from warehouses or distribution centers, maintaining a lower profile in the market compared to retailers.

Marketing strategies for wholesalers are centered around relationship management and efficiency in bulk transactions. Prioritizing B2B communications and outreach helps in meeting the specific needs of business clients. In this way, wholesalers play a critical role in the economy by facilitating the flow of goods from manufacturers to retailers, ensuring that products are available to consumers through various retail outlets.

Retailers are the final link in the supply chain, directly catering to end consumers and focusing on the general public as their customer base. Operating on smaller volumes with higher margins, marking up prices to cover overhead costs and generate profits. Orders managed by retailers are typically smaller and more frequent, ranging from single items to small quantities that meet individual consumer needs.

In contrast to wholesalers, retailers engage in direct B2C (Business-to-Consumer) relationships, prioritizing customer service and satisfaction. It has a visible presence in the market through physical stores or online platforms, allowing it to engage directly with consumers. Retailers employ marketing strategies that emphasize branding, enhancing the customer experience, and promoting individual products to appeal to end consumers. The marketing efforts are targeted at attracting and retaining customers, fostering loyalty through personalized interactions and tailored promotions.

Overall, retailers play a critical role in delivering products to consumers and meeting their specific demands through a variety of retail formats. By focusing on customer satisfaction and employing effective marketing strategies, retailers ensure that goods are accessible and appealing to the end consumer, contributing significantly to the economy's consumer-driven growth.

Trends Shaping Wholesale and Retail in 2024

Trends Shaping Wholesale and Retail in 2024

Both wholesalers and retailers are navigating several transformative trends in today's market landscape. Sustainability and ethical practices have become paramount, with wholesalers focusing on sustainable sourcing practices and retailers prioritizing eco-friendly products and packaging to meet increasing consumer demand for transparency. Another significant shift is the rise of direct-to-consumer (D2C) models among manufacturers, which is reshaping the wholesale sector as brands seek more control over customer interactions and margins, bypassing traditional wholesale channels.

Global supply chain challenges, including geopolitical tensions and pandemic-related disruptions, are prompting wholesalers and retailers alike to invest in more resilient and flexible supply chain strategies. Concurrently, the digital transformation journey continues, with both wholesalers and retailers integrating cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology to enhance operational efficiency and security.

Consumer behavior has also evolved significantly, with modern consumers expecting high convenience and value. Retailers are adapting by improving online shopping experiences, while wholesalers are enhancing service and support for their B2B customers. These trends highlight the dynamic nature of the wholesale and retail sectors, where adaptation and innovation are key to meeting the evolving demands of both businesses and consumers in a rapidly changing global marketplace.

The Future of Wholesale and Retail

As we move further in time the distinctions between wholesale and retail continue to evolve. Here’s a closer look at what the future might hold for both sectors.

Wholesale Transformation:

Wholesale Transformation:

Wholesalers are moving towards enhanced collaboration with manufacturers and retailers, aiming to create integrated and efficient supply chains. This collaboration will streamline processes and improve responsiveness to market demands. Technology will be pivotal in achieving these goals, with continued investments in logistics, inventory management, and customer relationship management systems. These advancements will empower wholesalers to operate more effectively and competitively in the market.

Moreover, the future of wholesale will see a strong emphasis on global expansion. Digital platforms will play a critical role in accessing new markets and broadening international customer bases. E-commerce and digital marketing advancements will enable wholesalers to extend their reach beyond traditional boundaries, facilitating global scalability and growth.

Retail Evolution:

Retail Evolution

Retailers are set to prioritize Omnichannel excellence, perfecting the integration of online and offline shopping experiences. This approach will provide customers with a seamless and cohesive shopping journey, allowing them to interact with brands across multiple touch points. Advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) will drive personalized shopping experiences by analyzing consumer behavior and preferences in real-time. This will enable retailers to tailor product recommendations, promotions, and customer service interactions to individual preferences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Sustainability is another key focus in the future of retail. Responding to consumer demand for responsible consumption, retailers will promote eco-friendly products, reduce their carbon footprint, and improve transparency in their supply chains. Ethical practices will be prioritized throughout the retail ecosystem, ensuring that sustainability remains at the forefront of business operations.

FAQ on Wholesale vs. Retail

How do retailers interact with consumers compared to wholesalers?

Retailers engage directly with consumers, providing personalized shopping experiences and focusing on customer service. Wholesalers, in contrast, primarily interact with businesses and focus on efficient bulk transactions.

How can businesses leverage the differences between wholesale and retail for growth?

Businesses can leverage wholesale for efficient bulk purchasing and distribution, while retail offers opportunities to engage directly with end consumers and build brand loyalty through personalized experiences and effective marketing strategies.

How do wholesalers contribute to cost savings in the supply chain?

Wholesalers negotiate bulk prices with manufacturers, allowing them to offer discounted rates to retailers. This reduces costs for retailers and helps in managing inventory efficiently.

What are the advantages of wholesalers and retailers adopting AI and data analytics?

AI and data analytics help wholesalers forecast demand more accurately and optimize inventory management. For retailers, these technologies enable personalized marketing, customer insights, and efficient supply chain management.

What strategies are wholesalers using to expand globally in 2024?

Wholesalers are leveraging digital platforms and e-commerce channels to access new international markets. They are also focusing on building strong partnerships with global manufacturers and retailers.

How India Plans to Achieve 8% GDP Growth in FY25

India's economy is set for a significant upswing, with an estimated GDP growth of 8 percent in FY25, according to newly elected CII President Sanjiv Puri. This projection was based on the expectation of next-generation reforms being implemented in a mission mode.

The ambitious target would be underpinned by the continuation of next-generation reforms, improvements in global trade, and several other critical factors. Puri highlighted India's consistent performance in surpassing initial growth estimates, emphasizing that achieving this growth required prioritizing the unfinished reform agenda, enhancing export prospects, and ensuring robust investment and consumption levels, with a normal monsoon being a key factor. Additionally, he shared an optimistic vision for India's economic future, outlining key drivers and a 14-point policy agenda to sustain and accelerate growth.

Key Growth Drivers

Sanjiv Bajaj, President, CII

Puri identified six pivotal growth drivers propelling India’s economy. These include significant private sector investment, expanding public investment in physical and digital infrastructure, a well-capitalized banking system, booming capital markets, and reduced dependence on oil. Favorable geo-economic conditions would further bolster India's resilience against global headwinds, creating a conducive environment for sustained economic growth.

14-Point Policy Agenda

To establish and maintain this growth momentum, Puri outlined a comprehensive policy agenda. These initiatives have been designed to strengthen the foundations of India's journey towards becoming a globally competitive and inclusive economy, setting a solid track for the nation's development by 2047.

1. State-Level Reforms: Many next-generation reforms lay within state and concurrent domains, necessitating consensus-building. Puri suggested creating inter-state institutional platforms akin to GST Councils to foster this consensus.

2. Capital Expenditure and Fiscal Consolidation: He advocated continued capital expenditure-led growth alongside fiscal consolidation. Also, proposed utilizing part of the RBI's Rs 2.1 lakh crore windfall to increase capital expenditure by 25% in FY25.

3. Building Human Capital: Emphasizing the importance of human capital, Puri called for increased expenditure on public health (targeting 3% of GDP) and education (targeting 6% of GDP) by 2030, with a strong focus on skill development initiatives.

4. Employment Generation: With India being one of the youngest countries globally, Puri highlighted the need for quality employment and livelihood opportunities. He proposed Employment Linked Incentive (ELI) schemes for labor-intensive sectors and suggested creating an International Mobility Authority to track global employment opportunities.

5. Ease of Doing Business: To enhance the competitiveness of the Indian industry, he called for simplifying regulations, reducing compliance burdens, and prioritizing time-bound clearances. He emphasized the need to address land, power, and logistics issues to reduce the cost of doing business.

6. Technological Advancement: Recognizing technology as a critical growth driver, the CII President urged the government to expedite the operationalization of the Rs 1 lakh crore fund for private sector R&D announced in the Interim Union Budget 2024-25.

7. Global Engagement: Puri advocated for increased global engagement to deepen India’s integration with global value chains. He proposed establishing a Global Trade Promotion Body with overseas offices to enhance branding, promotion, and market access for Indian exports.

8. Green Growth: Highlighting the necessity and opportunity of green growth, he called for a comprehensive action plan to tackle climate change and suggested preparing decarbonization plans, just transition roadmaps, and establishing a National Commission on Adaptation and a Green Transition Fund.


9. Expanding the Financial Sector: Puri emphasized the need to expand India's financial sector to support the funding requirements of a rapidly growing economy. He proposed privatizing two public sector banks, diversifying funding sources for NBFCs, and making long-term capital available for infrastructure projects.

10. Tax Reforms: To boost investment climate and competitiveness, he suggested continuing tax reforms. He proposed rationalizing and simplifying capital gains tax and TDS provisions, implementing GST reforms, and considering a three-tier import duty structure.

11. Agricultural Reforms: Puri stressed the importance of building consensus between the Centre and states on agricultural reforms. He suggested creating an Inter-State Agri Reform Council and launching new programs to boost farmers' income, developing warehousing infrastructure, and adopting technology in agriculture.

12. Tourism Sector: Puri identified tourism as a key sector for driving growth and employment. He advocated for the accelerated release of the National Tourism Policy and launching the marketing campaign, Incredible India 3.0, with brand ambassadors in targeted countries.

13. Startup Ecosystem: To support the startup ecosystem, he suggested creating infrastructure for startups, including incubators and accelerators, and simplifying regulations related to taxation. He emphasized making these resources available to youth in Tier II-III cities.

14. Building Trust: Puri underscored the importance of building an environment of trust through transparent, faceless, digital systems for approvals and appeals, self-certifications, and extensive decriminalization.

Top 10 Beer Brands in India Under Rs 400: Sip Without Splurging

India's beer scene offers a wide variety of flavors, ranging from crisp lagers and robust ales to velvety stouts and zesty wheat beers. This sector blends traditional brews with modern choices, making it an interesting area to explore.

The Indian beer market is expected to reach Rs 62,240 crore by 2028 with a growth rate of 8.1 percent from 2023 to 2028. This growth is driven by a rising middle class, increased urbanization, and a young demographic eager for new experiences. In this growing market, finding an affordable quality beer can be tough. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 10 beers under Rs 400 available in India, helping you make informed choices without overspending.

The market offers a wide variety of beer varieties. These four types of beer are the most popular in India .

Malted barley is mashed with hot water to extract fermentable sugars. After lautering to separate the liquid wort, it is boiled with hops for bitterness and flavor. The cooled wort is fermented with lager yeast at cool temperatures for several weeks, allowing for a clean, crisp flavor to develop. After maturation and possibly filtration, the beer is carbonated and packaged.

2. India Pale Ale

Making India Pale Ale (IPA) starts with mashing, which combines malted barley with hot water to turn starches into sugars that can be fermented to create wort. After adding a lot of hops to the wort to give it taste, aroma, and bitterness, it is boiled for around an hour. The wort is boiled, quickly cooled, and then moved to a fermentation vessel to add yeast to ferment the carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The duration of this fermentation ranges from a few days to many weeks. After fermentation is finished, the IPA is conditioned to further develop its characteristics, sometimes with the addition of dry hopping for added aroma. The IPA is then packaged for distribution, filtered, and carbonated if necessary.

3. Pale Lager

Pale lager is a light-colored, mild-flavored beer with high carbonation, crafted using pale malt, noble hops, soft water, and lager yeast. The brewing process involves milling the malt, mashing to convert starches to sugars, lautering to separate the liquid wort, boiling with hops for bitterness and aroma, rapid cooling, and fermenting at low temperatures. This is followed by a lagering phase at near-freezing temperatures for several weeks to months, enhancing clarity and developing a crisp, clean flavor.

Witbier, also known as Belgian white beer, is a pale and cloudy wheat beer. It is crafted using a mixture of barley malt and a significant portion of unmalted wheat, which contributes to its hazy appearance. Key ingredients include coriander and orange peel, which impart a distinctive citrus and spice character. The brewing process involves mashing the grains, boiling the wort with hops and spices, cooling, and fermenting with a specific strain of ale yeast that adds fruity and spicy notes. The beer undergoes a relatively short fermentation and conditioning period before being lightly filtered and carbonated.

Top 10 Beer Brands in India Under Rs 400

Looking for a great beer that won't break the bank? Here are the top 10 beers in India you can enjoy for under Rs 400. Find your next favorite brew without splurging.

1. Kingfisher Premium Lager 

Kingfisher Premium Lager : Top 10 Beer Brands

Dating back to 1857 when five Indian breweries merged, Kingfisher is renowned for its premium pilsner-style lager, crafted with the finest Saaz hops. This beer, suited to India's humid climate, remains a favorite, with prices for a 330 ml bottle ranging from Rs 110 to Rs 185 in Delhi. Kingfisher offers a variety of variants, ensuring diverse tastes and preferences are catered to. It comes in various packaging options with distinct ABV levels: 4.5 percent for packaged beer, 0.0 percent for non-alcoholic, and 4.1 percent for draught versions.

Variation ABV % Approximate Price (650 ml) Approximate Price (330 ml)
Kingfisher Premium 4.8% Rs 120 - 150 Rs 60 - 80
Kingfisher Strong 8% Rs 130 - 160 Rs 65 - 85
Kingfisher Ultra 5% Rs 150 - 180 Rs 80 - 100
Kingfisher Blue 7.2% Rs 140 - 170 Rs 70 - 90

Why Choose Kingfisher Premium Lager?

Kingfisher is India's largest selling beer, with a market share of around 36%. It has won several awards, including the Monde Selection Gold Award. Known for its smooth and refreshing taste, Kingfisher Premium Lager is ideal for any occasion, whether it's a party or a quiet evening at home.

Unique Selling Points (USPs)

  • Market Leader : Holds a 36% market share in India.
  • Award-Winning : Multiple awards, including the Monde Selection Gold Award.
  • Versatility : Suitable for various occasions and preferences.
  • Global Presence : Available in numerous countries, enhancing its reputation as a top beer brand.

2. Bira91 - Best Beer Brands in India 

Bira91: Top 10 Beer Brands in India

Established in 2015, Bira91 quickly became a leading beer brand in India. Backed by investors such as Sequoia Capital India, Sofina of Belgium, and Kirin Holdings of Japan, it is produced by B9 Beverages. Available in 330 ml, 650 ml, and 500 ml cans, the brand caters to a wide consumer base with alcohol content ranging from 4 percent to 7 percent. Priced between Rs 120 and Rs 200 in Delhi, Bira91 offers both affordability and quality. The portfolio includes Bira 91 Blonde, White, Strong, Light, IPA, Stout, and Belgian Wit, ensuring a beer for every palate.

Variation ABV % Approximate Price (650 ml) Approximate Price (330 ml)
Bira 91 Blonde Lager 4.9% Rs 140 - 170 Rs 75 - 90
Bira 91 White 4.5% Rs 150 - 180 Rs 80 - 100
Bira 91 Strong 7% Rs 160 - 190 Rs 85 - 105
Bira 91 Light 4% Rs 130 - 160 Rs 70 - 90

Why Choose Bira 91?

Bira 91 is an Indian craft beer brand that has gained immense popularity for its distinctive taste and branding. It has a market share of around 5% in urban areas and is known for its innovative flavors and marketing strategies. Bira 91 Blonde Lager is a refreshing choice that appeals to those seeking a different beer experience.

  • Craft Beer : Known for its distinctive and innovative flavors.
  • Urban Appeal : Significant market share in urban areas.
  • Innovative Marketing : Strong brand presence and creative marketing strategies.
  • Variety of Options : Offers several variations to suit different tastes.

3. Budweiser - Top Beer Brands in India 

Budweiser: Top 10 Beer Brands under Rs 400 in India

Budweiser, an American-style pale lager under Belgian company AB InBev, is known for its consistent quality and refreshing taste. It is available on draft and in bottles and cans, with a unique flavor profile from its blend of malted barley, water, hops, yeast, and up to 30 percent rice. Budweiser Magnum, celebrated for its exceptional brewing, is priced at Rs 130 for a 330 ml bottle and Rs 220 for a 650 ml bottle in Delhi, with an ABV of 4.7 percent.

Variation ABV % Approximate Price (650 ml) Approximate Price (330 ml)
Budweiser 5% Rs 130 - 160 Rs 70 - 90

Why Choose Budweiser?

Budweiser is known for its unique beechwood aging process, which gives it a distinctive smoothness. It has a strong presence in over 85 countries and is one of the best-selling beers globally. In India, Budweiser has captured a significant market share due to its consistent quality and premium image.

  • Beechwood Aging : Distinctive smooth flavor.
  • Global Presence : Available in over 85 countries.

4. Bee Young 

Bee Young - Top Beer Brands in India

Bee Young, a strong beer from Delhi's Kimaya Himalayan Beverages, has quickly gained prominence. Priced at Rs 100 for 500 ml cans and bottles, and Rs 130 for 650 ml bottles, it offers exceptional value. Available in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and parts of Punjab, Bee Young is known for its rich flavor and strong character, making it a favorite among beer enthusiasts.

Variation ABV % Approximate Price (650 ml) Approximate Price (330 ml)
Bee Young 7.2% Rs 120 - 150 Rs 60 - 80

Why Choose Bee Young?

Bee Young is crafted to appeal to the younger generation with its strong and invigorating flavor. It has become popular for its high alcohol content, making it a go-to choice for those who prefer a more potent beer. Bee Young's rapid rise in popularity is a testament to its quality and taste.

  • Strong Flavor : Known for its robust and invigorating taste.
  • High Alcohol Content : Offers a potent drinking experience with 7.2% ABV.

5. Carlsberg 

Carlsberg - Top Beer Brands in India

Established in 1847 by JC Jacobsen, Carlsberg is a Danish multinational brand known for quality and tradition. In India, prices range from Rs 90 to Rs 250 depending on the variant and volume, with alcohol percentages typically between 4-5 percent. Carlsberg offers five distinctive variants, with Carlsberg Elephant Strong Super Premium being particularly celebrated for its potency and rich malty character.

Variation ABV % Approximate Price (650 ml) Approximate Price (330 ml)
Carlsberg Smooth 5% Rs 140 - 170 Rs 70 - 90
Carlsberg Elephant 7.2% Rs 160 - 190 Rs 80 - 100
Carlsberg Classic 5% Rs 150 - 180 Rs 75 - 95

Why Choose Carlsberg?

Carlsberg is a trusted name in the beer industry, known for its consistent quality and premium taste. The brand's meticulous brewing process ensures a high standard of beer, making it a preferred choice for many. Carlsberg's global presence and strong reputation further add to its appeal, making it one of the top beer brands in India.

  • High-Quality Brewing : Known for its meticulous brewing process, ensuring a high standard of beer.
  • Global Leader : One of the top three beer brands worldwide, with a strong reputation and global presence.
  • Variety of Options : Offers several variations to cater to different tastes and preferences.
  • Balanced Taste : Known for its balanced and sophisticated flavor, appealing to those who enjoy a more refined beer.

Manufactured by Som Distilleries and Breweries Limited, Hunter beer is appreciated for its consistent quality and affordability. Popular among the youth, Hunter offers an alcohol percentage ranging from 5-7 across its variants, providing a strong and refreshing option. It is priced at Rs 130 for a 500 ml bottle and Rs 180 for a 650 ml bottle, with regional variations.

7. Tuborg Green 

Tuborg - Top Beer Brands in India

With its Danish heritage, Tuborg is a significant player in the Indian market. Prices range from Rs 100 to Rs 130 depending on the volume, making it accessible and popular. Tuborg offers a variety of flavors, catering to different preferences and reinforcing its position as a top beer brand in India.

8. Heineken

Heineken - Best Beer Brands

Heineken, a global brewing giant, boasts a diverse portfolio of over 300 beers and ciders. Its Dutch pale lager, with 5 percent alcohol by volume, is made by the esteemed Dutch brewing company. In India, Heineken has expanded through a joint venture with United Breweries, establishing local breweries. Priced at Rs 160 for a 330 ml bottle, it appeals to consumers who value quality and taste.

Originating from Mexico, Corona has become a prominent player in India, known for its distinctive taste and history. Offering variants like Corona Light, Corona Premier, and Corona Extra, it caters to various preferences. In Delhi, Corona is priced at Rs 200 for a 330 ml bottle and Rs 250 for a 550 ml bottle, positioning it as a premium choice.

10. Haywards 5000

Haywards 5000, the largest-selling strong beer in India, is known for its smooth yet strong taste and malty flavor, with an ABV of approximately 7 percent. It is a favorite among consumers who appreciate a powerful yet enjoyable drinking experience, embodying the pinnacle of Indian brewing excellence.

What is the alcohol content of Indian beer brands?

Indian beer brands typically have an alcohol content ranging from 4-8 percent, with some craft and strong beers exceeding this range.

Do Indian beer brands offer non-alcoholic options?

Yes, some Indian beer brands provide non-alcoholic or low-alcohol options to cater to those preferring beverages with reduced or no alcohol content.

Which are the most popular beer brands in India?

Popular beer brands in India include Kingfisher, Bira91, Budweiser, and Bee Young.

Which are the best beer brands in India under Rs 400?

Some top beer brands in India priced under Rs 400 include Kingfisher Premium, Haywards 5000, Tuborg Green, and Carlsberg Elephant.

Tramontina's Retail Blitz: 100 Smart Cities, 800 Touchpoints Set for Kitchenware Takeover

With over a century of legacy steeped in precision and passion, Tramontina, the Brazilian houseware brand, renowned globally for its premium cookware, has set its sights on India, marking a significant milestone in its storied history. As the curtains rise on its launch, Tramontina India promises to blend finesse, resilience, and cutting-edge design, heralding a new era of kitchenware innovation across the subcontinent. The brand is synonymous with top-quality culinary solutions, ranging from cookware and cutlery to kitchen accessories and beyond. Founded in 1911 in Carlos Barbosa, Brazil, the company has evolved into a household name with a diverse portfolio of more than 22,000 products, each crafted with a blend of aesthetic superiority and durability.

In an exclusive interaction, Aruni Mishra, CEO, Tramontina India, emphasized the brand's commitment to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship through a rigorous Environmental Management Program. This dedication underscores the brand’s ethos of responsible manufacturing and resource management, setting a benchmark for eco-conscious operations in the houseware industry.

Meeting India's Culinary Demands

Tramontina's foray into the Indian market comes at a pivotal time, aligning with the rapid expansion of the hospitality sector. With a focus on luxury restaurants, hotels, and other establishments, the brand aims to cater to the burgeoning demand for high-quality, professional-grade cookware. "Tramontina's entry into the Indian market signifies a significant milestone, particularly as the HoReCa sector remains relatively untapped in terms of professional cookware," says Mishra. The brand is poised to elevate culinary experiences across India by providing chefs and establishments with the tools they need to excel.

Customized Solutions and Innovation

Ahead of its official launch on June 20, Tramontina has meticulously researched Indian consumer preferences and cooking habits over the past two years. This groundwork has shaped the brand's strategy to introduce products tailored specifically for the Indian market. "Our commitment to India is long-term. We are not merely importing products; we are establishing manufacturing capabilities to ensure that our offerings resonate deeply with Indian consumers," he explains. This approach reflects the company’s proactive stance in adapting its global expertise to local needs, ensuring that each product meets the expectations of Indian households and culinary professionals alike.

“Tramontina was clear that while the innovation and the technology would be theirs, the products would be crafted for the Indian consumer as per their necessities. After thorough research, we have made bespoke product lines for India,” he adds.

Store launch

Omni-channel Approach

From day one, Tramontina India will adopt an omnichannel strategy, ensuring its products are accessible nationwide. "We are launching across multiple platforms simultaneously, including direct-to-consumer (D2C) channels, e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart, and leading retail outlets such as Reliance, Star India Bazaar, and Shoppers Stop," says Aruni Mishra. This comprehensive approach aims to reach consumers in urban centers and beyond, leveraging a network of 25 distributors and over 800 retail counters across the country.

“In the initial phase, we have targeted 100 smart cities, and a strong, robust distribution channel is set. Even without a soft launch or showcasing a single product, our network of 800 retail counters was built, and when we go live, Tramontina will be available in 100 cities. That’s just phase one,” he declares.

Unveiling the Product Line

Tramontina's initial product launch in India will feature a range of "worry-free" cookware and its acclaimed knife collection. Designed to be toxin-free and PFAS-free, these products promise safety alongside exceptional performance. "We are introducing India to some of our finest offerings, including ceramic-coated cookware, triply stainless steel ranges, cast iron cookware, and the legendary Tramontina knives," Aruni reveals. Each product is crafted to combine durability with aesthetic appeal, catering to discerning consumers who value both quality and safety in their kitchen tools.

Future Vision

Looking ahead, Tramontina India's ambitions extend beyond kitchenware. As part of its five-year plan, the brand intends to introduce a wider range of houseware solutions to the Indian market. "We envision expanding our offerings to include furniture, outdoor furniture, appliances, and more, establishing Tramontina as a comprehensive housewares provider in India," Mishra shares. This phased approach reflects the brand’s strategic commitment to becoming a household name synonymous with quality and innovation across various lifestyle categories.

At the core of Tramontina's mission in India lies a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction. "We are here to create a sustainable organization that prioritizes environmental stewardship and long-term customer relationships," affirms Mishra. By prioritizing product durability, safety, and customer service, the brand aims to earn the trust and loyalty of Indian consumers, ensuring that each purchase represents a lasting investment in quality and reliability.

As the Brazilian giant prepares to unveil its offerings to the Indian market, anticipation builds among consumers, chefs, and industry professionals alike. With a blend of global expertise and local adaptation, the company is poised to redefine kitchenware standards and elevate culinary experiences across the nation.

  • Home and Kitchen
  • Store launch

How the Plant-Based Products Market Is Winning Investors' Favor

The plant-based ingredients sector is undergoing a transformative evolution, driven by a significant shift in consumer preferences and innovative advancements within the industry. Historically overlooked by investors who perceived it as a mere commodity sector, the burgeoning plant-based ingredients market is now being recognized for its immense potential for value-added expansion and wealth generation.

According to a recent report titled “From Roots to Riches: Creating Wealth with Plant-Based Ingredients!” by Asit C. Mehta Investment Interrmediates (ACMIIL), n today's fast-paced world, consumers are increasingly scrutinizing what they consume, paying meticulous attention to the ingredients in their food, its nutritional value, and its caloric content.

The rise in popularity of plant-based specialty products, ingredients, and their derivatives is a testament to this trend. These products have found their way into various categories, including ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook meals, frozen and packaged foods, spreads and sauces, baked goods, desserts, ice creams, confectioneries, and more. Plant-based products serve diverse roles in these foods, functioning as sweeteners, thickening agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and more.

The Indian Market

India, a land known for its tradition of 'ahimsa' and vegetarianism, has seen a rapid rise in the plant-based product business in recent years. Although the concept of plant-based eating is deeply rooted in Indian culture, the commercial sector has only recently gained significant momentum. The export market for India's plant-based sector is expected to expand substantially by 2030, marking its emergence as a burgeoning industry with enormous potential. Traditionally, the global food industry has relied heavily on animal-based and chemical-based products, but the tide is turning, and plant-based products are gaining prominence.

Capitalizing on India’s Expanding Plant-Based Market

Investors can capitalize on this structural shift, benefiting from the expanding market and premium pricing of plant-based products. Notably, the export market for India’s plant-based sector is projected to expand substantially by 2030. Manorama Industries stands as a solid example of the sector's potential, delivering 16x returns since its listing in 2018. Such success stories show how companies focusing on specialty plant-based products can generate substantial wealth while contributing to a more organic and vegan world. Some of the notable companies operating in the plant-based ingredients industry include Adani Wilmar Ltd, Sanstar Ltd (proposed IPO), Manorama Industries Ltd, Food & Inn, Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd, etc.

The Global Market

Globally, the plant-based ingredients market size was approximately $60.71 billion in 2022 , with projections indicating it will reach $120.74 billion by 2029 , expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.32 percent over these seven years . This growth is underpinned by increasing consumer awareness of the environmental and health impacts of their food choices, propelling the shift towards plant-based alternatives. India's sizable vegetarian population (about 30 percent) and growing awareness of the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet further underscore the promising future for this sunrise sector.

Devang Shah, Head of Retail Research, ACMIIL, emphasized the potential of the plant-based ingredients market, stating, “The plant-based ingredients market represents a paradigm shift towards vegetarian, vegan, and organic natural products. Investors who recognize and seize this chance will not only benefit from substantial financial returns but also contribute to a more sustainable future.”

Diverse Applications Across Industries

  • Food and Beverages

Plant-based ingredients are revolutionizing the food and beverage industry. Soy-based products, such as tofu, tempeh, and textured vegetable protein (TVP), are increasingly popular as meat alternatives due to their high protein content and versatility. Corn-based products, including corn syrup and maize starch, play significant roles as sweeteners and binding agents in various foods. Fruit pulp, prized for its rich flavor and nutritional content, is widely used in juices, smoothies, desserts, and dairy products. Additionally, rice bran oil is favored for its high smoke point and beneficial nutritional profile, commonly used in cooking and frying.

  • Cosmetics and Personal Care

The cosmetics and personal care industry has embraced plant-based ingredients for their beneficial properties. Corn oil is incorporated into soaps for its moisturizing effects, while fruit pulp is utilized in skincare and haircare products for hydration and exfoliation. Cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs) are valued in skincare for their emollient properties, and rice bran oil is used in lotions and creams for its nourishing qualities.

  • Pharmaceuticals

In the pharmaceutical sector, maize starch and its derivatives are essential as sweeteners and binding agents in medicines, ensuring even distribution of active ingredients. CBEs are also used in the formulation of medicated candies and lozenges, enhancing texture and mouthfeel.

  • Other Applications

Beyond food, beverages, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, plant-based ingredients find applications in the production of adhesives, paper, textiles, biodiesel, and certain insecticides. This wide-ranging utility highlights the versatility and importance of plant-based ingredients across various industries.

Market Opportunities and Key Demand Drivers in India

The plant-based product market in India is poised for rapid development over the next decade, driven by rising consumer interest, product innovation, and substantial investments from domestic and foreign private sectors. To fully exploit this market potential, businesses need to adopt cutting-edge strategies, such as leveraging technology to boost production efficiency and implementing cost-cutting measures. Additionally, the rich culinary heritage of India offers opportunities to create authentic and unique plant-based products that appeal to both domestic and international consumers.

  • Increased Health Consciousness

The booming market for plant-based products is fueled by consumers seeking sustainable and healthy dietary options. India's young population is particularly health-conscious and environmentally aware, driving demand for plant-based product options.

  • Lactose-Intolerant Population

The prevalence of lactose intolerance has propelled the popularity of plant-based dairy alternatives, such as almond milk, soy milk, and tofu, offering consumers a viable option without compromising on taste or nutrition.

  • Expansion of Distribution

To unlock the full potential of the plant-based market, businesses must create mass awareness, expand distribution networks, and develop an adequate product mix.

  • Improved Product Innovation

Plant-based product firms have the opportunity to innovate and create products that meet consumers' taste, texture, and flavor expectations. Key growth drivers include enhanced R&D facilities, expanded distribution networks, higher manufacturing capacity, and raw material availability.

  • Urbanization

India's urban population is projected to grow significantly by 2030, creating a sizable market for plant-based foods. Urban consumers are increasingly concerned with their health and favor plant-based protein alternatives.

  • Abundance of Raw Materials

India's rich agricultural landscape provides a variety of raw materials for plant-based products, contributing to lower production costs and more affordable end products.

  • Nutritional Requirements

A well-planned and varied plant-based diet can meet an individual's daily nutritional needs, offering essential nutrients through whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fortified foods.

  • Export Opportunity

India's strong vegetarian and vegan culinary tradition offers a unique opportunity for exporting plant-based adaptations of traditional meals. The government's efforts to market India as a destination for investment in the food processing industry further bolster export potential.

A Sustainable Future with Plant-Based Products

The global shift towards sustainability, ethical consumption, and health consciousness is driving increased preference for plant-based products across various industries. This transition represents a fundamental change in business operations and consumer choices, with significant benefits for the environment, economy, and society.

Plant-based products offer a sustainable alternative to chemical-based and animal-derived products, reducing ecological footprints, promoting biodiversity, and ensuring a sustainable future.

The adoption of plant-based products can boost employment, especially in agrarian economies like India, creating job opportunities and supporting rural communities.

Market Potential and Investor Appeal

Companies embracing plant-based products are well-positioned to deliver exceptional returns, capitalizing on a discerning market willing to pay a premium for safe, sustainable, and ethically produced goods.

Prasanna Pathak, Director, ACMIIL, adds “As plant-based natural extracts sector expands exponentially backed by industry innovation and global demand, it promises to deliver substantial returns, making it a compelling addition to any forward-looking investment portfolio. Those who judged this sector as beyond-commodity specialty products generated wealth while contributing to the development of organic and vegan world.”

Investors recognizing the value of plant-based products aligned with global sustainability trends stand to gain significantly, as these products become the preferred choice in the market. Companies leading this transition are likely to experience substantial growth, making them highly attractive investment opportunities.

The plant-based ingredients sector is not just a fleeting trend but a transformative force reshaping industries and consumer preferences. With its promising growth trajectory, it offers compelling opportunities for investors, businesses, and consumers alike.

  • Plant-Based Meat

Top 10 Makeup Brands in India: Best Picks for Every Beauty Lover

The global cosmetics market, valued at $374.18 billion in 2023 , is projected to nearly double, reaching $758.05 billion by 2032 . As the market expands, consumers face unique challenges, particularly finding best makeup during the scorching summer months. While we all look forward to poolside vacations and summer festivities, the reality of melting foundation, smeared mascara, oily skin, and painful sunburns can quickly dampen the fun. But with the right beauty tricks, you can enjoy a flawless, effortless look even in the heat and humidity.

Top 10 Makeup Brands in India 

Here’s a list of  the top 10 makeup brands in the Indian market that offer the best summer makeup solutions, ensuring you stay radiant and smudge-free all season long.

1. L'Oréal:

Founded in 1909 by French chemist Eugène Schueller, L'Oréal has grown into the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company. Schueller's pioneering spirit began with the creation of hair dye formulations, which quickly gained popularity among Parisian hairdressers. This innovative start laid the foundation for its vast portfolio, encompassing a wide range of beauty products, including skincare, haircare, makeup, and fragrances. It has a strong financial foundation, listed on the Euronext Paris exchange. This status has enabled it to attract investments, expand its operations worldwide, and acquire numerous well-known brands such as Maybelline, Lancôme, and Kiehl's, further solidifying its dominance in the beauty market.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

L'Oréal's enduring mission, "Because we're worth it," reflects its dedication to empowering individuals by enhancing their natural beauty through innovative and high-quality products. Its infallible range is perfect for summer, featuring foundations and concealers that are sweat-proof and long-wearing. The True Match foundation is also a favorite for its natural finish and broad shade range. Its products are in the mid-to-high price range. The Infallible 24H Fresh Wear Foundation is priced around Rs 1,200.

Nykaa, founded in 2012 by Falguni Nayar, has revolutionized the Indian beauty and fashion retail landscape. As a pioneering e-commerce platform, it offers an extensive range of beauty, wellness, and fashion products, including skincare, makeup, haircare, personal care, and apparel, sourced from both global and local brands. A significant milestone in the journey was its initial public offering (IPO) in 2021, which raised Rs 5352 crore. This successful IPO underscored the company's robust market position and investor confidence. Originally an online beauty retailer, it now offers its own line of makeup products.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

Nykaa's summer offerings include the SkinShield Anti-Pollution Foundation and their matte-to-last liquid lipstick, both known for their longevity and resilience in humid conditions. Its products range from budget-friendly to premium. The matte-to-last liquid lipstick is priced at Rs 599.

Established in 1952 by J.R.D. Tata and Simone Tata, Lakmé is an iconic Indian beauty brand with a rich legacy of pioneering innovations in the cosmetics industry. As the first cosmetics brand in India, The brand was created to cater to the beauty needs of Indian women, offering products that suit the diverse skin tones and preferences across the country. Its inception was a result of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's suggestion to J.R.D. Tata, to develop an indigenous beauty brand to reduce dependency on imported cosmetics under the leadership of Simone Tata.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

In 1996, Lakmé became a part of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), one of India's largest fast-moving consumer goods companies. This acquisition has further bolstered its growth, allowing it to leverage HUL's extensive distribution network and marketing expertise. It offers a variety of summer-friendly products, including their 9 to 5 weightless mousse foundation and absolute blur perfect primer, which provide a matte finish and long-lasting wear. It priced from affordable to premium, catering to various consumer segments. The 9-to-5 Primer + Matte Powder Foundation, is priced at Rs 575 .

4. Faces Canada:

Faces Canada, established in 2009 by Benjamin S. Bickford , has quickly become a notable name in the beauty industry, known for its diverse and high-quality product range. With a focus on cruelty-free and dermatologically tested products, the brand emphasizes both beauty and safety, appealing to conscious consumers.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

The brand offers high-quality ingredients with innovative formulations to create products that withstand the Indian summer. Their waterproof and smudge-proof makeup range is particularly popular. Faces Canada's ultime pro range includes products like the Ultime Pro Long Wear Matte Lipstick and the Ultime Pro Blend Finity Stick, the Ultime Pro HD Runway Foundation, is priced around Rs 1199 are designed to withstand heat and humidity and to provide effective solutions for all skin types, ensuring long-lasting wear in hot and humid conditions.

5. Mamaearth:

Mamaearth, established in 2016 by Ghazal Alagh and Varun Alagh, has quickly emerged as a leading player in the personal care industry, renowned for its natural and toxin-free products. The brand's inception was driven by its commitment to providing safe, eco-friendly, and effective personal care solutions, particularly for young families and children.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

In 2021, Mamaearth raised $50 million in Series D funding, valuing the company at $730 million a significant milestone that underscored its rapid growth and strong market presence. This funding round was led by Sequoia Capital India, with participation from Sofina Ventures and existing investors such as Fireside Ventures. Its product line includes BB creams with SPF, waterproof mascaras, natural and toxin-free makeup like the glow serum foundation and moisture matte long stay lipstick, perfect for sensitive skin in the summer heat. Its makeup products are moderately priced,  the glow serum foundation priced at Rs 599.

6. Colorbar:

Colorbar, established in 2005 by Samir Modi, has emerged as a prominent name in the Indian cosmetics industry. Its products are also cruelty-free and dermatologically tested, reflecting its dedication to ethical practices and consumer safety. It offers a range of high-performance products, including waterproof foundations, smudge-proof eyeliners, and long-lasting lipsticks. The brand is known for its quality and durability and the products cater to all skin types and are perfect for maintaining a fresh look in the summer heat.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

Colorbar's summer must-haves include the 24-hour weightless liquid foundation and waterproof liquid eyeliner, designed to stay put even in extreme heat. The 24-hour weightless liquid foundation is available at Rs 995.

7. Lotus Herbals:

Lotus Herbals, established in 1993 by Kamal Passi, is a leading Indian brand renowned for its innovative use of natural ingredients in skincare, haircare, and cosmetic products. Combining ancient Ayurvedic principles with modern technology, it offers a diverse range of products that cater to the holistic beauty needs of its customers. The brand has reportedly floated a $50 million fund to invest in early stage startups in the beauty category.  As per an industry report, the brand's innovation fund is the second such fund to be launched in India.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

The brand's extensive portfolio includes sunscreens, face washes, moisturizers, shampoos, and makeup products, all formulated with a blend of herbal extracts and natural ingredients. Its summer makeup range includes sun-protection infused foundations, waterproof mascaras, and long-lasting lipsticks.  Lotus Herbals' summer essentials include their Ecostay foundation and Matte Glow Daily sunblock, which combine skincare benefits with makeup. The brand's products are priced in the mid-range. The Ecostay Foundation is available at Rs 725.

8. MyGlamm:

MyGlamm, established in 2015 by Darpan Sanghvi, has rapidly risen to prominence as a dynamic beauty and personal care brand in India. In 2021, the brand raised $71 million in Series C funding, a significant achievement that highlighted the brand's robust market position and growth potential. The funding round was led by Accel, along with participation from existing investors like L’Occitane, Bessemer Venture Partners, and Amazon. The brand emphasizes a direct-to-consumer approach, leveraging digital platforms to engage with customers and gather feedback for continuous improvement.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

The POSE HD range by MyGlamm is ideal for summer, featuring HD Blush Duo and HD setting powder that offer a flawless, long-lasting finish. Its products are affordably priced, providing reliable makeup solutions for the summer heat. The POSE HD foundation stick is priced at Rs 599.

Sugar Cosmetics, established in 2012 by Vineeta Singh and Kaushik Mukherjee, has swiftly become a prominent player in the Indian beauty market. The brand is known for its vibrant and long-lasting products, catering to the modern Indian woman with a focus on quality and affordability. In 2021, the brand secured $21 million in series C funding, a significant milestone that underscored its rapid growth and robust market presence. This funding round was led by Elevation capital, with participation from existing investors A91 partners and India quotient.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

Sugar Cosmetics is a standout in the Indian D2C market , known for its vibrant and high-performance products. Designed to withstand the summer heat, their range includes waterproof eyeliners, smudge-proof lipsticks, and long-lasting foundations. Their foundations and lipsticks are particularly popular for their ability to stay put in the summer heat, making them ideal for all skin types. Their " Aquaholic" range, featuring hydrating stick primers and lightweight foundations, is particularly suited for the summer. It priced in the mid-range, making them accessible to a broad audience. Its bestselling Smudge Me Not Liquid Lipstick is priced at Rs 499.

10. Swiss Beauty:

Swiss Beauty, established in 2008 by Amit and Mohit Goyal, has swiftly risen to prominence in the beauty industry, becoming a go-to brand for makeup enthusiasts and professionals alike. Known for its wide range of high-quality and affordable cosmetics, the brand has carved out a niche in a competitive market by offering products that blend innovation, style, and functionality.

Beat the Heat With this Top 10 Best Makeup Brands

The brand product range includes long-lasting foundations, waterproof eyeliners, and vibrant lipsticks. The summer essentials of the brand include their HD matte lipstick and 24H non-transfer foundation. Their products are known for their high performance and affordability. The brand is positioned in the budget-friendly segment. The HD matte lipstick is priced at approximately Rs 299.


In the ever-growing Indian D2C market, these top 10 makeup brands stand out for their ability to provide effective solutions for the summer heat. With a range of products designed to withstand high temperatures and humidity, these brands ensure that you can enjoy a flawless look all season long. Whether you're looking for waterproof makeup, smudge-proof formulas, or products for all skin types, these brands offer something for everyone, ensuring you stay radiant and confident in the summer heat.

1. What are some key factors to consider when choosing summer makeup?

When choosing summer makeup, it's essential to look for products that offer long-lasting wear, sweat-proof and waterproof formulas, and ingredients that help control oil and shine. Additionally, products with SPF protection can help safeguard your skin from sun damage.

2. Which makeup brand offers the best foundation for humid conditions in India?

Several brands offer excellent foundations for humid conditions in India. Notably, L'Oréal's Infallible 24H Fresh Wear Foundation, Faces Canada's Ultime Pro HD Runway Foundation, and Sugar Cosmetics' "Aquaholic" range foundations are all known for their long-lasting, sweat-proof formulas suitable for humid weather.

3. Are there affordable options for high-quality summer makeup in the Indian market?

Yes, there are several affordable options for high-quality summer makeup in the Indian market. Brands like Swiss Beauty and Sugar Cosmetics offer budget-friendly products without compromising on quality. For instance, Swiss Beauty's HD Matte Lipstick is priced at Rs 299, and Sugar Cosmetics' Smudge Me Not Liquid Lipstick is around Rs 499.

4. Which makeup brands offer cruelty-free products in India?

Faces Canada and Colorbar are notable for their commitment to cruelty-free and dermatologically tested products. These brands focus on ethical practices and consumer safety, making them popular choices for conscious consumers.

5. How can I keep my makeup intact during summer outdoor activities?

To keep your makeup intact during summer outdoor activities, consider using a primer, setting spray, and choosing waterproof and sweat-proof products. Brands like MyGlamm offer the POSE HD Setting Powder, and L'Oréal's True Match Foundation is designed for long-lasting wear, which can help maintain your makeup look even in hot and humid conditions.

Beyond Borders: How WhatsApp Marketing is Redefining Global Reach for Retailers

Globalization sees a new dawn every day on the back of flourishing technological advancements in the digital realm of commerce. With a wide range of marketing channels in the digital sphere, brands keep trying newer engagement strategies to reach the right audience. However, several factors and deterrents keep the brands bound from reaching their full engagement potential while trying to market themselves through popular social media channels like Facebook/ Instagram, and email & SMS marketing. These factors involve demographic restriction, premiums for additional services, reduced reach and open rate, etc. Resorting to the universally popular messaging platform - WhatsApp emerges as a powerful tool for modern-day retailers to engage with customers beyond boundaries and go truly worldwide.

WhatsApp has been able to achieve the feat on the back of its one-on-one conversation environment, which enables conversation between customers and brands to remain personalized and private. Reportedly, WhatsApp marketing has aided brands to record a 3x increase in conversions over other traditional marketing strategies.

Enjoying a global user base of over 2 billion and a remarkable message open rate of 98 percent, WhatsApp presents retailers with tangible progress in reaching the targeted audience. WhatsApp’s metrics also offer a high click rate ranging between 45-60%, which translates into great chances of conversion of a lead into a consumer, hence amplifying the retailer’s revenue and reach.

To take charge of the full potential of WhatsApp marketing, retailers can implement a range of strategic initiatives tailored to their business objectives:

  • Broadcast Carousel & Steal-Deal Limited Offers : Impulse buying is common among digital shoppers and retailers can reap the maximum benefit by running time-bound offers through WhatsApp marketing. Persuasive carousel ads on WhatsApp also help double the click rate as compared to traditional broadcasts, which means increased sales and engagement.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery : Retailers often see their inventories lying unclaimed in virtual carts of shoppers, who then forget the items added to their cart. Sending personalized reminder notifications through WhatsApp can help them recover 25-40 percent abandoned shopping carts into sales. Timing these messages aptly can significantly increase the chances of conversion and help retailers decrease their revenue loss.
  • Send Retargeting Campaigns : It is simpler & much more effective to target users who have shown interest in your WhatsApp communication by clicking the CTA button attached to the message. With a mindful retargeting approach to tap the already engaged audience, retailers can bag increased conversion rates and improve marketing spend.
  • Cash on Delivery (COD) Confirmation : Automating confirmation messages for Cash on Delivery orders via WhatsApp reduces the chances of a return to origin. The order will be confirmed only once the user confirms they wish to proceed with Cash-on-delivery for their order. Moreover, incentivizing these prepaid orders with special discounts helps mitigate payment-related issues.
  • Build an End-to-End Shopping Experience : Retailers & e-commerce owners can build an end-to-end shopping experience for their customers on WhatsApp by sending them Catalogues & enabling payment collection directly within WhatsApp. By transforming the WhatsApp environment into a one-stop shopping destination, retailers can simplify the shopping experience for customers, increasing conversions and sales.
  • WhatsApp QR Code Integration : Unique WhatsApp QR codes can be integrated on the website, within retail stores, and on promotional materials to help initiate consumer engagement. This intuitive feature enables customers to converse with retailers anytime they want on WhatsApp, facilitating engagement and lead generation.
  • Dynamic WhatsApp Chatbot : Customers can be engaged even during non-business hours through automated responses set in dynamic WhatsApp Chatbots. From answering simple queries to prompting product showcases, the chatbot can add value to the customer experience and help catalyse conversions.
  • Click-to-WhatsApp Ads : Running ads on allied social media platforms that bring the lead to your WhatsApp, can help retailers initiate conversations, assist support, and drive sales hassle-free.
  • WhatsApp Button Integration : Channeling website visitors to WhatsApp business chat window through a WhatsApp button placed on the website helps record lead information, which the retailers can later use to target personalized communications in a bid to convert potential buyers.

WhatsApp marketing, hence, showcases a wide range of ways to help retailers expand their reach across the world. By taking up innovative strategies and leveraging the full capabilities of WhatsApp, retailers can witness new opportunities that help them build meaningful connections with customers and increase revenue in the long run.

Gautam Rajesh Shelley, CEO & Founder of AiSensy

Gautam Rajesh Shelley, CEO & Founder of AiSensy

  • e marketing

How to Start your T-Shirt Business in the Booming Indian Market

The t-shirt business in India is witnessing exponential growth, with its market value currently estimated at Rs 23,211 crore. It is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 10 percent over the next decade, potentially reaching a staggering Rs 61,954 crore by 2027 . This surge is driven by several factors, including the increasing acceptance of casual wear, a growing middle class, and a youthful population that favors t-shirts for their versatility and comfort.

1. Understanding and Identifying the Competitive Market:

The Indian market is characterized by a robust presence of both domestic and international brands. The Indian t-shirt market is dominated by men's wear, followed by women's wear and kids wear. In order to succeed in the competitive t-shirt market, it's essential to understand the landscape thoroughly. The women's segment is growing faster due to its smaller base and rising acceptance of casual attire among women. T-shirts are popular across all age groups and include knit shirts, polos, and knit tops, primarily targeting the youth segment.

Key production hubs like Tirupur, Ludhiana, and Mumbai play a significant role due to their well-established ecosystems, skilled workforces, and favorable business conditions. These cities contribute to India’s position as one of the top exporters of t-shirts globally. Notable brands such as Allen Solly , Van Heusen , and Jockey are major players in the Indian market, catering to a wide range of consumers with their diverse product offerings.

2. Identifying the Market for Creating a Successful Business Plan:

Conducting thorough market research is crucial for identifying consumer preferences, market trends, and potential gaps in the market. Understanding the competitive landscape helps in crafting a business plan that outlines the brand's vision, target audience, marketing strategies, and financial projections. Key factors to consider include:

  • Target Audience: To effectively understand and engage with your target audience, it's crucial to delve into their demographics, preferences, and purchasing behavior. Demographically, this involves identifying key characteristics such as age, gender, income level, geographic location, and lifestyle choices that influence their buying decisions. Preferences encompass style inclinations, brand affinities, and product expectations, which can be gleaned from market research, surveys, and social media analytics. Purchasing behavior insights, including frequency of purchases, shopping channels, and decision-making triggers, further refine your approach.
  • Market Trends: Staying abreast of market trends is essential in the fast-paced fashion industry. This involves monitoring runway shows, consumer feedback, and fashion publications to predict emerging styles and consumer demands. Adjusting your product offerings and marketing strategies accordingly ensures relevance and competitiveness.
  • Competitor Analysis: Competitor analysis involves assessing rivals' strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. This helps identify opportunities for differentiation and areas for improvement in your own offerings.

3. Choosing a Unique Niche and Targeting a New Generation Market Structure:

Differentiation is key to standing out in the competitive t-shirt market. Choosing a unique niche helps in targeting specific consumer segments and creating a distinct brand identity. This could involve focusing on eco-friendly products, customized designs, or themed T-shirts catering to specific interests or communities.

Managing design and production involves ensuring high-quality materials, innovative designs, and efficient production processes. Leveraging local artisans and sustainable practices can also enhance the brand's appeal, especially among environmentally conscious consumers.

4. Choosing a Business Model to Evaluate Your Product:

Selecting the right business model is essential for evaluating and selling your product. Some common business models in the t-shirt industry include:

  • Retail: The retail landscape offers various sales models, each with distinct advantages and considerations. Traditional physical stores or retail chains provide direct customer interaction, fostering personalized experiences and immediate feedback, but often higher operational costs due to rent, staff, and inventory management.
  • Direct-to-Consumer (D2C): Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) models leverage online platforms to sell products directly to consumers, enabling greater control over branding, pricing, and customer relationships. This approach reduces intermediary costs associated with traditional retail, although it requires robust e-commerce capabilities and marketing strategies to drive traffic and sales.
  • Wholesale: Wholesale models involve selling products in bulk to retailers or distributors, ensuring wide distribution and large-volume sales. While this model can lead to substantial revenue through economies of scale, profit margins may be lower due to discounts offered to wholesalers.
  • Print-on-Demand: Print-on-Demand (PoD) allows for manufacturing products as orders are received, minimizing inventory costs and reducing the risk of overstock. Unit production costs may be higher compared to bulk manufacturing, impacting overall profitability unless managed efficiently.

For startups, the D2C model is often advantageous due to lower initial investment and the ability to reach a broader audience through e-commerce platforms.

5. Setting the Right Price:

Pricing strategy is critical in attracting and retaining customers while ensuring profitability. Key factors to consider include:

  • Cost of Production: The cost of production encompasses several key elements crucial for pricing strategies. Materials constitute the raw inputs needed for manufacturing, with quality and availability directly impacting costs. Labor costs involve wages for production staff, reflecting efficiency and local wage standards. Overhead costs encompass facility expenses, utilities, administrative costs, and other operational expenses necessary for production.
  • Market Positioning: Market positioning involves strategically aligning pricing with the brand's perceived value in the market. Premium brands command higher prices due to perceived quality or exclusivity, while mid-range brands offer a balance of quality and affordability. Budget brands focus on competitive pricing to appeal to price-sensitive consumers.
  • Consumer Willingness to Pay: Understanding consumer willingness to pay involves market research and customer feedback to gauge the maximum price consumers are willing to spend on the product. Factors influencing willingness to pay include perceived value, brand loyalty, product differentiation, and economic factors.

Offering tiered pricing with different ranges of products can cater to various segments of the market, from budget-conscious buyers to those seeking premium offerings.

6. The Importance of Creating a Social Media Presence:

In today's digital age, the online presence of a brand is essential. A well-designed website and active social media profiles on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter help in:

  • Brand awareness  involves strategies to increase recognition and familiarity with a brand among a broader audience. This includes leveraging multiple channels such as social media, traditional media, influencer partnerships, and sponsorships to enhance visibility and reach. Consistent brand messaging and visual identity across these platforms reinforce recognition and establish a strong brand image.
  • Customer Engagement: Customer engagement plays a pivotal role in fostering relationships and loyalty. Interaction through customer service channels, social media platforms, and community forums allows brands to address inquiries promptly, resolve issues, and gather valuable feedback.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Effective marketing and promotion are essential for communicating brand values, product benefits, and promotions to target audiences. This involves developing tailored advertising campaigns that resonate with consumer demographics and preferences. Utilizing data-driven insights, brands can optimize ad placements, refine messaging, and measure campaign effectiveness to maximize return on investment and enhance brand visibility.

Integrating efficient shipment and payment methods enhances the customer experience, ensuring timely deliveries and secure transactions.

7. Marketing and Promotion:

Effective marketing and promotion are vital for driving sales and building brand loyalty. Strategies include:

  • Social Media Marketing: Social media also allows for real-time engagement, enabling brands to respond to comments, address customer queries, and build a community around their products. Utilizing features like stories, reels, and live sessions helps keep content dynamic and engaging.
  • Email Marketing: Email marketing remains a powerful tool for directly reaching consumers with tailored content. By sending newsletters, promotional offers, and product updates, brands can keep subscribers informed and interested. Personalized email campaigns, driven by customer data and preferences, enhance engagement and conversion rates. Automated email sequences can nurture leads, onboard new customers, and re-engage inactive subscribers.
  • Traditional Marketing: Traditional marketing methods, such as print media, billboards, and events, are effective for reaching broader and diverse audiences. Print ads in magazines and newspapers, outdoor advertising like billboards, and participation in trade shows or sponsorship of local events help increase brand visibility and credibility. These channels often complement digital efforts, creating a cohesive and comprehensive marketing strategy that maximizes reach and impact.

Collaborating with influencers and bloggers can also amplify the brand's visibility and credibility.

8. Legal and Financial Considerations:

Compliance with legal and financial regulations is essential for smooth business operations. Key considerations include:

  • Permits and Licensing: Acquiring necessary permits and licenses is essential for legal operation. Depending on the business type and location, this may include general business licenses, health permits, zoning permits, and industry-specific certifications. Researching local, state, and federal requirements ensures that the business meets all regulatory standards. Regularly renewing and updating permits is necessary to avoid operational disruptions and legal consequences.
  • Trademark Protection: Trademark protection involves registering the brand's trademark to safeguard intellectual property. A trademark protects brand names, logos, slogans, and other distinctive elements from unauthorized use. Registering with the appropriate government authority provides legal protection and the ability to enforce trademark rights. Monitoring and enforcing trademarks against infringement ensures brand integrity and market exclusivity.

9. Managing Operations:

Efficient operations management ensures customer satisfaction and business growth. Key aspects include:

  • Customer Service: Providing excellent customer service is essential for building customer loyalty and satisfaction. Effective customer support involves promptly addressing inquiries, resolving complaints, and managing returns with a focus on creating positive experiences. This can be achieved through multiple channels such as phone support, live chat, email, and social media interactions. Implementing feedback mechanisms, such as surveys and follow-up communications, allows businesses to continuously improve their service quality.
  • Brand Analysis: Brand analysis involves the continuous evaluation of market performance and customer feedback to refine strategies and enhance brand positioning. This process includes tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales data, market share, and customer engagement metrics. Analyzing customer feedback from reviews, surveys, and social media provides insights into consumer perceptions and expectations. Regular brand audits help identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, enabling proactive adjustments to marketing, product development, and customer service strategies.

10. Embracing Technological Advancements

Incorporating advanced technologies can significantly enhance business operations and customer experience:

  • Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL): Offering flexible payment options to attract more customers.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Utilizing AI for personalized marketing, inventory management, and customer service.
  • Sustainability: Adopting sustainable practices to appeal to eco-conscious consumers and reduce environmental impact.

The t-shirt industry in India is poised for significant growth, offering lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs. By understanding the competitive market, conducting thorough research, and choosing a unique niche, businesses can establish a strong presence. A well-thought-out business model, effective pricing strategy, and robust online presence are essential for success. Additionally, compliance with legal requirements, efficient operations management, and embracing technological advancements will further drive business growth and sustainability.

Starting a t-shirt business in today's dynamic market requires strategic planning, innovation, and a customer-centric approach. By leveraging these insights and strategies, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities of the market and achieve long-term success.

FAQs on T-Shirt Business in India

1. What are the initial steps to start a t-shirt brand?

Begin by defining your brand concept and target audience. Conduct market research to understand trends and competition. Create a business plan outlining your goals, budget, and marketing strategy. Secure the necessary funding and set up a business structure. Design your t-shirts, find a reliable supplier, and establish an online presence through a website and social media.

2. How do I design t-shirts that stand out?

Focus on unique and creative designs that resonate with your target audience. Use high-quality graphics and stay up-to-date with design trends. Consider hiring a professional designer if needed. Ensure your designs are versatile and can be printed on various t-shirt styles. Test your designs with a small audience to gather feedback before mass production.

3. What printing methods should I use for my t-shirts?

The most common printing methods include screen printing, direct-to-garment (DTG) printing, heat transfer, and sublimation. Screen printing is cost-effective for large orders, while DTG is ideal for small batches and detailed designs. Heat transfer is good for on-demand printing, and sublimation works best for all-over prints. Choose a method based on your budget, design complexity, and order volume.

4. How do I market my t-shirt brand effectively?

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and email campaigns. Utilize SEO techniques to improve your website’s visibility. Create engaging content such as blog posts, videos, and lookbooks to showcase your designs. Participate in local events and pop-up shops to gain exposure. Consider offering promotions and discounts to attract customers.

5. What are the common challenges in starting a t-shirt brand, and how can I overcome them?

Common challenges include managing production costs, maintaining consistent quality, and standing out in a saturated market. Overcome these by building strong relationships with reliable suppliers, investing in high-quality materials, and continuously innovating your designs. Focus on excellent customer service and create a strong brand identity. Stay adaptable and ready to pivot your strategies based on market feedback.

  • Fashion & Lifestyle

 Top 10 Cycle Brands in India: Best Bicycles for Retailers to Stock

The global bicycle market is on a significant upward course to grow from $110.38 billion in 2023 to $228.90 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 11.0 percent. This growth is fuelled by the increasing popularity of cycling, not just as a mode of transportation, but also as a recreational activity and a means to maintain fitness. With its diverse landscapes and a growing interest in healthy living, there has been a surge in demand for bicycle brands in India. Whether you're a professional cyclist, a fitness enthusiast, or someone who enjoys a casual ride, finding the right bicycle is essential. Here are the top 10 bicycle brands in India that cater to all kinds of riders.

Best Cycle Brands in India

Here's a list of the best cycle brands in India.

1. Avon Cycles: Top Cycle Brand in India for All Age Groups

Avon Cycles - Top Bicycle Brands in India

The brand showcase the classic example of the enterprising Punjabi spirit. In the early days following India's independence post-partition in 1947, the legendary Pahwa Brothers dreamed of providing the common man with an affordable means of mobility. The organization combines the simplicity and speed of a family business with the broad-based features of corporate functioning. The former inspires trust, while the latter instills confidence in its ability to perform continually and consistently.

The brand is intensifying its efforts to expand both its domestic and international market presence. Known as the largest bicycle manufacturer in India, it has exceeded its FY 23-24 sales target by the beginning of its fourth quarter, achieving a remarkable milestone. With an operating revenue of over Rs 500 crore, the brand is a powerhouse in the industry. J&K Bank has partnered with Avon Cycles Ludhiana to finance their electric vehicle (e-vehicle) range, continuing their proactive, environmentally friendly strategy. This brand is a standout in the list of top bicycle brands in India.

  • Brand: Avon Cycles
  • Type: City, Mountain, Kids, E-vehicles
  • Tires: High-quality rubber, sizes ranging from 20 to 29 inches
  • Wheel Size: Various sizes, including 20", 24", 26", 27.5", and 29"
  • Saddle: Comfort-enhanced with ergonomic design
  • Suspension: Available on select models (front suspension and full suspension options)
  • Pay Load: Standard capacity up to 120 kg
  • Frame Size: Multiple sizes available (small, medium, large)
  • Brakes: Disc brakes and V-brakes available across different models

Pros and Cons of Avon Cycles

Pros Cons
Affordable Limited suspension options
Wide range of types Less advanced features on basic models
Comfortable saddles Limited high-end models
Reliable build quality Standard design aesthetics

Why It is Worth Buying

Avon Cycles offers a variety of affordable and reliable bicycles suitable for all ages. Their range includes city, mountain, kids, and e-vehicles, ensuring a suitable option for every rider. Features like comfort-enhanced saddles and high-quality tires contribute to a smooth ride, while disc and V-brakes ensure safety. Despite limited suspension options on some models, Avon Cycles’ overall build quality and affordability make them a top choice among cycle brands in India.

2. Hero Cycles: Leading Innovation Among Cycle Brand in India

. Hero Cycles - Top Bicycle Brand in India

Hero Honda commenced its operations in 1984 as a joint venture between Hero Cycles of India and Honda of Japan. Controlled by Pankaj M Munjal, Hero Motors Company (HMC) is an Indian multinational business conglomerate. The brand name was adopted by the Munjal brothers for their flagship company, Hero Cycles Ltd. The joint venture, named Hero Honda Motors Limited, was established in Dharuhera, India, with the Munjal family and the Honda group each owning a 26 percent stake in the company.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, Hero Cycles Limited reported an operational revenue exceeding Rs 500 crore. The company’s EBITDA grew by an impressive 323.07 percent compared to the previous year, with its net worth increasing by 8.77 percent. It offers a variety of cycles, from city rides to e-cycles, with prices ranging from Rs 6,050 to Rs 60,999. As one of the top cycle brands in India, Hero Cycles is a leading choice for many.

  • Brand: Hero Cycles
  • Type: Road, Mountain, City, E-cycles
  • Tires: Durable rubber, sizes ranging from 20 to 29 inches
  • Wheel Size: Multiple sizes available, including 20", 24", 26", 27.5", and 29"
  • Saddle: Ergonomic design for enhanced comfort
  • Suspension: Available on select models, including front suspension and full suspension options
  • Frame Size: Various sizes available, typically ranging from 15" to 21"
  • Brakes: Disc brakes (160mm and 180mm) and V-brakes

Pros and Cons of Hero Cycles

Pros Cons
Innovative designs Some models may be more expensive
Durable tires Limited availability of high-end models
Ergonomic saddles Standard design aesthetics

Hero Cycles is renowned for its innovative designs and durability. They offer a wide range of bicycles, including road, mountain, city, and e-cycles, catering to both casual riders and cycling enthusiasts. With ergonomic saddles and durable tires, Hero Cycles provide a comfortable and long-lasting riding experience. Despite the higher price point on some models, the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation makes it a top choice among cycle brands in India.

3. Firefox Bikes: Premium Quality Among Top Cycle Brands in India

Firefox Bikes: Top 10 Bicycle Brands in India

In early 2005, the cycling scene in India experienced a dramatic transformation when the brand introduced an imported range of approximately 30 bike models into the Indian bicycle market. This range, covering the full spectrum of mountain, all-terrain, road, BMX, and kids' bikes, was made according to higher international quality standards and specifications, significantly enhancing the biking experience in India.

Firefox Bikes sold 18,000 cycles and earned revenue of Rs 22.5 crore in the first quarter of FY 2023. Catering primarily to the premium segment, the brand holds an estimated market share of 13-15 percent contributing to being a top bicycle brand. Prices for the bikes start around Rs 11,000 and go beyond Rs 45,000, making it a leading name in the high-end bicycle market in India.

  • Brand: Firefox Bikes
  • Type: Mountain, Hybrid, Road
  • Tires: Premium rubber, sizes ranging from 24 to 29 inches
  • Wheel Size: Various sizes available, including 24", 26", 27.5", and 29"
  • Saddle: Comfort-oriented with cushioning for long rides
  • Suspension: Available on many models, including front suspension and full suspension options
  • Pay Load: Standard capacity up to 110 kg
  • Frame Size: Multiple sizes available, typically ranging from 15" to 21"
  • Brakes: Disc brakes, with options like 160mm and 180mm disc sizes

Pros and Cons of Firefox Bikes

Pros Cons
Premium quality Higher price point
Comfort-oriented saddles Limited availability in rural areas

Firefox Bikes stands out for its premium quality and comfort. Catering to enthusiasts and professionals, their range includes mountain, hybrid, and road bikes. The comfort-oriented saddles and high-quality rubber tires ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride. With many models featuring suspension and disc brakes, Firefox Bikes are designed for performance and reliability. Despite a higher price point, the brand's focus on quality and comfort makes it a top choice among cycle brands in India.

4. Cannondale: High-Performance Cycles Brands in India

Cannondale: Top Bicycle Brands in India

The Cannondale Bicycle Corporation, an American division of the Dutch conglomerate Pon Holdings, supplies bicycles. In 1971, Joe Montgomery initially focused on making bicycling accessories and clothing, the tiny company challenged the industry in the 1980s by introducing some of the first mass-produced bicycle frames made from aluminum instead of steel. Now, the company has capitalized on the cycling boom that accelerated during the pandemic, including electric models under the nameplate Neo.

Cannondale offers a diverse range of bikes, including road, mountain, active, electric, and kids' bikes, along with biking equipment, gears, and accessories. In 2023, Cannondale reached a new high with an astounding $74.0 million in annual revenue. Known for its dedication to quality and innovation, Cannondale serves a wide variety of cyclists, from casual riders to professional competitors.

  • Brand: Cannondale
  • Type: Road, Mountain, Hybrid, Electric
  • Tires: High-performance rubber, sizes ranging from 24 to 29 inches
  • Saddle: Ergonomic and performance-oriented for maximum comfort and efficiency
  • Suspension: Advanced suspension systems available, including front suspension, full suspension, and lefty suspension options
  • Pay Load: Standard capacity up to 120 kg, heavy-duty options available for up to 150 kg
  • Frame Size: Multiple sizes available, typically ranging from 15" to 23"
  • Brakes: Hydraulic disc brakes, with options like 160mm, 180mm, and 203mm disc sizes

Pros and Cons of Cannondale Bikes

Pros Cons
High-performance quality Premium price range
Advanced suspension systems Limited availability in some regions
Ergonomic saddles  
Wide range of models  

Cannondale bikes are renowned for their high-performance quality and advanced features, making them ideal for serious cyclists. The brand offers a wide range of models, including road, mountain, hybrid, and electric bikes, catering to various cycling needs. Their bikes come with advanced suspension systems and hydraulic disc brakes, ensuring a smooth and safe ride. Despite being in a premium price range, Cannondale's focus on performance and innovation makes it a top choice among cycle brands in India.

5. La Sovereign : High-Quality and Stylish Cycle Brand in India

La Sovereign - Best Bicycle Brand in India

The first-ever joint venture between companies based in Thailand and India to market high-quality bicycles and kids' toys with world-class designs to Indian consumers. An India-based company has been in the bicycle trade for the past 40 years, establishing a strong brand presence in both the Indian and export markets. As one of the leaders in the trade, the company has attained a high level of technical expertise in manufacturing and marketing over the years

La Sovereign operates with revenue ranging from Rs 1-100 crore for the financial year ending March 31, 2023. The brand is situated in Ludhiana, Punjab, having an authorized share capital of Rs 3.75 crore and a total paid-up capital of Rs 3.65 crore. The company's net worth has increased by 0.24 percent, with starting prices for their bikes around Rs 10,000 on e-commerce platforms.

  • Brand: La Sovereign
  • Type: City, Mountain, Kids, Hybrid
  • Wheel Size: Various sizes available, including 20", 24", 26", 27.5", and 29"
  • Saddle: Comfort-focused design for enhanced riding comfort
  • Frame Size: Multiple sizes available, typically ranging from 14" to 21"
  • Brakes: Disc brakes and V-brakes, with options like 160mm disc sizes and standard V-brake configurations

Pros and Cons of La Sovereign Bikes

Pros Cons
Stylish designs Limited high-end models
Durable tires Higher price range
Comfort-focused saddles Limited availability in rural areas
A wide range of models  

La Sovereign is known for its stylish and high-quality bicycles, catering to various cycling needs, including city, mountain, kids, and hybrid models. The brand emphasizes comfort with its well-designed saddles and durable tires, ensuring a pleasant riding experience. Although priced higher, the reliability and design of La Sovereign bikes make them a preferred choice among top cycle brands in India.

6. BSA :Top Cycle Brand in India for Durability and Comfort

BSA - Top Bicycle Brand in India

Established in 1949 by the Murugappa Group in collaboration with Tube Investments (UK), TI Cycles has evolved from a bicycle manufacturer to an expert in mobility and well-being solutions. Renowned for its flagship bicycle brands—BSA, Hercules, Montra, and Mach City—the brand has pioneered and perfected numerous cycle categories in India. These include the first-ever MTB, geared bike,  Shox model, girls' bike, kids' bike, light roadster, carbon frame bike, and India’s cycling café. The inaugural Hercules bicycle was produced in 1951, marking the beginning of many innovations. It operates plants in Chennai and Rajpura and maintains major warehouses in Guwahati and Chennai, serving a nationwide network of over 1,200 dealers.

The brand is renowned for launching some of the first bicycles on the Indian market across various categories such as MTB, geared cycles, kids’ cycles, and ladies’ cycles. With a vast price range starting from Rs 1,800-25,000, BSA offers a diverse range of cycles with 62 models currently available on major e-commerce websites. It is undoubtedly among the top cycle brands in India.

  • Type: City, Kids, Road
  • Tires: Durable rubber
  • Wheel Size: Multiple sizes
  • Saddle: Comfortable
  • Suspension: Available on some models
  • Pay Load: Standard capacity
  • Frame Size: Various sizes
  • Brakes: V-brakes

Pros and Cons of BSA Bikes

Pros Cons
Durable build Fewer high-performance models
Comfortable saddles Basic suspension options
Wide range of sizes Standard design aesthetics
Affordable Limited advanced features

BSA is a leading cycle brand in India, known for its durable and comfortable bicycles. Ideal for city, kids, and road cycling, BSA bikes come with durable rubber tires and comfortable saddles, ensuring a smooth ride. The brand offers various sizes and affordable prices, making it accessible to many cyclists. Although it has fewer high-performance models, BSA’s reputation for quality and reliability makes it a top choice among the best cycle brands in India.

7. Road Master: Reliable and Affordable Cycle Brand in India

Road Master - Best Bicycle Brands in India

An Indian premium bicycle brand and currently the fastest-growing bicycle manufacturing company in India. Established to empower Indian bicycle riders, Road Master Cycles provides highly durable and cost-effective bicycles with a variety of design choices. The brand entered the Indian bicycle market in 2014 with a mission to offer the best value products, cutting-edge technology, and dedicated round-the-clock customer support.

It boasts an authorized share capital of Rs 2,000,000. Within nearly a decade of operation, the company has successfully delivered over 400,000 cycles across India. Offering a diverse range of over 60 models, Road Master Cycles caters to a wide variety of bicycling needs in the country. With a well-knitted network of loyal channel partners, the brand ensures its accessibility and visibility to consumers, further solidifying its position in the Indian bicycle market.

  • Brand: Road Master
  • Wheel Size: Various sizes
  • Saddle: Comfort-oriented
  • Suspension: Available on select models
  • Frame Size: Multiple sizes
  • Brakes: Disc and V-brakes

Pros and Cons of Road Master Bikes

Pros Cons
Affordable Limited high-end features
Durable build Basic design aesthetics
Comfortable saddles Limited advanced suspension
Wide range of models  

Road Master is a popular cycle brand in India known for its reliability and affordability. The brand offers a variety of models, including city, mountain, kids, and hybrid bikes, making it accessible to a wide range of riders. With durable tires and comfort-oriented saddles, Road Master ensures a smooth and enjoyable riding experience. Despite having basic design aesthetics and limited advanced features, the brand's affordability and reliability make it a preferred choice among the top cycle brands in India.

8. Btwin (Decathlon) : Leading Cycle Brand in India for All Riders

Road Master - Top Bicycle Brands in India

Renowned brand of bicycles, parts, and accessories exclusively available at Decathlon, offers cyclists a perfect blend of style, performance, and affordability. Crafted by expert manufacturers across Asia and Europe, with a touch of French precision added since 2010, these bikes are a testament to quality and innovation. Over the years, Portugal has been instrumental in producing over 1 million bicycles, ensuring top-notch craftsmanship. Not just limited to bikes, B'TWIN also provides a wide range of accessories and parts, all designed to enhance your cycling experience without breaking the bank.

Under the global leader Decathlon, the brand reported an impressive annual revenue of Rs 3,950 crore as of March 31, 2023. With a strong presence in over 70 countries, the brand continues to expand globally, focusing on innovation and sustainability. The bicycles start at around Rs 7,999 and go beyond Rs 26,000, making them accessible to many customers.

  • Brand: Btwin (Decathlon)
  • Type: Mountain, Hybrid, Road, Kids
  • Tires: High-quality rubber
  • Saddle: Ergonomic and comfort-oriented
  • Suspension: Available on many models
  • Brakes: V-brakes and disc brakes

Pros and Cons of Btwin Bikes

Pros Cons
Wide range of models Some models may be pricier
High-quality components Limited availability in smaller towns
Comfortable saddles  
Good suspension options  

Btwin, a brand from Decathlon, is well-regarded among the best cycle brands in India for offering a wide range of high-quality bicycles. Whether you're into mountain biking, road cycling, or looking for a reliable kids' bike, Btwin has you covered. Their bikes feature ergonomic saddles, durable tires, and good suspension options, ensuring comfort and performance. Although some models may be pricier, Btwin’s commitment to quality and variety makes it a top choice among cyclists in India.

9. Trek: Premium Quality Among the Best Cycle Brands in India

Trek: Top Bicycle Company in India

A bicycle product manufacturer and distributor under brand names Trek, Electra Bicycle Company, Bontrager, and Diamant Bikes. In the past, the business has produced bicycles under the brands Villiger Bikes, LeMond Racing Cycles, Klein, and Gary Fisher. Trek Bicycles is marketed through 1,700 individually owned bicycle shops in North America, subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, and South Africa, as well as distributors in 90 countries worldwide. The brand has its headquarters located in Waterloo, Wisconsin. The majority of Trek bicycles are produced in nations other than the US, such as the Netherlands, Germany, Taiwan, and China.

Trek Bicycle, a leading bicycle brand in India, reports a revenue/turnover of Rs 1-100 crore. The company's net worth has increased by an impressive 98.66 percent, and its EBITDA has risen by 238.31 percent. With global revenue reaching $900.0 million, the bicycle continues solidifying its position as a top bicycle brand in India and a major player in the global market.

  • Brand: Trek
  • Type: Mountain, Road, Hybrid, Electric
  • Tires: High-performance rubber
  • Saddle: Ergonomic and performance-oriented
  • Suspension: Advanced suspension systems available
  • Pay Load: Standard and heavy-duty options
  • Brakes: Hydraulic disc brakes

Pros and Cons of Trek Bikes

Trek is a top cycle brand in India, known for its high-performance quality and advanced features. The brand offers a wide range of bicycles, including mountain, road, hybrid, and electric bikes, catering to serious cyclists and enthusiasts. With advanced suspension systems and hydraulic disc brakes, Trek bikes ensure a smooth and safe ride. Despite being in a premium price range, Trek’s focus on performance and innovation makes it a top choice among the best cycle brands in India.

10. Stryder

 Stryder - Best Bicycle Company in India

It has a large selection of bicycles including E-bikes, Roadster, Kids, Premium, Mountain, and SLR bikes. In India, Stryder bicycles may be found in over 4000 retail locations. In addition to being one of the top bicycle brands in India, Stryder has more than three million satisfied riders worldwide and exports to SAARC, Africa, and the Middle East. 

It is a prominent name in the bike industry, achieved impressive financial breakthroughs with revenue ranging between Rs 100-500 crore. The company's net worth surged by 16.58 percent, reflecting its commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. It continues to set benchmarks, ensuring its position as a preferred choice for cycling enthusiasts with a focus on sustainability and cutting-edge technology.

  • Brand: Stryder

Pros and Cons of Stryder Bikes

Pros Cons
Affordable Limited advanced features
Durable tires Basic design aesthetics
Comfortable saddles Limited high-end models
Wide range of models  

Stryder, known for its affordability and versatility, offers a range of bicycles suitable for city riding, mountain biking, kids, and hybrid models. With high-quality rubber tires and comfort-oriented saddles, Stryder bikes provide a smooth and enjoyable ride. Despite having basic design aesthetics and limited advanced features, the brand’s affordability and reliability make it a strong contender among the top cycle brands in India.

FAQs  on Top Cycle Brands in India

1. What types of bicycles do these brands offer?

These brands offer a variety of bicycles including road bikes, mountain bikes, hybrid bikes, electric bikes, kids' bikes, and more.

2. Where can I buy bicycles from these brands?

Bicycles from these brands are available for purchase at their respective dealerships, retail stores, and major e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and Decathlon's online store.

3. Do these brands offer warranty and after-sales service?

Yes, most of these brands offer warranty and after-sales service for their bicycles. The warranty period and service terms may vary, so it's recommended to check with the brand or their authorized dealers for specific details.

4. How can I choose the right bicycle brand for my needs?

To choose the right bicycle brand, consider factors like your budget, the type of cycling you plan to do (road, mountain, commuting), and your specific preferences for features and design.

  • Bicycle Industry

Retail India News: Vinod Cookware Acquires Healux International to Expand Retail Footprint

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    Introduction. Mehsana District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited, Mehsana (MDCMPU Ltd) popularly known as Dudhsagar Dairy, (located at Mehsana in Gujarat) is one of the largest Co-operative Dairy in India. MDCMPU Ltd was established in 1960 with the noble intention of ensuring a fair return to the milk producers.

  10. PDF Comparative analysis of dairy business models existing in Gujarat

    Dairy Unions have total 262.63 Lakh Liter per Day milk processing capacity. Milk production and per. capita availability of milk in India is 187.7 (Million Tonnes) and 379 (gms/day) in 2018-19. Gujarat has. milk production of 14493 ('ooo tonnes) in 2018-19 and Per Capita Availability of 626 (gms/day) in.

  11. Along the milky way

    The dairy business is a dependable alternative for coastal Gujarat's farmers . Fermented fodder. The production of silage — fodder harvested while green and kept moist by partial fermentation in a silo — is another facet that the programme has adopted to keep cattle well fed.

  12. Banas Dairy's Ambitious Investment in Gujarat

    Banas Dairy's Ambitious Investment in Gujarat. October 23, 2023. In a significant move that promises to reshape the dairy industry in Gujarat, Banas Dairy has pledged a whopping investment of Rs. 2,100 crore. This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signals a transformative phase for the dairy giant, opening new avenues for growth, innovation ...

  13. PDF Agro and Food Processing

    Gujarat - third largest milk producer in India. The Animal Husbandry and Dairy sector contributed about 5.1 %. share to the Gross State Domestic Product in 2014-15. NABARD has outlined a credit potential of INR1358.9 in 2014-15 for dairy development in Gujarat. Milk Production in 2014-15 (% share) 17.2%.

  14. PDF Dairy entrepreneurship scenario in Gujarat state

    1.2 Growth of Gujarat Dairy sector. Gujarat is a leading milk producing state and has contributed significantly in the overall success of the dairy sector of the country. According to the data available for year 2019-20, Gujarat's milk production was around 15.92 million tonnes which is around 7.7% of the country.

  15. Scheme for subsidy

    Scheme for subsidy on interest for establishment of 1 to 4milch animal farm. Dairy farming is an important source of constant subsidiary income.The small farmers and landless and poor families can purchase 1 to 4 animals as per their need and capacity to maintain. If any bank recognized by Reserve bank of India, sanction loan for any dairy ...

  16. Dudhsagar Dairy

    The Mehsana District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited, popularly known as Dudhsagar Dairy, is a division of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation which is under the ownership of Ministry of Cooperation of the Government of Gujarat.. Dudhsagar Dairy is the second largest dairy in Asia, processing on an average 1.41 million kilograms (3.1 × 10 ^ 6 lb) of milk each day.

  17. PDF National Dairy Development Board Dairying In Gujarat

    DAIRYING IN GUJARAT Part I. Statistical Profile 2013 6 Item Unit Year Gujarat India Milk Production '000 MT 2012-13 10,314 1,32,430 Egg Production million 2012-13 1,456 69,731

  18. Dairy Farm License in India, Rules, Guidelines, Permissions

    Infrastructure and manpower requirements to setup a dairy farm. To establish a set of 20 animals in dairy farm you need to maintain a space of 40sq.ft per animal in shed and 80 sq. ft open space and beyond these you need to maintain the following. A room with measurements of 10 x 10 for keeping farm implements.

  19. 8 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Your Own Dairy Farm

    Consider creating a farm management team or profit team that engages your consultants to be active participants in the farm's progress. Develop a Business Plan and SWOT Analysis It is important to remember that a dairy farm is a business. Development of detailed business plan and a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and ...

  20. Grande Cheese Breaks Ground on Acquired Foremost Facility, Plans New

    A manufacturer of Italian cheese, Grande Cheese Company announced last year that it had acquired the former Foremost Farms cheese plant in Chilton, Wis., furthering its manufacturing capabilities. Recently, Grande Cheese broke ground for a 60,000-square-foot expansion to the former Foremost plant ...

  21. The old Globe Metals factory in Niagara Falls ...

    According to the reports, he'll be on supervised release through 2027. The mortgage document also show that Highland Ave. NY 3801 LLC borrowed $2.07 million from Globe Niagara LLC, which bought ...

  22. Dairy company plans $150M West Seneca expansion

    A dairy company is planning a $150 million expansion in West Seneca to meet an "insatiable" demand for cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. Upstate Niagara Cooperative will more than double its ...

  23. India Exempts Foreign Investment in GIFT City Funds From Taxes

    India has exempted non-resident Indians and foreign retail investors who invest in exchange-traded funds and other retail plans through Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, or GIFT City, from ...

  24. Wing Zone opens second of 4 restaurants planned in Milwaukee area

    Wing Zone continues to expand in Wisconsin's southeast region, where plans to open a Wauwatosa restaurant come months after the chain reentered the market with a location in Milwaukee.. The new ...

  25. How Consumer Trends and Digital Adoption are Fueling India's FMCG

    Let's Discover the top 10 car brands in India, and find out about the brand which are driving the Indian market. 1. Maruti Suzuki. Maruti Suzuki is the biggest automaker in India, and it has been making cars that are inexpensive and dependable since 1981. A joint venture of Maruti Udyog Limited and Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, Maruti Suzuki is based in New Delhi.

  26. Partner attorney and real estate business owner, financial advisor buy

    From left, Matthew Burwick, a financial advisor, and Ryan Mills, an attorney, recently bought the company Legend's Creek Farm, a goat milk soap and lotion business.