Research Question Generator for Free

If you’re looking for the best research question generator, you’re in the right place. Get a list of ideas for your essay, research paper, or any other project with this online tool.

  • 🎓 How to Use the Tool
  • 🤔 What Is a Research Question?
  • 😺 Research Question Examples
  • 👣 Steps to Making a Research Question

📝 Research Question Maker: the Benefits

🔗 references, 🎓 research question generator: how to use it.

Research can’t be done without a clear purpose, an intention behind it.

This intention is usually reflected in a research question, which indicates how you approach your study topic.

If you’re unsure how to write a good research question or are new to this process, you’ll surely benefit from our free online tool. All you need is:

  • Indicate your search term or title
  • Stipulate the subject or academic area
  • Press “Generate questions”
  • Choose a suitable research question from the generated list.

As you can see, this is the best research question generator requiring minimal input for smart question formulation. Try it out to see how simple the process is.

🤔 Why Make an Inquiry Question?

A research question is a question that you formulate for your scientific inquiry . It is a question that sets the scope for your study and determines how you will approach the identified problem, gap, or issue.

Questions can be descriptive , meaning they aim to describe or measure a subject of the researcher's interest.

Otherwise, they can be exploratory , focusing on the under-researched areas and aiming to expand the existing research evidence on the topic.

If there's enough knowledge about the subject, and you want to dig deeper into the existing trends and relationships, you can also use an explanatory research question.

What Makes a Strong Research Question?

The strength of your formulated research question determines the quality of your research, whether it’s a short argumentative essay or an extensive research paper . So, you should review the quality of your question before conducting the full-scale study.

Its parameters of quality are as follows:

  • Clarity . The question should be specific about the focus of your inquiry.
  • Complexity . It should not be self-obvious or primitively answered with a “yes” or “no” variant.
  • Focus . The question should match the size and type of your academic assignment.
  • Conciseness . It should be brief and understandable.
  • Debatability . There should be more than one potential answer to the question.

😺 Research Question Examples: Good & Not So Good

Here are some examples to illustrate what we mean by quality criteria and how you can ensure that your question meets them.

Lack of Clarity

👎 A bad example 👍 A better example

The bad example is too general and does not clearly estimate what effect you want to analyze or what aspect of video gaming you're interested in. A much better variant is in the right column.

Look at some other research question examples that are clear enough:

  • Sex trafficking: why do we have to address it?
  • Palliative care: what constitutes the best technique for technicians communication with patients and families?
  • How do vacuum cleaners work?
  • What does it mean to age well?

Lack of Focus

The bad example is not focused, as it doesn’t specify what benefits you want to identify and in what context the uniform is approached. A more effective variant is in the right column.

Look at some other research question examples that are focused enough:

  • How are biochemical conditions and brain activity linked to crime?
  • World wars and national conflicts: what were the reasons?
  • Why does crime exist in society?
  • Decolonization in Canada: what does decolonization mean?

The bad example is too simplistic and doesn’t focus on the aspects of help that dogs can give to their owners. A more effective variant is in the right column.

Look at some other research question examples that are complex enough:

  • How is resource scarcity impacting the chocolate industry?
  • What should the Brazilian government do about reducing Amazon’s deforestation?
  • Why is a collaborative approach vital during a pandemic?
  • What impact has COVID-19 had on the economy?
  • How to teach handwriting effectively?

Lack of Debatability

The problem of diabetes is well-known and doesn’t cause any doubts. So, you should add debatability to the discussed issue.

Look at some other research question examples that are debatable enough:

  • Online vs. print journalism: what is more beneficial?
  • Why will artificial intelligence not replace human in near future?
  • What are the differences between art and design?
  • Crime TV: how is criminality represented on television?

The question in the left column is too long and ambiguous, making the readers lose focus. You can shorten it without losing the essence.

Look at some other research question examples that are concise enough:

  • What is the best way to address obesity in the US?
  • Doctoral degree in nursing: why is it important?
  • What are the benefits of X-rays in medicine?
  • To what extent do emotions influence moral judgment?
  • Why did the Industrial Revolution happen in England?

👣 Steps to Generate Research Questions

Now, it’s time to get down from science to practice. Here is a tried-and-tested algorithm for killer research question generation.

  • Pick a topic . Once you get a writing assignment, it’s time to find an appropriate topic first . You can’t formulate a thesis statement or research question if you know nothing about your subject, so it's time to narrow your scope and find out as much as possible about the upcoming task.
  • Research the topic . After you’re brainstormed several topic options, you should do some research. This stage takes the guesswork out of the academic process, allowing you to discover what scholars and other respected people think about your subject.
  • Clarify who your audience is . Think about who will read your piece. Will it be the professor, your classmates, or the general audience consisting of laypersons? Ensure the research question sounds competent enough for a professor and understandable enough for laypeople.
  • Approach the subject critically . With a well-articulated topic at hand, you should start asking the "why's" and "how's" about it. Look at the subject as a kid; don't limit your curiosity. You're sure to arrive at some interesting topics to reveal the hidden sides of the chosen issue.
  • Evaluate the questions . Now that you have a couple of questions about your topic, evaluate them in terms of research value. Are all of them clear and focused? Will answering all of them take time and research, or is the answer already on the surface? By assessing each option you’ve formulated, you’re sure to choose one leader and use it as your main research question for the scientific study.

Thank you for reading this article! If you need to quickly formulate a thesis statement, consider using our free thesis maker .

💰 Free Don’t pay anything with this research question generator.
🤗 Easy to use Add a search term and choose a subject to make a research question.
🌐 Online No need to waste precious space on your devices with this tool.
🚀 Fast No registration or intrusive ads in this inquiry question generator.

❓ Research Questions Generator FAQ

Updated: Jul 19th, 2024

  • Developing research questions - Library - Monash University
  • Formulation of Research Question – Stepwise Approach - PMC
  • Examples of Good and Bad Research Questions
  • How To Write a Research Question: Steps and Examples
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question
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With our question generator, you can get a unique research question for your assignment, be it an essay, research, proposal, or speech. In a couple of clicks, our tool will make a perfect question for you to ease the process of writing. Try our generator to write the best work possible.

Research Question Generator: Best Tool for Students

Stuck formulating a research question? Try the tool we’ve made! With our research question generator, you’ll get a list of ideas for an academic assignment of any level. All you need to do is add the keywords you’re interested in, push the button, and enjoy the result!

Now, here comes your inspiration 😃

Please try again with some different keywords.

Why Use Research Question Generator?

The choice of research topic is a vital step in the process of any academic task completion. Whether you’re working on a small essay or a large dissertation, your topic will make it fail or fly. The best way to cope with the naming task and proceed to the writing part is to use our free online tool for title generation. Its benefits are indisputable.

  • The tool generates research questions, not just topics
  • It makes questions focused on your field of interest
  • It’s free and quick in use

Research Question Generator: How to Use

Using our research question generator tool, you won’t need to crack your brains over this part of the writing assignment anymore. All you need to do is:

  • Insert your study topic of interest in the relevant tab
  • Choose a subject and click “Generate topics”
  • Grab one of the offered options on the list

The results will be preliminary; you should use them as an initial reference point and refine them further for a workable, correctly formulated research question.

Research Questions: Types & Examples

Depending on your type of study (quantitative vs. qualitative), you might need to formulate different research question types. For instance, a typical quantitative research project would need a quantitative research question, which can be created with the following formula:

Variable(s) + object that possesses that variable + socio-demographic characteristics

You can choose among three quantitative research question types: descriptive, comparative, and relationship-based. Let's consider each type in more detail to clarify the practical side of question formulation.


As its name suggests, a descriptive research question inquires about the number, frequency, or intensity of something and aims to describe a quantitative issue. Some examples include:

  • How often do people download personal finance apps in 2022?
  • How regularly do Americans go on holidays abroad?
  • How many subscriptions for paid learning resources do UK students make a year?


Comparative research questions presuppose comparing and contrasting things within a research study. You should pick two or more objects, select a criterion for comparison, and discuss it in detail. Here are good examples:

  • What is the difference in calorie intake between Japanese and American preschoolers?
  • Does male and female social media use duration per day differ in the USA?
  • What are the attitudes of Baby Boomers versus Millennials to freelance work?


Relationship-based research is a bit more complex, so you'll need extra work to formulate a good research question. Here, you should single out:

  • The independent variable
  • The dependent variable
  • The socio-demographics of your population of interest

Let’s illustrate how it works:

  • How does the socio-economic status affect schoolchildren’s dropout rates in the UK?
  • What is the relationship between screen time and obesity among American preschoolers?

Research Question Maker FAQ

In a nutshell, a research question is the one you set to answer by performing a specific academic study. Thus, for instance, if your research question is, “How did global warming affect bird migration in California?," you will study bird migration patterns concerning global warming dynamics.

You should think about the population affected by your topic, the specific aspect of your concern, and the timing/historical period you want to study. It’s also necessary to specify the location – a specific country, company, industry sector, the whole world, etc.

A great, effective research question should answer the "who, what, when, where" questions. In other words, you should define the subject of interest, the issue of your concern related to that subject, the timeframe, and the location of your study.

If you don’t know how to write a compelling research question, use our automated tool to complete the task in seconds. You only need to insert your subject of interest, and smart algorithms will do the rest, presenting a set of workable, interesting question suggestions.

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Write a Research Question for Me — A Free Tool for Students

Are you looking for the best research question generator? You’re in the right place! Get a list of ideas for your essay, research paper, or any other project with our online tool.

Looking for a research question for your paper?

Get lots of ideas in 3 simple steps:

Please try again with some different keywords.

Look at the sentences below. What do they have in common?

  • How does implementing mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques affect healthcare professionals’ well-being and job performance in high-stress environments?
  • What is the impact of social media on mental health?

These are both research questions, even though they are very different. Each research paper needs a unique question corresponding to the assignment topic and writing requirements. This article will teach you to use the Write a Research Question for Me tool. You’ll also learn how to create a perfect research question and find good examples.

🤔 Why Use the Research Question Writer?

  • ️⚙️ How to Access the Tool

🔎 How to Make a Research Question

📋 research title examples for students, 🔗 references.

Here are the main benefits of our tool:

⌚ It saves time.Generating research questions can be time-consuming. However, our research question generator can provide suggestions instantly.
🧠 It generates ideas.Our research question writer offers a fresh perspective and can help stimulate new ideas.
📚 It covers various topics.Our tool covers a wide range of subjects and disciplines. You can adjust the generated questions to fit specific research areas.
🪟 It offers a structured framework.Our research question maker encourages you to consider essential research question components such as , relationships, and context.
🧑‍🎓 It’s suitable for learning.Students can gain insights into different research inquiries and understand how to formulate research questions.

Research Question Importance

The research question plays a fundamental role in guiding the research process. It provides a clear focus and purpose for the study. A well-formulated research question contains specific information. It defines the variables under investigation, the population of interest, and the expected outcomes. It is necessary for the research because it helps define the study’s scope, design , and methodology.

Unlike a hypothesis, which makes a specific prediction, a research question explores a broader inquiry. A thesis statement, on the other hand, summarizes the main argument of a research paper.

The research question is a foundation for developing a hypothesis or refining a thesis statement. It guides the researcher in formulating predictions and addressing the study objectives.

⚙️ Write a Research Question for Me – How to Access the Tool

This tool is accessible and user-friendly, as you need only Internet access to use it. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Enter your search term into the appropriate field.
  • Click the button.
  • Check out research question examples in the menu below the tool.

This picture shows how to make a research question

To gain maximum benefits from this tool, you should understand how to create a research question yourself. Below, you’ll find a detailed guide on formulating research questions.

Develop a Topic

If you are at the stage of formulating a research question, you probably already have a topic. But if not, here is how to choose one.

When picking a research topic , consider its relevance, available resources, and your interests. You can choose based on curiosity, familiarity, and academic significance. We suggest exploring diverse sources, brainstorming, and refining ideas to find a compelling research title.

Research the Field

When researching a topic, identify relevant keywords that capture the core concepts. Select appropriate sources such as scholarly databases, books, and reputable websites.

Conduct systematic searches using these keywords to gather relevant materials. To synthesize the information, read and critically evaluate each source. Note key findings, arguments, and concepts. Identify connections, patterns, and gaps in the literature. Organize your references according to their publication date, methodology, or theme, depending on what suits your topic best.

Brainstorm Questions

Brainstorming is crucial in the research process as it helps generate ideas and perspectives. It allows you to divide your topic into smaller components, explore different angles, and consider additional research questions.

By brainstorming, you can combine parts from multiple questions, synthesize information, and refine your ideas. It enables you to explore the depth of the topic, identify gaps in existing knowledge, and gain new insights. Brainstorming fosters critical thinking and creativity in choosing the right research topic or question.

Apply FINER Framework

The FINER framework provides a structured approach for evaluating and designing research projects. Your topic should be feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, relevant:

  • “Feasible” emphasizes the need for research to be practical regarding available resources, time, and ethical constraints.
  • “Interesting” highlights the importance of choosing an intellectually stimulating research question that contributes to knowledge.
  • “Novel” stresses that the study should fill gaps or extend existing knowledge.
  • “Ethical” emphasizes the need to conduct research ethically , ensuring participant safety and privacy.
  • “Relevant” underscores the importance of research that addresses real-world problems or has practical implications.

Polish Your Question

Check whether your research question meets the following requirements and edit it as necessary.

Your research question should be clear and specific, avoiding broad language.
Ensure that your research question is relevant and addresses a current issue within your field of study.
Consider the feasibility of your research question in terms of resources, time, and access to data or participants.
Make your research question specific by identifying the key variables or factors you will investigate.
Ensure your research question is testable and can be answered through empirical evidence or data collection.
Assess your research question’s significance and potential impact on knowledge in your field.
Conduct a to ensure your research question is original and has not been explored.
Ensure that your research question aligns with the objectives and scope of your study.

If you need help refining your question, don’t hesitate to seek feedback from peers, mentors, or advisors to evaluate the quality of your research question.

In this part, we will compare different types of research questions:

🔺 Qualitative research question:

“How do individuals experience and cope with workplace stress in a remote work environment?”

Qualitative research questions aim to explore and understand phenomena in-depth. They often focus on subjective experiences, meanings, and social contexts. Qualitative questions typically involve open-ended inquiries and seek rich, detailed insights rather than statistical generalizations.

🔺 Quantitative research question:

“What is the relationship between academic performance and sleep duration among college students?”

Quantitative research questions seek to establish relationships or associations between variables using numerical data. They aim to generate statistically significant findings, enabling scholars to generalize their findings to a larger population.

🔺 Mixed methods research question:

“To what extent do digital educational interventions impact students’ learning outcomes and engagement, and how do students perceive and experience these interventions?”

Mixed methods research questions combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to investigate research problems from multiple angles. They seek to integrate qualitative and quantitative data to provide an understanding of a research topic.

❓ Make a Research Question for Me: FAQ

❓ how to write a research question.

To write a research question, identify the main variables or concepts. Consider the particular population or context. Formulate a straightforward question that addresses the research objective. Ensure that the question is specific, measurable, feasible, and relevant to guide your study effectively.

❓ How to Write a Research Question and Hypothesis?

To write a research question and hypothesis, begin by formulating a research question that explores the relationship between variables. Then, develop a hypothesis that makes a specific prediction about that relationship. The hypothesis should be based on existing knowledge or theories and be testable through empirical data.

❓ How to Write a Qualitative Research Question?

To write a qualitative research question, focus on exploring and understanding phenomena from a subjective perspective. Begin with “how” or “what,” implying descriptive responses. Consider the specific context and participants of interest. Formulate an open-ended question to explore experiences, meanings, or social processes in-depth.  

❓ How to Write a Mixed Methods Research Question?

To write a mixed methods research question, integrate qualitative and quantitative approaches. Start with a broad research question that explores a phenomenon or issue from multiple perspectives. Then, formulate sub-questions that address specific qualitative and quantitative aspects. Aim for complementarity, convergence, or expansion of understanding using the combination of methods.

❓ How to Write a Quantitative Research Question?

To write a quantitative research question, identify the key variables and their relationship. Frame the question to seek statistical associations or differences using terms like “relationship,” “effect,” or “impact.” Ensure the question is clear, specific, and measurable. It should allow for collecting and analyzing numerical data to draw objective conclusions.

Updated: May 17th, 2024

  • Mixed Methods Research Questions and Hypotheses | SAGE Publications
  • What Makes a Good Qualitative Research Question? | British Library
  • How to Write a Research Question | George Mason University
  • What Is the Difference Between a Thesis Statement & a Research Question? | Classroom
  • FINER: A Research Framework | Elsevier

Research Question Generator Online

Are you looking for effective aid in research question formulation? Try our research question generator and get ideas for any project instantly.

  • 🤖 How to Use the Tool

❗ Why Is a Research Question Important?

🔖 research question types & examples, 🗺️ how to generate a research question.

  • 👀 More Examples
  • 🔍 References

🤖 How to Use a Research Question Generator?

Struggling to develop a good research question for your college essay , proposal , or dissertation ? Don't waste time anymore, as our research question generator is available online for free.

Our tool is designed to provide original questions to suit any subject discipline.

Generate your questions in a few easy steps as shown below:

  • Add your research group and the influencing factor.
  • Indicate your dependent variable (the thing you’re planning to measure).
  • Add the optional parameters (the second research group and the time frame).
  • Look at the examples if necessary.

Once you get the initial results, you can still refine the questions to get relevant and practical research questions for your project.

The main importance of formulating a research question is to break down a broad topic and narrow it to a specific field of investigation . It helps you derive a practical knowledge of the topic of interest. The research question also acts as a guiding structure for the entire investigation from paragraph to paragraph. Besides, you can define research issues and spot gaps in the study.

The research questions disclose the boundaries and limitations of your research, ensuring it is consistent and relevant. Ultimately, these questions will directly affect the research methods you will use to collect and analyze data. They also affect the process of generating a thesis statement . With a checker proposal, you can also polish your research question to ensure it aligns with the research purpose.

The research writing process covers different types of questions, depending on the depth of study and subject matter. It is important to know the kind of research you want to do; it will help you in the formulation of an effective research question. You can select quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies to develop your questions.

Let us explore some of these question types in detail to help you choose a workable option for your project:

Quantitative Research Questions

Quantitative questions are specific and objective, providing detailed information about a particular research topic . The data you collect from this research type is quantifiable and can be studied using figures.

These questions also delineate a relationship between the research design and the research question.

Quantitative questions focus on issues like:

  • "How often"
  • "How intense"
  • "Is there a statistical relationship"

They illustrate the response with numbers.

In addition, quantitative questions help you to explore existing patterns in data from a specific location or context. The collected information allows researchers to make logical and data-driven conclusions.

This type of research question can be classified further into 3 categories.

The picture lists the three types of quantitative research questions.

Descriptive Research Questions

Such questions seek to describe a quantifiable problem and investigate the numbers, rates, or intensity of the issue. They are usually used to write descriptive papers .

Comparative Research Questions

As the name suggests, comparative questions intend to compare and contrast two or more issues in a research project. These questions are used in comparative papers . To formulate such a question, identify two or more variables, choose a standard for comparison, and present an in-depth discussion.

Let's look at a few examples.

Relationship-based Research Questions

Relationship-based questions reveal and identify a connection between two or more research variables . Such questions entail a dependent variable, an independent variable, and a socio-demographic of the population you are interested in studying.

Qualitative Research Questions

Qualitative research questions are open-ended and aim to explore or explain respondents' subjective meanings and experiences . You can't measure the data you collect from a qualitative research question in figures, as it's mostly narrative. Some of the common types include those described below.

The picture lists the two types of qualitative research questions.

Exploratory Research Questions

These questions investigate a particular research topic without any assumptions.

Explanatory Research Questions

These questions examine the reasons and find connections between existing entities.

Mixed Methods Studies

When you combine quantitative and qualitative research questions, you will get a mixed-method research study . It answers your research question more comprehensively since it combines the advantages of both research methods in a pragmatic study .

This mixed study can focus on quantitative data (score comparison with attitude ranking) and qualitative insights from student interviews about attitudes.

We have outlined a few steps to generate exceptional questions for students who don't know how to write them effectively.

The picture lists the steps to generating a research question.

Begin with a broad topic The first step entails to give you many avenues of exploration. You can conduct a or mind-mapping session to identify relevant topics for your research project. Remember to focus on a subject you are interested in to arrive at a good research question faster.
Conduct preliminary research After getting a topic, do preliminary research to uncover current issues in your academic field. This step also allows you to identify and knowledge gaps related to your topic. These aspects could help you refine the research question later on.
Narrow the topic Once you collect enough information about your topic of interest, you can start from a general into a more focused area of investigation. You can use the gaps you have identified at the research stage to formulate workable research questions.
Evaluate the research question

This step entails evaluating the research questions you have formulated. Not all the questions will be viable. Thus, you should carry out a thorough assessment to find effective questions.

Here are the key parameters of a winning research question:

Formulate your final version Finally, structure your research question properly within the required academic parameters. For instance, you should base your question on a specific problem, the subject, and the time frame.

👀 More Research Question Examples

  • Why do minorities delay going to the doctor?
  • What makes humans mortal genetically?
  • Why and how did the US get involved in the Korean War?
  • The virus COVID-19: what went wrong?
  • What is cancel culture, and can it go too far?
  • How do human infants acquire a language?
  • Eastern vs. Western religions: what’s the difference?
  • Why is capitalism better than socialism?
  • What do Hamlet and Oedipus have in common?
  • How does language influence our world?
  • Competence for nurses: why is it important?
  • COVID-19 pandemic: what we can learn from the past?

❓ Research Question Generator FAQ

❓ how to form a research question.

You should select an interesting topic related to the subject you are studying. Carry out preliminary research with our research question generator online and pick the question from the list of offered suggestions. Refine the question until you are satisfied with the result.

❓ What makes a good research question?

An effective research question should focus on a single issue and clearly state the research direction you will take. The topic should neither be too broad nor too narrow – just enough to keep you focused on the main scope of the study. Also, it should be answerable with a comprehensive analysis.

❓ How to find the research question in an article?

In an academic article, the research question is usually placed at the end of the introduction, right before the literature review. At times, it may be included in the methods section – after the review of academic research.

❓ How to write a quantitative research question?

Identify what claim you want to make in your research purpose. Choose a dependent variable, an independent variable, and a target population, and formulate the assumed relationship between the variables for that respondent group. Ensure the data you collect is measured within a specific context.

🔗 References

  • Types of Research Questions With Examples
  • Developing research questions - Library - Monash University
  • Research Question - Research Guide - LibGuides
  • How To Write a Research Question: Steps and Examples
  • How to Write a Research Question - GMU Writing Center
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How To Write a Research Question

Deeptanshu D

Academic writing and research require a distinct focus and direction. A well-designed research question gives purpose and clarity to your research. In addition, it helps your readers understand the issue you are trying to address and explore.

Every time you want to know more about a subject, you will pose a question. The same idea is used in research as well. You must pose a question in order to effectively address a research problem. That's why the research question is an integral part of the research process. Additionally, it offers the author writing and reading guidelines, be it qualitative research or quantitative research.

In your research paper , you must single out just one issue or problem. The specific issue or claim you wish to address should be included in your thesis statement in order to clarify your main argument.

A good research question must have the following characteristics.

make a research question for me

  • Should include only one problem in the research question
  • Should be able to find the answer using primary data and secondary data sources
  • Should be possible to resolve within the given time and other constraints
  • Detailed and in-depth results should be achievable
  • Should be relevant and realistic.
  • It should relate to your chosen area of research

While a larger project, like a thesis, might have several research questions to address, each one should be directed at your main area of study. Of course, you can use different research designs and research methods (qualitative research or quantitative research) to address various research questions. However, they must all be pertinent to the study's objectives.

What is a Research Question?


A research question is an inquiry that the research attempts to answer. It is the heart of the systematic investigation. Research questions are the most important step in any research project. In essence, it initiates the research project and establishes the pace for the specific research A research question is:

  • Clear : It provides enough detail that the audience understands its purpose without any additional explanation.
  • Focused : It is so specific that it can be addressed within the time constraints of the writing task.
  • Succinct: It is written in the shortest possible words.
  • Complex : It is not possible to answer it with a "yes" or "no", but requires analysis and synthesis of ideas before somebody can create a solution.
  • Argumental : Its potential answers are open for debate rather than accepted facts.

A good research question usually focuses on the research and determines the research design, methodology, and hypothesis. It guides all phases of inquiry, data collection, analysis, and reporting. You should gather valuable information by asking the right questions.

Why are Research Questions so important?

Regardless of whether it is a qualitative research or quantitative research project, research questions provide writers and their audience with a way to navigate the writing and research process. Writers can avoid "all-about" papers by asking straightforward and specific research questions that help them focus on their research and support a specific thesis.

Types of Research Questions


There are two types of research: Qualitative research and Quantitative research . There must be research questions for every type of research. Your research question will be based on the type of research you want to conduct and the type of data collection.

The first step in designing research involves identifying a gap and creating a focused research question.

Below is a list of common research questions that can be used in a dissertation. Keep in mind that these are merely illustrations of typical research questions used in dissertation projects. The real research questions themselves might be more difficult.

Research Question Type



What are the properties of A?


What are the similarities and distinctions between A and B?


What can you do to correlate variables A and B?


What factors affect the rate of C's growth? Are A and B also influencing C?


What are the causes for C? What does A do to B? What's causing D?


What is the impact of C? What role does B have? What are the benefits and drawbacks of A?


What can you do to improve X?

Example Research Questions


The following are a few examples of research questions and research problems to help you understand how research questions can be created for a particular research problem.



Due to poor revenue collection, a small-sized company ('A') in the UK cannot allocate a marketing budget next year.

What practical steps can the company take to increase its revenue?

Many graduates are now working as freelancers even though they have degrees from well-respected academic institutions. But what's the reason these young people choose to work in this field?

Why do fresh graduates choose to work for themselves rather than full-time? What are the benefits and drawbacks of the gig economy? What do age, gender, and academic qualifications do with people's perceptions of freelancing?

Steps to Write Research Questions


You can focus on the issue or research gaps you're attempting to solve by using the research questions as a direction.

If you're unsure how to go about writing a good research question, these are the steps to follow in the process:

  • Select an interesting topic Always choose a topic that interests you. Because if your curiosity isn’t aroused by a subject, you’ll have a hard time conducting research around it. Alos, it’s better that you pick something that’s neither too narrow or too broad.
  • Do preliminary research on the topic Search for relevant literature to gauge what problems have already been tackled by scholars. You can do that conveniently through repositories like Scispace , where you’ll find millions of papers in one place. Once you do find the papers you’re looking for, try our reading assistant, SciSpace Copilot to get simple explanations for the paper . You’ll be able to quickly understand the abstract, find the key takeaways, and the main arguments presented in the paper. This will give you a more contextual understanding of your subject and you’ll have an easier time identifying knowledge gaps in your discipline.

     Also: ChatPDF vs. SciSpace Copilot: Unveiling the best tool for your research

  • Consider your audience It is essential to understand your audience to develop focused research questions for essays or dissertations. When narrowing down your topic, you can identify aspects that might interest your audience.
  • Ask questions Asking questions will give you a deeper understanding of the topic. Evaluate your question through the What, Why, When, How, and other open-ended questions assessment.
  • Assess your question Once you have created a research question, assess its effectiveness to determine if it is useful for the purpose. Refine and revise the dissertation research question multiple times.

Additionally, use this list of questions as a guide when formulating your research question.

Are you able to answer a specific research question? After identifying a gap in research, it would be helpful to formulate the research question. And this will allow the research to solve a part of the problem. Is your research question clear and centered on the main topic? It is important that your research question should be specific and related to your central goal. Are you tackling a difficult research question? It is not possible to answer the research question with a simple yes or no. The problem requires in-depth analysis. It is often started with "How" and "Why."

Start your research Once you have completed your dissertation research questions, it is time to review the literature on similar topics to discover different perspectives.

Strong  Research Question Samples

Uncertain: How should social networking sites work on the hatred that flows through their platform?

Certain: What should social media sites like Twitter or Facebook do to address the harm they are causing?

This unclear question does not specify the social networking sites that are being used or what harm they might be causing. In addition, this question assumes that the "harm" has been proven and/or accepted. This version is more specific and identifies the sites (Twitter, Facebook), the type and extent of harm (privacy concerns), and who might be suffering from that harm (users). Effective research questions should not be ambiguous or interpreted.

Unfocused: What are the effects of global warming on the environment?

Focused: What are the most important effects of glacial melting in Antarctica on penguins' lives?

This broad research question cannot be addressed in a book, let alone a college-level paper. Focused research targets a specific effect of global heating (glacial  melting), an area (Antarctica), or a specific animal (penguins). The writer must also decide which effect will have the greatest impact on the animals affected. If in doubt, narrow down your research question to the most specific possible.

Too Simple: What are the U.S. doctors doing to treat diabetes?

Appropriately complex: Which factors, if any, are most likely to predict a person's risk of developing diabetes?

This simple version can be found online. It is easy to answer with a few facts. The second, more complicated version of this question is divided into two parts. It is thought-provoking and requires extensive investigation as well as evaluation by the author. So, ensure that a quick Google search should not answer your research question.

How to write a strong Research Question?


The foundation of all research is the research question. You should therefore spend as much time as necessary to refine your research question based on various data.

You can conduct your research more efficiently and analyze your results better if you have great research questions for your dissertation, research paper , or essay .

The following criteria can help you evaluate the strength and importance of your research question and can be used to determine the strength of your research question:

  • Researchable
  • It should only cover one issue.
  • A subjective judgment should not be included in the question.
  • It can be answered with data analysis and research.
  • Specific and Practical
  • It should not contain a plan of action, policy, or solution.
  • It should be clearly defined
  • Within research limits
  • Complex and Arguable
  • It shouldn't be difficult to answer.
  • To find the truth, you need in-depth knowledge
  • Allows for discussion and deliberation
  • Original and Relevant
  • It should be in your area of study
  • Its results should be measurable
  • It should be original

Conclusion - How to write Research Questions?

Research questions provide a clear guideline for research. One research question may be part of a larger project, such as a dissertation. However, each question should only focus on one topic.

Research questions must be answerable, practical, specific, and applicable to your field. The research type that you use to base your research questions on will determine the research topic. You can start by selecting an interesting topic and doing preliminary research. Then, you can begin asking questions, evaluating your questions, and start your research.

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Research Question Generator for Students

Our online topic question generator is a free tool that creates topic questions in no time. It can easily make an endless list of random research questions based on your query.

Can't decide on the topic question for your project? Check out our free topic question generator and get a suitable research question in 3 steps!

Please try again with some different keywords.

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👉 why use our topic question generator.

Our research topic question generator is worth using for several reasons:

  • It saves you time. You can develop many ideas and formulate research questions for all of them within seconds.
  • It is entirely free. Our tool doesn’t have any limits, probation periods, or subscription plans. Use it as much as you want and don’t pay a cent.
  • It is download- and registration-free. Use it in any browser from any device. No applications are needed. You also don’t have to submit any personal data.
  • It’s easy to use. You can see an explanation for every step next to each field you need to fill in.
  • You can easily check yourself. Spend a couple of seconds to check your research question on logic and coherence.

A research topic question is a question you aim to answer while researching and writing your paper. It states the matter you study and the hypothesis you will prove or disprove. This question shares your assumptions and goals, giving your readers a basic understanding of your paper’s content.

It also helps you focus while researching and gives your research scope and limitations. Of course, your research question needs to be relevant to your study subject and attractive to you. Any paper will lack an objective and specificity without an adequately stated research question.

Research Topic Vs. Research Topic Question

‘Research topic’ and ‘research question’ are different concepts that are often confused.

A is a broad area. It doesn’t reveal the objective of your paper but states what you will study. It is rather the field of your research than a narrow hypothesis.A gives your paper an objective and states what correlations and factors you study. It is usually narrower and deeper than a research topic.

Research Question Types: Quantitative and Qualitative

Another essential differentiation to know – there are quantitative and qualitative research questions.

  • Quantitative research questions are more specific and number-oriented. They seek clear answers such as “yes” or “no,” a number, or another straightforward solution. Example: How many senior high school students in New York failed to achieve the desired SAT scores due to stress factors?
  • Qualitative research questions can be broader and more flexible. They seek an explanation of phenomena rather than a short answer. Example: What is the role of stress factors in the academic performance of high school senior students who reside in New York?

Now let’s get to know how to create your own research question. This skill will help you structure your papers more efficiently.

Step 1: Choose Your Research Topic

If you’ve already received general guidelines from your instructor, find a specific area of knowledge that interests you. It shouldn’t be too broad or too narrow. You can divide it into sub-topics and note them. Discuss your topic with someone or brainstorm to get more ideas. You can write down all your thoughts and extract potential issues from this paragraph or text.

Step 2: Research

After you’ve chosen a topic, do preliminary research . Search for keywords relevant to your topics to see what current discussions are in the scientific community. It will be easier for you to cross out those ideas that are already researched too well. In addition, you might spot some knowledge gaps that you can later fill in. We recommend avoiding poorly researched areas unless you are confident you can rely solely on the data you gather.

Step 3: Narrow Your Topic

At this stage, you already have some knowledge about the matter. You can tell good ideas from bad ones and formulate a couple of research questions. Leave only the best options that you actually want to proceed with. You can create several draft variations of your top picks and research them again. Depending on the results you get, you can leave the best alternatives for the next step.

Step 4: Evaluate What You’ve Got

Evaluate your topics by these criteria:

  • Clarity . Check if there are any vague details and consider adjusting them.
  • Focus . Your research matter should be unambiguous , without other interpretations.
  • Complexity . A good topic research question shouldn’t be too difficult or too easy.
  • Ethics . Your ideas and word choice shouldn’t be prejudiced or offensive.
  • Relevance . Your hypothesis and research question should correspond with current discussions.
  • Feasibility . Make sure you can conduct the research that will answer your question.

Step 5: Edit Your Research Question

Now you can create the final version of your research question. Use our tool to compare your interpretation with the one produced by artificial intelligence. Though you might change it based on your findings, you must create a perfect statement now. You need to make it as narrow as possible. If you don’t know how to make it more specific, leave it till you get the first research results.

📜 Research Question Generator: Examples

Compare a good and bad research question to understand the importance of following all rules:

This research question doesn’t give any specific details about the research. It is so broad that it can refer to many things, such as malicious software, fishing, or spending too much time online. It is also rather hard to get accurate data with such a large quantity of social media users.
This research question clearly states the subject and scope of research. The limitations given in the statement help to get more plausible research results.

Thank you for reading till the end. We hope you found the information and tool useful for your studies. Don’t forget to share it with your peers, and good luck with your paper!

Updated: May 24th, 2024

  • The Writing Center | How to Write a Research Question | Research Based Writing
  • How to Write a Research Question: Types, Steps, and Examples |
  • Pick a Topic & Develop a Research Question – CSI Library at CUNY College of Staten Island Library

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Research Question 101 📖

Everything you need to know to write a high-quality research question

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Reviewed By: Dr. Eunice Rautenbach | October 2023

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably asking yourself, “ What is a research question? ”. Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll explain what a research question is , how it’s differen t from a research aim, and how to craft a high-quality research question that sets you up for success.

Research Question 101

What is a research question.

  • Research questions vs research aims
  • The 4 types of research questions
  • How to write a research question
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Examples of research questions

As the name suggests, the research question is the core question (or set of questions) that your study will (attempt to) answer .

In many ways, a research question is akin to a target in archery . Without a clear target, you won’t know where to concentrate your efforts and focus. Essentially, your research question acts as the guiding light throughout your project and informs every choice you make along the way.

Let’s look at some examples:

What impact does social media usage have on the mental health of teenagers in New York?
How does the introduction of a minimum wage affect employment levels in small businesses in outer London?
How does the portrayal of women in 19th-century American literature reflect the societal attitudes of the time?
What are the long-term effects of intermittent fasting on heart health in adults?

As you can see in these examples, research questions are clear, specific questions that can be feasibly answered within a study. These are important attributes and we’ll discuss each of them in more detail a little later . If you’d like to see more examples of research questions, you can find our RQ mega-list here .

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Research Questions vs Research Aims

At this point, you might be asking yourself, “ How is a research question different from a research aim? ”. Within any given study, the research aim and research question (or questions) are tightly intertwined , but they are separate things . Let’s unpack that a little.

A research aim is typically broader in nature and outlines what you hope to achieve with your research. It doesn’t ask a specific question but rather gives a summary of what you intend to explore.

The research question, on the other hand, is much more focused . It’s the specific query you’re setting out to answer. It narrows down the research aim into a detailed, researchable question that will guide your study’s methods and analysis.

Let’s look at an example:

Research Aim: To explore the effects of climate change on marine life in Southern Africa.
Research Question: How does ocean acidification caused by climate change affect the reproduction rates of coral reefs?

As you can see, the research aim gives you a general focus , while the research question details exactly what you want to find out.

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Types of research questions

Now that we’ve defined what a research question is, let’s look at the different types of research questions that you might come across. Broadly speaking, there are (at least) four different types of research questions – descriptive , comparative , relational , and explanatory . 

Descriptive questions ask what is happening. In other words, they seek to describe a phenomena or situation . An example of a descriptive research question could be something like “What types of exercise do high-performing UK executives engage in?”. This would likely be a bit too basic to form an interesting study, but as you can see, the research question is just focused on the what – in other words, it just describes the situation.

Comparative research questions , on the other hand, look to understand the way in which two or more things differ , or how they’re similar. An example of a comparative research question might be something like “How do exercise preferences vary between middle-aged men across three American cities?”. As you can see, this question seeks to compare the differences (or similarities) in behaviour between different groups.

Next up, we’ve got exploratory research questions , which ask why or how is something happening. While the other types of questions we looked at focused on the what, exploratory research questions are interested in the why and how . As an example, an exploratory research question might ask something like “Why have bee populations declined in Germany over the last 5 years?”. As you can, this question is aimed squarely at the why, rather than the what.

Last but not least, we have relational research questions . As the name suggests, these types of research questions seek to explore the relationships between variables . Here, an example could be something like “What is the relationship between X and Y” or “Does A have an impact on B”. As you can see, these types of research questions are interested in understanding how constructs or variables are connected , and perhaps, whether one thing causes another.

Of course, depending on how fine-grained you want to get, you can argue that there are many more types of research questions , but these four categories give you a broad idea of the different flavours that exist out there. It’s also worth pointing out that a research question doesn’t need to fit perfectly into one category – in many cases, a research question might overlap into more than just one category and that’s okay.

The key takeaway here is that research questions can take many different forms , and it’s useful to understand the nature of your research question so that you can align your research methodology accordingly.

Free Webinar: Research Methodology 101

How To Write A Research Question

As we alluded earlier, a well-crafted research question needs to possess very specific attributes, including focus , clarity and feasibility . But that’s not all – a rock-solid research question also needs to be rooted and aligned . Let’s look at each of these.

A strong research question typically has a single focus. So, don’t try to cram multiple questions into one research question; rather split them up into separate questions (or even subquestions), each with their own specific focus. As a rule of thumb, narrow beats broad when it comes to research questions.

Clear and specific

A good research question is clear and specific, not vague and broad. State clearly exactly what you want to find out so that any reader can quickly understand what you’re looking to achieve with your study. Along the same vein, try to avoid using bulky language and jargon – aim for clarity.

Unfortunately, even a super tantalising and thought-provoking research question has little value if you cannot feasibly answer it. So, think about the methodological implications of your research question while you’re crafting it. Most importantly, make sure that you know exactly what data you’ll need (primary or secondary) and how you’ll analyse that data.

A good research question (and a research topic, more broadly) should be rooted in a clear research gap and research problem . Without a well-defined research gap, you risk wasting your effort pursuing a question that’s already been adequately answered (and agreed upon) by the research community. A well-argued research gap lays at the heart of a valuable study, so make sure you have your gap clearly articulated and that your research question directly links to it.

As we mentioned earlier, your research aim and research question are (or at least, should be) tightly linked. So, make sure that your research question (or set of questions) aligns with your research aim . If not, you’ll need to revise one of the two to achieve this.

FAQ: Research Questions

Research question faqs, how many research questions should i have, what should i avoid when writing a research question, can a research question be a statement.

Typically, a research question is phrased as a question, not a statement. A question clearly indicates what you’re setting out to discover.

Can a research question be too broad or too narrow?

Yes. A question that’s too broad makes your research unfocused, while a question that’s too narrow limits the scope of your study.

Here’s an example of a research question that’s too broad:

“Why is mental health important?”

Conversely, here’s an example of a research question that’s likely too narrow:

“What is the impact of sleep deprivation on the exam scores of 19-year-old males in London studying maths at The Open University?”

Can I change my research question during the research process?

How do i know if my research question is good.

A good research question is focused, specific, practical, rooted in a research gap, and aligned with the research aim. If your question meets these criteria, it’s likely a strong question.

Is a research question similar to a hypothesis?

Not quite. A hypothesis is a testable statement that predicts an outcome, while a research question is a query that you’re trying to answer through your study. Naturally, there can be linkages between a study’s research questions and hypothesis, but they serve different functions.

How are research questions and research objectives related?

The research question is a focused and specific query that your study aims to answer. It’s the central issue you’re investigating. The research objective, on the other hand, outlines the steps you’ll take to answer your research question. Research objectives are often more action-oriented and can be broken down into smaller tasks that guide your research process. In a sense, they’re something of a roadmap that helps you answer your research question.

Need some inspiration?

If you’d like to see more examples of research questions, check out our research question mega list here .  Alternatively, if you’d like 1-on-1 help developing a high-quality research question, consider our private coaching service .

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Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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How to Write a Research Question: Types and Examples 

research quetsion

The first step in any research project is framing the research question. It can be considered the core of any systematic investigation as the research outcomes are tied to asking the right questions. Thus, this primary interrogation point sets the pace for your research as it helps collect relevant and insightful information that ultimately influences your work.   

Typically, the research question guides the stages of inquiry, analysis, and reporting. Depending on the use of quantifiable or quantitative data, research questions are broadly categorized into quantitative or qualitative research questions. Both types of research questions can be used independently or together, considering the overall focus and objectives of your research.  

What is a research question?

A research question is a clear, focused, concise, and arguable question on which your research and writing are centered. 1 It states various aspects of the study, including the population and variables to be studied and the problem the study addresses. These questions also set the boundaries of the study, ensuring cohesion. 

Designing the research question is a dynamic process where the researcher can change or refine the research question as they review related literature and develop a framework for the study. Depending on the scale of your research, the study can include single or multiple research questions. 

A good research question has the following features: 

  • It is relevant to the chosen field of study. 
  • The question posed is arguable and open for debate, requiring synthesizing and analysis of ideas. 
  • It is focused and concisely framed. 
  • A feasible solution is possible within the given practical constraint and timeframe. 

A poorly formulated research question poses several risks. 1   

  • Researchers can adopt an erroneous design. 
  • It can create confusion and hinder the thought process, including developing a clear protocol.  
  • It can jeopardize publication efforts.  
  • It causes difficulty in determining the relevance of the study findings.  
  • It causes difficulty in whether the study fulfils the inclusion criteria for systematic review and meta-analysis. This creates challenges in determining whether additional studies or data collection is needed to answer the question.  
  • Readers may fail to understand the objective of the study. This reduces the likelihood of the study being cited by others. 

Now that you know “What is a research question?”, let’s look at the different types of research questions. 

Types of research questions

Depending on the type of research to be done, research questions can be classified broadly into quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods studies. Knowing the type of research helps determine the best type of research question that reflects the direction and epistemological underpinnings of your research. 

The structure and wording of quantitative 2 and qualitative research 3 questions differ significantly. The quantitative study looks at causal relationships, whereas the qualitative study aims at exploring a phenomenon. 

  • Quantitative research questions:  
  • Seeks to investigate social, familial, or educational experiences or processes in a particular context and/or location.  
  • Answers ‘how,’ ‘what,’ or ‘why’ questions. 
  • Investigates connections, relations, or comparisons between independent and dependent variables. 

Quantitative research questions can be further categorized into descriptive, comparative, and relationship, as explained in the Table below. 

Descriptive research questions These measure the responses of a study’s population toward a particular question or variable. Common descriptive research questions will begin with “How much?”, “How regularly?”, “What percentage?”, “What time?”, “What is?”   Research question example: How often do you buy mobile apps for learning purposes? 
Comparative research questions These investigate differences between two or more groups for an outcome variable. For instance, the researcher may compare groups with and without a certain variable.   Research question example: What are the differences in attitudes towards online learning between visual and Kinaesthetic learners? 
Relationship research questions These explore and define trends and interactions between two or more variables. These investigate relationships between dependent and independent variables and use words such as “association” or “trends.  Research question example: What is the relationship between disposable income and job satisfaction amongst US residents? 
  • Qualitative research questions  

Qualitative research questions are adaptable, non-directional, and more flexible. It concerns broad areas of research or more specific areas of study to discover, explain, or explore a phenomenon. These are further classified as follows: 

Exploratory Questions These question looks to understand something without influencing the results. The aim is to learn more about a topic without attributing bias or preconceived notions.   Research question example: What are people’s thoughts on the new government? 
Experiential questions These questions focus on understanding individuals’ experiences, perspectives, and subjective meanings related to a particular phenomenon. They aim to capture personal experiences and emotions.   Research question example: What are the challenges students face during their transition from school to college? 
Interpretive Questions These questions investigate people in their natural settings to help understand how a group makes sense of shared experiences of a phenomenon.   Research question example: How do you feel about ChatGPT assisting student learning? 
  • Mixed-methods studies  

Mixed-methods studies use both quantitative and qualitative research questions to answer your research question. Mixed methods provide a complete picture than standalone quantitative or qualitative research, as it integrates the benefits of both methods. Mixed methods research is often used in multidisciplinary settings and complex situational or societal research, especially in the behavioral, health, and social science fields. 

What makes a good research question

A good research question should be clear and focused to guide your research. It should synthesize multiple sources to present your unique argument, and should ideally be something that you are interested in. But avoid questions that can be answered in a few factual statements. The following are the main attributes of a good research question. 

  • Specific: The research question should not be a fishing expedition performed in the hopes that some new information will be found that will benefit the researcher. The central research question should work with your research problem to keep your work focused. If using multiple questions, they should all tie back to the central aim. 
  • Measurable: The research question must be answerable using quantitative and/or qualitative data or from scholarly sources to develop your research question. If such data is impossible to access, it is better to rethink your question. 
  • Attainable: Ensure you have enough time and resources to do all research required to answer your question. If it seems you will not be able to gain access to the data you need, consider narrowing down your question to be more specific. 
  • You have the expertise 
  • You have the equipment and resources 
  • Realistic: Developing your research question should be based on initial reading about your topic. It should focus on addressing a problem or gap in the existing knowledge in your field or discipline. 
  • Based on some sort of rational physics 
  • Can be done in a reasonable time frame 
  • Timely: The research question should contribute to an existing and current debate in your field or in society at large. It should produce knowledge that future researchers or practitioners can later build on. 
  • Novel 
  • Based on current technologies. 
  • Important to answer current problems or concerns. 
  • Lead to new directions. 
  • Important: Your question should have some aspect of originality. Incremental research is as important as exploring disruptive technologies. For example, you can focus on a specific location or explore a new angle. 
  • Meaningful whether the answer is “Yes” or “No.” Closed-ended, yes/no questions are too simple to work as good research questions. Such questions do not provide enough scope for robust investigation and discussion. A good research question requires original data, synthesis of multiple sources, and original interpretation and argumentation before providing an answer. 

Steps for developing a good research question

The importance of research questions cannot be understated. When drafting a research question, use the following frameworks to guide the components of your question to ease the process. 4  

  • Determine the requirements: Before constructing a good research question, set your research requirements. What is the purpose? Is it descriptive, comparative, or explorative research? Determining the research aim will help you choose the most appropriate topic and word your question appropriately. 
  • Select a broad research topic: Identify a broader subject area of interest that requires investigation. Techniques such as brainstorming or concept mapping can help identify relevant connections and themes within a broad research topic. For example, how to learn and help students learn. 
  • Perform preliminary investigation: Preliminary research is needed to obtain up-to-date and relevant knowledge on your topic. It also helps identify issues currently being discussed from which information gaps can be identified. 
  • Narrow your focus: Narrow the scope and focus of your research to a specific niche. This involves focusing on gaps in existing knowledge or recent literature or extending or complementing the findings of existing literature. Another approach involves constructing strong research questions that challenge your views or knowledge of the area of study (Example: Is learning consistent with the existing learning theory and research). 
  • Identify the research problem: Once the research question has been framed, one should evaluate it. This is to realize the importance of the research questions and if there is a need for more revising (Example: How do your beliefs on learning theory and research impact your instructional practices). 

How to write a research question

Those struggling to understand how to write a research question, these simple steps can help you simplify the process of writing a research question. 

Topic selection Choose a broad topic, such as “learner support” or “social media influence” for your study. Select topics of interest to make research more enjoyable and stay motivated.  
Preliminary research The goal is to refine and focus your research question. The following strategies can help: Skim various scholarly articles. List subtopics under the main topic. List possible research questions for each subtopic. Consider the scope of research for each of the research questions. Select research questions that are answerable within a specific time and with available resources. If the scope is too large, repeat looking for sub-subtopics.  
Audience When choosing what to base your research on, consider your readers. For college papers, the audience is academic. Ask yourself if your audience may be interested in the topic you are thinking about pursuing. Determining your audience can also help refine the importance of your research question and focus on items related to your defined group.  
Generate potential questions Ask open-ended “how?” and “why?” questions to find a more specific research question. Gap-spotting to identify research limitations, problematization to challenge assumptions made by others, or using personal experiences to draw on issues in your industry can be used to generate questions.  
Review brainstormed questions Evaluate each question to check their effectiveness. Use the FINER model to see if the question meets all the research question criteria.  
Construct the research question Multiple frameworks, such as PICOT and PEA, are available to help structure your research question. The frameworks listed below can help you with the necessary information for generating your research question.  
Framework Attributes of each framework
FINER Feasible 
PICOT Population or problem 
Intervention or indicator being studied 
Comparison group 
Outcome of interest 
Time frame of the study  
PEO Population being studied 
Exposure to preexisting conditions 
Outcome of interest  

Sample Research Questions

The following are some bad and good research question examples 

  • Example 1 
Unclear: How does social media affect student growth? 
Clear: What effect does the daily use of Twitter and Facebook have on the career development goals of students? 
Explanation: The first research question is unclear because of the vagueness of “social media” as a concept and the lack of specificity. The second question is specific and focused, and its answer can be discovered through data collection and analysis.  
  • Example 2 
Simple: Has there been an increase in the number of gifted children identified? 
Complex: What practical techniques can teachers use to identify and guide gifted children better? 
Explanation: A simple “yes” or “no” statement easily answers the first research question. The second research question is more complicated and requires the researcher to collect data, perform in-depth data analysis, and form an argument that leads to further discussion. 


  • Thabane, L., Thomas, T., Ye, C., & Paul, J. (2009). Posing the research question: not so simple.  Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d’anesthésie ,  56 (1), 71-79. 
  • Rutberg, S., & Bouikidis, C. D. (2018). Focusing on the fundamentals: A simplistic differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research.  Nephrology Nursing Journal ,  45 (2), 209-213. 
  • Kyngäs, H. (2020). Qualitative research and content analysis.  The application of content analysis in nursing science research , 3-11. 
  • Mattick, K., Johnston, J., & de la Croix, A. (2018). How to… write a good research question.  The clinical teacher ,  15 (2), 104-108. 
  • Fandino, W. (2019). Formulating a good research question: Pearls and pitfalls.  Indian Journal of Anaesthesia ,  63 (8), 611. 
  • Richardson, W. S., Wilson, M. C., Nishikawa, J., & Hayward, R. S. (1995). The well-built clinical question: a key to evidence-based decisions.  ACP journal club ,  123 (3), A12-A13 

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How to craft a strong research question (with research question examples)

How to Craft a Strong Research Question (With Research Question Examples)

A sound and effective research question is a key element that must be identified and pinned down before researchers can even begin their research study or work. A strong research question lays the foundation for your entire study, guiding your investigation and shaping your findings. Hence, it is critical that researchers spend considerable time assessing and refining the research question based on in-depth reading and comprehensive literature review. In this article, we will discuss how to write a strong research question and provide you with some good examples of research questions across various disciplines.

Table of Contents

The importance of a research question

A research question plays a crucial role in driving scientific inquiry, setting the direction and purpose of your study, and guiding your entire research process. By formulating a clear and focused research question, you lay the foundation for your investigation, ensuring that your research remains on track and aligned with your objectives so you can make meaningful contribution to the existing body of knowledge. A well-crafted research question also helps you define the scope of your study and identify the appropriate methodologies and data collection techniques to employ.

Key components of a strong research question

A good research question possesses several key components that contribute to the quality and impact of your study. Apart from providing a clear framework to generate meaningful results, a well-defined research question allows other researchers to understand the purpose and significance of your work. So, when working on your research question, incorporate the following elements:

  • Specificity : A strong research question should be specific about the main focus of your study, enabling you to gather precise data and draw accurate conclusions. It clearly defines the variables, participants, and context involved, leaving no room for ambiguity.
  • Clarity : A good research question is clear and easily understood, so articulate the purpose and intent of your study concisely without being generic or vague. Ensuring clarity in your research question helps both you and your readers grasp the research objective.
  • Feasibility : While crafting a research question, consider the practicality of conducting the research and availability of necessary data or access to participants. Think whether your study is realistic and achievable within the constraints of time, resources, and ethical considerations.

How to craft a well-defined research question

A first step that will help save time and effort is knowing what your aims are and thinking about a few problem statements on the area or aspect one wants to study or do research on. Contemplating these statements as one undertakes more progressive reading can help the researcher in reassessing and fine-tuning the research question. This can be done over time as they read and learn more about the research topic, along with a broad literature review and parallel discussions with peer researchers and supervisors. In some cases, a researcher can have more than one research question if the research being undertaken is a PhD thesis or dissertation, but try not to cover multiple concerns on a topic.

A strong research question must be researchable, original, complex, and relevant. Here are five simple steps that can make the entire process easier.

  • Identify a broad topic from your areas of interest, something that is relevant, and you are passionate about since you’ll be spending a lot of time conducting your research.
  • Do a thorough literature review to weed out potential gaps in research and stay updated on what’s currently being done in your chosen topic and subject area.
  • Shortlist possible research questions based on the research gaps or see how you can build on or refute previously published ideas and concepts.
  • Assess your chosen research question using the FINER criteria that helps you evaluate whether the research is Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, and Relevant. 1
  • Formulate the final research question, while ensuring it is clear, well-written, and addresses all the key elements of a strong research question.

Examples of research questions

Remember to adapt your research question to suit your purpose, whether it’s exploratory, descriptive, comparative, experimental, qualitative, or quantitative. Embrace the iterative nature of the research process, continually evaluating and refining your question as you progress. Here are some good examples of research questions across various disciplines.

Exploratory research question examples

  • How does social media impact interpersonal relationships among teenagers?
  • What are the potential benefits of incorporating mindfulness practices in the workplace?

Descriptive research question examples

  • What factors influence customer loyalty in the e-commerce industry?
  • Is there a relationship between socioeconomic status and academic performance among elementary school students?

Comparative research question examples

  • How does the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods compare to online learning platforms in mathematics education?
  • What is the impact of different healthcare policies on patient outcomes in various countries?

Experimental research question examples

  • What are the effects of a new drug on reducing symptoms of a specific medical condition?
  • Does a dietary intervention have an impact on weight loss among individuals with obesity?

Qualitative research question examples

  • What are the lived experiences of immigrants adapting to a new culture?
  • What factors influence job satisfaction among healthcare professionals?

Quantitative research question examples

  • Is there a relationship between sleep duration and academic performance among college students?
  • How effective is a specific intervention in reducing anxiety levels among individuals with phobias?

With these simple guidelines and inspiring examples of research questions, you are equipped to embark on your research journey with confidence and purpose. Here’s wishing you all the best for your future endeavors!


  • How to write a research question: Steps and examples. Indeed Career Guide. Available online at

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Research Question Maker

Please try again with some different keywords or subjects.

Looking for a research question maker to get a ready research question or build one from scratch?

Search no more!

This 2-in-1 online research question making tool can do both in seconds.

Try our it and break free from the stressful experience. The tool is user-friendly, and you can easily access it online for free.

  • ️🤔 How to Use the Tool?
  • ️🕵🏽 What Is a Research Question?
  • ️🔢 Research Question Formula
  • ️🔎 Research Question Types
  • ️✅ Research Question Checklist
  • ️👀 Examples
  • ️🔗 References

🤔 Research Question Maker: How to Use the 2-in-1 Tool?

Getting a ready research question.

You don't have to stress over our research question generator because you get impressive results within a few seconds.

Get your research question by following the steps below:

  • Enter the keywords related to the research question you are interested in exploring.
  • Choose your study area if necessary.
  • Run the search and wait for the results.
  • Look at the many ideas that the question maker will propose.

You can refresh the search button until you find the question that suits your research paper.

Building a Tailor-made Research Question

Another option of this 2-in-1 tool enables you to build a tailor-made research question from scratch. To get one quickly, perform the following steps:

🕵🏽 What Is a Research Question?

A research question is important in guiding your research paper, essay, or thesis. It offers the direction of your research and clarifies what you want to focus on.

Good research questions require you to synthesize facts from several sources and interpret them to get an answer.

It is essential to understand the features of a good research question before you start the formulation process.

The picture lists the criteria of a good research question.

Your question should be:

  • Focused. It should focus on one research issue.
  • Specific. The question should contain narrowed ideas .
  • Researchable. You should get answers from qualitative and quantitative research sources .
  • Feasible. It should be workable within the practical limitations
  • Original. The question should be unique and authentic.
  • Relevant. It needs to be based on your subject discipline.
  • Complex. It should offer adequate scope for analysis and discussion.

Research papers or essays require one research question, as a rule. However, extensive projects like dissertations and theses can have several research questions focusing on the main research issue.

The thesis statement is the response you develop; it sets the direction of your arguments. It should be relevant to the research question.

Thus, you can also use an online thesis maker to ensure it aligns with your formulated questions.

🔢 Research Question Formula

In research writing , you must begin with a topic of interest. Analyzing the original title, you have chosen will give you a good and well-defined research question.

There is an effective formula you can use when formulating your research question.

Topic + Concept = Research question

The topic should be specific with a strong focus on a subject matter, while the concept surrounding it should be from a broad field.

For example:

Your topic could be social media, nursing, standardized tests, cybersecurity, etc. Conversely, concepts can be the risks and benefits of your topic, the recent trends, challenges faced by the industry, etc.

Let us explore the formula and create a few research questions.

  • Standardized tests (topic) + recent trends (concept) = How have standardized tests impacted the education sector? (research question)
  • Cybersecurity (topic) + effect (concept) = How has cybersecurity affected the evolution of technology? (research question)

Therefore, ensure your research question is neither too broad nor too narrow. Broad topics and concepts might overwhelm you with numerous sources. On the other hand, narrow questions will limit you when exploring the project's scope.

🔎 Research Question Types

When formulating your research question, choose from 3 fundamental types that your academic paper can focus on.

The picture lists the research question types.

Descriptive Research Question

When your investigation intends to disclose existing patterns within the research subject, you should use this type.

A descriptive question urges you to collect measurable information about the attributes of subjects with certain views. It could be a number, occurrence, or amount that describes a research problem.

Here are some examples:

  • What is the percentage of people with fitness apps in 2022?
  • What is the average debt load of an American?
  • How often do students use online writing services in the UK?

Relational Research Question

This type focuses on comparing two or more entities in a research investigation. After picking your variables, you must choose a comparison parameter and provide its detailed discussion.

Some examples are as follows:

  • What is the difference between men and women's salaries in IT?
  • What is the correlation between alcohol and depression?
  • Is there a relationship between a vegan diet and the low-income bracket?

Causal Research Question

This is a cause-and-effect type of research question. It seeks to prove how one variable affects another one.

Great examples are:

  • How does advertising impact consumer behavior?
  • Do public opinion polls alter voter inclinations?
  • How does employee training affect performance in the employment market?

✅ How to Make a Research Question Stronger? The Checklist

Developing questions seems like a simple task for students. But it can be quite challenging if you want to create an effective research question. The latter can make or break your paper, so you should focus on strengthening and refining it.

How do you make your research question strong? The criteria below will show whether you've already arrived at a workable question.

Does it focus on one topic? Your main research question should have a central research problem of focus. Even several research questions should align with the main research objective.
Is it researchable? You should get answers by gathering information from primary and secondary sources, or by reading academic materials on the subject.
Does it exclude subjective terms? Your question should not have subjective terms such as "better" and "worse," or "good" and "bad." Such words are vague and will not give clear answers. So, ensure you use terms with quantifiable meanings if you are evaluating a variable.
Does it meet practical limitations? Ensure the research question is workable within the required time frame for your investigation. If you feel your topic is too extensive and time-consuming, it will be wise to narrow down the question.
Does it have a specific concept? Do not use broad ideas and vague terms. Your question should have clear and specific meanings that address who, what, where and when about a research subject.
Is it complex? Your question should be complicated enough to offer an in-depth scope for investigation. Ensure your question calls for extensive synthesis of many research sources. Avoid simple questions that you can answer with yes or no.
Is it arguable? A great question should have room for interpretation and arguments. It should be debatable where you can deliberate on various answers.
Is it relevant and original? Your question should be relevant to the existing knowledge and your subject discipline. It should also seek to contribute new findings to academic debates.

👀 Research Question Examples

  • What does a change-ready organization look like?
  • Wearable medical devices: how will they transform healthcare?
  • What effect did the World War II wartime experience have on African americans?
  • Biodiversity on the Earth: why is it crucial for the environment?
  • What makes William Shakespeare relevant in the modern day?
  • How did the Civil War affect the distribution of wealth in the United States?
  • What is love?
  • Why should businesses embrace remote work?
  • What impact has feminism had in the study of women and crime?
  • How to construct a mixed methods research design?
  • What is a halogenated hydrocarbon?

Thank you for reading this article! If you need to formulate a research title, try using our title-generating tool .

❓ Research Question Maker Tool FAQ

❓ what is a good research question.

A great research question is specific and answerable within a workable time frame. It should focus on one topic and be researchable using primary and secondary data. In short, it should have a clear statement of what the researcher is supposed to do to get practical answers.

❓ How to formulate a research question?

To understand how to create a research question, you need to think about how your topic affects a particular population. You should also consider the period of investigation and the location – it could be an organization, country, or commercial industry.

❓ How to write a qualitative research question?

Your questions should reveal research issues and opinions from the respondents in your study. Qualitative questions seek to discover and understand how people make sense of their life experiences and events. The results of qualitative research are analyzed narratively, so don't try to quantify them.

❓ How to find a research question?

If you find it difficult to compose a unique research question, use our question maker tool and get it within a few seconds. Just enter the right keywords about your subject of interest, and the smart algorithms will produce a list of questions that suit your case.

Updated: Jun 5th, 2024

🔗 References

  • How to Write a Research Question - GMU Writing Center
  • How to Write a Research Question: Steps and Examples
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question
  • Formulation of Research Question – Stepwise Approach - PMC
  • Writing Research Questions: Purpose & Examples -

Frequently asked questions

What makes a good research question.

Research questions anchor your whole project, so it’s important to spend some time refining them.

In general, they should be:

  • Focused and researchable
  • Answerable using credible sources
  • Complex and arguable
  • Feasible and specific
  • Relevant and original

Frequently asked questions: Writing a research paper

A research project is an academic, scientific, or professional undertaking to answer a research question . Research projects can take many forms, such as qualitative or quantitative , descriptive , longitudinal , experimental , or correlational . What kind of research approach you choose will depend on your topic.

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

A research aim is a broad statement indicating the general purpose of your research project. It should appear in your introduction at the end of your problem statement , before your research objectives.

Research objectives are more specific than your research aim. They indicate the specific ways you’ll address the overarching aim.

Once you’ve decided on your research objectives , you need to explain them in your paper, at the end of your problem statement .

Keep your research objectives clear and concise, and use appropriate verbs to accurately convey the work that you will carry out for each one.

I will compare …

Your research objectives indicate how you’ll try to address your research problem and should be specific:

Research objectives describe what you intend your research project to accomplish.

They summarize the approach and purpose of the project and help to focus your research.

Your objectives should appear in the introduction of your research paper , at the end of your problem statement .

The main guidelines for formatting a paper in Chicago style are to:

  • Use a standard font like 12 pt Times New Roman
  • Use 1 inch margins or larger
  • Apply double line spacing
  • Indent every new paragraph ½ inch
  • Include a title page
  • Place page numbers in the top right or bottom center
  • Cite your sources with author-date citations or Chicago footnotes
  • Include a bibliography or reference list

To automatically generate accurate Chicago references, you can use Scribbr’s free Chicago reference generator .

The main guidelines for formatting a paper in MLA style are as follows:

  • Use an easily readable font like 12 pt Times New Roman
  • Set 1 inch page margins
  • Include a four-line MLA heading on the first page
  • Center the paper’s title
  • Use title case capitalization for headings
  • Cite your sources with MLA in-text citations
  • List all sources cited on a Works Cited page at the end

To format a paper in APA Style , follow these guidelines:

  • Use a standard font like 12 pt Times New Roman or 11 pt Arial
  • If submitting for publication, insert a running head on every page
  • Apply APA heading styles
  • Cite your sources with APA in-text citations
  • List all sources cited on a reference page at the end

No, it’s not appropriate to present new arguments or evidence in the conclusion . While you might be tempted to save a striking argument for last, research papers follow a more formal structure than this.

All your findings and arguments should be presented in the body of the text (more specifically in the results and discussion sections if you are following a scientific structure). The conclusion is meant to summarize and reflect on the evidence and arguments you have already presented, not introduce new ones.

The conclusion of a research paper has several key elements you should make sure to include:

  • A restatement of the research problem
  • A summary of your key arguments and/or findings
  • A short discussion of the implications of your research

Don’t feel that you have to write the introduction first. The introduction is often one of the last parts of the research paper you’ll write, along with the conclusion.

This is because it can be easier to introduce your paper once you’ve already written the body ; you may not have the clearest idea of your arguments until you’ve written them, and things can change during the writing process .

The way you present your research problem in your introduction varies depending on the nature of your research paper . A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement .

A research paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. It may also include a hypothesis —a prediction that will be confirmed or disproved by your research.

The introduction of a research paper includes several key elements:

  • A hook to catch the reader’s interest
  • Relevant background on the topic
  • Details of your research problem

and your problem statement

  • A thesis statement or research question
  • Sometimes an overview of the paper

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Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker , namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases .

The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbr’s proprietary software.

The Scribbr Citation Generator is developed using the open-source Citation Style Language (CSL) project and Frank Bennett’s citeproc-js . It’s the same technology used by dozens of other popular citation tools, including Mendeley and Zotero.

You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github .

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How to write qualitative research questions.

11 min read Here’s how to write effective qualitative research questions for your projects, and why getting it right matters so much.

What is qualitative research?

Qualitative research is a blanket term covering a wide range of research methods and theoretical framing approaches. The unifying factor in all these types of qualitative study is that they deal with data that cannot be counted. Typically this means things like people’s stories, feelings, opinions and emotions , and the meanings they ascribe to their experiences.

Qualitative study is one of two main categories of research, the other being quantitative research. Quantitative research deals with numerical data – that which can be counted and quantified, and which is mostly concerned with trends and patterns in large-scale datasets.

What are research questions?

Research questions are questions you are trying to answer with your research. To put it another way, your research question is the reason for your study, and the beginning point for your research design. There is normally only one research question per study, although if your project is very complex, you may have multiple research questions that are closely linked to one central question.

A good qualitative research question sums up your research objective. It’s a way of expressing the central question of your research, identifying your particular topic and the central issue you are examining.

Research questions are quite different from survey questions, questions used in focus groups or interview questions. A long list of questions is used in these types of study, as opposed to one central question. Additionally, interview or survey questions are asked of participants, whereas research questions are only for the researcher to maintain a clear understanding of the research design.

Research questions are used in both qualitative and quantitative research , although what makes a good research question might vary between the two.

In fact, the type of research questions you are asking can help you decide whether you need to take a quantitative or qualitative approach to your research project.

Discover the fundamentals of qualitative research

Quantitative vs. qualitative research questions

Writing research questions is very important in both qualitative and quantitative research, but the research questions that perform best in the two types of studies are quite different.

Quantitative research questions

Quantitative research questions usually relate to quantities, similarities and differences.

It might reflect the researchers’ interest in determining whether relationships between variables exist, and if so whether they are statistically significant. Or it may focus on establishing differences between things through comparison, and using statistical analysis to determine whether those differences are meaningful or due to chance.

  • How much? This kind of research question is one of the simplest. It focuses on quantifying something. For example:

How many Yoruba speakers are there in the state of Maine?

  • What is the connection?

This type of quantitative research question examines how one variable affects another.

For example:

How does a low level of sunlight affect the mood scores (1-10) of Antarctic explorers during winter?

  • What is the difference? Quantitative research questions in this category identify two categories and measure the difference between them using numerical data.

Do white cats stay cooler than tabby cats in hot weather?

If your research question fits into one of the above categories, you’re probably going to be doing a quantitative study.

Qualitative research questions

Qualitative research questions focus on exploring phenomena, meanings and experiences.

Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research isn’t about finding causal relationships between variables. So although qualitative research questions might touch on topics that involve one variable influencing another, or looking at the difference between things, finding and quantifying those relationships isn’t the primary objective.

In fact, you as a qualitative researcher might end up studying a very similar topic to your colleague who is doing a quantitative study, but your areas of focus will be quite different. Your research methods will also be different – they might include focus groups, ethnography studies, and other kinds of qualitative study.

A few example qualitative research questions:

  • What is it like being an Antarctic explorer during winter?
  • What are the experiences of Yoruba speakers in the USA?
  • How do white cat owners describe their pets?

Qualitative research question types

make a research question for me

Marshall and Rossman (1989) identified 4 qualitative research question types, each with its own typical research strategy and methods.

  • Exploratory questions

Exploratory questions are used when relatively little is known about the research topic. The process researchers follow when pursuing exploratory questions might involve interviewing participants, holding focus groups, or diving deep with a case study.

  • Explanatory questions

With explanatory questions, the research topic is approached with a view to understanding the causes that lie behind phenomena. However, unlike a quantitative project, the focus of explanatory questions is on qualitative analysis of multiple interconnected factors that have influenced a particular group or area, rather than a provable causal link between dependent and independent variables.

  • Descriptive questions

As the name suggests, descriptive questions aim to document and record what is happening. In answering descriptive questions , researchers might interact directly with participants with surveys or interviews, as well as using observational studies and ethnography studies that collect data on how participants interact with their wider environment.

  • Predictive questions

Predictive questions start from the phenomena of interest and investigate what ramifications it might have in the future. Answering predictive questions may involve looking back as well as forward, with content analysis, questionnaires and studies of non-verbal communication (kinesics).

Why are good qualitative research questions important?

We know research questions are very important. But what makes them so essential? (And is that question a qualitative or quantitative one?)

Getting your qualitative research questions right has a number of benefits.

  • It defines your qualitative research project Qualitative research questions definitively nail down the research population, the thing you’re examining, and what the nature of your answer will be.This means you can explain your research project to other people both inside and outside your business or organization. That could be critical when it comes to securing funding for your project, recruiting participants and members of your research team, and ultimately for publishing your results. It can also help you assess right the ethical considerations for your population of study.
  • It maintains focus Good qualitative research questions help researchers to stick to the area of focus as they carry out their research. Keeping the research question in mind will help them steer away from tangents during their research or while they are carrying out qualitative research interviews. This holds true whatever the qualitative methods are, whether it’s a focus group, survey, thematic analysis or other type of inquiry.That doesn’t mean the research project can’t morph and change during its execution – sometimes this is acceptable and even welcome – but having a research question helps demarcate the starting point for the research. It can be referred back to if the scope and focus of the project does change.
  • It helps make sure your outcomes are achievable

Because qualitative research questions help determine the kind of results you’re going to get, it helps make sure those results are achievable. By formulating good qualitative research questions in advance, you can make sure the things you want to know and the way you’re going to investigate them are grounded in practical reality. Otherwise, you may be at risk of taking on a research project that can’t be satisfactorily completed.

Developing good qualitative research questions

All researchers use research questions to define their parameters, keep their study on track and maintain focus on the research topic. This is especially important with qualitative questions, where there may be exploratory or inductive methods in use that introduce researchers to new and interesting areas of inquiry. Here are some tips for writing good qualitative research questions.

1. Keep it specific

Broader research questions are difficult to act on. They may also be open to interpretation, or leave some parameters undefined.

Strong example: How do Baby Boomers in the USA feel about their gender identity?

Weak example: Do people feel different about gender now?

2. Be original

Look for research questions that haven’t been widely addressed by others already.

Strong example: What are the effects of video calling on women’s experiences of work?

Weak example: Are women given less respect than men at work?

3. Make it research-worthy

Don’t ask a question that can be answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, or with a quick Google search.

Strong example: What do people like and dislike about living in a highly multi-lingual country?

Weak example: What languages are spoken in India?

4. Focus your question

Don’t roll multiple topics or questions into one. Qualitative data may involve multiple topics, but your qualitative questions should be focused.

Strong example: What is the experience of disabled children and their families when using social services?

Weak example: How can we improve social services for children affected by poverty and disability?

4. Focus on your own discipline, not someone else’s

Avoid asking questions that are for the politicians, police or others to address.

Strong example: What does it feel like to be the victim of a hate crime?

Weak example: How can hate crimes be prevented?

5. Ask something researchable

Big questions, questions about hypothetical events or questions that would require vastly more resources than you have access to are not useful starting points for qualitative studies. Qualitative words or subjective ideas that lack definition are also not helpful.

Strong example: How do perceptions of physical beauty vary between today’s youth and their parents’ generation?

Weak example: Which country has the most beautiful people in it?

Related resources

Qualitative research design 12 min read, primary vs secondary research 14 min read, business research methods 12 min read, qualitative research interviews 11 min read, market intelligence 10 min read, marketing insights 11 min read, ethnographic research 11 min read, request demo.

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🤖 AI Research Question Prompt Generator

Unleash your academic potential with the click of a button! Our Research Question Prompt Generator is your secret weapon to effortlessly crafting thought-provoking questions that’ll make your studies and papers stand out. Try it now and let inspiration strike!

Crafting the perfect research question is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge; it sets the stage for a journey of discovery that can illuminate obscured truths and forge new paths of understanding. This aspect of research is not just a formality but the very cornerstone upon which the entire edifice of a research project is built. How we interrogate the world around us determines the clarity and depth of the answers we uncover.

What is a Research Question Prompt?

A research question prompt is essentially the focal point of any academic inquiry, providing a clear and concise question that the study seeks to answer. This prompt acts as a compass, guiding researchers through the vast sea of information and possibilities.

Carefully crafted, it delineates the scope and direction of the investigation, ensuring the research is structured and purposeful. By articulating what needs to be understood, explored, or resolved, a research question prompt boils down the researcher’s curiosity into a testable and focused query.

Why Use a Research Question Prompt Generator?

A research question prompt generator acts as a critical tool, enabling users to streamline the often arduous task of refining their inquiry. The employment of such a generator can offer users a multitude of benefits, helping them to hone their focus, stimulate creative thinking, and ensure alignment with established research standards.

Here are several reasons why users should consider utilizing a research question prompt generator:

  • Users can save significant time by avoiding the common pitfalls of crafting questions that are too broad or too vague, which can lead to inconclusive research results.
  • The generator can serve as an initial filter, discarding less promising lines of inquiry and allowing more time for those with greater academic potential.
  • A prompt generator offers a myriad of starting points that can help to unlock new ideas and perspectives that might not have been considered previously.
  • It can also challenge researchers to think outside their usual parameters, promoting innovation within the field of study.
  • The prompts provided help researchers narrow down their topic to a manageable scope, making the research process more directed and purposeful.
  • A succinct and precise question is often more attractive to funding bodies and other stakeholders, as it implies a strong direction and clear intentions.
  • Using a generator can aid in the construction of questions that meet these standards, increasing the likelihood of the research being recognized by peers.
  • The prompts can serve as a checklist of sorts, ensuring that each aspect of a good research question is considered.

The reliance on a research question prompt generator is not just about the immediate benefits of constructing a solid question. It is about establishing a foundational piece that guides the entire research process, influences the methodology, and dictates how the data will be analyzed and discussed.

How To Use This AI Generator:

  • Click “Use Generator” to create a project instantly in your workspace.
  • Click “Save Generator” to create a reusable template for you and your team.
  • Customize your project , make it your own, and get work done!
  • Examples of good research questions

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Reviewed by

Tanya Williams

However, developing a good research question is often challenging. But, doing appropriate data analysis or drawing meaningful conclusions from your investigation with a well-defined question make it easier.

So, to get you on the right track, let’s start by defining a research question, what types of research questions are common, and the steps to drafting an excellent research question.

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  • What is a research question?

The definition of a research question might seem fairly obvious.

 At its simplest, a research question is a question you research to find the answer.

Researchers typically start with a problem or an issue and seek to understand why it has occurred, how it can be solved, or other aspects of its nature.

As you'll see, researchers typically start with a broad question that becomes narrower and more specific as the research stages are completed.

In some cases, a study may tackle more than one research question.

  • Research question types

Research questions are typically divided into three broad categories: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method.

These categories reflect the research type necessary to answer the research question.

Qualitative research

When you conduct qualitative research, you're broadly exploring a subject to analyze its inherent qualities.

There are many types of qualitative research questions, which include:

Descriptive: describing and illuminating little-known or overlooked aspects of a subject

Emancipatory: uncovering data that can serve to emancipate a particular group of people, such as disadvantaged or marginalized communities

Evaluative:  assessing how well a particular research approach or method works

Explanatory: answering “how” or “why” a given phenomenon occurs 

Exploratory:  identifying reasons behind certain behaviors and exploring motivations (also known as generative research because it can generate solutions to problems)

Ideological: researching ideologies or beliefs, such as political affiliation

Interpretive: understanding group perceptions, decision-making, and behavior in a natural setting

Predictive: forecasting a likely outcome or scenario by examining past events 

While it's helpful to understand the differences between these qualitative research question types, writing a good question doesn't start with determining the precise type of research question you'll be asking.

It starts with determining what answers you're seeking.

Quantitative research

Unlike broad, flexible qualitative research questions, quantitative research questions are precise. They also directly link the research question and the proposed methodology.

So, in a quantitative research question, you'll usually find

The study method 

An independent variable (or variables)

A dependent variable

The study population 

Quantitative research questions can also fall into multiple categories, including:

Comparative research questions compare two or more groups according to specific criteria and analyze their similarities and differences.

Descriptive questions measure a population's response to one or more variables.

Relationship (or relationship-based) questions examine how two or more variables interact.

Mixed-methods research

As its name suggests, mixed-methods research questions involve qualitative and quantitative components.

These questions are ideal when the answers require an evaluation of a specific aspect of a phenomenon that you can quantify and a broader understanding of aspects that can't.

  • How to write a research question

Writing a good research question can be challenging, even if you're passionate about the subject matter.

A good research question aims to solve a problem that still needs to be answered and can be solved empirically. 

The approach might involve quantitative or qualitative methodology, or a mixture of both. To write a well-developed research question, follow the four steps below:

1. Select a general topic

Start with a broad topic. You may already have one in mind or get one assigned to you. If you don't, think about one you're curious about. 

You can also use common brainstorming techniques , draw on discussions you've had with family and friends, take topics from the news, or use other similar sources of inspiration.

Also, consider a subject that has yet to be studied or addressed. If you're looking to tackle a topic that has already been thoroughly studied, you'll want to examine it from a new angle.

Still, the closer your question, approach, and outcomes are to existing literature, the less value your work will offer. It will also be less publishing-worthy (if that’s your goal).

2. Conduct preliminary research

Next, you'll want to conduct some initial research about your topic. You'll read coverage about your topic in academic journals, the news, and other credible sources at this stage.

You'll familiarize yourself with the terminology commonly used to describe your topic and the current take from subject matter experts and the general public. 

This preliminary review helps you in a few ways. First, you'll find many researchers will discuss challenges they found conducting their research in their "Limitations," "Results," and "Discussion" sections of research papers.

Assessing these sections also helps you avoid choosing the wrong methodological approach to answering your question. Initial research also enables you to avoid focusing on a topic that has already been covered. 

You can generate valuable research questions by tracking topics that have yet to be covered.

3. Consider your audience

Next, you'll want to give some thought to your audience. For example, what kinds of research material are they looking for, and what might they find valuable?

Reflect on why you’re conducting the research. 

What is your team looking to learn if your research is for a work assignment?

How does what they’re asking for from you connect to business goals?

Understanding what your audience is seeking can help you shape the direction of your research so that the final draft connects with your audience.

If you're writing for an academic journal, what types of research do they publish? What kinds of research approaches have they published? And what criteria do they expect submitted manuscripts to meet?

4. Generate potential questions

Take the insights you've gained from your preliminary research and your audience assessment to narrow your topic into a research question. 

Your question should be one that you can answer using the appropriate research methods. Unfortunately, some researchers start with questions they need more resources to answer and then produce studies whose outcomes are limited, limiting the study's value to the broader community. 

Make sure your question is one you can realistically answer.

  • Examples of poor research questions

"How do electronics distract teen drivers?"

This question could be better from a researcher's perspective because it is overly broad. For instance, what is “electronics” in this context? Some electronics, like eye-monitoring systems in semi-autonomous vehicles, are designed to keep drivers focused on the road.

Also, how does the question define “teens”? Some states allow you to get a learner's permit as young as 14, while others require you to be 18 to drive. Therefore, conducting a study without further defining the participants' ages is not scientifically sound.

Here's another example of an ineffective research question:

"Why is the sky blue?"

This question has been researched thoroughly and answered. 

A simple online search will turn up hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of resources devoted to this very topic. 

Suppose you spend time conducting original research on a long-answered question; your research won’t be interesting, relevant, or valuable to your audience.

Alternatively, here's an example of a good research question:

"How does using a vehicle’s infotainment touch screen by drivers aged 16 to 18 in the U.S. affect driving habits?"

This question is far more specific than the first bad example. It notes the population of the study, as well as the independent and dependent variables.

And if you're still interested in the sky's color, a better example of a research question might be:

"What color is the sky on Proxima Centauri b, based on existing observations?"

A qualitative research study based on this question could extrapolate what visitors on Proxima Centauri b (a planet in the closest solar system to ours) might see as they look at the sky.

You could approach this by contextualizing our understanding of how the light scatters off the molecules of air resulting in a blue sky, and the likely composition of Proxima Centauri b's atmosphere from data NASA and others have gathered.

  • Why the right research question is critical

As you can see from the examples, starting with a poorly-framed research question can make your study difficult or impossible to complete. 

Or it can lead you to duplicate research findings.

Ultimately, developing the right research question sets you up for success. It helps you define a realistic scope for your study, informs the best approach to answer the central question, and conveys its value to your audience. 

That's why you must take the time to get your research question right before you embark on any other part of your project.

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  • Writing Tips

5 Steps to Creating Better Research Questions

5 Steps to Creating Better Research Questions

  • 5-minute read
  • 14th December 2021

Research questions are central to scientific inquiry . Well-formulated research questions identify the specific issues your study will address and help you plan your investigation.

In this post, we’ll show you how to formulate strong research questions in five steps:

  • Start with a broad topic that you’re interested in.
  • Familiarize yourself with current work in your chosen area.
  • Identify the specific issue you want to focus on.
  • Develop a suitably complex question.
  • Refine your question by examining each word.

Read on to learn more about each of these points.

1. Choose a Subject That You Are Genuinely Curious About

You’ll spend a lot of time researching your chosen topic. That’s why you should choose a topic that interests you and that you’d like to learn about. Also, you should choose a topic that’s exciting and relevant to your audience, especially if you hope to have your work published .

Instead of choosing a completely new area of study, choose a topic that you already know a little bit about. If you’ve read even just a few articles about something, that’s better than tackling something completely new.

Your topic should be broad but not too broad. For example, if you choose “mental health,” you need to narrow it down right away so that step 2 is doable. A more realistic broad topic would be “mental health in teenagers.” You won’t have to complete as much research, but you’ll still have plenty of room to find a niche topic within the larger area. 

2. Carry Out Preliminary Research

The next step is to research your chosen topic. By looking at recent journal articles and review papers , you can find out what other researchers are exploring and what questions arise from existing studies.

The aim here is to identify possible subtopics and/or find gaps in current research. So, as you read, jot down questions you’d like to answer and areas you’d like to explore further.

3. Focus on a Precise Issue Within the Broader Topic

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the current state of research on your chosen topic, you can focus on a niche area.

In our example above, “mental health in teenagers,” this could mean focusing on a specific group (e.g., 7th–9 th -grade students). We could look at a single area of mental health (e.g., anxiety) or a specific time or place.

Maybe in your initial reading, you discovered a gap in existing research that could form the basis of your research question, or you may be interested in exploring the relationship between different variables (e.g., gender and anxiety level).

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Another idea is to consider how current events might affect the broader topic. For example, you might choose to study the impact of the pandemic on the mental wellbeing of 11–16-year-old children.

4. Create an Interesting, Researchable Question

The next step is to turn your idea into a well-balanced question. The best research questions will tick all the boxes below:

●  Original: This simply means that your question shouldn’t have already been answered. It doesn’t mean you must have an idea that nobody has come up with yet, but your approach should bring new insight. This could mean that you focus on a specific age group or geographic area.

●  Focused: Your question should identify a single problem that you want your research to address.

●  Complex: If someone could answer your question by searching the Internet for five minutes, it’s not complex enough. Research questions should ask “how” and “why” rather than “is” or “does.” In other words, they shouldn’t be easily answered with “yes” or “no.” Rather, answering the question means bringing together ideas and data from different sources.

●  Achievable: Even if your question is complex enough to turn into a research paper, you still need to keep in mind constraints like word count, time frame, availability of resources, and your ability to complete the necessary research.

●  Debatable: When answering your research question, keep in mind that you don’t want to reach a definitive conclusion. A strong question leaves room for further discussion.

5. Make Every Word Count

The final step is to formulate the precise wording of your question. You may need to follow a defined format (e.g., PICO or PEO ), or you can phrase the question in your own way.

In either case, your research question must clearly state what the paper is about. It should be as concise as possible but not open to misinterpretation. This includes defining ambiguous terms (e.g., “young people”) and detailing how you’ll evaluate any relevant variables.

Hopefully, you can now formulate effective research questions. Don’t forget to have your paper proofread by an expert when you’re done. At Proofed, we’ll check your writing for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation and give you feedback on clarity and conciseness. You can even try our proofreading service for free .

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Most professors will require the use of academic (AKA peer-reviewed) sources for student writing. This is because these sources, written for academic audiences of specific fields, are helpful for developing your argument on many topics of interest in the academic realm, from history to biology. While popular sources like news articles also often discuss topics of interest within academic fields, peer-reviewed sources offer a depth of research and expertise that you cannot find in popular sources. Therefore, knowing how to (1) identify popular vs. academic sources, (2) differentiate between primary and secondary sources, and (3) find academic sources is a vital step in writing research. Below are definitions of the two ways scholars categorize types of sources based on when they were created (i.e. time and place) and how (i.e. methodology):

Popular vs. academic sources:

  • Popular sources are publicly accessible periodicals–newspapers, magazines, and blogs–such as The Washington Post or The New Yorker . These sources are most often written for non-academic audiences, but can be helpful for finding general information and a variety of opinions on your topic.
  • Academic sources , known also as peer reviewed or scholarly articles, are those that have undergone peer review before being published. Typically, these articles are written for other scholars in the field and are published in academic journals, like Feminist Studies or The American Journal of Psychology . Literature reviews, research projects, case studies, and notes from the field are common examples.

Primary vs. secondary sources:

  • Primary sources are articles written by people directly involved in what they were writing about, including: News reports and photographs, diaries and novels, films and videos, speeches and autobiographies, as well as original research and statistics.
  • Secondary sources , on the other hand, are second hand accounts written about a topic based on primary sources. Whether a journal article or other academic publication is considered a secondary source depends on how you use it.

How to Find Academic Sources

Finding appropriate academic sources from the hundreds of different journal publications can be daunting. Therefore, it is important to find databases –digital collections of articles–relevant to your topic to narrow your search. Albertson’s Library has access to several different databases, which can be located by clicking the “Articles and Databases” tab on the website’s homepage, and navigating to “Databases A-Z” to refine your search. Popular databases include: Academic Search Premier and Proquest Central (non-specific databases which include a wide variety of articles), JSTOR (humanities and social sciences, from literature to history), Web of Science (formal sciences and natural sciences such as biology and chemistry), and Google Scholar (a web search engine that searches scholarly literature and academic sources). If you are unable to access articles from other databases, make sure you’re signed in to Alberton’s Library through Boise State!

Performing a Database Search

Databases include many different types of sources besides academic journals, however, including book reviews and other periodicals. Using the search bar , you can limit search results to those containing specific keywords or phrases like “writing center” or “transfer theory.” Utilizing keywords in your search–names of key concepts, authors, or ideas–rather than questions is the most effective way to find articles in databases. When searching for a specific work by title, placing the title in quotation marks will ensure your search includes only results in that specific word order. In the example below, search terms including the author (“Virginia Woolf”) and subject (“feminism”) are entered into the popular database EBSCOhost:

A screen capture of search results on EBSCOhost. Green highlighting points out the search function, with the caption "Search bar with basic search terms." In the highlighted search bar is the query "virginia Woolf and feminism." Below are search results, with text matching the search term(s) in bold.

Refining Your Search Results

Many databases have a bar on the left of the screen where you can further refine your results. For example, if you are only interested in finding complete scholarly articles, or peer-reviewed ones, you can toggle these different options to further limit your search. These options are located under the “Refine Results” bar in EBSCOhost, divided into different sections, with a display of currently selected search filters and filter options to refine your search based on your specific needs, as seen in the figure below:

Another screen capture of EBSCOhost, this time with green highlighting pointing out the refine results area to the left. The first caption, located at the top, points to the "Current Search" box and reads "Displays your selected filters." The second caption, pointing to the "Limit To" and "Subject" boxes, reads "Options to filter your search."

Search results can also be limited by subject : If you search “Romeo and Juliet” on Academic Search Premier to find literary analysis articles for your English class, you’ll find a lot of other sources that include this search term, such as ones about theater production or ballets based on Shakespeare’s play. However, if you’re writing a literary paper on the text of the play itself, you might limit your search results to “fiction” to see only articles that discuss the play within the field of literature. Alternatively, for a theater class discussing the play, you might limit your search results to “drama.”

The Writing Center

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  • 5 Types of Questions:...

5 Types of Questions: Definitions and Examples

10 min read · Updated on July 26, 2023

Marsha Hebert

Questions that will equip you for a job search and leave a lasting impression on potential employers

Questions serve as a sort of compass that navigates us through conversations and interactions with colleagues and leaders. Asking the right questions at the right time has the power to reveal valuable insights and open doors of opportunity that may not have been otherwise available. 

Did you know that there are different types of questions? Are you thinking of at least two right now? The ones you're thinking of are probably open-ended and close-ended, right? It might surprise you to find out there are so many types of questions that we can't cover them all in one article, so we'll focus on the ones that could impact your job search. 

Let's take a walk through 5 types of questions, their definitions, and some examples now. 

Question categories – 5 types of questions

As you can imagine, the different types of questions, and their nuances, play varied roles in communication. By understanding the categories of questions, you can better tailor your responses if someone is asking you a question. Conversely, you can elicit better responses and guide the conversation if you're the one asking the questions. 

Let's face it, asking questions is inherent in human interaction and communication. It's how you learn things. It doesn't matter if you're having an informal conversation with a friend, participating in a job interview , or partnering with an executive leader on a breakthrough idea. 

Before we dig into each type of question, let's categorize them and define what each type is intended for:

Closed-ended: Designed to elicit short, precise responses that are ideal for fact-finding and narrowing down options

Open-ended: Encourage detailed and thoughtful responses that foster deeper conversations

Probing: Seek comprehensive insights and are often used for research and interviews

Reflective: Introspective in nature, reflective questions prompt self-analysis and personal growth

Leading: Subtly influence the direction of discussions by influencing or helping to shape responses through the words used in the question

Close-ended questions

These are essentially “yes” and “no” questions. Sometimes, you can slip a brief piece of information into the conversation when a close-ended question is posed, but it's rare. These questions aim to extract specific details swiftly, making them ideal for situations where precision and clarity are paramount.

Examples of close-ended questions

"Did you enjoy the restaurant yesterday?"

"Have you visited this museum before?"

"Is the project deadline set for next week?"

"Did the candidate meet all the job requirements ?"

"Have you completed your homework?"

Benefits of close-ended questions

Close-ended questions are undoubtedly efficient and can save a lot of time. They allow you to gather information through limited response options quickly. Close-ended questions also minimize ambiguity. There's really no questioning a "yes" or a "no" response. Most notably, close-ended questions give data that is easily quantified, analyzed, and interpreted, especially in a work environment. 

Limitations of close-ended questions

While they can be good for getting exacting details about a situation or event, closed-ended questions do not encourage elaboration or nuanced responses. This can limit the depth of understanding, which may cause you to overlook valuable insights or perspectives. 

Open-ended questions

Arguably, the second most popular type of question is the open-ended question. It's the cornerstone of a meaningful and in-depth conversation, because it invites expansive responses that can range from a few words to a few hundred words and more. This type of engaging dialogue fosters mutual understanding and deeper connections. Open-ended questions are used a lot in job interviews. They're the questions that you would use the STAR method to answer.

Examples of open-ended questions

" Where do you see yourself in five years? "

"Why did you choose this particular field of study?"

"What challenges have you encountered in your current role and how did you overcome them?"

"How does the company's mission align with your personal values?"

"What is your approach to problem-solving in complex projects?"

Benefits of open-ended questions

When you want rich insights about a situation or event, then you should use open-ended questions because they encourage detailed and multifaceted responses and provide deeper insights into a person's thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Open-ended questions facilitate a better understanding of different perspectives and motivations, by giving people the space to express themselves fully. On top of that, the people being questioned feel empowered when given the freedom to articulate their ideas, leading to a more positive and collaborative atmosphere.

Limitations of open-ended questions

As you can imagine, when someone expounds on a topic, it can be time-consuming. They take longer to answer thoroughly, which can be a limitation in situations where time is at a premium. Also, you have to be aware of objectivity / subjectivity differences. People interpret things differently. This is where active listening becomes important. You may have to clarify what the respondent is saying to ensure that you're getting the right message. Likewise, if you're the respondent, you may have to clarify something you've said. In some cases, people find open-ended questions overwhelming. This is especially true when addressing sensitive, complex, or controversial topics.

Probing questions

Probing questions are the cousins of open-ended questions. They are often used as a follow-up to an open-ended question, to get more information. Ideally, a probing question encourages thoughtful reflection and uncovers deeper insights into your beliefs, actions, and decisions. If you hear (or use) “Tell me more about …” or something similar, then you've entered the world of probing questions.

Examples of probing questions

"Can you elaborate on the steps you took to overcome the challenges you faced?"

"What originally inspired you to pursue this particular career path?"

"Could you provide further examples to illustrate your perspective on the concept of employee engagement ?"

"How do you believe this solution aligns with the company's long-term vision?"

"Did that experience with a difficult employee influence your leadership style?"

Benefits of probing questions

Probing questions unearth valuable information that might remain concealed with more superficial inquiries (like close-ended questions), leading to a better understanding of perspectives and experiences. It also enhances communication in a way that moves people away from monotony. Probing questions foster more engaging and insightful conversations, by encouraging thorough and thoughtful responses. The simple act of asking probing questions demonstrates genuine interest and active listening, building rapport and trust between the parties involved in the conversation.

Limitations of probing questions

As with open-ended questions, the issue of time can become a problem. Given their open-ended nature, probing questions may require more time to answer adequately, which might be a limitation in time-sensitive situations. In specific contexts, probing questions can be perceived as intrusive. This undesirable thought process can potentially hinder open communication, which is the exact opposite intent of a probing question. To avoid this, skillful delivery is required. You should be careful in presenting probing questions, to minimize any perception that your question is judgmental.

Reflective questions

These types of questions do exactly what they sound like they do – they serve as mirrors of self-awareness and introspection. When used correctly, reflective questions can be powerful tools for personal growth and self-discovery, and building meaningful connections with others. 

Examples of reflective questions

"What aspects of your past have shaped your goals ?"

"How do you feel about the challenges you encountered, and how did they influence your personal growth?"

"What are the key strengths you possess that have contributed to your successes?"

"In what ways have your values evolved over time, and what triggered these changes?"

"How do you handle setbacks, and what have you learned from those experiences?"

Benefits of reflective questions

Reflective questions prompt introspection, leading to enhanced self-awareness and a deeper understanding of one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This, of course, is one of the things responsible for personal growth. On top of that, when reflective questions are used in conversations, they help you to demonstrate empathy and create a deeper emotional connection, because the respondent feels like you care about their experiences. 

Limitations of reflective questions

Some reflective questions may touch upon sensitive or difficult emotions, potentially causing discomfort or resistance in some people, as deep diving through personal issues can be overwhelming. This is especially true if they're not accustomed to exploring their feelings and thoughts. Others may be really good at compartmentalizing feelings, casting them aside as unimportant. These folks are more intellectual and may think that reflective questions are a waste of time. You also have to be careful when using reflective questions to gain information, because the responses are highly subjective and may not always provide objective or measurable insights.

Leading questions

While all question types have limitations, leading questions are the ones to avoid if you want meaningful insights from conversations. These types of questions are phrased in such a way as to suggest a particular answer or shape the respondent's perspective toward a specific outcome. They often contain implicit assumptions or cues that are meant to elicit a particular response. 

Examples of leading questions

"Don't you agree that this new policy will greatly benefit the company?"

"Wouldn't you say that the team performed exceptionally well in the project?"

"Isn't it true that you always prioritize quality over quantity in your work?"

"Don't you think this product is far superior to its competitors?"

"Wouldn't you say that the event was a resounding success?"

Benefits of leading questions

Even though you should generally avoid leading questions, they can be helpful when seeking to emphasize a particular viewpoint or highlight a specific aspect of a topic. These questions encourage participants to respond in situations where they may be hesitant to express their thoughts. Leading questions can also serve as great conversation starters, helping to kick-start discussions on specific topics or issues.

Limitations of leading questions

At the end of the day, though, leading questions can inadvertently introduce bias into responses, as they are suggestive in nature. That means they can compromise the objectivity of any data collected, as respondents may provide answers they perceive as desired or expected. In specific contexts, the use of leading questions might be seen as manipulative or coercive, leading to ethical considerations in research or interviews.

Better communication through thoughtful questioning

The best way to ensure that you achieve a level of communication that is considered effective is to use a balanced mix of questions – the type of questions presented here and others. Thoughtful questioning fosters self-awareness, empowers individuals to share their experiences authentically, and facilitates deeper connections. Mixing the types of questions you use during a conversation is not merely a means of gathering information; rather, it is the essence of human connection, opening doors to new insights, fostering growth, and transforming conversations into meaningful encounters.

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Recommended reading:

4 Types of Communication Style – What's Yours?

Understand Body Language to Improve Your Communication

The Essential Steps of Your Communication Process

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JD Vance says the media twisted his remarks on abortion and domestic violence. We looked closer.

At the rnc, vance took questions from sean hannity and addressed criticism about his previous comments.

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During the Republican National Convention’s opening night, Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, spoke to Fox News for his first interview as former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee.

Sitting in the Fiserv Forum, the convention’s Milwaukee venue, Vance took questions from host Sean Hannity and addressed criticism about his previous comments on domestic violence, abortion and his 2016 disapproval of Trump.

A couple of times, Vance accused the media of twisting controversial comments about violent marriages and abortion exemptions. We took a closer look at four of his claims.

Vance mischaracterizes Biden’s stance on abortion

Vance addressed his own and Trump’s position on abortion. He described Trump’s position “to let voters in states” decide abortion laws as “reasonable,” contrasting it with Biden’s.

“Donald Trump is running against a Joe Biden president who wants taxpayer-funded abortions up until the moment of birth,” Vance said.

This is  False  and misleads about how rarely abortions are performed later in pregnancy.

The vast majority  of abortions in the U.S. — about 91% — occur in the first trimester. About 1% take place after 21 weeks, and far less than 1% occur in the third trimester and typically involve emergencies such as fatal fetal anomalies or life-threatening medical emergencies affecting the pregnant woman.

Biden has said he supported Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion and was overturned in June 2022, and wants  federally protected  abortion access.

Roe didn’t provide unrestricted access to abortion. It legalized abortion federally but also enabled the states to restrict or ban abortions once a fetus is viable, typically around 24 weeks into pregnancy. Exceptions to that time frame typically were allowed when the pregnant woman’s life or health was at risk.

The Democratic-led  Women’s Health Protection Act  of 2021, which failed to pass the Senate, would have effectively codified a right to abortion while allowing for similar postviability restrictions as Roe.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden  promised  to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which says federal funds can’t be used to pay for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or to save the woman’s life. However, the amendment has continued to be included in congressional spending bills.

Vance’s comments about women in violent marriages

Hannity asked Vance to explain controversial 2021 comments about women staying in violent marriages.

“Both me and my mom actually were victims of domestic violence,” Vance told Hannity. “So, to say ‘Vance has supported women staying in violent marriages,’ I think it’s shameful for them to take a guy with my history and my background and say that that’s what I believe. It’s not what I believe. It’s not what I said.”

The comments in question came from a 2021  event  Vance participated in at Pacifica Christian High School in California. In a conversation about his 2016 memoir “Hillbilly Elegy,” the  event  moderator asked Vance about his experience being raised by his grandparents, following his mother’s divorces and struggles with drug addiction.

“What is causing one generation to give up on fatherhood when the other one was so doggedly determined to stick it out even in tough times?” the moderator asked.

Vance talked about the economic effect of men losing manufacturing jobs then discussed his grandparents’ marriage.

In his memoir, Vance detailed his grandparents’ relationship and told a story about Vance’s grandmother pouring lighter fluid on his grandfather and striking a match after he came home drunk. She had previously threatened to kill her husband if he came home drunk again, according to a 2016  review  of the book in The Washington Post.

Vance commended his grandparents for staying together, comparing it with younger generations.

“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term.’

“And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I’m skeptical. But it really didn’t work out for the kids of those marriages.”

In response to a 2022  Vice News story  highlighting the comments, Jai Chabria, a strategist for Vance,  said  the media missed Vance’s point.

“This is a comment that he made where he’s talking about how it’s important that couples stay together for the kids, that we actually have good kids first,” he said. “All he is saying is that it is far too often the case where couples get divorced, they split up and they don’t take the kids’ needs into consideration.”

Vance’s comments about  rape, abortion and ‘inconvenience’

Hannity asked Vance to discuss his position on abortion, allowing the senator to address his past comments that have been criticized.

“Let me go back to the issue of abortion,” Hannity said. “And there was this article that said ‘Oh, J.D. Vance said it’s inconvenient.”

Vance told Hannity, “The Democrats have completely twisted my words. What I did say is that we sometimes in this society see babies as inconveniences, and I absolutely want us to change that.”

We  looked  into comments Vance made on abortion while he was running for Senate in 2022 and his opponent claimed Vance had said that rape was inconvenient. We found that’s not directly what Vance said.

In a 2021  interview  Vance was asked whether laws should allow women to get abortions if they were victims of rape or incest. He said society should not view a pregnancy or birth resulting from rape or incest as “inconvenient.”

“My view on this has been very clear and I think the question betrays a certain presumption that is wrong,” Vance said in 2021. “It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society. The question really, to me, is about the baby.”

Vance on Biden’s opposition to busing to integrate schools

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Vance  criticized  Trump. Hannity asked Vance about his comments before bringing up Vice President Kamala Harris’ disagreements with Biden during the 2019 Democratic primary.

Hannity pointed to Harris’ contentious moment during a debate with Biden in which she criticized Biden’s opposition to busing students to integrate schools.

“There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me,” Harris said.

“What she was referring to is the fact that Joe Biden had partnered with a former Klansman and tried to stop the integration of public schools,” Hannity said. “In Joe Biden’s words, he didn’t want those schools to become racial jungles.”

Vance reiterated Hannity’s comments.

“Kamala Harris basically said, ‘Joe Biden wouldn’t want a little black girl like me to live in her neighborhood.’ He also palled around with Klansmen,” Vance said. “She said this months before she joined his ticket Sean, I said some bad things about Donald Trump 10 years ago.”

We previously rated a similar claim  Half True . In  a 1977 congressional hearing , Biden, then a senator from Delaware, described his opposition to federally mandated busing.

During the hearing he said, “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”

Biden advocated for “orderly integration,” specifically of housing, and he supported many other aspects of desegregation and civil rights. But, as  The New York Times  reported, Biden also pushed an “anti-busing agenda into the early 1980s.”

It’s unclear what Vance was referring to when he said Biden “palled around with Klansmen.” We have previously  fact-checked  a 2008 photo of Biden with former West Virginia Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd.

Byrd was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd renounced his views and publicly expressed his regret and shame over his involvement in the group.

This article was originally published by PolitiFact , which is part of the Poynter Institute.

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L&S Divisional Post Award Accountant

  • Madison, Wisconsin
  • Sponsored Programs, Grants, and Contracts
  • Staff-Full Time
  • Opening at: Jul 24 2024 at 09:15 CDT
  • Closing at: Aug 12 2024 at 23:55 CDT

Job Summary:

The College of Letters and Science (L&S) is the heart of UW-Madison and home to a tremendous breadth and depth of departments and degree-granting programs in the humanities; natural, physical, and mathematical sciences; social sciences; and the computing, data, and information sciences. Join L&S for a role as a L&S Divisional/ Post Award Accountant on a team of other Research Services champions. You'll have an opportunity to make a positive impact by becoming a subject matter expert in post award grant management, accounting, and compliance reporting. This is a new initiative with an evolving team as the college implements Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) within L&S. The role is perfect for trailblazers passionate about building effective relationships while applying equitable practices that foster a community of belonging. Reporting to the L&S Divisional Multi-Functional Research Admin Manager, the L&S Divisional Post Award Accountant will work as division level post award accountant assisting with intramural and extramural grants administered by L&S and assisting with collaborative grants with other schools, colleges, and centers. The role involves key functions, such as: - Support L&S department grant management by serving as the grant worktag manager for departments and research centers - Provide grant administration support and guidance to principal investigators (PIs) and staff - Send regular financial reports to PIs and departments on the status of grants and is responsible for financial compliance - Serve as a liaison to Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) on post-award issues and needs


  • 25% Communicates and ensures financial requirements per federal, state, university, and sponsor regulations are followed on behalf of the school/college or division
  • 25% Ensures the departmental or divisional post-award processing or tasks are done appropriately and timely
  • 20% Reviews and approves financial transactions such as managing fiscal closeout of awards and projects
  • 10% Advises departments or researchers on appropriate post-award modifications and relevant processing
  • 20% Collects or prepares documentation required for compliance or audits on sponsored grants, contracts, or agreements

Institutional Statement on Diversity:

Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW-Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals. The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background - people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world. For more information on diversity and inclusion on campus, please visit: Diversity and Inclusion

Preferred Bachelor's Degree in financial, project planning or related degree area preferred


Required Qualifications: - Minimum 2 years experience in research administration experience required including experience using research administration software and tools, preferably at an institution of higher education and in post-award administration with experience working with federal awards - Experience interpreting and analyzing financial data and effectively communicate summarized results - Strong interpersonal, customer service and communication skills; experience identifying and solving problems using sound judgement and discretion while applying and interpreting laws, rules, policies, and procedures - Commitment to creating an inclusive environment in which diverse backgrounds, experiences and abilities are recognized, supported and respected. - Excellent administrative and organizational skills prioritizing and delegating tasks, managing competing deadlines, and paying attention to detail Preferred Qualifications: - Experience working with systems such as: eRA Commons for NIH grants, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-like systems, such as PeopleSoft or Workday - Experience offering guidance, outreach and monitoring for compliance regarding complex research admin and/or fiscal policies in higher education, governmental or other highly regulated setting - Familiarity with and working knowledge of the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Uniform Guidance, and NSF PAPPG - Experience with improving processes, managing change and/or applying systems thinking to work

Full Time: 100% It is anticipated this position requires work be performed in-person, onsite, at a designated campus work location.

Appointment Type, Duration:


Minimum $56,112 ANNUAL (12 months) Depending on Qualifications The typical starting salary for this position is $60,000 - $80,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Employees in this position can expect to receive benefits such as generous vacation, holidays and paid time off; competitive insurances and saving accounts; and retirement benefits.

Additional Information:

-A criminal background check will be conducted on the selected candidate. -The successful applicant will be responsible for ensuring eligibility for employment in the United States on or before the effective date of the appointment.

How to Apply:

Please click on the "Apply Now" button to start the application process. Applications must be submitted by the deadline date. To apply, please upload a cover letter and resume. Please note your application materials may be used as a writing sample. Selected applicants will receive an invitation to participate in virtual interviews (via Zoom) 7-10 days after the closing date. Those moving on to second round interviews will be invited to an in-person interview at UW-Madison. Once final applicants are identified, they will be asked to provide names and contact information for at least three professional references, including a current/most recent supervisor. References will not be contacted without advanced notice. We are committed to reducing bias in the recruitment process and utilize a redacted application process, which is the practice of removing personally identifiable information from application materials, before the screening of applicants begins. This may include, but is not limited to, name, gender, age, address, dates (such as graduation dates), photos, references, links to personal webpages, supervisor names, and/or citizenship. Wondering if you meet every qualification? At UW-Madison, we are dedicated to building a diverse, inclusive, and authentic workplace, so if you're excited about this role, we encourage you to apply. For questions on the position, contact: Stella Luong, [email protected] .

Stella Luong [email protected] 608-262-9966 Relay Access (WTRS): 7-1-1. See RELAY_SERVICE for further information.

Official Title:

Post-Award SPGC Account(S/C/D)(SC025)



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Provide ongoing support with recurring monthly donations

  • July 23, 2024 16:27

We're here to answer any questions you might have, so we've gathered and addressed the most frequently asked questions about monthly recurring donations below.

Recurring donations

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*At this time, recurring monthly donations can only be made using credit or debit cards or PayPal.

What is a recurring donation?

Donors will have the option to make their donations a monthly recurring donation at checkout for some US fundraisers.

When will I be charged for my recurring donation?

Donors will be charged each month on the same day as their original donation, or the next closest day. For example, if you make your original donation on June 20th, you'll be charged again on July 20th. If you make a donation on the 31st, and the next month only has 30 days, you'll be charged on the 30th.

Do recurring donations have a fee?

For donors, yes. For organizers, no—our pricing remains the same. It’s always free to start and manage your fundraiser on GoFundMe.  As a donor, if you choose recurring donations, there’s a convenience fee of 5% per donation in addition to our industry-standard transaction fee. This helps us make recurring donations safe and effective while ensuring GoFundMe remains free for people who start a fundraiser. For additional information on our fees, check out our pricing page .

Can I cancel my recurring donation?

Of course! We know circumstances can change, so donors can cancel their recurring donation at any time. Donors can cancel their recurring donation from their monthly email receipt of the charge or from within the "Your impact" section of their GoFundMe account.

To cancel your recurring donation from your GoFundMe account:

  • Log in to your GoFundMe account, or click "manage or cancel your monthly donation" from your donation receipt
  • Under "Your impact" scroll to “Fundraisers you support”
  • Toggle to “Your donations” then click “Receipt” under the recurring donation you’d like to cancel
  • Select "Cancel" under "Donation type" and then confirm your cancellation

To cancel your recurring donation from your email receipt:

  • Click "manage or cancel your monthly donation" from your donation receipt

Canceling your recurring donation only prevents future charges and won't refund past monthly contributions.   Cancellation will be effective for any recurring donation scheduled later than 24 hours after cancellation. If a recurring donation is scheduled within 24 hours of your cancellation, please see information on submitting a refund request below.

What happens to my recurring donation if the fundraiser is closed?

If the organizer closes a fundraiser you're supporting with monthly donations, your recurring donation will be automatically canceled. If you notice you aren't being charged for your monthly donation, you can confirm the cancellation under "Your impact" within your GoFundMe account.

Can I get a refund for a recurring donation charge?

If you unintentionally made a recurring donation, we'll be happy to help with a refund. Additionally, if you cancel your recurring donation too late, we can help refund your most recent charge. You can submit a refund request with this form .

How do I receive funds from my recurring donors?

There’s no difference in how you’ll receive funds from one-time and recurring donations. So long as you’ve set up and verified your transfers , you’ll receive funds as they process. Remember, transfers take 2-5 business days to reach your bank account once initiated. 

Do recurring donations change the amount of fees?

Recurring donations won’t change any fees for GoFundMe organizers. It’s always free to start and manage a GoFundme fundraiser–the donations you raise will have the industry-standard transaction fees deducted from each donation as they’re made. 

There’s an additional 5% convenience fee for donors that’s charged at checkout, but this won’t affect the funds organizers receive. Check out our pricing page for more information 

What happens to recurring donations if I close my fundraiser?

Not to worry! We’ll cancel any recurring donations for your fundraiser on our end, so GoFundMe organizers won’t need to take any additional action. We do still encourage you to post a final update letting donors know that the fundraiser is closing, and it’s a good idea to add a bit about how you used their generous donations.

Related articles

  • Ending your fundraiser
  • Donating as "Anonymous" on the fundraiser page
  • Learn about fees
  • Choosing a fundraiser type
  • Deleting your GoFundMe account

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Elizabeth Hobson holds binoculars with birds projected on a screen behind her.

UC biologist unlocks secrets of animal sociality

Researcher uses prestigious grant to pursue behavioral questions.

headshot of Michael Miller

It’s easy for students in Elizabeth Hobson’s lab at the University of Cincinnati to get attached to their study subjects.

The assistant professor in UC’s College of Arts and Sciences is a behavioral ecologist who examines the roles of sociality and cognition in animals, what they know and remember about their place in those societies and how they use that knowledge to their advantage. She uses behavioral experiments and computational methods to infer what animals need to know about their social worlds based on how they choose to interact with each other.

UC Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hobson. Photo/Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Brand

Students get firsthand experience studying social behaviors such as dominance hierarchies, or pecking orders, in birds such as monk parakeets and  bobwhite quail  in her lab. Students also study a fish model: colorful bettas that are known for their beautiful but aggressive displays among males.

Hobson was recognized this year with the Outstanding New Investigator Award from the Animal Behavior Society.

“It’s a huge honor. My first article as lead author was published in the Animal Behavior journal and I’ve been going to Animal Behavior Society conferences since 2006. I’ve had a long connection with them,” Hobson said.

Hobson has been busy designing new experiments as a recipient of the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program grant, which recognizes the promising work of 500 researchers nationwide each year. The grants support faculty who have the potential to serve as role models in research and education and to lead advances in their specialty.

Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hobson's research team includes doctoral student Darby Moore, second from left, and post-baccalaureate students Sophia Clemen, far left, Holly Keating and Maddie Ball, far right, who are working on new experiments to study the behavior of monk parakeets. Photo/Provided

Hobson’s new experiments will focus on how social species like parakeets structure their societies, and will determine the relative importance of power, social support, and information within groups.

“This new phase is exciting because I’ve been working mainly on aggression, rank and hierarchies with the parakeets. But we know that aggression isn’t everything,” Hobson said.

We've built up a good foundation of exploring social systems, rank and dominance hierarchies. Now we can go in and understand the details.

Elizabeth Hobson, UC behavioral ecologist

“This new series of experiments will also look at the role of friendlier interactions — how birds might work to support each other socially in non-aggressive ways — and also at information, how knowing about each other’s relationships may provide an advantage.”

It takes both experience and creativity to come up with an experimental study that can unlock the secrets of animal cognition and behavior. Hobson said she often brainstorms by escaping to a stairwell landing overlooking UC’s campus and using its floor-to-ceiling windows as a canvas for her dry-erase markers.

“It has to be storming outside for massive effectiveness,” she said laughing. “ I write and think about what we know about socially and cognitively complex species. Where are the gaps? What have we missed? What don’t we know?”

UC Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hobson brainstorms on a window overlooking UC's Uptown campus. Photo/Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Brand

Hobson has ambitious research plans involving new experiments that will allow her to draw comparisons about social structures across species such as the parakeets, quail and fish she studies in her lab.

“By having these very similar experimental setups and doing all the analyses within the same lab, we have a lot of control over the process,” she said.

She joined UC in 2019 after earning a doctorate from New Mexico State University and completing two postdoctoral fellowships. She is an associate editor for the journals Ornithology and npj Complexity and serves on the editorial board for the journal Behavioral Ecology.

In her lab, she mentors postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and even undergraduate biology students who get a chance to work on original research projects. Her lab has examined the behavior of a myriad of species from ants to penguins to parrots.

“I’m super excited about the new funding. The NSF grant will give us a lot of stability in the lab because it will support our parakeet work for the next five years,” she said. “This longer-term funding makes it possible to design complex experiments that examine social structure from many angles and can give us more comprehensive insight into animal sociality and cognition.”

UC Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hobson finds a cozy spot by a window to edit papers. She is an associate editor for the journals Ornithology and npj Complexity and serves on the editorial board for the journal Behavioral Ecology. Photo/Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Brand

Through the grant, Hobson also is creating a series of interactive computer games where students learn more about social scenarios by following a set of rules similar to those governing animals like monk parakeets. The students then learn how to analyze the data they create and apply those same analyses to actual data collected on animal behavior.

That serves as an introduction to working with research data that can show that computational analysis doesn’t have to be scary, she said.

“The hardest part is to get students over the fear of learning quantitative skills and programming,” she said. “A lot of students are intimidated by that. They want to work with animals but so many biology fields are quantitatively intensive, so these computational skills are a critically important part of career preparation.”

Hobson teaches several courses pertinent to her research, including  Analytical Tools for Behavior , which gives students experience with quantitative tools like coding by using animal behavior concepts and data from little blue penguins collected at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden.

Members of Hobson’s research team are applying what they learned in her lab to their own budding careers.

UC doctoral student Darby Moore was featured this year in a nature documentary for her work with endangered great green macaws in Costa Rica. Darby is currently starting her own research project on monk parakeets, supported by a prestigious NSF Graduate Student Fellowship award.

The magazine Scientific American highlighted the expertise of Hobson Lab postdoctoral researcher Grace Smith-Vidaurre in a story about the amazing adaptability of invasive parrots. Grace is now an assistant professor at Michigan State University and is planning long-term collaborations between her new lab group and the Hobson Lab.

Caring daily for the animals in the lab has its own rewards.

“Everyone loves the bobs,” recent UC graduate Sophia Clemen said of the bobwhite quail. “They definitely have their own personality quirks.”

UC’s Department of Biological Sciences is growing in enrollment from students eager to take advantage of its prolific and diverse research programs, Hobson said.

“There has been a big increase in the number of freshmen who want to major in biology,” she said.

“Most universities in the United States don’t have that many faculty working on sensory biology and behavior in one department, which is something really unusual about our Department of Biological Sciences here at UC. It provides students with great opportunities to study several aspects of animal behavior and sensory ecology.”

Hobson said she is excited about what they might discover next.

“We've built up a good foundation of exploring social systems, rank and dominance hierarchies. Now we can go in and understand the details,” she said.

Featured image at top: Elizabeth Hobson, an assistant professor of biological sciences in UC's College of Arts and Sciences studies behavioral ecology in her lab. Photo Illustration/Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Brand

UC College of Arts and Sciences Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hobson is using a National Science Foundation grant to design new behavioral experiments in her biology lab. Photo/Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Brand

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  1. Research Question Generator for Students

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