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Mastering Leaving Cert History: A Guide to Writing Sample Essays

Updated: Feb 17

leaving cert history essay plans

Leaving Cert History is one of the most challenging subjects for Irish students, especially when it comes to writing essays. The exam requires students to write two essays on topics chosen from a list of options. These essays carry a significant amount of marks and can make or break a student's chances of securing a good grade. However, with the right approach, mastering Leaving Cert History essays is possible. In this blog, we will provide tips and insights on how to write sample essays for Leaving Cert History.

1. Understanding the Essay Structure

The first step to writing a great essay is to understand its structure. An essay has three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide background information on the topic. The body should include the main argument, supported by evidence and examples. The conclusion should summarise the main points and restate the thesis.

leaving cert history essay plans

2. Choosing the Right Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial for a successful essay. The Leaving Cert History syllabus provides a list of options for essays. It is essential to choose a topic that interests you and that you are familiar with. The topic should be narrow enough to provide a focused argument but broad enough to allow for enough research and analysis.

3. Research and Analysis

Research and analysis are crucial for a well-written essay. Start by reading through relevant texts and taking notes. Use primary sources, such as diaries, letters, and speeches, to support your argument. It is also essential to analyze the information and present a clear argument, using evidence to support your claims.

leaving cert history essay plans

4. Writing Style and Grammar

Writing style and grammar are essential for a good essay. Use clear and concise language, avoiding slang and colloquialisms. Avoid long and complex sentences that can be difficult to understand. Make sure to proofread your work to avoid spelling and grammatical errors.

5. Time Management

Time management is crucial during the Leaving Cert exam. Make sure to allocate enough time to each section of the exam, including essay writing. Plan your essay before you start writing, including a clear thesis statement, main argument, and supporting evidence. Leave enough time for proofreading and editing.

leaving cert history essay plans

In conclusion, writing a Leaving Cert History essay can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to master it. Understanding the essay structure, choosing the right topic, research and analysis, writing style and grammar, and time management are all essential components of a successful essay. Practice writing sample essays, and seek feedback from your teachers to improve your writing skills. With these tips and insights, you will be well on your way to writing successful Leaving Cert History essays. Good luck!

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History in Your Hands project guide

  • RSR tips and checklists

The sections on this page will help you before, during and after you research. They will also help you to write each part of your research study report (RSR): The outline plan (15 marks), the evaluation of sources (25 marks), the extended essay (50 marks) and the review of the process (10 marks). 

From choosing your research topic to submitting your final report, these tips and checklists will show you what you need to do every step of the way. Read through each section or click on the links below for guidance and resources that will help you complete your RSR.

Get organised Choosing your project title Writing your outline plan Where to find sources for your report Evaluating your sources Taking notes from your sources Writing your extended essay Review of the research process Marking scheme Final checks before you submit your report How to ask questions

Get organised

As you research and write your research study report (RSR) keep track of all your paper documents in a file or folder. If you're saving digital documents or creating Word documents on a PC, create and use structured folders and sub-folders. Your physical and digital files and folders should have clear titles that will help you find the information you need quickly.  

These documents will show that you have completed the RSR yourself from start to finish. You shouldn't throw any of your documents away until you have been issued with your final results as you may be asked to provide evidence that the RSR is your own work.

Your folder(s) should contain:

  • Photocopies taken of the cover and pages from your sources
  • Worksheets you’re using
  • Notes taken from sources
  • Rough drafts of your outline plan, evaluation of your sources and extended essay
  • Do you have a folder to hold all your photocopies, handwritten notes and report drafts?
  • Are digital and Word documents saved in structured folder and sub-folder on your computer?

Writing your outline plan

  • The outline plan
  • Define and justify
  • Identify the aims
  • The intended approach
  • Sources to be consulted

The outline plan is worth 15 marks out of the 100 marks available for your research study report. For this project you'll use the Word template provided and aim for an overall  word count of 230-280 words for your outline plan. Approximate word count figures have been given in the template for each sub-section in the outline plan. Do not fall below the minimum word count for each section. You can vary the maximum word count allocated to each section, once the overall word count for the outline plan does not exceed 280. One A4 page is allocated to this section in the official Leaving Certificate History RSR booklet.

Click into each tab to the right to view the relevant section of the outline plan and the associated checklists.

Your teacher’s guidance is important at this point - make sure you show them your outline plan before you proceed. Write a draft of the outline plan to start with, but finish it off properly after you have completed your extended essay. The final version may look very different to your first draft!

The outline plan is written using four headings:

• Define and justify the proposed subject of study (3 marks)

• Identify the aims of the study (3 marks)

• Identify the intended approach (3 marks)

• Identify the sources to be consulted (6 marks)

In this section you will set out clearly what you propose to study and why. You’ll describe what your project is about and explain why it is a worthwhile study. See the recommended wordcount for this sub-section of the outline plan in the word template provided.   Define:  Clearly state what you’re researching - this is the foundation your project will be built on. Don’t just talk about the topic, clearly articulate the specific angle or perspective of your research. Justify:  State why it is a worthwhile study. Explain the historical significance and rationale behind your chosen topic. See the examples given for the Seán Lester study in the Class 3 slides 17-21 and 29 and see other examples of RSR outline plans on the resources page for Class 3. Describe why you selected this topic for your RSR and what interests you about this topic. NB: The 2017 Chief Examiners Report explained how failing to state the historical significance is a common area where marks are lost. You'll do this in the define and justify section.

  • Have you clearly stated what you’re researching? i.e. Do you clearly articulate the specific angle or perspective of your research?
  • Do you explain the historical significance of your subject?
  • Do you explain the reason why you chose this topic and why it interests you?  

In this section you set down your project aims i.e. write about the aspects of your project you want to find out about, or understand better. You should have 3 – 5 things that you want to find out more about.  See the recommended wordcount for this sub-section of the outline plan in the word template provided.  

Think carefully about the questions you want to find out the answers to and keep these in mind as you do your research. Reflect on what you know already, what you are focusing on, and why you would like to learn more about your selected topic.   Make sure that your aims focus on the subject of your study, not on how you will do your research or the skills you will use.  Avoid vague or general aims, be specific in this section - your aims won’t look like anyone else’s.  You’ll refer back to your aims when you write your ‘Review of the [Research] Process.’ For examples of this section see slides 23-24 and 29 from class 3 and other examples of RSR outline plans on the resources page for Class 3.  Also include details about what else you hope to achieve when completing the RSR. This section should be written in the future tense, ‘‘I would like to discover...’, ‘I would like to find out about...’, ‘I would like to understand  why...’, ‘I hope to discover...’, ‘I intend to establish why/when...’, ‘I aim to...’, etc. Use words like explore, investigate, assess, impact, consequences, causes, understand, develop, etc. 

  • Have you clearly set down your project aims?
  • Have you described the aspects of your project you want to find out about, or understand better?
  • Have you stated 3 – 5 things that you want to find out more about? 
  • Do your aims focus on the subject of your study (not on how you will do your research or the skills you will use)?
  • Are your aims specific enough?
  • Do you have a clear idea about the questions you want to find out the answers to so you can keep these in mind as you do your research?
  • Have you thought about what you know already, what you are focusing on, and why you would like to learn more about your selected topic?
  • Do you describe what else you hope to achieve when completing the RSR?  
  • Is this section written in the future tense?  

In this section you clearly state how you’re going to go about researching and completing your research study. See the recommended wordcount for this sub-section of the outline plan in the word template provided.   It provides a step-by-step guide on how you will do the RSR, from how and where you’ll find your sources, how you’ll evaluate them, gathering and storing information, organising ideas, planning the extended essay, seeking teacher feedback and re-drafting work etc. You are likely to rewrite this section once you finish researching and writing your extended essay but for the purposes of the RSR you’ll write it as if you’re talking about actions you’ll be taking in the future i.e. ‘I will, I intend to…’

For examples see  slides 25 and 29 from class 3 or other examples of RSR outline plans on the resources page for Class 3.

  • Is the intended approach sufficiently focused on the report topic?
  • Have you explained clearly how you intend to carry out your research? 
  • Is this section written in the future tense?
  • Have you described how you will achieve the aims that you have previously stated? 
  • Have you stated how you plan to find the sources to consult? Name the places that you will look.  
  • Have you described how you will decide on what sources to use?
  • Have you stated how you will ensure that the sources are objective and present an accurate view?  
  • Have you related the areas that you intend to concentrate on? 
  • Have you set out how you will store the information that you gather as part of your research? 
  • Have you stated how you will crosscheck information to ensure its reliability? 
  • Do you describe how you plan to redraft your RSR after receiving feedback from the teacher?
  • Do you write about how you will edit and condense your RSR to meet the word count?

See the recommended wordcount for this sub-section of the outline plan in the word template provided.  

It is very important to state where you have gotten all the information you use in your research study report. If you use information you found in a source to write your own assignment or report, but don’t give credit to the author, you are stealing another person’s work – that is called plagiarism. For this project and for Higher Level history, you will list your 3 most important sources in this section. (If you’re submitting a report as part of Ordinary Level History for the Leaving Certificate you would list 2 sources). Make sure your sources are listed at the end of the page on the Outline Plan, not in the Evaluation of Sources section. 

Bear in mind that your sources may be primary or secondary or a combination of the two. Note that the syllabus states that you should use 'specialist' secondary sources (i.e. don't use standard school textbooks or works of historical fiction as your main sources or you'll lose marks).

For this project and for Higher Level History in the Leaving Certificate, at least one of your sources should be written by a historian (where available).

When you list your sources you’ll need to reference them correctly i.e. give all the important information about your sources. For more details about where to find these important details about your sources see pages 10/11 of the  Shortcuts to success History exam guide. You should provide enough accurate details about your source to make it easy for the examiner to find and check the reference.  References for written sources should include at a minimum: 

  • Name of the author
  • Title of the book, article, diary etc. 
  • Publisher and date of publication

In the case of material sourced from the internet include at a minimum:

  • The name of the author (or editors if no author is given)
  • The title of the page or article (and that of the main title page, if the page quoted is only a part of the main site)
  • The date it was written (if available)
  • The website address or URL
  • The date on which the material was read or downloaded

Choose a referencing style

It’s useful to choose a referencing style like Harvard or APA when referencing your sources. Follow the guidelines for that style to format (i.e. lay out) your references consistently and correctly. Use the referencing style advised by your teacher or see the Class 4 slides 45-50 for guidelines around using Harvard referencing style.

You may find it useful to number each source so that you can use these numbers to refer back to a source in the next section, ‘Evaluation of Sources’. See page 9/17 of the  Shortcuts to success History exam guide. REMEMBER: You may be asked to submit copies of the relevant section(s) of the sources, so keep these until you receive your final mark.

  • Have you listed all the sources you used to research and write your report?
  • Have you listed three sources?
  • Are they either primary or specialist secondary sources?
  • Have you used at least one published source written by a historian (where available)?
  • Are these listed as part of the outline plan (and not in the evaluation of sources section)?
  • Have you included all the important source details in your references?
  • Will these details help the examiner to find and check the sources?
  • Are your sources laid out correctly, following the guidelines of your chosen referencing style?
  • Are your sources numbered? (This is optional).
  • Are you keeping all the copies you've taken from your sources until you receive your final mark?  

Evaluating your sources

Read through this checklist to make sure you choose the right sources for your report - see more details about each item in general guidelines for your RSR sources : 

  • Have you chosen three main sources and checked those with your teacher? 
  • Between them, do your three sources cover all the information you need for your RSR?
  • Are your sources either primary or specialist secondary sources, or a combination of the two?
  • Have you used at least one primary source (if available)?
  • If you found the primary source on the internet, is it clear where the source is located?
  • Have you chosen sources that aren't too difficult to find?
  • Have you used the questions in  evaluating your sources  to assess the sources you're thinking of using?
  • Have you used a range of different sources?
  • Have you recorded the details you'll need about your sources when you list them in the outline plan/sources to be consulted section?
  • Are you looking out for references or links to other useful sources when you're reading a print document or looking at a website?
  • Are you keeping photocopies you make of your sources and any handwritten notes you make?  

Evaluating your sources section of the RSR

The evaluating your sources section is worth 25 marks out of the 100 marks available for your research study report. For this project, you have been allocated a word count of up to 580 words for this section in the submission template . In the RSR booklet you'll fill in for the Leaving Certificate , you are allocated two A4 pages for this section. For more information about the checklist items listed below see  evaluating your sources .

  • when you're reading the sources are you taking notes that record the information that is relevant to your topic?
  • are you noting down the strengths and weakness of each source as you read through them?
  • are you using the worksheet from  pages 7-9 of this scoilnet.ie guide  to help you evaluate and record sources you find?
  • have you answered the basic questions listed in  evaluating your sources  in this section?
  • have you used the CRAAP questions in  evaluating your sources  to help you write this section?
  • have you checked the guidelines for writing this section in pages 26-32 of the  Leaving Certificate History Guidelines for Teachers ?
  • have you clearly stated the relevance of each of the three sources you have used to your topic?
  • have you commented on the strengths and weaknesses of each source?
  • if you've finished your extended essay, have you revised what you've written in this section?

Taking notes from your sources

Read through this checklist to make sure you're taking effective notes as you read through your sources. See more details about each item in taking notes from your sources . 

  • Are you clear about what you are researching and writing?
  • Are you using the contents page, chapter headings and index to find the information you need?
  • Are you using your outline plan aims to focus your research?
  • Have you chosen headings to help you organise your notes as you read through your sources?
  • Do you understand that these headings can and will change as you do your research and after you write your essay?
  • Are you organising your headings on a word document or with folders?
  • Are you reading a section/chapter then noting down the relevant information?
  • Are you keeping track of which source you're getting the information from?
  • Are you taking down the source details and page number of any direct quotes you're recording?
  • Are you noting down the strengths and weaknesses of each source?
  • Are you using effective note-taking strategies to organise your research and save you time? 
  • Are your notes brief unless you're recording a direct quote? 
  • Are you underlining or highlighting important words?
  • Are you keeping copies or retaining computer files of your notes until you receive your final mark?

Writing your extended essay

The extended essay section is worth 50 marks out of the 100 marks available for your research study report. The word count for this section and for the review of the research process section is 1200-1500 words. For this section, you will be marked on your historical knowledge, your research skills and your presentation. See the breakdown of marks in the marking scheme .

For more information about the checklist items listed below see how to write your extended essay .

General guidelines

  • Have you set out the answers to the questions you had at the beginning of the report?
  • Have you related the main findings and conclusions you’ve arrived at? 
  • Have you gone beyond merely commenting on the events relating to your topic?
  • Have you shared your thoughts on the topic and explained why you hold those views?
  • Are your opinions based on the information you found in your sources?
  • Have you analysed and evaluated the information and made conclusions based on that evidence? 
  • Does your essay show that you understand the role of evidence in the writing of history? 
  • Have you identified the main points and made sure they’re all supported by evidence, and interpreted their impact? 
  • Have you presented your opinion while acknowledging and accepting there are other opinions? 
  • Have you shown that you understand the broader historical context of your research findings?
  • Is your writing objective and unbiased i.e. do you aim for a fair and balanced treatment of the issues? 
  • Have you used simple, clear language and have you written in your own voice?
  • Are you taking breaks when you write your essay to help clear and focus your mind?

Structuring your essay

  • Before you begin writing, have you organised your essay under the different headings you’ve already identified?
  • Do you understand the research question i.e. the subject or topic outlined in your title? 
  • Does all the information you've included in your essay clearly relate to the main topic?
  • Have you kept the subject of your report in mind at all times so that your extended essay is organised sensibly?
  • Does your essay have a clear, coherent structure i.e. an introduction, body paragraphs with clear points and a conclusion? 
  • Does it have a logical flow i.e. are the events described laid out in chronological order?
  • Do you clearly discuss and explain the key events that relate to your topic?
  • Have you included one, two or three quotes in your extended essay, if possible? 
  • Have you used facts and figures i.e. statistics taken directly from your source? 
  • Have you cited any quotes, facts or figures you've used in your essay?
  • Are the quotes, facts and figures you've used and cited taken from all three of your sources?

Writing your introduction

  • Is the word count for your introduction roughly 10% of the word count for you extended essay?
  • Does your introduction give some background information and a broad overview of what the essay will be about? 
  • Does your introduction set the context and state the thesis or main argument of your essay?
  • Does your introduction mention the historic element?
  • Does your introduction outline the prevailing perception or the main difference in opinion?
  • Is your introduction as short as possible and as clear as possible?

Writing the body of your essay

  • In the body of your essay, have you addressed the main findings of your research?
  • Does the argument you make in your main body paragraphs deliver on what you promised in your introduction?
  • Does each body paragraph focus on a single main idea?
  • Have you used topic sentences to introduce the point of each paragraph, supported it with evidence, and explained how it relates to your overall argument? 
  • Have you used linking statements to connect the ideas in your body paragraphs together so that your writing flows logically and naturally? 
  • Do you understand how to bring the information from your notes into your extended essay using quotation, summary and paraphrasing?
  • Have you used quotes and facts from your sources to back up your arguments? 
  • Are these taken from all three of your sources? 
  • When linking the evidence into your essay have you mentioned the authors of the sources, or used the numbers used to number your sources in the outline plan?
  • Do you understand how to use certain link words and phrases or linking statements to introduce your evidence?

Writing your conclusion

  • In your conclusion have you stated the conclusions you have come to based on your research?
  • Have you summarised your key points?
  • Have you combined your key points and do you show how they relate to each other?
  • Have you stated if your opinion on the topic has changed or if it has influenced your beliefs or future actions in any way? 
  • Have you restated your argument in light of the evidence you have presented? 
  • Have you used the conclusion to clarify your own position and explain exactly where you stand on the issue? 
  • Have you identified or listed your evidence briefly?
  • Have you stated if you have any unresolved questions?
  • Have you finished by offering a broader perspective that will allow the reader a chance to reflect?
  • Have you avoided including any new information?
  • Is the word count for your conclusion roughly 10% of the overall word count for the extended essay?
  • If the examiner was to read only your introduction and conclusion would they should understand what they missed in the middle, and where you stand on the issue? 
  • Do you understand that the first draft of your essay is just the beginning and that you shouldn't aim for perfection from the start?
  • Do you understand that the introduction and conclusion will change depending on how you reshape the main body of your essay?

When you have finished your essay:

  • Have you reviewed your essay to see if your arguments make sense and are well supported?
  • Have you refined your extended essay until it clearly and effectively communicates your argument?
  • Have you made sure the title suits the content of your essay?
  • Have you checked that the date or time period mentioned in your title suits the content of your essay?
  • Have you cited any direct quotes, facts or statistics correctly with a superscript number and a footnote?
  • Have you checked your spelling, punctuation and grammar?
  • Have you asked your teacher for feedback?
  • << Previous: April 2024: Submitting your Research Study Report and Marking Scheme
  • Meet the project team
  • October 2023: Class 1
  • November 2023: Class 2
  • December 2023: Class 3
  • January 2023: Class 4
  • February 2024: Revision Class
  • April 2024: Submitting your Research Study Report and Marking Scheme

Choosing your project title

See  choosing your research study report topic for more information about the items in the checklist below. 

  • Have you chosen a working title and understand that you may need to change the title slightly later on?
  • Have you checked your potential report topic with your teacher before starting your research?
  • Are there good sources of information available on your chosen subject?
  • Are they sources that can be checked easily by the corrector?
  • Is your subject historically significant?
  • Have you checked the suggested subject categories on page 14 of the  Leaving Certificate History Guidelines for Teachers ?
  • Is your subject clearly defined with a narrow focus? 
  • Does your title include the date or range of dates of the historical topic you'll be researching or does it refer to a specific period in history? 
  • Does your subject avoid the key personalities and case studies covered in the History syllabus?
  • If it involves a key personality, does it examine a specific aspect of their history not covered in-depth in the syllabus?
  • Will your title allow you to show an understanding of the broader historical context of your research findings?
  • Have you chosen a subject from an area of history that you understand well?
  • Does your title fall within the historical time limits laid out in the syllabus? 
  • Is your subject unique within your class group and is it all your own work?

Based on the title you've chosen, have you brainstormed the likely questions you will ask/headings you will use in your extended essay?

Where to find sources for your report

See a detailed breakdown of the items in this checklist in where to find sources for your RSR.

  • Have you checked the public library catalogue and online databases for print and digital sources?
  • Have you asked a public librarian for guidance about where to find the best sources for your report?
  • Have you photocopied or printed out the cover and title pages of your sources?
  • Have you checked local and online archives for primary sources?
  • Have you used the  CRAAP questions  to help you decide if a source is reliable and suitable for your topic?
  • Have you used these worksheets from  pages 7-10 of this scoilnet.ie guide  to help you evaluate and record your sources?
  • Have you watched this  effective online and database searches video  to learn how to get the most out of your catalogue, web and database searches?
  • Do you understand why you need to be careful with information you find on the internet?
  • Have you checked our  list of recommended websites for researching Irish history ?
  • Have you checked beyond the first few pages you're shown on a Google results page?
  • Have you printed out the useful sources you've found online or saved them into folders on your PC?

Review of the research process

The review of the research process is worth 10 marks out of the 100 marks available for your report. For this project, you will fill in this section separately  on the Word template . For Leaving Certificate History, this section can be completed as part of the extended essay, or as a stand-alone section at the end of the essay. This section should be approx. 200-300 words long and will be included in the 1200-1500 word count of your extended essay.

For more information about the checklist items listed below see review of the research process .

  • Is this section approx. 200-300 words long and included in the 1200-1500 word count of your extended essay? 
  • Have you described how useful the research process was in achieving the aims laid down in the outline plan?
  • Have you described how you carried out your research, the benefits you think you gained from it and any problems you had along the way?
  • Are you honest and specific in your review of how you completed the RSR?
  • Do you address the questions set out in   review of the research process ?
  • Do you use the key words set out in   review of the research process ?

Final checks before you submit your report

Before you submit your report to the History in Your Hands project team:

  • Ask for feedback from the teacher
  • Check that you stay within the word count guidelines
  • Check that your grammar, spelling, punctuation are correct 
  • Check that direct quotes, facts and statistics are cited with footnotes
  • Go through the checklists on this page

Final checks when submitting the RSR booklet for Leaving Certificate History

  • Check you have completed each part of your report in the relevant section of the RSR booklet
  • Check you have completed the front of the booklet 
  • Make sure you have used blue or black pen throughout the booklet
  • Check that you have submitted the report to your teacher and signed the appropriate form

How to ask questions

Do you have questions about the project or about how to complete and submit your report to the project team? Just click on the image below and use the form to send us a question. Your history teacher can forward any questions you have to use, or you can ask us questions at any point during the History in Your Hands classes.

leaving cert history essay plans

  • Last Updated: May 21, 2024 9:40 PM
  • URL: https://dcu.libguides.com/Historyinyourhands

History - Ordinary

Late Modern History (1815-1993) is divided into 6 Irish topics and 6 European topics. 

Leaving Cert History is a challenging course and requires essay style answers. Good English skills, the ability to do research and an interest in History are all important if you do this subject. Up to 20% of your final result will be based on your research project done before the exam. 

History (Late Modern) Course Content

Irish History (1815-1993) 

  • Ireland & the Union,
  • Movements for political and social reform
  • Sovereignty & the impact of partition
  • The Irish diaspora
  • Politics and society in Northern Ireland
  • Republic - government, society, economy

History of Europe and the Wider World 1815-1993 

  • Nationalism and State Formation
  • Nation states and international tensions
  • Dictatorship and democracy
  • Division and realignment in Europe
  • European retreat from Empire and the aftermath
  • The US and the World.
  • Written Exam (80%)
  • Research Study Report (20%)

At both levels, the examination paper features a documents-based question (linked to the documents-based study) and three general questions. All four questions carry equal marks. The paper is 2 hours and 50 minutes long.

Research Study Report

Students must choose a research topic and write up their findings under three headings:Outline Plan (15 marks); Evaluation of the Sources (25 marks); Extended Essay with a review of the research process (60 marks). 

Future Careers with Leaving Certificate History

Leaving cert History is not an essential requirement for any courses in the CAO system. History can be used in a wide variety of careers including Archaeology, Writing, Research, Education and Tourism.

Download the Leaving Cert History Syllabus

Download the Leaving Cert History Chief Examiner's Report  (2017) 

Download the Leaving Cert History Guidelines for teachers

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Leaving Cert History: Documents and Essays 2020

This page remains for information only – this course is not currently examinable. For the up to date course, see Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert History Guide 2021/22 and 2022/23

This our concise History edition. Our  full guide  include this and more. This version comprises tips, document notes and essays. This is a printable guide of approximately 20,000 words over 64 pages.


General study and exam tips 

Course layout

Study and revision tips

Section 1: Answering Document-based Questions

Exam timing

Assessing the sources

General skills for answering questions

Question 1: Comprehension

Question 2: Comparison

Question 3: Criticism

Question 4: Context 

Section 1: Document Case Study

The Montgomery bus boycott

Lyndon B. Johnson and the Vietnam war

The Moon landing, 1969

Sample answer:  What was the reaction to the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1956?

Sections 2 and 3: Essay Writing 

Essay skills

Planning and laying out an essay

Other tips and tricks

Sample plan

Section 2: Irish History 

Topic 1: Ireland and the Union, 1815 – 1870

Sample essays: 

a. What were the responses of Charles Trevelyan and/or Asenath Nicholson to Famine in Ireland? (2017)

b. What were the aims of Daniel O’Connell and to what extent did he achieve them?  (2016)

Topic 2: Movements for political and social reform.

Sample essay:

a. How did Unionism develop during the period 1886 – 1914? (2011)

b. What did one or more of the following contribute to cultural revival during the period 1870- 1914: the GAA; the Gaelic League; the Anglo-Irish Literary Revival? (2012)

Topic 3: The pursuit of sovereignty and the impact of partition.

Sample Essay: What was the significance of the Eucharistic Congress, 1932?

Topic 5: Politics and society in Northern Ireland

Religion, Culture and Science

Sample essay:  What was the contribution of the Apprentice Boys of Derry to the celebration of religious and cultural identity among that city’s unionist minority? (2006)

Topic 6: Government, economy and society in the Republic of Ireland, 1949 – 1989:

Sample essay: How did Anglo-Irish relations develop during the period 1949-1989? (2012)

Section 3: Europe and the Wider World 

Topic 3: Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe

Sample essay:  How effective were Stalin’s moves for change during his time as leader of Russia?

The rise of Fascism (Italy and Germany)Sample essay: How did dictators use propaganda and/or terror to maintain their power?

With our guide on History, you will get:

access to general LC History quiz on 625points

access to our informal History FAQ video

priority access to 625Lab: we will give you feedback on one typed up answer corrected. Use the  625Lab submission form  and your essay will be moved to the top of the queue

priority access for Leaving Cert study advice. Email [email protected] with your query

the notes as detailed above

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How to write a Leaving Cert history essay

  • 03-05-2009 5:03pm #1 daithiolabhrai Registered Users Posts: 87 ✭✭ Join Date: January 2009 Posts: 78 Is there any specific way in which you were told to write your essays, e.g. Length, number of paragraphs, number of points raised. I know there's some specific way of marking the essays, with the cumulative mark and the overall mark, but I don't quite know what these mean. Could anyone help? 0
titan18 wrote: » About 5 pages.Opening paragraph, closing paragraph and 5 paragraphs in between, detailing the main points of the topic.
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one2one wrote: » I have a similar question - for the LC History special topic - how do I start my first draft? I have my outline plan etc done but haven't a clue how to start my first draft - its due tomorrow! I am doing it on the Battle of Stalingrad.
Gloom wrote: » Here's what I do. I'm getting worried. I'm still only at a B2 stage, I need to get an A1! e.g Account for the rise of Fascism in Europe. Intro - talk about the background, define fascism, what it involved, who was involved, where? par 1 - point 1 2 - 2 3 - 3 4 - 4 5 - 5 6 - 6 conclusion - events which happened afterwards - fall of fascism/ww2 I suppose it was either the way the corrector marked my answer in the pres or my paragraphs aren't factual enough.. I mean, come on, 41minutes! I'm just really confused about the whole marking scheme to be honest. I'm told the more parapgrahs you write, the more marks you can get. For my point 1 and 2 - I split it into two paragraphs (I felt I had mentioned two different points, but they just put the two in brackets together and counted them as one paragraph!) gah!
Gloom wrote: » e.g Account for the rise of Fascism in Europe. <snip> conclusion - events which happened afterwards - fall of fascism/ww2
IWishh wrote: » And the conclusion - you don't necessarily need to stick in further information do you? Like say your asked for the Rise of Mussolini - in the concluding paragraph you just say "Overall, this that and the other resulted in the Rise blah blah...." Thanks for any help..
Nihilist21 wrote: » If you plan on writing a conclusion paragraph the most you can get is 4 marks if you are just summerising what has been written already. However if you use new information (that would be hard in a conclusion) then its marked as a normal paragraph.



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  4. How to get a H1 in Leaving Cert History

    The essays. Sections 2 and 3 of the history exam require you to write long (3.5-6 pages) essays in response to a prompt. Depending on the category of your DBQ, you will either have to write two Irish history essays and one European history essay or two European history essays and one Irish history essay. Either way, each of these essays is ...

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  8. PDF How to get a H1 in Leaving Cert History (1)

    Section II and III of the Leaving Cert History Exam require you to write long (3.5-6 page) essays in response to a prompt. Depending on the category of your DBQ, you will either have to write two Irish History Essays and one European History Essay, or two European History Essays and one Irish History Essay. Either way, each of these essays are ...

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    LEAVING CERT HISTORY TOPIC SENTENCE ESSAY PLAN _____ Plan a leaving cert history essay by drafting a series of topic sentences. Note some key terms to be included in the development. ESSAY QUESTION: INTRODUCTION [List themes to be signposted] TS 1 Key terms: TS 2 Key terms: TS 3 Key terms: TS 4 Key terms: TS 5 Key terms: TS 6 Key terms:

  11. Category: Leaving Cert Resources

    Below is a resource for planning a leaving cert history essay using topic sentence . A topic sentence indicates the theme of a main body paragraph. The main themes of the essay should be signposted in the introduction. Usually, it is the first sentence of a paragraph, but not always. For example, it could be the last sentence of the previous ...

  12. RSR tips and checklists

    For Leaving Certificate History, this section can be completed as part of the extended essay, or as a stand-alone section at the end of the essay. This section should be approx. 200-300 words long and will be included in the 1200-1500 word count of your extended essay.

  13. Everything you need to study Leaving Cert History

    Leaving Cert History is a challenging course and requires essay style answers. Good English skills, the ability to do research and an interest in History are all important if you do this subject. Here is a breakdown of how you will be assessed: Written Exam (80%) Research Study Report (20%)

  14. Leaving Cert History Essay Booklet

    Leaving Cert History Essay Booklet. €30.00. This 216 page booklet boasts 50 H1 essays from the Leaving Cert History course across Sovereignty and Partition, Government Economy and Society in Ireland, Dictatorship and Democracy (DBQ), United States and the Wider World and Politics and Society in Northern Ireland. This booklet is suitable for ...

  15. PDF History In-Service Team, Supporting Leaving Certificate History

    beginning of your Leaving Certificate History course to learn how to draft notes that are relevant to issues raised. Try making notes in your own words: use a bullet point format; write down only the information you need; use a spider diagram to help organise your thoughts. This skill will also be very helpful when undertaking essays

  16. Leaving Cert History: Documents and Essays 2018 and 2019

    This our concise History edition. Our full guide include this and more. This version comprises tips, document notes and essays. LEAVING CERTIFICATE HISTORY: LATER MODERN COURSE. Contents: General study and exam tips. Section 1: Answering Document-based Questions. Section 1: Government, Economy and Society in the Republic of Ireland, 1949 - 89.

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    LEAVING CERT HISTORY PAST PAPERS ESSAY QUESTIONS. Europe and the Wider World: Topic 6 The United States and the World, 1945-1989Note: The United States and the World was. opic for the Documents-Based Question (DBQ) in 2008, 2009, 2020 and 2021.2023 How did one or more of the following affe. t the US: McCarthyism; the military-industrial complex ...

  18. RSR

    RSR - Leaving Cert History. The Research Project is a COMPULSORY part of your Leaving Certificate course. You must, in consultation with your teacher, choose an appropriate topic, decide on the specific title, conduct your research (making sure to locate a primary source) and write an extended essay. You must also submit an outline plan and an ...

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    Students must choose a research topic and write up their findings under three headings:Outline Plan (15 marks); Evaluation of the Sources (25 marks); Extended Essay with a review of the research process (60 marks). Future Careers with Leaving Certificate History. Leaving cert History is not an essential requirement for any courses in the CAO ...

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    Leaving Cert History: LBJ vs Harry Truman essay plan. Subject: History. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 332.23 KB. An essay plan for leaving cert history essay - Who was the greater president?

  21. Leaving Cert History: Documents and Essays 2020

    With our guide on History, you will get: access to general LC History quiz on 625points. access to our informal History FAQ video. priority access to 625Lab: we will give you feedback on one typed up answer corrected. Use the 625Lab submission form and your essay will be moved to the top of the queue. priority access for Leaving Cert study advice.

  22. How to write a Leaving Cert history essay

    About 5 pages.Opening paragraph, closing paragraph and 5 paragraphs in between, detailing the main points of the topic. 5 pages!! That's insane. Nah, i'd say 4 pages maximum and even that's pushing it time-wise. I got 98/100 for one of my essays in the pres and that was about 4 pages in big handwriting. Write as many paragraphs as you can, each ...