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Gym Business Plan PowerPoint Template

Gym Business PowerPoint Slide in creative style

Number of slides: 10

Make a business plan presentation to grow your gym or fitness center. The Gym Business Plan PowerPoint template is ideal to obtain investment or seed funding for your business idea. Showcase your strategy and growth plan in eye-catching slides. You’ll be able to cover your market analysis, customer segmentation, marketing and financial plan, and future goals. Are you ready to take your gym business to the next level?

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Gym Business Presentation Template

Gym business overview.

Open your gym business PowerPoint deck with an introduction of your business's current status. The business overview slide features a data-driven circle chart where you can showcase KPIs and highlight milestones. Use this slide to answer what makes your gym business unique to your customers.

Gym Business Market Slide

Conduct a market analysis of your niche market. Here you’ll be able to compare different solutions that target the same problem your business does and reinforce why your gym is the best option. The gym business market slide comes with column charts to showcase relevant figures.

Gym Marketing Plan Slide

Once you’ve provided a situation analysis, bring your ideas and how you’ll make them happen. The PowerPoint template includes slides for a marketing plan, an operations plan, and a financial plan. These are key sections you should add to your business plan to show potential investors that you’re serious about making your business grow. 

Future Goals Slide

Close your business plan with a sneak peek at what’s next. This will help your audience understand the vision you have for the fitness center in the long term.

Gym-themed icons

The Gym business PowerPoint template has gym-themed icons across the whole deck to enhance your key ideas.

Creative Business Plan Presentation

Create your gym business plan presentation in a creative template that will help you engage your audience from start to finish.


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Gym business plan: a checklist with templates & examples

In this article, you'll find a checklist of everything you need to know to create a business plan for your gym or fitness business.

If you've recently discovered an ambition to start a gym , or this has been your dream for years, we've got you covered!

The first step in your journey is to create a gym business plan. This will include understanding your business's structure, determining your target market and what sets you apart from other gyms (your unique selling point), forecasting future finances, and any further details about your venture.

Your gym business plan is the key to your success. It will help you make better decisions and attract potential investors. Creating a business plan is ongoing; it's not something you do once and then forget about. Your business plan should be flexible and adapt as you move forward. 

You have to consider many elements to ensure your gym will succeed. All stages of your business plan are critical. In this article, we'll be doing a deep dive into understanding the core essentials of creating a fitness business plan.

A boxing gym owner holding a clipboard, standing in front of punching bags.

What is a gym business plan? 

A gym business plan is a document that informs the reader about your company and where it's headed. In other words, it answers essential questions such as:

  • How does your business work?
  • How are you going to succeed?
  • What steps do you need to take to succeed?

According to research, entrepreneurs who write formal business plans are more likely to be successful . 

This is especially true for business owners seeking external financial support. A formal business plan can help new businesses by providing a clear focus for their ideas.

Why it’s important to have a business plan for your gym? 

Simply put, your gym business plan is an organized and detailed process that provides a roadmap for your business. If someone reads it – like a potential investor, for example – they should be able to understand how you expect the gym to progress and succeed over time.

Plus, putting together a business plan with detailed description forces you to take a critical look at your operation as it currently stands and identify room for improvement or new areas of opportunity altogether.

Depending on where your business is located, a well-crafted business plan can serve multiple purposes.

Keep reading for even more reasons you need a business plan from day one!

Two people working in front of a laptop.

Taking advantage of a steadily growing industry

The gym industry is booming, allowing gyms to capitalize on this growth. In the US alone, over 87 million people regularly attend the gym and spend billions of dollars annually on membership fees.

And according to projections, the global gym market is expected to reach 434 billion USD by 2028 – a 171% increase from 2021! This steady growth provides room for gym owners to get in on the action and reap the benefits.

By having a gym business plan that considers the health & fitness industry as a whole, you'll be able to capitalize on this growth.

Ensures your business idea is feasible 

If you're considering starting a fitness business, know it will be complex. You have a fantastic idea and think it could take off--but how can you test that theory without launching the business? 

This is where a business plan comes in handy. By working through your concept and creating a well-rounded plan of action, you'll be able to figure out key details like numbers, market trends, and what your competition is doing and save yourself loads of time down the line.

It helps to bring in investors and secure funding 

To secure funding for your gym business from investors, you need a comprehensive business plan. This document helps startup businesses obtain the initial capital they need and provides established companies with funds for expansion.

Would-be contributors usually request substantiated data— such as numbers backed up by facts and figures—before deciding whether or not to invest in a project.

If you don't have a business plan, chances are slim that you'll receive money from sources like investors, banks, or other financial organizations outside your company.

Set and reach goals, both big and small 

Having long-term and short-term goals is a great start, but it's time to take the next step. A successful business plan will contain specific tactics on how you plan to achieve your objectives. 

This might be through your business model, acquiring equipment, hiring new talent, or marketing campaigns.

A successful business needs a clear plan to achieve its goals. Breaking down important goals into smaller, more manageable pieces would be best. 

And remember-- as your business changes and grows over time, so should your plan. Keep it updated regularly. 

Business planning is no longer a daunting task

A business plan is a vital tool for new and established businesses. It provides direction and helps to set the foundation for a successful start. 

By budgeting, analyzing your market, and setting out your goals and strategies, you can make more informed decisions about how to proceed. This process also makes it easier to track your progress over time and assess whether or not you are on track.

Something to consider before creating a gym business plan

Consider the cost of starting a gym. There are many potential expenses, such as equipment, personal trainers, class instructors, insurance policies, property fees, etc.

Also, consider how much time you are willing to invest in this venture – especially during the beginning stages when there is likely to be a lot of work involved in getting everything up and running smoothly.

It can be challenging to maintain a good work/life balance when starting any business; it will probably require working additional hours outside of your usual schedule.

Money and time are essential, but there are other things you need to be successful. 

People skills, marketing know-how, and financial smarts are essential if you want to succeed in the gym business world. It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it if this is your passion. A solid plan is the first step toward making your dream a reality.

The 11 key elements of a detailed gym business plan

Before you develop your business plan, think about where you are and where you want to see yourself. Keep this vision in mind, as it will help guide you through writing your business plan. There will be countless opportunities wherein consulting your business plan will assist you in making a decision.

To create an effective health club business plan, you will need extensive research on your fitness industry, competitors, and future finances. 

Following these 11 steps, you can build an excellent gym business plan that covers all aspects of your health club.

Step 1: Executive summary

Your executive summary needs to be clear and concise while also grabbing attention. What you want readers to know is:

  • Your mission/purpose
  • How you'll achieve success (What will make you a success story?)

And finally, your vision for the future. Though it may seem tempting to hurry through this section because it is shorter than other parts of the business plan, don't rush! 

This is your chance to shine and explain what makes your company special. Don't worry if you feel like you have more to say about your goals and vision. You can expand on these topics in your company overview.

Step 2: Company overview

Your company overview is where you get to sell your gym and its potential. Build on your executive summary's vision and mission statement, delving deeper into what makes your gym unique. 

Think of your vision statement as a tagline for your future website. When outlining the purpose of your gym, which audience it will cater to, and how you plan to achieve business goals, also consider including the following: 

Your personal mission statement for the business- i.e., what outcome do you hope to see?

Then, give your readers some information on your background:

  • What have you done in the past?
  • Have you had any other businesses?
  • What is your current status?

This is helpful for investors and partners to know so they can understand where you've been and where you're going. The more they know about you, the more trust they'll have in you.

Step 3: Services and amenities

Outline your strategy in detail: what services you'll offer and how you will develop new offerings. This includes if you need to hire someone or build a facility, such as a spa or a studio. 

This information will help you realize when or where your business requires more funding and extra staff.

By describing your products and services, you can gain valuable insights into your gym's size. Test your vision to determine if you have the necessary funding for these assets. If not, consider how you might acquire the required financing.

A picture of a well-equipped gym.

Some potential products you could invest in are: 

  • Gym equipment like treadmills and rowing machines 
  • Specialist equipment to cater to different types of gym-goers, such as bodybuilders 
  • Food and drinks like energy drinks or healthy foods 

And services like: 

  • Personal training sessions 
  • Group classes like yoga, spinning, or body pump 
  • Lockers for storing belongings while working out 
  • Spa amenities like saunas or massages 
  • A swimming pool 
  • Physiotherapy

Furthermore, thinking about increasing your market share is a significant next step. You could start by offering pro bono services at local workplaces and schools, eventually introducing a fee.

This way, you can attract larger customers while still providing value.

When creating a business plan - be it for a gym or something else entirely - remember that its purpose is to lay out your objectives easily for potential bankers, partners, employees, and investors.

Step 4: Management team

It is essential to consider the positions you'll need to fill and how these people can help your gym succeed. 

You should write a summary emphasizing their skills and management experience while incorporating what they will be responsible for and any incentives you plan on offering.

Furthermore, creating an employee ladder is vital to establish who or what each new hire will report to so your business can secure its success.

Step 5: Market research and marketing strategy

Marketing is a field where creativity can shine. It's all about identifying different groups of people who would buy your product, coming up with reasons why they should choose you over others, and figuring out ways to get more sales.

Learn more:

Gym marketing strategy

Gym promotion ideas

Gym membership pricing

Best gym features

Even if marketing your fitness business isn't your favorite thing, remember that your marketing strategy will help you lay out a plan for expansion if you do it right. Your first target should be to summarise what you found in your market research. Are you still stuck? 

Consider where you are situated, similar businesses nearby, and who makes up the community around you.

Define your target market here. It could be

  • Working professionals
  • Senior executives

Or a particular group, like cyclists. After that, try to understand why this specific demographic would join a gym – for example, are they looking for cardio?

After you have completed your market research, take some time to understand your target audience. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can I make this customer base loyal?
  • What makes my company unique?
  • What's the best membership package I can offer?
  • Is there a need for special equipment or offerings?

In your plan, identify and communicate what makes your business valuable and unique. 

This is called a Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and it will help instill confidence in potential investors that they are making a wise choice by investing in your company. 

Furthermore, detailing marketing strategies in this document provides peace of mind that future income streams are lined up and secure.

There are many marketing strategies you can use to grow your business, including:

  • Improving your services
  • Advertising and sponsorship
  • Loyalty plans and website promotions
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Investing in new equipment or technology

Step 6: Competitor analysis - Understanding direct and indirect competitors

To do a competitor analysis, research businesses in your field that offer similar services. These are your direct competitors. 

You can mention indirect competitors, but this section is mainly for an in-depth look at businesses like yours. Depending on your business type, you could have brick-and-mortar and online rivals.

When investigating a competitor, these are some critical areas you'll want to focus on: 

  • Services and products they offer 
  • Target audience 
  • Pricing and business model 
  • Strengths and weaknesses

gym business plan slideshare

Step 7: Create comprehensive financial projections

Starting a gym requires careful budgeting. Make sure you consider every possible purchase and estimate the cost of each item.

The following are key areas to cover when starting your business:

  • Lawyer fees
  • Recruiting expenses
  • Constructional endeavors
  • Exercise equipment for the workplace
  • Three months' worth of bills and other operational costs
  • An accounting software

It's time to be practical and ascertain how much money you will need to open your gym and make it thrive. This way, you'll get a better understanding of what falls within your budget and what will require additional funding.

Next, you need to prove to investors, stakeholders, and employees that you have a feasible plan for attaining ROI. 

Consider revenue streams such as classes, services provided, and product sales- anything that brings in money. Set down an estimate here based on research and expert opinion.

If you're looking for ways to make money, selling healthy food could be a great option. You could create your protein shakes or energy bars, for example. 

If you plan to sell food, ensure you stay up-to-date with food hygiene standards.

Step 8: Financial forecasting

Your sales forecast for your business's first, second, and third years should be detailed. Specifying the number of active members, you estimate for your first year would also be beneficial. Estimate using:

  • Unit sales per month
  • Any relevant past data
  • How purchases will be broken down (as specified in financial projections)

Step 9: Financial strategy

How can you use your fees in a way that will increase customer registration? For example, if all the other gyms in your area charge higher prices than average, this could be an opportunity to set your business apart by being financially conscious (lowering membership fees or having better offers than competitors).

Consider ways to show your appreciation for loyal customers, such as discounts or complimentary services.

Furthermore, if you're in the process of creating a gym and spa business plan, consider adding discounts for those who use both facilities. For example, many people would love to take advantage of the jacuzzi after working out.

Writing your pricing strategy down will help give you peace of mind about what's to come for your gym.

Step 10: Payment option

An easy and accessible payment system is crucial for any business, let alone a gym. To retain customers , ensure your payment processing is up-to-date and user-friendly. 

Let potential investors know what platform you're using or planning to use, so they can see that you're taking customer experience seriously. A positive buyer experience will encourage loyalty among your clientele.

Step 11: Funding

Make it clear where your business will obtain the extra startup capital it needs. 

This is a chance to be practical about your company. Can you realistically obtain the funding required to reach your targets? Or do you need to readjust your plan?

Below are some vital external resources that might provide the necessary funding:

  • Loans from friends or family members
  • Crowdfunding campaigns
  • Business partners or sponsors

If you are looking to gain investors, be sure to detail where the funding for your project will come from and how much of a return they can expect. You should also include any previous loan applications related to this venture here.

You're almost there!

Now it's time to put all the elements outlined above into a gym business plan. This plan will be a reference point when you need to make tough decisions, help secure investment, and show direction to new employees or partners.

A picture showing a planner and a pen.

Your next steps to successfully run your gym

Here's a personal checklist to help you ensure that you have everything covered before you open your gym. Use it as a reference point throughout the development process to ensure nothing is overlooked.

  • Write a business plan
  • Register business
  • Apply for a business license and permit
  • Open business bank accounts
  • Select an online payment platform
  • Obtain taxpayer's ID
  • Purchase insurance
  • Rent/purchase facility
  • Purchase/rent equipment
  • Secure funding
  • Recruit employees
  • Drafting contract documents along with any other legal documents required
  • Design company logo
  • Develop website
  • Write website content
  • Create social media accounts
  • Design leaflets & brochures
  • Organize branded uniforms
  • Launch party

Any business, no matter how big or small, comes with its fair share of challenges. However, the payoffs in the end always make it worth your while

Starting a gym can be an exciting and rewarding venture. However, it is important to ensure that you are well-prepared with all the necessary information before you open your gym. 

A comprehensive Gym Business Plan detailing the market research, financial projections and strategy, services and amenities, management team, and more should be developed to ensure success. 

Additionally, obtaining the necessary licenses, finding and hiring trainers, investing in the right equipment , and appealing to members with friendly incentives are all important steps.

Gym business plan template & examples

In addition, we've gathered a few of the gym business plan templates and examples below. These samples will provide you with suggested language for your own document as well as guidance on what to include.

Adam Fitness Centre

Grow think's template

PAWSitively Fit Club

Ecogym business plan

Capital Health and Fitness Club

Frequently asked questions on good gym business plan

How can i start my own gym business.

Follow these steps and understand gym business plans:

  • Choose your area/location
  • Develop a comprehensive business plan
  • Apply and obtain all necessary licenses
  • Find and hire certified trainers
  • Invest in the right equipment for your business
  • Appeal to members with friendly incentives

How do I write a business plan for a gym?

To write a gym business plan, you can implement the steps below:

  • Executive summary
  • Company overview
  • Services and amenities
  • Management team
  • Market research and marketing
  • Competitor analysis 
  • Financial projections
  • Financial forecasting
  • Financial strategy
  • Payment option

What type of gym is the most profitable?

Out of the gyms surveyed in November 2020, 69 percent of CrossFit gyms were profitable, while half of martial arts gyms reported being in the black.

Is owning a gym a good business?

Owning a gym can be profitable, but you will need more time to make yourself rich. To succeed in this industry, you must put in the effort.

Do gym owners make money?

According to ZipRecruiter, an American jobs marketplace, gym owners in the United States will earn an average of $69,472 annually as of June 2022.

Do gyms make a lot of money?

A gym that is managed efficiently and has a good mixture of members can generate quite a bit of money. For example, if a gym has 1,000 people paying $50 monthly, the gym could bring in $50,000 each month. And if the monthly expenses for the gym are $20,000 per month, the profit would be $30,000 per month.


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Gym Sport Business Plan

It seems that you like this template, gym sport business plan presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

In case you didn’t know, gyms are businesses, so running them—get it?—is as difficult as any other. If you want to open a new gym and you need to present your plan, then this free template by Slidesgo can help you achieve your goals.

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Gym Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Gym Business Plan & Example

You’ve come to the right place to create a gym business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their gyms.

Gym Business Plan Example

Use the example below as a template to write a gym business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Steven’s Gym is a startup locally owned gym located in El Paso, Texas. Steven’s Gym will include various exercise equipment, strength training equipment, free weights, aerobic equipment, and plenty of cardio equipment. The gym will also offer HIIT group classes, spin classes, strength training instruction, and personal training.

Located in an up and coming, newly developed, and highly trafficked area of town, Steven’s Gym will attract both men and women ages 16 to 75+. There is something for everyone at Steven’s Gym, whether someone is just beginning their fitness journey or is a seasoned athlete and gymrat. The gym will have a welcoming atmosphere, experienced personal trainers, friendly staff, and frequently cleaned equipment and restrooms.

The membership options are affordable and will be offered on a month-to-month basis, a 6 or 12 month contract, or the ability to pay for an entire year upfront. Discounts will be offered to military, teachers, and healthcare workers.

Service Offering

The following are the services that Steven’s Gym will provide:

  • Strength training equipment
  • Cardio equipment
  • Free weights/dumbbells
  • Aerobic equipment
  • HIIT group classes
  • Strength training instruction

Customer Focus

Steven’s Gym will target all men and women ages 16 – 75+ who are interested in achieving and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. El Paso is a very diverse city that includes men and women from all walks of life. There are numerous blue collar individuals, white collar individuals, government employees, and military members as the local Army base is one of the largest in the country. Since Steven’s Gym will be very affordable, it will be able to attract people from all walks of life.

Management Team

Steven will manage the day-to-day tasks of running the gym. Steven will hire a gym manager to manage membership and three trainers. Steven will outsource a local CPA to handle payroll, accounting, and tax payments. He will also outsource a local advertising company to develop the gym’s logo, branding, photography, social media accounts, website, and billboard design.

Success Factors

Steven’s Gym will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Large, clean, and spacious fitness center that has all the necessary equipment for their fitness routine.
  • Knowledgeable and friendly staff of trainers.
  • Best value for membership pricing. The membership pricing options are affordable and offer military, teacher, and healthcare employee discounts.
  • Convenient hours of operation.

Financial Plan Highlights

Steven’s Gym is seeking $300,000 in debt financing to begin operations of the business. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the warehouse space, gym build-out, and purchase of the equipment. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and working capital. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Securing warehouse space, gym build-out, and design: $25,000 to $125,000
  • Gym equipment purchase: $50,000 to $100,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $15,000 to $55,000
  • Marketing & advertising: $15,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

financial projections for Steven's Gym

Company Overview

Who is steven’s gym.

Steven’s Gym is a new, locally owned gym located in El Paso, Texas. Steven’s Gym will include strength training equipment, free weights, aerobic equipment, and plenty of cardio equipment. The gym will also offer fitness classes, strength training instruction, and personal training. Located in an up and coming, and highly trafficked area of town, Steven’s Gym will attract both men and women ages 16 to 75+. There is something for everyone at Steven’s Gym, whether someone is just beginning their fitness journey or is a seasoned athlete and gymrat. The gym will have a welcoming atmosphere, experienced trainers, friendly staff, and frequently cleaned equipment and restrooms. The membership options are affordable and will be offered on a month-to-month basis, a 6 or 12 month contract, or the ability to pay for an entire year upfront. Discounts will be offered to military, teachers, and healthcare workers.

Steven’s Gym History

Steven’s Gym is owned by Steven Malone, a retired Army Master Sergeant who is also a seasoned powerlifter. Steven was stationed at El Paso’s Fort Bliss for many years before eventually retiring and deciding to stay in El Paso and embark on his dream of eventually owning his own gym. As a frequent gym goer, Steven recognized that El Paso lacks high quality independent gyms. The nicest and most equipped gyms in El Paso are large franchises that have too many rules and regulations. Steven envisioned a gym that was welcoming to all types of people that is encouraging, clean, and adequately equipped for those who are focused on sustaining an active, healthy lifestyle.

Since incorporation, Steven’s Gym has achieved the following milestones:

  • Found a 10,000 square foot warehouse space for lease in El Paso, Texas that can easily be converted to a gym.
  • Registered Steven’s Gym, LLC to do business in the State of Texas.
  • Began the branding image, logo, website, and social media accounts for the gym.
  • Began researching and pricing out equipment.

Steven’s Gym Services

The following will be the services Steven’s Gym will provide:

Industry Analysis

The Gym industry is expected to grow to an annual revenue of $38 billion in the next five years. This growth is likely a result of increased per capita disposable income, in addition to growing health-consciousness. As consumers’ disposable income levels rise, individuals are usually more willing to purchase gym memberships. Additionally, time spent on leisure and sports is expected to increase over the next five years, effectively increasing the potential pool of consumers.

During this period, demographic changes are expected to drive revenue growth for operators. In particular, as healthcare costs continue to escalate, health insurance providers may implement incentives to promote preventive health practices, including the use of fitness centers among individuals within their provider network. Additionally, initiatives that promote the health benefits of exercise will likely increase over the next five years, stimulating industry revenue.  

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Steven’s Gym’s target audience will include all men and women ages 16 – 75+ who are interested in achieving and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. El Paso is a very diverse city that includes men and women from all walks of life. There are numerous blue collar individuals, white collar individuals, government employees, and military members as the local Army base is one of the largest in the country. Since Steven’s Gym will be very affordable, it will be able to attract people from all walks of life.

Customer Segmentation

Steven’s Gym will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • High school and college students
  • Locally-based Military
  • Athletes who frequently train for fitness competitions

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Steven’s Gym will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below. Gold’s Gym Gold’s Gym is a large franchise-owned gym with two locations in El Paso. Gold’s Gym gives access to everything one needs to transform their life: state-of-the-art amenities, a variety of fitness classes tailored towards someone’s fitness needs, and the world’s best trainers. There are weekly fitness classes for group workouts ranging from martial arts-inspired cardio classes to foundational yoga sessions. There are also certified trainers if someone is new to exercise or just looking for more guidance and coaching. Gold’s Gym’s amenities include cardio equipment, group exercise, personal training, a pro shop, sauna/steam rooms, group cycle, free weights, functional training, kids club, locker rooms, and wifi.

Planet Fitness Planet Fitness is for people from all walks of life, whether they’re a first-time gym user or a veteran member, they are there to provide a workout environment in which anyone and everyone can be comfortable. All Planet Fitness members enjoy unlimited access to their home club and the support of their friendly, knowledgeable staff anytime they need it. PF Black Club members receive additional benefits, including the ability to bring a guest for free and access to any of their 2,000+ PF locations. Also, the PF member can take advantage of their free fitness training or find motivation by reading real member experiences on Planet of Triumphs. The goal of Planet Fitness is to provide a clean, safe, welcoming environment for anyone who walks through the door, and all the equipment, amenities, and support they need once they arrive.

Anytime Fitness Anytime Fitness is a welcoming gym that exists to help someone get to a healthier place – by giving the right support at the right times, in the ways the member wants. Every member receives a free, personalized Get Started Plan when they join. Their friendly, professional staff is trained to help someone along their fitness journey, no matter how much support they need. Aside from a large selection of strength and cardio equipment, Anytime Fitness offers the following services – 24-hour access, 24-hour security, convenient parking, anywhere gym access, private restrooms, private showers, health plan discounts, wellness programs, cardio TVs, and HDTVs.

Competitive Advantage

Steven’s Gym will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

  • Large, clean, and spacious facility that has all the necessary equipment for their fitness routine.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Steven’s Gym will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Large, clean, spacious, and well-equipped facility.
  • Dedicated team of trainers.
  • Affordable membership pricing plans.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Steven’s Gym is as follows: Social Media Marketing Strategy Steven’s Gym will invest in advertising the gym on social media platforms Facebook and Instagram. By using targeted social media marketing, Steven’s Gym will be able to reach the appropriate target audience of El Paso. Before opening, Steven will hire an advertising agency to develop the branding and photography needed to create captivating social media posts.

Billboards Steven will invest in two billboards strategically located at busy intersections that receive thousands of traffic daily. The advertising agency will develop the print for the billboard design. Website/SEO Marketing Strategy Steven’s Gym will invest in a strong SEO presence so that when someone enters “El Paso gym” or “local gym near me” in their Google or Bing search bar, Steven’s Gym is at the top of the list. Their website will list all of Steven’s Gym’s services, location, pricing, and contact information. Word of Mouth Word quickly spreads around town and once a few people experience the clean, affordable, and professional staff at Steven’s Gym, more and more people will come in to see for themselves and sign up for a membership plan.

The pricing of Steven’s Gym will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their services.  

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Steven’s Gym.

Operation Functions:

  • Steven Malone will be the sole gym owner and operator of Steven’s Gym. He will oversee the staff, maintain that the cleaning schedules are being enforced, and ensure that all equipment is working per standard and safely. He will also manage all ordering of new and replacement equipment, schedule the group HIIT classes, and daily management tasks.
  • Steven will hire a gym manager to be in charge of members and member management.
  • A team of three trainers will run all of the fitness classes. As the membership grows and clients require more attention, more trainers and fitness classes will be added.
  • A local CPA will manage all high level accounting functions, such as payroll and tax payments.
  • Steven will also hire an advertising agency to develop the gym’s branding, photography, website, social media accounts, and billboard design.


Steven’s Gym will have the following milestones completed in the next six months. 8/1/202X – Finalize contract to lease warehouse space. 8/15/202X – Begin build-out and design converting warehouse space into a functional gym. 9/1/202X – Hire advertising company to begin developing gym’s branding, logo, social media accounts, website, and billboard design. 9/15/202X – Order all equipment. 10/5/202X – Hire gym manager and team of personal trainers. 10/15/202X – Train staff on proper policies and procedures. 11/1/202X – Grand Opening of Steven’s Gym.  

Steven’s Gym will be solely owned by Steven Malone. Steven is a retired Army Master Sergeant who has been stationed off and on at El Paso’s Fort Bliss for the past twelve years. Upon retirement, Steven decided to make El Paso his permanent home and embark on his dream of owning his own gym. Steven recognizes the lack of quality, independent gyms in El Paso and wants to open a gym that fits his idea of what a high-quality gym should be.

As a former powerlifter and personal trainer while serving in the military, Steven is aware of the proper equipment and facilities a gym should have. Steven envisions his gym to be friendly, clean, well-equipped, and affordable for the average person so that people from all walks of life will feel comfortable going to the gym and achieving their fitness goals. Steven will dedicate his life and focus on ensuring that his gym is always clean, staffed with the best trainers, and members are happy with what the gym has to offer.  

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Steven’s Gym are the membership fees it will charge each person that signs up to become a member. Each member will be placed on a membership plan where they can either pay month to month, enroll in either a 6 or 12 month contract, or pay for the entire year upfront.

The cost drivers will be the payroll for the staff, rent, utilities, cleaning supplies and equipment, and gym equipment purchase and maintenance. Other cost drivers will be the targeted marketing costs on social media and monthly fees for the CPA and advertising company.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Initial Number of New Clients per Month: 60
  • Average Monthly Membership Fee: $150
  • Gym Lease per Year: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Gym Business Plan FAQs

What is a gym business plan.

A gym business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your gym. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing strategies and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your gym business plan using our gym business plan template here .

What Are the Main Types of Gyms?

There are many types of gyms or fitness centers. There are large, franchise gyms that have multiple locations across the country. There are also large single facility gyms. Finally, there are smaller gyms that tend to focus on a particular fitness segment, such as strength training, CrossFit, or group HIIT training.

What Are the Main Sources of Revenue and Expenses for a Gym Business?

The primary source of revenue for a gym or fitness center are membership fees. Typically, members pay month-to-month, or fulfill a year-long contract.

The key expenses for a gym or fitness center are the costs associated with payroll, purchase and maintenance of equipment, cleaning supplies, marketing costs, and working capital. Other expenses will be rent, utilities, taxes, accounts payable, and other licensing fees (if necessary).

How Do You Get Funding for Your Gym?

Gym businesses are most likely to secure funding from banks. Typically you will find a local bank and present your gym business plan to them. Family and/or friends could also be potential investors and other types of capital-raising such as crowdfunding are other common funding sources.

A well-crafted gym business plan, complete with a solid financial plan is essential for attracting any type of potential investor. This is true for a new gym business or established businesses looking to grow.

What are the Steps To Start a Gym Business?

Starting a gym or fitness center can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Write A Gym Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a solid gym business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include market research on the fitness industry and potential target market size, information on the services and/or products you will offer, marketing strategy, mission statement, business model and pricing strategy and a detailed financial plan.  Our business plan template is the perfect guide to show you how to start a gym business plan.

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your fitness   business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your gym business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Gym Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your gym business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your gym business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Gym Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your gym business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your gym or fitness   business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising to reach your target audience.

Learn more about how to start a successful gym or fitness business:

  • How to Start a Gym Business

Where Can I Get a Gym Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free gym business plan template PDF here. This is a sample gym business plan template you can use in PDF format.

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How to Write a Gym Business Plan (Step-by-Step Guide + Free Template)

gym business plan slideshare

  • posted on 2024-05-22 2024-05-23

gym business plan slideshare

Opening a gym can be very lucrative but requires a well-thought-out business plan. We mean a document that will help you understand what steps you need to achieve success at your gym. This article will discuss how we design a plan for a fitness business from the scratch.

We will present some examples and gym business plan templates. They will help you understand what elements should be included in this document. From concept development through market and competition analysis to a financial plan. This article gives you a solid foundation for writing a business plan. Doesn’t matter if you are creating a new gym or improving an existing one.

A young fitness woman writing notes connected with her plan for a fitness business.

Download: Free Gym Business Plan Template

What is a gym business plan?

A gym business plan is a document that describes planned activities, goals, and strategies for a new or existing gym. It is an important document for anyone who wants to open or develop their own fitness business.

A man writing a gym business plan.

How to write a gym business plan (Step-by-Step)?

  • Step 1: Gather answers to important questions from the list below before writing your plan.
  • Step 2: Are you opening a gym with an innovative business model? It is better to wait to start writing a business plan immediately to verify whether this model can succeed. 
  • Does the gym have a traditional business model (e.g., hour-scheduled group training sessions) already existing in the market? You can skip this step and create a business plan immediately.
  • Step 3: Create a gym business plan using the ready-made template (pattern) described below.
  • Step 4: Review the business plan regularly, every month in the first months of running the gym, and at least once a year in subsequent years. A business plan is a living document that will help your fitness place grow.

What to remember when creating a gym business plan?

  • Write short and concisely. Be specific.
  • Use numbers for calculations.
  • Assume black scenarios. The blacker you assume, and yet the business has a chance of success, you will manage to beat the market.
  • In the first months of the gym’s operation, work with the business plan daily and update calculations and assumptions.
  • Once the gym is stable and has reached the so-called break-even point, return to the business plan at least once a year.
  • Discuss the business plan with your team. Also, consider sharing some of the profits with your team. In this way, you will build a unique commitment.
  • The business plan is for years. The document should be updated regularly.

Many graphs, documents and reports, necessary for creating and updating a gym business plan.

Where to start writing a gym business plan? (10+ questions to start with)

Start writing your document by answering a few important questions. The questions help you create a good business plan for opening a gym and, above all, help you design a business that perfectly suits your needs:

  • Why do you want to start this gym?
  • How much would you like to earn per month? 
  • How many clients do you plan to serve per month? 
  • What kind of gym do you want to run? (e.g., group training place, personal training place, specialized gym of one kind of sport or one kind of clientele). Here is a list of types of fitness businesses.
  • What kind of service will you offer? (on-site, online, mixed).
  • What area will you operate in?
  • Who will be your client? 
  • How many direct competitors are there where you want to operate?
  • How will your gym stand out?
  • Who do you need to hire to start a gym?
  • What metrics will you keep track of? (e.g. retention rate, customers opinions).
  • What will your gym look like inside?
  • What will the atmosphere of your gym be like?
  • What will your fitness offer look like? 


Remember that a sample of your fitness classes can attract potential customers. A well-performed meeting will help you sell your idea. The trainer’s performance and place’s image are your #1 sales tools.

What to write a business plan for?

  • A business plan is an action plan. You will stop dreaming and start turning your idea into a real gym business plan.
  • Running a business is working in a company. Creating a plan is working “on the company,” i.e. its design and improvement.
  • A gym business plan will allow you to verify your assumptions. You will observe it in a year, two, or five years. It’s super satisfying to watch how your knowledge grows every year.
  • Writing this document allows you to translate your vision into a specific project and action plan. It also allows you to rethink to what extent your business idea is a recipe for success and what you still need to refine.
  • Creating a business plan for a gym will help you assess the reality of your dream. You’ll check the possibilities of its implementation, as well as check the chances of its success. It’s also important to assess the risk you have to take.
  • A business plan forces you to be specific. If you don’t know the answer to a question in our guide, you may be blind in this area, which is very risky.
  • If you already run a gym and don’t have a plan, fix this mistake. Every gym should have some sort of ideas for the present and future actions.

When is it worth writing a business plan?

In our opinion, it’s always worth it 🙂 You plan to open a successful gym, right? Not having the basic elements of your fitness business written down and calculated… dooms you to failure. Remember to verify them regularly too. 

Only regular analysis of the gym’s results and planning the next moves (in the form of a business plan) allows you to have full control over the gym.

Of course, the external motivation is looking for an investor or support (then you are forced to create this document).

A woman writing in her calendar a plan for 2024 - what to start, buy and make in the fitness industry.

Helpful resources when creating a gym business plan

  • How Much Do Gym Owners Make in 2024
  • How Much Does It Cost To Open a Gym in 2024
  • Opening a gym (Step-By-Step Guide)    

Free gym business plan template

A typical gym business plan example includes:

  • Executive summary for a gym
  • Gym description
  • Market analysis
  • Competition analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Investment costs (one-off to start)
  • Operating costs (fixed monthly costs) Financial Projections
  • Profit and Loss Account

Break-even analysis

Sensitivity analysis

  • Gym marketing plan
  • Company description of the vision for further development of the gym

A woman writing her gym business plan

1. Executive Summary

The summary of the gym business plan should include:

  • Mission statement, vision, and values.
  • Description of the gym concept.
  • Why will this idea be a success?
  • How do you want to implement this plan?
  • Profits and return on investment.

The executive summary should be written at the end after you have written your entire gym business plan. The executive summary wraps the business plan up. It provides the reader with the most important information in a very concise form (max. 600 words, i.e., about 1-2 pages). Discuss only the key aspects of your business idea. Use points!

2. Description of the gym

This section aims to show you the details of your gym. It should not lack the following elements:

  • Mission: why do we exist?
  • Vision: what we want to achieve in 1, 2, and 5 years.
  • Business Type: Is your gym a sole proprietorship, partnership, or other business?
  • Gym name (get inspired by this list of gym names ).
  • Gym type: specify the type of gym, e.g., personal training gym, group fitness classes gym, online training studio, wide offer studio, etc.
  • Specific location: write exactly where your new gym is (or could be) and why you chose this place.
  • The style of the place: what will be the colors, atmosphere, decorations, music, etc.
  • Ways to serve the customer: only on-site, only remotely, both ways.
  • Hours of Operation: What hours will the place be open? Why are these?
  • Your offer is surely connected with your experience and skills. But remember to be creative and have 1-3 differentiators from the competition (Unique Selling Points)

A place described in the plan, with nice interior colors, gym equipment, etc.

3. Market research and competition analysis

You should thoroughly analyze the space to create your premises. Oh, unless you are introducing real innovation to the market – or maybe especially then 🙂What needs to be observed? Analyze the market and competition, focusing on the following: Industry analysis. Customers are the key to any gym’s success. Knowing their demographic structure, preferences, and training habits is critical to a business plan.

  • Target market for a gym: Think about who your customers will be. Consider their age, interests, expectations, and how to reach them.
  • Needs in the market: Describe the market’s needs and how your gym will meet them.
  • Target Audience Size: Determine the number of potential customers in the market you intend to target.
  • Market trends: Use credible information to show that people will be interested in your gym idea. Find out current trends and how the gym industry is developing.

Competition analysis Check out other gyms that are or could be your competition.

  • Is there any other gym or fitness center in your area? Make a list of them.
  • Revenue and number of customers they can achieve: Estimate how much such gyms can earn
  • Offer and prices: Analyze what these places offer and what is their pricing . Try to calculate their revenue cost (it is how much you need to spend before you start earning).
  • Competitor marketing activities: See what makes them successful and their weaknesses.
  • Competitive advantages: What will be your advantage?

SWOT analysis The abbreviation comes from the words: S for Strengths, W for Weaknesses, O for Opportunities, and T for Threats. Fields S and W are related to the gym’s launch situation. While the O and T fields are related to the success of your project in the future. It is worth conducting such an analysis in the form of a table:





4. Investment plan (cost analysis)

In this section, you will present the costs associated with the initial investment and the spending plan for the first year of operation.

List the costs, dividing them into two groups:

  • Investment costs (one-off to start).
  • Operating costs (fixed monthly costs). 

After opening a gym, verify the costs regularly, preferably once a month.

Creating a fitness business plan consists of predicting the income-outcome issues.

Investment costs include, among others:

  • Rental or purchase of the real estate.
  • Renovation and adaptation of the fitness facilities.
  • Purchase of exercise equipment: mats, kettlebells, dumbbells, other special equipment, like poles for a pole sport studio, etc.
  • Reception Desk.
  • Unified Work Clothes for the staff (if you plan it)
  • POS software.
  • Payment terminals.
  • Computer hardware for the POS system.
  • A website with online booking.

Regarding point 5 and 6, take into account a very important monthly purchase, which will however save your time and money finally. It’s a gym management software. You can compare some of the software providers on the market. Yet, what we recommend is WodGuru . With its reasonable price, many useful features, amazingly helpful support and nice cartoon visual identity.

  • Insurance of the premises and equipment.
  • Organizational and legal costs (e.g., regulations, documentation).
  • Costs related to permits and licenses (e.g. license to conduct exercises according to a patented pattern and name).
  • External training costs.
  • Operating costs.
  • Rental of real estate (if the premises are rented).
  • Electricity.
  • Staff wages: personal trainers, receptionist, outsource trainers etc.
  • Purchase of additional items like finger food and drinks.
  • Equipment maintenance and servicing costs.
  • POS system support.
  • Online booking system.
  • Employee insurance.
  • Online and offline advertising.
  • Printed materials.
  • Running social media.
  • Website positioning (SEO).
  • Taxes and fees.

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How to finance the opening of a gym?

The biggest problem for a novice gym owner is finding financing for the first business. Various options are worth considering.

  • taking out bank loans,
  • receiving subsidies — a business plan will even be necessary to receive them
  • loans from friends or family.

Considering bank loans or a subsidy, you must first think about the black scenario. What will happen if your business fails and you have to return the borrowed money? But also what to do to prevent this from happening? Assess, which costs at the beginnins of a fitness business are inevitable. How high the margin you have to impose on the training performance? This is the key to assessing the chance of return on investment in the gym.

5. Financial forecast

The financial forecast consists of 3 elements:

  • Projected profit and Loss Statement: Shows what turnover and profits you will generate. 
  • Break-even analysis: Shows when a gym will become profitable.
  • Sensitivity analysis: Shows what happens to turnover and profit in negative scenarios. E.g., 50% decrease in turnover for three months.

Profit and Loss Account You will need to estimate the value of the sale considering the size of your gym, target market, sales volume, and revenue cost. You will get a profit and loss forecast, comparing this with the costs. The easiest way to prepare a profit and loss account is in the form of a table:

Months of running a businessMonth 1Month 2Month 3e.t.c.
Number of fitness classes per month
Average class value
Monthly income (turnover)
Variable costs per month
Fixed costs per month
Profit per month
Profit margin (in percentages)

Investors will want to know how much revenue you will need to generate each month to break even after all fixed and operating costs are considered. In the analysis, you should show how you intend to generate the necessary revenue, even in difficult months with lower sales.

A man drawing income increase on fitness revenue graph.

It is worth doing it to assess the negative scenarios.

  • The other gyms will be stronger, and you will have to lower price
  • You lose key employees
  • There is a decrease in sales by 10 or 20% compared to what you assume

This will allow us to be prepared better for different financial crises and reduce stress when such a situation arises.

Make a sensitivity analysis in the form of a table

Business is people. Describe what your team will look like, dividing it into two groups:

Business partners congratulating themselves after succeeding in the fitness industry.

If you are looking for investors, this area can be critical for them.

Describe the founders:

  • List of founders.
  • Experience.

Which positions are necessary for the daily functioning of the premises? Is it the receptionist, a permanent personal trainer, an outsourcing trainer, social media platforms specialist, etc.? Who will suffice as emergency help?

Think about which people you already know with the necessary competencies. Which ones will you have to look for or train as your employees from the beginning? The cost of necessary training should also be included in the gym business plan.

Describe the team you need to build:

  • List of job titles.
  • Remuneration.
  • Type of contract.

The dream team of your gym or fitness center.

7. Marketing plan

Ideally, your marketing strategy should include the items we listed. Below we describe how to do effective marketing in your branch.

A plan of marketing strategies written in a gym, for the gym.

  • Brand building (logo, colors, gym name , gym slogans)
  • Building your own website or app (Here you can check how to create a fitness app )
  • Selling training sessions or booking online from your own website (as the main way of selling online)
  • Launching a loyalty program
  • Will you run social media?
  • Will you be implementing gym SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
  • Will you add a business listing on Google Maps?
  • Will you run email and SMS campaigns, and if so, how often? How will you build your subscriber base? 
  • Will you be blogging?
  • Will you be running a gym newsletter ?
  • Will you be doing paid Google Ads and Facebook Ads?
  • Will you be offering promotions? If so, what types?

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8. Description of the vision for further development of the gym

Determining the direction of development is very important at the beginning of your business. When setting gym goals you want to achieve in a certain time, you should start with the wider ones, reaching those at the everyday level. It is also worth considering how you want to achieve these goals.

During project execution you need to observe and adapt initial goals. It enables effective management and reduces losses in marketing, service, and other areas. Your gym’s written plan should clearly outline the vision and strategies to achieve desired objectives.

Sample gym business plan

We created a sample gym business plan to help you write your plan. Click below to download an example of a business plan for a gym.

Download: Free gym Business Plan Template

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Key Takeaways

  • The business plan describes what your gym will look like.
  • A business plan consists of 10 different elements.
  • Create a business plan even if you already run a gym.
  • Do not outsource writing a business plan to external companies. It is better to ask an experienced trainer or an external company as a consultant for your ideas.
  • Go back to the business plan once a month if you are starting and once a year if you have been operating for several years.
  • A business plan is not an artificial document you write once and forget. It is a living document that teaches you how to run a business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to write small gym business plans.

Regardless of the size of the gym or business, the steps of gym business planning remain the same. Writing this document for a small gym consists of creating:

  • Executive summary, 
  • Gym description, 
  • Market analysis, 
  • Investment plan, 
  • Financial projections, 
  • Team, 
  • Marketing plan,
  • Company development description

Does every gym need a business plan?

In our opinion, yes. If you are serious about putting your place in the whole fitness industry, you must implement a repetitive method of working “on the company”. A BP that is updated regularly every month and year is a way to run a business.

A gym business plan can help your fitness place get better and better.

How to open a gym without money?

Opening a gym with no money can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are some ways to open a gym without enough funds:

  • Rethink the concept of your gym.
  • Look for gym investors or alternative funding sources.
  • Start your online business to get first customers.
  • Consider working with other companies.
  • Start a smaller business by offering training sessions on demand and develop your brand.

Discover more ideas on how to open a gym with no money.

How to promote gyms?

Promoting a gym is key to attracting new guests, increasing sales and retaining regular customers. A few steps to help you promote your gym:

  • Create a professional website with an online booking system .
  • Take care of social media by posting regularly and encouraging interaction.
  • Add your gym to popular sites.
  • Organize contests and promotions.
  • Collaborate with influencers.
  • Organize events such as health promoting, competitions or concerts.
  • Use paid ads such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
  • Collect gym feedback from satisfied customers.

Check these gym promotion ideas for inspiration.

How much profit does the gym make?

A gym’s profit depends on many factors, such as location, offer, prices, service quality, and business size. The average gym profit margin is between 10 and 15% per year, but it can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned above. Franchise gym profits on the lower end of 10%, boutique fitness studios averaging 20% to even 40% profit margins, and CrossFit gym profit margins in the 25-30% range.

What makes a gym business plan important?

A gym business plan is crucial for several reasons:

  • It helps clarify the vision and goals of the gym.
  • It provides a roadmap for the business.
  • It includes financial projections, budgeting, and funding strategies for securing investors or loans.
  • It identifies potential risks and challenges, allowing the business to address them proactively.
  • It serves as a reference point for decision-making, helping the management team focus on the business’s objectives.
  • It can be used to communicate the business idea effectively to stakeholders, including investors, partners, and employees.

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Gym Business Plan PDF Example

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  • February 28, 2024
  • Business Plan

The business plan template for a gym

Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful gym. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial forecasts. It helps establish your gym’s identity, navigate the competitive market, and secure essential resources for growth.

This article not only breaks down the critical components of a gym business plan, but also provides an example of a business plan to help you craft your own.

Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or new to the fitness industry, this guide, complete with a business plan example, lays the groundwork for turning your gym concept into reality. Let’s dive in!

Our gym business plan follows a clear and straightforward structure, covering all the important areas you need in a business plan. Below are the key sections of our business plan:

  • Executive Summary : a quick look at your gym, its market landscape, management and financial plan.
  • Facility, Amenities & Equipment : what your gym looks like, what equipment it has, and its features.
  • Location & Accessibility : where your gym is and why it’s a good location for potential customers.
  • Memberships & Classes : types of memberships and classes available (as well as prices)
  • Key Stats : the industry size , growth and some recent important statistics on the gym industry.
  • Key Trends : the recent market trends defining and driving the gym and fitness industry (regulation, customers trends, etc.)
  • Key Competitors : who are your key competitors in the area and how they compare vs. your business.
  • SWOT : strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Marketing Plan : how you intend to attract and retain members / customers.
  • Timeline : major steps and goals from starting up to growth (12 months minimum plan)
  • Management : who runs the gym and what they do.
  • Financial Plan : the expected 5-year financial performance of your gym (revenue and profits), as well as how much you expect to spend.

The business plan template for a gym

Gym Business Plan

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Fully editable 30+ slides Powerpoint presentation business plan template.

Download an expert-built 30+ slides Powerpoint business plan template

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary introduces your gym’s business plan, offering a brief look at your gym and its goals. It should cover your gym’s combination of fitness and wellness services, top-notch equipment, variety of membership plans, and prime location.

This section should also highlight how your gym fits into the broader gym market, how many direct competitors you have and who they are, as well as your unique selling points.

Finally, you should also include here details on the management and co-founding team (who they are and what they do), as well as a summary of your financial projections (5-year revenue and profits are enough).

Make sure to cover here _ Business Overview _ Market Overview _ Management Team _ Financial Plan

business plan gym exec summary 1

Dive deeper into Executive Summary

Business Overview

For a gym, the Business Overview section succinctly covers three critical components:

Facility, Amenities & Equipment: Detail the gym’s layout, showcasing a wide range of equipment for cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Highlight unique amenities such as sauna rooms, personal training services, and on-site nutritionists that contribute to a holistic fitness environment.

Location & Accessibility: Describe the gym’s location, emphasizing its convenience for members, whether it’s close to residential areas, business districts, or has ample parking and public transport links. The aim is to illustrate how the gym’s location is strategically chosen to fit seamlessly into members’ daily routines.

Memberships & Classes: Explain the variety of memberships and classes available, catering to different preferences and schedules. Focus on the inclusivity of fitness programs, from beginner to advanced levels, and any unique offerings like group fitness classes, yoga sessions, or specialized training workshops that differentiate your gym from competitors.

Make sure to cover here _ Facility, Amenities & Equipment _ Location & Accessibility _ Memberships & Classes

Business Plan Gym Business overview 1

Market Overview

In the Market Overview section of your gym business plan, start by assessing the gym industry’s size and anticipated growth. This evaluation provides an understanding of the market’s potential and the opportunity for new entrants.

Next, discuss recent market trends, such as the increasing consumer focus on holistic health, incorporating both physical and mental wellness practices. For example, highlight the rising popularity of gyms offering a variety of fitness options, from traditional weightlifting to wellness classes like yoga and meditation, catering to a broader audience seeking comprehensive health solutions.

Finally, examine the competitive landscape, which may include a range of fitness facilities from boutique fitness studios to large, full-service gyms. For example, consider how your gym will stand out by offering specialized services, advanced technological fitness solutions, or a community-driven environment that fosters motivation and accountability. This part of your business plan will clarify the demand for gym services, outline the competitive environment, and detail how your gym uniquely addresses the needs and preferences of its target market .

Make sure to cover here _ Industry size & growth _ Key competitors _ Key market trends

gym business plan slideshare

Dive deeper into Key competitors

First, include here a SWOT analysis to identify the gym’s Strengths (such as cutting-edge equipment or a prime location), Weaknesses (like high operational costs or stiff competition), Opportunities (for example, a growing interest in fitness among the local population), and Threats (such as economic downturns affecting customer spending).

Then, adding a marketing plan is another crucial component, detailing how the gym will attract and retain members through targeted advertising, promotions, social media engagement, and community events.

Finally, a well-defined timeline sets clear milestones for the gym’s launch, marketing campaigns, membership growth, and expansion goals, ensuring that the business progresses with purpose and direction.

Make sure to cover here _ SWOT _ Marketing Plan _ Timeline

Business Plan Gym Strategy

Dive deeper into SWOT

Dive deeper into Marketing Plan

The Management section focuses on the gym’s management and their direct roles in daily operations and strategic direction. This part is crucial for understanding who is responsible for making key decisions and driving the gym towards its financial and operational goals.

For your gym business plan, list the core team members, their specific responsibilities, and how their expertise supports the gym’s mission.

Business Plan Gym Management 1

Financial Plan

The Financial Plan section is a comprehensive analysis of the gym’s financial strategy, including projections for revenue, expenses, and profitability. It lays out the gym’s approach to securing funding, managing cash flow, and achieving breakeven.

This section typically includes detailed forecasts for the first 5 years of operation, highlighting expected revenue, operating costs and capital expenditures.

For your gym business plan, provide a snapshot of your financial statement (profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow statement), as well as your key assumptions (e.g. pricing strategies for memberships and services, etc.).

Make sure to cover here _ Profit and Loss _ Cash Flow Statement _ Balance Sheet _ Use of Funds

Business Plan Gym Financial Plan

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    Carmelita Fitness Centre is located in Indera Mahkota town, Kuantan. The objectives of this Business Plan are, to improve the financial performance based on the forecasted financial plans, to attract the potential investors and to enhance the competitive advantage of this women fitness center as it is the only center to have the first exercise therapy i.e Pilates in Kuantan.

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    The Gym business PowerPoint template has gym-themed icons across the whole deck to enhance your key ideas. Creative Business Plan Presentation. Create your gym business plan presentation in a creative template that will help you engage your audience from start to finish. Get your presentation custom designed by us, starting at just $10 per slide.

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    Gym Business Plan Presentation - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides an overview of LK Star Gym, a proposed modern fitness center in Bongaigaon, India. [1] It discusses the scope and objectives of studying how to successfully set up and operate a gymnasium business. [2]

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    For example, if a gym has 1,000 people paying $50 monthly, the gym could bring in $50,000 each month. And if the monthly expenses for the gym are $20,000 per month, the profit would be $30,000 per month. Open Comment Form. In this article, you'll find a checklist of everything you need to create a business plan for your gym or fitness business.

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    Step 3: Create a gym business plan using the ready-made template (pattern) described below. Step 4: Review the business plan regularly, every month in the first months of running the gym, and at least once a year in subsequent years. A business plan is a living document that will help your fitness place grow.

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    Example: With a target of $2.0 million in yearly revenue and a 22% profit margin by 2027, FitFusion Gym is positioned for significant growth. Its financial strategy is supported by an ambitious marketing approach and a focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences, aligning the gym for success in the competitive fitness market.

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    Gym Business Plan PDF Example. Tanya. February 28, 2024. Business Plan. Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful gym. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial forecasts. It helps establish your gym's identity, navigate the competitive market ...

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    The document aims to guide entrepreneurs on developing a comprehensive business plan for a fitness center. 1. Fitness Center Business Plan Mohammad Anishur Rahman (MBA, ACA) Business and Financial Advisor www.PlanforStartup.com accr u o n @g mail.com , +8801515265698 F o r m o r e i n f o : w w w. p l a n f o r s t a r t u p . c o m , a c c r u ...

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    Fitness-club: one-on-one training,aerobics, sports store and so on. Address: Chistoprudny blvd. 12, bld. 1 | Phone: +7 (495) 924-4315. Gold's Gym invites you to join Russia's finest health and fitness club. Offering over 5,000 square meters of the world's best fitness equipment, staff, services, and programs, Gold's Gym is great for everybody.


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    Best Gym in Moscow Local Recommendations from our My Guide Moscow team. Book Top Experiences and Tours in Moscow: ... X-Fit is a chain of more than 50 modern, highly-equipped and comfortable fitness centers of premium and business class spread all over the country. One of the basic rul.

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  23. Moscow

    Moscow's plan features ring roads connected by radiating roads, with the core as the business area and industrial areas interspersed among residential zones. Washington DC was planned by Pierre L'Enfant and Andrew Ellicott along the Potomac River between Virginia and Maryland, and was burned in the War of 1812.


    Moscow's plan features ring roads connected by radiating roads, with the core as the business area and industrial areas interspersed among residential zones. Washington DC was planned by Pierre L'Enfant and Andrew Ellicott along the Potomac River between Virginia and Maryland, and was burned in the War of 1812. Both cities exemplify radial city ...