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12 Best Wedding Speeches For Daughter 

Looking for the best wedding speeches for daughter and son-in-law? Then search no further.

There’s nothing as loving as listening to a mother’s speech at a daughter’s wedding, it simply shows how lovely the bride’s family is and a wonderful wedding speech for daughter from a dad can add a lot of colors to the ceremony and make it a memorable one.

While making a speech to your daughter on her special day, you can start with an introduction like; My name is Barnabas, I’m the father or mother of the bride and it is so nice to see y’all here . You can strike a way to say a very big thanks to your guests, especially guests from a long distance. Thank you so much for being here to witness the union between our children. You may also add some funny elements to spice up your speech.

12 Best Speech Wedding Speeches For Daughter

wedding speeches for daughter

1. What should the father of the bride say about his daughter? – free sample

It is my great pleasure to stand before you on this great occasion of my daughter’s wedding.

My Dear Alisa, you’ve been a blessing to me and your mother since you were born. I’ve been looking forward to this day would be an understatement, so now the big day is finally here. I just want to take a moment to savour this experience because chances are I’m never gonna have another opportunity like this again. I’m so lucky and blessed to have you as a daughter.

May God bless your new home my beautiful Alisa.

2. Wedding speech for my daughter who’s getting married today

My beautiful daughter, you’re so confident and smart. I take pride in you and I’m so happy that you’ve found a soulmate & life partner. 

The first time I met my son-in-law here, his words of wisdom and comportment gave him a lot of credit. It shows indeed that you made a good decision, my daughter. I know that you will take good care of my daughter as your lovely wife and you both will grow in everlasting love. I welcome you both to your new home and may this union be fruitful and blessed.

3. Best wedding speech and wishes from the bride’s parents

I want to welcome everybody to this day who came to celebrate the conjugal bliss between Jia and George. We say again thank you and welcome to the wedding ceremony.

My children, marriage is not a bed of roses, it is full of ups and downs. I want you both to be forgiving and live in peace and unity. Never allow third parties into your home. Be each other’s best friend and keeper. Let the love of God continue to dwell in your home. I wish you a happy married Life.

4. Wedding speech prayers for daughter on wedding day

My beloved daughter, you’re my best friend and everything. Today you’re getting married to your handsome and lovely husband.

I know I’ve trained you well to be the best version of yourself and I trust you will make a good wife and mother in your new home. I thank God for this day and I also thank God Almighty for giving me the privilege to witness this great event.

I pray that the Lord will make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you and the Lord will make his light of continents upon you and grant you peace.

5. Sample wedding speeches for daughter with a little story

It is an honor to stand up here today to witness the union between my daughter Michelle and Micheal. I can say to you vividly that it is a perfect match made by heaven. My daughter, you look absolutely beautiful today and with that smile that lights up every moment, no embarrassing story I promise 😁 but there’s one story that stitches in my mind every day. 

When Michelle was little, I fell sick and was admitted to a hospital. She came to visit me and she prayed for me with her words of encouragement. She also promised me that she will make me proud and I will witness her walk down the aisle. Today I’m witnessing this great event as she walks down the aisle. 

Ladies and gentlemen, she fulfilled all her promises to me and she has always made me proud all her life.

I thank God for blessing you with a kind man like Micheal, your new home is blessed, my beautiful daughter.

6. Wedding speeches for my only daughter on her wedding day

Today is a very happy day for me and your father. We’re very proud to welcome Tony to our family. Thanks to many others who helped in making this day a reality, and traveled from far and near to attend this wonderful ceremony. 

If I am allowed to say everything the way they’re in my heart, it would take us the whole day for me to deliver my wedding speeches for my one and only beloved daughter who I am giving out in marriage today.

She’s the only daughter that I have got and we have been so close to each other that in the blink of an eye she already knows what’s wrong with me and how to get around to solving it, what bothers me is a great concern to her and that’s the same way she treats everyone around her with genuine love and care.

May your new home be blessed, I wish you and your husband the best of marriage.

7. Everlasting love and happiness wedding speeches for daughter 

I suppose I’m not like other parents who upon gazing at their child for the first time, start drawing milestones and will look forward to sharing their first smile, the first word, the first step to school, boyfriends, and all that. When underlying all these special moments, the hopes and prayers that they simply grow up healthy and happy.

Many of us await a very special occasion like this which is falling in love with our children and the cycle starts over and over again.

Traditionally, at this point we as parents talk about giving our daughter’s hand in marriage which is a symbolic indication that she’s no longer single. Alisa and John committed to each other and have nourished and treasured those gifts which have been very precious to us to observe.

You both make each other happy and have decided to tie the knot today with unity and love. May God continue to strengthen the two of you with everlasting love and happiness.

8. Father and mother wedding speeches for daughter

The joy of every father and mother is to see their children’s happy moments and celebrate with them. 

My beautiful daughter, this is what I will say to you as the mother of the bride, the way to a happy home is trust, understanding, being fair to each other in good and bad times, sharing each other’s burdens, and loving unconditionally. 

I will surely miss you and your presence around the House. John my son-in-law, our hearts are full of joy. I know that the two of you will make a great life together and we stand by, ready, willing, and able to celebrate your happiness together today and forever.  

9. Touching wedding speeches from dad to daughter on her wedding day

As the father of the bride, here’s my speech to you my lovely daughter but firstly, I would like to say thanks all for joining us in the celebration of our daughter’s wedding. An adage says “it takes a village to raise a child”, here I think it takes a village to put a wedding together although we don’t have the support of all community members, we’ve some extraordinary family members and friends who have helped countless ways to make this special for our children.

I’m so happy I was able to walk my beautiful daughter down the aisle this morning and to know she has chosen well. It is the most important decision you can make that will take you a long way in your life. I wanted to start off by saying Matt, you’re most welcome in our family. 

Loyalty is one of the solid foundations to build a home, be loyal and show respect to each other. May your bond be stronger, and your marriage fruitful.

10. Weddings speeches for daughter straight from the heart

My lovely daughter Juli, I’ve shared so many stories with you while I watch you grow up into a wonderful young woman. So many memories we shared together and most especially dancing in the family garden, it is in the yearbook which you can look up my darling.

Sweet candy those days were wonderful but would not trade this day for any of those I’ve shared. Those stories then were a backdrop in order to tell you this in a short while.

You will now have a partner and I’m going to let you go into marriage joyfully because John is a warm-hearted, considerate and lovely man. I wish you nothing less than endless laughter and a happy home.

11. Wedding speech for my daughter Ann

Ann, my daughter, watching you grow into a full-grown beautiful woman, gives so much joy to my soul. You made the right decision by choosing Augustine as a life partner. I see how devoted he is to his mom and family and I know he will bring that same devotion to you and your children.

Thank you my in-law for training such an amazing son-in-law, kudos to you guys.

To my daughter who is such a kind, compassionate and caring young woman. I know that you will bring those wonderful attributes of yours into your role as a wife and mother-to-be. I want to tell you that I’m so proud of you and the woman you’ve become. Congratulations on your new home my angel. May the peace of Christ continue to dwell in your home.

12. Wedding speech for my daughter and son-in-law

! am sure you will leave a loving gap in my heart for the rest of my days a deep breath. I know I’ve impacted some words of wisdom that will help you be more of yourself even in the most uncomfortable situations and work things out to become favorable to you and your partner, this would give guarantee a happy marriage. Marriage is simple and complicated, but endurance and giving each other a listening ear can go a very long way in building a happy home.

Through it all my lovely daughter, always remembers whether it be Chicago or Rockford, there’s no place like home. 

My children (name of the celebrants), may your marriage journey be a happy one. May your marriage be the defining treasure of your life and may it be blessed with all the joy and happiness that the world has to offer. Have a home filled with sound health and prosperity.

As we all know, love is a beautiful thing and we always wish the best for our beloved ones. I hope our article on the best wedding speeches for daughters will be a good guide anytime you’re short of speeches to make on the special day of your beloved daughter who’s getting married to the love of her life.

I hope you had a happy reading, feel free to share your opinions with us through the comment box below.

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Father Speech at Daughter's Wedding: 10 Heartfelt Examples 

Father Speech at Daughter’s Wedding: 10 Heartfelt Examples 

The father’s speech at his daughter’s wedding holds significant importance as it marks a pivotal moment in both the father-daughter relationship and the journey of the couple embarking on their married life together. It is a chance for the father to convey his emotions, share cherished memories, and offer guidance and blessings to the newlyweds. 

In the following blog post, we’ll share some sentimental yet lovely examples of a father’s speech for a daughter’s wedding to help you curate one for your daughter.

Let’s begin. 

  • Emotional and Sentimental Speech

Today is a semisweet day for me, my dear daughter. As I stand here, watching you embark on this beautiful journey of love and commitment, my heart swells with pride and a touch of nostalgia. From the day of your birth, you brought immeasurable joy into my life. Seeing you grow into the remarkable woman you are today fills me with awe. As you take your vows, remember that my love for you knows no bounds. May your marriage be filled with endless happiness, and may your love shine brighter with each passing day. I am always thankful for the privilege of being your father.

  • Fatherly Advice Speech

As a dad, it is my duty to offer you both some words of wisdom as you embark on this incredible journey called marriage. First and foremost, communication is key. Always listen with an open heart and speak with kindness and understanding. Remember to celebrate each other’s successes and support one another through the challenges that life may bring. And always remember to prioritize your love and make time for each other. Keep the flame of passion alive, and let it light up your lives. May your wedlock be a shining example of love’s strength and endurance.

  • Grateful and Appreciative Speech

Today, as I stand here, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I am happy for the love that has blossomed between my daughter and her partner, grateful for the journey that took us to this moment, and thankful for the love and support of our family and friends. To my daughter, thank you for being the light of my life. To the groom and his family, thank you for embracing my daughter with open arms. May this love-filled day be a reminder of the incredible blessings we have received. Cheers to affection, merriment, and a lifetime of cherished moments.

  • Heartfelt Blessing Speech

As I stand here today, my heart is overflowing with love and blessings for my daughter and her partner. May your love be a sanctuary, offering solace in times of sorrow and doubling the joy in moments of celebration. May your bond be unbreakable, anchored by trust and respect. And may your house be filled with laughter, understanding, and a never-ending well of love. May your days be intertwined like a beautiful tapestry, creating a life together that is woven with compassion and shared dreams. With all my heart, I bless you both and wish you lifelong love and happiness.

  • Hopeful and Future-oriented Speech

To my daughter and her beloved partner, as you stand here today, you are filled with dreams and hopes for the future. I want you to hold onto those dreams tightly and let them guide you on this beautiful journey together. May your love be a source of strength and inspiration as you face life’s adventures hand in hand. I have no uncertainty that you will build a life filled with love, laughter, and beautiful memories. Embrace the unknown with courage, for it is in the unknown that life’s most precious treasures await. May your future be filled with endless possibilities. Congratulations!

  • Humorous and Light-hearted Speech

Dear beloved all, today is a day of celebration but also a day for me to embarrass my daughter a little. You see, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing my daughter’s journey from pigtails to bridal veils. I still remember the time when she used to come to me for advice on boys, and now she’s found the perfect man to annoy for the rest of her life. But on a serious note, seeing the love between you two is heartwarming. May your days be filled with laughter, silly inside jokes, and a lifetime of happiness. Cheers to the newlyweds!

  • Inspirational and Motivational Speech

To my beloved daughter and her amazing partner, today marks the beginning of a grand adventure. As you board on this journey, remember that marriage is not just about sharing a home but about building a strong foundation of love and respect. Cherish each other’s dreams, lift each other up in times of need, and never lose sight of the incredible power of teamwork. Together, you can conquer any challenge and achieve greatness. May your love be a source of inspiration not only to yourselves but to all who have the pleasure of knowing you. Congratulations!

  • Nostalgic and Reflective Speech

It feels like just yesterday when my little girl held my hand and took her first steps. Now, I’m standing here, awestruck by the confident woman before me, ready to start a new chapter of her life. The memories we’ve shared are priceless treasures that I hold close to my heart. From bedtime stories to late-night heart-to-heart talks, each moment has shaped the bond we share. As you embark on this beautiful journey, take with you the love, guidance, and unwavering support that have been the foundation of our relationship. I am proud of you, my girl, and I am excited to witness the extraordinary journey that awaits you.

  • Poetic and Romantic Speech

Like a delicate flower, my daughter has blossomed into a stunning bride. Today, we witness the merging of two souls, entwined in a love so pure and true. As a father, my heart swells with joy and gratitude. May your love be a symphony, playing the sweetest melodies that will resonate through the years. May your souls dance together, forever intertwined in a graceful waltz. And just as the sun sets and rises, may your love shine brightly, lighting your path with warmth and tenderness. My darling daughter, I am honored to witness the beginning of your happily ever after.

  • Traditional and Cultural Speech

In our culture, a father’s role extends beyond just providing guidance; it is a sacred duty. Today, I stand here as a proud father, witnessing the union of two families. As we join hands, let us honor the traditions and customs that have shaped us. May your marriage be a harmonious blend of our heritage and the beautiful journey you both are about to embark on. Let love and respect be the pillars that uphold your union, and may the blessings of our ancestors guide you in all your endeavors. Congratulations, my beloved daughter, and welcome to our family, dear son-in-law.

Celebrate Love and Cherished Memories with Wedding Gifts

Here we introduce two exquisite pieces of personalized jewelry that are sure to touch the hearts of both the bridegroom and the bride on this momentous occasion.

  • Eternal Love Necklace for Couples 

Let your daughter celebrate everlasting love with our Personalized Breakable Heart Name Necklace for Couples Silver—the perfect symbol of your bond.

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

  • Capturing Precious Memories

Capture cherished memories with our Personalized Heart Photo Infinity Bracelet in Gold —a timeless keepsake for your daughter’s wedding.

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

A father’s speech at his daughter’s wedding is an opportunity to create a beautiful and memorable moment. By expressing love, sharing wisdom, and incorporating personal anecdotes, the father can touch the hearts of the newlyweds and everyone present. It is a chance to celebrate the union of two souls and set the stage for a lifetime of happiness and love. We hope these examples help you curate a speech that your daughter will cherish for years to come. Nonetheless, if you are looking for wedding gift options, think about no one but GetNameNecklace. This store has an amazing collection of wedding gift items, making it the right place to shop. 

Good luck. 

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Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 1/3: Do’s

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 2/3: Don’ts

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

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how to write a wedding speech dos

how to write a wedding speech dos

Someone you love is getting married, and you’ve just been asked to give a speech at the wedding. What an honor! But also, if you’re not used to giving speeches, what a nightmare! Public speaking can be scary , which is why many people prefer to avoid it. But when your bestie asks you to make a speech at his or her wedding, it’s time to rally. But now you’re wondering if you even know how to write a wedding speech! What makes some wedding speeches fun and memorable, and what makes others cringy and fall flat? We’ve got you. We’ve put together the ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech, focusing on things you definitely should do, things you definitely should NOT do, and then how to deliver your killer wedding speech like a pro.

If you’re wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few “Do’s” to keep in mind.

  • Start planning early
  • Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom
  • Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple
  • Make it personal
  • Think of 3 traits with 3 stories
  • Talk about the couple
  • Have a beginning, middle, and end
  • Consider your audience
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

1. Start planning early

If you don’t know how to write a wedding speech but the bride just asked you to give one, this is not a time to procrastinate. Public speaking is one of the number one fears many people have, so it’s likely you’ve avoided giving too many public speeches before this. And unless you’re a performer or a veteran improv comedian, you might not do too well winging this one. If you get nervous in front of an audience (as most of us do), the best defense against freezing up when you take the mic is being prepared. 

As soon as you know you’ve been asked to give a speech at the wedding, begin jotting down notes immediately. Whenever you’re inspired by a thought of the couple or remember an anecdote that might be worth retelling, make note of it. This will help to give you a pool of ideas to draw from when you start writing down the speech.

Begin gathering ideas and writing the speech a couple of weeks to a month before the wedding. You’ll need time to edit, fine-tune it, and make it concise. And as wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and other wedding festivities begin, you might find there are entertaining stories from these events you want to add as well. If you want to write it all at once, you can do that too. However, make sure to sleep on it and come back with fresh eyes. You don’t want just “okay,” you want your speech to be heartfelt and meaningful.

You will also want to begin early to give yourself time to practice and rehearse your speech plenty of times.

2. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom

No matter how large or small the wedding is, it’s likely you will not be familiar with many of the guests on one or both sides. And they won’t be familiar with you either. So don’t leave them guessing! 

Make sure when you start to write a wedding speech to introduce yourself and mention how you know the couple. This will help them understand the context of your speech, which will also help it to be more well-received. 

3. Thank hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple

It’s also courteous to take this time to thank the hosts and other members of the wedding party for all the hard work that went into the event, and to thank guests for being there to support the newlyweds, especially those who had to travel far. 

It’s also a good time to officially congratulate the newlyweds and offer them your personal well-wishes for their future. It is imperative that you don’t forget this part, because they are the whole reason you’re there and giving a speech!

4. Make it personal

Whether you are the maid of honor, the best man, father of the bride, or just a friend, you were asked to give a speech because of your close connection and relationship with either the bride or groom (or both). 

And since you know your friend as well as you do, you probably have plenty of stories to share; so the next tip for how to write a wedding speech is don’t hesitate to make it personal and share those stories! This will also help guests get to know the other half of the couple they might not know as well or are just meeting for the first time. And those guests who do know them will love hearing some entertaining stories they might not have heard yet.

5. Think of 3 traits with 3 stories

If you’re finding it difficult to come up with anything, a useful approach for how to write a wedding speech is to think of 3 positive defining traits or qualities of the bride or groom and recount three stories or examples that illuminate a time they exhibited these traits. These stories could be comedic, heartwarming, or both. Just make sure they are relevant and entertaining!

6. Talk about the couple

If you’re the maid of honor and have been chatting up the bride for the whole speech, part of how to write a wedding speech is to make sure at some point it circles around to the groom, too, and to the two of them as a couple.  

Recount the time you met him, or how you remember talking about him with the bride in the beginning stages of their relationship. If you don’t know the groom all that well, talk about how good they are as a couple and about how happy he makes her. 

And If you’re not a fan of the groom, this is not the time to air your grievances. Always keep it positive. 

7. Have a beginning, middle, and end

All good speeches have a good flow and take the audience along with it. 

Don’t let your speech fall flat or jumble together in a haphazard confusion of disconnected anecdotes. Give it the structure of an overarching theme, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. 

We are not talking about a novel here, just make sure there is a direction to where the speech is going, and that the destination, end, or sentiment is achieved. It doesn’t need to be Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator, but a three-act structure does help keep you grounded. Most people also follow a story easier when there is a clear direction for a story or speech. 

8. Consider your audience

The next thing to keep in mind when considering how to write a wedding speech is to make sure you consider who your audience is. 

This is not the bachelor or bachelorette party. There will be a wide range of people present from children to the elderly, and from close friends of the bride and groom to casual acquaintances and coworkers. Make sure your speech is free of any crudeness that might not be fit for such a varied audience. Also, this isn’t the time to take a shot at any of the religious cermonies.

Be considerate and keep it positive and use language everyone can relate to. 

9. Keep it short and sweet

You want your speech to be meaningful and memorable; but the wedding is not about you, and yours is not the only speech. 

No one ever complains about a speech being too short, but they do begin to grumble if it runs on too long. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when figuring out how to write a wedding speech is to keep your speech between 2-5 minutes long. Any longer than 5 minutes and you’ll lose everyone to thoughts of cake and whether or not to Cupid Shuffle later. 

10. Add humor

Don’t be afraid to be funny! Another tip for how to write a wedding speech is that if you’ve got a lighthearted, creative, joking side, use it and add humor to your speech! Everyone likes to be entertained. 

This doesn’t mean you should scour the internet for generic wedding-themed jokes, but if you’ve got some good original material to use that helps relate a story about the bride or groom in a comedic way, do it. As long as you’re not making fun of the couple but having fun with them, jokes are great. Or you can even poke fun at yourself to illuminate a higher quality in your bestie. It’s all about making the newlyweds shine. 

If you’re creative and have other talents, use them! If you are musical, bust out your instrument and/or vocal cords and make the speech in the form of a song! Use props, and get the other guests involved! The newlyweds will feel special because you created something for them, and the guests will love joining in the fun.

11. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

If entertaining isn’t your thing, that’s okay! Don’t force it – just be yourself. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful with your speech. Always keep in mind when you go to write a wedding speech that what’s important is that you are genuine and speak from the heart.

Hopefully, you found these tips for how to write a wedding speech helpful, and can start writing today! And stay tuned to our blog for the next part in this ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech where we highlight a few things you should definitely avoid.

Love this content and want more? Read more about weddings on our blog ! Involved in the wedding planning process and the bride is still looking for a venue ? Give us a call today and we’ll help you find the perfect place!

Jennings Trace

Jennings Trace

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[…] infusing genuine emotion into your wedding speech is essential for creating a heartfelt connection with the audience. Expressing warmth, sincerity, […]

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Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Examples and Writing Tips

Here's how to write and deliver the perfect toast on your daughter's special day.

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

Photo by Perry Vaile

In This Article

At weddings, the father of the bride's toast gets a lot of attention—but we're all for moms stepping in to give a mother-of-the-bride speech that brings the house down. If you're the mom of the woman of the hour and you've been asked to deliver a few remarks during your daughter's wedding reception, you probably feel honored, emotional, and a little overwhelmed. After all, helping your child plan their nuptials is no small feat—and adding on writing (and nailing) a heartfelt, poignant speech can feel like, well, a lot .

While we know moms are basically superhuman creatures with an endless array of skills and abilities, speech writing and public speaking can something that shakes even the heroes among us—not to mention the added flood of mixed emotions that will be present throughout the day.

But we're here to help you find the right words—and deliver them with ease—in the months leading up to the big day. In our mother-of-the-bride speech guide, you'll find a foolproof template, writing and delivery tips, thought starters for brainstorming, and examples to make your own. Even better: We tapped an expert—wedding planner Vanessa Vierra of Vanessa Noel Events—to walk you through the process of giving a pro-level mother-of-the-bride speech.

Meet the Expert

  • Vanessa Vierra is the founder and lead planner of Vanessa Noel Events , a full-service event planning and design firm that serves central and southern California and beyond.

Below, find expert tips that will help you write—and deliver—the perfect toast on your daughter's big day.

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Template

Just as all moms are unique, and no two mother-daughter relationships are alike, your mother-of-the-bride speech will be entirely personal to you and the bond you share. However, there are a few components that should be present in your toast. Here's a general outline to help you get started.

Acknowledge your guests.

Every great speech should start with a few words of gratitude for the people who have gathered to partake in the celebration with you. You can mix this into a full greeting to welcome guests if you are the first speech on the schedule of events.

Welcome your new son- or daughter-in-law.

No mother-of-the-bride speech would be complete without a warm welcome to their daughter's new partner. Honor your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law by making it clear that you feel you're gaining a new family member and that they are welcome. You should also nod to how they have changed or complemented your daughter for the better. "Speak to why the two are good for one another, their dynamic, and their support for one another," says Vierra. "If you don't know your daughter's partner or their relationship that intimately, use what you do know where you can. Say something like, 'She's always been such a hard worker and I know that working hard for this marriage will be no exception.'"

Another nice touch? "Thank and welcome your new daughter's new in-laws, too, if appropriate," adds Vierra. "It's always gracious to welcome your daughter's new spouse into the family, as well as welcome and thank your daughter's new in-laws. This is especially true if the blend of families also means a blend of cultures." This is also a nice time to express gratitude for your daughter's in-law's contributions to the event, whether they are purely emotional or financial. "If there have been other family members involved with planning or contributing financially, it is gracious to acknowledge that," explains Vierra. "For example, maybe the new spouse's parents hosted a welcome party the night before. In that case, it's gracious to mention the event and thank them for hosting."

Choose happy memories to share.

As you choose memories, focus on positive, happy moments. Telling a story that highlights how your daughter overcame something unpleasant or embarrassing shouldn't be shared on their wedding day. "While it's okay to poke a little fun innocently, it should always have a purpose in the storyline of your speech," notes Vierra. "If you tell a story about how your daughter was trouble in high school, it needs to come around to support an uplifting message about who she is today. Airing dirty laundry just for the sake of a laugh is never a good look!"

In that vein, another way into your speech is to "speak about your daughter in her adulthood in a way that ties back to the memories or stories you'll share later on," suggests Vierra.

Never mention your daughter's previous relationships or marriages, and don't talk about unfulfilled dreams. Only bring up the best memories of your daughter's life.

Highlight one or two big accomplishments.

Theoretically, the guests should already know what the bride does for a living. Reciting every success they've ever had, in detail, is completely unnecessary. You should, instead, express how proud you are of their accomplishments and highlight one or two.

Tell her how proud you are.

As you conclude your speech, "talk about how she's made you proud—for the guests, it's touching to hear and for your daughter, it's incredibly special," says Vierra.

End with a toast.

The best way to end your speech? Raise a glass to your daughter and her new partner and wish them all the best in married life, says Vierra—and remind them that you will always, without fail, be there to support the both of them, both individually and in the context of their marriage.

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Writing Tips

Here are our best tips for writing your mother-of-the-bride speech, which will make eventually delivering it seamless.

Write your thoughts down on paper.

This momentous occasion is probably not the best time to wing it. Whether you use bullet points or an outline, make sure you pen everything you want to tell your daughter in your speech to avoid leaving out anything special. "Don't wing it, " explains Vierra. "Write it down and practice practice."

Think about your audience while you write.

"Keep in mind that you're speaking to a wildly varied mix of people. Your daughter's wedding guests might be a group comprised of professional colleagues, sorority sisters, childhood friends, neighbors, and her new spouse's distant family she's only just met," says Vierra. "Try to write in a way that can be enjoyed and understood by people at different ages, from different places, and with very different backgrounds."

Don't feel pressured to be funny.

Sure, humor is great—but if you're not a naturally funny person, don't push your limits on your daughter's most important day. Just be your sincere and honest self. The rest will follow, and your daughter will love it.

Avoid inside jokes.

You might have some amazing inside jokes that will make your daughter laugh, but no one else will find them funny. "Sharing memories and stories from childhood will naturally bring up special nuances of your relationship, but avoid jokes that remain unexplained or that would take too long to explain," adds Vierra.

Keep it short and sweet.

You're talking about your daughter, and we know you could probably go on about how amazing they are for hours, but a good rule of thumb is to limit your speech to three to five minutes. "Be thoughtful, but be concise," affirms Vierra. "This can be the hardest part, but I like to encourage a time limit of three minutes. This can be tough to hit if you're sharing memories and stories, but it's a great ballpark to shoot for—and never go over five!"

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Delivery Tips

Lights, camera, action! When the big moment arrives, we have the tips you need to stay calm, cool, and collected while you deliver your mother-of-the-bride speech.

Practice your speech beforehand.

Write your mother-of-the-bride speech well in advance of the wedding so you’ll have plenty of time to practice it—this will help you better engage with your daughter and the room while you deliver it. "Practice so that you aren't reading the speech word for word from your note cards," shares Vierra. "Engagement with your daughter, her spouse, and the guests is important, so look up from your cards between sentences and make eye contact."

Increase the amount of time you practice your speech in the month before the wedding. No matter what the speech, the calmest of presenters are always the most practiced.

Hold the mic at your chin.

Yes, that close! "It's tempting to hold the mic down at your chest, especially if you're uncomfortable with a microphone, but a mic that's too far away creates major issues for your sound tech and can lead to feedback in the speakers," says Vierra. "Better yet, ask for a mic stand so you can be hands free and the mic is held at the proper height for you!"

Don't read your speech off your phone.

It's tempting, but don't read your speech from your phone, says Vierra. "It just looks bad in photos—plain and simple. I recommend writing (handwriting or typing it out) on 3x5 cards that are small enough to not be distracting and sturdy enough to not fold or flop—especially if you're at an outdoor venue!" she adds.

Remember to speak slowly, pause when necessary, and breathe.

If your nerves are starting to get to you, you might start speeding through your speech; to combat this, take a deep breath and remember that it’s alright to take a pause. Also, if you're a naturally fast talker, you'll need to speak in a way that feels deliberately slow, notes Vierra.

Pauses also aren't just for nerves—they're also for laughs. "If your speech has humor peppered in, wait for the laugh," explains Vierra. "Don't start on your next line until the laughter has died down."

Don't worry about crying.

This is one occasion that indisputably warrants tears—if you're afraid of getting choked up during your delivery, just remember no one will judge you for it. In fact, most people will think it's incredibly sweet and you just might make them need a tissue, too.

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Thought Starters

Now that you have a slew of tips for writing your mother-of-the-bride speech, here are some questions to ask yourself to get the brainstorming process started.

  • Which of your daughter's qualities do you really want to highlight?
  • What's one of the best memories you have of raising your daughter?
  • When did you first know that their partner was "the one"?
  • What advice do you wish you'd heard from your mom on your wedding day?
  • What about their new marriage makes you the happiest?

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Examples to Inspire Your Own

Does the mother of the bride give a speech? For these women, the answer was a resounding “Yes!” Get inspired with these actual toasts from loving moms.

Today is your wedding day. It's something a mother wishes and waits for from the time her daughter is born until she walks down the aisle.

"When Jewel was young she surrounded herself with lots of friends, some of whom are here today. They know our basement was always full with high school friends, just as your wedding is full of yours and Jason's friends today.

Time doesn't stand still; it is fleeting and it is amazing how quickly it passes. Like time, Jewel has never stood still. It seems like she is always running after one adventure after another. When her sister Mindy ran a marathon, Jewel had to keep up, so she started running. Mindy was content to say she checked a marathon off her bucket list, but Jewel had to keep on running, competing in a triathlon, and then an Ironman. Even getting her engagement ring was a race, a scavenger hunt adventure but still a race. This one she and Jason won together. Partners all the way.

Jewel and Jason, now it is your turn to embark on your own journey as a couple, to experience life with a loving partner. As you find your own route through life, remember to cherish each other. We know that through all the twists and turns of the road, you will support and care for each other with true love.

As you celebrate this wedding day, know it is not the best but the first of many blessed events in your lives together. We're thrilled you two have found the one for you. We wish you both joy, laughter, and love—from our hearts to yours.”— Eileen Roth

Thank you all for coming. I’m a strong mom, I have a strong daughter, and after this, I know I will need a strong drink.

"I would like to welcome Steve, and his parents Helen and Larry, and all of his wonderful, huge family into our family. I will not begin to mention all his brothers and sisters lest I forget one.

Steve: You are an amazing young man that I have grown to know and love. I met you after I fell skiing and I had cracked my ribs. I was on morphine and I was very happy...so please note that I am not always that crazy. Steve, when you asked to take me to lunch at my office, I knew that something was up. And it was—you asked to marry my daughter and we both cried. You have such a kind heart.

Adrienne: You are a strong, smart, and beautiful woman. I’m going to take this opportunity to apologize for the many things that I did with and to you while you were growing up. I’m sorry for many of them but not really for others, as they may have helped make you who you are today.

  • I am sorry for always giving you peanut butter for lunch every day...as we found out later that you were deathly allergic to peanuts.
  • I am sorry for dragging you to all the boys’ hockey and baseball games; however, you and Alysse retaliated by dragging them to all your dance recitals.
  • I am sorry for the overkill of health foods—especially quinoa. But on the bright side, you have become a fabulous cook. (And have now married a cook).
  • I am sorry that I made you follow me down the black diamond ski hills...but you have become a great skier.
  • I am sorry for taking you on all those crazy adventures—an impromptu helicopter ride; a million Walk of Life events; travel to England, Wales, California, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans...but hey, they were lots of fun.
  • I am sorry I made you watch all-night episodes of Gilmore Girls.
  • I am sorry for eating bags of BBQ chips...actually, that was just me.
  • I am sorry for taking you to so many dance workshops and involving you in many choreographies...but wow, you have become an accomplished dancer, actress, and teacher.

So, as a tribute to your dancing, I offer a musical toast to you and Steve. And the music is to ‘New York, New York’...the place where Steve proposed to you.”— Barbara Kennedy

“I want to thank everyone for being here celebrating Kayleigh and Adam; the Hodgins family, our family, and friends who have become family—welcome. Kayleigh’s father, her Derd, and I are tickled pink to host this beautiful evening.

As most of you know, Kayleigh faced physical challenges as a newborn and toddler but with every year, grew stronger and even more delightful. As she got older, she excelled in basketball and show choir, and happily graduated from FIDM. She then embarked on what promises to be a fulfilling career.

Kayleigh—it always has been and always will be an honor and absolute joy to be your mom. You light up any room just by being in it.

As a parent, you, of course, want your child to succeed in life—both personally and professionally. But one of the most satisfying rewards is seeing your child experience true love and happiness, which she has absolutely found with Adam. Thank you, Adam, for loving our girl, we’re thrilled you are part of our family.

Please join me in a toast to the bride and groom—congratulations! We all wish you the best for everything this new journey has to offer.” — Marla White

While every wedding is different, the mother of the bride typically delivers their speech during the  wedding reception  following the father of the bride's speech. In some instances—whether the father is deceased or unable to attend—the mother of the bride will kick off the wedding toasts by going first.  

Focus on personal anecdotes from your daughter regarding how the two met or when they knew that they had found " the one ." 

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Wedding Toast Examples

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Perfect Short Wedding Speech Examples To Guide You

Natalia Bayeva


Wedding speeches are a long-time tradition of weddings. And, if you have an important role at a wedding, such as best man, father of the bride or maid of honor, you would be expected to give a speech. While the thought of giving a speech might be nerve-wracking, it might comfort you to know that the best speeches are short and sweet. So, don’t feel any stress or pressure, because short wedding speeches are not only the best, they are easy to deliver.


For your inspiration, we’ve put together a guide as well as some short wedding speeches examples to help you on your way to give the best wedding speech.

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Short Wedding Speeches Examples

Bride’s wedding speech.

“ Hello, everyone! Thanks for sharing this special day with us. A big shoutout to my amazing parents for making my dream wedding a reality. To my incredible groom (name), your joy fills my heart every day. I’m beyond grateful to have you as my husband, and today marks the start of countless joyous celebrations together. Cheers to love and a lifetime of happiness!”

Groom’s Wedding Speech

There are many ways to give groom short wedding speeches. Use this example as a guide to inspire you when writing your own.

“Hello, everyone! Thank you for celebrating this special day with us. A big thanks to our parents for making today possible. Today is beyond special, and we’re overflowing with gratitude. To my love, you’ve been my rock and best friend. Thank you for accepting me, flaws and all. I promise to be there for you always and to love you forever. Cheers to a lifetime of love and joy together!”

Father’s of the Bride Wedding Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this special day. As (bride’s name)’s father, I’m overjoyed and grateful. Today, we gain a son and a supportive family. Thanks for making our dreams come true. I’m confident that (name of groom) will bring endless happiness to my daughter. Here’s to love, security, and many more joyous days ahead! Cheers!”

Father’s of the Groom Wedding Speech

“Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us. I am the happiest man today welcoming a new daughter into my family. Also, I am grateful to her family as well for being the best in-laws ever and supporting us in putting all of this together. I could not have asked for a better day for them, and all I can say is that I wish them the best. To you both, may this day be the beginning of a long and fruitful journey together. My wife and I love you both. Once again, thank you all. Cheers.

Wedding speech for mother of the bride

“Hello everyone. Thank you all for being here. My heart is full today, as you all must know. Watching my daughter take this important step in her life has made me very happy. We are all so happy to support them both in starting this new chapter in their lives. I have dreamed of this day so much; I am grateful to finally be able to see it. (Groom’s name) has been an excellent son-in-law and I am beyond happy to welcome him into our family. I am extremely proud of my daughter and happy to give her to someone who loves her just as much as we do. As we celebrate with you two today, may the sounds of celebration never leave you. All our love.”

Wedding speech for the mother of the groom

Another one of our short simple wedding speeches examples for the mother of the groom.

“Warm greetings to you all. I appreciate the time that you have taken to join us in celebrating (bride and groom). From the day my son introduced me to (name of bride), I have grown to love her as my own daughter, and it has been a joy to watch them grow in love with each other. I used to have a lot of anxiety about my son’s relationships in the past, but when I met (bride), I knew that he had met his match. I am happy to celebrate you both today in not just your union, but the union of our families too. Much love to you both. Cheers everyone!”

Best Man Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please. Today, I stand beside an extraordinary couple, [Couple’s Names], on their special day. To [Bride’s Name], you look absolutely stunning, and [Groom’s Name], well, you clean up pretty well too! Here’s to a lifetime of laughter, love, and countless adventures. May your journey together be as incredible as this celebration. Cheers!”

Maid Of Honor Speech

Ladies and gents, let’s talk about the dazzling duo we’re celebrating today, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. To my gorgeous bestie, you’ve found your lobster! And to the lucky guy who snagged her, good luck – you’re stuck with us now! Here’s to a love that’s as endless as the dance floor tonight. Cheers to the newlyweds!

One-Line Wedding Speech Examples

Crafting the perfect wedding speech is an art. Here are five examples that blend sentiment, humor, and celebration for your inspiration.

Today, we not only witness the union of [Couple’s Names] but also the merging of two hearts that beat as one. Here’s to a love story that transcends time and space.
As I stand before this extraordinary couple, I can’t help but marvel at the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Today, we celebrate not just a wedding but a promise of forever.
In the grand storybook of love, [Couple’s Names] have written a chapter filled with laughter, tears, and endless love. Here’s to turning the page to a beautiful new beginning.
To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your marriage be the masterpiece of a lifetime, painted with strokes of joy, understanding, and boundless love.
As witnesses to the love between [Couple’s Names], let us raise our glasses to a journey that begins today and unfolds into a lifetime of shared dreams and cherished moments.

A toast to love and laughter—here are five heartfelt expressions for raising your glass to the happy couple.

To the couple, may your love be as timeless as the vows you share today and as joyous as the celebration we’re all a part of!
Here’s to love, laughter, and a happily ever after for [Couple’s Names]. May every day be an adventure filled with shared dreams and endless love!
To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your journey together be as sweet as the cake we’re about to devour! Cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!
Let’s raise our glasses to [Couple’s Names], whose love story is as enchanting as today’s setting sun. May your love glow brighter with each passing day!
A toast to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your marriage be as perfect as today’s weather, and your happiness as everlasting as the memories we’re creating!

How To Write a Short Wedding Speech

With this guide, you can create short and sweet wedding speeches that will just flow organically. Write a killer speech that would be easy to read and will convey your love for the couple perfectly.

  • Remember who is in the audience: Whether you are giving short wedding speeches as the best man or groom, it is important to keep your audience in mind. Introduce yourself and acknowledge them. Focusing on the audience and engaging them will help you speak from the heart.
  • Avoid alcohol: While getting some liquid courage can be tempting, it is best to lay off the alcohol until after your speech. Alcohol could turn short funny wedding speeches into something long and nonsensical. This is because you might slur or forget your words under the influence, and this is something you absolutely do not want.
  • Use note cards: Although you are not encouraged to read out your short wedding rehearsal dinner speech completely, note cards are encouraged. With these cues, you can glance at your notes from time to time to help you remember your lines and keep you on track. The audience might not even notice, and your speech would be better for it.
  • Structure your story: Structure your speech in a way that focuses on the bride and groom. Fine one, two or three points about them that you can elaborate upon and stories in which they are the hero. This will keep your message in the right direction, and you can be sure to end on a positive note.

In the next part, we have a list of some of the best short wedding speeches that can help inspire you to write your own.

Example of a Short Wedding Toast

“Cheers to [Couple’s Names]! May your days be filled with love, laughter, and countless joyous moments. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness together!”

How to Make a Short and Sweet Wedding Speech

Focus on key points like expressing happiness for the couple, sharing a brief anecdote, and offering a toast. Keep it concise, heartfelt, and light-hearted for impact.

Is a 1 Minute Wedding Speech Too Short?

No, a 1-minute wedding speech can be perfect. A concise speech ensures guests stay engaged and leaves a lasting impression. Focus on the essentials – expressing joy, sharing a quick story, and toasting the couple.

Not many people are trained public speakers, but it is hard to go wrong with short wedding speeches. Allow these tips and examples to guide you in making the best wedding speeches ever.

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How to Write a Wedding Speech

Last Updated: March 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jenny Yi . Jenny Yi is the Founder of Chloe+Mint, an award-winning full service event planning company that specializes in wedding planning, design and floral design. Jenny has been in the industry for over 5 years, and also works closely with notable brands and celebrities on branding and events. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 606,894 times.

For most people, their wedding day will be among the most important days of their lives. As such, it is customary for a close friend or loved one to deliver a speech congratulating the newlyweds on their union. This can be a nerve-wracking prospect if you’re the one called upon to give a speech in front of a big, expectant crowd. As the speechwriter, it will pay off to make sure that you’re organized, keep it concise and practice extensively beforehand.

Things You Should Know

Professional wedding planner Jenny Yi says the wedding speech should be “impactful, short, and sweet.” Explain how you know the bride and groom, share a quick backstory on how they met, then wish them well as a couple.

Sample Speeches

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

Writing a Meaningful Speech

Step 1 Introduce yourself to the crowd.

  • The best man and maid of honor are usually each asked to make a short speech on behalf of the wedding party. After that, the microphone is sometimes turned over to whoever would like to say a few words.
  • Saying your name and briefly summarizing your history with the bride or groom will be enough. Don’t talk about yourself too much. Remember, the focus of your speech is the married couple.

Step 2 Open with a joke.

  • Use jokes judiciously to break the initial tension and keep the crowd relaxed. Try not to let your speech turn into a stand up comedy routine.
  • Keep your humorous stories and remarks appropriate. There will be people of all ages in your audience, including children.
  • Funny stories might include a funny story about the bride and groom's meeting, or an anecdote about one of them as a child.

Step 3 Share memories of the bride and groom.

  • Sharing unique memories or stories is much more effective than simply complimenting the bride or groom because it is a more personal touch.

Step 4 Offer advice or well-wishes for the future.

  • If you decide to use a quote for this segment of the speech, make sure it is short, relevant and not a cliche.

Step 5 Thank everyone in attendance.

  • Acknowledging the people who helped make the wedding festivities possible will make you appear humble, as well as making them feel appreciated.
  • Express your gratitude in a couple sentences. There’s no need to go on and on thanking every person individually by name.

Making Sure You're Prepared

Step 1 Write the speech well in advance.

  • Treat your speech like you would a school assignment. Compose several drafts, check it for errors and have a friend proofread it to make sure it sounds good.

Step 2 Know when you’re expect to deliver the speech.

  • Familiarize yourself with the order of presentation if multiple speeches are to be given.
  • Don’t spend the entire ceremony fretting over your speech. If you’re sufficiently prepared, you won’t need to give it a second thought until it’s time for you to deliver it.

Step 3 Practice, practice, practice.

  • Know your speech word for word, but try not to sound like you’re simply reciting it from memory. Pace yourself and give every passage emphasis, emotion and clarity.

Step 4 Bring your notes with you.

  • Put your entire speech on a couple note cards rather than a several large sheets of paper. Not only will this look better, it will help you keep your speech at the appropriate length.
  • Only look at your notes if you draw a blank or forget the next part. This will allow you to keep your eyes up and engage your audience. Even the most riveting speech will be a bore if the person giving it is reading off a note card the whole time.

Giving the Speech

Step 1 Maintain your composure.

  • Take a few slow, deep breaths. Think about what you’re saying and shut out all other distractions. Imagine that you’re giving your speech to one person instead of a room full of people.
  • Have a drink or two if it helps your nerves. Just don’t have too many—you want to be focused and clear-headed when it’s time for you to take the floor.

Step 2 Keep it short and sweet.

  • It’s perfectly okay to give a short speech. Simply say a few kind words, raise a toast and hand back the microphone.
  • Speak slowly and deliberately. It’s easy to start chattering too fast when you’re nervous. By talking slower than you feel like you need to, you’ll probably be going at just the right speed.
  • People who are underprepared or extremely anxious tend to talk aimlessly. Avoid this by sticking to what you’ve written and look to the crowd for cues about when their attention is evaporating.

Step 3 Be sincere.

  • Take a moment to speak to the bride and/or groom directly.
  • It’s normal to get a little choked up! As long as you can finish your speech, there’s no need to worry. It may even be flattering, as it will show the people you’re talking about how much you truly care.

Step 4 Finish with a toast.

  • It’s customary for the best man or groomsmen to toast the bride, and the maid of honor to toast the groom.

Expert Q&A

Jenny Yi

  • Keep quotes to a minimum, as other people's words can distract from what you're trying to say yourself. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1
  • If you're stumped on how your speech should flow, approach it the way you would a story: give it a beginning, middle and end. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
  • Ask an honest, objective friend to give you feedback on your speech after you've finished writing it. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

  • Never use a premade template you find on the internet to write a wedding speech. Your speech should be a product of your own unique thoughts, feelings and experiences. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 1
  • Don't drink too much before delivering your speech. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1
  • Leave out especially embarrassing or offensive anecdotes. These are usually considered bad form. You're supposed to be honoring the married couple, not getting a laugh at their expense. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 3

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  • ↑ https://www.theknot.com/content/wedding-toasting-tips-for-the-maid-of-honor
  • ↑ https://www.presentationmagazine.com/the-structure-and-etiquette-of-wedding-speeches-1041.htm
  • ↑ http://www.artofmanliness.com/2008/07/22/how-to-write-deliver-good-best-man-speech/
  • ↑ https://www.theknot.com/content/wedding-toasting-tips-for-the-maid-of-honor/
  • ↑ https://finley-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/f/finley-h/localcontent/how_to_write_a_speech.pdf
  • ↑ https://mediacenter.toastmasters.org/2014-07-01-10-Tips-for-the-Perfect-Wedding-Toast

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Jenny Yi

To write a wedding speech, start by introducing yourself and explaining how you know the bride and groom. Then, share some fond memories, like stories from when you were kids or how you met. Next, offer well-wishes to the bride and groom, such as wishing them health, happiness, and prosperity. Alternatively, try opening with a joke or funny anecdote, but make sure that your remarks are appropriate for everyone in attendance. Finally, briefly thank everyone for coming and for making the celebration possible. For tips on how to memorize your speech so that it doesn’t sound rehearsed, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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A Father’S Speech On His Daughter’S Wedding?

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The father’s speech at a daughter’s wedding is a crucial moment in the father-daughter relationship and the journey of the couple. It is a heartfelt and emotional speech that serves as a tribute to the father’s love, pride, and support for his daughter. A traditional father of the bride speech includes welcoming guests, recognizing new in-laws, and welcoming his new son or daughter-in-law into the family.

Creating a memorable and heartfelt speech can be challenging, especially for those with no experience in public speaking. However, with some expert advice, it can be done. The father of the bride toast is a warm-up act, typically beginning by thanking the wedding guests and recognizing the new in-laws. The toast should be funny, short, and moving, while also offering advice on marriage.

To create an epic father of the bride speech, it is essential to focus on memories and emotions, including welcoming guests, sharing pride, discussing the present, and acknowledging the new son or daughter-in-law. By focusing on memories and emotions, a father of the bride speech can truly celebrate the bond between a father and his daughter on her special day.

In summary, the father’s speech at a daughter’s wedding is a significant moment in the father-daughter relationship and the journey of the couple. By crafting a memorable and heartfelt speech, the father can express his love, pride, and support for his daughter on her special day.

📹 Hilarious Father of The Bride Speech | How to give a father of the bride speech!

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A Father'S Speech On His Daughter'S Wedding?

What does a father say at his daughter’s wedding?

A father of the bride speech should welcome guests, tell stories about your daughter, welcome your son-in-law or daughter-in-law, give advice, and toast the couple.

1. Ask for help. Before you start writing, talk to a few people. Ask the bride’s mother, siblings, or close family to share stories about the bride. They may remember funny or important things you’ve forgotten. You can go back and forth with this family group while writing for more details and to feel less pressure.

30 best father of the bride speeches examples

What is the best opening line for a wedding speech?

How to Start Your Wedding Speech Hi, I’m BRIDE/GROOM. You probably know me, but if not, well done for sneaking in unnoticed. Hi, I’m BEST MAN. You can call me by my full name: BEST MAN. Speeches are a big part of any wedding reception. But if you’re the one giving one, it can be nerve-wracking. We’ve got tips to help you start your wedding speech, including introduction examples, so you can feel confident. The introduction sets the tone for the whole speech. Wedding wordsmith and professional speechwriter Amerdeep Sanghera of Lovingly Penned explains. Don’t make guests think, “Oh no, not another speech.” Make them smile. The introduction is the most important part.

Sounds stressful, right? Don’t worry. From funny opening lines to tips on getting started, scroll to make sure your speech is a success.

What is a special message to my daughter on her wedding day?

Congrats! To my daughter and her partner, may your wedding day be the start of a happy life together. Cheers to your love! Today, you start a new chapter in your life. I know it will be amazing. Every parent looks forward to their child’s wedding. It’s the start of a new experience for their child as they start a new journey with their spouse. It’s natural for parents to be emotional and proud of their children as they start a new chapter in their lives. Sending wedding wishes is a great way to show love and support for your daughter and son-in-law. We have a list of heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter. Use these wishes to wish your daughter good luck and tell her you love her.

What is a famous quote for father of the bride speech?

Father of the Bride Quotes. John Gregory Brown: A father’s words to his daughter are like a line of gold thread. Over time, it becomes long enough to weave into a cloth of love. Enid Bagnold: A father makes his baby into a woman. And when she is a woman, he turns her back again. Guy Lombardo: Many men wish they were strong enough to tear a telephone book in half, especially if they have a teenage daughter. Euripides: A father’s daughter is his most precious possession. It’s sad to see them grow up. But it would kill you quicker if they didn’t. These are my daughters. But where are the children? Goethe: We can give our children two things that will last. One is roots. The other is wings. Parents don’t let go of their children, so children let go of them. It’s not until later that children understand their stories and accomplishments. They sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives. Norman Wright: In marriage, each partner should encourage, forgive, and enable. Tom Mullen: Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry. Leo Tolstoy: A happy marriage isn’t about how compatible you are, but how you deal with differences. Ogden Nash: Keep your marriage full of love by admitting when you’re wrong. When you’re right, shut up. Friedrich Nietzsche: When you marry, ask yourself this question: Can you talk to this person well into your old age? Everything else in marriage is temporary.

What is a short meaningful wedding quote?

You marry the person you can’t live without. I’d rather spend my life with you than face the world alone. Faith makes things possible. Love makes things easy.

Short a father's speech on his daughter's wedding

How to write a good father of the bride speech?

Time to write the father of the bride speech you’ve always wanted to give. We’re here to help. Start your father of the bride speech with a few thank-yous. … Mention loved ones. … Share memories of your child. Talk about your new in-laws.

  • Wedding Ideas
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  • How to Write the Perfect Father of the Bride Speech, in 7 Easy Steps

Here are some tips for writing a great father of the bride speech. Your daughter is getting married. It’s a big day for her and for you. She’s asked you to give a speech at the wedding. You’re honored, but also a bit nervous. You want this father of the bride toast to impress her. Father of the bride speeches usually start or end wedding toasts, so you’ll have everyone’s attention. As the father, you have a special view of this woman. It can be hard to write a father of the bride speech, even if you have lots of ideas or don’t have writer’s block.

A father's speech on his daughter's wedding quotes

How do I write a speech for my daughter’s wedding?

How to Write a Mother of the Bride Speech Introduce yourself. … Thank the guests. … Tell a story about your daughter. Talk about your daughter’s partner. … Talk about the couple’s relationship. … Toast the newlyweds. Your daughter’s wedding is one of the best days as a mom. A mother of the bride speech during the reception is a great way to welcome your daughter’s new spouse into the family. If you’re wondering if the mother of the bride gives a speech, the answer is yes. Writing a wedding speech for your daughter doesn’t have to be scary. Moms are superheroes. When it’s time to give your speech, you’ll exceed expectations. If you’re nervous about public speaking or having trouble writing a good speech, you’re not alone. We’re here to help you give a great speech for your daughter’s wedding. Our first tip is: Wear waterproof makeup. Happy tears are bound to be shed.

Printable Template.

How to Write.

Printable Mother of the Bride Speech Template Bookmark this template to make sure you write a great mother of the bride speech.

How to start a father of the bride wedding speech?

Start with a joke. This gets everyone laughing. Start with a quote. This sets the tone for your speech and shares wisdom with the audience. … Start with a story. … Start with a poem. As a wedding videographer, I’ve seen many emotional moments, but nothing compares to the father of the bride speech. It’s a special moment for a dad to show his love, pride, and gratitude to his daughter and her partner on their wedding day. Most fathers feel a mix of emotions when their daughter gets married. You’re happy for her, but also sad. You’re proud of her, but also nervous. You want to say something meaningful and funny. You want to make her laugh and cry. You want your speech to be memorable but not too long. How do you do that? How do you write a speech that makes guests laugh and cry? How do you make it personal and memorable without using clichés?

Shy father of the bride speech examples

What is a good quote for the Father of the bride speech?

11. Fathers, love your daughters and they’ll never settle. Here’s to my daughter and her high standards.

12. A father’s love lasts forever.

13. I know your daughter will be an amazing partner. She’ll make you smile even 50 years on.

14. My daughter is starting a new life. She’ll have another person to love and protect her, but I’ll always be there for her.

A father's speech on his daughter's wedding sample

What is the best line for a daughter?

Mothers and daughters are close when daughters become mothers. Having a daughter is a true friend. A daughter is a miracle. A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. Be an inspiration. Spread the inspiration. Inspirational articles, stories, quotes, and more. Join us! Published Nov 19, 2023.

Ever wondered about the magic in the words between mothers and daughters? Mother-daughter quotes last forever because they are wise, loving, and strong. As we explore these heartfelt quotes, have you ever considered how they empower mothers and daughters?

A father's speech on his daughter's wedding example

What is an example of the father of the bride wedding speech?

A simple father of the bride speech example. Welcome! I’m Danielles dad. Thank you for coming tonight. We’re grateful to celebrate Danielle and John’s marriage. We taught Danielle to be kind, independent, and to embrace life. We hoped she’d find her match. John, I’m happy to say you’re the person we hoped for, and we’re thrilled to welcome you into our family. I admire your partner’s most admirable quality. I know you’ll be a wonderful lifelong partner for Danielle. If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be this: Admit when you’re wrong. When you’re right, shut up! But seriously, don’t worry about the little things. Danielle, I hope you have many more happy moments with John. Now, let’s toast the newlyweds. Here’s to a lifetime of love.

Short Father of the Bride Speech Example. Hello, and thank you for coming to celebrate Jennifer and Melissa. I’m Jennifers dad, and I’m excited for her as she and Melissa start a new chapter in their lives together. One of the things I loved most about Jennifer as a child was sharing a favorite memory. I hope she finds someone who cares about her as much as I do, and Melissa is that person. Melissa, we’re so happy you’re joining our family. I’m looking forward to many more years of shared interests. Cheers and congratulations! Funny Father of the Bride Speech Example. My wife, family, and now-adult children tease me about my dad jokes, so I’ll try to keep them to a minimum. As the father of the bride, I have to give a good speech. I hope I meet your expectations. If I mess up, I’m out.

Wedding speeches from daughter to father and stepmother

What can a father say to his daughter on her wedding day?

To my daughter on her wedding day, you look beautiful. You’ve made our lives happy, and you’re about to make your spouse’s life happy too. I/We love you and can’t wait to see you get married. Every parent says their child is the best, but it’s true in my case. When your daughter gets married, it’s both exciting and bittersweet. She’s all grown up now, and you might be happy for her and her soon-to-be spouse, but you might also feel a mix of emotions. As you write wedding wishes for your daughter, don’t be afraid to express your pride and nostalgia. She’ll probably be feeling the same way, so she’ll appreciate sharing those feelings with you. When writing your daughter’s wedding card, just write from the heart. The best wedding wishes usually look back on the happy times you’ve had with your daughter and look forward to the future. Saying congratulations is important, but don’t go overboard. Recalling some of your favorite memories or things your daughter said when she was younger is also nice. She knows you’ll be there for her, but it’s good to say so now that you have a new child-in-law. They’ll remember that you’re there for them, no matter what. If you want to give your daughter some advice for life after the wedding, we’re here to help! Check out our sample wedding wishes to a daughter below. You can also give your daughter a special gift with your wedding card.

📹 Touching wedding speech by father of the bride

Philip better has some big shoes to carry and a great father in law.

A Father'S Speech On His Daughter'S Wedding?

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writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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  • A Father’S Remarks At His Daughter’S Wedding

Table of Contents:

One of the most eagerly anticipated speeches at any wedding reception is the father of the bride toast. If you are a father, you have probably long anticipated (or dreaded) giving this speech. As the time draws near, it’s crucial to sit down and draft a toast that not only you’ll be proud of but that your daughter will remember for the rest of her life. Despite the fact that it may seem difficult to put into words the unending love you have for your daughter, it is usually those very feelings that take center stage. You should feel free to express those emotions in your speech because most of the audience members will probably reach for tissues.

Having said that, even the most accomplished fathers may find it difficult to put their thoughts into words. So, to get you started, we came up with a simple plan that you can stick to when you’re preparing to organize your ideas into a formal speech. Along with a list of brainstorming topics to get the creative juices flowing, we’ve gathered some excellent advice for writing that undoubtedly epic father of the bride speech.

Continue reading for tips on how to prepare for and deliver the most memorable toast of the day: the father of the bride speech.

Simple father of the bride speech examples

The appropriate length for a father-of-the-bride speech is

A good range for the length of the father of the bride speech is between 6 and 8 minutes, not to exceed ten minutes. (For a speaker of average ability, that translates to 900–1,200 words.en.

The following is the customary speaking order for weddings:

But in truth, this arrangement is just a custom. These days, additional wedding party members, such as the maid of honor, the bride’s mother, the groom’s father, etc., may be listed among the speakers. These more modern roles could either be added to or take the place of more conventional ones.

In any case, the most crucial thing for you to do is confirm the precise speakers at your daughter’s wedding and how your speech fits into the overall schedule.

30 best father of the bride speeches

What is the father’s prayer for his daughter on the big day?

My daughter and (name) are in your prayers, Father God in heaven. The wedding ceremony will have concluded by the time they get married. Encourage them both to accept the reality of married love every day.

Congratulations on the impending nuptials of your daughter; your little girl is now a woman and will soon become a wife!

It makes sense that you would want to pray for her marriage, the wedding, and a whole host of other things. I pray that you will find these prayers helpful as you begin to discuss your daughter’s marriage with God.

Weddings are sort of rites of passage, but for you as the parent, they are so much more. She is now formally leaving the nest. She’s starting her own family now. This is her relying on someone other than you.

Shy father of the bride speech examples

How to begin a speech as the father of the bride

“Tell her that even though she is beginning a new life, you will always be there for her.” This is how the father of the bride speech should go: Begin by thanking everyone for coming. On behalf of the newlyweds, Falcon advises beginning the speech by thanking everyone who attended the special occasion.

Calling all fathers: practice your father of the bride speech with this advice from professionals before your daughter’s wedding.

If your daughter is getting married, you’ve probably dreamed about (or dreaded!) her wedding since she was a young girl. Now that the big day has finally arrived, you’ll be responsible for giving a touching father of the bride speech that is sure to make people cry. Pack some tissues for the emotional roller coaster. (Trust us; they will undoubtedly be useful.)

There will undoubtedly be many tears, predicts Fátima Falcon of Momentos Weddings and Events in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico: “This is without a doubt one of the most emotional speeches. A heartfelt wedding toast to your daughter and her new spouse may also be challenging because emotions are likely to be high on the big day. Fortunately, we’ve compiled professional public speaking and wedding speech tips to assist you in writing a father of the bride speech that will be sincere, sentimental, and emotional and will surely impress all of your friends and family.

Fathers speech at daughter's wedding examples

When a daughter gets married, what does the father say?

A traditional father of the bride speech should include a few essential components, including a welcome to the guests, stories and compliments about your daughter, a welcome to your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law, words of wisdom, and a toast to the happy couple. Cached.

Having a brainstorming session with a few important people can really help before you even consider writing your first draft.

You might want to gather the bride’s mother, any siblings, or really close relatives to share memories of the bride because they might recall some absolutely hilarious or significant anecdotes that you have forgotten.

Additionally, it will make you feel a lot less pressure than if you were writing alone because you can refer back and forth to this family group for additional details and clarification on facts.

Father of the bride speeches pdf

What would be a good father-of-the-bride toast example ?

It’s important for you both to remember that while neither of you will ever be perfect, you can be perfect together. ” I never thought a man could feel more pride than I do today, being the father of the bride. “May your relationship be both timeless and contemporary, strong enough to withstand changing trends.”.

(Bad dad joke alert!) These are certain to have everyone in the room seated in tiers.

To aid you in navigating and appreciating life’s most important moments, we have included third-party products. We might receive compensation for purchases made after visiting links on this page.

Speaking at a wedding can be quite nerve-wracking, especially if you’re the one giving it.

Brilliant father of the bride speeches

What do you say during your daughter’s wedding?

Let her know that you still adore her just as much as you did on your wedding day. Gratitude is due to her for helping to shape your daughter into the stunning woman she is today. Maybe tell a story about how much your daughter resembles her mother. Cached.

You will have the privilege of making the opening toast at the bride’s wedding reception as the bride’s father. This might not seem overwhelming if you have previously written a father-of-the-bride speech. If this is your first time, however, you might feel a little anxious.

So, here are some pointers for getting ready for your speech. You might know where to begin if you have ever given a best man speech. The following guidance should be heeded because there are some differences. See the examples and advice for father-of-the-bride speeches provided below.

A wedding toast is a wish for the couple that frequently involves raising glasses, clinking them together, and drinking. Although it can stand alone, it usually concludes a speech. Compared to a toast, a speech is frequently longer and includes storytelling.

Worst father of the bride speeches

What a father ought to say to his daughter on her wedding day

Share a funny story about your daughter, or just express your pride in the woman she has grown into. Say something heartfelt and memorable because today is her big day. Discuss the occasions when you felt proud of your daughter instead of just stating your love for her. CachedSimilar.

Here is your comprehensive guide to the ideal speech, complete with speech examples, tips, and advice, if you want to know how to write a flawless father of the bride speech for your daughter on her wedding day.

At the wedding reception, the father of the bride usually delivers his speech first, followed by the speeches of the groom and best man. This is the traditional running order for wedding speeches. Usually seen as the warm-up act in this sequence is the father of the bride speech.

The father of the bride typically starts his speech by thanking everyone who came to the wedding, congratulating his daughter’s new in-laws, and formally introducing his new son or daughter-in-law.

Father of the bride speech icebreakers

What should you say in the wedding speech of the bride’s father?

Here is a basic format for creating a father-of-the bride speech that will have everyone reaching for tissues. Greet the visitors. Dot. Be grateful. Dot. Add a few enjoyable memories. dot. Embrace your pride. dot. discuss the present. Dot, congratulate your daughter on her new union. Dot. Tell your daughter that you love her. dot. Consider the future. Cached.

One of the speeches at a wedding reception that guests look forward to the most is the “Father of the Bride” toast. For a very long time, if you’re a dad, you’ve probably anticipated (or dreaded) giving this speech. As the big day approaches, it’s critical to take the time to sit down and draft a toast that you can be proud of and that your daughter will remember for the rest of her life. Despite the fact that it may seem difficult to put into words the unending love you have for your daughter, it is usually those very feelings that take center stage. You should feel free to express those emotions in your speech because most of the audience members will probably reach for tissues.

That said, even the most articulate fathers may find it difficult to put their thoughts on paper. So, in order to get you started, we came up with a simple plan that you can stick to when you’re preparing to organize your ideas into a formal speech. Along with a list of brainstorming topics to get the creative juices flowing, we’ve gathered some excellent advice for writing that undoubtedly epic father of the bride speech.

Continue reading for tips on how to prepare for and deliver the toast of the day’s most memorable father of the bride.

How do you wrap up the father of the bride speech? .

How do you wrap up the father of the bride speech?

After you’ve finished speaking, invite everyone to stand and toast the newlyweds. There are many excellent examples in our collection of sentimental quotes and toasts for father-of-the bride speeches. We especially enjoy the straightforward phrase, “Here’s to the past, for all that you’ve learned. For everything you share, let’s toast to the present.

Being a little anxious before the wedding speeches is normal, especially if you’re giving the crucial “Father of the Bride” speech.

You can give a great speech without panicking if you choose a short father of the bride speech, avoid public speaking, or want to give the best man time to shine. The key is to choose a straightforward father-of-the bride speech. It’s still just as emotional, heartfelt, and memorable if you choose a simpler route.

The wedding speeches begin with the father of the bride’s speech, which is followed by the best man’s and the bride’s partner’s. Being the one to begin the speech, there are a few things you must say, such as thanking the audience and eulogizing your daughter.

What speech-writing techniques should I use for my daughter's wedding?

What speech-writing techniques should I use for my daughter’s wedding?

For your convenience, I’ve provided a general outline below. Welcome your visitors. dot. Salute your new in-laws, whether they are your son or daughter. dot. Pick enjoyable memories to share. dot. Highlight one or two significant achievements. dot. Publish your ideas on paper. dot. Always take a moment to breathe. dot. Never feel compelled to be humorous. dot. First, practice.

Raise your glass to the mothers who take the stage at wedding receptions to deliver their very own mother of the bride speech (why should fathers get all the fun?). Although we all know that moms are basically superhuman beings with an infinite number of skills and abilities, public speaking can be a challenge that would shake even the most heroic among us—not to mention the additional flood of conflicting emotions that will be present throughout the day.

You’ll probably feel a little anxious before giving a speech to a group of relatives and your new in-laws, and we can’t discount the difficulty of finding the words to express your feelings in the first place. But don’t worry, mamas; we have a manual to calm your nerves and sharpen your mind. We asked three professionals—wedding planners Amy Abbott and Paulette Alkire, and CEO of Wedding Academy Global Kylie Carlson—to guide you through the steps of delivering a mother of the bride speech at the highest professional level. (We advise you to impart your new knowledge to any tongue-tied fathers you may encounter.)

You can write the ideal toast for your daughter’s special day using the expert advice provided below.

What is the father's blessing prayer for his daughter?

What is the father’s blessing prayer for his daughter?

Pour out Your spirit on my daughter and bestow Your blessing on her (Isaiah 44:3). Father, You bless those who hunger and thirst for You and vow to satisfy them with Yourself (Matthew 5:6). Grow her in wisdom and love for you as you introduce her to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9).

Do you ever discover that when you pray for your daughters, you keep saying the same things over and over again?

My husband and I started praying for our daughter every night, even while she was still in the womb, as soon as we learned we were expecting her. As a chance to calm our hearts and turn to the Lord, it has evolved into a reassuring ritual for the end of the day.

After five years, God has blessed us with two more children (another girl and a baby boy on the way), and He has also given me something else: the responsibility to pray for my kids.

What is the father's wedding prayer?

What is the father’s wedding prayer?

Father, help them to follow and serve you with a growing commitment as a result of their union. As they take care of each other’s needs while trusting in your care, lead them to greater love and sacrifice. May their love for each other shine through in their marriage.

As a licensed minister, Stephen Simmons is aware of the value and reverence that wedding prayers and blessings can bring to your ceremony. By recognizing the holiness of your union and inviting God into your special day, you can add a spiritual touch. You can choose one of the prayers or blessings from the list below, or we can create a special prayer just for your wedding. We include that special person to bestow a blessing over the couple because many couples want to honor a family member or someone who has had a spiritual influence in their lives.

Please hear my prayer, O Heavenly Father, that (husband and wife) may have a true and understanding love for one another. Grant them both faith and trust. Give them the wisdom to coexist in harmony and peace. May they always accept one another’s flaws and learn from one another’s strengths.

Grant them patience, kindness, cheerfulness, and the capacity to put one another’s needs before their own. Also, help them to be tolerant of one another’s faults. With every year that goes by, may the love that brought them together deepen and mature. Through their love for one another, draw them both closer to You. Let their relationship develop to its full potential. Amen.

On her wedding day, how can I bless my daughter? .

On her wedding day, how can I bless my daughter?

I pray for my daughter’s marriage in the same way Moses did for the Hebrew people thousands of years ago: May the Lord keep them and bless them. May the Lord bless them both and let his face shine upon them. I pray that you, God, will look upon each of them and grant them peace. Amen, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Congratulations! Your little girl is now a woman and will soon become a wife because your daughter is getting married.

You naturally want to pray for her, her marriage, the big day, and a whole lot more. I pray that these prayers will help you as you begin to discuss your daughter’s marriage with God.

Weddings are sort of rites of passage, but for you as the parent, they are so much more. She has now formally left the nest. She is starting her own family at this point. This is her relying on someone besides you.

What is the Bible's teaching on a father's blessing? .

What is the Bible’s teaching on a father’s blessing?

According to Proverbs 23:24, “A man rejoices in his wise son; the father of a righteous child has great joy. Psalm 32:7-8 states, “You are my refuge; you will keep me safe from harm and encircle me with songs of deliverance.”.

Dads have a significant impact on how their kids turn out in life and as adults. It’s time to celebrate them on the third Sunday in June. You could pick out the ideal present (possibly a book?) or make Dad a homemade one to make him feel extra special this year. Or you can do something he likes to do, like listen to music, and spend quality time with him. However, a verse of scripture may have more significance for him than all of that.

Find a Bible verse for Father’s Day that accurately captures the love you have for your father or other father figure, or the blessing they are to you, by browsing the list of verses below. To go with his gift, you might write one in a card (you can print one for free too!). and include some of your own unique words.

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Which father introduces himself first at a wedding?

Which father introduces himself first at a wedding?

The bride’s father Traditionally, the bride’s father is the first speaker during the wedding toasts, particularly if he has contributed financial support to the union as one of the bride’s parents. The groom’s father greets the guests and expresses his gratitude for their attendance at and participation in the wedding.

A Father'S Remarks At His Daughter'S Wedding

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Father of the Bride Speech Examples and Templates

by Ryan Hart | Updated on May 11, 2024 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

When it comes to a wedding, one of the most anticipated speeches is the father of the bride’s.

It’s a moment for the father to express his love and pride for his daughter, offer advice and well wishes for the newlyweds, and thank everyone for being a part of this special day.

But for many fathers, the idea of giving a speech can be intimidating . You want to make sure you come across as confident, clear, and knowledgeable, but where do you start?

Brainstorming and planning ahead can help you organize your thoughts and ensure you hit all the key elements. From there, you can start writing and incorporating techniques to make your speech stand out.

Father of the bride giving a wedding speech

What should you say in a Father of the Bride speech?

When it comes to delivering a memorable father of the bride speech, there are several key elements that you should incorporate. These elements will help you to create a speech that is heartfelt, emotional, and memorable for all the right reasons.

Introduce Yourself

Firstly, it’s important to introduce yourself and welcome the guests . This will help to set the tone for your speech and make everyone feel at ease. You can also take this opportunity to thank the guests for coming and for their support.

Share a Short Story

Next, it’s time to share stories and memories about your daughter. This is the perfect opportunity to reminisce about happy times and to highlight the qualities that make your daughter so special. You can also use this time to welcome your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law and to express your happiness for the happy couple.

Offer Words of Wisdom

It’s also important to offer some words of wisdom and marriage advice. This can be done in a concise and meaningful way, and can include quotes or anecdotes that have special meaning to you and your family. You can also share your hopes and wishes for the future of the couple.

End with a Toast

Of course, no father of the bride speech would be complete without a toast. Raise a toast to the happy couple and their future together, and share your pride and joy in their union. You can also take this opportunity to thank the maid of honor and the master of ceremonies for their contributions to the wedding.

Examples and Templates

When it comes to writing your father of the bride speech, having some examples and templates to draw inspiration from can be incredibly helpful. Here are a few resources to get you started:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here as a proud father to [DAUGHTER'S NAME] . It feels like just yesterday that she was [SHARE A MEMORABLE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE] . Today, I can hardly believe she's marrying [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [POSITIVE TRAIT OR ANECDOTE ABOUT GROOM] . As I raise my glass, I want to thank everyone for being here to celebrate this special day with us. To the happy couple, may your future be filled with love and joy."
"When [DAUGHTER'S NAME] was little, we used to [A SHARED ACTIVITY OR STORY] . Now as I watch her with [GROOM'S NAME] , I see a similar bond of [SHARED QUALITY] . I could not be happier for them. So here's to my beautiful daughter and her wonderful new husband. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers!"
"As a father, you dream of the day your little girl finds someone who [VALUES OR QUALITIES YOU HOPED FOR] . Today, [DAUGHTER'S NAME] married [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who embodies all of these qualities. To my daughter and her new husband, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and love. May your marriage be as strong and beautiful as the love you share today."
"They say a father is his daughter's first love. Well, [DAUGHTER'S NAME] was my first true love. Seeing her today with [GROOM'S NAME] , I know she's found her [TERM OF ENDEARMENT: e.g. forever love, true match] . As I look at my daughter and her new husband, I am filled with pride and joy. Here's to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Cheers!"
"Raising [DAUGHTER'S NAME] has been my life's greatest joy. She's [POSITIVE QUALITIES OR TRAITS] . Today, as she marries [GROOM'S NAME] , I see those qualities reflected back at her, and it fills my heart with joy. To the newlyweds, may your love for each other only grow stronger with each passing year. Here's to a lifetime of happiness and joy together."
"I always knew [DAUGHTER'S NAME] would grow up to be [QUALITY, ACHIEVEMENT, OR TRAIT] . I am proud to say that [GROOM'S NAME] is the kind of man who values that about her. As a father, there is no greater joy than seeing my daughter so happy. To my daughter and her new husband, may your love for each other never fade. Cheers!"
"There are many moments in a father's life that he cherishes, but this moment, seeing [DAUGHTER'S NAME] marrying a man who is [POSITIVE TRAITS OF GROOM] , is truly special. To my beautiful daughter and her handsome husband, may your love story be filled with adventure, laughter, and endless joy. Congratulations and cheers to a lifetime of happiness together."
"As [DAUGHTER'S NAME] 's father, I've seen her grow and accomplish so much. Her marriage to [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [COMPLIMENT ABOUT GROOM] , is another proud moment in a long list. As I raise my glass, I want to thank my daughter and her new husband for giving me the greatest gift of all - the gift of seeing my little girl so happy. Here's to a lifetime of love and joy together."
" [DAUGHTER'S NAME] has always been the [ADJECTIVE: e.g. light, star] of our family. Today, as she joins hands with [GROOM'S NAME] , I know she has found her perfect [COMPLEMENT TO PREVIOUS ADJECTIVE: e.g., beacon, constellation] . To my daughter and her new husband, may your love for each other be as strong and unbreakable as the bond between a father and his daughter. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together."
" [DAUGHTER'S NAME] , from your first steps, to this walk down the aisle, I've had the privilege of being there. Now, as you step into a new journey with [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [POSITIVE TRAIT OR QUALITY OF GROOM] , I know you will make beautiful memories together. As I look at my daughter and her new husband, I am filled with hope and happiness for their future together. To the happy couple, may your marriage be blessed with love, joy, and endless happiness. Cheers!"

Understanding the Role

As the father of the bride, you have a special role to play in your daughter’s wedding. Your speech is one of the most anticipated and memorable moments of the wedding reception, and it’s an opportunity to express your love and pride for your daughter and your new son-in-law.

Your speech should be heartfelt, sincere, and personal. It’s a chance to share your thoughts and feelings about your daughter, her new spouse, and their future together. Your words should be chosen carefully to reflect the love and support you have for the couple.

Remember that your speech is not just about your daughter, but also about your family. It’s a time to acknowledge and thank the guests who have come to celebrate this special occasion with you and your family. You should also take a moment to welcome your new son-in-law into the family and express your happiness at having him as part of your family.

When preparing your speech, it’s important to keep in mind the overall tone of the wedding. Is it a formal, traditional affair, or a more casual, relaxed event? Your speech should fit the tone of the wedding and reflect the personality of the couple.

Finally, don’t forget to practice your speech before the big day. This will help you feel more confident and ensure that you deliver your message clearly and effectively. With a little preparation and a lot of love, your father of the bride speech is sure to be a highlight of the wedding reception.

Brainstorming and Planning

Before you start writing a father of the bride speech, it’s important to take some time to brainstorm and plan. This will help you structure your speech and make sure you include all the important elements. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Step 1: Gather Ideas

The first step in planning your father of the bride speech is to gather ideas. Think about your daughter and her relationship with her new spouse. What are some of their shared interests? What are some of your favorite memories with your daughter? What advice do you want to give the newlyweds?

Write down all your ideas on a piece of paper or in a document. Don’t worry about organizing them yet, just get everything down.

Step 2: Organize Your Ideas

Once you have a list of ideas, it’s time to organize them. Look for common themes or topics that you want to cover in your speech. For example, you might want to talk about your daughter’s childhood, her relationship with her new spouse, and your hopes for their future together.

Create an outline for your speech, with each idea or topic as a separate section. This will help you stay organized and make sure you cover everything you want to say.

Step 3: Write Your Speech

With your ideas organized and your outline in place, it’s time to start writing your speech. Use your outline as a guide, and fill in the details for each section.

Remember to keep your speech concise and focused. Aim for a length of around five minutes, and avoid rambling or going off on tangents.

Step 4: Practice Your Speech

Once you’ve written your speech, it’s important to practice it. Stand in front of a mirror and read your speech out loud. This will help you get comfortable with the material and make sure you’re speaking clearly.

You might also want to practice in front of a friend or family member. Ask for their feedback and make any necessary adjustments to your speech.

Step 5: Deliver Your Speech

On the day of the wedding, take a deep breath and deliver your speech with confidence. Remember to speak slowly and clearly, and make eye contact with the audience.

End your speech with a heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds, and a toast to their future together.

Writing Tips and Techniques

When it comes to writing a father of the bride speech, there are a few helpful tips and techniques that can make the process easier and ensure that your speech is a success. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Be yourself: The most important thing to remember when writing your speech is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or use language that doesn’t feel natural to you. Speak from the heart and let your personality shine through.
  • Practice public speaking: If you’re not used to speaking in public, it’s a good idea to practice beforehand. You can do this by rehearsing your speech in front of a mirror or recording yourself and watching it back. This will help you build confidence and get used to the sound of your own voice.
  • Know your audience: When writing your speech, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Think about who will be listening to your speech and what they might be expecting to hear. Tailor your speech to your audience and try to make it relevant and engaging for them.
  • Keep it concise: While you might have a lot to say, it’s important to keep your speech concise and to the point. Aim for a speech that is around five minutes long, as this will keep your audience engaged without dragging on too long.
  • Use humor: A little bit of humor can go a long way in a father of the bride speech. Try to include some lighthearted jokes or anecdotes that will make your audience smile and help to break the ice.

Practicing the Speech

Now that you have written your father of the bride speech, it’s time to start practicing. Practicing your speech will help you deliver it confidently and avoid any last-minute jitters. Here are some tips to help you practice your speech effectively:

  • Practice in front of a mirror: Practicing in front of a mirror will help you see your facial expressions and body language. This will help you identify any nervous habits or gestures that you might want to avoid.
  • Practice with a timer: Timing is crucial when it comes to delivering a speech. Practice your speech with a timer to ensure that you are not going over the allotted time. This will also help you pace yourself and avoid rushing through your speech.
  • Practice in front of a friend or family member: Practicing in front of a friend or family member will help you get feedback on your speech. They can also help you identify any areas that need improvement.
  • Record yourself: Recording yourself while practicing your speech will help you identify any areas that need improvement. You can also listen to your speech to get a feel for your pacing and tone.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you practice your speech, the more confident you will be when it’s time to deliver it. So, take the time to practice your speech and you’ll be sure to deliver a memorable speech that your daughter and her new spouse will cherish forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should the father of the bride say in his speech.

As the father of the bride, your speech should be heartfelt and sincere. You should start by welcoming the guests and thanking them for coming to celebrate this special day with your family. Then, you can share some personal anecdotes about your daughter and her relationship with the groom. You can also express your love and pride for your daughter and offer some words of wisdom for the newlyweds.

How long should a father of the bride speech be?

Your speech should be long enough to cover everything you want to say, but not so long that it becomes boring or tedious. A good rule of thumb is to keep your speech between 5-7 minutes. This will give you enough time to say what you want to say without losing the attention of your audience.

What should a dad say to his daughter on her wedding day?

As a father, your daughter’s wedding day is a very emotional and special day for you. You should take this opportunity to express your love and pride for your daughter. You can tell her how much she means to you and how proud you are of the person she has become. You can also offer some words of advice and encouragement for her future with her new spouse.

Is it OK to read the father of the bride speech?

Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to read your speech from a written copy. In fact, it may even be preferable if you are nervous or worried about forgetting what you want to say. However, it is important to practice your speech beforehand so that you can deliver it with confidence and emotion.

Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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Engagement Speech for My Daughter (8 Examples from the Heart)

  • by Marisa Jenkins
  • April 6, 2024

The news of your daughter’s engagement will surely bring about a whirlwind of emotions. If the newly engaged couple will host a party , one of the most moving moments for any parent is delivering a speech.

However, words are not everyone’s strong suit. As a parent, you might find yourself asking, “How can I write an engagement speech for my daughter?”

Engagement party speeches are heartfelt narratives that weave the past, present, and future together. You can include anecdotes from your daughter’s childhood, observations about her relationship, and advice and well wishes for their future.

Below are eight examples of speeches at a daughter’s engagement party, followed by a guide on how to write your own speech.

Engagement Speeches for My Daughter: Stunning Examples

man and woman touching hands and showing off engagement ring

Engagement Speech for My Daughter from Father

Now, as you prepare to embark on this journey with Mark, I see a future filled with love, laughter, and happiness.

Mark, we are thrilled to have you in our little family. You have my daughter’s heart, and you have a special place in ours. It’s as clear as day that you make her happy and content. You love her for who she is, and for that, we are grateful beyond words.

As your father, I just want to share a piece of advice. Everyone always says that marriage is like a rollercoaster with ups and downs. While that’s true, nobody talks about how it’s the same for an engagement —there’s bound to be a lot of challenges along the way, but overcoming them is a test of your relationship’s resilience.

Just hold each other’s hands, believe in yourself, and take a deep breath. There’s nothing you won’t get through if you’re together.

So, everyone, let’s raise our glasses in celebration of Kayla and Mark! May your love be modern enough to survive the times but old-fashioned enough to last forever.

And Jim, what can I say? You’re a brave man. You asked me for my daughter’s hand in marriage knowing I have a black belt in Karate and that I’ve watched every episode of ‘Bad Boys’ and have a particular set of skills…

Okay, but in all seriousness, you’ve been fantastic, and I am delighted to officially extend my dad jokes and embarrassing dance moves to you as well. You’re officially my intern in that department now.

All jokes aside for a moment, my heart is so full, knowing my silly yet smart, sometimes lazy but super passionate daughter has found her perfect match in Jim.

Remember, marriage is like a fantastic bottle of wine. It’s an expensive investment, it often starts with someone stomping on something, and it might give you a headache sometimes, but with the right food pairing and the right company, it’ll give you one hell of a time. It gets better with age, too—what’s not to like?

So, let’s raise a glass to the newly engaged couple. Mandy and Jim, may your life be full of love, your love be full of life, and your home always be connected to Wi-Fi. To love, laughter, and the reality that I’m not losing a daughter, but gaining a… well, let’s just stick with love and laughter for now.

Philip, thank you for loving her for who she is and supporting her in what she wants to achieve. You are the reason behind her happiness and optimism for life, and for that, we are truly grateful.

Remember, love isn’t just about finding the right person; it’s about creating the right relationship. Love isn’t just an emotion; it’s a commitment, like a plant you have to nourish every day for it to flourish.

At the end of the day, it’s not about how much love you have in the beginning, but how much love you build along the way.

Today, you’re one step closer to a dream you told us when you were 16: you’ve found your soulmate. You’ve found a partner who respects, cherishes, and loves you, and as your father, that is all I could ever ask for.

Speaking of, Noah, welcome to the family! You’ve brought an added joy and a new light to our lives. You’ve made our precious Cathy’s smile all the brighter, all the more genuine. For that, you have my deepest and most heartfelt gratitude.

As a father, let me tell you this: love is a journey, not a destination. It’s about growing together, supporting each other, and cherishing every moment you share. Do not forget to stop and admire the sky and smell the roses.

Engagement Speech for My Daughter from Mother

couple embracing with focus on womans engagement ring

I have no doubt that you will bring this same brightness and kindness into your marriage with Aaron.

Aaron, we knew you were special from the day we first met you. My husband tried to intimidate you and give you a hard time, but even he liked you from the beginning. We could see how light, confident, and happy you make our daughter—as parents, there’s nothing else we’d rather see.

May your engagement be full of love, respect, and openness. May you both get the things you want and learn how to compromise equally. Lastly, may you face life’s challenges hand in hand and never lose sight of what brought you two together.

So, everyone, let’s raise our glasses to Hannah and Aaron! Love each other fiercely, joyfully, unconditionally, and endlessly!

Seeing you with Alex, I know in my heart that your future is bright and boundless, and your love will only grow deeper with each passing day.

Alex, thank you for bringing such joy, love, and hope into her life. We’ve gotten to know you over the years, and we wholeheartedly welcome you into our family with open arms and hearts full of love.

As you start planning your wedding and enjoying this engagement honeymoon period, remember that love is the greatest and grandest adventure. Cherish each other, laugh together, and hold on through life’s often unexpected twists and turns.

Here’s to new beginnings, to a love that lasts, and to my darling daughter and her wonderful partner. May your life together be as sweet and joyous as today.

Speaking of… Jane, from the day you were born, you’ve brought so much joy, laughter, and, to be honest, a fair bit of drama into our lives. Your high school years were a rollercoaster! And now, you’ve found Charlie, who not only tolerates your quirks but actually enjoys them!

Charlie, welcome to this messy but functional family. You’re brave, and we love that. Just a heads up, she gets her stubbornness from me, and her inability to be on time from her father. So whenever she’s late to a date, you can blame Nate for that!

To my daughter and future son-in-law , remember that marriage is like a walk in the park… Yellowstone National Park. But seriously, keep laughing, keep loving, and keep supporting each other just like you do now.

So, let’s raise a glass to Jane and Charlie, who clearly have an astounding sense of humor to choose each other. Sweethearts, may your life be filled with as much happiness and as many laughs as you’ve brought us today.

Chloe, you have always been the brightest light of our lives. You’ve filled our days with so much love, laughter, and some unexpected adventures.

It feels just like yesterday when you were playing dress-up, trying on my dresses and heels, and looking for your prince charming. Today, you’re here with Grant… I guess you can say, he’s here to grant your wishes.

Grant, seeing the way you look at my daughter, with so much love and admiration, brings back memories of a time when her father and I started our journey together. We couldn’t be happier to welcome you into our family and watch you start your own fairytale together.

My dear Chloe, as you step into this new chapter, never forget the love that surrounds you, the values that guide you, and the memories that have shaped you. May your love story be as beautiful and enduring as the love that has brought us all here today.

Let’s raise our glasses to a lifetime of happiness, to love that grows, and to cherished memories, both old and new.

Writing an Engagement Speech for Your Daughter: Guide + Tips

woman starting to draft an engagement speech for my daughter on a blank journal

Start With Reflection

The process of writing an engagement speech for your daughter begins with a reflection on your part. Think about her life so far—her childhood, achievements, milestones, and the journey she has taken to reach this point.

To personalize your speech and make it more touching, include an anecdote that captures her personality or a story about a special moment you shared.

Include Her Partner

Given that this is a speech for your daughter’s engagement, you should also mention her partner. Show your appreciation and welcome them into your family.

You can also share a brief story about an interaction you had with her partner or an observation about their characteristics.

Offer Advice and Well-Wishes

Share some wisdom about relationships and marriage you have accumulated over the years; as much as possible, draw from personal experiences and insights.

Likewise, tell them your hopes and dreams for their future together. Focus on themes like love, happiness, and growth.

Keep It Light and Positive

Keep the tone of your engagement speech for your daughter jovial. A touch of lighthearted humor can be delightfully engaging, giving your guests a good laugh. However, make sure that everything you say is appropriate and in good taste.

If you plan on adding an anecdote about your daughter and her partner, try not to include anything too embarrassing or personal.

Aim for a speech that is around 3–5 minutes when spoken out loud. This gives you enough time to say something meaningful and impactful without taking too much time and losing your guests’ attention.

Conclude With a Toast

Finish your speech by telling everyone to raise their glass in a celebratory toast for the newly engaged couple. This is a perfect time to say a poignant line about marriage or even your well wishes.

Rehearse Your Speech

Public speaking does not come naturally to many people. However, practice makes perfect; rehearse the delivery of your speech multiple times before the big day. You may want to pay close attention to your pace, body language, tone, and comfort.

Practicing can also help you during revisions, as you will spot any awkward or unnatural moments in your engagement speech for your daughter.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, an engagement party speech for your daughter is a tribute to her and this new chapter of her life. Most importantly, you must speak from the heart—be genuine and heartfelt in what you say. Your daughter will appreciate it more than anything else.

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

Marisa Jenkins

Marisa Jenkins is a wedding planner and event coordinator. Her main goal for WeddingFrontier.com is to simplify the wedding planning process by sharing her years of expertise in the industry.

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The Perfect Mother of the Bride Speech: Tips & Templates

Our mother of the bride wedding speech guide shares the tips and tricks to giving a memorable speech at your daughter's wedding.

Bride with parents

As the mother of the bride, giving a speech at your daughter's wedding is a significant moment and an opportunity to express your love and pride for her. If you're the mother of the bride and are tasked with giving a speech, don't worry! With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can write and deliver the perfect mother of the bride wedding speech that will leave everyone feeling touched and inspired.

Here are some tips to help you write and deliver an unforgettable speech on your daughter's big day.

Start with a Personal Touch

  • Begin your speech with a personal anecdote that relates to your daughter. This could be a story from her childhood, a special moment you shared together, or a description of what makes her unique and special to you.
  • Sharing a personal touch will immediately engage your audience and set a warm, sentimental tone for the rest of your speech.

Express Gratitude

  • Take a moment to express gratitude to everyone who has helped make your daughter's wedding day possible. This could include the groom's family, the wedding party, and the guests who have traveled from far and wide to be there.
  • Thanking the people who have contributed to the wedding will make your speech more meaningful and show that you are a grateful and thoughtful speaker.

Offer Well-Wishes to the Newlyweds

  • Use your speech to offer well-wishes to the newlyweds. This is an opportunity to express your love and support for your daughter and her new husband as they embark on this new chapter in their lives together.
  • Consider offering advice or sharing a quote or poem that reflects your thoughts and feelings about love, marriage, and happiness.

End with Love

  • End your speech with a heartfelt message of love and admiration for your daughter. Express your love and pride in all she has accomplished and tell her how much you look forward to the future.

Deliver Your Speech with Confidence

  • Practicing your speech ahead of time will help you feel confident and prepared on the day of the wedding.
  • Speak slowly, clearly, and with conviction. Remember to pause and take a breath as needed.
  • Make eye contact with your daughter and the audience as you speak, and use gestures to help convey your emotions and messages.

A mother of the bride speech is a significant and memorable moment in the life of your daughter and her new spouse. By following these tips and expressing your love and pride for your daughter, you can create a speech that will be cherished and remembered for years to come.

Here are 10 mother of the bride wedding speech templates you can use for inspiration for your daughter's wedding:

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #1

Good evening everyone!

It's an honor to be standing here as the mother of the bride on this special day. I'm so grateful to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends and family.

I wanted to start off by saying that [insert bride's name] has always been the light of my life. From the moment she was born, she has brought so much joy and laughter into my life and I am so proud of the beautiful young woman she has become.

[Insert personal anecdote about bride growing up and how it's amazing to see her all grown up now]

[Insert groom's name], I have to say, you are one lucky guy. [Insert bride's name] is truly one-of-a-kind and I couldn't be happier that you are now a part of our family.

[Insert personal anecdote about meeting groom for the first time or an experience you had with him]

Today is a celebration of love and commitment. [Insert bride and groom's names], I hope that your marriage is filled with joy, laughter, and endless love. May you always cherish and support each other, through thick and thin.

[Insert personal anecdote or words of wisdom about marriage and love]

So, here's to the newlyweds! May your love story be as beautiful and unforgettable as the two of you are.

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #2

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am [Your Name], mother of the beautiful bride.

First of all, let me just say how thrilled I am to be here on this special day. It feels like only yesterday that [bride's name] was born, and now here she is all grown up and getting married.

[Personal Anecdote 1: ]

Remember the time when [insert funny story here]? That was one of my favorite moments with [bride's name].

[Personal Anecdote 2: ]

And who could forget the time when [insert another funny story here]? [bride's name] always knows how to make me laugh.

Now, I would like to talk about the groom. [groom's name], you have truly become a part of our family. The way you care for [bride's name], it's clear that you love her deeply. [bride's name] has never been happier, and I am so grateful to have you in her life.

[Personal Anecdote 3: ]

I remember when [insert a story about the bride and groom here], it was clear that the two of you were meant to be together.

To my beautiful daughter, [bride's name], I am so proud of the person you have become. You are kind, intelligent, and strong. I have no doubt that you will have a wonderful life together with [groom's name].

And to the newlyweds, I want to wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger every day.

Cheers to the happy couple!

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #3

Ladies and Gentlemen,

[Greet the audience and introduce yourself as the mother of the bride. Give a warm welcome to the guests and express your joy for the special day.]

Now, let's talk about my daughter [bride's name]. [She] has been the light of my life since the day [she] was born. [Share a personal anecdote or two about your daughter, such as a funny memory or a proud moment you’ve experienced together.]

And [groom's name], [he] has been the perfect match for [bride's name]. [Talk about how the two of them complement each other, share their story and how they fell in love.]

[Optionally, share any memories or experiences you've had with the groom, such as how he treated your daughter or how he fits into the family.]

Today, [bride's name] and [groom's name] are beginning a new chapter of their lives together, and I couldn't be happier for them. [Wish them a lifetime of love, happiness and joy.]

[End the speech with a toast to the happy couple, wishing them all the best for their future together and encouraging everyone to raise their glasses and join you in a toast.]

To [bride's name] and [groom's name]! May your love continue to grow and flourish for many years to come! Cheers!

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #4

Dear friends and family,

It is an honor to stand here today as the mother of the bride on this joyous occasion. Today, my [daughter's name] has found the love of her life and has committed to spending the rest of her days by [groom's name]'s side.

I remember [insert personal anecdote about daughter's childhood or relationship with groom], and it brings me immense joy to see the young woman [daughter's name] has become. Her passion for life and love for others is truly inspiring, and I know she and [groom's name] will have a life full of laughter, happiness, and endless adventures.

As I look out at all of you here today, I am filled with gratitude for the love and support that surrounds my [daughter] and [groom]. Your presence here today is a testament to the impact they have had on each of your lives, and I know that impact will only grow in the years to come.

I have always taught [daughter's name] that love is the most powerful force in the world, and I have no doubt that she and [groom's name] will use that love to change the world for the better.

[Insert personal anecdote about daughter and groom's relationship or future plans]

So, on this day, I want to offer my warmest wishes to [daughter's name] and [groom's name]. May your love continue to grow, may your lives be filled with joy, and may you always find comfort in each other's embrace.

To the newlyweds, I say this: [daughter's name] and [groom's name], I love you both more than words can express. You are my shining stars, and I am so proud of the lives you are building together.

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #5

Good evening everyone, I am honored to stand here today as [bride's] mother and the mother of the bride.

First of all, let me say that [bride's name] is one beautiful bride, but we all knew that already. [insert personal anecdote about the bride]

Now, [groom's name], I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed. You have truly won the jackpot with my daughter. [insert personal anecdote about the groom and his relationship with the bride]

[Groom's parents], you raised an amazing son and I can't thank you enough for sharing him with us. [insert personal anecdote about the groom's family]

[Bridesmaids/groomsmen], you all look beautiful/handsome, but let's be real, the real stars of the show are the newlyweds.

[insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom's relationship and how it has grown over time]

And let's not forget about the most important people here today, the guests. Without all of you, this would just be another Saturday night at the [bride/groom]'s family home.

[insert personal anecdote about the guests and how they have impacted the bride and groom's lives]

As we raise a glass to the happy couple, I want to say this: [bride and groom], I love you both with all my heart and I wish you a lifetime of happiness and love. May your love for each other continue to grow and flourish for many years to come.

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #6

I'm here today to talk about my beautiful daughter, [bride's name], and her prince charming, [groom's name].

Let me tell you, [bride's name] has always been a standout since the day she was born. She's smart, she's funny, she's [insert personal anecdote about the bride].

And then [groom's name] came into the picture and I thought, "Oh, no. Who is this guy?" [groom's name], you better treat my daughter right! But then I got to know you and I have to say, [groom's name], you're [insert personal anecdote about the groom].

But seriously, seeing my daughter so happy and in love is all I could ever ask for. And [groom's name], you're not just a son-in-law to me, you're a friend.

[bride's name], [groom's name], I'm honored to stand here today and witness the love you two share. You make a beautiful couple, and I couldn't be more thrilled for the future you're building together.

So let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [bride's name] and [groom's name], may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and [insert personal wish for the couple].

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #7

I am honored to be here today as the mother of the bride, [bride's name]. And let me tell you, being her mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me, even though she may not always agree with that statement.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and her childhood/growing up years here]

Now, my baby girl is all grown up and getting married to the love of her life, [groom's name]. And I have to say, [groom's name], you have really won the jackpot with my daughter.

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom and how he and the bride met/fell in love here]

To my daughter and [groom's name], I want you to know that I am so proud of the two of you and the love that you share. You are truly the definition of a power couple, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for the two of you.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom's future together here]

So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [bride's name] and [groom's name], may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may you have a lifetime of happiness and love.

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #8

Good evening everyone,

I'm [Name], the mother of the beautiful bride [bride's name], and I'm honored to be standing here today to give a speech on her special day.

[Insert a personal anecdote about the bride growing up]

[Insert a personal anecdote about the groom and bride meeting/falling in love]

Now, [groom's name], let me tell you something. [Insert a lighthearted joke or teasing comment about the groom] But seriously, [groom's name], you've truly made [bride's name] the happiest she's ever been and for that, I'm grateful.

[Insert a personal anecdote about the wedding planning process or a special moment from the wedding day]

So to [bride's name] and [groom's name], may your love continue to grow and may you always remember this special day.

Cheers to the newlyweds!

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #9

Good evening everyone, I am honored to stand here as the mother of the beautiful bride. I have to say, I never thought I'd see this day, but here we are!

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride growing up]

But seriously, my daughter has grown into such an amazing woman, and I am so proud of her. And now, she has found the love of her life in [groom's name].

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom]

I have to say, [groom's name], you have truly won my heart over with the love and care you show my daughter. I couldn't have picked a better man for her.

And to my daughter, [bride's name], you have always been the light of my life and I am so grateful to have you as my daughter. I want you to know that I will always be here for you, through thick and thin, just like I have always been.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom together]

So, to the happy couple, may your love for each other only grow stronger with each passing day. I wish you both a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness.

[Insert a quote or poem about love and marriage]

And to everyone here, let's raise a glass and give a toast to the newlyweds. Cheers!

Mother of the Bride Speech Template #10

[Insert name of father of the groom], [insert name of groom], [insert name of bride], and all you lovely guests - it is a tremendous honor for me to stand here today, as the mother of the bride, and share my thoughts with all of you.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom's relationship]

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride's wedding preparations]

Now, [insert name of groom], [insert name of bride] has chosen you to be her partner for life, and I couldn't be happier for the two of you. You both bring out the best in each other and I have no doubt that you will have a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness together.

[Insert name of bride], you are a beautiful, kind, and intelligent woman, and I am so proud of the person you have become. You have a wonderful future ahead of you and I can't wait to see what amazing things you will accomplish together.

[Insert name of groom], thank you for loving my daughter and for making her so incredibly happy. You have become part of our family and we couldn't be more thrilled to welcome you with open arms.

[Insert personal anecdote about the wedding day]

So, to [insert name of bride] and [insert name of groom], may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your life together be filled with joy, love, and laughter.

[Insert name of bride], [insert name of groom], I love you both!

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

  • Wedding Planning

So, Who Gives Speeches at Weddings, Exactly? A Planner Explains

Group of Wedding Guests Toasting With Wine at a Wedding Reception

If you're planning your upcoming nuptials, there's a lot to think about. Not only do you have to consider a wedding budget , venue, countless logistics, and a honeymoon destination, but you also have to sort out which family members and friends will give a speech at the wedding.

Although deciding the wedding speeches may feel like the bottom of your to-do list, trust that this is more important of a decision than you think. (The last thing you want people to remember about your wedding is the 20-minute speech made by a drunk groomsman.)

"Speeches provide an opportunity for loved ones to express their feelings and share memorable moments with the newlyweds. It adds a personal touch to the celebration and creates a sense of unity among guests," wedding planner Carissa Kruse says.

To help you come up with some ideas, Kruse shares her thoughts on who should give speeches at weddings. With wedding season already here, you'll want to keep this in mind.

Experts Featured in This Article

Carissa Kruse is a certified wedding planner at Carissa Kruse Weddings.

Who Gives Speeches at Weddings?

Traditionally, the people who give speeches at a wedding most often include the maid of honor (or man of honor or honor attendant), the best man (or best woman or best attendant), and father of the bride (or any parent of the couple). But this is not a hard-and-fast rule.

Kruse recommends choosing any close family members or friends who you have a special connection with. "This can include parents, siblings, best friends, or mentors — these individuals know the couple well and can share meaningful stories and anecdotes that will resonate with everyone in attendance," she adds.

More recently, you may have noticed that some newlyweds are choosing to give speeches at their own wedding, as well. "This is completely up to the couple," Kruse says. "Some may feel comfortable speaking in front of a large group, while others may prefer to keep their feelings private."

If you want to give a speech with your new spouse, it can be a great way to greet the family and friends who attended your wedding. But it's NBD if you don't want to. At the end of the day, you can do whatever you want at your own wedding.

As for how many people should be giving speeches, you can choose however many you want. That said, because Kruse recommends keeping speeches between three to five minutes, it's best to hear from two to five people total. Again, this is entirely up to you.

At the end of the day, the couple should decide on someone they feel comfortable with giving a speech, even if it goes against tradition. "As long as the person has a genuine connection with the couple and can deliver a heartfelt message, it will add a special touch to the wedding day," Kruse says.

Taylor Andrews is a Balance editor at PS who specializes in topics relating to sex, relationships, dating, sexual health, mental health, and more.

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Father of the Groom Shocks Couple at Their Wedding With Epic Performance: 'We'll Never Get Over It' (Exclusive)

The video posted on June 10 of the father of the groom performing reached over one million views on TikTok

writing a speech for my daughter's wedding

Wild & Roam/Jake Miller

  • Jake and Brandi Miller celebrated their wedding after 5 years of dating, surrounded by family and friends
  • The couple were surprised when instead of a speech, the groom's dad busted out into a reworked version of Looking Glass' "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)"
  • Videos of the hilarious moment went viral as the newlyweds and guests marveled at the performance

A bride and groom who were expecting a typical father of the bride wedding speech ended up with a unique serenade instead!

Jake and Brandi Miller, who recently got married after 5 years of dating weren't expecting any special surprises at their nuptials, but Jake's dad, among those set to give a speech, secretly planned something special for the couple's big day.

“Being that he’s musical on top of him being a funny, class clown-type of dad, I knew something was definitely up his sleeve — but this was way better than anything I’d imagined,” Jake tells PEOPLE.

Both the musician, 31, and photographer/videographer Wild & Roam Weddings shared TikToks of the moment that Jake's dad surprised his son and his new daughter-in-law with a special song to conclude his speech during their wedding reception.

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The man could be heard saying, “Oh yeah, and one more thing— Sebastian hit that s--t,” as he picked up the microphone from its stand. The bride and groom could be seen laughing as the man made his way to the middle of the reception dance floor to perform his song — a version of Looking Glass's "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)," customized to tell the couple's story.

When the music began, he sang along with a verse inspired by the bride, “She came from a Gulf Coast town… but she’s been dreaming of a wedding gown since the day that she was born.”

He then showed some love to the groom with a verse nodding to his Florida roots and sang, “And I know it sounds a bit cliche but all he wanted was to share everyday with a girl with a heart of gold.” 

"Jake and Brandy got married,” he sang as the other wedding guests cheered him on and danced from their tables. “What a good life it’ll be. Here’s to a life of love for all eternity!”

“Wedding speech of the century,” Wild & Roam Wedding Photo/Film captioned the video.

Jake says that only his mom and sister knew that the iconic moment was in the making. "The second that the song started, I realized that it was the song 'Brandy,' and my wife's name is Brandy so I figured, 'Oh, this is funny. My dad's just gonna sing the lyrics to the famous song. Then once he started singing, I realized that he was changing lyrics and customizing them and making them his own."

"It was a really funny surprise," the groom says. "I definitely had to watch the videos back a couple of times to catch all the funny little lyrics that he changed. It was such a funny experience, and it's just clever and encapulates my dad in the perfect way."

Brandi was also touched and entertained by the special moment.

"She probably knew that my dad had something up his sleeve, as well," Jake laughs. "We were both just dying. We were having the time of our lives watching him dancing and singing. He was up there killing it. You don't see it in the video, but at the end, he walked straight up to our sweetheart table, looked at us, and goes, 'I killed that s--t," he laughs. "He was very proud."

The video not only stole the hearts of the bride and groom and their wedding guests, but the internet as well, as it garnered over one million views after being posted on June 10. It also garnered over 62,000 likes and over 3,500 comments from people who enjoyed the performance.

One person wrote “absolutely the best!,” while another commented, “OMG so sweet! Imma cry!”

Several others praised the man for his efforts in making his son and new daughter-in-law smile, saying, "Love it... you go dad!"

The groom says that the moment is one they'll never forget, and means a lot to him personally. “My dad is a very musical, funny guy. Ever since I was little, we had a music room and we’d jam together. I would have never gotten into music if it wasn’t for him."

“It’s something so special to us and shows the love and personality of our family. Every single moment, from start to finish, was just filled with so much love and emotion. We were all laughing and crying and singing and dancing all day. That was just a quick glimpse. It was so special and we’ll never get over it.

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Read the Transcript of Donald J. Trump’s Convention Speech

He spoke for just over 90 minutes.

Donald Trump in profile, standing at a lectern and speaking. He has a large white bandage over his right ear.

By The New York Times

  • July 19, 2024

Thank you very much. Thank you very, very much. And thank you, Dana. Thank you, Kid Rock, sometimes referred to as “Bob.” And thank you, Lee, right from the beginning, thank you very much. What a talent. What a beautiful, beautiful song. Thank you.

Friends, delegates and fellow citizens. I stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength and hope. Four months from now, we will have an incredible victory, and we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country.

Together, we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed.

The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together. Or we fall apart.

I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America.

So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for president of the United States. Thank you. Thank you very much.

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4 takeaways from President Biden’s Oval Office address

Domenico Montanaro - 2015

Domenico Montanaro

President Biden speaks during an address to the nation about his decision to not seek reelection, in the Oval Office at the White House on Wednesday.

President Biden speaks during an address to the nation about his decision to not seek reelection in the Oval Office at the White House on Wednesday. Evan Vucci/Pool/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

For the latest on race for president, head to NPR's Election 2024 page.

It’s not often that a politician takes a step back.

They are often their own biggest champions. But in rare cases, when the writing is on the wall, because of age, health — or politics, they do.

In an address to the nation from the Oval Office Wednesday night, President Biden said he will serve out his term as president, noting there are still things he wants to accomplish. But he explained that he is not seeking reelection, in part, because he wants to “pass the torch to a new generation.”

Here are four takeaways from what Biden had to say:

1. Biden tried to send the message that no one person is bigger than the country — and that what America stands for is at stake.

“Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy,” Biden said. “That includes personal ambition.”

It was a remarkable statement for Biden, 81, who has held public office for more than half a century and ran for president multiple times — unsuccessfully until Donald Trump came along — and was ushered into office at 78 years old, the oldest person ever to be elected president.

President Biden during a campaign event in Detroit on July 12, 2024.

Biden's brand was overcoming obstacles. But this one, he couldn't beat

Biden invoked past presidents — Abraham Lincoln, he said, urged Americans to “reject malice;” Franklin Delano Roosevelt implored the country to “reject fear.” He cited George Washington, who, by stepping aside after two terms despite his popularity, “showed us presidents are not kings.”

“I revere this office,” Biden said, “but I love my country more. It's been the honor of my life to serve as your president, but in the defense of democracy, which is at stake, I think it's more important than any title.”

In other words, Vice President Harris gives those who see former President Trump as an existential threat to that democracy the best chance to win because of Biden’s diminished capabilities to prosecute the case against him.

It's a case that Biden sees as necessary for someone to make effectively, considering Trump's unwillingness to accept the results of the 2020 election and his refusal to agree to accept the results of the upcoming election.

President Biden is seen speaking to supporters at a campaign event at Renaissance High School on July 12 in Detroit. On Sunday, Biden said he would no longer seek reelection and instead is endorsing Vice President Harris.

6 political takeaways from Biden's decision to step aside

In Washington’s farewell address on Sept. 19, 1796, he also warned that “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

“The great thing about America is,” Biden said, “here, kings and dictators do not rule; the people do.”

Biden and others see that foundational American principle as lost on someone like Trump, who, when he visited Mount Vernon, Washington’s estate in Virginia, in 2019 with French President Emmanuel Macron, said of the nation’s first president, per Politico :

“If he was smart, he would’ve put his name on it. You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you.”

2. Biden desperately wants to be seen as a uniter, but that’s been a struggle for him as president — and maybe one of his biggest personal disappointments.

President Joe Biden pauses before he addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday about his decision to drop his Democratic presidential reelection bid.

President Joe Biden pauses before he addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Wednesday about his decision to drop his Democratic presidential reelection bid. Evan Vucci/Pool/via AP hide caption

The president cited the need for unity among Americans multiple times:

“America is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division.” “In this moment, we can see those we disagree with not as enemies, but as fellow Americans.” “The sacred cause of this country is larger than any one of us, and those of us who cherish that cause … a cause of American democracy itself, [we] must unite to protect it.” “So I've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That's the best way to unite our nation.” “Let's act together, preserve our democracy.”

The idea of uniting the country is something Biden ran on in 2020. But it hasn’t worked out that way. He’s been sharply criticized by the right and views of him — in this hyperpolarized environment where people get their information largely from sources that reinforce their previously held beliefs — are as partisan as any president before him, including Trump.

Just 43% said they had a favorable view of Biden, according to an NPR/PBS News/Marist poll taken before the debate between him and Trump. That included just 38% of independents and only 10% of Republicans.

3. This is the start of a review of Biden’s legacy — and that views of it may take a long time to set in.

Biden defended his legacy and laid out what he believes he’s accomplished and what he still hopes to do.

“I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America's future, all merited a second term,” he said, “but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.”

Bar chart: If November’s presidential election were held today, whom would you support? Donald Trump: 46%. Kamala Harris: 45%. Undecided: 9%.

Poll: Presidential race hits a reset with Harris vs. Trump

The latest NPR poll , taken this week after Biden said he would not continue to run for reelection, tested what people think of his presidency. It showed most, right now, are unimpressed.

Despite the record of legislative accomplishments Biden cited, only slightly more than a quarter of respondents said he would be remembered as an above average president or one of the best presidents in U.S. history. Half said he would be remembered as below average or one of the worst.

Those views can change with time, especially when a president is no longer in the political arena. President Obama’s favorability, for example, has improved since leaving office and views of his signature legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act, have hit record highs.

A 2022 survey of historians found Biden rated as the 19th best president of the 46 that have served. Trump was in the bottom five at No. 43. But, at this point, Americans overall, feel differently.

4. After seeing Harris for a few days, the contrast with Biden is clear.

Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Harris speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at West Allis Central High School on Tuesday in West Allis, Wis.

Vice President Harris speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at West Allis Central High School on Tuesday in West Allis, Wis. Jim Vondruska/Getty Images hide caption

Biden could have made the determination years ago, after saying he would be a “transitional” president during the 2020 election, that he would not run for reelection.

But the realities of his personal limitations after his dismal debate performance last month, and how his political support had cratered in swing states led to this moment.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Monday during an event with NCAA college athletes.

Biden had a problem with young voters. Can Harris overcome it?

Republican Presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump speaks to attendees during his campaign rally in Charlotte Wednesday. The rally is the former president's first since President Joe Biden announced he would be ending his reelection bid.

Trump tries out attack lines on Kamala Harris as her campaign heats up

For years now, Democrats have been holding their breath with every public appearance he made. They crossed their fingers that he would acquit himself at least decently well, but they knew one bad speech, interview or… debate… could sink his — and their party’s — chances to hold onto the White House.

After watching Harris' first couple of days of campaigning, from her first speech before staffers to her first official campaign rally in Wisconsin, Democrats have been breathing a bit easier.

She has spoken clearly and coherently, and there has been energy from the grassroots. Whether that lasts or if it resonates with swing voters is still to be decided.

Biden didn’t explicitly lay out Wednesday night why he stepped aside, but watching what was an, at times, halting address, the contrast was like night and day.

It was very much a moment in history with a president, who appeared in many ways, to be delivering something of his own farewell. He was recognizing he cannot be as effective a campaigner as he would have liked, so he is taking a step back from the public eye, handing over the reins of the campaign to his vice president for the next 103 critical days in American democracy.

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    If you're wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few "Do's" to keep in mind. Start planning early; Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom; Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple; Make it personal; Think of 3 traits with 3 stories;

  10. Mother-of-the-Bride Speech: Examples and Writing Tips

    In our mother-of-the-bride speech guide, you'll find a foolproof template, writing and delivery tips, thought starters for brainstorming, and examples to make your own. Even better: We tapped an ...

  11. A Guide to Father of the Bride Speeches & Writing the Toast

    We're here to help. 1. Start your father of the bride speech with a few thank-yous. As with any wedding toast, it's extra important that you kick off your father of the bride speech by introducing yourself and thanking whoever needs to be thanked in your early sentences. Many father of the bride speeches thank the guests for attending, as ...

  12. Wedding Speeches: How To Write, Free Samples + Etiquette Tips

    Day 1 was a bit rough, but hey, they're over it now. I would also like to thank them for having such a beautiful, intelligent, kind, and caring daughter. I hope to do you both proud and thank you both for everything you have done today and to make today happen.". The groom's wedding speech starts at the reception.

  13. Short Wedding Speeches: Tips and Examples That Will Inspire You

    There are many ways to give groom short wedding speeches. Use this example as a guide to inspire you when writing your own. "Hello, everyone! Thank you for celebrating this special day with us. A big thanks to our parents for making today possible. Today is beyond special, and we're overflowing with gratitude.

  14. How to Write a Wedding Speech: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    Remember, the focus of your speech is the married couple. 2. Open with a joke. Start by telling a joke or recalling a humorous anecdote to loosen up the crowd (and yourself. Humor is very disarming, so getting everyone laughing right off the bat can help dispel some of the nerves of giving a speech.

  15. How to deliver a heartfelt speech at your daughter's wedding?

    The father's speech at a daughter's wedding is a crucial moment in the father-daughter relationship and the journey of the couple. It is a heartfelt and emotional speech that serves as a tribute to the father's love, pride, and support for his daughter.

  16. A Dad'S Speech At His Daughter'S Wedding

    The appropriate length for a father-of-the-bride speech is. A good range for the length of the father of the bride speech is between 6 and 8 minutes, not to exceed ten minutes. (For a speaker of average ability, that translates to 900-1,200 words.en. The following is the customary speaking order for weddings:

  17. Top 10 Mother of the Bride Speech Examples

    Love is an incredible journey, and I have no doubt you two will make it a beautiful one.". To the happy couple: "Let's raise our glasses to [bride's name] and [partner's name]. May your days be filled with shared dreams, boundless joy, and a love that only grows stronger with each passing year. Cheers!".

  18. Father of the Bride Speech Examples and Templates

    Step 5: Deliver Your Speech. On the day of the wedding, take a deep breath and deliver your speech with confidence. Remember to speak slowly and clearly, and make eye contact with the audience. End your speech with a heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds, and a toast to their future together.

  19. The Ultimate Guide to the Father of the Bride Speech

    Giving a speech at your daughter's wedding is a special and memorable occasion. It's a chance to share your love, pride, and fond memories with her, her new partner, and everyone important in her life. However, the idea of writing a speech can be daunting. You may be wondering where to start. While crafting the perfect father-of-the-bride ...

  20. How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech From Start to Finish

    We've compiled expert public speaking and wedding speech tips to help you write an authentic, tear-jerker father of the bride speech that's sure to wow everyone in the crowd. 1. Start with a welcome greeting. Begin the speech by introducing yourself as the bride's father (or father figure), including your name. 2.

  21. Engagement Speech for My Daughter (8 Examples from the Heart)

    Mark, we are thrilled to have you in our little family. You have my daughter's heart, and you have a special place in ours. It's as clear as day that you make her happy and content. You love her for who she is, and for that, we are grateful beyond words. As your father, I just want to share a piece of advice.

  22. The Perfect Mother of the Bride Speech: Tips & Templates

    Mother of the Bride Speech Template #2. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am [Your Name], mother of the beautiful bride. First of all, let me just say how thrilled I am to be here on this special day. It feels like only yesterday that [bride's name] was born, and now here she is all grown up and getting married.

  23. Who Gives Speeches at Weddings? A Wedding Planner Explains

    Traditionally, the people who give speeches at a wedding most often include the maid of honor (or man of honor or honor attendant), the best man (or best woman or best attendant), and father of ...

  24. Father of the Groom Surprises Son and New Daughter-in-Law with Epic

    A viral video posted on TikTok by Wild & Roam Wedding Photo/Film showed a bride and groom caught totally by surprise when the groom's father grabbed the microphone and performed during his speech ...

  25. READ: Letter from Melania Trump

    Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump depart the funeral for Amalija Knavs, Melania Trump's mother, outside the Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, in Palm Beach, Florida ...

  26. Donald Trump recognizes wife Melania in RNC speech

    During the final night of the 2024 Republican National Convention, former President Donald Trump took the stage, where he mentioned his wife and former First Lady Melania Trump in his speech.

  27. Read the Transcript of Donald J. Trump's Convention Speech

    He spoke for just over 90 minutes. By The New York Times Thank you very much. Thank you very, very much. And thank you, Dana. Thank you, Kid Rock, sometimes referred to as "Bob." And thank you ...

  28. 4 takeaways from President Biden's Oval Office address

    It's not often that a politician takes a step back. They are often their own biggest champions. But in rare cases, when the writing is on the wall, because of age, health — or politics, they do.

  29. Mother of the Bride Bridal Shower Speech: What to Write & Say

    According to Los Angeles-based wedding and event planner David Tutera, the key to a successful speech is authenticity. "When writing the speech, the mother of the bride should write from the heart and share how proud she is of her daughter and where she is now," he says. "A few sweet stories about her daughter as a child and now as a woman ...

  30. July 21, 2024, presidential campaign news

    Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono endorsed Harris, saying: "I'm proud to call Vice President Harris a friend and colleague, and I look forward to doing everything in my power to get her elected to the ...