
5 Year Plan

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Unless you are really aware of what you want in life, you will more than likely get bogged down with the day to day routine, and the bigger things just get tackled as and when they come up. Not having a plan is a very reactive way to live – and a 5 year plan changes all that so you can be proactive and take back control. Creating a 5 year plan can pay dividends for where you end up after that time. It helps to create a focus on what your priorities are and you say no to things that won’t help you reach your goals. It shows you where you need to change things, what’s possible etc. It gives you the motivation to get where you want to go. Ask yourself some questions relate things back to the 5 areas of life “S.M.I.L.E” to ensure balanced plans – social, managing the home, income, leisure, energy. Of course, without any “doing”, you won’t get to where you want to get. It is not a magic trick, and it does require work on your behalf, but it is so worth it. Get a large piece of paper and split it up into 5 sections – 1 for each year of the plan. On the bottom – write down what your planned goals are. Then, work out what steps you need to have done to get to where you want to be. Some things may be dependent on others, and some may already have specific timeframes attached to them. Be as specific as possible, and give yourself the smallest tasks possible. This is because small tasks can more easily fit into your time and larger ones will almost always be pushed aside once day to day life takes over. Lastly – add in a timeline for each task so that you get things done within those 5 years – and then add these dates to your diary. Only scheduled things get done in life – never leave to a to-do list alone, as this is not a proactive way to get things done if you have a timeline around them.

The 5 Year Plan template consists of four slides that are designed in a cool colour scheme. This template has a lot of infographics and all the tools you need to build a professional presentation. This template will be useful for HR managers when preparing an employee development plan. You can also use this template when preparing your individual development plan for five years. You can define goals for each category of life. Also, this template will be useful for business trainers when preparing courses on personal growth. CEOs can also use this template when preparing their five-year company strategy. You can edit the slides of this template to suit your corporate requirements.

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  • 5 Year Plan

5-Year Plan Template

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A 5-year plan is a long-term strategic roadmap for reaching specific goals. It describes where you are now, what your objectives are and how you plan to achieve them. Whether your goals for the next five years are to carry out a complex project or grow your business and start exciting new projects, a 5-year plan helps you gain insight, communicate your vision and effectively run your initiatives.

Why you should have a 5-year plan

Creating a 5-year business plan can be challenging because it requires a lot of research, forecasting, and strategic thinking. But does it pay off? Let’s figure it out while going through the things that a 5-year plan can improve:

1. Communicate vision and goals

Built as a clear and specific roadmap for the company's future, a 5-year plan helps you share your vision with your team and clients by describing your long-term objectives and the key elements of your strategy.

2. Monitor progress

You can use a 5-year plan to measure your company’s progress, which helps identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. It also promotes focusing on long-term objectives.

3. Enable strategic planning and policies

5-year plans help forecasting and improving strategy when making decisions. For instance, you can make strategic hiring decisions and adjust responsibilities among teams per forecast and estimated needs. Or redirect financial resources according to the assessed priorities.

4. Guide important decisions

A long-term plan clarifies business priorities and states the strategic objectives that will be the reference point during the decision-making process.

5. Build confidence and engagement among stakeholders

You’ve made a list of your business goals, but how do you think that your company can achieve them? What’s your plan to get there? Such questions are on the minds of your investors, your customers, and your employees. A long-term plan shows stakeholders why you exist, where you plan to go, how you intend to get there, and the impact of their voice on the decision-making process.

6. Attract potential investors (especially for start-up companies)

A 5-year plan is essential for both existing and potential investors. A well-written plan addresses investors’ top concerns and reassures them that your company is headed in the right direction to make a profit.

To help you set a clear direction to your plans and kickstart your business planning, this page offers you a free, downloadable 5-year plan timeline template and information on how to use this type of visual.

What should be included in a 5-year plan?

A well-thought-out 5-year plan used for business purposes is a well-rounded document or presentation that typically includes the following key sections:

  • Executive summary – summarizing all the sections of your plan;
  • Elevator pitch – a brief description of your business to clearly articulate it to important stakeholders;
  • Mission statement – at an internal level, it helps employees align their efforts with the company’s overall goal; externally, it inspires third parties (investors, customers, partners) to take the actions you want and support you;
  • SWOT analysis – helping you determine the best opportunities to pursue, and identify the areas which must be developed to improve your company;
  • List of specific short- and long-term strategic goals – clearly outlining the trajectory your company needs to follow;
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) – metrics that indicate how your business is performing and what needs to be adjusted;
  • Target customers – identifying the wants and needs of your target customer groups will guide your marketing efforts;
  • Industry analysis – helping you identify new opportunities for growth;
  • Competitive analysis and advantage – defining who your key competitors are, what their strengths and weaknesses are so you can determine your current competitive advantage and ways to develop additional ones;
  • Marketing plan – describing methods and strategies of attracting prospects, converting them to paying customers and maximizing your lifetime customer value;
  • Team – listing current team members and types of people you need to hire in the future, this section focuses on the human resources required to execute on the established goals and identified opportunities;
  • Operations plan – mapping out all your initiatives and identifying each individual project that contains larger goals;
  • Financial projections – assessing the potential results for each opportunity you consider pursuing;
  • Timeline – illustrating the major tasks and milestones that will have an impact on your project.

How do I write a 5-year business plan?

When creating a 5-year business plan, here are the steps you need to follow:

  • First, make an overall assessment of how your business is currently doing – clearly review your business mission and vision statements, your sales data and financial records; then, pinpoint your business’s strengths and weaknesses , along with the opportunities and risks that it faces in relation to the industry, economy and competition.
  • State where you want your business to be in 5 years – how big do you want your business to grow? Would you like to start selling nationally? Do you want to develop your product line, expand your target market or selling channels?
  • Establish a set of concrete steps to take in order to achieve your goals – start from your desired outcome and work backward to identify what you need to do to achieve them. The closer you get to today, the more details your plan of action will be.
  • Decide how you will measure success – create specific and measurable goals and determine how you will measure the results (what will your KPIs be?)
  • Gather all this information in a cohesive document that goes through the sections outlined above and regularly review your plan.

Using the 5-year plan timeline template

This 5-year plan timeline template was designed for professionals who need a hand to summarize long-term plans or roadmaps. It’s a quick way out when you need to prepare for an upcoming meeting with your clients or executives, or when you are prepping a business review meeting with your team.

You can use this 5-year plan timeline template to achieve the following goals:

1. Project planning

The template is structured on a well-defined timeline that includes placeholders for key milestones and tasks. Project planners and project managers can use our 5-year plan timeline template to:

- Estimate and forecast resource requirements and to define the stages, milestones and resources needed to deliver their initiatives.

- Help determine the sequence of tasks that must be accomplished by a certain time schedule, in order to achieve the objective.

2. Project tracking

As the project moves along, project managers can use the 5-year plan timeline template as a quick visual to track their progress vs. the original plan.

3. Project reporting and communication

Designed as a concise project overview, it displays the essential data on a single PowerPoint slide and is simple to understand and easy to read. This makes the five-year timeline template ideal for efficient reporting and communication.

How to customize the 5-year plan timeline template

Since the template is built directly in PowerPoint, you can easily edit it to fit the particular style guides or color schemes of your company. It is intended to replace complicated Gantt charts, Excel tables, and hard-to-follow milestone charts.

Easy automation with Office Timeline

This timeline template was created with the timeline creator from Office Timeline which helps you to automatically bring in your data into the slide with just a few clicks and keep it updated with one click.

Office Timeline is a free project planner add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint, and it integrates with tools such as Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel. This allows you to quickly import or copy/paste existing project data into PowerPoint and instantly transform it into the 5-year plan you need.

You can find detailed instructions on how to automatically populate your slides with project data from other programs on these pages from our Support Center :

How to import from Excel

How to import from Microsoft Project

How to import from Smartsheet

How to import from Wrike

Copying and pasting from Excel into Office Timeline

Frequently asked questions about 5-year planners and templates

Check out the answers to these frequently asked questions about 5-year planning:

How do you create a 5-year plan template?

To create a 5-year business plan template follow these three simple steps:

Outline the overall structure of the plan. Start by making a rough plan for each year.

Make sure that the 5-year plan includes sections for elements that are usually required in a long-term business plan, such as an executive summary, a SWOT analysis, an analysis of your market and competitors, and an estimate of your resources.

Save your template with a suggestive name so that you can easily find it. You’ll be able to re-use it whenever you need to draft a long-term plan for a new project. To do this, you’ll have to make the appropriate customizations and include relevant industry-specific information and market research, according to each project.

Why is it important to have a 5-year plan?

A 5-year business plan is important because it serves as a roadmap for the company's progress and growth. A well-crafted long-term plan can help a company to:

set long-term goals,

establish priorities,

make informed business decisions,

secure funding from investors or lenders,

identify potential opportunities for growth,

measure progress and success over time,

anticipate and prepare for changes in the market and industry.

In short, a strategic long-time plan helps you in the decisional process on the company's future. A business with a long-term business plan has an improved overall strategy and is more prepared for potential obstacles it may face.

What is a good 5-year plan for a business?

A good 5-year business plan should provide a clear description of the status of a company, an honest perspective of its future growth and realistic, achievable goals that align with the company's mission and vision.

A 5-year plan would include at the very least:

A clear and detailed description of the company's products or services, target market, and competitive landscape.

Projected financials and strategies.

A risk management plan that identifies potential risks and outlines strategies to mitigate them.

And finally, long-term planning needs flexibility. A 5-year plan would need to be reviewed and updated regularly, at least once a year, but ideally it would include several review milestones every year to ensure that the business stays on track to meet its goals. The plan should be adaptable, as the business environment may change and require adjustments.

What does a good strategic plan look like?

Strategic planning is a company’s process of defining its direction and the road to attain the intended goals. It can benefit your organization's vision and progress toward goals. Strategic planning typically means mid- to long-term goals (three to five years or longer) and differs from business planning, which typically focuses on short-term goals, such as budgeting estimations for the next quarter or year.

Simply put, a basic good strategic plan should answer these three questions:

Where is the company now?

Where is the company going? Or what are the objectives?

How is the company going to reach its objectives?

Lastly, a good strategic plan should be regularly reviewed, maintained up-to date and taken into consideration when decisions are made. For this, the document should be flexible and dynamic, adjustable to accommodate the changes that inevitably happen, especially with long-time planning.

How do you set a 5-year business goal?

To set a 5-year business goal, you first need to determine your company's mission and objectives. This is needed in order to align the goal with the company's mission and vision. Setting your business goal means that you have a clear and specific objective. It also means that you take into consideration the current market and industry analysis.

The next step is to craft a plan with specific steps to achieve the goal. A 5-year plan template like the one above can come in handy to help you kickstart your planning.

And finally, you need to find a system to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed. Changes are bound to happen when you plan on a long-term basis.

Communicating the goal and plan to stakeholders ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objective. Some of the most efficient tools that you can use to this end are business plan presentations and executive summaries, enriched with suggestive and concise visuals, such as Gantt charts, timelines and roadmaps. Take a look at our timeline template gallery and find inspiration for your next presentation.

What does a 5-year strategy look like?

A typical 5-year strategy includes a mission statement, the description of the company’s defining features and status, a set of long-term goals that align with the company's vision and a plan for achieving those goals.

Business managers and project managers often resort to visual aids to create a material support of their vision that they can use to share their ideas and strategy in a suggestive and compelling way. An effective visual should bind the strategy (the “why”), the actions that need to be performed in order to achieve the goals (the “what”), and timeline for completion (the “when”).

Such complex roadmaps provide a clear overview of the strategic tasks and milestones, allow hierarchization, show prioritized effort and highlight interrelated work.

The 5-year plan template available on this page was built with the lightweight PowerPoint add-in from Office Timeline, that you can try for free for 14 days and take advantage of the full features the tens of templates that can be automatically customized and updated with just a few clicks in minutes instead of hours.

Example Timeline


Legal Litigation Timeline


Blank Timeline


Updating your template is simple and fast.

Use the Office Timeline PowerPoint add-in to quickly update any of these timeline templates or create your own project visuals. Easily change the texts, dates, colors, shapes and styles of your timeline, right from inside PowerPoint.

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Writing a 5-Year Plan: Best Tips & Examples to Get You Started

Last Updated: May 28, 2024 Fact Checked

Creating a 5-Year Plan

What is a 5-year plan, benefits of a 5-year plan, sample 5-year plans, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Shannon O'Brien is the Founder and Principal Advisor of Whole U. (a career and life strategy consultancy based in Boston, MA). Through advising, workshops and e-learning Whole U. empowers people to pursue their life's work and live a balanced, purposeful life. Shannon has been ranked as the #1 Career Coach and #1 Life Coach in Boston, MA by Yelp reviewers. She has been featured on Boston.com, Boldfacers, and the UR Business Network. She received a Master's of Technology, Innovation, & Education from Harvard University. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 794,375 times.

If you have ideas for things you want to accomplish in your life, a 5-year plan can help you get to where you want to go. A 5-year plan allows you to plot out specific, concrete steps that will help you create the life you envision—but how do you get started? We talked to life and career coach Shannon O'Brien for tips on how you can get your life on track with a 5-year plan.

Writing an Achievable 5-Year Plan

  • Visualize yourself in 5 years. Note the changes that need to happen to get you there.
  • Find your "why"—the reason you want to accomplish these goals.
  • Learn what resources and knowledge you need to accomplish your goals.
  • Create specific, measurable short-term goals to work toward your larger goals.

Step 1 Visualize where you want to be in 5 years.

  • Think about improvements you might like to see in areas like your health, relationships, career, family, community, religion or spirituality, or hobbies and recreation.
  • For example, if you see yourself as a physically fit person running in a marathon, you might design a health-focused 5-year plan with the goal of getting in shape and starting a regular running training program.
  • If you're working on a career-focused 5-year plan, you might create a fictional résumé for yourself in 5 years. This helps make the goals you set along the path to success more concrete. Just don't submit your fictional résumé for a job opening! [2] X Research source

Step 2 Choose specific areas to focus on.

  • HARD goals are things that you can't imagine life without. If you didn't achieve these things, you would feel as though something was missing in your life. [4] X Research source

Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

  • For example, if you want to become more physically fit , your first answer might be so that you feel better about your body. But if you keep digging, you might find that what you're really concerned about is being around and being healthy for your family. Your family is your core value.

Step 4 Create annual goals that will get you to your ultimate 5-year goals.

  • For example, if you have a 5-year goal of running in a marathon, running a 5K wouldn't be a suitable goal for Year 1. There are many Couch-to-5K programs that can be completed in 30 days, so that goal wouldn't be challenging enough.

Step 5 Break down your annual goals into monthly goals.

  • For example, if your 5-year goal is to run a marathon, your short-term goals would likely involve running shorter distances, or running a shorter distance at or under a specific time.
  • Choose goals that are based on your performance, not on the outcome. These are more specific and measurable. For example, rather than setting a goal of being fluent in a language, you might set a goal to learn 10 new words every day. [11] X Research source

Step 6 Research how to reach your monthly goals.

  • For example, if you have a goal related to physical fitness, you might need to buy a gym membership or hire a personal trainer.
  • Some goals might require you to learn things. For example, if one of your goals is to teach English in Venezuela, you might need to learn Spanish first.

Step 7 Write out your plan and keep it somewhere easily accessible.

  • You might hang a copy of your 5-year plan in your bathroom so you can reflect on it while you're getting ready in the morning, or near your desk so you'll see it while you're working.
  • Don't be shy about your 5-year plan—share it with friends and colleagues who can cheer you on, help motivate you to achieve your goals, and hold you accountable.

Step 8 Revisit your plan and revise it as necessary.

  • For example, what if your 5-year plan was to run a marathon, but you're running half-marathons with ease after 1 year of training? It's not going to take you 5 years to get ready for the marathon, so you might revise it to a 2- or 3-year goal.
  • Sometimes you'll also want to revise your plan due to a change in circumstances beyond your control. For example, you'd likely scrap your 5-year plan to pay off your student loans if the federal government announced all student loans were being forgiven.

A 5-year plan organizes your personal or professional life.

  • The most important thing to remember about a 5-year plan is that it's never set in stone. A lot can happen in 5 years, so it could be that everything in your plan will change.
  • The point of the plan is to show a way that you can achieve your goal, even if it ends up not being the way you ultimately get there.
  • Any 5-year plan tends to center around your goals, but goals and plans are two very different things. Your goals are what you want to achieve while your plan is like a roadmap that tells you how you're going to get there. [16] X Research source

Step 1 Motivation

  • Your plan's flexibility also helps motivate you because you aren't as worried about being derailed if you hit a snag. Because you have the big picture in mind, you know you can work through any challenges that come your way.

Step 2 Clarity

  • If your plan includes a goal that other people are involved in, the plan also gives those people clarity on what they need to do to achieve the goal collectively.
  • You don't have to wonder if the next steps you're taking are leading in the right direction because you've already plotted the whole thing out.
  • A clear path also enables you to see how to quickly regroup and get headed toward reaching your goal again if you become sidetracked.

Step 3 Focus

  • The plan also allows you to see the whole path clearly so you can understand how each small step that you make is gradually getting you closer to achieving your goal.

Step 4 Control

  • For example, if you have a 5-year plan to become partner of your firm, you might take on projects that set you apart from your colleagues or actively pursue promotions. This gives you more control than if you just waited for the higher-ups to notice you.

Step 5 Organization

  • When you're plotting out your 5-year plan, you'll naturally think about stumbling blocks that might arise. Then, you can figure out what you'll do to get around them if they do come up.
  • With a 5-year plan, you'll feel like you're on top of things because you have all of the details mapped out. Taking care of the details like this allows you to see the big picture and celebrate all the small accomplishments that eventually lead to major success.

presentation 5 year plan

Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

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  • ↑ https://students.carleton.ca/log/five-year-plan/
  • ↑ https://capd.mit.edu/resources/creating-your-five-year-plan/
  • ↑ https://public.summaries.com/files/samples/hard-goals.pdf
  • ↑ Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM. Life & Career Coach. Expert Interview. 24 September 2021.
  • ↑ https://www.berkeleywellbeing.com/personal-goals.html
  • ↑ https://www.mindtools.com/a5ykiuq/personal-goal-setting
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-cross-examined-life/202401/learn-first-plan-later-drafting-a-useful-five-year-plan
  • ↑ https://www.berkeleywellbeing.com/my-10-year-plan.html
  • ↑ https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2010-04488-003
  • ↑ https://www.mindtools.com/blog/whats-the-point-of-business-plannin-benefits-of-a-5-year-business-plan/

About This Article

Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

To write a five year plan, come up with some goals that are as specific as possible, which will make them easier to track. For example, instead of saying "I want to be making more money," you could say "I want my salary to increase by 15 percent." Once you've made a list of goals, write out a plan for achieving each one. Also, break your goals up into a series of short-term goals so that you feel like you're accomplishing things along the way. For help choosing goals and working toward achieving them, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Going somewhere? Write the 5-year plan you need to achieve it

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What is a 5 year plan?

The benefits of creating a 5 year plan, how to create a 5 year plan in 6 easy steps, 5 year plan examples.

You may have heard of SMART goal setting (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound goals), but have you ever heard of HARD goal setting?

Society has been pushing SMART goals since the early ’80s, but a 2020 study found that people who set SMART goals are much less likely to love their jobs , while people who set HARD goals are 53% more likely to love their jobs. 

But, what are HARD goals? HARD goals are defined as: 

  • Heartfelt 
  • Animated 
  • Required 
  • Difficult 

They are goals for which you have an emotional connection, strong visualization, great urgency, and difficulty. 

While there are laudable aspects of SMART goals, the study shows serious problems regarding the ‘achievable’ and realistic’ aspects of SMART goal-setting. 

Methodologies that emphasize creating difficult goals are far more likely to be successful and generate higher employee engagement.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use HARD goals to make a 5 year plan, as well as show you two 5 year plan examples.

SMART goals vs. HARD goals - 5 year plan

A 5 year plan is a personal and/or professional list of goals that you want to achieve in the next 5 years. 

Oftentimes, 5 year plans include smaller, concrete goals, to help you achieve the larger goals on your list. 

For example, if a long-term goal is to buy a bigger house, then a smaller goal might include setting aside a certain amount of money each month to go toward a deposit on a home loan. 

Or, if one of your long-term goals is to be a certified nurse, then a smaller goal might include finding the best nursing program in your area or applying for a student loan.

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One of the best things about a 5 year plan is that it can significantly motivate you to create the life you want to live. Notice we said “create the life “ not just “achieve the goal.” A 5 year plan that works for you will be more effective if you think of your life holistically — how do you want to feel? What values will you be living? — as you create it. 

Whatever the specific goals you have in mind — whether it’s starting a business, becoming certified or developing expertise, competing in an event, having a child, or taking a big trip — a 5 year plan can help you move from dreaming into doing, wish into a reality. 

Here are some other benefits of creating a 5 year plan:

  • It creates a starting point for a career, start-up idea, or personal goal . If you have a goal without a plan, it may not ever happen. But, if you know you want to be a real estate broker by 2026, you’re in a better position to start the process and take actionable steps to achieve that.
  • It helps you stay focused and aligned with your ambitions, rather than your dreams constantly hanging out in the back seat. 
  • It’s a consistent reminder of what you’re aiming toward, and what you need to do to get there. 

The trick is: keep your plan as visible as possible, make sure it’s what you deeply desire, and make sure your goals are specific, measurable, time-bound, and HARD. 

What should be included in a 5 year plan? 

Grab a pen and a piece of paper. Visualize your life 5 years from now, and write down everything you see without thinking or judging . If any fears, doubts, or negative emotions come up, that’s normal. The key is to ignore them and not attribute any meaning to them.

Brainstorming your 5-year plan

Use the following categories to help you write your complete brainstorm. 

How do you want your nutritional health , mental fitness , physical health , and mental health to look in 5 years?

Are you interested in being vegan? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to start a yoga practice ? Would you like to regularly meet with a therapist? 


Imagine your future professional relationships, friendships, and familial relationships. What do you want them to look like?

Do you want to join a networking group? Are you interested in starting a book club? Do you want to adopt a child? Do you want to take more trips with your partner?

Visualize your financial goals in these buckets: 

  • Bills 
  • Everyday expenses (i.e. groceries) 
  • Flexible spending (i.e. entertainment) 
  • Emergency savings 
  • Goal savings 
  • Investments 

What do you see?

Will you be contributing higher amounts to your 401(k)? Are you planning on saving for higher education? What do you want your emergency savings to look like? Do you want to save for a big trip?


What are your career and business aspirations?

Do you picture yourself leading a huge team or an entire corporation? Do you want to be a digital nomad? Are you planning on starting a blog? 

The truth is, the world of business and how people buy and use goods and services is constantly changing — and fast. Don’t get hung up on roles and titles. Especially if you’re early in your career, you will discover career aspirations and opportunities that don’t even exist today. That being said, spend time thinking about what types of activities interest you, what type of environment you enjoy, what type of impact you want to make day-to-day.

If you’re feeling stuck about your career goals, consider:

  • Taking career assessments
  • Making a list of various career paths
  • Finding the overlap between things you like and what companies are hiring for
  • Working with mentors
  • Building your network
  • Creating your own job or business that lines up with your interests
  • Listing your passions, values, skills, and interests, then finding or creating jobs that match some parts of the list

If you’re still unsure about your dream job, don’t worry. Go after jobs you’re interested in, learn from them, and eventually, you’ll come across pursuits you’re excited about. Many people also worry if they don’t have a passion. The reality is that pursuing interests and immersing yourself in the work is a good way to discover and develop passion . It’s also okay if you’re multi-passionate and interested in several jobs. 

Personal/spiritual/religious development

How do you want to grow personally and/or spiritually?

Are you interested in starting a home church? Do you want to work with a life coach or career coach? Do you want to meditate more? Would you like to start a gratitude or prayer practice? Do you want to build resilience ? 


How do you picture your future environment?

Are you living in a tropical bungalow in Bali? Are you in a newly decorated and renovated home? Do you have a custom pool in your backyard? Are you living with your family to save money? Are you embracing minimalism?


What kinds of hobbies will you have in the future?

Will you be snowboarding every winter and surfing every summer? Are you interested in joining a soccer league? Do you want to take up cooking or art classes? 


What kind of meaningful contribution would you like to be a part of?

Are you interested in volunteering for a vegetable co-op? Will you be tutoring kids on the weekends? Being a mentor ? Do you want to buy monthly groceries for one of your friends in need until they get back on their feet?

  • Focus your plan
  • Consider potential goals
  • Determine your 'why?'
  • Identify annual goals and create monthly goals
  • Research how to reach your goals
  • Adjust and revisit as needed

Here’s how to use your notes to create your plan:

1. Focus your plan

Take a look at your notes and decide which specific areas to focus on. 

You might decide that you’d rather focus on a few areas, like your health and career, or you might decide that you want to focus on all areas. 

Once you decide, grab a piece of paper for every area you plan to focus on and write the area of growth at the top of each. 

For example, if you decide just to focus on health and money, you’ll write ‘health’ at the top of your first paper and ‘money’ at the top of your second paper. 

2. Consider potential goals

Next, divide each paper into two columns. The left column will be for ‘goals,’ and the right column will be for ‘action steps’ or ‘skills.’ 

Then, decide which goals you want to achieve for each category. Remember that ‘specific’, ‘measurable’, and ‘time-bound’ are positive aspects of SMART goals. That said, the ‘achievable’ and ‘realistic’ aspects of SMART goals can deter you from going after more audacious goals. 

Challenge yourself to leave your comfort zone with HARD goals. 

This doesn’t mean setting goals with no chance of success. But, setting goals with, let’s say, a 50/50 chance of success is difficult and ambitious enough to give you a real sense of accomplishment when you succeed.

For example, on your ‘health’ paper, let’s say you decide to write the following in the ‘goals’ column: 

  • Be more active
  • Increase nutrients 

Then, you might write the following in the ‘action steps’ or ‘skills’ column: 

  • Eat raw and organic fruits and vegetables three times a day 
  • Walk for two hours a day
  • Take a daily multivitamin and add superfoods to morning smoothies 

Next, decide between long-term and short term goals:

How to breakdown your goals - 5 year plan

Review your list of goals. Decide which are better suited for short-term goals and which are better suited for long-term goals. 

For example, you might decide that being a teacher in Peru is a long-term goal while researching places to live in Peru is a short-term goal. You might start outlining your short- and long-term goals with a 30-60-90 day plan . 

3. Determine your ‘why?’

What’s your big ‘why?’ Why do you want to be a Teaching English Foreign Language (TEFL) teacher in Peru? 

Write your reason down and hang it in a place where you’ll see it daily. 

For example, “I want to be a TEFL teacher in Peru, so I can learn Spanish, help students develop their English skills, and fulfill my dream of exploring South America.”

4. Identify annual goals and create monthly goals

First, establish annual goals that will help you reach your 5 year goals. 

For example, if one of your 5 year goals is to adopt a child, then your first annual goal will probably consist of setting interviews with adoption agencies.

Next, break down your annual goals into monthly goals. 

For example, if your annual goal is becoming a TEFL teacher in Peru, your monthly breakdown could look like this:

  • Month 1: Research reputable TEFL programs and set online appointments with TEFL advisors to decide which program you like best
  • Months 2-3: Take your TEFL course, study for exams, and write essays
  • Month 4: Take your final TEFL exam and wait for your certificate 
  • Months 5: Edit your resume and look for a short TEFL internship
  • Month 6: Intern with a TEFL academy and ask for feedback from your mentors
  • Month 7: Create a lesson plan portfolio and start looking for jobs
  • Month 8: Set up job interviews 
  • Month 9-10: Land a job from one of your interviews and buy your plane tickets
  • Month 11: Move to Peru, find a furnished apartment, and get to know your neighborhood
  • Month 12: Start work at your new job as a TEFL teacher 

5. Research how to reach your goals

Next, research the best ways to reach your goals. 

If you plan on moving to Peru, are there some YouTube channels you can check out with tips on how to move? If you plan on creating a start-up, can you meet with some start-up experts that can mentor you? If you plan on learning how to bake macarons, is there a French macaron cookbook you can buy?

6. Adjust and revisit as needed

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. While the 5 year plan is designed to help you stay focused and persist despite bumps and detours, sometimes the unexpected is you.

As you start working on your goals, you may realize that your interests and passions don't quite align. This is where self-directed learning can help.

Plan for periodic review, reflection, and adjustment as part of life. If your long-range plan still feels right, zoom in to your monthly goals. Decide if your monthly goals are working or if you need to adjust them.

For example, you might find that trying to conduct online interviews with a Peruvian academy is impossible. So you could decide to fly out early to meet directors in person instead. 

You may also decide that creating weekly or even daily goals is essential to hitting your monthly goals.

Revisit and revise your plan as often as needed (at least once a year). You might be surprised at how fast you reach some goals while other goals might take a bit longer than expected.

Here's an example of a 5 year plan for a student interested in being a Certified Public Accountant (CPA):

5 year plan example #1

Here’s a personal 5 year plan example for someone interested in becoming fluent in Spanish:

5 year plan example #2

Creating a 5 year plan is one of the best ways to see your dreams come to life. 

At BetterUp, we love seeing individuals reach their fullest potential and achieve their dreams. Request a demo today to find out more.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Maggie Wooll, MBA

Maggie Wooll is a researcher, author, and speaker focused on the evolving future of work. Formerly the lead researcher at the Deloitte Center for the Edge, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Maggie is passionate about creating better work and greater opportunities for all.

The 3 year plan: Build a roadmap to success

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The 6 Steps I Use to Create Five-Year Plans I Can Actually Stick To [+ Expert Tips]

Martina Bretous

Updated: August 02, 2024

Published: August 01, 2024

As people, we all have big goals — both personal and professional. I’ve been asked in countless interviews about my five-year plan for my career.

woman creates 5-year plan on laptop

I’ve also had lengthy internal monologues about whether I want to buy a house, the countries I want to travel to, and the mountains (literal and figurative) I want to climb.

However, a desire without a plan is just a dream. I want to make sure I make my long-term goals a reality. That’s why I love five-year plans. That’s enough time to take the steps to prepare for lofty accomplishments.

So, in this post, I’ll share my tips for creating five-year plans that you can actually stick to. I’ll also share examples of what these steps look like in practice. Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

What is a Five-year plan?

Benefits of a five-year plan, what to cover in a five-year plan, five-year plan tips, five-year plan template, how to make a five-year plan, five-year plan common mistakes, five-year plan example.

presentation 5 year plan

Free 5-Year Plan Template

Access a free 5-year plan template, alongside...

  • SMART Goal Template
  • MBO Template
  • Skill Development Template

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A five-year plan is an outline of professional and/or personal goals you want to reach within the next five years. It usually includes broad goals relating to career, relationships, health, and finances that are broken down into action items and milestones.

1. It can give you a fresh start.

Whether professional or personal, a five-year plan can serve as a reset for your life. Who doesn’t like a fresh start?

After all, that’s why New Year’s resolutions are so popular. They give us something to look forward to. There’s also something to be said about writing out a detailed plan. It can be a great motivator to put something in motion.

Personally, I’ve said countless times that I want to be fluent in Spanish. However, it's not until I write a detailed plan for how that will happen that it feels real.

2. It gives you clarity.

Sometimes, a path seems scarier than it actually is because we don’t know what it looks like.

Creating a plan is like pointing a flashlight on a dark road. A more accurate description is that it turns that dark, twisty road into a clear path forward. This doesn’t mean there won’t be any bumps in the road, but at least you’ll know exactly where you’ll land and how to get there.

For example, working for HubSpot was a longtime goal of mine. I took the time to assess why I wanted to work for the company — the great culture and renowned blog pulled me in. Then, I made a plan on how to get here. I started by taking Academy classes and networking.

I never knew if my plan would work out precisely, but I did have time for introspection, giving me clarity on why I liked a company.

3. It serves as a reminder of what’s at stake.

In your daily life, it can be easy to forget that every day, we’re shaping our future. The decisions we make today affect what our lives will look like years from now. Having a visual reminder of this can keep you focused on your goals.

For example, I spoke to my colleague, Kaitlin Milliken about five-year goals she has had. She mentioned that she wanted to see the Philippines and explore the country her family immigrated from.

“When I first made the decision, I was still in college and didn’t have the money or time to make that trip,” Milliken says. “That goal was a great motivator for a lot of smaller choices, like saving, being smart with my vacation time, and making the space to plan the trip.”

4. It helps with professional development.

Having a five-year plan encourages you to think about and plan for the necessary skills and knowledge you will need in the future. This can guide your professional development journey and activities, such as training, education, or gaining specific experiences.

If you need a plan designed to help you with this, grab HubSpot’s free professional development plan to help you understand where you’re at, where you want to go, and how you’ll get there.

5. It helps with risk management and mitigation

If you’re a business owner, having a five-year business plan can help you manage and mitigate risks as much as possible.

By forecasting potential challenges and market changes over a five-year period, you can develop and implement contingency plans, diversify your income streams, adjust your business model in response to market demands, and maintain financial stability.

A five-year business plan makes it easier for you to navigate through potential pitfalls more effectively and sustain growth even in fluctuating economic conditions.

Before you get started with your plan, there are a few things you’ll need to figure out ahead of time.

1. Areas of Focus

Your five-year plan can cover various areas from education, career development, finance, hobbies, or even health. It’s up to you. Don’t feel stuck having to stick to one category and choose the ones that best interest you and fit your needs.

For example, one of my goals is to learn a second language, specifically Spanish. This is a personal goal for me that’s right at the intersection of education and my hobbies.

Putting down your values in writing will help you discover your “why” (more on that later). This step will also help you narrow down what’s most important to you and shape the goals you set for yourself.

Why do I want to learn Spanish? Well, it’s a super helpful language to know if you live in the U.S. Beyond that, I really want to travel throughout Spain. Being fluent in the language would help me better connect with people throughout my journey.

3. Goal Path

Your five-year plan is only as successful as the effort put into creating it. To create a viable plan, it has to be actionable. Once you’ve got an idea of the goals you’d like to include, start researching the path to attaining them.

For example, if you’d like to set a career goal to become a marketing director, start looking at the steps and credentials required. Do you need to skill up? Is there a pathway at your current job? Doing some initial research will set you up for success.

Learning a language involves lots of steps. I decided to buy a few language textbooks and download Duolingo on my phone. Beyond that, I’m researching if there are local classes in my area that I can sign up for. A structured classroom setting can often be helpful for adults learning a second language.

4. HARD Goals

Tackling heartfelt, animated, required, and difficult (HARD) goals can be a rewarding but challenging part of a five-year plan. These types of goals will push you out of your comfort zone and help you achieve things you didn’t think were possible before. Think of these goals as highly ambitious but achievable with a five-year timeline.

Think of HARD goals this way:

  • Heartfelt — what reasons are behind achieving this goal?
  • Animated — what gets you excited about achieving this goal? Get specific.
  • Required — what is it going to take to achieve this goal? What will you need to accomplish in six months to a year to stay on track?
  • Difficult — what skills will you need to accomplish this goal, and how will you obtain them?

Let’s apply this to my desire to learn Spanish:

  • Heartfelt — I want to learn Spanish so I can communicate with folks who may not be fluent in English and so I can travel to Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Animated — the idea of visiting Spain and speaking with the locals gets me excited to learn.
  • Required — I know that finding a local Spanish class will help me stay on track and develop a basic understanding of the language. Beyond that, I want to practice every day.
  • Difficult — I need to know a substantial number of vocabulary words to become fluent. I will spend time drilling flashcards every day to help me learn more helpful verbs and nouns.

Now that we’ve covered the groundwork, we’ve got more tips to help you create a five-year plan that keeps you motivated and inspired.

If creating a plan from scratch makes your eyes glaze over, check out these tips to help you start getting some ideas on paper. I also asked Kaitlin Milliken, a senior program manager at HubSpot, to share how these tips help her shape her five-year plans.

1. Give yourself space to brainstorm.

To help you focus better when creating your plan, do a bit of pre-work.

Give yourself time to really think about what you’d like to accomplish and the things that are most important to you. For example, you could write out a list of potential goals or ideas and rank them in order of importance, including notes about why they are important.

Milliken often works through this exercise. This helps her decide what she wants to work on, which goals can be accomplished quickly, and which are most complicated and need to be a part of her five-year plan.

“I always start broad. I sit down with a note book and write out what I want to accomplish — totally blue sky. I can organize and narrow this list down later,” she says.

2. Consider separating long-term and short-term goals.

Once you’ve jotted down some goals, decide which are better suited for short or long-term ones.

Completely paying off debt might be a long-term goal, but deciding which debt to tackle first could be a short-term goal. It may also help to divide them up into a 30-60-90 day plan to help best set a timeline.

I asked Milliken how she decides which goals fall into each category. For example, Milliken says she wants to run a half marathon. However, that’s a goal she can work toward in a year.

In contrast, “I want to learn Tagalog — a language I don’t have a background in — and to build the program I run at work to support different departments at HubSpot. These are loftier goals that fit better in a five-year timespan,” she says.

3. Break down annual goals into monthly ones.

Tackling lofty goals can be overwhelming. This is why it’s important to break them down into smaller tasks that are manageable so you don’t get discouraged along the way. Let’s say you want to save $10,000 in a year. You can break that amount down into a recurring monthly payment of $833 or even split it into smaller weekly payments.

Milliken told me that she starts off each year with a lofty set of goals — like writing a few short stories, saving a certain amount of money, and getting a promotion at work.

From there, she decides which goal posts she needs throughout the year to check her progress. For example, she’ll set a savings goal every month.

“I also check in on my long-term goals every six months. Am I spending enough time on professional development to build my leadership skills? Am I on track to manage a team within the next five years?” Milliken explains.

4. Find an accountability partner.

Sometimes, life gets in the way and throws us curve balls — greatly impacting our ability to stay motivated and consistent. Having an accountability partner can help you stay on track.

This could be someone you check in with monthly, a close friend, a family member, or a mentor. Whoever you choose, just make sure it’s someone who will keep you honest. Perhaps they’ll even have their own five-year plan, and you can take this journey together.

“No matter the goal, I tell my best friend Meg. She encourages me to put in the time, celebrates my wins, and is the perfect accountability partner,” Milliken says. “If you’re looking to find your own accountability partner, you’ll want someone who can both keep you on track and be happy for you when you reach your goals.”

5. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments.

Remember that your five-year plan is yours. You can make adjustments as you see fit once you start tracking your progress. If your priorities change, update your plan.

Milliken says her first job out of school was in journalism, so her initial five-year plan for her career focused on being a great reporter. However, “as I worked in the field, I discovered that I loved editing and working with other people,” she says. “I adapted my goals to reflect those new discoveries.”

Milliken notes that her five-year plan changed from working for a top newspaper to finding a role that allows her to work with writers, giving them feedback for improving their work.

If you‘re ready to create your own five-year plan, we’ve got you covered.

HubSpot created the following five-year plan template for you to download.

In it, you'll find a short and long version, both designed to help you break down your plan into actionable goals for each year.

hubspot five year plan example]

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Kick off your five-year plan with this free template.

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Annual Planning Templates: How to Make your 2021 Annual Plan

Ximena Portocarrero

It’s that time of the year when annual planning returns to the top of your list. And while you already have some great ideas in mind, the hardest part is to document and lay out the whole plan. So today I’ll show you 15 free annual planning templates you can download right away and use in the making of your annual business plan.

What’s an Annual Plan?

Annual Planning Report

Before we start, let’s be clear on what “Annual Plan” means. An annual business plan is a work plan that outlines the goals, resources and operations a company will execute in a 1-year period. It usually includes an annual budget, project deadlines, roles and responsibilities. In other words, the annual plan acts as a roadmap for the organization and aligns internal teams to the yearly business goals.

As you can see, the annual plan sets the direction a company will go for the next 12 months. But, how to do annual planning? It really depends on how big the company is and how detailed you want your work plan to be. In the following section, I’ll cover all the essentials you need to make a strong annual plan.

presentation 5 year plan

How to Create a Successful Annual Plan? (+ Free Planning PowerPoint Templates)

Most people know that annual planning involves assessing past results, setting realistic goals and defining how to achieve them. But it doesn’t end there! A crucial part of the annual business plan is the implementation and for this you need to effectively communicate the new strategies. To make all this happen, the 24Slides designers have created a selection of amazing PowerPoint templates to help you in the process of making and sharing your annual plan. Let’s see each step in more detail below:

Step #1: Assess Your Current Situation

Planning is all about reading a situation and making informed choices. So step #1 in your annual planning process is to review last year . It’s important to determine what worked and what didn’t work for the business. To do this you can gather data from past reports or talk to managers from each area. You can also interview key roles like customer service reps to know what clients liked or disliked from your products. All the activities in this stage should help you identify what went well and what could be improved next year.

December Calendar Template for Annual Planning

To maximize your productivity, use a planning tool like the December calendar template . It will help you manage your time and keep things running smoothly from the beginning. In this template, you’ll find horizontal and vertical December calendars you can pick from to visualize your monthly activities. And if you prefer to see each event in detail, opt for this corporate agenda template .

Business Review Template for Year-End Presentations

Once you have all the information you need, it’s time to put together your findings and conclusions. For this, the Business Review template is a great platform to showcase the analysis you’ve done so far. It features charts, diagrams, and timelines to review key areas such as finances, marketing, operations, sales, and others. Plus, having your initial ideas in a structured report will make your annual planning easier as you can come back to these points at any time in the process.

The most important advice I can give you for this step is to be honest with yourself. Remember that you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge, so being objective while assessing your current situation is crucial.

Step #2: Set Goals and Priorities

Now that you know where you stand, it’s time to look ahead. Where do you want the company to be next year? This is where you think about all the possibilities and pick the ones that can work within the situation of the business (that’s why the first step was so important!). I’m sure there are a million things you’d like your team to accomplish, but you need to be realistic with your annual goals.

Blue Pyramid Diagrams in PowerPoint

A good practice to start goal-setting with the right foot is to identify the business priorities . And for this, Pyramid diagrams are perfect to order topics in a hierarchical way. With these triangle shapes, you’ll be able to rank “problems to solve” according to its relevance, available resources, or impact on the business. This approach allows you to set criteria for every topic you want to work on and see what you should address first in your annual plan.

With all this in place, you already have a clear sense of where the company is going and now you’re ready to use one of the most powerful tools for annual planning: the OKR framework template

OKR Framework in PowerPoint for Annual Planning

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a goal-setting system that makes you focus on your annual goals and how to make them happen. First, you set your Objectives, which should answer: What do you want to achieve next year? And then your Key Results or the measurable ways you can prove you’re achieving the objectives. Here’s a simple OKR example :

  • Objective: Improve your brand presence online
  • Key Result 1: Hit 200,000 visits to your website every month
  • Key Result 2: Collaborate with 5 micro-influencers in a product release campaign

Check out this article to learn more about how to set your OKR goals !

Step #3: Define Your Strategies and Actions

Next on your list is the HOW of your plan . Note that in the OKR framework, your Key Results work as strategies for reaching your objectives. This means you can go straight to defining your actions. However, if you’re still new to OKRs, use this visual method:

Circle Mind Maps for Planning

Circle mind maps are simple yet powerful tools to come up with new ideas. Just place your goals at the center and use the branches for the actions your company should take. This is a great way to focus on what you want to accomplish while mapping out your business strategies . Here are some examples: Improving your customer service, targeting a particular niche, or increasing your company’s sustainability. Remember that they should be aligned to your goals and broad enough to break them into actions.

Corporate Gantt Chart Slide

Following, you can use Gantt charts to plan out the actions involved in each strategy. These corporate Gantt charts are perfect to distribute your team activities throughout the year and set monthly or quarterly deadlines. You can also color-code events according to their status. As you can see, Gantt charts are an easy way to organize strategies and actions for the annual business plan.

30 60 90 Business Plan Presentation Template

And here’s an extra annual planning template! If you want to group your objectives, strategies, and actions in a single place, check out the 30 60 90 business plan template . It has creative timelines, a table chart, milestone slides, and more to showcase everything you’ve worked on so far. The great thing about a 30-60-90 plan is that it allows you to implement quickly and test your plan in the first 3 months. This way you can see if you’re on the right path to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be next year.

Step #4: Share the Action Plan with your Team

One of the top reasons plans fail is because there’s no clear implementation strategy. Thus, it becomes hard – if not impossible- to integrate the annual plan into the day-to-day operations. Luckily, we’ve addressed all this in step #3, but there’s still one thing left: communicate the HOW to your team .

What’s the use of putting together a great annual plan if you can’t execute it, right? That’s why a detailed action plan is key to help your staff understand how their efforts contribute to the company’s success.

Work Plan PowerPoint Slide with illustrations of employee working from home

And when it comes to sharing a work plan, this template is a must-have in your annual planning toolkit. The Work Plan PowerPoint template will help you showcase the next projects and activities. You can include business goals and key results so everyone knows what the company expects from them. And the best thing is that it’s full of engaging visual elements to hold your team’s attention exactly where you want it to be.

RACI Matrix PowerPoint Slide for managing teams

However, this stage is not only about stating what needs to be done, but also who is responsible for each action. To keep a common understanding of who does what in your plan, use the RACI Matrix template . With these charts you’ll be able to distribute tasks evenly and assign key responsibilities according to the RACI criteria: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. As a leader, you know how crucial effective communication is when managing teams, for that reason a RACI Matrix could be a great addition to the delivery of your action plan.

At this point, we’ve covered from activities and resources to deadlines and roles , which leaves your team ready to carry out the annual business plan.

Step #5: Implement and Review

The most common mistake in planning is believing that it ends when everything is up and running. And sure, it’s a huge accomplishment that what you had on paper is being executed in the real world. But don’t let that fool you! Your annual plan has one step more: Review the results.

The purpose of this stage is to evaluate the performance of your plan and determine whether your annual objectives were met. And, although most people do this at the end of the year, a recommended practice is to conduct these reviews every three months . This gives you the opportunity to see what’s working or not early in the year and adjust the direction of your actions on time.

Corporate Quarterly Business Review chart

Use the Quarterly Business Review template to compare your current metrics to the objectives you’ve established in step #2 . It has roadmaps and data charts to review your business performance, analyze quarterly projects, and monitor your team’s progress. Plus, with this corporate template, you’ll be ready to present early results to key investors or any other stakeholder interested in how the company is doing.

And there you have it: The 5-step annual planning process! But remember that it works like a cycle. Planning is iterative: you ideate, execute, review, and take what you’ve learned from the experience back to step #1 . This way you’re able to gain insights on what works best and craft stronger annual plans each year.

PRO TIP: How to Really Nail your Annual Planning?

Traditionally, people associate annual plans with large documents. The ones loaded with data and projections about the company. And while it’s important to have your annual plan in a well-organized document; this doesn’t add much to step #4: Sharing the action plan with your team .

Think about it: On top of their day-to-day tasks, will your team be able to read a text-heavy document from cover to cover? Of course not! And a huge part of your annual plan success involves getting everyone on board and excited about the upcoming projects. So, how about making your annual plan a presentation instead?

Business Charts in a Laptop Screen

With an annual plan presentation, you’ll have control over how the company vision is delivered than through a Word document. This is also a great opportunity to motivate your team over what’s to come and resolve any question they might have. And what’s even more important: By the end of the day, you’ll make sure everyone is on the same page about the company’s direction for the upcoming year. It’s a win-win!

You can start building your presentation right now with the annual planning templates you’ve seen above. They’re all from Templates by 24Slides , our platform of free PowerPoint resources . Here you can download thousands of corporate PowerPoint templates and even opt for templates according to the industry you work in! Look at these examples:

Digital Marketing Agency PowerPoint Presentation

Digital Marketing Agency Plan PowerPoint Presentation

Digital marketing agencies move in a fast-evolving sector and it’s important that they refresh their strategies and services every now and then. With this dark-themed template agencies can showcase all they envision for the future and share the guidelines to make it happen. There are elegant visual elements like diagrams and lists to help deliver a solid business plan presentation.

Mobile Banking PowerPoint Presentation

Mobile Banking App Presentation Template

This eye-catching template is for companies in the banking industry! If a mobile app is in the works, this creative template is ideal to share the plan with your team. It comes with amazing roadmaps, circle diagrams, and data-driven charts to display every detail of your annual plan. It even features mobile phone and tablet mockups! In short, the most complete presentation template you’ll find on mobile banking services.

Remote Onboarding PowerPoint Presentation

Remote Onboarding PowerPoint Template

With the increase of remote work, it’s not difficult to guess that onboarding processes will need some adapting too. If your company plans for next year include the transition to remote onboarding, this template is for you. You’ll be able to show project goals, the open positions for each area, the steps to establish a new employee onboarding program, and more.

E-commerce Icon Set for Presentations

E-commerce Icons for Digital Shopping Presentations

But presentation templates are not the only thing you can find on our Templates by 24Slides platform. There are also vector icons for your slides. Like the ones on top! E-commerce and online businesses can now use PowerPoint icons to enhance their annual plan presentation. They work wonders for showing processes, new site features or to easily explain something that otherwise would involve large chunks of text. Use them wisely!

Professional PowerPoint Design for your 2021 Annual Plan

Annual planning templates are definitely a great idea, but what happens when fiddling with PowerPoint the entire weekend is not your thing? Well, there’s an option for that too: Get your own custom annual plan presentation! Here at 24Slides , our PowerPoint designers can create a fully customized presentation for you. This means that instead of showing your strategies in old-fashioned bullet points, you’ll get to deliver your annual plan through a delightful visual experience for everyone. Including fussy managers and investors!

Simple PowerPoint Slide

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Customized PowerPoint Presentation Design

…and we give you extraordinary results – in just 24 hours!

Check out the 24Slides PowerPoint design services and take your annual plan presentation to the next level!

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5 Year Plan PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

(8 Editable Slides)

5 Year Plan PPT Cover Slide

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Whether it is a multi-million organization or an individual, we all need short and long term plans to grow and succeed. To help you depict the same idea in a visually appealing manner, our designers have come up with this 5 Year Plan PPT template. It features different styles of timeline vectors that would help you depict your plan in a seamless yet impressive way.

Major Features

  • Our professionals have drafted different styles of graphics that you can use to present your yearly plans in an appealing manner.
  • From star models to light bulbs and horizontal timelines to zigzag pathways, the set has included different kinds of vectors that you can use according to your needs.
  • Using these editable illustrations is extremely easy, and you can customize them with a preferred application (like MS PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, or Google Slides).
  • You can easily add your content and even customize these timeline vectors with just a few clicks.
  • Furthermore, we have drafted this set in different color themes, letting you pick a preferred scheme, according to the tone of your slideshows.

Who can Use it?

This is a generic 5 Year Plan PowerPoint template that can be used by every individual. You can use these vectors to explore your personal growth or what plans do you have for your organization. HR professionals can use these graphics to depict the growth of employees, while managers can explain the long-term goals of their projects. Professionals from every individual can use these vectors and discuss their plans with their audience in an interesting way.

How to Use it?

You can use these vectors with different platforms like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote. There are different color themes in the set so that you can pick the vector of the theme that meets your present needs the most. That’s it! Now, you can just include these illustrations in any presentation and alter them as well. You can add your content and further change the overall appearance of these slides. In this way, you can easily explain your 5 Year Plan to your audience flawlessly.

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5 Year Plan PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates


5 Year Plan Presentation Slides

Planning ahead is key to success, and a 5 year plan is a strategic roadmap that outlines an organization's goals, objectives, and actions over a 5 year period. It is a tool for long-term planning and helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same vision. A well-executed 5 year plan can result in increased productivity, improved performance, and growth for the organization. With our presentation, you'll discover how to create a solid 5 year plan, including setting realistic objectives, defining milestones, and tracking progress. Our template is designed to help you communicate your 5 year plan effectively, with engaging visuals and clear messages.

Features of the template:

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva Presentation.
  • Well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • 5 Year Plan
  • Five Year Plan
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  • Google Slides

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Effective Timeline Ideas For PowerPoint Presentation

5-Year Planning Roadmap Matrix Template

Download our editable 5-Year Planning Roadmap Matrix Template for creating planning presentations for your project, business, or educational journey. Efficient goal setting and planning are the keys to winning any situation. Professionals in every domain focus on their planning before beginning with anything new. For instance, a project manager will begin with project planning before initiating the practical activities. In business, education, or health care, professionals will get into knowing what to do before actually starting the process. To present such project activities, their status, and corresponding plans, we have created this 100% editable 5-year planning PPT chart . Users can conveniently download and customize this 5 year plan template according to their topics or plans. The template slide is also compatible with Google Slides and Keynote. 

This one-pager 5-Year Planning Roadmap Matrix Template is a 5×5 matrix slide where the columns represent the years, and the rows mention the tasks or activities. The year labels have a creative chevron shape with editable text boxes. In front of each task label in the rows of the matrix, there are bar figures. These bars are divided into color segments that represent the task status. For that, a color legend is provided on the bottom of the slide, i.e., yellow represents the task to be done, blue is for in progress, and green indicates completed status. Presenters can change these representations according to their choice. 

So, professionals can prepare engaging project management presentations and display their jobs to be done in an organized way. This matrix template is also ideal for digital transformation planning and strategy presentations in a business gathering. Download and try this PPT template now!

5-Year Planning Roadmap Matrix PPT Template

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5 Year Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Improve your presentation delivery using this 5 Year Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising twelve slides this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

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5 Year Corporate Strategy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Improve your presentation delivery using this 5 Year Corporate Strategy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising twlve this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

5 Years Comparative Analysis Chart Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

5 Years Comparative Analysis Chart Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Improve your presentation delivery using this 5 Years Comparative Analysis Chart Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising twenty slides this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

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If designing a presentation takes a lot of your time and resources and you are looking for a better alternative, then this Five Year Marketing Strategy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides is the right fit for you. This is a prefabricated set that can help you deliver a great presentation on the topic. All the Twelve slides included in this sample template can be used to present a birds eye view of the topic. These slides are also fully editable, giving you enough freedom to add specific details to make this layout more suited to your business setting. Apart from the content, all other elements like color, design, theme are also replaceable and editable. This helps in designing a variety of presentations with a single layout. Not only this, you can use this PPT design in formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG once downloaded. Therefore, without any further ado, download and utilize this sample presentation as per your liking.

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5 Year Planning Gantt Chart PowerPoint Slides Gantt Ppt Templates

5 Year Planning Gantt Chart PowerPoint Slides Gantt Ppt Templates

We present our 5 year planning Gantt Chart PowerPoint slides Gantt PPT templates.Download our Calendars PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides has conjured up a web of all you need with the help of our great team. Use them to string together your glistening ideas. Use our New Year PowerPoint Templates because you have the right attitude and great ideas to chart the way in the new year. Download and present our Timelines PowerPoint Templates because it shows subtle changes that are taking place. Download our Targets PowerPoint Templates because you can asked to strive to give true form to your great dream. Download and present our Time Planning PowerPoint Templates because you have had your share of being a goldfish in a small bowl.you are ready to launch out and spread your wings.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to 2013, Agenda, April, August, Blue, Business, Calendar, Dark, Day, December, Design, Diary, Dotted, February, Friday, Gray, Illustration, January, July, June, Map, March, May, Meeting, Monday, Month, Note, November, October, Pink, Planner, Program. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Green, Yellow, Blue. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our 5 year planning Gantt Chart PowerPoint slides Gantt PPT templates are Fashionable. You can be sure our Calendar PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Reminiscent. Presenters tell us our 5 year planning Gantt Chart PowerPoint slides Gantt PPT templates will save the presenter time. We assure you our Day PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Detailed. Professionals tell us our 5 year planning Gantt Chart PowerPoint slides Gantt PPT templates will make the presenter successul in his career/life. The feedback we get is that our April PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides will get their audience's attention. Define the course with our 5 Year Planning Gantt Chart PowerPoint Slides Gantt Ppt Templates. Channel them in the correct direction.

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5 Year Plan Of Consumer Acquisition And Retention Of The Company Formats PDF

This slide explains how much to focus on making new customers and to retain the existing ones from the initial stage till the company get well established . It also shows how much new customers one should target to have a good customer base. Showcasing this set of slides titled 5 Year Plan Of Consumer Acquisition And Retention Of The Company Formats PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Gaining Traction, Established, Well Established. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

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5 Year Change Conversion Plan Roadmap Introduction

Presenting our innovatively structured 5 year change conversion plan roadmap introduction Template. Showcase your roadmap process in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG by clicking the download button below. This PPT design is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios. It can also be easily personalized and presented with modified font size, font type, color, and shapes to measure your progress in a clear way.

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5 Year Plans Forecasts Goals PowerPoint Slides And PPT Diagram Templates-These high quality, editable pre-designed powerpoint slides have been carefully created by our professional team to help you impress your audience. Each graphic in every slide is vector based and is 100% editable in powerpoint. Each and every property of any slide - color, size, shading etc can be modified to build an effective powerpoint presentation. Use these slides to convey complex business concepts in a simplified manner. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT! Display your class with our 5 Year Plans Forecasts Goals PowerPoint Slides And Ppt Diagram Templates. Demonstrate your expertise to your audience.

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Showcasing this set of slides titled 5 Year Facilities Planning Management Expenditure Comparison Rules PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Research And Development, Inventory Management, Warehousing. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

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5 Yearly Management Plan Roadmap For Digital Product Rules

We present our 5 yearly management plan roadmap for digital product rules. This PowerPoint layout is easy-to-edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well-researched 5 yearly management plan roadmap for digital product rules in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

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Expansion Oriented Strategic Plan 5 Year Financial Plan Contd Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Aids PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name expansion oriented strategic plan 5 year financial plan contd ppt powerpoint presentation gallery aids pdf. The topics discussed in these slides are non operation income, rental, interest income, operating expenses, sales and marketing, insurance. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Expansion Oriented Strategic Plan 5 Year Financial Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Slide Portrait PDF

Expansion Oriented Strategic Plan 5 Year Financial Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Slide Portrait PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name expansion oriented strategic plan 5 year financial plan ppt powerpoint presentation infographics slide portrait pdf. The topics discussed in these slides are profit and loss assumption, income, revenue, cost sales, gross profit. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Roadmap To Plan And Release Software Product Designs

5 Year Roadmap To Plan And Release Software Product Designs

Presenting our innovatively structured 5 year roadmap to plan and release software product designs Template. Showcase your roadmap process in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG by clicking the download button below. This PPT design is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios. It can also be easily personalized and presented with modified font size, font type, color, and shapes to measure your progress in a clear way.

PowerPoint Slide 5 Year Gantt Chart Planning Ppt Templates

PowerPoint Slide 5 Year Gantt Chart Planning Ppt Templates

PowerPoint Slide 5 Year Gantt Chart Planning PPT templates backgrounds-These high quality powerpoint pre-designed slides and powerpoint templates have been carefully created by our professional team to help you impress your audience. All slides have been created and are 100% editable in powerpoint. Each and every property of any graphic - color, size, orientation, shading, outline etc. can be modified to help you build an effective powerpoint presentation. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint template or slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT! Educate your team on avoiding accidents. Make out a checklist with the help of our PowerPoint Slide 5 Year Gantt Chart Planning Ppt Templates.

5 Year Business Plan With Market Area Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Icon

5 Year Business Plan With Market Area Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Icon

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan with market area ppt powerpoint presentation ideas icon. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Business Plan With Rectangle Diagram Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Outline

5 Year Business Plan With Rectangle Diagram Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Outline

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan with rectangle diagram ppt powerpoint presentation professional outline. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Business Plan To Cover Market Place Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Good

5 Year Business Plan To Cover Market Place Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Good

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan to cover market place ppt powerpoint presentation portfolio good. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Business Plan With Flashlights Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Templates

5 Year Business Plan With Flashlights Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Templates

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan with flashlights ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration templates. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Business Plan With Icons Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Influencers

5 Year Business Plan With Icons Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Influencers

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan with icons ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template influencers. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Business Plan With Octagon Shape Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Show Inspiration

5 Year Business Plan With Octagon Shape Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Show Inspiration

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan with octagon shape ppt powerpoint presentation show inspiration. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Business Plan With Seashell Diagram Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Template

5 Year Business Plan With Seashell Diagram Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Template

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan with seashell diagram ppt powerpoint presentation pictures template. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Business Plan With Timeline Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Example Introduction

5 Year Business Plan With Timeline Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Example Introduction

Presenting this set of slides with name 5 year business plan with timeline ppt powerpoint presentation professional example introduction. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Action Plan And Advantage Roadmap For Cyber Security Icons

5 Year Action Plan And Advantage Roadmap For Cyber Security Icons

We present our 5 year action plan and advantage roadmap for cyber security icons. This PowerPoint layout is easy to edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well researched 5 year action plan and advantage roadmap for cyber security icons in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

4 Stages Parallel Process Flow Diagram Ppt 5 Year Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

4 Stages Parallel Process Flow Diagram Ppt 5 Year Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

We present our 4 stages parallel process flow diagram ppt 5 year business plan PowerPoint Slides.Download our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because you have the people in place, selected the team leaders and all are raring to go. Use our Shapes PowerPoint Templates because They will Put your wonderful verbal artistry on display. Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will provide you the necessary glam and glitter. Present our Metaphors-Visual Concepts PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides ensures Effective communication. They help you put across your views with precision and clarity. Use our Signs PowerPoint Templates because you have the ideas to develop the teams vision of where they need to be in the future. Download and present our Business PowerPoint Templates because this template helps to pierce through the doubts of your audience.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to advertising, arrow, background, banner, blue, bookmark, business, button, card, collection, color, colorful, concept, creative, curl, customer, design, direction, element, four, illustration, infographic, label, layout, mark, marketing, message, new, number, offer, one, orange, paper, product, red, set, shadow, shiny, shop, sign, site, step, sticker, symbol, tag, three, two, vector, . The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Blue, Gray, Black. People tell us our 4 stages parallel process flow diagram ppt 5 year business plan PowerPoint Slides are Fun. Use our blue PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Fun. Use our 4 stages parallel process flow diagram ppt 5 year business plan PowerPoint Slides effectively help you save your valuable time. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our button PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Splendid. People tell us our 4 stages parallel process flow diagram ppt 5 year business plan PowerPoint Slides are Fun. Customers tell us our business PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Flirty. Achieve success with our 4 Stages Parallel Process Flow Diagram Ppt 5 Year Business Plan PowerPoint Slides. Download without worries with our money back guaranteee.

5 Year Action Plan And Advantage Roadmap For Employing Business Intelligence Guidelines

5 Year Action Plan And Advantage Roadmap For Employing Business Intelligence Guidelines

Presenting our innovatively structured 5 year action plan and advantage roadmap for employing business intelligence guidelines Template. Showcase your roadmap process in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG by clicking the download button below. This PPT design is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios. It can also be easily personalized and presented with modified font size, font type, color, and shapes to measure your progress in a clear way.

Round Arrows Pointing One Center 5 Year Business Plan Template PowerPoint Slides

Round Arrows Pointing One Center 5 Year Business Plan Template PowerPoint Slides

We present our round arrows pointing one center 5 year business plan template PowerPoint Slides.Use our Marketing PowerPoint Templates because It can Bubble and burst with your ideas. Download and present our Shapes PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will bullet point your ideas. See them fall into place one by one. Use our Radial Charts PowerPoint Templates because It will mark the footprints of your journey. Illustrate how they will lead you to your desired destination. Download our Business PowerPoint Templates because Your success is our commitment. Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will ensure you reach your goal. Present our Process and Flows PowerPoint Templates because you can Add colour to your speech with our PowerPoint Templates and Slides. Your presentation will leave your audience speechless.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to 3d, abstract, arrowhead, arrows, background, balance, best, blank, business, center, circle, communicate, communication, competition, diagram, direction, dynamic, equality, financial, geometrical, graph, information, meeting, modern, motion, navigate, perfection, pointing, round, shape, space, strategy, symbol, target, team, teamwork,. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Red, Gray, Black. Presenters tell us our round arrows pointing one center 5 year business plan template PowerPoint Slides are second to none. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our best PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides will help you be quick off the draw. Just enter your specific text and see your points hit home. People tell us our round arrows pointing one center 5 year business plan template PowerPoint Slides will make the presenter look like a pro even if they are not computer savvy. You can be sure our business PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are designed by a team of presentation professionals. The feedback we get is that our round arrows pointing one center 5 year business plan template PowerPoint Slides will generate and maintain the level of interest you desire. They will create the impression you want to imprint on your audience. You can be sure our arrowhead PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are readymade to fit into any presentation structure. Head in the right direction with our Round Arrows Pointing One Center 5 Year Business Plan Template PowerPoint Slides. Try us out and see what a difference our templates make.

5 Years Organizational Investment Planning And Forecasting Roadmap Themes

5 Years Organizational Investment Planning And Forecasting Roadmap Themes

Presenting our jaw dropping 5 years organizational investment planning and forecasting roadmap themes. You can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your strategic process. This PPT presentation is compatible with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. You can also download this well researched PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So utilize this visually appealing design by clicking the download button given below.

5 Year Business Digital Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt Model PDF

5 Year Business Digital Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt Model PDF

This slide covers plan for digital transformation to improve business strategies. It includes five year roadmap of awareness, standardization, proactive, service aligned and optimization. Presenting 5 Year Business Digital Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt Model PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises five stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Awareness, Proactive, Optimized, Service Aligned, Standardized. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

5 Years Future Plans 2012 To 2016 Growth PowerPoint Templates Ppt Slides Graphics

5 Years Future Plans 2012 To 2016 Growth PowerPoint Templates Ppt Slides Graphics

We present our 5 years future plans 2012 to 2016 growth PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics.Present our Marketing PowerPoint Templates because The marketplace is the merger of your dreams and your ability. Use our Timelines PowerPoint Templates because they are the stepping stones of our journey till date. Use our Business PowerPoint Templates because you have churned your mind and come upwith solutions. Download and present our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because it illustrates the city with a lasting tryst with resilience. You epitomise the qualities that give your city its fame. Download and present our Time planning PowerPoint Templates because you can spread the fruits of your efforts and elaborate your ideas on the prevention, diagnosis, control and cure of prevalent diseases.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Art, Background, Button, Call, City, Colorful, Concept, Country, Destination, Editable, Flag, Fuel, Geography, Graphic, Home, Icon, Illustration, Journey, Land, Locate, Location, Macro, Map, Mapping, Mark, Navigate, Needle, Petrol, Pin, Pinpoint, Place, Pointing, Pump, Push, Pushpin, Restaurant, Road, Roadmap, Service, Set, Shiny, Space, Symbol, Town, Travel, Trip. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Blue, Black, White. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our 5 years future plans 2012 to 2016 growth PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics are Bold. Customers tell us our Colorful PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Stylish. Customers tell us our 5 years future plans 2012 to 2016 growth PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics are visually appealing. Customers tell us our Call PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Fashionable. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our 5 years future plans 2012 to 2016 growth PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics will make the presenter look like a pro even if they are not computer savvy. People tell us our Destination PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Put your thoughts on the anvil. Fashion them with our 5 Years Future Plans 2012 To 2016 Growth PowerPoint Templates Ppt Slides Graphics.

5 Year Application Advantage Release Action Plan Roadmap Microsoft

5 Year Application Advantage Release Action Plan Roadmap Microsoft

Presenting the 5 year application advantage release action plan roadmap microsoft. The template includes a roadmap that can be used to initiate a strategic plan. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your needs. This PPT slide can be easily reached in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. The set is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. So download and use it multiple times as per your knowledge.

5 Year Advantage Action Plan Roadmap For Lead Generation Activities Infographics

5 Year Advantage Action Plan Roadmap For Lead Generation Activities Infographics

Introducing our 5 year advantage action plan roadmap for lead generation activities infographics. This PPT presentation is Google Slides compatible, therefore, you can share it easily with the collaborators for measuring the progress. Also, the presentation is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. So edit the template design by modifying the font size, font type, color, and shapes as per your requirements. As this PPT design is fully editable it can be presented in PDF, JPG and PNG formats.

5 Year Roadmap For Social Networking Marketing Plan Elements

5 Year Roadmap For Social Networking Marketing Plan Elements

Presenting our innovatively-structured 5 year roadmap for social networking marketing plan elements Template. Showcase your roadmap process in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG by clicking the download button below. This PPT design is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios. It can also be easily personalized and presented with modified font size, font type, color, and shapes to measure your progress in a clear way.

5 10 Year Forecast Planning PowerPoint Slides And Ppt Diagram Templates

5 10 Year Forecast Planning PowerPoint Slides And Ppt Diagram Templates

5 10 Year Forecast Planning PowerPoint Slides And PPT Diagram Templates-These high quality, editable pre-designed powerpoint slides have been carefully created by our professional team to help you impress your audience. Each graphic in every slide is vector based and is 100% editable in powerpoint. Each and every property of any slide - color, size, shading etc can be modified to build an effective powerpoint presentation. Use these slides to convey complex business concepts in a simplified manner. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT! Locate problems with our 5 10 Year Forecast Planning PowerPoint Slides And Ppt Diagram Templates. Download without worries with our money back guaranteee.

5 Stage Yearly Business Planning Cycle To Improve Customer Client Relationship Background PDF

5 Stage Yearly Business Planning Cycle To Improve Customer Client Relationship Background PDF

This slide signifies the five stages yearly planning cycle to enhance customer client relationship. It covers information about identify, plan, execute, implement and measure.Presenting 5 Stage Yearly Business Planning Cycle To Improve Customer Client Relationship Background PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Committee Meetings, Minimize Public Engagement, Affecting Community. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

5 Year Employee Career Transformation Plan Timeline Icon Ppt Professional Example File PDF

5 Year Employee Career Transformation Plan Timeline Icon Ppt Professional Example File PDF

Presenting 5 Year Employee Career Transformation Plan Timeline Icon Ppt Professional Example File PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including 5 Year, Employee Career, Transformation Plan, Timeline, Icon. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

5 Year Business Innovations Transformation Plan Timeline Icon Ppt Show Graphic Images PDF

5 Year Business Innovations Transformation Plan Timeline Icon Ppt Show Graphic Images PDF

Persuade your audience using this 5 Year Business Innovations Transformation Plan Timeline Icon Ppt Show Graphic Images PDF. This PPT design covers four stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including 5 Year, Business Innovations, Transformation Plan, Timeline Icon. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

5 Year Project Timeline Business Plan PowerPoint Templates Ppt Slides Graphics

5 Year Project Timeline Business Plan PowerPoint Templates Ppt Slides Graphics

We present our 5 year project timeline Business Plan PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics.Present our Marketing PowerPoint Templates because The marketplace is the merger of your dreams and your ability. Use our Time planning PowerPoint Templates because you can Focus on each one and investigate which one would be the best fit for your needs. Download and present our Timelines PowerPoint Templates because there are different paths to gain the necessary knowledge to acheive it. Use our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because using this Ideas will roll along in your mind like billiard balls. Present our Business PowerPoint Templates because you have analysed many global markets and come up with possibilities. Highlight the pros and cons of other likely business oppurtunities.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Art, Background, Button, Call, City, Colorful, Concept, Country, Destination, Editable, Flag, Fuel, Geography, Graphic, Home, Icon, Illustration, Journey, Land, Locate, Location, Macro, Map, Mapping, Mark, Navigate, Needle, Petrol, Pin, Pinpoint, Place, Pointing, Pump, Push, Pushpin, Restaurant, Road, Roadmap, Service, Set, Shiny, Space, Symbol, Town, Travel, Trip. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Red, Green, Blue. You can be sure our 5 year project timeline Business Plan PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics are Dazzling. You can be sure our City PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Enchanting. Professionals tell us our 5 year project timeline Business Plan PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics will help you be quick off the draw. Just enter your specific text and see your points hit home. Use our Button PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are incredible easy to use. Use our 5 year project timeline Business Plan PowerPoint Templates PPT Slides Graphics are Adorable. Use our Call PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides will impress their bosses and teams. Emphasise core aspects with our 5 Year Project Timeline Business Plan PowerPoint Templates Ppt Slides Graphics. Boil it down to the absolute basics.

5 Year Product Transformation Project Plan Timeline Ppt Model Graphics Design PDF

5 Year Product Transformation Project Plan Timeline Ppt Model Graphics Design PDF

This slide covers transformation plan for new product launch. It includes a five year timeline for series of activities from building prototype, presenting for approval from stakeholders, mass production, distribution ,etc. Persuade your audience using this 5 Year Product Transformation Project Plan Timeline Ppt Model Graphics Design PDF. This PPT design covers five stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including Build Product, Proposal Passed, Annual Meeting, Budget Allotted, 2018 To 2022. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

5 Years Business Administration Roadmap With Investment Planning Inspiration

5 Years Business Administration Roadmap With Investment Planning Inspiration

We present our 5 years business administration roadmap with investment planning inspiration. This PowerPoint layout is easy to edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well researched 5 years business administration roadmap with investment planning inspiration in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

Business Plan Of 5 Year In Timeline Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business Plan Of 5 Year In Timeline Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name business plan of 5 year in timeline ppt powerpoint presentation slides. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Key Plan Of 5 Year Business Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Outfit

Key Plan Of 5 Year Business Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Outfit

Presenting this set of slides with name key plan of 5 year business ppt powerpoint presentation ideas outfit. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

5 Year Supply Chain Management Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt Inspiration Design Templates PDF

5 Year Supply Chain Management Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt Inspiration Design Templates PDF

This slide covers business supply chain transformation plan for optimization of resources. It includes commitment from stakeholders, define vision, resource planning, plan initiation, roll out plan and sustain continuous improvement. Presenting 5 Year Supply Chain Management Transformation Plan Timeline Ppt Inspiration Design Templates PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises six stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Stakeholders Commitment, Vision And Mission, Planning, Initiative Plan. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

5 Year Business And Product Marketing Transformation Plan Timeline Background PDF

5 Year Business And Product Marketing Transformation Plan Timeline Background PDF

This slide covers business product marketing strategy plan. It includes timeline for setting visions, mission, defining offerings, customer segmentation ,marketing positioning strategy, selling model and product launch. Presenting 5 Year Business And Product Marketing Transformation Plan Timeline Background PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises five stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Vision and Mission, Define Offering, Product Launch. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

5 Year Software Advantage And Feature Update Action Plan Roadmap Structure

5 Year Software Advantage And Feature Update Action Plan Roadmap Structure

Presenting our jaw dropping 5 year software advantage and feature update action plan roadmap structure. You can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your strategic process. This PPT presentation is compatible with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. You can also download this well researched PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So utilize this visually appealing design by clicking the download button given below.

Skill Enhancement Plan Company Annual Production In Last 5 Years Template PDF

Skill Enhancement Plan Company Annual Production In Last 5 Years Template PDF

The following slide showcases the company annual production graph for last 5 years which shows that annual production has declined during this time period due to decrease in employees efficiency rate and high attrition in the company. Get a simple yet stunning designed Skill Enhancement Plan Company Annual Production In Last 5 Years Template PDF. It is the best one to establish the tone in your meetings. It is an excellent way to make your presentations highly effective. So, download this PPT today from Slidegeeks and see the positive impacts. Our easy-to-edit Skill Enhancement Plan Company Annual Production In Last 5 Years Template PDF can be your go-to option for all upcoming conferences and meetings. So, what are you waiting for Grab this template today.

New Market Segment Entry Plan Company Key Figures For Past 5 Years Introduction PDF

New Market Segment Entry Plan Company Key Figures For Past 5 Years Introduction PDF

This slide covers the dashboard with major values for the last five years. It includes KPIs such as sales, net operating profit, sales by geographic areas, and number of employees. Whether you have daily or monthly meetings, a brilliant presentation is necessary. New Market Segment Entry Plan Company Key Figures For Past 5 Years Introduction PDF can be your best option for delivering a presentation. Represent everything in detail using New Market Segment Entry Plan Company Key Figures For Past 5 Years Introduction PDF and make yourself stand out in meetings. The template is versatile and follows a structure that will cater to your requirements. All the templates prepared by Slidegeeks are easy to download and edit. Our research experts have taken care of the corporate themes as well. So, give it a try and see the results.

Skill Enhancement Plan Forecasted Increase In Company Revenue In Next 5 Years Inspiration PDF

Skill Enhancement Plan Forecasted Increase In Company Revenue In Next 5 Years Inspiration PDF

The following slide showcases the company revenues in last 5 years. Company revenus has declined during this time period because of untrained staff and low retention rate in the company. Crafting an eye-catching presentation has never been more straightforward. Let your presentation shine with this tasteful yet straightforward Skill Enhancement Plan Forecasted Increase In Company Revenue In Next 5 Years Inspiration PDF template. It offers a minimalistic and classy look that is great for making a statement. The colors have been employed intelligently to add a bit of playfulness while still remaining professional. Construct the ideal Skill Enhancement Plan Forecasted Increase In Company Revenue In Next 5 Years Inspiration PDF that effortlessly grabs the attention of your audience Begin now and be certain to wow your customers

Skill Enhancement Plan Employee Productivity And Efficiency Graph For Last 5 Years Microsoft PDF

Skill Enhancement Plan Employee Productivity And Efficiency Graph For Last 5 Years Microsoft PDF

The following slide showcases he employees productivity and efficiency graph for last years which shows that employees productivity has declined during this time period because of lack of training programs and high attrition rate. Find highly impressive Skill Enhancement Plan Employee Productivity And Efficiency Graph For Last 5 Years Microsoft PDF on Slidegeeks to deliver a meaningful presentation. You can save an ample amount of time using these presentation templates. No need to worry to prepare everything from scratch because Slidegeeks experts have already done a huge research and work for you. You need to download Skill Enhancement Plan Employee Productivity And Efficiency Graph For Last 5 Years Microsoft PDF for your upcoming presentation. All the presentation templates are 100 percent editable and you can change the color and personalize the content accordingly. Download now

Skill Enhancement Plan Forecasted Increase In Employees Productivity In Next 5 Years Pictures PDF

Skill Enhancement Plan Forecasted Increase In Employees Productivity In Next 5 Years Pictures PDF

The following slide showcases the expected increase in employees productivity rate in next 5 years. Major reasons behind this forecast are technical trainings provided to employees and better employee management after leadership development training program. Make sure to capture your audiences attention in your business displays with our gratis customizable Skill Enhancement Plan Forecasted Increase In Employees Productivity In Next 5 Years Pictures PDF. These are great for business strategies, office conferences, capital raising or task suggestions. If you desire to acquire more customers for your tech business and ensure they stay satisfied, create your own sales presentation with these plain slides.

5 Year Knowledge Management Execution Roadmap Background

5 Year Knowledge Management Execution Roadmap Background

Utilize our pre build 5 year knowledge management execution roadmap background to present your plan of action in the most effective way. Reduce the paperwork and showcase how different activities are linked to each other by incorporating this attention grabbing PowerPoint theme. This completely editable roadmap PPT layout is suitable to fit all your needs and to have a structured outline of the entire process flow using color coding. Provide guidelines to your teammates about the progression process by employing our PPT theme. Team members can easily be designated into teams by accessing the work milestones to be accomplished within the timeframe. You can easily modify the PowerPoint slide according to real time situations. Download our stunning 5 year knowledge management execution roadmap background, and you are good to go to prove your expertise in strategic planning.

5 Year Business Guidance Program Roadmap Portrait

5 Year Business Guidance Program Roadmap Portrait

We present our 5 year business guidance program roadmap portrait. This PowerPoint layout is easy-to-edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well-researched 5 year business guidance program roadmap portrait in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

5 Year Commodity Marketing Research Roadmap Template

5 Year Commodity Marketing Research Roadmap Template

We present our 5 year commodity marketing research roadmap template. This PowerPoint layout is easy-to-edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well-researched 5 year commodity marketing research roadmap template in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

5 Year Electronic Payment Fulfillment Roadmap Clipart

5 Year Electronic Payment Fulfillment Roadmap Clipart

We present our 5 year electronic payment fulfillment roadmap clipart. This PowerPoint layout is easy-to-edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well-researched 5 year electronic payment fulfillment roadmap clipart in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

5 Year Corporate Leader Orientation Roadmap Formats

5 Year Corporate Leader Orientation Roadmap Formats

We present our 5 year corporate leader orientation roadmap formats. This PowerPoint layout is easy-to-edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well-researched 5 year corporate leader orientation roadmap formats in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

5 Year Material Acquisition Process Roadmap Graphics

5 Year Material Acquisition Process Roadmap Graphics

We present our 5 year material acquisition process roadmap graphics. This PowerPoint layout is easy-to-edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well-researched 5 year material acquisition process roadmap graphics in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

5 Year Software Service Advancement Roadmap Download

5 Year Software Service Advancement Roadmap Download

We present our 5 year software service advancement roadmap download. This PowerPoint layout is easy to edit so you can change the font size, font type, color, and shape conveniently. In addition to this, the PowerPoint layout is Google Slides compatible, so you can share it with your audience and give them access to edit it. Therefore, download and save this well researched 5 year software service advancement roadmap download in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG to smoothly execute your business plan.

5 Year Software Program Migration Roadmap Diagrams

5 Year Software Program Migration Roadmap Diagrams

Introducing our 5 year software program migration roadmap diagrams. This PPT presentation is Google Slides compatible, therefore, you can share it easily with the collaborators for measuring the progress. Also, the presentation is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. So edit the template design by modifying the font size, font type, color, and shapes as per your requirements. As this PPT design is fully editable it can be presented in PDF, JPG and PNG formats.

5 Year Company Digital Change Roadmap Template

5 Year Company Digital Change Roadmap Template

Presenting our innovatively-structured 5 year company digital change roadmap template Template. Showcase your roadmap process in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG by clicking the download button below. This PPT design is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios. It can also be easily personalized and presented with modified font size, font type, color, and shapes to measure your progress in a clear way.

5 Year Clothing Business Setup Roadmap Pictures

5 Year Clothing Business Setup Roadmap Pictures

Presenting our jaw-dropping 5 year clothing business setup roadmap pictures. You can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your strategic process. This PPT presentation is compatible with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. You can also download this well-researched PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So utilize this visually-appealing design by clicking the download button given below.

presentation 5 year plan

Create moving, zooming presentations that grab attention and keep it.

presentation 5 year plan

Appear right alongside your content while presenting to your audience.

presentation 5 year plan

Make stunning interactive charts, reports, maps, infographics, and more.

You're about to create your best presentation ever

5 Year Plan Powerpoint Template

presentation 5 year plan

5 Year Plan

Transcript: 5 Year Plan Year 4 I'll graduate from Fresno State and continue to go to school to get my Masters Degree. I'll try to get a small company together to create mobile games. Year 1 Year 3 Year 2 Year 5 My first year out of high school, I will be attending Fresno State University and I will be majoring in Computer Science. Also starting in the Summer I will try to get a part time job to help pay for my tuition and also for money towards a car. Maybe a job in retail at Apple or Best Buy. 5 years from now I'll be looking for my own place to live, but still close to my family. I'll still be working on my masters degree, and still be working. By year 3, I hope to use what I have learned in my computer science classes to create a small mobile game or app that I can market to make a profit off of. 2 years from now, I assume I would have a car by then. Nothing too fancy, just good enough to get me to school and anywhere else I may want to go.

presentation 5 year plan

5 year plan

Transcript: am on the edge of glory Step 3 Task contruction skills web site . take techy maths and english. talk to relations about joinery. step 1 Step 2

presentation 5 year plan

Transcript: 5 year plan In 2014 I will begin to choose my subjects for what I can take to become a Child Psychologist 2015 Task In 2013 I will try and help my younger cousins get through things if they arfe having diffuculties:) 2012 2014 2013 When I reach the year 2016, I will then try and pass the classes which I got and reach brilliant grades. I will also carry on with my studying and helping my family if they have diffuculties. By 2015 I will carry on studying to become a Child Psychologist and work to my best ability to help younger children in my family if they are having diffuculties with something which is happening. (For practice). 2016 During 2012 I will ask my uncle (since he is a Child Psychologist) to tell me what he does in his job. I will also study and learn more about Child Psychology.

presentation 5 year plan

5 year Plan

Transcript: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hj3pdITG9U Year one: • Go To High School • Play Basketball • Get All A’s • Get A Job Year Two: •Cont’D High School •Be MVP Of Basketball Team •Still Have Good Grades/OR, Points •Still Have A Job http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hj3pdITG9U 5 year plan Year Three: • Continue HS • Get Scouted By College Basketball People • Make Money So I Can Get A Car • Have More Than 40 Points Year Four: • Last Year of HS • Hopefully Have A Good Basketball Scholarship • Have A Car • Pass High School • Start Side Career Of Comedic Actions

presentation 5 year plan

Transcript: Start college after 1 semester off Look for Game programming job 4th Year Par-tay! Look to transfer to DeVry 3rd Year Look for game programming/Design jobs Workout much more often Get job if I don't have one Get a freakin' license already. 2nd Year Still in college 1st year Find a part-time job My 5 Year Plan 5th Year Transfer if I haven't First woman I see after 5 years exactly from presenting this Prezi I'm going to marry.

presentation 5 year plan

5 YEAR PLAN!!!!!!!!!

Transcript: Youth Worker In 2015 i will try to pass my exams and have a few qualifications in a wide range of subjects so i have qualifications if i change my mind. In 2013 i will think about what subjects i should take to become a youth worker Task In 2012 i plan to learn a bit more about becoming a youth worker. In 2016 i will do a college course in youth work. In 2014 i will choose the subjects i enjoy and try and do well in exams.

presentation 5 year plan

Transcript: People that I have learned and worked alongside with. My Piano teacher Friends My goals for University is to put high standards for myself so I strive to achieve better then what usual comfort zone is. I wish to develop skills that I have not yet learned in middle or highschool and be able to apply it for my future "Persevernce will prevail" My Hobbies and Interests My counselor During my Free time, I am going to be as active as possible, in my opinon doing extracurricular activies and taking advantage of all the opportunities and resources that our landscape gives is really important. My Ways of Learning "Mistakes we make are all mental" My Goals During School My Goals and My life Open Minded Patient Respectful communication skills "Honesty, Integrity, bravery" "Practice makes perfect" After Graduation Goals Mr. Lloyd "Trust should not be feared" I want to be a Computer Programmer, and UBC has classes that would be an asset for me. Writing/Physical Everybody "How you learn, what ways you take information are crucial learning attributes My Family What is important to Learn My 5 year plan During My Free Time Finish School and move onto university. Visual

presentation 5 year plan


Transcript: i will hopefully be married already and starting a family I will go into the Air Force to become a pilot and an engineer After College During my second year of college i will join the ROTC program 2nd Year of College By Thomas Burris I will double major in aeronautical engineering and electronics engineering. I dont know what college I will go to yet I will become an aeronautical engineer for a short time.. save money I will try to start my own company that makes jets and planes for the military After the Air Force... College 5-Year-Plan

Explore our templates for more presentation inspiration

presentation 5 year plan

Customer Stories - Office

Description: Storytelling is at the heart of great service. Use this stunning, customizable business presentation template to highlight employees who do exceptional work or position your customers as the heroes of your business.

presentation 5 year plan

Sales KickOff - Rocket

Description: The sky’s the limit. Boost your new sales initiative into orbit with an engaging and compelling SKO presentation. This template features a effective sales kickoff theme that makes it easy to be engaging. Like all Prezi SKO templates, it’s fully customizable with your own information.

presentation 5 year plan

Quarterly Business Review - Downtown

Description: Add some color to your quarterly business review with this vibrant business presentation template. The bold visuals in this business template will make your next QBR a memorable one.

presentation 5 year plan

Marketing Proposal Template for Powerful Presentations | Prezi

Description: Catch the eye and engage the imagination with this cool-looking Prezi proposal template. The bold, bright design and highly dynamic theme all but guarantee success for your next sales or marketing proposal. All Prezi presentation templates are easily customized.

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  • Country support
  • Pacific technical support

Regional Director

  • Regional Committee
  • Collaborating Centers
  • Regional health initiatives

RCM meeting room

WHO announces highest level of alert for mpox

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Advice, data and research

Parliamentarians call for strengthening health workforce in the Asia Pacific

WHO country office representatives attend leadership programme on tobacco control

WHO supports Kiribati to employ a One Health approach to advancing food safety

The Western Pacific Region is home to almost 1.9 billion people across 37 countries and areas .

Who is working with governments and partners across the western pacific to make this the healthiest and safest region..

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Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala

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For the future

A five year vision for delivering better health in the Western Pacific Region

Regional priorities 2020-25

In line with the regional vision "For the Future", four priorities must be addressed to reach our goal of making the Western Pacific the safest and healthiest region.

Featured activities

Eliminating measles and rubella

Building climate-resilient health systems

Advancing health through gender, equity, human rights

Addressing drug-resistant TB

Malaysia – WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2024–2028

Malaysia – WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2024–2028

The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) is WHO’s strategic framework to guide the Organization’s work in and with a country. It responds to...

History as a partner in public health: a report of the foresight think tank on the history of pandemics

History as a partner in public health: a report of the foresight think tank on the history of pandemics

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Data, Strategy and Innovation group of the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific collaborated with eight...

Asia Pacific Health Security Action Framework

Asia Pacific Health Security Action Framework

Public health emergencies, including pandemics, highlight the need for health systems and services that are prepared, resilient and ready to respond to...

A review of health-care waste management policies in the Western Pacific Region: key findings from selected countries and areas

A review of health-care waste management policies in the Western Pacific Region: key findings from selected...

Health-care waste management is a critical aspect of health-care systems, crucial for public health and environmental sustainability. This report provides...

10th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities

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Call for nominations: Healthy Cities Awards 2024

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Stages // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsPerPage = parseInt(paginator); var itemsCount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemsCount ? ’Stages’ here means the number of divisions or graphic elements in the slide. For example, if you want a 4 piece puzzle slide, you can search for the word ‘puzzles’ and then select 4 ‘Stages’ here. We have categorized all our content according to the number of ‘Stages’ to make it easier for you to refine the results.

Category // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsperpage = parseint(paginator); var itemscount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemscount.

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presentation 5 year plan


  1. Top 7 5-Year Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    Template 1: 5-Year Strategic Business Plan PowerPoint PPT Template. Your five-year business strategy should outline the course your company is on. Portray with detailed slides how you foresee the sector will be like in five years, anticipated trends, and how your company will address the issues facing your target market.

  2. How to Create a 5-Year Plan Presentation for Career Development

    1. 5 Year Basic Timeline PowerPoint Template. A visual timeline layout to observe the major milestones to occur within the next 5 years according to your plan. This template can be used for future planning, introducing the story of a past project involved in your 5-year plan presentation, and much more.

  3. Top 10 Five-Year Strategic Plan Templates with Examples and ...

    Template 2: Five-Year Strategic Plan for Banking Business. Revolutionize your banking business strategy with an indispensable tool for financial institutions, navigating the dynamic landscape. This template includes content that can be divided into Phase 1 and Phase 2, spanning over a total of 5 years. You can outline the key parameters like ...

  4. Top 10 Five-year Strategic Plan Templates with Examples and ...

    Template 7: Five-Year Strategic Plan Roadmap Presentation Template. This PowerPoint Layout is a versatile roadmap created to guide businesses through the strategic planning process over five years, detailing the necessary actions at each step. It will assist teams from the initial timeline development and approach through mission and vision ...

  5. 5 Year Plan Template

    The 5 Year Plan template consists of four slides that are designed in a cool colour scheme. This template has a lot of infographics and all the tools you need to build a professional presentation. This template will be useful for HR managers when preparing an employee development plan.

  6. How to Create a 5-Year Plan (Plus Template and Examples)

    How to Create a 5-Year Plan (Plus Template and Examples)

  7. 5-year Business Plan PowerPoint Template

    Plan and review! Your 5-year business plan presentation is not just a one-time thing. You can come back to it every year, revise your metrics and adapt your strategy in order to meet your future goals. Get your presentation custom designed by us, starting at just $10 per slide. STEP 1.

  8. 5-Year Plan

    5-Year Plan - Free Timeline Templates

  9. How to Write a 5 Year Plan You'll Stick to (With Examples)

    How to Write a 5 Year Plan You'll Stick to (With Examples)

  10. 5-Year Timeline PowerPoint Template

    The 5-Year Timeline PowerPoint Template consists of five rectangular boxes linked with each other through short bars. Each box illustrates the year number, and overall, the chain presents the five-year plan. Each bar has a creative speech bubble with placeholder text for the title and description. Presenters can write the significant points ...

  11. Going somewhere? Write the 5-year plan you need to achieve it

    6 Steps to Write an Achievable 5 Year Plan (Template and ...

  12. The 6 Steps I Use to Create Five-Year Plans I Can Actually Stick To

    How to Create a 5-Year Plan You'll Actually Stick To [In 4 ...

  13. Annual Planning Templates: How to Make your 2021 Annual Plan

    An annual business plan is a work plan that outlines the goals, resources and operations a company will execute in a 1-year period. It usually includes an annual budget, project deadlines, roles and responsibilities. In other words, the annual plan acts as a roadmap for the organization and aligns internal teams to the yearly business goals.

  14. 3 4 5 Year Plan Slides for PowerPoint

    The 3 4 5 Year Plan Slides for PowerPoint comprises two slides with background color variations of blue and white. The planning template slide is divided into three vertical components or vertical columns, which individually represent the 3, 4, and 5-year plans, respectively. On the top of these rectangular segments, there are graphical icons.

  15. 5 Year Plan PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    5 Year Plan PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

  16. [Updated 2023] How to Write a Five Year Business Plan [Best ...

    A good 5-year business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines an organization's strategy for achieving its long-term goals. Here are some key elements to include in a good 5-year business plan: Executive summary: Provide an overview of your organization's mission, vision, and goals, as well as a summary of the key elements of your plan.

  17. 5 Year Plan PowerPoint Presentation and Google Slides Themes

    5 Year Plan PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates

  18. 5-Year Planning Roadmap Matrix Template

    The template slide is also compatible with Google Slides and Keynote. This one-pager 5-Year Planning Roadmap Matrix Template is a 5×5 matrix slide where the columns represent the years, and the rows mention the tasks or activities. The year labels have a creative chevron shape with editable text boxes. In front of each task label in the rows ...

  19. 5 Year Plan

    Presenting this set of slides with name key plan of 5 year business ppt powerpoint presentation ideas outfit. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, strategy, timeline, process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download.

  20. 5 year plan powerpoint template

    Description: Catch the eye and engage the imagination with this cool-looking Prezi proposal template. The bold, bright design and highly dynamic theme all but guarantee success for your next sales or marketing proposal. All Prezi presentation templates are easily customized. Get started with Prezi. Get inspiration for 5 Year Plan Powerpoint ...

  21. 5-Year Strategic Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

    Introducing our 5 Year Strategic Business Plan PowerPoint PPT Template cover slide, featuring a bold dark green theme that exudes confidence and sophistication. With our professionally designed template, you can showcase your long-term strategic vision with clarity and impact. Simply add your company name and incorporate a fitting image to set ...

  22. WHO Western Pacific

    WHO Western Pacific | World Health Organization

  23. 5 Year Plan

    5 Year Plan - Slide Team

  24. Five Year Plan

    5 Year Marketing Plan PowerPoint PPT Template Bundles. Slide 1 of 2. Five yearly planning roadmap for current to the future state. Slide 1 of 2. Data analytics five years action plan roadmap. Slide 1 of 2. Five years roadmap for a compensation plan with finalize budget. Slide 1 of 12.