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Hungarian Maximum Matching Algorithm

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The Hungarian matching algorithm , also called the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, is a \(O\big(|V|^3\big)\) algorithm that can be used to find maximum-weight matchings in bipartite graphs , which is sometimes called the assignment problem . A bipartite graph can easily be represented by an adjacency matrix , where the weights of edges are the entries. Thinking about the graph in terms of an adjacency matrix is useful for the Hungarian algorithm.

A matching corresponds to a choice of 1s in the adjacency matrix, with at most one 1 in each row and in each column.

The Hungarian algorithm solves the following problem:

In a complete bipartite graph \(G\), find the maximum-weight matching. (Recall that a maximum-weight matching is also a perfect matching.)

This can also be adapted to find the minimum-weight matching.

Say you are having a party and you want a musician to perform, a chef to prepare food, and a cleaning service to help clean up after the party. There are three companies that provide each of these three services, but one company can only provide one service at a time (i.e. Company B cannot provide both the cleaners and the chef). You are deciding which company you should purchase each service from in order to minimize the cost of the party. You realize that is an example of the assignment problem, and set out to make a graph out of the following information: \(\quad\) Company\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Cost for Musician\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Cost for Chef\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Cost for Cleaners\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Company A\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $108\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $125\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $150\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Company B\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $150\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $135\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $175\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Company C\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $122\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $148\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $250\(\quad\) Can you model this table as a graph? What are the nodes? What are the edges? Show Answer The nodes are the companies and the services. The edges are weighted by the price.

What are some ways to solve the problem above? Since the table above can be thought of as a \(3 \times 3\) matrix, one could certainly solve this problem using brute force, checking every combination and seeing what yields the lowest price. However, there are \(n!\) combinations to check, and for large \(n\), this method becomes very inefficient very quickly.

The Hungarian Algorithm Using an Adjacency Matrix

The hungarian algorithm using a graph.

With the cost matrix from the example above in mind, the Hungarian algorithm operates on this key idea: if a number is added to or subtracted from all of the entries of any one row or column of a cost matrix, then an optimal assignment for the resulting cost matrix is also an optimal assignment for the original cost matrix.

The Hungarian Method [1] Subtract the smallest entry in each row from all the other entries in the row. This will make the smallest entry in the row now equal to 0. Subtract the smallest entry in each column from all the other entries in the column. This will make the smallest entry in the column now equal to 0. Draw lines through the row and columns that have the 0 entries such that the fewest lines possible are drawn. If there are \(n\) lines drawn, an optimal assignment of zeros is possible and the algorithm is finished. If the number of lines is less than \(n\), then the optimal number of zeroes is not yet reached. Go to the next step. Find the smallest entry not covered by any line. Subtract this entry from each row that isn’t crossed out, and then add it to each column that is crossed out. Then, go back to Step 3.
Solve for the optimal solution for the example in the introduction using the Hungarian algorithm described above. Here is the initial adjacency matrix: Subtract the smallest value in each row from the other values in the row: Now, subtract the smallest value in each column from all other values in the column: Draw lines through the row and columns that have the 0 entries such that the fewest possible lines are drawn: There are 2 lines drawn, and 2 is less than 3, so there is not yet the optimal number of zeroes. Find the smallest entry not covered by any line. Subtract this entry from each row that isn’t crossed out, and then add it to each column that is crossed out. Then, go back to Step 3. 2 is the smallest entry. First, subtract from the uncovered rows: Now add to the covered columns: Now go back to step 3, drawing lines through the rows and columns that have 0 entries: There are 3 lines (which is \(n\)), so we are done. The assignment will be where the 0's are in the matrix such that only one 0 per row and column is part of the assignment. Replace the original values: The Hungarian algorithm tells us that it is cheapest to go with the musician from company C, the chef from company B, and the cleaners from company A. We can verify this by brute force. 108 + 135 + 250 = 493 108 + 148 + 175 = 431 150 + 125 + 250 = 525 150 + 148 + 150 = 448 122 + 125 + 175 = 422 122 + 135 + 150 = 407. We can see that 407 is the lowest price and matches the assignment the Hungarian algorithm determined. \(_\square\)

The Hungarian algorithm can also be executed by manipulating the weights of the bipartite graph in order to find a stable, maximum (or minimum) weight matching. This can be done by finding a feasible labeling of a graph that is perfectly matched, where a perfect matching is denoted as every vertex having exactly one edge of the matching.

How do we know that this creates a maximum-weight matching?

A feasible labeling on a perfect match returns a maximum-weighted matching. Suppose each edge \(e\) in the graph \(G\) connects two vertices, and every vertex \(v\) is covered exactly once. With this, we have the following inequality: \[w(M’) = \sum_{e\ \epsilon\ E} w(e) \leq \sum_{e\ \epsilon\ E } \big(l(e_x) + l(e_y)\big) = \sum_{v\ \epsilon\ V} l(v),\] where \(M’\) is any perfect matching in \(G\) created by a random assignment of vertices, and \(l(x)\) is a numeric label to node \(x\). This means that \(\sum_{v\ \epsilon\ V}\ l(v)\) is an upper bound on the cost of any perfect matching. Now let \(M\) be a perfect match in \(G\), then \[w(M) = \sum_{e\ \epsilon\ E} w(e) = \sum_{v\ \epsilon\ V}\ l(v).\] So \(w(M’) \leq w(M)\) and \(M\) is optimal. \(_\square\)

Start the algorithm by assigning any weight to each individual node in order to form a feasible labeling of the graph \(G\). This labeling will be improved upon by finding augmenting paths for the assignment until the optimal one is found.

A feasible labeling is a labeling such that

\(l(x) + l(y) \geq w(x,y)\ \forall x \in X, y \in Y\), where \(X\) is the set of nodes on one side of the bipartite graph, \(Y\) is the other set of nodes, \(l(x)\) is the label of \(x\), etc., and \(w(x,y)\) is the weight of the edge between \(x\) and \(y\).

A simple feasible labeling is just to label a node with the number of the largest weight from an edge going into the node. This is certain to be a feasible labeling because if \(A\) is a node connected to \(B\), the label of \(A\) plus the label of \(B\) is greater than or equal to the weight \(w(x,y)\) for all \(y\) and \(x\).

A feasible labeling of nodes, where labels are in red [2] .

Imagine there are four soccer players and each can play a few positions in the field. The team manager has quantified their skill level playing each position to make assignments easier.

How can players be assigned to positions in order to maximize the amount of skill points they provide?

The algorithm starts by labeling all nodes on one side of the graph with the maximum weight. This can be done by finding the maximum-weighted edge and labeling the adjacent node with it. Additionally, match the graph with those edges. If a node has two maximum edges, don’t connect them.

Although Eva is the best suited to play defense, she can't play defense and mid at the same time!

If the matching is perfect, the algorithm is done as there is a perfect matching of maximum weights. Otherwise, there will be two nodes that are not connected to any other node, like Tom and Defense. If this is the case, begin iterating.

Improve the labeling by finding the non-zero label vertex without a match, and try to find the best assignment for it. Formally, the Hungarian matching algorithm can be executed as defined below:

The Hungarian Algorithm for Graphs [3] Given: the labeling \(l\), an equality graph \(G_l = (V, E_l)\), an initial matching \(M\) in \(G_l\), and an unmatched vertex \(u \in V\) and \(u \notin M\) Augmenting the matching A path is augmenting for \(M\) in \(G_l\) if it alternates between edges in the matching and edges not in the matching, and the first and last vertices are free vertices , or unmatched, in \(M\). We will keep track of a candidate augmenting path starting at the vertex \(u\). If the algorithm finds an unmatched vertex \(v\), add on to the existing augmenting path \(p\) by adding the \(u\) to \(v\) segment. Flip the matching by replacing the edges in \(M\) with the edges in the augmenting path that are not in \(M\) \((\)in other words, the edges in \(E_l - M).\) Improving the labeling \(S \subseteq X\) and \(T \subseteq Y,\) where \(S\) and \(T\) represent the candidate augmenting alternating path between the matching and the edges not in the matching. Let \(N_l(S)\) be the neighbors to each node that is in \(S\) along edges in \(E_l\) such that \(N_l(S) = \{v|\forall u \in S: (u,v) \in E_l\}\). If \(N_l(S) = T\), then we cannot increase the size of the alternating path (and therefore can't further augment), so we need to improve the labeling. Let \(\delta_l\) be the minimum of \(l(u) + l(v) - w(u,v)\) over all of the \(u \in S\) and \(v \notin T\). Improve the labeling \(l\) to \(l'\): If \(r \in S,\) then \(l'(r) = l(r) - \delta_l,\) If \(r \in T,\) then \(l'(r) = l(r) + \delta_l.\) If \(r \notin S\) and \(r \notin T,\) then \(l'(r) = l(r).\) \(l'\) is a valid labeling and \(E_l \subset E_{l'}.\) Putting it all together: The Hungarian Algorithm Start with some matching \(M\), a valid labeling \(l\), where \(l\) is defined as the labelling \(\forall x \in X, y \in Y| l(y) = 0, l(x) = \text{ max}_{y \in Y}(w\big(x, y)\big)\). Do these steps until a perfect matching is found \((\)when \(M\) is perfect\():\) (a) Look for an augmenting path in \(M.\) (b) If an augmenting path does not exist, improve the labeling and then go back to step (a).

Each step will increase the size of the matching \(M\) or it will increase the size of the set of labeled edges, \(E_l\). This means that the process will eventually terminate since there are only so many edges in the graph \(G\). [4]

When the process terminates, \(M\) will be a perfect matching. By the Kuhn-Munkres theorem , this means that the matching is a maximum-weight matching.

The algorithm defined above can be implemented in the soccer scenario. First, the conflicting node is identified, implying that there is an alternating tree that must be reconfigured.

There is an alternating path between defense, Eva, mid, and Tom.

To find the best appropriate node, find the minimum \(\delta_l\), as defined in step 4 above, where \(l_u\) is the label for player \(u,\) \(l_v\) is the label for position \(v,\) and \(w_{u, v}\) is the weight on that edge.

The \(\delta_l\) of each unmatched node is computed, where the minimum is found to be a value of 2, between Tom playing mid \((8 + 0 – 6 = 2).\)

The labels are then augmented and the new edges are graphed in the example. Notice that defense and mid went down by 2 points, whereas Eva’s skillset got back two points. However, this is expected as Eva can't play in both positions at once.

Augmenting path leads to relabeling of nodes, which gives rise to the maximum-weighted path.

These new edges complete the perfect matching of the graph, which implies that a maximum-weighted graph has been found and the algorithm can terminate.

The complexity of the algorithm will be analyzed using the graph-based technique as a reference, yet the result is the same as for the matrix-based one.

Algorithm analysis [3] At each \(a\) or \(b\) step, the algorithm adds one edge to the matching and this happens \(O\big(|V|\big)\) times. It takes \(O\big(|V|\big)\) time to find the right vertex for the augmenting (if there is one at all), and it is \(O\big(|V|\big)\) time to flip the matching. Improving the labeling takes \(O\big(|V|\big)\) time to find \(\delta_l\) and to update the labelling accordingly. We might have to improve the labeling up to \(O\big(|V|\big)\) times if there is no augmenting path. This makes for a total of \(O\big(|V|^2\big)\) time. In all, there are \(O\big(|V|\big)\) iterations each taking \(O\big(|V|\big)\) work, leading to a total running time of \(O\big(|V|^3\big)\).
  • Matching Algorithms
  • Bruff, D. The Assignment Problem and the Hungarian Method . Retrieved June 26, 2016, from
  • Golin, M. Bipartite Matching & the Hungarian Method . Retrieved Retrieved June 26th, 2016, from
  • Grinman, A. The Hungarian Algorithm for Weighted Bipartite Graphs . Retrieved June 26, 2016, from
  • Golin, M. Bipartite Matching & the Hungarian Method . Retrieved June 26, 2016, from

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Hungarian Algorithm for Assignment Problem | Set 2 (Implementation)

Given a 2D array , arr of size N*N where arr[i][j] denotes the cost to complete the j th job by the i th worker. Any worker can be assigned to perform any job. The task is to assign the jobs such that exactly one worker can perform exactly one job in such a way that the total cost of the assignment is minimized.

Input: arr[][] = {{3, 5}, {10, 1}} Output: 4 Explanation: The optimal assignment is to assign job 1 to the 1st worker, job 2 to the 2nd worker. Hence, the optimal cost is 3 + 1 = 4. Input: arr[][] = {{2500, 4000, 3500}, {4000, 6000, 3500}, {2000, 4000, 2500}} Output: 4 Explanation: The optimal assignment is to assign job 2 to the 1st worker, job 3 to the 2nd worker and job 1 to the 3rd worker. Hence, the optimal cost is 4000 + 3500 + 2000 = 9500.

Different approaches to solve this problem are discussed in this article .

Approach: The idea is to use the Hungarian Algorithm to solve this problem. The algorithm is as follows:

  • For each row of the matrix, find the smallest element and subtract it from every element in its row.
  • Repeat the step 1 for all columns.
  • Cover all zeros in the matrix using the minimum number of horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Test for Optimality : If the minimum number of covering lines is N , an optimal assignment is possible. Else if lines are lesser than N , an optimal assignment is not found and must proceed to step 5.
  • Determine the smallest entry not covered by any line. Subtract this entry from each uncovered row, and then add it to each covered column. Return to step 3.

Consider an example to understand the approach:

Let the 2D array be: 2500 4000 3500 4000 6000 3500 2000 4000 2500 Step 1: Subtract minimum of every row. 2500, 3500 and 2000 are subtracted from rows 1, 2 and 3 respectively. 0   1500  1000 500  2500   0 0   2000  500 Step 2: Subtract minimum of every column. 0, 1500 and 0 are subtracted from columns 1, 2 and 3 respectively. 0    0   1000 500  1000   0 0   500  500 Step 3: Cover all zeroes with minimum number of horizontal and vertical lines. Step 4: Since we need 3 lines to cover all zeroes, the optimal assignment is found.   2500   4000  3500  4000  6000   3500   2000  4000  2500 So the optimal cost is 4000 + 3500 + 2000 = 9500

For implementing the above algorithm, the idea is to use the max_cost_assignment() function defined in the dlib library . This function is an implementation of the Hungarian algorithm (also known as the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm) which runs in O(N 3 ) time. It solves the optimal assignment problem. 

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

Time Complexity: O(N 3 ) Auxiliary Space: O(N 2 )

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The assignment problem and its relation to logistics problems.

assignment algorithm

1. Introduction

2. the assignment problem model, 3. routing problems, 3.1. travelling salesman problem, 3.2. vehicle routing problem, 4. distribution problems, 4.1. container transportation problem, 4.2. allocation problem, 4.3. location problem, 4.4. capacitated network area coverage, 4.5. transportation problem with supply from primary source, 4.6. crop problem, 5. scheduling problems, mathematical model of pfssp.

  • The first task in a permutation can always continue the next operation on the next machine without delay because it does not wait for the completion of any other operation.
  • It follows from the previous conclusion that waiting times to start the operation of the first task in the permutation on the second and subsequent machines are given by the sum of the durations of the operations of that task on the previous machines.
  • Equalities of 3 addition terms in Figure 1 can be generalized into a Gantt chart between all pairs of neighboring machines.
  • The duration of the entire schedule (makespan) is given by the sum of the waiting times for the start of operations on the last machine and the duration of these operations.

6. Computational Results

6.1. pfssp computational results, 6.2. tsp implementation in gams, 6.3. data, changes in time, uncertainty, 7. conclusions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

APAssignment Problem
TSPTravelling Salesman Problem
VRPVehicle Routing Problem
PFSSPPermutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
GAMSGeneral Algebraic Modelling System
GAGenetic Algorithm
ANNArtificial Neural Network
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BenchmarkResult/Optimum/Early EndTime [S]Iterations
5372/in [4890, 4951]/t-l-e1000.032,145,971
BenchmarkAverage Result/the Best ResultOptimum
5261/5203between 4890 and 4951
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Seda, M. The Assignment Problem and Its Relation to Logistics Problems. Algorithms 2022 , 15 , 377.

Seda M. The Assignment Problem and Its Relation to Logistics Problems. Algorithms . 2022; 15(10):377.

Seda, Milos. 2022. "The Assignment Problem and Its Relation to Logistics Problems" Algorithms 15, no. 10: 377.

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Hungarian Method

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The Hungarian method is a computational optimization technique that addresses the assignment problem in polynomial time and foreshadows following primal-dual alternatives. In 1955, Harold Kuhn used the term “Hungarian method” to honour two Hungarian mathematicians, Dénes Kőnig and Jenő Egerváry. Let’s go through the steps of the Hungarian method with the help of a solved example.

Hungarian Method to Solve Assignment Problems

The Hungarian method is a simple way to solve assignment problems. Let us first discuss the assignment problems before moving on to learning the Hungarian method.

What is an Assignment Problem?

A transportation problem is a type of assignment problem. The goal is to allocate an equal amount of resources to the same number of activities. As a result, the overall cost of allocation is minimised or the total profit is maximised.

Because available resources such as workers, machines, and other resources have varying degrees of efficiency for executing different activities, and hence the cost, profit, or loss of conducting such activities varies.

Assume we have ‘n’ jobs to do on ‘m’ machines (i.e., one job to one machine). Our goal is to assign jobs to machines for the least amount of money possible (or maximum profit). Based on the notion that each machine can accomplish each task, but at variable levels of efficiency.

Hungarian Method Steps

Check to see if the number of rows and columns are equal; if they are, the assignment problem is considered to be balanced. Then go to step 1. If it is not balanced, it should be balanced before the algorithm is applied.

Step 1 – In the given cost matrix, subtract the least cost element of each row from all the entries in that row. Make sure that each row has at least one zero.

Step 2 – In the resultant cost matrix produced in step 1, subtract the least cost element in each column from all the components in that column, ensuring that each column contains at least one zero.

Step 3 – Assign zeros

  • Analyse the rows one by one until you find a row with precisely one unmarked zero. Encircle this lonely unmarked zero and assign it a task. All other zeros in the column of this circular zero should be crossed out because they will not be used in any future assignments. Continue in this manner until you’ve gone through all of the rows.
  • Examine the columns one by one until you find one with precisely one unmarked zero. Encircle this single unmarked zero and cross any other zero in its row to make an assignment to it. Continue until you’ve gone through all of the columns.

Step 4 – Perform the Optimal Test

  • The present assignment is optimal if each row and column has exactly one encircled zero.
  • The present assignment is not optimal if at least one row or column is missing an assignment (i.e., if at least one row or column is missing one encircled zero). Continue to step 5. Subtract the least cost element from all the entries in each column of the final cost matrix created in step 1 and ensure that each column has at least one zero.

Step 5 – Draw the least number of straight lines to cover all of the zeros as follows:

(a) Highlight the rows that aren’t assigned.

(b) Label the columns with zeros in marked rows (if they haven’t already been marked).

(c) Highlight the rows that have assignments in indicated columns (if they haven’t previously been marked).

(d) Continue with (b) and (c) until no further marking is needed.

(f) Simply draw the lines through all rows and columns that are not marked. If the number of these lines equals the order of the matrix, then the solution is optimal; otherwise, it is not.

Step 6 – Find the lowest cost factor that is not covered by the straight lines. Subtract this least-cost component from all the uncovered elements and add it to all the elements that are at the intersection of these straight lines, but leave the rest of the elements alone.

Step 7 – Continue with steps 1 – 6 until you’ve found the highest suitable assignment.

Hungarian Method Example

Use the Hungarian method to solve the given assignment problem stated in the table. The entries in the matrix represent each man’s processing time in hours.

\(\begin{array}{l}\begin{bmatrix} & I & II & III & IV & V \\1 & 20 & 15 & 18 & 20 & 25 \\2 & 18 & 20 & 12 & 14 & 15 \\3 & 21 & 23 & 25 & 27 & 25 \\4 & 17 & 18 & 21 & 23 & 20 \\5 & 18 & 18 & 16 & 19 & 20 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

With 5 jobs and 5 men, the stated problem is balanced.

\(\begin{array}{l}A = \begin{bmatrix}20 & 15 & 18 & 20 & 25 \\18 & 20 & 12 & 14 & 15 \\21 & 23 & 25 & 27 & 25 \\17 & 18 & 21 & 23 & 20 \\18 & 18 & 16 & 19 & 20 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

Subtract the lowest cost element in each row from all of the elements in the given cost matrix’s row. Make sure that each row has at least one zero.

\(\begin{array}{l}A = \begin{bmatrix}5 & 0 & 3 & 5 & 10 \\6 & 8 & 0 & 2 & 3 \\0 & 2 & 4 & 6 & 4 \\0 & 1 & 4 & 6 & 3 \\2 & 2 & 0 & 3 & 4 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

Subtract the least cost element in each Column from all of the components in the given cost matrix’s Column. Check to see if each column has at least one zero.

\(\begin{array}{l}A = \begin{bmatrix}5 & 0 & 3 & 3 & 7 \\6 & 8 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 2 & 4 & 4 & 1 \\0 & 1 & 4 & 4 & 0 \\2 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

When the zeros are assigned, we get the following:

Hungarian Method

The present assignment is optimal because each row and column contain precisely one encircled zero.

Where 1 to II, 2 to IV, 3 to I, 4 to V, and 5 to III are the best assignments.

Hence, z = 15 + 14 + 21 + 20 + 16 = 86 hours is the optimal time.

Practice Question on Hungarian Method

Use the Hungarian method to solve the following assignment problem shown in table. The matrix entries represent the time it takes for each job to be processed by each machine in hours.

\(\begin{array}{l}\begin{bmatrix}J/M & I & II & III & IV & V \\1 & 9 & 22 & 58 & 11 & 19 \\2 & 43 & 78 & 72 & 50 & 63 \\3 & 41 & 28 & 91 & 37 & 45 \\4 & 74 & 42 & 27 & 49 & 39 \\5 & 36 & 11 & 57 & 22 & 25 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

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Frequently Asked Questions on Hungarian Method

What is hungarian method.

The Hungarian method is defined as a combinatorial optimization technique that solves the assignment problems in polynomial time and foreshadowed subsequent primal–dual approaches.

What are the steps involved in Hungarian method?

The following is a quick overview of the Hungarian method: Step 1: Subtract the row minima. Step 2: Subtract the column minimums. Step 3: Use a limited number of lines to cover all zeros. Step 4: Add some more zeros to the equation.

What is the purpose of the Hungarian method?

When workers are assigned to certain activities based on cost, the Hungarian method is beneficial for identifying minimum costs.

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assignment algorithm

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Solving assignment problem using min-cost-flow ¶

The assignment problem has two equivalent statements:

  • Given a square matrix $A[1..N, 1..N]$ , you need to select $N$ elements in it so that exactly one element is selected in each row and column, and the sum of the values of these elements is the smallest.
  • There are $N$ orders and $N$ machines. The cost of manufacturing on each machine is known for each order. Only one order can be performed on each machine. It is required to assign all orders to the machines so that the total cost is minimized.

Here we will consider the solution of the problem based on the algorithm for finding the minimum cost flow (min-cost-flow) , solving the assignment problem in $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ .

Description ¶

Let's build a bipartite network: there is a source $S$ , a drain $T$ , in the first part there are $N$ vertices (corresponding to rows of the matrix, or orders), in the second there are also $N$ vertices (corresponding to the columns of the matrix, or machines). Between each vertex $i$ of the first set and each vertex $j$ of the second set, we draw an edge with bandwidth 1 and cost $A_{ij}$ . From the source $S$ we draw edges to all vertices $i$ of the first set with bandwidth 1 and cost 0. We draw an edge with bandwidth 1 and cost 0 from each vertex of the second set $j$ to the drain $T$ .

We find in the resulting network the maximum flow of the minimum cost. Obviously, the value of the flow will be $N$ . Further, for each vertex $i$ of the first segment there is exactly one vertex $j$ of the second segment, such that the flow $F_{ij}$ = 1. Finally, this is a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices of the first segment and the vertices of the second part, which is the solution to the problem (since the found flow has a minimal cost, then the sum of the costs of the selected edges will be the lowest possible, which is the optimality criterion).

The complexity of this solution of the assignment problem depends on the algorithm by which the search for the maximum flow of the minimum cost is performed. The complexity will be $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ using Dijkstra or $\mathcal{O}(N^4)$ using Bellman-Ford . This is due to the fact that the flow is of size $O(N)$ and each iteration of Dijkstra algorithm can be performed in $O(N^2)$ , while it is $O(N^3)$ for Bellman-Ford.

Implementation ¶

The implementation given here is long, it can probably be significantly reduced. It uses the SPFA algorithm for finding shortest paths.

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  • Prof. Erik Demaine
  • Prof. Srini Devadas
  • Prof. Nancy Lynch


  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Mathematics

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  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Computer Networks
  • Cryptography
  • Applied Mathematics

Learning Resource Types

Design and analysis of algorithms, assignments, problem sets.

Ten problem sets will be assigned during the semester.

Problem sets should be submitted in PDF format. Formatting your problem set in LaTeX will make it easier for us to read; however, any method of generating the PDF is acceptable (including scanning handwritten documents), as long as it is clearly legible.

The problem sets include exercises that should be solved but not handed in. These questions are intended to help you master the course material and will be useful in solving the assigned problems. Material covered in exercises will be tested on exams.

Guide to Writing Up Homework

You should be as clear and precise as possible in your write-up of solutions. Understandability of your answer is as desirable as correctness, because communication of technical material is an important skill.

A simple, direct analysis is worth more points than a convoluted one, both because it is simpler and less prone to error and because it is easier to read and understand. Sloppy answers will receive fewer points, even if they are correct, so make sure that your handwriting and your thoughts are legible. If writing your problem set by hand, it is a good idea to copy over your solutions to hand in, which will make your work neater and give you a chance to do sanity checks and correct bugs. If typesetting, reviewing the problem set while typing it in often has this effect. In either case, going over your solution at least once before submitting it is strongly recommended.

You will often be called upon to “give an algorithm” to solve a certain problem. Your write-up should take the form of a short essay. A topic paragraph should summarize the problem you are solving and what your results are. The body of your essay should provide the following:

  • A description of the algorithm in English and, if helpful, pseudocode.
  • At least one worked example or diagram to show more precisely how your algorithm works.
  • A proof (or indication) of the correctness of the algorithm.
  • An analysis of the running time of the algorithm.

Remember, your goal is to communicate. Graders will be instructed to take off points for convoluted and obtuse descriptions.


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  1. assignment method algorithm

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  2. Assignment algorithm

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  1. Assignment problem

    In the balanced assignment problem, both parts of the bipartite graph have the same number of vertices, denoted by n. One of the first polynomial-time algorithms for balanced assignment was the Hungarian algorithm. It is a global algorithm - it is based on improving a matching along augmenting paths (alternating paths between unmatched vertices).

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  3. Hungarian Algorithm for Assignment Problem

    The Hungarian algorithm, aka Munkres assignment algorithm, utilizes the following theorem for polynomial runtime complexity (worst case O(n 3)) and guaranteed optimality: If a number is added to or subtracted from all of the entries of any one row or column of a cost matrix, then an optimal assignment for the resulting cost matrix is also an ...

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    The algorithm maintains a matching M and compatible prices p. Pf. Follows from Lemmas 2 and 3 and initial choice of prices. ! Theorem. The algorithm returns a min cost perfect matching. Pf. Upon termination M is a perfect matching, and p are compatible Optimality follows from Observation 2. ! Theorem. The algorithm can be implemented in O(n 3 ...

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  8. Assignment Problem and Hungarian Algorithm

    General description of the algorithm. This problem is known as the assignment problem. The assignment problem is a special case of the transportation problem, which in turn is a special case of the min-cost flow problem, so it can be solved using algorithms that solve the more general cases. Also, our problem is a special case of binary integer ...

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    The assignment problem is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problems in the branch of optimization or operations research in mathematics. In an ... The Simplex Algorithm is a general purpose algorithm to find the maximum/minimum of a linear cost function with linear constraints.

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    The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm which solves the assignment problem in polynomial time . Later it was discovered that it was a primal-dual Simplex method.. It was developed and published by Harold Kuhn in 1955, who gave the name "Hungarian method" because the algorithm was largely based on the earlier works of two Hungarian mathematicians: Denes Konig and Jeno ...

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    advantage of it- this is the Hungarian Algorithm. The Hungarian Algorithm The Hungarian Algorithm is an algorithm designed to solve the assignment problem. We'll sum-marize it, but let's try the MachineCo problem as an example of how this algorithm will work. First, we build a table with just our costs (or in this case, our times): 1

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    The total time required is then 69 + 37 + 11 + 23 = 140 minutes. All other assignments lead to a larger amount of time required. The Hungarian algorithm can be used to find this optimal assignment. The steps of the Hungarian algorithm can be found here, and an explanation of the Hungarian algorithm based on the example above can be found here.

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    The matrix below shows the cost of assigning a certain worker to a certain job. The objective is to minimize the total cost of the assignment. Below we will explain the Hungarian algorithm using this example. Note that a general description of the algorithm can be found here. Step 1: Subtract row minima.

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    For implementing the above algorithm, the idea is to use the max_cost_assignment() function defined in the dlib library. This function is an implementation of the Hungarian algorithm (also known as the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm) which runs in O(N 3) time. It solves the optimal assignment problem. Below is the implementation of the above approach:

  16. Solve the assignment problem online

    Solve an assignment problem online. Fill in the cost matrix of an assignment problem and click on 'Solve'. The optimal assignment will be determined and a step by step explanation of the hungarian algorithm will be given. Fill in the cost matrix (random cost matrix):

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    The assignment problem is a problem that takes many forms in optimization and graph theory, and by changing some of the constraints or interpreting them differently and adding other constraints, it can be converted to routing, distribution, and scheduling problems. Showing such correlations is one of the aims of this paper. For some of the derived problems having exponential time complexity ...

  18. PDF The Assignment Problem and the Hungarian Method

    The Hungarian Method: The following algorithm applies the above theorem to a given n × n cost matrix to find an optimal assignment. Step 1. Subtract the smallest entry in each row from all the entries of its ... above) is an algorithm which finds an optimal assignment for a given cost matrix. 31. Title: assignment_overheads.dvi Created Date:

  19. Hungarian algorithm

    The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time and which anticipated later primal-dual methods.It was developed and published in 1955 by Harold Kuhn, who gave it the name "Hungarian method" because the algorithm was largely based on the earlier works of two Hungarian mathematicians, Dénes Kőnig and Jenő Egerváry.

  20. Hungarian Method

    The Hungarian method is a computational optimization technique that addresses the assignment problem in polynomial time and foreshadows following primal-dual alternatives. In 1955, Harold Kuhn used the term "Hungarian method" to honour two Hungarian mathematicians, Dénes Kőnig and Jenő Egerváry. Let's go through the steps of the Hungarian method with the help of a solved example.

  21. PDF The Hungarian method for the assignment problem

    THE HUNGARIAN METHOD FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. PROBLEM'. H. W. Kuhn. Bryn Y a w College. Assuming that numerical scores are available for the perform- ance of each of n persons on each of n jobs, the "assignment problem" is the quest for an assignment of persons to jobs so that the sum of the. n scores so obtained is as large as possible.

  22. Assignment problem

    The complexity of this solution of the assignment problem depends on the algorithm by which the search for the maximum flow of the minimum cost is performed. The complexity will be $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ using Dijkstra or $\mathcal{O}(N^4)$ using Bellman-Ford.

  23. Assignments

    A description of the algorithm in English and, if helpful, pseudocode. At least one worked example or diagram to show more precisely how your algorithm works. A proof (or indication) of the correctness of the algorithm. An analysis of the running time of the algorithm. Remember, your goal is to communicate.