
Table of Contents

  • General information
  • Foreign Degrees
  • Overview of the application process
  • Supervision Agreement
  • Information on diploma and certificates / copies
  • TUM-ID and TUM E-Mail Address
  • „Direct Track“ from a Master’s program
  • Membership and roles as a doctoral candidate
  • Changes of your doctorate at NAT
  • Qualification program
  • Internationalisation funds of the TUM Graduate School
  • Active participation in the academic environment of TUM
  • Reporting teaching at NAT
  • Submission of the thesis
  • Acceptance of the dissertation and doctoral examination
  • Publication of the thesis and final steps
  • Contact for doctoral matters at the TUM School of Natural Sciences

Application as a PhD student at NAT ¶

Requirements ¶.

Admission to a doctorate at TUM requires a university degree completed with above-average results (Diploma, Magister, or Master’s), an equivalent state examination, or a Master’s examination at a university of applied science.

Results are considered above average if studies were completed with an average grade of at least 2.5 or passed with a “good.” For Foreign Degrees , the grades are “translated” to the German grading system for a fair comparison.

In exceptional cases, you may prove your above-average qualifications through academic work (e.g., publications) completed after your course of study.

Foreign Degrees ¶

The TUM examination office reviews all degrees from foreign universities while processing your application to enter the doctoral candidacy list. You will get an authoritative answer as to whether your degree is recognized at the beginning of your PhD project. TUM no longer charges a fee for the review process.

We thank you for understanding that we can only answer questions on recognizing foreign degrees within the review process. You may check the Anabin database (in German) on the classification of foreign universities and degrees yourself.

To qualify as an equivalent degree, a master’s degree in science must include a master’s thesis. We evaluate individually if your master’s thesis is comparable to a German master’s thesis, e.g., equivalent to a master’s thesis at TUM.

Overview of the application process ¶

Your application and acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the TUM School of Natural Sciences consists of the following steps:

Registration at the TUM Graduate School: Membership at the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences or another Graduate Center: Qualification program, internationalization support…

Entry onto the list of doctoral candidates

Membership at TUM: TUM-ID (TUM-Kennung) . All doctoral candidates at NAT require a TUM-ID (membership at TUM)!

optional: Enrollment as a doctoral student at TUM (student status)

Please finish the online registration and bring all the documents to the Dean’s office / doctoral studies :

TUM-GS: Information for candidates with a German Master’s degree

TUM-GS: Information for candidates with a foreign Master’s degree

You may also send us the required documents in one batch , but experience shows that the most efficient way is to do it in person .

Please note from the lists linked above that we require some paper documents. Hence, you cannot complete the registration by email.

Registration at the TUM Graduate School: Membership at the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences ¶

The natural choice for Ph.D. students at NAT is to choose the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences as their graduate center.

DocGS is the central online registration portal for doctoral students at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). At this portal, you register as a doctoral candidate and then apply for entry into the list of PhD students.

After registration, you must join the TUM Graduate School and the TUM School of Natural Sciences. All required documents have to be submitted to our Dean’s office and will be reviewed before your application is finalized.

Supervision Agreement ¶

Future members of the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences (GC-NAT) may download the supervision agreement files/betreuungsvereinbarung_GC-NAT-de.pdf , fill it in, get it signed, and hand it in at the Graduate Canter of Natural Sciences or the Dean’s office.

The signature of the GC-NAT can be obtained when you hand in the supervision agreement.

You only need to add the actual supervision agreement to your documents. You keep the project plan safe and continuously review and update it with your supervisor.

If you are considering becoming a member of another (topical) graduate center, please inquire about specific information there.

Supervision agreement of the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences

PDF download: files/betreuungsvereinbarung_GC-NAT-de.pdf

English translation of the official generic supervision agreement from TUM-GS:

PDF download: files/muster-betreuungsvereinbarung-en.pdf

Please note that only the German supervision agreement is legally binding and accepted. The translated generic version is just for your convenience.

Please submit the signed supervision agreement (ink on paper) and other documents to the Dean’s office. The Dean’s office will obtain the signature of the Graduate Center NAT once we have the paper with the remaining signatures.

For some fields like subject-specific courses , teaching at TUM , etc., it is expected that not all details are known at the start of your Ph.D. project. We recommend only filling in the available and agreed-upon information in these cases. Details can be added later, e.g., within your PhD project’s project plan (exposé).

At the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences, we only accept supervision agreements where a mentor has been named and signed by the mentor.

We suggest picking someone preliminary if you are still determining a suitable mentor. You can select anyone with a Ph.D., e.g., someone from your current setting. Our only recommendation is that you choose a mentor who is not too close to your supervisor and thus can give you an independent view and advice. I.e., someone from outside the research group of your supervisor.

The mentor can change at any time.

TUM-GS has more information here: https://www.gs.tum.de/en/gs/supervisors/good-supervision/mentoring/

Entry onto the list of doctoral candidates ¶

Your formal entry onto the list of doctoral candidates is also administered via DocGS. It is part of the registration process at the TUM School of Natural Sciences.

Please follow the steps outlined at the TUM-GS pages for either

German University Degrees

or Foreign University Degrees

Information on diploma and certificates / copies ¶

It is sufficient to bring the original TUM diploma and certificates to the Dean’s office for TUM degrees.

For other German or international degrees, you will require officially certified copies of your diploma and final university transcript (no originals).

The documents must be on paper. There needs to be more than a scanned PDF of a certified copy sent by email.

  • Further information about the necessary notarization is available on the web pages of the TUM Student Advising and Information Services: German: https://www.tum.de/studium/bewerbung/infoportal-bewerbung/beglaubigung-von-dokumenten English: https://www.tum.de/en/studies/application/application-info-portal/notarization

TUM-ID and TUM E-Mail Address ¶

If you still need a TUM account , please register at TUM and obtain a TUM-ID as described in section Membership at TUM: TUM-ID (TUM-Kennung) .

Enter your TUM E-Mail address in DocGS. In contrast to others you may keep this (at least as a forwarding address ) for the rest of your life.

„Direct Track“ from a Master’s program ¶

Talented students can continue the Master’s research phase seamlessly with a doctoral project, speeding up their academic career. If you do not have a Master’s degree, you may choose this track on your way to a doctoral degree from the TUM School of Natural Sciences. The “Direct Track” program combines the advantages of the traditional model with the speed of a “Fast Track” – without the disadvantages like a (formally) missing Master’s degree.

Students interested in the “Direct Track” apply for a regular Master program . You may still use the advanced studies in the first year to become familiar with the research groups and find the perfect group for your science interests.

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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Outstanding research groups, an international environment and numerous research alliances – the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) offers you an excellent environment for your scientific career. The TUM Graduate School and our Graduate Center (GC-CIT) will support you from the outset.

How do I start my doctoral project at CIT?

Check whether you meet the requirements for a doctorate at cit.

  • You have found a thesis supervisor at CIT . Contact a potential thesis supervisor yourself for this purpose. You can obtain an overview of research areas and professors at CIT by going to the Research page of our school , selecting the department relevant to you and clicking on "Our research".
  • You have an above-average degree that qualifies you to pursue a doctorate (usually at least 2.5).
  • Only for applicants with an international degree : Your qualifying degree must be recognized in Germany . Please note that this process may take some time! For more information, see the relevant pages of TUM-GS .
  • Clarify the individual funding of your doctorate. Information about the various funding options can be found on the pages of theTUM-GS .

Fill out the GC-CIT Supervision Agreement

Fill out the Supervision Agreement together with your thesis supervisor.

Note the following:

  • "Second thesis supervisor": A second thesis supervisor is only possible under certain conditions, such as a cooperative doctorate or a Cotutelle Program.
  • Mentor:  A mentor shouldn’t, if possible, belong to the same research group as the supervisor. If your preferred mentor doesn't hold a PhD degree yet, please attach an informal statement to your supervision agreement that proves their aptitude for independent scientific research. Mentors can be subsequently registered or replaced (see Appendix 1 Supervision Agreement). Mentors can be subsequently registered or replaced (see Appendix 1 Supervision Agreement).
  • Subject-specific and interdisciplinary events, publication, international experience: If you or your thesis supervisor are unable to provide any information on these points when completing the Supervision Agreement, please leave these fields blank.

Once you completed the Supervision Agreement with your thesis supervisor, you need to collect the GC-CIT coordinators' signature. In the current restructuring phase, you will get the signature electronically - please send your supervision agreement to gc(at)cit.tum.de . We strongly recommend that you participate in one our regular online  onboarding events .

Submit an application for entry on the CIT doctoral candidacy list on DocGS

You can submit an application for entry on the doctoral candidacy list of the degree-awarding institution CIT as follows:

  • Create a new user account in DocGS and create your profile. Ensure that you enter your data correctly and completely using uniform spelling (according to your ID card or similar).
  • Select "Application entry doctoral candidacy list" and enter all required information here. Submit the application.
  • Print out the finalized application, sign it and have it signed by your thesis supervisor.

Submit all required supporting documents to GC-CIT

  • Now collect all the required documents. You can find out what they are on the printed application form. More information can be found on the TUM Graduate School website .
  • Come to one of our open consultation hours with the complete documents (incl. the supervision agreement signed by the coordinators). There is no need to register in advance via email.

I am on the doctoral candidacy list of the CIT - and now?

Welcome as a member of GC-CIT! It's now time:

  • If you haven't already done so: Visit the next onboarding event of our Graduate Center!
  • Start fulfilling the requirements of the qualification program . You can submit your dissertation only if you have completed all mandatory qualification elements. You can find out which elements these are in the GC-CIT Regulations , your Supervision Agreement , and the GC-CIT wiki .
  • You can now use our internal wiki , where you will find all relevant information about your doctorate! You can log in with your TUM ID. Employees or enrolled doctoral candidates automatically receive a TUM User ID. If you are an external doctoral candidate, please contact the administrative office of your thesis supervisor.
  • If you require individual advising, for example, because your situation is too specific to be included in our info sheets, please do not hesitate to contact us! Our contact details can be found in the wiki .

We would like to wish you great success and  an enjoyable time at CIT and GC-CIT!

Regulations CIT

Supervision Agreement GC-CIT

Regulations ("Ordnung") GC-CIT

Doctoral Regulations ("Promotionsordnung") TUM

Statutory Regulations ("Statut") TUM-GS

Onboarding events

As a doctoral candidate, your scientific project will be your focus, of course. In order to obtain a doctorate at TUM, however, you will be responsible for also completing a qualification program and fulfilling organizational tasks in your various roles as a GC-CIT and TUM-GS member, junior researcher and employee or scholarship holder. No one can do that for you. As coordinators of your Graduate Center, however, we will be able to prepare you so well that you will be optimally oriented at the start of your doctorate and your effort, in turn, minimized.

For this purpose, we offer online onboarding events at regular intervals. We strongly recommend that everyone participates in them. The best time for this is around the time you are entered on the doctoral candidacy list, but all doctoral candidates in need of "tutoring" are welcome.

Registration for the onboarding event is unnecessary; just follow the Zoom access link. It will be useful if you have your DocGS account and your Supervision Agreement handy for the event.

Upcoming events:

  • Wednesday, 03.07., 9:15-10:00 → postponed: 17 July 9:15-10:00
  • Tuesday, 24.09., 9:15-10:00
  • Monday, 21.10., 9:15-10:00
  • Tuesday, 26.11., 9:15-10:00
  • Monday, 16.12., 9:15-10:00

Zoom access link:


Meeting ID: 645 1176 1092

Password: 156124

Submitting your dissertation at the School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) happens in two steps:

  • electronic submission via DocGS: We recommend submitting the work electronically at least 3.5 weeks before the School Council meeting.
  • submitting the documents at the Center for Study and Teaching - Office of Doctoral Affairs: at least  3 weeks before the School Council meeting (hard deadline, entry stamp counts!) 

At the same time, the supervisor (not the doctoral candidate) must report the examination committee to the GC CIT via email to gc_admin(at)cit.tum.de  at least  3 weeks before the School Council meeting (hard deadline) . Entering the examiners on the title page of the electronically submitted dissertation does not count as reporting the examination committee.

The upcoming School Council meetings can be found here: https://www.cit.tum.de/en/cit/school/organization/governing /.

News from your GC-CIT

Doctoral examinations.

We cordially invite all authorized examiners of the School of CIT to the doctoral examinations at the School. Some defenses are open to the public according to the respective invitation. [read more]

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Information on the use of Google Search

  • TUM School of Life Sciences
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Doctorate at the TUM School of Life Sciences

Doctoral candidates at TUM work on challenging scientific issues and are supervised by renowned researchers. The  TUM Graduate School  promotes an environment in which scientific knowledge and professional qualification are optimally intertwined. It offers all doctoral students at TUM an attractive, doctorate-accompanying advanced training program. The Graduate Center of Life Sciences (GC LS) is an institution of the TUM Graduate School and at the same time part of the TUM School of Life Sciences. In order to provide the best possible support for doctoral students, the Graduate Center of Life Sciences designs the framework of the TUM Graduate School in a needs-oriented manner, taking local requirements into account.

Start your Doctorate

tum phd admission requirements

During your Doctorate

tum phd admission requirements

Complete your Doctorate

tum phd admission requirements

Interest Parties

General information on starting a doctorate at TUM can be found on the Website of the TUM Graduate School   and in the presentation: Doing your Doctorate at TUM & TUM Graduate School Please also note the important information at "Welcome Office" .

  • Am I eligible for a doctorate?
  • How to find a supervisor for my doctorate?
  • FAQ Doctorate at the Life Sciences

Doctoral Representatives

Kenneth Kuba Spokesperson of doctoral candidates GC LS Plant-Insect-Interactions 

Alexandra Steuer deputy Spokesperson of doctoral candidates GC LS Leibniz Institute for Food System Biology at TUM

Contact: rep.gc(at)ls.tum.de

Supervisory Award

Guest Doctorate

Further important information for guest doctorates as well as a checklist for international guest doctorates can be found at the Welcome Office of the TUM Graduate School.

For Supervisors

The TUM Graduate School and the Graduate Center of Life Sciences support supervisors with various information and offers .

All lecturers/refernts/instructors offering an event for doctoral candidates can count this extracurricular teaching as teaching load, insofar the event serves to convey learning content. The instruction of the scientific way of working and supervision, also in group form, cannot be recognized for the teaching load. Further information on this and on funding of events can be found in the Wiki of the Graduate Center of Life Sciences .

Help & Advice

Contact points, help and advice on the following topics:

  • Problems concerning the doctorate
  • Sexual Harassment in the university context
  • Mental and physical health problems
  • Labour law issues
  • Hotlines and telephone counselling
  • Representatives at the TUM School of Life Sciences
  • Gender & Diversity

Important documents

  • Doctoral Regulations of 23.08.2021 with effect from 01.10.2021
  • Statute of the TUM-GS of 23.08.2021 (English version coming soon)
  • Doctoral Regulations with effect from 01.01.2014 and Statute of the TUM-GS from 01.09.2013
  • Doctoral Regulations of the TUM as amended by the 4th Amendment Statute of June 3, 2020 (no English version available)
  • Regulations of the Graduate Center of Life Sciences of 25.01.2022
  • Supervision Agreement of the Graduate Center of Life Sciences
  • Fill-in-help for your supervision agreement
  • Richtlinien für die Vergabe von Doktorgraden an der TUM LS
  • Regulations for Dissertations at the TUM School of Life Sciences

List of courses 2024


Start 15.01.2024: Basic R-Course in the Life Sciences Start 17.01.2024: Forschungsdatenmanagement Basics Start 31.01.2024: Advanced Mass Spectrometry

Start 19.02.2024: Industrial Pharma Management 

Start 04.03.2024: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und ihre Problemfelder im Forschungsalltag Start 04.03.2024: Publish & Read: What are the benefits of the new DEAL open access contracts Start 06.03.2024: Scientific Writing for Beginners Start 11.03.2024: Python Beginner Start 18.03.2024: Metabolomics - An Introduction

Start 08.04.2024: Basic R-Course in the Life Sciences Start 18.04.2024: Einreichen der Dissertation Start 18.04.2024: Submitting the dissertation Start 19.04.2024: Python Advanced Start 24.04.2024: Advanced Mass Spectrometry

Start 06.05.2024: Good Scientific Practice Start 08.05.2024: Introduction to R and Statistics in the Life Sciences - Complete Beginner Course Start 13.05.2024: Guided Tour: MakerSpace Start 14.05.2024: Research Data Management Basics June:                   

Start 04.06.2024: Using R for regression analysis Start 06.06.2024: Biotech Quality Manager Start 10.06.2024: Advanced R-Course in the Life Sciences Start 26.06.2024: Advanced Mass Spectrometry

Start 01.07.2024: Basic R-Course in the Life Sciences Start 02.07.2024: Forschungsdatenmanagement Basics ​​​​​​​Start 04.07.2024: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und ihre Problemfelder im Forschungsalltag Start 05.07.2024: Kompaktkurs Literaturrecherche für die Dissertation - Schwerpunkt Weihenstephan

August: Start 26.08.2024: Good Scientific Practice


Start 10.09.2024: Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Biotechnology Start 11.09.2024: Scientific Writing for Beginners in the Life Sciences Start 17.09.2024: GMP COMPLIANCE FOR VOLTAREN®

Start 21.10.2024: Good Scientific Practice Start 23.10.2024: Advanced Mass Spectrometry Start 29.10.2024: Good Scientific Practice

November:         (Bookable from August 1st, 2024)

Start 05.11.2024: Applied Statistics in Life Science Systems


Welcome To My Lab

tum phd admission requirements

 Gain insights into the doctoral journey at the Technical University of Munich in our latest video series featuring TUM doctoral candidates. 

TUM@Freising Lecture: Drinking is not everything - sustainable use of water in milk production

Web seminar: predatory journals and conferences, tum talent factory: postdoc workshop "how to apply for professorships", tum talent factory: postdoc101 talk "postdoc zur professur", scientific writing retreat for parents, web seminar: visibility and impact of research, web seminar: citing for scientists, seminar series: advanced mass spectrometry.

from right: Dr. Daniela Röder, Brigitte Stable, Denise Seidl

Team of the Graduate Center of Life Sciences

Managing Director Dr. Daniela Röder daniela.roeder(at)tum.de Appointments by arrangement Doctoral Administration Brigitte Stable brigitte.stable(at)tum.de Mo and Tue, 9 am to 12 pm Seminar Management Denise Seidl denise.seidl(at)tum.de Appointments by arrangement

Entrance of the Graduate Center of Life Sciences

Graduate Center of Life Sciences

TUM School of Life Sciences Graduate Center of Life Sciences Alte Akademie 8a, 85354 Freising

Tel. +49 8161 71 2968 gc(at)ls.tum.de

Appointments by arrangement

This website is no longer updated.

As of 1.10.2022, the Faculty of Physics has been merged into the TUM School of Natural Sciences with the website https://www.nat.tum.de/ . For more information read Conversion of Websites .

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Graduate Center Physics

Nowadays a doctorate is far more than high-level scientific research. In the Graduate Center Physics you learn to master more and more complex research topics with interdisciplinary and team-oriented approaches.

Supervision Agreement

As doctoral candidate at the Graduate Center Physics you, your supervisor, and your mentor sign a supervision agreement (PDF) .

On the supervision agreement you need to specify a mentor and the mentor needs to accept this by signing the agreement. It is possible to switch mentors if e. g. during your work on the Ph. D. project the research direction clarifies. The mentor offers independent professional advice and is your opportunity to have a look from "outside" onto your Ph. D. project. You can choose your mentor freely – she/he only needs to have a Ph. D. herself/himself and must not be your supervisor. He/She later may become the second examiner but can come from industry or public life to offer experience from outside the university.

In a project plan set up together with your supervisor and continuously updated your research project is structured and qualification elements and mile stones are planned in advance if possible and sensible. You and your supervisor agree on the form for the project plan that suits you best. You are responsible for keeping it updated and storing it ( Template with suggestions ).

Qualification Program

Please submit all elements of the qualification program via the status page Membership and Qualification Program to the Physics database. If a course of the Physics Department is missing in the module list for internal courses please contact the GC PH office . Only really external courses shall be entered as such – recognition of external courses needs to be confirmed by your supervisor.

No direct entry into DocGS!

Please refrain from entering "Leistungsanträge" into DocGS! Data from the Physics database will be copied to DocGS in due course. Keep in mind that "Leistungsanträge" not in conforming to the quality standards of Physics Department will be rejected!

Good scientific practice

The rules of good scientific practice are part of the supervision agreement. They are taught by the supervisors. In addition the Faculty Graduate Center Physics regularly offers workshops and other courses on this topic.

See especially

  • Code of Conduct for Safeguarding Good Academic Practice and Procedures in Cases of Academic Misconduct of TUM (German with English translation)
  • Good scientific practice for scientific qualification reports and theses in physics , Recommendations of the Conference of Physics Faculties of 18th of May 2016
  • TUM Citation Guide of the university library
  • Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice , memorandum of DFG (German and English)

Mandatory Elements of the Qualification Program

The following elements of the qualification program in their minimal form are a requirement to submit your thesis if you entered the doctoral candidacy list after 1st of January 2014. The actual courses and elements taken have to be discussed with your supervisor and should be included in the project plan as soon as possible.

Kick-Off Seminar of TUM Graduate School

Each doctoral candidate participates in a kick-off seminar at TUM Graduate School. Sign in for a suitable kick-off at the beginning of your project. Dates and further informationen can be found at the TUM GS webpages .

Subject-Related Training

The Graduate Center Physics offers a wide range of subject-related training modules. Each doctoral candidate takes part with at least 10 CP, which is equivalent to the six course hours (SWS) required in the regulations for the award of doctoral degrees.

The catalog given below is open and suitable modules and courses can be included at any time. Furthermore new courses can be created to extend the portfolio of the Graduate Center Physics.

Additional Courses not yet included in the catalogue

Contact the administration office of the Graduate Center Physics if you are missing a course on a specific topic. We will support you by finding new courses or inviting external lecturers.

As teaching staff member at the Physics Department you can offer courses to support Ph. D. candidates; if it should be a traditional seminar, winter- or summer schools, or somethin completely new everything is possible – the FGC-PH administration will give you the necessary support. You may find information on financial support for GC PH winter/summer schools in the internal FAQ .

Furthermore you may renew, deepen, and extend your physics skills by visiting modules from the special courses catalogue of the Physics Master’s programs. You can find the module catalogue of special courses in section M. Sc./Special Courses .

The recognition of subject-related training in other departments or institutes is possible. The decision on whether a course is "subject-related" and fits the catalog is up to your supervisor.

Current catalog

Modulnr. Titel

Involvement into the Academic Environment

Sufficient involvement into the academic environment of Physis Department at TUM is usually obtained by participation in teaching activities within the Department’s duty system.

The Department’s duty system hosts an account with duty points for each staff member. You can find the current balance of your account and further information on the duty system in section Department’s duty system .

Discussion in the International Physics Community

Doctoral candidates expose their research project to a discussion in the international public in the Physics community. Usually this is done by way of publications, which are subject to peer review, or independent presentations at science conferences.

Proofreading Service

The TUM Graduate School provides a professional proofreading service for English articles to be submitted to international peer reviewed journals or conferences during the doctoral research period. As a member of GC PH use the form in the membership section to submit your manuscript. Information on the proofreading service at TUM GS ( Download information sheet Proofreading Service, PDF ).

Status Discussion on the Doctoral Project

You will discuss the status of your research project regularly with your supervisor and your mentor and adjust the project plan to new circumstances. Especially after one to at most two years there will be an intensive status discussion in the context of a university-public talk or a talk on a scientific conference. In addition you shall provide a written summary of your up-to-then results or a scientific publication. Your supervisor confirms to the Department Graduate Center Physics that this special status discussion was performed.

Optional Elements of the Qualification Program

The mandatory elements of the qualification program are complemented by a wide range of subject-related and interdisciplinary training opportunities offered by the Department Graduate Center Physics with support by TUM Graduate School. The successful participation is certified on the final Transcript of Records.

Funding for Internationalisation

Doctoral candidates can benefit from the excellent world-wide contacts of the Physics Department in order to do research or teaching abroad, visit conferences, workshops and many other international events, or to invite international guests to the TUM for discussion and promotion of the doctoral project.

To find the individual optimum within the many different possibilities doctoral candidates find guidance by the academic coordinator for internationalisation.

In addition to the internationalisation funding of up to 3000 Euro by TUM Graduate School as member who is employed at TUM or stipend holder at TUM and in the Department Graduate Center Physics you may receive additional 2000 Euro of funding for international research projects. These additional funding may already be used as one of our Master students in the direct track provided it is planned to start a Ph. D. at FGC-PH after the Master studies and your supervisor supports this. Contact the FGC-PH administration office for more information.

Further information on the funding for internationalisation in the FAQ ...

Transferable Skills Training

In addition to the standard course program offered by TUM and its partners (WIMES, Carl von Linde-Akademie, Genderzentrum, UnternehmerTUM, ProLehre and the Sprachenzentrum), the TUM Graduate School also offers exclusive courses. These tailor-made courses for young up-and-coming scientists take the game to a new level of experience, expertise and scientific standards.

Take the opportunity to benefit from our program and enrich your doctorate with essential personal and professional skills. Find out more at the webpages of TUM Graduate School .

Offer of the Faculty Graduate Center Physics (to be completed)

Module ID Title

The catalog is an open catalog. Suitable courses can be included any time. In addition the GC Physics may create new courses.

Additions to the Offer

If you have an idea for an additional course contact GC PH administration. We can support you by finding a suitable course concept or e.g. inviting possible speakers.


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Doctoral Course Program

Find all doctoral courses of the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management as well as further information on doctoral course requirements in general and the process of recognizing courses from other institutions here.

  • All doctoral candidates who entered the list of doctoral candidates after January 1, 2014, have to successfully complete 10 SWS (weekly semester hours) of doctoral courses in methods and/or theory of their field. Courses offered by the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management are on doctoral level, comprise at least 2 SWS (21 hours class time) and minimum 3 ECTS workload per course. As a result, all doctoral candidates have to complete at least 5 courses. The recognition of external courses that do not differ significantly from those of the Graduate Center of Management with regard to the level of competence and workload is possible upon application to the Graduate Center. If you plan to take an external course, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
  • The registration for our doctoral courses is binding. Please deregister if you are unable to participate after all.
  • If not indicated differently, all doctoral courses are taught in English.
  • After successful completion of a course, please enter the course and all necessary details in DocGS.
  • If you have any suggestions for the course program of the Graduate Center of the TUM School of Management, we would be pleased to receive an email from you.

Doctoral Summer School 2024 at TUM Campus Heilbronn

TUM School of Management invites you to the second Doctoral Summer School at TUM Campus Heilbronn from September 9-20, 2024.

Week 1 (Sept 9 - Sept 13, 2024)

Course 1 :  Prof. Dr. Christoph Ann: Technology protection for Doctoral candidates  

Course 2: Prof. Dr. Robert Graf:  Conditionality in probability

Week 2 (Sept 16 - Sept 20, 2024)

Course 3: Prof. Dr. Gudrun P. Kiesmüller: Markov Decision Processes

Course 4: Prof. Dr. Johannes Resin: Probabilistic Forecasting: What Makes a Good Forecast?

Registration period will start on June 3 at 12 noon and will end on June 30 end of day. Please check our event website for registration. Places will be distributed on a first come - first-served basis. Registration is only possible for doctoral candidates of TUM School of Management.

Winter term 2024/2025

Field experiments: start to finish.

This course aims to provide doctoral canidates at the School of Management with a practicalintroduction to conducting field experiments, with a particular focus on field experiments in economics. Rather than focusing on the (econometric) theory of experiments, we will provide students with hands-on advice on how to solve concrete challenges related to planning, conducting, analyzing, and presenting the results of experimental field studies.

Syllabus: Field Experiments: Start to Finish

Registration: Please send an email to Prof. Philipp Lergetporer ( [email protected] ) to register for this course.

Lecturer: Prof. Philipp Lergetporer, PhD

Course dates:  Each day (07.10.2024 - 11.10.2024), the lecture starts at 9 am and ends at 4 pm. There will be a lunch break and coffee breaks.

Location : The course will mainly take place at TUM Campus Heilbronn.

Summer term 2024

Econometrics ii: causal inference.

Participants will be assessed based on their seminar presentation (60%), homework assignments (20%), and oral contributions to the course (20%).

  • Seminar presentations will be held by groups of two. Each group will present one method of addressing the problem of causal inference (e.g., RDD). The presentation of 120 min to 150 min shall introduce and explain the respective method as well as applications. Presenters will suggest an article in which this method is applied. The group will bring a dataset with which participants will apply the respective method during the course. The lecturer will meet with each group beforehand to aid in the preparation.
  • Homework assignment. For some of the methods that we discuss in the course participants will do a homework assignment that consists of applying the method to a dataset, presenting the results, and providing an interpretation (in writing).
  • Oral contributions. It is expected that participants prepare the readings for each session and are able to reflect on them. In addition, they shall actively take part in the discussion of the seminar presentations.

The course is pass/fail, not graded. In order to pass the course, participants must take part in all classes. In case of excused absence due to illness they need to hand in a written assignment about the content of the class they have missed.

Syllabus :  Econometrics II: Causal Inference

Registration:  Until April 17, 2024, via Moodle.

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Joachim Henkel (TUM)

Course dates:   Kick-off Friday April 19, 2024, 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm in person (room will be announced). The course will be taught as a series of seven half-day seminars in June and July, either in the morning or on the afternoon. Dates will be coordinated with participants. The course is planned to be held in person.

Location : Campus Munich - The course is planned to be held in person (room will be announced).

Financial Market Regulation in South Africa as Gateway to Investment in Africa: The Fundamentales of Private Equity Funds and Investing in South Africa

The course aims to highlight three(3) key areas of private equity investing, namely:

1. The formation and structure of private equity funds and the key characteristics related thereto within the South African regulatory environment; 2. The importance of corporate governance and fiduciary law as it pertains to the private equity business model; and 3. Current trends and policy considerations that impacts private equity industry.

At the end of the module students should be able to understand the South African Financial Regulation environment and also where private equity fits into this system. Students should also be able to understand which legal forms are ideal to structure funds as well as the duties on fund managers in South Africa.

Syllabus :  Financial Market Regulation in South Africa as Gateway to Investment in Africa: The Fundameltals of Private Equity Funds and Investing in South Africa

Registration: Plese send an email to:  [email protected]

Lecturer:  Prof. Richard Stevens, LL.M. (University of Stellenbosch)

Course dates: 

- The course will commence on Tuesday 11 June 2024. - The course consists of a total of 24 hours of direct class interaction, which will be split over six (6) classes. - The dates of the six(6) classes will be:

  • Lecture 1: 11 June 2024 (9h00 – 13h00)
  • Lecture 2: 12 June 2024 (9h00 – 13h00)
  • Lecture 3: 13 June 2024 (9h00 – 13h00)
  • Lecture 4: 2 July 2024 (9h00 – 13h00)
  • Lecture 5: 3 July 2024 (9h00 – 13h00)
  • Lecture 6: 4 July 2024 (9h00 – 13h00)

Location : Campus Munich (0503.01.355) - The course is planned to be held in person.

Innovative Technologies in Management Research

This course will give doctoral students a broad overview of the state-of-the-art technologies and methods (e.g., virtual reality, virtual humans, vocal transformation, AI) used in management research. At the end of this course, participants will be familiar with the different methods and tools available for conducting research. We will discuss the benefits of using technologies, and the potential technical difficulties and drawbacks that might be encountered along the way, and how to solve them.

In this course, you will have the opportunity to not only to develop an understanding of existing methods, but also to develop and work on a concrete research project involving an innovative technology. To this end, students will be asked to develop a short research proposal and a final presentation showcasing their work on the project.

Syllabus :  Innovative Technologies in Management Research

Registration:  By email to [email protected] (Dr. Anely Bekbergenova) until April 1st. Participants will be admitted on a first come, first served basis. In your email please include (1) your doctoral research topics, (2) a potential research question you would like to explore using innovative technology.

Lecturer:  Dr. Anely Bekbergenova and Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus (TUM)

Course dates:  

Monday, 01.04.2024 – 23:59 – Registration deadline Wednesday, 10.04.2024 – 9:00 – 17:00 – Presentation by instructor Thursday, 10.04.2024 – 9:00 – 17:00 – Presentation by instructor & group/individual work Wednesday, 17.04.2024 – 9:00 – 17:00 - Presentation Day by participants & feedback Wednesday, 1.05.2024 – 23:59 – Research proposal deadline

Location : Campus Munich - The course will be held in person at the TUM main campus in Munich (Arcisstr. 21, Building 0505, Room Z577)

Introduction to Experimental Economics

This course is for researchers on the doctoral or post-doctoral levels who are beginners in economic laboratory experiments. It will enable you to

  • decide whether a laboratory experiment is appropriate to address some research question;
  • find research questions in your area of interest that a laboratory experiment can address;
  • develop an experimental design to address such a research question.

In addition, the course will offer you hands-on training on how to bring experiments to the laboratory. It will cover common practical issues, such as which software to use, how to recruit participants, or how to conduct an experiment.

The course will be most beneficial for you if you plan to run your own experiment soon. It will be particularly helpful for you if you consider using experimenTUM, TUM’s laboratory for experimental research in economics.

Syllabus :  Introduction to Experimental Economics


Write to Andreas Ostermaier no later than July 19, 2024 to sign up ( [email protected] ). Please state your primary research area and method. Mention also what motivates you to sign up for this course and whether you are planning to run an experiment.

If you have a research question or idea for an experiment that you would like to see as an assignment, remember to include a very brief proposal in your application. If you have any introductory readings, feel free to suggest these, too.

Please make sure you can attend the full course before signing up. From a pedagogical angle and out of fairness toward the other participants, you should not miss any part of the course for any reason, including the supervision of student exams.

Lecturer:  Dr. Andreas Ostermaier (University of Southern Denmark)

Course dates:  The seminar is scheduled to be held on July 22–24, 2024 in room 0505.03.539 ( https://portal.mytum.de/displayRoomMap?3539@0505 ).

Location : Campus Munich - The course is planned to be held in person.

Mastering the Review Process: Writing and Responding to Peer-Reviews

The course is offered for doctoral candidates and post-docs at TUM, who conduct research in the field of business, economics, psychology, political science, sociology, or adjacent fields. Participants of other universities can be accepted for the course if capacity permits.

Each participant requires a working paper for participation, which will be peer-reviewed by another course participant.

Syllabus :  Mastering the Review Process: Writing and Responding to Peer-Reviews

Registration:  Application deadline: April 3, 2024

  • Please send an e-mail to the above email address with a registration request that (1) includes your name, (2) the title of your paper (see Assessment), and (3) your TUM-eMail-Address.
  • No late enrollment: Registration after the deadline is not possible.

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Jens Förderer (TUM)

03.04.2024, 23:59:59: Registration deadline 10.04.2024, 09:00-16:00: Presentation by instructor 23.05.2024, 09:00-16:30: Presentation day 1 24.05.2024, 09:00-16:30: Presentation day 2

Location : Course will be held online-only via Zoom. Login details will be distributed after registration.

Psychological Theories

This course gives doctoral candidates an introduction to the psychological theories and concepts that have been most influential for management research and practice. At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the key concepts, respective empirical findings, and their application to management practice. To this end, each participant will be asked to present in class recent research pertaining to the theory s/he chooses, and to conduct an interactive exercise to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the theory’s relevance for management research and practice.

Syllabus :  Psychological Theories

Registration:  By email to [email protected] (Dr. Regina Hagl) until July 8, 2024. Participants will be admitted on a first come, first served basis.

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus and Dr. Regina Hagl (TUM)

Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Tuesday, 23 July 2024, 9.00 am to 1 pm, online (Group Feedback) Thursday, 1 August 2024, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (Presentation Day 1) Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (Presentation Day 2)

Location : Campus Munich - Course will be held in person at the TUM main campus (Arcisstr. 21, Building 0505, Room Z577).

Research on Stochastic Modeling and Data-driven Optimization

What this course is

A structured introduction to learning methodological approaches for successful research in stochastic models and data-driven optimization in logistics and supply chain management at the beginning of the PhD program.  

What this course is not

A listen and repeat lecture.

Syllabus :  Research on Stochastic Modeling and Data-driven Optimization

Registration:  Apply until March 31, 2024 by sending an email to: [email protected] .

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Stefan Minner(TUM)

Kickoff-Meeting on April 15, 2-4 pm in room 1577.

Weekly sessions (April 15 - July 15) on Mondays, 2-4 pm in room 1577

Smart Management

This course has three goals: (1) it will help doctoral candidates develop a better understanding of how managers make decisions; (2) it will provide them with conceptual tools to navigate their own professional careers; and (3) it will introduce them to a fascinating field of research in which much is left to be explored and discovered.

Syllabus :  Smart Management

Registration:  By email to [email protected] until June 15, 2024. Participants will be admitted on a first come, first served basis.

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Tomás Lejarraga (Universitat de les Illes Balears)

Course dates:  The course will be held in person at the TUM main campus in Munich between June 18 to 20.

Location : TUM main campus in Munich

Strategic Management (II): Empirical Research in Strategic Management

This course will build upon the earlier course of “Theoretical Foundations in Strategy.” In this class, we will go deeper into the theories we covered and give particular attention to empirical design issues and the development and testing of hypotheses. We will begin by examining the implications of firm heterogeneity for empirical research as well as the implications of “fit” (e.g., between organizations and their environments, between organizational forms and attributes of transactions, etc.) for empirical testing. We will also focus on firm survival and exit, and in later sessions cover modeling choices suitable for testing the theories we have covered in the first course. As part of our sessions, we will consider some award-winning strategy dissertations so you can identify what makes for a good dissertation. We will also have a workshop on developing your own research ideas based on what we are learning in the course.

Syllabus :  Strategic Management (II): Empirical Research in Strategic Management

Registration:  Please register for the course via self-registration in Moodle ( https://www.moodle.tum.de/course/view.php?id=98016 )

Lecturer:  Prof. Jeffrey J. Reuer, PhD (University of Colorado)

Empirical Research in Strategic Management (week of July 1, 2024; Zoom Login details tba). 1. Firm Heterogeneity and Fit (Monday, 13:00-16:30) 2. Survival and Exit (Tuesday, 13:00-16:00 and 16:30-18:30) 3. Transaction Cost Economics (Wednesday, 13:00-16:30 and 17:00-19:00) 4. Information Economics (Thursday, 13:00-16:30) 5. Implications of Strategic Decisions (Friday, 13:00-16:30)

Web Scraping for Scientists: An Introduction with Python

The course … (1) makes participants familiar with the problem of collecting massive data from Internet sources, (2) guides participants to evaluate the costs and benefits of automating data collection, (3) introduces participants to the structure of web sites, (4) reviews the most effective approaches for collecting data from web sources, (5) provides hands-on implementations using Python, and (6) outlines ethical and methodological considerations.

Syllabus :  Web Scraping for Scientists: An Introduction with Python

Registration:  Registration deadline: 03.04.2024

Please send an email to the above stated address with a registration request that includes your name (see below) and your TUM eMail-address. Please do not sign up using your private email address. No registration is possible after the deadline.

03.04.2024, 23:59:59: Registration Deadline 11.04.2024, 09:00-17:30: Day 1 (Fundamentals, HTML, Crawling, Fetching, Parsing) 12.04.2024, 09:00-17:30: Day 2 (Advanced Scraping, Methodological and Ethical Issues) 17.04.2024, 11:00-15:00: Q&A (Questions by Participants, Individual Consultation) 26.04.2024, 23:59:59: Submission Deadline for the Group Exercise

Winter term 2023 / 2024

Advanced topics in finance research (methods/theory).

The goal of this course is to present and discuss current state-of-the-art research in finance. Therefore, renowned researchers from various European universities will present their latest research in the fields of asset pricing, corporate finance, and financial intermediation. Extensive discussion in class is encouraged. Thereby, students will learn to know and discuss critically current topics in finance. They will also learn more about state-of-the-art research methodologies.

The target audience are doctoral candidates and post-docs in finance. A requisite for participation is a specialization in finance and/or accounting.

Syllabus: Advanced Topics in Finance Research (Methods/Theory)

Registration: Please send an email to [email protected]  by October 10, 2023. In your email, please state your department and specify the topic and state of your dissertation or research area (post-docs). Strict preference will be given to individuals with a specialization in finance and/or accounting.

Lecturer: Dr. Aida Cehajic (TUM)

Course dates:  See https://www.fa.mgt.tum.de/fm/research-seminar/

Location : The course will mainly take place at TUM Campus Munich.

Advances in Energy Economics

The goal of the seminar is to foster a vibrant academic environment where doctoral candidates engage in stimulating discussions with peers and senior researchers (professors) that would help advancing their research. Focused on the advances in energy economics, the seminar is designed for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers with an interest in related fields..

Syllabus: Advances in Energy Economics

Registration: To register for the course please email [email protected] by Sep 15th, 2023. Spaces limited to 10 participants.

Lecturer: Prof. Svetlana Ikonnikova (TUM) & Prof. Sebastian Schwennen (TUM)

Course dates:  From Oct 15 2023 to Mar 2024 (14 sessions, 2 SWS)

Communicating Management Research: (Re)writing Introductions

This course is designed to help (in particular) junior scholars in the field of management gain exposure and experience with techniques on the written communication of academic work, specifically, how to write interesting and important introductions. The course requires reading and the discussion of readings, but it is fundamentally a “learning-by-doing” course. I hope to have you undergo an iterative process where you a) communicate your research, b) receive feedback, c) revise your communication, and then cycle through this process again in your own journey. The goal of this course is to start you on the path of being a great communicator of your research and increase the odds of publishing in a top journal. Here, top journal implies primarily the “Top 6” (AMJ, AMR, ASQ, ManSci, OrgSci, SMJ), the leading journals in other disciplines (e.g., AJS, ASR, MISQ, Nature, Science…), and also, though to a lesser degree, top field journals that are often part of the “FT 50” – a list of 50 strong management journals listed by the Financial Times. The central question for publishing in these top journals is, usually, how can I make a “theoretical contribution?” Therefore, this course aims to help you clarify your core ideas and craft the introduction so that you articulate the contribution.

Syllabus : Communicating Management Research: (Re)writing Introductions

Registration : Please sign up for the course via email to [email protected] by January 9, 2024 , with your up-to-date academic resume and and the full manuscript you wish to discuss during the course. Your paper needs to be empirical . Also email me if you have any questions regarding the course.

Lecturer : Prof. Amy Zhao-Ding, Ph.D. (TUM)

Course dates : 

All courses take place online, from 9:30am-5:45pm (changes subject to the number of students enrolled). Below are the dates and topics for the sessions, please see “Course Outline” for details on each session’s content and required preparations.

31.01.2024 - What makes good theory? The clarification of ideas 02.02.2024 - How to make a contribution? The craft of introduction: I 07.02.2024 - How to make a contribution? The craft of introduction: II

Location : online

Contemporary Topics in Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Research

The doctoral course in Contemporary Topics in Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise provides an overview of the broad research field of entrepreneurship and family enterprises, and gives insights into a selected number of contemporary topics. The seminar is targeted at doctoral students, who intend to strengthen their theoretical knowledge in topics related to entrepreneurship and family enterprises.

Syllabus: Contemporary Topics in Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Research

Registration: Since the seminar is very interactive in nature, it is limited to 15 participants. If you are interested in the seminar, send a short letter of motivation and CV until February 24, 2024 to [email protected]

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Miriam Bird (TUM)

Course dates:

Day 1: Monday, March 11, 2024 - over Zoom Day 2: Monday, March 18, 2024 - onsite TUM Campus Heilbronn Day 3: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - onsite TUM Campus Heilbronn Day 4: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 - onsite TUM Campus Heilbronn Day 4: Monday, April 22, 2024 (Zoom Meetings) (08:30-17:00) - over Zoom  

Location : The course will mainly take place at TUM Campus Heilbronn and via Zoom.

Doctoral Seminar on Strategic Management (I): Theoretical Foundations of Strategy

We will begin with the foundational issues in strategy and see how the field made substantial progress by relaxing and addressing head-on a number of restrictive assumptions in mainstream economics about information, decision-making, and behavior in organizations. We will start with the early progress made by using the theories and approaches of industrial organizational economics, in addition to a number of very important (and controversial) insights that strategic management provided. We will cover a family of theories that make up so-called “organizational economics” that address key questions related to the organizational and geographic scope of the firm, and we will cover a series of competence-based, evolutionary, and learning perspectives on competitive advantage and firm dynamics. Finally, some attention will also be given to theories that are newer and have been used less often in different streams of strategy research but hold considerable promise, including information economics and real options theory. By design and necessity, breadth will be prioritized over depth, but by the end of the course you will have familiarity with a considerable body of theoretical material that has provided the bedrock for strategic management research over the past few decades. Equally important to you, all of the theories we will cover are topical and provide the basis for scholars’ research programs today.

Syllabus: Doctoral Seminar on Strategic Management (I): Theoretical Foundations of Strategy

Registration: Please register for the course via self-registration in Moodle ( https://www.moodle.tum.de/course/view.php?id=95847 )

Lecturer: Professor Jeffrey J. Reuer, PhD (University of Colorado)

Theoretical Foundations of Strategy (week of March 4, 2024) 1. Foundational Issues in Strategy (Monday, March 4, 09:00-12:30) 2. Industrial Organization Economics (Tuesday, March 5, 09:00-12:30) 3. Resource-Based View (Wednesday, March 6, 09:00-13:00) 4. Knowledge-Based View and Dynamic Capabilities (Wednesday, March 6, 09:00-13:00) 5. Transaction Cost Economics (Thursday, March 7, 09:00-12:30) 6. Information Economics (Thursday, March 7, 13:30-16:30) 7. Real Options Theory (Friday, March 8, 09:00-12:30)

Econometrics I: Research Design and Estimation Methods

This doctoral course aims at giving doctoral students at the School of Management an overview of the essentials quantitative methods. We will not focus on the econometrics, but aim at developing the students’ understanding of what the methods are all about and how they work in practice.

Syllabus: Econometrics I: Research Design and Estimation Methods

Registration: Apply via Email to the instructor until December 20 th 2023.

Lecturer: Prof. Hanna Hottenrott (TUM)

Course dates: 09.01.2024, 10.01.2024, 11.01.2024, 17.01.2024 and 18.01.2024

The first session in a day will start at approx. 9am and last to about noon, after a short lunch break it will continue from about 1pm to 2:30pm. The second session in a day will last from 2:45pm to about 4pm.

Econometrics III: Advanced Econometrics & Statistical Learning

The course is part of a series of econometrics courses at TUM School of Management that also comprises “Econometrics I: Research Design and Estimation Methods” by Prof. Dr. Hanna Hottenrott and “Econometrics II: Causal Inference” by Prof. Dr. Joachim Henkel.

The course covers a selection of state-of-the-art methods in econometrics. It aims to provide students with a sound understanding of the methods discussed, such that they are able to do research using modern econometric techniques, as well as critically assess existing studies.

In particular, the course will cover the following topics:

  • Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) Estimation
  • Potential Outcomes and Treatment Effects
  • Panel Data Estimation
  • Regression Shrinkage Methods (Ridge, Lasso, Elastic Net)
  • Advanced Identification Strategies (e.g. Double Machine Learning and Causal Forests)

In the morning, we will briefly discuss the econometric methods (including some applications to illustrate them). Students will then apply these methods and will replicate recent research papers in economics.  I will also assign a (replication) project to each student. You can also come up with an own application and/or dataset you are interested in.

Syllabus: Econometrics III: Advanced Econometrics & Statistical Learning

Registration: Until end of February, via email.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Helmut Farbmacher (TUM)

Course dates:  March 11-15, 2024 (10am to 5pm, room 2544)

Location : The course will mainly take place at TUM Campus Munich (room 2544).

Efficient Academic Writing for Empirical Research

Knowledge Objectives

  • Students will have a good understanding of academic writing and the structure of the different chapters in a scientific paper.
  • Students will know efficient publication strategies

Skills Objectives

  • Students will have improved their skills in research as well as in writing their dissertations or papers.
  • Students will have a solid draft of one of their dissertation paper.
  • Students will have utilized the processes of revision by positive, constructive peer reviews of the documents by fellow students on their writing and by revising their documents.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will have learned about how to start and finish writing a scientific paper in the context of writing a Ph.D. thesis.
  • Students will have identified standard elements of research papers and used this knowledge to work on their dissertations or papers.

Syllabus:  Efficient Academic Writing for Empirical Research

Registration:  Please apply until 31st January 2024 to Theresa Treffers , [email protected] , via email containing:

  • Your CV with contact information and chair of your dissertation
  • Dissertation topic (1 sentence)
  • Problem statement (3 sentences)
  • Data description (3 sentences)
  • Target journal (possibly call for papers) and/or conference with deadline

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe (TUM), Dr. Theresa Treffers (TUM), Nadja Born (TUM)

Course dates: 12.03.2024, 08.04.2024, 09.04.2024, 16.04.2024 - 02.07.2024 (every Tuesday)

Location:  Campus Munich for one session, all other sessions are online

Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

The seminar mainly targets doctoral students from the TUM School of Management (including Munich, Garching, Weihenstephan, Straubing, and Heilbronn) with a special focus on entrepreneurship. Doctoral students from other TUM schools and universities interested in entrepreneurship for sustainable development are also welcome. Due to its interactive nature, the seminar is limited to 15 participants.

Syllabus: Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

Registration: If you are interested in the seminar, please send a short letter of motivation and CV as one pdf file to Prof. Dr. Frank-Martin Belz ( [email protected] ), Prof. Dr. Claudia Doblinger ( [email protected] ) and Prof. Siddharth Vedula Ph.D. ( [email protected] ) by 31 October 2023 .

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Frank-Martin Belz (TUM), Prof. Dr. Claudia Doblinger (TUM) & Prof. Siddharth Vedula, PhD. (TUM)

Session 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development Main facilitators: Frank-Martin Belz, Claudia Doblinger, Siddharth Vedula Date and location: Monday, 4 December 2023 (9:15-12:45), TUM main campus in Munich

Session 2: Governmental Policy and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development Main facilitator: Claudia Doblinger Date and location: Monday, 4 December 2023 (13:45-17:45), TUM main campus in Munich

Session 3: Communities and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development Main facilitator: Siddharth Vedula Date and location: Tuesday, 5 December 2023 (9:15-12:45), TUM main campus in Munich

Session 4: Process of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Main facilitator: Frank-Martin Belz Date and location: Tuesday, 5 December 2023 (13:45-17:45), TUM main campus in Munich

Session 5: Impacts of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Main facilitator: Frank-Martin Belz Date and location: Wednesday, 6 December 2023 (9:15-13:00), TUM main campus in Munich

Session 6: Future Research - Presentation and Discussion of Paper Proposals Main facilitators: Frank-Martin Belz, Claudia Doblinger, Siddharth Vedula Date and location: Friday, 8 December 2023 (9:15-13:00), TUM main campus in Munich

This course aims to provide doctoral canidates at the School of Management with a practical introduction to conducting field experiments, with a particular focus on field experiments in economics.

Registration: Doctoral candidates send an email to Prof. Lergetporer  [email protected]  

Course dates:  Each day (09.10.2023-13.10.2023), the lecture starts at 9 am and ends at 4 pm. There will be a lunch break and coffee breaks.

FAQ: Which paper should I submit for the course?

  • You should be interested in developing your paper. This is given if your paper is part of you dissertation, or if you intend to publish it in a scientific journal or in the proceedings of a conference.
  • All types of papers are welcome – including literature reviews, theoretical papers, and empirical papers.
  • It is not necessary to submit a fully complete paper. Nevertheless, it must be at least 5,000 words long. Empirical papers must at least report some (early) findings.
  • There are no formatting requirements for the working paper.
  • It is not possible to submit your paper after the first course day. This is because your paper will be distributed on the first course day for peer-review.

Syllabus: Mastering the Review Process: Writing and Responding to Peer-Reviews

Registration:  Application deadline: October 6, 2023

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Jens Förderer (TUM)

Course dates:  Course will be held online-only via Zoom. Login details will be distributed after registration. 06.10.2023, 23:59:59: Registration deadline 12.10.2023, 09:00-16:00: Presentation by instructor 30.11.2023, 09:00-16:30: Presentation day 1 01.12.2023, 09:00-16:30: Presentation day 2

Location : The course will take place online.

Paper and Proposal Development in Strategic Management: Meet the Editors at HEC Paris

The course is intended for doctoral candidates in Strategic Management, International Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. The goal is to develop ideas and working manuscripts with the aim of later submission for review in top management journals.

Syllabus: Paper and Proposal Development in Strategic Management: Meet the Editors at HEC Paris

Registration: The application process will take place on the TUM online platform. Participation is by application only. Interested scholars should register and submit an extended abstract (between 5 and 10 pages of text) of their project proposal to [email protected] . Submitted abstracts should describe the project, the intended theoretical contribution, the research design, the empirical approach, and the status of the project idea to date. Please note that submission of an abstract does not guarantee acceptance. The quality of the proposal will be taken into consideration.

Lecturer: Prof. Chengguang Li (TUM) and Prof. Joachim Henkel (TUM)

Course dates:  The course will start on the 16 October 2023. It will end with a roundtable discussion at the HEC in Paris 08./09. November 2023.

Location : HEC in Paris

This course gives doctoral students an introduction to the psychological theories and concepts that have been most influential for management research and practice. At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the key concepts, respective empirical findings, and their application to management practice. To this end, each participant will be asked to present in class recent research pertaining to the theory s/he chooses, and to conduct an interactive exercise to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the theory's relevance for management research and practice.

Syllabus: Psychological Theories

Registration: By email to [email protected] (Dr. Martin Fladerer) until December 1, 2023 . Participants will be admitted on a first come, first served basis.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus (TUM) and Dr. Martin Fladerer (TUM)

Course dates:  Course will be held in person at the TUM main campus in Munich (Arcisstr. 21, Building 0505, Room Z577) – except for the Group Feedback, which is online.

Friday, 15 December 2023, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

Friday, 9 February 2024, 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm, online (Group Feedback)

Thursday, 22 February 2024, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (Presentation Day 1)

Friday, 23 February 2024, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (Presentation Day 2)

Location : Campus Munich, room Z577

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research has become an established method of inquiry in human and social sciences, including management and related fields. Qualitative papers are published in leading management journals (e.g. Academy of Management Journal). In this seminar, you will learn about: the notion of methodological fit; ontological and epistemological assumptions; qualitative research designs; research methods for qualitative data collection; and research methods for qualitative data analysis.

Syllabus: Qualitative Research

Registration: Since the doctoral seminar is interactive, it is limited to 15 participants. If you are interested, send a short letter of motivation and CV to Prof. Dr. Frank-Martin Belz by 26 November 2023 (email: [email protected] ). 

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Frank-Martin Belz (TUM)

Course dates: 15.01.2024, 16.01.2024, 17.01.2024, 19.01.2024

Location : Campus Munich

The doctoral seminar will be held in person at the TUM School of Management in Munich (seminar room to be assigned). Note that is required to read all papers before class to allow group work and in-depth discussions.

Readings in Empirical Accounting Research

Doctoral candidates in accounting will be familiarized with recent research in empirical financial and sustainability accounting.

It is a readings course in which we critically discuss recent working papers or published papers in empirical financial and sustainability accounting.

Syllabus: Readings in Empirical Accounting Research

Registration: Please write an e-mail to [email protected] by October 9th, 2023 at the latest.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ernstberger (TUM)

Course dates: The kick-off meeting is on October, 17 th at 4 p.m. This first session provides an overview of important criteria for assessing the quality of empirical accounting research papers. In the following sessions, we discuss overview papers, seminal papers on specific topics, or state-of-the-art papers. Students can make suggestions for suitable papers which are related to their dissertation topics. In the following sessions, we discuss current working papers which are presented in research seminars, and we participate in these seminars to learn how to present and discuss a paper.

Location : Campus Munich, room 3546 + excursions

Seminal Research in Operations and Supply Chain Management

This seminar is open for all doctoral candidates at TUM School of Management who are interested in learning more about how to read, analyze, comprehend, and evaluate published studies systematically.

Syllabus:  Seminal Research in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Registration: Please write an email to [email protected] until 15 October

Lecturer: Michela Carraro (TUM)

Course dates:  The course will be held hybrid. The preliminary course dates for the WS 23/24 are

Thursday, 26 October 2023, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Thursday, 2 November 2023, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Thursday, 9 November 2023, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Thursday, 16 November 2023, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Thursday, 23 November 2023, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Thursday, 30 November 2023, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Thursday, 7 December 2023, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

The course is offered for doctoral candidates and post-docs at TUM. Participants of any research field are welcome.

Participants of other universities are accepted only if capacity permits.  

Syllabus: Web Scraping for Scientists: An Introduction with Python

Registration:  Please send an email to the above stated address with a registration request that includes your name (see below) and your TUM eMail-address. Please do not sign up using your private email address.

Registration deadline: 12.10.2023

Course dates:  Course will be held online-only via Zoom. Login details will be distributed after registration. 12.10.2023, 23:59:59: Registration Deadline 19.10.2023, 09:00-17:00: Day 1 (Fundamentals, HTML, Crawling, Fetching, Parsing) 20.10.2023, 09:00-17:00: Day 2 (Advanced Scraping, Methodological and Ethical Issues) 27.10.2023, 09:00-14:00: Q&A (Questions by Participants, Individual Consultation) 09.11.2023, 23:59:59: Submission Deadline for the Group Exercise

Workshop on Current Research Trends in Sustainable Finance

Doctoral candidates and post-docs in business/management with particular interest in Sustainable Finance including ESG investing, green finance, and impact investing.

Syllabus: Workshop on Current Research Trends in Sustainable Finance

Registration: Doctoral candidates and post-docs may apply using a registration form  

Registration will open on 1 July 2023. Deadline for registration is the 15 September 2023.

The course is limited to 12 participants (first come, first served).

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Müller (TUM) & Dr. Karoline Bax (TUM)

Course dates:  The presentation day will take place via Zoom approximately two weeks after the workshop. Login details will be  distributed after registration.

The schedule of the 15 November 2023:

9.30-10.00 Opening and administration 10.00-11.30 Literature review part 1 11.30-13.00 Literature review part 2 13.30-16.30 Empirical analysis of prominent issues in sustainable finance 16.30-18.00 Presentation of results and possible discussion on future research directions

The schedule of the 16 -17 November 2023: 09.00 – 17.30 Presentations and Panel Discussions

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Technische Universität München

TUM is one of the leading universities in Germany. TUM’s top performances in research and education, interdisciplinary studies, and talent promotion stand out. Strong alliances with businesses and scientific institutions across the world play a part in this. The combination of subjects at TUM is unique in Europe. TUM educates approximately 25,000 students in 133 study programs. Its scientists teach and research across multiple disciplines. TUM was one of the first "Universities of Excellence" of the nationwide Excellence Initiative and impressed this cooperative in 2006 with its concept of "TUM. The Entrepreneurial University."

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Technical University Munich Admissions 2024: Deadlines, Admissions Requirements for International Students and Selection Criteria

tum phd admission requirements

Bhaskar Das

Content Writer - Study Abroad

  • Bachelor’s Admission requirement: To get admitted to a bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Munich, you need to have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (75%) in high school and must provide German language proof.
  • Master’s Admission Requirement: For admission in a graduate program, the applicant must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.6 (92%) in bachelor's, 2 to 3 year professional experience alongside English or German Proficiency proof is required.
  • Tuition Fees for International Students: From the winter semester of 24/25, a tuition fee per semester of 2,000 or 3,000 euros for Bachelor’s programs and 4,000 or 6,000 euros for Master’s programs will be applicable at TUM.
  • M.Sc. AI in Society: The Master in Science degree for the course AI in Society has an application deadline of May 31, 2024 for the winter semester and Dec 31st, 2024 for the summer semester. The program costs EUR 4000 (INR 3.7 lakh), exclusive of the semester fee.

Technical University Munich admissions take place during the summer and winter intakes. Winter Semester is considered the biggest intakes for the university. Winter semester starts in October and offers a wider range of programmes that give students more time to settle into their studies.The programs at Technical University Munich are available in the part-time as well as full-time modes. There is no application fee required for Technical University Munich admissions. Starting winter semester 2024/25, a semester fee of EUR 75  is required for all programs.

The Technical University Munich admission requirements for international students are

  • A secondary school diploma with 2.0 GPA (75%) for undergraduate courses
  • German Proficiency requirements for UG include DSH, DSD II: Level B 2 in all 4 sections, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, and TESTDAF: Level 4 in all sections
  • A 3-year bachelor’s degree is required, with a minimum 3.6 GPA on a 4-point scale (91%) or above.

International students can choose from 178 Technical University Munich programs at undergraduate and graduate levels. More than 70 programs are offered in English to cater to international students. Most of the courses requires an entrance test and interview depending on your score. You will get basic fundamental questions related to your subject in the interviews. 

To apply to the university of Technology Munich, you must get  Vorprüfungsdokumentation (VPD) which is a preliminary review documentation issued by uni-assist . You must submit this document directly to the university when you apply there.

Technical University Munich Admissions

The university provides 178 programs from which you can choose. Some courses have their own requirements. The following are taken into consideration for the evaluation of your application.

  • Letter of recommendation
  • Letter of Motivation.

Based on the above documents, you will be given a score out of 100, where 55 points are given for academics, 20 points for Letter of motivation, and 25 points for two letters of recommendation. Your grade would be converted to german grade (out of 4, 1 being highest, 4 being lowest) and given points based on that out of 25. Rest 30 points are given based on your grades on mathematics and subjects relevant to the course you are applying for. Depending on the amount of points accumulated, you are either immediately admitted, rejected or invited to a 20 minute admissions interview.

Technical University of Munich Admission Deadlines

The University opens its application through its two semester intakes: Summer and Winter. Check out the deadlines below:

Courses Semester Deadlines
Undergraduate Programs Winter May 19th, 2024
Graduate Programs Summer October 1st - March 31st

The requirements might vary as per the programs. Some programs are taught in English while some in German. You need the the language proficieny as per the department requests. 

Programs Language of Instruction Application Deadline Program Cost (EUR) INR Equivalent
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in AI in Society English Winter [ May 31, 2024 ]

Summer [ Dec 31st, 2024 ]

4,000 + 85 369500.19
English Winter [ May 31, 2024 ]

Summer [ Dec 31st, 2024 ]

6,000 + 85 550406.04
German Winter [ May 31, 2024 ]

Summer [ Dec 31st, 2024 ]

6,000 + 75 549501.51
English Winter [ May 31, 2024 ]

Summer [ Dec 31st, 2024 ]

4,000 + 85 369500.19
English Winter [ May 31, 2024 ]

Summer [ Dec 31st, 2024 ]

6,000 + 85 550406.04
English Round 1: 30 June, 2024

Round 2: 31 July, 2024

Round 3: 31 August, 2024

39,000 + 85 3535352.50

Technical University Munich Graduate Admissions

The university offers 100 master’s programs in M.Sc, MBA, M.Ed taught in both English and German. Top graduate courses the university offers are Architecture , Biochemistry, Aerospace Engineering, Environmental Engineering. Below are the requirements and documents checklist for Technical University Munich graduate admissions: Application Portal: TUM Online Application Fee: Not Required

Admission Requirements:

  • Academic transcript
  • GPA: 3.6 GPA (91% or above)
  • TOEFL IBT: 88
  • IELTS : 6.5
  • PTE Academic: 65
  • DSD II: Leve; B 2 in all 4 sections
  • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
  • TESTDAF: Level 4 in all sections
  • OSD Certificate C2
  • International Baccalaureate: German A (High Level)
  • GRE : 157 - 164 [Quant] | 4.0 [AW]
  • GATE: 90th percentile
  • Work experience (for certain program)
  • Portfolio of Work
  • Letter of Motivation
  • Proof of Health Insurance
  • Preliminary Documentation (VPD)

Technical University Munich Graduate Admissions

Technical University Munich Executive MBA Admission

Technical University Munich offers an Executive MBA program through TUM School of Management. To be eligible for TUM Executive MBA, an applicant must meet the minimum graduate admission requirements and submit a

  • GMAT score of 640 or above to strengthen their application
  • An IELTS score of 6.5.
  • GATE or minimum GRE scores of 157 (Quant) and 3.0-3.5 (Analytical Writing).

Technical University of Munich offers three Executive MBA programs through TUM School of Management, especially designed for experienced professionals or managers. Executive MBA at TUM is a part-time program lasting up to 4 semesters and is offered in English language. The application for Executive MBA and Executive MBA in Business & IT are accepted in spring and fall semester, while admission to Executive MBA in Innovation & Business Creation is only available for fall admission. Application Portal: TUM Online Application Fee: Not required

  • Bachelor's degree transcripts
  • Application Fee: not required
  • GPA: 3.6 or 91%
  • TOEFL IBT : 88
  • PTE Academic : 65
  • GMAT: 640 or above
  • Work experience proof with a minimum of 3 years of professional experience
  • Completion of multi-stage admission process
  • Resume or CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Copy of valid passport
  • Certified translation of transcripts in English or German
  • Interview on invitation

Application Deadlines

Application Round Spring Deadline Fall Deadline
Round 1 31 December, 2024 June 30, 2024
Round 2 31 January, 2025 July 31, 2024
Round 3 28 February, 2025 August 31, 2024

Class Profile

Particulars Details
Average Age 36 years
Average Work Experience 11 years
Average Leadership Experience 5 years
International Students 40%

Technical University Munich Undergraduate Admission

There are 170 undergraduate degree programs available at the University. Admission into the deemed university is challenging because enrollment relies on different criteria, rather than university candidacy. The segment below lists the requirements for entry for applicants who are ready to apply for university undergraduate programs.

Application Portal: TUM Online Application Fee: Not Required

  • Preliminary documents from students with international higher education qualifications
  • GPA: 2.0 GPA or 73-76%
  • Reference Letter
  • Brief Description of Bachelor’s Thesis
  • Letter of motivation or Essay(Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Mathematics)

Technical University Munich Undergraduate Admission

Technical University Munich Interview Process and Dates

Students receiving admission offers from Technical University Munich will be invited for a 20-minute interview at the respective department or school they have applied for. The interview basically allows students to choose the right program based on their interests. However, the interview is an optional requirement for admissions and is not mandatory.

Technical University Munich Admission Decisions

The decisions for Technical University Munich admissions are generally released within 8 weeks after applying for admission. Upon their acceptance to Technical University Munich, the students will receive notification through email regarding admission decisions or offers of admission. The offer of admission will be available on the applicant’s TUMonline account. Hence, all applicants are advised to keep a track of their applications. Also, the decision date may vary from program to program.

Technical University Munich Selection Criteria

The Technical University Munich acceptance rate is merely 8%, which makes it one of the hardest institutes in Germany to get into. The selection process for admission starts with evaluation of applicant's academic qualifications, skills, and work experience. The eligible candidates are then invited for an aptitude test that determines their eligibility for the program they've applied for.

In the initial stage of the selection process, the grades obtained by candidates are evaluated on the basis of the point system. Depending on the points the applicant has achieved, they are either accepted for admission or immediately rejected.

Student Profile and Diversity at TUM

Total Enrollment: 52,580 Number of International Students: 23,422 Percentage of International Students: 45% Number of Female Students: 19,088 Percentage of Female Students: 36%

With a legacy of 150 years, TUM is the best in Germany offering UG, PG, double-degree programs, exchange programs, and study-abroad programs. Students who have pursued a bachelor’s degree with medium English do not need to provide additional proof of English language proficiency .TUM provides above 3,000 job opportunities for the students to choose. Scholarships in Germany for international students are rare, hence, students should look for funding possibilities in their home country for financial assistance.

Ques. How to get admission in Technical University of Munich?

Ans . To get admitted to a bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Munich, you need to have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (75%) in high school and must provide German language proof. For admission in a graduate program, the applicant must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.6 (92%) in bachelor's, 2 to 3 year professional experience alongside English or German Proficiency proof is required. Some programs may also require test scores of GMAT/GRE/GATE.

Ques. Is it hard to get into the Technical University of Munich?

Ans . It is quite hard to get into Technical University of Munich as the majority of the programs require high academic GPA, test scores as well professional work experience. Also, the acceptance rate stands at 8% which makes it harder to get accepted into TUM.

Ques. What GPA is required for the Technical University of Munich?

Ans . There is no minimum GPA required for undergraduate admission but Indian students are advised to maintain a GPA around 2.0 (75%) or higher. For graduate admission, a GPA of 3.6 or 92% is required.

Ques. What is the TUM acceptance rate?

Ans . The acceptance rate at Technical University of Munich is 8%, which shows it is a highly selective university in terms of accepting applications.

Ques. How much GRE score is required for Technical University of Munich?

Ans . A minimum GRE score between 157 - 164 is required in the Quantitative section and a score of 4.0 in the Analytical Writing section is required.

Ques. Can you study in TUM without knowing German?

Ans . German is not a mandatory requirement at Technical University of Munich except for Bachelor's degrees and some graduate programs that are offered in German.

Ques. How long does TUM take to process applications?

Ans . TUM generally takes 8 weeks to process applications. However, it may take longer in case the number of applications are higher.

Ques. Does TUM have an entrance exam?

Ans . All students are required to sit in the aptitude test to prove their eligibility for the program they have applied for. The eligibility criteria may vary from program to program.

Ques. What is the Technical University Munich interview process?

Ans . Students receiving admission offers from Technical University Munich will be invited for a 20 minute interview at the respective department or school they have applied for. The interview basically allows students to choose the right program based on their interests. However, the interview is an optional requirement for admissions and is not mandatory.

Ques. What are the requirements for a TUM Executive MBA?

Ans . To be eligible for TUM Executive MBA, an applicant must meet the minimum graduate admission requirements and submit a GMAT score of 640 or above to strengthen their application, and an IELTS score of 6.5.

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12 Reviews Found

Great exposure! An opportunity of a lifetime!

  • I chose TUM since it is one of the top 3 universities in Germany. I love the German language and culture. Also, it is a public university, which meant the tuition fee was quite low. I chose this particular program because it offers a vast number of courses to choose from. ,
  • I like the vast amount of opportunities the university presents students with. One can really grow as an individual in such an environment. It is student-friendly. The culture is open such that international students can feel at home.
  • I did not like that one is left on their own when it comes to curriculum planning. It can get really overwhelming for international students and a bit more hand-holding in the first semester would go a long way. Also, the professors consider that you know everything about the academic system (exams, etc) there already, and do not give personal attention to international students.

Great for developing overall intercultural competence and networking opportunities.

Scholarship :

No, I did not receive any scholarship.

The Technical University of Munich

  • Germany has always been a country that provides top quality education and the fact that there was no tuition fee was a bonus. TUM is one of the top universities in Germany with a good atmosphere not just for academic growth but also for various other extracurricular pursuits. The faculty and chairs of the particular course I wanted to pursue were very well established which made this a dream opportunity for me. ,
  • The university offers support to not only our academic pursuits but also to the holistic growth of the students. They understand the hardships of the students and provide various support systems, such as counselling, career advice, accommodation advice etc to help us out. As previously mentioned, there are numerous student activities and initiatives to choose from that help the student be part of a community, make connections and assist in their personal growth.
  • There are no particular things I dislike about the university. But one thing I'm not used to is the examinations. For example, for most of the exams, we are not provided with the previous year's question papers to practice. This is not ideal, especially in a problematic subject where ample practice and understanding of the previous exam patterns are essential. There is also no separate question-and-answer paper, we are provided with questions printed with space left for answers. Some papers have space in the back for the correction but one of the exams I gave did not so rewriting the answer was not possible. The exams are also notorious for having really little time.

Deciding to pursue my Master's at TUM was the best decision I ever made. Not only am I provided with a world-class education and academic infrastructure, but I am also provided with invaluable personal growth opportunities. I am proud to be part of the diverse and inclusive student community. I have made efforts to participate in and volunteer for the various clubs and events at the university that have provided me with an opportunity to meet like-minded students as well as interact with the esteemed professors. But I have to admit that for a new student not used to the German education system, the studies can be a bit challenging, especially during the exam seasons.

No, I am not a recipient of any scholarship

Life at TUM

  • Best university in Germany and it is located in Munich which is an industrial city thus plenty of internship opportunities. ,
  • The course structure and faculty. The course is very well organised and the classes are oriented in a way such that students can also do part time job without clashing with lecture hours.
  • Exams are very tough here and there is no proper book where we can study from. The lectures are taught in the form of slides and one has to understand everything in order to pass the exams

I would say that TUM is a top tier university and can be compared to MIT standards. The engineering students here are one of the best brains on the planet and therefore it is very tough to compete the engineering courses here. However the School of management is not as difficult as compared to engineering school. However one should not take it lightly. The faculty here are very experienced and have very good English skills. Most of the people here in the Uni can speak English and therefore it becomes easier for international students. There is also a buddy program for new students which can help them get to know about the Uni and the course better.

Bright side of studies in Germany

  • Quality of education, reduce fees and Job opportunity here, as well as student friendly environment. Also in the universe, you can do the course on your own time frame and esay to navigate ,
  • Research facilities and ongoing project, teaching staff and infrastructure and lot of stuff, the Vibe here is quite amazing for students and they can actually have good time here and learn a lot
  • "Accomodation is very tough thing here and if you really are considering coming here, then I would advise you to research your things thoroughly . Also you need to be self dependent here and have to try and work it out yourself . "

Overall I am quite satisfied as for where I am and it is ofcourse the best universities in Germany so you have to make the most of it .

Why you shouldnt apply for Aerospace.

It was closer to home and tied up with Nanayang Technological University, Singapore.

There is a DAAD Scholarship, but I did not receive any

A review of TUM by an average Indian Student

I prepared for the admission myself. Prepared SOP (Letter of Motivation), Essays by taking help from the internet but for checking and enhancing grammar I opened a paid account on Grammarly. All the relevant information on the application process can be found on TUM's informatics webpage (or simply by googling). If there is any help that a potential applicant needs, then he can simply mail the university (studium(at)tum.de). Though they may take a while they always do reply. Even when I had trouble during my applications, I contacted them at the same email address. Otherwise, if there is a document that is not in the correct format, the admission department always informs you and is ready to help.

Learn something that no one can take away from you

TUM is the best technical university with diverse faculty and with various research opportunities.

No, I didn't applied for any schlarship.

Attracted by it's curriculum: Technical University Munich

It was the best university in Germany for the last 6 years and is also internationally recognized. TUM provided the best opportunities for students to get their dream job or further strengthen their research skills. This particular program caught my eye because sustainability is the way forward in the coming years and my interest was always in making sustainable societies with judicious resource use.

No, I haven't got any scholarship as of now. I would like to check out some scholarships from the second semester onwards. I heard that there are some opportunities to get a small scholarship that at least takes care of the accommodation needs.

My views on Technical University of Munich

Excellent academic, wide variety of courses, research oriented and very very less tuition fees.

Hands-on Experience at Technical University Munich

It is a well-reputed university with well-maintained labs to get hands-on experience along with excellent teaching faculty. Also, I believed that I could get into this university with my academic scores.

No, I didn't receive any scholarship.

No, a GATE score is not required for all Master's in Engineering programs at the Technical University Munich (TUM). Some programs require a GATE score, while others accept GRE or neither. However, requirements vary from program to program. You need to check the program's specific requirements to which you are willing to apply.

To get admitted to a bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Munich, you need to have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (75%) in high school. For graduate programs, you must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.6 (92%) in bachelor's. It's very unlikely to get admission with a low GPA.

The Technical University Munich offers a Master of Science (M.S) program in Data Science and Business Analytics. It would be best if you had a Bachelor’s degree from recognized institutions or universities. The university requires you to provide relevant GRE (General) scores. Alternatively, you can submit a scorecard of the GATE test. The minimal qualifying score of the respective year is necessary.

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Graduate Admissions

Master of Public Health - Admission

How to apply for SFU’s Faculty of Health Sciences - Master of Public Health (MPH)

Next application intake opens on:

October 17, 2024

Next application intake closes on:

January 22, 2025

The MPH program accepts applications from October to January, with admission updates in March and April. The program begins in September.

Applications for Fall 2024 are now closed.

Get all the information you need to apply for the MPH program

On this page ↓.

  • Program Overview
  • Admission Requirements
  • Supporting Documents
  • How to Apply

Admission FAQs

General faqs, information for international and out-of-province students, mph program overview.

The vision of the Faculty of Health Sciences has been to create a vibrant interdisciplinary environment that employs a “cell to society” approach to understand and impact health and wellness across the life-course, with an evidence-based focus on addressing health inequities and social injustice. The MPH program fulfills this vision by teaching to 27 core public health competencies.

The MPH is a cohort-based program, which offers a strong consolidated and integrated core to meet the needs of future public health practitioners. You will be able to explore your individual interests through your choice of two elective courses and your practicum placement. This is a key strength of our program made possible through our rich engagement and relationships with our practice partners. This enables us to offer diverse and exciting practicum opportunities that are key to providing you with the best possible preparation to enter the field of public health practice.

If you are looking for answers about questions regarding tuition, course plan, program length etc.,


MPH admission requirements

Admission to the MPH program requires a competitive GPA, strong references, a compelling statement of intent, and clear evidence of interest and involvement in public health. You do not need to secure a  supervisor before applying. We assess interest and involvement through various means, including your academic background and participation in health-related activities. This could involve working with NGOs, studying or volunteering in developing countries, or engaging with public health organizations in Canada. Other factors influencing admission include the quality and quantity of applications and available seats. If you are a health practitioner with significant experience, we may also consider your career achievements.

Complete baccalaureate degree:

Must be the equivalent of SFU’s 4-year bachelor’s degree in any field, with a minimum of 3.33 (B+) based on the last 60 credits of undergraduate coursework when you apply. We will also consider graduate coursework. Your degree can be in progress when you apply but all courses must be complete before the MPH program begins.  How to calculate your GPA

Credential evaluation report (for applicants with international credentials):

If you have credentials from an institution outside of Canada or the United States, you must submit a credential evaluation report from  WES Canada  (course-by-course report) or  ICES  (comprehensive report) only. Credential evaluation reports from other associations such as Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) will not be accepted. If you completed an exchange or study abroad through a Canadian or American university, you do not need to complete a credential evaluation report.

Credential reports take an average of 3–4 weeks (up to 20+ weeks for some countries) to come from WES or ICES. Start this process early to meet the application deadline. The admission committee will be looking at your credential evaluation report to calculate the cgpa of your last 60 credits. This initial step is crucial in the adjudication process, no exceptions or any conditional admission will be provided for applicants to submit their credential evaluation report after the application deadline or upon admission.

English language competency:

If English is not your primary language you must complete an English language competency examination. For more information, refer to SFU Graduate Studies English language requirements .

Proof of statistic course completion:

You must meet the statistics prerequisite and provide evidence of completion.  Upload a syllabus of the statistics course you completed demonstrating it meets our statistics requirement .

If you have not completed the prerequisite at the time of application but are recommended for admission, admission will be conditional on the successful completion of this prerequisite  prior  to the start of the program.

Courses that are accepted generally meet the following criteria:

A course with the word "statistics" in the course title

A course that covers at least three of the following five topics:

Descriptive statistics (means, proportion and standard deviation) and graphical methods (histogram and bar chart)

Estimation and 95% confidence intervals

Hypothesis testing and p-values


Linear regression

We also recommend that you look into online introductory statistics courses, as these courses are often self-paced and have flexible start dates. Some options are:

Thompson Rivers University: STAT 1201  (Introduction to Probability and Statistics)

Athabasca University: MATH 215  (Introduction to Statistics)

If you already meet the statistics prerequisite but would like a refresher, we suggest the online module  Introduction to Statistics . This module does  not  fulfill the prerequisite requirement—it is a suggested refresher only.

Supporting documents

Important reminder.

Graduate application deadlines at FHS are firm to ensure that all applicants are treated equally and assessed under the same criteria. Applicants must meet admissions requirements and submit all required documents before the deadline to be considered for admission.

It is your responsibility to ensure all uploaded documents are complete and legible, and meet admission requirements. Here’s what you need:


Credential evaluation report from  WES Canada  or  ICES  (International applicants only)

If you have credentials from an institution outside of Canada or the United States, as part of your supporting documents, you must submit a scanned unofficial credential evaluation report from  WES Canada  (course-by-course report) or  ICES  (comprehensive report).

If you attended a Canadian or American university but studied at an international university while on exchange/study abroad, you do not need to complete a credential evaluation report.

Credential reports take an average of  3–4 weeks (up to 20 weeks in some cases)  to come from WES or ICES. Start this process early to meet the application deadline.

When you upload an unofficial scanned copy of your report, be sure to upload copies of both sides of any two-sided, printed documents.

Upon successful admission, your official credential evaluation report must be viewable online (only available through WES) OR you must arrange for a hard copy to be delivered to our office. Note ICES does not provide electronic reports.


English Language Requirements 

English is the language of communication at the University and instruction in most programs. English languate admission requirements are set by SFU Graduate Stuides. Applicants whose primary language is not English must demonstrate command of English sufficient to pursue graduate studies in the chosen field. Applicants applying to programs conducted entirely in French will be exempt from this requirement.

International applicants will not be required to complete an English-language test if they have completed a  degree  at an institution where the language of instruction and examination was in English in a country where English is the  primary  language.  Learn More .

Proof of statistics course

Proof of statistics course

Upload a syllabus of the statistics course you completed demonstrating it meets our statistics requirement.

If you have not completed the prerequisite at the time of application but are recommended for admission, admission will be conditional on the successful completion of this prerequisite  prior  to the start of the program.  More information .

Three references

Three academic or professional references

Your referees should comment on your academic and/or professional abilities and suitability to a graduate program in Health Sciences. They will submit their references directly through the application system.

Your referees must fill in the online reference forms and submit their reference letters.


A statement of intent

Explain your reasons or intentions for pursuing studies in this program, including a description of your prior experience. For MPH applicants, if you have already identified topics of special interest for a practicum experience or master's project, please include this in your statement of intent.

Your statement should be no more than two double-spaced typed pages.

CV or resume

Your CV or resume

Outline your academic achievements and/or awards, publications, relevant work and/or volunteer experience.

Official transcripts


You must upload an unofficial transcript (scanned, saved, etc.) showing grades for each post-secondary institution you have attended (including SFU, if applicable), when you are uploading documents to your application. Transcripts must be in PDF format. You cannot upload these documents until your application has been submitted, and your application fee has been paid and processed onto your account.

  • We will not accept screenshots or photographs of transcripts taken with a camera, smart phone, or tablet.
  • If documents are two-sided, please upload scanned copies of both sides.
  • If you have international credentials from a non-English speaking institution, you must upload transcripts in their original language with certified literal English translations AND official degree certificate in the original language with certified literal English translation.

Official transcripts sent by mail

If offered admission, submit one official electronic or physical copy of your transcript for each post-secondary institution you have attended

If you receive an offer of admission , you will be required to submit an official transcript for each post-secondary institution. If you have a degree in progress, your offer of admission letter will confirm if that degree must be awarded before you begin your studies at SFU. If the degree must be completed, do not send  your official transcript from that institution until your degree is awarded and appearing on your transcript.

Official transcripts (one per institution):

  • must be official documents, sealed by the institution of issue, and sent directly to Simon Fraser University. The mailing address can be found below - OR -
  • may alternatively be sent electronically via a secure delivery service, such as Parchment, directly from official institutional email addresses (your institution of study must have such a service in place for this to be possible). SFU's email address for receipt of electronic transcripts is [email protected]  - OR -
  • may also be submitted in an institution-sealed envelope by the applicant, as long as the seal and all official notations/seals/signatures remain untouched and intact on the institution's original envelope. (Do not open the envelope - if you open it, it is no longer official).

Unsealed (open/loose) transcripts will not be accepted as official, even if they are on institutional paper. Transcripts received by email without secure delivery or sent by an applicant will not be accepted as official. Each transcript is subject to review prior to acceptance. 

  • If you have international credentials from a non-English speaking institution, you must send transcripts in their original language with certified literal English translations AND official degree certificate in the original language with certified literal English translation.
  • We will accept notarized copies of original transcripts and degree certificates if you are unable to obtain multiple copies of original transcripts.

Graduate Studies
Maggie Benston Student Services Centre 1100
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada V5A 1S6


Optional documents

Optional additional documents

You can submit optional supporting documents as indicated in the online application system.

How to apply

Complete the online application and pay the application fee at least three weeks prior to the application deadline to avoid delays and ensure your references have time to submit their reports. You can upload supporting documentation once you have completed the first part of your application. Your referees can also submit their references for you here, too.

1. Start your  online application

All SFU programs use the same  application page , so consult the FHS procedures and requirements, as well as  SFU’s overall requirements .  

2. Pay your non-refundable application fee

We cannot access your online application until you submit your non-refundable application fee. For Canadian transcripts, the fee is $110 CAD. For applications with any international transcripts, the fee is $150 CAN. Payment is accepted by credit card only (MasterCard or Visa).

3. Submit your supporting documents  online  (see above)

It is your responsibility to submit all supporting documents on the  online system , ensuring they are complete and legible. The documents are outlined at the bottom of this page—read instructions carefully.

4. Submit electronic copies OR mail hard copies of your official transcripts (after offer of admission)

If you receive an offer of admission, you need to submit official transcripts for any institutions you’ve attended. If you have international credentials from a non-English speaking institution, you must send transcripts in their original language with certified literal English translations AND official degree certificate in the original language with certified literal English translation.

Explore by topic about important information concerning admission tailored for prospective students.

Do I need to confirm a supervisor as part of the application process?

The MPH program is structured as a course-based program. Applicants are not required to select a supervisor. MORE INFORMATION >>

How many concentrations are offered in the MPH program?

MPH program does not offer concentration options.

I am currently enrolled in an MPH program at another institution, am I eligible to transfer to the SFU MPH program?

MPH program does not accept transfer applicants. The program is structured so that each cohort of MPH students progresses together each term according to the established course plan. Credits are not transferable, and students are required to complete all courses in their cohort's course plan over the two-year duration of the program.

Are there any funding opportunities available for MPH students?

Unlike the MSc thesis and Ph.D. programs, funding for MPH students is not guaranteed for the duration of their program.

How many applications does the admission committee receive each year, and how many offers are typically extended?

Admission to the MPH program is offered on a competitive basis. Each year, we receive several hundred applications and extend offers to approximately 40-45 students.

When can I expect to receive the admission decision?

The admission committee will begin reviewing applications once the intake is closed in January, and admission results will likely be sent out to applicants before May. We encourage you to regularly check your email and the Status Portal for any notifications.

Is it possible to request admission deferrals once admitted?

To request a deferral, send your request by email with your reasons to the Manager, Graduate Programs.  Decisions about MPH deferrals are made on an individual basis by the Director of Professional Programs and Accreditation in their capacity of Chair of the MPH Admissions Committee after discussion with the Manager of Graduate Programs. It may take up to two weeks for a response to your request. Deferrals are granted sparingly with about 2-3 deferrals given each year. The Manager of Graduate Programs communicates deferral decisions to students by email. 

The following are grounds for a deferral being considered:

1) Visa delays: when students have made complete and timely applications for Visas and these have been delayed either in their home countries or in Canada

2) Personal circumstances: when students have to contend with serious health issues or other serious family matters

3) Jobs: when students get short-term positions that hold exceptional promise for their future careers.  

Is it possible to schedule a meeting with the program office for guidance or to determine my eligibility for the program?

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer individual document review or one-on-one advising for prospective students. We highly recommend that you review the admission pages provided on this page for detailed information.

Am I eligible to apply if I do not meet the required CGPA? Can I enroll in additional courses to improve my CGPA?

We appreciate your commitment to enhancing your application. However, please be aware that the admission committee will evaluate applicants based on the last 60 credits completed in their post-secondary education. The admission committee will also take into account applicants' graduate coursework and experiences, applicants are encouraged to apply for the program if they believe they can provide clear evidence of both interest and involvement in public health.

Is it possible to be exempt from submitting the credential evaluation report, or can an alternative evaluation report such as WES US be used instead of WES Canada (course-by-course report) or ICES (comprehensive report)?

Applicants with credentials from institutions outside of Canada or the United States MUST submit a scanned unofficial credential evaluation report from WES Canada (course-by-course report) or ICES (comprehensive report) prior to the application deadline. Exemptions cannot be granted to be fair to all applicants.

Do I need to fulfill the English Language Proficiency requirement?

According to  SFU Graduate Studies , applicants whose primary language is not English must demonstrate a command of English sufficient to pursue graduate studies in the chosen field. Visit this page to search countries for which an English Language Proficiency Test is not required.

International applicants will not be required to complete an English-language test if they have completed a  degree  at an institution where the language of instruction and examination was in English in a country where English is the primary language.

If my school did not provide a syllabus or outline for the statistics course, or if I cannot find it, am I exempt from uploading the course outline for the statistics course?

Prospective applicants must upload their transcript and a syllabus of the statistics course they completed, demonstrating that it meets our statistics requirement. If the admission committee determines that the prerequisite has not been completed at the time of application but recommends admission, admission will be conditional upon successfully fulfilling this prerequisite before the program commences.

What types of references (academic or professional) should I use to fulfill the reference requirement?

Applicants are required to apply with a combination of both academic or professional references.

Is it necessary to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) as part of the admission requirements?

No, taking the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not a part of the admission requirements.

What is the tuition fee for the program, and when is it due?

International and domestic graduate students pay the same tuition fees. The total minimum tuition of $15,329.5 covers the entire program consisting of 46 units. MPH students are required to pay their tuition for courses and term fees at the beginning of each term, occurring three times per year. Please note that the tuition fee and other fees are subject to change, we encourage you to keep monitoring our  page  for any updates.

How do we pay for tuition?

SFU provides 6 ways to pay for tuition and has detailed information for payments on their website.  Find more information  HERE .

What will the workload be like?

As a full-time MPH student in our program, students can expect to spend 52 hours per week between classes and course work. This is based on spending 2-3 hours per credit per week not counting time spent in lectures or tutorials. Please see this  library site  for tips on pacing your studying.

What does a typical day at university include?

MPH students will typically have between 1-2 classes/day with a heavier course load in the first two terms. Many students utilize the various study rooms and classrooms to work on group projects, study and socialize. There are quiet study rooms for getting you work done as well.

Are MPH students eligible to apply for Teaching Assistant (TA) positions?

Teaching Assistantship positions are announced on our website and communicated to graduate students 2-3 months prior to the start of each term. These positions are opened to all graduate students and are assigned competitively.

How do I find out about scholarship and funding opportunities?

Please look on our website to see  scholarship and funding information  for both prospective and current students. We recommend reading both sites.  Funding is limited for professional programs so be prepared to fund the entirety of your program.

What kind of services can I expect from the library?

The SFU Library is dedicated to providing access to collections, services and facilities in support of the teaching, learning and research goals of the SFU community.

Graduate students also receive additional support from from the library with dedicated space and programs to support you throughout your degree. More information can be found  on our  current students page.

What kind of study spaces can I find at SFU campuses, including the library?

Study spaces across SFU campuses: Study Spaces - Student Services - Simon Fraser University (sfu.ca) Study Spaces - Vancouver Campus - Simon Fraser University (sfu.ca)

Graduate individual  study rooms  are available at the Bennett library on the SFU Burnaby campus.

SFU Graduate Studies office for  international graduate students  is the most comprehensive resource for international applicants and students.  

The  International Services for Students  office provides support and services for all students seeking information regarding a variety of international learning opportunities.

International student advisors can help you with the following:

Study permit and temporary resident (entry) visas

On-campus employment regulations

Social insurance numbers (SIN)

Co-op, post-graduation, and off-campus work permits

Visitor visas and work permits for spouses/common-law partners

Health insurance and the Canadian medical system

US visitor visas

Personal, cultural and academic transition

Any other non-academic questions or concerns

You can visit the office in person, call 778-782-4232, or send an email to  [email protected] . The  pre-arrival guide  and  welcome guides  may also help you prepare for your studies at SFU.

Explore the important information and resources tailored for students from international pathways provided by  SFU's Interntaional Services for Students

  • Permits and Visas (before you arrive)
  • Permits and Visas (after you arrive)
  • Trip planning
  • Transportation
  • Medical Services and Insurance
  • Employment and Volunteer
  • Support for your family
  • Safety at SFU

Before getting in touch, please carefully review the admission requirements and application information. We’ll do our best to get back to you quickly, but responses may be delayed up to two weeks during peak periods.

Note: We do not confirm the receipt of electronic or hard-copy application documents. You must monitor your application checklist on a regular basis. We will not accept late documentation.

Please contact Quincy Fung, the Graduate Program Assistant of MPH program at  [email protected]  or 1-778-782-7036 for more information.

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Language Certificates

In order to succeed in your studies, you need to have a good grasp on the language. On this page you'll find everything you need to know when it comes to proving your language skills. 

Courses at TUM are offered in two languages of instruction: German and English. There are degree programs in which all courses are offered either entirely in German or in English. In some degree programs, you can or must take courses or modules in both German and English. Depending on the degree program and the focus of your studies, you will therefore need different language skills.

The options listed here are sufficient to comply with the minimum language requirements needed for admission. Depending on the program and your individual background it may, however, be necessary for you to keep working on your language skills during your studies. Be sure to check out the services of our Language Center.

For information on what credentials you need to provide when applying for a specific degree program, please see our degree program pages .

Not sure what to use as proof of your language skills when applying? Our Language Skill Navigator can help you narrow down your options. 

German Language Skills

Good command of German is an important prerequisite to successfully complete your studies at TUM.  Proof of sufficient German language skills  must be submitted before the  end of the application  period for all degree programs whose  language of instruction is German.  

Applicants holding a German university entrance qualification do not require verification of their German language skills. German citizens with an international higher education entrance qualification who have spent at least two school years at a German-speaking school may submit their school certificate as proof of their German language proficiency.

Please also note the information on the requirements of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education in Germany (KMK) regarding proof of German language proficiency . A list of certificates recognized as proof of German language proficiency can be found in the KMK’s framework regulations (pdf, German, 391 KB).

More information for exchange students is available at TUM Global & Alumni Office.

Recognized German Language Certificates

Applicants who have not obtained their higher education entrance qualification at a German-speaking institution are required to have sufficient German language skills to be able to complete their studies at a German university (linguistic study ability).

When applying for degree programs requiring proof of sufficient German skills for admission, you may submit the following certificates:

A DSH passed with an overall result of at least DSH-2 is considered proof of linguistic study ability for admission or enrollment to all degree programs and degrees.

Only for the bachelor degree programs Aerospace and Information Engineering also DSH-1 (or higher).

The German language diploma of the Permanent Conference of the Ministers for Education and Cultural Affairs – Second Level (= DSD II): It is sufficient to have reached Level B 2 in all four sections.

Only for the bachelor degree programs Aerospace and Information Engineering also DSD I (or higher).


Passed the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule.

Only for the bachelor degree programs Aerospace and Information Engineering also telc Deutsch A2 (or higher).

Test of German as a foreign language for foreign students (TestDaF) with a result that demonstrates having reached level 4 in all sections.

Only for the bachelor degree programs Aerospace and Information Engineering also level 3 in all sections (or higher).


Passed a Goethe Certificate C2.

Only for the bachelor degree programs Aerospace and Information Engineering also Goethe Certificate A2 (or higher).


Passed Österreichisches Sprachdiplom C2.

Only for the bachelor degree programs Aerospace and Information Engineering also ÖSD Certificate A2 (or higher).

Please note that the certificates mentioned here only meet the formal minimum requirements . To study successfully, we strongly recommend that you expand and deepen your language skills during your studies.

Alternative Proof of German Language Proficiency

In some cases, an alternative form of proof of language proficiency may be submitted in place of a language certificate. Please refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program ( FPSO ) for specific details.


Certificate of an aptitude test that proves the ability of foreign applicants to take up higher education studies in Germany (qualification assessment examination).


  • A "German A (Higher Level)" within the International Baccalaureate
  • Either Biology, History or German as Higher Level in the "Gemischtsprachiges International Baccalaureate mit Schwerpunkt Deutsch"


A certificate from a European School is accepted as proof of German language proficiency only with a successful completion of an examination in German as a first language (L1) or second language (L2).


A diploma from a German educational institution in Germany or abroad.

Please note: If you wish to submit a diploma/degree certificate of an academic degree (e.g. a bachelor's with German as language of instruction) as proof of your language skills, you need to submit this document to the online application form. So please be sure the documents will be issued in time, i.e. before the application deadline. Additionally, the documents submitted must show the proportion of your entire degree program that was taught in German.

Preliminary certificates, transcripts etc. are not sufficient. If the final graduation documents are not available in time, you need to submit a different proof of language proficiency.

Please note:

  • Language certificates from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or language tests for admission to other universities cannot be recognized.
  • Certificates of German-language education at secondary school types Mittelschule or Realschule as well as at a vocational school are also not sufficient.

English Language Skills

As a rule, proof of sufficient English language skills must be submitted before the   end of the application period   for all degree programs whose language of instruction is English.  

In these cases, please upload valid proof of your english language skills to the online application form . The document has to contain all information required for validation . Only English language certificates of the below mentioned list are recognized. Other English language certificates are not recognized.

For the bachelor degree programs

  • Information Engineering
  • Management and Data Science
  • Management and Technology (at Munich Campus)
  • Sustainable Management and Technology

English language skills verification is carried out as part of the aptitude assessment . An English language certificate is not required for the application.

Recognized English Language Certificates

Test of english as a foreign language (toefl).

Minimum Requirements:

  • Internet based Test (iBT): 88 . Only the Test Date Score is valid, MyBest Score will not be accepted.
  • iBT Home Edition:  88 . Only the Test Date Score is valid, MyBest Score will not be accepted.

Please upload a screenshot of your Test Taker Score Report to the online application form. TOEFL ITP is not accepted.

Please note : To make your TOEFL results available for TUM, use the ETS Institution Code 7806. This allows your TOEFL score to be verified.


  • IELTS Academic with a minimum overall band score of 6.5 .
  • IELTS indicator with a  minimum overall band score of 6.5 .

Please upload your Test Report Form or your Unique Identifier Number to the online application form.

Please note: In case you are not able to receive your Test Report Form (TRF), please upload a PDF document with your TRF Number on it instead. Every passed IELTS test has a TRF Number (Test Report Form Number). We will then try to verify your IELTS results onlilne.


CAE (Cambridge Advanced English), Grades A, B, C

CPE (Cambridge Proficiency English), Grades A, B, C

Please upload your CAE or CPE certificate to the online application form.


PTE Academic with an Overall Score of at least 65 points.

PTE Academic Online with an Overall Score of at least 65 points.

Upload your score report to the online application form. We will attempt to verify your PTE Academic certificate online.

In some cases, an alternative form of proof of language proficiency may be submitted in place of a language certificate. Please refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program ( FPSO ) for specific details. Please also be aware of the  Collective Amendment concerning the proof of English language proficiency (PDF, 143 KB)

English language proficiency may no longer be proven by school grades (e.g. in the Abitur). An exception may apply to degree programs for which language skills verification is carried out as part of the aptitude assessment.

Verification of English Skills by Language of Instruction

You can prove your English language skills through the language of instruction in your previous school or academic education – for example, if you completed a fully English-language school education (e.g. A-Levels, IB Diploma or High School Diploma) or if the language of instruction in a bachelor's degree program was English – by submitting your transcript of records or your degree certificate as evidence. The language of instruction needs to have been English in at least 50% of the program.

If the language of instruction is not stated in these documents, you can submit an official confirmation issued by your prior university.

For some master's degree programs , a sufficient amount of credits acquired in English modules during your undergraduate studies is accepted as proof of your English language proficiency as well. The information whether this option is valid for a certain degree program and, if so, how many credits you need to have completed in English modules, can be found in the Academic and Examination Regulations of a degree program.

If this option is given for a certain degree program, you need to submit your transcript of records or your degree certificate as evidence, as well as the form for proof of English proficiency via credits in a prior degree program (PDF, 20 KB) .

For some Master's degree programs, for example at the TUM Department of Informatics, it is also possible to prove your English language proficiency by submitting an English-language bachelor's thesis . Please note that the thesis must already have been submitted and graded. The English title must be noted in the transcript as a passed credit requirement and the transcript must indicate that the thesis was written in English; otherwise, a separate certificate from the university stating the language of the bachelor's thesis must be submitted. If the bachelor's thesis has not yet been graded, it cannot be used as a proof of English language proficiency.

Semesters spent in an exchange program or internship are not sufficient.

Verification of English Skills during the Aptitude Assessment

In the bachelor degree programs

English language skills verification is carried as part of the aptitude assessment.

It will be checked whether the language skills you have acquired at school are sufficient for your studies. For this purpose, the proofs in your higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur) are checked. Alternatively, the necessary language skills can be verified during the aptitude interview

The regulations for your degree program can be found in the corresponding Regulations on Aptitude Assessment .

Verification through the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

A GMAT with a score higher than 600 is accepted as proof of english skills for some master's programs offered by the TUM School of Management. For more information, please refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations (FPSO).

  • We cannot process any requests for verification of language certificates before you complete an online application via TUMonline. Language certificates sent directly from the providers by mail will also not be considered if there is no complete online application. Please upload your language certificate in PDF format during the online application.  
  • Older recognized language certificates will also be accepted if they are uploaded in PDF format. Temporary validity stated on certificates is not relevant for applications to TUM. The regulations regarding minimum grades also apply to older language certificates. In case of doubt, TUM reserves the right to request verification.

Multi-language programs

In some degree programs, you can choose between english or german courses - and in other cases, you need to complete german as well as english courses to complete your studies.

If this is the case, you need to provide proof of the respective language skills when applying.  

You can find more information about the language of instruction and the required language proficiency in our course list or in the respective Academic and Examination Regulations.  

Please observe the  e-mail etiquette .

Personal advising sessions with  General Student Advising  by appointment

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  • TUM Graduate School
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

PreDoc Program in Mathematics

Aktuelles | 09.10.2017

Who should apply?

If you hold a Bachelor degree or are expected to complete your degree prior to the beginning of the PreDoc Program, we encourage you to apply if:

  • You want to pursue a doctorate in Mathematics
  • You are passionate and creative about Mathematics
  • You have excellent grades
  • You have proof of sufficient English language skills (e.g. TOEFL minimum requirements: internet based test: 88; computer based test: 234; paper based test: 605).

What do you get from our PreDoc Program?

While enrolled in one of our Master Programs you will prepare for a future doctorate in Mathematics. The program includes:

  • An individual mentoring with a professor from your area of interest
  • Flexible entry points to one of our Doctorate Programs at different stages
  • Embedding in an attractive interdisciplinary and international graduate environment
  • A pre-study course prior to enrollment for orientation and, in particular, understanding German society and the university system
  • Scholarships for the duration of max. 2 years (a monthly stipend of 1.000 EUR) are available for international students. These will be awarded on the basis of academic merit. 

When and where to apply

Applications are open until 27 November 2017.

For application and further details, please visit the PreDoc Website .


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  1. Requirements

    Requirements. Admission to a doctorate at TUM requires a university degree completed with above-average results (Diploma, Magister or Master's), an equivalent state examination, or a Master's examination at a university of applied science. Results are considered to be above average if studies were completed with an average grade of at least ...

  2. Doctorate at the Technical University of Munich

    TUM Graduate School Technical University of Munich Boltzmannstr. 17 85748 Garching. Phone: + Contact

  3. Application

    Requirements. Admission to a doctoral program at TUM requires an above-average Diploma, Master's or equivalent university degree. Applications Steps. ... TUM Graduate School Technical University of Munich Boltzmannstr. 17 85748 Garching. Phone: + Contact.

  4. How to Apply

    Here is all you need to know about requirements, application and admission. Application Info Portal. In the Application Info Portal you will find all important information about application and admission. ... All information about doctoral studies at TUM Graduate School. More Previous slide Next slide. Glossary of Documents.

  5. Application as a PhD student at NAT

    Application as a PhD student at NAT¶ Requirements¶. Admission to a doctorate at TUM requires a university degree completed with above-average results (Diploma, Magister, or Master's), an equivalent state examination, or a Master's examination at a university of applied science.

  6. Doctorate Program

    Welcome to the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management. Our doctoral program ensures all our doctoral candidates receive the best preparation possible for a successful career in industry or academia. To achieve this, we provide strong, individualized support and mentoring for our doctoral candidates in their academic and professional ...

  7. Physics Department, TUM

    The TUM Graduate School supports our Department Graduate Center. As member of the Faculty Graduate Center Physics you may find an individual status page on your qualification program in section Membership and Qualification Program. Using this status page you need to report all your passed qualification elements to the FGC-PH administration ...

  8. Doctorate

    Doctorate. Outstanding research groups, an international environment and numerous research alliances - the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) offers you an excellent environment for your scientific career. The TUM Graduate School and our Graduate Center (GC-CIT) will support you from the outset.

  9. Doctorate

    The Graduate Center of Life Sciences (GC LS) is an institution of the TUM Graduate School and at the same time part of the TUM School of Life Sciences. In order to provide the best possible support for doctoral students, the Graduate Center of Life Sciences designs the framework of the TUM Graduate School in a needs-oriented manner, taking ...

  10. Application Steps

    Application Process. 1. Find a dissertation topic. The first step towards a doctorate is choosing your dissertation topic. You may have your own research idea already, or you may develop it with a researcher at TUM. Writing a research proposal will help you make your research project more specific in terms of objectives and individual steps.

  11. Physics Department, TUM

    Optional Elements of the Qualification Program. The mandatory elements of the qualification program are complemented by a wide range of subject-related and interdisciplinary training opportunities offered by the Department Graduate Center Physics with support by TUM Graduate School. The successful participation is certified on the final ...

  12. Doctoral program

    Courses offered by the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management are on doctoral level, comprise at least 2 SWS (21 hours class time) and minimum 3 ECTS workload per course. As a result, all doctoral candidates have to complete at least 5 courses. The recognition of external courses that do not differ significantly from those of the Graduate ...

  13. Applying for a Master's Degree Program

    Be aware of the general requirements for graduate studies and our assessment procedures. In the online application, you will be asked to upload all required documents for admission. Find out which documents you need, and prepare them beforehand - for example, you will need a letter of motivation or an essay in most cases.

  14. PhD

    Its scientists teach and research across multiple disciplines. TUM was one of the first "Universities of Excellence" of the nationwide Excellence Initiative and impressed this cooperative in 2006 with its concept of "TUM. The Entrepreneurial University." Find a PhD is a comprehensive guide to PhD studentships and postgraduate research degrees.

  15. Technical University Munich Admissions 2024: Deadlines, Admissions

    Bachelor's Admission requirement: To get admitted to a bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Munich, you need to have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (75%) in high school and must provide German language proof. Master's Admission Requirement: For admission in a graduate program, the applicant must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.6 (92%) in bachelor's, 2 to 3 year professional experience ...

  16. Technical University of Munich (TUM) Admission 2024-2025: Application

    Around 125 courses are offered at TUM at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Popular TUM courses are MSc in Informatics, MSc in Data Engineering, MBA, ... Applicants must meet the TUM admission requirements and submit the additional test score as per the program.

  17. English Proficiency Requirements

    English proficiency requirements for international graduate applicants. Note: Some graduate programs require higher minimum scores than those listed above. Please review the English proficiency requirements for your specific program of interest here.. To be valid for admission, IELTS test scores must be no more than two years old at the time the recommendation for admission is received at the ...

  18. TUM Graduate School

    TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS) is a central academic institution at TUM. It promotes structured training for doctoral candidates, and collaborates with the degree-awarding institutions at TUM to provide the best possible supervision. TUM-GS was founded in 2009 based on the model of the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering ...

  19. PDF TUM Graduate School

    The Welcome Office of the TUM Graduate School provides all applicants and doctoral candidates alike with extensive support in all aspects of the application and admission process. Our first-rate counseling and accommodation services will support you in making a smooth transition to your new life in

  20. Special Conditions for Certain Countries

    Applicants for bachelor's or master's degree programs need to apply for a Preliminary Documentation (VPD) via uni-assist. in addition to applying to TUM directly.. For certain programs, you also need to provide a current GRE (Graduate Record Examination).The GRE is an internationally accepted, standardized graduate admission test.

  21. Faq

    TUM does not offer conditional admission. If you intend to study at TUM, you need to fulfil all requirements for the program you apply for. This means that all documents proving all required qualifications, including the language skills, have to be submitted to TUM by the end of the designated deadline. If you are unable to prove sufficient ...

  22. Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral

    Our persistent pursuit of scholarly excellence is powered by our varied graduate and professional programs. Purdue is committed to maximizing the success of and support for graduate and professional students as well as postdoctoral scholars across all departments and colleges. - Eric Barker, Associate Provost for Graduate Programs (Acting)

  23. University Admission

    When applying for admission to the TUM, it is important to note that there are certain procedures that apply to unrestricted and restricted (Numerus Clausus) courses of study, but the majority of applicants are subject to an aptitude assessment. Which application procedures and formalities apply, therefore, depends on the individual program.

  24. MPH Admissions

    Attn: Admissions. Graduate Studies Maggie Benston Student Services Centre 1100 Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby, British Columbia ... Before getting in touch, please carefully review the admission requirements and application information. We'll do our best to get back to you quickly, but responses may be delayed up to two ...

  25. Language Certificates

    German Language Skills Good command of German is an important prerequisite to successfully complete your studies at TUM. Proof of sufficient German language skills must be submitted before the end of the application period for all degree programs whose language of instruction is German.. Applicants holding a German university entrance qualification do not require verification of their German ...

  26. PreDoc Program in Mathematics

    PreDoc Program in Mathematics. The PreDoc Program is designed for outstanding students who wish to pursue their PhD at the Department of Mathematics. Through application and admission already at a Masters level, PreDoc-students have early access to many aspects of the Faculty's Doctorate Programs as well as special financing possibilities!