How to Write a Policy Analysis Paper in 6 Easy Steps (+Examples)

policy analysis essay template

Working on a policy analysis paper is both challenging and fulfilling. In this article, we'll guide you through the process, whether you're new to the field or experienced. Understanding how policies are made, evaluated, and recommended is crucial for making a difference in public discussions and decisions. We'll cover everything from defining your goals to researching thoroughly, analyzing data, and presenting persuasive arguments. By following these steps, you'll be able to communicate your ideas effectively, shape procedure debates, and contribute to positive changes in society. Should you need more hands-on aid with the assignment, hire a college essay writer for the maximum result.

What Is a Policy Analysis Paper

A policy analysis essay definition is a comprehensive examination and evaluation of a particular policy or set of policies within a given context. It involves analyzing the rationale behind the system, its objectives, implementation strategies, and its intended and unintended consequences. This type of paper aims to provide insights into the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and feasibility of the approach, often considering various perspectives, stakeholders, and alternatives. Through rigorous research, data analysis, and critical reasoning, procedure analysis papers aim to inform decision-makers, scholars, and the public about the strengths and weaknesses of existing policies and propose recommendations for improvement or alternative courses of action.

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Policy Analysis Paper Purpose

The purpose of a policy analysis paper is to critically assess a specific procedure or set of policies in order to provide valuable insights into its effectiveness, implications, and potential areas for improvement. By examining the underlying rationale, objectives, and outcomes of the implementation, this type of paper aims to inform decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public about its strengths, weaknesses, and impacts on society. 

Students are writing a policy analysis paper in college for several reasons. Firstly, it allows them to develop critical thinking and analytical skills by evaluating real-world policies and their implications. Additionally, it helps students understand the complexities of policy-making processes and how policies impact various stakeholders. Writing analysis papers also enhances research and writing skills, as students must gather and synthesize information from diverse sources to support their arguments effectively. Furthermore, engaging with procedure analysis fosters civic engagement and social responsibility, encouraging students to contribute to public discourse and advocate for evidence-based solutions. Are you dealing with multiple assignments all at the same time? If you’re about to address the audience, say, ‘ write a speech for me ,’ so our experts can relieve your workload.

Topic Ideas for Policy Analysis Paper

Here’s a collection of 50 thought-provoking policy analysis paper topics for your inspiration. In addition, we’d like to offer you informative essay topics for the purpose of learning and self-education.

  • The viability of a universal healthcare system: An analysis.
  • Plastic bag bans: Environmental implications examined.
  • Tax credits for renewable energy adoption: Assessing effectiveness.
  • Social security and raising the retirement age: Exploring implications.
  • Implementing a four-day workweek: Feasibility assessment.
  • Community policing strategies: Effectiveness in crime reduction.
  • Increasing the minimum wage: Consequences evaluated.
  • School voucher programs: Impact on educational equity.
  • Congestion pricing for urban areas: Benefits and drawbacks analyzed.
  • Government subsidies for electric vehicles: Effectiveness assessed.
  • Zoning laws and affordable housing availability: An investigation.
  • National carbon tax: Feasibility and impact explored.
  • Mandatory voting laws: Consequences for political participation.
  • Drug rehabilitation programs: Effectiveness in reducing recidivism.
  • Legalizing marijuana: Public health implications examined.
  • Immigration policies and cultural diversity: Assessing impact.
  • Privatizing water utilities: Consequences analyzed.
  • Anti-bullying policies in schools: Effectiveness evaluated.
  • Free college tuition programs: Benefits and drawbacks assessed.
  • Wealth tax implementation: Feasibility analysis.
  • Ride-sharing services and traditional taxi industries: Impact assessment.
  • Gender quotas in corporate leadership: Effectiveness examined.
  • National gun registry: Implications and feasibility explored.
  • Expanding nuclear energy production: Consequences evaluated.
  • Mandatory parental leave policies: Effectiveness assessment.
  • Charter school expansion: Impact on public education explored.
  • Basic income implementation: Viability and consequences assessed.
  • Affordable housing initiatives: Success factors examined.
  • Internet privacy regulations: Impact on data security analyzed.
  • Corporate tax breaks: Economic implications assessed.
  • Universal preschool programs: Long-term benefits explored.
  • Climate change adaptation policies: Effectiveness in resilience building.
  • Universal voting by mail: Implications for voter turnout examined.
  • Reducing military spending: Consequences and feasibility analyzed.
  • Workplace diversity training: Effectiveness in promoting inclusivity.
  • Renewable energy subsidies: Impact on energy independence assessed.
  • Telecommuting incentives: Feasibility and impact on traffic analyzed.
  • Carbon capture and storage initiatives: Viability and effectiveness.
  • Local food sourcing policies: Benefits for communities examined.
  • Police body camera mandates: Impact on accountability assessed.
  • Community land trust programs: Success factors and limitations.
  • Mental health parity laws: Effectiveness in improving access.
  • Corporate social responsibility regulations: Impact on sustainability.
  • Universal pre-kindergarten education: Social and economic benefits.
  • Land value tax implementation: Impact on property markets assessed.
  • Affordable childcare initiatives: Impact on workforce participation.
  • Smart city technology investments: Benefits for urban development.
  • Flexible work hour policies: Impact on productivity and well-being.
  • Prescription drug pricing regulations: Consequences for affordability.
  • Public-private partnerships for infrastructure development: Effectiveness and risks assessed.

If you need more ideas, you may want to consult our guide on argumentative essay topics , which will definitely help kickstart your creativity. 

How to Structure a Policy Analysis Paper

A policy analysis paper format demands organizing your content coherently and logically to effectively communicate your analysis and findings. Here's a typical structure you can follow:

How to Structure a Policy Analysis Paper


  • Provide an overview of the issue or problem you're analyzing.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your analysis.
  • Introduce the policy or policies under review.
  • Provide background information to contextualize the issue.
  • State your thesis or research question.

Policy Context and Background

  • Provide more in-depth background information on the issue.
  • Describe the historical development of the policies.
  • Discuss the context in which the procedure was implemented.
  • Identify key stakeholders and their interests in the strategy.

Policy Analysis Framework

  • Explain the framework or methodology you're using to analyze the policy.
  • Define key concepts and terms relevant to your analysis.
  • Discuss any theoretical frameworks or models guiding your analysis.
  • Outline the criteria or criteria you will use to evaluate the procedure's effectiveness.

Policy Goals and Objectives

  • Identify and discuss the stated goals and objectives of the policy.
  • Evaluate the clarity and coherence of these goals.
  • Discuss any potential conflicts or contradictions among the goals.

Policy Implementation

  • Describe how the policy has been implemented in practice.
  • Discuss any challenges or barriers to implementation.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of implementation strategies.

Policy Outcomes and Impacts

  • Assess the outcomes and impacts of the policy.
  • Evaluate the extent to which the procedure has achieved its intended goals.
  • Discuss any unintended consequences or side effects of the approach.

Policy Alternatives

  • Identify and discuss alternative policy options or approaches.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each alternative.
  • Discuss the potential trade-offs associated with each alternative.


  • Based on your analysis, provide recommendations for policymakers.
  • Discuss specific actions or changes that could improve the process.
  • Justify your recommendations with evidence from your analysis.
  • Summarize the main findings of your analysis.
  • Restate your thesis or research question.
  • Reflect on the broader implications of your analysis.
  • Discuss any limitations or areas for further research.
  • Provide a list of sources cited in your paper.
  • Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

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How to Write a Policy Analysis Paper

In this section, we'll cover the basics of writing a policy analysis paper. This type of paper involves breaking down complicated policy issues, figuring out how well they're working, and suggesting ways to make them better. We'll walk you through the steps, like defining the goals of the implementation, looking at how it's being put into action, and checking what effects it's having. By the end, you'll have the skills to write a clear, well-reasoned paper that can help shape policies for the better. 

How to Write a Policy Analysis Paper

Understanding the Policy Issue

Start by thoroughly understanding the policy issue or problem you're analyzing. Research its background, context, and significance. Identify key stakeholders, relevant laws or regulations, and any existing policies addressing the issue.

Defining the Scope and Purpose

Clearly define the scope and purpose of your analysis. Determine what specific aspect of the approach you'll focus on and why it's important. Clarify the goals of your analysis and what you hope to achieve with your paper. Use an expert essay writing service to streamline your effort in producing a first-class paper. 

Gathering Data and Evidence

Collect relevant data and evidence to support your analysis. This may include statistical information, case studies, expert opinions, and academic research. Use credible sources and ensure your data is accurate and up-to-date.

Analyzing the Policy

A policy analysis paper evaluates the legislative program’s effectiveness, strengths, weaknesses, and implications. Use a structured approach, such as a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) or cost-benefit analysis, to assess the procedure from multiple perspectives. Consider its intended goals, implementation strategies, outcomes, and unintended consequences. If you need help with SWOT analysis, using our analytical essay writing service is highly recommended. 

Developing Recommendations

Based on your analysis, develop clear and actionable recommendations for policymakers or stakeholders. Identify specific changes or improvements that could enhance the system’s effectiveness or address its shortcomings. Support your recommendations with evidence and reasoning.

Writing and Communicating Your Analysis

Organize your analysis into a coherent and persuasive paper. Structure your paper with an introduction, background information, analysis, recommendations, and conclusion. Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or technical terms unless necessary. Provide citations for your sources and evidence. Finally, ensure your paper is well-written, logically organized, and effectively communicates your insights and recommendations.

Policy Analysis Paper Example

A policy analysis paper example serves as a valuable learning tool for students by providing a concrete model to follow and reference when undertaking their own analysis assignments. By studying an example paper, students can gain insights into the structure, content, and methodology of analysis, helping them understand how to effectively frame their analysis, support their arguments with evidence, and formulate actionable recommendations.

Example 1: “Implementing Universal Basic Income”

This policy analysis paper examines the feasibility and potential impacts of implementing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) program in the United States. It explores various options for UBI design, including cost and financing considerations, labor market effects, poverty reduction potential, and administrative feasibility. By reviewing existing evidence and debates surrounding UBI, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with adopting such a program, ultimately highlighting the need for careful analysis, experimentation, and stakeholder engagement in shaping effective UBI policies.

Example 2: “Addressing Climate Change through Carbon Pricing”

This policy analysis paper examines the role of carbon pricing policies in addressing climate change, evaluating their efficacy, implementation challenges, and potential impacts. Carbon pricing mechanisms, including carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems, aim to internalize the external costs of carbon emissions and incentivize emission reductions. The paper discusses the economic efficiency of carbon pricing in promoting innovation and investment in clean technologies while also addressing equity considerations regarding its distributional impacts on low-income households and vulnerable communities.

Writing a policy analysis paper is super important for students because it helps them learn how to tackle tough societal problems and make smart decisions. You get to sharpen your thinking skills, learn how to research thoroughly and become better at expressing yourself clearly. Plus, writing these papers helps students practice effectively communicating their ideas, which is a skill they'll need in their future careers, whether they work in government, nonprofits, or elsewhere. By digging into real-world issues, students also get a better grip on how politics, economics, and society all fit together. If you’re not committed to handling this task yourself, instruct our experts, saying, ‘ write my essay ,’ and receive the most competent help within hours. 

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What Is a Policy Analysis Paper Outline?

How to write a policy analysis paper, what is a policy analysis paper.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

policy analysis essay template


  • Peterborough

A student studying on the floor

How to Write a Policy Assignment

What is a policy assignment, policy critique.

  • Policy Brief/Briefing Note

Reading and Analyzing Policy

Writing policy assignments, research and writing process.

Understanding, evaluating, and writing policy documents are important competencies to develop as undergraduate students in a wide range of fields, spanning from Health Care to Environmental Science to Education. Policy is informed by strong research and accurate evidence, often compiled and presented by government and non-governmental organizations. Public policies include formal legislation, official plans, and regulations created by various levels of government. Each of these can act as guiding principles for governmental decision making and program delivery. Non-governmental and para-governmental organizations publish policy briefs, commission reports, and fact sheets to inform policy makers and recommend policy change.

Course instructors often ask students to analyze policy documents to better understand issues and policy alternatives, and students in many disciplines must write policy documents, including critiques and briefs or briefing notes. This guide offers steps to reading policy and keys for effective policy writing.

Types of Policy Assignments

In a policy critique, students are expected to read and critically analyze one or more policy documents that address a common issue. The goal of this assignment is to present an overall assessment of current or proposed policies and their efficacy or potential considering both scholarly theory and real-world, practical application with consideration of environmental, social, or economic contexts.

Proposed structure

  • Issue: what is the policy in question?
  • Background: where did it emerge? What problem does it try to address?
  • Application: so far, based on evidence, how effective has it been?
  • Limits: what are limits with the policy? How has it been adapted? What questions remain?
  • Evaluation/potential: based on concepts and theories from course materials, what is the potential for this policy to address particular issue/problem?

Policy Brief (Briefing Note)

Policy briefs or briefing notes are documents written by governmental and non-governmental organizations to propose evidence-based policy solutions to a well-defined social, environmental, or economic issue. Briefs present findings from academic and grey literature to demonstrate the scope of an issue and to analyze its context and background. The brief is organized with clear headings and short sections, which are supported by figures or tables.

  • Executive Summary: similar to an abstract, briefly explains the goal, findings, and recommendations. Although it is placed first in the document, it is written last.
  • Issue Definition: identify and explain the key issue and its scope and significance.
  • Policy Background: synthesize evidence to explain the context of the issue – its origins, key stakeholders, overlapping issues, and potential barriers – and any existing policy.
  • Best Practices: describe relevant policies from other jurisdictions and introduce specific examples of policy and best practices that reinforce the argument your briefing note presents.
  • Policy Options: synthesize your research to present a few policy options; for each option, describe the approach and present advantages, challenges, and potential barriers. Present one policy recommendation from these options.
  • References: divide references into sections (e.g., academic sources, grey literature, policy documents etc.)

Each policy document is focused on a specific issue and establishes particular goals; when you read any policy document, you are working to understand and analyze the issue and how the policy addresses the issue. These messages are often presented in different ways. Policy briefs are, well, brief, but other policy documents or commissioned reports can be quite lengthy, so it is important to develop a reading strategy for each new document. Generally, it is best to follow this process: preview, plan, read and take notes, and assess within course context.

Because policy documents vary significantly in form and purpose, it is essential to preview the document prior to reading it: identify its author, its purpose, and its form. Take time to read the executive summary, which presents a short explanation of the issue and purpose of the document. Understand its authorship and the interests of the individual or organizational author.

Make a plan

Identify your goal in reading the document: do you wish to better understand the issue, to identify policy alternatives, to appreciate broader context, or to determine efficacy of policy? How will this document inform your understanding of the issue you are studying? What sections will be most useful or relevant?

Read and take notes

Your preview and plan can direct your reading and notetaking. Read closely to understand the policy or issue, its context, and the evidence used to support it. Identify stakeholders and their interests, the goals of the policy and how those goals are measurable and actionable. You may find it helpful to refer to the table of contents or index (or to use the ‘find’ tool in your browser) to seek out sections that contain relevant keywords in documents spanning more than 100 pages.

Assess policy within course context

Refer to theories, frameworks, and indices that you have discussed in class to assess a policy. Consider whether it follows a particular conceptual framework or achieves particular numerical targets. Compare it to other policies in similar contexts and analyze its parts to assess its adaptability to different contexts. Evaluate its fit to the specific issue and its relevance for various stakeholder needs or values.

Reading an Official Plan

An official plan is often a lengthy document that covers many topics and issues within a set of overarching goals for an organization, like a university, hospital, or municipality. Your aim should be to understand the overarching goals of the plan and its broader context, which are likely laid out in the executive summary and introductory sections. Then you may need to seek out references to a particular topic, issue, or stakeholder; the index, table of contents, or “find” tool can be helpful for this.

Reading a Policy Brief

The goal of a policy brief is to inform and persuade policy makers, so your aim should be to understand the issue the brief identifies and to analyze the policy it proposes. The structure and design of the policy brief will guide your reading. Take time to understand the context of the issue and the policy: who are the stakeholders, what are the goals, what is the process, and what are the barriers? Analyze the policy within the disciplinary concepts you’re learning in class; how does the policy fit particular frameworks, theories, or indices you’ve discussed? What is unique about this policy? How can this policy be adapted to different contexts? What is its potential to address the issue?

Successful policy assignments are focused, well-researched, analytical, organized, and concise. Therefore, it is important to take time to define the issue, understand the context of the issue, and seek out policy alternatives prior to identifying a recommended course of action.

  • Focused Issue
  • Using Research
  • Demonstrating Analysis
  • Organized, Concise, and Clear Writing

Focused issue

It is essential that you present a focused and clear issue, and that issue must be at the scale of policy action. For example, policy briefs can address ER wait times or agricultural pesticide use, but issues such as access to health care or the sustainability of food production are too complex for you to address in a short policy assignment. Often, course material and core concepts provide useful direction for you to narrow your issue.

In policy assignments, an issue is clearly defined and contextualized with evidence from scholarly and grey literature. It is important for you to explain how scholars, governments, or NGOs have discussed the issue, and numerical data or figures can demonstrate the scale of an issue or its projected trajectory. Provide details about the issue in its context: be specific about place, time, and stakeholders, and acknowledge any overlapping economic, environmental, or social issues.

Example: Effective issue definition 1

Age-friendly municipalities foster solidarity among generations within communities and reach out to older people at risk of isolation by making them feel socially included and involved (WHO, 2007). It is well documented that these trends are happening across Canada, and evidence suggests that local governments have a key role in enabling older people to live longer. It is unclear to what degree Aurora’s municipal government is prepared to support its expanding ageing population. It is essential to continue to examine new approaches to housing and transportation infrastructure within Aurora in order to improve public policy matters in regards to their ageing population.

  • Issue is grounded by focused concept and evidence; writer demonstrates value of municipal policy to address the issue
  • Writer precisely identifies the issue to be discussed in brief and the goals of the report

Example: Ineffective issue definition 1

In addition to the infrastructure issue in Peterborough, there is also an issue regarding how spread out the community is. The city is too big for residents to be able to walk the entire city. Amenities are also very spread out; it is unlikely that pedestrians would be able to access the required amenities within walking distance from their house. Ultimately, the main issues surrounding the walkability in the City of Peterborough are the lack of infrastructure and maintenance, as well as the lack of available activities near to peoples’ residences.

  • Not grounded in conceptual framework or theory; writer needs to explain why walkability is an issue that a municipality should address
  • Lack of precision or evidence to support claims about the size of the city or accessibility to amenities

Using research

Policy is informed by evidence from scholarly literature, government data, and research by various stakeholder organizations. Effective policy assignments synthesize evidence from academic and grey literature to create an accurate account of the issue and policy options. Common forms of evidence in policy writing include numerical and financial data, figures such as graphs and maps, excerpts from existing policies, recommendations from NGOs, and conceptual frameworks.

In policy writing, your goal is to present research both accurately and accessibly, as decision-makers in government and business may not be familiar with terminology or concepts presented by scholars. Make efforts to paraphrase the evidence you use and be sure to include citations in the form requested by your professor (footnotes or author-date systems are common).

One of the key factors in Municipal Cultural Planning is increasing cross-sectoral strategies by building new partnerships “…between the municipality and its community and business partners” (Municipal Cultural Plan, toolkit, 2011, p.21) for long term sustainability. Therefore, municipal cultural planning “…does not look at policy sectorally” (Gollmitzer, 2008, p.18), but instead strengthens and integrates “…cultural resources across all facets of government planning and decision making” (Municipal Cultural Plan Toolkit, 2011, p.21). Building new networks are supported by leveraging the sense of place within a community. Adopting a place-based planning approach allows “…government, community organizations and citizens to explore, measure and asses the values, resources and assets of the community” (Huhtala, 2016, p.66), in order to leverage them for economic prosperity.

  • Writer synthesizes academic and grey literature to demonstrate how concepts are applied in policy.
  • Writer also demonstrates analysis of evidence and its relevance to the brief’s focused issue.
  • Use of direct quotation can feature the language of a policy if the writer wishes to analyze discourse; however, this excerpt relies too heavily on direct quotation, and it would be stronger if this evidence was paraphrased.

Demonstrating analysis

The quality of your policy assignment is closely tied to your analysis of the issue and the policy options you present. It is important to evaluate policy options as you research and to critically analyze how those options address the issue within its particular context. Take time to examine specific factors and parties involved in an issue and consider how these factors may facilitate or challenge each policy option; furthermore, you should also assess the advantages and disadvantages of each policy option and its impacts on these factors or parties.

You may find it valuable to consider theories, concepts, or frameworks from your course to develop your argument and to establish coherence throughout your assignment. If you assess all policy options through the same critical lens or theory, then your message will be clear and consistent throughout your document.

Integrating senior housing into the fabric of the inner core communities could make housing developments viable and situate seniors in settings where they can access these services by foot or nearby transit (Fang, 2013).  This concept can allow seniors, who may be considering downsizing, to remain within their community where they can keep active, live within easy access to medical and community services, and stay close to their support network that they have spent their lives establishing. However, the growing demand for these developments could put major pressure on the municipality.  City officials would have to amend current zoning by-laws to allow commercial and residential uses to be a part of mixed-use development and appropriate provisions need to be provided to ensure compatibility and to minimize potential negative impacts. 

  • Writer presents both advantages and challenges of policy option within common concept of healthy aging communities.
  • Writer also includes potential impacts and barriers of policy option, which demonstrates their consideration of the issue and its context.

Organized, concise, and clear writing

Policy writing should be well-organized and easy to follow. Use headings and subheadings to create structure and to support your reader. It is common to number sections and subsections to further clarify the order of your ideas. In addition, good paragraph structure also supports organization and clarity, so we encourage you to use specific topic sentences to introduce the main idea of a paragraph.

Well-written policy assignments employ a formal writing style and use third-person voice (e.g., they) rather than first-person (e.g., I, we) or second-person (e.g., you) voice. Further, they avoid jargon, but use specific and clear language. When you revise your draft, take time to consider each sentence and remove repetitive or redundant phrases and words.

Finally, it is important to pay attention to the details. Label any figures or tables in your document; make reference to these figures or tables in the text of your work (e.g., see Figure 1). Also be sure to follow assignment instructions for referencing evidence in your text (e.g., footnotes or author-date system) and in your list of sources, which is often categorized by type of source (e.g., academic, government, NGOs).

There are many ways to approach a policy assignment, but it is important to take time to research and analyze issues and policy options thoroughly prior to writing. Consider the following steps to complete your policy assignment:

  • Read assignment instructions closely
  • Preliminary research: review course materials, brainstorm, conduct environmental scan or site visit, consider current issues relevant to course concepts
  • Define issue: consider questions and frameworks
  • Research issue and context
  • Research and evaluate policy alternatives in other places
  • Analyze policy alternatives and consider fit for current issue and context; select policy options to present
  • Outline sections: what evidence goes where? How does evidence work together?
  • Write sections (leave Executive Summary until last)
  • Revise for organization, analysis, and use of evidence. See Strategies for Revision and Proofreading.
  • Edit for clarity, concision, and grammar
  • Complete final proof of document
  • These examples are not to be reproduced in whole or part. Use of the ideas or words in this example is an act of plagiarism, which is subject to academic integrity policy at Trent University and other academic institutions.

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Policy Briefs

What this handout is about.

This handout will offer tips for writing effective policy briefs. Be sure to check with your instructor about their specific expectations for your assignment.

What are policy briefs?

Imagine that you’re an elected official serving on a committee that sets the standards cars must meet to pass a state inspection. You know that this is a complex issue, and you’d like to learn more about existing policies, the effects of emissions on the environment and on public health, the economic consequences of different possible approaches, and more–you want to make an informed decision. But you don’t have time to research all of these issues! You need a policy brief.

A policy brief presents a concise summary of information that can help readers understand, and likely make decisions about, government policies. Policy briefs may give objective summaries of relevant research, suggest possible policy options, or go even further and argue for particular courses of action.

How do policy briefs differ from other kinds of writing assignments?

You may encounter policy brief assignments in many different academic disciplines, from public health and environmental science to education and social work. If you’re reading this handout because you’re having your first encounter with such an assignment, don’t worry–many of your existing skills and strategies, like using evidence , being concise , and organizing your information effectively , will help you succeed at this form of writing. However, policy briefs are distinctive in several ways.

In some of your college writing, you’ve addressed your peers, your professors, or other members of your academic field. Policy briefs are usually created for a more general reader or policy maker who has a stake in the issue that you’re discussing.

Tone and terminology

Many academic disciplines discourage using unnecessary jargon, but clear language is especially important in policy briefs. If you find yourself using jargon, try to replace it with more direct language that a non-specialist reader would be more likely to understand. When specialized terminology is necessary, explain it quickly and clearly to ensure that your reader doesn’t get confused.

Policy briefs are distinctive in their focus on communicating the practical implications of research to a specific audience. Suppose that you and your roommate both write research-based papers about global warming. Your roommate is writing a research paper for an environmental science course, and you are writing a policy brief for a course on public policy. You might both use the exact same sources in writing your papers. So, how might those papers differ?

Your roommate’s research paper is likely to present the findings of previous studies and synthesize them in order to present an argument about what we know. It might also discuss the methods and processes used in the research.

Your policy brief might synthesize the same scientific findings, but it will deploy them for a very specific purpose: to help readers decide what they should do. It will relate the findings to current policy debates, with an emphasis on applying the research outcomes rather than assessing the research procedures. A research paper might also suggest practical actions, but a policy brief is likely to emphasize them more strongly and develop them more fully.

To support these changes in audience, tone, and purpose, policy briefs have a distinctive format. You should consult your assignment prompt and/or your professor for instructions about the specific requirements of your assignment, but most policy briefs have several features in common. They tend to use lots of headings and have relatively short sections. This structure differs from many short papers in the humanities that may have a title but no further headings, and from reports in the sciences that may follow the “IMRAD” structure of introduction, methods, results, and discussion. Your brief might include graphs, charts, or other visual aids that make it easier to digest the most important information within sections.  Policy briefs often include some of these sections:

  • Title: A good title quickly communicates the contents of the brief in a memorable way.
  • Executive Summary: This section is often one to two paragraphs long; it includes an overview of the problem and the proposed policy action.
  • Context or Scope of Problem: This section communicates the importance of the problem and aims to convince the reader of the necessity of policy action.
  • Policy Alternatives: This section discusses the current policy approach and explains proposed options. It should be fair and accurate while convincing the reader why the policy action proposed in the brief is the most desirable.
  • Policy Recommendations: This section contains the most detailed explanation of the concrete steps to be taken to address the policy issue.
  • Appendices: If some readers might need further support in order to accept your argument but doing so in the brief itself might derail the conversation for other readers, you might include the extra information in an appendix.
  • Consulted or Recommended Sources: These should be reliable sources that you have used throughout your brief to guide your policy discussion and recommendations.

Depending on your specific topic and assignment, you might combine sections or break them down into several more specific ones.

How do I identify a problem for my policy brief?

An effective policy brief must propose a solution to a well-defined problem that can be addressed at the level of policy. This may sound easy, but it can take a lot of work to think of a problem in a way that is open to policy action.

For example, “bad spending habits in young adults” might be a problem that you feel strongly about, but you can’t simply implement a policy to “make better financial decisions.” In order to make it the subject of a policy brief, you’ll need to look for research on the topic and narrow it down. Is the problem a lack of financial education, predatory lending practices, dishonest advertising, or something else? Narrowing to one of these (and perhaps further) would allow you to write a brief that can propose concrete policy action.

For another example, let’s say that you wanted to address children’s health. This is a big issue, and too broad to serve as the focus of a policy brief, but it could serve as a starting point for research. As you begin to research studies on children’s health, you might decide to zoom in on the more specific issue of childhood obesity. You’ll need to consult the research further to decide what factors contribute to it in order to propose policy changes. Is it lack of exercise, nutritional deficiencies, a combination of these, or something else? Choosing one or another of these issues, your brief would zoom in even further to specific proposals that might include exercise initiatives, nutritional guidelines, or school lunch programs.

The key is that you define the problem and its contributing factors as specifically as possible so that some sort of concrete policy action (at the local, state, or national level) is feasible.

Framing the issue

Once you’ve identified the problem for yourself, you need to decide how you will present it to your reader. Your own process of identifying the problem likely had some stops, starts, and dead-ends, but your goal in framing the issue for your reader is to provide the most direct path to understanding the problem and the proposed policy change. It can be helpful to think of some of the most pressing questions your audience will have and attempt to preemptively answer those questions. Here are some questions you might want to consider:

What is the problem?

Understanding what the problem is, in the clearest terms possible, will give your reader a reference point. Later, when you’re discussing complex information, your reader can refer back to the initial problem. This will help to ‘anchor’ them throughout the course of your argument. Every piece of information in the brief should be clearly and easily connected to the problem.

What is the scope of the problem?

Knowing the extent of the problem helps to frame the policy issue for your reader. Is the problem statewide, national, or international? How many people does this issue affect? Daily? Annually? This is a great place for any statistical information you may have gathered through your research.

Who are the stakeholders?

Who does this issue affect? Adult women? College-educated men? Children from bilingual homes? The primary group being affected is important, and knowing who this group is allows the reader to assign a face to the policy issue.

Policy issues can include a complex network of stakeholders. Double check whether you have inadvertently excluded any of them from your analysis. For example, a policy about children’s nutrition obviously involves the children, but it might also include food producers, distributors, parents, and nutritionists (and other experts). Some stakeholders might be reluctant to accept your policy change or even acknowledge the existence of the problem, which is why your brief must be convincing in its use of evidence and clear in its communication.

Effective policy-writing

This handout has emphasized that good policy briefs are clear, concise, and focused on applying credible research to policy problems. Let’s take a look at two versions of the introduction to a policy brief to see how someone might write and revise to achieve these qualities:

A “not-so-good” policy brief

Adolescents’ Dermatologic Health in Outlandia: A Call to Action

The Report on Adolescents’ Dermatologic Health in Outlandia (2010), issued by Secretary of Health Dr. Polly Galver, served as a platform to increase public awareness on the importance of dermatologic health for adolescents. Among the major themes of the report are that dermatologic health is essential to general health and well-being and that profound and consequential dermatologic health disparities exist in the state of Outlandia. Dr. Galver stated that what amounts to a silent epidemic of acne is affecting some population groups–restricting activities as schools, work, and home–and often significantly diminishing the quality of life. Dr. Galver issued the Report on Adolescents’ Dermatologic Health as a wake-up call to policymakers and health professionals on issues regarding the state’s dermatologic health. (“ Not so good policy brief ,” Reproduced with permission of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.)

This paragraph introduces a relevant and credible source, but it fails to use that source to explain a problem and propose policy action. The reader is likely to be confused because the word “acne” does not appear until the middle of the paragraph, and the brief never states what action should be taken to address it. In addition to this lack of focus, the paragraph also includes unnecessary phrases like “among the major themes” that could be removed to make it more concise.

A better policy brief

Seeing Spots: Addressing the Silent Epidemic of Acne in Outlandia’s Youth

Acne is the most common chronic disease among adolescents in Outlandia (Outlandia Department of Health, 2010). Long considered a benign rite of passage, acne actually has far-reaching effects on the health and well being of adolescents, significantly affecting success in school, social relationships, and general quality of life. Yet large portions of the state’s population are unable to access treatment for acne. The Secretary of Health’s Report on Adolescents’ Dermatologic Health in Outlandia (2010) is a call to action for policymakers and health professionals to improve the health and wellbeing of Outlandia’s youth by increasing access to dermatologic care (“ A Better Policy Brief” , Reproduced with permission of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.)

This paragraph is far more focused and concise than the first version. The opening sentence is straightforward; instead of focusing on the source, it makes a clear and memorable point that is supported by the source. Additionally, though the first version was titled “a call to action,” it did not actually say what that action might be. In this version, it is clear that the call is for increased access to dermatologic care.

Keep in mind that clarity, conciseness, and consistent focus are rarely easy to achieve in a first draft. Careful editing and revision are key parts of writing policy briefs.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Smith, Catherine F. 2016. Writing Public Policy , 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

Young, Eoin, and Lisa Quinn. n.d. “The Policy Brief.” University of Delaware. Accessed June 24, 2019. .

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Analytical Essay Guide

Analytical Essay Outline

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How to Craft Analytical Essay Outline? An Easy Guide

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15 Analytical Essay Samples to Learn From - Tips Included

Feeling a bit lost when it comes to writing an analytical essay and don't know how to structure the data? 

Many students find it challenging to dissect a text, organize their thoughts, and structure their analysis essays effectively. 

But don't worry; we've got your back!  In our blog, we've put together some easy-to-follow templates and examples that will help you make a perfect analytical essay outline. No more staring at a blank page! With our tips and examples, you'll have a clear roadmap for your essay. 

So, let's get started!

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  • 1. Analytical Essay Overview
  • 2. How To Write An Analytical Essay Outline? 
  • 3. What is the Format of an Analytical Essay?
  • 4. Analytical Essay Outline Samples
  • 5. Tips to Structure an Analytical Essay

Analytical Essay Overview

An analytical essay is a type of academic writing that examines a topic, idea, or piece of literature in-depth. It involves breaking down the subject into its components, analyzing them, and presenting a well-structured argument or interpretation. 

The goal of an analytical essay is to explore the "how" and "why" of the subject, rather than just describing it. Unlike an argumentative essay , an analytical does not include persuasion of the writer’s claim. It often requires evidence, critical thinking, and careful evaluation to support your thesis and provide insights. 

This essay type is commonly assigned in literature, history, and other academic disciplines to assess your ability to think critically and articulate your ideas clearly.

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How To Write An Analytical Essay Outline? 

Like every other academic writing, an analytical essay requires an organized structure for its content to be readable and understandable. In order to shape all the raw information, an outline is drafted.  

An analytical essay outline is similar to the traditional essay outline of five paragraphs. Here are given the sections of a 5 paragraph analytical essay outline:


The researched information about the specific topic needs to be organized. This is to make sure that the content is clear and effective for the readers. 

Read on to get a better idea of each section of the outline.

Analytical Essay Outline Structure -

Analytical Essay Introduction

The importance and significance of the introduction of an essay can not be denied. An analytical essay introduction is the first section of the essay that sets the stage for analysis.

The purpose of writing an essay introduction is to attract the readers and motivate them to read the essay. The introduction lays the whole groundwork for your essay. So the more substantial the introduction is, the more effective the paper is going to be.

The analytical essay introduction is based on three main elements:

Background Information

  • Thesis statement 

A hook statement is an opening sentence of the introductory paragraph. Just as the name suggests, a writer uses a hook statement to “hook” the audience to read further.

A hook can take various forms, such as humor, statistics, questions, or anecdotes. Writers can select any type of opening sentence depending on the essay topic, provided it aligns with the theme and subject matter.

Example Hook:

"Imagine a world where your every move is monitored, your thoughts are controlled, and freedom is a distant memory. This is the chilling reality presented in George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, 1984." 

This hook uses vivid imagery and a relatable concept to pique the reader's curiosity. It directly references the work being analyzed and sets the stage for a discussion of its themes.

Ready to write hooks that hook? Check out our ' hook examples' blog post and discover different types of powerful hooks!

Following the hook, provide some context about the topic being analyzed. This is where you bridge the gap between the general attention grabber and the specific argument you'll present in the thesis statement.

For Example:

"Written in the aftermath of World War II and the rise of totalitarian regimes, 1984 serves as a stark warning about the dangers of government surveillance and the erosion of individual liberties." 

This background information explains the initial hook by providing historical context for the novel and highlighting its central themes.

Thesis Statement 

Following the hook comes the most critical element of an essay - the thesis statement. A thesis statement is the writer’s stance or argument on the chosen work. This is where the writer states and highlights the main argument of the essay topic. 

The thesis statement can be written by keeping in mind the original text’s goal and the writer’s analysis. 

For example,

"Through its portrayal of a totalitarian society, 1984 argues that the pursuit of absolute control by the state ultimately leads to the dehumanization of the individual and the suppression of critical thought." 

This thesis statement directly connects to the hook and background information by presenting the central argument the essay will explore – the impact of government control on individuals.

Analytical Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of an essay support your claim by providing shreds of evidence. All the gathered and relevant information that justifies the argument is presented in this section.

The body of the analytical essay should be divided into different paragraphs. Discuss each point in a specific paragraph, making your essay organized and understandable for the reader.

All paragraphs in the body section should cover the following components:

  • Topic Sentence - A topic sentence is an opening sentence of a paragraph. This sentence is the claim or the important point that proves the thesis statement. Begin each of your paragraphs with a topic sentence. 
  • Specific examples: Use concrete details, quotes, or scenes from the work you're analyzing.
  • Data or statistics: If relevant, incorporate data or statistics to support your claims.
  • Expert opinions: Opinions from credible sources can strengthen your analysis.
  • Why is this evidence important?
  • How does it illustrate the point you're making?
  • What deeper meaning or insight does it reveal about the work being analyzed?

Note: Ea ch paragraph should be transitioned to make logical content. This transition will act as a bridge and will connect the previous paragraph with the next paragraph. 

Analytical Essay Conclusion 

The essay conclusion is the last section where all the discussion comes to an end. Here the writer restates the thesis statement and provides a short summary of the major points in the content. It will prove that the main argument is justified using the evidence for the readers.

For example, 

"In conclusion, literature's transformative power is undeniable. It not only entertains but also educates, fostering empathy and a broader worldview. Through the lens of a good book, we glimpse the richness of human experience and the boundless horizons of our own imagination."

What is the Format of an Analytical Essay?

When it comes to formatting your analytical essay, adhering to specific guidelines is essential to ensure a professional presentation and clarity for your readers. Here are some key formatting guidelines to follow:

  • Page Setup: Use standard letter-sized (8.5" x 11") paper with 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Font: Select a legible font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, and maintain consistency throughout the document.
  • Font Size: Use a 12-point font size for the main text to ensure readability.
  • Spacing: Double-space the entire essay, including the title, headings, and references.
  • Title Page: Include a title page with the essay title, your name, course, instructor's name, and date. This information is typically centered and formatted according to your institution's guidelines.

By adhering to these formatting guidelines, you'll present your work professionally, making it easier for readers to engage with your analysis.

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Analytical Essay Outline Samples

An analytical essay is a little different than other types of essay . Therefore, to write a good analytical essay, students require essay examples to know what to produce and how to produce it. 

We have some free analysis essay outline samples for you to take assistance for your next assignment. Let’s take a look:

Analytical Essay Structure Sample

Critical Analytical Essay Outline Template

Literary Analytical Essay Outline

Macbeth Analytical Essay

Analytical Essay Outline Worksheet

Analysis Essay Outline College

5 Paragraph Analytical Essay Outline

Need more analytical essay samples? Check out our “ analytical essay examples ” blog and get the ideas!

Tips to Structure an Analytical Essay

Here are some essential tips to help you create a well-organized and effective analytical essay:

  • Choose a Clear Analytical Essay Topic: Select a specific topic or idea to analyze. Make sure it's something you can dissect and discuss thoroughly. If you are looking for ideas read our blog on analytical essay topics to get inspiration.
  • Begin with an Analytical Essay Outline: Start with a clear outline to organize your thoughts. Use an outline example or sample as a template.
  • Introduction with a Strong Thesis: Your introduction should introduce the topic and contain a strong thesis statement that lays out your argument.
  • Use Evidence to Support Thesis: Dedicate individual paragraphs to supporting evidence and arguments. Use the analytical essay structure to create a logical flow.
  • Cite Sources Properly: If you're using references, ensure you follow the analytical essay format and cite sources correctly.
  • Analyze and Interpret: Analyze text in detail and provide insights and interpretations.
  • Conclusion with Restated Thesis: Summarize your main points and restate the thesis in the conclusion.
  • Edit and Proofread: Review and edit your essay for clarity and coherence.

By following these tips and employing an analytical argument essay outline, you'll structure your essay for maximum impact.

In summary, we've covered the ins and outs of creating an analytical essay outline in our guide. With this, you should feel more confident in structuring your essays effectively. Remember, a well-structured outline is your dependable guide for successful essay writing so create one wisely!

If you're searching to get professional help, our analytical essay writing service is the answer. We provide free samples and custom essay help to guide you for all your academic assignments. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the formula for an analytical essay.

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The formula for an analytical essay typically involves introducing a thesis statement, providing evidence to support the thesis, and analyzing that evidence to draw conclusions.

What is the outline of an analytical paragraph?

The outline of an analytical paragraph often includes a topic sentence introducing the main point, followed by evidence or examples to support that point, and analysis or interpretation of the evidence to connect it back to the thesis.

What are the three major parts of an analysis essay?

The three major parts of an analysis essay are the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The introduction sets up the thesis and provides context for the analysis. The body paragraphs present evidence and analysis to support the thesis. The conclusion summarizes the main points and restates the thesis in light of the analysis provided.

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Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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analytical essay guide

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY   (2-3 pages):

itself.  Summarize the content of the entire brief in one page.  The summary should:

state the problem or issue (RQ);
2)      give BRIEF background;
3)      identify major alternatives;
4)      state preferred alternative with justification;


and the Policy Issue.  Identify with clarity and specificity the problem being addressed (the RQ), with a summary of the policy issues at stake and the primary options.  (Why is problem important?)


Clients will be concerned with the substance of the debate, but they must also know something about the politics. In particular, they need to know what the goals and objectives are that the policy options are supposed to achieve; they need to know the dimensions and parameters of the problem; and they need to know the state of the problem.


The discussion of each option should be balanced, and should reflect the evidence/ data indicating degree of potential utility.  Under what conditions are options likely to be most useful?

with a recommendation that summarizes the preferred policy option.  Justify why this option is preferred over the others.  If the policy options are weighted and scored, identify the criteria used to score the options, and their order of priority.


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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Assignments

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  • Acknowledgments

A policy memo is a practical, professionally written document that can vary in length from one page to over twenty-five pages. It provides analysis and recommendations directed to a predetermined audience regarding a specific situation, topic, or issue. A well-written policy memo reflects attention to the policy problem. It is well organized and structured in a clear and concise style that assumes the reader possesses limited knowledge of, as well as little time to conduct research about, the topic of concern. There is no thesis statement or overall theoretical framework underpinning the document; the focus is on describing one or more specific policy recommendations and their supporting action items.

Bhasin, Tavishi and Charity Butcher. “Teaching Effective Policy Memo Writing and Infographics in a Policy Programme.” European Political Science 21 (2022): 1-17; Davis, Jennifer. Guide to Writing Effective Policy Memos. MIT OpenCourseWare, Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Planning in Developing Countries, Spring 2004; Judge, Andrew. "Designing and Implementing Policy Writing Assessments: A Practical Guide." Teaching Public Administration 39 (2021): 351-368; Pennock, Andrew. “The Case for Using Policy Writing in Undergraduate Political Science Courses.” PS: Political Science and Politics 44 (January 2011): 141-146.

How to Approach Writing a Policy Memo

Benefits of Writing a Policy Memo

Writing a policy memo is intended to support the following learning outcomes:

  • Helps students learn how to write academically rigorous, persuasive papers about a specific “real-world” issue;
  • Teaches how to choose and craft a document’s content based on the needs of a particular audience [rather than for a general readership];
  • Prepares students to write an effective position paper in non-academic settings;
  • Promotes researching, organizing, and writing a persuasive paper that emphasizes presenting evidence-based recommendations rather than simply reporting a study's findings;
  • Teaches students to be client-oriented and to better anticipate the assumptions and concerns of their targeted readership;
  • Encourages reflective thinking about the cause and consequential effect of a particular recommendation and to anticipate what questions stakeholder groups may have; and,
  • Enables students to create original work that synthesizes policy-making research into a clearly written document advocating change and specific courses of action.

Do not approach writing a policy memo in the same way as you would an academic research paper . Yes, there are certain commonalities in how the content is presented [e.g., a well-written problem statement], but the overarching objective of a policy memo is not to discover or create new knowledge. It is focused on providing to a predetermined group of readers the rationale for choosing a particular policy alternative and/or specific courses of action leading to positive social and political change within society. In this sense, most policy memos possess a component of advocacy and advice intended to promote evidence-based dialog about an issue.

Essential Elements of an Effective Policy Memo Focus and Objectives The overall content of your memo should be strategically aimed at achieving the following goal: convincing your target audience about the accuracy of your analysis and, by extension, that your policy recommendations are valid. Avoid lengthy digressions and superfluous narration that can distract the reader from understanding the policy problem. Note that your target audience is defined in two ways: by the decision-makers who can advocate for or implement change and by individuals and groups most likely impacted by your policy recommendations should they be implemented. Professionally Written Always keep in mind that a policy memorandum is a tool for decision-making. Keep it professional and avoid hyperbole and clever or indeterminate language that could undermine the credibility of your document. The presentation and content of the memo should be polished, easy to understand, and free of jargon. Writing professionally does not imply that you can’t be passionate about your topic, but your policy recommendations should be evidence-based and grounded in solid reasoning and a succinct writing style. Evidence-based A policy memo is not an argumentative debate paper. The reader should expect your recommendations to be based upon evidence that the problem exists and understand the consequences [both good and bad] of adopting particular policy alternatives. To address this, policy memos should include a clear cost-benefit analysis that considers anticipated outcomes, the potential impact on stakeholder groups you have identified, clear and quantifiable performance goals, and how success will be measured. Accessibility A policy memo requires clear and simple language that avoids unnecessary jargon and concepts of an academic discipline. Do not skip around. Use one paragraph to develop one idea or argument and make that idea or argument explicit within the first one or two sentences. Your memo should have a straightforward, explicit organizational structure that provides well-explained arguments arranged within a logical sequence of reasoning [think in terms of an if/then logic model--if this policy recommendation, then this action; if this benefit, then this potential cost; if this group is allocated resources, then this group may be excluded]. Presentation Style The visual impact of your memo affects the reader’s ability to grasp your ideas quickly and easily. Include a table of contents and list of figures and charts, if necessary. Subdivide the text using clear and descriptive headings to guide the reader. Incorporate devices such as capitalization, bold text, and bulleted items, but be consistent, and don’t go crazy; the purpose is to facilitate access to specific sections of the paper for successive readings. If it is difficult to find information in your document, policy makers will not use it. Practical and Feasible Your memorandum should provide a set of actions based on what is actually happening in reality. Do not base your policy recommendations on future scenarios or hypothetical situations that could be interpreted as unlikely to occur or that do not appear possible because you have not adequately explained the circumstances supporting these scenarios. Here again, your cost-benefit analysis can be essential to validating the practicality and feasibility of your recommendations. Explicit Transparency Provide specific criteria to assess either the success or failure of the policies you are recommending. As much as possible, this criteria should be derived from your cost/benefit analysis or framed as a SWOT [Strengths-weaknesses, opportunities-threats]. Do not hide or under-report information that does not support your policy recommendations. Just as you would note the limitations of your study in a research paper, a policy memo should describe issues of weakness of your analysis. Explain why they may arise and why your recommendations are still valid despite these issues. Be open and straightforward because doing so strengthens your arguments and it will help the reader assess the overall impact of recommended policy changes.

NOTE: Technically, it would not be wrong for your policy memo to argue for maintaining the status quo. However, the general objective of a policy memo assignment is to critically examine opportunities for transformative change and to highlight the risks of on-going complacency. If you choose to argue for maintaining the current policy trajectory, in whole or in part, be concise in identifying and systematically refuting all relevant policy options. Again, it must be rooted in an evidence-based cost/benefit analysis. Whether maintaining current policies is short-term or long-term [and these need to be clearly defined], you must explain concisely why each possible outcome of maintaining the status quo would be preferable to any alternative policy options and recommended courses of action. If your argument for maintaining the status quo is short-term, explain what factors in the future could trigger a policy-related course correction.

Herman, Luciana. Policy Memos. John F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University; How to Write a Public Policy Memo. Student Learning Center. University of California, Berkeley; Policy Memo. Thompson Writing Program, Writing Studio. Duke University; Policy Memo Guidelines. Cornell Fellows Program. Cornell University; Memo: Audience and Purpose. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Policy Memo Requirements and Guidelines, 2012-2013 edition. Institute for Public Policy Studies. University of Denver; Thrall, A. Trevor. How to Write a Policy Memo. University of Michigan--Dearborn, 2006; Mastro, Oriana Skylar. "Teach What you Preach: A Comprehensive Guide to the Policy Memo as a Methods Teaching Tool." Journal of Political Science Education 17 (2021): 326-340; Writing Effective Memos. Electronic Hallway. Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs. University of Washington; Writing Effective Policy Memos. Water & Sanitation Infrastructure Planning syllabus. Spring 2004. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Structure and Writing Style

The contents of a policy memo can be organized in a variety of ways. Below is a general template adapted from the “Policy Memo Requirements and Guidelines, 2012-2013 edition” published by the Institute for Public Policy Studies at the University of Denver and from suggestions made in the book, A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem-Solving [Eugene Bardach. 4th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2012] . Both sources provide useful approaches to writing a policy memo in the event your professor does not provide specific guidance. Overall, the tone of your writing should be formal but assertive. Note that the most important consideration in terms of writing style is professionalism, not creativity. I.  Cover Page Provide a complete and informative cover page that includes the document title, date, the full names and titles of the writer or writers [i.e., Joe Smith, Student, Department of Political Science, University of Southern California]. The title of the policy memo should be formally written and specific to the policy issue [e.g., “Charter Schools, Fair Housing, and Legal Standards: A Call for Equal Treatment”]. For longer memos, consider including a brief executive summary that highlights key findings and recommendations.

II.  Introduction and Problem Definition A policy memorandum should begin with a short summary introduction that defines the policy problem, provides important contextual background information, and explains what issues are being covered. This is followed by a short justification for writing the memo, why a decision needs to be made [answering the “So What?” question], and an outline of the recommendations you make or key themes the reader should keep in mind. Summarize your main points in a few sentences, then conclude with a description of how the remainder of the memo is organized.

III.  Methods This is usually where other research about the problem or issue of concern is summarized. Describe how you plan to identify and locate the information on which your policy memo is based. This may include peer-reviewed journals and books as well as possible professionals you interviewed, databases and websites you explored, or legislative histories or relevant case law that you used. Remember this is not intended to be a thorough literature review; only choose sources that persuasively support your position or that help lay a foundation for understanding why actions need to be taken.

IV.  Issue Analysis This section is where you explain in detail how you examined the issue and, by so doing, persuade the reader of the appropriateness of your analysis. This is followed by a description of how your analysis contributes to the current policy debate. It is important to demonstrate that the policy issue may be more complex than a basic pro versus con debate. Very few public policy debates can be reduced to this type of rhetorical dichotomy. Be sure your analysis is thorough and takes into account all factors that may influence possible strategies that could advance a recommended set of solutions.

V.  Proposed Solutions Write a brief review of the specific solutions you evaluated, noting the criteria by which you examined and compared different proposed policy alternatives. Identify the stakeholders impacted by the proposed solutions and describe in what ways they will benefit from your proposed solution. Focus on identifying solutions that have not been proposed or tested elsewhere. Offer a contrarian viewpoint that challenges the reader to take into account a new perspective on the research problem. Note that you can propose solutions that may be considered radical or unorthodox, but they must be realistic and politically feasible.

VI.  Strategic Recommendations Solutions are just opinions until you provide a path that delineates how to get from where you are to where you want to go. Describe what you believe are the best recommended courses of action [i.e., "action items"]. In writing this section, state the broad approach to be taken, with specific, practical steps or measures that should be implemented. Be sure to also state by whom and within what time frame these actions should be taken. Conclude by highlighting the consequences of maintaining the status quo [or if supporting the status quo, why change at this time would be detrimental]. Also, clearly explain why your strategic recommendations are best suited for addressing the current policy situation.

VI.  Limitations As in any academic paper, you must describe limitations to your analysis. In particular, ask yourself if each of your recommendations are realistic, feasible, and sustainable, and in particular, that they can be implemented within the current bureaucratic, economic, political, cultural, social, or other type of contextual climate in which they reside. If not, you should go back and clarify your recommendations and provide further evidence as to why the recommendation is most appropriate for addressing the issue. It does not necessarily undermine the overall recommendations of your study if the limitation cannot be overcome, but you must clearly acknowledge this. Place the limitation within the context of a critical issue that needs further study in concurrence with possible implementation [i.e., findings indicate service learning promotes civic engagement, but there is a lack of data on the types of service learning programs that exist among high schools in South Central Los Angeles].

VII.  Cost-Benefit Analysis This section may be optional but, in some cases, your professor may ask you to include an explicit summary analysis of the costs and benefits of each recommendation. If you are asked to include a separate cost-benefit analysis, be concise and brief. Since most policy memos do not have a formal conclusion, the cost-benefit analysis can act as your conclusion by summarizing the key differences among policy alternatives and recommended courses of action.

NOTE:   A feature found in many policy memos is the inclusion of text boxes or sidebars that are separate from the main body of text. A text box contains a useful checklist, case study, summary, example, quotation, definition, or expansion of an idea that is located close to the text it supports. A sidebar is a type of exclamation located beside or within the main content that brings further attention to a key point or is used to encourage the reader to pay particular attention to that section of the memo. A sidebar often contains a quotation or brief statement lifted from the main text. Both features are appropriate to use in your policy memo, but don't overdo it. Limit the use of a text box or sidebar to only the most essential text that expands or adds value to understanding content in a specific section of the policy memo, in particular, in the issue analysis section or when describing your strategic recommendations.

Bardach, Eugene. A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem-Solving . 4th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2012; Herman, Luciana. Policy Memos. John F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University; How to Write a Public Policy Memo. Student Learning Center. University of California, Berkeley; Policy Memo Guidelines. Cornell Fellows Program. Cornell University; Memo: Audience and Purpose. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Pennock, Andrew. “The Case for Using Policy Writing in Undergraduate Political Science Courses.” PS: Political Science and Politics 44 (January 2011): 141-146; Policy Memo Requirements and Guidelines, 2012-2013 edition. Institute for Public Policy Studies. University of Denver; Text Boxes and Callouts. Australian Government Style Manual; Thrall, A. Trevor. How to Write a Policy Memo. University of Michigan--Dearborn, 2006; Sajedinejad, S., et al. From Research to Impact: A Toolkit for Developing Effective Policy Briefs . Toronto, Ontario: Policy Bench, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto, 2021; What Are Policy Briefs. FAO Corporate Document Repository. United Nations; Writing Effective Memos. Electronic Hallway. Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs. University of Washington; Writing Effective Policy Memos. Water & Sanitation Infrastructure Planning syllabus. Spring 2004. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Proofreading the Memo

Problems to Avoid

The style and arrangement of an effectively written memo can differ because no two policies, nor their intended audience of readers, are exactly the same. Nevertheless, before you submit your policy memo, be sure you proofread the document so that you avoid these common problems. If you identify one or more of these problems, you should rewrite or re-organize the content accordingly.

1.  Acknowledge the Law of Unintended Consequences . No policy analysis is complete until you have identified for whom the policy actions are supposed to benefit and identify what groups may be impacted by the consequences of their implementation. Review your memo and make sure you have clearly delineated who could be helped and who could be potentially harmed or excluded from benefiting from your recommended policy actions. As noted by Wilcoxen, this is also important because describing who may or may not benefit can help you anticipate which stakeholder groups will support your policy recommendations and which groups will likely oppose it. Calculating potential "winners" and "losers" will help reveal how much it may cost to compensate those groups excluded from benefiting. By building this compensation into your policy recommendations, you are better able to show the reader how to reduce political obstacles.

2.  Anticipate the Reader's Questions . Examine your recommended courses of action and identify any open-ended, declarative, indeterminate, or ambiguous statements that could lead the reader to have to ask further questions. For example, you declare that the most important factor supporting school choice among parents is distance from home. Without clarification or additional information, this could lead the reader to ask numerous questions, such as, why or by what means do you know this, what distance is considered to be too far, what factors contribute to parent's decision about school choice and distance from schools, or what age group does this most apply to. Clarify these types of open-ended statements so that your policy recommendations can be more fully understood and accepted as valid.

3.  Be Concise . Being succinct in your writing does not relate to the overall length of the policy memo or the amount of words you use. It relates to your ability to provide a lot of information clearly and without superfluous detail. Strategies include r eviewing long paragraphs and breaking them up into parts, looking for long sentences and eliminating unnecessary qualifiers and modifiers, and deleting prepositional phrases in favor of adjectives or adverbs. The overarching goal is to be thorough and precise in how your ideas are presented and to avoid writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions.

4.  Focus on the Results . While it is important that your memo describe the methods by which you gathered and analyzed the data informing your policy recommendations, the content should focus on explaining the results of your analysis and the logic underpinning your recommendations. Remember your audience. The reader is presumably a decision-maker with limited knowledge of the issue and who has little time to contemplate the methods of analysis. The validity of your findings will be determined primarily by your reader's determination that your policy recommendations and supporting action items are realistic and rooted in sound reasoning. Review your memo and make sure the statement about how you gathered the data is brief and concise. If necessary, technical issues or raw data can be included in an appendix.

5.  Minimize Subjective Reasoning . Although the memo should be persuasive, avoid emphasizing your personal opinion about the topic. A policy memo should be written in a professional tone with recommendations based upon empirical reasoning while, at the same time, reflecting a level of passion about your topic. However, being passionate does not imply being opinionated. The memo should emphasize presenting all of the facts a reader would need to reach their own conclusions about the validity of your recommendations.

6.  Use of Non-textual Elements . It is common for policy memos to include data, statistics, and other types of information that require visualization. Review all tables, charts, figures, graphs, photographs, and other non-textual elements and make sure they are labeled correctly. Examine each in relation to the text, making sure they are described adequately and that they relate to the overall content of your memo. If these elements are located in appendices, make sure descriptive references to them within the text are correct [i.e., reference to Figure 2 is actually the table you want the reader to look at].

Bardach, Eugene and Eric M. Pataschnik. A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem-Solving . 5th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2016; Herman, Luciana. Policy Memos. John F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University; How to Write a Public Policy Memo. Student Learning Center. University of California, Berkeley; Memo: Audience and Purpose. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Policy Memo Requirements and Guidelines, 2012-2013 edition. Institute for Public Policy Studies. University of Denver; Wilcoxen, Peter J. Tips on Writing a Policy Memo. PAI 723, Economics for Public Decisions Course Syllabus. Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University.

Writing Tip

Difference Between a Policy Memo and a Policy Brief

A policy memo and a policy brief share much in common. They both describe the rationale for choosing particular policy alternatives or courses of action, they both contain persuasive language, and both documents are written for non-experts, such as, practitioners, politicians, non-governmental agency workers, lobbyists, and others who work on or regularly make decisions about the issue addressed in the document. Both documents are free of jargon or technical terminology and focus on communicating the practical implications of prior policy research to a specific audience based on available evidence.

Ironically, however, a policy memo is typically shorter in length than a policy “brief.” A policy memo usually ranges from one to twenty-five pages, while a policy brief can be anywhere from twenty to more than a hundred pages in length depending on the complexity of the topic. Therefore:

  • A policy brief is commonly produced in response to a request from a decision-maker concerning an issue that requires more thorough information to address the underlying policy problem or they are produced by an advocacy group or organization for the purpose of influencing a specific policy, often in an urgent tone. Non-textual elements , such as, figures, charts, graphs, or diagrams, are often included.
  • A policy memo is concisely written and presents information, ideas, and recommendations clearly so the reader can quickly scan the document for the most relevant points. Policy memos focus on brevity and often synthesize existing evidence in language that is direct, specific, and with minimal background information or historical context. Non-textual elements are only included if necessary.

Guide to Writing an Effective Policy Memo. Leadership for Educational Equity, New York; Policy Briefs. The Writing Center, University of North Carolina;  Policy Memo. Writing Studio, Duke University; Manny, Karoline. What is a Policy Brief/Memo? Grace Doherty Library, Centra College; Sajedinejad, S., et al. From Research to Impact: A Toolkit for Developing Effective Policy Briefs . Toronto, Ontario: Policy Bench. Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto, 2021.

Another Writing Tip

Citing Sources

Policy memos generally do not include extensive footnotes, endnotes, further readings, or a bibliography. However, if you use supporting information in a memo, cite the source in the text. For example, you may refer to a study that supported a specific assertion by referencing it in the following manner: "A study published in 2012 by the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling showed that public opinion towards China was....” However, some assignments may require a formal list of references. Before writing your memo, be sure you are clear about how your professor wants you to cite any sources referred to in your analysis.

Policy Memo. Thompson Writing Program, Writing Studio. Duke University.

Yet Another Writing Tip

Using Non-Textual Elements

Policy memos are not just text-based but frequently include numeric tables and charts or other non-textual elements, such as photographs, maps, and illustrations. However, it is important that you use non-textual elements judiciously and only in relation to supplementing and clarifying arguments made in the text so as not to distract the reader from the main points of your memo . As with any non-textual elements, describe what the reader is seeing and why the data is important to understanding the policy problem.

Still Yet Another Writing Tip

Including Appendices

The purpose of an appendix is to provide supplementary material that is not an essential part of the main text but which may be helpful in providing the reader with more complete information. If you have information that is vital to understanding an issue discussed in the memo, it can be included in one or more appendices. However, if you have a lot of information, don't write a five page memo and include twenty pages of appendices. Memos are intended to be  succinct and clearly expressed. If there is a lot of data, refer to the source and summarize it, or discuss with your professor how it should be included.

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How to Write Policy Analysis Essays

Sharon kennedy.

The more research you do, the easier your policy analysis essay will be to write.

The policy analysis essay is a staple for almost any college program in political science, social sciences, health sciences or the humanities. What is a policy analysis essay? It is an essay about a current policy and its effects or outcomes. Alternatively, it could be an analysis of a proposed policy and its feasibility. Normally your professor will give you an outline of what the essay should include, so make sure you follow the instructions and fulfill all the requirements. Writing a great essay is much more than just research. The structure of your essay frames the information in a way that makes it understandable, and your personal writing style adds interest.

Read the policy itself. It is usually in the form of a policy paper, but it could also be a legal document such as a bill or an international agreement. Find out on what research the policy was based, what the policy's expected outcomes are, and the plan for implementation.

Research the policy and its background. This is one of the most important steps. You should be familiar with the issue the policy deals with. For example, if you are writing an essay on health reform, you should have a good understanding of the current health system, its history, its main strengths and weaknesses, and the principal actors in the industry.

Research the outcomes or potential outcomes of the policy. A policy is a plan for action - how is it to be carried out? If it is a current policy, is it getting the results that were intended? If it is a proposed policy, what factors will affect its implementation?

Choose a frame of analysis. You need to present some criteria on which you are evaluating the policy. For example, you could do a cost-benefit analysis, a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), or a Critical Theory analysis. Often your professor will tell you what kind of analysis he or she is expecting.

Start with an introduction stating the policy and the relevant issues. Outline the sections of your paper and state your main recommendations or conclusions.

Provide the background information about the issue and your chosen policy.

Explain your frame of analysis and criteria for evaluating the policy.

Elaborate your policy analysis based on the previous information. This is the most important part of your essay, as it is the actual analysis.

List policy alternatives and briefly describe how they differ from the original policy based on the criteria you are using. If you have come to the conclusion that the policy you are analyzing is not a good one, this is the section where you should explain which alternative policy you would recommend and why.

Conclude your essay by summarizing your points and restating your findings.

  • 1 Boston University: Policy paper guidelines

About the Author

Sharon Kennedy has lived and/or worked in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas and started writing professionally in 2010. She currently works with the YMCA and volunteers with Journalists for Human Rights. Kennedy is a graduate of the University of Ottawa, where she completed a Bachelor of Social Science.

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Policy Analysis

Ai generator.

policy analysis essay template

If you want to achieve the goals and objectives of your business or organization, you have to develop policies that will allow you to guide your members in the direction that you would like to take. Leading the workforce can be a very tedious task especially when it comes to working together for a common goal in consideration of the complexity of the operations of the business.

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You do not need to worry about this matter as creating a policy analysis will allow you to come up with the most appropriate and relevant analysis that can help you get particular milestones for the organization. Just like when making an  internal audit SWOT analysis , ensure that you will be aware of the basic guidelines and strategies that will allow you to develop the best policy analysis for your business.

Policy Analysis Example

Policy Analysis Example

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A list of downloadable policy analysis template examples in PDF are available for you to browse through from this post. We have put together these documents so that you can have references and guides once you plan to develop your own policy analysis. Make sure to look into these examples so that it will be more efficient for you to create the specified document.

Policy Analysis Discussion Flow and Layout Example

Policy Analysis Discussion Flow and Layout Example 01

Policy Analysis Framework Example

Policy Analysis Framework Example 1

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Policy Analysis Paper Structure Example

Policy Analysis Paper Structure Example 1

Size: 31 KB

Policy Analysis Development Framework

A policy analysis can be done by different entities like government bodies, medical and health facilities, academic institutions, businesses, and organizations. Even if there are different groups that can make use of this document, the framework of its development and implementation is most likely the same. Here are the basic steps that you can follow if you want to execute a simple policy analysis:

  • Be organized when starting the development of a policy analysis. Gather all the items, references, and other materials that you think can be helpful in the creation of a credible and highly usable policy analysis. We recommend you to prepare organizational tools like checklists and outlines as these items can be very efficient when it comes to listing down all the requirements and process flow of your organization’s own policy analysis document.
  • Identify the purpose or the reason on why there is a need for your organization to execute a policy analysis. You have to be aware of the objective of the undertaking so you can easily identify the factors and elements that you need to consider as well as the impacts that you must prepare for. Knowing what the policy analysis is all about can also help you develop action plans that are relevant to the achievement of your corporate or business aspirations.
  • You have to define the problem at hand and the ways on how the policy can be of help to eliminate the negative effects of the problem that you have specified. There should be a thorough evaluation of the alignment of the policy with the results that you would like to get for you to reduce threats and risks from existing or even recurring business problems.
  • Assess the objectives of the policy and identify whether these objectives are good for the policy’s target audience or population. You have to consider the timeliness of the policy implementation as well as its relevance to the operations of the business and the daily work processes where the members of the organization are involved.
  • Come up with a SWOT analysis. In comparison to a hospital SWOT analysis , your SWOT analysis for your policy assessment must also focus on both external and internal factors. Ensure that you will have metrics for evaluation so that the results of your SWOT analysis can be aligned with the standards of the business and the things that you would like to achieve.
  • Once a particular policy has already been selected for implementation, you have to study the impacts and effects that it has brought to the business. You have to ensure that you will have a continuous policy evaluation and assessment so you can identify whether the specific policy is really good for the business and that it can truly contribute to the growth of the business and its operations. You have to list down all the implications of the policy so you can assess on whether there is a need to change it or just maintain its implementation.
  • Lastly, think of other policies that can serve as your alternatives whenever your initial policy did not work. You have to ensure that you have backups especially considering that these policies can actually affect the productivity of the workforce, the direction of the business, and the efficiency of your operations. Moreover, the policies that you implement can also impact the culture within the environment of your business.

Policy Analysis Template and Toolkit Example

Policy Analysis Template and Toolkit Example 01

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Policy Analysis Format and Content Guidelines Example

Policy Analysis Format and Content Guidelines Example 01

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Policy Analysis Principles

A detailed SWOT analysis can provide a lot of benefits to any organization as it can thoroughly discuss the internal and external factors that contribute to the successes and failures of the business. This is why you should also make sure that your policy analysis is well-formulated, properly formatted, and comprehensive. You have to consider a variety of principles that will allow you to polish the policy analysis that you will come up with. A few of the principles that you always have to remind yourself with whenever you plan to create and/or implement a policy analysis are listed below.

  • Make sure that the policies that you are going to analyze are well-defined. In this manner, you can ensure that the solutions or help that the policy can provide you with can be proven as potentially effective. This will help the implementation processes of the analysis become smooth flowing.
  • You need to come up with the results that you want to achieve. Otherwise, the policies that you will develop will not be used for anything. There should be an end picture on your mind so that it can serve as a guide when it comes to the development of the policy that you want to execute. Doing this will allow you to develop solutions for the problems, issues, and concerns that you have at hand.
  • It is essential for you to remember that you are developing an analysis. Hence, you should not focus on just the positive or negative areas of the policy usage. You should look into all the contributing factors that result to the effectiveness of the policy, or the lack thereof. You have to present an analysis, not provide a concrete decision in behalf of your target audience. However, remember that you may also sometimes be required to provide recommendations and suggestions based on your own perception of the results that you have come up with.
  • Do not restrain yourself within a single box. You have to think of different policy actions that you can execute based on the items that you want to realize. Remember that policy analysis processes are created for you to come up with the best option for your business or organization. Hence, focusing on just one policy will lessen your selection if your initial policy choice is found to be not as effective or as efficient as it is expected to be.
  • Resilience and being adaptive are characteristics that you should always have whenever you plan to develop a policy analysis. You have to learn how to deal with any changes and uncertainties as long as it is for the betterment of the business, its stakeholders, its operations, and all the other areas in which internal and external corporate touch points are present and can be affected.
  • Always check the clarity of your policy analysis discussion. It is important for your facts to always be updated and accurate. More so, you must have firsthand information so that you can ensure the precision of all the details that you will include in your policy analysis presentation. This is the reason why most policy analysis documents are simple, direct to the point, and specific.
  • Not all policy analysis work the same for every establishment, organization, or business. You have to keep in mind that there are no perfect policy analysis. There are changes and differences that you may observe especially when it comes to the usage of policy analysis processes and procedures that are based on those that are used by other entities. With this, you have to ensure that the policy analysis that you will create is fit with the operations of your business, the needs of your workforce, and the vision that you have for your company.

Common Policy Appraisal and Analysis Format Example

Common Policy Appraisal and Analysis Format Example 01

Size: 726 KB

Policy Analysis Resource Guide Example

Policy Analysis Resource Guide Example 1

Size: 212 KB

Policy Analysis for Different Types of Decision-Making Situations Discussion

Policy Analysis for Different Types of Decision Making Situations Discussion and Template Example 01

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Policy Analysis Development Guidelines Example

Policy Analysis Development Guidelines Example 1

Policy Analytical Framework Example

Policy Analytical Framework Example 1

Size: 173 KB

Planning to Implement a Policy Analysis?

An HR SWOT analysis , policy analysis, and other kinds of policy documents are only testaments that it is imperative for businesses to evaluate and assess different areas of its management and operations. For your company to continue growing, you have to be realistic when it comes to identifying your concerns and issues. You should also establish the description of the current condition of the business as well as the areas of improvement that you would like to focus on.

Developing a policy analysis can help you either direct or redirect your business toward achieving its goals. More so, it can promote organization and a healthy relationship within your operations. Do you want to develop a policy analysis for your business? Here are some of the guidelines and tips that you can find useful once you already start the creation of the specified document:

  • Make sure that you will establish a credible, measurable, and objective criteria for your analysis. It is essential for you to have accurate measures that will allow you to select the best policy for your business for different instances and circumstances.
  • Again, it is essential for you to come up with backups and/or alternatives. More so, you should be open to change your policies especially at times when there is a need to update the things that your organization follows. Remove the policies that do not work based on your analysis and change them with new ones that have a high potential of helping the business.
  • Use templates and examples as your references. Even if there are different kinds of policy analysis documents, it will still be helpful if you will have references when it comes to formatting your discussion. These items can also be of help in terms of determining the information that you should look into when making your own policy analysis. Once you already have a set of policy analysis examples, it will be easier for you to identify the factors and elements that should be included in the document that you plan to make.
  • Evaluate the final draft of your policy analysis and look into any mistakes, errors, and inaccuracies that may still be observed in the content and format of the document. This is very important as the quality of your policy analysis can reflect your standards when it comes to identifying the best policy for your business and the processes that you have immersed in for the particular activity.

Do not forget to look into the policy analysis examples that we have listed in this post. Download any, if not all, of these examples and use them accordingly so that you can be well-guided in the development of the policy analysis document that you need.


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How to Write a Policy Analysis Paper in 6 Easy Steps (+Examples)

Written by

Working on a policy analysis paper is both challenging and fulfilling. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process, whether you’re new to the field or experienced. Understanding how policies are made, evaluated, and recommended is crucial for making a difference in public discussions and decisions. We’ll cover everything from defining your goals to researching thoroughly, analyzing data, and presenting persuasive arguments. By following these steps, you’ll be able to communicate your ideas effectively, shape procedure debates, and contribute to positive changes in society. Should you need more hands-on aid with the assignment, hire a  college essay writer  for the maximum result.

What Is a Policy Analysis Paper

A policy analysis essay definition is a comprehensive examination and evaluation of a particular policy or set of policies within a given context. It involves analyzing the rationale behind the system, its objectives, implementation strategies, and its intended and unintended consequences. This type of paper aims to provide insights into the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and feasibility of the approach, often considering various perspectives, stakeholders, and alternatives. Through rigorous research, data analysis, and critical reasoning, procedure analysis papers aim to inform decision-makers, scholars, and the public about the strengths and weaknesses of existing policies and propose recommendations for improvement or alternative courses of action.

Policy Analysis Paper Purpose

The purpose of a policy analysis paper is to critically assess a specific procedure or set of policies in order to provide valuable insights into its effectiveness, implications, and potential areas for improvement. By examining the underlying rationale, objectives, and outcomes of the implementation, this type of paper aims to inform decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public about its strengths, weaknesses, and impacts on society.

Students are writing a policy analysis paper in college for several reasons. Firstly, it allows them to develop critical thinking and analytical skills by evaluating real-world policies and their implications. Additionally, it helps students understand the complexities of policy-making processes and how policies impact various stakeholders. Writing analysis papers also enhances research and writing skills, as students must gather and synthesize information from diverse sources to support their arguments effectively. Furthermore, engaging with procedure analysis fosters civic engagement and social responsibility, encouraging students to contribute to public discourse and advocate for evidence-based solutions. Are you dealing with multiple assignments all at the same time? If you’re about to address the audience, say, ‘ write a speech for me ,’ so our experts can relieve your workload.

Topic Ideas for Policy Analysis Paper

Here’s a collection of 50 thought-provoking policy analysis paper topics for your inspiration. In addition, we’d like to offer you  informative essay topics  for the purpose of learning and self-education.

  • The viability of a universal healthcare system: An analysis.
  • Plastic bag bans: Environmental implications examined.
  • Tax credits for renewable energy adoption: Assessing effectiveness.
  • Social security and raising the retirement age: Exploring implications.
  • Implementing a four-day workweek: Feasibility assessment.
  • Community policing strategies: Effectiveness in crime reduction.
  • Increasing the minimum wage: Consequences evaluated.
  • School voucher programs: Impact on educational equity.
  • Congestion pricing for urban areas: Benefits and drawbacks analyzed.
  • Government subsidies for electric vehicles: Effectiveness assessed.
  • Zoning laws and affordable housing availability: An investigation.
  • National carbon tax: Feasibility and impact explored.
  • Mandatory voting laws: Consequences for political participation.
  • Drug rehabilitation programs: Effectiveness in reducing recidivism.
  • Legalizing marijuana: Public health implications examined.
  • Immigration policies and cultural diversity: Assessing impact.
  • Privatizing water utilities: Consequences analyzed.
  • Anti-bullying policies in schools: Effectiveness evaluated.
  • Free college tuition programs: Benefits and drawbacks assessed.
  • Wealth tax implementation: Feasibility analysis.
  • Ride-sharing services and traditional taxi industries: Impact assessment.
  • Gender quotas in corporate leadership: Effectiveness examined.
  • National gun registry: Implications and feasibility explored.
  • Expanding nuclear energy production: Consequences evaluated.
  • Mandatory parental leave policies: Effectiveness assessment.
  • Charter school expansion: Impact on public education explored.
  • Basic income implementation: Viability and consequences assessed.
  • Affordable housing initiatives: Success factors examined.
  • Internet privacy regulations: Impact on data security analyzed.
  • Corporate tax breaks: Economic implications assessed.
  • Universal preschool programs: Long-term benefits explored.
  • Climate change adaptation policies: Effectiveness in resilience building.
  • Universal voting by mail: Implications for voter turnout examined.
  • Reducing military spending: Consequences and feasibility analyzed.
  • Workplace diversity training: Effectiveness in promoting inclusivity.
  • Renewable energy subsidies: Impact on energy independence assessed.
  • Telecommuting incentives: Feasibility and impact on traffic analyzed.
  • Carbon capture and storage initiatives: Viability and effectiveness.
  • Local food sourcing policies: Benefits for communities examined.
  • Police body camera mandates: Impact on accountability assessed.
  • Community land trust programs: Success factors and limitations.
  • Mental health parity laws: Effectiveness in improving access.
  • Corporate social responsibility regulations: Impact on sustainability.
  • Universal pre-kindergarten education: Social and economic benefits.
  • Land value tax implementation: Impact on property markets assessed.
  • Affordable childcare initiatives: Impact on workforce participation.
  • Smart city technology investments: Benefits for urban development.
  • Flexible work hour policies: Impact on productivity and well-being.
  • Prescription drug pricing regulations: Consequences for affordability.
  • Public-private partnerships for infrastructure development: Effectiveness and risks assessed.

If you need more ideas, you may want to consult our guide on  argumentative essay topics , which will help kickstart your creativity.

How to Structure a Policy Analysis Paper

A policy analysis paper format demands organizing your content coherently and logically to effectively communicate your analysis and findings. Here’s a typical structure you can follow:


  • Provide an overview of the issue or problem you’re analyzing.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your analysis.
  • Introduce the policy or policies under review.
  • Provide background information to contextualize the issue.
  • State your thesis or research question.

Policy Context and Background

  • Provide more in-depth background information on the issue.
  • Describe the historical development of the policies.
  • Discuss the context in which the procedure was implemented.
  • Identify key stakeholders and their interests in the strategy.

Policy Analysis Framework

  • Explain the framework or methodology you’re using to analyze the policy.
  • Define key concepts and terms relevant to your analysis.
  • Discuss any theoretical frameworks or models guiding your analysis.
  • Outline the criteria or criteria you will use to evaluate the procedure’s effectiveness.

Policy Goals and Objectives

  • Identify and discuss the stated goals and objectives of the policy.
  • Evaluate the clarity and coherence of these goals.
  • Discuss any potential conflicts or contradictions among the goals.

Policy Implementation

  • Describe how the policy has been implemented in practice.
  • Discuss any challenges or barriers to implementation.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of implementation strategies.

Policy Outcomes and Impacts

  • Assess the outcomes and impacts of the policy.
  • Evaluate the extent to which the procedure has achieved its intended goals.
  • Discuss any unintended consequences or side effects of the approach.

Policy Alternatives

  • Identify and discuss alternative policy options or approaches.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each alternative.
  • Discuss the potential trade-offs associated with each alternative.


  • Based on your analysis, provide recommendations for policymakers.
  • Discuss specific actions or changes that could improve the process.
  • Justify your recommendations with evidence from your analysis.
  • Summarize the main findings of your analysis.
  • Restate your thesis or research question.
  • Reflect on the broader implications of your analysis.
  • Discuss any limitations or areas for further research.
  • Provide a list of sources cited in your paper.
  • Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

How to Write a Policy Analysis Paper

In this section, we’ll cover the basics of writing a policy analysis paper. This type of paper involves breaking down complicated policy issues, figuring out how well they’re working, and suggesting ways to make them better. We’ll walk you through the steps, like defining the goals of the implementation, looking at how it’s being put into action, and checking what effects it’s having. By the end, you’ll have the skills to write a clear, well-reasoned paper that can help shape policies for the better.

Understanding the Policy Issue

Start by thoroughly understanding the policy issue or problem you’re analyzing. Research its background, context, and significance. Identify key stakeholders, relevant laws or regulations, and any existing policies addressing the issue.

Defining the Scope and Purpose

Clearly define the scope and purpose of your analysis. Determine what specific aspect of the approach you’ll focus on and why it’s important. Clarify the goals of your analysis and what you hope to achieve with your paper. Use an expert  essay writing service  to streamline your effort in producing a first-class paper.

Gathering Data and Evidence

Collect relevant data and evidence to support your analysis. This may include statistical information, case studies, expert opinions, and academic research. Use credible sources and ensure your data is accurate and up-to-date.

Analyzing the Policy

A policy analysis paper evaluates the legislative program’s effectiveness, strengths, weaknesses, and implications. Use a structured approach, such as a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) or cost-benefit analysis, to assess the procedure from multiple perspectives. Consider its intended goals, implementation strategies, outcomes, and unintended consequences. If you need help with SWOT analysis, using our  analytical essay writing service  is highly recommended.

Developing Recommendations

Based on your analysis, develop clear and actionable recommendations for policymakers or stakeholders. Identify specific changes or improvements that could enhance the system’s effectiveness or address its shortcomings. Support your recommendations with evidence and reasoning.

Writing and Communicating Your Analysis

Organize your analysis into a coherent and persuasive paper. Structure your paper with an introduction, background information, analysis, recommendations, and conclusion. Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or technical terms unless necessary. Provide citations for your sources and evidence. Finally, ensure your paper is well-written, logically organized, and effectively communicates your insights and recommendations.

Policy Analysis Paper Example

A policy analysis paper example serves as a valuable learning tool for students by providing a concrete model to follow and reference when undertaking their own analysis assignments. By studying an example paper, students can gain insights into the structure, content, and methodology of analysis, helping them understand how to effectively frame their analysis, support their arguments with evidence, and formulate actionable recommendations.

Example 1: “Implementing Universal Basic Income”

This policy analysis paper examines the feasibility and potential impacts of implementing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) program in the United States. It explores various options for UBI design, including cost and financing considerations, labor market effects, poverty reduction potential, and administrative feasibility. By reviewing existing evidence and debates surrounding UBI, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with adopting such a program, ultimately highlighting the need for careful analysis, experimentation, and stakeholder engagement in shaping effective UBI policies.

Example 2: “Addressing Climate Change through Carbon Pricing”

This policy analysis paper examines the role of carbon pricing policies in addressing climate change, evaluating their efficacy, implementation challenges, and potential impacts. Carbon pricing mechanisms, including carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems, aim to internalize the external costs of carbon emissions and incentivize emission reductions. The paper discusses the economic efficiency of carbon pricing in promoting innovation and investment in clean technologies while also addressing equity considerations regarding its distributional impacts on low-income households and vulnerable communities.

Writing a policy analysis paper is super important for students because it helps them learn how to tackle tough societal problems and make smart decisions. You get to sharpen your thinking skills, learn how to research thoroughly and become better at expressing yourself clearly. Plus, writing these papers helps students practice effectively communicating their ideas, which is a skill they’ll need in their future careers, whether they work in government, nonprofits, or elsewhere. By digging into real-world issues, students also get a better grip on how politics, economics, and society all fit together. If you’re not committed to handling this task yourself, instruct our experts, saying, ‘ write my essay ,’ and receive the most competent help within hours.

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Where Harris stands on Israel, abortion, climate change, education and the economy

policy analysis essay template

[Editor's note: An earlier version of this story misstated Harris' proposed 2019 climate plan investment levels. The correct estimate is nearly seven times more than Biden's current proposal.]

Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as the Democratic party’s presidential frontrunner after Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid Sunday.

Most Democrats have backed Harris, who announced her 2024 campaign for president shortly after Biden penned a letter explaining his decision to exit the 2024 race. Depending on who you ask, Harris is viewed as a moderate or a progressive reformer.

A former prosecutor, Harris was elected San Francisco’s district attorney with a “tough on crime” message in 2003 and worked in that role for seven years. She became the state’s attorney general in 2011 and served until 2017, when she was elected to represent California in the U.S. Senate.

Text with USA TODAY: Sign-up now and get answers to all your election questions.

More: Election 2024 live updates: Endorsements rush in for Harris; Trump attacks begin

Harris launched her own unsuccessful presidential campaign at a rally in her hometown of Oakland, California in 2019. She dropped her bid for the White House and joined President Joe Biden’s ticket in August the following year. In 2021, she was sworn in as vice president.

Decades in the public spotlight and on the public record, here is what we know about where Harris stands on key issues:

Foreign Policy

As Biden’s second-in-command, Harris has largely stood behind his foreign policy positions, but there are signs she could be tougher on Israel over the war in Gaza than the president.

Harris has not given reason to believe she will deviate much from Biden on issues relating to China , for example. She is also unlikely to sway from supporting Ukraine. Harris said earlier this year that Russia has committed “crimes against humanity” in Ukraine over the last two years.

Harris has not directly opposed Biden’s staunch support for Israel, but has expressed sympathy for the more than 38,000 Palestinian lives lost during the conflict. She was one of the first high-profile members of his administration to call for an immediate temporary cease-fire in March. She acknowledged the “immense scale of suffering” in Gaza and said the Israel-Hamas war is a “humanitarian catastrophe” for innocent civilians.

Harris’ support for women’s access to abortions has been a focal point of her tenure as the country’s first female vice president. She embarked on a nationwide Reproductive Freedoms Tour earlier this year to draw attention to attacks on abortion access following the Dobbs decision . She attended her first stop in Wisconsin on Jan. 22, the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade .

Harris proposed federal protections that would limit state abortion restrictions during her first presidential campaign. Under her proposal, states would need to clear laws regulating abortion with the Department of Justice, which would need to confirm they are constitutional before taking effect, she explained in 2019 .

“How dare these elected leaders believe they are in a better position to tell women what they need, to tell women what is in their best interest?” Harris asked during a visit to a Minnesota Planned Parenthood clinic in March. “We have to be a nation that trusts women.”

Harris has traveled on an Economic Opportunity Tour this summer to defend the Biden administration’s economic policy and attack former President Donald Trump’s economic agenda.

While on tour, she touted legislation passed during Biden’s time in office, including the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act . Harris has tried to emphasize that wage increases have outpaced inflation since the pandemic and made the case that Trump has plans to give more tax cuts to the rich.

“Donald Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires,” she said in a June social media post . “President Joe Biden and I are investing in the middle class and making sure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share.”

The vice president has made clear that climate change is a key issue a Harris administration would seek to address.

While running for president in 2019, she proposed a climate plan with a $10 trillion price tag — nearly seven times more than the $1.6 trillion Biden has invested in addressing the issue. She also called for a ban on fracking.

As a senator, she co-sponsored the Green New Deal , which called for a dramatic increase in the production of renewable fuels, including wind, solar, and hydropower sources. The 10-year mobilization plan pushed for a transition to energy systems less reliant on generating greenhouse gases, which are the primary contributors to climate change.

Harris has been an advocate inside the Biden administration pushing for the president to forgive student loan debt , which became a staple of his domestic policy agenda.

As a senator, she co-sponsored Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ legislation to make two-year college free for all students and waive tuition for middle-class students attending four-year public universities.

At a Pride Month event last year, she criticized Florida’s 2022 “Don’t Say Gay” law banning educators from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in elementary and middle school classrooms. Shortly after she announced her presidential campaign Sunday, the American Federation of Teachers endorsed Harris.

Rachel Barber is a 2024 election fellow at USA TODAY, focusing on politics and education. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter, at @rachelbarber_

ESAs published second batch of policy products under DORA

  • Press Release
  • 17 July 2024

The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) published today the second batch of policy products under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). This batch consists of four final draft regulatory technical standards (RTS), one set of Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and 2 guidelines , all of which aim at enhancing the digital operational resilience of the EU’s financial sector.

The package focuses on the reporting framework for ICT-related incidents (reporting clarity, templates) and threat-led penetration testing while also introducing some requirements on the design of the oversight framework, which enhance the digital operational resilience of the EU financial sector, thus also ensuring continuous and uninterrupted provision of financial services to customers and safety of their data.

The ESAs are publishing the following final draft technical standards:

  • RTS and ITS on the content, format, templates and timelines for reporting major ICT-related incidents and significant cyber threats; 
  • RTS on the harmonization of conditions enabling the conduct of the oversight activities ;
  • RTS specifying the criteria for determining the composition of the joint examination team (JET); and
  • RTS on threat-led penetration testing (TLPT).

The set of guidelines include:

  • Guidelines on the estimation of aggregated costs/losses caused by major ICT-related incidents; and
  • Guidelines on oversight cooperation.

The guidelines have already been adopted by the Boards of Supervisors of the three ESAs. The final draft technical standards have been submitted to the European Commission, which will now start working on their review with the objective to adopt these policy products in the coming months. The remaining RTS on Subcontracting will be published in due course.

Legal basis and Background

The final draft technical standards have been developed in accordance with Articles 20(a), 20(b), 26(11) and 41(1) of DORA (Regulation (EU) 2022/2554). The guidelines have been drafted based on Articles 11(1) and 32(7) of the same regulation.

The public consultation on all the above-mentioned technical standards and guidelines took place from 8 December 2023 to 4 March 2024. The ESAs received more than 364 responses from market participants (265 for the technical standards and 99 for the two guidelines), including a joint response from ESAs’ stakeholder groups. The RTS on JET has been consulted on separately from 18 April to 18 May and brought forward 9 responses from stakeholders. All these public consultations led to specific changes to the technical standards, ensuring simplification and streamlining of the requirements, greater proportionality and addressing sector-specific concerns.

As mandated by Article 20 of DORA the ESAs have consulted with the European Central Bank (ECB) and European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) for the technical standards relating to incident reporting.

Joint Technical Standards on major incident reporting

(1.43 MB - PDF)

Joint Guidelines on oversight cooperation

(606.12 KB - PDF)

joint Guidelines on the estimation of aggregated costs/losses caused by major ICT-related incidents

(540.88 KB - PDF)

Joint Regulatory Technical Standards on the harmonization of conditions enabling the conduct of the oversight activities

(805.5 KB - PDF)

Joint Regulatory Technical Standards specifying elements related to threat led penetration tests

(2.81 MB - PDF)

Joint Regulatory Technical Standards on the criteria for determining the composition of the joint examination team

(545.09 KB - PDF)

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