Table of Contents

  • 1. Don't Confuse Motivation with Passion

2. Outline First

3. create small, attainable goals, 4. make it a daily practice.

  • 5. Don't Be Perfect—Vomit on the Page

6. Focus on the Reader

7. practice self-care, 8. announce the book, 9. recognize and face your fear, 9 ways to boost your writing motivation (that actually work).

feature image computer screen with full battery

No one wakes up every single day with the motivation to write —not even Authors with major bestsellers under their belt (like me).

There will be days when you simply don’t feel like staring at a blank page.

As someone who’s been there, here’s my writing advice : push through and do it anyway.

Even on the days when you don’t feel like it. Otherwise, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of procrastination.

One day of “not feeling like writing” can easily turn into 2, then 10…until eventually, you give up entirely.

I’ve seen so many Authors give up the first, second, or even third time they tried to write a book—mostly because they lost their motivation and gave in to procrastination or fear.

If you want to publish a book , you have to dig deep and find the motivation to write every single day. Even if it’s terrible. Even if you hate it.

The only way to become a better writer—and to finish your book—is to push through those hard moments.

Here are 9 proven ways to motivate yourself to write—even when you don’t want to.

9 Proven Ways to Motivate Yourself to Write

1. don’t confuse motivation with passion.

Forget everything you’ve ever learned about writing “out of passion.” If you wait to feel passionate about what you’re writing, you’ll never finish writing your book.

You can’t rely on passion. It comes and goes too easily. You’re not going to feel passionate every single day.

The same goes for writing inspiration. There’s rarely a bolt of lightning that makes the words flow.

Writing is hard. That’s why a lot of aspiring Authors give up before they’ve finished their first draft.

Motivation doesn’t always mean loving what you’re doing. Sometimes it means digging your heels in and just doing it.

For example, I don’t always love going to the gym, but I do it anyway. And in the end, I’m glad I did (after I’m done).

Don’t confuse passion for motivation.

It’s okay to write when you don’t “feel motivated” if what you really mean is, “I’m not stoked about doing this right now.”

You don’t have to be stoked about it. You just have to start writing.

If you feel passionate, that’s great. But don’t expect more of yourself than necessary.

If you’re writing, you’re motivated. Period. You’re doing it.

At its core, writing is just communicating ideas. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.

Of course, you want the ideas you capture to be relevant to your book. That’s why you should always outline first—so you can capture all your ideas about a specific section before you move on to the next one.

Then, when you do sit down to write, you’ll already have all the relevant ideas gathered. That makes things a lot easier.

An outline is also your greatest defense against fear and writers’ block . It’s a lot harder to get stuck when you’ve got a roadmap guiding the way.

Scribe’s suggested outline is different from the one you might have learned in school. It’s not a bullet point list of every step of the argument.

We’ve found that traditional outlines aren’t flexible enough for most Authors. Plus, sometimes, you can’t get to that level of detail until you’re actually in the middle of writing.

What makes our outline different is that it’s designed specifically to help you write your book.

In fact, our writing process has helped thousands of Authors write successful nonfiction books. It works.

All it takes is 3 simple steps:

  • Brainstorm your chapters
  • Make a table of contents
  • Fill in the outline structure with your chapter’s hook, thesis, supporting content, stories and examples, key takeaways, and a callback to the hook.

If you want a template or more details, you can find them here .

Once you see your book in outline form, writing it will seem easier.

Conceptually, you’re not writing a whole book anymore. You’re looking at a clear collection of ideas and stories, most of which are already in your head.

You’ll be more motivated to write once you’ve broken your book into manageable pieces. It’s easier to climb a mountain when you take it one step at a time.

The reason an outline is so powerful is that it helps you see your book in terms of smaller, more attainable goals. You should do the same with all of your writing goals.

Many people start out thinking, “I have to write as much as possible.” Or, they set a high word count goal, like 1,000 words per day. And when they don’t reach those goals, they get disappointed. They feel like a failure.

That’s the worst way to motivate yourself to write.

With large goals, it’s easy to get intimidated (that’s usually when writer’s block sets in). But attainable goals make it easier to get over that hump.

Remember, motivation has nothing to do with passion. If you’re writing at all , you’re already motivated.

You don’t have to go overboard and shoot for the moon just to show you’re passionate about your book. When people do that, it’s usually because they’re trying to prove something to themselves.

You won’t prove anything by setting unattainable goals.

Rewire your brain and think small. Set goals that will set you up for success.

I recommend writing 250 words per day. That word count is low enough to be easily achievable. It leaves you with no excuses.

You could write 250 words on your phone between meetings. You could even dictate 250 words to your phone while you’re in the shower.

If you do end up writing more than 250 words, that’s great. Keep going as long as you want.

But if it’s one of those days where writing feels like a slog, you can still meet that word count and avoid being disappointed with yourself.

It’s more important to be consistent with writing than to have epic writing sessions.

When I was writing full-time, I blocked off 4 hours a day to write—but I rarely used that whole time to actually write. I read or did other things related to writing.

It’s hard to write for hours on end. And like most things in life, you’ll get diminishing returns.

Aim for 250 words every day, and stick with it. And remember, if you’re doing it, you’re motivated.

Notice that I said you need to write 250 words every single day . That’s because you’ll be much more motivated to write when it becomes a daily practice.

In addition to the 250 words per day, I recommend that you come up with a writing routine to help keep you on track.

Pick a designated writing time and stick to it every day. Are you better at writing in the morning, or do you like to write right before bed? Maybe it’s easier to squeeze 250 words in over your lunch break.

There’s no right or wrong answer. Just pick a time whenever you do your best writing and stick with it.

The same goes for your writing place. Maybe you write well in a quiet office. Or, maybe it’s easier for you to focus in a coffee shop.

We worked with one Author who wrote in his Tesla while it was charging in his garage. He put the same playlist on every day, turned up the volume, and spent the next 45 minutes writing.

The reason you need a writing routine is the same reason you teach your kids to brush their teeth every morning.

They may grumble or whine, but once they get into the habit, they do it anyway—no matter how much they don’t want to.

It works the same way when you’re writing a book. Writing habits keep you motivated to write and do it again the next day.

A writing routine gives you the fuel to keep going, even when you think your tank is running low. When writing becomes an automatic part of your day, it’s a lot harder to procrastinate.

5. Don’t Be Perfect—Vomit on the Page

Don’t intimidate yourself by trying to be a perfect writer.

First of all, there’s no such thing.

Second, if you do that, you’ll never finish your book because you’ll never live up to your own expectations.

I’m dead serious. I’ve seen countless Authors get stuck writing the first draft of their book. They’ll get off to a good start—but then they’ll re-read what they’ve written, delete it, and start over.

They do that 50 times and eventually give up (spoiler: they never finish their book).

Don’t fall into the same trap of unrealistic expectations . Just aim to get words on a page.

In fact, don’t even think of your writing as “writing a book.” You’re not writing a book. You’re just collecting your thoughts.

That’s why I call my first drafts “ vomit drafts .” I spew words and thoughts onto a page. I don’t stop to edit, re-read, or think about how the writing flows.

printer printing

Like vomit, it’s not pretty. But after you’ve written all your ideas out, you’ll feel so much better.

Plus, it’s a lot easier to motivate yourself to write when you free yourself from the need to be perfect.

When you write a vomit draft, you don’t give yourself time to stare at a blank page. There’s no room for intimidation.

You just start writing and let whatever’s inside your brain come out. It’s not going to be perfect. In fact, it will probably be terrible.

But that’s okay. Most first drafts are terrible. Even books that go on to become bestsellers started as terrible first drafts.

Embrace it. Realize that bad writing is a natural part of the writing process.

A first draft is exactly what the name implies—a first step.

Your book will go through multiple drafts before anyone even sees it.

Of course, you’ll eventually have to wade through the vomit. You’ll have to trim, add, and edit . And you’ll probably have to move things around and rethink the structure of your chapters . That’s normal.

For now, stop worrying about how good or bad your writing is and start capturing your ideas. You can make them sound great later.

Don’t edit as you go. Just write. Vomit on the page.

It’s a lot easier to fix writing when you actually have writing to fix.

Many people find it easier to motivate themselves during the “vomit” phase. Once you get into the groove of spewing 250 words per day, it can be refreshing.

The part that’s harder is when you have to go back through all that writing to turn it into a coherent, well-written book.

Here’s my advice when you reach that phase: hold on to your motivation by keeping your focus on the reader.

You’re writing a nonfiction book for a reason. What made you want to do this in the first place?

At some level, it’s because you want to help your readers solve their problems.

If you’re writing a memoir , it’s because you want to share your story with people who can benefit from hearing it.

If you’re writing a knowledge-share nonfiction book , you’re trying to prove to your readers that you’re the person that can meet their needs.

Whatever kind of book you’re writing, your reader is at the heart of your motivation.

If you feel stuck or don’t feel like writing, remember that. Think about the people you’re going to help and how their lives will change because of your book.

When readers pick up a nonfiction book, they aren’t looking for perfection or a sublime writing style . They’re looking to learn information that’s going to make their lives better.

Here are 4 essential writing principles to help you deliver information in a way readers will appreciate:

  • Keep your writing short. Readers tune out when you wander.
  • Keep your writing simple. Readers want content they can easily understand, even if the ideas are complex.
  • Keep your writing direct. Get to the point, and make each sentence a single, direct statement.
  • Keep it about the reader. Ask yourself this question about everything you write: “Why does the reader care?”

Imagine having a conversation with a client or a close friend. What would you tell them, and how would you deliver the information?

Don’t make writing harder than it has to be. To stay motivated, imagine speaking directly to your reader and making an impact on their lives.

If you’re still unmotivated after all that, you might want to reconsider your intentions. If it’s that hard to motivate yourself, maybe writing a book isn’t something you really want to do.

This may seem odd to include in an article on motivational writing tips, but if you want to motivate yourself, you have to take care of yourself.

If you’re super stressed out or exhausted, you’re not going to function well. And you’re definitely not going to feel motivated to write.

I won’t lie. Writing can be a slog. And completing a book will take an emotional, mental, and sometimes physical toll on you. If you don’t take care of yourself, it’s easy to lose steam.

There are many ways you can take care of yourself. For example, you can:

  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Take nature walks
  • Talk to a therapist
  • Visit an energy healer or masseuse
  • Try acupuncture
  • Go for regular float sessions
  • Sit in a sauna
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts

Basically, take time to do things that will make your body and mind feel better. You want to develop good writing habits, not become a writing machine.

To do that, you need to check in with yourself from time to time to make sure you’re at the top of your game.

Being refreshed will make you a better writer. Self-care will revitalize you so you can come back the next day, ready to meet your writing goals.

While some people thrive on routines and self-care, others are more motivated by external accountability.

If you’re one of those people, I recommend announcing that you’re working on a book.

Tell people on social media. Write a guest post for your favorite blogger. Email your friends and family.

Whatever method works best for you, use it to announce your intention to the world.

And if you’re serious about writing, I recommend announcing your book on the platform that makes you the least comfortable.

Yes, that may seem like a lot of pressure. But it’s important to identify any points of resistance you have and push through them.

You’ll get a lot of positive feedback, which will help you become more motivated. And when your motivation wavers, you’ll be reminded that there are people eagerly awaiting your book.

I believe that every person has a book in them. But one of the major things that holds people back from writing those books is fear .

They’re afraid that their book won’t be good enough, original enough, or meaningful enough. They’re afraid of looking stupid or making people angry.

Those kinds of fears are normal, but you shouldn’t let them get in the way.

You have a story that’s worth telling. The only way to truly motivate yourself to tell it is to conquer your fear.

If you allow those fears to stick around, they only lead to procrastination , frustration, and surrender.

If you want to overcome your fear, I recommend facing them head-on. Write down all your fears about the writing process, self-publishing, or fears about how people will react once they read the book.

Evaluate each fear and recognize what those fears mean. Fear has a point and a purpose. It’s an indicator of risk.

Every Author who writes a book worth reading is taking a risk. If you’re scared, congratulations. It means you have something worth saying.

Fear isn’t the problem. The problem is when you let fears take over.

Keep in mind what your book is going to do for you and what it’s going to do for your readers.

Then, make a plan for facing your fears. For example, if you’re afraid you’ll never finish writing your book, use that fear as motivation. Create a writing routine and resolve to stick with it through the whole writing process.

motivational writing essay

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9 Tips for Writing a Brilliant Motivational Essay

Whether you are a high school student caught in the crossroads of your educational journey or an undergraduate debating on a graduate degree, several steps must be taken, from choosing a college or master’s program to applying for your dream job.

On the other hand, choosing is the easy part; getting into the college of your choice is a different story. Most colleges and universities require students to have excellent grades and write a motivational essay describing why they want to pursue his\her desired major at their university.

Writing college motivational essays is a required part of any educational institution’s application process. Then again, some employers require job applicants to submit inspirational articles along with their resumes.

A motivational statement allows you to show off a little more of your personality and explain why you are qualified for the university course or job position in question. This is an opportunity to stand out and demonstrate your integrity and your ability to turn your knowledge into a successful career.

This article will teach you how to write a motivational essay that will help you get into your dream university or land your dream job.

Table of Contents

9 Tips to Write a Motivational Letter

motivational writing essay

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing inspirational statements to help you write a good paper. Many students struggle to find the motivation to write an article or are simply stumped when asked “What motivates you in life?”. Motivational papers are not as complicated as you may believe. To write a perfect inspiration paper, use the following tips:

1. Research the Institution to which you are applying

It is not in your best interest to simply copy and paste motivational essay examples or templates from the internet. The first step is to learn how merit-based admissions work at your preferred college. If you already have outstanding grades, you have to figure out what other aspects of your life could boost those grades.

Many universities, for example, seek students who have good grades, participate in extracurricular activities, have some volunteer experience, and are involved in social initiatives in school and their community.

Researching your preferred university will assist you in writing a tailored inspirational essay that will showcase all of your personality and goals. It’ll also broadcast how your social and volunteer work will continue to be a factor when you get into the university. Knowing about the university and including that information in your inspirational paper will be a breath of fresh air for the reader. It will give them the impression that you are confident in your decision.

Be sure to sprinkle some positivity and determination in your motivational statement.

2.  Be Creative

I know this may seem obvious to most people but it is still critical. The first two or three sentences of your motivational letter are crucial to the reader. Remember that the person reading your inspirational statement has most likely read thousands of others before it. Keeping the reader’s attention early on will thus benefit you.

Assume your college motivation letter isn’t exciting and doesn’t hook the reader from the first sentence. The reader is likely to close the letter and decline your application at that point.

You want the first paragraph of your motivation essay to keep them guessing and interested in reading until the end. You can include a mysterious story about your motivations and leave the culmination until the end.

3. Get Personal in your Motivational Essay

Make your motivation letter specific to the employer or university to which you are applying. Your letter should reflect your distinct style and personality. Your employers or university are interested in getting to know you better and no one knows you better than yourself. So, don’t just look up some motivational essay examples and use them as your own. The inspiration article should include the things that make you tick, your passions, and more!

Many students prefer to entrust the writing of motivational letters to a professional writing service. However, I can assure you that this is a bad option because you should write the motivation essay yourself.

4. Adopt a Straightforward and Succinct Tone

The objective of a letter of motivation, as the name implies, is to demonstrate your motivation for attending college to the school board or the reasons why you deserve a job to an HR manager who will read it. Avoid using long phrases and, instead, get right to the point. Explain in simple terms what you’re looking for and what you have to offer. Concentrate on what is vital; the rest will be addressed later.

5. Clearly Explain your Motivation

Make it a point to convince the school board or recruiter that this is the right college or job for you. Hit the nail on the head as many times as possible. Demonstrate that this is, without a doubt, the best place for you. Make use of all of your persuasion skills.

If you’re a student who can’t seem to motivate yourself to write the letter, think of it more as your motivation for earning a degree paper. This way of thinking will make you come up with points that are straightforward for your motivational letter.

If you’re writing an inspirational paper to apply for a job position, make sure it includes all of the qualities listed in the job description. Explain how each of the qualities relates to you.

6. Share your Professional Goals

In your inspirational essay, don’t be afraid to put yourself in the future. Outline your career goals and how the university or job offer is a step in the right direction. Also, talk about what you’ve accomplished and what you’re proud of.

7. Find The Right Balance

Of course, you must present yourself in the best possible light and persuade the recruiter that you are the right person for the job but don’t be too smug. At the same time, don’t undervalue yourself or appear overly modest. Try to summarize your accomplishments but avoid bragging about them. Please keep it simple; don’t fill the entire page with your achievements; instead, choose the ones that are relevant to the university or job requirements.

8. Back up what you’re saying

Simply stating that you are organized or that you have a sense of responsibility is not enough. Avoid overused phrases and explain why you’re organized. In your inspirational letter, provide some examples. When writing your motivational paper, one approach is to write as if you were a narrator. Narrating allows you to see yourself through the eyes of another person, telling the story of your life and goals.

9. Ensure that your Essay is Grammatically Sound 

When it comes to writing motivational letters, grammar errors are a no-no. So, double-check and have someone else read your inspirational paper because they may spot grammatical errors that you’ve missed. Also, it would be best if you avoided abbreviations and technical jargon. Do not try to sound like you’re writing a school assignment; instead, use the most elegant yet straightforward language and tone to make your point.

Don’t make writing a motivational statement more difficult than it should be. Focus on the essential things and let the rest go. Keep in mind that the college or company is curious to learn more about you. So, stay relaxed and make use of the tips we have mentioned above and you will be on your way to a brilliant motivation letter.  For more information on college writing tips and essay writing services, check other articles on Essay Advisor .

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Motivation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on motivation.

Everyone suggests other than the person lack motivation, or directly suggests the person remain motivated. But, no one ever tells what is the motivation of how one can stay motivated. Motivation means to face the obstacle and find an inspiration that helps you to go through tough times. In addition, it helps you to move further in life.

Motivation Essay

Meaning of Motivation

Motivation is something that cannot be understood with words but with practice. It means to be moved by something so strongly that it becomes an inspiration for you. Furthermore, it is a discipline that helps you to achieve your life goals and also helps to be successful in life .

Besides, it the most common practice that everyone does whether it is your boss in office or a school teacher or a university professor everyone motivates others in a way or other.

Role of Motivation

It is a strong tool that helps to get ahead in life. For being motivated we need a driving tool or goal that keeps us motivated and moves forward. Also, it helps in being progressive both physically and mentally.

Moreover, your goal does not be to big and long term they can be small and empowering. Furthermore, you need the right mindset to be motivated.

Besides, you need to push your self towards your goal no one other than you can push your limit. Also, you should be willing to leave your comfort zone because your true potential is going to revel when you leave your comfort zone.

Types of Motivation

Although there are various types of motivation according to me there are generally two types of motivation that are self- motivation and motivation by others.

Self-motivation- It refers to the power of someone to stay motivated without the influence of other situations and people. Furthermore, self-motivated people always find a way to reason and strength to complete a task. Also, they do not need other people to encourage them to perform a challenging task.

Motivation by others- This motivation requires help from others as the person is not able to maintain a self-motivated state. In this, a person requires encouragement from others. Also, he needs to listen to motivational speeches, a strong goal and most importantly and inspiration.

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Importance of Motivation

Motivation is very important for the overall development of the personality and mind of the people. It also puts a person in action and in a competitive state. Furthermore, it improves efficiency and desire to achieve the goal. It leads to stability and improvement in work.

Above all, it satisfies a person’s needs and to achieve his/her goal. It helps the person to fight his negative attitude. The person also tries to come out of his/her comfort zone so that she/ he can achieve the goal.

To conclude, motivation is one of the key elements that help a person to be successful. A motivated person tries to push his limits and always tries to improve his performance day by day. Also, the person always gives her/his best no matter what the task is. Besides, the person always tries to remain progressive and dedicated to her/his goals.

FAQs about Motivation Essay

Q.1 Define what is motivation fit. A.1 This refers to a psychological phenomenon in which a person assumes or expects something from the job or life but gets different results other than his expectations. In a profession, it is a primary criterion for determining if the person will stay or leave the job.

Q.2 List some best motivators. A.2 some of the best motivators are:

  • Inspiration
  • Fear of failure
  • Power of Rejection
  • Don’t pity your self
  • Be assertive
  • Stay among positive and motivated people
  • Be calm and visionary

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55 Motivational Writing Quotes from Famous Authors

Sometimes, the hardest part of writing is simply getting started. Whether you’re taking your first dip in the storytelling pool, or you’re opening a fresh, blank document after finishing your last project, that empty page can be a little daunting.

So, to help combat those moments of doubt, here are some quotes from professional authors and artists who have been right where you are now, and who know exactly how you feel.

First, you just have to start.

1. "Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on."

-  Louis L’Amour

2. "Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything really good."

-  William Faulkner

3. "The first draft is just you telling yourself the story."

-  Terry Pratchett

4. "You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it."

- Octavia E. Butler

5. "Start before you’re ready."

-  Steven Pressfield

6. "You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page"

-  Jodi Picoult

7. "You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."

-  Jack London

8. "I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering."

-  Robert Frost

9. "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

-  Toni Morrison

10. "I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles." 

- Shannon Hale

11. "I get a lot of letters from people. They say, 'I want to be a writer. What should I do?' I tell them to stop writing to me and get on with it."

-  Ruth Rendell

Then, keep going!

12. "First, find out what your hero wants, then just follow him!"

- Ray Bradbury

13. "The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write. A man will turn over half a library to make a book."

-  Samuel Johnson

14. "Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way."

-   E. L. Doctorow

15. "To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme."

-  Herman Melville

16. "Tell the readers a story! Because without a story, you are merely using words to prove you can string them together in logical sentences." 

- Anne McCaffrey

17. "Description begins in the writer’s imagination but should finish in the reader’s."

-  Stephen King

18. "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader."

19. "If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."

- Stephen King

20. "Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer."

- Barbara Kingsolver

21. "Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader."

-  Joseph Joubert

Editing is vital.

22. "My own experience is that once a story has been written, one has to cross out the beginning and the end. It is there that we authors do most of our lying."

- Anton Chekhov

23. "The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do. "

- Thomas Jefferson

24. "When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done." 

25. "It is perfectly okay to write garbage as long as you edit brilliantly."

-  C. J. Cherryh

26. "Half my life is an act of revision."

-  John Irving

27. "Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear."

-  Patricia Fuller

28. "Write your first draft with your heart. Rewrite with your head."

-  Mike Rich

29. "So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads."

-  Dr. Seuss

30. "You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what's burning inside you, and we edit to let the fire show through the smoke."

-  Arthur Plotnik

31. "Anyone and everyone taking a writing class knows that the secret of good writing is to cut it back, pare it down, winnow, chop, hack, prune, and trim, remove every superfluous word, compress, compress, compress..."

-  Nick Hornby

32. "When you write a book, you spend day after day scanning and identifying the trees. When you’re done, you have to step back and look at the forest." 

Don’t lose your sense of humor.

33. "It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn’t give it up because by that time I was too famous. "

-  Robert Benchley

34. "There’s no such thing as writer’s block. That was invented by people in California who couldn’t write."

- Terry Pratchett

35. "Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read."

-  Groucho Marx

36. "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

- Douglas Adams

37. "If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster."

- Isaac Asimov

Believe in yourself.

38. "If you have no critics, you’ll likely have no success."

-  Malcolm X

39. "If you can tell stories, create characters, devise incidents, and have sincerity and passion, it doesn’t matter a damn how you write."

-  Somerset Maugham

40. "And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."

-  Sylvia Plath

41. "If the book is true, it will find an audience that is meant to read it."

-  Wally Lamb

42. "I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged."

-  Erica Jong

43. "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy."

-  Norman Vincent Peale

44. "If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word."

-  Margaret Atwood

45. "Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them. "

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

46. "Difficulties mastered are opportunities won."

-  Winston Churchill

47. "Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create, and die protecting it."

-  Lady Gaga

Remember, being a writer is awesome.

48. "You can make anything by writing."

-  C.S. Lewis

49. "The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words."

-  William H. Gass

50. "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions."

-  Albert Einstein

51. "Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic."

-  J. K. Rowling

52. "A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song."

- Maya Angelou

53. "I must write it all out, at any cost. Writing is thinking. It is more than living, for it is being conscious of living."

-  Anne Morrow Lindbergh

54. "I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I’m afraid of."

-  Joss Whedon

55. "I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn."

-  Anne Frank

Now that you've been inspired, the next step is writing consistently! Writers who use our Freewrite distraction-free writing tools have seen their word counts double.  Could be a Freewrite be right for you!?

Learn more about the "Draft First, Edit Later" Freewrite philosophy that drives prolific output. And, check out the Freewrite Alpha for an on-the-go writing partner.

Claire Wilkins is a freelance copywriter and editor from New Zealand. After a career in financial services spanning almost three decades, Claire left the corporate world behind to start Unmistakable - her writing and editing business. She creates website copy, blogs, and newsletters for creative agencies and small businesses, and specializes in polishing existing content until it shines. In her spare time, Claire enjoys cloud-spotting, singing in the car and editing video.

motivational writing essay

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Home — Essay Samples — Psychology — Personality Psychology — Motivation

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Essays on Motivation

🌟 the importance of writing a motivation essay 📝.

Motivation is like that extra sprinkle of magic dust that gives us the boost we need to achieve our goals and dreams ✹✹. It's the driving force behind our actions and the fuel that keeps us going when things get tough. Writing an essay about motivation allows us to delve deeper into this fascinating topic and explore its various aspects. So, why not grab your pen (or keyboard) and let's dive into the world of motivation! đŸ’Ș📚

🔍 Choosing the Perfect Motivation Essay Topic đŸ€”

When it comes to choosing a topic for your motivation essay, there are a few things to consider. First, think about what aspect of motivation you find most intriguing. Is it personal motivation, motivation in the workplace, or maybe the psychology behind motivation? Once you have a general idea, narrow it down further to a specific angle that interests you the most.

💡 Motivation Argumentative Essay đŸ’Ș📝

An argumentative essay on motivation requires you to take a stance and provide evidence to support your viewpoint. Here are ten exciting topics to get those creative juices flowing:

  • The role of intrinsic motivation in academic success
  • The impact of extrinsic rewards on employee motivation
  • Does social media affect motivation levels in teenagers?
  • The connection between motivation and self-esteem
  • How does motivation differ between genders?
  • The influence of music on motivation levels
  • Does money truly motivate people in the workplace?
  • The effects of positive reinforcement on motivation
  • The link between motivation and mental health
  • How does goal-setting impact motivation?

đŸŒȘ Motivation Cause and Effect Essay 📝

In a cause and effect essay, you explore the reasons behind certain motivations and their outcomes. Here are ten thought-provoking topics to consider:

  • The causes and effects of procrastination on motivation
  • How does a lack of motivation impact academic performance?
  • The relationship between motivation and success in sports
  • The effects of parental motivation on children's achievements
  • How does motivation affect mental well-being?
  • The causes and effects of burnout on motivation levels
  • The impact of motivation on work-life balance
  • How does motivation affect creativity and innovation?
  • The causes and effects of peer pressure on motivation
  • The relationship between motivation and goal attainment

💬 Motivation Opinion Essay 💭📝

In an opinion essay, you express your personal thoughts and beliefs about motivation. Here are ten intriguing topics to spark your imagination:

  • Is self-motivation more effective than external motivation?
  • Are rewards a necessary form of motivation?
  • Should schools focus more on intrinsic motivation?
  • The role of motivation in achieving work-life balance
  • Is motivation a learned behavior or innate?
  • The impact of motivation on personal growth and development
  • Does motivation play a significant role in overcoming obstacles?
  • Is fear an effective motivator?
  • The role of motivation in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Can motivation be sustained in the long term?

📚 Motivation Informative Essay 🧠📝

An informative essay on motivation aims to educate and provide valuable insights. Here are ten fascinating topics to explore:

  • The psychology behind motivation and its theories
  • How to stay motivated in challenging times
  • The impact of motivation on personal and professional success
  • Motivation techniques for achieving fitness goals
  • The role of motivation in leadership and management
  • Motivation in the context of mental health and well-being
  • The history of motivation research and key figures
  • Motivation strategies for students and educators
  • Motivation and its connection to creativity and innovation
  • Motivation in different cultural and societal contexts

📜 Thesis Statement Examples 📜

Here are a few thesis statement examples to inspire your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, plays a pivotal role in driving individuals towards achieving their goals and aspirations."
  • 2. "This essay explores the multifaceted nature of motivation, examining its psychological underpinnings, societal influences, and practical applications."
  • 3. "In a world filled with challenges and opportunities, understanding the mechanisms of motivation empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and reach new heights of success."

📝 Introduction Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some introduction paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation is the driving force behind human actions, the invisible hand that propels us toward our goals. It is the spark that ignites the fire of determination within us, pushing us to overcome obstacles and realize our dreams."
  • 2. "In a world where challenges often outnumber opportunities, motivation serves as the compass guiding us through life's intricate maze. It is the unwavering belief in our abilities and the fuel that keeps our ambitions burning bright."
  • 3. "Picture a world without motivation—a world where dreams remain unfulfilled, talents remain hidden, and aspirations remain dormant. Fortunately, we do not live in such a world, and this essay delves into the profound impact of motivation on human lives."

🔚 Conclusion Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some conclusion paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "As we conclude this journey through the realm of motivation, let us remember that it is the driving force behind our accomplishments, the cornerstone of our achievements. With unwavering motivation, we can surmount any obstacle and turn our aspirations into reality."
  • 2. "In the grand tapestry of human existence, motivation weaves the threads of determination, perseverance, and success. This essay's culmination serves as a testament to the enduring power of motivation and its ability to shape our destinies."
  • 3. "As we bid farewell to this exploration of motivation, let us carry forward the knowledge that motivation is not just a concept but a potent force that propels us toward greatness. With motivation as our guide, we can continue to chase our dreams and conquer new horizons."

📄 Motivation Research Paper Outline 📄

I. introduction 🌟.

  • Definition of Motivation
  • Importance of Studying Motivation
  • Research Questions or Hypotheses
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope and Limitations

II. Literature Review 📖

  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  • Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
  • Self-Determination Theory
  • Research on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
  • Studies on Workplace Motivation
  • Impact of Motivation on Performance and Productivity
  • Gaps in the Literature

III. Research Methodology 🔬

  • Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods
  • Sampling Techniques
  • Sample Size
  • Surveys, Interviews, Observations, etc.
  • Data Analysis Techniques
  • Ethical Considerations

IV. Results and Discussion 💬

  • Tables, Graphs, and Charts
  • Interpretation of Data
  • Comparison with Previous Studies
  • Theoretical Implications
  • Practical Implications

V. Conclusion 🏁

  • Summary of Findings
  • Conclusions Drawn from the Study
  • Recommendations for Future Research
  • Limitations of the Study

VI. References 📚

  • Citations of all Sources Used

VII. Appendices 📑

  • Additional Material (e.g., Survey Instruments, Interview Guides)

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Motivation is the drive or desire to achieve a goal or take action. Motivational states are commonly understood as forces acting within the agent that create a disposition to engage in goal-directed behavior.

Intrinsic, extrinsic, unconscious, and conscious.

Theories articulating the content of motivation: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory, Alderfer's ERG theory, Self-Determination Theory, Drive theory.

  • Motivation can come from both internal (intrinsic) and external (extrinsic) sources.
  • Different people are motivated by different things, such as rewards, recognition, or personal satisfaction.
  • Setting specific, achievable goals can increase motivation levels.
  • Motivation can fluctuate based on external factors like stress, fatigue, or distractions.
  • Motivation is closely linked to productivity and success in various aspects of life.

The topic of motivation is important because it plays a crucial role in determining individual behavior, performance, and overall well-being. Understanding what motivates people can help in creating effective strategies for personal growth, goal achievement, and boosting overall satisfaction and success. It is a key aspect of psychology, education, management, and various other fields that aim to enhance human performance and well-being.

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113 Motivation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Motivation is the driving force behind our actions, thoughts, and behaviors. It is what pushes us to achieve our goals, overcome obstacles, and persevere through challenges. Writing an essay on motivation can be a great way to explore the topic and gain a deeper understanding of what motivates us as individuals.

To help you get started, here are 113 motivation essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your own writing:

  • The importance of setting goals and staying motivated
  • How to find motivation in times of adversity
  • The role of motivation in achieving success
  • The impact of motivation on mental health and well-being
  • Motivation and its connection to self-esteem and confidence
  • The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • How to stay motivated when facing setbacks and failures
  • The relationship between motivation and procrastination
  • The role of motivation in education and learning
  • Motivation and its influence on job satisfaction and performance
  • The power of positive thinking and motivation
  • The impact of motivation on physical health and fitness
  • How to cultivate motivation in yourself and others
  • The role of motivation in leadership and management
  • Motivation and its effect on creativity and innovation
  • The connection between motivation and goal-setting
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making
  • The relationship between motivation and self-discipline
  • Motivation and its impact on relationships and communication
  • The role of motivation in overcoming fears and insecurities
  • How to maintain motivation over the long term
  • The impact of motivation on personal growth and development
  • Motivation and its connection to happiness and fulfillment
  • The role of motivation in achieving work-life balance
  • Motivation and its effect on mental toughness and resilience
  • How to use motivation to overcome challenges and obstacles
  • The relationship between motivation and perseverance
  • Motivation and its influence on creativity and problem-solving
  • The role of motivation in building resilience and coping with stress
  • Motivation and its impact on decision-making and risk-taking
  • How to motivate others to achieve their goals
  • The connection between motivation and self-awareness
  • Motivation and its influence on emotional intelligence
  • The role of motivation in building a growth mindset
  • Motivation and its impact on self-care and self-love
  • How to use motivation to overcome self-doubt and insecurity
  • The relationship between motivation and passion
  • Motivation and its connection to purpose and meaning
  • The role of motivation in building confidence and self-esteem
  • Motivation and its influence on resilience and adaptability
  • How to cultivate motivation through mindfulness and meditation
  • The impact of motivation on creativity and innovation
  • Motivation and its connection to curiosity and exploration
  • The role of motivation in building relationships and community
  • Motivation and its influence on leadership and teamwork
  • How to use motivation to overcome fear of failure
  • The relationship between motivation and self-compassion
  • Motivation and its impact on mental health and well-being
  • Motivation and its influence on personal growth and development
  • How to maintain motivation during challenging times
  • The connection between motivation and resilience
  • Motivation and its connection to goal-setting and achievement
  • The role of motivation in building self-discipline and willpower
  • Motivation and its impact on decision-making and problem-solving
  • How to use motivation to overcome procrastination
  • The relationship between motivation and creativity
  • Motivation and its influence on emotional intelligence and self-awareness
  • Motivation and its connection to passion and purpose
  • How to cultivate motivation through positive thinking and affirmations
  • The impact of motivation on personal and professional success
  • The role of motivation in building healthy habits and routines
  • Motivation and its connection to self-care and self-love
  • How to maintain motivation during times of uncertainty
  • The connection between motivation and perseverance
  • Motivation and its connection to self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making and risk-taking
  • How to use motivation to overcome fears and insecurities
  • Motivation and its impact on personal and professional success
  • How to cultivate motivation through gratitude and appreciation
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making and problem-solving

In conclusion, motivation is a powerful force that drives us to achieve our goals and overcome obstacles. By exploring the topic of motivation through essays, we can gain a deeper understanding of what motivates us as individuals and how we can cultivate motivation in ourselves and others. Whether you choose to write about the importance of setting goals, the role of motivation in achieving success, or the impact of motivation on mental health and well-being, there are endless possibilities for exploring this fascinating topic in your writing. So go ahead and choose a topic from the list above, or come up with your own idea, and start writing your motivation essay today!

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Tips for Writing Your Motivational Statement and Essays

While it’s one of our favorite parts of the application reading experience, we know that writing essay components can be anxiety-inducing for applicants. As you start or continue your application , we hope you find this guidance on the motivational statement and essays helpful.

Motivational Statement

All students applying to the Master of Public Policy (MPP) , MA in Public Policy (MA) , MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP) , and MA in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods (MACRM) programs are required to submit a 300-word motivational statement answering the questions: Why policy? Why Harris? (Or a version of these questions more specific to your program).

Some suggestions as you are thinking about your answers to these questions:

Answer the prompt. Don’t worry about using precious space to introduce yourself—jump right into answering the question. 

Write first, edit later. Get your ideas onto the page—whether that means bullet points, idea webs, or a journal entry. Don’t worry about crafting the perfect opener, meeting the word count, or checking grammar when you are first getting started.  

Reflect. Think about the professional, personal, or academic experience that has inspired you. 

Be specific. When answering Why Harris? , be specific to the University of Chicago and Harris. Analyze why certain programs, centers, classes, or professors made you want to apply here. 

Optional Essay Questions

Although the Motivation Statement is required, the essay questions are optional. For all optional essay questions, we aren’t just interested in the “right answer,” but how you are thinking about and approaching these complex questions.

Students applying to the Master of Public Policy (MPP) program may pick any of the three questions below. Completing question three will allow you to be considered for Pearson fellowships open only to MPP students.

Students applying to the MA in Public Policy (MA) , MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP) , and MA in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods (MACRM) programs may choose to complete optional essays 1 and

Option 1: Challenge—Describe briefly the biggest challenge you have ever faced. How did you tackle it and what did you learn? (max 300 words)

Tip: In essay one, you may write about a personal, professional, or academic challenge when answering this question. Perhaps more than the challenge itself, we are interested in how you tackled the challenge, and what you learned in the process.

Option 2: Community—Where do you see yourself getting involved in the community during your time at Harris—either at the University of Chicago or in the city of Chicago? (max 300 words)

Tip: If you are answering essay two, please make sure to speak specifically to Harris or UChicago.

Option 3: Pearson—If you would like to be considered for  The Pearson Fellowship , please answer the following: In reflecting on the complexities of past and present protracted global conflicts, please analyze what singular global conflict most puzzles you personally, and discuss why.

Tip: Please note that “global conflict” can refer to a range of conflicts (i.e. inter/intra state; those involving non-state actors, etc.) and a range of issues associated (i.e. refugee crises, religious conflict, gang violence, drug wars, domestic violence, etc.). Remember to consider: Is the conflict actually puzzling? For example, does it involve actors acting against their own best interest, or operating irrationally?​ And finally, for the purposes of this essay, you will not need to cite sources.

We hope you find these tips helpful as you move your application forward.

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6 Unique Tips for Writing a Brilliant Motivational Essay

5 unique tips to writing a brilliant motivational essay

Fortunately, in the contemporary world we live in, we can pursue have numerous education paths.

However, choosing college and career path is only half the battle.

The hard part is gaining admissions into the school of your dreams. Make no mistake: this is not an easy task. Most schools require not only outstanding grades, but also a thorough motivational essay explaining your motives for pursuing your chosen major at their institution.

This is the opportunity to stand out and show your character and ability to turn your education into a successful venture.

In the following article, we will give you some writing tips and practical advice on how to write a superb essay for college admissions and earn that acceptance letter.

1. Do your research

One of the most common mistakes people make when writing a motivational essay is creating a template piece for every college they apply to. This is a huge no-no, and here’s why: each academic establishment has its own agenda and preferences.

Some appreciate social initiatives and volunteering experience, some look for passion and determination to succeed, while others pay more attention to grades and test scores.

Try to research your chosen school as much as possible and write a unique essay accordingly. Sometimes colleges provide specific questions they want to see answered in your essay, so be sure to read the instructions carefully. Edit your work so the readers will feel the school’s spirit in your essay. It’s a good start to help your application stand out from the crowd.

2. Be personal

This part may surprise you: you don’t need to be an excellent writer. Sites like EduBirdie might save you some time, but they skip over the real reasons colleges want a motivational letter. Colleges want to get to know you — the person behind the application forms, documents, and numbers.

They want to see what your aspirations are, what you like to do, why you decided to pursue this particular path, and what you consider your strengths to be.

A generic, standard letter with no personality simply won’t. Don’t just repeat your application verbatim — embrace your life and interests and show off the real you! Try to present yourself in an informal way; don’t worry about formalities.

Let the university staff get to see your unique character and way of thinking; perhaps you can include a relevant joke or an anecdote from your life that is connected with your choice of profession, etc.

A strong personal approach goes a very long way here — trust us.

3. Drafts are important

First impressions matters. In the case of college applications, your first impression is in your motivational essay . Of course, you want to give a good first impression. Proper grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are the key. This is why editing and revising your text is crucial.

Play around with word choice, ensure the paragraphs are clear and concise, and pay close attention to sentence structure. You can even use an Online Word Counter Tool to help you size up your draft properly.

Online programs like Grammarly are great for checking spelling and other possible issues in your writing. If the admission committee reads an essay with a clear sense of purpose, excellent grammar, and determination, they will see the applicant as a good fit because they understand the applicant’s goals and abilities. Don’t underestimate the power of proper styling and grammar.

4. Survey your essay

This may seem like an odd tip, but it can help with your essay quite a lot. If you’re unsure about the motivational essay you’ve written, or maybe you’re looking for ways to make it more memorable, try creating an online survey. You can put it out to the masses on social media, or even ask a few close friends to take a read and give you their thoughts.

Ask their opinion on your writing: what points are the strongest, what areas did you struggle, and how could you improve. This will provide you with real feedback to identify any issues you may have overlooked.

5. Get to the point

It may seem alluring to include every seemingly-relevant detail in your motivational essay. However, this can make the whole piece come across as vague and all over the place. Pick a couple of routes to follow, assess your best qualities, and decide what areas of your life and background you wish to include.

Don’t try to cram in every idea that crosses your mind; this will only clutter your essay! One good suggestion is to ask your friends and family to list your best characteristics, skills, and talents, then pick a few of most common to include in your essay.

6.Professional goals matter

While showing personality in your essay is essential, don’t forget to talk about your professional goals. Clearly state your motivation for choosing this career path and why you’re most suited for it. Explain why you are the best candidate for the program. Don’t overdo it by showing off or praising yourself too much.

Instead, talk about what personality traits will help you success, and where you plan on going with the degree you earn.

Remember, balance is the key to a good motivational essay; putting less information than needed is just as bad as putting too much. Getting too personal and informal will harm your application,but so will being too bland and official.

The secret is to maintain balance, and include only the points that matter. The most important advice is be yourself and be inspired.

For more great college tips, check out the other blogs on College Basics.

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About the author.

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30 little ways to motivate yourself to write, RIGHT NOW

Hi Tiffany!

Hi Tiffany!

The Writing Cooperative

Let’s be real.

Writing is gratifying when our thoughts gush out of our heads like cream from a cake. When we pump out a good piece by the end of the day.

Those are our BEST moments .

But every so often, we fall into a pit. Our minds blank out. We burn out. And no matter how hard we force ourselves to jump back into writing, we can’t.

There’s just no way to control a mind that’s unwilling. After all

“What consumes your mind, controls your life.” ~Cait Flanders

That’s why I’ve challenged myself to try out simple ways to get my writing groove back. Here’re the ones that got me to write at LEAST one sentence.

1. Imagine yourself writing

I know. It sounds silly.

But just picturing your fingers clanking on the keyboard or you scribbling with a pen, tricks your mind into believing that you’re actually achieving something. And it’s this feeling, alone, that can bump up your motivation faster than telling yourself to just do it.

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” ~William Arthur Ward

2. Remind yourself the REASON why you’re writing

Don’t write, because other people said so. Don’t write, because you heard it’s a useful skill. Don’t write, just because you want to say something.

Write, because you genuinely enjoy it. Write, because you want to earn good money from it. Write, because you have something to say.

It’s about realizing the value you get from writing. So when you finally understand the “why” behind your writing, writing won’t feel like an obstacle.

3. Commit to a daily goal

200 words. 1 paragraph. 30 minutes. 1 draft.

Whatever daily goal you set, COMMIT to it. No whining. No postponing. NO excuses.

If you’re going to make excuses, lower the numbers until you can.

4. Let yourself write horribly, just get that 1st draft out!

Look, we all face this problem — tweaking our words as we write, for the sole reason of impressing our readers.

Forget about being perfect. Just push out that 1st draft.

Doesn’t matter if it’s short, messy, missing substance. It’s easier to fix a rough draft than to create something entirely from scratch.

5. Find a quiet, clean, well-lit place to write

The less distracted you are, the better quality your stories become.

So find a place that won’t sap your energy from blocking out loud noises, gawking at messy rooms, and adjusting to poor lighting.

You’ll feel more relaxed to start writing.

6. Switch up your environment to kickstart your creativity

Having a dedicated workspace makes it easier to switch into “work” mode.

But in the long-run, it stifles your mind from whipping up cool new ideas.

If that’s the case, try switching to a new location to work at: a park, a coffeeshop, a bookstore, a library, your friend’s home (if they’re cool with you).

I guarantee you’ll have a bunch more interesting things to say. ;)

7. Look at your old comments

Remember how you felt when your story got a comment? How excited you were to know that someone, far, far away, enjoyed your story to drop you a note? And how eager you were to write your next piece?

Go back to these early posts and read what your readers wrote. Who knows? You might be inspired to write about something that would’ve never crossed your mind. [link to 5 ways to get fresh content]

8. Slash your to-do list in 1/2

I’m serious. Just do it.

By shedding off extra tasks, you give yourself less things to worry about, letting you focus more intently on writing.

9. Ask a good friend to critique your topic

There’s a chance your friend can inspire you with a more intriguing topic.

10. Take breaks

If you’re burnt out and have 0 motivation to write, give yourself 20 minutes. An hour. A couple days if that’s what it takes to recuperate.

Your brain will tell you when it’s ready to take on a new or old post.

11. Listen to music that fits your writing

Music kicks our mood for practically everything — from dinner dates at home to workouts. Yes, even writing.

And it’s especially effective if you’re writing an emotional piece.

Just don’t choose songs that have lyrics in your native tongue, because that’ll distract you.

12. Hang out with successful or self-driven people

As you might’ve heard, “You become like the people you spend the most time with.”

So by surrounding yourself with people who’ve accomplished, or will accomplish, great things, you’ll feel more eager to start writing.

Just so you can be great too.

13. Exercise

As much as you might hate it, exercise cures unmotivated minds.

Because when you move your body around, you pump more oxygen to your brain, giving you that rush of insight to just give it your all.

14. Drink coffee, tea, chocolate, anything that has caffeine!

Ever wonder why people go to coffeeshops to write?

Because one cup of coffee has enough caffeine to get you focused and make you feel like you’re on top of your game.

**1 cup coffee = 95mg caffeine**

“Writing is considered by many to be an arduous and daunting task, but the energizing effects of the caffeine in coffee helps overcome at least the first of many obstacles, the blank page.” ~Derwood Talbot

15. Challenge yourself on your next post

Record your results from your last post — views, recommends, comments. Then put 120% effort into bumping up those numbers, whichever matters most to you.

16. Be physically comfortable

Wear cotton. Sit in a comfortable chair. Turn on the AC or heater.

Even small things like these can turn your I-don’t-feel-like-writing mood around.

17. Use tools to help you write better

I’m gonna be honest with you. Having tools to speed up your writing + make it sound better, boosts your mood to pump out more content.

My handy list: 50 blogging tools to help you work smarter, write faster and become irresistible to your readers

18. Talk to other writers

Join a slack group for writers (I advise The Writing Cooperative ). Tweet your favorite writer. Email a blogger you respect for advice.

You’re not the only one feeling stuck.

19. Write something that’s been on your mind recently

Think about the things that’ve been bugging you, how you feel about someone or something, what you wanted to do but haven’t.

It’s much easier (and more refreshing) to write about your personal thoughts.

20. Write something you can teach

Everyone has a special talent. But not everyone shares it with the world.

So tell people about your experiences, what you’ve learned, what they might not already know.

It’ll all pay off when people keep coming back to you to learn about _____ (your expertise).

21. Announce online that you’ll write everyday.

By telling the entire world what you’re about to do, it’s enough kick to get you started.

After all, failing in public is much more shameful than you breaking your own promise.

22. Turn off your monitor and just start typing

This is a trick I used to do when I started writing. Even though I felt like a complete idiot at the time, it did get me into the habit of writing.

Maybe it will for you.

23. Read a story

Whatever you read — a newsletter, a short story, a fiction book, a manga series — will help you relax, believe it or not. Simply because you let your mind work at its own pace.

Not to mention, you’ll have some pretty neat ideas for your next post.

24. Reward yourself for writing

Your mind secretly craves rewards when you do good work. Think about your paycheck. Your bonuses. Don’t you feel more motivated to work harder?

Same thing applies to writing. If you reward yourself for completing a post, or for even one sentence, you won’t hesitate to keep on writing.

25. Mix your day up

Life can feel dull at times. And this could drag your entire mood down to the point where you don’t even want to think about writing.

So mix up your day.

Instead of writing in the morning, try writing at night. Instead of eating lunch at 12pm, eat at 2pm. Instead of going to the gym after work, hang out with a friend for a snack.

These changes instantly excite your brain, making you feel more happy and more determined to make things right again.

26. Read inspirational quotes

Besides being an instant mood booster, inspirational quotes are a great root for an extraordinary story.

You can use it to talk about your personal life. Or you can insert it in to make your main message “pop.”

27. Get emotional

I’m not saying you should break up with your date or guzzle down a pack of beer. But when you fall into your emotions, your mind fires out all of these thoughts that cannot be contained for too long.

And when you put it on paper/the screen, you just let it all out.

28. Do something fun

Throw a potluck party. Watch some funny YouTube videos. Check out the flea market.

As long as you indulge yourself with things that entertain your mind, you’ll melt away all that stress and mental exhaustion that kept you back from writing.

29. Buy smiley stickers + calendar

Go to your local store and bag these two things.

Every time you write, doesn’t matter how long, put a sticker underneath that day. Seeing all of those achievements on your calendar will keep you going!

30. Write yourself a little note for the next day

Writing is a very tiresome task. So it feels really nice to receive a little note from yourself, saying how awesome/smart/creative/________ (positive adjective here) you are.

If you enjoyed this post, you might like this one too: 25 insights I’ve learned on becoming a better writer

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Your documents are prepared, your CV is finalised and your application is almost ready to submit – but you’re stuck on the motivational essays. You know you are ready for your master’s degree , and you know you’re a great candidate. But how can you make sure your confidence and expertise come across in your motivational essays?

Start with a powerful hook

A tried-and-true writing tip. Kick off your essay with a compelling anecdote, quote, question, or fun fact that grabs the reader’s attention and kicks off your narrative. Did a business leader say something that sparked your interest in the field years ago? What inspirational phrase keeps you going through exam week? Let us know!

Share personal stories

What academic triumphs or professional bumps in the road led you to where you are today? How did your pathway twist and turn? Your readers can probably relate and will connect with your message if they can see themselves in your story. Perhaps you experienced a setback or hardship that had a silver lining or joined an extracurricular club that changed your life. Maybe your experience abroad challenged your preconceived cultural notions. More details will draw your reader in and paint a brighter picture of your unique experience.

Use vivid descriptions and imagery

We know you are not applying to a creative writing programme here, but you will stand out if your essays are vibrant and specific. At the very least, your essays should be more than a prose format of your CV. Better yet, use sensory adjectives to breathe life into your story. You are passionate about your field of study and have cool experiences to share – let it show!

Be vulnerable and honest

Don’t be afraid to share your failures along with your successes. Showing you have the skills to overcome challenges and grow as an individual is inspiring to read and has the added bonus of demonstrating your resilience. We have all experienced challenges along the way, and completing a master’s programme is a challenge in itself. Show your reader you can capably face the inevitable setbacks and complications, and you are sure to leave an impression.

Incorporate wit and humour

Light-hearted stories or clever twists keep the tone engaging and relatable. Just as we’ve all had challenges in life, we have all experienced funny moments, too. If adding humour is part of your writing style, embrace it. If not, you can leave it out. In any case, just be mindful to maintain an appropriate tone regarding your topic and audience.

Answer the questions

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many students simply make a list of their accomplishments without actually reading if that’s what the essay questions asked for! First, read the questions. Then, you can do a bit of research on the institution if necessary and have a final look (or ask a friend!) to make sure the essay you just put effort into actually answers the question.

These tips can help you craft attention-grabbing and memorable essays. Even though the motivational essays are one part of your profile that will be reviewed by the admissions team, it doesn’t hurt to put your best foot forward whenever you can. As we said above, you already have a CV with your list of accolades and accomplishments. Don’t make the mistake of rewriting your CV here and lose the opportunity to let your unique stories shine in your motivational essays. This is your chance to make an impression on the admissions team and increase your chances of receiving an invitation to the next stage of the application process: the interview.

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Inspirational College Application Essay Decoded!

motivational writing essay

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: October 29, 2021


If you are applying to a college that requires a college application essay, you will undoubtedly want your college essay to leave a lasting impression on its readers. 

Many colleges request a college application essay; some colleges will provide prospective students with the topic they want you to write about, while others will leave the choice up to you.  

So, how do you write an inspirational essay? There’s no single right way to source college essay inspiration, but there are some recommendations that we’ve compiled here to help you along with your process. 

motivational writing essay

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement, or college application essay, is an opportunity to share something about yourself through writing that the college admissions team won’t necessarily glean from your resume , transcript, or letters of recommendation. 

It provides applicants with the space to share more about their personality and complement the other pieces of your application to offer a well-rounded picture of who you are. 

Things to Note 

Before you get started on your college essay, there are some important things to keep in mind . You’ll likely have been spending a lot of time compiling all the other components for your application, which may include transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, letters of recommendation, and more. 

When it comes time to write your personal statement, be sure to:

Read the Directions Closely

Many prospective students and enrolled students will note that their college essay was the most challenging aspect of completing their college application. This is because it requires the most thought, time, and can also be somewhat open-ended. As such, it’s vital that students read the college essay guidelines and directions closely. In itself, the college essay is like a test for college admissions committees to see how well you can follow directions. 

Avoid Clichés 

There are many inspirational essay examples you can choose from to find ideas, but when using inspiration, avoid using clichés. While clichés exist for a reason because they are based in truth, many students will likely use them. To prevent your essay from getting overlooked, use your own words and voice to describe what you write about so that you can stand apart. 

Once you have your essay drafted, be sure to plan enough time to proofread and edit your work. Even if you feel unsure of putting words on the page, write them down. You can spend time making it better with a second, third, and fourth look. The proofreading stage should also include an objective set of eyes (someone you trust) who can give you their honest opinion about your essay.

A Step-by-Step Guide 

Your college essay isn’t going to write itself. You have to put in the work, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide that should help you start and finish your inspirational college essay. 

Organize and Brainstorm 

Before you get started on drafting your college essay, organize your thoughts. If you’ve been given essay prompts, dedicate at least 5-10 minutes to each prompt to think about what you may write about.  

Choose Your Topic 

Based on how much you come up with for each prompt, you can choose which prompt will suit your story the best. If you have an open-ended prompt, think about defining moments in your life, your passions, inspirations, achievements, and the like to come up with some ideas of what you can share. 

Create an Outline 

There will be a lot of details that you’ll want to add to your essay to convey your point(s). To keep the flow organized, begin by outlining what you will talk about. A clear starting point is a brief introduction with a hook sentence to grab the reader’s attention. Then, list where you will go next with main points and supporting evidence (anecdotes from your past, examples of your point, etc.). Finish up with a conclusion that reiterates your main point (topic/gist), and close out with something that leaves the reader thinking or feeling something strongly so that your essay lingers in their mind. 

Once you have your outline sorted, you can get to drafting up your inspirational essay. While it’s difficult not to edit as you write, try to let everything out. You’ll have time to clean it up after, but allowing your train of thought to appear on the page may lead to something brilliant. 

Many college essays will provide you with a maximum word count. Remain aware of this word count as you write. 

Pro Tip: If you use Google Docs, go to Tools> Word Count> Select “Display Word Count While Typing.”

The chances are, you’ll probably find it easier to write more than less. To cut down your word count, read each sentence and ask yourself if that sentence or word is necessary to convey your point. Keep an eye on grammar and spelling. Even though you will use the word processor’s spelling and grammar review upon completion, it doesn’t always catch everything. 

After you’ve edited down your college essay, read it over a few times, and entrust someone (or multiple people) to give you some feedback. Try not to take the feedback personally, as the people you allow to read your essay will likely have your best interest in mind, and they are just trying to help you write a better final product. 

College Essay Inspiration 

You’ll want your personal statement to be considered an inspirational college essay. To make this vision a reality, remember to: 

  • Be passionate 
  • Be specific 
  • Be yourself 

Some topics that make for inspirational college essays include stories about:

  • Overcoming a challenge 
  • Learning something new 
  • Making a significant life change 
  • Sharing an epiphany 
  • Expressing your interests and reasoning 

motivational writing essay

Your Story is Important 

Whether you believe it or not, your personal statement and story is important. No two people have the same life circumstance or outlook as another, so sharing your truth with a college admissions team can be the root of inspiration, and ultimately, admission. 

Believe in yourself and your words, and take the necessary time to prepare, edit, and write your very own inspirational essay for college. The truth is that it can be all the difference to granting your acceptance into the college of your dreams.

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Motivating the argument.

The intellectual context that you establish for your topic and thesis at the start of your essay, in order to suggest why someone, besides your instructor, might want to read an essay on this topic or need to hear your particular thesis argued — why your thesis isn’t just obvious to all, why other people might hold other theses (that you think are wrong).

Your motive should be aimed at your audience: it won’t necessarily be the reason you first got interested in the topic (which could be private and idiosyncratic) or the personal motivation behind your engagement with the topic. Indeed, it’s where you suggest that your argument isn’t idiosyncratic, but rather is generally interesting. The motive you set up should be genuine: a misapprehension or puzzle that an intelligent reader (not a straw dummy) would really have, a point that such a reader would really overlook. Defining motive should be the main business of your introductory paragraphs, where it is usually introduced by a form of the complicating word “But.”

  • Match the items in the Motivating Moves section with the "published writing samples" from various disciplines.
  • Note that each writing sample makes more than one motivating move.
  • Good news: There are no wrong answers!

Motivating Moves

  • The truth isn’t what one would expect, or what it might appear to be on first reading.
  • The knowledge on the topic has heretofore been limited.
  • There’s a mystery or puzzle or question here that needs answering.
  • Published views of the matter conflict.
  • We can learn about a larger phenomenon by studying this smaller one.
  • This seemingly tangential or insignificant matter is actually important or interesting.
  • There’s an inconsistency, contradiction or tension here that needs explaining.
  • The standard opinion(s) need challenging or qualifying.

Published Writing Samples

Environmental studies.

Although the origin of these sources (of oxygenated organic compounds) is still unclear, we suggest that oxygenated species could be formed via the oxidation of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, the photochemical degradation of organic matter in the oceans and direct emissions from terrestrial vegetation.

New York’s American Art-Union offers an opportunity to examine, in one significant context, the struggle that defined the social role of art and artists in the antebellum North.

(Freud, in fact!): The play is built on Hamlet’s hesitations over fulfilling the task of revenge that is assigned to him; but its text offers no reasons or motivations for these hesitations, and an immense variety of attempts at interpreting them have failed to produce a result.

How does one explain the seeming inconsistency between the responses by the Hispanic community to the 1992 poll, on the one hand, and the general pride that most Americans express about their immigrant roots, on the other?

Adapted from a handout by Kerry Walk.

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Best topics on Motivation

1. What Motivates Me as a Student

2. Rising Above Negativity: A Journey in Music and Self-Belief

3. Main Disadvantages Reward System and Recognition

4. Carl Rogers and Anna’s Case Study

5. My Ambition Far Exceeded My Talents

6. Motivation: Learning What Motivates You

7. Motivation Of People Seeking For Revenge

8. Application Of Motivation Models In Employee Engagement

9. The Promising Advantages of Honor Codes for the Student’s Future

10. How My Favorite Author’s Work Has Changed Me

11. How Motivation and Dedication Helped Me to Find My Goal in Life

12. How to Succed in College and Avoid Dropping Out

13. Finding the Motivation to Focus on One Objective

14. Selfishness as an Integral Part of Human Nature

15. Who Moved My Cheese: Overcoming the Obstacles

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Motivation Essay | Essay on Motivation for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Motivation Essay:   Motivation is important in life because it helps us gain valued results like personal growth, better well-being, enhanced performance, or a sense of confidence. Motivation is a road to improve our way of feeling, thinking, and behaving. The advantages of motivation are seen in our way of living life.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Motivation for Students and Kids in English

If you are searching for an essay on motivation, you will find below two different articles that you can use to complete your class assignments. Here is the best long essay on motivation for the students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Short essay on Motivation is helpful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Long Essay on Motivation 500 Words in English

Motivation is an essential factor that changes positive thought into instant action. It switches a great idea into action and can undoubtedly affect the world around you. However, not all are born with motivation. People sometimes have disbelief in themselves; they often say, “I can’t do that” or “the timing is not right.” Being demotivated means living a life as a worn-out machine. Your life will become dull without any spark. So, to gain inner peace and satisfaction in life, you must always stay motivated.

Motivation is a force to push you closer toward your dream. If Steve Jobs lacked the motivation to launch Apple, you would not get an iPhone or iPad. It gives you a purpose to live you with a forever smile on the face. Thus, realizing and working on your self-motivation skills will make you capable of taking control of different aspects of life.

The critical elements of self-motivation are resilience and optimism. The former will help you bounce back during difficult times, whereas later, you will show you a brighter side ahead. This way, you will be able to control your emotions that are holding you back.

You need to locate the right motivation for you to get your spark back. You can find motivation from a wide range of effective sources, for example, from quotes, books, videos, parents, teachers, and even nature. Ultimately, you’ll learn rational thinking to overcome negative emotions when you are motivated in life.

Motivation also helps in making you active in life. You will struggle more to fulfill your goals. A self-motivated person always discovers a way to understand the issues hindering the path to complete a task. Moreover, they do not require other people’s support to accomplish a challenging task close to them.

Hence, motivation is one of the vital factors to be successful in any phase of your life. Whether personal or professional events both demand a person to stay positive to achieve the goals. As a motivated person, you will always try to push your limits and develop your performance level every day.

Moreover, you will continuously thrive on giving your best during every task. You will see that you remain dedicated and progressive towards the objectives of life. Lastly, your dreams and goals will come true as you always aimed.

So, always stay motivated in life without losing hope. When you stay motivated each day, it’ll push you closer to your goals. Learn to remain calm when you go through any hard day. It’s an excellent habit and must be applied in life. As a result, all your negative thoughts will start fading away.

Essay on Motivation

Short Essay on Motivation 200 Words in English

No doubt, a person goes through many types of difficulties in life. Some people lose hope and think of quitting. But is this the right step? Absolutely not. Failing once does not mean there is nothing left in life. There is always a way to fight back the hard times to achieve what you desire.

Whether you’re a school-going kid or a business owner, you lose the track and feel demotivated somewhere in life. But never lose hope, you can work towards your betterment by regaining your motivation.

If anytime in life, you feel hard to fight back and lose motivation, read positive quotes, or watch motivational videos online. You can even put the inspirational quotes on your walls. All you need is positivity and motivation in life. You’ll see soon after that you start tackling challenges one step at a time. Slowly you will reach the destination of success and will feel proud of yourself.

We will typically do our best when we have enough motivation. Motivation makes us do things correctly and perform well. You have higher odds of succeeding when you are fully inspired and put effort. It’ll help you give your best during every situation of life. So always work on your motivation.

10 Lines on Motivation Essay

  • Motivation is significant for the overall growth of your mind as well as personality.
  • It helps you focus on your goals based on values and skills.
  • Motivation is a necessary resource to improve and work productively during changing times as well as threats.
  • It boosts your desire to achieve a meaningful life goal.
  • You can listen to speeches, videos, read books, or quotes from inspirational people to rework on your lost motivation.
  • You will learn to fight your fears and negative thoughts when you are motivated.
  • Motivation helps professionals to be positive and happy while working hard to achieve goals.
  • When you are motivated, you learn to organize and prioritize your life.
  • Motivation help students to concentrate and work hard in the class.
  • It awakens the sense of meaning in life.

Essay About Motivation

FAQ’s on Motivation Essay

Question 1. Why do we need motivation in life?

Answer: Motivation is vital because it helps you achieve your goals and become the happiest person by never losing hope.

Question 2. What does motivation teach us?

Answer: You will learn to be self-confident, patient, optimistic, skills, time management, and fighting against your fears.

Question 3. How can I regain motivation in life?

Answer: You can read inspirational books, listen to seminars, and put inspirational quotes on the wall or desk to stay motivated in life.

Question 4. What are the benefits of staying motivated?

Answer: Motivation gives job satisfaction, boosts student engagement, improves relationships, and makes you successful.

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Essays About Motivation Leads to Success: Top 5 Examples

If you’re writing an essays about motivation leads to success; you will be inspired by our guide’s essay examples and prompts. 

Motivation is the ultimate key to success. The journey toward any goal is always fraught with hardships that tempt you to quit. But with the right motivation, you can keep sight of your goals and make it to your finish line. The search to find the source of people’s motivation and how to sustain its momentum has been a favorite subject among psychologists and management experts. This interest has engendered several motivation theories applied across society, whether at home, school, or work.

Read on for great essays and prompts on motivation leading to success, and find yourself filled with the motivation to get your essay done.


5 Top Essay Examples

1. the power of positive self-talk by teri karjala, 2. the goldilocks rule: how to stay motivated in life and business by james clear, 3. caffeine, exercise and the brain: how ‘doping’ with psychoactive drugs can boost motivation by ian mcmahan, 4. how to motivate your problem people by nigel nicholson, 5. how to overcome self-doubt and a lack of motivation by leo babauta, 9 helpful writing prompts on essays about motivation leads to success, 1. what motivates you, 2. rewards as tools for motivation, 3. how to develop self-motivation, 4. maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 5. motivating children to succeed, 6. using motivation to succeed in fitness, 7. creating a motivationing atmosphere at home, 8. rejection as a powerful driver for motivation, 9. motivating team members.

“Powerful and positive self-talk can change your entire mindset, which can affect your actions. That, in turn, can have a massive impact on how successful you are on any journey you take or any obstacle you face.”

Practicing positive self-talk can help turn self-doubt into concrete positive actions toward your goals. There are several ways to establish a habit of positive self-talk that will fuel our motivation. Such habits include steps as simple as changing how we address ourselves and physical activities, such as exercising and volunteering for social activities. 

“It is hard to imagine a situation that would strike fear into the hearts of more people than performing alone on stage and failing to get a single laugh. And yet Steve Martin faced this fear every week for eighteen years.”

The essay chronicles the success of American comedian Steve Martin, offering an excellent example of someone who has applied the so-called Goldilock’s Rule. Goldilock’s Rule states that people’s motivation is at its peak when they face manageable challenges. Psychologists also add that immediately receiving positive feedback will also motivate people to work their way to success with more determination than ever.

“When motivation is low and perceived effort high, the couch wins. So if a cup of tea or coffee can get you out and exercising, Marcora’s research suggests it’s worth a try.”

This article describes how your fitness and body toning goals would have been easier by keeping motivated. It also describes the quick fix that could eradicate psychological barriers to exercise: the mildly stimulating “drug” called caffeine.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about personal growth .

“Everyone knows that good managers motivate with the power of their vision, the passion of their delivery, and the compelling logic of their reasoning. Add in the proper incentives, and people will enthusiastically march off in the right direction.”

By coaxing problem employees to do better, managers are not only demotivating them further but are stoking the fire in an already dysfunctional relationship. This is the last thing managers would like to do if they still want to unlock employees’ intrinsic motivation and channel it toward the company’s goals. Before seeing problem employees as the main cause of the problem, managers must look inward and be more flexible in setting goals.

“It can be hard to get moving when you are stuck. This is how I felt in 2005 when I couldn’t change any of my habits. It was really hard to motivate myself when I didn’t think I would succeed, when I felt horrible about myself. But I took one small step, and it felt good.”

We all have that day when a lack of motivation strikes us. This article reassures us that experiencing sluggishness and self-doubt is okay. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, we can still make that bad day count by taking a small step and changing our perception of ourselves and the world around us.

What motivates you to wake up early to get to school, do your homework, or study intently for an exam? In this essay, write about the factors that figure in your motivation equation. Next, enumerate your techniques or attempts to build motivation for your goals. How do you deal with a low motivation level on a bad day? Do you take some rest or force your effort? Finally, share with your readers how much you have progressed in building motivation and what more you want to achieve.

Several studies have uncovered the enormous benefits of rewards in motivating people. First, delve into these studies and discover the scientific explanation behind the effects of rewards on people’s motivation and success. Then, write about the kinds of rewards that have proven effective. Finally, write about rewards you have received that fuelled you to improve yourself and your outlook to add a personal touch.

Self-motivation is a strong sense of motivation that comes from within a person rather than from external factors. This essay focuses on activities and habits that can empower your readers to be self-motivated. For example, it is proven that a deep and daily reflection of goals keeps one focused on following a routine built for that goal, regardless of the difficulties.

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory is the most popular motivation theory. So, elaborate Maslow’s theory, which proposes that a person has to fulfill five basic needs to keep motivated — physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Also discuss the motivation theories derived from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, such as Alderfer’s ERG Theory, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, and McLelland’s Acquired Needs Theory, among others. Explore how they relate with each other or even pick out which improvised theory best captures and works with your situation at school or work.

Essays About Motivation Leads to Success: Motivating children to succeed

Adults at home and school have a big role in instilling in children the importance of motivation as the key to success. For this essay, share the motivational methods your parents and teachers employ to help you keep motivated. Then, assess how these methods effectively or ineffectively build your inner sense of motivation. 

Many of us might have added fitness goals into our New Year’s resolution. And most might have deferred it or abandoned it altogether. Provide your readers with tips on how they can conquer laziness and hit the gym. Of course, the most challenging part is staying motivated in this routine. So compile tried and tested techniques from wellness and fitness experts, and encourage your readers to chronicle their fitness journey so they can appreciate their progress over time. 

This may be a challenge for parents who are working from home. Once parents feel the weight of the responsibilities at home, their motivation for work tends to slip away. So, provide recommendations on how working parents can set healthy boundaries between housework and professional work to deliver on their priority tasks. 

Now, if you want your essay to cater to students, you could also write your experience in distance learning – if any – during the pandemic. Talk about your challenges, strategies for overcoming them, and recommendations to enhance students’ motivation in distance learning. 

Several success stories are made possible because of rejection. For your essay, learn how popular figures embraced rejection. How did they harness it to generate the energy they need to reach their dreams? Finally, offer your readers, particularly those who may be experiencing rejection, some encouraging words to help them get through such trying times. 

How do you deal with uncooperative team members? Unfortunately, some team leaders just allow such instances to pass. But for leaders determined to uplift their team members’ motivation, what can they do? For your essay, offer proven practical approaches to help members align with team goals. Use case studies from the experiences of long-time leaders and managers.

For more writing tips, learn about persuasive writing . Also, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers to ensure your piece is error-free.

217 Motivational & Inspirational Essay Topics

Sometimes you just wish there was a marketplace with vendors shouting, “Topics for argument essays! Who wants inspirational topics to write about?” Well, you are lucky enough: you’ll find plenty of inspiring things here! Coming up with some argument essay topics is quite easy! In this article, you’ll find some of the brightest examples of motivational essay topics prepared by the experts of . There are also great tips that will help you make your essay or speech truly exciting.

🔝 Top 10 Inspirational Topics to Write About

  • 🎉 Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

đŸ’Ș Top 10 Motivational Topics to Write About

  • 🎓 Topics for College Students
  • đŸ« Topics for High School Students
  • 🚾 Topics for Kids
  • 🧔 Personal Essay Topics
  • 🚀 Other Motivational Topics
  • Can hard work beat talent?
  • What can failure teach us?
  • A life lesson learned at school
  • The biggest mistake you’ve made
  • The importance of positive thinking
  • Is being grateful the key to happiness?
  • How to be successful at teamwork
  • The person who has changed your life
  • Is goal-setting effective for success?
  • Meditation and work-life balance

🎉 Monroe’s Motivated Sequence: The Best Way to Inspire by Your Essay or Speech

The purpose of any motivational essay or speech is to convince the audience that they need to improve themselves and their surroundings. The ability to inspire people is essential in personal and professional life, especially in managerial positions.

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence will help you carry the day whenever you intend to persuade your listener in some statement or prompt them to change their behavior.

The method is based on scientifically justified cognitive processes. Notably, the majority of people strive for a balance, and if they face a problem, it causes discomfort. So they are ready to take any action to eliminate this dissonance. Bearing this in mind will make the following five steps more clear:

  • Grab the attention. Aristotle said that to persuade the speaker needs to establish credibility, i.e., to sound like an expert. Tell them why they should trust you: are you an expert, or are you in the same situation as the listeners? Otherwise, such simpler hooks as humor, rhetorical questions, and motivational quotes would do as well.
  • Find out the need. No problem can be resolved from the point where the problem was created. Illustrate the urgency of the subject field and make the audience engaged with it. Shocking statistics about life and society will help you do so.
  • Satisfy the need. Now you are supposed to provide a solution to the problem. Give your audience a plan of action with some interesting argumentative grounding. True-to-life examples and viable data are valuable here.
  • Explain the consequences. You can do it for one or several probable scenarios, one of which should be the maintaining of the status quo. Put in detail what disadvantages the current situation is bearing and what benefits could be drawn from the required changes.
  • Call to action. Put it simple and actionable. Make a summary of what you said in paragraph 3 and restate the best outcome achievable.
  • Can art help fight stress?
  • Is charity a moral obligation?
  • How your background shapes you
  • Is every experience a good experience?
  • Self-care as a way to deal with trauma
  • Your experience of overcoming fears
  • How to be responsible for your feelings
  • Can humility make you a good leader?
  • The importance of good communication skills
  • Physical change as a way to get out of comfort zone

🎓 Inspiring Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

College life is rebellious and eventful. Step by step, students enter adult life. At the same time, they start asking themselves hard questions. Giving them inspirational essay topics will raise their spirits and instill confidence in their strength. Very soon they will face such problems as employment and choice of lifestyle. It is better to think before the bell rings for the last time.

  • Persistence is the crucial factor in starting your own business . Do you think that at some point, it can be reasonable to give up your business? What could be done to turn the failure into a benefit?
  • Long-term success requires daily effort. Think about how to find inspiration in life. Do you agree with the theory of 10,000 hours? What does success mean to you?
  • Which skills does a college graduate need to keep pace with the rapidly changing job market? Technologies change our lives dramatically every next decade. Does the educational system evolve as fast? How could a student get ready for the requirements that are not covered by the curriculum?
  • What does constant learning and self-development comprise? Is it only about reading, or does it include more practical things? How could people make personal improvement an everyday practice, and should they?
  • Time management can fulfill your dreams. If you lack time to become what you would like, you will always be discontented with what you are. What time management methods work effectively?
  • It takes much effort to recover from a failure , but it pays off a hundredfold.
  • A startup is better than being an employee at a big company.
  • Jobs in medicine are a perfect opportunity for extraverted people to use their social skills.
  • Small businesses are better at surviving hard times.
  • If you master emerging technologies, you will have no rival.
  • Education for students of colleges and universities should be free.
  • Should an adult person change their job if it does not make them happy?
  • Higher education teaches us to find the necessary information rather than specialized skills and knowledge.
  • How important is teamwork in a startup ?
  • Criticism is crucial for building adequate self-image.
  • All businesses would benefit from a transparent economy.
  • What could the last three generations of women empowerment teach us?
  • Being a role model for your children : key factors.
  • The most important fruit of your efforts is your personality.
  • If I love, I give; I am not a bystander .
  • Joy and sorrow are the inevitable realities of life, and we should be grateful for them.
  • Unmade choices can rob your happiness.
  • Self-motivation is the most important skill for youth.
  • The person that does not want to create intends to destroy.
  • Time has more value than money.
  • Do Computers Rule Our World?
  • Efficiency and Annoyance of E-Marketing.
  • Domestic Violence : Victims Must Fight Back.
  • Sex Education as a Necessity 
 and a Very Delicate Issue.
  • Animal Experimentation: A Cruel Way to Cure Humankind.
  • Sentenced to Death: Capital Punishment . Right the Wrongs Radically.
  • Euthanasia: Murder out of Mercy or
 Shortcut to Inheritance?
  • Advertisements Manipulate People! Restricting the Ads.

đŸ« Inspirational Essay Topics for High School Students

They do not expect you to to be too academic at high school, so your creativity can have no limits! Philosophical writing will make you look profound in the reader’s eyes. Still, real-life motivational speech topics would also be a great chance for your self-expression. Try to make your essay informative, avoiding shallow phrases.

  • How could keeping your room clean help your studies ? Does order at home influence our mental state? Why do people study at a library, in impeccable order?
  • The only purpose of life is to be truly alive. What does being alive mean to you? Is it about extreme activities and adrenaline, about love and feelings, or about achieving something significant?
  • Are rituals important when one prepares for an important event? Do you consider routines as something superstitious? Do you practice similar actions before giving a public speech or asking someone to go out with you?
  • Are we what we think of ourselves, or are we what others think about us? Is another person’s opinion important for you? Does it define you anyhow? How significant is your self-esteem in your life?
  • Money can’t make you happy. If your soul knows no peace, no material benefits will remedy it. The most satisfied people are content with what they have.
  • Life is short, and every day too valuable to procrastinate .
  • What is worse: to be fat or to be mean?
  • Funny moments make life more colorful.
  • Happiness is not God’s gift. It is a result of hard work.
  • Empathy makes us more humane.
  • Dreams are not enough. You need to act.
  • Is your life environmentally friendly?
  • When should students make their career choice ?
  • The homeless and the poor : whose responsibility is this?
  • The environment could be saved even by small changes in everyone’s life.
  • Drones are the new era of delivery and surveillance.
  • Negative thinking is the shortest way to turn one’s life into horror.
  • What does make up a life: big days or ordinary days?
  • Never forget who you are and what is essential for you.
  • Overthinking about life distracts you from it.
  • Biographies of famous people contain lots of inspiring ideas.
  • Now or never: live your life today.
  • You know your heart more than anybody else. So better trust it.
  • If you are different, it means you have enough courage to be yourself.
  • What is the motivation of people who wish to be the best in everything?
  • Exam Nights : Why It Is Bad to Stay Up All Night Studying
  • How to Behave If You Witness Bullying
  • Why I (And More People Should) Prefer iPhone to Android
  • The Latest Transformers Movie Is the Best One in the Series
  • Education Pressures Can Be Reduced by Getting Rid of Grades

🚾 Motivational Essay Topics for Kids

Most kids adore speaking about important things: friends, parents, favorite protagonists, school, and games. The only thing you need it to pose the correct question. Thus the task will not just be educational but also engaging. Education for children is just another game, don’t forget it.

  • Kids should grow up next to nature. Do you like to spend time in the woods or parks? What games could you play there? How does it change you?
  • The best event that happened to me last summer. Where did you spend last summer? Did you make new friends ? What was the most exciting moment?
  • How do I know that I am a good son or daughter? Does helping your parents with domestic chores make you a good child? What is good and bad behavior?
  • A pill of good mood: my recipe. How do you improve your mood? Would you prefer sweet goodies, dancing, a good joke, or something else? How often are you in a good mood?
  • How do you choose your friends? What traits of character are important for you in another person? Do you appreciate the friends that are kind, polite, well-bred, funny, helpful, or caring?
  • Music should sound in school corridors during breaks.
  • My grandparents are my best teachers.
  • The traditions of my family bring us closer.
  • Think about how to find inspiration in life if misfortune has happened to you?
  • If you could change the ending of a fairy tale, what would it be?
  • Be nice to the others if you want them to treat you nicely too.
  • What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
  • What is the best holiday for you?
  • Tell three things you would like your parents to stop doing.
  • Should we give animals more rights?
  • Kangaroos are the best mothers in the animal world.
  • What was your most significant birthday wish?
  • Which country would you like to visit, and why?
  • Is expressing yourself in English easier than in other languages?
  • Which superhero power do you consider the most useful?
  • Would you rather be rich and famous, or modest and free?
  • What does a “comfort zone” mean for you?
  • Sorting out trash helps the environment.
  • What is the coolest profession ?
  • How do you struggle with your fears ?
  • Me and School: I Can Get Along with New People.
  • My Favorite Sport: It Truly Makes People Happy.
  • My Pet : Reasons to Keep It.
  • My Pastime: Why I Think It Is Useful.
  • The Person I Admire : Why Following His/Her Example.
  • Praying Is Good—It Will Help You.
  • Why Keeping Zoos Is Not Cruel.
  • My Mom Works, and That Is Alright.

🧔 Personal Inspirational Topics to Write About

Your personality is unique. That is what makes us so interesting to each other. Find what distinguishes you from other people, and what makes you similar to them. Explore the effect of these features on your life. What habits and ways of doing things are expository of you? Going into these details will make your essay engaging and even touching.

C.G. Jung quote.

  • How could meditation make us more self-aware? What kinds of meditation do you know? Are they equally beneficial for the mind and body?
  • Can you master your emotions in stressful situations? What was the strongest feeling you have ever experienced? Could you overcome it, and how?
  • Are you introverted or extroverted ? How does it influence your lifestyle and relationships? What complications does it cause? Would you prefer to be different?
  • How much do your friends and relatives define your personality? Can we choose the people we would like to surround ourselves with, or does life make it for us?
  • List the things that motivate you. Group them into categories. Why do they inspire you? Are they universal for everyone or personal to you?
  • Can crying ease the sorrow?
  • What were the biggest challenges in your life?
  • How do you overcome stress and anxiety ?
  • What means a “comfort zone” for you?
  • Which controversial issues do you like discussing the most?
  • Is keeping your house in order important for you?
  • What was your role model in childhood?
  • Are there things in your life you are grateful for?
  • Do you have specific eating habits ?
  • Is there any problem you cannot resolve for many years?
  • Do you think bullying could be eliminated at schools?
  • Could you call yourself a feminist?
  • What could your generation teach older people?
  • What are the treasures of your family?
  • What were the milestones in your life?
  • Do you have a personal credo?
  • If we were given points for being humane, how many would you earn?
  • What would a stranger say about your character after a 5-minute conversation?
  • Are you a believer ?
  • What question would you ask a celebrity if you had a chance?
  • Why I Ride A Bike Instead of Using Public Transport
  • Is Makeup Appropriate for School?
  • Why Playing the Original Half-Life Is Still Better than the Sequels
  • Why I Do Not Wear Watches
  • Why I Decided to Have a Makeover

6. 🚀 Other Motivational Topics to Write About

  • Vegetarian Diet: Animals’ Lives vs. Your Health ;
  • Commercials on the Internet: More than Annoyances;
  • Sacrificing Animals for the Sake of People: Experimentations;
  • Who and Why Plays Lottery: Big Chances, Small Wins.

Aldous Huxley quote.

  • A Call Worth People’s Lives: Cell Phones as a Threat;
  • How to Cope with Boredom
 and Whether It Is any Use to Do So;
  • Religion, Wars and Religious Wars: Can You See the Pattern?
  • The Change of Male Roles: Men in Women’s Clothing.
  • Female Roles Shifting: From Housewife to Breadwinner.
  • Pregnant Teenagers and Society: Temper, Patience, Tactfulness.
  • Climate Change Is Hand-Made. The Impact People Have on Earth .

History Topics

Yes, there is, just like any other field of knowledge. History is not only about dates and events—it is also about interpreting and evaluating the connections and impacts of those past happenings.

History will give you lots of argumentative topics, and here are some examples:

  • Why World War I Was Inevitable: What Led to the Inevitability of War
  • The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings Could Have Been Avoided: What the Allies Should Have Done
  • Baby Boomers Were the Main Driving Force of the Sexual Revolution
  • Among All Women’s Rights, the Right to Vote Was the Most Important

Writing about history can be challenging because you need to do a lot of research, but just look into any historical topic, and you’ll see how many creative opportunities for argumentative writing it’ll give you!

Social Media: The Topical Topic

Social media is an important part of many people’s lives today, and lots of argument essay topics can be dedicated to the various social media platforms. Think about tips for social media users, and also consider social media as a phenomenon. An example of a good essay could have one of these titles:

  • Fewer Friends on Facebook Is Better
  • Tweeting Too Much Annoys Your Audience
  • How to Be Creative in Your Social Media Posts
  • Do Not Spend More than Two Hours Daily on Social Media

For example, is there something you dislike about social media in general or perhaps about the way the people you follow behave online? Come up with arguments about why you dislike it!

Health and Medicine

In health care and the medical field, the number of argument essay topics is immense. There is a wide range of topics available, from arguments on how to manage your own health to arguments on how the entire health care system should be improved.

  • Nursing Is More About Providing Comfort than Treatment
  • Is Abortion Acceptable for First Pregnancies?
  • Children with Mental Illness Should Go to Regular Schools

Your topic can be more personal if you want—for example, argue why running is good for your health or why giving up sweets altogether would not be a good health decision.

Pop Culture

Simply look around, and you will see an incredible variety of topics about what people see on TV, on the Internet, and in movies. If you’re into pop culture yourself, you surely have things you’d like to argue for or against.

  • Why One Direction Should Never Come Back from Their Hiatus
  • Lady Gaga’s Performance Was the Weakest Halftime Show in Years
  • Should Children Be Exposed to Pop Culture ?
  • Hollywood Blockbusters Are Channels of American Cultural Influence

Notice that your topics can be both about pop culture events or people and about pop culture as a whole.

Social Issues

If you want to turn to important topics that affect the whole of society, social issues are truly an inexhaustible field. Consider these topics:

  • Legalizing Weed Is Inevitable
  • Why Law Enforcement Authorities Should Be More Aggressive During Mass Protests
  • Police Brutality : Are Mass Protests the Answer?
  • Domestic Violence: Why Every Victim Should Report
  • Should Basic Income Be Guaranteed?

For any social issue, you will easily find many proponents and opponents with various arguments, so take a stance of your own and start writing!

Leadership is something people talk a lot about in business, education, health care, and many other spheres. Whether you want to discuss leadership in the context of interpersonal relationships or in the context of public administration and governance of countries, you’ll find plenty of topics!

John Maxwell quote.

  • Why You Should Try to Be a Leader in Your Class
  • Leadership in the Workplace: How to and What for
  • Instead of Preserving Their Own Power and Influence, Country Leaders Should Teach Others about Leadership
  • What Are the Ways for Leaders to Build a Followership?
  • Talk Like a Leader: The Adoption of Verbal Leadership Techniques

To start, try to pick a leadership topic that you’ve come across in your life—for example, argue for or against being a leader among friends or classmates. Also, check out common leadership essay requirements on our website!

Global Issues

Globalization poses a big question: Is it good or bad? By thinking about different aspects of the process, you can try to take a position and defend it.

  • The Global Market Is a New and Better Level of International Trade
  • Why Anti-Globalists Are Wrong
  • Globalization Is a Threat to Indigenous Cultures
  • Going Global : Why Adjusting Your Business to Cultural Differences Is a Poor Globalization Strategy
  • How McDonald’s Is Killing Local Food Traditions

Also, try to think about particular global issues, such as global terrorism—propose a strategy of how it can be fought and argue why this strategy is the most effective one.

Climate Change

Since there are people who do not believe that climate change is happening, you can find many interesting topics to argue that it is—or, on the contrary, to support their position.

  • Is Global Warming Real?
  • What Prompts People to Personally Contribute to the CO2 Emissions Reduction Efforts?
  • Why Fossil Fuel Producers Are Responsible for the Decrease in Biodiversity
  • Carbon Taxes or Mitigation Strategies: What Should Governments Do?
  • Why an Increase in the Sea Level Will Be a Disaster

Remember that there are many subtopics related to global warming: the greenhouse effect, water management, evidence of climate change, and many more.

Environment and Sustainability

This is closely related to the previous group of topics: think about pollution, environmental friendliness, and sustainable development.

  • Turn off the Water when You Brush: Why You Should Try to Contribute to Sustainable Development in Everyday Life
  • How Should Governments Prevent Pollution?
  • Waste Management Profits: Waste Should Be Used to Produce Energy
  • Hybrid Cars Are Better than Regular Ones
  • Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Packaging

Go on and explore the many related topics—for example, deforestation, desertification, or renewable energy.

Gender Issues

Gender studies grew out of sociology long ago, and it is now a separate academic discipline that is controversial and can propose diverse topics for arguing. See for yourself!

  • Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized Globally
  • Men’s Feminism : By Definition, Can Only Women Be Feminists?
  • Reporting Harassment Is the Best Strategy to Eradicate Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Rethinking Gender Roles in Western Civilization: Paternity Leave and Maternity Leave Should Have Equal Legal Statuses
  • Attributes of Masculinity: Can Men Wear Women’s Clothes ?

When looking for topics to write about in the business sphere, pay attention to these examples:

  • Reasons to Start a Business Instead of Being Hired
  • Businesses Should Engage in Corporate Social Responsibility to Build a Favorable Image
  • A Balanced Scorecard Is the Best Way to Know if Your Company is Doing Well
  • Rising above the Competition: How to Address Uncontested Demand
  • Business Research: What is the Best Way to Know What Your Customers Need?

You may also want to turn to specific examples. Pick a business (either a well-known company or a store around the corner) and think about how it could be a topic for an argument essay: its strategies, its positioning, or its choice of communication practices—there are so many aspects to choose from!


Communication is a wide-ranging notion: It is both about texting a friend to tell a funny story and emailing an HR manager when looking for a job. According to a famous article from The New York Times, the goal for any type of communication is the same: effectiveness. So consider these examples of arguing how communication can be more effective:

  • Why You Should Avoid Sarcasm In Your Speech
  • Body Language: How to Look Confident and Trustworthy
  • In English, Why You Should Avoid Saying “Not”
  • Email or Personal Conversation: Which Is Better?
  • Giving Children a Choice: Why Prohibitions Are Ineffective

Also, perhaps you can speculate on different types of media and argue, say, that books are more (or less) emotionally appealing to people than movies.

Essay Writing

If you’ve made it this far, you’re obviously motivated to find a good topic for your argument essay. Well, funny as it may sound, the answer has been right in front of you! Write an essay on writing an essay itself. For example:

  • Why You Should Always Make an Outline Before Writing a Paper
  • Is a Personal Story the Best Hook in Narrative Essays?
  • Compare Contrast Essays: Why a Point-by-Point Structure Is Better than a Block Structure
  • Essay Types Classification: Should You Consider Different Types before Starting an Essay?
  • How to Write an Essay Faster: Never Start Writing from the Introduction Paragraph

Remember that you want to write an argument essay, so do not merely give your readers tips—instead, argue that a certain approach to composing an essay is the wisest.

This might be interesting for you:

  • Top Ideas for Argumentative or Persuasive Essay Topics
  • Best Argumentative Research Paper Topics
  • Great Persuasive & Argumentative Essay on Divorce
  • Gun Control Essay: How-to Guide + Argumentative Topics
  • Proposal Essay Topics and Ideas – Easy and Interesting
  • Free Exemplification Essay Examples

đŸ€” Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas: FAQ

This type of essay represents two and more views on a problem or reality. The author is supposed to make it clear which opinion is the correct one compared to the others. The principal methods in this piece of writing are logical argumentation, stating cold facts and reasoning.

  • Cloning and genetic engineering
  • Global warming: causes and consequences
  • Men and women, their rights and obligations.
  • Educational systems
  • Methods of raising children
  • Successful economic models
  • Industrialization VS harmony with nature
  • Money and means of earning
  • Leadership methods
  • Social media VS real life
  • Home and family VS career
  • Technologies are changing our lives.
  • Good relationships require much time.
  • Sports competitions are beneficial for the economy.
  • Pets can make us more caring.
  • What are the most important jobs for a society?
  • Failures make us stronger.
  • Computers are all around us.
  • Is vegetarianism healthy or not?
  • News is too selective and subjective to give us a real picture.
  • Legalization of guns and drugs
  • Rights of minorities
  • Homebirth VS hospital birth
  • Differences between men and women
  • Globalization VS nationalization
  • Corporal punishment
  • Fur production
  • Market economy or planning
  • Obesity and dieting
  • Military service: obligation or choice
  • Choice of disciplines at school
  • Databases for Research & Education: Gale
  • A CS Research Topic Generator
  • 200 Prompts for Argumentative Writing: The New York Times
  • 50 Argumentative Essay Topics: Thought Co.
  • Choosing a Research Problem: USC Libraries
  • Selecting a Research Topic: Overview (MIT Libraries)
  • How do I choose a research topic? UW Libraries
  • Social Media & Health Research Topics: UW Milwaukee
  • Climate Change Topics: USDA
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Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Theories on motivation, psychologists’ view on origin of motivation.

The complexity of motivation due to unpredictability and fluctuation from one individual to another and at different times has led to various theories being postulated to explain its causes. However, these psychologists agree that in way or another motivation is influenced by both biological and external factors.

Goal-setting theory

Postulates that some individuals are driven to success by the goals they set. The success is measured by reaching the desired definite end. Such people set specific goals which are moderate in nature.

The goals have close proximity and limited security of success. Moderate goals limit the chances of quitting or becoming complacence which are characteristics of tough or easily-achieved goals. Thus, such goals generate optimal drive to success.

Setting of goals is only possible because human beings have self determination to succeed. This is what is postulated by the self-determination theory which explains what drives human beings to achieve. This theory opines that humans are inherently driven to grow and develop and hence our source of motivation inborn. However, these inherent motivators are activated by external factors.

This primary innate needs include; the need to control the events of our lives in order to feel connected to others and be competent in our skills. Thus, since we are able to control these primary inherent needs by controlling our thoughts and conscious, we can channel them towards striving for excellence. We are able to control our desires for success, and feelings of pleasure and acceptance.

The Need Hierarchy theory

This theory states that human beings are only driven to success by those needs which they have not satisfied. Have complex needs, we satisfy our needs from bottom up with those on the higher levels satisfied first. As one moves up the hierarchy of needs, the drive to achieve increases.

Thus, the drive that an individual has for quenching his thirst or filling an empty stomach is lower compared to that of achieving his full potential or self actualization which is the highest level of need.

The Incentive theory

This theory incorporates various aspects of the other theories and proposes that human beings are driven by incentives. These incentives can both be intrinsic or extrinsic and bring satisfaction in the form of physical rewards, pleasure and acceptance. Even though the rewards of pleasure and acceptance are intrinsic, their achievement is usually activated by external stimuli.

However, it has to be noted that external and internal stimuli sometimes work antagonistically. Continued usage of external stimuli as a source of motivation may eventually replace the innate drive to succeed. Such external stimuli become part us and may even turn into ‘innate’ stimuli. Since our autonomy is very important, usage of external stimuli should limited less they replace our intrinsic stimuli.

Self-efficacy and self-esteem as motivators

Self evaluation of capabilities and comparing it with the task at hand is a source of intrinsic stimuli which can drive us to success despite the challenges. High levels of self-efficacy will lead to high levels of motivation and vice versa. This is because it only by believing in ourselves that we can take on challenges.

The motivation resulting from self-esteem or feeling good about one’s self is not strong enough to enable us complete a goal despite the challenges. Ego and goal-orientation are also internal stimuli which can provide incentives which can motivate us.

Motivation plays a critical role in our daily lives including planning our goals in life. Hence, more evidence based research should be done on it. The research studies should include such areas as religion. Moreover, the motivation factors and psychology of athletes who use high performance drugs should also be studied.

  • Psychological Contract
  • The Procedure of Conducting the Convergent and Divergent Validation for the Construct Personality
  • Critique the Theory of Self-Efficacy Using the Internal and External Criticism
  • Self-Efficacy: Implications for Organizational Behavior and HRM
  • Vocational Self-Efficacy and Post-School Life
  • Behavioral and social development issues in school kids
  • Personality and Validation
  • Personal Action Research Plan
  • Cognitive, Psychosocial, Psychosexual and Moral Development
  • Ethical Standards and Codes
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2019, May 29). Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives.

"Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." IvyPanda , 29 May 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives'. 29 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." May 29, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." May 29, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." May 29, 2019.

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Essays on Motivation

As you write a motivation essay you get to explore the concept of motivation. The word itself comes from the Latin word “movere”, which means “to move”. Motivation essays define Motivation as: an encouragement to action; a person's ability to satisfy their needs through certain activities; a dynamic psychophysiological process that controls a person’s behavior and determines his level of organization, the orientation of actions, and activity. Authors of essays on motivation note such types of motivation: external/internal, positive/negative, stable/unstable, etc. There is much to discover about motivation. You can view our motivation essay samples for some more facts about this concept, which will help perfect your essay. You can find all the essay samples below.

Research on Motivation and Risk-Taking Behaviors Research has facilitated an in-depth understanding of the functioning associated with motivation and different human behaviors. Motivation has been identified to operate based on two different parameters which are intrinsic or extrinsic. Apart from the mentioned aspects, there is the element of self-motivation which is...

One of the puzzling topics handled by behaviorist is the element of motivation and the impact it has on the basic functioning of an individual. Over the years theorists have come up with numerous concepts which they maintain will aid in understanding the role of motivation and the factors involved(Gross,...

Physical activity is an essential element in achieving better health outcomes since it plays an essential role in the prevention and management of several lifestyle diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and the cardiovascular disease among others. However, although most people understand the health benefits of adopting healthy lifestyles,...

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Only extrinsic factors are required to motivate employees to work harderHard work constitutes the commitment of time to achieve set goals. It is all about focusing and having the capability to work as a team or alone. Motivation is a crucial factor affecting job performance, and for that reason, a...

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This research review aims to examine the impacts rewards have on the students' urge in education especially in their long-term memory. Students who are extrinsically motivated to study tend to be superficial in their studies especially by choosing tasks which are exemplary simple and spend little time on them. Rewards...

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The Behavior of Lateness at Work The behavior I would like to apply the two-factor model on is the lateness at work. Lateness at work is a behavior that can adversely affect the company. It is essential for the management to identify the cause of the behavior, so as to be...

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The workplace may at times tend to be very stressful, leading to a negative effect on the output and general performance of an organization. However, an employer should always try to find suitable ways to motivate employees to avoid this kind of situation. To achieve the above, managers strive to...

How Achievement Motivation is affected by Socioeconomic Background, Race, and Family Structure Motivation is defined as the driving force behind an individual s actions, which can facilitate achievement of goals. People tend to take risk and perform dangerous activities to meet their needs and fulfill their interests. One expects negative and...

Words: 1190

Larry has been a great asset and highly valuable worker, who has been able to accomplish his daily work by even going an extra mile to deliver the job done. On the same note, Larry’s performance might have been changed due to his experience in the company having worked with...

Motivation in a workplace plays a crucial purpose in determining the output of the employees in this paper, and I will discuss the motivation of Residence Assistants. According to the theory of self-determination, motivation can be an internal psychological component where a people motivate themselves without the influence of external...

Words: 3016

Issues with low motivation and job satisfaction in the organizations are more ordinary. Employees are concerned with their jobs and general economy. There are multiple reasons why work dissatisfaction and lack of morale creeps at the organization. Irrespective of the causes of the absence of staff happiness, it can negatively...

How are the concepts of authority and engagement connected in the classroom setting? Please explain how you will establish an appropriate level of authority in your future classroom while also maintaining a successful level of student engagement. Establishing of authority and creating a friendly environment in which children is a dilemma...

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DeVinck: How I write essays

A conversation with henri nouwen about civil discourse and the art of writing..

By Christopher de Vinck

1:30 AM on Jul 20, 2024 CDT

FILE - Students walk through Harvard Yard, April 27, 2022, on the campus of Harvard...

In fall 1984, I was sitting under a tree on a bench at Harvard University with the beloved Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian Henri Nouwen.

I had met him for the first time at an awards ceremony in New York where we both won the same accolade for our writing. After the event, as we were standing in line to retrieve our coats, Henri introduced himself and asked about my life. I spoke to him about my family and when I told him that I wrote essays and poetry he asked in his Dutch accent, “Can you teach me about poetry? I love poetry. [Gerard Manley] Hopkins. I read Hopkins.” He invited me to his home.

I spent four days with Henri at Harvard. He cooked us meals, read aloud portions of his newest book, and introduced me to the students in his class.

One afternoon he and I were sitting under that tree in one of the Harvard courtyards when he spontaneously asked, “How do you do that?”

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I was puzzled. “Do what, Henri?”

“How do you write? I like what you do. How do you write essays? How do you do that?”

An odd question coming from a man who had already published a dozen successful books on such topics as spirituality, aging, solitude and vocations.

“Your essays, they make me want to write like you.”

To explain how I went about writing an essay, I first shared with Henri that I wrote poetry for 10 years before I wrote anything else.

I use the techniques of poetry in my essays. Poetry makes more room for varied sentence patterns. A poem is concise with concrete nouns, with verbs that gallop, and with sentences that flow like a hymn. I explained these things to Henri, and he said, “Yes, yes. But what else?”

He recognized that there are obvious techniques in writing, but he wanted to know more. I knew what he was after. There are invisible shells to build an ocean, and subtle slants of light to build a horizon. Inside successful essays you will find evidence from the writer’s emotional reservoir.

I suggested to Henri that instead of writing about the ideas of theology and philosophy, he might illustrate those ideas with stories from his life, and embed theology and philology inside his personal parables.

I explained that if he just wrote about feelings there would be nothing unique about the feelings. Everyone feels the same thing. “What makes writing unique,” I said, “is your voice mixed with your unique stories from your life, from your unique life.”

The standard writing suggestion works. “Show, don’t tell, Henri. If you feel lonely, write about walking through a park by yourself. If you are feeling depressed, start with the words ‘Depression is darkness ...’, and then write about what it is like tossing in bed in the middle of the night. Describe the shadows. Explain looking at the clock again and again. Describe what it is like to see the car headlights passing through your dark room.”

Editors have told me that my essays are lyrical. That is because I listen to the cadence of the sentence and the way words sound when they are placed together as poets do.

“Henri, I read my work aloud, and if I stumble, that is where the potholes of the sentence need to be repaired.”

The American poet Carl Sandburg wrote that “Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.”

The French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote, “Always be a poet, even in prose.”

Readers want evidence in their hands, not vague words, not mere sounds like pennies tossed in a fountain attached to a fleeting wish.

Readers want to hold beautiful words and feel their weight. They want to run their own thoughts along the edges of meaning.

Henri wrote in his book In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership , ”When we are securely rooted in personal intimacy with the source of life, it will be possible to remain flexible without being relativistic, convinced without being rigid, willing to confront without being offensive, gentle and forgiving without being soft, and true witnesses without being manipulative.”

An essay is successful if writers are rooted in a personal intimacy with the readers, and if they use the techniques of good writing mixed with meaningful stories from their souls.

That is how I do that.

We welcome your thoughts in a letter to the editor. See the guidelines and submit your letter here . If you have problems with the form, you can submit via email at [email protected]

Christopher de Vinck

Christopher de Vinck , Contributing Columnist . Christopher de Vinck’s novel Ashes, is based on his mother’s experiences under Nazi occupation in Belgium. He is a contributing columnist for The Dallas Morning News.

Application Prompts for 2024-2025

Your essay and short answer responses help us get to know you.

We’ve selected the following prompts for the UNC-specific portion for the first-year and transfer applications for 2024-2025. We’re proud of the Carolina community and how each student makes us better through their excellence, intellect, and character. In reading your responses, we hope to learn what being a part of the Carolina community would mean to you.

Short answer prompts

We’d like to know how you’d contribute to the Carolina community and ask that you respond to each prompt in up to 250 words.

  • Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. This could be your current community or another community you have engaged.
  • Discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Common Application essay

You’ll choose one Common Essay prompt to respond to in 250-650 words. These prompts are common to all schools who accept the Common Application, and you can view the prompts here. Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don’t feel obligated to do so. The Common Application also has an optional section where you’ll have the opportunity to write about how COVID-19 has affected you.

Your responses will be evaluated not only for admission, but also for possible selection for scholarships and other special opportunities. We look forward to learning more about you!

Advice for Your Application

First-year application, transfer application.

The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.

A photomontage illustration of Donald Trump.

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When a madman hammered nearly to death the husband of then–House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump jeered and mocked . One of Trump’s sons and other close Trump supporters avidly promoted false claims that Paul Pelosi had somehow brought the onslaught upon himself through a sexual misadventure.

After authorities apprehended a right-wing-extremist plot to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Trump belittled the threat at a rally. He disparaged Whitmer as a political enemy. His supporters chanted “Lock her up.” Trump laughed and replied , “Lock them all up.”

Fascism feasts on violence. In the years since his own supporters attacked the Capitol to overturn the 2020 election—many of them threatening harm to Speaker Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence—Trump has championed the invaders, would-be kidnappers, and would-be murderers as martyrs and hostages. He has vowed to pardon them if returned to office. His own staffers have testified to the glee with which Trump watched the mayhem on television.

Now the bloodshed that Trump has done so much to incite against others has touched him as well. The attempted murder of Trump—and the killing of a person nearby—is a horror and an outrage. More will be learned about the man who committed this appalling act, and who was killed by the Secret Service. Whatever his mania or motive, the only important thing about him is the law-enforcement mistake that allowed him to bring a deadly weapon so close to a campaign event and gain a sight line of the presidential candidate. His name should otherwise be erased and forgotten.

It is sadly incorrect to say, as so many have, that political violence “has no place” in American society. Assassinations, lynchings, riots, and pogroms have stained every page of American political history. That has remained true to the present day. In 2016 , and even more in 2020, Trump supporters brought weapons to intimidate opponents and vote-counters. Trump and his supporters envision a new place for violence as their defining political message in the 2024 election. Fascist movements are secular religions. Like all religions, they offer martyrs as their proof of truth. The Mussolini movement in Italy built imposing monuments to its fallen comrades. The Trump movement now improves on that: The leader himself will be the martyr in chief, his own blood the basis for his bid for power and vengeance.

Christopher R. Browning: A new kind of fascism

The 2024 election was already shaping up as a symbolic contest between an elderly and weakening liberalism too frail and uncertain to protect itself and an authoritarian, reactionary movement ready to burst every barrier and trash every institution. To date, Trump has led only a minority of U.S. voters, but that minority’s passion and audacity have offset what it lacks in numbers. After the shooting, Trump and his backers hope to use the iconography of a bloody ear and face, raised fist, and call to “Fight!” to summon waverers to their cause of installing Trump as an anti-constitutional ruler, exempted from ordinary law by his allies on the Supreme Court.

Other societies have backslid to authoritarianism because of some extraordinary crisis: economic depression, hyperinflation, military defeat, civil strife. In 2024, U.S. troops are nowhere at war. The American economy is booming, providing spectacular and widely shared prosperity. A brief spasm of mild post-pandemic inflation has been overcome. Indicators of social health have abruptly turned positive since Trump left office after years of deterioration during his term. Crime and fatal drug overdoses are declining in 2024; marriages and births are rising. Even the country’s problems indirectly confirm the country’s success: Migrants are crossing the border in the hundreds of thousands, because they know, even if Americans don’t, that the U.S. job market is among the hottest on Earth.

Yet despite all of this success, Americans are considering a form of self-harm that in other countries has typically followed the darkest national failures: letting the author of a failed coup d’état return to office to try again.

One reason this self-harm is nearing consummation is that American society is poorly prepared to understand and respond to radical challenges, once those challenges gain a certain mass. For nearly a century, “radical” in U.S. politics has usually meant “fringe”: Communists, Ku Kluxers, Black Panthers, Branch Davidians, Islamist jihadists. Radicals could be marginalized by the weight of the great American consensus that stretches from social democrats to business conservatives. Sometimes, a Joe McCarthy or a George Wallace would throw a scare into that mighty consensus, but in the past such challengers rarely formed stable coalitions with accepted stakeholders in society. Never gaining an enduring grip on the institutions of state, they flared up and burned out.

Trump is different. His abuses have been ratified by powerful constituencies. He has conquered and colonized one of the two major parties. He has defeated—or is on the way to defeating—every impeachment and prosecution to hold him to account for his frauds and crimes. He has assembled a mass following that is larger, more permanent, and more national in reach than any previous American demagogue. He has dominated the scene for nine years already, and he and his supporters hope they can use yesterday’s appalling event to extend the Trump era to the end of his life and beyond.

The American political and social system cannot treat such a person as an alien. It inevitably accommodates and naturalizes him. His counselors, even the thugs and felons, join the point-counterpoint dialogue at the summit of the American elite. President Joe Biden nearly wrecked his campaign because he felt obliged to meet Trump in debate. How could Biden have done otherwise? Trump is the three-time nominee of the Republican Party; it’s awkward and strange to treat him as an insurrectionist against the American state—though that’s what Trump was and is.

David Frum: Biden’s heartbreaking press conference

The despicable shooting at Trump, which also caused death and injury to others, now secures his undeserved position as a partner in the protective rituals of the democracy he despises. The appropriate expressions of dismay and condemnation from every prominent voice in American life have the additional effect of habituating Americans to Trump’s legitimacy. In the face of such an outrage, the familiar and proper practice is to stress unity, to proclaim that Americans have more things in common than that divide them. Those soothing words, true in the past, are less true now.

Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic in American life.

The Republican National Convention, which opens this week, will welcome to its stage apologists for Vladimir Putin’s Russia and its aggression against U.S. allies. Trump’s own infatuation with Russia and other dictatorships has not dimmed even slightly with age or experience. Yet all of these urgent and necessary truths must now be subordinated to the ritual invocation of “thoughts and prayers” for someone who never gave a thought or uttered a prayer for any of the victims of his own many incitements to bloodshed. The president who used his office to champion the rights of dangerous people to own military-type weapons says he was grazed by a bullet from one such assault rifle.

Conventional phrases and polite hypocrisy fill a useful function in social life. We say “Thank you for your service” both to the decorated hero and to the veteran who barely escaped dishonorable discharge. It’s easier than deciphering which was which. We wish “Happy New Year!” even when we dread the months ahead.

Adrienne LaFrance: Thoughts, prayers, and Facebook rants aren’t enough

But conventional phrases don’t go unheard. They carry meanings, meanings no less powerful for being rote and reflexive. In rightly denouncing violence, we are extending an implicit pardon to the most violent person in contemporary U.S. politics. In asserting unity, we are absolving a man who seeks power through the humiliation and subordination of disdained others.

Those conventional phrases are inscribing Trump into a place in American life that he should have forfeited beyond redemption on January 6, 2021. All decent people welcome the sparing of his life. Trump’s reckoning should be with the orderly process of law, not with the bloodshed he rejoiced in when it befell others. He and his allies will exploit a gunman’s vicious criminality as their path to exonerate past crimes and empower new ones. Those who stand against Trump and his allies must find the will and the language to explain why these crimes, past and planned, are all wrong, all intolerable—and how the gunman and Trump, at their opposite ends of a bullet’s trajectory, are nonetheless joined together as common enemies of law and democracy.

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Students applying to UK universities will not need to write personal statement essay

  • higher education
  • Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 10:25pm

motivational writing essay

People applying to university will no longer have to write an essay for their personal statement, Ucas has confirmed.

Instead, those applying to start in 2026 will answer three guided questions.

The admissions body Ucas said it is to level the playing field for disadvantaged students.

The move comes after longstanding concerns that the existing personal statement favours advantaged students who can get more support.

It is hoped the structured questions will provide students from all backgrounds with a better understanding of the key information universities and colleges want to know about them when making admissions decisions.

Ucas data suggests the gap in university application rates between the most and least advantaged students has widened in the last year.

Currently, applicants set out their skills, experiences and their reasons for applying for a course in a text box – which can be up to 4,000 characters.

But from September 2025, students who are applying for 2026 entry to university or college courses will answer three questions:

Why do you want to study this course or subject?

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences helpful?

Previous Ucas research found 79% of students felt the process of writing the personal statement was difficult to complete without support.

Ucas surveyed potential applicants about to start their personal statement, and found more than three-quarters prefer the new three-question format.

The answers to those questions will still be up to 4,000 characters long, combined.

The number of 18-year-olds in the UK applying to undergraduate courses has risen slightly this year.

But the application rate from the most disadvantaged backgrounds has fallen slightly to 25% in England, while rate for the most advantaged has increased to 61%.

Jo Saxton, chief executive at Ucas, said: “Today’s figures show that whilst positive progress has been made, there is still much to do.

“The changes to the personal statement, along with our recent fee waiver for students in receipt of free school meals, are all part of Ucas’s contribution to the sector-wide effort to ensure more people from disadvantaged backgrounds can benefit from the life-changing opportunity of higher education.

“During my time in schools, I saw first-hand how the personal statement can help students really clarify and articulate their ambition, but also how challenging it can be for those with less support.

“The new approach, with guided questions, aims to give greater confidence to those students, as well as their teachers when advising on how to secure their dream course.”

Kevin Gilmartin, post 16 specialist at the Association of Schools and College Leaders (ASCL), said: “This is a very welcome change. The current ‘text box’ approach is far too vague and has favoured students who are able to draw on support from family members that have previously been to university and submitted personal statements themselves.

“The switch to structured questions will provide much needed clarity to students about what information they should be including.

“These questions should also be of more use to admissions tutors than the old-style personal statements, which research has shown were barely being read in many cases.”

A report by the Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) think tank last year suggested that university applicants’ personal statements are read for just two minutes on average.

Lee Elliot Major, professor of social mobility at the University of Exeter, said: “This welcome reform strikes the right balance between a more structured approach to deter fabrication, while not limiting the opportunity for applicants to personalise their statement.

“I believe it is a significant step in making the university admissions system a little bit fairer for all applicants.”

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Manny Jacinto Turns to the Dark Side in ‘The Acolyte’

The actor discusses his complex role in the latest “Star Wars” series, which just wrapped up its first season.

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A man in close-up has his face half in shadow

By Matt Stevens

This interview includes spoilers for the first season of “The Acolyte.”

As it turns out, Manny Jacinto brought some relevant experience to “The Acolyte”: He understands how to change characters.

Jacinto is best known for “The Good Place,” the hit NBC sitcom on which he played an unspeaking Buddhist monk before being unmasked as Jason Mendoza, a lovable, Jacksonville Jaguars-obsessed dummy who is anything but mute. “I had no idea what I was stepping into,” Jacinto said in an interview. “It was my first job in the States. I didn’t even have a green card yet.”

He has since worked alongside some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, including Nicole Kidman, in the television series “Nine Perfect Strangers” — a series in which he showed a more stoic side, playing a character who essentially served as Kidman’s acolyte.

He then appeared with Tom Cruise in “Top Gun: Maverick.” And this summer he added arguably the biggest franchise of all to his rĂ©sumĂ©, taking a role in the latest big-budget “Star Wars” series on Disney+. Created by Leslye Headland , “The Acolyte” wrapped up its first season on Tuesday.

As was the case in “The Good Place,” Jacinto’s character was not who he seemed.

Jacinto , who is Filipino and Canadian, starred as Qimir, a pharmacist who began the show as a kind of accomplice to a young woman named Mae (Amandla Stenberg), who is on her mission to hunt and kill Jedi. In the fifth episode of the season, he was revealed to actually be a Sith Lord known as “the Stranger,” elevating Jacinto from an afterthought apothecary to a top-line “Star Wars” villain. In Tuesday’s season finale, he fought another lightsaber battle and got the acolyte his character always wanted.

In two different interviews — one early in the season and another after the finale premiered on Tuesday — Jacinto discussed how he entered the “Star Wars” universe, his shift to the dark side and the possibility of more seasons of “The Acolyte.” Here are excerpts from the conversations.

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