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  • How To Write An Essay For Css Exam

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How to Write an Essay for CSS Exam


Written By Haider Ali       Aug 10, 2021

92% of candidates appearing in the CSS examinations, fail the English Essay section. Jarring isn’t it?

If you are planning on taking the dreaded written test soon, then this is a must read post for you. There is an extensive to-do list when it comes to writing an English essay that will get you into that top 8% in this section, and indeed all the strategies cannot be covered in just one short blog post.

What we can do however, to aid you in your journey, is to give you 5 crucial tips that you absolutely MUST follow, as starting guidelines on how to write an essay for CSS English exams.

How to select a topic for the CSS English Essay?

As with any piece of writing, topic selection is perhaps the most crucial aspect, especially if you have a limited amount of time (which you will), to complete a lengthy and well structured essay (which you will have to).

CSS essay topics can broadly fall into one of two categories:

  • Argumentative Essays (Expository Essays)
  • Issue Based Essays

Argumentative essays usually involve an open-ended prompt. You may be given an idea, a proverbial phrase or a quote from a famous personality, and be asked to analyse and assess its applicability.

Examples of argumentative CSS essays include “Gender Equality is a Myth”, “Beware the barrenness of life!” and “Every Cloud has a Silver Lining”, among many others.

Issue based CSS essays tend to focus on important events in the world today, and in that sense are more specific than the former. You may be asked to pen your thoughts on issues of national or global significance, and to suggest possible remedies for the problems at hand.

Examples of issue based essays in the CSS exams include, “Water Crisis and National Unity”, “Feminism is Not Really a Third World Issue” and “Is Colonial Legacy Impeding Pakistan’s Progress?” to name a few.

Your selection of topic could potentially determine from the very start, whether or not your essay will receive a passing grade. Needless to say, one must devise a strategy for doing so.

Our first tip, to help you write a CSS essay, is to know yourself! Sounds simple enough, but candidates often struggle in trying to assess their own strengths and weaknesses. In general keep the following questions in mind, when you’re deciding on which way to go:

For argumentative essays:

  • Do I have a wide breadth of knowledge on the topic? Need examples from different contexts.
  • Am I confident I interpreted the central idea, or meaning of the topic, correctly?
  • Have I practiced enough argumentative essays to appeal to the examiner’s literary/creative tastes?

For issue-based essays:

  • Do I have depth of knowledge on the topic? Need several specific examples for the issue at hand.
  • Do I need/want more room to write creatively, as opposed to such a narrow topic?
  • Do I have information from my studies for other CSS subjects that I can include here?

The Importance of Making a Detailed Outline

We can’t stress this enough, and yes we know you’ve already heard it, but we’re going to say it too: Don’t disregard the outline.

A detailed CSS essay outline consists of 5 or more sections, presented in the form of questions, along with sufficient pointers to build an argument to answer each of the questions. If you have this outline sketched out before your essay, with enough detail that an experienced examiner can get the gist of your arguments by just going through it, you significantly increase your chances of passing.

Oftentimes, with the sheer number of applicants, examiners are overburdened, and will probably not bother with a close reading of your actual essay, if your outline does not interest them, or is unclear. This means, that whether you pass or fail, literally hangs on the effort you put into structuring and writing your outline.

How to Start Your CSS English Essay: The Hook!

Needless to say, the introduction is the second most important structural element, after the outline. You will be rewarded for concisely summarizing your arguments, and laying out the logical flow of the essay here.

Our focus however, is on one particular aspect of the introduction; the “hook” so to speak. As you may have figured out by now, much about how to write a CSS English essay, centers on catching and maintaining the examiner’s attention. For this purpose, the opening line or paragraph of your essay must be impactful, and compel the reader to read on.

Though there are no hard and fast rules, there are 2 strategies for the hook, that we can suggest, based on the experience of successful candidates and our own seasoned CSS teaching faculty:

Start with a hypothetical or anecdotal statement that seeks to transport the reader to a context of your choosing.

  • Practicing descriptive writing can help a lot in this regard. Learn how to create vivid images in the mind of the reader.
  • The opening narration of documentaries can serve as a good example of what an anecdote might look like.
  • Example: “A lone forager cowers under the shade of a Banyan tree as the lightning cracks; trembling from fear, shaking from the cold, she looks out into the cold, desolate plains that stretch into an unforgivingly dark night. She hopes for respite, where there is none to be found...”

Alternatively, depending on your topic, your hook can also employ the use of some jarring statistics or any fact that has some shock value.

  • Remembering specific facts and figures that do not align with the general perceptions of people is useful.
  • Contrasting two seemingly contradictory facts is also a good technique.
  • Examples could include illiteracy statistics, budgetary allocations for particular government sectors, development goals/investment contrasted with actual outcome.

How to Conclude Your CSS English Essay

Your conclusion is also worth spending that extra bit of time on, not just so your essay leaves a lasting impression on the examiner. In fact, as was the case with the introduction and outline, it is quite possible that an examiner will actually read this part while skimming through your CSS essay.

However, unlike the previous two elements, the focus here is not on capturing attention, but on reiterating the logical structure of your arguments, and their links to your given examples. You must clearly delineate how they fit into your arguments and are sufficient to prove your points. That is the entire purpose of the conclusion; to make sure the examiner is convinced that your arguments make sense, and bring together everything of importance that has been discussed in the essay.

Examples for Your Arguments: A Must Have!

Without real world examples, your essay will be doomed to failure. Any claims you make, that are unsubstantiated by evidence, will be disregarded altogether. So think of examples as the stamp of authority on any argument you make.

The ones you can use, generally center around individuals, companies or countries, and can either be from the past, or more contemporary contexts. As long as the chosen example fits well into the argument, there should be no problem.

However, given the diversity of topics that you could encounter in the CSS English exam, it is crucial to know where to find such examples. Although there are potentially unlimited resources for this, a few good places to start are:

  • World History on YouTube.
  • Ted-Ed on Youtube.
  • Local and international news channels .
  • Local newspapers .
  • Official government, media and research institute, accounts on Twitter .

Last but not least, Nearpeer’s English Essay Courses .

CSS English Essay Writing Tips: 

English Essay CSS Syllabus:

Before start your English essay preparation, you first download the CSS English essay syllabus . It is a roadmap for the essay preparation. All Candidates that are appearing in the CSS exam must throughly study the syllabus.

English Essay CSS Past Papers:

Practice makes man perfect. While preparing the essay for the CSS exam you must evaluate yourselves by attempting the CSS English essay past papers . These past papers play very important role to let you know what topics are most commonly asked in the past papers. 

CSS Essay Solved:

Nearpeer is offering a course of CSS solved English past papers so that students can get good grades in their CSS English essay exam. 

The Answers You Need

Do i need to give headings in the css english essay.

No, you do not have to give headings or subheadings in the body of your essay. However, they should be included in the outline, and your essay should follow the structure you have laid out there.

Do I have to make the outline before starting the essay?

Yes. It is absolutely crucial that you make an outline, for reasons we have already discussed above.

Do the words in the outline count towards the word limit?

Yes. The entirety of your essay, outline included, is considered in the overall word count.

Do examiners check the CSS Essay outline?

Absolutely! In fact, in most cases, the outline, introduction and conclusion are the parts of your essay that the examiner will spend 80% of their time on. If your outline isn’t up to the mark, the rest of your essay will most likely not be checked.

Should we write a counter argument as well?

Yes. Part of making a convincing argument is addressing the counter-arguments or points of view that diverge from it. You should ideally dedicate at least 1 to 2 paragraphs on explaining and then logically refuting a counter-argument.

What should be the length of the CSS English essay?

Your essay, outline included, should ideally be between 2500-3000 words.

Does the quality of writing matter in the essay, or just the format?

Both are essential for you to pass your CSS English essay component. The format is one of the first things an examiner looks at. If there are formatting issues, your essay might, again, not be read at all.

However, if you get the format right, but your writing is poor in terms of logical coherence, legibility or language, you will still receive a low score. Focus on both!

Further Guidance

We hope this article gave you sufficient insight into how to begin writing an essay for the CSS exams. However, this is by no means all that you need to know. There is far more nuance to this particular test, and often months of practice and discussion are required to be well-equipped for it, so please do inquire further.

We wish you well on your journey to becoming a CSP officer; if you find yourself a little lost though, feel free to reach out to our round the clock free CSS counselling team at !

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Download css past papers for compulsory subject essay from 2000 to 2021 updated. | for more past papers please explore the past papers section..

Writing an essay is a crucial component of the C.S.S. Competitive Examination.

Syllabi for C.S.S. Competitive Examination 2016 & Onwards in its Scheme of CSS Competitive Examination provides the following instructions relating to the Essay Paper: “Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English. A wide choice of topics will be given.

Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and research-based knowledge on a selected topic. Candidate’s articulation, expression, and technical treatment of style of Essay writing is examined.”

Last few years performance of candidates in English Essay paper under CSS Competitive Examination has not been as satisfactory as in other papers. Some of the extracts from the examiners’ reports, highlighting the weaknesses and common mistakes in essay writing, are reproduced below for the general information and guidance of the candidates.

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How to Write an Essay for CSS?

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Writing an essay is obliviously a difficult part of the CSS exam. Most candidates fail in the composition part of the CSS exam because they don’t understand the requirement of the essay. FPSC syllabus provides a detailed understanding of what an examiner wants you to write. Therefore, aspirants have to analyze the given topics and write upon them critically. Writing an essay will be an art if you are able to solve the problems asked by the examiner. Before explaining the mechanics of an essay, let’s have to understand the definition of an essay.

According to Wikipedia, “The word  essay  derives from the French infinitive  essayer , “to try” or “to attempt”. In English  essay  first meant “a trial” or “an attempt”, and this is still an alternative meaning. The Frenchman Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592) was the first author to describe his work as essays; he used the term to characterize these as “attempts” to put his thoughts into writing.”

This means that an essay is a writer’s attempt to solve a problem or issue he is asked for. Or, an essay can be the name of expressing your thoughts on a topic based on a single subject matter. It often gives a personal opinion of the author.

To write an excellent essay, you have to focus on the four components mentioned and explained below. Let us explore and understand them one by one.

This is an essential part of an essay. You can understand the structure, learn grammar and use it accurately, but you would never be able to write an outstanding essay if you lack useful content. A writer without content is like a soldier without a gun. As mentioned earlier, the essay explains the problem and its solution. For this, you have to make your ideas broader, and you have to think out of the box. Then and only then, you would critically analyze a problem and jot it down on a piece of paper.

Read books that you find subject-oriented to your topics. Read magazines, newspapers, and research papers. These sources will help you build the content which is required for an essay later. 

Remember! Do not read books only. Those who read and accept are called consumeristic mindsets. They never come out of the box; rather, they acknowledge what they have read or seen. Instead, be a critical and keen observer while reading. It will make you competitive, critical, and creative enough that you would see unseen as well.


The second essential component of writing an essay is its structure. An essay cannot be written randomly without any structure; instead, it needs to be fixed in a frame that gives a systematic view to a reader. The structure of an essay has three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion, and let us understand each one individually.

Introduction (10% of an essay)

This is the first paragraph of an essay. The introduction of an essay introduces the topic that has to be explained later; it has two jobs to do. First, it tells the reader or examiner what the essay is all about. Second, it grabs the reader’s or examiner’s attention at the very beginning of an essay so that he stays till last.

There are three additional elements to be focused on in the introduction: the motivator/hook, bridge, and thesis statement.

A motivator or hook  is a statement that a writer uses to attract his reader or examiner. He uses quotations, famous sayings, questions, proverbs, facts, or short stories that win the reader’s interest.

The element in an introduction is called  a bridge . It helps the writer to connect his motivator or hook to the main idea. He brings the reader to the point where he is going to explain his opinion. In short, it brings the reader towards the exact topic.

The last element in the introduction of an essay is called  Thesis Statement . This statement offers the purpose and concise summary of an overall essay, and it shows a road map to the reader that he will go through in the body of an essay. Briefly explain in one or two statements what your essay is all about and the purpose of your essay.

Remember! A good introduction will always give you a good essay. 

Body (80% of an essay)

After you have written a wonderful introduction, now is the time to expand your introduction into greater detail. The body is composed of paragraphs that support the main idea you have introduced at the start of your essay.

Each paragraph should have a  clincher statement  at the end, and it resolves whatever questions or claims were previously put forth. It should not end the topic ultimately; rather, it should connect the upcoming paragraph in a way that the reader thinks that the previous paragraph was a prerequisite of the next one.

You can support your main idea with facts and figures, reasons, references, case studies, etc. there is another formula used for supporting the main idea, which is called  FRIES.  Here, “F” stands for the facts that you can provide to your topic, “R” stands for reasons, “I” stands for incidence, “E” stands for examples, and “S” stands for statistics. All these elements or some of them can help you strengthen your reasoning in an essay. Use them gently and be authentic.

Indeed, the primary goal of solving a problem or issue given in the topic should not be forgotten.

Conclusion (10% of an essay)

Last but not least is the conclusion of an essay. Your conclusion should do two jobs. First, it should provide a summarized view of the essay. In other words, it should reflect what you have introduced in the beginning. Second, it should predict the future aspects. If your essay didn’t solve a problem or express a topic with the writer’s opinion, it should not be called an essay. The conclusion of an essay should briefly show the prediction of the topic.


The third essential component of an essay is grammar. You should have sound grammar to use in your writing. If you don know good grammar, you would be unable to write an excellent essay. You would never know what you have written correctly and what you have written wrong. There are some grammar topics that we recommend you improve one by one.

Tenses:  This is the first area of grammar that provides you with an understanding of the time perspective of a sentence. Learn them first of all as they are heavily used in the best part of the grammar.

Parts of Speech:   Many aspirants take them easy. Some of them just read them and cram the definition of parts of speech. Remember! There is a difference between one who knows the definition and one who knows the actual use. Be the latter one so that you use them conceptually.

Narrations:  Writing heavily deals with narration. You should have a great command of direct and indirect narration, and it will help you to use them whenever required in writing correctly.

Conditionals:  Most people get confused when they are using conditionals. Remember that each conditional has syntax semantics and pragmatics, and use them correctly when writing.

Types of sentences:  You should improve the types of sentences. For example, affirmative, optative, imperative, interrogative, and explanatory sentences will help you have a better understanding of them while writing.

Forms of the sentence:  There are four primary forms of a sentence: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex. This is the most essential part of written communication. Sometimes, aspirants think that they have written an outstanding essay without any grammatical mistakes, but they are unable to rectify structural mistakes.

Phrases:  Phrases are important to be studied. They are used as different parts of speech, and learning them will prevent you from committing mistakes in big units.

Clauses:  Clauses provide a real understanding of a sentence. If you have a great command of clauses, you will use them correctly without any structural mistakes.

Punctuations:  Punctuations can give a great sense or can completely destroy the meanings. Knowing punctuation for writing an essay is very necessary, and you can inspire your examiner or reader if you know the great use of punctuation.

These areas of grammar must be good enough for writing a brilliant essay. If you know them yourself, you can easily take out your mistakes.

Instructions to be followed while writing an essay

The fourth essential component of an essay is the instructions that serve as necessary principles in an essay. Below are some principles or instructions that should be understood while writing an essay.

Objective approach

When you start writing an essay, you first deal with the title of an essay. Capturing the exact meanings in the beginning is very important. Have an objective approach so that you stay on track.


This refers to the oneness. All paragraphs in an essay should be related, and it must show that the paragraphs written in an essay come from one family.


Chaining between sentences is called coherence. Each sentence should be accurately connected with one another in a meaningful manner, and every previous sentence should look like it was a pre-requisite for the next one. To gain coherence, use transitional words.


Write all ideas in a logical order. Your reader should see the most important points in the beginning and the weaker ones later. You should have a chronological order of ideas in your essay.


Variety refers to the change of words, examples, and thoughts for one topic. It often bores the readers when you repeatedly use the exact words, ideas, or examples for one topic again and again.

Writing three thousand words in the CSS exam would never mean that you should exaggerate unnecessary words. In other words, it refers to the addition of adverbs and adjectives that are unnecessarily coming in your writing. Be brief. You can add a variety of examples but not too many adjectives and adverbs. The more you write a brief, the clearer it will be to the readers.

All these are the tips and tricks that can help you write an excellent essay. Read books because they will always broaden your ideas. Look at sample essays or books of essays that provide a better understanding of the expert’s work. If you need CSS books , or even past papers and FPSC Syllabus that can build your content for the CSS exam, contact us now , and we will deliver them free of cost.

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A fresh graduate, With a mindset to bring ease to all of those Aspirants who want to be CSPs! Not that boring, I love to eat, travel, and have fun with mates too :)

2 thoughts on “ How to Write an Essay for CSS? ”

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It’s very helpful 👍 thanks alot. I need css books and syllabus and past papers please help me.

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IELTS Academic Writing "Persuasive Power vs. Waning Influence: Debating the Impact of Advertising"

jckian 1 / -   2 days ago   #1 It is contentious whether the advertisement can successfully persuade consumers to purchase their products or it is too common for us to notice nowadays. Although some ads are successful at achieving the broadcasting effect, the indifference inspiring by the **information explosion** is the problem which cannot be ignored. On the one hand, with the innovation of displaying media, to percisely target customers is not a hard thing for the brands. With the commercial songs and the repeating slogans, the image of company is apparently deeply into people's mind motivating them to buy products to show their taste. For instance, Hermes is known with its vividly orange standard color which catches the eyes at the first sight. Besides, the company regards their products as a symbol of noble which has a great impact on the public image. High-classes start to purchase the latest purse and scarf to show their financial and socioeconomic status. The advertising strategy successfully forces customers to buy their expensive merchandise. On the other hand, with the advertisement getting more and more fansy to attract people's attention, the public starts feeling disregarded due to the fatigue of attention. To solve this problem, people come up with two solutions: one side believes in "Less is more" and another side is to make the biggest use of the latest technology, for instance, adding some effects of virtual intellegence into the ad's viewing experience. What is in common is that the convention way of advertising is out of time and needs to be replaced immediately. All the advertising firms need to do is keeping trying their best to test the border of the acceptence of potential customers. In conclusion, I believe that both arguments has their merits but I believe that the advertising industry is currently facing the threat of disregarding based on too much information appearing at the same time.

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A woman pulls a religious statue out from among debris. A splintered home and scattered clothing are around her.

2024’s violent tornado season has been one of the most active on record − a meteorologist explains the weather behind the outbreaks

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Professor of Atmospheric Science, Iowa State University

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William Gallus receives funding from the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Iowa State University provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.

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Spring 2024 was unnerving for people across large parts of the U.S. as tornado warnings and sirens sent them scrambling for safety.

More than 1,100 tornadoes were reported through May − a preliminary number but nearly twice the 30-year average at that point and behind only 2011 , when deadly tornado outbreaks tore across the southeastern U.S.

The U.S. experienced several multistate outbreaks in 2024. Tornadoes damaged homes from Texas to Minnesota and east to West Virginia and Georgia . They caused widespread destruction in several towns, including Greenfield, Iowa ; Westmoreland, Kansas ; and Bartlesville, Oklahoma . Barnsdall, Oklahoma, was hit twice in two months .

In May, at least one tornado occurred somewhere in the country almost every day .

What causes some years to have so many tornadoes? I’m a meteorologist who studies tornadoes and thunderstorms . Here’s what created the perfect conditions for these violent storms.

2 key tornado ingredients, on steroids

The hyperactive season has been due to an abundance of two key ingredients for tornadoes: wind shear and instability.

The jet stream − a band of strong upper-level winds that mostly blows west to east, flowing between warm air to its south and cool air to its north − plays an important role in how and where weather systems evolve, and in wind shear.

During April and May 2024 , the jet stream often dipped southward in the western U.S. before turning back to the northeast across the Plains. That’s a pattern favorable for producing tornadoes in the central U.S.

A US map shows warm moist air rising from the Gulf of Mexico, the jet stream bending northward into the Great Plains, Tornado Alley from Texas to South Dakota and into Iowa, and cold air to the north and warm air to the south.

In the area east of the jet stream’s southern dip, air rises. That creates a strong low-pressure system, which causes winds near the ground to blow from a different direction than winds higher up, contributing to wind shear.

Making this year even more active, persistent record heat waves were common over Mexico and Texas, while the Rockies and far northern United States stayed cool. The sharp temperature difference created a stronger jet stream than normal, leading to strong changes in wind speed with elevation. As a result, wind shear has been on steroids.

The change in wind speed with elevation can cause air to have a rolling motion . The rapidly rising air in a thunderstorm can then tilt the rolling motion to create a spinning thunderstorm that can concentrate the spin into a tornado.

The Gulf of Mexico was also much warmer than normal , producing abundant heat and moisture that could be transported northward to fuel thunderstorms. That creates atmospheric instability , the other key ingredient for tornadoes.

Chart shows 2024 tornado reports well above the 15-year mean and only below 2011. It's just above 2019 numbers.

El Niño’s weakening was a warning

This perfect combination of ingredients for tornadoes wasn’t a complete surprise.

El Niño and La Niña – opposing climate patterns centered in the Pacific Ocean – can affect winds and weather around the world. A 2016 study found that when El Niño is shifting to La Niña , the number of tornadoes in the central Plains and Upper Midwest is often larger than normal.

That’s exactly what was happening in spring 2024 . The tornadoes mostly occurred in the traditional Tornado Alley, from northern Texas to South Dakota, with an extension across the Corn Belt through Iowa and as far east as Ohio, matching the findings of that study.

How is tornado activity changing?

The active spring in the Great Plains was a bit unusual, however. Studies show a long-term trend of decreasing tornado numbers in this region and an increase in tornadoes farther east , near or just east of the Mississippi River.

That shift is consistent with what climate models suggest is likely to happen throughout the remainder of the century as global temperatures rise.

A U.S. map shows the greatest activity over the Southeast, particularly Louisiana and Alabama.

The expected decline in the number of tornadoes in the Plains is likely related to increasing heat over the high ground of the desert Southwest and Mexico. That heat flows over the Great Plains a few thousand feet above ground, creating a cap, or lid. The cap lets heat and moisture build up until it punches through to form a thunderstorm. This hot, moist air is why the central U.S. is home to the most violent tornadoes on Earth.

One theory is that, with climate change, the cap will likely be harder to break through, reducing the number of tornadoes in the Plains. At the same time, increasing heat and moisture elsewhere will fuel more tornadoes in the East.

Long-term trends and climate model predictions also suggest that more tornadoes are occurring during the cooler months , particularly in the Southeast . Tornadoes are also occurring on fewer days each year, but on the days when they do form, there is more likely to be an outbreak with several tornadoes

  • Climate change
  • Extreme weather
  • Atmospheric science
  • Thunderstorms
  • El Niño Southern Oscillation
  • Extreme storms

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The relentless pursuit of national interests and the preservation of hegemony are inherent in international relations, leading multiple countries to engage in military operations against one another until now, as evident by the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. However, conventional military conflicts demand severe physical destruction and the loss of life for the countries on the receiving end. Therefore, while over-viewing these catastrophic challenges, the countries, especially the great powers, have shifted their focus to economic zones as a new epicentre of warfare, aiming to cause significant harm to competing states in all domains at minimal expenses. For instance, rising economic competition among global powers like the USA and China is the clear manifestation of this bleak reality, turning the global economic systems into turmoil. These influential countries utilize the tool of embargoes against adversary states to undermine their trade and economic power. Besides, they exercise their power to influence the decision-making of the global monetary institutions, ultimately rewarding their allies and imposing penalties on hostile countries. Comparatively, the rampant possession of nuclear weapons, the adherence to international humanitarian laws, and the protection from the economic burden of prolonged conflicts make countries avoid traditional military tactics in the conflicts of the 21 st century. Hence, new war fronts lie in economic zones, jolting the geo-economic and geopolitical systems. Still, the economic wars can be ceased from expansion worldwide through global cooperation. This essay illustrates how economic zones have now become the central battlegrounds of conflict

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Considerably, competing countries utilize several approaches to war to shackle others’ socioeconomic and political foundations. First, there came conventional warfare, in which regular armed forces are used to devastate hostile countries. In this type of war, Peloponnesian wars, Punic wars, and Pyrrhic wars have been considered notable examples that transformed the course of history. After that, the notion of asymmetric warfare emerged worldwide; guerrilla tactics, insurgencies, and terrorism were used by state and non-state actors to weaken others’ shielding capabilities. Afghan-Soviet war, Iraq insurgency, and Nigerian insurgency can be quoted here as reliable shreds of evidence. Likewise, another new but most operational pattern of war is to exploit the other country’s economic zones in the form of economic sanctions and capital assets freezing. To illustrate, the US sanctions on Cuba, Iran, and North Korea are added to the economic rivalries. Thus, it can be observed that all war patterns have the potential to demolish a country from its roots.

Economic zones – special economic zones – are considered the designated areas within a country where the government offers countless monetary incentives to promote its trade and attract Foreign Direct Investment, propelling it towards unparalleled development. In these zones, free trade zones, industrial parks, free ports, enterprise zones, tourism development zones, and agriculture economic zones are included, enabling the country to encounter its socioeconomic doldrums and to maintain its say in the international community. Besides, these regions play a significant role in strengthening their overall defence capabilities. Therefore , as per Karl Marx’s base and superstructure theory, the economic base of society heavily influences the superstructure of society.

Similarly, as far as how new war fronts lie in economic zones is concerned, contemporary conflicts stem from the imposition of embargoes by one country on another. To enfeeble other states, powerful countries bar their trade, especially arms imports. Consequently, the targeted countries have become isolated from the world and cannot get benefits from international trade. For example, the US has imposed trade embargoes on Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Syria, hurting their populations the most . To summarize, by daunting trade, the influential countries break the back of their rival states.

Furthermore, countries mistreat the global monetary institutions to advance their heinous political agendas. They exert pressure on the institutions, IMF and the World Bank, to implement those economic policies that align with their interests and increase their economic growth. On the other hand, when approving other countries’ loans, these organizations execute strict terms and conditions through which they can control the debtors’ policies. As Huntington stated, through the IMF and other international economic instructions, the West promotes its economic interests and imposes on other nations the economic policies it thinks are appropriate. For instance, the condition of Structural Adjustment Programs imposed by IMF on debated countries like Pakistan has been causing severe riots and social unrest there. In brief, it can be anticipated that by manipulating the international economic institutions, developed countries intentionally create economic instability in targeted countries, making it difficult for the latter to allocate funds for their military power.

In addition, in this contemporary global landscape, resource-rich areas have become a new theatre of disputes, hampering the affected countries’ income, industry, and identity. This is because, with time, the global demand for resources, oil, minerals, and freshwater continues to increase. Therefore, several countries have started to claim over other countries’ natural resources. To illustrate, “China has been accused of asserting excessive territorial claims and waters in the South China Sea, especially in terms of the nine-dash line”.  The objective behind this claim is to cease the dominion of the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei in the region. In short, natural resource zones have become a matter of grave concern for the world in the context of prevailing disputes over them.

Countries have also employed the strategy of capital assistance freezing to limit others’ ability to conduct financial transactions, lessening their economic power. As evidence, as per the Multinational Sanctions Enforcement Task Force, the US and its allies have blocked more than $58 billion worth of Russian assets in the past years. The US’ purpose behind this practice is to expand its influence in that region against Russia. Moreover, after seizing its financial assets, Russia has become more susceptible to vulnerable attacks, as its economic resources have been diminished substantially. So, the act of freezing a country’s capital assets is taken into account as an economic form of warfare, crippling countries’ economic progress.

Moving forward, the world has been heading towards economic conflicts due to the inappropriate use of technology. Through their participation in espionage operations, countries are easily stealing the sensitive economic information of competitive countries. As stated by FBI Director James Comey, “For too long, the Chinese government has blatantly sought to use cyber espionage to obtain economic advantages for its state-owned industries. This has resulted in reputational damage to the US in the international business arena. To cap it all, countries to exert control over other nations engage in espionage practices.

Apart from this, countries intervene in the currency market to achieve their economic and strategic interests. By manipulating the exchange rates, they pursue the policy of depreciation or devaluation, which, in turn, reduces the cost of imported goods. However, such exchange rate volatility finally destabilizes the international financial markets, trade, and global economic dynamics. Consequently, they find difficulties when it comes to repaying their debt. For instance, due to the de-dollarization, several countries face hindrances in financial transactions. In short, contemporary wars are fighting on economic fronts by distributing the global exchange rates.

Lastly, countries adopt protectionist policies to disrupt the hostile state’s economies. These policies involve imposing tariffs on imported goods, implementing import and export quotas, reducing consumer spending and triggering trade wars among nations. A recent example of protectionism is President Donald Trump’s enforcement of tariffs on goods imported from China, based on the belief that Chinese businesses compete unfairly with American counterparts . In response, China also raised restrictions on trade, setting off a trade war between them. By and large, the countries’ protectionist policies, especially of global leaders, have sown the seed of trade wars worldwide.

Explaining why economic zones are preferred war grounds over displaying military power, first of all, the world has entered into an era dominated by nuclear arms. Every country is significantly investing in raising its nuclear weapons to make the world’s landscape from multi-polar into uni-polar. According to the report of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) in 2022, nuclear weapons investment worldwide has surged by $10 billion in the last 4 years . Indeed, starting a nuclear war in this era is suicidal. Therefore, powerful countries, in order to deter others’ economic influence, attack their economic zones, creating hurdles in their way of becoming a nuclear power. For instance, the US has imposed sanctions against Iran in response to the Iranian nuclear program. Hence, war is going on on each economic front, robbing the countries’ economic, social, and political progress.

Second, International Humanitarian Laws prevent countries from engaging in full-scale warfare. They forbid countries from the use of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. However, the wars in economic areas continue and show no signs of coming to an end. Sanctions and counter-sanctions are now everywhere. As per Atlantic Council 2023, 13000 sanctions have been imposed on Russia alone. Hence, countries are actively seeking ways to damage others’ economic zones with the aim of plugging them into crisis.                                                                                                                                                                          

Lastly, history has witnessed a decline in conventional military wars, and this reduction is attributed to the catastrophic humanitarian and economic toll that countries have borne as a result of such wars. On the other hand , Napoleon’s continental self-blockade prohibited imports from the UK while promoting exports, saving it from economic miseries and breaking the UK’s economic and defence strength . This underscores the reality that in this modern era, the most strategically valuable asset is not only a strong military but also economic strength. Therefore, new battlefronts are emerging within economic zones.

However, several recommendations exist to control the ongoing economic conflicts worldwide.

  • First, all countries must work to bring global cooperation. For this purpose, they must introduce some noteworthy reforms in their economic zones. As a result, they can secure their future generations from the alarming implications of trade wars.
  • After that, the non- alignment of the international monetary institutions is crucial in this highly competitive era. Otherwise, socioeconomic inequalities and anarchy would reach at peak globally. Therefore, the global financial institutions must focus on resolving countries’ economic issues rather than favouring influential countries in their heinous political agendas.
  • Last but not least, countries should improve the efficiency of their administrative authorities. It would secure them from the international trading shocks. As a result, they can sustain their economic and military power during the times of crisis.

Critically, the ongoing economic wars have impeded the world’s peace and prosperity. For instance, powerful countries to build their dominion worldwide impose embargoes on their adversarial counterparts. Similarly, they, for their vested interest, manipulate the international global institutions, IMF and WB, undermining the original purpose of these organizations. Therefore, economic warfare is considered one of the most perilous forms of war in history due to its unique feature of destroying the enemy without firing a bullet. However, if countries prioritize global cooperation, the world can secure itself from further severe, drastic damages on all fronts.

In a nutshell, economic zones have become a centre of attention for countries as the wars of the contemporary era lie on them. As an illustration, countries to undermine others use sanctions as a means. Besides, the role of IMF and WB does not remain neutral since the global powers influence the decision-making of these institutions to upset other countries economically by halting their loans. Apart from these, countries have adopted protectionist policies, which sabotage others’ progress. As a result, the affected countries are becoming more susceptible to chaos and anarchy due to escalating socioeconomic inequalities and political doldrums, making them domestically and internationally fragile. Hence, countries have left no stone unturned to subjugate others by leveraging economic zones.

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