
Top 37+ Stunning Mass Communication Project Topics in 2023

Mass Communication Project Topics

Are you looking for mass communication project topics then you are at the right place. However, in mass communication, messages are conveyed to a large audience via verbal and written mediums. These include print, digital media, television, and radio.

A typical project in mass communication includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, hypotheses/research questions, quantitative and qualitative analysis/findings, discussion, and conclusions. The Illustrated Guide to the Mass Communication Research Project is an easy-to-follow student-centered guide that explains research methods through vivid illustrations.

What is Mass Communication?

Table of Contents

Mass communication refers to the process of conveying information to a large and diverse audience through various channels, such as print media, television, radio, internet, and other forms of digital media. It involves the use of different mediums to deliver a message or information to a large number of people simultaneously.

Mass communication is a crucial aspect of modern society, as it helps to inform, educate, entertain, and influence people’s behavior and attitudes. It plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, creating awareness about social and political issues, and promoting products and services.

The field of mass communication covers a wide range of topics, including journalism, advertising, public relations, film, television, and digital media. Below we mentioned more than 17 mass communication project topics.

Top 7 Tips For Writing An Outstanding Mass Communication Research Paper 

Here are the top 7 tips for writing an outstanding communication research paper which is as follows:

  • Clearly define your research question and objectives.
  • Conduct thorough literature review to build a strong theoretical foundation.
  • Use appropriate research methodologies and data collection techniques.
  • Organise your paper with a logical structure and coherent flow.
  • Support your arguments with credible evidence and references.
  • Write in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.
  • Revise and proofread your paper for clarity, accuracy, and grammar.

However, you can follow these tips for instant improvement in your content even before you start your writing. So, this means that you now have a plus point before writing your communication research paper.

Here are the top 17+ stunning mass communication project topics to considered in 2023:

Create a podcast series that explores a specific topic, such as technology, culture, or politics. Invite experts, journalists, and other guests to share their insights and opinions.

2. Social Media Campaign

Develop a social media campaign that promotes a cause or a product. Use targeted advertising, influencer partnerships, and engaging content to reach your target audience.

3. Documentary

Produce a documentary film that highlights a social issue or a community. Conduct interviews, gather footage, and tell a compelling story that raises awareness and inspires action.

4. News Article

Write a news article that covers a local or national event. Use research, interviews, and storytelling to inform and engage your audience.

5. Public Service Announcement

Create a public service announcement that educates the public about a specific issue, such as climate change or public health. Use visual and audio elements to make it engaging and memorable.

6. Graphic Design Project

Create a series of infographics or posters that communicate complex information in a simple and visual way. Use design principles and data visualization techniques to make it easy to understand.

7. Corporate Communication Plan

Develop a communication plan for a company or an organization. Identify key stakeholders, create messaging, and use different channels to reach them.

8. Advertising Campaign

Design an advertising campaign for a product or a service. Develop a creative concept, craft copy and visuals, and use different media to target your audience.

9. Website Design

Create a website that showcases a brand or a personal portfolio. Use design principles, user experience (UX) best practices, and content management systems (CMS) to make it functional and engaging.

10. Press Release

Write a press release that announces a new product, service, or event. Use a clear and concise language, and target the right media outlets to ensure maximum exposure.

11. Radio Program

It is one of the best mass communication project topics to give a try. Produce a radio program that covers a specific genre or topic, such as music, news, or sports. Use interviews, commentary, and music to create an engaging and entertaining program.

12. Magazine Design

Design a magazine that focuses on a specific topic or audience, such as fashion, travel, or business. Use layout, typography, and visuals to create a cohesive and attractive publication.

13. Crisis Communication Plan

Develop a communication plan that addresses a crisis situation, such as a natural disaster, a cyber-attack, or a product recall. Use clear messaging, media relations, and social media to ensure transparency and credibility.

14. Film Project

Create a short film that tells a story or delivers a message. Use visual storytelling, music, and sound effects to make it impactful and memorable.

15. Media Literacy Campaign

Develop a media literacy campaign that educates people about the importance of critical thinking and media literacy skills. Use social media, educational materials, and workshops to reach your audience.

16. Event Promotion

Create a promotion plan for an event, such as a conference, a concert, or a festival. Use social media, email marketing, and traditional media to reach your target audience and sell tickets.

17. TV Program

Produce a TV program that covers a specific topic or audience, such as news, entertainment, or sports. Use interviews, visuals, and commentary to create a compelling and informative program.

Start a blog that covers a specific niche or topic, such as food, travel, or personal finance. Use writing, visuals, and social media to build an audience and share your ideas.

19. Influencer Campaign

Develop an influencer campaign that promotes a product or a service. Use social media influencers, content creators, and brand ambassadors to reach your target audience and build credibility.

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20 Virtual Mass Communication Project Topics 2023

Here is the list of 20 virtual mass communication project topics:

  • Virtual Classrooms: Enhancing Education through Technology
  • The Ethics of Data Privacy in Mass Communication
  • Citizen Journalism: Empowering the Voice of the People
  • Augmented Reality and Journalism: Enhancing News Delivery
  • Virtual Museums and Cultural Preservation
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Discourse
  • Online Activism and its Influence on Social Change
  • Digital Storytelling: Exploring Narrative Techniques in Virtual Environments
  • The Effectiveness of Online Advertising Campaigns
  • Virtual Reality and Immersive Journalism
  • Fake News and Misinformation in the Digital Age
  • Online Gaming Communities as Social Spaces
  • The Role of Podcasts in Contemporary Journalism
  • Virtual Events and Conferences: A New Era of Engagement
  • Virtual Influencers: The Future of Brand Marketing
  • The Rise of Live Streaming: Transforming Media Consumption
  • Podcasting for Social Change and Advocacy
  • eSports and Competitive Gaming: The Emergence of a New Media Industry
  • Virtual Reality Documentaries: Immersive Storytelling Experiences
  • Social Media Influencers and Consumer Behavior

Importance of Mass Communication – That You Should Know

Here are some importance of mass communication that you should know:

1. News Dissemination

News dissemination is the process of circulating information through media outlets, including radio, television, teletext, and satellite telecommunications. The process depends on the selection of appropriate media and content.

In addition, media content is influenced by the personalities and biases of the people involved in it. These factors are mediated by professionalism, organizations, government and audience demand.

However, this process also creates challenges for news dissemination, such as the dominance of fake news and network diffusion of false information. Fake news has the potential to mislead readers, thereby damaging the credibility of news and social stability.

Therefore, the quality of news dissemination is important. It must maintain high standards of reliability and truthfulness. In addition, it is necessary to keep its content relevant and rich. This will allow the news to be useful for readers and to help them live a better life. It will also be helpful to promote a healthy and stable society.

2. Education

Mass media is an important part of the educational process. They teach students to read, write and do arithmetic, and they also provide them with plenty of language practice.

They also help people develop strong, well-considered opinions. These skills contribute to peace in societies.

Education is a crucial factor in global economic growth, poverty reduction, and social cohesion. In addition, it can lead to increased employment and earnings.

Educated individuals are more self-reliant and less likely to be discriminated against due to race, gender, religion, or social class. For this reason, it is essential that all children have access to education.

3. Entertainment

Mass communication is an important source of entertainment for a variety of people. It allows them to escape the stresses of everyday life. It helps families grow closer to each other and boosts the economy.

It also stimulates the brain to release endorphins, which relieve stress and pain. It is an important part of learning and develops skills that will benefit young people in the future.

Most forms of entertainment have persisted over many centuries, evolving due to changes in culture, technology, and fashion. They continue to tell stories, present drama, and play music. They also allow audiences to be entertained over a number of consecutive days at festivals dedicated to music, film, or dance.

Activities such as fencing or archery, once used in hunting and warfare, have become spectator sports and have developed into entertainment for large audiences. Others, such as cooking, have developed into performances among professionals staged as global competitions and then broadcast for entertainment.

4. Government Policy

The mass media play a vital role in the lives of the public and are critical to the functioning of government. This means that the government needs to communicate effectively with its citizens in order for them to be able to participate in policymaking and inform themselves of new policies.

In general, the government’s role in mass communication includes information dissemination, education, and entertainment. Moreover, it can be responsible for the production of news, which is important to people’s well-being.

In the United States, mass media are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is responsible for licensing radio and television stations. However, the government has loosened its control of the media industry in recent years. This has led to a greater degree of consolidation in the news industry. This can be good for the economy, but it also threatens to undermine the system of checks and balances between the private sector and the public.

Why Is Mass Communication Project Important?

Mass communication projects are important for several reasons. Here are a few key reasons:

1. Informing And Educating

Mass communication projects play a vital role in informing and educating the public about important issues, events, and trends. They help to disseminate information to a broad audience and provide access to diverse perspectives, which can help to increase awareness, understanding, and knowledge.

2. Shaping Public Opinion

Mass communication projects also have the power to shape public opinion and influence attitudes and behaviors. Through news, advertisements, social media campaigns, and other forms of communication, mass communication projects can impact how people think about certain issues, products, or services.

3. Promoting Social Change

Mass communication projects can also promote social change by raising awareness about social issues and advocating for social justice. For example, campaigns to reduce plastic waste or promote diversity and inclusion can be facilitated through mass communication projects.

4. Driving Economic Growth

Mass communication projects can also be important drivers of economic growth, particularly in industries such as advertising and media. These projects can help to promote businesses, products, and services, which can in turn create jobs and stimulate economic activity.

Mass communication projects are important because they inform and educate the public, shape public opinion, promote social change, and drive economic growth.

Elements Of Mass Communication Project

Once you know the Mass Communication Project Topics, it is also necessary to learn about elements of mass communication. There are several key elements that are necessary for a successful mass communication project. Here are a few important ones:

The message is the content or information that you want to convey to your audience. It could be a news story, an advertisement, or a public service announcement. It is important to ensure that your message is clear, concise, and relevant to your target audience.

The medium is the channel or platform that you use to transmit your message. It could be print media, television, radio, social media, or other digital media. It is important to choose the right medium based on your target audience, message, and objectives.

3. Audience

The audience is the group of people that you want to reach with your message. It could be a specific demographic, such as young adults or senior citizens, or a broader audience. It is important to understand your audience’s needs, interests, and preferences in order to create effective communication.

4. Feedback

Feedback is the response that you receive from your audience after you have transmitted your message. It could be in the form of comments, likes, shares, or other metrics. It is important to analyze and use this feedback to improve your message, medium, and audience targeting.

Ethics are the principles and standards that govern your communication practices. It is important to ensure that your communication is truthful, accurate, and respectful of others. Ethical communication builds trust and credibility with your audience, which is essential for long-term success.

A successful mass communication project requires a clear and relevant message, a suitable medium, a targeted audience, feedback analysis, and ethical communication practices.

This is the end of this post which is about mass communication project topics. On the other hand, mass communication is a vast and diverse field that offers numerous opportunities for creative and impactful projects. From podcasts to documentaries, from social media campaigns to crisis communication plans, the possibilities are endless. However in this post we mentioned more than 17 mass communication project topics.

The key is to identify a specific topic, audience, and medium that aligns with your objectives and interests. By using effective communication strategies, ethical practices, and feedback analysis, you can create compelling and meaningful projects that inform, engage, and inspire your audience. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a creative individual, mass communication projects can help you develop your skills, build your portfolio, and make a difference in the world.

Q1. What are the 5 types of mass media?

The five types of mass media include print media , broadcast media, digital media , outdoor media and cinema. On the other hand, print media delivers information through written content, while broadcast media uses audio and visual channels. Digital media encompasses online platforms, and outdoor media targets audiences in public spaces. Cinema involves watching movies on the big screen in theatres.

Q2. What are the 4 roles of mass media?

Mass media serves four main roles in society. Firstly, it provides information by disseminating news and current events, keeping the public informed. Secondly, it serves as a platform for entertainment, offering various content for leisure and relaxation. Thirdly, it acts as a tool for education, spreading knowledge and promoting learning. Lastly, mass media functions as a medium for socialisation, shaping cultural norms and values by influencing public opinion and promoting dialogue on important issues.

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178 Communication Research Topics For Your Paper

178 Communication Research Topics

Imagine what the world would be without communication! How would we get along? I guess there would be no sense in existing after all. That is just a tiny snippet of how important communication is in everyday life. Exchanging information is a key component of coexistence as it creates order and a sense of satisfaction in the end.

However, communication as a discipline cuts across all other niches in the academic world. Students from an Engineering course would also take up communication as a unit of study. Students delve into the transmission, representation, reception, and decoding of information communicated to a greater extent.

Situations When You May Need To Write A Communication Paper

Various scenarios call for a communication paper either as an assignment or a research project in college. The communication papers needed for every situation vary in format and outline. Here are some of the cases when communication papers are necessary:

When writing a resume or cover letter In presentations and reports Internal or external communication in a company Writing a thesis statement

When writing communication papers in these different scenarios, students can develop the following aspects:

Understand the various communication phenomena Ability to direct communication messages towards accomplishing individual and organizational goals Understand various types of communication such as rhetoric, interpersonal or organizational

Such an assignment is peculiar because it deals with students’ communication processes. Therefore, the student can easily relate a communication assignment to the real-world environment.

You will have to conduct extensive digging before writing your paper like any other research project. In writing a communication research paper, you will benefit from the importance of communication in general, such as building better relationships and finding the right solutions to various problems.

It takes a lot of time to create a high-quality writing, so you have all the right to ask dissertation writers for hire to help.

Guidelines On Structure And Step By Step Tips On Writing

To have an award-winning communication paper, you need to understand that structure is always at the heart of it all. A great communication paper follows the structure below:

Solid intro : Begin by presenting a captivating introduction by highlighting the facts, questions, or problems that you will explore in the body. The reader should find more than a million reasons to proceed with your essay by reading the first two lines. A strong thesis statement is also necessary for the introduction. An insightful literature review : It shows the theoretical basis of your research project, thus giving it validity. An in-depth literature review will give room for exploration and further research. Main body : This is where we expect to find all your findings, methodological steps, concepts, analyses, and the outcome. Discussion and conclusion : Depending on your professor’s instructions, you can divide this into two parts or put it as one. In either case, this section will consist of the strengths and weaknesses of your research and any future development or improvements. You could also compare the results found in your research with what other authors have discovered.

Provided you have all your facts at hand, a communication research paper will be the easiest you will ever handle in college. Nonetheless, you can order a custom paper from various online writing experts.

If you want to make an impression with your communication research paper, here are some tips to consider:

Select a thought-provoking and captivating research topic Have a working outline with all the arguments and examples/evidence in place Ensure that you exhaust reading all the possible research materials on your topic Such papers are always in the first person except in unique cases

You can review some of the samples on our essay writer to familiarize yourself with the structure and outline of a communication research paper.

Let’s now explore 178 of the hottest communication research topics to ace your project:

Top Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

  • Evaluate the different relational patterns of interaction theory
  • How to achieve coordinated management of meaning
  • Discuss the fundamentals of pedagogical communication
  • How does technology relate to interpersonal communication?
  • Key constructs of openness and closeness
  • Establishing identities in the identity management theory
  • Evaluate the contribution of interpersonal communication scholars
  • How mental representations influence how people interpret information
  • Conceptualizing the process of social interaction
  • Discuss the various behavioral interaction patterns among siblings
  • Why do individuals modify their communicative behavior?
  • Describe why new environments present a challenge for most people to communicate effectively
  • The role of eye contact and gestures in interpersonal communication
  • Varying effects of nonverbal and verbal acts of interpersonal communication
  • Effects of different cultures on interpersonal communication strategies

World-Class Communication Research Topics For College Students

  • Understanding the historical research methods in communication
  • Discuss the relationship between technology, media, and culture
  • Evaluate the various revolutions in human communication
  • Discuss the developments made in the invention of human speech and language
  • The role of image-making, cinema, and media entertainment in communication
  • How to overcome communication barriers among students
  • Steps in encouraging participation in meetings
  • How employees contribute to the information flow in organizations
  • How to evaluate a report based on its findings
  • Sources of error during nonverbal communication
  • How the media can match the channels of communication to their audience
  • Ensuring audience attention during a presentation
  • The impact of graphics in communication strategies
  • How to interpret non-verbal signals
  • Developing communication methods that match a given purpose

Possible Topics For Communication Research

  • How to develop realistic communication strategies
  • Discuss the economics of finance in communication processes
  • How exposure to radio and TV impacts communication
  • How to manage controversial issues in communication
  • Why speaking with confidence is still difficult for many people
  • The effectiveness of communicating with words and body language
  • Why defining your purpose is key in any communication process
  • Why explanatory communication is more difficult than informative communication
  • The place of communication in long-distance relationships
  • Communication strategies that influence people
  • How to use communication effectively for conflict resolution
  • Developing your self-esteem for effective communication
  • Effects of redundancy in communication processes
  • The place of responsibility in developing communication messages
  • How to acquire effective communication skills in college

Latest Communication Topic For Research

  • The role of persuasive dialogue in negotiations
  • Why everyone must learn proper expression strategies
  • Effects of emoji and other characters in enhancing textual conversations
  • The role of propaganda in shaping communication tones
  • Evaluate the unique political language used in America versus Africa
  • The continuing impact of the internet on interpersonal communication
  • How images are enhancing communication
  • Discuss the effects of gender victimization on communication
  • Evaluate the development of modern digital communication
  • How to effectively communicate during a war or crisis
  • How hacking is transforming communication of encrypted messages
  • Effects of stereotyping in developing communication messages
  • Is virtual reality ruining effective communication?
  • Evaluate language as a barrier in communicating messages
  • The role of empathy in communicating to victims of a disaster

Top-Notch Communication Research Paper Topics

  • The role of diplomacy in fostering better relations among countries
  • Why aided communication may not achieve the intended purpose
  • Effects of using a translator in the communication of critical messages
  • Evaluate the development of audio-visual devices for communication
  • The dangers of failing to notice barriers to communication
  • How stigma and prejudice impact effective communication
  • Discuss the impact of having a common language in a country
  • How social classes affect communication messages
  • Factors that hinder communication between fighting political sides
  • How to develop strong communication skills in a marketplace
  • Why opinions may prevent one from seeing the true picture
  • Discuss the role of fantasy and exaggeration in communication
  • Differences between oral and verbal messages in conveying information
  • The role of attitude and mood in enhancing effective message delivery
  • How the media sets the communication pattern of a given society

Highly Rated Mass Communication Research Topics

  • Discuss the essence of social media among PR practitioners
  • The role of mass media in rebranding a nation
  • Challenges to media freedom and their impact on proper communication
  • Discuss the effects of news commercialization and their credibility
  • How TV advertisements impact children and their development
  • Compare and contrast between animation and real-people adverts in mass media
  • How the internet affects professionalization in news media
  • How mass media messages contribute to the development of religion in Africa
  • Evaluate the radio listenership patterns between men and women
  • How does mass media contribute to an emerging democracy
  • Discuss how the media enlightens the public on issues of concern
  • The role of mass media in communicating development messages
  • Why mass media is critical before, during, and after elections
  • Assess the influence of community radio in remote areas
  • How mass media contributes to national integration

Good Communication Research Topics

  • What determines consumer preference patterns in the 21 st century?
  • Effective communication strategies for creating awareness against drug abuse
  • Prospects and challenges of local dialects in communication
  • Evaluate the influence of television on public opinion
  • Discuss the growing cyberactivism in the digital age
  • How social media is contributing to misleading information
  • Challenges facing teachers when communicating to pre-school students
  • Discuss the impact of information overload on the credibility of information
  • Evaluate communication patterns among the youth in the US
  • Assess the effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on communication patterns
  • How public perception influences communication strategies
  • Explain how mothers learn to communicate with and understand their babies at such a tender age
  • The role of music in shaping communication models
  • How to overcome the challenge of top-down communication in companies
  • Management of information on online media for effective use

Business Communication Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the increasing role of influencers on brand marketing
  • Why company blogs are essential in attracting new clients
  • Evaluate the differences between face to face and virtual business meetings
  • The growing popularity of social media in business marketing
  • Why every company should have a partner relations department
  • Dealing with complaints in a relaxed and useful manner
  • Why online project management is the future of business
  • Discuss why it is necessary to have company retreats
  • Explore the role of digital document sharing in speeding up business communication
  • Effects of relying on online communication at the expense of physical meetings
  • The role of effective business management in the performance of an organization
  • How staff motivation improve the overall working environment
  • Discuss the place of corporate social responsibility in a company
  • Effective ways of handling crisis in a large company
  • Explain why trust is important in any business partnerships

Intercultural Communication Research Topics

  • Discuss how Muslims interact with Christians at a social level
  • Evaluate the reception of instructions from a man to a woman
  • How Americans interact with Africans at the basic level
  • Discuss how an American Democrat would associate with a Chinese politician
  • Discuss the impact of marginalization in developing communication messages
  • How migration and immigration affect communication patterns
  • Effects of social stereotyping in communication
  • How do Western communication models differ from those of Africa?
  • Impact of discriminatory communication messages
  • How to organize an effective intergroup come-together
  • How the media represents various groups in its communication
  • Effects of the growing intercultural norms
  • The role of language attitudes in inhibiting effective communication
  • Evaluate how ethnographic perspectives affect communication messages
  • Why it is difficult to solve intercultural conflicts

Additional Interpersonal Communication Topics For Research Paper

  • The role of interpersonal communication in team member satisfaction
  • How collaboration and teamwork enhances business success
  • Discuss how interpersonal communication enhances problem-solving skills
  • The role of trust in interpersonal communication
  • Effects of confusion, negativity, and conflicts on interpersonal communication
  • How to deal with workplace miscommunication effectively
  • The role of personalizing information
  • How to improve internal communication channels in a company
  • Discuss the role of interests in communication patterns
  • Challenges when implementing modern communication solutions
  • Evaluate how jargon and inattention make internal communication difficult
  • The role of feedback in interpreting messages correctly
  • Discuss the influence of environmental factors in communication
  • Why miscommunication may result in a disconnect among a group of people
  • Discuss the role of skills and knowledge in effective communication among leaders

Interesting Communication Research Topics

  • How can effective interpersonal communication be a catalyst for action
  • Why a focused and intentional approach is necessary for effective communication
  • Discuss why online dating is not successful in most cases
  • Evaluate the role of non-verbal communication and customer satisfaction
  • Why is it important to have a list of communication networks?
  • Effects of lack of personal contact when it comes to communication
  • Discuss the various forms of human interactions and their influence on communication
  • The role of clear communication during an organizational change process
  • Why online communication is not as effective as physical meetings
  • Evaluate the roles and issues involved in a nurse-patient communication
  • The role of TV shows in determining how people relate to each other in the society
  • Effects of the digital divide in communication paradigms
  • The relationship between quality leadership and effective communication
  • Why is email still not yet an effective communication medium?
  • Effects of integrating marketing communication

General Communication Studies Research Topics

  • Discuss the differences in body language between male and female
  • The role of communication in familiarizing with someone
  • How online gaming communication affects one’s interpersonal communication
  • Why a leader without proper communication skills may not succeed
  • The role of communication in achieving an organization’s vision
  • How mobile phone conversations are turning around interpersonal communication
  • Discuss the role of different personality types in communication
  • Is there a difference between language and communication?
  • Discuss how communication in the military is different from that in a normal setting
  • Compare and contrast between written and spoken forms of communication
  • Why family communication is critical for a peaceful coexistence
  • Shortcomings to understanding foreign languages
  • Discuss the effectiveness of web-based communication

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100 Communication Research Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is Communication Research?
  • 2.1 Top Research Topic Ideas
  • 2.2 Research Topics for College Students
  • 2.3 Business-Focused Research Topics
  • 2.4 Social Media Research Topics
  • 2.5 Mass Communication Research Topics
  • 2.6 Interpersonal Communication Research Topics
  • 2.7 Intercultural Communication Research Topics
  • 2.8 Virtual Communication Research Topics
  • 2.9 Health-Related Research Topics
  • 2.10 Interesting Communication Research Topics
  • 3 Coming up with a Thesis Statement
  • 4.1 How to Create Strong Questions for Your Paper?
  • 4.2 How to Find the Right Research Topics?
  • 4.3 What Makes a Research Paper Topic Strong?
  • 4.4 Tips for Structuring and Writing Your Paper
  • 5 Conclusion

All fields of study have fresh and intriguing new research paper topics to explore. Within the subject of communication, there are loads of possibilities for research papers . This is thanks to the development of mass media and the growing popularity of various modern communication methods.

This article covers a broad range of effective research paper topics that are both interesting and relevant for this field. Any of them would make a suitable focal point for any research paper to do with how we interact with one another.

What Is Communication Research?

This is the study of how we interact with one another. It includes how the way we interact is affected by technology, culture, and individual differences. Researchers in this field use a variety of methods to study the way we converse and interact with each other, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and experiments.

Research in this area can be used to improve communication skills in personal relationships, in the workplace, and in other settings.

Lists of Key Communication Research Topics

The range of research paper topics in this field is extensive, to say the least. Below are 100 relevant topics that are arranged in groups of 10.

They cover a broad selection of modern communication issues and debates, from corporate and computer mediated communication to effective interpersonal communication, communication strategies, and more.

Top Research Topic Ideas

The topics in this first group mostly focus on how different factors impact the way we interact with one another. These are some of the key issues in the communication discipline today.

  • The role communication plays in organizations.
  • How technology influences it.
  • The way globalization affects it.
  • How it’s influenced by broadcast media.
  • Ways in which advertising impacts it.
  • The influence propaganda has on it.
  • How it’s impacted by public relations.
  • The effects of international journalism and journalism ethics on it.
  • How the use of social media influences it.
  • How it’s affected by language.

Research Topics for College Students

These topics are ideal for college students. They focus on how communication processes can influence someone’s mental health and personality traits. Both of these are important since they can influence a student’s academic progress.

  • How does communication shape our identities?
  • How do we use it to build relationships?
  • What role does it play in influencing our emotions?
  • How is our thinking influenced by it?
  • In what ways do we use it to manage conflict?
  • How is our behavior influenced by it?
  • What factors influence the effectiveness of communication?
  • In what way is it impacted by technology?
  • What influences do cultural differences have on it?
  • How does it shape our physical and mental health?


Business-Focused Research Topics

Having effective business communication is necessary for any sort of commercial activity to improve its marketing value. Both business to business communication and interactions with the public have to get the right message across. Below are some potential areas to do with organizational communication and public relations.

  • The impact of new communication technologies.
  • The use of social media and external communication.
  • What effects does globalization have?
  • How organizational communication is used in virtual teams.
  • The impact that intercultural communication has.
  • The way humor is used.
  • What are the effects of gender?
  • How we use non-verbal communication.
  • The effect that technology has on corporate communication etiquette.
  • The way we use business communication in crisis situations.

Social Media Research Topics

The focus of these topics is on social media, and it affects the way we communicate with one another. Using social media and being exposed to social media marketing can both have significant effects on practical communication skills. These topics focus on the way modern digital platforms influence our interactions.

  • The effect of social media on communication practices and patterns.
  • How social media changes relationship development.
  • What influence does social media have on how people interact with each other?
  • The effect of social media on the way people share information.
  • How social media impacts the way people interact with businesses.
  • The effect of social media on the way people interact with governments through proper communication channels.
  • What consequences does social media have on online interactions?
  • The effect that social media has on the way people interact with each other offline.
  • Social media’s influence on the way people interact with each other in different cultures.
  • What effects does social media have on the way people interact with each other in different age groups?

Mass Communication Research Topics

Mass communication is when you share information with a large number of people at the same time. Topics to do with mass communication are very relevant, thanks to the internet, social media platforms, and other kinds of mass media. The purpose of mass media is simply to inform loads of people about something as quickly and conveniently as possible.

  • What effect do social media platforms have on mass communication?
  • How does new technology affect it?
  • The impact that advertising has on it.
  • How news media influences it.
  • Ways in which propaganda impacts it.
  • The influence that public relations have on it.
  • How it’s impacted by digital media and print media.
  • Globalization’s impact on it.
  • How new forms of media affect it.
  • The ways it’s influenced by social networking.

Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

This is a broad term that refers to the exchanging of information between people. It’s when you use effective communication skills to share thoughts, ideas, and facts with at least one other person. The topics in this section look at some of the latest interpersonal communication trends.

  • The effect of technology on interpersonal communication.
  • The effect of culture on it.
  • How gender influences it.
  • The effect of age on it.
  • How someone’s interaction style may impact it.
  • The way context may influence it.
  • How relationships can influence it.
  • How it can be influenced by social apprehension.
  • The effect of social competence on it.
  • How it’s impacted by satisfaction.


Intercultural Communication Research Topics

This is when people from different cultures exchange information. Things like different languages, traditions, and even artifacts affect intercultural communication. The topics below look at intercultural communication and how culture shapes the many ways we interact with one another.

  • How culture influences the ways we interact with one another.
  • The impact of intercultural communication styles on relationships.
  • How culture impacts our perceptions of interaction.
  • The effect that interaction has on business relationships.
  • How culture influences the way we interpret nonverbal communication.
  • The impact of culture on our way of interpreting speech.
  • How culture influences our information processing.
  • The way culture impacts our process of making decision.
  • The impact of culture on how we solve problems.
  • How culture influences our interactions with others.

Virtual Communication Research Topics

Are virtual communication skills essential? You have to be just as proficient at virtual dialogue as you are at spoken words. Mastering interactive online communication is key for anyone who wants to succeed, and the topics below delve into this further.

  • The impact on the development of personal relationships.
  • The use of virtual dialogue in the business world.
  • How it influences the way we think and learn.
  • The benefits of virtual communication for people with social anxiety.
  • The way it’s used in education.
  • How it impacts our mental health.
  • Ways in which it influences family relationships.
  • How it’s used in the workplace.
  • The effect it has on relationships.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of virtual communication.

Health-Related Research Topics

It’s essential to have effective communication strategies in any sort of healthcare setting. Having interpersonal communication competence is vital so that practitioners can speak with patients clearly and effectively. The topics below look at how internal and external communication in the healthcare industry affects and is affected by different factors.

  • The effectiveness of health communication campaigns in changing health behaviors.
  • The impact of social media on interactions in the health industry.
  • How humor is used in it.
  • How storytelling is used in it.
  • What effects it has on reducing health disparities.
  • What effects it has on increasing health literacy.
  • How new media technologies are used in it.
  • How it influences public health outcomes.
  • The role it plays in health education.
  • The impact it has on patient satisfaction.

Interesting Communication Research Topics

This last batch of topics looks at how both spoken words and non-verbal communication affect different things. Some of the topics are about how we interact with one another in different areas of life.

  • The impact of new communication technology on social interactions.
  • The way it is used in the workplace.
  • How we use it in education.
  • Ways in which it is used in marketing.
  • How people use it in healthcare.
  • The way it affects personal relationships.
  • The effects it has on organizational cultures.
  • How it impacts individual productivity.
  • Its effects on consumer behavior.
  • The influences it has on the environment.
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Coming up with a Thesis Statement

Once you have come up with a potential research topic, you should start writing. Your first step is to write an effective thesis statement .

Your thesis statement is the argument or main point you want to make about your topic. It’s a summary of what your paper is going to be about. The purpose of it is to show the reader what you will be discussing and invite them to read your work.

Once you have your thesis statement, start writing your paper. Make sure to include evidence from scholarly sources to support your work.

Topic Selection and Writing Tips

How to create strong questions for your paper.

This question doesn’t have a single answer, as the best way to create strong questions for your paper will vary depending on the specific research project and its goals.

However, some tips on how to create strong questions include:

  • Start by thinking about the specific goals of your research project. What are you trying to learn or understand?
  • Draft a few potential research questions that can help you answer your goals. Be sure to make them as specific as possible.
  • Test your research questions by asking them to others to see if they are clear and understandable. Are they interesting to people outside of your field of study?
  • Revise and refine your research questions as needed. Be sure to keep them concise and easy to understand.

How to Find the Right Research Topics?

When writing a communication research paper, first, you should decide what topic you want to learn more about.

  • Do the effects of social media and mass media on communication interest you?
  • What about the role of communication in a competitive global business environment?
  • What is the impact of new technology on the ways we exchange information?
  • Whether effective communication is necessary to ensure credible reporting?
  • How do improved relations make broadcasting media laws effective?

Once you have a general topic in mind, you can begin to narrow it down by focusing on a specific aspect of this field that interests you.

For example, if you are interested in the communication importance in a business market, you might want to focus on the impact of effective business interactions on employee productivity or customer satisfaction.

Alternatively, you could look at how private media ownership is affecting mass media, bringing journalism ethics into the discussion, and how journalists are ensuring credible reporting.

What Makes a Research Paper Topic Strong?

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the individual and the specific research goals. However, some factors that could make a research topic strong include its relevance to current events or real-world issues, its potential to generate new and innovative ideas, and its ability to generate interesting and valuable research findings.

Additionally, a strong topic should be interesting and engaging to read and write about, and it should be something that the researcher can be passionate about.

Tips for Structuring and Writing Your Paper

When writing communication research papers, it is important to structure your argument in a manner that’s clear and concise. Your paper should have a clear research paper introduction , body, and conclusion. Within the body of your paper, there should be a strong thesis statement, evidence that supports your argument, and a conclusion summarizing your argument.

Additionally, throughout the research paper writing process, it is significant to use clear and concise language. Use communication tips to help you put your own points across more effectively.

Deciding what to focus your research paper doesn’t have to be daunting. There are a huge number of research topics available. Finding the right one is easy.

First, think about the ideas that interest you the most. Which part of communication studies are you most passionate about? Is it media ethics, mass media, or something else?

When you’ve settled on one of the research topic ideas , start the research paper writing process. Find key sources such as books and academic articles. Think about what needs addressing in your research paper.

Now, it’s time for you to produce an excellent communication research paper.

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a research topic in mass communication


221+ Best Project Topics for Mass Communication Students

project topics for mass communication

Mass Communication is vital for students as it cultivates effective communication skills and a deep understanding of the media’s role in society. It enhances critical thinking and fosters creativity, preparing students for diverse career paths. When it comes to Project Topics for Mass Communication, students must select subjects aligning with their interests and industry trends. 

However, research and analysis play a key role in ensuring projects are well-informed and impactful. Creativity is encouraged as innovative approaches set projects apart. Challenges in topic selection are addressed through guidelines, helping students navigate the process. Connecting chosen topics to future career goals enhances relevance, providing a solid foundation for a successful academic and professional journey in Mass Communication.

What is Mass Communication?

Table of Contents

Mass Communication is a dynamic field that involves creating, disseminating, and analyzing information to a broad audience through various channels. It encompasses a range of mediums, including television, radio, newspapers, and digital platforms. Mass Communication plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion, cultural trends, and societal norms. It involves the study of communication theories, media ethics, and the impact of media on individuals and societies, making it a crucial discipline in our interconnected global landscape.

Importance of Project Topics for Mass Communication

Here are some importance of project topics for mass communication students:

1. Relevance to Industry Trends

Project topics in Mass Communication ensure students engage with current industry trends, fostering a connection between academic learning and real-world challenges.

2. Personalized Learning Experience

Selecting a meaningful project topic allows students to explore areas of personal interest, making the learning experience more engaging and tailored to their passions within the vast field of Mass Communication.

3. Contribution to Knowledge

Well-chosen project topics contribute to the overall knowledge pool in Mass Communication, offering insights, solutions, or innovative perspectives that can benefit the academic community and the industry.

4. Career Alignment

Aligning project topics with future career goals enables students to develop specialized expertise, making them more competitive and marketable in their chosen professional paths.

5. Development of Critical Skills

Working on project topics hones essential skills such as research, analysis, presentation, and problem-solving, preparing students for the multifaceted challenges they may encounter in their Mass Communication careers.

Guidelines for Selecting Project Topics

  • Personal Interest: Choose a project topic that aligns with your personal interests and passions in Mass Communication to maintain enthusiasm throughout the research process.
  • Relevance to Current Trends: Opt for topics that reflect the dynamic nature of the industry, ensuring your project remains current and contributes to contemporary discussions.
  • Feasibility: Consider the availability of resources and time, selecting a project that is realistic and feasible within the given academic constraints.
  • Potential Impact : Evaluate the potential impact of your chosen topic, aiming for research that can bring value or contribute new perspectives to the field.
  • Alignment with Career Goals: Select a project topic that aligns with your future career goals, allowing you to build expertise in areas directly relevant to your desired professional path.

List of Project Topics for Mass Communication Students

Here is a complete list of project topics for mass communication students in 2024:

1. Journalism and News Reporting

  • The Impact of Social Media on Traditional Journalism
  • Investigative Reporting in the Digital Age
  • Ethics in Journalism: Navigating the Gray Areas
  • Fake News and Its Effects on Public Opinion
  • Citizen Journalism: Empowering the Masses
  • The Role of Journalists in Shaping Public Policy
  • News Framing and Its Influence on Audience Perception
  • Challenges of Reporting in Conflict Zones
  • Solutions Journalism: A New Approach to Reporting
  • The Evolution of Broadcast Journalism
  • Sports Journalism: Beyond the Scores
  • Environmental Journalism: Communicating Climate Change
  • Media Literacy in the Age of Misinformation
  • Coverage of Diversity in Media
  • Crisis Communication: Lessons from Media Responses

2. Advertising and Public Relations

  • Influencer Marketing: Strategies and Impacts
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Advertising
  • Crisis Communication in Public Relations
  • The Psychology of Advertising: Understanding Consumer Behavior
  • Branding in the Digital Age
  • Political Advertising: Impact on Public Opinion
  • Greenwashing: Deceptive Environmental Advertising
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Ad Campaigns
  • The Role of Public Relations in Building Corporate Reputation
  • Viral Marketing: Unleashing the Power of Social Sharing
  • Advertising to Children: Ethics and Regulations
  • Social Media Influencers: Power and Responsibility
  • Integrated Marketing Communication: Strategies and Challenges
  • Public Relations in the Entertainment Industry
  • Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Brand Perception

3. Broadcasting and Film Production

  • Evolution of Radio Broadcasting
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on Traditional TV
  • Virtual Reality in Film: A New Cinematic Experience
  • Documentary Filmmaking: Advocacy through Visual Storytelling
  • Challenges of Independent Film Production
  • The Role of Film Festivals in Promoting Diversity
  • Live Broadcasting in the Age of Social Media
  • Representation in Media: Gender, Race, and LGBTQ+ Perspectives
  • Podcasting: Rise of a New Digital Medium
  • Augmented Reality in Broadcast News
  • Sound Design in Film: Enhancing the Viewing Experience
  • Cinematic Techniques in Television Production
  • Media and Cultural Identity in Global Cinema
  • The Future of 3D Technology in Film
  • Mobile Journalism: Filming and Reporting on the Go

4. Digital Media and Technology

  • The Influence of Algorithms on Content Consumption
  • Virtual Communities: Social Interaction in Online Spaces
  • Augmented Reality in Digital Advertising
  • Gaming and Esports: Emerging Media Trends
  • Cybersecurity in Media Organizations
  • The Impact of 5G on Media and Communication
  • Digital Detox: Balancing Online and Offline Life
  • Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation
  • Digital Natives: Understanding the Habits of Gen Z
  • E-books vs. Traditional Publishing: Changing Reading Habits
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Media Integration
  • Online Activism: Social Media as a Tool for Change
  • Virtual Influencers: The Rise of Computer-Generated Personalities
  • Data Privacy in the Age of Big Data
  • Accessibility in Digital Media: Designing for Inclusivity

5. Media Management and Economics

  • Business Models in the Media Industry
  • Subscription-Based vs. Ad-Supported Media Platforms
  • Media Consolidation: Impact on Diversity and Competition
  • Crisis Management in Media Organizations
  • Audience Measurement and Analytics in Media
  • Globalization of Media Companies: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Economics of News: Ad Revenue vs. Public Funding
  • Content Monetization Strategies for Online Platforms
  • Media Ownership and Its Influence on Editorial Independence
  • The Role of Government in Media Regulation
  • Media Startups: Navigating the Challenges of a New Venture
  • Media Literacy Education: Bridging the Gap
  • Branding and Positioning in Media Management
  • Subscription Fatigue: Challenges for Media Subscription Services
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Media Companies

6. Photojournalism and Visual Communication

  • The Ethics of Photojournalism: Balancing Truth and Sensitivity
  • Visual Storytelling in the Age of Instagram
  • Iconic Images in Photojournalism: Impact and Legacy
  • Photography and Social Change: Documenting Activism
  • The Role of Photojournalists in Conflict Zones
  • Drone Photography in Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Cultural Sensitivity in Visual Communication
  • Photo Editing Ethics: Navigating the Digital Landscape
  • Virtual Reality in Photojournalism: Creating Immersive Narratives
  • The Power of Images: Influencing Public Opinion
  • Photography and Environmental Activism
  • Visual Trends in Contemporary Advertising
  • Photojournalism in the Age of Deepfakes
  • Documentary Photography: Capturing Unseen Realities
  • The Evolution of Image Editing Software

7. Communication Research and Methods

  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research in Media Studies
  • The Role of Surveys in Media Audience Analysis
  • Content Analysis of Social Media Discourse
  • Experimental Design in Communication Research
  • Ethnographic Approaches in Media Studies
  • Big Data in Communication Research: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Longitudinal Studies in Media Impact Assessment
  • Survey Sampling Techniques in Media Research
  • Comparative Analysis of Media Systems
  • Case Study Research in Media and Communication
  • Online Ethnography: Studying Digital Subcultures
  • Participatory Action Research in Community Media
  • Cross-Cultural Communication Research
  • Media Framing Analysis: Understanding Persuasion Techniques
  • The Use of Eye-Tracking in Media Consumption Studies

8. International Communication

  • Cultural Imperialism in Global Media
  • Media Representation of Global Conflicts
  • Transnational Media Flows: Impact on Local Cultures
  • Soft Power and Media Diplomacy
  • Globalization of News: Challenges for Local Journalism
  • The Role of International Organizations in Media Regulation
  • Cultural Sensitivity in International Advertising
  • Media and Cultural Identity in the Globalized World
  • Diaspora Media: Connecting Communities Across Borders
  • Global Media Ethics: Balancing Universal Principles and Cultural Differences
  • International Collaboration in Film and Television Production
  • Impact of Social Media on Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Media and Human Rights: Reporting on Global Injustices
  • Cultural Diplomacy through Public Diplomacy Campaigns
  • The Role of International News Agencies in Shaping Global Narratives

9. Health Communication

  • The Influence of Media on Health Behaviors
  • Crisis Communication in Public Health Emergencies
  • Media Representation of Mental Health: Breaking Stigmas
  • Health Communication Campaigns: Successes and Challenges
  • Social Media and Health Advocacy
  • The Role of Entertainment Media in Health Education
  • Vaccine Communication: Addressing Misinformation
  • Public Perception of Healthcare in Media
  • Ethical Issues in Health Journalism
  • Digital Health Communication: Apps and Online Platforms
  • Cultural Competence in Health Communication
  • Media Influence on Body Image and Eating Disorders
  • Telehealth and the Role of Media in Healthcare Accessibility
  • Health Communication in Rural Communities
  • The Impact of Health Narratives in Entertainment Media

10. Political Communication

  • Political Advertising Strategies and Ethics
  • Media Influence on Political Opinion Formation
  • Election Coverage: Bias and Fairness in Media
  • Social Media and Political Mobilization
  • The Role of Satire in Political Communication
  • Media Framing of Political Scandals
  • Political Communication in Authoritarian Regimes
  • The Impact of Political Cartoons on Public Perception
  • Political Debates in the Age of Live Broadcasting
  • Media Literacy and Informed Citizenship
  • Digital Campaigning: Strategies and Concerns
  • The Role of Political Talk Shows in Public Discourse
  • Political Communication and Populism
  • Media’s Role in Shaping Political Agendas
  • The Use of Social Media by Political Leaders

11. Entertainment and Pop Culture

  • Celebrity Culture and Media Influence
  • Reality TV and Its Impact on Society
  • Streaming Services and the Changing Landscape of Entertainment
  • Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Popular Media
  • The Influence of Music Videos on Youth Culture
  • Nostalgia and Remakes in Film and Television
  • Fandom Culture: Community and Identity
  • Video Games as a Form of Art and Entertainment
  • Social Media and Celebrity Endorsements
  • Cultural Appropriation in Popular Media
  • Influences of Japanese Pop Culture on Global Media
  • Diversity in Casting: Addressing Representation in Entertainment
  • Memes and Internet Culture: A New Language of Communication
  • The Impact of Social Media Challenges on Pop Culture
  • Cultural Critique through Comedy: Satire and Social Commentary

12. Environmental Communication

  • Media Coverage of Environmental Issues
  • Climate Change Communication: Challenges and Strategies
  • Environmental Documentaries: Advocacy through Film
  • Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Reporting
  • Green Marketing: Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles
  • Indigenous Perspectives in Environmental Communication
  • Environmental Activism in Digital Spaces
  • Wildlife Conservation Communication
  • Environmental Journalism and Science Reporting
  • Eco-friendly Practices in Media Production
  • The Role of Social Media in Environmental Awareness
  • Public Perception of Climate Change: Media Influence
  • Environmental Campaigns: Analyzing Effective Communication
  • Environmental Ethics in Advertising
  • The Role of Art and Creativity in Environmental Communication

13. Interpersonal Communication

  • The Impact of Social Media on Personal Relationships
  • Online Dating and Communication Patterns
  • Family Communication in the Digital Age
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in Interpersonal Relationships
  • Mobile Communication and Its Effects on Face-to-Face Interaction
  • Gender Differences in Communication Styles
  • Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Environments
  • Workplace Communication: Strategies for Effective Collaboration
  • Interpersonal Conflict Resolution in the Media Industry
  • The Influence of Friendship Portrayals in Media on Real-Life Relationships
  • Communication Challenges in Long-Distance Relationships
  • Social Media and Self-Presentation: Impacts on Identity
  • Communication Strategies for Building Trust in Online Environments
  • Parent-Child Communication in the Digital Era
  • Communicating Empathy: The Role of Media in Fostering Understanding

14. Educational Communication

  • The Role of Media in Distance Education
  • Digital Learning Platforms: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Educational Podcasts: Enhancing Learning Experiences
  • Social Media in the Classroom: Benefits and Pitfalls
  • Media Literacy Education: Curriculum Development
  • Gamification in Education: Using Media for Learning
  • Online Tutoring and the Future of Educational Communication
  • The Impact of Educational TV Programs on Childhood Development
  • E-Learning Platforms: Accessibility and Inclusivity
  • The Use of Augmented Reality in Educational Settings
  • Student-Generated Content in the Digital Classroom
  • Media Literacy and Critical Thinking in Higher Education
  • Blended Learning Models: Integrating Online and In-Person Education
  • Educational Campaigns: Addressing Social Issues through Media
  • The Role of Educational Media in Promoting Cultural Understanding

15. Cultural Studies in Media

  • Media Representations of Subcultures
  • Cultural Appropriation in Advertising and Entertainment
  • Identity and Intersectionality in Media
  • Cultural Hegemony in Popular Media
  • The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity
  • Queer Representation in Media: Progress and Challenges
  • Indigenous Perspectives in Media Narratives
  • Cultural Diversity in Children’s Programming
  • Counterculture Movements and Media Representation
  • Media and the Construction of Gender Roles
  • The intersection of Race and Media: Challenges and Progress
  • Cultural Sensitivity in International Media Production
  • Media Consumption and Cultural Identity Formation
  • Cultural Influences on Fashion in Media
  • Folklore and Mythology in Contemporary Media Narratives

These project topics span a wide range of categories within the field of mass communication, providing students with ample opportunities to explore diverse areas of interest and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of media and communication studies.

In conclusion, the process of selecting project topics for Mass Communication is a pivotal aspect of a student’s academic journey. It goes beyond a mere academic requirement, serving as a gateway to personalized learning, skill development, and future career alignment. By adhering to guidelines, students ensure their topics remain relevant, impactful, and feasible. The ability to choose wisely not only contributes to the broader knowledge landscape of Mass Communication but also shapes individual growth and expertise. 

As students embark on this journey, they discover that the thoughtful selection of a project topic is not just a task; it is a strategic investment in their academic and professional success in the dynamic realm of Mass Communication.

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58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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IvyPanda. (2023, September 26). 58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Sept. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023.

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100 Research topics related to Mass Communication

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  • November 26, 2022
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Looking for research topics related to Mass Communication? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to  Mass Communication , depending on your specializations and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page to also get an idea of what topics to write on.

Research topics related to Mass Communication are those topics that deal with imparting and exchanging information through mass media to large segments of the population. The main purposes of Mass Communication research are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.

  • A Study On The Impact Of Social Media On The Lifestyle Of Youths
  • A Study On The Role Of The Media In Mobilizing Women For Politics In [Country]
  • A Study On The Social Effect Of Advertising On The [Country] Students
  • Advertising: A Survival Strategy For Mass Media Organisation
  • An Analysis Of Media Ownership And The Credibility Of News Reporting In [Country]
  • An Analysis Of Students’ Participation Of The + Warning Sign In Alcohol Advertisements In [Country] Tertiary Institution
  • An Analytical Study Of Newspaper Paper Reportage In Combating National Security Problem
  • An Appraisal Of The Application Of Icts In The [Country] Mass Media
  • An Assessment Of Broadcast Media Role In Mobilizing Women For Political Participation
  • An Assessment Of Community Newspaper In The Promotion Of Cultural Heritage In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) On Performance Of Broadcast Media Organisation In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media And The Mass Communication Of Human Rights In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media Role In Reducing Unemployment Among Youths In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of Photographs And Cartoons As Communication Instruments A Study Of The Guardian Newspaper
  • An Assessment Of Readers’ Perception Of The Importance And Role Of Cartoons In [Country] Newspaper
  • An Assessment Of Students’ Response To Television Reality Programmes
  • An Assessment Of Television In Political Development Of Rural Areas In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of The Broadcast Media Campaign Against Drugs Abuse In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of The Broadcast Media In The Campaign Against Child Labour And Human Trafficking In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of The Print Media In The Campaign Against Drug Abuse In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of The Print Media In The Promotion Of Sports Development In [Country]
  • An Assessment Of The Public Relations Strategies Of Rebranding The [Country] Police Force
  • Assessment Of Broadcast Media Role In Mobilizing Women For Political Participation
  • Attitude Of Consumers Towards Advertisement Of Products
  • Audience Perception And Opinion Formation On The Potency Of Print Media
  • Audience Perception Of Print Media In Curmbing Corruption In [Country]
  • Broadcast Deregulation And Efficient Information Dissemination In [Country]
  • Broadcasters’ Assessment Of Problems And Prospects In Migration From Analogue To Digital Broadcasting Platform
  • Community Journalism And The Challenges Of Rural Reporting In [Country]
  • Cultural Influence On Language
  • Effect Of Information And Communication Technology In Banking
  • Effectiveness Of Mass Media In Sensitizing Against Human Trafficking In [Country]
  • Effects Of Ownership Pattern And The Editorial Content Of [Country] Newspapers
  • Effects Of Violent Films On [Country] Cultural Values
  • Evaluating The Benefits Of Broadcasting In Improving Adult Literacy In …..
  • Foreign Television Stations’ Representation And The Perception Of [Country]’S Image
  • Global System For Mobile Communication (Gsm) And Its Impact On The Economy Of [Country]
  • Impact Of Awareness Of Media Campaign On Drug Abuse Among Undergraduates
  • Impact Of Information And Communication Technologies
  • Impact Of Mass Media In [Country] In Political Campaigns
  • Influence Of Billboard Advertising
  • Influence Of ICT On Modern Day Practice Of Broadcasts Journalism
  • Influence Of Public Relations On Customers’ Satisfaction
  • Interactive Media Sales Promotion Typologies And Telecommunication Operators’ Brand Equity Among Civil Servants
  • Internet Penetration And The Adoption Of Television Streaming Among Stakeholders In South-West [Country]
  • Mass Media And Its Role In Influencing The Rate Of Crime Among Youths In The Society
  • Mass Media As An Instrument In Eradicating Corruption In [Country]
  • Media As A Tool For Promoting Arts And Culture Through Tourism Development In [Country]
  • Modern Journalism Practice And The Quest For Professionalism Among Journalism
  • People’s Perception On The Impact Of Social Media On Managing Brand Reputation In Crisis
  • Perception Of Mass Media As Tools For Sensitizing Rural Dwellers About Infectious Epidemic
  • Phonological Interference In Television Newscast In [Country]
  • Prospect And Challenges Of Media Mass Communication In [Country]
  • Readers’ Perception Of The Effectiveness Of The Print Media In The Creation Of Awareness Against Breast Cancer A Study Punch Newspaper
  • Readers’ Perception Of The Role Of Print Media In Sports Development In [Country]
  • Readers’ Perception Of The Use Of Photograph In Reinforcement Of Newspaper Message
  • Regulating Social Media As A Way Of Checking Hate Speech In [Country]
  • Relevance Of Public Relations In Health Institutions
  • Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Peace In Higher Institutions
  • Roles Of Print Media In Creating Awareness Against Drug Abuse
  • Social Media Advertising And Its Influence On Audience Preference For Similar Product
  • Societal Impact Of Corruption On The Journalism Practices
  • Television Broadcasting, Reality Tv Shows, And Moral Development Of [Country] Youths
  • The Challenges Confronting Privately Owned Media Stations In A Democratic Dispensation In [Country]
  • The Challenges Facing [Country] Television In Switching To Digital Broadcasting In [Country]
  • The Corporate Social Responsibility In [Country]’S Telecommunication Sector
  • The Effect Of Information And Communication On Technology In Broadcast Media
  • The Effect Of Social Media On The Lifestyles Of [Country] Youth
  • The Guardian And The Nation Newspapers Coverage Of Development Issues
  • The Impact Of Fake News On The Society
  • The Impact Of Mass Media On The Knowledge, Attitude, And Reduction Of Malaria Among People
  • The Impact Of Radio On Political Participation
  • The Impact Of Social Media On Modern Journalism Practices In [Country]
  • The Impact Of Social Networking On Tourism Development
  • The Impact Of The Mass Media On Rural Development
  • The Impact Of Western Television Programme On The Cultural Value Of [Country] Youths
  • The Independence Of The Journalists And Genuine News Report
  • The Influence Of Government Policies On Broadcasting
  • The Influence Of Social Media On The Academic Performance Of Student
  • The Influence Of [Country] Mass Media On Political Campaign
  • The Mass Media Brand Loyalty And Promotional Strategies In The Mobile Industry In [Country]
  • The Mass Media Ownership Policies And Ethical Problems Of [Country] Journalist
  • The Mass Media The Law And National Security Issue
  • The Perception Of Media Staff Welfare On The Effectiveness Of Journalism In [Country]
  • The Print Media, Cartoons, And Social Commentary In [Country]
  • The Prospects And Challenges Of Campus Broadcasting Station In [Country]
  • The Relationship Between Animated Commercials And The Buying Habit Of Audience Members
  • The Rise Of Citizen Journalism In [Country]
  • The Role Of Community Relation To The Corporate Image
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Crisis Mass Communication In [Country]
  • The Role Of Motivation In The Acquisition Of Phonetic Sounds
  • The Role Of Social Media In Electioneering Credibility
  • The Role Of The Mass Media On The Attitude Of Teenagers On The Prevalence Of Hiv/Aids
  • The Roles Of Public Relation In Crisis Mass Communication
  • The Use Of Radio Broadcasting In Rural Development
  • The [Country] Press And Ethics Of Journalism Profession
  • The [Country] Press, Social Media, And Free And Fair Election In The St Century
  • The [Country] Press And It’s Influence On Free And Fair Election In [Country]
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140+ reMarkable Project Topics for Mass Communication: Media Matters

Discover a world of engaging project topics for mass communication students. From storytelling and media analysis to broadcasting and digital communication, explore diverse and impactful ideas to elevate your academic journey in the field of mass communication

Hey there, communication enthusiasts! Ready to embark on a journey that goes beyond the ordinary? We’re diving into the realm of project topics for mass communication, where creativity meets impact, and your ideas can take center stage.

In a world buzzing with messages, memes, and meaningful conversations, choosing the right project is like picking the perfect flavor in an ice cream parlor—exciting, personal, and bound to leave a lasting impression.

From the classic beats of journalism to the trending vibes of social media and futuristic tech, we’ve got a lineup of project topics that’ll not only spark your interest but also set the stage for some seriously cool exploration and innovation.

So, gear up for a ride where your communication projects become more than just assignments. They become a canvas for your ideas to shine, make an impact, and maybe even change the game. Ready to unravel the threads that weave the fabric of effective expression? Let’s roll!

Table of Contents

Understanding the Significance

Alright, let’s talk real talk about your mass communication project. We’re not just picking a topic; we’re choosing a vibe, a vibe that hits different and leaves a mark. Enter the stage: “Understanding the Significance.”

Vibing with Your Crowd

This project isn’t just about you; it’s about the people. How can your chosen topic vibe with your audience? Think of it like choosing the perfect playlist for a road trip—captivating, relatable, and something everyone wants to be a part of.

Cracking Open Societal Chats

We’re not here to skim the surface; we’re diving deep into the hot topics society can’t stop talking about. Your project should be the buzz in the room, the convo everyone’s eager to join. Think juicy gossip, but with a dash of intellectual flair.

Setting the Groove for Engagement

Forget about boring your audience to tears. Let’s set a groove that gets people nodding along. Imagine your project is a catchy tune; it hooks them from the start and keeps them tapping their feet (or typing their comments) throughout.

Making Waves with Impact

We’re not in this to play small. Your project should make waves, create ripples, and maybe even cause a splash. How can it leave a mark on individuals and society? It’s about crafting a story that’s not just read but felt.

Cooking Up a Narrative That Sizzles

Significance is the secret sauce that takes your project from meh to wow. It’s not just about words on paper; it’s about a narrative that sizzles. Picture your project like a blockbuster movie; it’s got drama, suspense, and a killer plot twist that leaves your audience craving more.

As you waltz into the realm of mass communication projects, let “Understanding the Significance” be your dance partner. It’s not a checklist; it’s the rhythm that turns your project into a full-on concert, where your audience can’t help but cheer for an encore.

Let’s make your project the headliner, stealing the show in the world of mass communication. Ready for the spotlight? Let’s do this!

Project Topics for Mass Communication

Check out project topics for mass communicaton:-

  • The Role of News Aggregators in Shaping Public Opinion
  • Multimedia Journalism: Integrating Text, Images, and Video for Storytelling
  • News Framing: Analyzing Media Coverage of Controversial Events
  • The Impact of Local News Deserts on Civic Engagement
  • Emerging Technologies in Journalism: Drones, AI, and Beyond
  • News Verification in the Era of Deepfakes: Challenges and Solutions
  • Climate Change Reporting: A Comparative Analysis of Global Perspectives
  • The Representation of Minorities in Mainstream News Outlets
  • Solutions Journalism in Environmental Reporting: Case Studies
  • Investigating the Influence of Political Affiliation on News Consumption Habits
  • The Evolution of Science Journalism: Bridging the Gap between Experts and the Public
  • Digital Storytelling: Engaging Audiences through Interactive Narratives
  • The Impact of Infographics and Data Visualization in News Design
  • Journalism Ethics in Conflict Zones: Balancing Truth and Safety
  • The Role of Mobile Journalism in Crisis Reporting
  • News Consumption Habits among Different Age Groups: A Comparative Study
  • Investigative Journalism in Non-Democratic Regimes: Risks and Challenges
  • The Influence of Social Media on News Gatekeeping
  • Community Journalism: Empowering Local Voices and Stories
  • The Future of Journalism Education: Adapting to Changing Media Landscapes


  • Cross-Cultural Advertising Appeals: A Content Analysis
  • Subliminal Advertising: Effects on Consumer Behavior
  • Virtual Influencers in Advertising: Impact and Ethical Considerations
  • Humor in Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Study of Effectiveness
  • The Role of Augmented Reality in Interactive Advertising Campaigns
  • Neuroscientific Approaches to Understanding Consumer Responses to Advertising
  • Brand Activism: The Intersection of Social Causes and Marketing
  • Advertising to Generation Alpha: Strategies for the Next Generation
  • Cultural Sensitivity in Global Advertising Campaigns: An Experimental Study
  • Comparative Analysis of Emotional Appeals in Health vs. Luxury Brand Advertising
  • The Influence of Nostalgia in Advertising: A Generational Perspective
  • Interactive Advertising on Social Media Platforms: Engagement and Conversion
  • Brand Placement in Video Games: Effectiveness and Consumer Perception
  • Environmental Sustainability in Advertising: Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors
  • The Impact of User-Generated Content on Brand Perception
  • The Role of Influencers in Shaping Beauty Standards in Advertising
  • In-game Advertising: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Luxury Brand Advertising in Emerging Markets: Strategies and Challenges
  • Mobile Advertising Trends: From Banner Ads to Interactive Experiences
  • The Effectiveness of Storytelling in Emotional Branding Campaigns

Public Relations

  • Digital Public Relations: Navigating the Social Media Landscape
  • Employee Advocacy in Corporate Communication: Strategies and Impact
  • Public Relations in Crisis Communication: Lessons from Notable Cases
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategies in Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Public Relations and Social Justice: Advocacy for Change
  • Government Public Relations in the Digital Age: Transparency and Accountability
  • The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Public Relations Campaigns
  • Corporate Branding in the Age of Activism: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Public Relations Measurement and Evaluation: Metrics for Success
  • The Role of PR in Shaping Public Perceptions of Technology Companies
  • Internal Communication in Multinational Corporations: Best Practices
  • Nonprofit PR: Building Trust and Support for Social Causes
  • The Influence of Visual Communication in PR Campaigns
  • Diversity and Inclusion in PR: Strategies for Representation
  • Celebrity PR: Managing the Image and Reputation of Public Figures
  • The Role of Storytelling in Effective PR Campaigns
  • The Use of Virtual Events in PR: Opportunities and Challenges
  • PR and Influencer Crisis Management: Case Studies
  • Crisis Communication in the Healthcare Industry: Lessons Learned
  • The Impact of Corporate Apologies on Reputation Restoration in PR

Digital Media

  • The Role of AI in Personalizing User Experience in Digital Media
  • User Engagement and Monetization Strategies in Mobile Apps
  • Social Media and Political Polarization: A Longitudinal Analysis
  • Privacy Concerns and User Behavior in the Era of Big Data
  • Digital Media Literacy Education: Developing Critical Thinking Skills
  • The Role of Chatbots in Online Customer Service and Engagement
  • Interactive Storytelling in Virtual Reality: Creating Immersive Experiences
  • Social Media Influencers and the Business of Personal Branding
  • Ephemeral Content on Social Media: Trends and User Behavior
  • The Impact of Algorithmic Bias on News Consumption
  • Online Communities and Social Identity: A Case Study Approach
  • Digital Media and Mental Health: Exploring the Connection
  • The Rise of Livestreaming in Digital Content Creation
  • Augmented Reality in Educational Digital Media: Assessing Learning Outcomes
  • The Use of Gamification in Digital Media: Engagement and Impact
  • The Role of User-Generated Content in Building Online Communities
  • Digital Media and Political Participation: Examining Activism Online
  • The Future of Digital Journalism: Trends and Predictions
  • The Impact of Deepfakes on Trust in Digital Media
  • Mobile Gaming Trends: From Casual to Competitive

Film and Television

  • The Representation of Disability in Film and Television
  • Media Convergence in Film and Television Production: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Influence of Film Scores on Emotional Responses: A Psychophysiological Study
  • Alternative Distribution Models for Independent Films: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on Film Marketing Strategies
  • Film Festivals and Cultural Diplomacy: Building International Understanding
  • Transmedia Storytelling in Film Franchises: A Global Perspective
  • The Evolution of Gender Roles in TV Commercials: A Historical Analysis
  • The Influence of Film Tourism on Destination Marketing
  • The Portrayal of Mental Health in Popular TV Shows: A Content Analysis
  • The Role of Film Critics in Shaping Audience Perceptions
  • The Use of Virtual Production in Filmmaking: Innovations and Challenges
  • Film Remakes: A Comparative Analysis of Originals vs. Remakes
  • Film Marketing in the Digital Age: Social Media Strategies and Campaigns
  • The Impact of Film and Television on Tourism: Case Studies
  • Audience Engagement in Interactive TV Shows: From Choose Your Own Adventure to Social Media Integration
  • The Representation of LGBTQ+ Characters in Mainstream Media
  • Historical Accuracy in Biographical Films: A Critical Examination
  • The Role of Film and Television in Cultural Preservation
  • The Influence of Film and TV on Popular Fashion Trends

Media Psychology

  • Social Media and Body Image: The Mediating Role of Social Comparison
  • Media Multitasking: Implications for Attention and Cognitive Performance
  • The Impact of Video Game Violence on Aggression: A Meta-Analysis
  • The Influence of Media on Perceptions of Law Enforcement: A Social Identity Perspective
  • The Psychological Effects of News Exposure: A Longitudinal Study
  • The Role of Parasocial Relationships in Celebrity Worship
  • Online Disinhibition Effect: Exploring Anonymity and Self-Disclosure Online
  • Media Use and Sleep Quality: A Cross-Cultural Study
  • The Relationship Between Social Media Use and Loneliness: A Meta-Analysis
  • The Role of Music in Advertising and Consumer Behavior
  • Media and Political Polarization: The Echo Chamber Effect
  • The Impact of Screen Time on Children’s Social and Emotional Development
  • The Influence of Media Portrayals on Perceptions of Beauty Across Cultures
  • The Psychology of Viral Content: Factors Contributing to Shareability
  • News Consumption and Political Participation: A Psychological Perspective
  • The Use of Social Media in Crisis Communication: Public Perceptions and Trust
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Stereotypes and Prejudices
  • Media Exposure and Fear of Crime: An Analysis of Perceived Risk
  • The Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Purchasing Behavior
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Media Filters on Self-Perception

International Communication

  • Cross-Cultural Differences in Advertising Appeals: A Global Perspective
  • Media Diplomacy: The Role of News Broadcasting in International Relations
  • International News Flow: Patterns and Implications for Global Understanding
  • Media Coverage of Humanitarian Crises: A Comparative Study
  • Cultural Imperialism in the Digital Age: The Dominance of Western Media
  • Social Media and Political Activism in Authoritarian Regimes
  • The Role of Soft Power in International Communication
  • The Influence of Globalization on Local Media Content: A Longitudinal Analysis
  • Media Representations of Global Conflicts: A Content Analysis
  • International Public Relations: Strategies for Managing Cross-Cultural Communication
  • The Impact of Social Media on Cross-Border Cultural Exchanges
  • Media and National Identity: A Comparative Examination
  • The Role of International News Agencies in Shaping Global Narratives
  • The Effect of Cultural Context on Interpretations of International News
  • Media and Migration: Examining the Portrayal of Immigrants in News Narratives
  • Global Brands and Local Culture: Strategies for Successful Integration
  • The Role of International Media in Environmental Advocacy
  • Diplomatic Communication through Social Media: Best Practices
  • Media and Cultural Diplomacy: Building Bridges in International Relations
  • The Use of International Broadcasting for Public Diplomacy

These additional project topics provide a more extensive range of possibilities for research and exploration in the field of mass communication. Feel free to choose a topic that aligns with your interests and goals!

What are the topics of communication media?

Check out the topics of communication media:-

Media Theory and History

Get ready to time-travel through the thrilling saga of Media Theory and History! We’re talking groundbreaking concepts, wild theories, and the epic evolution of communication media. From ancient scrolls to cat videos, join us on this rollercoaster ride through media’s impact on societies and individuals.

Media Production and Technology

Grab your tech toolkit because we’re about to roll up our sleeves in Media Production and Technology! It’s not just lights, camera, action; it’s about digital wizardry, audio and video editing mastery, and the secrets behind web development magic. Let’s make media come alive!

Media Effects and Audience Studies

Ever wondered why you can’t stop binge-watching? Join us in Media Effects and Audience Studies as we unveil the secrets behind media’s mind-bending powers. Dive into audience quirks, patterns, and the dance between content and captivated viewers.

Media Ethics and Law

Welcome to the ethical battleground of Media Ethics and Law! It’s a rollercoaster of moral dilemmas and legal puzzles. From freedom of expression to media responsibility, get ready to navigate the thrilling twists and turns of the media world.

Media Genres and Formats

Lights, drama, laughter – it’s showtime in Media Genres and Formats! From breaking news to belly laughs, ads that stick, and social media sensations, we’re decoding the storytelling magic that makes each genre a blockbuster hit.

Media Industries and Economics

It’s the backstage pass to the media circus! Join us behind the scenes in Media Industries and Economics. Uncover the drama of media ownership, the pulse of production dynamics, and the economic forces that turn the wheels of the global media rollercoaster.

Media and Social Issues

Roll up your sleeves; we’re diving into the real talk of Media and Social Issues! Explore how media tackles  politics , education, health, and more. Discover the dynamic dance between media content and the heartbeat of society.

Global Media and Communication

Ready to be a global media jetsetter? Buckle up for Global Media and Communication! From transnational media moguls to the ripple effect of globalization, we’re exploring the wild, interconnected world of media. Get ready for a cultural adventure!

Emerging Media and Technologies

Step into the future with Emerging Media and Technologies! We’re talking virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence – the cool kids on the media block. Uncover the potential, face the challenges, and get a sneak peek into the future of communication.

Media Activism and Social Change

Lights, camera, activism! Join the superhero squad in Media Activism and Social Change. See how media becomes a megaphone for change, raising awareness, rallying support, and empowering communities to be the change-makers they were born to be.

There you have it – a backstage pass to the coolest classes in the media universe. Get ready for a journey where every lecture feels like a blockbuster movie!

What is the topic of mass media?

In wrapping up, the treasure trove of project topics for mass communication invites you to embark on a thrilling journey of exploration and revelation.

Whether you’re peeling back the layers of new media’s impact on our perceptions or untangling the ethical web of media practices, these projects aren’t just assignments—they’re passports to dive headfirst into the dynamic universe of communication.

Imagine delving into the ripple effects of media on global relations or dissecting the wizardry behind crafting attention-grabbing advertisements. Each project isn’t just a task; it’s an invitation to unravel the mysteries, contribute to the ongoing narrative, and shape the future of how we share, connect, and interpret information in our ever-shifting media landscape.

As you dive into these projects, you’re not just a student; you’re a pioneer, gaining not only insights into the nuances of the field but actively influencing the ongoing conversation.

Each project is a step closer to mastering the art of mass communication—an engaging and impactful venture that hones your critical thinking, sparks creativity, and deepens your understanding of the profound influence communication holds in our world.

So, let the projects be your compass as you navigate the exciting seas of mass communication mastery!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i choose a project topic that aligns with my personal interests.

Absolutely! Your passion will fuel your project, making it more engaging and impactful.

How can I stay updated on the latest trends in mass communication?

Regularly follow reputable sources, attend conferences, and engage with professionals in the field.

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Digital Commons @ USF > College of Arts and Sciences > Mass Communications > Theses and Dissertations

Mass Communications Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

No Change No Gain: A Comparative Framing Analysis of the NFL’s Inspire Change Campaign , Kia K. Cannon

Comparative Analysis of Abortion Coverage in CNN and Fox News from the Perspective of Agenda Setting Theory , Xinyu Chang

From the Patient’s Perspective: Understanding the Colorectal Cancer Patient Experience Portrayed in Edutainment Television , Allison M. Fisher

Influence of Merck Gardasil 9 Advertisements on Male Vaccination Behavior Through a Health Belief Model Framework , Lauren Kierpa

Lights, Camera, Recruitment: Analyzing DoD-Hollywood Synergy and its Effects on Attitudes and Behaviors Towards the Military , Jose-Andres Leon-Gil

Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Media Influencers: Effectiveness of CSR Brand-Endorsed Messaging on Consumers , Hannah Sarmiento

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

An Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Crisis Response Message Strategies on Consumer Emotions, Perceptual Beliefs and Intended Behavior , Valentina Ahumada

How the Taiwanese podcast Bailingguo News framed the 2019 Hong Kong movement: A framing analysis of the anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill , Yu-Fei Chiu

Advocating for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Study of the NHL’s #HockeyIsForEveryone Campaign on Twitter , Jessica Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

An Analysis of International Soccer Fans’ Knowledge of Qatar, Perceptions of Qatar’s Country Image, and Intention to Support the 2022 FIFA World Cup , Taleb Al-Adbah

Analysis of Prescription Drug Brand Mentions in Music: Prevalence and Consumer Perceptions , Lisa A. Blake

Elements of Instagram Influencer Posts that Drive Follower Engagement , Yishan Li

Communicating Breast Cancer Awareness: Using the Health Belief Model to Develop Mass Communication Themes to Influence Early Detection Behaviors , Srisai Kamakshi Ramya Harika Pucha

The European Super League (ESL): A Political Economy and Media Framing Analysis , Patrick Sidwell

Inaugural Addresses, Framing Theory, and the Impact on American Perceptions of the Presidency , Kalin Meagan Velez

The Use of Social Media by Leaders in Times of Crisis: 2020–21 United States Election Protests , Cagdas Yuksel

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Influence of Hate Speech on TikTok on Chinese College Students , Tengyue Chen

Cultivating Courage: Medical Dramas and Portrayals of Patient Self-Advocacy , Alyssa H. Harrell

The Media Reproduction of Racial Violence: A Content Analysis of News Coverage Following the Death of George Floyd Jr. , Keylon Lovett

Credibility of Spokespersons and E-cigarette Prevention Messages: Elaboration Likelihood Model and The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk , Emmanuel Maduneme

An Examination of COVID-19 Health Behaviors and Public Health Messaging Using the Health Belief Model and Organization-Public Relationship Quality , Aaron L. Nichols

The Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM) and Risk Perceptions of Twitter messages related to COVID-19 , Muhammad E. Rasul

Framing #MeToo movement in China A Content Analysis of China Women’s News Coverage , Wenminzi Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Super Bowl Ads and the Donald Trump Culture War , Jessica Barron

A Case Study on Black Twitter’s Reactions to the Framing of Blacks in Dove’s 2017 Facebook Advertisement , Shereena Farrington

The Roles of Emotional Cues and Purchasing Incentives in WeChat Commerce: A Content Analysis , Xuezhu Hao

People with Parkinson’s and Care Partners of PwPs’ Uncertainty Management Through Information Strategies , Amy Haywood

Asian Male Stereotypes: An Investigation of Current Beliefs About Asian Males and Stereotypes Perpetuated by U.S. Modern Cinema , Noelle Knopp

Developing Design Elements for a Parkinson’s Disease Informative Website: A Social Marketing Approach , Emilie R. Madsen

Evaluation of Native Advertisement though Third Person Effect Theory: An Experimental Design , Inga Nafetvaridze

EPPM and Its Effectiveness in Advertisements of Colorectal Cancer Screening among Young Adults , Anh T. Nguyen

The Role of Threat and Efficacy in Anti-Vaping Ads: A Test of the Extended Parallel Process Model , Ryan Noone

An Experimental Investigation into the Impact of Crisis Response Strategies and Relationship Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry , Nikoletta Pappas

Media Fandom: Social Media Use and Collective Identity in China: A Case Study of Z.Tao’s Weibo Fandom , Mier Sha

'Golden Spike': Examining Atlanta United FC Communications During the Launch of the Team , Maria Tsyruleva

The Role of Influencer Endorsement in Consumer Brand Engagement on Sina Weibo , Xiaofan Wei

One News Event, Three Media Frames , Le Xin

Applying the Situational Theory of Publics to Children's Sex Education in China , Baoyi Zeng

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Role of Social Media Journalists in TV News:Their Effects on the Profession and Identity of TV Journalism, the Quality of News, and theAudience Engagement , Yousuf Humiad AL Yousufi

Relationship Management Communications by NHL Teams on Twitter , Kelsey M. Baker

2018 China-United States Trade War: Framing Analysis of Online News Coverage in the United States and China as portrayed by the New York Times and the People’s Daily , Jiangling Huang

The Research on the Determinants of Users' Willingness to Pay for Chinese Paid Sports Model Based on Use and Gratification Theory , Jing Li

Online MMORPG Games in China: Player Motivations and the Mediating Role of Flow , Jiaxin Liu

The Hostile Media Effect and Its Potential Consequences: Examining the Influence of Presumed Influence of International Media Coverage , Zhennan Liu

Womenpreneurs in a Digital Environment: Utilizing Instagram to Build a Personal Brand , Michelle N. Nuñez

Objectification of Women in Bollywood Item Numbers , Zahabia Z. Slatewala

A Research on eSports Users’ Motives and Satisfaction in China The Case of League of Legends , Qianyin Sun

An Analysis of the Language and the Relationship of the President of the USA Related Twitter Accounts toward the National Media , Sait Serif Turhan

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Perception of Kazakhstan in the U.S through the New York Times Coverage , Tursynay Alikhanova

The Influence of Instagram Selfies on Female Millennials’ Appearance Satisfaction , Diliara Bagautdinova

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Mass Communication Topics for Research Papers

Alex barski.

Student working on laptop in library

Research in mass communication allows students to analyze data, trends and issues facing the mass media. Good research topics begin with a thesis statement and use the body of the paper to address issues and answer questions about the topic. Students should use Internet and library resources to find scholarly publications, newspapers, magazines and statistics to gather information for their topic.

Explore this article

  • Advertising

1 Advertising

Mass communication research topics in advertising can focus on technique, strategy and culture. Topics about technique and strategy can address using advertorials, featuring celebrity pitches, tapping into human emotion and allowing pictures to sell a product without any words. This research can center on issues such as the benefits or detriments of each, the costs associated with doing a good advertising campaign and the demographics that work best. In research topics about culture, students can examine how what works in one culture may not work in another. Analyzing how a company markets the same product to different countries based on their culture makes for interesting research and teaches students about global advertising. In addition, students can also look at dishonesty in advertising and political advertising.

2 Broadcast

Broadcast research topics focus on two main areas: television and radio. Topics in television can address changes in television such as black and white to high-definition, the influence of cable television on the four major networks, portrayal of women on television (both news programs and shows) and the influence of television on areas such as politics, family and education. Radio research can center on the rise of AM radio talk shows, radio’s early influence to spread news and information and the future of radio broadcasting. Research topics can also address issues such as syndication, decline of quality radio and television journalism and costs associated with broadcasting and ownership.

3 Newspapers

Topics about journalism can focus on the influence of newspapers on politics and world events and the role they play in recording history; researchers can center on newspaper editorials and how they shape policy and a national dialogue on issues. Topics on trends can begin with historical items such as the penny press, weekly newspapers and the initial fight for press freedoms. Looking to the future, research can analyze how newspapers will use social media and the Internet to expand their readership, find ways to make money and cover news as it happens.

The expansive growth of the Internet throughout the world makes it a great research topic in mass communication. Ideas can focus on access and influence that affect most other forms of mass media. Research topics about access can address growth of portability of the Internet thanks to mobile devices; research can also analyze how poorer countries make Internet access available to the masses. Students can do research on the Internet’s influence on advertising and television. They can also focus on the Internet’s effects on businesses, such as shopping, looking for a job and making business more efficient.

Researchers will find the latest information in this area of mass communication in journals and newspapers rather than books.

  • 1 Advertising Research Foundation

About the Author

Alex Barski began writing professionally in 2006. He is a former television news reporter now working in news management and has written for regional magazines and business journals in Pennsylvania. Barski has also served as a college professor, teaching courses in mass media and writing. He has a Bachelor of Arts in mass communications and English from King's College.

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Mass Communication Final Year Project Research Topics


Mass Communication Project Topic: To begin an undergraduate project in mass communication, you must have selectively picked two or more mass communication project topics of which one of the project topics must make it for the final year project research. It is very true that mass communication project topics can be universal since no nation of the world can do without the mass media, but that could also mean that that there are many project topics to research about. Mass communication project topics are limitless because there many fields in the mass communication field including advertising, public relations, international communication, broadcasting, journalism, photo journalism and lots more. Besides, the world has lost count of the many development that came out of research thereby paving ways for further under-level researches like the undergraduate projects in mass communication.

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Choosing an Undergraduate Research Project Topic in Mass Communication

by admin | Dec 15, 2017 | Mass Communication | 0 comments

Choosing an Undergraduate Research Project Topic in Mass Communication

  • Information and Communication Technology(ICT)
  • Print Media( Newspapers, magazines, bulletins etc)
  • Broadcast Media(Radio and Television)
  • Public Relations and Advertising

An undergraduate research project topic in mass communication must fall under one of these areas mentioned above. Knowing which of these areas that your topic fall into would help you write a more specific and a better defined research project without much difficulty or ambiguity.

Gathering the needed material relating to your undergraduate research project topic in mass communication is the next phase once you have a topic. There are a lot of publications both online and in offline libraries that would help you through the process of writing your undergraduate research project in Mass communication.  Gather as many publications as you can related to your topic for example if your topic is: the effectiveness of radio advertisement and broadcast of Christian programs and events on the growth of a church, then you should visit known churches around that have placed advertisement on radio in the period within your scope of study and collect statistics on how such radio broadcast impacted on attendance of church events that were broadcasted compared to the ones that was not aired on radio.

Related: Are you finding it hard to get a research project topic in mass communication? request for one here

from this example you can see that while gathering materials to write a good undergraduate research project in mass communication you must be smart, innovative and you must think outside the box, don’t just sit down wasting your time in a library when you can get very tangible primary materials out there by visiting the archives of broadcast stations, visiting online libraries and getting information from the public and authority figures. The only thing that would set your work apart from others that spent their time sitting in the university libraries going through old books that have obsolete and non-practicable information is that your research will be filled with recent and up to date information. However one must ensure that the materials used are related to the topic.

A research project is expected to identify a particular problem and /challenge and it is also expected that a good research work should proffer a solution to the identified problem. For example consider the topic “Private broadcast stations management in Nigeria: challenges and prospects” this topics seeks to investigate the challenges in private broadcast(Radio&TV) stations in Nigeria and how these challenges can be tackled. It is expected that at the end of the above research, challenges bedeviling private broadcast stations management especially In Nigeria will be identified, discussed in details and in conclusion the researcher must suggest ways that such challenges can be overcome

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Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials PDF Free Download

Mass Communication Project Topics And Materials PDF

Mass communication project topics and research materials PDF and DOC free Download with case studies for final year students in Nigeria of 2023 academic session.

Are you a final year student in need of mass communication project topics and materials? you are on the right page. We have a complete list of mass comm, media, and journalism project topics with good research and complete materials ready for download in PDF or DOC format.

Eduprojecttopics is one of the best online research repository platforms . We have helped so many students Studying media and journalism around the globe by assisting them with their mass communication project topics and materials on getting good grades (A).

What is Mass Communication Research?

Mass communication research is research that studies data that is related to any type of mass media.   The term “mass media” refers to older types, such as newspapers and radio. However, now includes television, the Internet as well as, more recently social media.

Undergraduate and master’s students can get their mass communication project topics here for free. All mass comm project materials listed on this website are easy projects and they are recent ready-made complete final year projects for students acquiring a degree in any school.


Free Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials PDF for Final Year Students

In our project archive, we have thousands of free mass communication project topics and premium research papers in journalism, broadcasting, newspaper, content analysis, photojournalism, and development communication, and also, related research seminar topics and journals for final year students in the Mass comm department.

Masters and Ph.D.   students can also find their research topics for their thesis and dissertation mass communications projects on this page.   All you have to do is choose three to four subjects below and send them to your supervisor for their approval.

Be aware that your supervisor must decide whether or not to approve the topic that you presented to him or his.   Once your topic is approved, you will be able to return to our website to download the full content of the topic you have approved.


Contents of Mass Communication Project Material PDF Document on this Website

Mass Communication project topics on t his website contain all their works and documents and are available for immediate download in either MS-Word or PDF formats from chapters 1-5.

If you’re looking to download our papers from chapters 1-5, we’d like to inform you that all project documents on any mass communication topic include proposal samples, a title page with the case study, table of contents, abstract, the background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the study, research hypothesis, signification of the study, the scope of the study, the definition of terms, organization of the study, literature review (theoretical framework or conceptual framework ), research methodology, sources of data collection, the population of the study, sampling and sampling distribution, validation of research instrument, method of data analysis, data analysis and Presentation, introduction, summary, conclusion, recommendation, references and questionnaire

Mass comm degree students studying in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, India, and other countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe, can use these free project topic ideas listed on this website with case studies for their academic research works.

Do you need a copy of any complete project material? you can contact us: at (+234) 08060082010, 08107932631 or via email address: [email protected] .

Below is a list of best mass communication project topics and materials PDF documents for students acquiring a degree in the college of education, polytechnic, and university e.g. (NCE), National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Postgraduate Diploma (PGD), Master of Science (MSC), and Bachelor of Science (BSC).

List of Free Mass Communication Project Topics and Research Materials PDF

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  • The Social Media and the Challenge of Freedom of Expression: A case study of Twitter Ban in Nigeria
  • Social Media And Impact Of Audience Responses To Domestic Violence Against Women (A Study Of Lil Frosh And Girlfriend)
  • Evaluation Of The Role Of Radio In The Campaign Against Child Abuse In Rivers State
  • Audience Perception of the Impact of Indigenous Language on the Understanding of Broadcasting Programmes Among Warri Residents Case Study of Delta Broadcasting Station
  • The role of broadcast journalism in nigeria
  • The role of mass media in curbing the spread of corona virus pandemic in Nigeria
  • Influence of Digital Technology on the Practice of Journalism in Nigeria
  • Social Media And Management Of Covid-19 Information In Nigeria
  • Perception Of Mass Media As Tools For Sensitizing Rural Dwellers About Infectious Epidemic. A Study Of Corona virus In Nigeria
  • Social Media Usage Among Students During Endsars Protest
  • The role of anti-graft agencies in anti- corruption campaigns in nigeria
  • Impact of social media on drugs usage among youth: A case study of Nima community in Ghana
  • The role of advertisement in newspaper patronage
  • Big Brother Naija and It’s Influence on Youth of Nigeria
  • Sexual Appeals In Television Advertising: A Content Analysis Of Commercials Aimed At Teenagers On Dstv Station Of Your Choice
  • Newspaper Readership Pattern Among Traders In Major Markets In Uyo Metropolis
  • Influence Of Big Brother Africa Television Reality Show On Youths
  • The press and sensitization of the public on fake drugs in nigeria; an evaluation of the coverage of nafdac by the nigeria press
  • The place of in-house journal in the life of a commercial organization
  • The influence of western programmes on dstv television on the behavioural values of nigerian youths
  • The implication of national broadcasting commission rules and regulations on broadcast media
  • The impact of satellite television on nigerian culture
  • The impact of radio musical programmes on nigerian youths
  • The impact of phone-in programmes in sensitizing the electorate
  • The impact of opinion leaders in information dissemination in nigeria
  • The effect of advertisement on the success of a business organization
  • Role of public relations in non commercial organization
  • The influence of broadcast media on the sales of fast moving consumer goods
  • The impact of graphic presentation in newspaper production
  • Customers perception of gsm interruptive advertisment in nigeria
  • Influence of mobile phone usage on conventional tools amongst undergraduate students
  • The role of public relations in image and crisis maganement
  • The place of social media in the practice of public relations in higer institution
  • The influence of omo detergent television commercials on consumer’s patronage of the product
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  • Broadcast deregulation and efficient information dissemination in nigeria
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  • The role of the press in the free and fair election in nigeria
  • The role of public relations in achieving millenium development goals
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  • An assessment of the broadcast media in the campaign against malaria in rural community
  • An assessment of the effectivenespaper coverage ofs of news kidnapping in nigeria comparative study of the punch and daily vanguard
  • An assessment of the broadcast media in the campaign against child labour and human trafficking in nigeria
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  • The print media, cartoons and social commentary in nigeria
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  • The mass media the law and national security issue
  • The mass media ownership policies and ethical problems of nigerian journalist
  • The mass media brand loyalty and promotional strategies in the mobile industry in nigeria
  • The print media and crisis resolution in the niger-delta region of nigeria
  • The nigeria press, social media and free and fair election in the 21st century
  • The influence of social media on the academic performance of student
  • The influence of online journalism on revenue generation of nigeria new media
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  • The effect of information and communication on technology in broadcast media
  • Managing crisis on social media platform
  • The impact of television on the learning habits of primary school children
  • Effect of social media on the academic performance of students
  • Assessment of the role of social media in raising awareness about domestic violence in nigeria
  • Contributions of vanguard newspaper to the development of democracy during the 2015 general elections.
  • An evaluation of mass media influence on lifestyle of youths
  • The roles of the mass media in the fight against religious crisis
  • The effects of ownership on professionalism in the broadcast industries
  • Smartphone usage and social interaction among students
  • Audience perception on television programmes on global warming
  • Influennce of educational broadcasting on academic performance secondary school stiudents
  • Effect of television advertising on consumer purchasing behaviour
  • The effect of ownership on political campaign and reporting in nigeria, a study of guardian newspaper
  • Influence of social media in addressing farmers-herdsmen’s conflict in nigeria
  • Relevance of oramedia in the enlightenment and prevention of measles among women
  • The punch and guardian the newspapers coverage of terrorism in nigeria
  • Patterns of instagram usage among undergraduate students of delta state university, abraka
  • The effect of ownership on political campaign and reporting in nigeria, a study of guardian newspaper.
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  • The reflections of modernization in the nigerian media
  • Impact of radio in propagating culture
  • Challenges and prospects of campus radio broadcast
  • Special television programmes and movies as instrument for social change in hiv/aids campaign
  • Impact of social media in managing brand reputation in crises
  • Communication as indispensible tool of effective administration
  • Television advertising and consumer patronage of soft drinks
  • Journalists’ perception of the credibility of citizen journalism on social media platforms
  • The effects and consequences of social media on music artists, music consumption and its impact on the nigerian music industry
  • Media channel and audience retention: a comparative study of traditional media (radio, television, magazine, newspaper etc) and new media (facebook, 2go, twitter, yahoo mail and online news etc
  • Critical assessment of nta national integration programme
  • Influence of advertisement revenue on programmes and services delivery
  • Influence of radio broadcast messages on family planning attitude of couples
  • Media and creation of political awareness
  • Audience perception of the media in mobilizing women for political participation
  • Impact of ait programme “hero’s of our time” on women emancipation
  • Radio and promotion of culture in nigeria
  • Television viewership habits
  • The use of print media as tool for public relation practice
  • The perception of chief executive officers of select organisations on the application of public relations in management
  • Effect of television adverts on children
  • Newspaper and television: social media as channels for social mobilization in rural areas
  • Akbc tv content and western culture trend among youth
  • Role of vision africa on political mobilization of rural dwellers
  • Effects of commercialization on the performance of broadcasting organization
  • Development journalism as a pre-requisite for rural development
  • Proposals for effective application of the media in the crusade against female circumcision in nigeria
  • Audience perception of the credibility of foreign and local news organizations
  • Intensive promotion and students consumption pattern of coca cola products
  • The uses of traditional modes of communication in the mobilization of citizens for community development projects
  • Internet usage pattern
  • Satellite television chance preference among youths
  • Academic staff assessment of the role of communication in the stress management efforts
  • The influence of television educational and entertainment programmes on viewers
  • Information management in broadcast programme production
  • Effects of watching pornographic materials
  • Influence of second chance: a foreign television programme on the social behaviour
  • The role of public relations in enhancing customer’s satisfaction
  • Information technology and the changing role of mass media in nigeria: a discourse on the impact of information technology and media development in nigeria
  • The role of radio in the development of rural areas
  • Community relations programmes
  • Advertising in enhancing social responsibility
  • Communication in stress management and employee job satisfaction
  • Analyze the relevance of strategic planning in the management parastatals
  • Failure frequencies of the transmitter system of the nigerian television authority (nta)
  • The impact of media link programme of frcn in promoting economic development of rural communities
  • The role of electronic media in national image building
  • The electronic media as a channel for creating awareness and mobilizing public support in national development

Best MSC Mass Communication Project Topics for Masters Thesis Students

  • Comparative analysis of the role of gate keeping in government and private media
  • The impact of effective communication on managerial performance in the private sector
  • Hazards of journalism profession under the military regime (1993 – 1998)
  • The effectiveness of the mass media as an instrument for national development
  • Campaign for women empowerment in nigeria: strategies, problems and prospects
  • Evaluation of government attitude towards the nigeria media in the present democratic dispensation (1999 – 2006)
  • Portrayal of women in advertisement
  • The influence of newspaper ownership in coverage of government policies and programmes
  • The impact of television in the political development of rural areas
  • The role of television as an instrument for educational development in nigeria
  • An appraisal of attitudes and behaviours of elderly people towards television programmes
  • The impact of radio broadcasting in improving the educational system in nigeria
  • A comparative analysis of gate keeping function in mass media establishment
  • Investigative journalism practices and problems in nigeria
  • Accessing the role of the broadcasting media as instrument for rural development
  • The effects of public relations practices in private nigeria airline
  • The relevance of community journalism in poverty alleviation programme in nigeria
  • The nigeria media under the military rule
  • Children and mass media: the role of mass media in children socialization
  • Social media advertising and patronage of selected products
  • Impact of new media on journalism
  • Influence of social media on the moral behaviour of teenagers
  • Pattern of instagram usage among undergraduate students
  • Examination of newspaper reports of tragedy incidents involving nysc members in nigeria
  • Undergraduate readership of online newspapers
  • Teenage out-of-wedlock pregnancy and educational pursuit among youths
  • Social dynamics of career choices among final year students
  • Effect of exposure youths to pornographic films
  • Influence of news commercialization on the news credibility in broadcast media
  • Effect of new media technology on newspaper production and circulation in nigeria
  • The effect of gender discrimination on women employment opportunity
  • Learner’s assessment on agricultural programmes on rural area based radio
  • The role of organizational communication in tertiary institution of learning in nigeria
  • Influence of pornography on youth
  • Challenges of newspaper management
  • The media choice and advertising effectiveness: a survey of users of soft complexion cream
  • The influence of radio on the promotion of entrepreneurship among mass communication students
  • Listenership level and perception
  • Television as an instrument for educational advancement in nigeria
  • Impact of anti-hiv/aids programme of abs television on the sexual habits of youth
  • The impact of selected factors affecting tele-density in nigeria
  • The roles broadcast media in the recent boko haram crises in nigeria
  • Mass media and gender discrimination
  • Newspaper coverage of violence in nigeria
  • Role of nigerian mass media in the promoting free and fair elections
  • The effect of dress code on employee’s performances in the office
  • The role of mass media in promoting gender equality in nigeria
  • Influence of social media on political marketing in 2015 governorship election
  • Impact of political advertisement on 2015 governorship election
  • Customers perception of gsm interruptive advertisement in nigeria
  • An assessment of mass media’s role in supporting women empowerment campaign in nigeria
  • Roles of radio and interpersonal communication in the eradication of guinea worm
  • The role of africa independent television in promoting popular culture
  • The influence of ait coverage on post 2011 election sentiments
  • Use of state broadcast media as propaganda machinery by state government
  • The impact of phone-in programmes
  • The impact of government ownership on media objectivity
  • Effects of unethical practices in advertising
  • The effect of (public service advertising-psa) on examination malpractice prevention
  • Factors affecting the quality of family forum
  • Effect of traditional media of communication as tools for effective rural development
  • The effect of cultism in nigeria tertiary institution.
  • Communication: the key in effective public relation
  • Western culture and the yoruba ethics: a philosophical analysis
  • Influence of television viewing on young adult’s deviant behaviour
  • The influence of television viewing on young adult’s deviant behaviour
  • Assessment of effect of the media on performance of islamic studies students in secondary schools
  • An assessment of mass media availability and level of usage in the teaching and learning
  • The relationship between television viewing and aggressive behaviour
  • Semantic and lexis used in the selected household adverts aired in television media houses in nigeria
  • Usage of news pictures in newspaper
  • Newspaper coverage of nigeria 2015 general election
  • Television as a tool for moulding public opinion
  • An evaluation of role of the media and national security in nigeria
  • Agenda setting in nigeria newspaper and challenges in rural development
  • Instances of data driven journalism in the daily trust 2016-2018
  • Television as tool for students education and development in nigeria
  • Television viewership among students of secondary school students
  • Television viewing habit among families
  • Influence of animated cartoons on the behavioral development
  • Attitude and perception of female students towards journalism as a career
  • Television advertisement of milo beverage on consumers purchasing habit among residents
  • Cultural impact on women education
  • Role of radio in achieving millennium development goals (mdgs)
  • Role of radio in mobilising electorate towards participating in governorship election
  • An assessment of the role of mass media in rebranding nigeria
  • Impact of radio in political mobilisation of electorate
  • Role of radio and interpersonal communication in the eradication of malaria
  • Role of radio in propagating yoruba culture
  • The impact of social media on modern journalism practices in nigeria
  • Influence of billboard advertisement in the promotion of lux soap
  • The effect of consumer perception on advertising message on buying behaviour
  • Influence of graphics communication on the newspaper publication and patronage
  • Influence of media credibility on news consumption among civil servants
  • Role of public relations in enhancing peace in higher institutions
  • Impact of mass media campaign on reduction of malaria
  • Influence of billboard advertisement in promoting dark and lovely hair relaxer to pedestrians
  • The impact of radio on political participation
  • The impact of women in advertisement
  • The nigeria press and ethics of journalism profession
  • Problems of private media management in nigeria
  • Relevance of public relations in health institutions
  • Role of community newspapers in political awareness
  • Roles of print media in creating awareness against drug abuse
  • Role of mass media in crusade against terrorism
  • The role of mass media towards the eradication of child trafficking in nigeria
  • Influence of home video on the moral behaviour
  • Influence of online news on the traditional newspaper patronage
  • The influence of sms political advertising (messages) on voting pattern of electorates in the 2015 governorship election
  • Social media advertising and its influence on audience preference of similar product
  • Radio leadership pattern among market women in nigeria
  • Role of mass media in achieving a sustainable health care in nigeria
  • Influence of outdoor advertising on the consumers
  • Problems and prospects of media management in nigeria
  • Assessment of the role of broadcast media in the sensitization towards environmental sanitation
  • Perception of on media coverage of boko-haram insurgency in nigeria
  • Impact of newspaper advertisement
  • Mass media and crusade against boko haram
  • Influence of audio drama in educating youths on hiv/aids and sex
  • Challenges of newspaper circulation in nigeria
  • The use of english language in nigerian television drama
  • Role of radio in mobilizing electorate for the general election
  • Perception of students towards social media
  • Influence of maggi star kitchen family show in educating women on their food preparation
  • Attitude and perception of people towards transit advertisement
  • File encryption and hash system using advanced encryption system
  • Use of information and communication technologies among academics in nigerian universities
  • Influences of media ownership patterns on media freedom and professionalism in nigeria
  • Improving network security using key stroke dynamics
  • Factors influencing the selection or procurement methods for construction works in nigeria
  • Effects of information technology audit controls in financial institutions
  • Assessment of the x-lib and lib+ library software in academic and special libraries in nigeria The role of radio in the political mobilization of women
  • The influence of online journalism on revenue generation of nigeria news media
  • The influence of advertisement on consumer behaviour
  • The impacts of television advertisement on the mental development of children
  • The impacts of public relations on corporate organization
  • The impacts of ineffective communication on organization efficiency in nigeria
  • The impacts of governments ownership on media objectivity
  • The impacts of billboard advertising on product promotion
  • The evaluation of the effectiveness of radio jingles on family planning programmes
  • The effects of television commercials on buying habits
  • The effects of sales promotions on customer growth in the nigerian mobile telecommunication industry
  • The dynamics of digital technology in television broadcasting in nigeria
  • The dynamics of digital technology in television broadcasting
  • The comparative study of the performance of government owned and privately owned broadcasting media organization
  • Students’ perception of tertiary music studies
  • Prospects and challenges of mobile banking technology in nigeria
  • New media as a tool for effective and efficient communication tool among nigerian students
  • Impacts of social media in modern journalism in nigeria
  • Impacts of social media in modern journalism
  • Evaluation of newspaper coverage of pink pearl foundation breast cancer campaigns
  • Communication as a tool for enhancing organizational performances
  • Attitude of university female mass communication students towards journalism as a career
  • Analysis on the 2015 election campaign flayer-poster
  • An evaluation of the impacts of campus journalism in nigerian polytechnics
  • An evaluation of internal financial controls in public hospitals
  • An assessment of internet compliance news in gathering by journalists
  • A study on the level of efficiency and productivity in the public sector
  • A study of the knowledge and perceptions of students on the issue of the menace of brown envelope syndrome
  • A case for community radio in the development of okuama, eku and jeddo communities
  • The effect of government ownership and control of mass media objectivity reporting
  • The effect of akbc tv peak milk advertising on the consumers buying habit
  • Perception of cyber crime among nigerian youths
  • Influence of news censorship on the performance of media houses in ngeria
  • Impact of mobile phone on agricultutral information
  • Impact of information and communication technology (ict) on radio news
  • Effect of public relations on the customer
  • Audience perception of nigerian newspaper on the internet
  • Effectiveness of interpersonal communication on community development
  • Tv educational programmes and cognitive abilities of students
  • Influence of social media on educational performance of children
  • Impact of advertising on select hotels profitability
  • The effectiveness of akbc radio programme akwa ibom today in political mobilization of women
  • The assessment of exxonmobil corporate social responsibilities
  • The effect of violence movies on teenagers
  • Influence of airtel billboard advertisement on consumers patronage
  • Effectiveness of written communication on organizational performance
  • Public relations and staff harmony
  • Effectiveness of akbc radio news commentaries on social change
  • The impact of internet on the reading habit of nigerian students
  • Infuence of akbc radio indomie noodle commercials on the buying habit of consumers
  • Communication and organizational management
  • Effectiveness of traditional mode of communication in conflict resolution
  • The influence of advertising on consumers brand preference of star maggi
  • Influence of nta 12 programme “nuptial bliss” on viewers
  • Ikot ekpene audience perception of akbc television news commercialization
  • Influence of interpersonal communication on community development
  • Influence of nta – uyo programme “esa iban” on ibibio cultural promotion
  • The influence of gratification on journalism practice
  • The influence of akbc radio programme aids and you on listerners
  • The effects of akbc radio in political mobilization of women
  • Effectiveness of planet radio programme “ifiok” in the enhancement of rural development
  • Customer relations practice and patronage of banks
  • The influence of journalism code of ethics on journalism practice
  • Influence of information and communication technologies on work performance
  • The impact of public relations attitude of personnel
  • Influence of ict on modern day practice of broadcasts journalism

Seminar Topics for Mass Communication Students in ND, HND, BSC, and MSC

  • Influence of public relations on customers’ satisfaction
  • Effect of information and communication technology in banking
  • The roles of public relation in crisis management
  • Influence of billboard advertising on the patronage of pepsi cola
  • Influence of information and communication technnology (ict) on radio news reporting
  • The influence of government policies on broadcasting
  • Influence of akbc – radio programme “market guide” on listeners
  • Impact of computer on the practice of journalism
  • Opinion leaders influence on voters decision in ikot ekpene during the 2015 general election
  • Impact of awareness of media campaign on drug abuse among undergraduates
  • Impact of information and communication technologies in banking sector
  • Copy right and the entertainment industry in nigeria coson in focus
  • An assessment of mass media’s role in the campaign against drug abuse in nigeria
  • Impact of home movie on the life students of tertiary institution in nigeria
  • The impact of the press in shaping nigerian political structure
  • Nigeria’s image and the place of the public relation in its reconstruction
  • The impact of advertising in a corporate organization
  • The impact of using celebrities in television advertisement
  • The role of esbs radio on rural development
  • Social responsibility roles of the nigeria press in obasanjo’s leadership, a fulfillment or betrayal
  • Impact of public relations on crisis management of multi-national corporations
  • The role of radio in improving the educational system
  • The role of radio in mobilising women for politics in nigeria
  • The role of the press in a democracy (the press in perspective)
  • Solving the problem of perennial cash scarcity (among workers) through the membership of ctls
  • The effects of television advertisements on the buying habit of consumers [peak milk advert in perspective]
  • The impact of western television programmes on the cultural values of the nigerian youths
  • The influence of social media on youths in nigeria
  • The role of modern technology in achieving communication efficiency in nigeria
  • The role of public relations in enhancing customers satisfaction in a government perastattals
  • Reporters responsibilities and the urban ” rural news imbalances in nigerian newspapers
  • Television viewing habits of nigerian elites
  • The effect of good public relation and organized promotions on the achievement of marketing objective
  • The advent of modern communication gadgets: implications for nigerian journalism
  • Mass media and the management of human rights abuses in nigeria
  • Press freedom in african society
  • Western media contents and nigerian youths: issues and challenges
  • An assessment of mass media role in supporting women employment campaign in nigeria
  • Assessment of the role of the media in anti – corruption campaign
  • Attitude of female mass communication students towards journalism as a career
  • Attitude of mass communication students towards journalism as a career
  • Documenting human rights violations in the age of internet in africa
  • Moral probity and youth development in nigeria
  • Public relations as a tool for conflict resolution in nitel territorial office
  • Sales promotion as a panacea for improved sales the nigeria botlling company experience
  • The role of third world news agencies in global dissemination of information
  • A comparative study on the importance of pidgin english in broadcasting
  • Distribution of bread in metropolis problems and prospects
  • Effect of mass media campaign on the hiv and aids menace in nigeria
  • Impact of home movie on the life of students of tertiary institution in nigeria
  • Mass media and coverage of health awareness system in nigeria
  • Mass media coverage of rural development news
  • Impact of radio campaign against human trafficking
  • Impact of urhobo voice newspaper on national development
  • The impact of breath-away programmes (crbc-tv) on children as related to social behavioral problems in nigeria
  • Impact of broadcasting service (e.s.b.s) radio on voters’ mobilizaiton during election in 2011
  • Impact of integrated marketing communication (imc) on brand building
  • Impact of “ka oh malu” radio nigeria, enugu phone-in programme on residents
  • Impact of nta entertainment programmes on youths
  • Impact of pornographic films on nigerian youths
  • Impact of radio nigeria enugus awareness campaign on global warming
  • Impact of the “the fast and furious” (action film) on the social behavioural pattern of students
  • Impact of top rank hotels profitability through advertising in n.t.a
  • Influence of information and communication technologies (icts) in news gathering
  • Influence of home videos on the moral behavior of students
  • Influence of nigerian television authority (n.t.a.) In improving rural health care services
  • Influence of opinion leaders in the development of arable farming
  • Influence of radio ownership on professional journalism practice
  • Influence of second chance
  • Public relations as a tool of industrial harmony
  • The role of imo broadcasting corporation in the rural education development
  • Role of independent television benin in political mobilization of rural areas
  • Role of “na so i see am” programme of murhi international television (mitv) in the integration of yoruba and egun ethnic groups
  • Role of nta in the campaign against hiv/aids in rural area
  • Role of public relations in crisis management
  • Roles of radio in combating drug abuse among university students
  • The impact of benue this week a radio benue programme on the rural development
  • The impact of nta in the economic development
  • The role of independent television benin in political mobilization of rural areas in nigeria
  • Traditional institutions as instrument for rural development
  • Violations of ethical journalism among media practitioners in nigeria. Causes, effects and solutions
  • The effect of radio programmes on teenage pregnancy in rural communities
  • The effect of foreign films on teenagers in nigeria
  • Television as a means of cultural promotion in our indigenous environment
  • Readership of sports pages of nigerian tribune among students
  • Radio programme: a tool for effective home management
  • Radio: an effective medium of reaching the largest audience
  • Impact of radio broadcast on rural areas/communities
  • Impact of electronic media on the development of rural area (radio and television)
  • Effectiveness of private television stations in cultural promotion
  • Effect of trado – medical advertising on human health and broadcast meadia
  • Effect of ownership control on broadcast media
  • Adherence level of journalist to journalism code of conducts
  • A study of challenges facing independent broadcast programme producers
  • Contribution of television advertisement to consumption of alcoholic drinks confidentiality
  • Effect of indigenous language in outdoor advertising of goldberg beer on youths
  • Impact of television advert on consumers purchasing habit of rural community dweller’s
  • Public relations as the surviving force of political organisations in nigeria
  • The effect of foreign films on youth
  • The effect of foreign home video films on nigerian teenagers
  • The effect of public relations practice in government institutions
  • The effectiveness of advertisement on newly established institution
  • The role of information and communication technology in the management of tertiary institutions
  • The role of the internet in research and information dissemination amongst students
  • The role of social media in creating of awareness during 2015 general election in nigeria
  • The use of public relations as a means of fostering mutual understanding between an organization and its publics
  • The effects of advertising on sales volume in a manufacturing industry
  • Advertising as a tool for increasing profitability of manufacturing industries
  • Influence of campus journalism in nigerian polytechnics: causes, effects and recommendation
  • Mother tongue interference in the pronounciation of english words among broadcasters
  • The advent of modern communication gadgets implication on nigerian journalism
  • The challenges and prospects of a campus radio (fm) station: what it should be and what it is
  • The effect of foreign movies on nigerian culture


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a research topic in mass communication

200 Communication Topics You Should Use Right Now

Communication topics

Communication topics for research are critical for students pursuing communication studies in colleges and universities. In most cases, educators ask learners to come up with communication research topics or choose what to write about. However, this is not always easy for most learners. The recent innovations in telecommunication, transportation, and computing have made communication a broad and diverse research area. For this reason, many students have difficulties finding the best communication topics for research. If struggling to decide what to write about, this article highlights some of the most interesting topics about communication that you can consider.

Incredible Communication Topics for Research Papers

Do you want to write a research paper on a topic that your audience or educator will be interested to read about? If yes, pick the idea to write about from this list of incredible communication research paper topics.

  • How mass media can help in the achievement of millennium development goals
  • How to use communication tools to prevent coronavirus from spreading
  • How communication has helped prevent or reduce the spread of malaria
  • How audio drama helps in reducing HIV/AIDS among young people
  • Mass media role in preventing unwanted pregnancies
  • How communication can help in sensitizing people about fake drugs
  • Effectiveness of radio programs in creating awareness about family planning
  • Does the print media help in awareness creation in today’s society?
  • What role does radio play in curbing marginal areas’ violence?
  • The effectiveness of broadcasting media in promoting contraceptives usage
  • How social media can help in preventing the spread of the Ebola virus
  • Is drama effective as a communication tool?
  • Using mass media to reduce maternal deaths
  • How to use the media as the tool for promoting profitability
  • Cartoon programs and aggressive behavior- Do they have a connection?
  • When is good communication a prerequisite for business advancement?
  • Influence of great interchanges on business development
  • Highlights of good communication for business success
  • How business interchanges play a critical role in business improvement
  • The fundamental focus that business correspondence should remember when representing a company

All these are possible topics for communication research. Pick any of them if your goal is to write a paper that your educator will be interested to read about. Nevertheless, take your time to research any of these research topics in media and communication to come up with a brilliant paper.

Interesting Communication Topics for Research

Maybe you’re looking for mass communication research topics your audience or educator will find interesting to read about. You might as well need ideas you will find interesting to research or work with. In that case, consider this list of interesting communication essay topics.

  • How the media portrays different countries’ representatives
  • Hidden messages that the media convey through entertainment
  • Why is radio still popular in the era of digital media?
  • Role of communication in education
  • How does the media help with education?
  • Scientific journalism- What is the scientific aspect of journalism?
  • The Disney phenomenon- Is it new mythology or media?
  • Types and styles of communication
  • How to select the best communication method for your target audience
  • Public relations and politics- How important is communication?
  • How effective is social media as a communication tool?
  • Why are some people reverting to newspapers for communication?
  • Is virtual reality the future of modern media?
  • Does the media create or react to events?
  • How has the internet influenced communication?
  • Explain the role of media regulation and policy- How do they affect communication?
  • How do journalists affect military communication during the war?
  • What is international journalism and how does it influence communication?
  • What are communication ethics in journalism?
  • How the media changed during the wartime
  • How the media aids terrorist communication
  • Disasters and the media- How communication can prevent or enhance panic
  • Laws of mass communication in different countries
  • Fan-fiction and fandom in mass communication
  • The importance of exclusive material in the media
  • The role of social networks in modern communication
  • Video blogs as new diaries
  • Post-truth age in the media- What is it?
  • Mainstream media and art-house- What is the difference?
  • What are the children’s media peculiarities?

You can also find interesting communication speech topics in this category. All you need is to research the idea that you pick extensively to come up with an awesome speech or paper.   

Amazing Interpersonal Communication Topics

Do you want to write a research paper or essay about interpersonal communication? In that case, you need to pick your idea from this list of the best interpersonal communication research topics.

  • Effective ways to start an interpersonal dialogue
  • The effectiveness of interpersonal communication when persuading people
  • How culture can influence an interpersonal dialogue
  • Factors that limit interpersonal communication
  • How to improve your interpersonal communication
  • What are the latest interpersonal communication trends?
  • How gestures and body language influence interpersonal communication
  • How to coordinate words and gestures to enhance interpersonal communication
  • The effectiveness of interpersonal communication
  • Barriers to verbal and language communication
  • Is nonverbal communication effective?
  • How gender affects interpersonal communication
  • How perception affects interpersonal communication
  • Why listening is important in a conversation
  • How emotions affect interpersonal communication
  • Self-disclosure in the study of interpersonal communication
  • Communication and relational development
  • Deceptions in interpersonal communications
  • Intimate and family relationships- How does the connection differ?
  • How to address blindness as an interpersonal communication barrier
  • Interpersonal communication and culture- What is the connection?
  • Social media growth and personal relationships
  • Interpersonal communication competence
  • Conflicts that arise from interpersonal communication
  • Why is interpersonal communication crucial in business?

Select any of these interpersonal communication research topics and then develop them. You will come up with a brilliant paper if you take the time to identify sources, gather, and analyze information before writing.

Business Communication Topics for Research Papers

Perhaps, you’re interested in business communication. Thus, you’re looking for a list of the best business communication topics for research paper. In that case, consider these ideas.

  • Best approaches for business-to-business communication
  • Vital organizational communication issues
  • How to deal with organizational uncertainty using communication
  • Public relations and corporate communication
  • Effective business communication practices
  • How to write an effective communique for an organization
  • Management and email writing at the workplace
  • How to balance downward and upward communication in an organization
  • Effective ways to handle external communication
  • Intercultural communication in a business environment
  • The essence of cognitive-communication theory in marketing
  • How to develop marketing value using communication skills
  • Communication skills that can help in growing profits
  • How to enhance brand awareness through communication
  • Importance of communication skills in marketing
  • Critical features and symbols of good business communication
  • Creative designs in corporate communication
  • Reputation and importance of the failure or success of a company in communication
  • How communication promotes organization identity in the corporate world
  • How communication promotes ethical and responsible investor relations
  • Crisis communication- How organizations should handle it
  • How stereotyping affects business communication
  • How grapevine communication affects the success of a company
  • What are the best communication channels for a business?
  • Communication in corporate social responsibility

This category also has some of the best business communication topics for presentation. Nevertheless, you should understand the purpose of your research or presentation. What’s more, take your time to know the information you need to write about any of these organizational communication research topics. That way, you will pick a topic you can research and write about comfortably. You can also u se our online research paper writing servic e to get your paper done fast.

Great Communication Research Topics for College Students

Are you pursuing a college or university program in communication? If yes, your educator will most likely ask you to write papers about mass communication topics. Your goal should be to select an interesting topic that will compel your educator to award you the top grade. Here are some of the best communication phenomenon topics for college students.

  • Analyzing the role of communication and media in business rebranding
  • Democracy and mass media- Role of communication in a democracy
  • Challenges facing press freedom in today’s world
  • Mass media and constitutional provisions
  • How media ownership has grown over the years
  • Listeners and viewers’ attitude towards the media
  • How liberated are the airwaves?
  • How digital media affects society
  • How the internet affects media standards and ethics
  • Media and mass communication- Why are they important?
  • Role of journalists in modern communication and the dangers they face
  • How competitive is print media?
  • Effectiveness of phone-in programs
  • Private broadcasting versus state broadcasting
  • Defamation law and mass media
  • Discuss the communication history
  • Discuss different communication theories
  • What role do bloggers play in modern communication?
  • How effective are social networks as communication tools?
  • How speech freedom on media affect communication
  • Video blogs’ growth and their impact on communication
  • How the media affects terrorists’ communication
  • How media laws affect journalists’ reporting
  • How international journalism has grown over the years
  • New technologies in communication

You can also find great communication topics for presentation in this category. However, you should research your topic before preparing your presentation or writing your paper.

Intercultural Communication Topics for Research

Do you find intercultural communication interesting? If yes, you can write about any of these intercultural communication research topics.

  • How the media influence how people perceive a culture
  • Effects of technology on intercultural communication
  • Journalism ethics and how they affect intercultural communication
  • How networked journalism has affected the intercultural dialogue
  • How science journalism affects intercultural communication
  • How the media help in intercultural peace creation
  • Intercultural communication and participatory reporting
  • How language apps boost intercultural communication
  • How to deal with the intercultural exchange of information
  • Practical strategies for intercultural communication
  • Effective ways to teach intercultural communication
  • How artifacts affect intercultural communication
  • How effective is intercultural communication?
  • Persuasion techniques that work in interpersonal communication
  • How the medium affects intercultural communication
  • Common intercultural communication barriers
  • How learning in different environments affect intercultural communication skills
  • Dealing with intercultural communication bias
  • How to boost learning and understanding in intercultural communication
  • How international negotiations boost intercultural communication
  • How non-verbal behavior and culture boost interpersonal communication
  • Effects of intercultural communication at the workplace
  • How social change and cultural identity affect intercultural communication
  • Effects of intercultural dialogue on virtual dialogue
  • How integration and assimilation affect intercultural communication development

This list also has some of the best communication thesis topics. However, take your time to research your topic to come up with an awesome paper.

Health Communication Topics for Research

Do you want to write a communication paper about health? If yes, here is a list of health communication paper topics to consider.

  • Effective ways to advertise dietary supplements
  • The role of familial in health communication
  • Effective health communication for children
  • Family communication and health transition
  • Effects of communication on family health
  • Why are communication skills important to caregivers
  • How effective communication can promote health
  • Why communication is essential for social support providers
  • How communication can have unintended effects on health
  • How effective communication affects health campaigns
  • Crisis communication in the health sector
  • Communication strategies that boost awareness in the health sector
  • How the mass media and interpersonal communication affect health campaigns
  • Importance of patient-centered communication
  • Health communication premises
  • Body portrayals and images as part of health communication
  • A critical analysis of health and media
  • How pornography affects health
  • Importance of journalism and public relations in the health sector
  • Health effects of mass media on obese people

Pick any of these health communication research topics and then develop them through research. Ideally, identify good information sources to gather relevant and useful information for a paper on any of these topics. 

Technical Communication Topics for Research

Whether you need business communication presentation topics or a technical idea to explore and write about, this category has something for you. Here are some of the best technical topics in communication.

  • Define technical communication
  • How effective are communication courses in producing qualified communicators?
  • What is the difference between academic level communication and corporate communication?
  • What role do public relations play in communication?
  • Communication tips for dealing with a depressed person
  • How communication can help health experts address the COVID-19 pandemic
  • How technology affects communication
  • How to improve communication with a blind, mute, and deaf person
  • How to use communication as a political campaign tool
  • How to apply communication theories
  • How to use virtual dialogues to improve interpersonal communication
  • Virtual meetings and their impact on corporate communication
  • How to have a nonverbal dialogue during virtual communication
  • How to effectively train personals to hold virtual meetings
  • Virtual communication versus traditional discussion
  • What are the pros and cons of a virtual classroom?
  • How culture affects virtual communication
  • How effective are zoom and Skype meetings?
  • How to reach a consensus during a virtual dialogue
  • Credibility and trust issues in virtual communications
  • Is effective communication a sign of a great leader?
  • How excellent communication by a leader affects employee satisfaction
  • Effects of personality traits on the communication style of a leader
  • How communication affects an organization
  • How to strategize communication to boost meaning
  • Communication voice in leadership
  • How different communication styles affect the company’s bottom line
  • How communication affects a company’s leadership
  • Effects of personality traits on communication styles
  • How communication differs between men and women

Whether you opt to write about verbal or nonverbal communication research topics, take your time to investigate your topic extensively. That way, you will come up with information the educator or your audience will find interesting to read.

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150+ Amazing Communication Research Topics and Ideas

Table of Contents

In the modern digital world, communication has gained a new shape because of the latest innovations in technology. Especially, social media has taken over media broadcasting, and technology-based communication platforms have replaced traditional letter communication. As the field of communication is continuously evolving, in recent times, a lot of students are interested in conducting research on communication topics. If you are one such student who is desirous to perform research on areas related to communication, then this blog post is for you. Here, we have suggested 150+ unique communication research topics that you can consider for your projects or assignments. Read this blog and get incredible ideas for preparing your communication research paper.

Communication Research Paper Topic Selection Tips

Basically, communication is a vast field of study that contains numerous research topics and ideas. But the real challenge lies in identifying one right topic out of many. If you are assigned a task to write a research paper on communication topics, then keep the following tips in mind during the topic selection.

  • Choose a topic matching your interest.
  • Go with the topic on the latest and trending communication technology to make your research paper stand out in the crowd.
  • Pick a topic that has a wide scope of research and discussion.
  • Select the topic that has many references in online and printed sources.
  • Pick a narrow topic that is easy for you to complete the research. Never go with a broad topic because you may miss certain important research areas involved in it, and it will also be difficult for you to complete the entire research on broad topics.

Communication Research Topics

List of Communication Research Paper Topics

Research topics on communication are vast. For your communication research paper writing, you can consider the communication research paper topics on mass communication, social media, business communication, interpersonal communication and virtual communication.

Listed below are the best communication research topic ideas that you can look out for while writing your thesis or research paper.

Top Communication Research Topics

Simple Communication Research Topics

  • The history of communication
  • Why is radio still popular?
  • How accurate is news from the media?
  • Media censorship
  • Media as a watchdog
  • The impact of the freedom of speech on media
  • Virtual reality in the media
  • How are media laws effective in ensuring credible reporting?
  • Theories of communication
  • What is journalism ethics?
  • Models of communication
  • Importance of communication in developing personal life and professional career
  • Importance of non-verbal communication in journalism
  • Exchange and persuasion of interpersonal information
  • Journalism practice in Newly Emerged Spaces
  • Networked Journalism Concept
  • Importance of digital communication for businesses
  • Traditional communication channels versus modern communication channels
  • The use of Virtual reality in the future communication
  • Personality differences and their impact on negotiation techniques
  • Strategies to deal with fake news
  • Discuss the use of jargon and register in communication

Communication Research Topics

Mass Communication Research Paper Topics

  • The constitutional provisions for mass media.
  • Mass media and democracy
  • An analysis of the role of mass media in rebranding
  • The attitude of viewers and listeners towards mass media
  • Are the airwaves truly liberated?
  • Challenges facing freedom of the press in various countries
  • The effects of the internet on media ethics and standards
  • Mass media with the law of defamation
  • Growth of private media ownership
  • Is print media still competitive?
  • State broadcasting versus private broadcasting
  • Mass communication and media
  • Dangers faced by journalists.
  • How effective are phone-in programmes?
  • The impact of digital media.
  • Importance of integrated communication
  • Influence of mass communication in driving social changes and reforms
  • Political rhetoric on local, state, national, or international level
  • Shadow-Authoritarianism in the field of mass communication
  • Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression in the United States
  • Journalism Ethics: Good news vs Bad News
  • Influence of technology on journalism

Communication Research Topics on Social Media

  • Is social media taking over the broadcast media?
  • The effectiveness of social media marketing
  • Have Facebook and WhatsApp taken over family time?
  • Crime and Social Media
  • What measures can curb false information on social media?
  • The growth of fake profiles
  • The impact of social media on academic progress
  • The speed of news on social media
  • How social media has led to a kidnapping
  • What is the future of social media?
  • A study of policies related to social media
  • How has social media contributed to plagiarism and piracy?
  • How has social media connected and disconnected people at the same time?
  • Who is responsible for ethics on social media?
  • The effectiveness of social media on campaigns
  • Drawbacks of using social media platforms in communication
  • How to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information shared on social media platforms?
  • Is social media responsible for increasing the rate of crime among adolescents?
  • Impact of social media on mental health?
  • Peer influence on social media and teenage sexting
  • How Facebook has revolutionized marketing
  • The role of social networking sites like Twitter during disasters
  • The most effective methods of personal data protection when using social networking websites

Business Communication Research Topics

  • Business to business communication
  • Vital issues in organizational communication
  • Practices for effective business communication
  • Dealing with organizational uncertainty
  • Corporate communication and public relations
  • Management of communication crisis in organizations
  • E-mail writing and management in the workplace
  • How to effectively handle external communication
  • Effective horizontal communication in the workplace
  • A study of proper communication channels
  • Intercultural communication in a competitive global business environment
  • How to craft a top-notch business letter
  • The relationship between social media and organizations
  • Change management and culture of organizations
  • Corporate social responsibility communication
  • Development of marketing value using excellent communication skills
  • How are communication skills essential in marketing?
  • How can brand awareness be made possible through communication?
  • Practical communication skills for the growth of profit
  • How has the sharing of messages affected the business market?
  • How can organizations benefit immensely from the press?
  • The media and the economic crisis
  • Symbols and critical features of effective business communication
  • How to handle a crisis communicational?
  • A guide to writing an effective organizational communique
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Communication
  • Crisis Communication

Read more: Effective Communication Techniques That Will Improve Your Communication Skills

Interpersonal Communication Research Ideas

  • Interpersonal communication deceptions
  • Emotion and its impact on communication
  • What is the barrier to language and verbal communication?
  • A study of perception in interpersonal communication
  • How is the connection between family and intimate relationships?
  • Interpersonal communication: A study of self-discourse
  • How effective is non-verbal communication?
  • Factors affecting interpersonal communication
  • The importance of listening in conversation.
  • Relational development in communication
  • Dealing with blindness as a barrier to interpersonal communication
  • The growth of social and personal relationships
  • Conflicts arising from interpersonal communication
  • Culture and communication
  • Competence of interpersonal communication
  • Gender differences in interpersonal communication
  • Power in communication: misuse of power in relationships
  • Crossing cultures in communication

Virtual Communication Research Topics

  • Interpersonal communication in virtual reality.
  • Communication in the virtual reality age.
  • Building trust in virtual teams.
  • Communication in global virtual teams: digital analysis.
  • “Virtual classroom:” an interactive information exchange & computer-mediated learning space.
  • Virtual dialogue & cultural expression.
  • Communication medium & team interaction styles.
  • Virtual team dialogue training.
  • Computer-mediated communication & the virtual culture concept.
  • Nonverbal dialogue in virtual environments.
  • Discuss the impact of computer-mediated communication.
  • How Webinars are reshaping Education?

Interesting Communication Research Topics

  • Interactive online communication and its impact on public relations outcomes
  • Advertising as a means of communication
  • Teaching culture and intercultural communication
  • Leadership and key communication process
  • Speech as a communication type
  • Decrypting media messages
  • How broadcasting media is effective in promoting the use of contraceptives?
  • Peer communication effects in social media on purchase patterns.
  • The media as a tool for enhancing profitability
  • How do facial expressions affect interpersonal communication?
  • How communication has helped prevent or reduce the spread of malaria?
  • How to use the media as the tool for promoting profitability?
  • How business interchanges play a critical role in business improvement

Impressive Communication Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the Role of Science communication & public relations.
  • Explain how journalism and communication intersect.
  • Analyze the communication divide between political parties.
  • Discuss how communities foster modern communication.
  • Mitigating corruption in modern communication.
  • Assess the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
  • Explain how video communication can affect relationships.
  • Discuss the future of cross-media communication.
  • Explain the importance of strategic communication.
  • Write about the usage of modern communication tools in negotiations.

Latest Communication Research Topics

  • The growth of video blogs
  • The role of bloggers in social media
  • New communication technologies
  • Phonology and sign language as the means of modern communication
  • Social networks in the modern world
  • How does race impact modern communication?
  • Digital cognition and virtual communication across the world
  • Racism as a hindrance to effective communication
  • What is the future of communication?
  • How effective are Skype and Zoom meetings?
  • Technology and its impact on communication
  • Communication tips in handling a depression case
  • How do politicians use communication as a campaign tool?
  • Growth of fake news as a result of social media
  • What is the specific language used in the negotiation?
  • Is communication the trademark of a great leader?
  • Ways to improve non-verbal communication.
  • The growing trend of teenage texting and its impact on relationships
  • How effective is interpersonal communication in persuasion?
  • Traditional discussion versus virtual communication

Trending Communication Research Topics

  • Yellow Journalism and Social Role
  • Speech as Communication Type
  • Evolution of Horizontal Communication in Business
  • Discuss the future prospect of digital communication practices of human for the organizational purposes
  • Analysis of the benefits and limitations of using information and communication technologies (ICTs) for entrepreneurs
  • Analyze the connections between social entrepreneurship or social innovation and digital communication
  • Discuss the way the information and communication technologies shaped organizational communication
  • Discuss the relationship between career development, communication, socialization and entrepreneurship
  • Insights in Science and Environmental Communication: 2023
  • Discuss the role advertising plays in the marketing communication of global business organizations with examples
  • Explore the dark side of workplace communication over digital means of communication
  • Discuss the impact of visual narratives in the field of science and health communication
  • Discuss the role played by women in political communication over the past three decades

From the list of 150+ engaging research topics and ideas recommended here, choose any topic and craft a detailed communication research paper with relevant facts and evidence. In case, you need any other unique research topic or if you are unsure how to write a communication research paper, reach out to us immediately.

a research topic in mass communication

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About author.

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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Mass Communication Project Topics PDF Materials for Students

Access 1785 Mass Communication Project Topics PDF Research Materials for Mass Communication Students

Best Project Topics in Mass Communication

Here is the List of 1785 Best Mass Communication Research Project Topics and Materials for (Final Year and Undergraduate) Mass Communication Students in Nigeria & other English Speaking Countries:

Effect Of Inventory Management In The Viability Of A Company. A Case Study Of Steel And Nails Manufacturing Industry

Impact of western television programmes on the cultural values of the nigerian youths. a case study of esut students, enugu, role of public relations in enhancing customers satisfaction in a government parastatals. a case study of the enugu state idater corporation, role of print media communication in sports development. a case study of enugu state, impact of mass media campaign against aids among teenagers. a case study of benin city, role of radio in mobilizing women into politics., attitude of television audience towards commercial interruption of television programmes., role of community public in conflict management. a case study of shell petroleum development company (spdc), port harcourt returning company (phrc). in addition, eleme local government area ikwere local government area all in rivers state., role of the press in the political polarisation of the national development., role of the press in the political polarization of the national development., assessment of the effects of television programmes on youths. a case study of campus circuit on minaj broadcast international, effects of government ownership and control of mass media on media objectivity. a case study of esbs, impact of mobile phone on agricultural information among otukpo farmers. a study of agricultural information dissemination among farmers in otukpo town, otukpo local government area of benue state, impact of television and newspaper advert in the marketing of consumer product. a case study of enugu metropolis, newspaper readership pattern among nigerian youths. a case study of imt students, role of advertising in motivating consumer brand preference for beverages. a case study of bournvita of cadbury nigeria plc, impact of television advertising on purchase behaviour of children between the ages of 10-15 years. a survey of home in four in owerri metropolis, communication as a managerial tool for efficient organizational performance. a case study of nitel enugu, trend in the use of human models in the advertising industry., cultural influence of foreign programme in broadcasting. a case study of channel o programme on enugu residents, role of mass communication in developing countries. nigeria as a case study, role of radio in combating drug abuse among university students. case study of radio nigeria enugu, effect of news commercialization on news credibility in the broadcast media. a case study of frcn and nta enug, effects of tv adverts on children. a case study of enugu urban, illusion and reality of press freedom in attaining a true democratic system of government. a study of enugu north, role of nnannebuife age grade in promoting rural development in nsugbe community. a case study of anambra state, impacts of advertising on the marketing of hotel services. a case study of mac- davos hotel, comparative analysis of the problems facing private televisions and government televisions in the dissemination of information. a case study of minaj television obosi, a private television and that of nta channel 12 owerri a government owned television house, role of modern technology in achieving communication efficiency., mass media and coverage of health awareness system. a case study of nta enugu and health care magazine, impact of testimonial use on advertising effectiveness. a case study of kanu nwankwo in pear milk advertisement, children and mass media the role of mass media in childhood socialization. a case study of university primary school enugu and obiagu primary school, role of the press in a democracy., social media and academic performance of students. in university of lagos, audience perception of federal government removal of fuel subsidy. a study of enugu metropolis., influence of ownership in radio news coverage. a case study of federal radio corporation of nigeria, enugu, attitude of caritas female mass communication students towards journalism as a career. a case study of nigeria union of journalist (nuj), comparative analysis of the impact of print and broadcast media on social development. a case study of nta and etv channel 50 enugu, comparative analysis of the impact and problems of print journalism on mass media practitioners development. a case study of nta and etv channel 50 enugu, changing hostile attitude of oil producing communities through effective publication. a case study of shell petroleum development company, comparative analysis on the role of broadcast media and interpersonal communication in moral mobilization. case study of mbu community in isi-uzo local government area, newspaper and television as an agent of social development. a case study of adaba community, audience perception of the punch newspaper cartoons. a case study of caritas university, social media usage among undergraduates. case study of university of ilorin, assessment of the broadcast media in the campaign against child labour and human trafficking. in nigeria, communication as a tool for enhancing organizational performance. a case study of nigerian breweries plc, 9th mile enugu, mass media and the management of human rights abuses., role of frcn in propagating culture in nigeria. a case study of abatete idemili south l.g.a in anambra state, effect of good public relation and organized promotions on the achievement of marketing objective. case study of nigeria breweries plc, impact of communication in organizational efficiency. a case study of nepa zonal office enugu.

Downloadable Mass Communication Project Topics and PDF/DOC Materials END HERE. NOTE: Below are Mass Communication Research Areas that students & researchers can develop independently .

  • Media Bias and Political Influence : Investigate the role of media bias in shaping public opinion and its impact on political decision-making.
  • Social Media and Activism : Explore how social media platforms facilitate activism and social movements, examining their effectiveness and challenges.
  • Fake News and Misinformation : Analyze the spread of fake news in the digital age, its implications for society, and strategies to combat misinformation.
  • Media Representation of Gender : Examine how the media portrays gender roles and identities, and its influence on perceptions of masculinity and femininity.
  • Advertising and Consumer Behavior : Investigate the persuasive techniques used in advertising and their impact on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.
  • Media Ethics and Responsibility : Assess ethical dilemmas faced by journalists and media organizations, and explore frameworks for responsible journalism.
  • Cultural Impact of Television : Study the cultural influence of television programming on societies, including its role in shaping values, norms, and identities.
  • Media Literacy Education : Evaluate the effectiveness of media literacy programs in promoting critical thinking skills and combating media manipulation.
  • Digital Divide and Access to Information : Examine disparities in access to digital media technologies and their implications for information access and participation in society.
  • Celebrity Culture and Media : Analyze the role of celebrity culture in the media, its effects on society, and the phenomenon of fame in contemporary culture.
  • Media Convergence and Technological Innovation : Investigate the convergence of media platforms and the impact of technological innovations on media production, distribution, and consumption.
  • Globalization and Media Influence : Explore how globalization processes shape media landscapes and influence cultural exchange, identity formation, and communication flows.
  • Media Regulation and Policy : Examine regulatory frameworks governing media industries, their effectiveness in promoting diversity and accountability, and emerging policy challenges.
  • Environmental Communication : Study the role of media in shaping public perceptions of environmental issues, climate change discourse, and advocacy for sustainability.
  • Health Communication and Public Awareness : Investigate how media campaigns and health communication strategies influence public awareness, attitudes, and behaviors related to health issues.
  • Journalism in the Digital Age : Examine the impact of digital technologies on journalism practices, including citizen journalism, data journalism, and multimedia storytelling.
  • Media Ownership and Concentration : Analyze patterns of media ownership and concentration, their implications for media pluralism, and regulatory responses to safeguard media diversity.
  • Interpersonal Communication and Social Networks : Explore the role of interpersonal communication in social networks, including online communities, relationship formation, and maintenance.
  • Media Effects on Children and Adolescents : Investigate the influence of media content on child development, including effects on behavior, attitudes, and perceptions of the world.
  • Visual Communication and Semiotics : Examine the language of images and symbols in media texts, including advertising, film, and photography, and their cultural meanings.
  • Media Coverage of Crisis Events : Analyze media representations of crisis events, such as natural disasters, conflicts, and public health emergencies, and their impact on public understanding and response.
  • Political Communication and Public Opinion : Study the role of media in political communication, including agenda-setting, framing, and the formation of public opinion.
  • Media and Identity Politics : Explore how media representations intersect with issues of race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, and other dimensions of identity.
  • Audience Reception and Media Effects : Investigate how audiences interpret and respond to media messages, including theories of reception and audience reception studies.
  • Media Production and Creative Industries : Examine processes of media production, including content creation, distribution strategies, and the economic dynamics of creative industries.
  • Media and War Journalism : Analyze the role of media in covering conflicts and wars, including ethical dilemmas faced by war journalists and the impact of wartime propaganda.
  • Digital Divide and Socioeconomic Inequality : Explore the relationship between digital media access, socioeconomic status, and disparities in educational and economic opportunities.
  • Media and Democracy : Investigate the role of media in democratic societies, including its functions as a watchdog, forum for public debate, and platform for political participation.
  • Media Framing and Public Opinion : Examine how media framing influences public perceptions of social issues, political events, and policy debates.
  • Media and Intercultural Communication : Study the role of media in facilitating intercultural dialogue, understanding, and conflict resolution in diverse societies.
  • Media Ownership and Democracy : Analyze the relationship between media ownership structures, editorial independence, and the functioning of democratic systems.
  • Digital Activism and Online Communities : Investigate the role of digital platforms in facilitating activism, social movements, and the formation of online communities.
  • Media Literacy and Education : Explore strategies for integrating media literacy into formal and informal education settings to empower individuals as critical media consumers and creators.
  • Media and Power Relations : Examine power dynamics within media industries, including issues of censorship, corporate influence, and the concentration of media ownership.
  • Media and Health Promotion : Investigate the use of media campaigns and communication strategies to promote public health initiatives, disease prevention, and behavior change.
  • Media Representation of Minorities : Analyze how media portrayals shape perceptions of minority groups, including stereotypes, representation gaps, and counter-narratives.
  • Media and Urban Communication : Study the role of media in urban contexts, including issues of urban governance, community engagement, and the representation of urban life.
  • Media Consumption and Lifestyle Choices : Investigate the relationship between media consumption patterns and lifestyle choices, including trends in media use and their implications for well-being.
  • Media and Social Change : Examine the role of media in driving social change, including its potential to challenge dominant narratives, mobilize activism, and foster cultural shifts.
  • Media and Technology Adoption : Explore patterns of media and technology adoption among different demographic groups, including factors influencing usage behaviors and attitudes toward new media platforms.

Home of Mass Communication Project Topics in Nigeria

No.1 Mass Communication Research Topics and Materials

MSc Mass Communication Project Topics: Get the Best Now

Embarking on an msc journey in mass communication involves the critical task of selecting a research-worthy project topic. the significance of data analysis, coupled with good research methodology, cannot be overstated for final year students and researchers. this page serves as a guide for students in nigeria seeking to choose a compelling project topic, providing insights on the intricacies of academic research. our repository of msc project topics in mass communication, curated by experienced researcher, aims to inspire and guide aspiring young scholars in crafting a well-defined and impactful research proposal and other step by step approach. navigate through this resource to ensure a successful and fulfilling research project work., these mass communication project topics for msc can be used by mass communication students and other related departments in nigeria and beyond. feel free to select some topics that caught your attention. msc project topics are good enough to earn you ‘a’ or ‘b’ in your final project., below is the list of our msc project topics in mass communication.

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  • 30 Dec 2020
  • Armstrong, C. L. (2004). The Influence of Reporter Gender on Source Selection in Newspaper Stories. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly , 81 (1), 139–154.
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  • De Swert, K., & Hooghe, M. (2010). When Do Women Get a Voice? Explaining the Presence of Female News Sources in Belgian News Broadcasts (2003—5). European Journal of Communication , 25 (1), 69–84.
  • Leiva, R., & Kimber, D. (2020). A Persistent Gender Bias in Chilean Press: The Influence of Journalist’s Gender and Editor’s Gender. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly , 107769902095875.
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  • Valenzuela, S., & Correa, T. (2009). Press Coverage and Public Opinion On Women Candidates: The Case of Chile’s Michelle Bachelet. International Communication Gazette , 71 (3), 203–223.
  • Weaver, D. H., & Wilhoit, G. C. (1996). The American journalist in the 1990s: U.S. news people at the end of an era . Erlbaum.
  • Zoch, L. M., & Turk, J. V. (1998). Women Making News: Gender as a Variable in Source Selection and Use. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly , 75 (4), 762–775.

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📚 Mass Communication Project Topics And Materials For Final Year Students In Nigeria

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List of Final Year Project Topics for Mass Communication Students in Nigeria

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  • Academic Staff Assessment Of The Role Of Communication In The Stress Management Efforts
  • Learner’s Assessment On Agricultural Programmes On Rural Area Based Radio
  • Influence Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Organizations Sustainability
  • Role Of FRCN In Propagating Culture In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Social Media On Covid-19 Information Dissemination
  • Problem And Prospect Of Media Management In Nigeria
  • Image Of The Economic And Financial Crimes Commission As A Crime Fighting Agency Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria
  • Nigerians Perception Of Media Reportage Of Female Politician And Aspirants In Nigeria (A Study Of Akwa Ibom State University Community)
  • An Appraisal Of Attitudes And Behaviours Of Elderly People Towards Television Programmes
  • Artificial Intelligence And Media Practices In Nigeria: A Case Study Of NTA Enugu Network Centre And Dream FM
  • Role Of Independent Television In Political Mobilization Of Rural Areas
  • Role Of Social Media In Propagating Fake News
  • Audience Perception Of “Koko Inu Iwe Iroyin” On Radio Lagos: A Case Study Among Residents Of Ikorodu
  • Solving The Problem Of Perennial Cash Scarcity (Among Workers) Through The Membership Of CTLS
  • Influence Of Media Management On Radio Stations
  • Assessment Of Television As An Instrument For Election Campaign In Nigeria
  • Effectiveness Of The Television As An Element Of Mass Media In The Teaching Of English Language
  • The Impact Of Television Advertising On Consumers Patronage Of Beverages
  • Role Of Agenda-Setting Theory In Political Communication In Presidential Elections
  • The Appraisal Of This Phone-In Programme
  • Assessment Of News Credibility Between Government And Private Broadcast Media (A Case Study Of AIT And NTA)
  • The Influence Of Advertising On Consumers Brand Preference Of Star Maggi
  • Role Of Broadcast Media In Improving The Economy And Social Lives Of Rural Dwellers
  • Influence Of Graphics Communication On The Newspaper Publication And Patronage
  • Mass Media As A Vehicle For Promoting Community Development (A Case Study Of Orumba South Local Government Area Of Anambra State)
  • Influence Of Teleprompter On Broadcast Media Practice
  • Application Of Media Ethics In News Gathering And Dissemination (A Study Of Nigerian Union Of Journalist, Edo State)
  • The Effects Of World Information Flow Imbalance On Third World Countries (A Case Study Of Nigeria)
  • Press As A Vehicle For Effective Rural Development (A Case Study Of Idemili Local Government Area Of Anambra State)
  • The Impact Of Colour Combination In Newspaper Design And Makeup
  • The Influence Of Violent Film On Nigerian Children (A Case Study Of Children In Owerri Municipal)
  • Public Relations, As A Tool For Eradicating Cultism In Nigerian Tertiary Institutions (A Case Study Of Federal Poly Nekede)
  • Women’s Participation In Communicating Primary Healthcare Policy
  • An Evaluation Of The Influence Of Broadcast Media On The Moral Upbringing Of Nigerian Children
  • The Effectiveness Of Television In The Political Development Of Rural Areas In Nigeria
  • Role Of Radio In Promoting Primary Health Care
  • Impact Of Guilder Advertisement On The Social Behaviour Of Students
  • Advertising Strategies And Tactics In Promoting Arial Detergent
  • Audience Perception Of Media Reportage Of Economic Recession In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Radio In National Development (A Case Study Of Radio Nigeria, Owerri)
  • The Challenges Facing Nigerian Broadcast Media In The New Millennium: A Case Study Of Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria (FRCN)
  • Perception Of Cybercrime Among Nigerian Youths
  • Influence Of Foreign Advertising On Nigeria Culture
  • Television Education Programme In Curbing Unplanned Pregnancy Among Female University Students
  • The Roles Of The Mass Media In Nigeria Politics
  • Influence Of Gender Stereotyping On Consumers Patronage Of Indomie Noodles Advertising
  • A Comparative Analysis Of Newspaper Coverage Of Electricity In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Information And Communication Technologies (ICTs) In News Gathering
  • Influence Of Violent Television Programme On The Aggressive Behaviour Of Children In Public Primary School
  • Public Relations As A Tool To Rural Area Development In Keffi Local Government Area Of Nasarawa State
  • Influence Of Pornography Films On Nigerian Youths
  • Influence Of Social Media On Political Marketing In 2015 Governorship Election
  • Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) In Improving Rural Health Care Services
  • Impact Of Colour Representation In Newspaper Advertising (A Case Study Of Vanguard News Paper)
  • The Effect Of Television Advert On The Buying Habit Of Consumer
  • Effect Of Ownership On Professionalism In The Media Industries (An Appraisal Of News Content Of Gold FM Ilesha)
  • The Impact Of Radio Broadcast On Nigeria Political Development
  • Influence Of Social Networking On The Academic Performance Of Caritas University Students
  • Influence Of Television Advertising On Consumers Buying Habits Of Cigarettes In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Television Media On Disseminating Covid-19 Vaccination Information In Nigeria
  • Radio Listening Habits Of Nigeria Students (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede)
  • The Impact Of Women Journalists On Nigeria Broadcast Media
  • Influence Of African Independent Television As A Watchdog Against Child Abuse And Labour With A Particular Focus To Child Trafficking
  • Influence Of Advertisement Revenue On Programmes And Services Delivery
  • Role Of Radio In Propagating Yoruba Culture
  • Impact Of The Internet On News Media Professionalism, Mindsets And Buzzwords
  • Internet Use For Extension Communication Among Agricultural Research Institutes And Farmers
  • The Role Of The Broadcast Media In The Campaign Against HIV/AIDS In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA Ilorin)
  • Reporters Responsibilities And The Urban – Rural News Imbalances In Nigerian Newspapers
  • Perception Of Social Media Use In Advertising Refined Garri (A Study Of Mass Communication Students Of Novena University)
  • The Impact Of Testimonial Use On Advertising Effectiveness
  • A Study Of Selected Radio Drama Programmes On Broadcasting Corporation
  • Viewership Of Television Programmes In Enugu State (Case Study Of Enugu South Local Government)
  • The Impact Of Television On The Learning Habits Of Primary School Children
  • Broadcasters Assessment Of Problems And Prospects In Migration From Analogue To Digital Broadcasting Platform
  • The Impact Of Good Communication / Publicity In The Marketing Of Soft Drinks In Imo State (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Owerri)
  • Assessing The Negative And Positive Effects Of Television Viewing On The Students Behaviour
  • Press Coverage Of The Passage Of National Minimum Wage Act In Nigeria (A Study Of Vanguard And Thursday Newspaper)
  • An Assessment On The Impact Of ICT On The Print Media
  • Nigerians Perception Of Information Credibility From Bloggers
  • The Place Of Social Media In The Present ICT Era
  • Perception Of Audience Towards Portrayal Of Domestic Violence In Nollywood Movie
  • Influence Of Television In Promoting Igbo Culture
  • Influence Of The Advertisement Of Body Enhancement Products On Instagram On The Patronage Of University Undergraduate Students
  • The Effectiveness Of Advertisement On Newly Established Institution
  • Assessing The Celebrity Endorsement On Brand Promotion In Ghana
  • An Analytical Study Of Newspaper Paper Reportage In Combating National Security Problem
  • Critical Assessment Of The Use Of Social Media During Covid 19 Pandemic In Nigeria
  • Newspapers Reading Habit
  • Role Of Nigeria Female Reporters In Sport Journalism
  • Effects Of Ownership Pattern And The Editorial Content Of Nigerian Newspapers
  • Perception Of NTA Network News Among Lagos Residents
  • Impact Of Broadcasting Service Television Business Link Programme On The Commercial Activities Of Residents
  • Appraisal Of The Impact Of Opinion Leaders In Information Dissemination
  • Pidgin English On Radio Media As A Means Of Effective Communication Among Illiterate Audience In Abuja; Federal Capital Territory Of Nigeria
  • The Importance Of Cartoon In Newspaper Journalism
  • Comparative Analysis Of Performance Of Government And Privately Owned Broadcasting Media Organization
  • Determine The Various Ways In Which Students Spend Their Money And How To Spend Their Money
  • The Implication Of Governmental Influence On Media Reporting (A Case Study Of Channel Television)
  • Evaluation Of The Effect Of Twitter Ban On Information Dissemination In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Crisis Resolution (A Case Study Of Ijaw/Itsekiri Crisis)
  • Audience Perception Of Rivers State Radio Local News Programme As A Tool For Rural Development
  • Impact Of Broadcasting Service (E.S.B.S) Radio On Voters’ Mobilizations During Election
  • The Role Of Africa Independent Television In Promoting Popular Culture Among Youths In Kaduna Metropolis
  • Impact Of Media Ownership On The Performance Of Private Stations In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Modernization And Technological Advancement On Cultural Development
  • Impact of Online News On Newspaper Production In Nigeria
  • Effect Of News Commercialization On The Content Of Private Media
  • Assessment Of The Impact Of Foreign Media Campaign On HIV/AIDS Eradication In Nigeria (A Case Study Of BBC World Service Trust In Kano Metropolis)
  • The Effects Of Television Advertisements On The Buying Habit Of Consumers
  • Trends In The Use Of Celebrity Endorsement For Advertising
  • Perception Of Journalists On The Economic And Social Impacts Of Japa Syndrome In Nigeria
  • The Impacts Of Public Relations On Corporate Organization
  • Role Of Advertising On The Production Line Of An Organization
  • Impact Of The The Fast And The Furious (Action Film) On The Social Behavioral Pattern Of Students Of Nnamdi Azikiwe University
  • Impact Of New Media In Promoting Efficiency And Accountability In Business Organizations
  • Communication Gap: Effect On Organizational Performance (A Study Of Nnewi North Local Government Area Secretariat)
  • Influence Of New Media On Public Opinion Management
  • Influence Of Television Viewing On Young Adult’s Deviant Behaviour
  • Effectiveness Of Mass Media In Sensitizing Against Human Trafficking In Nigeria
  • An Assessment Of The Hate Speech Bill And The Regulation Of Social Media Contents (A Case Study Of Public Perception)
  • Impact Of NTA Enugu Entertainment Programmes On Youths In Enugu Metropolis
  • An Assessment On The Impact Of Social Media Promoting The Obedient Movement Trend During The 2023 Election
  • An Appraisal Of Mass Media Efforts In Eradicating Maternal Death
  • Mass Media Coverage Of Rural Development News. A Content Analytical Study Of The Guardian, Daily Champion, Punch And Daily Star Newspapers
  • Mass Media And Coverage Of Health Awareness System In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA Enugu And Health Care Magazine)
  • The Effect Of Modern Communication Gadgets On Journalism In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of T.V Cartoon Network On The Aggressive Behaviour Of School Going Children
  • Use Of State Broadcast Media As Propaganda Machinery By State Government
  • Perceived Role Of Entertainment Television In Shaping Social Behaviour Of Teenagers
  • Indecent Dressing; A Serious Encroachment On Our Moral Values
  • Implication Of National Broadcasting Commission Code On Broadcasting Media
  • The Impact of Television Advertising as a Critical Element in Influencing Consumer Choice (A Case Study Of MTN And Globacom Adverts Among Unizik Students)
  • Influence Of Television On The Voting Pattern Of Voters In Election
  • Effective Public Relations As An Instrument For The Achievement Of An Organizational Objective
  • Audience Perception Of The Effectiveness Of Radio Jingles On Covid 19 Preventive Measures (A Case Study Of Raypower FM)
  • The Role Of Electronic Media In National Image Building
  • The Roles Broadcast Media In The Recent Boko Haram Crises In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of UNILORIN Radio On Students Performance (A Case Study Of UNILORIN FM)
  • The Effects Of Tobacco Advertising On Youths (A Case Study Of Students Of Institute Of Management And Technology)
  • Effects Of Unethical Practices In Advertising
  • Impact Of Agogo Eewo Home Video On Propagation Of Nigerian Culture
  • Effects Of Information Technology Audit Controls In Financial Institutions
  • Effectiveness Of Planet Radio Programme “Ifiok” In The Enhancement Of Rural Development
  • A Comparative Study On The Importance Of Pidgin English In Broadcasting
  • 2015 Presidential Elections And Hate Campaigns Phenomenon
  • The Effect Of Violent Film On Nigerian Children (A Case Study Of Children In Enugu Urban)
  • The Use Of Public Relations As A Means Of Fostering Mutual Understanding Between An Organization And Its Publics
  • Influence Of Community Radio In Agricultural Development
  • Influence Of Programme Department On Operations Of Broadcast Media
  • Audience Perception Of Commercial Telecast During NTA Network News Programme (A Case Study Of Onitsha Metropolis)
  • Novena University Undergraduate Perception Of The Content And Cultural Benefits Of Selected Nollywood Movies On Netflix
  • The Impact Of Photographic Content In Enhancing News Credibility Among Print Media Audience
  • An Evaluation Of The Contribution Of Television To Mass Communication Students Perception Of Climate Change
  • The Impact Of Radio Programming On The Rural Dwellers (A Case Study Of Baruten Local Government Area Of Kwara State)
  • The Impact Of Internet On The Reading Habit Of Nigerian Students
  • Role Of Outside Broadcasting Van (OB-VAN) On The Television Coverage Of Live Political Event
  • Important Of Social Media In Raising Awareness Of Corona Virus In Niger State
  • Television As A Positive Contributor To The Socialization Of Children
  • The Effects Of Pornographic Films On Nigeria Youths
  • Influence Of Television Programmes Contribution To Football Development In Nigeria
  • Assessment Of Big Brother Naija And Its Impacts On Youths Lifestyle (A Study Of Federal Polytechnic Offa Students)
  • Analysis Comparative Of The Performance Of Journalist In Government And Private Owned Media Organizations
  • Evaluation Of National Security And Public Right To Know
  • Increasing Use Of Pidgin English On Radio Stations In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Good Public Relations And Organized Promotions On The Achievement Of Marketing Objective (Case Study Of Nigeria Breweries Plc)
  • Impact Of Village Square Meeting On Agricultural Development
  • The Effect Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour (A Case Study Of Nestle Food Nigeria Plc)
  • Effect Of Mass Media Campaign On The HIV And AIDS Menace In Nigeria
  • Improving Network Security Using Key Stroke Dynamics
  • Effects Of Commercialization On The Performance Of Broadcasting Organization
  • Radio Listening Habits Of Students In Higher Institutions Of Learning (A Case Study Of Institution Of Management And Technology (IMT) Enugu)
  • Analysis Of The Increasing Competition Between News Bloggers And Traditional Journalists
  • Impact Of Awareness Of Media Campaign On Drug Abuse Among Undergraduates
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media Role In Reducing Unemployment Among Youths In Nigeria
  • A Study Of Challenges Facing Independent Broadcast Programme Producers
  • Audience Perception Of Federal Government Removal Of Fuel Subsidy In January 2012
  • Lagos Resident’s Assessment Of Coca Cola And Pepsi’s Engagement Of Public Relations As A Tool For Enhancing Their Corporate Image
  • Role Of Radio In Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  • An Appraisal Of The Role Of Television In The Promotion Of Environmental Health In Rivers State
  • An Analysis Of The Uses And Gratifications Of Televangelism In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Aba, Residents)
  • The Effects Of Power Outages On The Performance Of Media Houses (A Case Study Of Broadcasting Corporation Of Abia State BCA)
  • Influence Of AKBC Radio Indomie Noodles Commercial On The Buying Habits Of Consumers
  • The Role Of Social Media In Electioneering Credibility
  • The Role Of Advertising In Generating Revenue For Media Organisations (A Case Study Of Trend Television Port-Harcourt )
  • Western Media Contents And Nigerian Youths: Issues And Challenges
  • Treat Of Online News To Newspaper Patronage In Warri Metropolis
  • The Press And Sensitization Of The Public On Fake Drugs In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Cooking Shows In Educating Women In Their Food Preparation
  • An Analysis On The Nexus Between Kidnapping And Ritualism
  • Influence Of Political Campaign Radio On Voters Preference Of Candidates In Bende Local Government Area Abia State
  • Appraisal Of Nigerian Youth Awareness On Aids And Media Responsibility
  • Pronunciation Errors Committed By Igbo Users Of English Language (A Case Study Of Schools In Owerri Municipal)
  • Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Student Toward Journalism As A Career
  • Impact Of Public Enlightenments Programme On The Audience
  • Perception Of Journalists Towards Investigative Journalism
  • The Influence Of Television Campaign In The Sensitization Of Audience On Covid-19 Vaccination
  • An Assessment Of Readers’ Perception Of The Language Of Newspaper Advertisement: A Readership Study Of Vanguard Newspaper
  • Role Of Na So I See Am Programme Of Integration Of The Yoruba And Egun Ethic Groups
  • Effectiveness Of AKBC Radio News Commentaries On Social Change
  • Influence Of Home Videos On The Moral Behavior Of Students
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Raising Awareness About Police Brutality (A Case Study Of Endsars 2020)
  • The Influence Of Instagram On Body Image Among Female Mass Communication Students Of Novena University
  • Influence Of Media Credibility On News Consumption Among Civil Servants
  • Influence Of Social Media In Sharing Selfies Among Students
  • The Globalization Of Terrorism (A Case Study Of Nigeria)
  • Role Of Radio In The Management Of Environmental Health Issues In Dutse Local Government Area, Jigawa State
  • Application Of New Media In Journalism Practice: Case Study Of Radio Niger, Minna
  • Inter-Net And Children (12-18 Years)
  • Television As A Watchdog Against Child Abuse, Labour, And Child Trafficking
  • The Influence Of Religious Programmes On NTA In Regulating The Moral Conducts Of Nigerian Students
  • An Evaluation Of Internal Financial Controls In Public Hospitals
  • Accessing The Role Of The Broadcasting Media As Instrument For Rural Development
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Building Corporate Image
  • Influence Of Social Media On Undergraduate Students Reading Habits Of Computer Science
  • The Role Of The Press In Nation Building
  • An Assessment Of The Public Relations Strategies Of Rebranding The Nigeria Police Force
  • Role Of Continuity Announcer On Success Of Broadcasting Station
  • Students Perception Of Nudity On Social Media (Instagram), A Study Of Delsu, Abraka
  • Conflict Reporting In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Punch Newspaper Reporting Jos Crisis)
  • Communication And Its Problems In Developing Countries (Nigeria As A Case Study}
  • The Role Of Newspaper In Curbing The Spread Of Corona Virus In Nigeria
  • The Impacts Of Ineffective Communication On Organization Efficiency In Nigeria
  • Comparative Study Of Social Media And Radio Stations Preference For Assessing News Among Youths
  • Effect Of Profit Sharing Scheme On Employee Performance In Nigerian Retail Firms
  • The Impact Of NTA Enugu In The Economic Development Of Coal Camp Community Of Enugu South Local Government Area Of Enugu
  • New Media As A Tool For Effective And Efficient Communication Tool Among Nigerian Students
  • The Role Of The Press In A Democracy: The Press In Perspective
  • Influence Of Billboard Advertisement In The Promotion
  • Challenges Of Television Broadcasting In A Democratic Dispensation
  • Teenage Out-Of-Wedlock Pregnancy And Educational Pursuit Among Youths
  • Role Of NTA In The Campaign Against HIV/AIDS In Rural Areas
  • The Influence Of Broadcast Media On The Moral Upbringing Of Nigerian Children
  • The Independence Of The Journalists And Genuine News Report
  • Appraisal Of Copyright Law Awareness Among Students On The Internet Publications
  • Effect Of Social Media Platform For Advertisement Among Youth
  • The Perception Of Feelings Of The Public Over Mass Media Coverage Of Child Labour, Child Trafficking And Girl Child Marriage In Nigeria
  • Effective Application Of The Media In The Crusade Against Female Circumcision In Nigeria
  • Role Of Community Radio In A Democratic Society
  • The Impact Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Global System For Mobile (GSM) Communication
  • Role Of Broadcasting Corporation (Television) In The Rural Education Development
  • Trends Of Negative Themes In Nigerian Home Movies
  • Effect Of Twitter Ban On Nigerians Freedom Of Expression
  • Impact Of Urhobo Voice Newspaper On National Development
  • Kidnapping As An Element Of Terrorism In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Nigeria)
  • A Study Of Select (NTA) And (AKBC) Programme In The Moral Education Of Children In Uyo Metropolis
  • Audience Perception Of Commercials On OSBC And NTA
  • Newspaper Readership Among Youth
  • Constitutional Justification For Press Freedom In Nigeria
  • Role Of Pharmacokinetics And Metabolism In Drug Design
  • A Comparative Analysis Of The Role Of Public Relations And Advertising In Mass Mobilization (A Case Study Of National Orientation Agent N.O.A.)
  • An Assessment Of The Role Of Newspaper In Mobilizing Women For Political Participation In Nigeria
  • The Influence Of Home Videos On The Social Life Of Abia State University Students
  • The Influence Of Western Television Programmes On The Cultural Values Of Nigeria Youths
  • The Effect Of Graphics On The Print Media
  • Determinants And Challenges Of Reading Print Version Of Newspaper Among Youths
  • An Assessment Of The Broadcast Media In The Campaign Against Child Labour And Human Trafficking In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Radio Programmes In Improving The Educational System In Nigeria (A Case Study Of ESBS/IMT Poly Air Programme)
  • Effect Of New Media Technology On Newspaper Production And Circulation In Nigeria
  • An Investigation Of The Effects Of Covid-19 On The Increase In Social Media Usage In Nigeria
  • Effect Of Military Dictatorship On The Nigeria Mass Media
  • Impact Of Foreign Advertising On Nigeria Culture
  • Impact Of Radio On Political Mobilisation And Education On Voting Habits
  • Impact Of Social Media In Managing Brand Reputation In Crises
  • An Assessment Of Television In Political Development Of Rural Areas In Nigeria
  • Examination Of Newspaper Reports Of Tragedy Incidents Involving NYSC Members In Nigeria
  • Public Relations And Staff Harmony
  • The Rise Of Citizen Journalism And Its Impact On Traditional News Outlets
  • Effect Of Poor Internal Public Relations On Company’s Productivity
  • The Role Of Mass Media As A Tool For Public Enlightenment In Achieving The Millennium Development Goals (MDGS)
  • Big Brother And Its Mental Health Influence
  • Radio: An Effective Medium Of Reaching The Largest Audience
  • Adherence To Ethical Advertising By Trado-Medicine Companies In Ebonyi State
  • Influence Of ICT On Modern Day Practice Of Broadcasts Journalism
  • Technological Advancement; Threat To The Future News Paper And Production
  • Impact Of Social Media In Managing Brand Reputation In Crisis
  • Social Media Misinformation Negative Impact On The Youth
  • Comparative Study Of The Performances Of Government Owned And Privately Owned Media Organization
  • An Assessment Of The Print Media In The Campaign Against Drug Abuse In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Campaign On Exclusive Breastfeeding In Obinze Owerri West LGA Of Imo State
  • Broadcasting Media As A Tool For Social Change Among Residents Of Nigeria
  • Influence Of New Media On Public Opinion And Cyber Activism Among Youth Online
  • Role Of Paid Media Smartphone Advertising In Creating Awareness For Jumia Fashion Among Female Youths In Ikate Elegushi
  • Power Interruptions And Broadcasting Media Programmes In Enugu: A Case Study Of ESBS Radio And Television
  • The Effect Of Violent Film On Nigeria Female Children
  • Assessment Of Public Perception Of Broadcast Media Coverage Of Gender Issue
  • The Role Of Opinion Leaders In Development Communication (A Case Study Of Ugwuaji And Akpuoga Rural Communities In Imo State)
  • Influence Of Proofreading And Editing In Newspaper And Magazine Production
  • Assessment Of Twitter As A Medium Of Communication
  • Impact Of Home Movie On The Life Students Of Tertiary Institution In Nigeria
  • Communication: The Key In Effective Public Relation
  • The Impact Of Welfare Scheme On The Motivation Of Worker In Public Service (A Case Of Nigeria Television Authority NTA Aba)
  • The Role Of Social Media In Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Role Of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) In Regulating The Telecommunication Sector; A Case Study Of MTN Nigeria
  • Print Media As Electioneering Tool In Nigeria Governorship Election
  • The Effect Of Broadcast Media Campaign Against Breast Cancer (A Study Of Women In Enugu South LGA)
  • Influence Of AKBC Radio News Commentaries On Students Listenership
  • An Appraisal Of Traditional Media Of Communication In Rural Mobilization
  • Impact Of Freedom Of Information Act On Investigative Journalism
  • Impact Of Digitization Of The Broadcasting Media In Nigeria: A Study Of Nigeria Television Authority (NTA Enugu)
  • Impact Of Radio Broadcast On Rural Areas / Communities
  • A Study On The Level Of Efficiency And Productivity In The Public Sector
  • Attitude Of University Students Towards Online Shopping
  • Impact Of Mass Media Awareness Campaign On Drug Abuse Among Undergraduates
  • Effectiveness Of Television In Reporting Banditry Attacks In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Public Relations On Customers’ Satisfaction
  • Comparative Analysis Of The Role Of Gate Keeping In Government And Private Media
  • Role Of Mass Media In Conflict Resolution: An Appraisal Of Broadcasting Corporation
  • Social Media As Tools For Political Education
  • An Assessment Of The Broadcast Media Campaign Against Drugs Abuse In Nigeria
  • Audience Perception And Believability Of Social Media Advert In Nigeria (A Study Of Facebook)
  • Awareness Of Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign Among Rural Dwellers
  • Assessment Of Audience Awareness, Accessibility And Patronage Of Online News
  • Impact Of Western Television Stations On The Operations Of Broadcasting Stations In Nigeria
  • Evaluating The Role Of Online Media In Promoting Advertisement Of Electronic Appliances (A Case Study Of Jumia)
  • The Effects Of Advertising On Company’s Profitability (A Case Study Of Yinka Oba Foam And Paints Ilesha)
  • Media Reportage Of Kidnapping In Nigeria
  • Television As An Instrument Of Educational Advancement
  • The Role Of The Media In The Promotion Of Government Policies In Nigeria (A Case Study Of The ESBS Enugu)
  • Impact Of Breath Away Programme Cross River Television Programme As Related To Children’s Social Behavioural Problems
  • Influence Of Advertising Messages On Consumer Patronage Of Ariel Detergent
  • Attitude Of Readers Towards Online Publications
  • Effect Of Advertising Media On Consumer Buying Behavior In A Service Industry (Case Study Of Fresh FM Radio Station Ado Ekiti)
  • Impact Of Channel O Musical Programmes
  • Role Of Mass Media In Electoral Process And Coverage Of Political Parties Activities In 2015 Election
  • Assessment Of Feedback In Broadcasting Media In The Present Information And Communication Era
  • Attitude Of Nigerians To The Role Of Mass Media In The Enthronement Of Democracy
  • Adherence Level Of Journalist To Journalism Code Of Conducts
  • Impact Of News Commercialization On Management Of Broadcast Media In Nigeria
  • Effect Of Social Media Platform On Interpersonal Relationship Among Undergraduate Students (A Case Study Of Mass Communication Students)
  • The Effects Of Cartoon Adverts On Children (A Case Study Of Tom And Jerry)
  • Place Of Twitter As A Social Medium For Information Dissemination
  • The Role Of Radio In The Development Of Agriculture In The Rural Area
  • The Impact Of Benue This Week A Radio Benue Programme
  • Media Influence On Body Image And Self-Esteem
  • Tuesday Guardian Employment Opportunities Advert On The Sales Of The Newspaper
  • The Role Of Fulani Radio In Resolving Herdsmen-Farmers Crisis In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Combating Cultism In The Nigerian Institutions
  • Impact Of Newspapers In Political Campaigns (A Study Of Announcer Newspapers)
  • Media Relationship With Advertiser In Reducing Products Consumerism
  • Role Of Enugu State Broadcasting Service In Conflict Resolution
  • The Uses Of Traditional Modes Of Communication In The Mobilization Of Citizens For Community Development Projects
  • Attitude Of Adults Towards Mass Media Messages
  • A Critical Appraisal Of The Influence Of Social Media On News Reportage And Authenticity
  • The Editorial Challenges Of Election Coverage In Nigeria
  • Effective Marketing As A Tool For Achieving Maximum Customer Satisfaction In Telecommunication Industry
  • Assessment Of Newspaper Coverage Of The Administration Of Covid-19 Vaccine
  • The Impact Of Community Radio In Promoting Health Service In The Community (Case Study Of Orisun FM)
  • Assessment Of Newspaper Readership Among Adolescence
  • Mass Communication As A Catalyst To Rural Development (A Case Study Of Orumba South Local Government Area Of Anambra State)
  • Role Of Broadcast Media In Political Participation In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Hot FM, Owerri)
  • Public Relations As Tool For Enhancing Consumer Satisfaction: A Case Study Of Nigerian Airways
  • Influence Of NTA 12 Programme “Nuptial Bliss” On Viewers
  • Role Of Public Relations In Building Corporate Image Of Abuja Electricity Distribution Company
  • The Influence Of Media On Political Knowledge Amongst Students In ESUT
  • Examining The Use Of Social Media By The Government During Covid-19 Pandemic Era
  • The Role Of Social Media In Curbing The Spread Of Ebola Virus Among UNILAG Students
  • The Effect Of Internet On Nigerian Students (A Case Study Of Federal University Of Technology, Owerri)
  • Appraisal Of Media Preference Among People
  • Influence Of Digitization On Broadcast Media
  • Citizens Perception Of Media Role In Ensuring Government Accountability In Nigeria
  • Advertising Jingles And Sloganeering Campaign On Consumer Buying Behaviour
  • The Effect Of Communication Gap In The Achievement Of Organizational Goals (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Onitsha)
  • The Impact Of Public Relations Attitude Of Personnel
  • Mass Media And Entrenchment Of Political Culture In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) On The Economic Development Of Enugu Metropolis
  • The Impact Of Excessive Ritual Themes In Nigeria Home Videos
  • Viewer Ship Of Television Programmes
  • Government Use Of Extra Legal Measures Against Media Practitioners
  • The Comparative Analysis Of Osun State Broadcasting Corporation, OSBC Osogbo And Gold FM Ilesa Programmes
  • Appraisal Of The Role Of Public Relations In Government Organizations
  • Communication Strategies Adopted By The Local Media In Reporting Farmers Herders Crisis In Benue State
  • The Impact Of Commercialization Of Broadcast Media On Government Owned Media Organisation (A Case Study Of FRCN Enugu)
  • An Assessment Of Students Response To Television Reality Programmes
  • Impacts Of Public Relations In Grassroot Development
  • The Impact Of Radio Programme In Economic Development In Nigeria
  • Television Advertisement And Guinness Stout Buying Habits
  • Political Advertising And Its Influence In The Electorates Choice Of Candidate (A Study Of Lagos Electorates)
  • The Influence Of Broadcast Media On The Sale Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Public Relations As A Managerial Tool In Business Organization (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc. Enugu)
  • The Implication Of National Broadcasting Commission Rules And Regulations On Broadcast Media
  • The Effect Of Press Laws On The Nigerian Practicing Journalist
  • Influence Of Social Media On Effective Communication On Organisational Performance
  • Influence Of Child-Spacing Campaigns On The Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Among Rural Women
  • Impact Of Deregulation Of Broadcasting Media On The People Of Boripe Local Government
  • Newspaper Readership Pattern Among Nigerian Youths
  • The Influence Of Social Environment On Media Ethics Amongst Journalist
  • Influence Of Sensational Headlines On Newspapers (A Case Study Of Sun Newspaper)
  • The Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Advertising In Changing Consumers Behaviour (A Case Study Of Vita Foam Owerri)
  • The Role Of Radio And Television In Agricultural And Rural Development
  • The Role Of Print Media In Sports (Football) Development In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede)
  • Effect Of Government Ownership And Control Of Mass Media Objectivity (A Case Study Of Enugu State Broadcasting Services)
  • Mass Customization As A Method Of Providing Client’s Personalized Service (A Case Study Of Nicon Luxury Hotel)
  • A Study On The Effect Of The Internet On Media Practice In Nigeria
  • Traditional Institution Communication Networking System As An Instrument For Rural Development
  • Coverage Of Kidnappings By The Punch And Daily Trust (January- August 2023)
  • Impact Of Media On Acculturation In The Modern Nigerian Society
  • The Impact Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour
  • A Critical Investigation Of The Role Of The Hate Speech Bill In Prohibiting Verbal Abuse On Social Media
  • Impact Of State Broadcasting Media On Voters Mobilization During Election
  • The Impact Of Public Relations Techniques In The Oil Sector (A Case Study Of Agip Oil Company Port Harcourt)
  • Impact Of Radio Nigeria Enugu Awareness Campaign On Global Warming
  • Attitude And Perception Of People In Lagos Metropolis Towards Transit Advertisement
  • The Impact Of Television Advertising On Nursing Mothers (A Case Study Of Baby Products)
  • Influence Of WAW Detergent Soap Advertisement On The Patronage Among Housewives
  • Analysis Of Social Media As A Tool Of Citizen Participation In Government
  • Influence Of Western Television Programs On The Dress Code Of Youths, A Study Of Novena University Students
  • A Public Perception Of Music-Videos And Behavioural Change Towards Global Warming
  • Influence Of Audio Drama In Educating Youths On HIV/AIDS And Sex
  • An Examination Of Public Perception On The Effectiveness Of The Hate Speech Bill In The Fight Against Ethnic Discrimination In Nigeria
  • Audience Perception Of The Punch Newspaper Cartoons
  • Roles Of Radio And Interpersonal Communication In The Eradication Of Guinea Worm
  • Appraisal Of Mass Media Campaign On Menace Of Corruption In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA, Osogbo)
  • Readers Perception Of The Role Of Print Media In Sports Development In Nigeria
  • Smartphone Usage And Social Interaction Among Students
  • Impact Of Channel O Musical Programmes On The Cultural Behavior Of Idah Polytechnic Students
  • The Dynamics Of Digital Technology In Television Broadcasting In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Radio Advertisement On Consumer Patronage (A Case Study Of Radio Lagos)
  • Contributions Of Broadcast Media In Curbing Ebola Virus In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Cable TV In The Education Of Secondary Girls In Owerri (A Case Study Of Owerri Girls High School)
  • The Impacts Of Governments Ownership On Media Objectivity
  • Audience Perception Of The Credibility Of Foreign And Local News Organizations
  • Comparative Study Of Media Management In Print And Broadcast Media
  • An Evaluation Of Portrayal Of Female Gender In Selected Television Advertisement In NTA Ilorin
  • Agenda Setting Role Of Television In The Coverage Of 2015 General Elections In Plateau State: A Study Of NTA Jos
  • Assessment Of Communication As A Strategic Public Relation
  • The Effect Of Radio And Television Broadcast Campaign On The Management Of HIV/AIDS Crisis
  • Mass Media Influence On Urban Youths; With Focus On Ughelli South Local Government
  • Traditional Modes Of Communication In Community Relations (A Case Study Of Orji Autonomous Community In Owerri North L.G.A Of Imo State)
  • Challenges Facing The Media Organisation In Dissemination Of Information (A Study Of Nigeria Television Authority, NTA)
  • The Impact Of Social Media On The Students Polytechnic – Case Study Of Iree, Osun State.
  • Impact Of Information And Communication Technology On Mass Media Performance
  • Examination Of Effectiveness Of Photographs In Print Journalism
  • Attitude And Perception Of Undergraduates Towards Film Advertisement
  • The Impact Of Using Celebrities In Television Advertisement
  • The Impact Of New Communication Technology In Nigeria Broadcast Media
  • Broadcast Media And Socialization Of Youths In Isoko North, Delta State
  • Radio And Promotion Of Culture In Nigeria
  • Evaluating The Benefits Of Broadcasting In Improving Adult Literacy In Lagos State
  • The Print Media And Crisis Resolution In The Niger-Delta Region Of Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Gratification Journalistic Practice In Nigeria (A Case Study Of ESBS) Enugu
  • Impact Of Newspaper Advertisement On Unilever Plc, Lagos
  • Examining E-Naira Awareness In Nigeria’s Rural Demographics
  • Newspaper Coverage Of Sports News In Nigeria: A Content Analysis Of Vanguard And Nation Newspapers
  • Communication And Organizational Management
  • An Assessment Of Newspapers In Reporting Domestic Violence In Imo State
  • The Role Of Advertisement In Newspaper Patronage
  • Impact Of Musical Programmes On The Cultural Behaviour Of Students
  • The Mass Media And Coverage Of Sports Programmes In Nigeria (A Study Of NTA Enugu)
  • Examine The Perception Of Feelings Of The Public Over Mass Media Coverage Of Child Labour
  • Citizen Journalism, News Credibility And Fate Of Journalism In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Social Media As Agenda Setter Tools In Election
  • Role Of Mass Media On The Fight Against Kidnapping In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Foreign Media On The Dress Sense Of Nigerian Male Students (A Case Study Of Abia State Polytechnic)
  • The Influence Of Television Educational And Entertainment Programmes On Viewers
  • The Effect Of Private Media Houses On Nigeria Economy
  • The Effect Of Social Media On The Practice Of Public Relations
  • Public Relations Influence In Promoting Government Development Programme Among Ikorodu Residents
  • Mass Media As An Instrument Of Political Mobilization: A Case Study Of Rivers State Broadcasting Service (RSSBS)
  • Television Advertisement Of Milo Beverage On Consumers Purchasing Habit Among Residents
  • An Assessment Of Digitalization On Broadcasting Media (A Study Of NTA Lagos)
  • Contribution Of ICT On Modern Day Broadcast Media In Nigeria
  • Modern Journalism Practice And The Quest For Professionalism Among Journalism
  • Public Relations Practice And Corporate Image Of Nigeria Immigration Service
  • Influence Of Social Media On Citizen Journalism Practice In Nigeria
  • Social And Traditional Mass Media As Effective Tools Of Public Relations
  • Impact Of Public Relations On Crisis Management Of Multi-National Corporations
  • Information Technology And The Changing Role Of Mass Media In Nigeria: A Discourse On The Impact Of Information Technology And Media Development In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Government Ownership And Control Of Broadcasting Service (Radio) On Media Objectivity
  • An Appraisal Of Press Freedom In African Societies
  • Impact Of Movies In The Propagation Of Culture
  • The Effect Of Advertisement On The Success Of A Business Organization
  • Appraisal Of The Impact Of Indigenous Soap Operas On Students
  • Assessment Of The Effect Of Poor Communication On Healthcare Delivery In Nigeria
  • The Roles Of Mass Media In Achieving Rebranding Programme Of President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua
  • Attitude Of Secondary School Teachers In Sapele Metropolis Towards School Based Educational Broadcasting On Radio
  • Effectiveness Of Interpersonal Communication On Community Development
  • The Role Of ESBS Radio On Rural Development
  • Factors Influencing The Selection Or Procurement Methods For Construction Works In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Public Relations Practice In Government Institutions
  • Television As A Means Of Cultural Promotion In Our Indigenous Environment
  • Role Of Nnannebuife Age Grade In Promoting Rural Development
  • Role Of Public Relations In Local Government Administration
  • New Media Technologies And Their Challenges To Broadcasting In Nigeria
  • Ownership Influence And Challenges Of Media Establishment In Effective Dissemination Of News Information
  • Impact Assessment Of Western Films On Teenagers (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede)
  • Traditional Communication And Promotion Of Good Health Habits
  • Residents Perception On The Credibility Of News On Social Media
  • Social Media And News Consumption Among Undergraduate Students Of Kwararafa University Wukari
  • Audience Perception Of Newspaper Reportage Of Female Gender Participation In Politics
  • Influence Of N.T.A Enugu Commercials On The Product Promotion Of Indomie Instant Noodles
  • Influence Of Social Media On Nigerian Undergraduates Dressing Habit
  • An Evaluation Of Mass Media Influence On Lifestyle Of Youths
  • Challenges And Prospects Of Campus Radio Broadcast
  • Fake News On Social Media And It’s Influence On Covid-19 Behaviours Of Undergraduates
  • Social Media As Agenda Setters In The General Election In Nigeria
  • The Print Media, Cartoons And Social Commentary In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Government Ownership And Control Of Anambra Broadcasting Service (Radio) On Media Objectivity
  • The Place Of Social Media In The Practice Of Public Relations In Higher Institution
  • Influence Of Advertising Messages And Patronages Of Goodmorning Cornflakes
  • Impact Of Commercials On The Success Of Private Radio Stations In Nigeria
  • Hazards And Prospects Of Journalism In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Advertising Techniques And Strategies On Company Sales And Product Acceptability
  • Information Management In Broadcast Programme Production
  • Exposure To Sexual TV Content And Moral Behaviour Among Mass Communication Students
  • An Assessment Of Community Newspaper In The Promotion Of Cultural Heritage In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Television In The Political Development Of Rural Areas
  • Contribution Of Social Media In The Fight Against Misinformation On Coronavirus Pandemic
  • AKBC TV Content And Western Culture Trend Among Youth
  • The Effect Of Radio As A Broadcasting Media
  • The Nigeria Media Under The Military Rule
  • Assessment Of The Role Of The Media In Anti – Corruption Campaign
  • Influence Of Interpersonal Communication On Community Development
  • Impact Of Radio Awareness Campaign On Global Warming
  • Role Of Communication Technology In Improving Work Efficiency Of AIT Staff (A Study Of AIT Abuja)
  • The Role Of Public Relations In The Maintenance Of Industrial
  • Influence Of Ownership In Radio News Coverage (A Study Of Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria, Enugu)
  • Information Imbalance And Its Implications On Third World Nations (A Case Study Of Nigeria)
  • Roles Of Mass Media In Rebranding Campaign Against Domestic Violence
  • Impact Of NTA Television Advertisement On The Mental Development Of Children
  • The Role Of EBBS Radio On Rural Development Of Obuoffia Awkunanaw In Nkanu West L.G.A.: A Case Study Of Enugu State Broadcasting Service Radio
  • The Effect Of Dress Code On Employee’s Performances In The Office
  • Students Awareness, Accessibility And Patronage Of Online News In Nigeria
  • Audience Perception Of Television Magazine Programme Of Channels Television Towards Democratic Development
  • The Role Of Radio In Democratic Society
  • An Assessment Of Internet Compliance News In Gathering By Journalists
  • The Influence Of Print Media In Creating Awareness Against Drug Abuse In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Mass Media Campaign On Reduction Of Malaria
  • Customer Relations Practice And Patronage Of Banks
  • Perceived Impact Of Smartphones In News Gathering Process Among Journalists
  • Audience Perception And Attitude To Political News Report In Anambra State
  • Negative Impact Of The Beauty Industry On Teen Body Image Among Nigerian Students
  • Coverage Of Security Issues In Nigeria By The Punch And The Nation Newspapers From July – December 2022
  • The Influence Of Journalism Code Of Ethics On Journalism Practice
  • Impact Of Radio In Political Mobilisation Of Electorate
  • The Effect Of Cartoons In News Reporting (A Case Study Of Newspaper Readers In Okigwe Local Government Headquarters)
  • Influence Of Newspaper Content On Readership Of Select Newspaper In Uyo Metropolis
  • The Influence Of MTV Base Musical Programme On The Dressing Pattern Of ABSU Students
  • Advertising As A Tool For Increasing Profitability Of Manufacturing Industries
  • Influence Of Advertisement On Students’ Patronage Of Good Morning Cornflakes
  • The Influence Of Big Brother Africa Reality Television Show On Youths In Nigeria
  • Social Media Influence On Political Participation Among Students In Delta State University, Abraka
  • The Impact Of Public Relations Department On Organizational Performance (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin)
  • The Effect Of Consumer Perception On Advertising Message On Buying Behaviour
  • Impact Of Social Media Malaria Campaign On Facebook And Twitter Among Students
  • Mass Media As Tools For Social Development
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media’s Role In The Campaign Against Drug Abuse In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Mass Media On Political Behaviour Of The Electorates (A Case Study Of Umuahia)
  • Student Perception On Osun State Broadcasting Corporation Radio On Current Affairs Program (A Study Of Mass Communication Student Of Osun State University)
  • Influence Of Television Series On The Nigerian Women (A Case Study Of Lagos State)
  • The Use Of Internet As A Communication Tool In International Marketing  A Survey Of The Opinion Of Selected Computer –Literates In Enugu Metropolis) 
  • Impact Of Pornography Films On Nigerian Youths
  • Misrepresentation Of Africa In Broadcasting Media
  • The Influence Of Social Media Tools On Organisation Profitability (A Case Study Of First Bank)
  • Assessing The Implication Of Elicit Spread Of Covid-19 Information On Twitter
  • Influence Of Campus Journalism In Nigerian Polytechnics: Causes, Effects And Recommendation
  • An Investigation Of The Positive And Negative Effect Of The Use Of Social Media In The Campaign Against Covid 19 Pandemic
  • Curbing Examination Malpractice Through Public Service Adverts
  • Impact Of Facebook, Twitter And Youtube As An Emerging Media Of Political Communication In The 2015 Presidential Elections In Nigeria
  • Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career
  • Indigenous Media And Rural Development (The Case Of Oil Producing Communities In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria)
  • A Study On The Effect Of Government Infringement On Press
  • The Role Of Media In The Management Of Environmental Health Issues In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Mass Media Documentary On Cervical Cancer Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Among Mothers In Edo State
  • An Examination Of The Effects Of Fake News On Selected Individuals And Institutions In Nigeria
  • Effectiveness Of Radio In Awareness Campaign Against Corona Virus Pandemic In The Rural Community (A Study Of Emure Ekiti, Ekiti State)
  • An Assessment Of The Application Of The Internet By Students Of Tertiary Institutions In Research Project Writing
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Anti-Child Abuse And Trafficking Campaign
  • Digitalization Of Television Broadcasting In Nigeria, Prospects And Challenges
  • Communication And Behavioural Change: A Case Study Of People’s Perception On The Awareness Campaigns On HIV/AIDS In Nigeria
  • Analysis Of Audience Perception Of Media Coverage Of April 2011 Presidential Election
  • Influence Of Photographs On Readers Of The Nigerian Observer Newspaper
  • Problem And Prospect Of Media Management In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Osun State Broadcasting Corporation, OSBC, Osogbo)
  • Effect Of Indigenous Language In Outdoor Advertising Of Goldberg Beer On Youths
  • The Impact Of Mass Media Message On Family Planning (A Case Study Of Umumbiri Oparanadim)
  • Television Viewership Habits
  • Communication As An Effective Tool For Achieving Administrative Goal (A Case Study Of Aba South Local Government Area Abia State)
  • A Survey Research On The Viewership Of Silverbird (STV) Station By The Populace
  • Impact Of Urhobo Voice Newspaper On Development
  • Analysis On The 2015 Election Campaign Flayer-Poster
  • The Role Of Photojournalism In Shaping Public Opinion
  • Evaluation Of The Rebranding Nigeria Project Among International Communities
  • The Challenges Confronting Privately Owned Media Stations In A Democratic Dispensation In Nigeria
  • Impact Of The “The Fast And Furious” (Action Film) On The Social Behavioural Pattern Of Students
  • Influence And The Important Of Using Smartphone On Students Academic Performance In Secondary Schools
  • Exposure And Use Of Social Networking Sites Among University Students
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Crisis Management In Nigeria
  • Audience Perception Of Media Reportage Of Monkey Pox Outbreak In Lagos
  • Impact Of Voice Newspaper On Development
  • The Effects Of Commercialization On The Contents Of Private Media
  • Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Newspaper As An Instrument For Political Education
  • Public Relations As A Tool For Conflict Resolution In NITEL Territorial Office
  • Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Corporate Image Of The Nigerian Army
  • Students Participation In Social Media Fraud: Problems And Solutions (A Case Study Of University Of Ibadan)
  • Role Of Broadcast Media In Eradicating Election Violence
  • An Assessment Of The Effects Of Television Programmes On Youths
  • A Study Of Media Literacy Awareness Among Mass Communication Student Of Novena University
  • Critical Appraisal Of The Role Of National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) In Controlling The Performance Of Broadcast Industry In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Social Media In Addressing Farmers-Herdsmen’s Conflict In Nigeria
  • Assessing The Level Of Objectivity Among Federal, State And Private Television
  • Role Of Broadcasting Service In Conflict Resolution
  • Perceived Implication Of Fake News On Social Media (A Case Study Facebook)
  • The Effects Of Sales Promotions On Customer Growth In The Nigerian Mobile Telecommunication Industry
  • Rising Trend In The Use Of Social Media Networks By Students In Seeking Information
  • The Influence Of AIT Coverage On Post 2011 Election Sentiments Among Residents Of Kabala Doki, Kaduna
  • The Impact Of Radio And Voter Education In Nigeria (A Case Study Of FRCN Ikoyi Lagos State)
  • An Analysis Of Media Ownership And The Credibility Of News Reporting In Nigeria
  • Copy Right And The Entertainment Industry In Nigeria Coson In Focus
  • The Influence Of YouTube On Educational Development Among Students Of The Mass Communication Department At Novena University, Ogume
  • Effects Of Mass Media On Yoruba Culture And Tradition
  • The Apathetic Behaviour Of Nigerian Journalists To Science And Technological Reporting (A Case Study Of Journalists In South – Eastern Nigeria)
  • Influence Of Facebook On Behavioural Pattern Of Nigeria Youths
  • Effect Of Twitter Ban On Telecommunication Companies In Nigeria (A Case Study Of MTN, GLO And Airtel)
  • Photography As An Important Tool In News Media
  • Impact Of Entertainment Programmes On Youths
  • The Impact Of Global News Media In Nigeria, BBC News As A Case Study
  • The Role Of Radio Programme In Improving The Educational System In Enugu State: A Case Study Of ESBS/IMT Poly Air Programme
  • Social Media Network Contribution To The Development Of Hospitality Industry
  • The Impact Of Radio Musical Programmes On Nigerian Youths
  • An Assessment Of Photographs And Cartoons As Communication Instruments
  • Television Reality Show And Its Effect On The Moral And Social Life Of Adolescents In Benue State
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Political Mobilization (A Case Study Of Edo Broadcasting Service -EBS)
  • The Effects Of Television Advertisements On The Buying Habit Of Consumers (Peak Milk Advert In Perspective)
  • Effectiveness Of Detergent Advertisement On Students Buying Habit
  • An Investigation Into The Menace Of Kidnapping In Nigeria And The Report Effectiveness Of The Press
  • Television Advertising And Consumer Patronage Of Soft Drinks
  • Arresting The Menace Of Examination Malpractice
  • Television Advertising And Buying Habits Of Consumers In Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria
  • The Effects Of AKBC Radio In Political Mobilization Of Women
  • A Comperative Analysis Of Sellect Print Media Coverage On Industrial And Political Issues
  • Influence Of Newscasters Dressing Modes On Port Harcourt Viewers: A Study Of African Independent Television (AIT) And Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Achieving Millennium Development Goals
  • Influence Of Indigenous Language On Advertising Campaign
  • An Evaluation Of Role Of The Media And National Security In Nigeria
  • A Comparative Assessment Of Public Relations Functions In The Nigerian Banking System And Government Parastatals (A Case Study Of Anamco Nigeria Ltd Emene Enugu And All State Trust Bank Plc Lagos)
  • The Mass Media Ownership Policies And Ethical Problems Of Nigerian Journalist
  • Perception Of Gubernatorial Newspaper Advertisements In The 2015 Election By The Electorate In Oleh Metropolis, Delta State
  • Impact Of Radio Advertising In Advocating Against Toxic Widowhood Practices In Nigeria
  • A Comparative Study On Student’s Preference For News And Musical Programme On Radio
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media’s Role In Supporting Women Empowerment Campaign In Nigeria
  • Public Perception Of Radio Broadcast Programmes On Health Matters (Case Study Of Onitsha Residents)
  • The Role Of Social Media In Creating Of Awareness During 2015 General Election In Nigeria
  • Community Radio As An Effective Tool For Agricultural Development
  • Influence Of Internet As A Research Tool For Students
  • Impact Of Salt FM Radio On Political Mobilization Of The People
  • Impact Of Digitization Of The Broadcasting Media In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Imo Broadcsting Corporation (IBC))
  • Influence Of Outdoor Advertising On Politicians’ Electoral Success In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Televisions Stations In Community Development
  • The Role Of Twitter As A Tool For Political Education: A Study Of The End Sars Protest
  • Role Of Nigerian Mass Media In The Promoting Free And Fair Elections
  • Public Perception Of EFCC’s Performance From 2003 – 2007
  • The Use Of Radio For Youth Mobilization In National Politics; A Study Of Mass Communication Students Of Novena University, Ogume
  • Social Media And The Management Of Covid-19 Information In Port Harcourt
  • The Effect Of Violent Film On Nigerian Children (A Case Study Of Children In Enugu Metropolis)
  • Impact Of Deregulation Of Broadcasting Media
  • The Impact Of Covid-19 Lockdown On Internet Usage
  • Media Reportage Of The Agitation For The Sovereign State Of Biafra: A Case Study Of Public Perception
  • Billboard Media And The Fight Against Cultism Among Students
  • Student Perception Of Influence Of News Blogging On Journalism
  • Social Media As An Effective Tool For Sales Promotion
  • Impact Of Photographs On Magazine Cover Page
  • Role Of Mass Media In The Campaign For Mass Literacy
  • The Effectiveness Of New Information Technology On Public Relations Practice (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri)
  • The Communication Effectiveness Of Cartoon In Vanguard Newspaper (A Survey Of Uyo Local Government Area Residents)
  • Impact Of Online News On The Readership Of Hardcopy Newspapers
  • Internet Penetration And The Adoption Of Television Streaming Among Stakeholders In South-West Nigeria
  • The Perception Of Media Staff Welfare On The Effectiveness Of Journalism In Nigeria
  • Perception Of Mass Media As Tools For Sensitizing Rural Dwellers About Infectious Epidemic (A Case Study Of Corona Virus In Nigeria)
  • A Case For Community Radio In The Development Of Okuama, Eku And Jeddo Communities
  • The Influence Of Media Ownership And On The On Editorial Policy Of Announcer Newspaper
  • Impact Of Mass Media In Enhancing Judicial System In Nigeria
  • Role Of Anambra Broadcasting Service In The Fight Against Cultism
  • An Appraisal Of Nigeria Media As Instrument Of Eradicating Corruption In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA Effect On Obasanjo’s Anti- Corruption Crusade)
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Promoting Gender Equality In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Anti-Graft Agencies In Anti-Corruption Campaigns In Nigeria
  • Role Of Broadcast Media In Mobilizing People For Self-Sustenance
  • Evaluation Of Digital Tools Utilization In Programme Production
  • The Effects Of Public Relations On Organization: A Case Study Of Zenith Banks In Anambra State
  • The Impact Of Communication On The Organizational Efficiency In NEPA Enugu
  • The Challenges And Prospects Of A Campus Radio (FM) Station: What It Should Be And What It Is
  • Role Of Radio And Interpersonal Communication In The Eradication Of Malaria
  • The Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Radio Jingles On Family Planning Programmes
  • Fake News And Whistle Blowing Policy: Public Assessment Of The Impact On Media Credibility
  • Magazine Reading Behavior Of Students In Tertiary Institutions
  • The Role Of The Media In The Political Development Of Nigeria
  • Public Perception On The Impact Of Online Newspapers On Their Print Versions’ Readership In Akwa Ibom State
  • Eradication Of Fake News On Social Media: Possible Solutions And Prospects
  • The Perception Of Broadcast Students On The Effectiveness Of Drone Technology In News Gathering And Reporting
  • Prospects And Challenges Of Campus Broadcast Stations In Nigeria
  • Utilization Of Social Media As A Marketing Strategy In Entrepreneurial Business
  • Influence Of Cartoon In Communication Effectiveness
  • Audience Perception Of Print Media In Curmbing Corruption In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Television Viewing On Education Children In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Radio Amuludun FM 99.1 On The Level Of Awareness In Rural Communities
  • The Impact Of Management Style Of Nagarta Radio On Reporters And Programmes Producers In The Station
  • The Impact Of Television Advertisement On ‘Always’ On Consumers Choice Of Sanitary Towel
  • The Effectiveness Of The Radio As An Agent Of Social Mobilization In Rural Communities
  • Influences Of Media Ownership Patterns On Media Freedom And Professionalism In Nigeria
  • The Media Choice And Advertising Effectiveness: A Survey Of Users Of Soft Complexion Cream
  • Effect Of Social Media On Youths With Emphasis On TikTok
  • Corporate Social Responsibility As Public Relations Tool In The Communication Industry
  • The Influence Of Nigeria Mass Media On Political Campaign
  • Prospects And Challenges Of Mobile Banking Technology In Nigeria
  • Evaluation Of Government Attitude Towards The Nigeria Media In The Present Democratic Dispensation
  • The New Media And Communication In Organizations (A Case Study Of Kuda Bank, Lagos)
  • Health Risk And Cosmetology Information
  • Federal Polytechnic Students Preference Of Selected Radio Programmes Of Hot FM Radio, Owerri
  • The Influence Of Foreign Music On Lifestyle Of Nigeria Youths (A Case Study Of Warri, Delta)
  • Viewer Ship Of Television Programmes In Enugu State
  • Influence Of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) On Branding And Sales
  • Impact Of Radio Nigeria Enugus Awareness Campaign On Global Warming
  • An Appraisal Of Advertisement Strategies Of GSM Company MTN
  • The Impact Of Mass Media On Social, Political And Cultural Life
  • Public Perception Of Newspaper Coverage Of Ebola Epidemic Outbreak In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Public Relations In Local Government
  • Attitude Of University Students On Big Brother Africa Reality Show
  • The Use Of English Language In Nigerian Television Drama
  • Social Media As Emerging Tools For Political Participation In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Billboard Advertising In Product Promotion (A Case Study Of Enugu Metropolis)
  • Media As A Tool For Promoting Arts And Culture Through Tourism Development In Nigeria
  • The Role Of The Nigerian Media In Promoting Responsibility And Accountability In Government
  • The Role Of Information And Communication Technology In The Management Of Tertiary Institutions
  • The Role Of Media Ethics On News Reporting
  • Influence Of Liberalization Of Broadcast Industry In Nigeria, A Study Of Delta State
  • The Effect Of (Public Service Advertising-PSA) On Examination Malpractice Prevention
  • The Role Of Public Relations In The Maintenance Of Industrial Harmony
  • The Role Of Broadcasting In The Rural Development (A Study Of ESBS Radio Enugu)
  • Effect Of Brown Envelope On Journalism Practices (A Case Study Of NTA Ado Ekiti)
  • Influence Of New Media In Achieving Communication Efficiency In Broadcasting
  • Attitude Of Caritas Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career
  • Consumers Believability Of TV Commercial Claims
  • Media And Creation Of Political Awareness
  • Impact Of Electronic Media On The Development Of Rural Area (Radio And Television)
  • Use Of Social Media In Creating Climate Change Awareness Among The Students Of Mass Communication Department
  • The Impact Of Social Networking On Tourism Development
  • The Impact Of Nigerian Press On The Choice Of Political Candidate
  • Role Of Media In Conflict Resolution: A Study Of Offa And Erin-Ile Communal Clash
  • Perception Of Newspaper Readers Of Newspaper Political Advertisement
  • Social Media Channels For Social Mobilization In The Society: A Comparative Study
  • Role Of Vision Africa Radio Umuahia On Political Mobilization Of Rural Dwellers In Umuahia North Local Government Area
  • Influence Of Media Ethics In News Gathering And Dissemination
  • Study Of The Problems Of Information Sourcing In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Women In Advertisement (A Case Study Of Delta Soap Television Advertisement)
  • The Impact Of Advertisement Revenue On Media Sustainability: A Study Of Vanguard Newspaper
  • The Influence Of TikTok On Redefining Social Dynamics Among Undergraduate Students: A Case Study Of Novena University
  • Students Rating Of Radio Stations In Osun State
  • The Role Of Television In Promoting Agricultural Development In Nigeria
  • An Evaluation Of The Impacts Of Campus Journalism In Nigerian Polytechnics
  • The Influence Of Nigerian Radio Programmes On The Cultural Values Of Nigerian Youths; A Case Study Of Invicta FM
  • Residents’ Perception Of The Credibility Of Select Online Newspapers
  • The Mass Media As Channel For Creating Awareness And Mobilizing Public Support
  • Effect Of Information And Communication Technology In Banking
  • Role Of Radio In Preserving And Maintaining Gbagir Culture
  • Analysing Social Media As Tool For Social Relations Among Students
  • The Impact Of The Mass Media On Rural Development
  • Digital Media And Awareness Of Emerging Health Issues In Nigeria
  • Effectiveness Of Music In Indomie Noodles Jingle And Commercial On Children Consumption Habit
  • Instances Of Data Driven Journalism In The Daily Trust 2016-2018
  • Newspaper Coverage Of Mental Health Issues In Nigeria (Case Study Of Punch Newspaper)
  • The Influence Of Social Media On Students Reading Culture In Tertiary Institution
  • The Influence Of Social Media On The Use Of Traditional Mass Media Among Nigerian Youths
  • Traditional Media Of Communication As Tools For Effective Rural Development
  • Foreign Television Stations’ Representation And The Perception Of Nigeria’s Image
  • Impact Of Deregulation Of Broadcasting Media On The People
  • The Impact Of Portrayals Of The Image Of Women On The Television Adverts Of Alcohol & Tobacco (A Case Study Of Guinness Stout & Benson & Hedges Cigarette)
  • Impact Of Indigenous Music On Radio Content Stations In Benue State
  • Impacts Of Pornographic Films On Nigerian Youth In Nigeria
  • An Examination Of The Effect Of Education On Women In Journalism
  • The Role Of The Broadcasting Media In Uplifting The Educational System Of Enugu State (A Case Study Of Enugu Metropolis)
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Generating Awareness Against Drug Abuse: A Case Study Of Vanguard And Punch Newspaper
  • An Assessment Of Political Advertising On Electorates In The 2015 Presidential Election
  • The Role Of The Mass Media In The Fight Against Terrorism In Nigeria
  • An Evaluation Of The Awareness And Behaviour Of Journalists In Campaign For Child Rights Act In Nigeria
  • An Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Radio Campaign On HIV/AIDS Awareness And Prevention In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Headlines On Newspaper Readership; A Survey Of News Paper Stand In Umuahia Town Stand Abia State
  • Influence Of Maggi Star Kitchen Family Show In Educating Women In Lagos On Their Food Preparation
  • The Impact Of Billboard Political Campaigns On The Electorate Voting Behaviour In The 2015 General Election
  • The Impact Of IT On The Training Of Mass Communication Student Of The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro
  • An Analysis Of The Use Of Social Media By Public Relations Practitioner For Effective Communication
  • Gate Keeping Function As An Indispensable Tool In Print Media (A Case Study Of Newsbreak Newspaper Owerri)
  • Broadcast Deregulation And Efficient Information Dissemination In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Fake News On The Society
  • Newspaper Coverage Of Foreign News In Nigeria. A Content Analysis Of Daily Champion And Vanguard Newspaper
  • Public Perception Of Freedom Of Information Bill In Nigeria
  • Social Media Marketing And Consumer Patronage Of MTN And GLO Services
  • Audience Perception Of Obstructive Advertisement In Super Story
  • Effect Of Personal Branding On Contemporary TV Presenters
  • Influence Of Advertising On Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour Of Toothpaste Brands
  • Assessment Of Western Media And Its Influence On The Fashion Styles Of Female Students
  • Readers Perception Of The Use Of Photograph In Reinforcement Of Newspaper Message
  • The Role Of Radio Advertising On The Marketing Of Goods And Services In Kwara State (A Case Study Of Kwara State Broadcasting Corporation Radio Kwara State)
  • Media Coverage Of Child Abuse Incidents In Nigeria
  • The Effects Of Public Relations Practices In Private Nigeria Airline
  • An In-depth Examination Of Africa Misrepresentation By The Broadcasting Media
  • The Role Of Radio And Television In Rural Development
  • The Important Of Communication In Human Society
  • The Internet Impact On Cultural Practice
  • News Commercialization And Its Implications On Media Credibility
  • The Impacts Of Information Acts On Journalism Practice In Nigeria
  • An Appraisal Of Multimedia Approaches Towards Effective HIV/AIDS Campaign In Cross River State (A Study Of The Residents Of Yakkur Local Government Area)
  • Influence Of Music As A Tool For Promoting Moral
  • Problems And Prospects Of Government Owned Broadcasting Media In Nigeria
  • Role Of Community Newspapers In Political Awareness
  • Influence Of Photographs In Newspaper Production
  • Social Media And Covid-19: An Analysis Of Internet Crisis During Covid-19 Pandemic
  • The Pragmatic Study In The Language Of Advertising In Vanguard Newspaper
  • Role Of Radio Nigeria In Combating Drug Abuse Among University Students
  • The Influence Of Online Journalism On Revenue Generation Of Nigeria New Media
  • Smartphones As Tool For News Gathering Among Journalists
  • Influence Of Social Media On Choice Of Candidate In The 2015 Gubernatorial Election
  • Distribution Of Bread In Metropolis Problems And Prospects
  • An Assessment Of The Print Media In The Promotion Of Sports Development In Nigeria
  • Sustenance Of Nigerian Mass Media Industry The Critical Role Of Advertising
  • The Roles Of The Media In Influencing Enugu State Government Policies During Governor Chime’s Government From 2007-2011
  • Impact Of Internet On Reading And Research Habits Of Mass Communication Students
  • Influence Of Animated Cartoons On The Behavioral Development
  • Influence Of Commercial News On Journalism Profession In Nigeria
  • The Newspaper Coverage Of 2011 Presidential Election In Nigeria
  • Influence Of N.T.A Commercials On The Product Promotion Of Indomie Instant Noodles
  • Evaluation Of The Level Of Newspaper Readership Among Career Women In Abuja
  • Mass Media Awareness Against Police Brutality: A Focus On University Of Port Harcourt Students
  • Perspectives Of Youth Development Towards Broadcast Medium (Study Of Sports Programme On Okin FM Offa)
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media And The Management Of Human Rights In Nigeria
  • Evaluation Of Online News Platform As Alternative News Sources
  • The Police And The Use Of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) In Property Crime Detection And Control
  • Failure Frequencies Of The Transmitter System Of The Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)
  • Ethical Challenges In Journalism Practice (A Case Study of Maiduguri, Borno State)
  • A Critical Survey On Public Awareness And Compliance With Media Campaigns On Child Marriage In Northern Nigeria
  • Awareness Of Reproductive Health Issues Through The Media And Interpersonal Channels
  • Opinion Formation Radio News Commentary Among Students Of Tertiary Institutions (A Case Study Of Federal Polytchnic Nekede, Owerri)
  • The Role Of Radio In Improving The Educational System
  • Influence Of Maggi Star Kitchen Family Show In Educating Women On Their Food Preparation
  • The Effect Of Information And Communication On Technology In Broadcast Media
  • Impacts Of The Electronic Media In The Economic Development Of Nigeria (A Case Study Of Enugu State Broadcasting Service Enugu)
  • A Critical Investigation Of The Hate Speech Bill And Its Impact On Social Media Infodemic
  • The Press In Nigerian Politics: Analysis Of Issues And Patterns Of News Coverage
  • Attitude And Perception Of People Towards Transit Advertisement
  • Impact Of Cable Television On Cultural Imperialism
  • Assessment Of Code Of Ethics And Professionalism Among Uyo Based Journalist In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Advertising On Consumers Patronage Of Dettol Products (Case Study Of Consumers In Owerri Municiple Council)
  • Radio Listenership Pattern Among Market Women In Abeokuta, Ogun State
  • Public Relations As A Veritable Tool For Eradicating Cultism In Nigerian’s Tertiary Institutions (A Case Study Of Federal Poly Nekede)
  • Poor Readership Of Editorial Among Nigerian Students (A Case Study Of Institute Of Management And Technology IMT Enugu)
  • Development Journalism As A Pre-Requisite For Rural Development
  • Influence Of ESBS Radio On The Economic Empowerment
  • Perception Of Pidgin English Broadcasting Among Residents Of Lagos State
  • Attitude Of Educated People Towards Pidgin English Broadcasting On Wazobia FM
  • The Impact Of Radio Advertising On Small Scale Business
  • Influence Of Legislation On The Nigeria Print Journalism
  • Influence Of Government Ownership On Political Contents Of Broadcasting Service
  • Broadcast Media Influence Of Cooking Shows Education And Educating Women In Their Food Preparation
  • Social Media As Tools For Political Participation In Nigeria
  • Critical Assessment Of NTA National Integration Programme
  • Impact Of Freedom Of Information Act On Journalism Practice: A Study Of Journalism Practice In Uyo Community
  • Challenges And Prospects Of Media Practices Under Military Regime
  • Investigation Of TV Programme Content And Audience Preference
  • The Assessment Of Exxon-Mobil Corporate Social Responsibilities
  • Media Ownership and The Influence On Editorial Policy (A Case Study Of Announcer) Enugu
  • The Attitude Of Top Management Towards Public Relations Function (A Case Study Of Anamco Plc., Enugu)
  • Impact Of Mass Media On The Coverage Of Government Programmes
  • Influence Of Nta Enugu Television Advertisement On The Choice Of Hair Relaxer Among Female Undergraduates
  • The Role Of Electronic Media In The Crusade Against Religious Intolerance In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Residence If Awka Anambra State)
  • Newspaper And Television: Social Media As Channels For Social Mobilization In Rural Areas
  • Impact Of Social Media Among Public Relations Practitioners In Oyo State
  • The Impact Of Breath-Away Programmes (CRBC-TV) On Children As Related To Social Behavioral Problems In Nigeria
  • An Assessment Of Workability Of Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) In Journalism Profession In Nigeria
  • People’s Perception Of Televangelism In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Freedom Of Information Act On Journalism Practice
  • Newspaper Coverage Of Nigeria 2015 General Election
  • Influence Of Media Globalization On The Culture Of Warri In Delta State
  • Social Media And The 2015 General Election
  • Influence Of Jenifa’s Diary On The Usage Of English Language Among Students
  • Physical Distribution Management In Innoson Company Limited In Enugu Metropolis
  • The Influence Of Western Programmes On DSTV Television On The Behavioural Values Of Nigerian Youths
  • Broadcasting Media As A Tool For Social Change Among Residents
  • Societal Impact Of Corruption In The Journalism Practices
  • Influence Of Religious Programmes On NTA Enugu In Regulating The Moral Conducts Of Nigerian Students (A Study Of Caritas University Students)
  • Appraising The Effect Of Commercial News On Journalism Profession In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA Ile-Ife And Orisun F.M Ile-Ife)
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Economic Development In Nigeria
  • Agenda Setting In Nigeria Newspaper And Challenges In Rural Development
  • The Impact Of Radio Broadcasting Programmes On Rural Development: A Case Study Of A Radio Station In Kwara State, Nigeria
  • Television Advertising And Consumer Buying Habits Of Guinness Stout In Nike Community Of Enugu State
  • The Effects Of Television Commerials On Buying Habits Of Enugu Metropolis (A Study Of Omo And Elephant Detergents)
  • An Assessment On Mass Media As A Tool For Population Control In Nigeria
  • Investigation Of Social Media Infodemic During Covid 19 Pandemic Era
  • The On-Air Personality And Challenges Of Image Building In The Broadcast Station
  • People’s Perception On The Impact Of Social Media In Managing Brand Reputation In Crisis
  • The Influence Of Omo Detergent Television Commercials On Consumer’s Patronage Of The Product (A Case Study Of Warri Metropolis)
  • The Role Of News Paper In Reporting Fulani Herdsmen Activities In Nigeria
  • Analysis Of Reports On Human Rights Violations In The Guardian And Daily Sun Newspapers In Nigeria (July To December 2023)
  • The Impact Of News Paper And Television As Envoy Of Social Development
  • Influence Of Home Video On The Moral Behaviour
  • The Effects And Consequences Of Social Media On Music Artists, Music Consumption And Its Impact On The Nigerian Music Industry
  • The Effect Of Broadcast Media Campaign Against Ethno Religious Crisis In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Social Networking Sites On Democracy In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Scientific And Technological Development On The Communication Industry In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Orient Television In Owerri)
  • Public Relations As The Surviving Force Of Political Organisations In Nigeria
  • An Assessment Of Television Campaign On Gender Roles On Employment Opportunities For Women In Plateau State
  • Interactive Media Sales Promotion Typologies And Telecommunication Operators’ Brand Equity Among Civil Servants
  • The Impact Of NTA In The Economic Development
  • Influence Of Television Advert Of WAW Detergent On Consumer Purchasing Habit In Portharcourt Residents
  • The Rise Of Citizen Journalism In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Phone-In Programmes In Sensitizing The Electorates
  • A Comparative Analysis Of Ebonyi Broadcasting Corporation And Dream FM Report On Gender Based Violence In Ebonyi State
  • Influence Of YouTube Videos On Youth
  • Attitude Of Electorate Towards E-Campaigns During Electioneering
  • The Role Of Television In The Political Mobilization Of Rural Areas
  • The Newspaper Converge Of Election Petition Tribunal In Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis Of Observer And Guardian Newspaper
  • Impact Of Broadcasting Media On The Usage Of Contraceptives By Rural Women
  • Effect Of Trado – Medical Advertising On Human Health And Broadcast Media
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Informing The Public On Herdsmen Activities In Nigeria
  • An Assessment Of Imagery In Indigenous Newspapers In Uyo Metropolis
  • The Role Of Print Media In Promoting Local Businesses (A Case Study Of Nnewi Municipality)
  • Newspaper Coverage Of Violence In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Top Rank Hotels Profitability Through Advertising In N.T.A. Enugu
  • Newspaper Coverage Of Drug Abuse In Nigeria: A Study Three Selected News Papers
  • A Critical Assessment Of NTA Integration Program
  • Influence Of NTA Television Advertisement On The Choice Of Hair Relaxer Among The Female Undergraduates
  • Role Of Radio In Curbing The Spread Of Covid-19 In Nigeria
  • Newspaper Ownership And Editorial Independence: A Comparative Analysis Of Tide And Guardian Newspaper
  • Influence Of Privatization On Viewership
  • Implication Of National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) Rules And Regulation On Broadcasting Media
  • Comparative Analysis Of Viewership Preference Of Foreign And Local Television Stations Among Nigerian Youths
  • Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Peace In Higher Institutions
  • Objectivity In The Role Of Nigerian Television Authority In The Mobilization Of Electorate For 2019 Oyo Gubernatorial Election
  • The Effect Of Commercial News On The Ethics Of Journalism
  • Audience Perception Of Africa Independent Television (AIT) Coverage Of Political News
  • Impact Of Social Media On The Electoral Process
  • Breach Of Media Ethics And The 2015 Presidential Election: Appraisal Of AIT
  • Comparative Analysis Of The Roles Of Mass Communication And Interpersonal Communication In Rural Development (A Case Study Of Obeaga I8N Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State)
  • Mass Media And Rural Development In Nigeria
  • Effects Of Satellite Television On The Life Patterns Of Nigeria Students
  • Assessment Of Newspaper Readership Of Fashion Pages In Sunday Punch
  • Advertising And Consumer Preference Of GSM Networks In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Owerri Metropolis)
  • The Role Of Television In Educating The Public On The Preventive Measures Against The Spread Of Corona Virus
  • Channels Of Information Accessibility And Dissemination Among Rural Dwellers
  • Role Of Television In National Development
  • Delta State University Students Perceptions Of Online Newspaper
  • Influence Of Cartoon On News Paper Readership Among Student; A Study Of University Of Lagos Akoka
  • Owerri Residents’ Awareness Of The Causes And Symptoms Of Lassa Fever
  • Investigative Journalism Practices And Problems In Nigeria
  • Role Of “Na So I See Am” Programme Of Murhi International Television (MITV) In The Integration Of Yoruba And Egun Ethnic Groups
  • Nigeria’s Image And The Place Of The Public Relation In Its Reconstruction (A Case Study Of The Public Relation Practiiancers In Enugu Urban)
  • Influence Of Baby Formula Advertising On The Buying Habits Of Nursing Mothers
  • Community Journalism And The Challenges Of Rural Reporting In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Selected Factors Affecting Tele-Density In Nigeria
  • Corporate Social Responsibility As Public Relations Tool In The Telecommunication Industry
  • Impact Of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) On The Economic Development
  • The Nigeria Press And Ethics Of Journalism Profession
  • The Role Of Social Media In Curbing The Spread Of Corona Virus In Nigeria
  • The Guardian And The Nation Newspapers Coverage Of Development Issues
  • Influence Of NTA – Uyo Programme “Esa Iban” On Ibibio Cultural Promotion
  • The Influence Of Radio On The Promotion Of Entrepreneurship Among Mass Communication Students
  • Impact Of Radio On The Voting Behaviour Of Electorate
  • Islamic Religion And Its Effect To Journalism In Delta State
  • Use Of Radio In Reducing The Spate Of Divorce In Port Harcourt: A Survey Of 98.5 Treasure FM Audience.
  • Communication In Stress Management And Employee Job Satisfaction
  • A Study Of Television Programme Content And Audience Preference
  • Effectiveness Of Private Television Stations In Cultural Promotion
  • Assessing The Operational Problems Of Private Broadcasting Media In Nigeria
  • Appraisal Of Reality TV Show On Broadcast Media Audience
  • Mass Media Malaria Messages And Its Impact On The Use Of Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets Among Residents Of Abia State
  • The Role Of Newspaper And Television As Agent Of Social Development
  • The Impact Of The Media In Checking Economic Crime (A Case Study Of EFCC Activities)
  • Evaluation Of Guinness Advertising Jingles And Sloganeering Campaign On The Consumers’ Buying Behavior
  • Impact Of Newspaper Advertisement
  • Prospect And Challenges Of Media Management In Nigeria
  • The Role Of The Press In A Democracy (The Press In Perspective)
  • Role Of Radio In Mobilising Electorate Towards Participating In Governorship Election
  • The Role Of Organizational Communication In Tertiary Institution Of Learning In Nigeria
  • Television Tobacco Adverts And Teenage Smoking Habit
  • Comparison Of Journalism Education In Nigeria Between The Polytechnic And University
  • An Assessment Of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) On Performance Of Broadcast Media Organisation In Nigeria
  • Role Of Community Radio In Promoting Modern Agricultural Process
  • The Impact Of Western Television Programmes On The Cultural Values Of The Nigerian Youths: A Case Study Of ESUT Students, Enugu
  • Influence Of Billboard Advertising Of Students Electioneering Campaign In Fidei Polytechnic Gboko
  • Advertising, A Survival Strategy For Mass Media Organisation (A Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority, NTA, Enugu)
  • Influence Of Covert Advertising In Creating Awareness On The Importance Of Voting In Nigeria
  • The Place Of Audience And Mass Media Content In Nigeria
  • Privatization And Commercialization Of Electronic Media In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Minaj System Television Obosi)
  • Role Of Radio In Mobilizing Electorate For The General Election
  • Influence Of Product Packaging On Consumers’ Patronage
  • Influence Of Second Chance: A Foreign Television Programme On The Social Behaviour
  • Usage Of News Pictures In Newspaper
  • The Role Of The Media In Mobilizing Women For Political Participation In Nigeria
  • Evaluation Of The Use Of Facebook In Political Mobilization In The Gubernatorial Elections In Imo State
  • An Advertising Messages And Product Patronage Of Champ Malta
  • Newspaper Coverage And Awareness Of Endometriosis Among Female Employees Of Babcock University
  • Influence Of DRTV On The Voting Pattern
  • Assessment Of Internet Competency Among Students Of Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Interpersonal Communication On Maternal Health Of Expectant Mothers (A Case Study Of Selected Hospitals In Owerri)
  • An Assessment Of Radio Reportage Of Ritual Killing Cases In Edo State (A Study Of Independent Radio Benin)
  • The Influence Of AKBC Radio Programme Aids And You On Listeners
  • Press Freedom In A Democracy (A Case Study Of President Umaru Musa Yar’dua’s Government)
  • Satellite Television Chance Preference Among Youths
  • The Challenges Of Facing Nigerian Journalist In A Democratic Dispensation (A Case Study Of Enugu Metropolis)
  • Influence Of Email As An Effective Tool For Journalism
  • Impact Of Computer Application On Broadcasting
  • The Role Of Television In Educating The Public On The Preventive Measures Against The Spread Of Corona Virus In Nigeria
  • Assessment Of The X-Lib And Lib + Library Software In Academic And Special Libraries In Nigeria
  • An Artistic Appraisal Of NTA Programme On Super Story
  • Role Of Mass Media In Eradicating Maternal Death Among Women
  • Influence Of Outdoor Advertising On The Consumers
  • Comparative Analysis On Social Media Platforms Reference Among Students (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Ilaro)
  • An Assessment Of The Attitude Of UNIUYO Lecturers Towards Network News
  • New Media Advocacy And The Challenge Of Authenticity (A Study Of YouTube)
  • Constraints On Journalistic Practice In Government-Owned Media Organisations In South-South Geo-Political Zone Of Nigeria
  • Mass Media And The Coverage Of Human Rights Issues In Nigeria
  • The Role Of The Press In The Free And Fair Election
  • The Effectiveness Of Radio Programmes’ As Tools Of Home Management
  • An Examination Of The Effects Of Television Violence On The Behaviour Of Teenagers
  • The Study On The Influence Of Political Advertising On Voting Behaviour Of Residents Of Rural Community
  • The Role Of The Mass Media In Promoting Anti-Corruption Campaigns
  • Relevance Of Oramedia In The Enlightenment And Prevention Of Measles Among Women
  • Audience Perception Of Media Influence On Music Preference (A Study Of Owerri Urban Resident)
  • The Relationship Between Animated Commercials And The Buying Habit Of Audience Members
  • Challenges Of The Freedom Of Information Bill To The Broadcast Media
  • The Effect Of Good Communication On Minutes Writing And Production
  • Influence Of Second Chance (A Foreign Television Programme On The Social Behaviour Of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Students, Awka)
  • The Impact Of Mass Media On The Knowledge, Attitude And Reduction Of Malaria Among People
  • The Influence Of Colour And Designs In Nigeria Newspapers (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede)
  • The Impact Of Advertising On The Development Of The Media (A Case Study Of The Punch Newspaper, Lagos)
  • Influence Of AKBC Radio Programme – Know Your Status
  • Problems Associated With The Learning Of Secretarial Skills In Nigerian Tertiary Institution
  • Appraising The Impact Of Gatekeepers In News Credibility Of A Broadcast Media
  • Influence Of Graphical Cartoons In Newspaper Publication
  • Impact Of NTA Entertainment Programmes On Youths
  • The Role Of Radio In Mobilising Women For Politics In Nigeria
  • The Influence Of Fake News In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Ikom Subscribers, Cross River State)
  • The Role Of Punch Newspaper In Creating Awareness Against Drug Abuse (A Case Study Of Selected Residents In Lagos Nigeria)
  • An Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Newspaper Coverage Of Kidnapping In Nigeria Comparative Study Of The Punch And Daily Vanguard
  • Impact Of Nollywood In Promoting National Development And Unity In Nigeria
  • Special Television Programmes And Movies As Instrument For Social Change In HIV/AIDS Campaign
  • Influence Of Billboard Advertising On The Patronage Of Pepsi Cola
  • An Assessment Of The Influence Of Television Advertisement Of Peak Milk On The Buying Habits Of Inhabitants Of Aba
  • Role Of Radio Nigeria Enugu In Combating Drug Abuse Among University Students
  • Evaluation Of Acceptance And Adoption Of Health-Care Information On Twitter By University Students
  • Sales Promotion As A Panacea For Improved Sales The Nigeria Bottling Company Experience
  • The Impact Of Internet Advertisement On Consumer Behavior
  • Impact Of Pornographic Films On Nigerian Youths
  • The Impact Of Satellite Television On Nigerian Culture
  • Impact Of Print Media As Indices Of Sports Development In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Sun Newspaper)
  • Impact Of Nigerian Television Authority Enugu On Social Development Of Emene Community In Enugu State
  • Portrayal Of Women In Advertisement
  • Positive Effects Of Mass Media And Technology On The Upbringing Of Children
  • Role Of Broadcast Media In Youth Development In Nigeria
  • The Use Of Online Advertisement In The Advertising And Marketing Of Offline Newspaper
  • Influence Of Mass Media On The Use Of Contraceptive Among Rural Women
  • Influence Of Billboard Advertisement In Buying Products And Services Among Pedestrians
  • Effect Of Social Media On The Academic Performance Of Students
  • The Role Of Print Media Communication In Sports Development (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede)
  • The Implication Of National Broadcasting Commission Rules And Regulation On Africa Independent Television
  • Assessment Of New Communication And Information Technology In Radio Broadcasting: A Study Of BRC And FRCN Bauchi.
  • Influence Of Online News On The Traditional Newspaper Patronage Among University Community
  • The Impact Of Benue This Week A Radio Benue Programme On The Rural Development
  • Impact Of Radio In Political Mobilization Of Electorate
  • The Problems And Prospects Of Private Television Broadcast Media
  • Influence Of News Censorship On The Performance Of Media Houses In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Nigerian Mass Media In Electioneering Campaigns
  • The Influence Of The Mass Media On Government Policies (A Case Study Of The Anti Gay Law In Nigeria)
  • The Place Of Traditional Modes Of Communication In The Era Of Modern / New Communication Technology
  • The Impacts Of Television Advertisement On The Mental Development Of Children
  • Role Of Indigenous Communication In Community Development (A Case Study Of Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State)
  • Social Responsibility Roles Of The Nigeria Press In Obasanjo’s Leadership, A Fulfillment Or Betrayal
  • A Study On The Role Of The Media In Mobilizing Women For Politics In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Hate Speech On Voters Choice In Abia State
  • An Assessment Of Readers Perception Of The Importance And Role Of Cartoons In Nigeria Newspaper
  • An Assessment Of The Broadcast Media In The Campaign Against Malaria In Rural Community
  • The X-Ray Of G.S.M Phone Contribution To News Coverage In Nigeria
  • Effects Of Graphics On Audience Patronage Of Punch Newspaper Among Residents Of Port Harcourt Metropolis
  • Influence Of Social Media On The Moral Behaviour Of Teenagers
  • Advertising Strategies And Tactics In Promoting Products
  • Role Of Radio In Mobilizing Electorate For The 2015 General Election
  • The Impact Of Electronic Media On Cervical Cancer Intervention Awareness Among Women In Enugu State
  • Effectiveness Of Community Radio In Mobilizing And Sensitizing Residents Of Igbona Community In Olorunda Local Government, Osogbo On The Administration Of Covid-19 Vaccination
  • Proliferation Of Radio Stations And Its Implication For Media Performance
  • A Content Analysis Of The Punch And Sun Newspapers Reportage Of Crime In Nigeria
  • Causes And Effect Of Twitter Ban On Nigeria Citizens
  • The Challenges Of Mass Media In Promoting Good Governance In Nigeria
  • Role Of The Traditional Town Crier In Mobilizing Adazi-Nnukwu Community In Anaocha Local Government Area For Development
  • The Impact Of Management Style Of Unity Radio On Reporters And Radio Producers In The Station
  • Usage Pattern Of Social Media Among Students Of Delta State University, Abraka
  • The Impact Of Communication In Organisational Efficiency
  • Influence Of Information And Communication Technologies On Work Performance
  • Causes Of Child Labour Among Junior Secondary School Students In Ika South Local Government Area
  • Assessment Of Consumers Believability Of Television Advertisement Claims
  • The Role Of The Mass Media On The Attitude Of Teenagers On The Prevalence Of HIV/AIDS
  • Internet Usage Pattern
  • Trends And Effects Of Negative Themes In Nigerian Home Movies
  • Public Perception Of Social Media Reports On Police Brutality In Imo State
  • Impact Of AIT Programme “Hero’s Of Our Time” On Women Emancipation
  • Broadcast Contents And Listeners’ Choice Of Programmes On Select Private Radio Stations
  • Improving Organizations Profitability Through Effective Advertising (A Survey Of Some Selected Hotels In Enugu Urban)
  • Role Of Media In Emerging Democracy
  • The Impact Of Foreign Films On The Behavioural Pattern Of Youths (A Case Study Of Post Secondary Schools/Institutions)
  • Influence Of Indigenous Language In Telecommunication Customers’ Care
  • Impact Of Twitter Ban On Electronic Media In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Arise TV And Channels TV)
  • Perception Of Students Towards Social Media
  • A Critical Investigation Of News Consumption And Its Preferences By University Students In Ghana (A Case Study Of University Of Cape Coast)
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Democratic Consolidation: A Case Study Of Plateau State In Nigeria’s Fourth Republic
  • The Effect Of Traditional Media And Communication On Rural Development Of Nigeria
  • Attitude Of Consumers Towards Advertisements Of Products
  • Level Of Awareness Of The Freedom Of Information Act Among Journalists
  • Media Staff Welfare And Effective Journalism In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Fake News On National Security
  • The Impact Of Nigerian Video Films On Children Living In Owerri Municipal (A Case Study Of Living In Bondage)
  • Influence Of Free Readers’ Activities On The Circulation Of Newspapers In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Uyo Metropolis)
  • The Nigeria Press, Social Media And Free And Fair Election In The 21st Century
  • Impact Of ICT On Advertising Practice In Nigeria (A Case Study Of A Media House; Splash FM 105.5 Ibadan)
  • Effect Of Information Technology On The Children Spiritual And Moral Development
  • Advertising In Enhancing Social Responsibility
  • Communication As A Tool For Enhancing Organizational Performance
  • Effects On Internet On News Media Professionalism, Mindset And Buzzword
  • Public Relations And Image Branding Of Banks (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria)
  • Impact Of Mobile Phone On Agricultural Information Among Farmers
  • Influence Of Social Media Blogging On The Professional Journalism Practice In Nigeria
  • Students Radio Programme Preference Of Selected Radio Stations And Listeners In Imo State
  • The Impact Of Community Radio Station On Grassroots Development
  • Social Media Advertising And Patronage Of Selected Products
  • The Effect Of Violence Movies On Teenagers
  • Effectiveness Of Radio As A Tool For Public Enlightenment On HIV/AIDS
  • Covert Advertising And Behavioral Change Towards Waste Management In Lagos State
  • Mass Media As An Instrument In Eradicating Corruption In Nigeria
  • Television As Tool For Students Education And Development In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of The Media In Promoting Good Governance In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Vanguard Newspaper)
  • The Role Of Broadcast Media In Achieving Vision 20:20:20
  • An Investigation Of Public Perception On The Role Of Mass Media In Reportage Of The Hate Speech Bill In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Media Campaign On The Knowledge Attitude And Practice Related To Family Planning In Warri
  • Smartphones As A Tool For Gathering And Sharing News Among Students In Rivers State University
  • Newspaper And Television As An Agent Of Social Development (A Case Study Of Adaba Community)
  • Impact Of Television Broadcasting On Electioneering Campaigns
  • Influence Of Television Advertising On Consumer Buying Habits Of Guinness Stout In Ikeja Community Of Lagos State
  • The Impact Of Phone-In Programmes
  • Language Problems In Nigeria Broadcast Media
  • Magazine Reading Habits Of Students In Institution Of Higher Learning
  • Impact Of Ka Oha Malu Radio Phone Programme On Residents
  • A Study On The Impact Of Social Media On The Lifestyle Of Youths
  • Social Media As A Tool For Fashion Awareness Among Nigerian Youths
  • Role Of Nollywood In National Development
  • Audience Readership And Perception Towards Newspaper Editorial (A Case Study Of Polytechnic Students)
  • Perception Of Online Journalism As A Threat To Print Media Circulation
  • A Critical Evaluation Of The Impact Of Digitalization On Broadcasting Media
  • Impact Of Broadcasting Service (B.S) Radio On Voter’s Mobilization During Election In 2011
  • The Roles Of The Media In Influencing Government Policies: A Case Study Of Governor Chime’s Government From 2007-2011
  • Assessment Of Group Communication Campaign On Midwife Service Scheme Against Child Delivery At Home
  • The Corporate Social Responsibility In Nigeria’s Telecommunication Sector
  • Analysing The Need For Campus Radio In Nigeria Tertiary Institutions
  • The Influence Of Advertisement On Consumer Behaviour
  • Relevance Of Public Relations In Health Institutions
  • An Evaluation Of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC And It’s Role In General Election)
  • Mother Tongue Interference In The Pronunciation Of English Words Among Broadcasters
  • Role Of Public Relations In Gender Conflict Resolution
  • Perception Of On Media Coverage Of Boko-Haram Insurgency In Nigeria
  • Roles Of Print Media In Creating Awareness Against Drug Abuse
  • Copyright Infringement In Nigeria And Challenges In A Digital World
  • Viewers’ Perception To Tele-Evangelism On Orient Television, Owerri, Imo State
  • The Impact Of Actors And Producer In Studio Financed Movie In Nigeria
  • Audience Programme Preference, A Comparative Study Of Orient TV And NTA Owerri
  • An Appraisal Of Broadcasting Media Digitalization And Job Loss Among Journalist In Port Harcourt In Selected Media House
  • The Impact Of Information Communication Technology On Public Relations Practices In Nigeria (A Case Study of Lagos State Secretariat, Alausa Ikeja)
  • The Impact Of Advert On Consumers’ Preferences Of Products
  • Problems And Prospect Of Online Investigative Journalism In Mass Media
  • Impact Of Television Programme In Rural Development: A Case Study Of NTA Osun
  • The Impact Of Radio Jingles On Voter Preference Of Candidates In National Assembly Poll
  • Opinion Formation On Radio News Commentary Among Students Of Tertiary Institutions (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)
  • The Role Of Community Radio In Voters Education
  • Influence Of Mass Media Campaign On The Menace Of Corruption In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Urban Degradation And Environmental Sanitation In Nigeria (A Study Of Nsukka Urban Of Enugu State)
  • The Impact Of Internet On Newspaper Production
  • The Electronic Media As A Channel For Creating Awareness And Mobilizing Public Support In National Development
  • Influence Of Social Media In The Mobilization Of Youths For The EndSARS Protest In 2020 (A Case Study Of Twitter)
  • The Impact Of Peak Milk Television Advertisement On Consumer’s Buying Behaviour
  • Influence Of Television On Voting Pattern Of Electorates
  • Impact Of Anambra Broadcasting Service Television (ABS) Business Link Programme On The Commercial Activities Of Awka Residents
  • Role Of Media In Combatting Terrorism
  • Children And Mass Media: The Role Of Mass Media In Children Socialization
  • The Influence Of Cartoon On Opinion Formation Of Readers (A Case Study Of Newspaper Readers In Okigwe)
  • The Relevance Of Electronic Media On Public Enlightenment On Covid-19 And Its Preventive Measures
  • Challenges Facing Nigerian Media Establishments In The Dissemination Of Information
  • The Uses And Gratification Of Big Brother Naija 2023 Reality Television Show Among Students Of Novena University
  • The Impact Of Graphic Presentation In Newspaper Production
  • Influence Of The Social Media On The Academic Performance Of Mass Communication Students
  • Effects Of Watching Pornographic Materials
  • Impact Of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) On Radio News Reporting
  • Hazards Of Journalism Practice In Nigeria
  • Mass Media Reportage Of Crusade Against Boko Haram
  • Patterns Of Instagram Usage Among Undergraduate Students Of Delta State University, Abraka
  • The Use Of GSM As A Medium For Learning
  • Mass Media As An Instrument Of Solving Ethnicities In Our Society; Oshogbo As A Case Study
  • A Comparative Survey Of The Print Media In The Coverage Of Kidnapping In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Vanguard And Daily Trust Newspaper)
  • Influence Of Mass Media On Electoral Victory Of Political Parties
  • Discourse Study On Radio Advertisement (A Case Study Of Royal FM Ilorin)
  • An Assessment Of The Hate Speech Bill And It’s Role In Prohibiting Ethnic Discrimination In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Radio Programmes On Teenage Pregnancy In Rural Communities
  • Internet Risk Communication And Skin Lightener An Assessment Of Nigeria Female University Student’s Exposure’s And Health Action
  • Social Media Use And It’s Role In Curtailing Depression Among Youths Of Enugu State
  • Analyzing The Level Of Staff Development In Broadcast Media
  • Influence Of Radio Broadcast Messages On Family Planning Attitude Of Couples
  • The Effectiveness Of Photography As A Communication Tool In Advertising
  • Audience Perception Of The Role Of Sport Journalism In Sport Development In Nigeria
  • An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Mass Media Campaigns On Breast Cancer Among Women In Asaba, Delta State
  • An Analysis On The Place Of Cinema As An Effective Mass Medium In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Internet On Information Acquisition Among Student
  • The Role of Broadcast Media in Promoting Women in Politics (A Case Study in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria)
  • The Role Of Social Media In Health Care System In Maiduguri
  • The Effect Of AKBC TV Peak Milk Advertising On The Consumers Buying Habit
  • Precision Journalism And Sensationalism
  • The Influence Of ICT On Broadcast Journalism
  • Pronunciation And Intonation Of English Newscasters As A Veritable Tool For Effective News And Programme
  • Perception Of Lagosians On Media Coverage Of Boko-Haram Insurgency In Nigeria
  • A Comparative Analysis Of Gate Keeping Function In Mass Media Establishment
  • Opinion Leaders Influence On Voters Decision In Ikot Ekpene During The 2015 General Election
  • Role Of NTA Enugu In The Campaign Against HIV/AIDS In Rural Areas
  • The Perception Of Chief Executive Officers Of Select Organisations On The Application Of Public Relations In Management
  • Documenting Human Rights Violations In The Age Of Internet In Africa
  • Audience Perception Of The Influence Of African Communication Channel In Dissemination Of Development Messages To Rural Residents (A Case Study Of Aba South L.G.A, Abia State)
  • Impact Of Twitter Ban On Online Social Communication
  • An Assessment Of Audience Perception Of Commercial Break
  • Impact Of Sex Appeal In Advertising Messages
  • A Critical Survey Of Public Perception On Broadcast Media Coverage Of Environmental Health Issues In Akwa Ibom State
  • Influence Of Women Image In Products And Services Advertising Campaigns In Nigeria
  • The Media Involvement In Rebranding Nigerian Film Industry
  • The Impact Of Television Adverts On Children
  • Effect Of Advertising Of Herbal Product On Consumer Decision Making Process
  • The Role Of Advertising In Tourism Development In Imo State (A Case Study Of Imo State Tourism Board, Owerri)
  • Community Radio Broadcasting And Agricultural Development
  • Utilization Of HIV And AIDS Information Through Broadcast Media
  • Problems Of Broadcasting Media In Advertising Process (A Case Study Of Enugu State Broadcasting Service, Enugu)
  • Traditional Media And Political Mobilisation During Nigeria’s 2011 Elections
  • The Impact Of Billboard Advert Campaigns On Campus Cultism Among Students
  • The Role Of The Print Media In Sport Development In Nigeria (A Case Study Of The Complete Sport Newspaper)
  • Influence Of Social Media On The Mass Mobilisation Of People In The 2013 University (ASUU) Strike Action In Nigeria
  • The Influence Of Government Policies On Broadcasting
  • An Appraisal Of The Application Of ICTs In The Nigerian Mass Media
  • The Impact Of Social Media On The ICT Awareness Of Nigerian Youths
  • The Effect Of Ownership On Political Campaign And Reporting In Nigeria: A Study Of Guardian Newspaper
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media’s Role In Supporting Women Employment Campaign In Nigeria
  • A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Editorial Cartoons, Selected From The Guardian Newspaper
  • Role Of Radio In Mobilizing Electorate Towards Participating In Governorship Election
  • Media Hazards On The Performance Of Journalists In Nigeria
  • Parental Knowledge Of Violence In Children’s Television Cartoon Programmes (A Study Of Parents In Minna Metropolis)
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Crime Reduction
  • Influence Of Nigerian Newspapers In Covering Human Right Issues
  • Nigerian Newspapers Framing Of The Biafra Agitation Under President Muhammadu Buhari Administration
  • Effect Of Television Adverts On Children
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Local Electoral Process And Coverage Of Political Activities For Credible Election In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Proofreading And Editing In Print Media
  • Impact Of Mass Media In Reforming The Judicial System In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Banking Industry
  • Role Of Vision Africa Radio On Political Mobilization Of Rural Dwellers
  • Impact Of Advertising On Select Hotels Profitability
  • Impact Of Radio Media In Propagation Of Public Health In Minna Niger State
  • The Role Of Media In Managing Security In South East Nigeria
  • The Effect Of The Internet On The Reading Habit Of Students (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri)
  • Examination Of Roles Of Social Media In Real Estate Agency In Owerri Imo State
  • Attitude And Perception Of Female Students Towards Journalism As A Career
  • Influence Of Radio Ownership On Professional Journalism Practice
  • Influence Of Advertisement On Students’ Patronage Of Goodmorning Cornflakes
  • Audience Perception Of Political News Reports In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Ekiti Radio Campaign Against Human Trafficking In Ido Community Of Ido-Osi Local Government Area
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Building Corporate Image In Organizations
  • Attitude Of Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career
  • Readership Of Sports Pages Of Nigerian Tribune Among Students
  • Abraka Residents’ Awareness Of Television Campaign For Patronage Of Nigeria Made Products
  • A Study Of The Attitude Of Audience Of The Nigerian English Language Movies
  • An Analysis Of Public Relation As The Backbone Of An Organization
  • The Influence Of Online Newspapers On Their Print Versions’ Revenue Generation In Lagos State
  • Assessment Of Media Campaign Influence On National Development Programme In Nigeria
  • Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Radio Advertisements Of Family Planning Programmes
  • The Advent Of Modern Communication Gadgets: Implications For Nigerian Journalism
  • An Evaluation Of Radio Programmes As A Tool For Empowering Nursing Mothers In The Fight Against Infant Mortality
  • Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A)
  • Challenges Facing The Media Organization In Dissemination Of Information
  • The Use Of Public Relations As A Tool For Eradicating Cultism In Nigeria Tertiary Institutions (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)
  • The Role Of Imo Broadcasting Corporation In The Rural Education Development
  • Effects Of Newspaper Cartoon As A Tool For Political Communication
  • Effect Of Twitter Ban On Freedom Of Information Among Journalists
  • Assessment Of Newspaper Readership Of Fashion Pages Among Students
  • An Examination Of Home Factors On Youth Engagement In Ritualism
  • Modern Journalism And The Effect Of Gratification Practice (A Case Study Of ESBS) Enugu
  • Readership Of Newspapers Editorials And It’s Effect On Opinion Formation Of Academics
  • Potential Response To The Treat Of ‘Fake News’ In A Digitalized Media Environment
  • Impact Of Radio Nigeria Awareness Campaign On Global Warming
  • The Impact Of Internet Advertisement On Consumer Behaviour
  • The Negative Effect Of Home Video On Nigerian Children (A Case Study Of Owerri Municipal)
  • Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
  • The Role Of Newspaper Vendor In The Newspaper Process
  • Awareness And Perception Of Students Towards Homosexuality And Its Effect On Social Values
  • Influence Of Advertisement On Students Patronage Of Products And Services
  • Hazards Of Journalism Profession Under Military Regime (From 1993 – 1998)
  • Influence Of Celebrity Endorsement On Sales And Patronage Of Infinix Smartphones
  • Mass Media And Gender Discrimination
  • Public Perception And Role Of Media In Creating Awareness Among Youths On Reproductive Health Issues
  • Moral Probity And Youth Development In Nigeria: An Evaluation Of The Role Of The Electronic Media
  • Role Of Mass Communication In Developing Countries
  • Evaluating The Impact Of Radio In The Campaign Against Abuse And Defilement Of Minors In Kwara State
  • Evaluating The Effect Of Social Media In Job Creation (Facebook In Focus)
  • The Role Of Broadcast Media In Mobilizing Women For Political Participation (A Case Study Of Inspiration Fm, Lagos State)
  • The Challenges Facing Nigeria Television In Switching To Digital Broadcasting In Nigeria
  • Fraud In Financial Institution And The Auditors Liability
  • The Role Of Independent Television Benin In Political Mobilization Of Rural Areas In Nigeria
  • Communication As A Tool For Enhancing Organizational Performance (A Study Of Nigerian Breweries Plc, 9 Th Mile Enugu)
  • Influence Of New Media On Information Acquisition Among Undergraduates
  • Curbing Piracy In Nigerian Entertainment Industry: Prospects And Challenges
  • Influence Of Reality Tv Show On Brand Image
  • The Performance Of Nigerian Mass Media As Agent Of Social Change
  • The Role Of Outdoor Advertising In Achieving Marketing Growth In The Telecommunication Industry (A Case Study Of Selected Telecommunication Institutions In Owerri)
  • The Place Of In-House Journal In The Life Of A Commercial Organization
  • The Social Implication Of Drug Abuse In Higher Institution In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Imo State University)
  • Regulating Social Media As A Way Of Checking Hate Speech In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Fanta Animation Advertisement On Children’s Consumption Pattern In Ikenne LGA, Ogun State
  • Public Relations For Management In The Nigerian Police
  • The Use Of Accountability Framework As An Alternative Approach For Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting And Disclosure Practices In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Facebook, Twitter And YouTube As Political Communication Tools In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Airtel Billboard Advertisement On Consumers Patronage
  • An Appraisal Of Nigerian Media As An Instrument For Eradicating Corruption (A Case Study Of Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria’s Effects In Obasanjo’s Anti-Corruption Crusade)t For Eradicating Corruption
  • Effectiveness Of Facebook In Awareness Campaign Against Coronavirus
  • Gender Inequality In The Practice Of Journalism
  • A Critical Survey Of The Perception Of University Students On Citizen Journalism Practice In Nigeria (Case Study Of University Of Ibadan)
  • The Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism
  • Impact Of Broadcast Media On Economy And Social Lives Of Rural Women
  • Television As A Tool For Moulding Public Opinion
  • The Effect Of Foreign Home Video Films On Nigerian Teenagers
  • Audience Attitude Towards Television Coverage Of Public Executions
  • Perceived Influence Of Smartphones On The Academic Performance Of University Students
  • Role Of Female Journalists On Nigerian Broadcast Media
  • Radio Listening Habits Of Students In Higher Institution (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)
  • The Impact Of Public Relations On The Interpersonal Relationship Of The Management And Staff Of University Of Ilorin
  • The Influence Of Social Media On Youths In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Newspaper Coverage In Child Trafficking And Labour In Nigeria
  • Listenership Level And Perception Of Federal University Of Technology Minna Campus Radio Program
  • Public Perception Of Mass Media Awareness On Child Trafficking
  • Intensive Promotion And Students Consumption Pattern Of Coca Cola Products
  • Assessment Of Funding Sources For Lagos State Television
  • Mass Media And Crusade Against Boko Haram
  • Effect Of Foreign Television Programmes On The Cultural Values Of Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Information And Communication Technology On The Mass Media In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Orient Television In Owerri)
  • Customers Perception Of GSM Interruptive Advertisement In Nigeria: A Study Of GSM Users In Abraka
  • Management Challenges Of Private Owned Media Houses (A Case Study Of AIT Portharcourt, Rivers State)
  • Influence Of Newspaper Reports On Terrorism In Nigeria: Content Analysis Of Punch And Guardian Newspapers From January To June 2018
  • Impact Of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) On Brand Building
  • The Relationship Between Television Viewing And Aggressive Behaviour
  • Effects Of Violent Television Programmes On Nigerian Youths
  • An Analysis Of Students Participation Of The 18+ Warning Sign In Alcohol Advertisements In Nigeria Tertiary Institution
  • Impact Of “Ka Oh Malu” Radio Nigeria, Enugu Phone-In Programme On Residents
  • Impact Of The Fast And The Furious (Action Film On The Social Behavioral Pattern Of Students)
  • Influence Of AKBC – Radio Programme “Market Guide” On Listeners
  • Audience Perception Of Digital Television On Musical Programmes On DSTV
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Customers’ Satisfaction (A Case Study Of Nigerian Airways Enugu)
  • Role Of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) In Promoting Gender Equality
  • Influence Of Opinion Leaders In The Development
  • Assessment Of Reality TV Show On Broadcasting Station
  • Campaign For Women Empowerment In Nigeria: Strategies, Problems And Prospects
  • Role Of Public Relations In Non Commercial Organization
  • Audience Perception On Lacasera Soft Drink Advertisement
  • Media Channel And Audience Retention: A Comparative Study Of Traditional Media (Radio, Television, Magazine, Newspaper etc) And New Media (Facebook, 2GO, Twitter, Yahoo Mail And Online News etc
  • Computer Technology And Media Practice In Nigeria
  • The Reflections Of Modernization In The Nigerian Media
  • Perception Of University Undergraduates On The Effectiveness Of Social Media In Gubernatorial Elections
  • Effectiveness Of Community Radio In Mobilizing And Sensitizing Residents Of Covid-19 Vaccination
  • I.M.T Female Students’ Preference Of Nollywood Movie Genres
  • Influence Of Radio Campaign On The Collection Of Permanent Voter Card (A Case Study Of Ilorin Metropolis)
  • The Uses And Gratification Of Big Brother Naija 2017 Reality Television Show Among Students Of Delta State University, Abraka
  • Assessment Of Novena University Students Perception Of Reality Programmes (A Study Of Select Reality Programmes In Nigeria)
  • Impact Of Social Media In Local Government Administration In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Television In The Political Mobilization Of Rural Areas In Nigeria
  • The Effectiveness Of Radio In Educating Nigerian Women On Immunization
  • Drama As A Tool For Addressing Gender Inequality In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Television Advertising On Etisalat Market Audience
  • Information Communication Technology And Changes In Mass Media Production And Distribution
  • The Impact Of Violent Television Programs On Undergraduate Students In Nigerian Universities (A Case Study Of UNILAG And University Of Ibadan)
  • Contributions Of Vanguard Newspaper To The Development Of Democracy During The 2015 General Elections
  • Media Coverage Of 2011 Election Violence In Nigeria
  • Evaluation Of Newspaper Coverage Of Pink Pearl Foundation Breast Cancer Campaigns
  • Audience Perception Of Nigerian Newspaper On The Internet
  • The Role Of Modern Technology In Achieving Communication Efficiency In Nigeria
  • International Media Assessment Of Nigeria’s Covid Experience
  • Examining The Extent Of WhatsApp Usage In Political Discourse Among Undergraduates In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Electronic Media In The Development Of Rural Dwellers (A Case Study Of The Enugu State Broadcasting Service Radio)
  • Influence Of Educational Broadcasting On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Abaraka
  • Challenges Of Newspaper Management
  • The Effect Of New Communication And Information Technology On Radio Broadcasting In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Social Media Public Relations In An Organisation
  • An Evaluation Of Uyo Metropolis Resident Perception Of Television Cause Advertisement On Kidnapping
  • Impact Of Computer On The Practice Of Journalism
  • Influence Of ICTs On News Writing, A Study Of Practicing Journalists
  • Challenges Of Newspaper Circulation In Nigeria
  • Public Attitude Towards News Commercialization In Delta Broadcasting Service Warri Delta State Nigeria
  • The Impacts Of Billboard Advertising On Product Promotion
  • The Influence Of Newspaper Ownership In Coverage Of Government Policies And Programmes
  • Evaluation Of The Impact Of Freelance Presenter On Broadcast Industry (A case study of Unique F.M, Ilesha)
  • Readers Perception Of The Effectiveness Of The Print Media In The Creation Of Awareness Against Breast Cancer (A Study Punch Newspaper)
  • Impact Of Broadcasting Media In The Crisis Management In Kaduna State
  • An Evaluation Of Public Relations Practice Of Ekiti State Teaching Hospital
  • Influence Of Family Planning Radio Programme On Young Couples
  • Analyze The Relevance Of Strategic Planning In The Management Parastatals
  • Impact Of Celebrity Endorsement On Brand Promotion
  • Illusion And Reality Of Press Freedom In Attaining A True Democratic System Of Government In Nigeria
  • Increasing Use Of Social Media Among Public Relations Practitioners
  • The Role Of Mass Media In Educational Development In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA Enugu)
  • Effect Of Modern Nigeria Film On Nigerians
  • The Influence Of Western Culture On The Nigerian Youth (A Case Study Of Takum L.G.A)
  • The Impact Of Social Media On Management Of Social Insecurity In Nigeria
  • An Assessment Of The Print Media In Awareness Campaign Of Lassa Fever In Nigeria
  • The Influence Of The Electronic Media On Children’s Socialization: A Study Of Enugu Metropolis
  • Appraising The Impact Of ICTs On Mass Media Performance
  • Influence Of Advertising Messages On Caritas University Undergraduates Patronage Of Good Morning Cornflakes
  • The Impact Of Audience Towards Yoruba News Presentation On Television
  • The Role Of Public In Crisis Management
  • Factors Affecting The Quality Of (Family Forum) A Radio Programme Of Anambra Broadcasting Service Awka
  • The Effect Of Music In Cultural Identity
  • The Effect Of Media Programme On Rural Development (A Case Study Of Onu Oha On ESBS Programme)
  • Influence Of Citizen Journalism On Fake News In Nigeria
  • A Comparative Study On The Performance Of Government-Owned And Private-Owned Broadcasting Media Organizations
  • Problems And Prospects Of Government-Owned Radio Stations In A Digital Era; A Study Of Broadcasting Corporation Of Abia State
  • An Assessment Of The Role Of Mass Media In Rebranding Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA)
  • Advertisement As Substance Mechanism For Mass Media In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Sexual Musical Videos On The Sexual Orientation Of Students
  • The Impact Of ICT On The Development Of Magazine Visual Design
  • Impact Of Social Media On Raising Awareness Of Coronavirus
  • Effectiveness Of Advertising Tools For Successful Marketing Of MTN Products
  • Television As A Tool For Evangelization
  • Critical Examination Of The Use Of Social Media And Mass Media In The Campaign Against The Spread Of Corona Virus Disease
  • The Impact Of Social Media On The Acceptance Of The Covid 19 Vaccine In Taraba State, Nigeria
  • Career Aspirations Of Mass Communication Undergraduates
  • The Uses Of Internet Services In Radio Journalism At Kaduna State Media Corporation
  • Effectiveness Of Social Media In News Gathering And Dissemination
  • Influence Of Opinion Leaders In Information Dissemination In Rural Communities (A Case Study Of Ikere Ekiti)
  • The Influence Of Gratification On Journalism Practice
  • Place Of Cartoons In Newspaper Publication In Nigeria
  • A Comparative Study Of The Role Of Television And Radio In National Development
  • An Assessment Of The Print Media In Creating Awareness Campaign On Lassa Fever In Nigeria
  • Social Media As An Effective Communication And Feedback Platform For Public Relations
  • Drama As An Effective Tool In Preventing The Spread Of Ebola Virus
  • Role Of NTA In The Campaign Against HIV/AIDS In Rural Area
  • The Influence Of Relationship Marketing On Customers Patronage
  • Analysis Of Challenges Facing Freedom Of Information In Nigeria
  • Perception Of Students Towards The Voice Reality Show
  • The Impact Of Western Television Programme On The Cultural Value Of Nigeria Youths
  • Awareness And Perception Of Homosexuality And Its Effect On Social Values Among Youth
  • The Role Of Broadcast Media In Mobilizing The Youths For 2023 Electioneering Campaign In Nigeria
  • Impact Of The Social Media On Political Campaign / Awareness In Nigeria
  • The Role Of Community Relations On The Corporate Image Of Organization (A Case Study Of SPDC Nigeria, Oguta Town)
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Crisis Management Among Governorship Candidates In The 2023 State Election
  • The Impact Of Effective Human Resources Management In The Achievement Of The Organizational Goals And Objectives (A Case Study Of Selected Firms In Imo State)
  • Problems And Prospects Of Live Broadcast Of Television Programmes (A Case Study Of NTA Calabar)
  • An Appraisal Of Ritualism In Nigeria Home Videos
  • Impact Of Social Media Advertisement Of Alcoholic Drink On Drinking Habit Of Youth
  • Effects Of Product Innovation On The Success Of Telecommunication Companies In Nigeria
  • Press Coverage Of Fulani Herdsmen And Farmers Crisis (A Study Of Vanguard Newspaper)
  • Role Of The Media In Human Trafficking
  • Government Media Ownership And Implications For Media Credibility: A Study Of Cross River Broadcasting Corporations (CRBC)
  • The Impact Of Mass Media Campaign Against Aids Among Teenagers
  • Conflict Management In Media Organization And Its Implications On Employees Productivity (A Case Study Of The Guardian Nigeria)
  • The Impact Of News Commentaries On Radio Listeners (A Case Study Of Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria Enugu)
  • Influence Of Billboard Advertisement In The Promotion Of Lux Soap
  • Analyzing The Effect Of Social Media Information On Mental Health During Covid-19 Pandemic
  • An Assessment Of Mass Media In Sensitizing The People Against Human Trafficking In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA PH And Radio Rivers 99.1FM)
  • Influence Of Lead Lines On Newspaper Leadership
  • The Impact Of Radio On Political Participation
  • The Role Of Nigerian Movies To Cultural Transformation
  • Role Of Mass Media In Achieving A Sustainable Health Care In Nigeria
  • The Influence Of Foreign Television Programmes On Cultural Value Of Nigeria Youths
  • An Appraisal Of Press Freedom In Nigeria Under Civilian Rule (A Case Study Of Olusegun Obasanjo Regime 1999 – 2004)
  • Impact Of Public Relations In Local Government On The People
  • Influence Of ESBS Radio On The Economic Empowerment Of Agbani Community In Enugu State
  • The Influence Of Media Ownership On Professionalism
  • The Influence Of Social Media On The Lifestyle Of Students Of Delta State University, Abraka
  • Managing Crisis On Social Media Platform
  • The Challenges Of Radio News Gathering And Reporting: A Comparative Analysis Of The Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria (FRCN) Kaduna And Raypower 100.5 Fm Jos
  • Influence Of Hypo Television Advertising On Students’ Choice Of Bleach
  • The Effect Of Foreign Films On Youth
  • National Newspapers Coverage Of The Coronavirus Pandemic In Nigeria
  • Effectiveness Of Newspaper Cartoons In The Promotion Of Politics In Nigeria
  • Attitudes Of Youth Towards Viewership Of NTA Programs In Nigeria; A Study Of Youths In Gboko Metropolis
  • Audience Perception And Opinion Formation On The Potency Of Print Media
  • The Effect Of Social Media On The Lifestyles Of Nigerian Youth
  • Social Media As Agenda Setters In The 2015 General Election In Nigeria
  • Audience Perception Of Political News Coverage On Television: A Study Of African Independent Television (AIT) And Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Ilorin
  • Impact Of Advertising On The Sales And Consumption Of Coca Cola
  • Effect Of Mass Media Campaign On The Essence Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Nursing Mothers In Offa
  • Influence Of Mobile Phone Usage On Conventional Tools Amongst Undergraduate Students
  • The Role Of Radio In Mobilizing Women For Politics In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Ilorin West L.G.A) 
  • Impact Of New Media On Political Advertising In 2015 Governorship Election
  • The Mass Media Brand Loyalty And Promotional Strategies In The Mobile Industry In Nigeria
  • Electronic Media As An Effective Instrument For Cultural Propagation (Case Study Of Osina Town In Imo State)
  • Impact Of Billboard Advertising On Product Promotion
  • The Effectiveness Of The Mass Media As An Instrument For National Development
  • Impact Of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Commercials On Consumer Demand For Malta Guinness
  • Impact Of Social Media On The Voting Patterns Of Students
  • Television Viewing Habit Among Families
  • Analysis Of Challenges Facing Freedoms Of Information In Nigeria
  • Effect Of Information Technology On The Efficiency Of Zenith Bank Plc
  • Child Labour, Child Trafficking And Girl Child Marriage In Nigeria
  • Radio Programme: A Tool For Effective Home Management
  • Impact Of Advertising On Telecommunication Network Preference Among Students
  • The Effect Of Foreign Films On Teenagers In Nigeria
  • Audiences Perception Of Effectiveness Of Broadcast Media Contents In Enhancing / Promoting Primary Healthcare
  • The Nigeria Press And It’s Influence On Free And Fair Election In Nigeria
  • Radio Broadcasting On Environmental Sanitation Campaigns
  • Violations Of Ethical Journalism Among Media Practitioners In Nigeria. Causes, Effects And Solutions
  • An Evaluation Of The Impact Of AKBC Radio Programme “The Farmer” On The Adoption Of Innovations In Uyo Local Government Area
  • Awareness And Attitude Of University Students Towards Copyright Law On Internet Materials
  • Mass Media As Tools For Enhancing Farmers Productivity
  • The Impact Of A Radio Programme On The Rural Development
  • Mass Media As An Instrument Of Economy Development (A Case Study Of Osun State Broadcasting Service)
  • Impact Of Television Advertising On The Popularity Of MTN Network Among Students
  • The Influence Of The “Not Too Young To Run” Campaign On Instagram & Twitter On Youths’ Participation In The 2019 Electoral Process In Nigeria
  • Adoption Of Billboards Advertising For The Promotion Of Solid Waste Management: A Study Of Effurun, Delta State
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  • Comparative Study Of Audience Perception Of NTA And BRTV Among Students
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  • Public Perception Of The Role Of Radio In Curbing Corruption In Nigeria Society
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When a Team Member Speaks Up — and It Doesn’t Go Well

  • Megan Reitz
  • Amy C. Edmondson

a research topic in mass communication

How the both of you can move beyond counterproductive emotions and use it as an opportunity to build psychological safety.

Speaking up — and being heard — in organizations is critical, but failed attempts to speak up happen often at work and can lead people to silence themselves and others in the long run. Instead, leaders and team members should frame such situations as opportunities to learn. But this isn’t easy; it can be difficult to recognize such moments as learning opportunities; it can be difficult to move beyond counterproductive emotions like shame and blame,;and we tend to be too busy and focused on the short term to learn. The authors’ research and experience have shown that the antidote starts with all team members, including the leader, explicitly framing such interactions as experiments from which everyone expects to learn; preparing for them; paying attention to them; implementing certain process tools; and thinking more long-term about learning.

Elena, a new member of a manufacturing operations team, has identified possible safety improvements. She’s thought about what she wants to say to the team but is nervous about speaking up. Why? She’s wary of her new boss, Raya; she doesn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with her colleagues; and she isn’t absolutely sure her ideas will work across the multiple plants that the team oversees.

  • Megan Reitz is an associate fellow at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, and adjunct professor of leadership and dialogue at Hult International Business School. She is the author of Dialogue in Organizations (2015) and the coauthor of Mind Time (2018), Speak Up (2019), and the second edition of Speak Out, Listen Up (2024). Follow her on LinkedIn or .
  • Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School. Her latest book is Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well (Atria Books, 2023).

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Decades of Polar Motion

Longer days, news media contacts.

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Researchers used more than 120 years of data to decipher how melting ice, dwindling groundwater, and rising seas are nudging the planet’s spin axis and lengthening days.

Days on Earth are growing slightly longer, and that change is accelerating. The reason is connected to the same mechanisms that also have caused the planet’s axis to meander by about 30 feet (10 meters) in the past 120 years. The findings come from two recent NASA-funded studies focused on how the climate-related redistribution of ice and water has affected Earth’s rotation.

This redistribution occurs when ice sheets and glaciers melt more than they grow from snowfall and when aquifers lose more groundwater than precipitation replenishes. These resulting shifts in mass cause the planet to wobble as it spins and its axis to shift location — a phenomenon called polar motion. They also cause Earth’s rotation to slow, measured by the lengthening of the day. Both have been recorded since 1900.

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Analyzing polar motion across 12 decades, scientists attributed nearly all of the periodic oscillations in the axis’ position to changes in groundwater, ice sheets, glaciers, and sea levels. According to a paper published recently in Nature Geoscience , the mass variations during the 20th century mostly resulted from natural climate cycles.

The same researchers teamed on a subsequent study that focused on day length. They found that, since 2000, days have been getting longer by about 1.33 milliseconds per 100 years, a faster pace than at any point in the prior century. The cause: the accelerated melting of glaciers and the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets due to human-caused greenhouse emissions. Their results were published July 15 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

“The common thread between the two papers is that climate-related changes on Earth’s surface, whether human-caused or not, are strong drivers of the changes we’re seeing in the planet’s rotation,” said Surendra Adhikari, a co-author of both papers and a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

In the earliest days, scientists tracked polar motion by measuring the apparent movement of stars. They later switched to very long baseline interferometry , which analyzes radio signals from quasars, or satellite laser ranging , which points lasers at satellites.

Researchers have long surmised that polar motion results from a combination of processes in Earth’s interior and at the surface. Less clear was how much each process shifts the axis and what kind of effect each exerts — whether cyclical movements that repeat in periods from weeks to decades, or sustained drift over the course of centuries or millennia.

For their paper, researchers used machine-learning algorithms to dissect the 120-year record. They found that 90% of recurring fluctuations between 1900 and 2018 could be explained by changes in groundwater, ice sheets, glaciers, and sea level. The remainder mostly resulted from Earth’s interior dynamics, like the wobble from the tilt of the inner core with respect to the bulk of the planet.

The patterns of polar motion linked to surface mass shifts repeated a few times about every 25 years during the 20th century, suggesting to the researchers that they were largely due to natural climate variations. Past papers have drawn connections between more recent polar motion and human activities, including one authored by Adhikari that attributed a sudden eastward drift of the axis (starting around 2000) to faster melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and groundwater depletion in Eurasia.

That research focused on the past two decades, during which groundwater and ice mass loss as well as sea level rise — all measured via satellites — have had strong connections to human-caused climate change.

“It’s true to a certain degree” that human activities factor into polar motion, said Mostafa Kiani Shahvandi, lead author of both papers and a doctoral student at the Swiss university ETH Zurich. “But there are natural modes in the climate system that have the main effect on polar motion oscillations.”

For the second paper, the authors used satellite observations of mass change from the GRACE mission (short for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and its follow-on GRACE-FO , as well as previous mass-balance studies that analyzed the contributions of changes in groundwater, ice sheets, and glaciers to sea level rise in the 20th century to reconstruct changes in the length of days due to those factors from 1900 to 2018.

Scientists have known through historical eclipse records that length of day has been growing for millennia. While almost imperceptible to humans, the lag must be accounted for because many modern technologies, including GPS, rely on precise timekeeping.

In recent decades, the faster melting of ice sheets has shifted mass from the poles toward the equatorial ocean. This flattening causes Earth to decelerate and the day to lengthen, similar to when an ice skater lowers and spreads their arms to slow a spin.

The authors noticed an uptick just after 2000 in how fast the day was lengthening, a change closely correlated with independent observations of the flattening. For the period from 2000 to 2018, the rate of length-of-day increase due to movement of ice and groundwater was 1.33 milliseconds per century — faster than at any period in the prior 100 years, when it varied from 0.3 to 1.0 milliseconds per century.

The lengthening due to ice and groundwater changes could decelerate by 2100 under a climate scenario of severely reduced emissions, the researchers note. (Even if emissions were to stop today, previously released gases — particularly carbon dioxide — would linger for decades longer.)

If emissions continue to rise, lengthening of day from climate change could reach as high as 2.62 milliseconds per century, overtaking the effect of the Moon’s pull on tides, which has been increasing Earth’s length of day by 2.4 milliseconds per century, on average. Called lunar tidal friction, the effect has been the primary cause of Earth’s day-length increase for billions for years.

“In barely 100 years, human beings have altered the climate system to such a degree that we’re seeing the impact on the very way the planet spins,” Adhikari said.

Andrew Wang / Jane J. Lee Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 626-379-6874 / 818-354-0307 [email protected] / [email protected]

Related Terms

  • Earth Science Division
  • Earth's Moon
  • GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)
  • GRACE-FO (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-on)

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2,600+ US flights canceled: United, American Airlines resume service after global outage

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  • A global IT outage caused delays and cancellations for air passengers around the world.
  • Several U.S. carriers, including American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines, issued ground stops for all their flights early on Friday due to communication problems.
  • The aviation sector is hit particularly hard due to its sensitivity to timings.

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William Sikora III was supposed to fly from Philadelphia to Detroit on Friday morning.

“We are stuck at this airport,” he posted in a video on X at 6 a.m., zooming in on blue airport screens showing system errors. “United, Delta, America, all this stuff is down. People are just sitting here. The apps still say our flight’s on time because they can’t update information in the apps.”

Air passengers around the world faced delays, cancellations and problems checking in as airports and airlines were caught up in a  massive IT outage  that also affected industries ranging from banks to media companies.

Several U.S. carriers, including American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines, issued ground stops for all their flights early on Friday due to communication problems, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

There were over 2,600 flights canceled and nearly 9,200 delays as of 5 p.m. ET, according to flight-tracking website FlightAware . Most airlines were able to resume operations as the morning progressed, but many said they expected disruptions to continue throughout the day.

More on the outage: Global tech outage grounds flights, hits banks and media businesses

Megan Brown said Washington Dulles Airport was surprisingly calm, even as the airline industry was in turmoil. She said the airport was less crowded than usual, making for a quicker-than-expected security screening, and passengers seemed understanding about the disruptions.

"We just took the gamble and came here, and hopefully we’ll leave today,” Brown told USA TODAY by phone from Dulles. “There’s nothing you can do.”

Her family's 8:25 a.m. ET flight to San Francisco was delayed, but they were able to take off within a couple of hours. "A cheer just erupted as the gate agent said we are going to start boarding," she said.

Around the world, airports and airlines advised customers to arrive earlier than normal for flights.

Around 9 a.m. Sikora posted another video showing fellow travelers sitting on the floor and standing in the middle of a crowded Philadelphia International Airport terminal. 

“Everyone is in the same boat. Just wandering and sitting,” he told USA TODAY.

Issues online: Instagram may be the best social app to get your flight issues fixed. Here's why.

The cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike blamed the global tech outage on a defect in an update for Microsoft Windows hosts.

“Today was not a security or cyber incident. Our customers remain fully protected," Crowdstrike CEO George Kurtz posted on X . "We understand the gravity of the situation and are deeply sorry for the inconvenience and disruption. We are working with all impacted customers to ensure that systems are back up and they can deliver the services their customers are counting on. As noted earlier , the issue has been identified and a fix has been deployed. There was an issue with a Falcon content update for Windows Hosts."

The aviation sector was hit particularly hard due to its sensitivity to timings. Airlines rely on a closely coordinated schedule often run by air traffic control. Just one delay of a few minutes can throw off a flight schedule for take-offs and landings for an airport and airline for the rest of the day.

"The issue affected many separate systems, such as those used for calculating aircraft weight, checking in customers, and phone systems in our call centers," United Airlines said in a statement. "After pausing all departures overnight, flights resumed on Friday morning and we are working diligently to get our customers to their destinations."

Story continues below.

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Are flights still grounded? How long will flight delays last?

"Ground stops and delays will be intermittent at various airports as the airlines work through residual technology issues," the FAA said, adding that it's working closely with airlines to resume normal operations.

Travelers are advised to contact their airlines and monitor the FAA's website for the latest information.

How to find the reason for flight delay

Customers can ask airlines why their flight is canceled or delayed, but the Department of Transportation confirmed that it considers the delays and cancellations caused by Friday's IT outage to be "controllable" by the airlines. While airlines may say they didn't cause the computer error, it means that the DOT will hold them responsible for upholding the commitments they've made to customers when it comes to policies like rebooking or hotel and meal vouchers as the mess gets sorted out. Every airline's policy is outlined on the DOT customer service dashboard.  

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics also tracks causes of delays and cancellations.

Airline waivers

Airlines are doing what they can to provide extra flexibility to those affected by the outage.

  • American issued a waiver for affected travelers covering all of its U.S. hubs.
  • Delta issued a waiver allowing all passengers traveling Friday to rebook their flights.
  • Frontier issued a waiver offering rebooking for travelers whose flights were delayed by more than 3 hours. Customers whose flights were canceled may opt for a refund or credit toward future travel.
  • United issued a waiver for select airports so passengers can make changes if their flights are affected, though a United spokesperson told USA TODAY that nearly all of the airline's flights depart or arrive in one of the airports covered by the waiver.
  • Spirit issued a waiver allowing customers who are booked to fly Friday or Saturday through any airport in its network to change their flights at no additional charge.

What happens if my flight is canceled?

Department of Transportation rules  require all airlines to offer customers a refund if their flights are canceled for any reason, but customers may be entitled to additional compensation if a cancellation is within the airline's control.

What should I do if my flight is delayed?

If your flight is experiencing a long delay, the Transportation Department suggests asking airline staff if they will pay for meals or a hotel room.

The DOT dashboard reflects airlines' official policies, but many carriers handle compensation for delays on a case-by-case basis and may provide vouchers or other benefits in some situations that are not formally covered.

What is considered a significant flight delay?

Each airline defines significant delays differently, but the DOT's dashboard identifies which airlines provide compensation for controllable delays of 3 or more hours.

For instance, all major U.S. carriers are supposed to provide a meal voucher for flights delayed by at least 3 hours for reasons within their control. Additionally, Alaska, JetBlue and Southwest offer credit or a travel voucher when a controllable delay "results in passenger waiting for 3 hours or more from the scheduled departure time," according to the dashboard.

How to file compensation for a delayed flight

Travelers seeking monetary compensation for delayed flights should file a claim with their respective airlines. Passengers seeking other types of compensation, like frequent flyer miles, may be able to request those through the airline's customer service.

Contributing: Andrew Mills, Joanna Plucinska and Lisa Barrington ; Reuters

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Thermo Fisher Scientific Unveils New Solutions Supporting Research Workflows at ASMS 2024

To help accelerate the promise of precision medicine, thermo fisher scientific unveiled its new solutions accelerating research workflows at the annual american society for mass spectrometry conference on mass spectrometry and allied topics, in anaheim, california..

New analytical instruments and workflow capabilities improve productivity, reliability and sensitivity of discovery, translational and clinical research

ANAHEIM, Calif.--( BUSINESS WIRE )-- To help accelerate the promise of precision medicine, Thermo Fisher Scientific today unveiled its new solutions accelerating research workflows at the annual American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, in Anaheim, California. The new mass spectrometry and chromatography instruments and software solutions enable customers to unlock deeper analytical insights with built-for-purpose flexibility, improving productivity, efficiency, and accelerating translational research workflows.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

New analytical instruments and workflow capabilities improve productivity, reliability and sensitivity of discovery, translational and clinical research. (Photo: Business Wire)

New analytical instruments and workflow capabilities improve productivity, reliability and sensitivity of discovery, translational and clinical research. (Photo: Business Wire)

“As we look to best serve our customers, we noted a need for built-for-purpose solutions designed for their unique application areas that help them take key findings from compounds to clinical research,” said August Specht, vice president, R&D, chromatography and mass spectrometry, Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Pairing our industry-leading instruments with best-in-class software solutions and workflows helps deliver on this promise, empowering key research findings of today to translate into the precision medicines of tomorrow.”

Accelerating Research from Discovery to Validation

Complementing the power that the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap™ Astral™ mass spectrometer (MS) brings to scientific discovery, the Thermo Scientific Stellar™ MS is innovating translational omics research at an unprecedented scale. The Stellar MS advances biomarker verification, delivering fast and sensitive quantitation to confirm and verify all biomarkers of significance. With a unique design that combines the quantitative performance of a triple quadrupole with the single cell sensitivity of linear ion trap analyzers, the Stellar MS achieves 10X the quantitative sensitivity for 5X more compounds at scale compared to existing technologies.

To supplement this need for scale as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based omics gains popularity, the new Thermo Scientific Vanquish™ Neo ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system Tandem Direct Injection workflow helps proteomics labs rapidly generate high-quality, biologically relevant data. The Tandem Direct Injection workflow increases sample throughput and provides up to a ~70% increase in samples per day, decreases carryover and yields more than 90% mass spectrometer utilization, enabling high-throughput LC separation as a perfect companion to high-throughput mass spectrometers such as Orbitrap Astral MS or Stellar MS.

The Next-Generation Workflow Starts with Built-for-Purpose Technology

To help accelerate research, the company unveiled three new built-for-purpose editions of the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Ascend Editions Tribrid™ mass spectrometers with unique capabilities tailored to specific application areas. The three new editions include the MultiOmics Edition , Structural Biology Edition , and BioPharma Edition , featuring new hardware for a Native MS option and a dry pump with improved sustainability and performance.

Now, scientists can quantify more samples at lower concentrations using intelligent acquisition and achieve greater coverage that delivers ultimate experimental throughput, versatility, and ease of use, empowering scientists to make breakthrough discoveries even more efficiently.

As a complement to the Orbitrap Ascend Editions Tribrid MS, customers will be able to experience the power of higher multiplexing, later this year, with the launch of the Thermo Scientific TMTpro 32plex Label Reagents , enabling analysis of up to 32 samples in a single LC-MS injection. This higher level of multiplexing is especially beneficial for applications requiring higher throughput and depth of coverage such as chemoproteomics, peptidomics, and single cell proteomics.

Establishing a Holistic, Reliable & Secure Software Ecosystem

As laboratories are focused on increasing their productivity, the need for software that seamlessly connects data, applications, and instruments has never been greater. The Thermo Scientific Ardia™ platform , supports scientists’ end-to-end workflows and centralizes data and instrument management across multiple chromatography and mass spectrometry systems. The company has now added new capabilities centered on security, connectivity and openness, with improved support for the Orbitrap Astral MS and Stellar MS.

The newly connected Compound Discoverer 3.4 software and support for third party software, along with updates to Ardia Core 1.1 SW, Proteome Discoverer 3.2 software, and Ardia Platform Data Sync tool 1.1 software, bring enterprise-level data handling capabilities that enable users to manage, process, and share data in ways not previously possible. The new levels of data security and connectivity give scientists the freedom of choice for their data handling needs, empowering them to break down silos and better understand new diagnostics and therapies even faster.

For more information on the Thermo Fisher solutions exhibited at ASMS 2024, please visit .

About Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science, with annual revenue over $40 billion. Our Mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Whether our customers are accelerating life sciences research, solving complex analytical challenges, increasing productivity in their laboratories, improving patient health through diagnostics or the development and manufacture of life-changing therapies, we are here to support them. Our global team delivers an unrivaled combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and pharmaceutical services through our industry-leading brands, including Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific, Unity Lab Services, Patheon and PPD.

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Media: Laura Bright Thermo Fisher Scientific [email protected]

Source: Thermo Fisher

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July 23, 2024

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Mass layoffs and data breaches could be connected, according to researchers

by Binghamton University

Mass layoffs and data breaches could be connected, according to researchers

A research team led by faculty from Binghamton University, State University of New York has been exploring how mass layoffs and data breaches could be connected. Their theory: since layoffs create conditions where disgruntled employees face added stress or job insecurity, they are more likely to engage in risky behaviors that heighten the company's vulnerability to data breaches.

The research, outlined in a paper titled "The Impacts of Layoffs Announcement on Cybersecurity Breaches," was presented by Binghamton faculty at the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) in Vietnam in early July.

The study's motivation was to explore the revenge-type behavior of people affected by layoffs and the social justice aspect of people seeking to "punish" a seemingly "bad business" through hacking. The research was done in collaboration with scholars on two continents—including Vietnam National University and Liverpool John Moores University in the U.K.

"Some companies try to be nice by announcing layoffs first, terminating access to the laid-off employees later, but that can easily open the door to cybersecurity risks—especially if the laid-off employee is feeling vengeful," said Assistant Professor Thi Tran, who is leading the project and presented the paper at PACIS.

"Because they used to be an employee, they have confidential information about security layers that can be bypassed," he added. "The more they know about the system, the worse it could be."

In the study, researchers propose if companies were more proactive with corporate social responsibility initiatives that emphasize ethical conduct and data security during layoffs, they could reduce the risk of data breaches arising from those situations.

An IBM Cost of Data Breach report in 2023 revealed the significance of losses posed by data breaches. The report stated the global average cost of a data breach that year was $4.5 million, a 15% increase from the previous three years.

While announcements about mass layoffs are not uncommon among today's headlines, there has been little research related to the possible connection between them and cybersecurity for those companies. This is primarily because the concept of mass layoffs is a relatively recent phenomenon, said Sumantra Sarkar, an associate SOM professor who is helping conduct the research.

"In the old days, industries were more manual-oriented, and you could not replace people with the click of a button, but in the current information technology world, you hire people by the thousands, and you can lay off people much the same way. This opens the door for our research because humans are statistically the weakest link of the IT security chain," Sarkar said.

"People react to triggers in their environment, such as layoffs," he added, "and that's why security problems often come from the people either inside the organization or vendors with inside knowledge of the infrastructure."

The researchers said companies could also leave themselves vulnerable, apart from using outdated security systems, by outsourcing IT and cybersecurity tasks as a cost-cutting measure in response to layoffs.

In addition, negative publicity that tends to follow layoffs could lead people to infer the company had been suffering from financial problems or poor leadership, which could create an opportunity for hackers with political motivations to take advantage.

"When people hear about layoffs, it's going to be viewed as something bad that can happen to them or anyone else in society. So, if you're in tune with how people consume information, you want to do whatever you can to build a good picture in the public's mind to minimize negative consequences ," Tran said.

"We're looking at not only the probability of something like data breaches resulting from mass layoffs happening but the severity if something like that actually does happen."

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    ANAHEIM, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- To help accelerate the promise of precision medicine, Thermo Fisher Scientific today unveiled its new solutions accelerating research workflows at the annual American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, in Anaheim, California.The new mass spectrometry and chromatography instruments and software solutions ...

  30. Mass layoffs and data breaches could be connected, according to researchers

    A research team led by faculty from Binghamton University, State University of New York has been exploring how mass layoffs and data breaches could be connected. Their theory: since layoffs create conditions where disgruntled employees face added stress or job insecurity, they are more likely to engage in risky behaviors that heighten the company's vulnerability to data breaches.