Abstract Writing for Sociology

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If you are a student learning sociology , chances are you will be asked to write an abstract. Sometimes, your teacher or professor may ask you to write an abstract at the beginning of the research process to help you organize your ideas for the research. Other times, the organizers of a conference or editors of an academic journal or book will ask you to write one to serve as a summary of research you have completed and that you intend to share. Let's review exactly what an abstract is and the five steps you need to follow in order to write one.

Within sociology, as with other sciences, an abstract is a brief and concise description of a research project that is typically in the range of 200 to 300 words. Sometimes you may be asked to write an abstract at the beginning of a research project and other times, you will be asked to do so after the research is completed. In any case, the abstract serves, in effect, as a sales pitch for your research. Its goal is to pique the interest of the reader such that he or she continues to read the research report that follows the abstract or decides to attend a research presentation you will give about the research. For this reason, an abstract should be written in clear and descriptive language and should avoid the use of acronyms and jargon.

Depending on at what stage in the research process you write your abstract, it will fall into one of two categories: descriptive or informative. Those written before the research is completed will be descriptive in nature.

  • Descriptive abstracts provide an overview of the purpose, goals, and proposed methods of your study , but do not include discussion of the results or conclusions you might draw from them.
  • Informative abstracts are super-condensed versions of a research paper that provide an overview of the motivations for the research, problem(s) it addresses, approach and methods, the results of the research, and your conclusions and implications of the research.

Preparing to Write

Before you write an abstract there are a few important steps you should complete. First, if you are writing an informative abstract, you should write the full research report. It may be tempting to start by writing the abstract because it is short, but in reality, you can't write it until you the report is complete because the abstract should be a condensed version of it. If you've yet to write the report, you probably have not yet completed analyzing your data or thinking through the conclusions and implications. You can't write a research abstract until you've done these things.

Another important consideration is the length of the abstract. Whether you are submitting it for publication, to a conference, or to a teacher or professor for a class, you will have been given guidance on how many words the abstract can be. Know your word limit in advance and stick to it.

Finally, consider the audience for your abstract. In most cases, people you have never met will read your abstract. Some of them may not have the same expertise in sociology that you have, so it's important that you write your abstract in clear language and without jargon. Remember that your abstract is, in effect, a sales pitch for your research, and you want it to make people want to learn more.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Motivation . Begin your abstract by describing what motivated you to conduct the research. Ask yourself what made you pick this topic. Is there a particular social trend or phenomenon that sparked your interest in doing the project? Was there a gap in existing research that you sought to fill by conducting your own? Was there something, in particular, you set out to prove? Consider these questions and begin your abstract by briefly stating, in one or two sentences, the answers to them.
  • Problem . Next, describe the problem or question to which your research seeks to provide an answer or better understanding. Be specific and explain if this is a general problem or a specific one affecting only certain regions or sections of the population. You should finish describing the problem by stating your hypothesis , or what you expect to find after conducting your research.
  • Approach and methods . Following your description of the problem, you must next explain how your research approaches it, in terms of theoretical framing or general perspective, and which research methods you will use to do the research. Remember, this should be brief, jargon-free, and concise.
  • Results . Next, describe in one or two sentences the results of your research. If you completed a complex research project that led to several results that you discuss in the report, highlight only the most significant or noteworthy in the abstract. You should state whether or not you were able to answer your research questions, and if surprising results were found too. If, as in some cases, your results did not adequately answer your question(s), you should report that as well.
  • Conclusions . Finish your abstract by briefly stating what conclusions you draw from the results and what implications they might hold. Consider whether there are implications for the practices and policies of organizations and/or government bodies that are connected to your research, and whether your results suggest that further research should be done, and why. You should also point out whether the results of your research are generally and/or broadly applicable or whether they are descriptive in nature and focused on a particular case or limited population.

Let's take as an example the abstract that serves as the teaser for a journal article by sociologist Dr. David Pedulla. The article in question, published in American Sociological Review , is a report on how taking a job below one's skill level or doing part-time work can hurt a person's future career prospects in their chosen field or profession. The abstract is annotated with bolded numbers that show the steps in the process outlined above.

1. Millions of workers are employed in positions that deviate from the full-time, standard employment relationship or work in jobs that are mismatched with their skills, education, or experience.
2. Yet, little is known about how employers evaluate workers who have experienced these employment arrangements, limiting our knowledge about how part-time work, temporary agency employment, and skills underutilization affect workers' labor market opportunities.
3. Drawing on original field and survey experiment data, I examine three questions: (1) What are the consequences of having a nonstandard or mismatched employment history for workers' labor market opportunities? (2) Are the effects of nonstandard or mismatched employment histories different for men and women? and (3) What are the mechanisms linking nonstandard or mismatched employment histories to labor market outcomes?
4. The field experiment shows that skills underutilization is as scarring for workers as a year of unemployment, but that there are limited penalties for workers with histories of temporary agency employment. Additionally, although men are penalized for part-time employment histories, women face no penalty for part-time work. The survey experiment reveals that employers' perceptions of workers' competence and commitment mediate these effects.
5. These findings shed light on the consequences of changing employment relations for the distribution of labor market opportunities in the "new economy."

It's really that simple.

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How to write an abstract for a social science research article.

sociology research article abstract

After the title , the abstract is the next important part of your article that your social science audience will read. In this post, we explain how to write an abstract for an empirical article in the social sciences, with examples. By empirical article, we mean articles in which data analysis is a main feature.

Useful abstracts have a problem-solution approach

Example 1: qualitative, example 2: quantitative.

Abstracts, like titles, must have the main concepts. Thankfully, for empirical research articles in the social sciences (sociology, political science, and psychology) there is a standard structure. Note that journals may differ in length — some want 100 words, some 200 words, and so on — and some impose a structure (e.g. Social Science Quarterly demands a specific structure).

I. Knowledge gap : What is the problem/ topic; what do we know and what do we not know? (1-2 sentences)

II. Data and methods : How did you address the problem? (1-2 sentences)

III. Results (3-4 sentences)

IV. General contribution of the article to the field (1 sentence)

Examples of good abstracts

Let’s start with a qualitative article.

Cordner, Alissa. “ Staring at the sun during wildfire season: knowledge, uncertainty, and front-line resistance in disaster preparation .” Qualitative sociology 44, no. 2 (2021): 313-335.

I. Knowledge gap

“As climate change increases the frequency and severity of disasters, and population and social changes raise the public’s vulnerability to disaster events, societies face additional risk of multiple disaster events or other hazards occurring simultaneously. Such hazards involve significant uncertainty, which must be translated into concrete plans able to be implemented by disaster workers. Little research has explored how disaster managers incorporate different forms of knowledge and uncertainty into preparations for simultaneous hazards or disaster events, or how front-line disaster workers respond to and implement these plans.

The author begins with a general statement about disasters and public risks. Then, Dr. Cordner presents a knowledge gap: what we know about how disaster workers prepare for the uncertainty of hazards, and then what we do not know about it.

II. Data and methods

“In this paper I draw on ethnographic research working as a wildland firefighter, interviews with firefighters and fire managers, and state and agency planning documents to examine preparations for two events occurring in Central Oregon in August 2017: (1) the height of wildfire season and (2) hundreds of thousands of anticipated visitors for a total solar eclipse.”

As expected in a classic social science abstract, the next sentences are about the data and methods. We hope that the next part of the abstract will address the findings.

III. Results

“I find that different qualities of risk, hazard, and uncertainty across these two events were central to the development and implementation of disaster plans. Agency leaders devised worst-case scenario plans for the eclipse based on uncertain predictions regarding hazards from the eclipse and the occurrence of severe wildfires, aiming to eliminate the potential for unknown hazards. These plans were generally met with skepticism by front-line disaster workers. Despite the uncertainties that dominated eclipse-planning rhetoric, firefighters largely identified risks from the eclipse that were risks they dealt with in their daily work as firefighters.”

Indeed, Dr. Cordner does proceed with the findings. The final sentence should have a statement about the contribution.

IV. Contribution

“I conclude by discussing implications of these findings for conceptual understandings of disaster planning as well as contemporary concerns about skepticism and conspiracy theories directed at government planning and response to disaster events.”

The abstract indeed ends with a statement about the contribution of the work to the social sciences. Great job!

Let’s look at a quantitative article.

Jungkunz, Sebastian, and Paul Marx. “ Material deprivation in childhood and unequal political socialization: the relationship between children’s economic hardship and future voting .” European Sociological Review 40, no. 1 (2024): 72-84.

“Long-term socialization patterns are considered a key explanation for socio-economic inequalities in political participation. Material conditions in youth and childhood are assumed to contribute to rather stable trajectories of political apathy or involvement and lay the foundations for unequal participation from before voting age and far into adulthood. However, our understanding of when such inequalities begin to become noticeable, the importance of parental socio-economic status as opposed to personal socio-economic status, and potential long-term consequences is still limited.”

The authors begin with a statement about what we know, and what we don’t know, about inequality, socialization, and political participation.

“We address these issues using the youth questionnaire of the UK Household Longitudinal Study.”

Next, the authors present the data. Not much info here, but they use a well-known dataset and thus can get away with a minimal presentation of data and methods.

“We show that material deprivation in childhood is negatively related to turnout in young adults’ first election in which they are eligible to vote. This result holds when we control for an unusually exhaustive list of potential confounders, such as psychological childhood characteristics, parental–political interest and education, present material conditions, mental health, and future educational degrees.”

A long results section, but thorough. The next section should be about the wider implications of their findings.

“Our results, hence, suggest that—while personal socio-economic experiences in early adulthood are not irrelevant—socio-economic family background has an independent effect on political participation.”

And voila, here the authors discuss the wider implications of their findings.

This is a classic abstract for quantitative research in the social sciences. Great job!

Abstracts have a particular structure. They start with the knowledge gap, move to the data and methods, then present the results, and end with the contribution to the literature. This abstract structure holds for qualitative and quantitative articles, for most journals in sociology and political science, and for many in psychology. Please keep in mind that journals will differ in terms of word or character count, and some demand a particular structure.

sociology research article abstract

Joshua K. Dubrow is a PhD from The Ohio State University and a Professor of Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

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An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and, 4) a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.

Writing an Abstract. The Writing Center. Clarion University, 2009; Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper. The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Koltay, Tibor. Abstracts and Abstracting: A Genre and Set of Skills for the Twenty-first Century . Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing, 2010;

Importance of a Good Abstract

Sometimes your professor will ask you to include an abstract, or general summary of your work, with your research paper. The abstract allows you to elaborate upon each major aspect of the paper and helps readers decide whether they want to read the rest of the paper. Therefore, enough key information [e.g., summary results, observations, trends, etc.] must be included to make the abstract useful to someone who may want to examine your work.

How do you know when you have enough information in your abstract? A simple rule-of-thumb is to imagine that you are another researcher doing a similar study. Then ask yourself: if your abstract was the only part of the paper you could access, would you be happy with the amount of information presented there? Does it tell the whole story about your study? If the answer is "no" then the abstract likely needs to be revised.

Farkas, David K. “A Scheme for Understanding and Writing Summaries.” Technical Communication 67 (August 2020): 45-60;  How to Write a Research Abstract. Office of Undergraduate Research. University of Kentucky; Staiger, David L. “What Today’s Students Need to Know about Writing Abstracts.” International Journal of Business Communication January 3 (1966): 29-33; Swales, John M. and Christine B. Feak. Abstracts and the Writing of Abstracts . Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Structure and Writing Style

I.  Types of Abstracts

To begin, you need to determine which type of abstract you should include with your paper. There are four general types.

Critical Abstract A critical abstract provides, in addition to describing main findings and information, a judgment or comment about the study’s validity, reliability, or completeness. The researcher evaluates the paper and often compares it with other works on the same subject. Critical abstracts are generally 400-500 words in length due to the additional interpretive commentary. These types of abstracts are used infrequently.

Descriptive Abstract A descriptive abstract indicates the type of information found in the work. It makes no judgments about the work, nor does it provide results or conclusions of the research. It does incorporate key words found in the text and may include the purpose, methods, and scope of the research. Essentially, the descriptive abstract only describes the work being summarized. Some researchers consider it an outline of the work, rather than a summary. Descriptive abstracts are usually very short, 100 words or less. Informative Abstract The majority of abstracts are informative. While they still do not critique or evaluate a work, they do more than describe it. A good informative abstract acts as a surrogate for the work itself. That is, the researcher presents and explains all the main arguments and the important results and evidence in the paper. An informative abstract includes the information that can be found in a descriptive abstract [purpose, methods, scope] but it also includes the results and conclusions of the research and the recommendations of the author. The length varies according to discipline, but an informative abstract is usually no more than 300 words in length.

Highlight Abstract A highlight abstract is specifically written to attract the reader’s attention to the study. No pretense is made of there being either a balanced or complete picture of the paper and, in fact, incomplete and leading remarks may be used to spark the reader’s interest. In that a highlight abstract cannot stand independent of its associated article, it is not a true abstract and, therefore, rarely used in academic writing.

II.  Writing Style

Use the active voice when possible , but note that much of your abstract may require passive sentence constructions. Regardless, write your abstract using concise, but complete, sentences. Get to the point quickly and always use the past tense because you are reporting on a study that has been completed.

Abstracts should be formatted as a single paragraph in a block format and with no paragraph indentations. In most cases, the abstract page immediately follows the title page. Do not number the page. Rules set forth in writing manual vary but, in general, you should center the word "Abstract" at the top of the page with double spacing between the heading and the abstract. The final sentences of an abstract concisely summarize your study’s conclusions, implications, or applications to practice and, if appropriate, can be followed by a statement about the need for additional research revealed from the findings.

Composing Your Abstract

Although it is the first section of your paper, the abstract should be written last since it will summarize the contents of your entire paper. A good strategy to begin composing your abstract is to take whole sentences or key phrases from each section of the paper and put them in a sequence that summarizes the contents. Then revise or add connecting phrases or words to make the narrative flow clearly and smoothly. Note that statistical findings should be reported parenthetically [i.e., written in parentheses].

Before handing in your final paper, check to make sure that the information in the abstract completely agrees with what you have written in the paper. Think of the abstract as a sequential set of complete sentences describing the most crucial information using the fewest necessary words. The abstract SHOULD NOT contain:

  • A catchy introductory phrase, provocative quote, or other device to grab the reader's attention,
  • Lengthy background or contextual information,
  • Redundant phrases, unnecessary adverbs and adjectives, and repetitive information;
  • Acronyms or abbreviations,
  • References to other literature [say something like, "current research shows that..." or "studies have indicated..."],
  • Using ellipticals [i.e., ending with "..."] or incomplete sentences,
  • Jargon or terms that may be confusing to the reader,
  • Citations to other works, and
  • Any sort of image, illustration, figure, or table, or references to them.

Abstract. Writing Center. University of Kansas; Abstract. The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper. Department of Biology. Bates College; Abstracts. The Writing Center. University of North Carolina; Borko, Harold and Seymour Chatman. "Criteria for Acceptable Abstracts: A Survey of Abstracters' Instructions." American Documentation 14 (April 1963): 149-160; Abstracts. The Writer’s Handbook. Writing Center. University of Wisconsin, Madison; Hartley, James and Lucy Betts. "Common Weaknesses in Traditional Abstracts in the Social Sciences." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 (October 2009): 2010-2018; Koltay, Tibor. Abstracts and Abstracting: A Genre and Set of Skills for the Twenty-first Century. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing, 2010; Procter, Margaret. The Abstract. University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Riordan, Laura. “Mastering the Art of Abstracts.” The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 115 (January 2015 ): 41-47; Writing Report Abstracts. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Writing Abstracts. Writing Tutorial Services, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. Indiana University; Koltay, Tibor. Abstracts and Abstracting: A Genre and Set of Skills for the Twenty-First Century . Oxford, UK: 2010; Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper. The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Writing Tip

Never Cite Just the Abstract!

Citing to just a journal article's abstract does not confirm for the reader that you have conducted a thorough or reliable review of the literature. If the full-text is not available, go to the USC Libraries main page and enter the title of the article [NOT the title of the journal]. If the Libraries have a subscription to the journal, the article should appear with a link to the full-text or to the journal publisher page where you can get the article. If the article does not appear, try searching Google Scholar using the link on the USC Libraries main page. If you still can't find the article after doing this, contact a librarian or you can request it from our free i nterlibrary loan and document delivery service .

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Sociology Research Article--How to Recognize One: Home


Here are a few screen shots to help you understand what to look for in a scholarly research study in Sociology.  All articles are different, of course; however, the format of a primary study is often similar from one article to another.  Take a look below.  For more on the difference between popular reading and scholarly material, a discussion of peer review, and other examples of a research study, see the guide  Peer Review and Primary Literature: An Introduction

Read the Abstract (Summary)

Abstracts are included in almost all scholarly journal articles these days. (Older articles found in JSTOR may not include an abstract.)  The abstract is an author-written summary which briefly describes what the article is about. It will usually tell you whether original research was done.  Read the abstract first to allow you to quickly eliminate articles that don't suit your research needs.

All the below examples are taken from an article from Violence & Victims . 

sociology research article abstract

Look for a Section Termed "Method," "Methods" or "Methodology"

Normally, the researcher(s) will describe what kind of research techniques were used and how the research was conducted.  If you see a section named "Method" or "Methodology" the article is probably a research study. 

The above is only a small excerpt from the article.  Description of methodology usually takes several paragraphs.

Look for the Section Heading "Results"

The author needs to present the information/data gathered as a result of the research.  This findings section is usually called "Results," and it often includes tables, charts, diagrams and other means to present what the researcher discovered.

As you can imagine, the above is just a small snippet of the Results section of this article!

Look for Tables and Graphs

Within the Results section, you would expect to see data summarized and presented through tables, graphs, charts and the like.

"Discussion" Provides Concluding Remarks

What is the meaning or significance of the research?  Are there recognized shortcomings or issues?  Is further research required?  How does this research study complement or refute earlier studies?  These are a few of the topics normally addressed in the "Discussion" section.

A Word About the Literature Review

All research articles should include some level of literature review, since it is important for a researcher to understand what previous scholars have learned about this topic.  In the case of this article, the author organized the literature review into a separate section.

However, a Literature Review article is NOT the same as a Research article! Some academics provide a valuable scholarly service by sifting through all (or most) of the Research articles available on a particular topic and publishing a Literature Review article. However, if these authors did not conduct their own original research (surveys, interviews, etc.), such an article would not qualify as a research study!

To learn more about Literature Reviews, see this guide .

Don't Forget the "References," "Bibliography" or "List of Works Cited"

Often, students need to find multiple articles on the topic they have chosen. Use the bibliography (A.K.A. works cited, references, citations, etc...)  at the end of  a research article to quickly find other literature relevant to your paper topic. A respectable researcher does a thorough literature review as part of the scholarly process. That means that the researcher and the researcher's assistants have tracked down, read, and cited all the important articles of a similar nature that came before them.  This can be a treasure trove for students who must find additional readings. Take advantage of this resource!

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General article databases

  • Google Scholar Access to Google Scholar with Penn-only links to full-text articles. Once authenticated through Penn's proxy, full-text articles to which Penn Libraries subscribe will become available within the Google Scholar search results.
  • EBSCO MegaFILE General, multidisciplinary periodical database, covering all scholarly disciplines, with many general and popular magazines, and news sources. Includes bibliographic citations with indexing and abstracts for more than 16,000 periodicals.
  • Web of Science Indexes journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Allows for cited reference searching.
  • Scopus Allows searching of citations backward and forward.
  • Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global Indexing (since 1861) and abstracting (since 1980) for doctoral-level dissertations completed at North American universities. Page images or fulltext of all available dissertations - including Penn dissertations - from 1997 to present, with some earlier dissertations. Dissertations from selected European universities are also listed. Selected master's theses are included since 1988.
  • Periodicals Index Online Humanities and social sciences. The scope is international, including journals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other Western languages.

Dataset-specific bibliographic databases

  • General Social Survey Bibliography Lists scholarly publications that use GSS data. The GSS, conducted periodically since 1972, is the single best survey data source for U.S. social attitudes, behaviors, and attributes trend data. This began as Annotated Bibliography of Papers Using the General Social Surveys (ICPSR 101, last updated 1990).
  • National Longitudinal Surveys Annotated Bibliography Lists journal articles and other research publications using data from all cohorts of the NLS, the most important longterm study of the labor market activities and other significant life events of several groups of U.S. men and women followed over up to four decades.
  • Add Health Publications Database Lists journal articles, presentations, unpublished manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations by researchers using National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health data. Add Health studies how social environments and behaviors in adolescence are linked to health and achievement outcomes in young adulthood.
  • ICPSR Bibliography of Data-Related Literature Journal articles, books, working papers, and other publications that use data held in the ICPSR archive. Searchable by document title and other bibliographic information, and also by ICPSR study. Web pages for individual ICPSR studies will also display study-specific bibliography.
  • Bibliography / Roper Center for Public Opinion Research A list of research articles, 1980-present, that use data from the Roper Center. Some cite information on overall responses obtained from iPOLL; some are based on individual-level analyses of datasets held by the Roper Center, and others use the Roper Center's Presidential approval series or other indexes constructed from Roper Center data.

General sociology article indexes

  • SocAbs - Sociological Abstracts 1952 to the present. The comprehensive bibliographic database for research in sociology and related disciplines worldwide. Provides citations, subject indexing, and abstracts of all articles in more than 240 core sociology journals and relevant articles in more than 2200 journals in related fields, books and chapters in collective volumes, and dissertations; an excellent source for book reviews on social issues. SocAbs recently absorbed Social Services Abstracts , expanding its coverage to social work and social policy.
  • IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences 1951-present. Excellent source for searching the international literature. Citations and subject indexing for the international journal article and book literature in sociology, as well as anthropology, economics, political science. Preceded by London bibliography of the social sciences (1931-1982). more... less... Produced by British Library of Political and Economic Science, London School of Economics and Political Science, with the support and assistance of International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation and UNESCO.
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) 1956-present. The social sciences portion of ISI Web of Science . Most useful for its "Cited Reference" and "Related Records" searching: find a favorite article in SSCI, then look at its related records and the articles that cite it. HINT! SocAbs and other databases have started adding "Cited by" and "Related Records" searching, too.
  • Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective Covers 1907-1984. Indexing the major scholarly journals in many disciplines, this was the standard finding tool (alongside the London Bibliography ) for the sociological journal literature before SocAbs and IBSS .

Specialized indexes

  • APA PsycInfo The American Psychological Association's comprehensive bibliographic database to the psychology research literature. APA PsycInfo will cover social psychology and organizational psychology.
  • Ageline AARP's database covering articles, books, and gray literature on aging, social gerontology and social, psychological, economic and health aspects of people 50+ years old.
  • Family & Society Studies Worldwide Combines several sociology and social psychology databases, including the important Minnesota Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature . As a specialist database, F&SSW offers more detailed indexing for family and group topics than SocAbs.
  • eHRAF World Cultures The Human Relations Area Files, started in 1949, presents fulltext ethnographic texts on individual cultures worldwide. Each text is coded for cultural attributes at the paragraph level using the Outline of Cultural Materials . eHRAF expands HRAF's traditional coverage to include North American immigrant groups.
  • Communication Source Abstracts and indexing as well as full-text content from publications worldwide pertaining to Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric and Discourse, Speech-Language Pathology, Media Studies and related fields.
  • Contemporary Women's Issues This full-text database provides international coverage of current issues such as employment and the workplace, social & political issues, violence and exploitation, development and human rights, health and reproductive rights, legal issues, education, culture and customs, demographics, contemporary family life, and arts and media.
  • GenderWatch GenderWatch, formerly titled Women 'R', contains 40,000 articles from more than 100 journals, magazines, newsletters, special reports, unpublished papers and conference proceedings devoted to gender and women's issues.
  • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts
  • National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database NCJRS includes abstracts of over 140,000 research reports, journal articles, and government documents relating to crime, law enforcement, and the justice system.
  • PAIS Index Bibliographic citations (1915-) with indexing on contemporary public affairs and policy issues worldwide. "Contemporary" is taken seriously by PAIS International, so the database is particularly useful for comparing policy issues over time. Covers articles, books, government documents, and some gray literature.
  • Policy Commons Gray literature database with fulltext. Covers IGOs and NGOs, thinktanks, and local governments. Current modules include : Global ThinkTanks, North American City Reports, and World Cities.
  • PolicyFile Gray-literature policy papers and reports from U.S. thinktanks working on foreign and domestic policy. Provides subject indexing with links to fulltext. Useful for identifying organizations conducting research on specific topics.
  • EconLit The American Economic Association's bibliographic database covering the journal, book, and working paper literature on economics and related topics. HINT! EconLit uses JEL Codes as its subject terms. JEL Codes are listed, with examples, on the AEA website .
  • POPLINE Bibliographic citations with subject indexing and abstracts for the scholarly literature in population studies, family planning, and related subjects.
  • Population Index Covers fields of interest to demographers, including fertility, mortality, population size and growth, migration, nuptiality and the family, research methodology, projections and predictions, historical demography, and demographic and economic interrelations.
  • Race Relations Abstracts Bibliographic records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
  • Sage Family Studies Abstracts Bibliographic citations with abstracts for literature on policy, theory, and research relating to the family, traditional and alternative lifestyles, therapy, and counselling. Subjects covered include adolescent development, adolescent pregnancy and parenthood, aging, child abuse, child custody, child physical disorders, child psychological problems, dating, bereavement, divorce, domestic abuse and violence, family economics, employment, fertility and birth control, gender relations, health problems, homosexuality, marriage and marital relations, and sexual attitudes.
  • Social Work Abstracts The National Association of Social Workers database covering social work and other related topics such as homelessness, AIDS, child and family welfare, aging, substance abuse, legislation, community organization, and more.
  • Urban Studies Abstracts Bibliographic citations with abstracts describing scholarly literature in all aspects of urban studies. Topics include trends in urbanization, urban history, architecture and urban design, housing and real estate, urban development and redevelopment, urban planning and land use, environment and resource conservation, transporation and communication, crime and law enforcement, urban economics, social services and public services, politics and government, urban fiscal and budgetary policy, and social issues. more... less... Bibliographic citations with abstracts describing scholarly literature in all aspects of urban studies. Topics include trends in urbanization, urban history, architecture and urban design, housing and real estate, urban development and redevelopment, urban planning and land use, environment and resource conservation, transporation and communication, crime and law enforcement, urban economics, social services and public services, politics and government, urban fiscal and budgetary policy, and social issues.
  • MEDLINE The US National Library of Medicine's comprehensive bibliographic database of medical research. MEDLINE is congruent with PubMed, but MEDLINE's "Map term to subject heading" and MeSH "explode" function provide powerful search tools.
  • Global Index Medicus The World Health Organization's medical research bibliographic database, with some fulltext content. Combines databases from its regional offices : AIM (Africa), IMEMR (Eastern Mediterranean), IMSEAR (Southeast Asia), LILACS (Latin America and Caribbean), and WPRO (Far East and Oceania). Covers gaps in MEDLINE's international coverage.
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Best Bets: Top Sociology Databases for Journal Articles

Start your research here:

  • Sociological Abstracts This link opens in a new window Provides access to the international literature in sociology and related disciplines. Covers 1800+ journals, back to 1952.
  • SocINDEX with Full Text This link opens in a new window Indexes 1,800 sociology-related journals & magazines back to 1895, with full text for 620 of them, plus indexing for books, etc.

More About Sociology Databases

Library databases (also known as "indexes") identify articles published on a particular topics. In addition to journal articles, many databases will also identify book chapters, dissertations, and other reports. 

We have several databases specific to sociology content:

  • SocINDEX with Full Text This link opens in a new window
  • This database is on the EBSCO interface
  • Indexes 1,800 sociology-related journals & magazines back to 1895, with full text for 620 of them, plus indexing for books, etc.
  • You can expand your search to include looking for terms in the full text of articles by changing the search field in the drop-down menu to "TX All Text"
  • Compared to Sociological Abstracts, SocINDEX searches a slightly broader range of literature across related fields.
  • Sociological Abstracts This link opens in a new window
  • This database is on the ProQuest interface
  • Sociological Abstracts is an indexing and abstracting database of approximately 1,000 journals plus additional publications, meaning that it provides robust indexing details (i.e., subject classifications) and article abstracts.
  • You can limit your search to "no full text" to increase the relevance by matching search terms to only the article title, abstract, and indexing details.
  • It contains abstracts for all articles in ProQuest Sociology, plus many, many more.
  • For everything you ever wanted to know about content and search options:  Guide to Sociological Abstracts from ProQuest .
  • Sociology Database This link opens in a new window
  • ProQuest Sociology is a full text article database of approximately 300 journals.
  • It does not use the Sociological Abstracts thesaurus of subject classifications.
  • It provides the full text that is seamlessly integrated into Sociological Abstracts.
  • Sociological Abstracts also searches the full text of articles.

Pro Tip:  S earch Sociological Abstracts and  ProQuest  Sociology simultaneously by u sing the  ProQuest  "change databases" option at the top of the screen to select multiple databases.

More Databases with Sociology Content

Topics in sociology often overlap with complementary areas of inquiry. 

It may be useful to search within a multidisiplinary database/index, or other subject specific indexes.

Multidisciplinary Databases

  • Web of Science This link opens in a new window Covering 12,000+ scholarly journals, plus selected books and published conference proceedings in all academic disciplines, the Web of Science Core Collection combines seven citation indexes which permit searching for articles that cite a known author or work, as well as searching by subject, author, journal, and author address.

Combined access to all ProQuest databases, covering many different fields and full text articles.

  • Google Scholar @ U-M (with U-M Ann Arbor MGet It Links) This link opens in a new window Searches for scholarly documents on the web, with the added feature of "Availability at UMichigan" links.
  • Scopus This link opens in a new window International multi-disciplinary indexing & abstracting database for scientific, medical, technical, and social sciences.

General Social Sciences Databases

  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science) This link opens in a new window A multidisciplinary database with searchable author abstracts covering over 1700 journals in the social sciences.
  • Social Sciences Abstracts (with Full Text) This link opens in a new window Covers 625 of the most important English-language journals across all the social sciences.

Subject Specific  Social Science Databases

Selected list of complementary subject specific indexes that may be useful for interdisciplinary sociology research. For a complete list of all subject specific databases, use Library Search .

  • ABI/INFORM Collection This link opens in a new window Combined access to all three ABI/INFORM business databases: Global, Dateline, and Trade & Industry.
  • AgeLine (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Indexes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy.
  • AGRICOLA This link opens in a new window A bibliographic database of the agricultural literature, containing records of materials acquired by the National Agriculture Library (NAL) and cooperating institutions. Index to articles in agriculture, soil sciences, forestry, and related areas.
  • Agricultural & Environmental Science Database This link opens in a new window A multidisciplinary database providing comprehensive coverage of the environmental sciences.
  • Business Source Complete (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window 2,000+ business-related periodicals (1,200+ peer-reviewed), including Harvard Business Review, plus reports, videos, etc.
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete This link opens in a new window Coverage of more than 500 full-text journals in the communication and mass media fields.
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Provides comprehensive coverage of the international literature on criminology (incl. journals, books, reports, dissertations, and more).
  • ERIC [ProQuest] This link opens in a new window U.S. Dept. of Education database providing extensive access to educational-related literature.
  • Family & Society Studies Worldwide (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Comprehensive resource of research, policy and practice literature in the fields of family science, human ecology and development, and social welfare.
  • Gender Studies Database (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Covers the full spectrum of gender-engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. Several thousand links to freely available and indexed full-text articles and documents on the Web are available.
  • LGBTQ+ Source This link opens in a new window Indexes the popular and scholarly literature addressing issues related to the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender community.
  • PAIS Index This link opens in a new window Contains references to nearly 2 million journal articles and other resources on public affairs and public policy worldwide.
  • Political Science Complete (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Provides indexing and abstracts for 2900 journals, and full-text articles for 500 top-ranked scholarly journals.
  • PsycInfo (APA) This link opens in a new window Premier resource for surveying the literature of psychology and adjunct fields. Covers 1887-present. Produced by the APA.
  • Social Services Abstracts This link opens in a new window An index and abstract of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas.
  • Urban Studies Abstracts This link opens in a new window Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to urban studies, including urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.

Literature Review Journals

  • Annual Review of Sociology Published since 1975. "Topics covered in the journal include major theoretical and methodological developments as well as current research in the major subfields. "
  • Sociology Compass Published since 2007. Online-only, peer-reviewed journal providing reviews of current research on topics from across the discipline.

Top-Ranked Sociology Journals

  • Journal Citation Reports This link opens in a new window Provides citation impact factors for 8,400+ scholarly and technical journals worldwide. Select "Sociology" from the Category facet and click Submit at the bottom of the page.
  • Google Scholar Metrics - Top Publications - Sociology Rankings are based on the h index metric
  • Research Impact Metrics: Citation Analysis: Ranking Journals Consult this guide for more information on journal rankings
  • Scopus CiteScore CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals. ***Click on "Sources" (top of page), then choose a Subject Area.

Full text with MGet It

Use the MGet It links in Sociological Abstracts and other databases to connect to the online full text of articles.

MGet It logo

Alrea dy have a citation? Search by article title using the Library Search for Articles .

Search for journals by title using the Library Online Journals Search , or in the Library Catalog .

If the library does not own the journal you need, submit a document delivery (interlibrary loan) request for the article.

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About Databases

Journal literature is central to the scholarly work of sociology. The databases linked on this page allow you to search for and access articles published in hundreds of academic journals in sociology and related fields. You can find additional databases by subject on the library's Articles and Databases page .

Core Sociology Databases

  • Sociological Abstracts This link opens in a new window Sociological Abstracts represents the core database for sociological scholarship, covering literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It indexes scholarly journals, dissertations and theses, books, and conference papers and proceedings, and is international in scope.
  • SocINDEX with Full Text This link opens in a new window SocINDEX covers the sociology literature, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. It indexes scholarly journals, books, monographs, and conference papers.
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science Core) This link opens in a new window Indexes journal literature in the social sciences. Dates of coverage: 1900 to present.
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) This link opens in a new window The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) covers a broad range of interdisciplinary social sciences literature in over 100 languages and countries, with a focus on international research. It provides bibliographic references to journal articles and select books, book chapters, and book reviews dating back to 1951.
  • SocArXiv This link opens in a new window SocArXiv is an open-access archive of preprint papers in the social and behavioral sciences. Papers on SocArXiv are permanently available and free to the public.

Criminology Databases

  • Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text This link opens in a new window Criminal Justice Abstracts contains bibliographic records and select full text of leading journals and magazines in the fields of criminal justice and criminology. It covers a wide range of topics, including corrections and prisons, policing, history of crime, criminal investigations, forensic sciences and investigations, forensic psychology, substance abuse and addiction, probation and parole, criminal law, and more.
  • National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts This link opens in a new window NCJRS contains summaries of U.S. and international publications, including federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, audiovisual presentations, and unpublished research related to criminal justice, juvenile justice, and substance abuse. Dates of coverage: 1975 to present.
  • Social Services Abstracts This link opens in a new window Indexes scholarly articles, book reviews, and dissertations on social work, human services, social welfare and social policy. Dates of coverage: 1979 to present.

Education Databases

  • Education Source with ERIC This link opens in a new window Education Source with ERIC provides access to research on all levels of education from early childhood to adult education. The content includes peer reviewed journal articles, ebooks, book reviews, dissertations, conference papers and policy reports on all topics in the realm of education.
  • PsycNET (with PsycINFO) This link opens in a new window APA PsycNET is an integrated collection of databases from the American Psychological Association (APA), including the following: PsycINFO, PsycBOOKS, PsycTESTS, PsycTHERAPY, PsycARTICLES, and PsycEXTRA. PsycINFO, the most popular database in PsycNET, is a bibliographic index covering core literature in the psychological and behavioral sciences and their related disciplines. PsycBOOKS includes online versions of the APA Handbooks in Psychology Series, as well as other ebooks and online encyclopedias published by APA. PsycTESTS is a source of structured information about psychological tests and measures as well as a repository for the full text of select instruments. PsycTHERAPY provides access to streaming psychotherapy demonstration videos. Altogether, PsycNET provides information about and access to journal articles, books and ebooks, dissertations, conference presentations, tests and measures, videos, gray literature, and many other other publication types in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. More information less... To search only a specific database (e.g., PsycINFO) within the PsycNET interface, use the "Select Databases" features at the top of the PsycNET landing page and check (or uncheck) the database(s) that apply.

Gender and Sexuality Studies Databases

  • GenderWatch This link opens in a new window GenderWatch indexes scholarly, radical, community, and independent publications from 1970 to present relevant to gender, women's, and LGBTQ studies. It provides information from both academic and grassroots perspectives on a wide range of gender-related topics, such as sexuality, family, religion, societal roles, race and ethnicity, feminism, masculinity, eating disorders, healthcare, and the workplace. Notable titles include Off Our Backs , Transgender Tapestry , Sister Namibia , and Out and About , among others.
  • LGBTQ+ Source This link opens in a new window LGBTQ+ Source contains all of the content available in LGBT Life as well as full text for more than 140 of the most important and historically significant LGBTQ+ journals, magazines and regional newspapers, plus full text for 150 monographs/books. The database includes comprehensive indexing and abstract coverage as well as a specialized LGBTQ+ Thesaurus containing over 10,000 terms.
  • Contemporary Women's Issues This link opens in a new window Contemporary Women's Issues is a multidisciplinary, full-text database that brings together relevant content from mainstream periodicals, the alternative press, and "gray" literature (including hard-to-find newsletters, NGO research reports, and ephemeral publications from research institutes and grass roots organizations), with a focus on the critical issues and events that influence women's lives in more than 190 countries. It includes English-language titles from East and West Africa, Asia, and South and Central America, the Caribbean, North America and Europe. The records are indexed by 17 categories, including subject, region, article type, and publication type.

Media and Communication Studies Databases

  • Communication and Mass Media Complete This link opens in a new window Communication and Mass Media Complete indexes and abstracts academic and trade journals in communications and mass media. Full-text is included for some titles. Conference proceedings are also available, including those of the International Communication Association.
  • Communication Abstracts This link opens in a new window Communication Abstracts indexes articles from major journals in communication, mass media, and other related fields.
  • Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) This link opens in a new window Abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. The database covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is given to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics. Dates of coverage: 1973 to present.

Medical and Health Studies Databases

  • Medline via PubMed This link opens in a new window PubMed comprises over 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. PubMed also provides access to additional relevant web sites and links to the other NCBI molecular biology resources.
  • CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new window CINAHL indexes over 3,800 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing for selected journals back to 1937. Topics covered are related to nursing, physical therapy, health education, social service/healthcare, occupational therapy, and related disciplines. CINAHL also provides access to healthcare books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of professional practice, educational software and audiovisual materials in nursing. Dates of coverage: 1937 to present.
  • EMBASE: Excerpta Medica 1974 – present (updated daily) This link opens in a new window EMBASE is a biomedical and pharmaceutical database indexing over 3,500 international journals in the following fields: drug research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, and biomedical engineering/instrumentation. There is selective coverage for nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, psychology, and alternative medicine. Dates of coverage: 1974 to present (updated daily)
  • AgeLine This link opens in a new window AgeLine is a citation source focused on the population aged 50+ and issues of aging. It indexes journals, books, book chapters, reports, dissertations, consumer guides, and educational videos, including content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy.
  • Global Health This link opens in a new window Global Health indexes publications from around the world. Provides coverage of the following aspects of human health and disease: communicable diseases, tropical diseases, parasitic diseases, human nutrition, community and public health, medicinal and poisonous plants. Language of publication listed in brackets after the title. Dates of coverage: 1910 to present. More information less... 3 concurrent users; please log off after each session.
  • GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network) This link opens in a new window GIDEON is a web-based global infectious disease knowledge management tool. GIDEON is used for diagnosis and reference in the fields of tropical and infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy.
  • Cochrane Library (includes: CDSR, DARE, CCTR, HTA, NHSEED, CRG's) This link opens in a new window The Cochrane Library provides access to systematic reviews in addition to other sources of reliable information, from other systematic review abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials. Includes Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR), NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHSEED), and Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA).
  • Web of Science Core Collection This link opens in a new window Web of Science Core Collection is a multidisciplinary citation index that includes scholarly articles, conference proceedings, and books in the biomedical, psychosocial, and arts and humanities. The collections contain Science Citation, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index , Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Book Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and Current Chemical Reactions index.
  • Scopus This link opens in a new window Scopus is a multidisciplinary index of peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

Political Economy and Politics Databases

  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts This link opens in a new window Worldwide Political Science Abstracts provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration.
  • EconLit This link opens in a new window EconLit is published by the American Economic Association and indexes and abstracts a wide range of economics-related literature. An expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) indexes of journals, books, and dissertations, EconLit covers both economic theory and application. Coverage dates: 1969 to present.
  • PAIS International This link opens in a new window PAIS International contains journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies for public affairs, public and social policies, and international relations.
  • Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) This link opens in a new window Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is a source for theory and research in international affairs. It includes scholarship, working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals, case studies for teaching, and policy briefs.
  • America: History and Life with Full Text This link opens in a new window Indexes literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. The database indexes 1,700 journals and also includes citations and links to book and media reviews. Strong English-language journal coverage is balanced by an international perspective on topics and events, including abstracts in English of articles published in more than 40 languages. Publication dates of coverage: 1964 to present.
  • Historical Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more. Indexes more than 1,700 academic historical journals in over 40 languages. Publication dates of coverage: 1955 to present.
  • Left Index (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Search the diverse literature of the Left, with an emphasis on political, economic, social and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. Other topics covered include the labor movement, ecology and environment, race and ethnicity, social and cultural theory, sociology, art and aesthetics, philosophy, history, education, law and globalization. Historically significant early Left publications such as The People (est. NY 1891) and The Class Struggle (1931-1937) along with classic texts by Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Engels, and others, written in the formative years of the Left are also covered. Dates of coverage: 1984 to present.
  • CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window The CQ Researcher is a collection of reports covering political and social issues, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy.
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Checking Your Sources

Is your book or article from an Academic / Peer-reviewed source?

  • The American Association of University Presses The American Association of University Presses website lists all of the University Presses within the United States and Canada who are members. Check here to find the names of Book Publishers who publish academic / scholarly books. (Note: this only lists publishers at universities. There are additional academic publishers not listed here, but it is a good place to start checking.)
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Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts provides access to the world’s literature in sociology and related disciplines, both theoretical and applied. The database includes abstracts of journal articles selected from over 1,700 serial publications, abstracts of conference papers presented at various sociological association meetings, relevant dissertation listings from Dissertation Abstracts International , enhanced bibliographic citations of book reviews, and abstracts of selected sociology books.

The journals scanned for inclusion cover sociological topics in fields such as anthropology, economics, education, medicine, community development, philosophy, demography, political science, and social psychology. Journals published by sociological associations, groups, faculties, and institutes, and periodicals containing the term “sociology” in their titles, are abstracted fully, irrespective of language or country of publication. Non-core journals are screened for articles by sociologists and/or articles of immediate interest or relevance to sociologists.

Coverage : 1952-

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About this Guide

This subject guide for sociology highlights key resources for the discovery of research literature in sociology and related fields. If you have questions about the use of these databases, research in cultural studies or social sciences or if you need support with social sciences data,  we are happy to help, or get you in contact with those who can. Feel free to contact one of us.

Subject Specific Resources

  • Sociological Abstracts This link opens in a new window Sociological Abstracts, and its companion file Social Services Abstracts, cover the international literature of sociology, social work, and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It provides abstracting and indexing of articles and book reviews drawn from thousands of serials publications, plus books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and working papers. [Coverage: 1952-present]
  • Annual Review of Sociology Annual ‘handbook’ with introductory and summary articles to important and emerging issues in sociology. Contains substantial bibliographies.
  • Oxford Handbook of Sociology Provides overviews of sociologically-related topics and concepts.
  • Sociology - Oxford Bibliographies Provides annotated bibliographies on a wide variety of sociological topics, compiled by selected experts in the field.
  • International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences Provides authoritative encyclopedia entries on the wide range of behavioral and social science topics fields. Topics are cross-referenced with related topics and each article highlights further reading.

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  • Social Sciences Research Network / Economic Research Network (SSRN/ERN) This link opens in a new window A world wide collaborative of scholars that is devoted dissemination of social science research. It is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences.

Interdisciplinary Databases and Journal Collections

  • Google Scholar (Advanced Search) Web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
  • Web of Science Core Collection This link opens in a new window Web of Science Core Collection enables searching of top-cited peer-reviewed content across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities with "cited reference" search capabilities. "It is a curated collection of over 20,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 science, social sciences, and humanities disciplines. Conference proceedings and book data are also available."  There is also access to Journal Citation Reports which provide impact metrics like the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and Eigenfactor Scoring. Web of Science also has article, author and institutional citation indices. Includes EndNote Basic online citation management tool. [Coverage: 1900-present] more... less... Web of Science Help Web of Science Training Resources: Getting Started Web of Science Technical Support Web of Science Core Collection - Quick Reference Guide

Databases in Related Disciplines

  • America: History and Life This link opens in a new window Bibliographic database containing citations to articles on American and Canadian history, including ethnic history and relations, from prehistory to the present. Covers more than 2000 journals published worldwide. [Coverage: 1964-present]
  • Historical Abstracts This link opens in a new window Citations to articles on the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada, which are covered in America: history and life.) Indexes more than 2000 journals worldwide. [Coverage: 1967-present]
  • Social Services Abstracts This link opens in a new window Covers current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. Abstracts and indexes over 1,600 serials; covers journal articles, dissertations, and book reviews. [Coverage: 1980-present]
  • ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) This link opens in a new window The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to educational-related literature. ERIC provides ready access to education literature to augment American education by increasing and facilitating the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. ERIC provides coverage of journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs. [Coverage: 1966-present]
  • Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window Indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals, Business Source Complete contains detailed author profiles for the 25,000 most-cited authors in the database. Market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses are also included. [Coverage: coverage varies by title with some going as far back as 1886]
  • EconLit This link opens in a new window A comprehensive, indexed bibliography with selected abstracts of the world's economic literature compiled from the American Economic Association's Journal of economic literature and the Index of economic articles in journals and collective volumes. Topics include economic theory and history, monetary theory and financial institutions; labor economics; international, regional, urban economics; and other related subjects. [Coverage: 1969-present]
  • Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) This link opens in a new window Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. The database covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is given to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,500 serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, and dissertations. [Coverage: 1973-present]
  • Women's Studies International This link opens in a new window An interdisciplinary database combined from Women Studies Abstracts (1984-present), Women's Studies Database (1972-present), New Books on Women and Feminism (1987-present), Women of Color and Southern Women (1975-present), and several major bibliographies. [Coverage: 1972 (and earlier)-present]
  • Chicano Database This link opens in a new window Produced by the Ethnic Studies Library at the University of California, Berkeley, the Chicano Database bibliographic index covers a wide range of materials focused on the Mexican-American and Chicano experience, as well as the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans and Central American immigrants from 1992 onwards.The Chicano Database includes nearly 70,000 records from more than 2,400 journals and other resources including newspapers, books and book chapters. The database provides coverage dating back to the 1960s and selective indexing dating back to the early 1900s. Subject coverage includes art, bilingual education, education, labor, literature, mental health, law, poetry, politics and sociology. Updated on a quarterly basis, the Chicano Database offers uniform subject access to a continuously growing body of literature. [Coverage: 1967-present]
  • LGBTQ+ Life This link opens in a new window LGBT Life (previously GLBT Life) contains indexing and abstracts for LGBT-specific core periodicals, in addition to data mined from over 1400 select titles. LGBT Life contains all relevant data from NISC's Sexual Diversity Studies database.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 5, 2024 9:31 AM
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These databases are all good for finding articles on topics relating to sociology.

  • Sociology Database This link opens in a new window This database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. This collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles included in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts.

Details about this database

  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) This link opens in a new window This database includes over 3 million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. It is unique in its broad coverage of international material and incorporates over 100 languages and countries. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 books are included each year.
  • AnthroSource AnthroSource is the premier online portal serving the research, teaching and practicing needs of anthropologists. An online service of AAA, AnthroSource offers access to more than 100 years of anthropological knowledge.
  • Peer Reviewed/Scholarly Sources
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This bibliographic database indexes essential age-related content for gerontology research. Those interested in the field of geriatrics will benefit from this resource, which includes records covering key areas relevant to geriatric studies.

This database focuses exclusively on issues of aging and the population of people aged 50 years and older. Updated on a weekly basis, AgeLine is the premier online resource for social gerontology research.

This bibliographic database is today's source for references to the current and historical literature related to growth and development of children through the age of 21.

This bibliographic database provides the most comprehensive coverage of research, policy and practice literature in the fields of family science, human ecology, human development and social welfare. 

With bibliographic records covering family dynamics topics, Family Studies Abstracts is an excellent source for family studies researchers. Scholars can access unique content and highly regarded works.

Peace Research Abstracts is a bibliographic database essential for peace and conflict resolution research. It indexes thousands of journal articles and other sources covering peace-related topics, including nonviolence, war, international affairs and peace psychology. 

Delve into the science of psychology and behavior with APA PsycArticles, the database of full-text peer-reviewed articles published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated journals.

This database is the world's largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Produced by the American Psychological Association, it is an indispensable tool for the discovery of global scholarly research.

An essential resource for ethnic and racial studies, Race Relations Abstracts includes abstracting for the top academic journals, books, periodicals and newspapers related to the field.

SocINDEX with Full Text is a robust sociology research database. It provides full-text, peer-reviewed sociology journals covering many studies.

Covering the latest concepts, theories and methods from both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences, this full-text database includes the most important English-language social science journals.

Created by a multi-specialty editorial team, Social Work Reference Center is a turnkey information resource for social workers and mental health professionals. It covers a wide array of topics such as adolescent health, aging, end-of-life care, clinical social work and diversity. Content is organized in a way that makes it easy for users to get answers to questions quickly and easily.

Urban Studies Abstracts is a bibliographic research database essential to the study of cities and regions. It covers subjects of key relevance to the discipline.

This bibliographic database covers the essential topics related to the study of violence and abuse, including family violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse and others.

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Sociological Abstracts abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences from 1952 to the present. 

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, shifting job expectations in the era of generative ai hype – perspectives of journalists and copywriters.

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy

ISSN : 0144-333X

Article publication date: 9 July 2024

This interview study examines Hungarian journalists' and copywriters' expectations of generative AI’s impact on their professions and factors influencing these views during a period of hype.


While acknowledging the specialized knowledge of journalists and copywriters relative to the general public, the study employs the sociology of expectations framework to interpret their anticipations not as objective forecasts of the future, but rather as phenomena shaped by diverse influences. The research comprises 30 semi-structured interviews conducted in spring 2023 to explore these expectations and their contributing factors.

Results reveal ChatGPT’s media coverage as pivotal, encouraging the professionals interviewed to experiment with AI, reassess their roles, and cause a shift in their job expectations. At the same time, this shift was limited. Skepticism about hyperbolic media formulations, their own experiences with ChatGPT and projecting its constraints into the future, contextual factors, and optimism bias contributed to moderating their expectations. They perceived AI as an enhancer of efficiency and quality, not as a radical disruptor. Copywriters were more open to integrating AI in their work, than journalists.

Research limitations/implications

The results underscore the importance of further research to explore subjective experiences associated with technological change, particularly considering their complex social, psychological, and cultural influences.


The study uniquely contributes to the sociology of expectations by highlighting how a complex interplay of factors can shape professionals' anticipation of the impact of AI on their careers, including optimism bias and media hype.

  • Future of work
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Sociology of expectations
  • Journalists
  • Copywriters


The research was conducted within the framework of the NRDI funded research project Sociology of AI expectations: visions about the roles of AI in society and in the labour market (No. K 142207, principal investigator: Lilla Vicsek).

Vicsek, L. , Pinter, R. and Bauer, Z. (2024), "Shifting job expectations in the era of generative AI hype – perspectives of journalists and copywriters", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy , Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSSP-05-2024-0231

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited

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Green Chemistry

Race towards net zero emissions (nze) by 2050: reviewing a decade of research on hydrogen-fuelled internal combustion engines (ice).

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a School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, 300072 Tianjin, China E-mail: [email protected]

b State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, 300072 Tianjin, China E-mail: [email protected]

c Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Liberia, P. O. Box 10-9020, 1000 Monrovia, Liberia

Hydrogen fuel offers promising decarbonization pathways for hard-to-electrify transport sectors such as long-haul trucking, international maritime, and aviation. The internal combustion engine (ICE) is and will continue to be important in the transition to net zero emissions (NZE), especially in the transport sector. In this review, the research trend, hotspots, and evolutionary nuances of hydrogen-fuelled ICEs have been investigated. Our analysis reveals that while earlier research primarily focused on the performance and emission characteristics of hydrogen-fuelled ICEs, recent studies are increasingly paying more attention to combustion and emission control strategies. NO x emissions have received a lot of attention, as it is the most important pollutant from hydrogen engines. Several techniques, namely exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), water injection, and lean combustion, have been predominantly adopted and studied for controlling NO x emissions. Another major research area in the field has centered on combustion anomalies such as backfiring and knocking, which are key setbacks to the hydrogen-fuelled ICE. Owing to its ability to produce fewer emissions and greater performance than diesel-only operation, hydrogen in diesel engines as dual fuel has also become a major research hotspot in the field within the last decade. Our analysis also showed that there is a strong interest in this field where researchers are focusing on the use of hydrogen with other alternative fuels such as methane, biogas, biodiesel, ammonia, and methanol for optimal operation of the ICE. Finally, we provide some critical challenges and potential solutions related to the use of hydrogen as an ICE fuel. It is anticipated that the results from the present work will pave the way for the continuous development of hydrogen engine research for the ongoing fight to decarbonize the transport sector.

Graphical abstract: Race towards net zero emissions (NZE) by 2050: reviewing a decade of research on hydrogen-fuelled internal combustion engines (ICE)

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J. D. Ampah, C. Jin, S. Afrane, A. A. Yusuf, H. Liu and M. Yao, Green Chem. , 2024, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4GC00864B

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Studies Investigate Whether Antivirals Like Paxlovid May Prevent Long COVID

  • JAMA Patient Page Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19 Zoe Raglow, MD; Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ; Lindsay A. Petty, MD JAMA
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  • Original Investigation Nirmatrelvir and the Risk of Post–COVID-19 Condition Yan Xie, PhD; Taeyoung Choi, MPH; Ziyad Al-Aly, MD JAMA Internal Medicine
  • Research Letter Nirmatrelvir and Molnupiravir and Post–COVID-19 Condition in Older Patients Kin Wah Fung, MD; Fitsum Baye, MS; Seo H. Baik, PhD; Clement J. McDonald, MD JAMA Internal Medicine

The US Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve any drugs for preventing or treating post–COVID-19 condition, also known as long COVID— defined by the US government as health issues that continue or develop 4 weeks or more after an initial SARS-CoV-2 infection. But 2 recent observational studies took a close look at whether existing antiviral treatments for COVID-19 may protect against developing long COVID down the line.

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Suran M. Studies Investigate Whether Antivirals Like Paxlovid May Prevent Long COVID. JAMA. 2024;331(2):98–100. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.24103

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Jacobian Schemes Arising From Hypersurface Arrangements in ℙ n

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Juan Migliore, Uwe Nagel, Jacobian Schemes Arising From Hypersurface Arrangements in ℙ n , International Mathematics Research Notices , 2024;, rnae164, https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnae164

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Freeness is an important property of a hypersurface arrangement, although its presence is not well understood. A hypersurface arrangement in |${\mathbb{P}}^{n}$| is free if |$S/J$| is Cohen–Macaulay (CM), where |$S = K[x_{0},\ldots ,x_{n}]$| and |$J$| is the Jacobian ideal. We study three related unmixed ideals: |$J^{top}$|⁠ , the intersection of height two primary components, |$\sqrt{J^{top}}$|⁠ , the radical of |$J^{top}$|⁠ , and when the |$f_{i}$| are smooth we also study |$\sqrt{J}$|⁠ . Under mild hypotheses, we show that these ideals are CM. This establishes a full generalization of an earlier result with Schenck from hyperplane arrangements to hypersurface arrangements. If the hypotheses fail for an arrangement in projective |$3$| -space, the Hartshorne–Rao module measures the failure of CMness. We establish consequences for the even liaison classes of |$J^{top}$| and |$\sqrt{J}$|⁠ .

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  1. Guide and Examples for Writing a Sociology Abstract

    Within sociology, as with other sciences, an abstract is a brief and concise description of a research project that is typically in the range of 200 to 300 words. Sometimes you may be asked to write an abstract at the beginning of a research project and other times, you will be asked to do so after the research is completed. In any case, the ...

  2. How to write an abstract for a social science research article

    Examples of good abstracts. Example 1: Qualitative. Example 2: Quantitative. Summary. Abstracts, like titles, must have the main concepts. Thankfully, for empirical research articles in the social sciences (sociology, political science, and psychology) there is a standard structure. Note that journals may differ in length — some want 100 ...

  3. 3. The Abstract

    An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and, 4) a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.

  4. PDF Writing an article for Sage Sociology

    articles submitted to Sociology. In doing so, we illuminate the most common reasons for article ... being presented in your abstract and introduction, evidenced through your findings and discussion, ... Show how your research and the article sit within the relevant literature(s) and use the article as a means to explain how it develops and ...

  5. American Sociological Review: Sage Journals

    American Sociological Review (ASR), the ASA's flagship journal, was founded in 1936 with the mission to publish original works of interest to the discipline of sociology in general, new theoretical developments, results of research that advance understanding of fundamental social processes, and important methodological innovations. Peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, all areas of sociology ...

  6. Sociology Research Article--How to Recognize One: Home

    The abstract is an author-written summary which briefly describes what the article is about. It will usually tell you whether original research was done. Read the abstract first to allow you to quickly eliminate articles that don't suit your research needs. All the below examples are taken from an article from Violence & Victims.

  7. Sociology: Sage Journals

    Sociology. Sociology, flagship journal of the British Sociological Association, publishes peer-reviewed articles advancing theoretical understanding and reporting empirical research … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  8. Sociological Abstracts

    Sociological Abstracts. Sociological Abstracts indexes the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It includes the companion file Social Services Abstracts, which provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas.

  9. Guides: Sociology

    SocAbs - Sociological Abstracts. 1952 to the present. The comprehensive bibliographic database for research in sociology and related disciplines worldwide. Provides citations, subject indexing, and abstracts of all articles in more than 240 core sociology journals and relevant articles in more than 2200 journals in related fields, books and ...

  10. Journal Articles

    Selected resources for research in sociology and allied fields. Use library databases (also known as indexes) to identify journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, and reports on a particular topic. ... Sociological Abstracts is an indexing and abstracting database of approximately 1,000 journals plus additional publications, meaning that ...

  11. Articles/Databases

    Sociological Abstracts represents the core database for sociological scholarship, covering literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It indexes scholarly journals, dissertations and theses, books, and conference papers and proceedings, and is international in scope.

  12. Sociological Abstracts

    CSA Sociological Abstracts Database is a primary resource for accessing the latest research sponsored in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database draws information from an international selection of thousands of journals and other sources.

  13. Research Guides: Sociology: Articles (scholarly / peer-reviewed)

    The database can be searched by words in article titles and abstracts, by author, by journal, and to look for cited references. Online archive of peer reviewed/scholarly journals in all disciplines. Covers research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends.

  14. Sociological Abstracts

    Connect to Resource. Sociological Abstracts provides access to the world's literature in sociology and related disciplines, both theoretical and applied. The database includes abstracts of journal articles selected from over 1,700 serial publications, abstracts of conference papers presented at various sociological association meetings, relevant dissertation listings fromDissertation ...

  15. Home

    Sociological Abstracts, and its companion file Social Services Abstracts, cover the international literature of sociology, social work, and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It provides abstracting and indexing of articles and book reviews drawn from thousands of serials publications, plus books, book chapters ...

  16. Article Databases

    Sociological Abstracts is the fundamental tool for access to the latest international findings in theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and political science. Produced by Sociological Abstracts, Inc., the database contains abstracts from 1,809 journals published since 1963 and enhanced bibliographic citations for dissertations ...

  17. Sociological Abstracts

    Sociological Abstracts - ProQuest

  18. Sociology & Social Work Research Databases

    Peace Research Abstracts is a bibliographic database essential for peace and conflict resolution research. It indexes thousands of journal articles and other sources covering peace-related topics, including nonviolence, war, international affairs and peace psychology. ... SocINDEX with Full Text is a robust sociology research database. It ...

  19. Journal of Sociology: Sage Journals

    Journal of Sociology features high quality sociological scholarship in all its forms. We are dedicated to showcasing theory as well as applied sociology, quantitative and qualitative research. Interdisciplinary pieces are welcome, as are submissions … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication ...

  20. Find Articles & More

    Sociological Abstracts This link opens in a new window Sociological Abstracts indexes and abstracts the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews. It also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers.

  21. UCF Research Guides: Sociology: Find Journal Articles

    Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest) (1952+) Sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes information from an international selection of over 2,600 journals and other serials publications, plus conference papers, books, and dissertations. Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCOhost) (1910+)

  22. Sociological Abstracts

    Sociological Abstracts abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences from 1952 to the present. ... Use our free online content to help with your research, whether it's finding a single article, tracing a family tree, learning a new language, or anything in between. ...

  23. Varieties of wealth: toward a comparative sociology of wealth

    Jens Beckert, Varieties of wealth: toward a comparative sociology of wealth inequality, Socio-Economic Review, Volume 22, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 475-499, ... Abstract. Research on wealth inequality and wealth concentration has made much progress in establishing statistics on the distribution of private wealth, its historical development ...

  24. It Looks Like "Theirs": When and Why Human Presence in the Photo Lowers

    Abstract. Consumers and marketers often post photos of experiential consumption online. While prior research has studied how human presence in social media ... Practically, the present findings have important implications. First, research shows that consumers are increasingly likely to share photos of their personal experiences on social media ...

  25. Twice-Yearly Lenacapavir or Daily F/TAF for HIV Prevention in Cisgender

    Abstract Background There are gaps in uptake of, adherence to, and persistence in the use of preexposure prophylaxis for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention among cisgender women.

  26. Sociological Research Online: Sage Journals

    Sociological Research Online was launched as the first online-only peer-reviewed Sociology journal in 1996. This enables faster publication times and a range of formats, including giving readers direct access to audio, visual and video data, and thematic … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on ...

  27. Shifting job expectations in the era of generative AI hype

    Copywriters were more open to integrating AI in their work, than journalists.,The results underscore the importance of further research to explore subjective experiences associated with technological change, particularly considering their complex social, psychological, and cultural influences.,The study uniquely contributes to the sociology of ...

  28. Race towards net zero emissions (NZE) by 2050: reviewing a decade of

    Abstract. Hydrogen fuel offers promising decarbonization pathways for hard-to-electrify transport sectors such as long-haul trucking, international maritime, and aviation. ... In this review, the research trend, hotspots, and evolutionary nuances of hydrogen-fuelled ICEs have been investigated. Our analysis reveals that while earlier research ...

  29. Does Paxlovid Prevent Long COVID?

    The US Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve any drugs for preventing or treating post-COVID-19 condition, also known as long COVID—defined by the US government as health issues that continue or develop 4 weeks or more after an initial SARS-CoV-2 infection. But 2 recent observational studies took a close look at whether existing antiviral treatments for COVID-19 may protect ...

  30. Jacobian Schemes Arising From Hypersurface Arrangements in ℙn

    Abstract. Freeness is an important property of a hypersurface arrangement, although its presence is not well understood. A hypersurface arrangement in ${\\m