2016 Graduation Rites Script (Presentation, Certification & Confirmation)

To impress a smooth, clear and orderly flow of the graduation rites in our schools, this office is issuing models of presenting the candidates for graduation, certifying their completion of the requirements prescribed by the department and confirming their graduation, as follows:

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Good Morning.

I have the honor to present to you the candidates for graduation of (school) this school year 2015-2016, composed of___boys and ___ girls with a total of____.

I hereby petition the office of the District Supervisor to certify the completion of the requirements of these candidates.


As the (District Supervisor), after careful scrutiny of the requirements submitted in my office, I have found that you have completed the requirements for graduation.

I therefore certify that these _____ candidates for graduation have fully satisfied the requirements prescribed by the deportment.

Madam/Sir, they now await your confirmation.


By the authority vested in me as the representative of Br. Armin Luistro, FSC, Secretary of the Department of Education through __________________, Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent and having been presented by the ____ and duly certified by the district supervisor that you have completed the basic requirements prescribed by the Department of Education under the Basic Education Curriculum, I now confirm you elementary graduates/Junior High School Completers of (School) for school year 2015-2016.


For information and reference.

  • Observance on the Selection of Honor Pupils and Students of Grades 1 to 10
  • Program Flow for Graduation of Grade 6 and Completion/Moving-Up of Grade 10
  • Computation of Public Schools MOOE
  • Department’s Policy on Political Neutrality and Maintaining Our Offices and Schools as Neutral Zones

Courtesy: DepEd Nueva Vizcaya

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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, hailing from the Philippines, has made a profound impact on the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access crucial information and engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas. His contributions have significantly enhanced their instructional and supervisory capabilities, elevating the quality of education in the Philippines. Beyond his domestic influence, Mark's insightful articles on teaching have garnered international recognition, being featured on highly respected educational websites in the United States. As an agent of change, he continues to empower teachers, both locally and internationally, to excel in their roles and make a lasting difference in the lives of their students, serving as a shining example of the transformative power of knowledge-sharing and collaboration within the teaching community.

4 thoughts on “2016 Graduation Rites Script (Presentation, Certification & Confirmation)”

Introduction of the speech before the presentation of graduates and certificate

I am grateful to find a ready made presentation of candidates for graduation. For a busy school head, this script really lighten my load. Thank you so much. God bless you.

thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge. A true teacher, indeed!

The scripts provided for the following topics: 1. PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES 2. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION 3. CONFIRMATION OF GRADUATION are very helpful tips and guide for the new employees who are given the task to represent their supervisors during the graduates program.

Thank you so much.

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Graduation & Completion Confirmation Presentation Script

Started 1 year ago by teachersportalph in School Events , Graduation Events

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Dive into our Confirmation Presentation Script, a guide for educators to honor graduates and completers at school ceremonies. Celebrate success with us.

This is a script for a K-12 school event. It recognizes four groups: Grade 6 and 12 graduates, and Kindergarten and Grade 10 students who finished their year in 2022-2023. The speaker confirms that all students met their school requirements and asks the principal to officially approve their graduation or completion.

Presentation of Candidates for Graduation(grades 6)

To our dear principal, ________________, I have the honor to present to you the Candidates for Graduation of ________________ for SY 2022-2023, of whom ________ are male and ____ are female, a total of ____________Grade 6 graduating students.

I hereby certify that they have satisfactorily completed all the requirements of Elementary Education of the K-12 Curriculum prescribed by the Department of Education.

May I request you to confirm their Graduation.

Presentation of Candidates for Graduation(grades 12)

To our dear principal, ________________________, I have the honor to present to you the Candidates for Graduation of ________________________ for SY 2022-2023, of whom ________ are male and ____ are female, a total of ____________ Grade 12 graduating students.

I hereby certify that they have satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the Senior High School level of the Secondary Education of the K-12 Curriculum prescribed by the Department of Education.

Presentation of Candidates for Completion(Kindergarten)

To our dear principal, ____________________, I have the honor to present to you the Candidates for completion of ________________________ for SY 2022-2023, of whom ________ are male and ____ are female, a total of ____________ Kindergarten pupils.

I hereby certify that they have satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the Kindergarten level as prescribed in the K-12 Curriculum of the Department of Education.

May I request you to confirm their Completion.

Presentation of Candidates for Completion(Grade 10)

To our dear principal, ________________, I have the honor to present to you the Candidates for completion of ____________________ for SY 2022-2023, of whom ________ are male and ____ are female, a total of ____________ Grade 10 students.

I hereby certify that they have satisfactorily completed all the requirements of Junior High School as prescribed in the K-12 Curriculum of the Department of Education.

Share Your Unique Scripts

If you have your own version of a script for the presentation and confirmation of graduates and completers, we would love to hear from you! Please feel free to share it in the comment section below or in our forum. Your contributions are greatly valued!

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presentation of candidates for graduation

How to Write and Deliver a Memorable Graduation Speech: Tips, Examples, and Techniques

  • The Speaker Lab
  • March 7, 2024

Table of Contents

The goal of any graduation speech is to find words that capture the essence of years spent learning and growing. Today, we’ll guide you through that process and help you craft a memorable graduation speech . You’ll learn to weave gratitude with shared experiences, and balance humor with wisdom. We’ll even help you find quotes that strike a chord and deliver them in a way that resonates.

But that’s not all! Dive into proven strategies for public speaking, managing stage fright, and drawing inspiration from iconic commencement speeches. Discover how personal growth stories add depth to your message and explore themes that leave a lasting impact on your peers as they step forward into new beginnings.

Crafting Your Graduation Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to marking the end of your high school or university journey, a graduation speech can capture the essence of this pivotal moment. But how do you start such an important address?

Opening with Impact

The first words of your graduation speech are crucial. They set the stage for what’s to come and grab your audience’s attention. Think about starting strong by sharing a personal anecdote that ties into the broader experience of your class or drawing from Steve Jobs’ Stanford University commencement speech , where he began with, “Today I want to tell you three stories from my life.” This technique instantly piques interest because it promises narratives that have shaped who you are.

An impactful opening also acknowledges shared experiences. Perhaps you could reflect on how moments in classrooms turned strangers into lifelong friends. Or for university commencements, consider touching upon those late-night study sessions that tested perseverance but ultimately led to academic achievements worth celebrating today.

Building the Body of Your Graduation Speech

In crafting the body content, intertwine lessons learned throughout high school years or during university courses with aspirations for what lies ahead. For instance, share how overcoming obstacles like balancing extracurricular activities and academics taught valuable time management skills.

To add depth, incorporate quotes from luminaries like Oprah Winfrey or draw parallels between classroom learnings and real-world applications. Dive deeper by discussing milestones achieved together as a graduating class and recognizing the hard work everyone put in to make it to this monumental occasion.

Concluding with Inspiration

Your conclusion should leave fellow graduates feeling inspired while helping them celebrate high school memories one last time—or honor those unforgettable college years if addressing higher education grads.

Closing remarks could include heartfelt gratitude towards teachers’ support and parental guidance. You might even crack a joke or two. It’s these personalized touches paired with universal truths that resonate most deeply as students step forward into new chapters post-graduation.

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Delivery Techniques for Confident Speaking

Standing in front of a crowd can turn even the most composed student into a bundle of nerves. But fear not, with some smart strategies, you’ll be able to channel your inner orator and deliver your graduation speech with confidence.

Practicing Your Graduation Speech

Becoming familiar with every word of your speech is key. Rehearse it out loud until the words feel like second nature. This practice does more than just help you remember what comes next; it lets you find the natural rhythm and pace of your delivery. Consider recording yourself to catch any quirks or stumbling blocks—you might be surprised at how much this helps refine your presentation.

A trick often overlooked is practicing in different environments. If possible, stand on the actual stage where you will deliver your commencement address. Familiarity breeds comfort, making that once daunting podium seem like an old friend when graduation day arrives.

Overcoming Nervousness and Stage Fright

Nervousness is normal but doesn’t let it dictate your performance. Before stepping up to speak, take deep breaths to steady yourself—a calm body encourages a calm mind. An effective method for easing anxiety is visualization. Imagine delivering each line perfectly and receiving an enthusiastic response from listeners—envisioning success can make it so.

Maintaining Eye Contact

The power of eye contact cannot be overstated. It connects speaker and listener on a personal level that amplifies engagement significantly. Scan across different sections of the audience periodically without lingering too long on any one individual.

Incorporate these techniques diligently when preparing for the big day. In doing so, they become part of muscle memory and help build confidence. With confidence and plenty of practice on your side, your graduation speech is sure to conclude to applause leaving you to celebrate yet another milestone achieved.

Analyzing Renowned Graduation Speeches for Inspiration

When crafting a commencement speech , it’s often helpful to look at the giants whose words have echoed through auditoriums and across campuses. Steve Jobs’ Stanford University Commencement Speech is a classic example of weaving life lessons into an address that connects deeply with graduates. Similarly, Oprah Winfrey’s Harvard University Commencement Address showed how stumbling blocks can become stepping stones if we learn from them.

Steve Jobs’ Storytelling Mastery

Jobs had a knack for turning personal anecdotes into universal truths. In his Stanford address, he shared three stories from his own life without sounding self-indulgent. These stories worked because each one carried a broader message relevant to every graduate: finding what you love, dealing with loss, and facing death head-on. Jobs famously urged students to “stay hungry, stay foolish,” encouraging them not just to pursue success but remain curious about life despite challenges. This advice is especially poignant for today’s graduating class.

Like Jobs, you too can craft narratives around moments that speak volumes about perseverance and passion.

Oprah’s Unflinching Honesty

Much like her television persona suggests, Oprah did not shy away from discussing her setbacks in front of Harvard’s graduating class. Instead, she confidently laid bare the challenges faced by anyone who dares greatly because failure is part of achieving greatness. As she reminded students, “It doesn’t matter how far you might rise… At some point you are bound to stumble.”

In doing so she forged an instant connection with listeners grappling with their fears about what the future holds post-graduation. It was a powerful reminder that even icons like Oprah are not immune to trials but emerge stronger through them.

The power behind these speeches lies not just in their content but also in their delivery. These speakers mastered the art of speaking confidently before crowds, maintaining eye contact, and conveying authenticity—techniques any speaker should aspire to replicate on graduation day.

Themes and Messages That Resonate with Graduates

Facing a sea of caps and gowns, the right words can turn a graduation ceremony from mundane to memorable. When crafting your commencement speech, focusing on themes like overcoming obstacles and perseverance connects deeply with graduates who have hurdled high school or college challenges.

Overcoming Obstacles

Talking about stumbling blocks is not just relatable; it’s inspirational. Think Steve Jobs at Stanford University or Oprah Winfrey at Harvard—both shared personal tales of setbacks turned into comebacks. Beyond simply telling their stories, they showed how those hurdles were stepping stones to success.

Weave your narrative around the potholes you’ve navigated during your high school years. This doesn’t mean airing every bit of dirty laundry, just highlighting that one significant moment where everything seemed against you yet failed to defeat you.

The Power of Perseverance

Perseverance is more than sticking to something—it’s pushing forward when every fiber wants to quit. It resonates because everyone, including your fellow graduates, has felt that urge to give up but chose to persevere instead.

Incorporate this theme by using vivid examples that mirror collective experiences—the all-nighters before exams or balancing sports stars ambitions with academics—to illustrate perseverance isn’t just an idea but lived reality for many students.

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Life Lessons Shared During Graduation Speeches

In addition to sharing content that fellow graduates will find relatable and inspirational, you should also consider sharing life lessons with your audience. Whether young or old, everyone has a unique perspective on life and sharing your wisdom can steer graduates toward a fulfilling path.

The Power of Kindness

Making a positive impact doesn’t require grand gestures; sometimes it’s found in small acts of kindness or an innovative idea that simplifies lives. This message sticks because everyone wants their work to mean something—to know they’ve left footprints on society’s vast canvas.

True Grit and Tenacity

Embracing failure and resilience is another powerful theme echoed by commencement speakers across podiums. Let’s face it; not all endeavors lead straight to success. But as Oprah Winfrey once said during her Harvard University commencement address, “It doesn’t matter how far you might rise… At some point, you are bound to stumble.” Her words remind us: How we pick ourselves up matters more than how we fall.

Making a Positive Impact

A graduating class stands poised on tomorrow’s threshold ready to mold history—and speeches should fuel this transformative fire within them. Memorable graduation speeches show individuals that ovation-worthy achievements are possible if you believe your actions count.

As you prepare your graduation speech, consider including one of these life lessons or one of your own. Don’t be afraid to share your hard-won insights to your fellow graduates—you just might inspire them to make history.

Celebrating Achievements and Acknowledging Contributions

Graduation is not just a ceremony. It’s a tribute to the academic achievements and extracurricular activities that have shaped students into who they are. The acknowledgment of teacher support and parental guidance also plays a pivotal role in these speeches, as they’re the scaffolding upon which student successes are built.

Academic Achievements, Extracurricular Activities

Acknowledging academic prowess goes beyond GPA scores or honor societies; it’s about highlighting unique intellectual journeys. Similarly, shining a light on extracurricular triumphs—be it sports stars setting records or artists winning competitions—adds depth to your speech. Remembering these moments isn’t merely recounting victories but celebrating the relentless spirit of your fellow graduates.

Diving deeper into personal anecdotes helps you connect with peers by reminding them of their growth through challenges faced together—from late-night study sessions to championship games. It’s these stories that make graduation memories stick with classmates long after commencement ends.

Teacher Support, Parental Guidance

The unsung heroes behind every graduate deserve their moment in your address too. Teachers’ dedication can turn classrooms into launch pads for dreams, while parents’ unwavering belief often fuels aspirations during tumultuous times like the pandemic.

In weaving tales of mentorship from teachers or wisdom imparted by parents, you remind everyone that success is rarely a solo act—it’s supported by many hands and hearts along the way. Celebrate this collective effort because each person has contributed uniquely to shaping graduating classes across America, including yours.

Common Issues in Writing and Delivering Graduation Speeches

Staring at a blank page as the clock ticks down to graduation day can rattle even the most seasoned speech writers. Overcoming writer’s block is about finding your message stick—the core idea that you want to leave with your peers. Remember, this isn’t just any talk; it’s one that marks a significant transition for both you and your audience.

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Finding yourself stumped on how to write a speech ? Don’t sweat it. Start by jotting down memories from school years or powerful life lessons that resonate. Think of Steve Jobs’ Stanford University commencement speech where he shared personal stories, which became an inspirational backbone for many other speeches.

If inspiration doesn’t strike immediately, step away from the computer. Take a walk and reflect on high school experiences or browse through commencement speeches archives—like Lin-Manuel Miranda’s address at the University of Pennsylvania. They might spark ideas you hadn’t considered yet.

Navigating Technical Troubles

A great speech can stumble over technical hiccups. To avoid glitches, check all equipment beforehand—a simple but crucial task often overlooked due to nerves or excitement about graduating class celebrations.

Prior rehearsals will also let you handle these issues like a pro should they pop up during delivery. Make sure any videos or slides complement rather than overshadow what you’re saying. After all, graduates aren’t there for bells and whistles—they’re there for meaningful words.

Handling Stage Fright

Your knees may shake thinking delivering in front of proud parents and peers—it’s no small feat, after all. Before you step on stage, visual your success until it feels more real and attainable.

And don’t forget to watch your body language. During your speech, maintain eye contact—not stare-downs—to connect genuinely with fellow students. And if anxiety creeps up despite practice sessions? Take deep breaths to steady yourself and keep going. You’ve handled high school—you can handle this.

FAQs on Writing and Delivering a Graduation Speech

What do i say in my graduation speech.

Share heartfelt stories, acknowledge support from others, and inspire your classmates to chase their dreams boldly.

How do you write a 3 minute graduation speech?

Keep it tight: hit the high notes with gratitude, shared memories, a dash of humor, and wrap up with punchy inspiration.

How do I start a graduation speech?

Kick off with thanks. Give props to family and mentors. Set the stage for reflecting on past adventures together.

What is the most important message of a graduation speech?

The core should spark hope—urge peers to leap into tomorrow equipped with lessons learned during these formative years.

Master your moment with a graduation speech that turns heads and warms hearts. Remember the power of gratitude and connect with your audience through stories, those shared adventures that bind you to your classmates. Don’t be afraid to add a few jokes and quotes to your speech either, as well as personal growth stories to inspire.

When you hit the stage, stand tall, make eye contact, and speak from your heart—the podium’s yours. If butterflies invade, breathe deep and know everyone’s rooting for you. Writer’s block didn’t stop you and neither will this.

Your graduation speech is not just words—it’s a battle cry for your graduating class as you prepare to conquer what lies ahead!

  • Last Updated: March 5, 2024

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Graduate students listening to a graduation speech

6 tips to write a great graduation speech (with examples) 

by Laura Jones

Published on November 24, 2022 / Updated on January 3, 2024

Being chosen to write a speech for a graduation ceremony is exciting, but also utterly terrifying, for many people. It’s not just your classmates in the audience, it’s parents and faculty too. And with some incredible student graduation speech examples out there (not to mention the perfection that was Steve Jobs’ speech ), there’s a lot to live up to. With that in mind, here are some tips and graduation speech examples to help you create the perfect commencement speech.

  • Pick a theme
  • Write an outline
  • Pen a catchy introduction
  • Write a thank-you paragraph
  • Look back and look ahead
  • End your graduation speech

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1. pick a theme.

The overall goal of graduation speeches is to inspire and move your audience. But there are lots of ways to do this, and picking the right theme is a big part of it. Popular themes are the importance of friendship; perseverance and overcoming adversity; having big dreams and imagination; making a difference. Once you have your theme, it will be easier to choose anecdotes, quotations , and examples to put into your speech.

2. Write an outline

The next step for any commencement speech is to write an outline. Breaking it up into manageable parts not only makes it feel less overwhelming, but it helps to give your speech structure, making it easier for the audience to follow. A good speech will have the following: 

  • A catchy introduction
  • A look back
  • A look ahead
  • A pithy ending

3. Pen a catchy introduction

Begin by thanking everyone for attending and for choosing you to be their speaker. Then, grab your audience’s attention from the very start with a hook. Lots of people choose to begin with a quotation that captures the theme of the whole speech. 

Example: I want to begin with a quotation from Nora Ephron: “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” 

Other ways to hook your audience are by telling a short, personal story that your classmates can relate to, or by giving a statistic or question that fits with your theme. And never shy away from humor. A speech by James Glaser at Tufts University contained only questions , one being: “Would you believe that my 5’1” sister met her 5’4” husband in a short story class?” This would be a very funny way to begin a speech about meeting special people. 

4. Write a thank-you paragraph

Now your audience is paying attention, it’s time for gratitude. Thank your teachers and other staff at the school who have made a difference and tell an anecdote about someone to personalize this. 

Example: “I know I speak on behalf of all of my classmates when I thank the catering staff, who have made sure we fuel our brains with more than just fries and soda during exam times.”

Now’s the time to thank the families in the audience too. You can do a personal shout-out to your mom and dad, but be inclusive and remember that your classmates will have received support from a range of people. 

5. Look back and look ahead

The bulk of your speech will be spent talking about your time at the school and about how you see the future unfolding. Now is the time to focus on the theme that you chose, and to include stories about your shared experiences. 

If you chose to focus on overcoming adversity , recall a challenge you faced that you know a lot of other people did too. Share how a lesson you learned at school will help you after you leave, and remind everyone that you have learned much more than what was on the syllabus. 

Example: As Rita Moreno said, “The day you graduate, you do not arrive. This is not the end. This is the beginning for you. To graduate is to change gradually.” I know we’ve all changed so much already and we will continue to do so.

6. End your graduation speech

End with some advice and a call to action. Lots of people end with a quotation, and this can be from someone famous or from you. 


  • George Saunders said, “Do all the other things, the ambitious things—travel, get rich, get famous, innovate, lead, fall in love, make and lose fortunes…but as you do, to the extent that you can, err in the direction of kindness.”
  • C.S. Lewis told us that “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” So let’s go find them.

Writing a great graduation speech

Beginning with a theme and an outline helps focus your speech, which should make it easier for you to write with clarity and to find the right stories and quotations to use. Telling personal stories that everyone can relate to, sprinkled with humor, is a wonderful way to keep people engaged throughout your speech. And, ending with a bang in the form of an amazing quotation will help inspire your audience and leave them feeling upbeat. 

presentation of candidates for graduation

Laura Jones

Laura is a freelance writer and was an ESL teacher for eight years. She was born in the UK and has lived in Australia and Poland, where she writes blogs for Lingoda about everything from grammar to dating English speakers. She’s definitely better at the first one. She loves travelling and that’s the other major topic that she writes on. Laura likes pilates and cycling, but when she’s feeling lazy she can be found curled up watching Netflix. She’s currently learning Polish, and her battle with that mystifying language has given her huge empathy for anyone struggling to learn English. Find out more about her work in her portfolio .


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presentation of candidates for graduation

Graduation Presentation Templates

Whether it's a high school, college or university graduation, create an impressive presentation with Venngage’s selection of graduation presentation templates that can add more excitement to the occasion.

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Graduation Presentation Design Templates

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Home / Free Education Presentation templates / Free Graduation PowerPoint Template & Google Slides

Free Graduation PowerPoint Template & Google Slides

Free Graduation Template

About the Template

Free graduation template is a useful tool for creating a cohesive and visually appealing presentation that helps to mark the important milestone of graduation. With this graduation ppt template you can create the perfect graduation announcement or invitation, ensuring your special day is commemorated in style.

This graduation PowerPoint template is a pre-designed set of slides that can be used to create a presentation for a graduate ceremony or event. The template includes a range of layouts, such as introduction slides, timeline templates, certificate template, thank you slides that can be customized to suit the specific needs and theme of the presentation.

Key Features of this Graduation Ceremony PowerPoint Template

  • Easy to customize: Customize every aspect of this template your unique style and preferences. Change fonts, colors, and add your own text to make it truly yours.
  • High-Quality Design: Our template uses high quality images, providing a polished and elegant backdrop for your graduation message.
  • Versatile Use: This graduation slides has got diverse use, whether you’re celebrating a high school, college, or advanced degree graduation, this template is adaptable for various educational milestones.

For more education-related templates, check our Free Education Templates library.

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Graduation Presentation Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

Download 100% editable graduation presentation templates and slide designs to prepare for a graduation ceremony. Our editable graduation PPT templates can help students and educators to prepare presentation designs for a graduation event.

Cover Slide Template for Graduation PPT Template

Graduation PowerPoint Template

Cover Slide Template for Graduation Ceremony Presentation

Graduation Ceremony PowerPoint Template

Virtual Meeting Graduation Session PPT

Virtual Graduation Template for PowerPoint

Virtual Graduation PowerPoint Cover Slide

Virtual Graduation PowerPoint Template

Congratulations Infographic Slides

Kudos Metaphor PowerPoint Template

The graduation presentation templates include ready-to-use illustrations and designs appropriate for educators’ and graduates’ celebrations. You can use these for either virtual or on-site graduation. Well-articulated presentations assist in emotionally connecting with the audience and disseminating information without boring them.

Graduates can effectively communicate their ideas by employing visually appealing slides and infographics. We have some ready-to-use and editable templates for PowerPoint that you can personalize in minutes. Graduation templates can also be used by universities and schools to prepare a graduation presentation.

Download our fully customizable graduation presentation templates and editable graduation slides to make your presentation stand out. Our graduation template designs for PowerPoint and Google Slides are simple in terms of illustrations and editing. Using easy-to-edit PowerPoint graduation templates, you can make your message more understandable. These slide templates simplify graduates and educators to deliver powerful graduation speeches.

What is a virtual graduation presentation?

The Virtual Graduation PowerPoint Template includes a presentation for online graduation ceremonies. It is a collection of contemporary slides to organize information for a virtual graduation celebration.

A virtual graduation presentation is a straightforward academic articulation designed to appeal to the audience by using illustrations of the university environment. You can select from editable graduation slides that are fully customizable, like the Virtual Graduation PPT template . It can be used by either the graduating class or teachers.

Why do you need a graduation speech?

Using graduation presentation templates ensures that your data is presented logically and concisely, allowing the audience to concentrate on the data. With the help of charts and graphs, you will be able to present the information much more conveniently. Using our graduation presentation templates, you can save time and focus on more productive tasks. It is fully editable in PowerPoint and Google Slides.

What does a good graduation presentation look like?

In your graduation speech, avoid using quotations, complex sentences, and paragraphs. Instead, use phrases, words, and images. Also, make sure you follow the 5/5/5 PowerPoint rule which states that you should have a maximum of five words per line of text, a maximum of five lines of text per slide, and a maximum of five text-heavy slides in a row.

It will help your audience remember your presentation and communicate more effectively. Don’t be afraid to use images, charts, and diagrams to help your audience understand your content visually. You can avoid the stress of creating a graduation presentation by downloading one of our visually appealing graduate presentation templates, which you can also customize.

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presentation of candidates for graduation

presentation of candidates for graduation

Graduation Ceremony Information

Ceremony Information

Each ceremony will be approximately one hour in length and will proceed as follows:

The academic procession will begin promptly at the designated hour, and will mark the start of the commencement ceremony. Members of the graduating class will proceed to the reserved seating on the Coliseum arena floor; your faculty usher will direct you to the appropriate seating. As you reach your row of chairs, be sure to walk to the end of the row and fill in all seats (do not skip any seats), and remain standing until signaled by the Vice President to be seated. At the appropriate time, you will be asked to stand for The National Anthem and invocation (men will remove their caps for this).

Presentation of Candidates

The Dean of each college will present the candidates for the various degrees to the President, and the President will deliver the conferral remarks. The candidates will then be asked to rise and approach the stage for diploma presentation.

Candidates, you will:

  • walk in line to the right side of the stage;
  • hand your Name Announcement Card to the announcer to announce your name;
  • wait for the announcer to say your name, then
  • walk across the stage to receive your diploma cover while you
  • have your commemorative picture taken;
  • exit the stage and to the right to the next photographer to have an individual picture taken;
  • and return directly to your seat (personnel from the Registrar's Office will be at your row to direct you).


The ceremony will conclude with a formal recessional led by the platform party, followed by the faculty, graduates, and lastly the University Marshal. Your faculty usher will direct your exit. All graduates will be ushered outside upon exiting the coliseum floor. Please make arrangements to meet your family and guests at a designated location in front of Tucker Coliseum. 

Accessible Parking : A number of parking spaces have been set aside for us by disabled individuals only. Each space has been marked with signs and/or blue and white paint on the space. Only individuals who have been issued, or are displaying a disabled licensed plate or placard issued by the State of Arkansas are permitted to park in these spaces. 

All other person(s) can park in any available parking lot.  Public Safety will not be issuing any parking tickets during graduation.  Parking Map

Graduates will report to section G of Tucker Coliseum (enter the coliseum and turn to left) with your Name Announcement Card at least 30 minutes prior to your ceremony time. Directional signs will be posted to assist you in locating your college assembly point and place in line. Personnel from the Registrar's Office will be located in the hallways and on the arena floor to assist you throughout the ceremony. Family members and guests will also enter the coliseum through the front entrance, but will not be permitted in the corridor beginning with section G. 

Graduates Arriving Late

Graduates arriving after the start of the ceremony should proceed immediately to the trophy case to pick up the Name Announcement Card (if necessary), then locate Registrar's Office personnel to assist you with seating. You will be seated in the next available seat, which may not be located with your college. 

Proper Attire

Academic regalia shall be worn by the student during the graduation ceremony (see University Bookstore ). The academic regalia will consist only of the cap and gown. Cords, stoles, and medallions representative of university groups may be worn. Decoration on caps is permitted.

Suggested attire for women includes:

  • dark slacks or dress, cool fabric
  • dark, flat shoes
  • no corsages or jewelry on the robe

Suggested attire for men includes:

  • dark trousers
  • white shirt, tie optional
  • dark shoes and socks (no sandals)

Ceremony Etiquette

  • Once you have entered the Coliseum arena and have been seated you are expected to remain seated until you are called for diploma presentation, then again remain seated until all candidates recess from the arena at the close of the ceremony. 
  • Improper attire, signs, and insignia will be removed prior to the ceremony.
  • Cell phones should be turned off, or left at home/in the car.
  • Valuables (purse, keys, etc.) should be left with family members or guests prior to arriving at your college assembly location. Do NOT leave purses, keys, or other personal items in the the line up area or under your chair.
  • Please be respectful to the other graduates, their families/guests, and the staff and administration working this ceremony.


Emergency Medical assistance will be located in the north entrance of the Coliseum. Assistance will also be available through University Police Officers ((479) 968-0222), who will be stationed in Tucker Coliseum before and during the ceremonies.

presentation of candidates for graduation

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  1. Certification and Confirmation for Graduates Speech

    presentation of candidates for graduation

  2. Sample Script of Graduation Ceremonies for EMCEE

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  3. Presentation Candidates FOR Graduation

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  4. Script for Graduation Program for emcee

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  5. Commencement Script 2013

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  6. Presentation of Candidates for Graduation

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  1. 2016 Graduation Rites Script (Presentation, Certification ...

    Find models of presenting, certifying and confirming candidates for graduation in elementary and junior high school. This web page also provides links to other resources on graduation rites and education.

  2. Graduation & Completion Confirmation Presentation Script

    Find a script for presenting and confirming graduates and completers of different levels in a K-12 school event. The script follows the format of the K-12 curriculum and the Department of Education requirements.

  3. Sample Confirmation of Graduates and Completion Script

    sample confirmation of graduates and completion script - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains scripts for the presentation of candidates for graduation from grade 6 and grade 12, as well as for completion from kindergarten and grade 10. It introduces the candidates to the principal by gender and total count ...

  4. Free customizable graduation presentation templates

    Find free and customizable graduation presentation templates for various events and occasions. Use Canva's drag-and-drop tools to edit the design, text, and photos of your deck.

  5. How to Write and Deliver a Memorable Graduation Speech: Tips, Examples

    Conclusion. Master your moment with a graduation speech that turns heads and warms hearts. Remember the power of gratitude and connect with your audience through stories, those shared adventures that bind you to your classmates. Don't be afraid to add a few jokes and quotes to your speech either, as well as personal growth stories to inspire.

  6. What Makes a Great Graduation Speech

    Read through your speech out loud, fixing errors, as well as anything that sounds uncomfortable. Practice giving your speech in the mirror. Practice your speech in front of your family members multiple times. Say your speech to your close friends. After all, on graduation day, you'll have to present it to them anyway.

  7. 6 tips to write a great graduation speech (with examples)

    6 tips to write a great graduation speech (with examples) by Laura Jones Published on November 24, 2022 / Updated on January 3, 2024 Facebook. Post ...

  8. A Guide to the High School Graduation Ceremony

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  9. Commencement Information for Candidates

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  10. Free Graduation Presentation Templates

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  11. Presentation of Candidates For Graduation

    The document presents candidates for graduation from Sto. Nino Integrated School for the 2020-2021 school year. It states that the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Officer-In-Charge will present candidates who have completed the requirements for Kindergarten, Grade 6, Grade 10, and Senior High School as prescribed by the Department of Education's K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum ...

  12. Presentation-of-graduates-script-of-principal-elementary-schools

    Good Morning! Herman, have the honor to present to you the candidates for graduation of School Year 20212022, composed of 174 boys and 165 girls with a total of 339. After careful scrutiny of the. requirements for graduation. prescribed by the Department of Education under the K-12 Curriculum. Sir, they are now ready for your confirmation.

  13. Free Graduation PowerPoint Template & Google Slides

    With this graduation ppt template you can create the perfect graduation announcement or invitation, ensuring your special day is commemorated in style. This graduation PowerPoint template is a pre-designed set of slides that can be used to create a presentation for a graduate ceremony or event. The template includes a range of layouts, such as ...

  14. Graduation Presentation Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

    The graduation presentation templates include ready-to-use illustrations and designs appropriate for educators' and graduates' celebrations. You can use these for either virtual or on-site graduation. Well-articulated presentations assist in emotionally connecting with the audience and disseminating information without boring them.

  15. PDF DepEd Misamis Oriental Official

    PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent, (represented by (name of representative) (position/designation of representative) I have the honor to present to you the Candidates for Graduation for School Year 2014-2015 of of whom are male and (name of school)

  16. Graduation Ceremony Information

    Presentation of Candidates. The Dean of each college will present the candidates for the various degrees to the President, and the President will deliver the conferral remarks. ... Public Safety will not be issuing any parking tickets during graduation. Parking Map. Arrival. Graduates will report to section G of Tucker Coliseum (enter the ...

  17. Graduation Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These graduation presentation templates are suitable for students, teachers, and educational institutions. They can be used for graduation ceremonies, academic presentations, or showcasing achievements. The templates are designed to captivate and engage the audience, making them perfect for any graduation-related event.

  18. Graduation Slideshow Presentation Template

    Use This Template. Celebrate the graduation ceremony of your loved ones with this eye-catching slideshow template. If complemented with personal images and amusing graphics, this stylish and inspiring presentation can be a perfect way to show how proud you are of your own or someone else's achievements. Use this trendy template to present ...

  19. Presentation of Candidates For Graduation / Confirmation

    Graduation 2017 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document outlines the order of events for a graduation ceremony. It lists the processional of guests and graduates. It then describes the opening remarks given by the class valedictorian and the principal's address. It concludes with the distribution of certificates ...

  20. Presentation of Candidates For Graduation

    Presentation of Candidates for Graduation - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document presents candidates for graduation from an elementary school in the Philippines. It lists the total number of students presenting for graduation, broken down by gender. It then provides enrollment and completion statistics for each grade level at the school over ...

  21. Presentation and Confirmation of Candidates For Completers and ...

    The document presents candidates for graduation from St. John Fisher School for the 2014-2015 school year. It certifies that the number of male and female students, totaling graduates, have completed the requirements of the Basic Education Curriculum as prescribed by the Department of Education. It requests confirmation of the graduates.

  22. Presentation of The Candidates of Graduation

    Presentation of the Candidates of Graduation - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The class adviser presented 32 candidates for graduation to the Schools Division Superintendent, consisting of 13 boys and 19 girls from NGMNHS for the 2018-2019 school year. The principal certified that the candidates had completed all ...

  23. Presentation of Candidates For Graduation

    PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Dean of Tourism certifies to the President that 3 female candidates have successfully completed the requirements for graduation with a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management from Sto. Niño College of Ormoc for the 2019-2020 academic year ...