introduction to air pollution

Introduction to Air Pollution

Jul 26, 2014

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Introduction to Air Pollution. John Atkinson and Dr. Mark Rood Environmental Engineering and Science Program Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign IL , USA [email protected] and [email protected] Lecture 3 (of 3)

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Introduction to Air Pollution John Atkinson and Dr. Mark Rood Environmental Engineering and Science Program Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign IL, USA [email protected] and [email protected] Lecture 3 (of 3) February 8th, 2013 Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 10-34470. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Outline Important Air Quality Regulations Clean Air Act and Amendments Others Methods for Quantifying Pollutants Air Pollution Control Field Trip to Bondville Atmospheric Environmental Research Station (BEARS) Summary

Air Pollutant Regulations • Regulations Prior to 1970 (1955, 1963, 1967) • Provided funds to research air pollution monitoring and abatement techniques • Began to develop emission inventories for select pollutants

Air Pollutant Regulations • Clean Air Act (1970) – Created federal regulations on emissions for select contaminants from stationary and mobile sources • National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) • State Implementation Plans (SIP) • New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) • National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) • Contributed to the development of the US EPA • Small amendments made in 1977

Air Pollutant Regulations • Clean Air Act Amendments (1977) – Updates to the previous CAAA that address specific air quality issues • States must submit revised SIPs • Classification of areas with respect to NAAQS • Establish policies for non-attainment areas • New major facilities must apply specific standards • Good Engineering Practice for stack height

Air Pollutant Regulations • Clean Air Act Amendments (1990) – Updates to the initial Clean Air Act that address specific problems and increased ability to control and detect pollutants • Control of Acid Rain • Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants • Control of Ozone Depleting Chemicals • New Requirements for Motor Vehicles • New Permitting Requirements for Sources

National Ambient Air Quality Standards • Standards set for the six criteria air pollutants • Primary Standard – Protection of health • Secondary Standard – Protection of welfare • Pollutant Concentrations • Averaging Times – Average pollutant concentration during a given amount of time (to remove outliers)

National Ambient Air Quality Standards Source: US EPA

Monitoring/Measuring Air Pollutants • What Effects an Air Pollutant’s Concentration? • Location of Source Compared to Receptor (x, y, z) • Type of Source (stationary, mobile, area) • Source Strength • Atmospheric Conditions • Wind Speed/Direction • Precipitation • Atmospheric Stability

Gaussian Dispersion Model Determining contaminant concentrations resulting from a stationary pollutant source… Q = Source Strength (mass / time) ug = Wind Speed (length / time) σy and σz= Parameters Describing the Weather Conditions (length) (x, y, z) = Position of Interest H = Height of Pollutant Source (length)

Atmospheric Conditions Impact Pollutant Dispersion

Radioactive Materials from Fukushima Detected at Sites in the USA Weatherbee, et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 2012

Radiation Dispersion (and decay) from the Chernobyl Disaster Bq/m3 of 137Cs Bq = Becquerel (SI Unit for Radioactivity) Quelo, et al., Atmospheric Environment, 2007

Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Abbott Power Plant µg/m3 • AERMOD model from EPA

Types of Air Pollutant Monitoring Outdoor Ambient Monitoring is the systematic, long-term assessment of pollutant levels by measuring the quantity and types of pollutants in the outdoor air. Emissions Measurement is the process of monitoring particulate and gaseous emissions from specific sources.

National Trends Network Measurement Sites IL 11 = Bondville, IL – Tour of this site next week!

Ambient Atmospheric Sampling at Bondville Environmental Atmospheric Research Site

Ambient Atmospheric Sampling at Bondville Environmental Atmospheric Research Site • Basic Air Quality • Sulfur dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, organics • Precipitation Chemistry • Major ions, mercury, event based longer term sampling • Long-Term Climate • National Weather Service site • On-Site Meteorology • Wind velocity, air and soil temperatures, dew point temperature, pressure, radiation • Atmospheric Visibility • Solar Physics • Continuous Particulate Monitoring using Chromatographic Methods

Sampling Platforms – Ships NOAA Research Vessel: Ronald H. Brown

Sampling Platforms – Aircraft NOAA DHC-6 Twin Otter Aircraft Satellites Balloon

Sampling Platforms – Personal Samplers

Stack Sampling

Air Pollution Control • Major Techniques • Adsorption – Adhesion of a contaminant to the surface of a solid • Volatile Organic Compounds • Mercury • Absorption – Concentration of a contaminant into the bulk of another solid or liquid • Sulfur Dioxide • Carbon Dioxide (?) • Filtration – Removing solids/liquids from a gas stream by imposing an impenetrable barrier • Particulate Matter • Catalytic Destruction – Conversion of a contaminant to an inert compound via catalytic processes • Nitrogen Oxides (Catalytic Reduction to N2)

Next Week… (Thursday) • Tour of Bondville Environmental and Atmospheric Research Site (BEARS)

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  10. Presentation On Air Pollution | PDF | Smog | Air ... - Scribd

    Presentation on Air Pollution - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment that causes harm. Air pollution occurs when harmful substances affect the atmosphere.