University of Twente Student Theses

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Course - master's thesis in general psychology - psy3915, course-details-portlet, psy3915 - master's thesis in general psychology, examination arrangement.

Examination arrangement: Master thesis and oral examination Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Master thesis and oral examination 100/100

Course content

The Master's thesis is an academic in-depth work within general psychology, where the student writes a scientific document in line with relevant guidelines in regards to structure and theory. The subject of the master's thesis, which can be either experimental or purely theoretical, should be decided in consultation with a competent supervisor.

Students apply to have their thesis topic approved and a supervisor appointed by filling in a master's thesis agreement. Here the student must include a project description in which the research purpose, theoretical grounding, methodological approach and practical implementation are explained. Check with the department regarding the deadline for submitting this master's thesis agreement. The institute is responsible to assess and approve both topic and supervisor.

Learning outcome

The student:

• has advanced knowledge within general psychology and specialized insight into a limited area

• has in-depth knowledge of theory and method in psychological research and of how a scientific project is carried out

• has in-depth knowledge of what is required of a scientific text in psychology, including advanced knowledge of APA style

• has in-depth knowledge of conducting professional argumentation with the use of theory, research, method and method choice and own data and analysis

• has advanced knowledge of quality requirements for research, including adherence to research ethical guidelines and principles

• can analyze and relate critically to various sources of information and use these to structure and formulate professional reasoning

• can analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations within the subject area and work independently with practical and theoretical problem solving

• can use relevant methods for research and professional development independently

• can design and carry out an independent, limited research project under supervision and in line with applicable research ethics norms

• can analyze professional issues and understand complex research data

• can communicate scientific findings - both in writing and orally.

• can find out and relate critically to various sources of information

• can familiarize themselves with literature that is relevant for carrying out research within a limited area of ​​psychology

• can communicate the research work

• The student can formulate a precise and clear problem with relevance for psychological theory or practice and present a well-considered rationale for the choice and use of method and literature

• The student can think critically and draw scientific conclusions based on research

• The student can use the APA standard for scientific publishing

General competence:

• can analyze relevant professional, professional and research ethical issues

• can apply their knowledge and skills in new areas to carry out advanced tasks and projects

• can convey extensive independent work and masters the subject's forms of expression

• can communicate about professional issues, analyzes and conclusions within psychology

• can apply their knowledge to find answers to relevant issues in psychology

• can convey extensive independent research work within psychology's forms of expression

• can communicate psychological research

Learning methods and activities

Own work with compulsory guidance.

The work on the master's thesis will be a combination of independent activity and work under supervision. The academic guidance must ensure that the student is provided with the necessary knowledge, that all parts of the work have a satisfactory quality (e.g. when collecting and processing data) and that the project as a whole takes place in line with current research ethical guidelines.

The master's thesis seminar in the second semester consists of information on how to find a topic, a presentation of potential supervisors and the design of a project description. The master's thesis seminar in the third semester consists of a lecture that gives tips and advice on the process of writing a master's thesis and a seminar where the student presents his topics and receives constructive feedback from other students and staff. Participation in the master's thesis seminars must be approved before submission of the master's thesis can take place.

Compulsory assignments

  • Mandatory participation in the thesis seminar

Further on evaluation

The master's thesis is assessed with letter grades (A-F). The assignment is delivered individually or as a joint work. If the thesis is delivered as joint work, a document describing the individual candidate's contribution must be attached. This will normally involve an individual assessment of the candidates.

The students give a final oral presentation and are examined on the assignment. The oral examination consists of an explanation from the student of approx. 10 minutes and a subsequent questioning. Oral examination is used to adjust the grade. The student can choose an open or closed exam. If it is an open examination, the audience may be present during the examination, if it is a closed examination, only the committee and the student are present.

Check with the institute for the deadline for submitting the project description and master's thesis.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required: Psychology (MPSY)

Required previous knowledge

All examinations in the Masters in General Psychology should be passed before the thesis can be submitted.

Version: 1 Credits:  45.0 SP Study level: Second degree level

Term no.: 1 Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Term no.: 2 Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: English, Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

  • Audrey Lucia Hendrika van der Meer
  • Roxanna Morote Rios

Department with academic responsibility Department of Psychology


Examination arrangement: master thesis and oral examination.

Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU

ScholarWorks at UMass Boston


Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection

This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access theses is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this thesis through resources like Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global or through Interlibrary Loan.

Theses from 2024 2024

A Qualitative Meta-Analysis Examining the Functions and Meanings of Gender in Transgender Identity Development , Kelsey Kehoe

Emotional Social Support Among Asian Americans: Associations with Psychological Symptoms, Well-Being and Buffering Against Effects of Racism , Amelia Bijen Yang

Theses from 2023 2023

Taking Back the "Permission to Narrate": Examining a Grassroots Organization's Process of Supporting BIPOC Youth in Developing Counternarratives and Counterspaces as Decolonial Resistance , Michelle Gabriela Del Rio

Exploring Predictors of Healing from an Expressive Writing Intervention About Heterosexism and Why LGBTQ+ Clients Might Withhold from their Therapists , Ally B. Hand

Meta-Method Analysis on Therapists’ Experiences: An Inquiry into Qualitative Psychotherapy Research Methodology , Javier L. Rizo

We Resist, We Heal, We Transform: Exploring Youth of Color Journeys Towards Healing Justice in a Grassroots Organization in Urban Boston , Rhyann Leslie Robinson

A Re-Examination of the Role of Cognitive Reappraisal in Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder , Jenny Liang Wu

No Injustice So Peace: The Interaction Between Race-Related Stress, Colorblind Racial Attitudes, and Resistance and Empowerment Against Racism , Kaela A. Yamini

Theses from 2022 2022

Exploring the Association Between Mentoring Focus and Change in Mentee Depression Symptoms in Youth , Selen Amado

Associations Between the Content and Level of Parent Concerns Pre-Diagnosis and Timeliness of Autism Screening and Diagnostic Evaluation Among a Diverse Sample of Children in Part C Early Intervention , Kohrissa Joseph

"Until Society Evolves:" Access to Gender-Affirming Care in Historic Assessment Criteria and Current Models of Care , Elliot Marrow

Responders and Nonresponders Undergoing Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): Trajectories of Symptom Change Across Treatment Stages as Potential Predictors of Outcome , Sriramya Potluri

Theses from 2021 2021

Acknowledgment of Culture and Stereotypes: Black Participants’ Perceptions of Specific Therapist Behaviors , Tsotso T. Ablorh

Religious Coping After Natural Disaster: Predicting Long-Term Mental and Physical Health in Survivors of Hurricane Katrina , Monica Arkin

Stigma and Prodromal Psychosis: Self-Disclosure of Symptoms and Diagnoses in At-Risk Youth , Caitlin Bryant

Excess Stress and Natural Mentors in the Lives of Sexual Minority Youth , Cherrelle Gipson

Addressing the White Problem Critically: An Exploratory Latent Profile Analysis of Racial Attitudes , Ryan Parigoris

Sex Differences in Symbolic Play of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) , Looknoo Patcharapon Thammathorn

Developmental Profiles of 57,966 Children in Early Intervention: A Confirmatory Latent Profile Analysis , Mary E. Troxel

Theses from 2020 2020

Parent-Teacher Relationship Quality as a Predictor of Changes in Externalizing Behaviors at School for Children with ASD , Lana Andoni

Unique Syndemic-Related Clusters in a Sample of Sexual Minority Men , Christopher Chiu

Bilingual Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Language Abilities and Social Communication , Ingrid Hastedt

Examining the Interrelations Among Trajectories of Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Valued Actions in Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Stephanie Marando-Blanck

The Association Between Anger in Response to Racism and Depression Among Black Americans: Exploring Potential Moderating Effects of Active Coping and Collective Self-Esteem , Darrick Scott

Theses from 2019 2019

Appraisals of Trust Development within the Therapist-Client Relationship: Impacts on Client Retention in a Hypothetical First Session of Therapy , Lorraine U. Alire

Parent Negative and Positive Impacts: Reciprocal Associations Between Child Behaviors and Parenting Experiences in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Alison E. Chavez

A Heavy Burden: Associations Between Sexual Minority Status, Mental Health, and BMI in Women , Alison E. A. Goldblatt

Working Memory and Mindfulness in an RCT of ABBT and AR , Anna M. Hall

Racial Microaggression Distress and Depression among Black Americans: Examining the Roles of Racial Identity Importance, Social Support, and Gender , Shannon M. Hughley

“It’s More Complicated Than That!”: The Influence of Multiple Presenting Problems on Youth Outcomes in Formal Mentoring Programs , Yui Sum Poon

Theses from 2018 2018

Healing from Heterosexism Through Expressive Writing , Kathleen M. Collins

Clients’ Critical Experiences in Psychotherapy: Initial Measure Development , Lauren M. Grabowski

Neuropsychology and Neurogenetics of Mental Health: Risk, Resilience & Wellbeing , Keira E. O'Donovan

Reciprocal Associations between Language Ability and Social Functioning Development over a Two-Year Period in Young Pre-Verbal Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Devon R. Oosting

Effects of Racism-Related Stress on Resistance against Racism in Black Americans , Noor N. Tahirkheli

Identifying Child Correlates of Parent-Reported Executive Functioning Impairments in Preschool-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Examination of both Early and Concurrent Child Characteristics , Deanna Toner

Theses from 2017 2017

Attentional and Emotional Consequences of Emotional Acceptance and Suppression in an Elevated Anxiety Sample , Natalie Arbid

The Interpersonal Effects of Mindfulness and Social Anxiety in Romantic Relationships , Bryan Balvaneda

It’s Not You, it’s My Schedule: An Exploratory Study of Early Termination in School-Based Mentoring Programs , Samantha Burton

The Role of Athletic Coach Mentors in Promoting Youth Academic Success: Evidence from a National Longitudinal Study , Kirsten M. Christensen

Ethnic Differences in Race-Related Stress Among Blacks in the US: Racial Colorblindness as a Potential Moderator , Samantha Duterville

Social Skills as a Predictor of Peer Relationship Quality for School-Age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Melanie S. Feldman

Examining Attentional Control and Processing Speed Deficits as Underlying Mechanisms of Neuropsychological Impairment in Schizophrenia , Mayte Forte

Drinking Motives, Drinking Problems, and Mental Health Symptoms in Sexual Minority Men , Hamish A. Gunn

Psychosocial Profiles of Youth who Acquire a Natural Mentor During a School Year , Matthew A. Hagler

Whether or not 'It Gets Better'…Coping with Parental Heterosexist Rejection , Cara Herbitter

Language Subdomains among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Social Skills , Sarah A. Levinson

Relations between Family Demographic Characteristics and Early Intervention Service Receipt after Children's Initial ASD Diagnosis , Thanh Phuong Thi Nguyen

Theses from 2016 2016

The Importance of Action: Understanding Characteristics of Social Action Campaigns and Their Impact on Youth's Motivation and Engagement , Jacqueline G. Hargrove

Patterns of Parent-Teacher Disagreement on Behavior Problems of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Juliana Neuspiel

Theses from 2015 2015

The Trajectory of the Co-Occurrence of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Amber L. Calloway

Developing Autism Screening Criteria for the Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) , Ivy Giserman Kiss

Being and Becoming an Ally: The Lived Experience of Social Justice Action from Privileged Spaces , Alissa L. Gross

Social Cost Bias, Probability Bias, and Self-Efficacy to Achieve a Specific Goal or Outcome as Mechanisms of Behavioral Action in Social Anxiety , Carol S. Lee

Coping With Racism: Emotional Acceptance and Systemic Attribution of Racism as Buffers against Social Anxiety among People of Color , Jennifer H. Martinez

Theses from 2014 2014

A Model of Social Functioning in Schizophrenia: Symptomatology, Personality, and Brain Region Volumes , Victoria Choate

Reductions in Experiential Avoidance as a Mediator of Change in Symptom Outcome and Quality of Life in Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy and Applied Relaxation for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Elizabeth Hemenway Eustis

Promoting Maternal Well-Being and Child Behavioral Health: The Role of Positive Beliefs , Sara Kaplan-Levy

Validation of the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory: Relationships between Perceived Post-Traumatic Growth and Measured Pre- to Post-Disaster Changes in Analogous Constructs in a Sample of Low-Income Mothers who Survived Hurricane Katrina , Emily E. Manove

Reciprocal Influences amongst Early Childhood Externalizing Behavior, Maternal Distress, and Parenting Style: A Longitudinal Analysis , Shirley Marie Immacula Poyau

Psychopathy and Disadvantageous, Risky Decision-Making in a Sample of Ex-Offenders , Ashley-Ann C. Shirai

The Relation between Cultural Values and Unprotected Sex among Latino Gay Men , Francisco I. Surace

Cognitive Processes and Moderators of Willingness in Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder and Non-Anxious Controls in Response to a Social Performance Task , Lauren P. Wadsworth

Predictors of Change in Body Mass Index in Young Mothers after Hurricane Katrina , Elyssa Briann Weber

Mentor Motivation as a Predictor of Relationship Approach , Max B. Wu

Adults Who "Get": Adolescents' Perceptions of Relational Engagement with Key Adults , Laura A. Yoviene

Theses from 2013 2013

Latino Youth Experiences of Immigrant Policy, Enforcement, and Exclusion: Exploring Risk and Resilience , Darcy Alcantara

A Person-Oriented Approach to Identifying Parenting Styles in Mothers of Early School Age Children , Amy E. Heberle

The Effects of Racism Related Stress on Asian Americans; Anxiety and Depression among Different Generational Statuses , Charles M. Liu

Predictors of Psychotropic Medication Use in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders , Melissa P. Maye

The Effects of Nesting Environment on Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury , Laura Grace Rollins

Pathways to Well-Being in the Lives of Recently Returning Veterans , Sarah Krill Williston

Theses from 2012 2012

Implications of Self-Other Overlap in Unsuccessful Romantic Relationships , Josephine A. Bell

Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events, Emotional Adjustment, and Social Competence in Preschoolers Facing Economic Risk , Hillary Hurst

Adolescent Males in Formal Youth Mentoring Programs: The Influence of Same Versus Cross-Gender Matching , Stella S. Kanchewa

Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Responsiveness to Infant Distress: Contingency Analyses of Home Mother-Infant Interactions at 3 Months , Fernanda Lucchese

Parental Well-Being within the Marital Subsytem: A Study of Mother-Father Dyads Raising Young Children with Autism , Frances de Lourdes Martinez-Pedraza

The Relation of Racism-Related Stress to Racial Identity, Ethnic Identity and Racism-Related Empowerment in Asian Americans , Fanny Ng

Young Children's Perspectives on Parent-Child Relationship Quality as Measured by the Berkeley Puppet Interview: Associations with Behavioral Adjustment , Marisa Murphy O'Boyle

The Neuropsychological Functioning of Older Adults Pre- and Post-Cognitive Training with a Brain Plasticity-Based Computerized Training Program , Shannon M. Sorenson

Examining the Relation between Sensory Sensitivity and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders as Moderated by Language Acquisition , Timothy W. Soto

Theses from 2011 2011

Children and Spirituality: Understanding the Meaning of Spirituality of Former Street Children in Bolivia , Katia Margarita Canenguez

A Lonely Road: Loneliness, Death Anxiety, Childhood Punishment, and Attributions of Hostility in a University Population , Melody Joy Blass Fisher

The Effects of Trauma Exposure on Cognitive Functioning in Toddlers , Danielle Forbes

The Impact of Exposure to Family and Community Violence on Children's Adaptive Coping and Mental Health Symptoms among Ethnic Minority Families Living in Poverty , Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad

The Practice Effect: The Relationships among the Frequency of Early Formal Mindfulness Practice, Mindfulness Skills, Worry, and Quality of Life in an Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Lucas Paul Kawika Morgan

Dyadic Flexibility during the Face-To-Face Still-Face Paradigm: Analysis of Infant-Caregiver Interactions within a Dynamic Systems Framework Using the State Space Grid Analytic Technique , Akhila Venkatachalam Sravish

Black Women's Mental Health in Response to Unwanted Sexual Experiences and Spirituality as a Protective Factor , Speshal T. Walker

Theses from 2010 2010

Latino Immigrant Mothers' Experiences and Adapations to Promote Personal and Family Wellness in Response to Increased Anti-Immigrant Climate , Hercilia B. Corona-Ordoñez

The Relationship between Racist Experiences and Anxiety in a Black Sample: Moderating Effects of Church-Based Social Support , Jessica Rose Graham

Caregiver, Family System, and Environmental Predictors of Child Maltreatment: An Ecological Transactional Approach , Kelly Brooke Graling

Trajectories of Early Externalizing Behaviors: Their Relation to Second Grade Reading , Sarah Gray

What Do You See in this Picture?: Bias and Reflexivity in Physician Narratives of Disparities , Michelle Levine

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  • For Dissertations: Submit the Application for Candidacy Form after successful proposal and IRB or IACUC approval (if necessary)  

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American Psychological Association Logo

Preparing to defend your thesis from home

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Due to COVID-19, defending your graduate thesis or dissertation in person is likely off the table. That doesn’t mean you have to wait to defend. Many schools and programs are allowing remote defenses — meaning you could find yourself defending from your living room! In this presentation, a recent psychology doctoral student that completed a remote defense, a current dean of psychology, and APA’s Office of Graduate and Postgraduate Education and Training, share how to prepare for and complete your thesis or dissertation defense remotely.

This program does not offer CE credit.

Alvin Akibar, PhD

Hideko Sera

Hideko Sera, PsyD

Garth Fowler

Garth Fowler, PhD

An associate executive director for education, and the director of the Office for Graduate and Postgraduate Education and Training at APA. He leads the directorate’s efforts to develop resources, guidelines, and policies that promote and enhance disciplinary education and training in psychology at the graduate and postdoctoral level.

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Learn where you should focus your marketing efforts, how to evaluate the performance of various online marketing strategies, and put yourself on a pathway towards sustained improvement in regards to online marketing.

October 2018 On Demand Webinar

Gain knowledge on potential ethical issues associated with marketing to clients. Tips and advice for building a personal website.

August 2018 On Demand Webinar

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Bachelor's programme year 3 - 2020-2021

Bachelor's programme year 3 psychology 2020-2021.

Below you can find the study programme for the third year of the bachelor's programme Psychology for the academic year 2020-2021.  

Sem 1 - Block 1A+1B

Sem 2 - Block 2A+2B


30 EC Elective space*

M11 History, Ethics and Philosophy of Psychology (202000368)

M12 Bachelor's thesis**

  * The third year (B3) of the bachelor's programme in Psychology includes a 30 EC elective/minor space in the first semester. This elective space is primarily intended to provide a wider focus (supplementing the in-depth approach in your own field of study with broad academic qualifications) and to foster internationalization. More information about the elective space possibilities can be found on the PSY website: and the UT minor website

 ** Bachelor's theses 2020-2021 at . Students can start the bachelor's thesis twice a year, in September or February. In the regular programme (for students without a study delay), the bachelor's thesis is scheduled in the second semester, starting in February. Specific/relevant information about the start of the bachelor's thesis in February 2021 will likely be available in November/December 2020. 


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  1. Master

    Master thesis overview . This website, the graduation web, provides you with all information on procedures and guidelines with regard to the graduation phase of your Psychology master's (MPS) degree programme. ... University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 489 9111 [email protected]

  2. Master

    An external, third supervisor can be engaged as an advisor to the master's thesis committee. If a student (and/or supervisor) in an exceptional case wishes to derogate from the above requirements on the master thesis committee, the student has to submit an application thereto with the Psychology examination board. 1.2 Finding a master thesis ...

  3. PSY graduation web

    Welcome to the graduation website for the bachelor's and master's programme in Psychology. Here you can find information about the bachelor's and master's thesis, such as a step-by-step plan, contacts, forms and links. ... University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 489 9111 [email protected]

  4. Master

    If you have questions about the offered/example projects below, of if you have an idea/proposal for a master thesis project yourself, please contact the theme/track coordinator of your master's track. POSITIve Clinical Psychology & TECHNOLOGy Assignments Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology. HUMAN FACTORS & ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY

  5. Master Psychology

    In this one-year, English-taught Master's, you will gain insights into various fields of psychology in order to design effective interventions to influence human behaviour. You will be ready to tackle complex present-day and future problems, by combining theoretical knowledge with a hands-on approach. Moreover, the field of psychology is ...

  6. Repository home

    Welcome to the University of Twente Theses. This site provides the bachelor and master theses of the UT students, full text and in many cases publicly available. Where to go from here? You can use search in the side menu on the left or browse the items in the repository by: Faculty; Domain; Programme; Year of Publication; Advanced search

  7. Master's Programme

    Master thesis ('graduation web') Internships. Welcome; Internships master - specializations CRS, HPT, HFE and EP ... specialization PCPT; Introduction master Psychology start February 2024. Share this page. To use this functionality you first need to: Accept cookies. University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 489 9111 info ...

  8. PDF Master thesis 2021 University of Twente

    Master thesis 2021 University of Twente By Nele Kettler s1835513 ... Pauline Schuffelen . 2 Abstract Positive Psychology is a science of well-being, studying positive emotions, traits and institutions. While treatment methods of Positive Clinical Psychology focus on enhancing well-being, research on ...

  9. PDF Sara C. Linkhof Master Thesis Psychology University of Twente

    Master Thesis Psychology. University of Twente. Date: 24.08.2021. 1st Supervisor: Dr. Jacky van de Goor. 2nd Supervisor: Dr. Anneke Sools. BMS)Positi. e Clinical Psychology & Technology (PPT)AbstractBackground. Depression. is the most common mental disord. r worldwide but continues tobe associated with many s.

  10. PDF Master Thesis: Compassion Focused Therapy among clients with PTSD: a

    Master Thesis: Compassion Focused Therapy among clients with PTSD: a pilot study. Renée Reekers 2283158 January, 2021 University of Twente Faculty of Behavioral, Management and Social Sciences MSc Positive Clinical Psychology and Technology 1st supervisor: Dr. Jorinde Spook 2nd supervisor: Prof. dr. Gerben Westerhof

  11. PDF Loneliness in the Daily Lives of University Students: An Experience

    Master thesis Positive Psychology and Technology University of Twente Department of Behavioral Science Supervisors: Dr. P.M. ten Klooster Dr. M. L. Noordzij . LONELINESS IN THE DAILY LIVES 2 Abstract Background: Loneliness is typically investigated as a stable trait-like concept within cross-

  12. Bachelor

    1.1 Features and prerequisites. The bachelor's thesis is a module in the Psychology programme that once completed is rewarded with 15 ECTS, this equals to 420 hours of study (approximately 2.3 months full time work). The bachelor's thesis builds on the second year research module and is scheduled as part of the third and final year of the ...

  13. Submit your thesis

    Submit your thesis. When you are not able to login, you may send the pdf to [email protected] . Please make sure you add the following information in your accompanying e-mail: Faculty. Programme. Tutor (s) (internal) PDF access: public/restricted/embargo. The library backoffice will take care of the upload within 3 working days.

  14. Browse by Programme

    Browse by Programme. Please select a value to browse from the list below. Advanced Technology BSc (50002) (89) Applied Mathematics BSc (56965) (225) Applied Mathematics MSc (60348) (303) Applied Physics BSc (56962) (82) Applied Physics MSc (60436) (80) Biomedical Engineering MSc (66226) (336) Biomedical Technology BSc (56226) (200)

  15. New Master Thesis Assignments

    Psychology of Conflict, Risk and Safety. UT Faculties BMS Dept HIB PCRS Information for students New students assignments New Master Thesis Assignments Welfare washing: detecting deception in the marketing of animal products. en. Nederlands English. ... University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 489 9111 [email protected]

  16. Course

    The Master's thesis is an academic in-depth work within general psychology, where the student writes a scientific document in line with relevant guidelines in regards to structure and theory. The subject of the master's thesis, which can be either experimental or purely theoretical, should be decided in consultation with a competent supervisor.

  17. Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection

    Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection. This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as ...

  18. Thesis/Dissertation Process

    Please utilize the directions and links below to begin the process for your master's thesis. Students are responsible for accessing and digitally submitting the forms via the graduate school website. Any questions regarding thesis and dissertations should be directed to Krista.

  19. 2024-Understanding Master's Students' Academic Emotional ...

    2024-Understanding Master's Students' Academic Emotional Experiences in Thesis Writing in EMI Settings-A Positive Psychology Perspective - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  20. Bachelor's programme year 3

    Bachelor's programme year 3 Psychology 2023-2024. ... Students can start the bachelor's thesis twice a year, in September or February. In the regular programme (for students without a study delay), the bachelor's thesis is scheduled in the second semester, starting in February. ... University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 ...

  21. Bachelor's programme year 3

    Bachelor's programme year 3 Psychology 2024-2025. ... Students can start the bachelor's thesis twice a year, in September or February. In the regular programme (for students without a study delay), the bachelor's thesis is scheduled in the second semester, starting in February. ... University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 ...

  22. Master final project presentation: Lola Solovyeva, How Hard Can It

    You are cordially invited to the Master thesis presentation of Lola Solovyeva, educational programme Computer Science. ... University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 489 9111 [email protected] Route. Information for. Prospective students Current students Employees (Service Portal) Alumni Journalists Employers.

  23. Preparing to defend your thesis from home

    An associate executive director for education, and the director of the Office for Graduate and Postgraduate Education and Training at APA. He leads the directorate's efforts to develop resources, guidelines, and policies that promote and enhance disciplinary education and training in psychology at the graduate and postdoctoral level.

  24. Master Thesis Psychology Utwente

    Only professional 'my essay writer', who are highly qualified and a master in their academic field, will write for you. Quality control is rigorously maintained by us and is thoroughly aligned with the given question brief and instructions. We will also provide you with a thorough Plagiarism report by the Turnitin software which will ensure ...

  25. Bachelor's programme year 3

    Bachelor's programme year 3 Psychology 2020-2021. ... Students can start the bachelor's thesis twice a year, in September or February. In the regular programme (for students without a study delay), the bachelor's thesis is scheduled in the second semester, starting in February. ... University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede. 0031 53 ...