What Is a Call to Action in Writing?
Written by Rebecca Turley
How do you inspire readers to take action?
A Call to Action (CTA) in writing is your opportunity to motivate readers to take some type of action. Can your writing and accompanying CTA be compelling enough to motivate your readers to take the next step, make the next move?
That’s the million-dollar question.
Call to Action: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and How to Successfully Use It in Your Writing
So, what exactly is a Call to Action and how can you best utilize it as a writer?
A CTA in writing is a clear and direct message that should elicit a strong response from readers to do something . In marketing lingo, this something is called a “conversion” – turning observers into doers.
Think of it as a “hook, line, and sinker” moment – you want to inspire the reader to do what you want them to do. Maybe it’s subscribe to your online newsletter, book a service, or buy a product—a CTA is a one-liner that gets the job done. It can be an outstanding marketing tool that keeps your reader engaged and ready to act.
It may be a small, two-word phrase or as long as a sentence, but its goal remains the same: to provide your reader with direction on what to do next. You provided them with compelling, interesting text; now’s not the time to leave them hanging! Finish it off with a great CTA and you’ve accomplished your goal.
CTAs are most often used to make a sale by providing a direct path to the product or service you want them to buy. But they can also be helpful for building your customer base and generating leads for future sales. Most CTAs are used as hyperlinks that take the reader where you want them to go, but they can also motivate the reader to make a phone call, download a brochure, or complete a similar activity.
Creating an Effective Call to Action
Once you understand the goal of the CTA, it becomes rather easy to write one yourself. But there are some tried-and-true rules to follow to ensure your CTA is everything it can be.
- Overly wordy
Start your CTA with a strong action verb .
A CTA doesn’t take time to get to the point. It accomplishes its goal by telling the reader exactly what to do.
Think “authoritative” when choosing your words for a CTA. Those action verbs should inspire and convince the reader to do something, so now’s not the time to underwhelm them. When choosing that action verb, think about how best to direct your reader:
Use words that excite and motivate the reader.
Get them motivated and curious to make the move. Think about persuasive language here, about intriguing your reader to want to know more or make a move. Persuasive language speaks to saving them money, saving them time, or improving their lives in some way:
- Sign up to join the millions of others who are taking steps to save the planet!
- Click here to start saving money today!
- Call today to book your dream vacation!
Create a sense of urgency.
You can create a sense of urgency in a number of ways. Add an adjective, make a promise, or elicit FOMO.
- Order yours today, while supplies last!
- Get free shipping for a limited time!
- Lose weight in just 4 weeks!
- Call today and enjoy 50% off your purchase!
Eliminate wordiness.
You have one opportunity to capture their attention and motivate them to click. Don’t waste it by overloading your CTA with unnecessary words or confusing text. Think straightforward, clear, concise, and to the point.
If you aren’t getting the response you hoped for, switch it up.
You never really know if your CTA is going to be effective unless you give it a whirl. If you aren’t getting the response you hoped for, it never hurts to try another tactic. Remember that CTAs are not a one-size-fits-all approach, so you may need to experiment to find one that works best for your audience.
Need a little inspiration to create the perfect CTA? Here are popular CTA phrases designed to boost your conversion efforts.
Do you want customers to sign up or subscribe to something?
- Subscribe now
- Don’t miss out
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- Remain in the know
Do you want customers to keep reading your content?
- Find out more
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- Become part of our community
Do you want customers to take advantage of a deal or discount?
- Claim your offer
- Claim your discount
- Redeem your discount
- Start your free trial now
- Start shopping now
- Claim our limited time offer
Adding a Secondary Call to Action: Another Tool in the Writer’s Toolkit
A secondary CTA is not simply reciting the primary CTA twice or rewording the primary CTA. It serves as another option for the reader.
Here’s a good example:
Primary CTA: Donate now to help save endangered white rhinos!
Secondary CTA: Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter to stay up-to-date on conservation efforts for the endangered white rhino.
The primary CTA is a great example of providing the reader with an immediate opportunity to act. But not all readers may be ready to pull out their wallets and make a donation. That’s there the secondary CTA comes in. You’ve captured the interest of the reader enough to inspire them to sign up for your weekly e-newsletter, which could translate into a donation somewhere down the road. Secondary CTAs provide the reader with another opportunity to take action, thereby allowing you to boost your conversion rate.
The secondary CTA should be featured less prominently than the primary CTA because you ultimately want the reader to click on the primary CTA. Remember: The primary CTA should be the most desired action you want your reader to take. A secondary CTA shouldn’t compete with the primary CTA; it should complement it.
But the secondary CTA is certainly an excellent option for those who don’t find the primary CTA appealing. The secondary CTA captures that reader who may have moved on from your website or blog without taking any action at all (i.e., lost conversions). By keeping your reader engaged and returning to your site with the secondary CTA, you’re naturally increasing your chances of enticing the reader to act on the primary CTA in the future.
Secondary CTAs may also be used to simply grow your social reach. A great example of a secondary CTA in this case is to simply encourage the reader to follow you on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. You can also encourage the reader to share your article or blog on their social media platform of choice. Either way, it’s a great way to boost your social media presence.
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The secret to writing a call to action in a persuasive speech
Nancy Duarte
A well-constructed and delivered presentation changes minds and ignites action.
Yet, there’s a key part of a presentation that doesn’t get mentioned enough — the call to action or CTA — and, a clear CTA creates a critical turning point in your presentation (or any other form of persuasive communication, too).
What is a call to action in writing?
The call to action in writing persuasive speeches comes right before the end of a persuasive speech where you clearly tell the audience a role they can play after they leave your talk. The CTA gives audience members concrete tasks to tackle, and these tasks must be completed in order to bring your ideas to fruition. And, it’s a key part of what makes your speech, persuasive.
An audience might be thoroughly gripped by your narrative and convinced to believe what you do — but if they leave not knowing what they are supposed to do with your ideas, your presentation will have been — essentially fruitless.
Because CTAs are such an important part of a presentation, it’s essential to make sure that the one you deliver lands with the people hearing it. The way to ensure that you write a call to action that persuades is to keep in mind that one size does NOT fit all — and you’ve got to tailor your CTAs.
People respond to different types of calls to action based on their:
- Temperaments
- Daily activities
So it’s important to get to know who is in your audience before you decide how you’re going to deliver their post-talk “to-dos.” Once you do, you can ensure your persuasive call to action actually gets a response.
Understanding your audience involves empathy. To get started easily, download our free Audience Needs Map ™. It’ll help you figure out and analyze the best persuasive calls to action for your presentation so that it concludes with success.
Start with your audience for your call to action speech
Before writing your calls to action in your persuasive speech, you need to think about your audience. What is their make-up? What makes them tick? In most presentations, there are four distinct skills your audience has. Remember these as you write your calls to action:
- Influencers
- And Innovators
To get your audience to act, your CTAs have to strike a chord and make sense with the skills they bring to the table. Taking action will seem natural for them when they can respond with an action that resonates with them. Audiences have a mix of all these skills, and you should appeal to each of them in your presentations . Let’s break this down.
4 call to action examples in persuasive writing
1. getting doers to do something.
Doers are the worker bees of an organization. They are the ones that hear what needs to get done — and then do it. Doers don’t shy away from physical tasks, and have the ability to round up the troops to inspire action in others, as well. Doers make an organization run day in and day out.
If you’re speaking to doers, you’ll want to craft your CTA so that it includes action words that clearly explain what the doers should do. Some examples of call to action language for them involve asking them to:
2. Motivating suppliers to share
Suppliers are usually not as action-oriented as doers. However, they have a lot of resources at their disposal — like money, manpower, materials, etc. Because of the amount of resources they have, suppliers have the means to help people move forward. They can get you the resources you don’t have yourself.
Suppliers in your audience may be execs who could give you staff — or, investors who are trying to decide whether they want to put their money into a venture — or not.
To appeal to suppliers, you need to use different words than you would with the doers, since they’re not the ones that are going to be hitting the ground running to complete tasks. Instead, you’ll want to ask them to share their resources.
You may want to use words like:
These can help to appeal to the fact that they have something to give in order to make a change happen.
3. Influencing on your behalf
Influencers have the power to sway . They can change the minds of individuals and groups — large or small. Influencers are the people who mobilize others. They also evangelize ideas, and they know how to get people to change their beliefs and behavior.
Many influencers are leaders and others look up to them and follow their advice. Influencers can also be people in the spotlight, who people tend to model after — like celebrities or public figures.
When you craft a call to action for an audience of influencers, you want to appeal to their ability to inspire other people. Great call-to-action phrases for influencers include:
Many have social channels where they can share with others what you need for your idea to become reality.
4. Inviting others to innovate
The last type of audience member is the innovator. Innovators are people who can think outside-of-the-box when they hear an idea, and then think of ways to modify that idea. Innovators have outstanding brains in their heads. They can dream up strategies, clarify perspectives, and invent products. These people can generate something new where nothing existed before.
Anybody can be an innovator. But, often, innovators are founders of companies or creators of new products. They can be engineers, artists, or entrepreneurs, and they typically handle fewer of the day-to-day tasks and more of the conceptual work.
To get support from an innovator, appeal to their ability to create things. The best call-to-action phrases for innovators include:
- Offers to invent
You want to spur an audience of innovators to leave, ready to make something new.
Don’t end with your call to action
Appealing to what motivates various audience members is important to inspire action. However, to make sure your well-tailored CTAs land, you shouldn’t end with your call to action. Nobody ever wants to simply be saddled with a lengthy to-do list.
Instead, after you deliver your CTA, paint a picture of what is going to happen for audience members once they complete the requested action. I call this the new bliss in my Resonate® workshop. Throwing out a CTA creates curiosity for listeners; they want that curiosity satisfied by understanding what will happen after the action is over. This satisfaction — and a picture of what the future could look like — will inspire people to act.
Alfred Chuang, founder and CEO of Magnet Systems, recently delivered a UC Davis Commencement speech that contained an example of a powerful CTA that described what would happen if listeners chose to act. Chuang encouraged the audience of engineering graduates to keep working on innovative projects.
He ended: “A new world is on the horizon. And it will be more incredible than any of us can possibly imagine. Our greatest innovations are ahead of us, not behind. But we need great engineers to build that world for us. And that’s you. We need you to not give up. Ever. We need you to finish your projects. Done, done, done … And we need you all to be a little insane.”
If you deliver a presentation that is gripping and empathetic, you’ve almost delivered the perfect presentation . All that’s left is including a CTA that clearly explains what listeners could do to help push your idea forward — and an ending that paints a picture of what the world will look like if they help. Then, you can leave your presentation knowing that you’ve delivered a talk that’s going to move people to act.
To learn more about crafting and delivering persuasive presentations, take our Resonate® workshop . And to have us build a persuasive presentation for you with a strong and clear call to action, inquire about our Agency services today.
This article was originally published on August 2, 2017. It has been updated in August 2024 for relevancy.
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What is a Call-to-Action (CTA)? (Explained With Examples)
Oct 11, 2023
In the world of marketing, a Call-to-Action (CTA) is a crucial component that often forms the backbone of successful campaigns. It serves as a prompt or directive to encourage users or potential customers to take a specific action. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an e-book, a well-designed CTA can make a significant impact on conversion rates and overall business success. In this article, we will delve into the concept of a Call-to-Action, explore its advantages and disadvantages, and provide various examples across different contexts
1°) What is a Call-to-Action (CTA)?
At its core, a Call-to-Action is a persuasive element embedded within a website, advertisement, or email that compels users to perform a desired action. It can come in various forms, such as a button, hyperlink, or banner. The primary goal of a CTA is to guide users towards a specific conversion or engagement, optimizing the user journey and ultimately boosting business outcomes.
1.1 - Definition of a Call-to-Action (CTA)
When it comes to defining a Call-to-Action, it involves more than just a simple request or statement. The effectiveness of a CTA lies in its ability to grab users' attention, create a sense of urgency, and convince them to take the desired action. Effective CTAs often employ compelling copywriting techniques, employ eye-catching visual elements, and strategically placed on web pages or emails to maximize visibility.
For example: Imagine you are browsing an e-commerce website, and you come across a product page with the headline "Limited Time Offer: Buy One, Get One Free." Right below the headline is a bright orange button that says "Shop Now!" This button serves as the CTA, prompting you to take advantage of the offer and make a purchase.
However, the power of a CTA goes beyond its visual appeal. It also relies on the psychology of persuasion. By understanding consumer behavior and decision-making processes, marketers can craft CTAs that tap into the desires, needs, and motivations of their target audience. This strategic approach ensures that the CTA resonates with users on a deeper level, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
1.2 - Advantages of a Call-to-Action (CTA)
The implementation of a well-designed CTA can bring about numerous advantages for businesses and marketers. One of the primary benefits is increased conversion rates. By providing users with clear instructions and incentives, CTAs can influence their decision-making process, leading to more conversions and sales.
Moreover, CTAs can play a crucial role in enhancing user experience. They simplify the navigation process by providing users with a clear path to follow. Instead of aimlessly browsing through a website or email, users are guided towards the desired destination, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource.
For instance: A restaurant's website might feature a CTA that encourages customers to make a reservation online. By implementing this CTA, the restaurant not only streamlines the reservation process but also captures valuable customer data for future communication and marketing purposes.
Additionally, CTAs can serve as powerful tools for lead generation. By strategically placing CTAs throughout a website or email campaign, businesses can capture valuable information about their target audience. This data can then be used to personalize future marketing efforts, resulting in higher engagement and customer satisfaction.
1.3 - Disadvantages of a Call-to-Action (CTA)
Despite the undeniable benefits of CTAs, it is important to acknowledge potential drawbacks as well. One major concern is the risk of being too intrusive or aggressive with CTAs, which can create a negative user experience. Overused CTAs or those that lack relevancy may come across as pushy or spammy, leading to user frustration or a decline in engagement.
It is crucial for businesses to strike a balance between persuasion and respect for the user's browsing experience. Bombarding users with excessive CTAs, especially if they are irrelevant to their needs or intentions, can result in a loss of trust and credibility. Users may perceive the website or email as untrustworthy or manipulative, leading them to abandon the desired action or even the entire platform.
A word of caution: When implementing CTAs, it is essential to thoroughly test and analyze their performance. A/B testing, user feedback, and data analysis can help businesses identify the most effective CTAs and optimize their placement and design accordingly. By continuously monitoring and refining CTAs, businesses can ensure that they remain relevant, engaging, and aligned with the evolving needs and preferences of their target audience.
2°) Examples of a Call-to-Action (CTA)
Now that we have explored the core aspects of CTAs and their advantages and disadvantages, let's take a closer look at various examples across different contexts:
2.1 - Example in a Startup Context
Imagine you stumble upon a landing page for a new software as a service (SaaS) startup. The page features a CTA in the form of a bold, green button that says "Sign up for a Free Trial." By providing a free trial option, the startup incentivizes potential users to test the product, increase engagement, and potentially convert them into long-term customers.
This startup understands the importance of allowing potential customers to experience their product firsthand. By offering a free trial, they remove any barriers to entry and give users the opportunity to explore the software's features and benefits. This not only builds trust but also showcases the value the product can bring to their lives or businesses.
Furthermore, the use of a bold, green button as the CTA stands out on the landing page, drawing the user's attention and making it clear what action they should take. The color green is often associated with positivity, growth, and success, which aligns well with the startup's goal of attracting new users and helping them achieve their goals.
2.2 - Example in a Consulting Context
In the realm of consulting services, a CTA may take the form of a contact form or a phone number placed prominently on a website. A consulting firm might use a CTA like "Schedule a Discovery Call" to encourage potential clients to reach out for further information or to discuss their specific needs. This CTA not only initiates contact but also allows the consulting firm to gather valuable information about the potential client's requirements.
When a consulting firm offers a "Schedule a Discovery Call" CTA, they are positioning themselves as experts who are ready to listen and understand their clients' needs. This CTA acknowledges that every client is unique and requires personalized attention. By encouraging potential clients to schedule a call, the consulting firm can gather important details about the client's challenges, goals, and expectations, allowing them to tailor their services and provide a more effective solution.
Additionally, placing the CTA prominently on the website ensures that potential clients can easily find it and take action. The consulting firm understands that in order to convert leads into clients, they need to make the process as seamless and convenient as possible. By eliminating any barriers to contact, they increase the likelihood of potential clients reaching out and starting a conversation.
2.3 - Example in a Digital Marketing Agency Context
For a digital marketing agency, an effective CTA could be positioned at the end of a blog post, inviting readers to subscribe to their newsletter for valuable insights and industry updates. By capturing email addresses through this CTA, the agency can nurture leads and establish ongoing communication, potentially converting them into clients or creating brand advocates.
A digital marketing agency understands the importance of building a strong relationship with their audience. By offering valuable insights and industry updates through their newsletter, they position themselves as thought leaders and experts in their field. The CTA to subscribe to their newsletter at the end of a blog post serves as an invitation for readers to stay connected and continue learning from the agency's expertise.
By capturing email addresses through this CTA, the agency can nurture leads and establish ongoing communication. This allows them to provide personalized content, tailored recommendations, and exclusive offers to their subscribers. By consistently delivering value, the agency increases the chances of converting these leads into paying clients or creating brand advocates who will promote their services to others.
2.4 - Example with Analogies
Lastly, let's examine an example that utilizes analogies to create a compelling CTA. Suppose an online fitness platform aims to attract new users by highlighting the benefits of its workout programs. A CTA that says "Unlock Your Body's Potential" creates a vivid mental image, encouraging users to take action and explore the platform's offerings.
This fitness platform understands that to motivate users to take action, they need to tap into their desires and aspirations. By using the analogy of "Unlock Your Body's Potential," they evoke a sense of untapped power and possibilities. This CTA paints a picture of personal growth, transformation, and reaching new heights, which resonates with individuals who are seeking to improve their fitness levels and overall well-being.
Furthermore, the use of the word "unlock" implies that the platform holds the key to unlocking one's potential. This creates a sense of exclusivity and curiosity, enticing users to explore what the platform has to offer. By leveraging the power of analogies, this fitness platform is able to communicate the benefits of their workout programs in a compelling and relatable way.
In conclusion, Call-to-Actions are invaluable tools in marketing and have the potential to significantly impact conversion rates and user engagement. By understanding the key principles behind CTAs, leveraging their advantages, and avoiding potential pitfalls, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts and create meaningful interactions with their target audience.
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How to Write Incredible Calls to Action (with Examples)
What if I say, “Subscribe to our email newsletter at the end of the article?” Probably, you’ll skip it and forget when reaching the subscription button. Why? Because a compelling call to action is not only about using action words. CTAs should appear at the right place and contain the right words to lead to conversion.
A CTA is a suggestion to people to perform a certain action: subscribe, download an ebook, schedule a call, etc. Website owners place them in various parts of the page, depending on the goals, such as:
- above the fold;
- in the middle of an article;
- next to the lead form;
- in the right rail and many other places.
How should you arrange CTAs to encourage the audience to do what’s expected? This post will enumerate some helpful tips for successful call-to-action writing and show real-world examples from various spheres.
Image credit: Freepik
7 Proven Tips for Crafting Effective CTAs
Choose the right action verb.
CTAs usually appear precisely at the end of the message. It’s the last opportunity to reach out to consumers and point them in the right direction on their purchase journey. Where can you see them? On buttons, ads, banners, pop-ups, slide-ins, or at the end of videos. In any case, you have limited space for them. That’s why the CTA should be short, concise, and punchy.
Use a command verb at the beginning of the CTA copy. Compare the following variants and think of what will be more effective:
- Start your 14-day free trial period now.
- A 14-day trial period is available.
The first option is the clear winner because it tells the audience what to do. Remember that a strong call to action eliminates as much thought as possible. Choose the needed verb to match your situation and purpose, such as:
- sign up, subscribe, register now/get access
- download, start free trial;
- learn more, click here;
- buy/purchase, shop, order.
Use Power Words and Emotional Triggers
Another crucial component of call-to-action writing is power words . These are words that appeal to emotions and trigger the desire to click. While action verbs tell readers what to do and what will happen after clicking a link, power words subtly nudge people to the desired page. They rely on people’s emotions as a motivation to proceed, such as:
- fear : mistake, nightmare, painful, crisis, danger;
- encouragement : amazing, astonishing, life-changing, astounding, effortless;
- lust : thrilling, pleasurable, mouthwatering, compelling, engaging;
- anger : misleading, diminish, infuriating, annoying;
- greed : double, profit, explode, quadruple, extra, reduced;
- safety : proven, risk-free, moneyback, secure, refund;
- curiosity : lost, never seen before, unconventional, invitation only, confidential.
A strong CTA is the one people feel , not just comprehend. For example, “Secure your spot for the concert of a lifetime now,” will elicit a different response from viewers than, “Get your tickets for the concert now!” due to phrases like “lifetime” and “secure”. Another way to evoke enthusiasm is to leverage punctuation like an ellipsis or an exclamation mark.
Create Urgency and Scarcity
As most purchases are emotional rather than rational, another motivator can be a fear of missing out (FOMO). It’s one of the most widely-used tactics in e-commerce, where sellers show the number of remaining goods or the time left until the discount expires. So you can do it in the CTA.
The more people think, the less likely they will buy, remember? A sense of urgency/scarcity encourages people to act without much consideration. You can also find FOMO in social proof. If someone uses this product or service, others will be interested in joining the crowd. You can employ this idea in the CTA. Find a problem that your audience is experiencing. Emphasize it, show people they are not alone, and provide a solution.
Highlight the Benefits and Value Proposition
There is hardly anything more persuasive than a benefit . It works as simply as suggesting some perks for clicking the button. In other words, what are consumers going to gain from it? Will it enable people to perform their jobs more effectively, get in shape, or save money? You can add a tangible benefit like a discount or promotion. To show readers the value of clicking, start the CTA with words like “save” or “redeem” like “Save 15% by calling today!”
Or you can combine a USP and CTA in a single statement to persuade potential customers to take action. By highlighting what makes your product or service unique and motivating the user to take a specific action in line with that USP, you can increase the chances of converting them into leads or customers. Here’s an example of a USP/CTA mash-up:
“Get the best deals on luxury vacations - Book now and save 50%!”
Here you mention the action you expect users to perform (“ book now” ) and bring up a reason to do it ( “save 50%” ).
Personalize the CTA for the Target Audience
Personalization is one of the easiest ways to elicit emotions. It shows users that you value them and take a genuine interest in guiding them through the purchase journey smoothly. That’s why personalized CTAs can be so effective. According to Hubspot, tailored CTAs outperform standard CTAs by 202% .
Suppose a new website visitor, John, adds some products to the cart but leaves without buying them. You can show an exit-intent pop-up before he closes the tab with a personalized advertising call to action, such as: “John, get 10% off your first purchase! Plus, free shipping on orders over $50. Shop now and start saving!”
But if it was your existing customer, Rebecca, you could show her another pop-up, such as: “Welcome back, Rebecca! As a valued customer, we’d like to offer you 15% off your next purchase. Take advantage of this exclusive offer by making your purchase right away!”
Consider your audience when crafting your message, and address them specifically. You can segment people by age, gender, profession, level of proficiency in using your software, and other traits to offer the most relevant products and services.
Apart from writing a tailored message in your CTA, personalization can also be achieved by using new tools for sales documents creation. If you go with an interactive sales deck or proposal, you can add an impactful CTA by embedding your own calendar in the message, so that your potential customer can book their next meeting simply by reading your proposal.
Include Numbers If Relevant
Numbers catch the readers’ attention because they stand out on the page with text. So it’s another way to persuade people to click. Numbers also provide information that audiences want, like phone numbers, pricing, or advantages. For example, “Learn a new language in just 30 days with our intensive course.” It’s easy to spot the numbers, so viewers will immediately grasp the possible advantages of responding to your CTA.
You can also include a price in the ad copy and CTA. Why should you do it? On the one hand, you may scare away users from clicking the button and reading more about the product. On the other, if people deliberately respond to the ad knowing about your pricing, it shows their interest in the offer. It reduces the chances of bouncing from the landing page, increasing the return on ad spend.
Test and Optimize the CTA
Calls to action are tricky since you won’t know how effective they are until you put them to the test in real life. An idea that seems terrific on paper may not work well in practice. Thus, you need to understand why the CTA performs poorly and what doesn’t appeal to viewers. But how do you determine the need to change something? Through A/B testing.
A CTA is one of the most accessible and suitable page elements for the A/B test. A small change in word choice can have a significant impact. A/B testing lets you find the best option not only in terms of wording but also in placement, colors, size, etc.
Examples of Incredible CTAs
Now that we know the best practices for organizing CTAs, let’s examine how different companies do it. We’ll analyze call-to-action examples of online stores, SaaS companies, and nonprofit organizations.
E-commerce CTAs
Screenshot taken on the official Converse website
The first example under consideration is from Converse, a renowned lifestyle brand. The company uses several tips mentioned above:
- the language is simple to comprehend;
- numbers are showing the benefits of performing a particular action, such as 15% off the next order for signing up;
- the CTAs stand out from the rest of the content because they are bold or contrasting.
Ulster Weavers
Screenshot taken on Ulster Weavers
In this example from Ulster Weavers, we see the emphasis on FOMO. The bag is at a lower price, but only one item is available, so the retailer leaves us less time to think but to click the “Add to Cart” or “Buy it now” button.
Screenshot taken on the official Kusmi Tea website
Kusmi Tea decided to play with words and use the CTA “Enjoy now” instead of a basic “Click here” or “Shop now”. Don’t be afraid to get creative, as Kusmi Tea does in this screenshot. You can also notice that there is a lot of space around the button. This trick and the contrasting black color on the orange background make the CTA more visible.
Service-Based Call-to-Action Examples
Screenshot taken on the official Salesforce website
Here we can see several CTAs. Salesforce directs the viewer’s attention to them in the following ways:
- “Start free trial” is in the hero section of the website and is filled with color. So we understand it’s more important than the “Watch demo” button next to it.
- “Try for free” is filled with a contrasting green color for more emphasis. It also denotes no obligation to pay at the moment of clicking.
- The “Let’s chat” button is also noticeable. The photo on it aims to create a personal connection with the visitors and increase the likelihood of them engaging in a chat.
Time Doctor
Screenshot taken on the official Time Doctor website
When adding creativity to your CTA, be careful with misleading users. For example, the screenshot from Time Doctor illustrates two CTAs on the exit-intent pop-up:
- “Yes, help me increase my team’s productivity.”
- “No, I don’t need insight on what my team is doing.”
Unfortunately, they lack information about what will happen after choosing each. While you may guess the second button will close the pop-up, the first one may be confusing. Will I schedule a call, download the app, or get to the checkout page? No idea.
Screenshot taken on the official Exabytes website
This screenshot from Exabytes demonstrates a personalized approach. The CTA contains a personal pronoun, “My”, creating a sense of ownership and exclusivity in the customer’s mind.
Nonprofit CTAs
Elevation church.
Screenshot taken from the newsletter from the official Elevation Church website
It’s an email from Elevation Church. We can see that the organization displayed creativity in its “READY. SET. SHOP” advertising call to action. What may be the reason for that? It can be a powerful way to reach younger generations and differentiate an email from other generic promotions.
African Wildlife Foundation
Screenshot taken on the official African Wildlife Foundation website
Another nonprofit with impactful calls to action is African Wildlife Foundation. They are one of the first things you notice on the page. CTAs are concise and inspire supporters to learn more about the organization or donate immediately.
Over to You
Calls to action are indispensable elements of web forms , ad campaigns, emails, and social media content. What are the tips for designing them? We’ve looked at the top seven strategies, including:
- beginning with a powerful verb;
- appealing to emotions;
- leveraging numbers;
- offering benefits;
- instilling a sense of urgency;
- personalizing CTAs according to user preferences, behavior, and types;
- testing various aspects of CTAs thoroughly.
These tips will help you amplify your conversion rates and find the key to your audience.
Kate Parish
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16 call to action examples (and how to write an effective CTA)
What comes to mind when I try to think of a powerful CTA (call to action) is the one my dad expertly executed by bellowing at me daily to get a job . Fresh from a college experience that promised the world but mainly delivered a mountain of student debt, I was under the assumption that adulthood was supposed to be full of quirky adventures and unexpected meet-cutes, not unsolicited career advice from a man who still struggles to connect to Bluetooth.
Eventually, his CTA successfully motivated me to become a productive member of society. And that's the power of a compelling CTA—it jolts you out of your passiveness and into action. In my case, I got a job despite a lifelong belief that work is something to avoid unless absolutely necessary. (Look at me now, Dad!)
Just as personal CTAs can lead to transformative life decisions, marketing CTAs have the potential to significantly impact user engagement and conversion. Want to craft your own magnetic calls to action? Keep reading for tips and examples of what makes great CTAs, well, great.
Table of contents:
What is a call to action (CTA)?
A call to action (CTA) is a prompt or message, typically formatted as a button or link, that encourages the audience to take a specific and immediate action.
CTAs are commonly used in marketing and sales contexts to guide users toward the next step in their journey, whether that's purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, or forwarding that chain email to all of their friends to avoid eight years of bad luck. Some common call to action examples include:
Add to cart
Types of CTAs
Here's a primer on some of the most common CTA types.
| Encourages users to fill out a form, providing their information for various purposes | Contact page, request for quote page, or as part of lead generation forms | "Get a free quote" |
| Invites users to explore further content by clicking on a link or button | End of blog posts, related articles sections, or teasers | "Want to learn more? Click here to read the full article" |
| Directs users to a page or section highlighting the key features of a product or service | Homepage, product pages, or service descriptions | "Discover the key features that make our new smartphone stand out" |
| Encourages users to share content or products on their social media platforms | Near the content being shared, such as articles, images, or videos | "Share this amazing deal on Facebook" |
| Guides potential customers toward making a purchase after they've shown interest or engaged with your content | Product pages, shopping carts, or as part of drip marketing campaigns | "Add to cart and enjoy 20% off your first purchase" |
| Used to seal the deal or complete a transaction, often found in the final steps of the checkout process | Product pages, checkout pages, or limited-time offer banners | "Limited stock available. Buy now to secure your item!" |
| Promotes an upcoming event and encourages users to register or learn more about it | Event's landing page, email invitations, or display banners | "Register for our webinar" |
| Suggests other relevant content to keep users engaged and exploring your website | End of articles, blog posts, or in related articles sections | "Explore more on this topic" |
What makes a call to action button effective?
The effectiveness of a CTA depends on its copy, design, placement, and relevance to the user. For example, depending on your audience, the phrase "Snag your copy" might resonate with a larger group than something more generic, like "Download now." Or, if someone visiting your e-Commerce store is a first-time browser, they're likely not ready to click "Buy now." But they might be curious enough to click "Learn more."
Identify which action(s) will bring the most value to your business, then use your CTA to steer users in the right direction.
Why CTAs are important
Calls to action are important because they give your audience a clear sense of direction. Instead of wondering what to do now that they've clicked through every angle of a model wearing a denim jacket they think would look good on them, the "Add to cart" button gently nudges them one step closer to a sale.
But there's an art to writing a compelling CTA. Too pushy and you'll drive visitors away; too casual and your visitors might not be compelled to take immediate action. You need to strike the right balance for your audience.
16 call to action examples (and why they work)
Let's dissect some real-life CTA examples to learn how to use strategic copy, design, and placement to transform an ordinary CTA into a magnetic, can't-resist-clicking force.
1. JD + Kate Industries
CTA placement: Exit intent popup
CTA type: Lead to purchase
What it does right: Attention-grabbing, offers a valuable incentive, humorous and lighthearted
The brazen use of "WAIT" isn't a gentle suggestion; it's a command. Like someone grabbing your elbow just as you're about to duck out without a goodbye. It's intrusive, but in a way that makes you think, "Alright, what did I miss?"
Combine that with the sheer audacity of telling someone they've forgotten to buy not just one candle but HUNDREDS of candles. It's dramatic, it's over-the-top, and frankly, it's memorable. With copy like that, it's hard to resist giving away your email address because one can only wonder what their emails would be like.
2. Giftwrap.ai
CTA placement: Display ad
CTA type: Lead generation
What it does right: Engaging, personalized, visually appealing
It's refreshing to see something that doesn't pretend to know you better than you know yourself. Instead of telling you what your significant other might want, it's asking you to fill in the blanks. A little bit of personalization without the personal touch. Clever, really.
As for the CTA button, the emoji is a nice touch. Plus, the use of "show" rather than "buy" or "see" is like a little magic trick. "Voila! Here are your gift options."
3. Who Gives A Crap
CTA placement: Facebook ad
What it does right: Benefit-oriented language makes the CTA more appealing to users and encourages them to take action
By comparing "Us" and "Them," they're not only offering a quantitative argument (385 sheets versus a paltry 299), but they're also injecting a bit of humor. And while I've never been one to count sheets, if you're telling me I get more for my money and it'll look cute next to my collection of HUNDREDS of candles, I'm sold. Also, describing the competitor as "objectively very boring" is a sentiment I've often used to describe my social life, but to see it on toilet paper? Well, that's something.
"28% cheaper than Charmin," followed by a "Shop Now" button isn't just a call to action; it's a call to revolution! A revolution of, well, saving on toilet paper and perhaps bringing a touch of flair to a decidedly unglamorous aspect of life.
CTA placement: Homepage header
What it does right: Creates curiosity, addresses pain points, social proof
There's something oddly reassuring about a direct, no-nonsense headline promising exactly what every website on this overcrowded internet wants: visibility.
The name-dropping of heavy-hitter customers serves as a strong endorsement. It's not saying, "Look who trusts us," but rather, "Look who you'd be in company with." And that "17,961 users joined Ahrefs in the last 7 days" is a nice touch. It's not boastful, but it's certainly not modest. It's a subtle prod to the undecided that says, "While you're contemplating, thousands have already decided."
This CTA is a perfect blend of self-assuredness, social proof, and just the right amount of peer pressure.
5. Ruggable
CTA placement: eCommerce email
CTA type: Limited-time offer
What it does right: Straightforward, creates a sense of urgency, sparks curiosity
There's something unapologetically direct about this ad. "Final hours to save until next week Black Friday"—it's not asking you, it's telling you. Time's running out, and if you're the type who thrives on the thrill of a last-minute decision, this is your moment.
The CTA is a master class in suspense. That "% OFF" lurking behind the button is like when someone says they've got news, but they'll tell you later—except instead of being left alone with your intrusive thoughts, conjuring up worst-case scenarios, you get a sweet discount on a cute, machine-washable rug.
CTA type: Product demo
What it does right: Solution-oriented, benefit-driven, relatable
"Email sucked for years. Not anymore—we fixed it." You mean that thing everyone's been complaining about since the dawn of the internet? It's about time, and I'm all ears.
The rest of the copy succinctly addresses customer pain points and aspirational desires. It paints a picture of a world where checking your email might feel more like reading a postcard from a friend rather than sifting through a pile of bills.
The CTA button, "See how HEY works," is straightforward. No flowery language, no over-the-top promises. Just a simple invitation.
7. Big Blanket Co
What it does right: Creates a sense of urgency, visually appealing, reassuring
The urgency of "limited quantities available...Reserve yours now before it's too late" is classic retail psychology. It's both an announcement and a challenge, like when a kid hears the whistle signaling the end of adult swim and races to be the first one to cannonball into the pool.
The "Limited Restock [Massive 10'x10' Blankets] 100 Night Guarantee + Free Shipping" is the clincher. It promises a combination of rarity, quality, reliability, and convenience, like a call to action Megazord.
What it does right: Addresses pain points, benefit-oriented, actionable
The genius of this homepage lies not just in its promises but in its initial question—a direct prod at the pain point of its target audience that immediately evokes a visceral response. Most, if not all, travelers will mentally answer "yes" to this, recalling their own airport nightmares. It's a calculated reminder of a situation everyone wants to avoid, making the solution they offer even more enticing.
"Get up to $700 compensation per passenger, no matter the ticket price." The clarity here is commendable. They're not promising the world, but a very tangible, specific amount. And the Trustpilot rating is a nod to credibility. It's like a friend vouching for a restaurant they swear by, but in this case, it's 157,892 friends.
The two fields for the departure and destination airports are a clever touch. It's interactive, pulling me in, like when a quiz promises to tell me which '90s sitcom character I am based on my questionable life choices. (I'm George Costanza.) The button, with its sharp contrast to the rest of the page, effectively captures attention while still aligning with the brand's colors and aesthetic. "Check compensation" offers an inviting, low-effort action, subtly guiding users toward their potential relief without overwhelming them.
In a world where we're constantly sold solutions to problems we didn't know we had, this CTA addresses a very real grievance with a straightforward promise. And in the often convoluted world of travel woes, that's a breath of fresh, cabin-pressurized air.
9. Crazy Egg
What it does right: Actionable, benefit-oriented, simple
Crazy Egg's CTA isn't trying too hard to impress. It's just good—well thought out, concise, and to the point.
First, the headline: "Make your website better. Instantly." A rather bold proclamation but commendably straightforward. Its use of the word "instantly" suggests that Crazy Egg has the answers, and they're not going to waste your time.
The "Show me my Heatmap" CTA button is, once again, admirably direct. It's not pleading for a click or asking for a moment of your time. It's telling you, in no uncertain terms, what's on the other side of that click.
What it does right: Clear and concise, visually appealing, strong call to action verb
First off, big ups to Zappos for not making me do math. Half off? I'm already intrigued and haven't even seen the shoes yet.
"Reveal today's deals" feels like a game show moment. What's behind door number one? A pair of boots? New house slippers? It's that momentary thrill, like unwrapping a gift—even if you end up paying for it yourself.
In an endless sea of emails screaming for attention, this one from Zappos does what it needs to do: it grabs you, shakes you gently by the shoulders, and says, "Hey, want something good for half off?" And in this economy, who can say no?
CTA placement: Landing page header
What it does right: Interactive and dynamic, personalized, sparks curiosity
By providing three clear choices (drive or deliver, eat, and ride), Uber shows that they understand and cater to the diverse needs of their users. This personalized approach instantly makes the user feel valued and attended to, whether they need a ride to the airport or just want to stuff their face.
The interactive nature of this dynamic content creates a sense of empowerment and involvement for the user. Even the tens of people unfamiliar with all of Uber's offerings will be intrigued by the distinct options, sparking curiosity and potentially leading them to explore other services beyond their original intention.
12. CareerBuilder
What it does right: Clear and concise, click-worthy secondary CTA
"Find your next job…fast!" Who are you, my dad? Although I suppose if someone's clicking their way onto a job-finding website, they're there for one reason: to snag a job, and preferably one that doesn't make them want to put a campfire out with their face.
CareerBuilder doesn't dilly-dally—they allow you to type in your wildly specific and/or desperate job requirements. And who's going to turn down the resume help offered in the secondary CTA? Talk about a lead magnet.
13. Airtable
CTA type: Gated content
What it does right: Social proof, sneak preview, clear and concise
You may be wondering why I included a very basic "submit" button in a CTA showcase, but pairing a straightforward button with great supporting elements like the headline, social proof, and sneak preview, is like sipping top-shelf wine from an old jelly jar. Sometimes, the simple stuff just ties everything together.
The large headline is as direct as my comments on whether a hotdog is a sandwich. (It's not.) Aimed at the so-called professionals in campaign planning, it speaks to a certain crowd, much like literally anything speaks to Swifties looking for Taylor's latest Easter egg.
The mention of leading companies like Shopify, Time magazine, Spotify, and Hearst adds credibility and trustworthiness. It's basically saying, "If these giants trust us, maybe you, in your comparatively minuscule existence, should, too."
The bullet list detailing what's inside the eBook provides clarity on the content, letting users know exactly what to expect, including insider tidbits from recognized brands. So, not only do you get smarter, but you also get to casually name-drop at the next girls' night. "I've been implementing campaign planning strategies inspired by Equinox and Taylor Guitars. NBD."
CTA type: Closing the sale
What it does right: Showcases diverse selection, clear and concise, highlights affordability
Max presents an impactful CTA through the Neapolitan ice cream of hero images, featuring Anderson Cooper, Ketel Marte, and Margot Robbie with Ryan Gosling. Collectively, these three flavors depict a panoramic view of Max's offerings, emphasizing a wide variety of choices only rivaled by the Cheesecake Factory menu.
In a world drowning in content, they've managed, quite succinctly, to sum it all up with "It's all here. Plans start at $9.99/month." The ensuing "Sign up now" button invites visitors to subscribe, anchoring the CTA by providing a straightforward pathway to accessing all the consumable content your heart desires.
15. Adobe Stock
CTA placement: Google Search ad
CTA type: Free trial
What it does right: Benefit-oriented, actionable, relevant to the target audience
This paid search ad nails the CTA with a clear and easy-to-understand message. The headline "Free trial - Find the right image faster" immediately grabs attention by offering a low-risk way to experience the service. It also addresses a common pain point for users, highlighting the platform's efficiency.
In very few words, Adobe found a way to combine attention-grabbing language, address user concerns, highlight the platform's strengths, and offer a valuable deal, making for a cleverly crafted CTA. If I were into such things, I might even click on it. But I have people for that.
CTA placement: Email
CTA type: Event promotion
What it does right: Multiple engagement opportunities, attention-grabbing, personalized
Much like the free sample stations at Costco, the strategic placement of three CTA buttons ensures the reader has multiple opportunities to engage, regardless of how far they wander (or scroll).
The header image immediately grabs attention with its vibrant graphic detailing key event highlights. This provides a quick snapshot of what to expect and builds anticipation.
Personalizing the body of the email to address readers by name creates a sense of intimacy. Instantly, they're all ears and feeling special.
How to write a call to action
Your calls to action should be unique, specific to where it's featured as well as your particular audience and targets. That said, the best CTAs do share some characteristics that you can apply wherever they may be.
If you're looking for one secret to effective CTAs, here it is: give them a reason to click, share, or hand over their email address . More important than the wording, placement, or color of your CTA is the underlying incentive a person has to follow it. How will answering your call to action help them?
A good call to action restates its benefit bluntly and succinctly.
If you're offering a discount, remind them what percentage.
If they're getting a free PDF, mention the words "free" and "PDF."
If you're using a standard link, typically you write the incentive in your CTA's anchor text (the clickable text). In the case of social media posts and ads, you should reserve the last line in your message for your call to action, so mention any benefits there.
If you're using a button CTA, you have to limit the number of characters you use, so it's better to add secondary text. While the button can say something basic like "buy now," nearby you should include a line or two to remind visitors about the advantages to clicking.
For starters, say exactly what will happen when you click. Remove all mystery with specifics. For example, saying "start your download automatically" is more descriptive than "click here to download." (For button CTAs, with limited space, you can include secondary text nearby.)
You want to acknowledge any user doubts and assuage their fears. If visitors are worried about security, they're not going to click, so reassure them that you understand their concerns. One of the big fears, in the case of email signups, is spam. You might want to gently remind visitors that you won't share their information and that you'll only email them once a week, twice a month, or whatever the case is, to keep their imagination in check.
You can build trust just by being upfront about everything from the beginning. You'll find people are more receptive to your CTA pitches when they know precisely what to expect.
Command and wording
Don't be shy about calls to action! Some people soften their language to avoid being pushy, but CTAs should be strong and unapologetic. After all, if you followed rule #1 (incentive), then what you're offering is beneficial to the visitor.
That's not to say you should be rude or demanding (please don't); there's a perfect balance somewhere in there between a strong suggestion and a forceful command. Above all, the reader must always feel they have a choice; your call to action is there to convince them of the choice you think they should make.
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This makes the statement sound stronger, and at the same time, clearly communicates what the user should do.
Likewise, avoid wording that weakens your call to action, including "please" (no matter what Grammarly tells you) and modifiers like "could" and "would." There's a time and place for gentle language, but calls to action are not one of them.
Word choice is important to CTAs, not only for making a persuasive argument, but also for fitting the space allotted.
They're not foolproof, but in my experience, these words tend to improve CTA performance and the effectiveness of most sales copy. And because most of them are short, you should have no problem fitting them into your CTA space.
How to design call to action buttons and banners
Now that we've covered the writing, let's talk about how your CTA should look. The design, layout, and typography of your call to action all play major roles in its success.
CTA design best practices
If you're placing your call to action on a web page or other content you design yourself, you want to place it at the top of your visual hierarchy. Your CTA should be the most noticeable element on the page. To achieve this, you want to pull out all your design tricks:
Contrasting colors: CTAs should generally contrast with the rest of the page's design. Visitors shouldn't have to work to find what to do next. Use a vibrant color for your CTA, especially against a dull background. Can you spot it from six feet away? Good.
Optimal size: Make the button and text larger than the surrounding elements but not so large that it overwhelms other content. It should also be easily clickable, especially on mobile devices.
Clear typography: Use a legible font that complements your brand. Ensure the text is large enough to read but doesn't crowd the button. You can play with typography to emphasize key words. Commonly, operative words like "free" are set in a different color or sometimes even a different font to attract more attention.
Negative space: Surround your call to action with plenty of negative, or empty, space. Setting your CTA apart from the other elements makes it more noticeable and gives it more importance in the eyes of your visitors.
Emoji use: Some brands find success with emojis, but if you choose that approach, remember that a little goes a long way.
Consistent styling: While CTAs should stand out, they should still align with your brand's overall design aesthetic. Consistency in design builds trust.
Call to action testing and iteration
Last but not least, you should evaluate how successful your final call to action is and identify room for improvement. Creating your CTA may feel like a lot of guesswork and shooting in the dark—because it is. Testing it is much more clear cut.
To get a basic idea of your CTA's performance, take a look at your analytics. Compare the page traffic to the number of conversions, and see what percentage of your total visitors clicked.
If your conversion rate is significantly lower, it's worth doing an A/B test on your design and copy. Try two different versions of your call to action, experimenting with different phrasing, colors, or fonts, and see which one performs better with your target audience. It's the most efficient way to reveal what works and what doesn't with concrete, empirical data, ensuring your CTA resonates with the target audience and drives the desired action.
Improve your CTAs now, free!
While my dad's approach might have lacked the finesse of a well-designed button or the allure of clever copy, the sentiment was clear. And that's the heart of every good CTA. Whether you're nudging a visitor to make a purchase or nudging your offspring out of the nest, the principle remains the same. CTAs are about engaging your audience, prompting action, and, occasionally, a very pointed reminder to update your LinkedIn profile.
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Allisa Boulette
Based in New England, Allisa is a content marketer and small business owner who hopes to make the internet a more interesting place than she found it. When she’s not working, you can find her lying very still not doing anything.
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5 Steps To Writing an Effective Call to Action (With Examples)
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Laura Jane Bradbury
An effective call to action (CTA) encourages content engagement, converts visitors into leads, and helps people discover your business. It should offer value to the reader and explain what to expect from taking action.
If a CTA doesn't have a clear message, feels too generic, or isn’t aligned with your audience’s concerns, readers won't act. This could cost you potential customers and income.
As a professional copywriter with six years of experience, I’ve helped many small businesses reach their goals through calls to action. Here, I'll share the best practices for writing persuasive CTAs.
Key Takeaways
- A call to action encourages readers to engage with your content, purchase a product, and learn more about your brand.
- It should be short, direct, and enticing. Use action verbs to motivate people to act.
- Ensure you clearly explain the value your audience will get from following your CTA.
Examples of great CTAs and why they work
Below are five CTA examples from high-profile businesses. We'll look at why they work, and what techniques you can apply.
Semrush: Use persuasive language
Cta: “get a free trial” .
Blog posts are a great place to put a CTA, as readers are already interested in the topic and more likely to respond to your suggested action. Engaging and relevant content can also lead to higher clickthrough rates, helping more readers learn about and interact with your business.
Semrush provides a great example of how to write a good call to action in a blog post. After sharing a detailed guide on search engine optimization (SEO) for blogs, they suggest readers sign up for a free trial to begin implementing SEO. Putting the CTA at the end of the post lets readers consume valuable information before discovering how to apply it.
The CTA works because:
- It includes the action verb “Get” — grabbing the reader's attention.
- The CTA is clear and eye-catching: The yellow box separates it from the post's content, while the purple highlights the specific action to take.
- The CTA text highlights the value for the reader immediately : The trial is "free" and Semrush conveniently provides "everything" in "one" place, so busy entrepreneurs and marketers don't need to jump from tool to tool.
Here are some action words and phrases (in bold) to consider for your own CTA. Play around with them and see what works best:
LOOKFANTASTIC: Create urgency
Cta: “hurry, this offer is for today only”.
There are many CTAs you can use on social media . If you want to increase engagement, for example, you can ask people to comment on, like, or share a post. In this case, LOOKFANTASTIC wants to encourage its followers to shop a specific brand on its site.
- It offers an incentive — 25% off.
- The use of "Hurry" and “TODAY only” creates urgency : This motivates customers to take advantage of the offer before it's too late.
- LookFantastic addresses the concerns of its customers : The text highlights that the products are "skin-loving."
Career Contessa: Offer an incentive
Cta: “i’m so in”.
Email newsletters can build customer relationships, drive sales, and be an effective digital marketing channel. However, people are increasingly less willing to share their email addresses.
To encourage people to subscribe, Career Contessa has created a signup form in the middle of its homepage. This gives readers a chance to see what the newsletter is about and what type of content they can expect.
Notice how the CTA banner is clear and concise, explaining what people will receive by signing up.
- It uses language that's relatable to its audience: The site’s young, female readers will identify "Level up" as advancing their careers.
- It makes people feel included : "I'm so in" creates the feeling of joining an exclusive group or club.
- There’s an incentive to join : The text offers readers "a shortcut to success."
Uniqlo: Consider the buying stages
Cta: “learn more” .
Customers want to know what they’re signing up for before downloading an app. Uniqlo knows this and tells their customers exactly what to expect from their new app. So, rather than telling people to “Download now,” the CTA suggests readers “LEARN MORE.”
- It’s short and direct , making it easy to understand and follow.
- Customers understand the value — the accompanying illustrations and copy convey the benefits of the app.
- There’s lots of action verbs — “Get”, “Download”, “Sign up”, “Scan + Shop”.
Tip: Before adding a CTA, consider where your customers are in the buying stages. While a regular buyer may instantly click to “shop now,” a new customer may need more information. New products might also require additional context in order to help customers understand their value.
New York Magazine: Use bold visuals
Cta: “subscribe now” .
Most consumers prefer a brand to contact them via email . New York Magazine is a great example of how to write a call to action for email,. You’re immediately drawn in by the newsletter’s image emphasizing that it’s the “LAST CHANCE” to take advantage of its offer.
This encourages readers to take action by triggering the fear of missing out. The publication then describes all the benefits of joining — including its free tote bag — to entice users to click the “SUBSCRIBE NOW” button.
- It creates urgency: “SUBSCRIBE NOW” emphasizes that you should take action immediately.
- The accompanying text is descriptive: “award-winning,” “exciting,” “fresh,” “sharp.” These adjectives suggest the content is unique and high quality, helping convince readers that the magazine is worth investing in.
- The CTA is visually bold: The black button stands out against the white background and contrasts with the colorful main image.
5 key elements to include in your CTA:
Based on the above examples, here are five critical aspects of a great CTA to include in your own:
1. Use simple and direct language
This ensures people understand the desired action. For example, “Subscribe now” is easier to follow than “You can subscribe now by clicking this link.” Make sure the accompanying text promoting your CTA is clear and easy to read .
2. Provide value to your readers
Who is your target audience and how can your CTA solve their concerns? Will a discount code save them money, or can you offer useful expertise and advice? Demonstrate exactly what your CTA will deliver and how.
3. Create a sense of urgency
Include phrases like “limited time offer” and “for today only” to motivate users to act. Pair these with action-oriented words like “subscribe” and “download” to encourage a particular action.
4. Consider your target audience
While “Visit this link” may suit a formal, professional audience, “Check out this link” works for a younger demographic. Be sure to use language and a tone of voice that your customers will understand and relate to.
5. Make your CTA stand out
Your CTA should be eye-catching and easily noticeable so your audience doesn't scroll past it. Use contrasting colors, emojis, bold fonts, and buttons to draw people in.
How AI can help you write better CTAs
Now you know how to write a great call to action, let’s look at how Wordtune’s AI tools can speed up the process.
Shorten text without losing the meaning
A call to action needs to be short and direct, succinctly telling the reader what action to take. Many CTAs are also written on a button, meaning you can only use a few words.
Using the Shorten button in Wordtune Editor can help you create a punchy CTA.
Get Wordtune for Free > Get Wordtune for Free >
Click on the sentence you would like to edit, and press Shorten . The Editor instantly generates alternatives. Notice how Wordtune’s suggestions are more direct, making them easier to understand.
Find alternative words
Whether you’re stuck on which action verb to use or you want to make your CTA’s benefits more descriptive, Wordtune can provide suggestions.
To find alternative synonyms, highlight a particular word and click Rewrite , Casual , or Formal . In this example, I wanted a casual tone for social media, so clicked Casual to generate a list of alternative, informal words.
Use prompts to generate text
Wordtune's Create tool can help you brainstorm and plan your CTA copy.
To generate text, click Create and type in your prompt — no more than 1,000 characters.
AI Prompt: Create persuasive copy to entice customers to download our app to receive 10% off, with a direct call to action.
Using this prompt, Wordtune quickly created an enticing paragraph for me:
Wordtune can generate a specific CTA — “Download our app now” — which can be made into a CTA button. It can also create accompanying text to entice readers. Using the AI-generated copy, you can choose individual sentences to include such as, “With just a few clicks, you can browse our wide selection of products.”
Adjust tone of voice
In addition to suggesting synonyms, Wordtune’s Casual and Formal buttons can alter sentences to match your desired tone.
Here, I clicked the Formal button. In response, Wordtune removed the contraction “you’ll” and made its suggestions more direct, precise, and easy for readers to consume.
A powerful call to action encourages readers to act, whether that’s by engaging with your content, buying your products, or learning more about your services. This can increase website views, sales, and bookings.
Keep your CTA short and direct, explaining in simple language how it will provide value. Ensure the tone aligns with your target audience, and create a sense of urgency to motivate readers to act quickly. Help your CTA stand out against your text by using contrasting colors, emojis, and bold fonts. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be writing eye-catching CTAs in no time.
Want to learn more? Check out our guides on how to create an effective tone of voice to reach your target audience and how to boost readability to write clear, succinct CTAs.
What type of content should include a call to action?
Any content can be an ideal opportunity for a CTA. From social media and blog posts to landing pages, ads, emails and videos.
Where should you place a call to action?
Calls to action are typically placed at the top, bottom, or side of a webpage. Take into account what your readers need to know before acting to find the best placement. For example, place a discount code at the top of your homepage. Or, if you want readers to share your content, it’s best at the end of the page.
Can you use multiple calls to action on a webpage?
With care, multiple calls to action can be used on the same webpage. For example, ask people to subscribe to your email list via a button while also adding a link to download an ebook. The key is to ensure your calls to action are spread out and organized in a way that doesn't overload the reader.
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How To Write a Call to Action That Works [Tips + 6 Examples]
Ready for your marketing campaigns to actually drive results? We’ll show you how to motivate your audience with a killer call to action.
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You know how they say a closed mouth doesn’t get fed? If you want someone to do something, you gotta ask for it. Writing a killer call to action (CTA) is one strategy to get what you want.
Whether you’re trying to get people to buy your products, sign up for your emails, or join your cult, crafting the perfect call to action is essential for success.
But how do you write a call to action that stands out from the crowd and actually drives results? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to motivate with some powerful examples of moving calls to action and tips on writing them yourself.
Bonus: Download a free guide to social advertising and learn the 5 steps to building effective campaigns. No tricks or boring tips—just simple, easy-to-follow instructions that really work.
What is a call to action?
A call to action is a word or phrase that prompts action. It is a marketing term to describe urging your audience to act in a certain way.
A call to action can appear as a clickable button or simply as a piece of text. Call-to-action buttons and phrases can appear at any place in the user journey that you want to direct your audience.
Let’s say you’re trying to sell a pair of shoes on Instagram, and you’re crafting clear social media CTAs . You might have a call to action at the end of your social post caption that says, “Click the link in our bio.” The link in your bio could lead to a product page with information about the shoes on it. The call to action on this page would be an “Add to shopping cart” button.
CTAs aren’t just for social media. They can also appear in emails for an email marketing campaign, on paid ads, at the end of a blog post, and on landing pages.
CTAs are common in print marketing, too — think billboards or flyers that scream “Call Now!”
Examples of common CTAs
You’ll see plenty of CTAs around, but there are a few tried and tested phrases on repeat.
These common CTAs are uncomplicated phrases that tell your user exactly what to do and what they can expect once they follow through. There’s power in simplicity, which is why you’ll see these words used over and over again.
Some of the most common CTAs are:
- Try for free
- Add to cart
- Get started
Why is a good CTA important?
A well-crafted call to action serves as a bridge or a well-lit path. It guides your user where you want them to go. Which, if your business plan is in the right place, will be toward your goals.
A strong CTA will grab customers’ attention and incentivize them to take the decisive step necessary to achieve their goals. Effective CTAs give customers confidence in your business. They can communicate security, trustworthiness, and convenience, all of which can increase conversions or drive traffic where you want it to go.
Calls to action can also combat decision fatigue. When someone has too many options, they can become overwhelmed by choice. CTAs can help cut through decision confusion by giving your reader a direct command. Now, go read the best practices for creating effective CTAs.
Best practices for creating effective CTAs
Much like cutting your bangs, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about creating CTAs. You’ll need to consider things like copywriting, design, visuals, and placement on a webpage.
It might seem like a lot, but we’ve got you covered with the handy best practice list below!
Make it concise and clear
The CTA should be concise and lay out a clear request for the customer, whether that be for them to join a mailing list or purchase a product or service. Don’t write your reader a paragraph with the CTA buried within it; you want them to be able to immediately know where they should go.
Source: Squarespac e
Make it visible
People don’t scour your web page. They don’t read every word, and they certainly don’t like searching for something. If your CTA isn’t immediately obvious, you will lose your viewer’s interest in seconds. Remember, a competitor is likely doing the same thing you are, and your customers are spoilt for choice.
Make your call-to-action buttons or phrases clearly visible on your page. You can tailor your imagery or site design to point to the CTA for added visibility. Take Fashion Nova, for example. Here, the banner model’s body points toward the Shop Now CTA.
Source: Fashion Nova
Use white space
A great way to make sure people can see your CTA is to surround it with white space.
Don’t be scared of white space on your website! It allows your viewers to breathe in between content and can highlight important information.
Surrounding your button CTA with white space makes it pop.
Source: West Elm
Use contrasting or bold colors
Stop signs are red for a reason. They pop out among cityscapes or the countryside because that bright, arresting red isn’t at risk of blending in. Do the same for your CTA button colors.
Keep in mind that you shouldn’t veer away from your brand colors. A secondary brand color can do the job well. (And if you want to know more about brand colors and a consistent style guide , we’ve got you covered.)
Source: McDonald’s
Have well-considered page placement
Where you place your call-to-action buttons matters a great deal. You want to consider the natural flow of your user’s journey. You’ll have some users who immediately want to get shopping or head to the next page, and you’ll have users who want to scroll through your landing page before moving on.
A call to action should be placed under your header and at the bottom of your page. You want to capture people immediately (if they’re willing) and give those who need a bit more time another opportunity to hit that CTA at the bottom.
Source: Squarespace
Write benefit-forward supporting text
Supporting text is the content that comes before or in between your CTAs. It can be blog content, email body copy, the text on your website, or any copy that supports your CTA.
This extra information is your opportunity to show your audience the benefit that befalls them when they click your CTA.
For example, maybe you’re trying to get an audience to sign up for your email newsletter. If you want to convince people to hand over their email addresses, you’ll have to tell them what that newsletter will do for them.
A copywriting newsletter might say something like, “We sift through thousands of copywriting samples and pull only the best for you to repurpose for your own use. Plus, we tell you exactly why they work, so you don’t have to spend time puzzling through strategy. Impress your clients, save time, and look like an expert. Sign up today.”
The supporting copy highlights benefits so the call to action feels extra compelling. The reader knows exactly what to expect when they sign up for the email newsletter and how it will benefit them.
Create thoughtful copywriting
Aside from benefit-forward supporting text, the rest of your copywriting needs to be on point. Everything, from your site headers to your social posts, needs to be in your brand voice and speak directly to your audience.
Don’t forget to pay attention to the language you’re using both in and around your calls to action. Powerful words strike a chord with your audience’s emotions. White-hot CTA copy is an explosive way to skyrocket your ROI. (See what I did there?)
That being said, don’t confuse your audience. While your surrounding text can be full of powerful language, your CTAs need to be clear so your audience knows where they are headed. “Take the Quiz” or “Shop Now” gives your audience everything they need to know about where the button leads.
Source: Qunol
Test, test, and test again
The only way to really know if you’re using the best version of your CTA is to test it. Running A/B tests on your calls to action will show you which strategy performs the best.
It’s a simple method: You change one element (like your copy, placement, or colors) and let it run for a set amount of time. Then, see how it compares to the previous version.
6 great call-to-action examples
Now that you know what to do, it’s time to check out what others are doing! Get inspiration for your next CTA from the examples below.
Oh, how we love a good mystery! Whether it’s a cheesy crime drama or a surprise gift from a company, there’s something about not knowing what you might get that is just so enticing.
Glossier’s “It’s a mystery!” CTA makes us itchy to click that button just to see what’s on the other side.
Source: Glossier
Article uses color to its advantage with the website’s call-to-action buttons. Their secondary brand color is a bright coral, which you can see is used for the “Add to cart” CTA button.
It’s clear, eye-catching, and concise, everything a great CTA button should be.
Source: Article
Coco & Eve
Coco & Eve’s email marketing campaign uses a discount code as a CTA. Who doesn’t love saving money? Incorporating your discount code into your CTA is a clever way to get people to click.
Source: Coco & Eve’s email campaign
While this strategy worked well in Coco & Eve’s email campaign, they ran into CTA limitations on other platforms, like Facebook. If you’re advertising on LinkedIn or Facebook, you’ll know that the apps force you to use a set of standard CTA copy on the buttons.
While this poses some limitations, you can still add supporting text that motivates your audience to click. Below, Coco & Eve included the discount code on the imagery instead, which is just one of many clever ways to go about Facebook advertising .
Source: Coco & Eve on Facebook
Twitter’s “Tweet” CTA uses its own brand-specific language. Before the rise of social media, if you had told someone to tweet something, you’d be met with a blank stare. (We’ve come since 2006, truly.)
To do this yourself, just create a globally-used platform that makes birdsong synonymous with snippets of thought. Easy.
Source: Twitter
Tushy uses social proof as supporting text in its Instagram story ad . The “100,000+ 5 Star reviews” statement below serves to motivate others to grab a Tushy. Social proof is one of those marketing tactics that just works. People look to other people to determine what’s hot and what’s not.
Social proof works a lot like the bandwagon effect , a kind of cognitive bias. The bandwagon effect is pretty much exactly like it sounds; when a majority of people like or endorse something, it’s often picked up by others. And, with 100,000 5-star reviews called out, Tushy is using the bandwagon effect to its full advantage below.
Source: Tushy on Instagram
NatGeo dangles a free trial in its Instagram ad, one of many effective call-to-action ideas you can shamelessly steal. Although, when so many people are doing it and finding success, is it really stealing?
Source: NatGeo on Instagram
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Colleen Christison is a freelance copywriter, copy editor, and brand communications specialist. She spent the first six years of her career in award-winning agencies like Major Tom, writing for social media and websites and developing branding campaigns. Following her agency career, Colleen built her own writing practice, working with brands like Mission Hill Winery, The Prevail Project, and AntiSocial Media.
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5 Keys to End Your Speech with a Great Call-to-Action
Yet many speakers miss a fantastic opportunity with a call-to-action that is wishy-washy, hypothetical, or ill-constructed. Even worse, some speakers omit the call-to-action entirely.
A poor call-to-action undermines the effectiveness of your speech; a great call-to-action stirs your audience to act enthusiastically.
In this article, we reveal the qualities of a strong speech call-to-action which will lead your audience to act.
What is a Speech Call-To-Action?
A speech call-to-action is an explicit appeal to your audience to take a specific action following your speech. A call-to-action is most often made at the conclusion of a persuasive speech.
“ If you have been persuasive and your audience is emotionally invested, the best time for action is now. ”
For example, you might call on your audience to…
- … adopt a new business process
- … sponsor an event
- … attend an event
- … fund a research initiative
- … register to vote
- … join a club
- … train for a marathon
- … read out loud to their children
- … donate money to a charity
- … travel to Saskatchewan
- … buy a fire extinguisher
- … eat more vegetables
- … use public transit
Guidelines for a Strong Speech Call-to-Action
Your call-to-action and your approach to delivering it may vary according to your audience and your speaking style. While there is no rigid formula, there are a number of guidelines which will improve the effectiveness of your call-to-action.
- Make your call-to-action clear and direct.
- Have your audience act quickly.
- Lower barriers to action.
- Focus on benefits for your audience.
- Customize your call-to-action for each person.
1. Make your call-to-action clear and direct.
Don’t hint. Don’t imply. Don’t suggest.
It’s not a whisper-to-think-about- action; it’s a call-to -action.
Use direct language, and eliminate wishy-washy phrases.
- Instead of “Maybe you could think about joining…”, say “Join…”
- Instead of “It would be good to train for…”, say “Train for… “
Don’t assume that your audience will “figure out” what needs to be done. (I have made this mistake in the past and regretted it.) If members of your audience walk out of the room thinking “Wow, this sounds great, but I’m just not sure what to do…”, your call-to-action was not clear enough.
2. Have your audience act quickly.
If you have been persuasive and your audience is emotionally invested, the best time for action is now. The longer it takes to initiate the action, the more likely that your audience will lose motivation.
So, an ideal call-to-action is one which your audience can act on immediately, perhaps even before they leave the room. If this isn’t feasible, then aim for actions which can reasonably be completed (or at least started) within hours or a day or two.
3. Lower barriers to action.
To help your audience act quickly, eliminate as many (trivial or non-trivial) barriers as you can.
For example, ask the following questions about your audience.
- Do they need to sign up? Bring forms and pens and pass them out.
- Do they need to read additional information? Bring handouts, or copies of books, or website references.
- Do they need approval before they can act? Make the first call-to-action to organize the meeting with stakeholders.
- Do they need to pay? Accept as many forms of payment as possible.
A common psychological barrier is the perception that the suggested action is too big or too risky. This is a legitimate concern, and is often best handled by dividing the call-to-action into several small (less risky) actions.
For example, “train for a marathon” may be too large of a call-to-action for a non-runner. A better call-to-action would be to join a running club or train for a shorter race.
4. Focus on benefits for your audience.
“ A poor call-to-action undermines the effectiveness of your speech; a great call-to-action stirs your audience to act enthusiastically. ”
Always frame your call-to-action in the audience’s best interest.
For example, don’t say this:
- What I’d really like you to do is…
- It would make me so happy if you…
- My foundation has set a target of X that we can reach with your help…
Making you (the speaker) happy is (probably) not highly motivating for your audience.
Instead, say this:
- Build your financial wealth by…
- Make your community a safer place to live for yourself and your children by…
- When you volunteer, you build your skills and gain valuable experience…
Surround the call-to-action with a description of how their lives will be improved when they act. Paint a prosperous vision.
5. Customize your call-to-action for each person.
Audiences don’t act; individuals act. Rather than addressing the group as a whole, focus your call-to-action on each individual in your audience.
Suppose your goal is to have a new business process adopted. Each individual in the room may play a different role in accomplishing this.
- For the person who controls the budget, the call-to-action is to allocate the necessary funds.
- For the personnel manager, the call-to-action is to delegate staff to work on the initiative.
- For others, the call-to-action may be to attend in-depth training about the new process.
Audience analysis is critical . If you know who is in your audience, and understand their motivations and capabilities, you will be able to personalize the call-to-action for them.
Put it into Practice
By working on the planning and execution of the call-to-action in your speeches, you’ll become a more persuasive and effective speaker.
Look back to your last persuasive speech.
- Did you make a clear and direct call-to-action?
- Was your audience able to act quickly on it?
- Did you make an extra effort to lower barriers to action?
- Did you highlight the benefits for your audience?
- Did you address individuals rather than the group with a personal call-to-action?
If the answer to any of the above questions was “no”, then how could your call-to-action have been improved?
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Image credit: Megaphone man at the Metro 4 by Hazzat ( CC BY 2.0 )
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This is a great article. I found in it very useful tactics. thanks a lot.
Brilliant!… can’t wait to put into action. thank you
I really like your tips #3 & 4 about focusing on audience benefits and lowering barriers to action.
Not sure how the tip about personalising the call-to-action should work though. Might you have (say) 3 calls to action if there are 3 decision-makers in the audience?
Very useful to my line of work. Thanks. Keep it up
What would be a good call to action for drug abuse?
Thank you, I found this very helpful in some situations. I definitely recommend this.
My teacher sent me here It really helped. Thank you for taking your precious time to make something to help others even though you didn’t have to. It is very much appreciated
Thank you soooo much it really helped me on my essay for school thank you so much .😊😊😊
I am working on reframing a call to action for a speech THANK YOU for the help ahead of time
How do you write a call-to-action about global warming?
I appreciate your six minute articles Thank you
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- 17 Call To Action Examples (+ How to Write the Perfect Social CTA)
October 21, 2022 46 Comments Mark Quadros
A call to action can make or break the success of your social media campaign. If you use the right words, your CTA will inspire your audience to take action — click on your ad, download your ebook, add an item to cart… you name it. On the other hand, if your CTA isn’t catchy and persuasive, your audience will simply scroll past without noticing it.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about social media calls to action : what they are, what makes a CTA successful, and how to craft a persuasive CTA for your next campaign. We’ve also included 17 call to action examples (from social media and beyond) to get you inspired. That’s right: we’ve also included great examples from email campaigns and landing pages — because a good CTA is a good CTA, regardless of where it’s placed.
Let’s jump in!
What is a call to action (CTA)?
A call to action (or CTA) is a text prompt designed to inspire the target audience of a marketing campaign to take a desired action. For example, a call to action can encourage people to click on a link, leave a social media comment, visit an online store, make a purchase, etc.
A call to action can take up different forms:
- Plain text with no link
“Buy Now” or “Download Now” are typical examples of simple calls to action.
But a CTA can run longer, too, such as “Subscribe today so you’ll never miss a post.” The possibilities are endless.
Call to action examples from AdEspresso
A good CTA can help with decision fatigue and give meaning to your content. Even if it’s just a two-word phrase, users need some direction to know what to do next.
CTAs that create a sense of urgency will also help increase conversions .
As long as it encourages potential customers to stay engaged on your site, then your call to action has done its job.
Note that having one CTA highlighted is the most common way. At the same time, some marketers use both primary and secondary call to actions in their marketing. We’ll review some best practices of this later on.
How to write an effective CTA for social media (and beyond)
Social media is all about getting users to click on your posts and ads and engage. However, it’s no longer as easy as it sounds. 22.3% of people using ad blockers say there are “too many ads.”
It’s tough out there.
To combat this, increase your conversions and engagement with a compelling call to action on your ads and elsewhere on the web. Let’s see how you can achieve this.
Use strong action words
Writing short and strong CTAs is not only more persuasive, but it’s also necessary due to the character limits on ads. Start with a verb (“buy”) and follow with an adverb (“now”) or a subject (“ebook”) or both.
Here are two call to action examples to the above statement: “Buy Now” or “Download this ebook now.”
Below are some of the most common call to action verbs broken down by intention. Simply pair them with the offering of your business.
Ecommerce | Buy, Shop, Order, Reserve, Save, Add to Cart, Pick, View |
SaaS conversion | Try, Get Started, Subscribe, Sign Up |
Non-profit conversion | Donate, Commit, Volunteer, Adopt, Give, Support |
Newsletter or community | Subscribe, Join, Sign Up, Refer, |
Freebie giveaway | Download, Get, Grab, Claim, Take advantage of |
General | Learn More, See More, See How, Start, Find Out, Check it Out, Click here, Continue, Swipe Up, |
Tip: check your call to action against the LIFT Model (see below).
If we took our example from above, it would look something like this:
Download = relevance
this ebook = clarity
now = urgency
Download this ebook = value proposition
Use the text surrounding your call to action to:
- Reduce distractions (i.e., remove unnecessary links, images, etc.)
- Ease anxiety (e.g., add the disclaimer “no credit card required”)
Provoke emotion or enthusiasm
If you want to evoke an emotional response in your users, opt for a longer CTA. You’ll need to incorporate more modifiers in this case to get the desired effect.
Here are some examples:
- Add numbers: “Buy now and get 50% off!”
- Add adjectives: “Find your dream home with us!”
- Make a promise: “Lose weight in just 6 weeks!”
- Influence their FOMO: “Limited time offer. Get free shipping!”
- Play up your USP: “Order a hand-made soap now!”
Think up your own
You don’t need to stick to the good old examples, though. Get creative and make up your own call to actions.
First, verbalize to yourself what your company does for its customers (or simply look at your mission statement). For example, I run a spa where people get facial treatments.
Next, transform the verbs and modifiers into a 2-5 word call to action. Add relevant information where necessary → “ Get a free mud mask” or “ Treat yourself today!”
“Period better” – Thinx opted for the unique use of the word “period” as a verb in their CTA.
Tip: nobody gets their CTAs right the first time. Run at least one A/B test (but preferably more) on your ad to evaluate the strength of your call to action.
13 of the Best Call to Action Examples for 2022
In the following section, you’ll see what the techniques mentioned above look like in practice. Steal and customize the best CTA examples for your campaigns!
Facebook Ad CTAs
We’ll examine some Facebook ads with classic call to action examples. They may seem simple at first, but there’s more to uncover than what you see on the surface.
This ad from ClickUp is likely part of a retargeting campaign . Even if you don’t watch the video, the ad copy offers plenty of calls to action on its own.
Why it works
- Same CTA in the headline and the first sentence of the ad = the offer is clear (“Get 15% off”)
- The CTA is supported by objection-handling statements, such as “save 1 day a week”, “guaranteed,” and a list of features
- The “Learn More” call to action button assures the audience that they’ll get more info before committing
2. Shaw Academy
Can you spot all the call to actions in this Facebook ad? Hint: there are at least seven. Every element is coordinated here to instill a sense of urgency in the audience. Take note of the exploding colors, the alarm emoji, the many exclamation marks, and the multiple CTAs.
- Beautiful, contrasting colors with a CTA that stands out
- Multiple call to actions
- Sense of urgency to take action
Babbel is a language learning app that comes at you strong with various CTAs for their Facebook offer. It works because even if you don’t know this app, it quickly establishes a trust factor (“over 500,000 5-star reviews”). The post then draws you in with an attractive offer.
- The primary call to action is clear and direct: “Get up to 60% off!”
- They use the “Get Offer” CTA button to instill a sense of gratification in the audience
- Including the action word “join” + the number of reviews in the same sentence is a way to evoke the feeling of belonging to a community
4. Hootsuite
Hootsuite keeps it brief and concise with a few very targeted CTAs.
- All the call to actions are focused at the bottom while benefits are at the top of the post
- The “Learn More” CTA button leaves any extra info for the landing page
Instagram Ad CTAs
Sure, “swipe up” is available on Instagram ads, but you can get more clever than that. Below are some creative call to action examples for your Insta campaigns.
5. Headspace
Headspace’s Instagram ad is the perfect example of a custom-made call to action. “Snuggle up to Headspace” evokes a cozy feeling in users and personalizes the brand. Words like “snuggle” fit into the category of sensory words .
- They (smartly) opt to draw attention to the custom-made CTA and leave the “Get 30% off” as a secondary CTA
- They use the CTA button “Subscribe” after that to make it clear how that snuggling up will happen
- Coupled with a sweet, serene image, the whole CTA experience feels more like a gentle nudge for meditation and less like an ad
6. Elementor
As an event-type ad, Elementor gets it right. It displays all the key information regarding the event (name, speakers, date, and time).
Why it works:
- The two most eye-catching elements on the ad are the headline and the call to action button. They both have the same contrasting colors that stand out against the dark background.
- Both call to action buttons (‘Save Your Seat’ and ‘Book now’) are very concise and direct
- The old-school flair of the ‘save’ icon next to the CTA button works well with the target audience (likely consisting of more technical people)
7. Nøie Skincare
You have probably seen call to action examples like this in the advertising strategy of ecommerce brands. The main goal is to sell. At the same time, the ad focuses on the experience instead of rushing to take the user to a web page. In this case, “Shop Now” is the type of CTA that is direct, yet, the ad copy does most of the selling.
- The emphasis is on the product experience, which makes having just one call to action sufficient
- “Shop Now” is direct and to the point. The prospective customers know where they will be taken from the post
8. VAI Course
Esther Inman’s VAI Course ad keeps it fresh with the colors and a simple call to action button.
- The CTA text on the ad itself boasts about its main USP: the user gets a remote job pack every Friday
- The “See More” call to action button leaves the audience at ease knowing that they can still learn more about the product before signing up
Email conversion rates can soar as high as 15% . Take a look at the following email call to action examples from some brands who are doing it right.
9. Black Illustrations
Design agency, Black Illustrations prefers to use multiple CTAs in their email marketing. You can run your own test on this strategy, but it makes sense to include a few secondary call to action buttons if you have a relatively long email. Black Illustrations also adds a hyperlinked CTA to further help guide users to take action.
- Multiple CTA buttons (and hyperlinks) in a long email can increase your conversion rates.
- “Free with a subscription” stands out and keeps the main message clear for the user
- The color choice for the button works well with the brand yet still stands out
10. Audiense
The audience analysis tool, Audiense, prefers the long CTA route in their email marketing. Phrases like “show me…” or “take me to…” create a clear value proposition and helps the user feel in control.
- Using multiple words and first-person phrasing in your call to action could increase your relatability and CTR
- Users get a better sense of the type of page that awaits them after clicking
- When using a long-form CTA, you get to test a wider variety of versions
Landing page CTAs
Landing pages are great subjects to run a CTA test or two on. Below are some great call to action examples for your next campaign.
11. Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss’s email sign-up landing page is as minimalistic as it gets. No top menu, no links, or other distracting web components.
- The distraction-free page keeps the focus on the main CTA: to sign up for the newsletter
- The black headline and black CTA button provide a striking contrast to the white background
- “Get access” is a great call to action to use if you want to establish the feeling of receiving exclusive content in the user
Joy is a Canadian company that offers a razor subscription service for women. Their landing page is concise and fits all information to the visible area. The CTA button stands out as it’s the darkest element on the page.
- The contrasting color of the button helps users easily navigate to the next step
- The CTA copy itself follows ecommerce best practices: “add to cart” is an easy-to-recognize button in the industry
- The small-cap lettering (which fits the brand) lends a unique look to an otherwise highly used CTA
13. Leadfeeder
Leadfeeder’s own lead-generation landing page is simple with a clear value proposition. On the left, you get a summary of the ebook. On the right, you will need to provide some basic info and then click “Get the Guide” to submit your request.
- The CTA button is the only green item on the page
- “Get the Guide” engages the users with a clear offer
Website CTAs
Your landing pages may be the focus of your ad strategy. Still, it’s necessary to create a homepage with just as much converting power. Meet a few thought-out CTA examples below for your website!
14. Touchland
Touchland is here to sanitize your hands without making a mess. The “checklist” on the left (keys, wallet, phone, touchland) is cheeky. It’s a clever storytelling technique to place visitors into a familiar scenario while introducing the product.
- “Get yours” implies that a lot of people already have one – you will only fit in if you get yours
- The transparent call to action button gives the website an airy feel to it, which is on track for a business that sells a mist
With COVID-19 restrictions coming and going, travel sites like Airbnb have to develop ways to stay top of mind. They achieve this by featuring a wishlist of outdoor spaces and a dreamy illustration on their website.
- “Get inspired” is a soft CTA that invites the user to explore ideas for future travel (and remarketing)
- The call to action button itself stands out against the pastel-colored background
16. Smartlook
Smartlook is a user behavior analysis tool. They closely follow website best practices by placing a “hero” section above the fold (tagline+description+CTA). The main goal of the site is to prompt visitors to sign up for a free trial.
- The colorful call to action button provides a stark contrast against the grey and blue background – an immediate eye-catcher
- Using red and yellow colors on the button evokes a mixture of excitement and optimism in hesitant visitors
- The copy on the button says “Create free account” and the supporting text underneath is “No credit card required.” Both copies aim to overcome the subconscious objections of prospective users (Will it cost me anything? Will they charge my credit card?)
17. Ecom World
Ecom World is the website for “The World’s Largest Ecommerce Event.” They placed all of the most important info above the fold: what+when+where+the CTA.
- The call to action button coordinates well with the rest of the design elements. Throughout the site, the most crucial info tends to be highlighted in black.
- Multiple CTAs could increase conversions . Here, the “Buy Tickets” CTA appears three times above the fold alone (main navigation, in the hero, and in the sticky nanobar)
CTA buttons: Why they matter & how to use them
You can — and should — use CTAs on all types of marketing materials and on every platform you’re marketing on. This includes PPC ads of course, but it also includes landing pages, websites, blogs, newsletters, emails, and more. Sometimes, this means that you just need to stick to a plain-text CTA that’s possibly hyperlinked.
In plenty of cases, though, there’s a good chance that you would benefit significantly from clickable CTA buttons.
That’s why even Facebook has short, clickable CTA buttons that you can add to every ad campaign, and why you’ll see so many landing pages with bright “Sign Up Now!” text in a big yellow button. Clickable CTA buttons specifically have been proven many times over to increase conversion rates significantly. One study found that adding a CTA button to their article templates increased conversions by 83%, and it boosted ecommerce conversions by 22%. Copyblogger found something similar; when their CTAs looked like buttons instead of plain text, they saw a conversion rate increase of 45% .
Let’s take a look at a few best practices for CTA buttons and how to use them in ads and on your site (including site pages, landing pages, and even your blog.
Facebook Ads
You know we had to start with Facebook Ads!
For a few years now, Facebook has had clickable CTA buttons built into the native interface. Button options include “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” “Download,” “Send Message,” and more. The idea is that you can use these CTA buttons to reinforce your ads, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
You should absolutely always include a CTA button on your ad campaigns in addition to using a CTA in the headline and/or description copy, too. Users intuitively are more likely to click when they see that button prompting them to take action without even realizing it.
Remember to tailor your CTA based on the ad that you’re running and the stage of the funnel that you’re targeting. Opting for “learn more” for users earlier in the funnel can feel lower-risk and less pressure than starting with a “Shop Now,” but this depends on the ad and the audience.
And if you’re wondering if these CTAs matter, know that they most definitely do. AdEspresso recently ran a $1000 experiment testing different types of CTA buttons on Facebook Ads to see what was most successful – and the result was astounding.
Overall, the top performer (Download) gained 49 conversions for $5.10 each, while the worst performing CTA (no button at all) achieved only 20 conversions at $12.50.
This means that you can end up paying more than twice as much for a conversion depending on the CTA you choose – something we would have never figured out without split testing.
We recommend testing out your CTA buttons using our internal split test engine to see which your audience responds to. This will allow you to test every possible combination of CTAs, and allow you to easily determine which is giving you the most conversions for the cheapest price.
AdEspresso can even automatically pause your underperforming combinations using our Automatic Optimization feature , taking the guesswork out of campaign management altogether.
Your Website & Landing Pages
It’s always a good idea to use clickable CTA buttons to help users navigate through your site and to take certain actions. This is important both for your general website and your landing pages, too.
You can use these buttons to prioritize certain actions or to take users through typical paths that users follow when they’re most likely to convert. (On my site, for example, Google Analytics has shown that people who visit my portfolio page first are 6x more likely to get in touch with me than those who just view my contact page first.)
On landing pages and the home page of your website, you’ll want to make sure that the CTA button meets the following criteria:
- It uses contrasting colors to jump out at the user.
- It’s clearly a clickable button designed to improve navigation.
- It utilizes brief copy on the button itself but is often surrounded by copy that adds context and makes it more persuasive (like the example above).
- It should appear above the fold on the page, meaning that users can see at least one CTA button before they’d need to scroll down to see more information on the page. Make sure you take this into account on both desktop and mobile sites.
When you’re creating landing pages and site pages, remember to test them. Most people don’t realize that you can test site pages just like you would PPC campaigns when you’re using tools like Unbounce . Test different types of CTA copy, different placements, or even different colored buttons. Look for what works best, and optimize your pages accordingly. You can learn more about how to do this by checking out our $1000 case study here .
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February 21, 2018 at 9:03 pm
March 14, 2018 at 1:14 am
What a list! Huge! Thanks for sharing such an incredible list. Either way, keep doing good work!
July 10, 2018 at 2:14 pm
My name is Kevin and I am a Senior Project Manager at IdeaPros, a company that turns ideas into real life businesses – similar to an incubator. Our team consists of experienced professionals, which have the capacity to turn any idea into a successful business. There is one aspect that we are lacking, which is the copywriting and compelling call to actions for landing pages/websites. We need someone that has experience in creating compelling call to actions and copywriting in order to intrigue customers/visitors to purchase a product.
Our company has over 120 clients, which is growing everyday. We are a high-caliber company with constantly growing client list.
We are looking for a marketing professional to refine the copy and call to actions on the websites that we make. From describing the product to creating simple sentences, we need someone to produce this content. There will be numerous projects a week and the work will never end, hence we will negotiate a price that is fair for the long run. Please let me know.
Warm Regards, Kevin Nguyen IdeaPros | Senior Project Manager [email protected]
July 11, 2018 at 11:18 am
Hey Kevin, I think this FREE webinar can be very helpful More Than Words: How To Write the Perfect Facebook Ads Copy It will go live on Tuesday, July 17th, at 10 am (PST). Mark it on your calendar and reserve your spot now by clicking here !
August 9, 2018 at 9:38 pm
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September 15, 2018 at 4:01 am
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November 15, 2018 at 9:33 am
Very informative article with good reference. Very useful and informative for front end designers. Keep up the good work.
October 10, 2021 at 2:53 am
Can we have updated version of this article. Web has changed a lot since this was published first. Thanks
November 29, 2018 at 10:44 am
Thanks much, practical suggestions.
December 15, 2018 at 10:28 am
Thanks for the nice article, Ana. Just wondering whether the rules are sort of persisting or a fashion thing. If everyone is doing it the same way, won’t readers get fed up with it and resist the CTA? By the way, Happy New Year!
December 29, 2018 at 3:42 pm
Excellent article! Thanks for sharing exceptional value-added content.
January 8, 2019 at 1:33 am
thanks to sharing this very good article about call to action good examples ..good job
January 8, 2019 at 1:35 am
the wonderful information call to action thank you so much great job thank you
January 16, 2019 at 8:01 am
Thanks for sharing!
January 17, 2019 at 7:29 am
Hi Buddy, thanks for the nice and informational post… Loved it!
February 3, 2019 at 7:29 am
Thank you for sharing this valuable information which is easy to implement.
March 2, 2019 at 4:17 am
Excellent information
April 9, 2019 at 11:45 pm
great post on CTA
April 11, 2019 at 11:53 pm
These CTA examples are very useful.
April 15, 2019 at 10:45 am
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April 17, 2019 at 10:09 am
Loved your article!!! Very detail explanation, thanks for sharing the information! I need to try it now 🙂
April 20, 2019 at 4:31 am
I am continually browsing online for ideas that can help me. Thank you! http://rahuldigital.org
April 21, 2019 at 10:48 pm
Nice information. Thanks
April 30, 2019 at 4:41 am
Amazing article – it is good to know, that other websites also name small details as the most crucial ones. We can see, that every step requires personalization, that is the reason why we created unique CTA phrases generator – http://www.ctagenerator.com
July 4, 2019 at 1:36 am
Hey Ana, I want to thank you for shariing your knowledge with us. I really appreciate you for such a great post. You have provided lots of information in an easy and understandable way.
September 20, 2019 at 10:33 am
Thanks for sharing such awesome call to action examples just loved it. definitely going to try these example in our next campagin.
November 9, 2019 at 4:10 am
A call to action is an invitation for a user to take some desired action. You often see call to action examples in persuasive writing. Once a brand has made its case in a blog post or video, for instance, they’ll often include a call to action at the end.
November 30, 2019 at 6:53 am
One of the best uses of FOMO in your CTA is to mention a sale or promotion that your company is holding, and which won’t last forever. You probably get emails with this sort of messaging all the time, I know I sure do. I’m talking about messaging like “Shop today! Sale ends on Monday,” perhaps during a three-day weekend. Or even “buy now while supplies last!” during the holiday season. It’s tough to ignore a prompt like that, especially during a time-sensitive, under-the-gun type of situation (e.g. the Christmas season). Similar to provoking enthusiasm as we discussed earlier, provoking fear of missing out in your CTA is sure to get you some additional clicks.
December 21, 2019 at 2:00 am
Getting the balance of ‘you’ and ‘us’ is important everywhere else in your website (and emails!). (Re #37 above)
January 24, 2020 at 3:14 am
Great post always testing different CTA on both Facebook and Adwords to see what can improve CTR and Conversions. The examples above are highly useful to get me thinking more creatively.
March 7, 2020 at 12:53 pm
Do you have a preferred call-to-action, or perhaps one that surprised you with how well it did? What about one that you were hoping would perform well but ended up bombing? I’d love to hear about it, so feel free to sound off below!
May 20, 2020 at 6:02 pm
I used CRO based CTR label variations with button colors and it helped me to improve leads.
June 7, 2020 at 11:31 am
informative article, thanks for sharing this article.
June 11, 2020 at 10:02 pm
Nice post I learned a lot here thanks.
June 19, 2020 at 2:20 am
Thanks for sharing such awesome call to action examples. you have explained it very will. i have also written on same you can visit my website: Hestabit
July 24, 2020 at 9:01 pm
This list is just what I was looking for. I was in need of a CTA for my ad I was doing so this was timely. Thanks!
January 26, 2021 at 10:38 pm
Absolutely useful article, I’m crafting my first landing page and I so need it.
February 13, 2021 at 2:42 am
You have a very good list of CTA examples here. Thank for working hard to provide these example with great explanations.
May 16, 2021 at 12:51 am
Very much useful article, I have been using this, But in different industries it’s very much useful.
Thanks again.
May 18, 2021 at 6:36 am
Having the right CTA can make all the difference to your business’s bottom line.
May 18, 2021 at 8:23 am
CTAs have always been a weak spot, but this is super helpful. Thanks!
[…] Almost all of your marketing content should have a well-crafted call to actions meant to encourage action. https://adespresso.com/blog/call-to-action-examples/ […]
[…] Call to Action […]
[…] to https://adespresso.com/blog/call-to-action-examples/ you cant just have any call to action, it must be strong enough so people will be convinced enough […]
[…] put a cap on this, without a call to action on your visual content, you risk drawing zero leads to your brand. Your CTA must not be less than three words. Even more […]
[…] 31 Call To Action Examples (And How to Write the Perfect One) https://adespresso.com/blog/call-to-action-examples/ […]
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Call To Action In Writing: 7 Powerful Examples
Careful attention to CTA (call to action) copywriting is the difference between brands that drive conversions and those that only drive traffic.
Brands that slap a “Buy Now” button on a page and call it a day wonder why their campaigns fail to convert. Companies that engage in strategic CTA testing continue to drive success metrics like CTR (click-through rate) up and to the right.
CTA testing is paramount because it’s not always obvious what needs to happen for your business. Landing page platform Unbounce boosted conversion rates by 90% by changing their CTA copy from “Start your 30-day trial” to “Start my free 30-day trial.”
In this article, we’ll explore seven powerful CTA examples from high-performing companies. You’ll learn what makes them so convincing so that you can apply these lessons in your own CTA writing.
Table of contents
- CTAs drive the buying journey
- Use Voice of Customer research to understand buyer goals
Start with an imperative (command verb)
- Leverage power words to build excitement
- 1. Pipedrive removes barriers to conversion
2. ActiveCampaign makes it clear what customers are signing up for
3. wordable talks results.
- 4. Jasper speaks directly to a common pain point
5. Emma builds intrigue by keeping it concise
6. betterhelp solves three objections in just three words.
- 7. ClickUp backs up its claim with a compelling guarantee
What is a call to action in writing?
Your call to action is the prompt you give readers or users to take a desired action.
That action might be to:
- Download an ebook or guide;
- Sign up for a free trial;
- Register for an upcoming webinar;
- Browse products in your online store;
- Book a sales demonstration.
CTAs are a critical component of marketing material. It’s the point where you tell your reader to do something.
CXL use them on landing pages to invite customers to trial top marketing courses:
SEO tool Clearscope invites users to join their Director of SEO in a webinar.
And revenue intelligence platform Gong uses CTAs at the end of blog posts to guide readers to additional content they may find valuable:
At the most basic level, these CTAs exist to give customers their next step in the buying journey.
CTAs drive the buying journey
A CTA in a brand awareness campaign will look entirely different from a CTA meant to drive sales at the bottom of the funnel.
Take this post from Mailchimp on email marketing benchmarks. Most readers will land on this page after searching for “email marketing benchmarks” on Google.
Mailchimp knows, then, that the user’s search intent is to learn more about the subject of email marketing, not about Mailchimp and its features.
So, the CTA at the bottom of this blog post directs readers to related concepts, several of which are more prescriptive and action-focused than email marketing benchmarks (a powerful way to build value for the customer and to establish your brand as an authority).
Strong CTAs go beyond “buy now”
The traditional answer as to why CTAs are important is that “customers don’t take action unless they’re told what to do.”
While this is true, it’s not the whole story. A strong call to action doesn’t just provide a path forward but removes any barriers or objections.
Consider the CTA “Sign up now” on a SaaS product landing page. This raises several buyer objections:
- Do I have to pay?
- How much does it cost?
- Am I locked into a contract?
- How long is the contract?
- What payment methods are available?
Effective CTA writing can overcome these objections simply by altering the wording.
Copper uses the copy “Try Free” to preempt and solve these objections.
The word “Free” eliminates any concerns about cost, and the addition of the term “Try” implies a trial period, so there is no risk of signing up for a lengthy contract.
How to write a call to action that converts
CTA writing is a form of persuasive writing . Your goal is to convince readers to take a given action in as few words as possible.
A strong understanding of buyer psychology and buyer intelligence will be helpful here. You can also fast-track results with these CTA writing techniques.
Use Voice of Customer research to understand buyer goals
Voice of Customer research uses qualitative and quantitative research to uncover the wants and needs of buyers in their own words.
Then, you’ll use these insights verbatim (or close to) in your marketing material to resonate with customer desires.
This is how Copyhackers wrote Beachway Therapy Center’s landing page to drive 400% more click-throughs on the CTA.
The group mined Amazon addiction book reviews to learn about wants and pains and note memorable phrases.
Within those reviews, they caught recurring themes and identified the messaging that resonates with their customer base. The group then applied that copy to the landing page.
Messaging strategy agency Make Mention learned that the CTA for their client, “Start with the first hour free,” was asking for too much too soon.
The group conducted online and email surveys and learned that users struggled to understand the course’s value and encountered friction because objections weren’t addressed.
Make Mention redid the page, injecting several phrases from the customers’ vocabulary, including:
- “practical exercises”;
- “getting your first developer job.”
They also directed the CTA button to lead to an alternative page where customers can learn more about the course.
Make Mention helped customers get more information before asking for the sale, and critically, they used the language customers use. This tweak boosted conversions on the CTA button by over 66%, leading to more check-outs from the Curriculum page than the Pricing page.
A good general rule to follow in CTA writing is to always start with an imperative. Imperatives are action words; they tell the reader to do something.
Powerful examples of action phrases include:
- Learn;
SparkToro demonstrates two examples of imperatives in action with their buttons: “Try SparkToro for free” and “See Pricing.”
Preempt and eliminate objections
Effective call to action writing preempts objections and eliminates them early.
Take Buzzsumo , which clarifies that new users don’t have to pay a cent for 30 days, obliterating worries about forgetting they’ve started the trial and purchasing accidentally.
The most common objections you’ll face are:
- Cost (Is there one? And if so, how much?);
- Time (How long is this going to take?);
- Commitment (Am I locked into anything?).
For cost objections, use terms like “free” and “no credit card required” to clarify that there is no cost involved.
For time objections, phrases like “instantly,” “in 2 minutes,” and “now” communicate that the action will take place quickly.
Solve commitment objections by clearly outlining the trial length (“Try free for 14 days”) or with terms like “free forever” and “no credit card.”
Leverage power words to build excitement
Command words tell readers what to do. Power words make them feel excited about doing it. Combining the two is what motivates users to take action.
Examples of convincing power words to use in your CTA writing include:
- Classified;
- Minimalist;
- Irresistible;
- Effortless.
For example, GAP uses the term “unique” to encourage users to sign up for their mailing list (in exchange for a 25% discount).
Create a sense of urgency to inspire immediate action
Great call to action writing inspires readers to take action now . When done well, they create buyer FOMO (fear of missing out), motivating website visitors to act immediately.
Words like “now,” “instantly,” “limited time,” and “today” are a good starting point but are best supplemented with urgent imperatives like “seize,” “gain,” and “access.”
Youprenuer combines the imperative “Get” with the urgency-building power word “Instant” to build a compelling CTA for their email list.
Use mystery to generate curiosity
In certain cases, you’ll want to avoid mystery altogether. For instance, when crafting a CTA designed to motivate readers to sign up for a free trial, we want to clarify what customers are getting into.
But curiosity can work in our favor for downloadable content like ebooks and guides.
Terms like “discover,” “see what’s inside,” and “get the secrets” are powerful curiosity-builders that can help motivate readers to hand over their email addresses in exchange for the promised value.
“Explore” is a great example of a curiosity-building word to include in your CTAs, as demonstrated by premium vodka brand Grey Goose .
Back up your claims with social proof
CTA copy doesn’t need to sit on its own.
Great CTA writers supplement copy with social proof (testimonials, reviews, logos) to give more gravity to their message and build trust with skeptical buyers.
Juro , for example, supplements their “book a demo” CTA with review ratings from Capterra and G2.
7 impressive calls to action (and why they work so well)
Ultimately, A/B testing and experimentation will help you uncover your purpose’s perfect call to action.
Use these examples as a jumping-off point, and tweak and test as appropriate.
1. Pipedrive removes barriers to conversion
One of the biggest factors preventing readers from converting is the unknown. When faced with a CTA like “Start now,” customers wonder internally:
- What’s involved in starting?
- Do I need to get my credit card out?
- What exactly am I committing to?
You can solve these objections before they arise with careful copywriting.
Pipedrive’s homepage CTA section is a powerful example of this.
The green “Start free” call to action button immediately tells readers there’s no cost involved. The supplementary “No credit card required” copy below also helps users overcome this objection.
The addition of the simple “Full access” answers the question, “But am I just signing up to a limited version, and will I need to pay to access more sophisticated features?”
Lastly, Pipedrive does a great job of communicating why readers should click that CTA button (because Pipedrive users close 28% more deals after their first year using the CRM).
Takeaways from Pipedrive’s CTA example:
- Incorporate terms like “free” and “no credit card” to solve cost objections;
- Make it clear to users what they’re signing up for (e.g., full platform access);
- Use compelling social proof to communicate the why (answer the question, “What’s in it for me?”.
Average CTA writing leaves readers guessing:
- What am I signing up for exactly?
- What happens next?
- What if I don’t like what I see?
- Am I going to get hounded by a sales rep?
Strong CTA writing makes a reader’s next steps abundantly clear.
Take ActiveCampaign .
The exit popup on their email marketing product page aims to capture a reader’s interest (and email address) before they leave ActiveCampaign’s site.
A simple “Download our guide” wouldn’t be sufficient. Those who leave a landing page without clicking an in-page CTA are clearly unconvinced, so any copy in an exit popup must be especially persuasive.
ActiveCampaign nails this in their header copy.
“Use these 6 emails for your welcome series” tells readers precisely what they’ll receive.
The use of the term “free” in the body copy eliminates cost objections, and the addition of the bracketed “to get more sales w/o more work” puts the offer in the context of the result, answering the reader’s question, “What’s in it for me?”
“Send me the free guide” (the copy in the CTA itself) is reader-focused (written in first person) and reiterates that there’s nothing to lose as the guide is free.
Lastly, the copy below the CTA button (“We do not sell or share your information with anyone”) works to convince even the most skeptical reader that they’re signing up for a safe offer.
Takeaways from ActiveCampaign’s CTA example:
- Make it abundantly clear what readers are going to receive;
- Solves the cost objection by doubling down on terms like “free”;
- Put your offer in the context of results (answer “What’s in it for me?”);
- Assure readers that their personal information will remain anonymous and won’t be sold or shared.
Vague, convoluted statements (“Helping ambitious creators design better futures”) don’t convert.
Concise, solution-focused calls to action that speak directly to outcomes (in your customers’ language) do.
Take Wordable , a platform that connects Google Docs with WordPress, HubSpot, and Medium, allowing high-volume content producers to publish to their blog in seconds.
Wordable doesn’t waste time telling readers how they’ll “Streamline and transform their content operations processes.” Instead, they jump straight to results:
- Publish in just one click;
- Export in seconds rather than hours;
- Cut back on VA or employee costs;
- Save as much as 100 hours per week in publishing time.
Then, Wordable delivers a persuasive offer, five free exports (notice the imperative “Get” kicking off the CTA copy), and eliminates any commitment objections by including the phrase “No credit card required.”
Prospects who read this CTA (and accompanying copy) aren’t left wondering what Wordable can do for them. They know exactly what problem it will solve and the results they can expect from hitting that CTA button.
Takeaways from Wordable’s CTA example:
- Speak your customers’ language (and avoid convoluted, vague, jargon-filled copy);
- Get straight to the results (What outcomes can your customer expect?);
- Back up “free” usage claims and solve commitment objectives by not requiring a credit card.
4. Jasper speaks directly to a common pain point
Though actual figures are hard to come by, marketers estimate that the average consumer sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads per day .
Unsurprisingly, users see a large chunk of these ads ( 33% ) on social media platforms.
If you’re going to stand out from the other 3000+ ads your audience sees on these sites, you need to connect directly with their most critical challenges.
Take Jasper , an AI copywriting assistant.
Jasper’s Facebook ad speaks directly to a target audience pain point: content marketing is a time-consuming, labor-intensive process.
The video used in this digital ad is effective in and of itself (it shows the product in action, overlaid with a simple message “Write 10x faster”), but the copy below is what makes this a good CTA example:
“Create high-quality articles in seconds.”
First, Jasper begins with the action verb “create” before describing the desired outcome (high-quality articles) and the compelling benefit of their product (in seconds).
In just six words, Jasper communicates how its platform solves a common challenge for ecommerce site owners, social media managers, and digital marketing professionals.
Takeaways from Jasper’s CTA example:
- Identify a pain point that resonates with potential customers;
- Communicate how you’ll solve that pain point (i.e., your value proposition);
- Describe this benefit concisely, putting the reader as the subject.
Often, the best call-to-action examples are those that are concise. This is an especially powerful technique when writing CTAs designed to promote downloadable content such as guides, ebooks, and checklists, as it can double as an intrigue-builder.
Take email marketing platform Emma , whose simple CTA “See How” is a compelling example of how much you can achieve with just two words.
Of course, this CTA is only effective in the context of what you’ve said before:
- Your email marketing campaigns can be better (probably);
- We’re going to give you a framework for improving them.
This is an intriguing proposition (readers are asking, “Can I get more from my existing email list?”).
The call to action “See How” builds on this intrigue, inviting readers to click through and answer the question themselves.
Takeaways from Emma’s CTA example:
- Introduce a common problem;
- Imply that you’ll help readers solve it;
- Keep your CTA copy short and sweet to leverage that curiosity.
Skilled CTA writers understand how readers will respond to an offer and what objections or roadblocks will appear to prevent conversion.
Then, they address these objections directly in their copy.
Take BetterHelp , an online therapy platform that uses social media advertising in its demand generation strategy .
The intention of the above ad isn’t to convert readers into paid subscribers. It’s simply to convince ad viewers to click through to BetterHelp’s website and learn more about their product.
But, BetterHelp knows that while this is a low-commitment ask, prospective customers will have many concerns:
- What will others think if they find out I’m using online therapy?
- I’m busy. I don’t think it will fit around my schedule.
- Isn’t therapy usually super expensive?
BetterHelp solves all three objections using just three words:
- Discreet (Nobody will even know I’m using BetterHelp).
- Convenient (Therapy appointments are flexible).
- Affordable (BetterHelp is more cost-effective than traditional therapy solutions).
In this example, these three words supplement the actual call to action copy, “Online Therapy on Your Schedule,” reiterating that BetterHelp’s therapists are flexible about appointment times.
Takeaways from BetterHelp’s CTA example:
- Put yourself in the reader’s shoes: What concerns might they have that could prevent them from converting?
- Ask: What can we communicate that would quell these concerns?
- Test: What’s the best word (or phrase) to communicate that with as few words as possible?
7. ClickUp backs up its claim with a compelling guarantee
Convincing calls to action often make impressive claims.
But today’s consumers aren’t easily convinced, so if you make bold claims, be prepared to back them up.
Take ClickUp , which guarantees new users will save one day every week.
That’s a big promise, but ClickUp backs it up by providing context to their claim (we analyzed over 4,000 teams) and supplementing the popup ad with several impressive logos (Samsung, Netflix, IBM.)
But the real winner here is ClickUp’s CTA copy.
“Get More Time” is all about the result. It’s not about what ClickUp wants (“Sign up today”). It’s about what the customer needs .
Takeaways from ClickUp’s CTA example:
- If you’re going to make a bold claim, be prepared to back it up;
- Use customer logos as social proof to back up such statements;
- Frame your CTA copy from the customer’s perspective, not yours.
These call-to-action examples are a solid starting point for designing high-performing CTAs that resonate with your own audience. What works for these brands may not work for yours, so it’s always better to hypothesize and test.
CTAs that convert at high rates come from strategic experimentation. This is the only way to determine whether the word “Get” performs better than “Sign up” or “Access” for a given call to action. And it’s one of the best ways to see real business growth . Check out our A/B testing tutorial today, and become a CTA testing pro.
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Josh Krissansen
Josh is a Content Specialist at Grizzle, a content marketing & SEO agency, and a freelance content writer for B2B clients in the SaaS space.
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For a marketing agency, leveraging a call to action is essential to drive conversions and increase sales. By creating a clear and concise CTA, the agency can ensure that the audience understands the desired action and is motivated to take it. Additionally, the agency can use different types of CTAs, such as buttons, banners, and pop-ups, to ensure that the message is seen and acted upon. With the right call to action, a marketing agency can maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and drive more conversions.
Table of Contents
What is a call to action, benefits of using a call to action, types of calls to action, how to create an effective call to action.
- Best Practices for Leveraging a Call to Action
Key Takeaways
- A Call to Action is a prompt that encourages a user to take a specific action
- Benefits of using a Call to Action include increased engagement, improved user experience , and increased conversions
- Types of Calls to Action include buttons, links, forms, and more
- Creating an effective Call to Action involves using actionable language, making it visible, and providing a sense of urgency
- Best Practices for Leveraging a Call to Action include testing different versions, using contrasting colors, and using directional cues
When crafting a call to action, it is important to consider the audience and the desired outcome. The CTA should be tailored to the target audience and should be clear and concise . Additionally, the CTA should be placed in a prominent location, such as the top of the page or in the middle of the page, to ensure that it is seen and acted upon.
When creating a CTA, it is important to use language that is direct and action-oriented. For example, instead of saying “learn more”, use “ sign up now ” or “ buy now ”. Additionally, it is important to use language that is specific and relevant to the audience. For example, if the audience is looking for a specific product, use language that reflects that, such as “ get the new iPhone now ”.
Marketing agencies should also consider the following when crafting a call to action:
- Use a strong, action-oriented verb : Use words such as “buy”, “sign up”, or “download” to encourage the audience to take the desired action.
- Keep it short and simple : Keep the CTA short and to the point to ensure that the audience understands the desired action.
- Make it visually appealing : Use colors, fonts, and images to make the CTA stand out and draw attention.
- Test and optimize : Test different versions of the CTA to determine which one is most effective.
By leveraging a clear and concise call to action, marketing agencies can ensure that their campaigns are successful and drive more conversions. With the right CTA, the agency can maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and drive more sales.
Using a call to action can be a powerful tool for marketing agencies to drive conversions and increase sales. A well-crafted CTA can help to engage the audience and encourage them to take the desired action. Here are some of the benefits of using a call to action:
- Increased conversions: A well-crafted CTA can help to drive more conversions by encouraging the audience to take the desired action.
- Improved engagement: A CTA can help to engage the audience and keep them on the page longer.
- Increased sales: By driving more conversions, a CTA can help to increase sales and generate more revenue.
- Improved ROI: By driving more conversions, a CTA can help to improve the return on investment for the marketing agency.
- Increased brand awareness : A CTA can help to increase brand awareness by driving more traffic to the website.
By leveraging a call to action, marketing agencies can ensure that their campaigns are successful and drive more conversions. With the right CTA, the agency can maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and drive more sales.
When it comes to creating a successful call to action, there are a few different types that marketing agencies can use. Here are some of the most common types of calls to action:
- Button CTA: A button CTA is a call to action that is placed in the form of a button. This type of CTA is often used to encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free ebook.
- Text CTA: A text CTA is a call to action that is placed in the form of text. This type of CTA is often used to encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free ebook.
- Image CTA: An image CTA is a call to action that is placed in the form of an image. This type of CTA is often used to encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free ebook.
- Video CTA: A video CTA is a call to action that is placed in the form of a video. This type of CTA is often used to encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free ebook.
- Pop-up CTA: A pop-up CTA is a call to action that is placed in the form of a pop-up. This type of CTA is often used to encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free ebook.
By leveraging the right type of call to action, marketing agencies can ensure that their campaigns are successful and drive more conversions. With the right CTA, the agency can maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and drive more sales.
Creating an effective call to action is essential for any successful marketing campaign . To ensure that your CTA is effective, there are a few key elements that should be taken into consideration. Here are some tips for creating an effective call to action:
- Keep it Simple: Keep your CTA simple and to the point. Avoid using too many words or complicated language.
- Use Actionable Language: Use actionable language that encourages the audience to take action.
- Make it Visible: Make sure that your CTA is visible and easy to find.
- Use a Clear Call to Action: Make sure that your CTA is clear and concise.
- Use a Sense of Urgency: Use a sense of urgency to encourage the audience to take action.
- Test and Optimize: Test and optimize your CTA to ensure that it is effective.
By following these tips, marketing agencies can ensure that their calls to action are effective and drive more conversions. Additionally, agencies should also consider the type of CTA they are using and ensure that it is the right one for their campaign. By leveraging the right type of CTA, agencies can maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and drive more sales.
What are the most common types of Calls to Action?
The most common types of Calls to Action are buttons, links, and forms. Buttons are typically used to direct users to a specific page or action, while links are used to direct users to a specific page or website. Forms are used to collect information from users, such as contact information or survey responses.
What are the best practices for creating an effective Call to Action?
The best practices for creating an effective Call to Action include using action-oriented language, making the Call to Action visible and easy to find, and providing a clear benefit to the user. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the Call to Action is relevant to the content it is associated with and that it is easy to understand.
What are the benefits of using a Call to Action?
The benefits of using a Call to Action include increasing user engagement , driving conversions, and improving user experience. A Call to Action can also help to direct users to the most relevant content or action, and can be used to collect valuable information from users.
What are the best practices for leveraging a Call to Action?
The best practices for leveraging a Call to Action include testing different types of Calls to Action, using action-oriented language, and providing a clear benefit to the user. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the Call to Action is relevant to the content it is associated with and that it is easy to understand.
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Writing calls to action
Using colour blocks as CTAs
You can highlight call to actions using link text in a colour block.
Find out how to add a colour block to your page.
The dictionary definition of a call to action is “ an exhortation or stimulus to do something in order to achieve an aim or deal with a problem ”.
When we talk about a call to action (CTA) online we are referring to a piece of content intended to prompt a user to perform a specific act, typically taking the form of an instruction or directive.
It is, quite literally, a "call" to take an "action."
The action you want people to take could be anything: download a document, sign up for a webinar, get a voucher, attend an event, etc.
A CTA can be placed in your marketing materials; on your website, in an email or in a blog post. They can also take different forms; as a button, as a link or in an advert.
Call to action do’s
- Do use verbs like; read, register, watch, download, join, donate, buy.
- Do keep CTA text short, concise, jargon-free and actionable . e.g. Read Imperial Magazine
- Do convey a sense of urgency – use language to convince users waiting to take action would result in missing an opportunity. e.g. CTA could read “REGISTER NOW” next to text “limited spaces available”.
- Do write CTAs in the first person i.e. “Start my free trial”.
- Do include extra information in or around the CTA to build trust – include numbers or information that show what the person will get e.g. CTA reads “Start my free trial” next to page text “ The best wireless headset is yours free for 60 days”
- Do ensure the CTA text tells the reader what happens next i.e. ‘Download Imperial Magazine, PDF’ actually links to and opens the magazine PDF.
- Do use bold, contrasting CTAs on your page that make an impact.
- Do place the CTA in a prominent position on the page or repeat it in long content, i.e at the top of the page or in the sidebar.
- Do create specific landing pages or surveys so that the CTA links through to defined content and not just a ‘contact us’ page.
- Do remember to track your CTAs and update ones that are not getting desired results.
Call to action don’ts
- Don’t use generic terms like ‘click here’ or 'read more' multiple times on a page - as these are not accessible .
- Don’t place the CTA at the bottom of the page
- Don’t go on too long, use concise text
- Don’t link to content unrelated to the CTA
- Don’t leave CTAs on your page that are out of date
You can see an example of a CTA button and colour block at the top of this page.
Try adding a call to action button, a document download button or a colour block to your College web page.
For more information on CTAs read 17 Best Practices for Crazy-Effective Call-To-Actions Buttons or 6 Proven Ways to Boost the Conversion Rates of Your Call-to-Action Buttons.
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20 Call to Action Examples + How To Write a CTA That Converts
Are you looking for the best call to action examples that will inspire your customers to take action?
Ecommerce businesses often struggle to get their site visitors to take action without being too pushy. The good news is, it’s easier than it may seem.
In many cases, all it takes is a minor tweak to your call to action (CTA) to see conversions increase.
In today’s post, we will show you 20 perfect call to action examples. Our examples include both call to action buttons and worded call to action phrases.
What Is a Call to Action?
The importance of a good call to action, how to write a call to action that converts, 10 perfect button call to action examples, 10 well-worded call to action examples.
Let’s start with the call to action meaning, its importance, and how you can write one.
Call to action definition : A Call to Action (CTA) is a prompt or instruction to encourage the target audience to take a specific action and typically involves getting your audience to click on a link.
The purpose of a CTA is to persuade the audience to take the desired action, which could be anything from purchasing a product or signing up for a service to downloading an eBook or filling out a survey. CTAs are typically designed to be attention-grabbing and prominently displayed to maximize effectiveness.
CTAs can be delivered through various mediums, including websites, social media posts, email marketing campaigns, and advertisements.
Common call to action example includes “Buy Now,” “Learn More,” “Subscribe Today,” “Download Your Free Trial,” “Register for Our Webinar,” “Join Our Mailing List,” and “Contact Us Today.”
These are all common types of CTAs that you’ve likely run into before and generally come in two types, both related to links.
You can have CTA as a button or a link with anchor text; the latter is more common in social media posts, blog posts, or other text-based content.
So what is a CTA? Again, it’s simply any direct command that encourages your audience to take action.
And the surprising truth about CTAs? They’re crucial for increasing your conversions and sales.
You may not believe it, but your call to action is essential for your bottom line. A well-worded call to action may be the difference between your business thriving and tanking.
And no, that’s not an exaggeration. Protocol 80 sourced the following statistics to show the value of CTAs:
This small aspect of your marketing strategy can lead to some significant changes. That’s why you must be extra particular about presenting your call to action to your customer.
Otherwise, you risk leaving unnecessary conversions and profits on the table. So let’s check out some best practices and call to action examples for creating highly clickable CTAs.
Creating the perfect call to action can be tricky. The goal is to ask your audience to do something without coming off too pushy, which can be a tricky line to walk.
Plus, your language to craft your call to action changes depending on your audience. That means there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution to creating a solid call to action. However, some general guidelines are always true.
OptinMonster has written an extensive article on creating the perfect call to action . If you haven’t read that yet, you definitely should.
Here are a few of the most important tips in that article, along with a few new ideas to make your CTA extra clickable.
These include:
Let’s take a look at each point in more detail.
Tailor Your Call to Action to the Platform
Your call to action button changes depending on where you deliver it to your audience. On your website, you’re bound to have a call to action button encouraging people to use your product or service.
The button’s CTA is probably short, and something like “ Get Started Today! ”
However, you may write posts on social media with a longer, more in-depth call to action that asks users to click a subsequent link.
These may read something like, “Take advantage of our 15% off discount by clicking the link and start shopping today! ”
The length and copy of your call to action must be appropriate for your platform. For example, CTA buttons are typically shorter (3-7 words), and text-based CTAs can be longer. But a good rule is to make them as concise as possible.
That said, we’ll see some call to action phrases later that you can use as templates for your blog or social media posts.
Begin Your CTA With a Strong Command Verb
Believe it or not, people like to be told what to do. However, it would be best to strive for conciseness and clarity when telling customers what to do. After all, humans have so much going on in their everyday lives that it’s better to have a straightforward, specific task to follow.
So your call to action isn’t the time to dance around what you want. Instead, be straightforward and begin your CTA with a command verb.
For example, which of these calls to action is more likely to get clicks:
- Signup now for your free eBook
- Why not join today?
While neither should be the golden standard for a CTA, the first is the clear winner. It shows you a benefit for taking action (which we’ll discuss later) and does all the thinking for you by starting with a command verb.
However, the second one poses a question and gets you thinking about why you can’t join today.
Remember, a good call to action takes as much thinking out of the equation as possible.
Use Power Words
Related to using a command verb to start, you should be using power words to enhance the copy of your CTA. Power words trigger a psychological or emotional response from the reader.
While readers understand a regular CTA, readers feel a great one. Power words get your audience feeling something that encourages them to take action.
So rather than “ Take advantage of our offer to increase your sales today ,” you may write, “ Take advantage of our once-in-a-lifetime offer to skyrocket your sales now! ”
Small additions of power words like “once-in-a-lifetime,” “skyrocket,” and “now” make the second option a much more clickable call to action. And if you need some help with power words, you’re in luck.
Need more wildly successful power words to revolutionize how you write your CTAs? Check out OptinMonster’s comprehensive list .
(☝️See what we did with the power words there?)
Foster Curiosity and Anticipation
One strategy for creating a killer call to action is to foster curiosity and anticipation.
Building curiosity would be like, “ Learn how this former pizza delivery guy started a 7-figure online business at home .”
To effectively build curiosity, you reveal the result of whatever story you’re telling in your content without showing how you’ll get there. The goal is to connect your audience with something they want (the result) and get them curious about how to achieve it.
Anticipation is another strategy that works better for selling products. Again, you’re selling someone the result that your product brings and getting them excited for their new life change.
For example, an online fitness coach may make a call to action such as “ Transform into your sexiest self today! ”
This paints an image of the customer’s desired result and excites them about that dream becoming a reality. This anticipation drives them to take action.
Show Benefits and Use Social Proof
Another excellent method for spicing up your call to action is showing a tangible benefit or relying on social proof . Showing your audience a real benefit for your call to action usually (but not always) involves offering a discount or promotion.
These calls to action usually start with the command verb “save” or “redeem” and read something like “ Save 25% by joining today!” or “ Redeem your 2-for-1 coupon right now! ”
Writing your CTA with a benefit adds an extra incentive (a value proposition ) to the equation that boosts your conversion rate. But you also have another trick up your sleeve: Social proof.
The most common type of social proof for CTAs is leveraging fear of missing out (FOMO). Fear of missing out is a phenomenon that occurs in most consumers and is super powerful.
Many infomercials saw huge sales increases when their call to action changed from “ Call now, operators are standing by “to “ If lines are busy, please call again! ”
When listeners heard the first CTA, they thought, “If operators are standing by, it must not be a popular product.” But when they heard the second CTA, the opposite occurred. They thought, “If lines are busy, this product must be top-rated . I should call.”
FOMO is an incredibly powerful tool that you can start using to craft stronger CTAs that lead to much higher click-through rates (CTRs).
If you want to start using social proof, we recommend trying TrustPulse .
TrustPulse specializes in positive action notification popups. You’ve likely seen these before, probably even while reading this article:
These small popups leverage social proof to increase conversions by up to 15% . Adding this type of social proof is an absolute no-brainer for such a small change to your site to have such a massive impact on your sales.
It helps you drive business and improves the user experience by adding credibility to your product.
And while we’d love for you to go with TrustPulse, we know other options exist.
That’s why we remind users never to use software that encourages or allows fake social proof .
If users learn that your positive action notifications are fabricated or fraudulent, you’ll have an uphill battle earning back their trust.
This a small disclaimer, but very important to keep in mind as you build your site or brand’s authenticity . This is crucial as you strive to maintain your company’s online reputation .
Boost your sales by up to 15% by joining TrustPulse today !
Get Creative to Catch Your Audience’s Attention
One of the hardest things to do in the digital world is to separate yourself from the noise. The only way to truly stand out is to get creative. The Harmon Brothers are incredible at this.
They’ve made such viral ads as the Squatty Potty, Poo Pourri, and Goldilocks & the Purple Mattress:
These ads did exceptionally well and got many viewers to take action.
Why? Because they stand out in a world of boring advertising. And you can do the same.
You don’t need to create mythical creatures or spend millions on video production. You need to get creative in connecting with your audience. Use language that stands out from the standard messaging and grabs the eye.
Plus, you can use various visual creation tools to make stunning images and videos without breaking the bank.
For example, the company Manpacks used a call to action that hit home with its audience:
Build a manpack.
It’s strong, simple, and built curiosity in men who wondered, “What is a manpack, and why do I suddenly feel like I need one?”
If you’re confident in your marketing skills , try to break free from the mold and experiment with a creative copy .
Okay, now that we have some tips on writing a clickable call to action, let’s see how some of the best companies in the world do it. We’ll be splitting our call to action examples into two sections:
- Call to action buttons
- Text-based calls to actions
Let’s get started.
On most websites, you’ll see calls to action in the form of a button. Again, the text is usually concise (3-7 words) and clearly expresses what the company wants the user to do.
Let’s see some call to action examples from the biggest businesses in the world and how they craft their own CTAs.
Netflix has a straightforward, clear call to action. Their easy-to-spot “Try it now” button stands apart from the rest of the page with its bold color scheme.
Plus, the copy implies that you can try the software before committing.
You don’t need to get too creative when your brand is as famous as Netflix. This simple call to action example is all it takes for hundreds of new subscribers each month.
2. HelloFresh
This is just one of HelloFresh’s call to action examples. The fun little “Get Cooking” button is authentic to their brand. Plus, it makes people imagine themselves already in the kitchen preparing tasty meals for the family.
A lot is going in this call to action example: imagery, the testimonial by HuffPost, and the call to action. They don’t give too many details on the software, so the phrase “See how it works” is terrific at building curiosity and anticipation.
Nike has never been one to use two words when one will do. Their world-famous slogan, “Just do it,” is as straightforward as it gets. We shouldn’t expect anything else from their call to action.
The one word “Shop” is all they need to tell customers what to do. And if Nike is doing it, there must be something to the short-and-sweet approach.
5. Basecamp
The creators over at Basecamp are known for keeping things casual and never overthinking a decision. Their call to action fits their laidback style and welcomes people to test the software.
6. Sendinblue
Sendinblue’s CTA is a refreshing change from the usual “Try Now.” The phrase “Take a free test drive” reminds users to try the software risk-free. This phrase also adds playful color to the animated image of the car on the righthand side.
7. Bluehost
Bluehost’s call to action example is a friendly reminder that people don’t want the ½ inch drill; they want the ½ inch hole. When most people think of site builders, they think of platforms like WordPress.
The last thing they want to think about? Finding the right host.
Bluehost plays on this emotion by avoiding phrases about site hosting and dives straight into site creation. After all, that’s what their visitors hope to accomplish from Bluehost.
8. LiveChat Inc
LiveChat Inc ‘s CTA is short, to the point, and adds the value proposition. It stands out because of its bold red coloring (like we saw with Netflix) and reminds users to give the software a test spin free.
AWeber flirts with the CTA word-length limit, but they manage to pull it off. Their bold orange button color directly draws the reader’s eye to the message. They add the ” free ” value proposition to entice users to click through.
10. Spotify
Here’s one last call to action example by one of the world’s most famous brands, Spotify. They use a green button on an orange background showing a well-placed contrast to draw your attention.
Like many other call to action examples, Spotify highlights that you can sign up and use their service at no cost or risk.
Let’s shift gears and look at longer, text-based forms call to action examples.
The following call to action examples come from blogs or social media. They are longer phrases that encourage users to click a link and redirect their attention to another page.
11. OptinMonster
We couldn’t write this blog post on calls to action without referring to our parent company, OptinMonster . If you follow their blog (which you really should if you want to master lead generation tactics), you’ll notice they end their posts with a consistent call to action.
And this is standard practice for most blogs.
This small phrase asks people to share the post (if they enjoyed it) on various social media platforms. Examples like this are an important reminder that not all CTAs need to be sales-driven.
12. Neil Patel
Neil Patel is one of the world’s most famous marketing “gurus.” At the end of one of his posts, you’ll see he adds a call to action for people to sign up for his small course. Though the second CTA (“Start by clicking here”) is where users take action, it’s his first step that draws you in.
The bold “ Do This Now “ message is impossible to ignore and gets readers to follow to the next step.
13. The Art of Manliness
Though most people wouldn’t think the copy “Join the Strenuous Life” is catchy, it’s perfectly suited to their target audience. They are constantly writing about self-discipline, getting more “tough,” and putting yourself in difficult situations to grow as a person.
As such, this is the perfect call to action to tempt their user base.
14. Fitness Machine
A subtle call to action from personal trainer Jarryd Smith, this Facebook post asks users to engage. For example, they want to participate in a 5-day body transformation challenge. In that case, they need to leave a comment as indicated.
This is one great way of getting free traffic from Facebook.
15. WordStream
WordStream has some good calls to action across their site, but this one comes from a Facebook post. They do a great job of building your anticipation and curiosity by offering a free Google Ad cost report.
This is a super enticing offer for any marketers who run paid ads.
16. LinkedIn
Besides the fantastic imagery below this post, notice how LinkedIn uses some power words to spice up its CTA. In this case, the two most effective words are “secret” and “successful.”
Everything about this call to action indicates something you don’t know hinders your success with LinkedIn ads. And if you click through, they’ll be happy to show you.
Talk about leveraging FOMO.
This post on Twitter is more fun than the standard call to action. They take an old saying, “Everyone wants to eat, but few are willing to hunt,” to set up their CTA:
“Bring out the big guns.”
This goes a long way in building anticipation.
18. Grammarly
Grammarly does an excellent job with its calls to action. First, they have a killer service, so they never need to try too hard to attract customers. But they do well at getting writers excited to write.
Here, Grammarly encourages its users to “Tap into their creativity,” which is speaking their audience’s language.
19. Backlinko
Returning to blogs, we have another call to action example from the famous digital marketer Brian Dean. On his site, Backlinko, he uses a subtle call to action to encourage users to engage with his post.
Here, he isn’t redirecting his readers anywhere else and wants them to focus on leaving a comment.
20. Amy Porterfield
Our last call to action example is from Amy Porterfield, a marketing coach with loads of courses, podcasts, blogs, and just about any other kind of content you can imagine.
As she finishes one blog post, she adds a well-written call to action, “Click here to change your life with B-School!” If powerful language like that doesn’t build curiosity and anticipation, we don’t know what will.
Putting it All Together
We’ve covered a whole lot of ground today. Before wrapping up, we wanted to remind you that a perfect call to action is only part of the equation. In other words, no call to action will ever work if it’s the only thing people see.
So, to have the whole package, you need to work on a few different aspects of your site:
- Your web design
- Your site’s overall copy
- Create alluring content
- and any other strategy to get users to sign up for your services
So as we finish this post, it’s time to put our money where our mouth is and give you a few calls to action of our own.
If you enjoyed this article, share it with your friends and colleagues on Facebook or Twitter . You can also let us know if you’ve seen or made an awesome example of a call to action.
Finally, are you 100% positive that you’re optimizing your site for the most sales possible? If you don’t have positive action notification software on your site, the answer is a firm “no.”
Ready to get started with the world’s best social proof software? Sign up for your risk-free TrustPulse account today !
Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.
Thanks for finally talking about > How to Write a Killer Call to Action (With 20 Perfect Examples) Christie]
You’re very welcome! We hope you enjoyed the post.
Thank you for this post, Deana. Picked up a few things from the 10-worded-CTAs section.
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Guest opinion: Homelessness – A social worker’s call to action for comprehensive solutions
By cassidy hart - | aug 27, 2024.
As a social worker on the front lines of the homelessness crisis, I see firsthand the devastating impact it has on individuals, families and communities. Homelessness is not merely a housing issue; it is a symptom of deeper systemic problems that requires a multifaceted and compassionate response. It is time for us to recognize that safe, stable housing is a fundamental human right and to take bold actions to address this crisis.
Homelessness is a pervasive and urgent crisis affecting over 580,000 Americans on any given night, according to the 2020 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress. This crisis is a result of multiple interrelated factors: a severe lack of affordable housing, rising income inequality, inadequate mental health and substance abuse services, and systemic racism that disproportionately affects people of color. For example, African Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population but account for nearly 40% of the homeless population, highlighting deep-seated racial inequities. These issues are complex, but the solutions are within our reach if we muster the political will and community commitment.
Homelessness disproportionately affects minority groups, including Hispanics and African Americans. Hispanic and African American individuals are significantly overrepresented in the homeless population compared to their proportion in the general population. This disparity is the result of systemic inequalities that these communities face in housing, employment, health care and education.
Recommendations and call to action would be the following:
- Expand affordable housing: Increase funding for the low-income housing tax credit and other affordable housing programs, and implement policies like inclusionary zoning to ensure a greater supply of affordable units.
- Adopt housing-first policies: Provide stable housing without preconditions, coupled with supportive services, to ensure long-term success.
- Enhance support services: Invest in mental health and substance abuse treatment, integrate care models and deploy mobile crisis units to provide immediate support.
- Prevent homelessness: Strengthen eviction prevention programs, expand rental assistance and support at-risk populations with tailored interventions.
- Increase economic opportunities: Raise the minimum wage, improve job training and employment programs, and enhance social safety nets to provide financial stability.
- Promote community collaboration: Foster partnerships between government, nonprofits and the private sector to create comprehensive and innovative solutions.
- Advocate for social justice: Push for policies that address systemic racism, economic inequality and health disparities, and promote fair housing practices.
- Finally, support culturally competent services: Ensure that services are accessible and responsive to the cultural and linguistic needs of diverse communities.
Ultimately, homelessness is a crisis that we can solve. It requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach that addresses both immediate needs and systemic causes. As social workers, we are committed to advocating for the dignity and worth of every individual. We must continue to push for policies and programs that provide safe, stable housing and the support services necessary for individuals to thrive. By working together, we can create a society where everyone has a place to call home. It is our ethical duty to ensure that no one is left behind.
Cassidy Hart is a graduate student at Our Lady of the Lake University taking the Hispanics in the U.S.: Policy and Programs class.
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Essays on climate crisis a welcome call to action
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I encourage people to do the same thing now to address climate change. Send your elected representatives emails supporting climate initiatives. Details about bipartisan carbon fee and dividend legislation, permitting reform and upgrading our national grid can be found on the Citizens’ Climate Lobby website. This outreach takes only a few minutes and their offices will respond. We can’t risk worsening wildfires, floods and increasing food prices.
— Margaret Mann, Point Loma
Do your part on the climate crisis
Thank you for featuring three op-eds on climate change. Now everyone needs to answer Michelle Obama’s question: What are you going to do? There are simple and effective actions people can take. Volunteer for the Environmental Voter Project, which works to have people who are concerned about the environment become regular voters. Volunteer for Citizens’ Climate Lobby, the most effective organization in the country at helping Congress to pass meaningful climate legislation. It’s election season, ask candidates what they are going to do about climate change and remind them you are a climate voter. Joan Baez said “action is the antidote to despair.” We are grateful the Union-Tribune gave so much space to this critical issue. Now it’s up to the rest of us to get to work.
— Mark Reynolds, Loma Portal
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Embracing net zero: The Philippines’ urgent call to climate action
As we enter the typhoon season, recent extreme weather events have once again underscored the Philippines’ vulnerability to such conditions.
As the nation grapples with the potential aftermath, it is clear that being part of the global conversation on achieving net zero emissions is imperative. This typhoon has highlighted the urgency for the Philippines to be an active participant in the fight against climate change, not only to mitigate future impacts but to also contribute to global solutions.
The concept of net zero refers to balancing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted with an equivalent amount removed from the atmosphere. For the Philippines, a country frequently in the crosshairs of severe weather, achieving net zero is a crucial step towards enhancing climate resilience. The recent typhoon has made it evident that the country cannot afford to be a bystander in the global efforts to combat climate change. Instead, it must be a proactive player, advocating for and implementing strategies that contribute to the global net zero target.
One of the key areas where the Philippines can make a significant impact is by leveraging its abundant natural resources to transition to renewable energy sources. By increasing investments in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, the nation can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, thereby lowering its carbon footprint.
This transition is crucial for achieving net zero and offers the added benefit of creating a more resilient energy infrastructure less susceptible to disruptions caused by extreme weather.
SM Prime Holdings, Inc. recognizes the equal importance and urgency of both climate change adaptation and mitigation. As part of our strategy, we are investing 10% of our Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) in sustainability and disaster resilience design.
A significant initiative supporting this commitment is SM Prime’s pledge to achieve net zero emissions by 2040. As the country’s leading integrated sustainable property developer, we have committed to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), a recognized global standard for corporate decarbonization targets. This makes us one of the few corporations in the Philippines to do so. To ensure our near and long-term science-based targets for 2030 and 2040 align with the global commitment to achieve net zero by 2050, SM Prime collaborates with the World-Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF) through their Corporates for a Better Planet Initiative (CBPI) program.
This ambitious target is supported by concrete actions, such as the installation of onsite solar panels across various properties and strategic partnerships for renewable energy sourcing. These initiatives not only reduce the company’s carbon footprint but also set a precedent for other businesses to follow, demonstrating that sustainable practices can be integrated into core business operations.
Pledging to advance every person’s right to a better quality of life through heightened climate action, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity protection, and our strategic corporate social responsibility programs, this commitment places climate action at the forefront as one of SM Prime’s sustainability agenda.
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- Embracing net zero: The Philippines' urgent call to climate action
- Philippines Graphic
- SM Prime Holdings
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- World-Wide Fund for Nature Philippines
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A CTA in writing is a clear and direct message that should elicit a strong response from readers to do something. In marketing lingo, this something is called a "conversion" - turning observers into doers. Think of it as a "hook, line, and sinker" moment - you want to inspire the reader to do what you want them to do.
A call to action (CTA) is a directive used in marketing to guide an audience toward a desired behavior, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or clicking a link. CTAs are often presented clearly and compellingly, using concise, persuasive language and a sense of urgency to motivate the audience.
In marketing, a call to action, or CTA, is a written statement that invites consumers to perform a company's desired action. Calls to action can direct traffic to a business's website, encourage new customers to interact with a company and increase profits for an organization. Writing an effective call to action involves providing a clear ...
4 call to action examples in persuasive writing. 1. Getting doers to do something. Doers are the worker bees of an organization. They are the ones that hear what needs to get done — and then do it. Doers don't shy away from physical tasks, and have the ability to round up the troops to inspire action in others, as well.
CALL TO ACTION meaning: 1. something such as a speech, piece of writing, or act that asks or encourages people to take…. Learn more.
1.1 - Definition of a Call-to-Action (CTA) When it comes to defining a Call-to-Action, it involves more than just a simple request or statement. The effectiveness of a CTA lies in its ability to grab users' attention, create a sense of urgency, and convince them to take the desired action. Effective CTAs often employ compelling copywriting ...
Use Power Words and Emotional Triggers. Another crucial component of call-to-action writing is power words. These are words that appeal to emotions and trigger the desire to click. While action verbs tell readers what to do and what will happen after clicking a link, power words subtly nudge people to the desired page.
A call to action (CTA) is a prompt or message, typically formatted as a button or link, that encourages the audience to take a specific and immediate action. CTAs are commonly used in marketing and sales contexts to guide users toward the next step in their journey, whether that's purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, or forwarding ...
Demonstrate exactly what your CTA will deliver and how. . 3. Create a sense of urgency. Include phrases like "limited time offer" and "for today only" to motivate users to act. Pair these with action-oriented words like "subscribe" and "download" to encourage a particular action. . 4. Consider your target audience.
A call to action is a word or phrase that prompts action. It is a marketing term to describe urging your audience to act in a certain way. A call to action can appear as a clickable button or simply as a piece of text. Call-to-action buttons and phrases can appear at any place in the user journey that you want to direct your audience.
Customize your call-to-action for each person. 1. Make your call-to-action clear and direct. Don't hint. Don't imply. Don't suggest. It's not a whisper-to-think-about- action; it's a call-to -action. Use direct language, and eliminate wishy-washy phrases. Instead of "Maybe you could think about joining…", say "Join…".
Call To Action is a great way to close an essay. This video explains how to write it and shares some examples along with tips to help you as you practice it ...
A call to action is a persuasive statement that encourages the reader to take action. It is the final part of your essay, where you tell the reader what they should do next. This statement should ...
Level Up Your Team. See why leading organizations rely on MasterClass for learning & development. A call to action, or CTA, is a digital marketing tool that companies use for an array of reasons, including building their customer base, capturing a sale, and turning web visitors into paying customers.
For example, a call to action can encourage people to click on a link, leave a social media comment, visit an online store, make a purchase, etc. A call to action can take up different forms: Text link. Button. Plain text with no link. "Buy Now" or "Download Now" are typical examples of simple calls to action.
Use Voice of Customer research to understand buyer goals. 2. ActiveCampaign makes it clear what customers are signing up for. 6. BetterHelp solves three objections in just three words. 7. ClickUp backs up its claim with a compelling guarantee. is the prompt you give readers or users to take a desired action.
CALL TO ACTION definition: 1. something such as a speech, piece of writing, or act that asks or encourages people to take…. Learn more.
A call to action (CTA) is an instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as "call now", "click here", or "visit a store". It is a core element of any successful marketing campaign, as it encourages the audience to take the desired action. For a marketing agency, leveraging a ...
The dictionary definition of a call to action is " an exhortation or stimulus to do something in order to achieve an aim or deal with a problem ". When we talk about a call to action (CTA) online we are referring to a piece of content intended to prompt a user to perform a specific act, typically taking the form of an instruction or directive.
Example: Good: "Call us today" - This call to action gives the audience a firm measurement of time to work with and creates a sense of importance. Good: "Call now" - This is even more urgent and implies the offer may not last forever (even if that's not the case.) The audience understands the importance of calling soon.
Call to action definition: A Call to Action (CTA) is a prompt or instruction to encourage the target audience to take a specific action and typically involves getting your audience to click on a link. The purpose of a CTA is to persuade the audience to take the desired action, which could be anything from purchasing a product or signing up for ...
Examples of CALL TO ACTION in a sentence, how to use it. 47 examples: Health impacts along transit routes have been documented and that is our call…
Recommendations and call to action would be the following: Expand affordable housing: Increase funding for the low-income housing tax credit and other affordable housing programs, and implement ...
Re "Equity for hardest-hit communities must be part of response to climate crisis" (Aug. 23): Thanks for publishing this and the two other articles Sunday regarding the broad effects of…
Pledging to advance every person's right to a better quality of life through heightened climate action, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity protection, and our strategic corporate social responsibility programs, this commitment places climate action at the forefront as one of SM Prime's sustainability agenda.