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17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

Because the only one that really likes homework is the dog.


Homework—love it or hate it, it’s a universal experience for most teachers (and students). And while both sides of the homework debate have merit, why not just accept it and have a good laugh? Here, 17 of our favorite homework memes.

1. Dang, they’re on to us.

17 Homework Memes

2. Pulling. Hair. Out.

17 Homework Memes

3. Life is hard.

Willy Wonka

4. Listen to Yoda.

Yoda from Star Wars

5. The REAL reason teachers give homework.


6. Can I get a witness?

Willy Wonka 2

7. Homework as dirty word?

homework meaning funny

8. Making a clean getaway.

homework meaning funny

9. Teacher reality.

homework meaning funny

10. Oh yeah, we know that look.

homework meaning funny

11. Help me understand.

homework meaning funny

12. If they ask me one more time…

homework meaning funny

13. Another teacher reality.

Nobody ever

14. Umm, umm, umm.

homework meaning funny

15. Parenting reality.

homework meaning funny

16. Say what?!?

homework meaning funny

17. It’s not my fault, really.


What are your favorite homework memes? Link us up in the comments!

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18 Funny Homework Answers from Kids Who Are Going Places

These snarky students are smart alecks at heart

  • Holiday Humor

When you're a  student , homework is an unavoidable fact of life. Kids these days often face hours of homework assignments each week—it's no wonder that some of their answers turn out a little snarky. 

Lucky for us, the funniest homework answers often end up on the Internet, courtesy of amused parents or teachers . Some of these students are being deliberately funny; others may very well be trying ( and failing ) to find the right answer. We think every single one of them deserves a place in the  Smart Aleck Hall of Fame .

Extra Credit for the Snazzy Drawing

"Show your thinking?" 

Challenge accepted!

"What do you need to find?"

"The answer."

Thank you, Captain Obvious. That's really helpful .

Just Following the Directions

The assignment said to write "< or >" so that's exactly what this student did. What's the problem here?

You know what they say — never trust a fart. 

For those who may not know, "shart" is slang for what happens when you do trust a fart. Use your imagination.

That's Just Your Opinion

Some say Tony is disciplined and loves music. Others say Tony is probably a huge nerd. No shame in that game, Tony!

Seems Legit

Why do we know anything , Sharon? Because we're SMART!

Somebody give this kid a scholarship.

Don't Be Silly, Kid

Pssh. "Tedison" is not even a real name... but we totally wish it was.

Failing Biology and Acing Zoology

Sure, this student doesn't know the difference between an ovary and a fallopian tube, but check out that kick-butt tiger face! Points for creativity?

Find X? No problem, there it is. It was right there all along! How did you miss that, Teach?

The Metric System Is Confusing

We can partially blame the American system of measurement for this one, but this student also gets bonus points for the sheer genius of the  utterly sarcastic remark. 

So Wrong, Yet So Right

Again, this answer isn't even wrong. It's technically totally, 100% correct! Maybe the teacher needs to rethink those test questions.

(Nah, not really.)

"April Ham Lincoln."

Remember what the great former president April Ham Lincoln once said: "Four scones and seven beers ago."

Wait, that's not right. Or is it?

An Example of Being Too Honest

This sounds like something out of "Breaking Bad." We really, REALLY hope this is a little kid spelling error situation.

She Must Work at the School in #13

Some teachers will go above and beyond to bond with their students, but this is ridiculous. Get your act together, Mrs. Edwards!

I See How It Is at Your House...

This is an actual quote from a first grade student. How did the teacher not die laughing?!

Comedian Chris Rock once famously said, "As a father, you have only one job to do: Keep your daughter off the pole!"

Clearly, this kid's family has some work to do in that department.

Hold Up There, Buddy

From "I like to play football" to "I am a god" in just a few short sentences. That's quite a leap!

Tell the truth: this is Tom Brady 's homework from 30 years ago, isn't it?

That's Extremely Literal

The difference between six and eight IS that eight is more curly. That's not silly – it's just accurate.

Okay, so I never did that well in math class either. Sue me.

She Deserves Extra Credit

We'll end on a positive note. This student followed directions to the letter and did exactly what she was told to do:

"Write a story to go with this picture. Use capitals and punctuation."

She not only created a funny story about this really, really weird picture of a cat overseeing a pile of hot dogs, but she also used CAPITALS and lots of exclamation points. Who cares what the teacher thought — this kid deserves an A+!

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15 Funny and Motivational Quotes about Homework

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When you think of homework, what comes to mind?

Maybe you think of worksheets and penmanship. Maybe you think of math drills and word problems. Maybe you think of busywork and time spent on unnecessary tasks. 

15 Funny and Motivational Quotes about Homework

Whatever you think of, we’re pretty sure most people don’t have a positive association with homework. For kids, it means extra school work when school hours are over and they just want to play. For parents, it means time spent supervising or coaxing after a long day at work. And, for teachers, it means hours of grading once the kids go home. 

But, in defense of homework, we think there are some good reasons it exists that make us want to change our negative mindset about it! Homework helps to build responsibility and teach kids to work independently. It develops good study habits in students and can boost self-esteem and develop confidence. Afterall, everyone loves to see that bright red “100%” or “good job!” at the top of their paper! Some homework can help to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. And it definitely teaches life lessons about time management.

At the end of the day, doing tasks that aren’t the most fun but are necessary is a part of life that teaches self-discipline. So here’s to buckling down, focusing hard, and knocking out your homework each day!

We’ve put together a list of 15 quotes about homework to help you look on the bright side of after-school learning. Some are motivational and some poke fun at what can seem like drudgery, but all of them are perfect for your letter board or other magnetic surface in your home or classroom!

  • H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. Half My Energy is Wasted on Random Knowledge
  • Homework: the teacher's way of finding out how smart the parents are!
  • I don’t procrastinate. I save my homework until the last minute so that, by the time I do it, I’ll be older and wiser.
  • Study hard, do good, and the good life will follow.
  • Time flies when you’re avoiding homework.
  • Procrastination is the thief of time.
  • Stay positive. Work hard. Get it done.
  • Study as if you know nothing. Work as if you can solve everything.
  • That feeling when you can’t find the answers to your homework on Google
  • “Yay! Homework!” - no student ever
  • Alexa, do my homework.
  • The teacher can always tell when you did your homework on the bus.
  • “The most effective way to do it is to do it.” - Amelia Earhart
  • When in doubt, clear your desk, tie up your hair, grab a coffee, and just start.
  • Focus on being productive instead of busy.

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20 Funny Homework Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Hard

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homework meaning funny

20 Funny Quotes About Homework

Many students hate homework, right? It can be really bothersome to spend time home finishing tasks for school when we can have fun and enjoy the time spent out of school. Whether you love studying or not, there must have been some time when you hated doing your homework. These funny homework quotes will remind you of the homework struggles and make you laugh with their wittiness.

homework meaning funny

Homework is a prolonged school “torture”.

homework meaning funny

Some students choose not to do their homework at all.

homework meaning funny

Time passes so slowly when we do our tasks.

homework meaning funny

If you want to be bored, do your homework.

homework meaning funny

One of the best perks of baseball.

homework meaning funny

Google doesn’t always know everything.

homework meaning funny

Everything is simple when you are younger.

homework meaning funny

How many times did your dog chew on your homework papers?

homework meaning funny

The trash can is a place where many homework assignments ended.

homework meaning funny

Copy-paste is one of the widely known techniques.

homework meaning funny

Everything is better than doing homework.

homework meaning funny

It is the right time to finish your homework when you are bored.

homework meaning funny

Some homework is just too difficult.

homework meaning funny

Homework is time-consuming and exhausting.

homework meaning funny

Sometimes you just can’t manage to finish all tasks on time.

homework meaning funny

Answers are not important, as long as we have the assignment finished.

homework meaning funny

Nobody thinks about homework in summer.

homework meaning funny

Funny homework quotes will make you laugh out loud.

homework meaning funny

No matter what, I don’t want to do my homework.

homework meaning funny

It is better to finish our homework when we are smarter.

homework meaning funny

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Homework Puns

A list of puns related to "Homework"

Their teacher said it was a piece of cake.

"Well, at least you could try."

Kid: "Yeah, my dog ate it. How'd you know dogs were my best interest?"

Now we're waiting to see if she passes algebra.

No problem!

Him: "Reasons that doing research underwater can be difficult include..."

Me (from my office): "the paper will get too wet!"

Him: "UGH!" stops and restarts recording

So we did it squid pro quo

Because Andrew is a lot shorter than Andrawing

"Don't give a damn about your cold calculation."

... Apparently it's quite common in five out of every four homes.

“Good” he said, “because I’m counting on you”.

Me: step 1, buy a boat.

Just happened. Not an official dad yet but she’s 6 months pregnant. Got to get the practice in while I can.

"Well, to be perfectly honest, it did take him a couple bytes."

I said “war, ore, door”

It always tastes like paper.

But since we’re all in quarantine all work is homework

Cuz the teacher told them it was a piece of cake day.

It's me, father, I replied.

It was a stroke of good luck

It's pointless.

I said, “HIJKLMNO.”

He asked, “What're you talking about?!”

I responded, “Well, it’s H to O!”

He asked "Do you know anything about Pavlov's dog or Schrodinger's cat?"

It rang a bell, but I don't know if I knew anything or not.

I said, it's a periodic table. You cant use it right now.

It was wrong on so many levels

She said, “I can’t even write now.”

homework meaning funny

Sci Comp Professor: your dog ate your coding assignment?

Me: It took him a couple of bytes.

(Saw this on r/puns)

homework meaning funny

I said, “He was a poor boy, from a poor family...”

The eye roll indicated my job there was done.

He was wrong on so many levels.

Replacing light bulbs, replacing the air filter, repainting that one wall, etc

It would be a piece of cake!

Son: Dad, where's the Andes? Dad: At the end of your armies!

And to this day he’s never amounted to anything.

Me: "What is a cow's favorite elementary particle?" Her: "..." Me: "A Muon" Her: "Get out."

Because the teacher said it’s a piece of cake!

The teacher said it was a piece of cake.

Because the teacher told them it was a piece of cake

When he doubted me, I said, "Well, it took him a couple of bytes."

Because his teacher told him it's a piece of cake.

It took him a couple of bytes

"No son, it wouldn't be right."

Because the math teacher said it was a piece of PI!

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake

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Naturally Funny

608 Homework Jokes That Will Make You the Class Clown

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If you’re here, it means you’re ready to crack open the world of homework jokes.

Not just any jokes, but the top of the class.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the most hilarious homework jokes.

From math-tastic puns to literary one-liners, our compilation has a joke for every subject matter.

So, let’s dive into the fun-filled world of homework humor, one joke at a time.

Homework Jokes

Homework jokes have a special way of lightening up the mood even during the most stressful times.

They’re not just about the homework itself but the whole experience that surrounds it.

From the nagging reminders from parents to finish homework to the procrastination and last-minute rush, there’s a lot of humor to be found in these situations.

Creating a hilarious homework joke involves playing with familiar scenarios, expectations, and the universal student experience (like the panic when the teacher collects homework you forgot about or the sweet relief when the teacher forgets to collect it).

Ready to turn your study blues into laughter cues?

Dive into fun with these homework jokes:

  • Why did the ghost go to school? To improve his haunting grades… in boo-logy!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do its homework? Because it was afraid of being sheeted!
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it realized all its problems were unsolvable!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school? Because her students were so bright (doing their homework) that it hurt her eyes!
  • Why did the student eat his homework? Because his teacher told him it was a piece of cake! But he got in trouble when his teacher found out it was actually his sister’s science project!
  • Why do birds do well in school? Because they always owl-ways do their homework!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do his homework? Because he could never find a ghoul tutor.
  • Why did the ghost do well on his homework? Because he ghouled it.
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool with her clothes on? Because she wanted to test the water for her students’ homework!
  • Why did the ghost get in trouble during homework time? It kept haunting the answers!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a successful student? Because he was outstanding in his field of homework!
  • Why did the student’s report card look like a pirate? Because it was full of D’s (dees).
  • Why did the teacher send her students to detention? Because they were not doing their homework and it was a real class act!
  • Why did the pencil go to the psychiatrist? Because it had too many erasers to deal with!
  • Why did the pencil do well in school? Because it was sharp!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? To do its pre-homework.
  • Why did the ghost always get A’s on his homework? Because he had a “boo-tiful” mind!
  • What’s the best time to do homework? Never! It’s always better to procrastinate!
  • Why did the pencil always get its homework done? Because it was always sharp.
  • Why do scientists say doing homework is like getting on a treadmill? Because you’re not going anywhere, but you’re still exhausted!
  • Why did the pencil blush during the test? Because it realized its eraser was gone!
  • Why did the paper clip go to the therapist? It was feeling bent out of shape from all the homework.
  • What did one pencil say to the other pencil during homework time? “You’re looking sharp today!”
  • Why did the student eat his algebra homework? He wanted to solve the equation inside him.
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to school? It wanted to do some high-level homework!
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he heard it was a piece of cake!
  • What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta! Just like my homework excuse.
  • Why did the tomato turn red when it saw the math homework? Because it saw the addition problems and felt saucy!
  • What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil during homework? Stop going in circles and get to the point!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? To get ahead of all the other stationary!
  • Why did the ghost become a teacher? Because he had a lot of boo-k (book) reports to grade for homework!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the library? Because he wanted to reach the high shelves of knowledge and avoid doing homework!
  • Why did the banana go to school? Because it wanted to learn the “a-peel” of knowledge!
  • Why did the student eat their homework instead of turning it in? They thought it was a piece of cake!
  • What do you call a person who doesn’t do their homework? A “missteak”!
  • Why did the science book get in trouble? It always had the wrong “elements” in its homework!
  • Why did the ghost go to school? To brush up on his boo-logy!
  • What do you call someone who only does their homework on April Fool’s Day? A foolscap!
  • Why did the ghost fail his homework? Because he couldn’t “ghoul” through it!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do his homework? Because he couldn’t find a boo-k to study from!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party alone? Because it couldn’t find a date and had to do its homework instead!
  • Why did the cookie eat its homework? It thought it could get a “sweet” grade!
  • Why do flowers never do their homework? Because they always like to take notes in their own petals!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because he heard the grades were high and he wanted to climb the ladder of success (in homework)!
  • Why did the student put their homework in the blender? Because they wanted to make it into a smoothie.
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the library? Because they heard the homework was on a higher shelf!
  • Why did the teacher marry the janitor? Because he swept her off her feet!
  • Why was the math book feeling down? Because it had too many problems… and not enough solutions!
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? It had a spine problem from carrying too much homework!
  • Why did the ghost fail its homework assignment? It couldn’t find any boo-ks to study!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to the library? Because they heard it had high shelves.
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? Because it had too many spine problems from all the heavy homework!
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to class? Because it wanted to get high marks.
  • Why did the pencil do well on his homework? Because he did all of his erasing before turning it in.
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool? Because she wanted to test the waters before assigning the homework!
  • Why was the math book sad after school? Because it had too many problems to solve, and none of them wanted to be its friend!
  • What do you call a bear with no homework? A grizzly without work!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses while grading homework? Because the students’ answers were too bright to handle!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during class? Because her students were so bright, she needed shade from their brilliant homework answers!
  • Why did the math teacher open a bakery? Because she wanted to show her students how to multiply using dough.
  • Why was the math book sad after being given homework? It felt too square and just wanted to be around circles!
  • Why did the homework go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling well and needed some medical attention for being so difficult!
  • Why do bananas never do their homework? They are always peeling away from it!
  • Why did the pencil do poorly on his homework? He wasn’t very sharp.
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, including your excuses for not doing your homework!
  • Why did the clock get in trouble in school? Because it tocked too much during class!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a teacher? Because he was outstanding in his field, especially when it came to grading homework!
  • Why did the ghost get an A+ on their homework? Because they did a boo-tiful job!
  • Why did the teacher eat the student’s homework? Because he thought it was a well-done assignment!
  • What do you call a teacher who never stays in one place? A wanderer.
  • Why did the pencil get a bad grade? Because it didn’t do its homework.
  • Why did the ghost never finish his homework? It kept disappearing on him.
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do its homework? It heard it was just a bunch of crop, so it decided to skip it!
  • What did the paper say to the pencil? “You’ve got a good point!”
  • Why did the ghost not do his homework? He had no-body to help him!
  • Why did the scarecrow not want to do his homework? Because he was already outstanding in his field.
  • What’s a pirate’s least favorite type of homework? The “arrrrrrrrrrrrt” assignment!
  • What did the math book say to the history book? “Stop trying to solve your problems, just look at my answers!”
  • Why did the scarecrow get a low grade on his homework? Because he didn’t have any brains!
  • Why did the pencil get a detention? It didn’t do its homework properly… it only wrote half the answers!
  • Why did the pencil bring a eraser to its homework? Because it knew it was going to make a lot of mistakes!
  • Why did the pencil skip school? Because it didn’t have any point!
  • Why did the paper clip get detention? Because it was bending the rules!
  • Why was the math book sad after finishing homework? It had too many exponents to deal with!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party by itself? Because it couldn’t find a point to bring!
  • Why did the boy eat his homework with ketchup? Because it was a tomato-based assignment.
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? To do its homework before anyone could erase it!

Short Homework Jokes

Short homework jokes are like the elusive correct answer on a challenging assignment – surprising, delightful, and rewarding when found.

These jokes are perfect for lightening the mood during study sessions, adding a bit of humor to school presentations, or just sharing a chuckle with classmates.

The genius of short homework jokes lies in their ability to make even the most mundane schoolwork seem amusing, delivering giggles in just a sentence or two.

Without further ado, it’s time to hit the books!

Here are some short homework jokes that will make even the toughest study night a little bit lighter.

  • What do you call a dog that eats homework? A “Lab-report” retriever!
  • Why do bananas never finish their homework? Because they’re always peeling out.
  • Why do math books look sad? Because they have too many problems!
  • Why do teachers like whiteboards? Because they’re remarkable!
  • What do you call homework that jumps off a cliff? A cliff-hanger!
  • What do you call a snowman who does your homework? A snow-flake.
  • Why did the pen get detention? It couldn’t control its ink-lination!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on gardening? To help students mulch-task.
  • What’s the hardest part about doing homework? Waking up!
  • Why was the computer cold during homework? It left its Windows open!
  • Why do scientists love doing homework? Because it’s their lab work!
  • Why didn’t the sun do his homework? Because it already set!
  • Why did the broom go to school? To sweep up the homework!
  • What do you call a fake stone? A shamrock!
  • Why did the dictionary feel smart? Because it had all the answers!
  • What did the paper say to the pencil? You’re write for me.
  • What do you call a teacher who never gives homework? Lazy!
  • What’s the best time to do homework? Not now, but later-tater!
  • Why did the ghost struggle with homework? It couldn’t find a boo-grapher!
  • What do you call a dog who can do multiplication? A mathemuttician!
  • What did the pencil sharpener say to the homework? You’re really pointless!
  • Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a teacher? It loved giving out straw-berries.
  • Why did the clock get detention? It was tick-tocking too much!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach? To test the water.
  • What did the big flower say to the little flower? “Hi, bud!”
  • Why did the homework go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling well-organized!
  • Why did the banana go to school? To learn how to split!
  • What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!
  • Why did the ruler join the gym? To measure up to expectations!
  • Why do homework assignments always feel like they’re multiplying?
  • What do you call a fish that wears a crown? Homeworké! (Home-orkay!).
  • Why did the ghost go to the library? To improve his boo-kwork!
  • What do you call a fish that’s good at math? A number-cruncher!
  • Why did the pencil sharpener go to school? It felt sharp today!
  • Why did the teacher go to space? To explore new “world problems”!
  • What do you call a snowman who doesn’t do his homework? Chillin’!
  • What’s the king of the pencil case? The ruler!

Homework Jokes One-Liners

One-liner homework jokes are the epitome of humor squeezed into a single, succinct phrase.

They’re the verbal counterpart of completing a challenging homework problem with a single, swift stroke of the pen – gratifying, simple, and effortlessly witty.

Creating a captivating one-liner requires a fusion of originality, precision, and a profound love for the art of puns.

The test is to wrap the setup and punchline into a concise form, delivering the maximum laughter with minimal words.

Here’s to these homework one-liners turning your study breaks into a laughter riot:

  • Homework: proof that teachers have a sense of humor, because they think we have time for it.
  • I never do my homework in pen, because it’s pointless to commit to something you’re not sure about.
  • Homework is proof that aliens exist, because no human being could design such a torture device.
  • My dog ate my homework… and then threw it up.
  • Homework is a conspiracy by teachers to make us forget what weekends are for.
  • The best thing about homework is that you always have an excuse for not going to the gym.
  • Homework is just a fancy way of saying “I’m ruining your weekend”
  • Homework is like a math problem, the more you try to solve it, the more confused you get.
  • My dog ate my homework, and then the vet charged me for an X-ray to confirm it.
  • Homework: the one thing that unites students in an eternal state of complaining.
  • My dog ate my homework… and then my cat ate my dog.
  • Homework is the reason why I have a love-hate relationship with paper and pencils.
  • If procrastination was an Olympic sport, I’d definitely win gold in homework avoidance.
  • My dog ate my homework, but luckily my teacher was a cat lover and understood the struggle.
  • Homework is the reason why I have a love-hate relationship with trees – they supply paper, but also give me homework.
  • Homework: the invention designed to make us question the meaning of life, one assignment at a time.
  • The only thing harder than doing homework is pretending to understand it in front of the teacher.
  • Homework is like a bad dream, it’s never-ending and it always leaves you feeling exhausted.
  • Homework: The reason why I know the names of all my classmates’ pets, but not their last names.
  • I wasn’t able to finish my homework because I accidentally started binge-watching a documentary series about procrastination.
  • I wish there was a homework vending machine, so I could just insert a dollar and get it done.
  • Homework is a great way to teach kids that life is full of disappointments and never-ending tasks.
  • My dog ate my homework, then proceeded to give me a lecture on proper nutrition.
  • I love homework so much that I do it in my sleep…literally, it’s a nightmare.
  • I gave my homework a timeout because it was misbehaving on my desk.
  • Homework: the only time my parents are proud of me for actually doing nothing.
  • My homework told me to find the missing X, but I’m more concerned about the missing motivation.
  • I never do homework on time, I always do it on the edge of a deadline… literally!
  • Homework is like a workout for your brain, except no one wants to do it.
  • I asked my teacher if I could turn in my homework by email. She said, “Sure, just don’t attach it to a virus.”
  • Homework is like a maze, and I’m just a lost mouse trying to find the way out.
  • My dog ate my homework… and then regurgitated a better version.
  • Homework: because procrastination is a skill that needs to be honed early on.
  • Homework is nature’s way of reminding us that life isn’t fair.
  • Homework: the process of staring at a blank document until your soul slowly evaporates.
  • The only thing harder than my homework is trying to explain to my parents why I didn’t do it.
  • Homework is like a never-ending story, except it’s not as exciting and there’s no dragons.
  • If homework doesn’t kill me, it’s probably because I’ve already died from boredom.
  • I procrastinate so much that I consider my homework as a long-term project.
  • Homework is like a black hole: once you start, you’re sucked in and can’t escape.
  • Homework: the reason why Google is my best friend.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework on a napkin, she said only if I write in pencil.
  • Homework: because why have free time when you can have stress and tears instead?
  • If procrastination was a professional sport, I’d have a gold medal in homework avoidance.
  • Homework is like a math problem, you solve it and then it’s gone…until the test.
  • Homework is like a math problem – you’re always looking for an X to solve it.
  • My homework is like a sloth: it takes forever to get done and I’m always tempted to take a nap.
  • I procrastinate so much on my homework that it should be considered an Olympic sport.
  • Homework would be so much more fun if it was called “Brain Yoga.”
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to find out how many parents they can annoy in a single night.
  • Homework: the ultimate test of how well you can procrastinate and still get it done.
  • My math homework is like a horror movie – full of irrational numbers and endless nightmares.
  • I once tried to burn my homework, but it just turned into a flaming mess – talk about a fiery disaster.
  • Homework: the only time where a wrong answer can be considered right if everyone else got it wrong too.
  • If homework was a person, it would be that annoying relative who always overstays their welcome.
  • My homework is like a sloth – it takes forever to finish.
  • I’m convinced that my teacher invented homework just to watch us suffer.
  • I asked my teacher if I could write a love letter instead of doing my homework. She said no, but I still got an A for creativity.
  • Homework: The reason why I always have a pencil in my pocket, even though I never use it.
  • My dog ate my homework, and then my cat ate my dog… I really need a new excuse!
  • Homework is a great way to test my ability to stay awake while sitting at a desk.+.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework in bed. She said, “Sure, just don’t lie down on it.”
  • My dog ate my homework, then he burped up a perfectly written essay.
  • The only thing more painful than doing homework is stepping on a LEGO barefoot.
  • I finally finished my homework, so now I can go back to procrastinating.
  • Homework is a great way to test your ability to Google answers without getting caught.
  • Homework is the reason why I have trust issues with my backpack.
  • Homework: the only thing that gets longer as you try to finish it.
  • My homework is like a math problem; I have no idea what’s going on but I still pretend to know what I’m doing.
  • If homework were a person, I would sue them for emotional distress.
  • I’m so good at doing homework that I could do it in my sleep. In fact, I often do.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to give us more work to do at home, because they miss us too much during school hours.
  • I don’t always do my homework, but when I do, it’s five minutes before class starts.
  • Homework is just a fancy word for “procrastination material.” .
  • Homework: The only thing that makes procrastination seem productive.
  • My homework folder is a great place to store my dreams and aspirations… untouched and forgotten.
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they wanted to reach the highest grades with their homework.
  • If you can’t convince your teacher that your dog ate your homework, at least convince them that it pooped on it.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework in the future tense. She said no, the assignment is due now.
  • My friend asked me to help him with his homework, so I told him to ask Google.
  • Why did the pencil go to the psychiatrist? Because it couldn’t seem to get its homework done.
  • Homework: the reason why my dog suddenly becomes the most interesting creature in the universe.
  • Homework is like a math problem – I’m still trying to figure out the solution.
  • Homework is the reason why I have trust issues with ink pens and erasers.
  • Doing homework is a lot like trying to fold a fitted sheet – it’s impossible and makes me want to give up on life.
  • My dog ate my homework, and my teacher said it was the most interesting thing he’s ever read.
  • Homework is just a cruel reminder that life is full of endless responsibilities and never-ending to-do lists.
  • I told my teacher I needed more time to finish my homework because I was abducted by aliens. She said she wouldn’t accept any excuses, especially extraterrestrial ones.
  • Homework: the reason why I can’t remember what day it is anymore.
  • Sometimes I feel like my homework is plotting against me, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike with confusion and frustration.
  • Homework: the perfect excuse to procrastinate doing anything productive.
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to do its homework? It wanted to climb to the next level of writing.
  • Homework: The perfect opportunity to discover new ways to avoid doing actual work.
  • Homework is like a black hole; it sucks away all the fun and free time in its vicinity.
  • I failed my homework assignment on the history of cheese. I guess I wasn’t very gouda at it.
  • My homework is like a puzzle, except I don’t have all the pieces and the picture on the box is missing.
  • Homework: the only thing that gets heavier as you try to lift it off your desk.
  • Homework is like a puzzle with missing pieces and a deadline that’s about to crash down on you.
  • Homework is the real-life version of a never-ending story… but with less dragons and more tears.
  • Homework is like a black hole: the more you do, the more it sucks you in.
  • I used to hate math homework, but then I realized it’s all about division… between people who understand it and me.
  • Homework is like a black hole, it sucks all the fun out of life.
  • My homework is like a boomerang. No matter how hard I throw it away, it always comes back to haunt me.
  • Homework: because there’s nothing like the feeling of panic at 3 am.
  • If I had a penny for every time I procrastinated on homework, I’d have zero pennies because I never actually started.
  • Homework: the only time you’ll ever see kids willingly do math problems… in their dreams.
  • Homework is my arch-nemesis, but somehow we always end up spending way too much time together.
  • I have a love-hate relationship with homework. I love to hate it.
  • I tried to do my homework, but Netflix said, “Are you still watching?”
  • Homework is the ultimate test of endurance, sanity, and the strength of your Wi-Fi connection.
  • Homework is like a puzzle, except all the pieces are blank and you have no idea what the picture is supposed to be.
  • Homework: The art of convincing yourself that watching YouTube tutorials counts as studying.
  • I think my teacher secretly enjoys giving us homework because it’s payback for all the mischief we cause in class.
  • Homework is like a bad joke that keeps on repeating itself every night.
  • I wish my homework could be a stand-up comedy routine, at least then I’d get some laughs out of it.
  • The only thing I’ve learned from doing homework is how to do it faster than ever before.
  • Homework: because 7 hours of school just isn’t enough torture for kids.
  • My math teacher called me average… How mean!
  • Homework: because 7 hours of school wasn’t enough torture.
  • I tried to do my homework with a broken pencil, but it was pointless.
  • Doing homework is like going on a blind date with a math problem – you never know what you’re gonna get.
  • Homework is just a polite way of saying “I don’t trust you to remember anything I taught you.”
  • My homework is like a piñata, no matter how hard I hit it, answers never come out.
  • Homework is the reason why some kids have mastered the art of sleeping with their eyes open.
  • Homework is the only time I can confidently say I’m “procrastinating with purpose.” .
  • Homework is like a monster that follows you home from school and eats your free time.
  • The only thing I’ve mastered about homework is the art of making it look like I put effort into it.
  • Homework: the only thing that’s more boring than watching paint dry.
  • I love when my dog eats my homework because at least someone appreciates my hard work.
  • Homework is like a never-ending story, but without the adventure or happy ending.
  • When my parents ask me if I finished my homework, I always say, “I did it in my head.” They never believe me.
  • Homework is like a bad ex: it never leaves you alone and constantly reminds you of your mistakes.
  • Homework: the closest thing we have to a time machine, because it takes us back to the Stone Age.
  • The only thing harder than doing homework is pretending to do homework when the teacher calls on you.
  • I tried to make a joke about homework, but my teacher said it was a waste of time.
  • Homework is like a never-ending marathon, and I’m the world champion of taking breaks.
  • My teacher said I need to do my homework like my life depends on it. Apparently, she thinks I’m in danger of flunking life.
  • Homework is the reason why aliens haven’t visited us – they saw how stressed we are and decided it’s not worth it.
  • Homework should come with a warning label: Caution! May cause extreme levels of frustration and hair-pulling.
  • The only thing worse than doing homework is realizing you did it all wrong the night before it’s due.
  • My homework is like a black hole: no matter how much I do, it never seems to get any smaller.
  • Homework: the perfect excuse for procrastinating on everything else you need to do.
  • Homework is like a bad boyfriend/girlfriend… It takes up all your time and gives you nothing in return.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to make sure we suffer even after school hours.
  • Homework: It’s like a never-ending nightmare, but with more paper.
  • Homework teaches you valuable life skills, like how to Google things really fast.
  • Doing homework is like going to the gym, I know I should do it more often, but I always find an excuse not to.
  • My dog ate my homework…and then pooped out a perfectly written essay.
  • Homework is a great way to practice pretending to understand something you have no idea about.
  • Homework: Where the answer to “Why?” is always “Because I said so.”
  • Doing homework is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded; you never know if you’re making progress or just making a mess.
  • My homework is like a black hole – it sucks in all my free time and never lets go.
  • I asked Siri to do my homework for me, and she replied, “I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that. But I can tell you a joke!”
  • Homework is just a polite way of telling students that their misery should extend beyond school hours.
  • My homework is like a horror movie: it never ends and keeps haunting me every night!
  • Why do I have to do homework? Can’t I just pay someone to do it for me?
  • My homework brings all the procrastinators to the yard, and they’re like, “It’s due tomorrow, damn right it’s hard.”
  • Homework: where the question is easy, but the answer is a mystery.
  • Homework teaches us valuable life skills, like how to perfectly balance a pencil on the edge of our nose.
  • Homework: The only time I’m happy to have a “zero” in my life.
  • If homework was a person, I’d definitely file a restraining order against it.
  • Homework is like a bad movie sequel – it’s never as good as the original assignment.
  • Homework is a constant reminder that my brain has a great sense of humor… it loves to play tricks on me.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to make sure we never have a social life.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to remind us that they have control over our lives even outside of school.
  • Homework: the only time where 2 + 2 equals 5, just to confuse you.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to test how creative we can get with our excuses for not doing it.
  • The key to doing homework is convincing yourself that watching cat videos counts as research.
  • Homework: the perfect way to make sure you have no social life outside of school.
  • Homework is proof that the universe has a twisted sense of humor and wants to watch us suffer.
  • Homework: the only thing that can make a five-minute task feel like a five-hour ordeal.
  • Homework: the ultimate test of how much procrastination a person can endure.
  • Why did the ghost fail his history homework? Because he couldn’t remember anything…he was history.
  • Doing homework is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the needle is knowledge and the haystack is my brain.
  • My dog ate my homework once, so I ate my dog’s food as revenge.
  • I’m not lazy, I’m just on a long-term homework break.
  • I’m not saying my dog ate my homework, but I’m also not saying he didn’t.
  • I tried to do my homework, but my dog ate my pen… and my notebook… and my laptop.
  • My homework is like a math problem – it keeps getting bigger and I have no idea how to solve it.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to test how much stress a student can handle.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework in bed, and she said as long as I dream about doing it, it’s fine.
  • The real reason why I do my homework is because I don’t want to end up like my parents.
  • My dog ate my homework… and then he asked for dessert.
  • Homework is just like a math problem. I solve it with violence!
  • Homework is the perfect excuse to have an existential crisis at least once a week.
  • Homework: The real reason why our parents had children.
  • My homework is so boring that I made a paper airplane out of it just to have some fun.
  • I always do my homework in pen because I like to live dangerously.
  • I always do my homework promptly… promptly forget about it, that is!
  • I tried to do my homework with a calculator, but it said, “Count me out!”
  • My dog ate my homework, but luckily my teacher didn’t believe me, so I had to eat my dog instead.
  • Homework is a great way to teach kids the importance of procrastination.
  • I always do my homework right before the deadline, because I like to live life on the edge of a failing grade.
  • I’m considering changing my major to “Homework Avoidance.”
  • Homework is like a math problem without a solution: it just keeps multiplying.
  • Homework is like a tornado – it starts small and innocent, but eventually destroys your entire weekend.
  • I always do my homework with a pen, because it’s permanent proof of my suffering.
  • If I had a dollar for every time I’ve procrastinated on homework, I’d probably have enough money to pay someone else to do it for me.
  • Homework is a battle between my desire to procrastinate and my fear of failing.
  • Homework: because without it, how else would we procrastinate?
  • My relationship status with homework: it’s complicated…and by complicated, I mean I hate it with a burning passion.
  • Homework is like a math problem… I try to solve it, but it always adds more problems.
  • My idea of a balanced diet is a cookie in each hand while doing homework.
  • Homework is like a reward from the teacher for finishing class; a cruel, twisted reward.
  • Homework is like a puzzle; I’m just missing the pieces and the patience to solve it.
  • Homework is like a racehorse. The faster you do it, the better you finish.
  • Homework: the only time where counting down the minutes feels more like a marathon than a sprint.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to punish us for the weekend.
  • Doing my homework is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded – frustrating and pointless.
  • I don’t always do my homework, but when I do, my dog ate it.
  • Homework is like a vampire, it sucks the life out of you and leaves you feeling dead inside.
  • Homework is a great way to procrastinate doing other homework.
  • My homework is like a soap opera, it’s dramatic, confusing, and I can’t wait for it to end.
  • I always do my homework at the last minute because then I’ll be older, therefore wiser.
  • I don’t always do my homework, but when I do, I make sure the teacher can’t read it.
  • Homework is nature’s way of reminding you that there are worse things in life than Mondays.
  • I’m not saying my homework is easy, but I could probably do it in my sleep…literally.

Homework Dad Jokes

Homework dad jokes are the perfect mix of education and entertainment, the type that can make you chuckle and cringe simultaneously.

They’re the kind of jokes that are so cheesy, they’re brilliant.

These jokes are perfect for adding some fun to study time, school-related conversations, or just to lighten the mood during homework sessions.

Get ready for the moans of ‘oh dad’!

Here are some homework dad jokes that are bound to amuse:

  • Why did the teacher always go to detention? Because she couldn’t keep her students in check, they were always trying to escape from doing homework!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because he heard high school was a stepping-stone to success!
  • Why did the scarecrow always finish his homework on time? Because he was outstanding in his field.
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he really knew how to use his brain!
  • Why was the math book always crying? Because its problems kept multiplying!
  • Why did the student throw his homework into the blender? Because he wanted to make a smoothie out of it.
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do his homework? He couldn’t “boo-lieve” how much he had to do!
  • Why was the math book sad after its vacation? Because it had too many story problems!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? Because it wanted to be sharp when doing homework!
  • Why did the history book go to the therapist? Because it had too many unresolved issues with homework!
  • Why did the ghost always finish its homework on time? Because it didn’t want to be haunted by incomplete assignments.
  • What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt!
  • Why did the pencil do well on its homework? Because it had a sharp mind.
  • Why did the ghost get a high score on its homework? Because it boo-sted its knowledge.
  • Why did the pencil go to the art exhibit? To draw inspiration!
  • Why did the teacher always take homework to the beach? Because she wanted to grade it on a “sand”-scale.
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it felt like it was being worked too hard!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To improve its memory for doing homework.
  • What’s the easiest way to make your homework disappear? Just tear it out of your notebook and throw it away.
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing and realized it needed to ketchup on its homework!
  • Why did the math teacher go on a diet? Because they wanted to lose some “weights” before grading homework.
  • Why did the history book get in a fight with the science book? Because it disagreed with its thesis.
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because he heard the classroom had high expectations.
  • Why did the student go to the comedy club after doing homework? Because they needed a few good laughs to balance out the hard work!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard high grades are earned by climbing the ranks!
  • Why did the pencil go to the therapist? Because it was feeling a little “drawn” out.
  • Why did the paper go to school? Because it wanted to be a sheet of notebook paper.
  • What did the teacher say to the student who didn’t do their homework? “You’re really drawing a blank!”
  • Why did the music teacher assign homework on a Friday? Because they wanted the students to have a note-worthy weekend!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during homework? Because she wanted to keep an eye on her pupils.
  • Why did the teacher assign homework over the summer break? Because she wanted to make sure the students didn’t have too much fun!
  • Why did the teacher bring a ladder to class? Because she wanted to help the students reach new heights in their homework!
  • Why did the scarecrow always bring his homework to the field? Because he wanted to do some “crows”-work.
  • Why did the paper go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a bit sheet-ish after all the homework.
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it was full of problems that couldn’t be solved!
  • Why did the skeleton fail his homework assignment? He didn’t have the guts to complete it!
  • Why did the pencil go to the therapist? It had too many “pointless” problems to solve.
  • Why did the pencil go to the therapist? Because it had too many eraser marks from making mistakes on homework.
  • What did one pen say to the other pen during their homework? “I feel so ink-omplete without you!”
  • Why do you always do your math homework in pen? Because you can’t erase a good equation!
  • What did the algebra book say to the geometry book? “Stop being so obtuse and help me with my homework!”
  • Why was the math book sad after the weekend? It had too much homework to do!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party instead of doing its homework? Because it wanted to be the “write” kind of pencil!
  • Why did the pencil get bad grades? Because it didn’t have a point.
  • Why did the pencil go to the doctor? Because it had trouble with its homework!
  • Why do birds always finish their homework quickly? Because they always work tweet!
  • Why do we tell actors to “break a leg” instead of “good luck” when they have homework? Because every play has a cast!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party by itself? Because it didn’t want to share the spotlight with its eraser.
  • Why did the ghost not do their homework? Because they couldn’t find their boo-ks!
  • Why did the pencil always get into trouble? Because it was always drawing attention.
  • Why did the computer go to school? Because it wanted to become a smart cookie in doing homework!
  • Why was the math book sad after finishing all its homework? Because it had no problems left.
  • Why couldn’t the bicycle find its homework? Because it was two-tired.
  • Why did the teacher always carry a ladder to class? To help with high-level homework!
  • What did the teacher say when the book fell off the desk? “That’s my fault, I didn’t teach it well enough.”
  • Why did the pen do well in school? Because it knew how to draw conclusions!
  • Why do teachers always go on diets? They want to live on lean grading!
  • Why did the pencil do well on its homework? Because it was number two in the class!
  • Why did the teacher bring a ladder to school? To help with high-level problem solving!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To become “smart” in helping with homework!
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he turned in a real straw-mazing essay.
  • Why did the pencil go to art school? Because it wanted to draw more attention away from doing homework!
  • Why did the student’s report card look like a big rock? Because all their grades were below “C” level!
  • Why did the geography book go on vacation? To find someplace new to cover!
  • Why did the math book visit the therapist? Because it had too many problems that it couldn’t solve on its own!
  • Why did the music teacher need a ladder? To reach the high notes!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To improve its “byte” skills and finish its homework faster.
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do its homework? It said it was too corn-fusing!
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it felt so divided!
  • Why did the notebook always get good grades? Because it always paid attention in class.
  • Why do birds never do their homework? Because they prefer to wing it.
  • What did the math book say to the history book? “I don’t understand your timeline, can you help me with my problems?”
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard they needed to “climb” the ladder of success in completing homework!
  • Why did the student eat their math homework? Because they wanted a “taste” of success!
  • Why did the pencil go to school? To get “sharp” in solving homework!
  • Why did the homework go to the party? Because it wanted to get a little calculation!

Homework Jokes for Kids

Homework jokes for kids are the perfect antidote to the sometimes dreary task of studying and assignments.

With a sprinkle of humor and a dash of wit, these jokes can lighten the mood and make the homework routine a bit more enjoyable.

These jokes aid in boosting children’s creativity and language skills as they learn to laugh and play with words, all while relating to their daily life.

Moreover, homework jokes for kids can also promote a positive attitude towards learning and education, transforming their perception of homework from a chore into a fun-filled activity.

So, are you ready to bring the classroom laughter home?

Here are some homework jokes that will have your kids chuckling over their textbooks:

  • Why did the paper clip go to school? Because it wanted to be an extra on the homework page!
  • What’s a math teacher’s favorite dessert? Pi!
  • Why did the pencil bring a blanket to bed? Because it wanted to draw a line in the sheets!
  • What did the calculator say to the student on the math homework? “You can count on me!”
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach instead of grading homework? Because she needed a little shore work!
  • What’s a pirate’s least favorite subject? Algebra, because it’s full of “arrrrrrr”s!
  • Why did the scarecrow get in trouble with his teacher? Because he didn’t do his hay-ssignments!
  • Why did the computer go to school? It wanted to improve its byte-sized homework!
  • Why did the teacher give the student a ladder? Because they said their homework was on a high shelf!
  • Why did the dog eat the boy’s homework? Because it was a “ruff” assignment!
  • Why did the music teacher assign homework to their students? Because they wanted them to hit the right notes!
  • Why did the pencil bring a band-aid to school? Because it had a sharp point!
  • Why did the pen get detention? Because it couldn’t stop doodling in class!
  • Why did the ghost always finish its homework? Because it was afraid of getting booed by the teacher!
  • What’s the best way to get your homework done quickly? Just do it as soon as you get it, then you’ll have plenty of time to play!
  • What kind of sweets do students eat while doing their homework? Study bars!
  • Why did the kid bring a ladder to school? Because he heard the teachers were always looking for solutions.
  • Why did the teacher write on the window? Because she wanted the lesson to be very clear.
  • What do you call a dinosaur that never finishes its homework? A dino-sore!
  • Why did the pencil sharpen his homework? Because it needed to be on point!
  • What did one math book say to the other? I’ve got problems too, you know!
  • Why did the book go to therapy? Because it had a lot of emotional chapters!
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do his homework? Because he already had plenty of straw to do!
  • Why did the teacher send his computer to the doctor? Because it had a virus—except it was the “no work” kind!
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he always stayed ahead of the stalk.
  • Why did the clock go to the principal’s office? It wanted to see hands go up.
  • Why did the teacher put a ladder in the classroom? To help the students reach for the stars!
  • What do you get when you cross a teacher and a vampire? Lots of blood tests!
  • Why did the pencil go to the amusement park? To get a little “Pencil-vania”!
  • Why do teachers give homework? Because it’s a piece of cake!
  • Why did the boy bring a ladder to his homework? Because he wanted to climb to the top grades!
  • Why didn’t the sun do its homework? Because it already had a million degrees.
  • Why did the student get a gold star for their homework? Because they colored outside the lines!
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling well, it had a bad case of the story-ache!
  • Why did the paper clip go to school? To become a stapler!
  • What do you call a snowman doing homework? Chilly Nelson!
  • Why did the ruler go to school? To measure up to the challenge of homework!
  • Why did the pencil sharpener refuse to do any more work? It felt it was pointless!
  • Why did the ghost become a teacher? To help kids with their boo-k reports!
  • Why did the ruler take a nap? It needed to get its rest for the homework ahead!
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! Homework can be a real salad-dresser sometimes!
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite!
  • Why did the ghost do well in school? Because he always did his boo-kwork!
  • What kind of homework do witches do? Spell-ing!
  • Why did the teacher jump off the building? Because she wanted to test the gravitational force!
  • What type of homework do birds get? Tweets!
  • Why do fish never do homework? Because they’re always swimming in schools!
  • What did the math book say to the pencil? I have too many problems.
  • Why did the crayon go to school? Because it wanted to be the “color” of the class.
  • Why did the pencil sharpener go to the homework party? Because it loves a good “point” in its life!
  • What kind of flower loves doing homework? A tulip!
  • Why did the ghost go to school? To get his boo-k reports.
  • What did one pencil say to the other pencil at homework time? You stay here, I’ll go on ahead!
  • What do you call a snowman with a great vocabulary? An articulate snowflake!
  • Why did the pencil bring a eraser to the party? In case it made a mistake on the dance floor!
  • Why did the ghost do well on his homework? Because he could boo-tifully solve every problem!
  • Why did the pencil do well on its math test? It had a lot of number two’s!
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling well, it had too many story problems!
  • Why did the ghost get in trouble at school? Because it refused to do any “boo-logy” homework!
  • Why did the teacher always carry a ladder to the classroom? Because she wanted to reach the highest grades!
  • What did the teacher say to the computer during homework time? “You’re always calculating!”
  • Why did the scarecrow bring a pencil to the field? To do his crops!
  • Why do birds do well in school? Because they always tweet the right answers!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard they were going to have a high-level homework assignment!
  • What kind of meals do math teachers eat? Square meals!
  • Why did the pencil bring a tiny umbrella to school? In case it had to do its homework in a rainforest!
  • Why did the computer eat its homework? Because it wanted a byte!

Homework Jokes for Adults

Who says homework is just for kids and can’t be a source of laughter for adults?

Our compilation of homework jokes for adults is designed to evoke a sense of nostalgia while adding a sophisticated twist to humor.

Just like those unforgettable late-night study sessions, these jokes blend elements of wit, intellect, and a sprinkle of audacity to create a laughter-filled experience.

These jokes are perfect for casual gatherings, reunions, or simply to add a dash of humor to an intense discussion among your peers.

Here are some homework jokes that are perfectly tailored for adults:

  • Why did the student eat their homework after studying frogs? Because it was a biology assignment and they thought it was ribbiting!
  • Why did the ghost never do his homework? Because he always vanished when it was time to study!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to school? Because they heard there would be a lot of sleepless nights doing homework!
  • Why did the ghost always get good grades on its homework? Because it had a lot of spirit!
  • What do you call a monkey who won’t do his homework? A baboonk!
  • Why do trees hate doing homework? Because they just can’t concentrate!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on fishing? Because she wanted to catch some hardworking students!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses while grading homework? Because the answers were so bright, they blinded her!
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to school? To help with its homework, of course!
  • Why was the math homework so cold? It was full of minus signs!
  • Why did the pencil have a hard time doing its homework? It kept breaking down under pressure!
  • Why did the student’s dog eat their homework? It wanted to prove that even the dog found it tasteless!
  • Why did the math book look so tired? Because it had too many sleepless nights trying to solve problems!
  • Why did the pencil go to therapy? It was suffering from a case of too much erasing in homework!
  • Why did the ghost go to school? To improve his spelling skills… Boo-k review!
  • Why did the teacher always bring a ladder to class? To help students reach for the highest grades on their homework!
  • Why did the student bring a shovel to school? Because they heard there would be a lot of digging for answers in their homework!
  • Why did the book go to the therapist? It had too many loose pages and couldn’t stay together!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? It wanted to get a good “point” ahead on its homework!
  • Why did the student eat his homework after writing it? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!
  • Why did the teacher eat his homework? Because he wanted to have a well-balanced meal!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? To reach the high marks in his homework!
  • Why was the math book sad after the homework was completed? It had too many problems to solve its own issues!
  • Why did the pencil go to therapy? Because it had too many unresolved problems from doing homework!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during class? Because her students were so bright, it was like they were doing homework with a spotlight on!
  • Why did the ghost go to the school library? To find some boo-ks for his haunted homework!
  • Why did the teacher give the student a zero on their homework? Because it was incomplete and full of plot holes!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on camping? So the students could pitch their tents and practice pitching their ideas!
  • Why did the computer go to art class instead of doing its homework? It wanted to become a master of graphic design!
  • Why did the student’s computer get detention? Because it couldn’t stop downloading “class”ified information!
  • Why did the homework paper go to the doctor? It had a case of writer’s cramp!
  • What do you get if you cross a vampire with a homework assignment? A blood-thirsty student!
  • Why did the pencil bring a piece of paper to its homework? Because it needed to draw some conclusions!
  • Why did the tomato turn red while doing its homework? Because it saw the salad dressing and got embarrassed!
  • Why do you never see elephants doing their homework? Because they are always on a “trunk” call!
  • Why do math teachers love homework? Because it multiplies their joy!
  • Why did the math textbook break up with the history textbook? Because it felt there was no chemistry between them!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard high school was a step up from middle school!
  • Why did the science experiment skip doing homework? It thought it could conduct its own research instead!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to do homework? Because they wanted to rest their brains and dream of correct answers!
  • Why did the geometry book go to therapy? It had too many issues with angles and problems!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? He heard high school was hard and wanted to climb over it!
  • Why did the teacher always carry a ladder? Because her students’ homework was always over her head!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do its homework? Because it didn’t have a ghost of a chance to pass!
  • Why did the tomato turn red during homework time? Because it saw the math problems and couldn’t ketchup!
  • Why did the pencil bring a lawyer to the test? It wanted to do its “write to remain silent”!
  • What did the pencil sharpener say to the student struggling with homework? “Don’t worry, I’ll help you sharpen your focus!”
  • Why did the student’s dog eat his homework? Because it was a doggone good excuse!
  • Why did the skeleton refuse to do any homework? Because he had no body to write with!
  • Why did the history book get bad grades? Because it was always revising its answers!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a teacher? Because it wanted to help students with their homeWORK!
  • Why did the student fail their art homework? Because they couldn’t draw any conclusions!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because they heard their grades were going up!
  • Why did the skeleton always finish their homework early? They had no body to distract them!
  • Why did the paper clip get sent to detention? Because it was too attached to its homework!
  • Why did the pencil skip school? It couldn’t handle the pressure of homework!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to class? To dream about finishing their homework faster!
  • Why did the history textbook get sent to the principal’s office? It couldn’t stop talking about the past!
  • Why did the computer get detention? Because it wasn’t doing its homework properly and kept on crashing!
  • Why did the student take his homework to the beach? Because his teacher told him to do a “sandwich” assignment!
  • Why did the pencil become a comedian? Because it knew how to draw a crowd!
  • Why did the computer break up with the student? Because it found someone else to byte!
  • Why did the paper clip get detention? Because it was always holding things together!
  • What did the math book say to the history book? “I’ve got all the solutions, and you’re just a bunch of dates!”
  • Why did the computer go to school? To get its byte-size homework done!
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool with all their homework? Because they wanted to do a dive into a sea of knowledge!
  • Why did the grammar book bring a ladder to school? Because it wanted to reach the highest comma!
  • Why did the pencil skip school? It wanted to become homework’s worst nightmare and erase all the answers!
  • Why did the student eat their homework? Because they wanted to digest the knowledge!
  • What did the pencil say to the paper during their homework session? “I dot my i’s on you!”
  • Why did the homework assignment jump off the table? It wanted to get to the point!
  • Why did the history student bring a ladder to the library? Because they wanted to get high marks in their research!
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do his homework? Because he heard it was just a bunch of corn!
  • Why did the scarecrow fail its homework? It didn’t have enough brain-straw!
  • Why did the computer get detention? Because it couldn’t stop copying and pasting answers from the internet for its homework!
  • Why did the student forget to do their homework on the computer? They were too busy scrolling through memes!
  • Why did the ghost never complete its homework? Because it always vanished when it got close to finishing!
  • Why did the tomato turn red during homework time? It saw the salad dressing and was feeling embarrassed!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because he heard high school was a stepping stone for higher education and wanted to get ahead in his homework!
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool with her homework? She wanted to dive into her studies!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to class? To take a nap during homework time, of course!
  • Why did the teacher always collect homework at the beginning of class? Because it’s easier to grade when the tears are still fresh!
  • What did the math textbook say to the history textbook? I’ve got all the answers, you’re just full of old stories!
  • What did the homework say to the student? I’ll never get done if you keep texting your friends!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during homework assignments? Because her students were shining with bright ideas!
  • Why did the computer go to school? Because it wanted to become a nerd and do its homework without any errors!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on the weekends? Because they wanted to make sure no one was having too much fun!
  • Why did the history assignment feel lonely? Because it was always stuck in the past!
  • Why did the grammar worksheet get detention? It couldn’t properly punctuate its sentences!
  • Why did the grammar teacher assign homework about gardening? To make sure students understand the importance of proper root-ine!
  • Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems to solve and couldn’t find a solution!
  • Why did the ghost never do his homework? Because he could never find a pen that worked in the afterlife!
  • Why did the student use invisible ink for their homework? So they could claim they did it, but no one could see the evidence!
  • Why did the student eat his textbook? Because his teacher told him it had all the answers inside!
  • Why did the scarecrow always get good grades in school? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • Why did the tomato turn red when it saw the homework? It was blushing because it couldn’t ketchup!
  • Why do homework assignments never go to parties? Because they always end up staying home and being grounded!
  • What’s a vampire’s least favorite subject? Math, because it’s too draining and sucks the life out of you, just like homework!
  • Why do math teachers never marry? Because they always try to find X instead of a spouse!
  • What did the teacher say to the procrastinating student? “You’re really pushing my deadline!”
  • Why did the history book get bad grades? It was always bringing up the past!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the exam? Because they heard it was a tough one and they wanted to climb over the questions!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do any homework? He didn’t want to get caught haunting the school!
  • Why did the homework hide in the oven? It wanted to be a well-done assignment!
  • Why did the teacher always carry a bag of crushed ice to class? Because she wanted to break the ice during homework discussions!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To become an A-lgorithm student!
  • Why did the pencil get detention? Because it couldn’t stop drawing a blank!
  • Why was the history book always falling asleep during homework time? Because it was full of dull chapters!
  • Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open while doing homework and got a draft!
  • Why did the pencil do poorly on its homework? It didn’t have a point!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the library? Because they heard they needed to reach new heights of knowledge for their homework!
  • Why did the teacher always collect homework at the end of the day? Because they needed a good laugh before going home!
  • Why did the ghost go to the library? Because it wanted to borrow some boo-ks!
  • Why do skeletons always finish their homework quickly? They have nobody to distract them!
  • Why did the student’s paper get sent to the principal’s office? Because it couldn’t “draw” any conclusions!
  • Why did the history book go to school? To get its homework done before it becomes ancient history!
  • Why did the homework document go to therapy? Because it had a lot of unresolved issues with its formatting!
  • Why did the student throw their clock out the window? Because they wanted to see time fly when doing homework!

Homework Joke Generator

Wrestling with the task of coming up with homework jokes can feel like a real assignment in itself.

(Clever, right?)

That’s where our FREE Homework Joke Generator can take the load off.

Engineered to combine witty puns, school-yard humor, and clever quips, it crafts jokes that are sure to ace every humor test.

Don’t let your joke creativity flunk.

Use our joke generator to create laughs that are as fresh and engaging as a new homework assignment.

FAQs About Homework Jokes

Why are homework jokes so popular.

Homework jokes are popular because they are relatable to students of all ages.

They provide a comedic relief from the usual stress and seriousness associated with homework.

Everyone has experienced the trials and tribulations of homework at some point, which makes these jokes universally appealing.

Can homework jokes help in social situations?


Homework jokes can help break the ice in study groups, or lighten the mood during a tense study session.

They can also be a fun way to connect with fellow students and teachers.

How can I come up with my own homework jokes?

  • Think about the common problems and situations that arise during homework—procrastination, difficult problems, or the classic dog ate my homework scenario.
  • Consider the vocabulary associated with homework (e.g., assignments, grades, due dates). Look for puns or wordplay involving these words.
  • Visualize the setting or context of your joke. Is it about a chaotic study session? Or a homework assignment gone wrong? Tailor your humor to this situation.
  • Twist a common saying or phrase to fit into the context of homework.
  • Play with puns and wordplay. Homework jokes are perfect for some clever linguistic humor!

Are there any tips for remembering homework jokes?

You can link homework jokes to your personal experiences or specific homework scenarios.

This association will help in remembering the jokes and can also make them more enjoyable when shared with others.

How can I make my homework jokes better?

The funniest homework jokes often have an element of surprise and relatability.

Play with words, find common ground with your audience, and most importantly, practice.

The more you share your jokes, the more you’ll understand what gets the best laugh.

How does the Homework Joke Generator work?

Our Homework Joke Generator provides quick and easy laughs for those long study nights.

Just enter keywords related to your homework-themed humor or situation, and click Generate Jokes.

You’ll soon have a collection of hilarious homework jokes ready to lighten the mood.

Is the Homework Joke Generator free?

Yes, our Homework Joke Generator is totally free to use!

Generate as many jokes as you need to keep the homework blues at bay.

Share the laughter on your social feeds and keep your study sessions entertaining and fun.

Homework jokes are a splendid way to add a touch of levity to everyday conversations, making life a bit more enjoyable with each chuckle.

From the swift and clever to the lengthy and giggle-inducing, there’s a homework joke for every occasion.

So next time you’re diving into a homework assignment, remember, there’s humor to be found in every problem, equation, and essay.

Keep spreading the laughs, and let the good times tally and roll.

Because after all, a day without laughter is like a day without homework —unthinkable and, frankly, a bit less educational.

Happy joking, everyone!

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Protein Shake Jokes That Are Whey Too Funny

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Hospital Jokes That Will Heal You With Humor

Nurse Jokes That Will Inject Fun Into Your Day

Yoga Jokes for a Balanced Laugh

Geometry Jokes That Measure Up to the Hype

Balloon Jokes That Will Lift Your Spirits

Programming Jokes That Will Make You Crack Up

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15 of the most hilarious homework answers given by smart-ass students

Sage Anderson

It's a truth universally acknowledged by all current and former students that homework sucks. A lot. 

After a long, grueling day of school, most kids have negative levels motivation left to do even more work. It's definitely not encouraging to hear that it may not even make us any smarter .  

But some homework answers do show that students can get pretty clever — either out of laziness, misunderstanding, or just a great sense of humor. If you can't get your teacher to give you an A, you can try and eke out some points on a technicality. Or make them laugh.  

Here are the best answers that, at the very least, get points for creativity. 

1. I mean, same.

Honesty in my son's homework from funny

2. He loved it before it was cool! 

A tiny piece of writing, all about the love of books and reading ...from my son’s homework when he was six. #NationalWritingDay pic.twitter.com/ppYQZoSjoN — Laura (@Mum_Reader) June 27, 2018

3. The academic equivalent of "talk to the hand." 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rachel Marie (@lularachel919) on Oct 2, 2017 at 8:09pm PDT

4. Are we humans, or are we wine moms? 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by I Love My Teacher (@i_love_my_teacher_1102) on Jun 23, 2018 at 10:41pm PDT

5. He's not technically wrong.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Idk Tbh (@kyrowolf11) on Feb 21, 2018 at 12:58am PST

6. Ooh, sick burn. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Brandy (@brando01122) on Apr 6, 2018 at 2:29pm PDT

7. All women are queens, so jot that down. 

Youthful wisdom. from funny

8. At least now we know who let the dogs out. 

A kennel has 75 dogs in total from funnytestanswers

9. Yeah! Get dunked on, Tom! 

Something I did several days ago from funnytestanswers

10. Why do teachers even bother asking these questions anyways?

y'all i'm crying my brother's homework answers are so funny 😩😩😩 pic.twitter.com/LaAzIRysxF — worthless penis sucker (@emosnack) September 2, 2016

11. I'd give him points for boldness. 

My son’s assignment found hanging at school when I went to the Fall parent-teacher conference. from KidsAreFuckingStupid

12. Well, I thought it was a nice name. 

My child’s answer to her math homework. from KidsAreFuckingStupid

13. Clever, and culturally relevant! 

Covfefe from funnytestanswers

14. Maybe not everyone . 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bailey (@baileyybrewerrr) on May 16, 2014 at 11:42am PDT

15. Would it have counted if she traced her hand? 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by LoveWhatMatters.com (@lovewhatmatters) on Apr 10, 2017 at 11:14am PDT

Everyone gets an A+ for effort. 

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37 Funny Homework Memes

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Do you ever feel like doing your homework is a waste of time? Well, you’re not alone. Plenty of people feel that way, including me. I used to dread homework and would even go to the library after school to try to get them done before heading home but I just hated it! Now, that I think about it, homework memes could have been just what I needed to improve my mood.

If you’re looking for a good laugh (or just some validation that you’re not the only one who hates homework), then check out these 37 hilarious homework memes. Take a break from studying and get a much-needed laugh, you’ll be glad you did. Enjoy!

Let the homework memes begin!

1) “A degree is called a degree because at the end, your total grade is made up of 360 credits. I’m baffled. I should be at university.”

"A degree is called a degree because at the end, your total grade is made up of 360 credits. I'm baffled. I should be at university."

2) “Ay you people, why don’t you do your homework?”

"Ay you people, why don't you do your homework?"

3) “Brace yourself, homework is coming.”

"Brace yourself, homework is coming."

4) “A day may come when I start my assignments but it is not this day.”

"A day may come when I start my assignments but it is not this day."

5) “Did you just swear? I could’ve sworn I heard the word homework.”

"Did you just swear? I could've sworn I heard the word homework."

6) “Do your homework now.”

"Do your homework now."

7) “Doing homework at 4:00 am.”

"Doing homework at 4:00 am."

8) “Even if homework for a class only counts for ten percent of your overall grade, do it. If you make a mistake on a test your grade can still be pretty good.”

"Even if homework for a class only counts for ten percent of your overall grade, do it. If you make a mistake on a test your grade can still be pretty good."

9) “Expects you to have all your homework in on time. Takes weeks to grade it.”

"Expects you to have all your homework in on time. Takes weeks to grade it."

10) “Finds all answers to homework on Google.”

"Finds all answers to homework on Google."

11) “Finish homework over the weekend? I’ll just relax on Saturday and do the rest on Sunday .”

"Finish homework over the weekend? I'll just relax on Saturday and do the rest on Sunday."

12) “Getting back an essay after being marked: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.”

"Getting back an essay after being marked: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear."

13) “Me handing in my essays: Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite.”

"Me handing in my essays: Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite."

14) “Homework? Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

"Homework? Ain't nobody got time for that."

15) “How to start an essay: Buckle your seat belts, [censored], because in eight short pages I am going to learn u a thing that I only learned myself about two hours ago, so sit down, shut up, and enjoy the experience of my 4-am-RedBull-induced-self-hatred-fuelled-writing-extravaganza.

"How to start an essay: Buckle your seat belts, [censored], because in eight short pages I am going to learn u a thing that I only learned myself about two hours ago, so sit down, shut up, and enjoy the experience of my 4-am-RedBull-induced-self-hatred-fuelled-writing-extravaganza.

16) “I leave homework to the last day because I’ll be older and therefore wiser.”

"I leave homework to the last day because I'll be older and therefore wiser."

17) “Imagine a world with no homework.”

"Imagine a world with no homework."

Funny and clean memes when you just want to sleep!

18) “Just me when I finally finish my homework at 3 am.”

"Just me when I finally finish my homework at 3 am."

19) “Keep calm and do your homework.”

"Keep calm and do your homework."

20) “When you know you did a bad job but you’re just proud you finished your assignment.”

"When you know you did a bad job but you're just proud you finished your assignment."

21) “Me writing an essay like…The. Break time!”

"Me writing an essay like...The. Break time!"

22) “My anxieties have anxieties.”

"My anxieties have anxieties."

23) “Oh ‘You didn’t have time to do your homework?’ Tell me again about the 3 hours you spent on your phone.”

"Oh 'You didn't have time to do your homework?' Tell me again about the 3 hours you spent on your phone."

24) “Okay, I absolutely have to do this assignment.”

"Okay, I absolutely have to do this assignment."

25) “Please tell me more about why you did not have time to finish your two-minute homework during your 48-hour weekend.”

"Please tell me more about why you did not have time to finish your two-minute homework during your 48-hour weekend."

26) “‘I’m so glad my holiday is over so I can work long hours and stay up late to check homework.’ Said no teacher ever.”

"'I'm so glad my holiday is over so I can work long hours and stay up late to check homework.' Said no teacher ever."

27) “Study. Sleep.”

"Study. Sleep."

28) “Teacher: Finish homework. Me: Must get it done.”

"Teacher: Finish homework. Me: Must get it done."

29) “That face you make when you realize you have homework.”

"That face you make when you realize you have homework."

30) “You want to be wise? Do your homework!”

"You want to be wise? Do your homework!"

31) “Homework: The teachers’ way of knowing how smart the parent is.”

"Homework: The teachers' way of knowing how smart the parent is."

32) “What if I told you it doesn’t matter how many points this is worth.”

"What if I told you it doesn't matter how many points this is worth."

33) “When the bell rings and the teacher forgot to mention the homework.”

"When the bell rings and the teacher forgot to mention the homework."

34) “Why is this me: Me thinking about my dream job. Me studying for my dream job.”

"Why is this me: Me thinking about my dream job. Me studying for my dream job."

35) “Writing an essay the night before it’s due: I’m going to type every word I know! Rectangle. America. Megaphone. Monday. Butthole.”

"Writing an essay the night before it's due: I'm going to type every word I know! Rectangle. America. Megaphone. Monday. Butthole."

36) “You have to do homework? Your life must be so hard.”

"You have to do homework? Your life must be so hard."

37) “If it’s called ‘homework’ what would it be called if you live in an apartment?”

"If it's called 'homework' what would it be called if you live in an apartment?"

I hope you enjoyed these funny homework memes!

Please share these homework memes with your friends and family.

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Funny Homework Quotes to Tickle Your Funny Bone

We know how kids, in general, feel about homework. While there has been a lot of debate about whether homework is necessary for kids, especially for elementary students, the fact remains that many teachers prefer giving homework. Students are expected to complete and submit their work for assessment. 

Often kids consider homework as a burden that robs them of their free time. Consequently, they tend to lose interest in it. As quotes have the power to alleviate mood and change perspective, we can use them to handle thoughts about homework too! We have already covered funny quotes on topics such as geometry , math , and grammar . This time around, we are happy to share fun quotes on homework. 

Although inspiring quotes can encourage positive thoughts, funny quotes make the topic light. By bringing a smile to students’ faces, funny quotes can lighten up their moods and help create a positive mindset toward homework.

Let’s share some smiles with funny homework quotes

1. “homework: because 7 hours at school isn’t enough.” – unknown, 2. “i like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” – lily tomlin, 3. “homework- the teachers’ way to find out how smart parents are” – unknown, 4. “homework is not an option. my bed is sending out serious nap rays. i can’t help myself. the fluffy pillows and warm comforter are more powerful than i am. i have no choice but to snuggle under the covers.” – laurie halse anderson, 5. “time flies so fast when i’m avoiding homework…” – unknown, 6. “you could give me 43 years to do homework, and i still wouldn’t do it until the night before.” – unknown, 7. “my life is a black hole of boredom and despair.” “so basically, you have been doing homework.” “like i said, black hole.” – kiersten white, 8. “i miss the days when homework was just… coloring.” – unknown, 9. “what i like about baseball- there is no homework” – dan quisenberry, 10. “i can’t keep calm. there’s too much homework.” – unknown, 11. “moment of disappointment- when you can’t find the answers to your homework on google.” – unknown, 12. “the reason you want your kids to pay attention in school is you haven’t the faintest idea how to do their homework.” – babs bell hajdusiewicz, 13. “my dog’s favorite snack is my homework.” – unknown, 14. “i am learning skills i will use for the rest of my life by doing homework – procrastinating and negotiation.” – bill watterson, 15. “before i forget, here’s your homework. where do you want me to put it” she pointed at the trash can. “right there would be fine.” – becca fitzpatrick, 16. “homework should be a swear word. every time the teacher says it, they should have to put money in a jar, and then, when there is enough, they need to buy all the kids ice cream.”  – rachel inbar, 17. “the awkward moment when wikipedia has copied your homework.” – unknown, 18. “homework, i have discovered, involves a sharp pencil and thick books and long sighs.” – katherine applegate, 19. “instead of doing my homework; i like to stay on the computer and worry about how much homework i have to do.” – unknown, 20. “things i have learned in school: if the homework is study or read… you don’t have any homework.” – unknown, 21. “getting so bored that you are actually doing your homework earlier…” – unknown, 22. “the teacher can always tell when you did your homework on the bus.” – cynthia lewis, 23. “if you attend miskatonic university, your homework might eat your dog.” – james pratt, 24. “inspiration comes in the middle of the night when you should be doing homework.” – amy lee, 25.”homework means half of my energy is wasted on random knowledge.” – unknown, 26. “it’s piles and piles of emotional homework forever if you ever want to qualify as a grown-up.” – mary h.k. choi, 27. “i didn’t do it because i spent all night long doing the previous night’s homework.” – unknown, 28. “that moment when your teacher forgets you have homework, but then that one kid says, we have homework.” – unknown, 29.”dear homework, they may be doing you, but all they can think about is me. sincerely, summer.” – unknown, 30.”i save all of my homework until the last minute because then i will be older, therefore wiser.” – u nknown, 31. “even when i have absolutely nothing to do, homework is not an option.” – unknown, but why is homework important for students.

We may have shared witty and funny quotes about homework, but that does not mean we consider homework unimportant. There are quite a few good reasons why homework has been an integral part of a student’s life for years. Do you want to know how doing regular homework can benefit you in the long run? Let’s see. 

1. It instills discipline and encourages students to plan their day, do their assignments, and stay organized.

2. Homework improves time management skills. As homework comes with a deadline and every day has a different workload, students have to level up their time management game to stay on track and keep their deliverables ready on time. 

3. Repeating concepts several times helps in increasing a student’s understanding of the subject. This makes the topic easier to comprehend, which stays in memory for a long duration.

4. Doing assignments in class is quite different from doing them at home. At school, guidance is readily available. But homework encourages students to problem-solve and work independently. 

5. Homework prepares students to do things even if they don’t want to. Adulthood brings several instances when you have to do certain things without having the willingness to do them. Students get to learn this life lesson through homework.

6. Homework teaches students to become responsible for their learning. Failing to take responsibility well often results in poor grades in class assessments.  

7. It provides an opportunity for parents to be actively involved in their child’s education and know what they are learning in class and where they stand in terms of understanding the subject matter. 

8. Homework also allows teachers to assess how well students have understood a topic and gives them an idea about which areas must be discussed further in class to develop clarity in the minds of the students. 

Wrapping up,

Homework may not bring a smile to a student’s face. But that doesn’t make it less important. We all know “Laughter is the best medicine” in stressful times. So, the next time you’re stressed out by your homework, take a break and go through these funny quotes. It will definitely lighten up your mood and release happy hormones in your body so you can go back and finish your homework with cheerfulness and positivity.

homework meaning funny

I am Priyanka Sonkushre, a writer and blogger. I am the person behind “ One Loving Mama ,” a mom blog. Equipped with a Bachelor’s degree along with an MBA, my healthcare background helps me deeply understand learning difficulties. I know how challenging it can be for parents to find the right resources to help their children excel in life. So, here I am to blend my healthcare expertise with my parenting experience to create valuable and helpful resources for parents and teachers supporting children with learning differences. If you wish, you can follow me on  Facebook  and  LinkedIn .

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61 inspiring & funny homework quotes (assignment), top 25 most famous quotes about homework (best).

“Education is a cause very close to me. What matters is encouraging my fans to focus on their education, because only an educated generation can ensure a better future. Even when I was on tour, I did my homework and studied.” Martin Garrix

Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That's called doing your homework. - Jim Rohn

“No kid should be getting three or four hours of homework a night. There’s no breathing time, there’s no family time, there are just extracurriculars and homework and then go to bed.” Ross W. Greene

The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing a kid can say about a game is it's too easy. - Henry Jenkins

“I feel sorry for kids these days. They get so much homework. Remember the days when we put a belt around our two books and carried them home? Now they’re dragging a suitcase. They have school all day, then homework from six until eleven. There’s no time left to be creative .” Tom Petty

The same people who never did their homework in high school are still doing that to this very day out in the real world. - Jules Shear

“I’ve always been surrounded by many great people and professors, but my family , especially my mom who was a teacher, was the person who encouraged me to study and pushed me to continue. When we’re young, we don’t understand why our parents bug us so much with school and doing homework, but it’s a blessing to have that support at home.” Bad Bunny

Do as much homework as you can. Learn everybody's job and don't just settle. - Michael B. Jordan

“After your first job, is anyone asking you what your GPA was? No, they don’t care. They ask you: Are you a good leader? Do people follow you? Do you have integrity ? Are you innovative ? Do you solve problems? Somebody’s got to do that homework and redesign the educational system so that it can actually train people to be successful in life.” Neil deGrasse Tyson

When you want to do your homework, fill out your tax return, or see all the choices for a trip you want to take, you need a full-size screen. - Bill Gates

“You have got to pay attention, you have got to study and you have to do your homework. You have to score higher than everybody else. Otherwise, there is always somebody there waiting to take your place.” Daisy Fuentes

Everybody talks about finding your voice. Do your homework and your voice will find you. - Branford Marsalis

“Growing up, I ate, slept and breathed hockey. I got home from school, I shot pucks, played outdoor hockey, road hockey, go home for dinner… Remember this is pre-Internet, barely any video games, I had a Commodore Vic-20. If you weren’t doing your homework, you were outside playing hockey, most likely.” Chris Pronger

I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. - Lily Tomlin

10 Funny, Yet Inspiring, Quotes About Homework (ASSIGNMENT)

That moment when your teacher forgets you have homework, but then that one kid says, 'We have homework.'

26 Wise Quotes About Homework that Will Make You Think (WISDOM)

“When I was growing up, my parents told me, ‘Finish your dinner. People in China and India are starving.’ I tell my daughters, ‘Finish your homework. People in India and China are starving for your job.'” Thomas Friedman

You don’t get rich off your day job, you get rich off your homework. - Daymond John

“Homework should be a swear word. Every time teachers say it, they should have to put money in a jar and then, when there’s enough, they need to buy all the kids ice cream.” Rachel Inbar

Homework is a term that means grown up imposed yet self-afflicting torture. - James Patterson

“When my son Nandan was in middle school, I had a fun way of doing his math homework. I bought another set of mathematics books and both of us would sit side by side and start solving problems.” Suhasini Maniratnam

He's given me enough homework to last ten years. I'm gonna die of nerdism. - Mark A. Cooper

“You guys got big uglies, fuumm-bull, and ‘Whoa, Nellie.’ What I got was, ‘Lindsey, why are the trash cans still out front?’ ‘This homework needs more work,’ and the inevitable was, ‘How fast were you really going?'” Keith Jackson

My life is a black hole of boredom and despair. So basically you've been doing homework. Like I said, black hole. - Kiersten White

“By providing every student with a quality education , and the materials they need for class and to do their homework, we can help students from all backgrounds learn and thrive.” London Breed

YouTube video

(MUST READ) Homework for Grown-ups: Everything You Learnt at School… and Promptly Forgot

Homework for Grown-ups: Everything You Learnt at School...and Promptly Forgot

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Fun vs funny homework

  • Thread starter lingvoforum
  • Start date Jun 18, 2017


  • Jun 18, 2017

Hello, is there any difference between FUN homework (assignement) and FUNNY homework (assignement)? Are there of the same meaning? Which one is more formal or appropriate? Context: Homework assignement (videos) for my B.2 level students. Thank you.  



Modwoman in the attic.

Have you looked the words up in the dictionary, lingvoforum? If so, what is confusing you about the definitions? What type of assignment are you giving your students? Is it going to be enjoyable, or humorous? WR dictionary inks: fun , funny Here are some relevant threads: fun vs funny [URL='https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/fun-vs-funny.1511385/']fun vs. funny [/URL]  

Senior Member

Students will enjoy doing a fun homework assignment. (fun - pleasant, enjoyable) They will laugh when doing a funny assignment. (funny - amusing, comic) The use of "fun" as an adjective is informal.  


Moderator Emeritus

lingvoforum said: is there any difference between FUN homework (assignement) and FUNNY homework (assignement)? Are there of the same meaning? Which one is more formal or appropriate? Click to expand...
DonnyB said: Don't forget that "funny" is used in English as a synonym for strange or peculiar. So your students could say "We got some funny homework to do" to mean that the assignment was a very odd one. Click to expand...
Hildy1 said: Students will enjoy doing a fun homework assignment. (fun - pleasant, enjoyable) They will laugh when doing a funny assignment. (funny - amusing, comic) The use of "fun" as an adjective is informal. Click to expand...

Well, as the adjective "fun" means "enjoyable" but in informal English, what would be a correct term in formal English? Enjoyable homework sounds odd, doesn't it? Amusing homework? ...? Thank you.  

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noun as in assignment

Strongest matches

  • appointment

Strong matches

noun as in drill

  • conditioning
  • preparation
  • constitutional
  • instruction
  • run through

Weak matches

  • daily dozen
  • learning by doing

noun as in lesson

noun as in practice

noun as in preparation

  • arrangement
  • construction
  • establishment
  • preparedness
  • qualification
  • anticipation
  • expectation
  • manufacture
  • substructure
  • getting ready
  • making ready
  • putting in order

noun as in revision

  • improvement
  • modification
  • reconsideration
  • reexamination
  • rectification
  • retrospection
  • overhauling

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Example sentences.

Now, they log on to Zoom from their bedrooms, surrounded by unfinished homework assignments and tattered stuffed animals, waiting to be assigned calls, texts and emails by the trained therapists who oversee the program.

Yow started her homework and saw Frese had gone 35-22 with two winning seasons at Ball State, which hadn’t had a winning record in its previous nine seasons.

Do some homework before investing in a diamond, and that lifelong commitment.

Another poster included an image of their losses over what appeared to be online math homework.

As we countdown to Inauguration Day, I've been doing my homework—and looking to the past for inspiration.

“I can help my children with their homework and sometimes we text in English at my job,” Santos says.

Scheunemann, meanwhile, had no idea who Spencer was, and did some homework.

She jumped at the chance to watch RT, or jumped at the chance to skip calculus homework.

And we encourage parent-student “contracts,” for class attendance, homework submission and even extra-curriculum activities.

Adicéam did his homework, spending 50 days collecting pieces, many with unexpected stories behind them.

Much of this homework is done by a very bad light and the boy's eyes suffer much.

For homework we have prepared alphabets where the letters are printed in type-writing order.

His parents were always getting angry with him for losing his clothes, or his toys, or his homework.

Only at the time when he was going to Beauregard School, with his homework.

And once a week or twice a week she was sending her homework or something to him.

Related Words

Words related to homework are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word homework . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

noun as in responsibility, task

noun as in practice, exercise

noun as in information taught

noun as in exercise, application

Viewing 5 / 7 related words

On this page you'll find 166 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to homework, such as: appointment, chore, drill, duty, job, and position.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Meaning of homework in English

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  • The kids are busy with their homework.
  • My science teacher always sets a lot of homework.
  • "Have you got any homework tonight ?" "No."
  • I got A minus for my English homework.
  • For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species .
  • academic year
  • access course
  • Advanced Placement
  • asynchronous
  • foundation course
  • immersion course
  • interdisciplinarity
  • on a course
  • open admissions
  • open classroom
  • work placement

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a computer program designed to have a conversation with a human being, usually over the internet

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

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  1. Do Your Homework Meme : 40 Most Funny Homework Meme Pictures And Photos

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  2. Homework Memes

    homework meaning funny

  3. 53 Very Funny Homework Memes Gifs, Pictures & Graphics

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  4. 17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

    homework meaning funny

  5. Meaning of homework

    homework meaning funny

  6. 17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

    homework meaning funny


  1. Two types of people doing homework 🤣 #funny #skits

  2. class 🆚 homework 🆚 text best funny short video # viral 👈😎😂😂😂😂🌍🌍😈💔❤



  5. Homework meaning|#shortsyoutubeviral|#shorts

  6. What is the meaning of HOMEWORK ?


  1. HOMEWORK Funny Abbreviation Meaning

    Discover Funny Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Funny Acronyms and Abbreviations. Explore HOMEWORK Definitions: Discover the complete range of meanings for HOMEWORK, beyond just its connections to Funny. Expand Your Knowledge: Head to our Home Page to explore and understand the meanings behind a wide range of acronyms and abbreviations across diverse fields and ...

  2. 17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

    Homework—love it or hate it, it's a universal experience for most teachers (and students). And while both sides of the homework debate have merit, why not just accept it and have a good laugh? Here, 17 of our favorite homework memes. 1. Dang, they're on to us. SOURCE 2. Pulling. Hair. Out. SOURCE 3. Life is hard. SOURCE 4. Listen to Yoda ...

  3. Funny Homework Answers from Kids Who Are Going Places

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  4. 15 Funny and Motivational Quotes about Homework

    Homework!" - no student ever. Alexa, do my homework. The teacher can always tell when you did your homework on the bus. "The most effective way to do it is to do it.". - Amelia Earhart. When in doubt, clear your desk, tie up your hair, grab a coffee, and just start. Focus on being productive instead of busy.

  5. 200+ Hilarious Homework Puns to Make Studying More Fun

    English homework may not be a tea party, but at least there's always a strong plot. 10. I finished my homework on time travel, but it's all in the future tense. 11. My music homework hits a high note, but it's a lot to conduct. 12. Biology homework can be tough; just thinking about it cells my brain. 13.

  6. 15 of the most hilarious homework answers given by smart-ass students

    View this post on Instagram. 6. Ooh, sick burn. View this post on Instagram. 7. All women are queens, so jot that down. Reddit. 8. At least now we know who let the dogs out.

  7. 20 Funny Homework Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Hard

    20 Funny Quotes About Homework. 1. Homework is a prolonged school "torture". 2. Some students choose not to do their homework at all. 3. Time passes so slowly when we do our tasks. 4. If you want to be bored, do your homework.

  8. 47 Hilarious Homework Puns

    A list of 47 Homework puns! Related Topics. Homework: Homework, or a homework assignment, is a set of tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside the class.Common homework assignments ... Homework (Daft Punk album): Homework is the debut studio album by the French electronic music duo Daft Punk, released on 20 January 1997 by Virgin Records and Soma Quality Recordings ...

  9. 608 Homework Jokes That Will Make You the Class Clown

    Homework is the reason why I have a love-hate relationship with trees - they supply paper, but also give me homework. Homework: the invention designed to make us question the meaning of life, one assignment at a time. The only thing harder than doing homework is pretending to understand it in front of the teacher.

  10. 15 of the most hilarious homework answers given by smart-ass students

    Or make them laugh. Here are the best answers that, at the very least, get points for creativity. 1. I mean, same. Honesty in my son's homework from. funny. 2. He loved it before it was cool! A tiny piece of writing, all about the love of books and reading ...from my son's homework when he was six.

  11. 37 Homework Memes That Are Funny

    Funny and clean memes when you just want to sleep! 18) "Just me when I finally finish my homework at 3 am.". 19) "Keep calm and do your homework.". 20) "When you know you did a bad job but you're just proud you finished your assignment.". 21) "Me writing an essay like…The.

  12. funny homework Memes & GIFs

    Funny Homework....technically this is not a wrong answer. by bdunn834. 36,980 views, 202 upvotes, 45 comments. share. More homework excuses ...

  13. Funny Homework Quotes to Tickle Your Funny Bone

    Let's share some smiles with funny homework quotes. 1. "Homework: because 7 hours at school isn't enough.". - Unknown. 2. "I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.". - Lily Tomlin. 3. "Homework- the teachers' way to find out how smart parents are!".

  14. 61 Inspiring & Funny Homework Quotes (ASSIGNMENT)

    Do your homework. Find your voice. Be authentic. And then dive in with purpose. - Julie Foudy. You will never get anywhere if you do not do your homework. - Jim Rogers. Do your homework and know your business better than anyone. Otherwise, someone who knows more and works harder will kick your ass.


    HOMEWORK meaning: 1. work that teachers give their students to do at home: 2. work that teachers give their students…. Learn more.


    HOMEWORK meaning: 1. work that teachers give students to do at home: 2. to prepare carefully for a situation: . Learn more.

  17. Fun vs funny homework

    slovak. Jun 18, 2017. #6. Hildy1 said: Students will enjoy doing a fun homework assignment. (fun - pleasant, enjoyable) They will laugh when doing a funny assignment. (funny - amusing, comic) The use of "fun" as an adjective is informal. Thank you all. Yes, Hildy1, the meaning is rather pleasant, enjoyable but I was not sure if it is possible ...

  18. 159 Synonyms & Antonyms for HOMEWORK

    Find 159 different ways to say HOMEWORK, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

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    HOMEWORK definition: 1. work that teachers give their students to do at home: 2. work that teachers give their students…. Learn more.

  21. 100 Funny Inspirational Quotes for Work and Life to Make You Laugh

    18. "Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, some don't turn up at all." —Sam Ewing. 19. "Hustle until your haters ask if you ...

  22. Meaning of Homework || Funny

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  23. homework meaning #funny #comedy

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