
Graphic Essays and Comics

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A graphic essay (sometimes called a visual essay) uses a combination of text and images to explore a specific topic. Graphic essays can look like comics, graphic novels, magazines, collages, artist books, textbooks, or even websites. Graphic essays often first take the form of written essays and then have graphic elements added to enrich the reader experience. Unlike infographics, which also combine text and images, graphic essays are often more text-based and usually have a narrative arc or specific reading order.

Comics are a genre used to express ideas through images combined with text or other visual information. Comics can take the form of a single panel or a series of juxtaposed panels of images, sometimes called a strip. Text is conveyed via captions below the panel(s), or speech bubbles and onomatopoeias within the panel(s), to indicate dialogue, narration, sound effects, or other information. Graphic novels are often considered to be a longer form of comics, typically in book form.

A web-based graphic essay can take the form of a blog or a single page website, such as a Microsoft Sway page or an interactive Prezi. For Microsoft Sway and Prezi graphic essays, see the examples below. If you are creating a blog we recommend visiting the Web-Based Projects page .

Graphic Essay Design Tip: Graphic essays can take many forms, so we recommend being creative within the scope of your project! Get some help from DesignLab to brainstorm options and talk through the various tools available!

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Recommended Software

There are many different software programs that can be used to create graphic essays. Below is a list of the software that we recommend for making a graphic essay. We organized the software by category and put the software from top to bottom from best to worst. We recommend using a software you know well or learning the software well enough to establish an easy workflow, so you can spend less time troubleshooting and spend more time on your project. Check out our Software Support page for links to tutorials for all of these programs.

General Graphic Essay Software

Canva Logo

Web-Based Graphic Essay Software

Microsoft Sway Logo

Comic-Specific Graphic Essay Software

Comic Life Logo

Student-Made Examples

Print style graphic essay.

Becoming a Witness by Jessica Posnock

Becoming a Witness Thumbnail Image

Creative Graphic Essay

Virtual Communication by Max Hautala   *Award Winning*

graphic essay sample

Curb Magazine (2012) by Journalism 417

Curb Magazine Thumbnail Image

Web-Based (Magazine) Graphic Essay

Curb Magazine (Current) by Journalism 417

graphic essay sample

Web-Based (Sway) Graphic Essay

Language Influences Culture, Thoughts, and Identity by Kristen Luckow   *Award Winning*

Language Influences Culture, Thoughts, and Identity Thumbnail Image

Dyslexia by Maria Swanke *Award Winning*

Dyslexia Thumbnail Image

Other Examples

Web-based (blog) graphic essay.

Switch It Up: Graphic Essay by Amanda Zieba

Sceeenshot of Switch It Up Graphic Essay

Graphic Novel

Graphic Novels in the Classroom by Gene Yang

Screenshot of Graphic Novels in the Classroom

Instructional Video

The Daring English Teacher on Teachers Pay Teachers Secondary ELA resources Middle School ELA High School English

Assigning a Graphic Essay as an Essay Alternative

One of my favorite ways to assess my students’ essay-writing skills without actually assigning a traditional essay is with the graphic essay . A graphic essay is an excellent essay alternative for the middle school ELA or high school English classroom.

A graphic essay is a graphic representation that contains all of the essential essay elements. It combines writing, visual elements, and design. When assigning a graphic essay, you can have students include any particular aspect from the essay that you want.

Essay writing ideas for the secondary ELA classroom

Getting Started

The first step to completing a graphic essay project in your classroom is to have a clear idea of the skills and content you want to assess. For example, if you are working on an argument and persuasive unit, are you looking to assess a counterargument? If you are working on an informative piece, are you looking for explanatory evidence?

Once you know what you want to assess, start mapping out the student requirements. I’m pretty old-school when it comes to things and prefer to draft out my notes with paper and pencil. When I do this, I make a list of all of the elements that I want my students to include. For a recent project, I wanted them to include a variety of features: introduction, big ideas with supporting evidence, counter argument, quick facts, visual data representation, and a Works Cited page.

Assigning a graphic essay in the middle school ELA or high school English classroom

Work Before Design

Once you have your graphic essay outlined, it is time to assign it to the students. However, and I cannot stress this enough, you don’t want them to focus on the visual and graphic elements first. That is just a hot mess waiting to happen. You know how it will go. Some students will spend the entire class period deciding between a blue or green spot color design element. By the time the class period ends, they’ll have a lovely purple box on their graphic essay, but that will probably all they have accomplished—one box.

Instead, try this. Have your students work on a brainstorming organizer first. You’ll want them to brainstorm, write, and curate all of the content for the graphic essay before they start the design process. When I complete this project in my classroom, I have them draft everything, find all of the images they want to include, and submit that work for a grade before they even start the design process.

Assigning a Graphic Essay as an Essay Alternative in Secondary ELA

Students either love or hate the graphic design process of this alternative essay project, and that is to be expected. When we get to the design process of this project, I try to give my students several different options for creating the final project that matches different graphic design comfort levels. A few of my students usually want to use Adobe Photoshop and design everything from scratch, a few need extra guidance working in a Google Slide, and the majority are excited to try a new online platform. Please note, this is not an ad. These websites did not pay to be included in this post.

One thing that I cannot emphasize enough for this type of project is that I grade content and not design. Let me repeat that: I assess the content of the work and not the quality of the design.

Here’s a look at some of the different platforms I suggest my students use to create their graphic essay. This list is in order from easiest to most advanced.

1. Google Docs – Most students are already familiar with Google Docs. Using the draw tool, students can create images, place text, and color to their Google Docs. For my students who need the most assistance with the design process, I have them use my initial template (which I created using the draw tool in Google Docs) and a plug and play template.

2. Google Slides – Some students might prefer Google Slides over Google Docs because they might feel like they have more freedom. Using Google Slides, students can change the dimensions of each slide to 8.5×11 inches (or larger), and use the textbox tool, shape tool, and other design tools to create the graphic essay.

3. – I love Canva because it provides students with different design templates and elements. While there is a paid version, I tell all of my students to use the free option. Using Canva, students can select a flier because that is preset to 8.5×11 inch dimensions. Once students are in Canva, there are a ton of free design tools. Students can choose from a variety of options, including preset text designs, frames, shapes, data (which is excellent for inserting bar graphs and pie charts), and pictures. Students can even upload their own images to the site as well!

4. Adobe Spark – Adobe Spark is another great online tool for students to create graphic essays and other multimedia presentations. Students can choose a custom size to create an 8.5×11 inch poster, and Adobe Spark also has premade text elements and templates to choose from.

5. – Personally, I like Piktochart more for having students create infographics instead of graphic essays, but Piktochart still works. Students can the custom size or letter size to create their graphic. Piktochart has more advanced design features, and one unique design feature is that students can design their project in blocks. Similar to Canva and Adobe Spark, students can also upload their own images to their creation.

Assigning a Graphic Essay as an Essay Alternative in Secondary ELA

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Assigning a Graphic Essay as an Essay Alternative in Secondary ELA

Sharing the File

Once students finish creating their graphic essays, I like to have them upload their creations to one location so that all of my students can see the work that everyone created. My favorite site for this is Padlet. If you haven’t used Padlet before, it is like an online corkboard. Students can post their designs to your class’s board. Students can also comment on other students’ work if you want to add a gallery walk element to this project.

Assigning a Graphic Essay as an Essay Alternative in Secondary ELA

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The Daring English Teacher on Teachers Pay Teachers


Hippocampus Magazine

CRAFT: Let’s Get Graphic: A Look at the Visual Essay by Nicole Breit

August 1, 2018.

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If you’re keen to tell new kinds of stories – or old stories in new ways – consider these ten “visual” approaches to writing short-form memoir.

1. The Photo Essay

The art of the photo essay lies in the writer’s careful selection of images balanced with the inclusion of text. Will the photos drive the narrative, or will they fill in textual “gaps” to move the story forward? Vivek Shraya strikes an elegant balance of “showing” and “telling” in her compelling photo narrative, “ Trisha .”

2. The Concrete Essay

This form is the next evolution of concrete poetry (A.K.A. shape or pattern poems), reincarnated as CNF. Jennifer Wortman’s “ Worst-Case Scenario ” presents the story of her husband’s 35-feet fall into a gap while rock climbing, visually – via text shaped like the rocks he fell through.

3. The Illustrated Essay

There’s something so charming about a notebook doodle – perhaps because sketches convey the character of the artist in such an immediate way. I love the narrator’s personality as it comes through Randon Billings’ Noble’s drawings in “ Accidental Notes on the Syllabus .”

4. The Graphic Essay

Check out the masters of graphic memoir – Maggie McKnight , Riad Sattouf , Alison Bechdel , Marjane Satrapi, Kristen Radtke, Nicole Georges and Ellen Forney – and understand how powerful comics can be as a medium for personal storytelling.

5. The Paper Craft Essay

If you’re wondering what to do with your stockpile of scrapbooking supplies, look no further than Erica’s Trabold’s “ Swedish Rye Bread ”– an essay constructed as a collage of typed index cards, digital scans, the pages of a vintage cookbook, and scrapbooking paper.

6. The Quilted Essay

Quilting has a long history of embodying narrative in carefully chosen patterns, colours, and symbols. Learn more about textile-based narratives in Sarah Minor’s article “ What Quilting and Embroidery Can Teach Us about Narrative Form ” and by reading her visual essay, “ Log Cabin Quilt .”

7. The Schematic Essay

The Process of Becoming Informed is a found schematic essay  published by The Diagram and credited to Michael K. Buckland of Library Services in Theory and Context,  Pergamon Press, 1983. Where might you find a visual essay just waiting to be discovered?

8. The Graphic Hermit Crab

The hermit crab essay appropriates a found text – also known as a “false document” – as a “shell” to protect the vulnerable story it contains. The textual form’s logical progression is visual, in which a found graphic is adopted as the essay’s structure. J. Robert Lennon’s “ Turnabout: A Story Game ” is a graphic hermit crab essay that can be read starting at any point, proceeding in any direction.

9. The Video Essay

Video is a natural medium for personal narrative, and John Breslund is known as a pioneer of the visual essay form. This article includes a Q and A with Bresland and his collaborator, poet and essayist, Eula Biss, with links to some of their groundbreaking work including “Ode to Every Thing.”

10. The Interactive Essay

“Hypertext is spatial in every direction, truly nonsequential—nothing follows by necessity anything else in the essay” write Brenda Miller and Suzanne Paola in Tell It Slant . Exemplary interactive hypertext CNF include Dinty W. Moore’s “ Mr. Plimpton’s Revenge: A Google Map Essay ,” Christine Wilks’ “ Fitting the Pattern ” and the work of Eric LeMay .

I hope this survey of the visual essay, in all its weird and wonderfully varied forms, inspires you to try a new approach to telling your stories. No matter your level of skill, experience, or talent with the visual arts, you can start including visuals in your work easily – and to great effect – incorporating images or multi-media collage.

Which visual essay format appeals to you the most? I’d love to hear which visual essays inspire your next project!

  2 comments for “ CRAFT: Let’s Get Graphic: A Look at the Visual Essay by Nicole Breit ”

  • Pingback: CRAFT: Life Writing Tips— How Asking Questions Can Spark New Stories by Nicole Breit | Hippocampus Magazine - Memorable Creative Nonfiction
  • Pingback: CRAFT: Visual CNF Forms- A Look at the Concrete Essay by Nicole Breit | Hippocampus Magazine - Memorable Creative Nonfiction

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graphic essay sample

Learn How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay: An Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Learn How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay An Ultimate Guide for Beginners

A visual analysis essay is not your typical everyday task, but students taking art history and communication will have to write it in their academic journey. For example, you may be asked to analyze an advertisement, painting, or photograph. How do you decipher hidden messages, cultural nuances, or symbolisms within visual media??

Whether you’ve handled a visual analysis essay before or not, this post will give you fresh and helpful ideas to help you write a winning visual analysis essay. It can seem hard at first, but following the right technique will help you complete it quickly and efficiently. Read on to learn how to write a visual analysis.


What is a Visual Analysis Essay?

A visual analysis essay is a type of academic writing in which the writer analyses and interprets visual elements in a piece of visual art, such as a sculpture, image, painting, or other visual objects. The essay goes beyond a mere description of the subject to explore the artistic choices of the creator and the effects of the choices on the audience.

The primary goal of a visual analysis essay is to help the reader understand the elements, techniques, and context of the artwork under study. Here’s a detailed list of the purposes of the visual analysis essays:

  • To critically analyze artwork or any visual work.
  • To discuss the elements of visual display in detail.
  • To unfold interesting facts about the artists and art
  • Assess the effectiveness of the art/image in current times
  • Explain the historical relevance and meaning
  • Evaluate existing literature on the subject

To achieve the goals above, students must incorporate different principles and elements of visual analysis. Also, the language used should be clear, descriptive, and simple.

Elements of Visual Analysis Essay

You can’t write a visual analysis essay without mentioning the visual elements of the subject under review. Below are common elements to consider when writing a visual analysis essay:

  • Composition — Composition refers to what the main figure is, what the other figures are, how they are placed, and what is missing. Composition is a mandatory element to consider in a visual analysis.
  • Elements of design — Usually, artists incorporate various elements of design in their work, such as different sizes, colors, lines, shapes, and other design features.
  • Focal point — To write a visual analysis paper, you need to know what the artists used to grab the audience’s attention. To know the focal point, you must understand the main goal of the piece.
  • Color — Describe the colors used and how they affect the tone and mood of the art.
  • Lines — Consider the actual lines used in the object and how they help grab the audience’s attention towards parts of the art.
  • Texture — This is the smoothness or roughness of the object. Consider if it’s real in two-dimensional or three–dimensional art.
  • Value — In art education, value refers to how and why the artist has used light and dark aspects in specific parts of their work.
  • Shape — What shapes are in the image, and what do they represent ?
  • Form — It refers to how the shadows and lights in a piece of art are used to create illusions and colors.
  • Size — This is about the overall size of the image. Artists choose a particular size so that you can see what they want you to see better.
  • Symbolic elements — If the art represents a certain art history or carries a symbolic meaning, you will need to find it and tell the reader what it means.

Principles of Design in Visual Analysis Essays

To write a winning visual analysis essay, you must also consider the principles of design. The principles help you to identify and explain various aspects of the visual display.

  • Balance — Balance is the distribution of visual elements in the art. Consider if the elements have symmetrical, radial, or asymmetrical balance.
  • Emphasis — It refers to what draws immediate attention when the audience looks at the art.
  • Movement — This refers to the use of objects or symbols repeatedly in a visual display. 
  • Pattern — Here, explain the colors of the image and how they affect the art. Discuss if they are dark or light and their impact on the mood.
  • Proportion — This principle refers to the realistic relationship between objects in the visual and their comparative link to the art.
  • Variety — How has the artist used different elements to influence the audience’s perception of the picture? Explain how different features create a certain mood or meaning.
  • Contrast — It refers to opposing elements in the visual. Describe them and tell how they affect the quality of the picture.
  • Hierarchy — Hierarchy refers to how people viewing the object can process it to different degrees. The hierarchy depends on color, size, and other elements in the images under review.
  • Rhythm — This principle refers to the use of spaces between repetitive elements.  
  • Layout — Layout is the way objects and symbols are placed in the piece of art. Explain it in detail.

How to Write a Stellar Visual Analysis Essay Step by Step

Collect all the information you can.

Before you start writing your visual analysis essay, you need to know what the artwork is about and who created it. This step involves collecting as much useful data as you can for your visual analysis. Questions to consider when gathering information for visual analysis essays include:

  • What does the artwork represent?
  • Who created the piece?
  • When and where was the visual work created
  • Who was the intended audience?
  • Where was the art displayed for the first time?
  • What elements are used?

This first step is the most time-consuming and confusing for many students, taking anywhere from several hours to many days. Yet, missing crucial details can lead to a poor paper that won’t impress your readers. If you don’t know where to begin your research or have trouble crafting a high-quality visual analysis paper, just get high-quality essay writing help with a few clicks typing “ write my essay online ” into the search bar. You can find the most-suitable service, like CustomWritings, which will take care of everything for you and help you complete your paper on time. Visit the site to receive all necessary information and talk to an expert who will help you with your assignment.

Collect all the information you can

Describe the object or subject

In the next step, you need to identify what the art depicts. You must summarize all the elements you can observe in the piece. To know the essential elements to search for, ask yourself these questions:

  • What does it show?
  • What story is the artist trying to tell?
  • What characters are in the artwork, and what do they stand for?
  • What’s the primary setting?
  • What mood does it give off?

Perform detailed analysis of visual elements

Next, you will need to consider the design elements and principles discussed above and perform a detailed analysis of each. This step is another time-consuming part of writing a formal visual analysis essay. You may want to check with a professional essay writer before completing this step to speed up the process. Remember, each visual element is unique and can be interpreted differently by different people. So, don’t copy someone else’s analysis.

Perform detailed analysis of visual elements

Develop a thesis statement

Visual analysis essays typically have a thesis statement that represents the main ideas or interpretation you’ll convey in the essay. Ensure you write a thesis for a visual analysis paper that aligns with what you have observed and analyzed in the previous steps. The elements and principles you pick must support your thesis.

Create an outline

There are many aspects to be discussed in a visual analysis essay. The best way to order them is to follow a five-paragraph format for each discussion. A winning essay should contain the following sections:

  • Introduction . This is where you provide background information about the piece and the creator. Include interesting facts that will hook your reader, and highlight the main elements and principles you want to analyze. You will end the paragraph with a thesis statement.   
  • The main body . The body section can have 3 or more paragraphs that explore the artwork in detail. Choose the most significant elements you find during your research and discuss how they support your thesis statement. Present all details logically and explain how they relate to each other. Also, add your opinion about the visual argument made by the artist.
  • Conclusion . In the last section, mention the key points that strengthen your thesis. Also, reflect on the overall impact of the piece. This section must be well-done and not too short or too long.

Create an outline to good visual analysis essay

Write the essay draft

Follow your outline to write a good essay. When writing the draft, focus on the substance instead of wanting to produce a specific style. Review the first draft by identifying weak points and addressing them to create a high-quality paper.

Visual analysis papers must follow citation guidelines used in academic writing. Include citations of any external sources used in the text. Ensure you follow the correct citation style specific to the assignment guidelines e.g., APA or MLA.

Proofread and edit your essay

Once you’re done writing your essay, proofread and edit it for clarity, coherence, and logical flow. Revise it many times to make sure it is error-free. Also, delete any irrelevant details and confirm that you have cited all sources correctly. If you’re not proficient with editing, you can get fresh eyes from a friend or professional editor.

Things to Keep in Mind When Writing a Visual Analysis Essay

Do not make general claims.

Your visual analysis essay can be subject to criticism from the audience, so don’t make your claims sound like the gospel truth. Another student can have a different visual rhetorical analysis in their essay that also stands. The most important thing is to employ observable elements and principles to justify your claims and strengthen them with secondary sources.  

Avoid using excess information

If your goal is to use the elements and principles to cover the word count, it will be hard to prove the main idea. Choose only the strong features that will help you to drive the point home. Excess information can mislead or confuse the reader.

Select a good topic

The topic is the first thing a reader sees, so make it catchy. A good topic is concise, clear, and informative. You don’t have to get the topic right the first time. Edit it as you proceed with writing until you have an engaging and interesting topic.

Write a catchy introduction

A catchy introduction will hook your readers and make them want to read more of your essay. You can hook your readers using interesting hooks, such as a question, statistic, quote, interesting statement, or metaphor.

Employ a strong visual argument

The way you write your visual analysis essay should leave the reader visualizing the image you’re discussing without seeing it. Use words that bring out strong visual imagery because it adds to the reliability and authenticity of your paper.

Understand the central point of your essay

You must identify and describe the focal point of your piece. Identifying the main idea helps you to understand the meaning of the art and the overall conclusion. Also, your interpretation should convey the correct message you want the reader to know.

Follow instructions

To write a successful visual analysis paper , you must follow the instructor’s guidelines. This includes selecting the recommended visual work, following the required essay structure, applying the correct citation format, and adhering to the recommended word count.

Sample Visual Analysis Essay Topics

  • Analyze the symbolism and religious themes in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling.
  • Analyze the visual storytelling and cinematography in a memorable film scene from a classic movie.
  • What was Pablo’s intention in “Guernica”?
  • Generate a written report on social class shown through art.
  • What is special about Cleo Award-winning ads?
  • Review your favorite movie and analyze the visual arts in it.
  • Examine the use of space and perspective in M.C. Escher’s “Relativity.”
  • Discuss the controversy surrounding the Monalisa painting
  • Impact of ‘“The Last Supper” on religious imagery
  • Who was the audience of “The Night Watch”?

Wrapping Up

Writing a visual analysis essay can be intimidating. However, you now have all the information you need to create an outstanding visual analysis essay. Use our guide to successfully create a paper that appreciates the depth of various forms of art.

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Learn How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay Guide for Beginners

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Graphic Essays and Short Story Collections to Add to Your Comics TBR

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Laura Sackton

Laura Sackton is a queer book nerd and freelance writer, known on the internet for loving winter, despising summer, and going overboard with extravagant baking projects. In addition to her work at Book Riot, she reviews for BookPage and AudioFile, and writes a weekly newsletter, Books & Bakes , celebrating queer lit and tasty treats. You can catch her on Instagram shouting about the queer books she loves and sharing photos of the walks she takes in the hills of Western Mass (while listening to audiobooks, of course).

View All posts by Laura Sackton

One of the things I love most about graphic storytelling is the sheer range of styles that are possible. From classic superhero comics to minimalist black-and-white webcomics, from lush watercolor art to quick pen sketches, from long-running series to ten page stand-alones—there is something for everyone. There are graphic memoirs, graphic novels, graphic short stories, graphic essays, and these works come in all genres.

Since I started reading comics in a serious way, I’ve been on a quest to read as many different kinds of graphic art as possible. This has lead me to some wonderful, creative, weird, and fascinating books. I’ve discovered that I love reading graphic essays and short stories as much as their non-graphic counterparts. The art adds an interesting dimension that really enhances short-form storytelling.

Here are five books of graphic essays and graphic short story collections that I’ve enjoyed recently.

How To Be Happy  by eleanor davis

This collection of graphic short stories is weird, wonderful and beautiful. The art is widely varied, from gorgeous, full-color painted spreads to quick pen-and-ink sketches. The stories range from the magical to the mythological to the real. Some are more like parables and others read like literary fiction. There’s a retelling of Adam and Eve, a story about a homecoming in a dystopian future, a realistic story about first love, and so much more. It’s thoughtful, imaginative, and fresh.

Abandon the Old in Tokyo by yoshihiro tatsumi

In Abandon The Old In Tokyo, Tatsumi explores themes of ordinary urban life in post-WWII Japan. It’s a dark, gritty book. The characters are often factory workers and other laborers, unemployed and living in poverty. Sometimes the stories are disturbing, and sometimes they’re just weird. In one story, a man loses his job and watches his life spiral out of control. In another, a man struggles to care for his aging mother. There’s a thread of desperation, loneliness, and alienation that runs through them all. It’s a book about people seeking solace and companionship, and what happens when they cannot find it. These stories weren’t exactly comfortable to read, but I found them captivating and honest. It impossible not to empathize with the characters—everyday people navigating the ups and downs of  urban life.

Toward a Hot Jew by miriam libicki

This collection of graphic essays explores what it means to be Jewish in the modern world—both personally and politically. The essays are a mix of personal narrative, academic, and investigative. Libicki explores her own relationships with Judaism and Israel, and how those relationships have shaped her, and also changed over time. She writes about her time in the Israeli military, the birth of her daughter, being in art school. Throughout the collection, she incorporates the words of many famous thinkers, politicians, philosophers, and authors, which added depth and complexity to the essays. This is a thought-provoking book, one that asks many questions and leaves them open-ended.

We All Wish for Deadly Force by leela corman

This book includes a variety of short comics— memoir, cultural observations, and family history—all of them with gorgeous, haunting art. Corman writes eloquently and heartbreakingly about the death of her infant daughter. Her grief permeates the collection, and is especially poignant in the short, one-page comics about her daughter’s infancy. There are also fascinating comics about bellydancing and bellydancing culture in Egypt and New York and about her grandparents’ life in Poland before the war. The art is extraordinary. I found myself lingering on each page, soaking up the details.

Embroideries by marjane satrapi

While technically considered a memoir, rather than a collection of short comics, Embroideries has the feel of a story collection. Over afternoon tea, Satrapi sits with her mother, grandmother aunt, and their friends, talking and telling stories.

Satrapi collects the stories they tell in this slim volume, which is overflowing with warmth, heart, and the power of and comfort of women gathering together away from the gaze of men. These women tell stories about marriages, both happy and unhappy, about finding freedom in divorce and widowhood, about losing their virginity. There are stories about falling in love, about being hurt and wronged by men, about sex, about affairs they’ve had. The stories are funny, sad, wise, absurd, sometimes serious, sometimes lighthearted. It’s a beautiful book, and though there’s a thread tying it all together, every story also stands on its own.

Do you have any favorite collections of graphic essays and short stories?

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Graphic College Essays Samples For Students

110 samples of this type

Do you feel the need to examine some previously written College Essays on Graphic before you start writing an own piece? In this free catalog of Graphic College Essay examples, you are provided with a thrilling opportunity to examine meaningful topics, content structuring techniques, text flow, formatting styles, and other academically acclaimed writing practices. Exploiting them while crafting your own Graphic College Essay will definitely allow you to complete the piece faster.

Presenting high-quality samples isn't the only way our free essays service can help students in their writing efforts – our authors can also compose from point zero a fully customized College Essay on Graphic that would make a solid foundation for your own academic work.

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graphic organizers for writing

How to Use Graphic Organizers to Write Better Essays

Lucid Content

Reading time: about 6 min

If you’re a student, there’s no way around the inevitable: You’re going to have to write essays. Lots of essays. In fact, the five-paragraph essay is so fundamental to the high school curriculum that it’s still used on the ACTs, and knowing how to recognize the organizational structure of essays will help you score higher on the SATs.

Even though it seems like a chore, knowing how to organize and write an essay can have a lasting effect on your life, from getting into a better college to scoring a better job to performing better in that job long after your high school days are over.

Here’s a secret: Using graphic organizers for writing essays can help you write better essays faster. (And don’t count yourself out if you’re an educator—you can offer these tools to help your students succeed.) We’ll show you exactly how to do it.

Why use graphic organizers

When ACT graders or teachers are looking your essay, they’re looking for very specific criteria; essentially, they’re looking at how well you’ve organized your thoughts. Many students don’t take the time to outline their essay structure before writing, and that always means a lower score on a test and a lower grade on the essay in class.

Using a writing template can feel like an unnecessary step in an already complicated process. If you need extra motivation to implement these organizers into your writing routine, consider all of their benefits. Graphic organizers can help you:

  • Save time by showing you where each piece of the essay “lives.”
  • Have more productive brainstorming sessions, either by yourself or with a group.
  • Make connections between ideas and create a more cohesive argument.
  • Pinpoint holes in your arguments and either adjust the thesis or find supporting statements.
  • Keep track of your research.
  • Organize your thoughts and come to interesting, more compelling conclusions.
  • Stay in the right direction when you feel lost in a sea of words.
  • Manage anxiety by converting the fear of a blank assignment into an action plan with a clear map.

With all those benefits, it’s hard to ignore how useful and vital graphic organizers are to writing. And once you’ve become adept at organizing your thoughts for something like a school essay, you’ll find that skill carries with you throughout your life, whether you’re trying to become a more intelligent debater to negotiate prices. It goes beyond just the essay to becoming a better thinker. And it starts with a simple template.

We’ll walk you through several use cases for graphic organizers and provide templates for you to download and fill in when you’re ready to write.

Brainstorming graphic organizers

Brainstorming is important, not only to come up with ideas for topics but to determine what information you need to include in the essay once you’ve determined your topic. Though many think of brainstorming as just freeflow thinking, brainstorming is most productive when you work within specific parameters.

That’s why essay brainstorming graphic organizers are useful, whether you’re using one to brainstorm on your own or you’re working with a group.

In Lucidchart, our mind map shapes and templates double as brainstorming graphic organizers. Start with an essay prompt as your central shape and then fill in the shapes that branch off your prompt with topic ideas. Alternatively, you can add your selected topic to the center and start brainstorming the different ideas you need to cover in your paper.

When the template is filled in, you’ll have a clear starting point for your essay or research paper.

Research paper graphic organizers

Nothing paralyzes students with fear quite like a research paper. These long-form papers require—as the name implies—quite a bit of research, and their purpose is to teach students how to look for valid sources to support their arguments.

But keeping track of all those sources and tying them into your argument can be tricky. That’s where a research paper graphic organizer can be a student’s greatest ally.

research paper graphic organizer

This template lays out the writing process itself. After you come up with a general topic, like “the disappearance of honey bees,” fill in the “Research Paper Topic” box.

Then, start looking for reputable sources (Wikipedia doesn’t count) and use the five sources boxes to hold the most relevant quotes and statistics you find. Using those quotes and statistics, you can then fill out a thesis statement that is supported by the research.

Then, you’ll be able to focus your paragraphs on a single topic each that supports the thesis statement and your overarching argument. After you’ve filled out the template, the backbone of the research paper is complete: All that’s left to do is fill in the spaces between sources and arguments.

5-paragraph essay graphic organizer

When it comes to writing the five-paragraph essay, writing diagrams are key. By using graphic organizers for writing, you’re no longer staring at a giant blank piece of paper with no idea how or where to begin. Your graphic organizer is your map.

Although using writing diagrams may seem time-consuming, the fact is that taking the time to fill a graphic organizer in before writing actually saves time. If there’s a problem with the argument, it will show up on the diagram, or if there’s not enough evidence to support your argument, you’ll know before you’ve wasted time writing the paper. And, as we said before, even if your writing is terrible, if your argument is sound, you’ll still score a decent grade.

Try this 5-paragraph essay template to get you started.

essay planning and writing

Don’t feel pressured to come up with a compelling title right away. Instead, it’s more important that you come up with a thesis statement that can be supported by three solid arguments. Fill in that thesis statement and your arguments. Then, for each argument, figure out three supporting details to support your case.

That’s it! You’ve got the most essential parts of your 5-paragraph essay completed.

Now, come up with an introduction that sets the stage for your argument and a conclusion that wraps up and restates your thesis and supporting arguments in a compelling way. Now you have a solid plan for your paper and can approach it with confidence.

If you’d like a more linear graphic that exactly follows the structure of the 5-paragraph, use the writing template below and follow the same process.

essay sequence plan

Visuals, such as graphic organizers for writing, can help you better understand concepts, think creatively, and collaborate with your classmates—and there are plenty of other templates where these came from.

Lucidchart offers hundreds of templates to help you through your studies, including timelines, Venn diagrams, word maps, and more. Sign up for Lucidchart and upgrade to an Educational account for free.

Resources for teachers

Providing graphic resources to students is essential; after all, many of your students will be visual learners, so while you may beautifully explain how the process works, there will be some who won’t understand until they see a template of the essay itself.

Lucidchart has many resources for teachers, from lesson plans to writing templates. While you’re teaching your students how to write essays or research papers, it’s useful to print out the templates and fill them out together (even using a completed template as a separate assignment with a separate grade) so that your students can get a feel for properly filling out graphic organizers before attempting it on their own.

Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit

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Check out how Annika, a recent English graduate of the University of Michigan, used mind mapping in Lucidchart to develop her honors thesis.

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Graphic Essays Samples That Help You Write Better, Faster & with Gusto

When you require a little spank to create a first-class Graphic Essay, nothing does the job more efficiently than a great example you can use for inspiration or as a template to follow. And hardly can you find a finer resource with so many remarkable Essay samples than free database of Graphic papers. Each Graphic Essays example you see here can do one or several of these elements for you: give you a hint about a noteworthy topic; motivate you to come up with an original outlook on a well-explored subject; showcase the best writing practices you can use; and/or present you with ready-made structure patterns. Apply this valuable knowledge to compose a remarkable paper of your own or use our expert writers' help to get a unique Graphic Essay sample delivered right to your email inbox.

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Free Editable Essay Graphic Organizer Examples

Essays are complex and large write-ups that are not easy to intercept. That’s why it is better to use an essay graphic organizer to visualize your complex structured outline in a simple manner. In fact, there is nothing better than some free graphic organizer examples that save both your time and effort. So, let’s have an overview of this essay organizers and free example templates.

1. What is Essay Graphic Organizer

An essay graphic organizer enhances your research with visual elements. It helps the writer to correlate facts, observations, and notions. On top of that, it outlines the essay and provides an organized strategy for the writer.

A graphic organizer for writing helps the writers to tackle hard and long essay formats. A writer can use its visual aid to complete the write-up step by step. A graphic organizer for essays has different types based on primary functions.

  • An Outline Based Essay Organizer

These types of essay organizers have at least 3 thesis. The whole story revolves around these. Moreover, the organizer includes specific supporting details and subtopic names that make the way crystal clear for writers. However, these organizers do not need much essay explanation. Most indications are worldly phrases that direct the attention toward thoughts and observations.

  • A Contrasting Essay Organizer :

As the name indicates, it helps the writer to organize varying thoughts about topics and compare them. Moreover, it helps the writer to collect, conceive and portray the information ahead of time. The writer can use it for two collective primary topics or a single point from both topics. In both cases, the essay organizer will help them take visual notes and use them to their advantage while writing.

  • Organizer For A Persuasive Essay :

The persuasive essay organizer helps the writer to persuade an audience toward a single topic. It includes three or more supporting details for the topic. Furthermore, the organizer includes written evidence for those details that help prove the point.

2. The Essay Graphic Organizer Examples

Using an essay graphic organizer for writing brings credibility and flexibility to your essays with extensive research. Essay writing is a tough job, especially if it has more than one subtopic.

Essays require tons of details. All that quality is up to no good if it is not organized and well structured. An essay organizer for writing helps you understand how the minor details contribute to overall concepts. With thorough research and long formats, essay writing may become dull. However, an organizer helps you to perfectly structure your thoughts with appealing visuals that make them engaging and far less challenging.

Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Graphic Organzier

Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Graphic Organzier

5-Paragraph Essay

5-Paragraph Essay

Expository Essay Graphic Organizer

Expository Essay Graphic Organizer

Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

Essay Graphic Organzier

Essay Graphic Organzier

Narrative Essay Graphic Organizer

Narrative Essay Graphic Organizer

Example 1: 5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organzier

The most common type of essay writing format is a 5-paragraph essay. Essay graphic organizer for writing helps organize all those 5 paragraphs and insert valuable information inside them. It includes the first paragraph section in which the writer inserts the topic sentence and at least three thesis statements. The upcoming three paragraphs briefly summarize those statements and provide at least three pieces of evidence for each thesis. Finally, the last paragraph repeats the main statement and includes an overall concluding statement. Moreover, every thesis detail includes a conclusion statement that conceives the entire concept.

5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organzier

Example 2: Printable 5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer

It is also the type of essay organizer writers use to organize the outline of a 5-paragraph essay format. Its first paragraph is of introduction which includes with a thesis statement instead of a topic sentence. The statement inside the paragraph includes three supporting examples with itself. Moreover, the second paragraph has a topic sentence that the previous thesis supports. Plus, it has individual evidence details that prove the topic sentence true. The third paragraph includes a thesis statement that correlates with the previous and upcoming topic sentence. Finally, the last paragraph has the essay's main idea and a concluding statement that proves the point.

Printable 5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer

Example 3: Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer

This template solemnly deals with the expository template of the essay. It focuses on the essay's three most basic parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion. Moreover, the writer evaluates the selected topic in it with examples and evidence and closes the argument clearly and concisely. The exemplary diagram includes 2 separate boxes in the introduction sections. One of them is for the hook that engages the audience, whereas the other depicts the essay's main idea. Inside the body section, the writer briefly lists three examples, each with individual supporting details. Finally, the conclusion includes two sections; one for reviewing and rewriting the central concept and the other to input the closing details of the essay.

Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer

Example 4: Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

This example diagram of the essay graphic organizer for writing helps to persuade a general or specific audience toward your point of view. The primary purpose is to enlist your opinion and evaluate it with the help of numerous supporting details. As for the organizer, it is for a 5 paragraph format. The first one has an engaging beginning, a summary of the issue, and your opinion. Furthermore, the next 3 provide different reasons that support your opinion. Moreover, the section also includes evidence in the form of examples and textual details that support every reason individually. The last paragraph is a conclusive one that restates the opinion, summarizes all three reasons again, and gives a CTA (call to action) at the end. However, you can ditch the CTA and add a simple closing statement that supports your opinion.

Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

Example 5: Informational Essay Graphic Organizer

This type of organizer is for essays having more than one main idea. The organizer's interface has several colors that make it engaging and appealing. Due to the color, it is referred to as a Rainbow essay organizer. A big individual box includes the whole organized outline of the essay. The writer has to briefly write all three ideas in it and support their point of view. Moreover, the organizer includes an introduction and conclusion description. At last, there is a final draft section that concludes the whole essay and supports either all three or one suitable main idea.

Informational Essay Graphic Organizer

Example 6: Narrative Essay Graphic Organizer

The expository essay is a genre that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea clearly and concisely. The below expository essay web diagram is created using EdrawMax Online and shows blank spaces for Thesis Statement, Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Details about all the examples, and argumentative points. Expository writing gives facts and information about a topic, and as the web diagram suggests, a good expository essay introduces the main idea and develops it with facts and supporting details.

Narrative Essay Graphic Organizer

3. How to Make an Essay Graphic Organizer

Graphic organizers are the modern way of learning. With passing time, people are using them in every type of write-up. Therefore, it is better to understand its production process so that you can make one specifically for your essay. The online production software uses four simple steps to generate a graphic organizer for essays.

Step 1 - Head on to EdrawMax Online or download EdrawMax . Make an account and log in to it.

Step 2 - Once inside, you can start creating the graphic organizer on a blank edit sheet or readymade essay organizers, such as mindmaps and spider maps. However, this process is time-consuming. If you want an easy solution, head to the main menu on the left, look for Templates Community , and click on it.

Step 3 - Clicking on the Template Community option will take you to a social network of designers and a general audience like you that post templates daily for public use. You can search for your very own template and duplicate it onto your sheet using the button Duplicate.

Step 4 - Finally, start customizing it as you like. You can change the font, color, and components. Moreover, you can add new ones if you like. Once you are done and satisfied, export and share your template with others using the Button Publish present on the top right corner.

4. Online Graphic Organizer Maker

Traditional ways are gone when you had to work extensively for a simple diagram in lining software. Online graphic organizers like EdrawMax made graphic organizer designing much easier and less time-consuming. All thanks to its easy-to-use interface and basic yet helpful tool kits, designing a diagram is possible for every individual with basic knowledge.

Moreover, EdrawMax saves a lot of effort and time with the help of readymade templates. This online graphic organizer maker is suitable for any type of consumer to generate any variation of the graphic organizer. Its biggest pro is the Templates Community , with thousands of readymade templates for users. In this social biome, you can not only pick the one that suits you well but share your ideas with the community as well.

5. Key Takeaways

The visual aid of essay graphic organizers helps the writers to organize their researched facts and general thoughts according to references. Moreover, it gives a direction to the audience and the writer for the essay. As for its usage, the writers are helping themselves with it in their professional careers. Moreover, it proves exponentially efficient in the academic field for students. When it comes to essay writing, it helps in both of these by establishing a relevant and valid connection. Plus, communicating our thoughts with visual sketches and doodles is less boring and more engaging.


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Graphic Essay Examples

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The life of humans exclusively depends on the ability of the memory to function as required. To undergo and process many activities and circumstances require the use of one’s memory. People have varying memory levels due to varying age, gender and other personal conditions that may lower the thinking ability. There are different types of […]

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  1. Graphic Essays and Comics

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    4. Adobe Spark - Adobe Spark is another great online tool for students to create graphic essays and other multimedia presentations. Students can choose a custom size to create an 8.5×11 inch poster, and Adobe Spark also has premade text elements and templates to choose from. 5.

  4. Switch It Up: A Graphic Essay

    The great University of Wisconsin Madison defines it like this. " A graphic essay uses text and images to explore a specific topic. Graphic essays often look like graphic novels, magazines or artist books, but like theory comix they generally convey nonfictional histories, cases and/or arguments. — University Of Wisconsin Design Lab.

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  7. CRAFT: Let's Get Graphic: A Look at the Visual Essay by Nicole Breit

    J. Robert Lennon's "Turnabout: A Story Game" is a graphic hermit crab essay that can be read starting at any point, proceeding in any direction. 9. The Video Essay. Video is a natural medium for personal narrative, and John Breslund is known as a pioneer of the visual essay form.

  8. Learn How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay: An Ultimate Guide for

    To write a winning visual analysis essay, you must also consider the principles of design. The principles help you to identify and explain various aspects of the visual display. Balance — Balance is the distribution of visual elements in the art. Consider if the elements have symmetrical, radial, or asymmetrical balance.

  9. Teach Theme with Graphic Essays: The Old Man and the Sea

    These graphic essays below tended to be a representative sample of the quality of work my juniors turned in. See the captions for more thoughts. ... although generally, if they can write a question, with a little work they can turn it into a statement. Also, this graphic essay would have been more effective with more color and an explanation of ...

  10. Graphic Essay Examples

    Matt Phelan tries to incorporate modern society into the fairytale adaptation to appeal to modern readers and convey more realistic ideas. Through this he is able show the effects materialistic intentions have on... Write your best essay on Graphic - just find, explore and download any essay for free! Examples 👉 Topics 👉 Titles by ...

  11. Graphic Essay Examples and Topics at Eduzaurus

    They are on advertisements, magazines, social media, and many other places. Most of these images have been altered, especially those that have people in them. Photoshop is used on these images to make them more appealing. Most of the time…. 2 Pages 959 Words Topics: Computer graphics, Image, Photography. Customer Graphic Sales.

  12. Graphic Essays: Samples & Topics

    The Process of Creation of Logos in Graphic Design. The graphic design pathway project revolves around the creation and rebranding of an existing business' logo. Firstly, a research study was done various aspects and areas in graphic design, throughout the study a research book was compiled. In chapter one of my studies I explored...

  13. Graphic Essays & Short Story Collections to Add to Your TBR

    How To Be Happy by eleanor davis. This collection of graphic short stories is weird, wonderful and beautiful. The art is widely varied, from gorgeous, full-color painted spreads to quick pen-and-ink sketches. The stories range from the magical to the mythological to the real. Some are more like parables and others read like literary fiction.

  14. Graphic Design Is My Passion: Essay

    My passion for graphic design started to develop spontaneously since I learned how to read and write. I started making booklets of my own stories—mini graphic novels illustrated by my paintings. My friends enjoyed reading my novels, and I got fulfillment from having an audience in childhood. I began writing poems when I was twelve, and that ...

  15. Sample Essay On Graphic Design

    Words: 1100. Published: 06/16/2021. Graphic design is the art of capably applying an individual style through the use of layout, typography and visual aesthetics in order to exhibit design with a commercial rationale. I strongly believe that I developed design ability and ingenuity naturally throughout my life since my capabilities in graphic ...

  16. Graphic College Essay Examples That Really Inspire

    Sample Essay On Graphic Design. Graphic design is the art of capably applying an individual style through the use of layout, typography and visual aesthetics in order to exhibit design with a commercial rationale. I strongly believe that I developed design ability and ingenuity naturally throughout my life since my capabilities in graphic ...

  17. Why I Want to Be a Graphic Designer Essay

    Conclusion. My passion for graphic design is fueled by the power of visual communication to influence emotions, convey ideas, and inspire change. Through my skills, experiences, and aspirations, I am eager to contribute to this dynamic field and create engaging, purposeful designs that resonate with viewers. As a graphic designer, I am excited ...

  18. How to Use Graphic Organizers to Write Better Essays

    In Lucidchart, our mind map shapes and templates double as brainstorming graphic organizers. Start with an essay prompt as your central shape and then fill in the shapes that branch off your prompt with topic ideas. Alternatively, you can add your selected topic to the center and start brainstorming the different ideas you need to cover in your ...

  19. Essay On Graphic Design

    Essay On Graphic Design. 1038 Words5 Pages. Graphic Design. Nearly everywhere you look, anyone can see some form of graphic design. It could be a variety of things, such as a logo on a product, advertisements on a billboard, or brochures in a doctor's office. Graphic design is the showcasing of visual concepts that are created, either on ...

  20. Graphic Essay

    Apply this valuable knowledge to compose a remarkable paper of your own or use our expert writers' help to get a unique Graphic Essay sample delivered right to your email inbox. Here's the surefire way to make writing Essays on Graphic easier and, perhaps, even more fun - use the free samples database to your advantage.

  21. Free Editable Essay Graphic Organizer Examples

    The Essay Graphic Organizer Examples. Using an essay graphic organizer for writing brings credibility and flexibility to your essays with extensive research. Essay writing is a tough job, especially if it has more than one subtopic. Essays require tons of details. All that quality is up to no good if it is not organized and well structured.

  22. IB Visual Arts EE examples

    EE Visual Arts A. To what extent has the Indian culture influenced the architect Gajanan B Mhatre in the design of the Empress court in Mumbai during the British colonization. EE Visual Arts B. An exploration into the theme of motherhood in art during the early Weimar Republic, as seen through the works of Otto Dix and Käthe Kollwitz.

  23. Get Access To Graphic College Essay Examples

    Use our extensive ready Graphic essay samples database to write your own paper. Get access to more than 50,000 essays and 70,000 college test answers by buying a subscription to it. Our collection of essays on Graphic on all subjects gets replenished every day, so just keep checking it out!