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In the middle of this epic film there is a quiet, small scene that helps explain why “Gandhi” is such a remarkable experience. Mahatma Gandhi, at the height of his power and his fame, stands by the side of a lake with his wife of many years. Together, for the benefit of a visitor from the West, they reenact their marriage vows. They do it with solemnity, quiet warmth, and perhaps just a touch of shyness; they are simultaneously demonstrating an aspect of Indian culture and touching on something very personal to them both. At the end of the ceremony, Gandhi says, "We were thirteen at the time." He shrugs. The marriage had been arranged. Gandhi and his wife had not been in love, had not been old enough for love, and yet love had grown between them. But that is not really the point of the scene. The point, I think, comes in the quiet smile with which Gandhi says the words. At that moment we believe that he is fully and truly human, and at that moment, a turning point in the film, Gandhi declares that it is not only a historical record but a breathing, living document. 

This is the sort of rare epic film that spans the decades, that uses the proverbial cast of thousands, and yet follows a human thread from beginning to end: “Gandhi” is no more overwhelmed by the scope of its production than was Gandhi overwhelmed by all the glory of the British Empire. The movie earns comparison with two classic works by David Lean, “ Lawrence of Arabia ” and “ Doctor Zhivago ”, in its ability to paint a strong human story on a very large canvas. 

The movie is a labor of love by Sir Richard Attenborough, who struggled for years to get financing for his huge but "non-commercial" project. Various actors were considered over the years for the all-important title role, but the actor who was finally chosen, Ben Kingsley , makes the role so completely his own that there is a genuine feeling that the spirit of Gandhi is on the screen. Kingsley's performance is powerful without being loud or histrionic; he is almost always quiet, observant, and soft-spoken on the screen, and yet his performance comes across with such might that we realize, afterward, that the sheer moral force of Gandhi must have been behind the words. Apart from all its other qualities, what makes this movie special is that it was obviously made by people who believed in it. 

The movie begins in the early years of the century, in South Africa. Gandhi moved there from India in 1893, when he was twenty-three. He already had a law degree, but, degree or not, he was a target of South Africa's system of racial segregation, in which Indians (even though they are Caucasian, and thus should "qualify") are denied full citizenship and manhood. Gandhi's reaction to the system is, at first, almost naive; an early scene on a train doesn't quite work only because we can't believe the adult Gandhi would still be so ill-informed about the racial code of South Africa. But Gandhi's response sets the tone of the film. He is nonviolent but firm. He is sure where the right lies in every situation, and he will uphold it in total disregard for the possible consequences to himself. 

Before long Gandhi is in India, a nation of hundreds of millions, ruled by a relative handful of British. They rule almost by divine right, shouldering the "white man's burden" even though they have not quite been requested to do so by the Indians. Gandhi realizes that Indians have been made into second-class citizens in their own country, and he begins a program of civil disobedience that is at first ignored by the British, then scorned, and finally, reluctantly, dealt with, sometimes by subterfuge, sometimes by brutality. Scenes in this central passage of the movie make it clear that nonviolent protests could contain a great deal of violence. There is a shattering scene in which wave after wave of Gandhi's followers march forward to be beaten to the ground by British clubs. Through it all, Gandhi maintains a certain detachment; he is convinced he is right, convinced that violence is not an answer, convinced that sheer moral example can free his nation as it did. "You have been guests in our home long enough," he tells the British, "Now we would like for you to leave." The movie is populated with many familiar faces, surrounding the newcomer Kingsley. Where would the British cinema be without its dependable, sturdy, absolutely authoritative generation of great character actors like Trevor Howard (as a British judge), John Mills (the British viceroy), John Gielgud , and Michael Hordern? There are also such younger actors as Ian Bannen , Edward Fox , Ian Charleson, and, from America, Martin Sheen as a reporter and Candice Bergen as the photographer Margaret Bourke-White. 

Gandhi stands at the quiet center. And Ben Kingsley's performance finds the right note and stays with it. There are complexities here; “Gandhi” is not simply a moral story with a happy ending, and the tragedy of the bloodshed between the Hindu and Muslim populations of liberated India is addressed, as is the partition of India and Pakistan, which we can almost literally feel breaking Mahatma Gandhi's heart. 

I imagine that for many Americans, Mahatma Gandhi remains a dimly understood historical figure. I suspect a lot of us know he was a great Indian leader without quite knowing why and such is our ignorance of Eastern history and culture we may not fully realize that his movement did indeed liberate India, in one of the greatest political and economic victories of all time, achieved through nonviolent principles. What is important about this film is not that it serves as a history lesson (although it does) but that, at a time when the threat of nuclear holocaust hangs ominously in the air, it reminds us that we are, after all, human, and thus capable of the most extraordinary and wonderful achievements, simply through the use of our imagination, our will, and our sense of right.

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

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“Gandhi” by Richard Attenborough

Introduction, reflections, works cited.

Gandhi , produced and directed by Richard Attenborough, is a 1982 biographical movie that traces the life of a prominent political activist Mohandas (later Mahatma) Gandhi, who led the campaign for India’s independence against the British colonial rule. The plot focuses on the key events that arguably led Gandhi to begin resistance and caused his movement for India’s independence to gain wide recognition. The film provides an accurate portrayal of the historical events surrounding Mahatma Gandhi’s life and his philosophy of peaceful resistance. Mohandas Gandhi played a prominent role in establishing the independence of India and its nationhood by becoming the face of the movement and uniting its citizens.

The film begins with a brief statement, “No man’s life can be encompassed in one telling” ( Gandhi 1:10-1:29). The director likely includes this declaration to acknowledge that the life of Gandhi had many facets, being influenced by multiple events and people beyond those portrayed in the film. This statement also implies that it is worth getting deeply acquainted with Gandhi’s activism, urging the viewer to take proactive steps.

The director quickly grabs the viewer’s attention by showing the assassination and funeral of Gandhi. During his funeral in 1948, a reporter introduces Gandhi as “a private man without wealth, without property, without official title or office” and “not a commander of armies nor a ruler of vast lands [but a man] who led his country to freedom” (4:49-5:21). Following the opening scene, the director transfers the viewer to the summer of 1893, when young Gandhi is forcefully removed from a train in South Africa after refusing to leave the first-class compartment for being a ‘colored person.’ This altercation sparks Gandhi’s discontent with the status quo in South Africa, so he decides to begin a nonviolent protest, arguing that all British subjects should have the same rights, no matter their race. Though followed by violent encounters with law enforcement, the government complies with what the protesters were demanding. They grant some rights to Indians in South Africa.

Set in 1915, the next part of the film is concerned with Gandhi’s return to India. After achieving his goal of entitling Indians to more rights in South Africa, he is perceived as an Indian national hero. He is encouraged to “raise India from servitude and apathy,” i.e., support the effort for India’s independence (47:35-47:45). Gandhi first embarks on a journey to get to know his country. He then agrees to support the effort for India’s home rule. The campaign sees resistance from the colonial rulers, including numerous imprisonments of Gandhi, violence, and, most notably, the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. All of the events of the campaign bring widespread attention to the cause and engage more and more people. Marches begin to result in bloodshed, so Gandhi goes on a fasting strike to appeal to the protesters to stop the violence.

Gandhi then embarks on the Salt March to show tax resistance to the British salt monopoly. Having walked 241 miles over the span of 24 days, he gains salt from the ocean via evaporation. 1 This symbolic act sparks mass civil disobedience, subsequently growing into a nationwide nonviolent noncooperation resistance against the British. Gandhi is then invited to a conference in London to discuss Indian independence, but it yields no fruitful results. During the Second World War, Gandhi speaks against violence and is imprisoned for his opposition. Following the war, India finally gains its independence.

The independence comes with its challenge because of the differences between India’s Muslim and the Hindu population. The country is then divided into India and a new country for the Muslim majority, Pakistan. The tension between the Hindus and the Muslims of India escalates, resulting in nationwide bloodshed. Gandhi goes on a fasting strike, and the fighting eventually subsides. His efforts to unite both nations ultimately cause him to get assassinated by a dissident Nathuram Godse. Gandhi’s ashes are spread through the river Ganga. The film concludes with a voiceover statement from Gandhi, in which he professes what he believes in: truth and love.

Mahatma Gandhi was a remarkable individual, politician, and activist. He had a profound influence on achieving the independence of India and establishing its nationhood. The events portrayed in the film show that Gandhi’s philosophy was fundamental in fueling anticolonial, pro-independence sentiments. Through seemingly unsophisticated acts, he inspired millions of others to fight for basic human rights, such as dignity and freedom. For example, the Salt March showed the scope of implications of a seemingly symbolic. In addition to being a practical appeal towards the general anti-colonial belief, the campaign also shed light on other issues, such as heavily taxing a substance essential for life. 2 The Indian public well accepted the idea.

In my opinion, what made Mahatma Gandhi so influential is his appeal to qualities fundamental to human nature. As mentioned in the film, he “made humility and simple truth more powerful than empires” (5:40-5:44). His ideas were novel at his time of warfare, practically being the sole means of international conflict resolution. Instead of engaging in a mutually degrading traditional warfare, he advocated for personal liberation by respecting oneself enough to stand the moral high ground. Gandhi acknowledged that such an approach was limited, inflicting pain and death on those who exercise it. However, he also pointed out that no cause is worth violence as ultimately it achieves nothing but destruction.

The impact of Gandhi’s nonviolent strategy was also profoundly influential beyond his direct participation in abolishing colonial rule in India. He advocated on behalf of the harijans, or the untouchables, against the rigid caste system in India. 3 He argued that for the British to see Indians as their peers, the inequality within the Indian society should be eliminated. Following the division of India into India and Pakistan, Gandhi advocated against mutually disruptive strife by going on a hunger strike. He also recognized the horrible impact of poverty, saying that “poverty is the worst form of violence.” Overall, he contributed not only to the establishment of India’s independence but also to the improvement of its society from within the country.

The 1982 film Gandhi is a powerful cinematic piece that provides an account of the activism and life of Mahatma Gandhi. The events discussed in the movie show that his work helped to assert unity and nationhood against the alien regime. Mahatma Gandhi was an exceptional individual whose work has profoundly affected his country and the world in general. His philosophy and worldview were accurately presented in the film, helping share an inspirational and extraordinary story of an individual who saved lives by advocating for peace. The Indian society finally became liberated and, thanks to Gandhi’s efforts, become more conscious of its national identity.

Gandhi . Directed by Richard Attenborough, performances by Ben Kingsley, Edward Fox, John Gielgud, and Candice Bergen, Columbia Pictures, 1982.

King, Mary. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr: The Power of Nonviolent Action. UNESCO Publishing, 1999.

  • Mary King, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr: The Power of Nonviolent Action (UNESCO Publishing, 1999), 63.
  • Mary King, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr: The Power of Nonviolent Action (UNESCO Publishing, 1999), 62.
  • Mary King, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr: The Power of Nonviolent Action (UNESCO Publishing, 1999), 77.

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Mohandas K. Gandhi is by no means one of the most important individuals in the history of the world particularly focused on the development of idealisms regarding the simplicity of living as it follows the basic principles of life. In the story presented by Richard Attenborough regarding Gandhi in 1982, Gandhi, his life and the legacies he left to the world became realistic even in the midst of the modern society that already recognizes new conditions of living and thinking. In this movie, it was shown why and how Gandhi, a British-trained lawyer, decides to forsake the material possessions that the world offers. Relatively, it could be realized how it was indicated that the will to be free was a basic necessity that humans ought to experience. The full realization of rightful freedom allows one to become the best that he is supposed to be as a person, contributing the best possible influences to the world.

Through adapting the principles of adaptive resistance, Gandhi campaigns for freedom apart from what the world knows as the effective process. Instead of promoting bloodshed, he promoted diplomacy and rightful talks that could provide the best source of social competence instead of conflict. As an enlightened individual, Gandhi represented a new sense of understanding modern living. Relatively, this defined the kind of sacrifices he made so as to make sure that the living he takes would be that of the simplistic way, away from the desires of the world which could take him from the ideas of being enlightened. Being a movie of an important icon, living through a principle that the world shuns has insisted on Gandhi’s capability to move against the tide and prove that another way of living is better than the kind of life that the world knows today.

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  • Cast & crew
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Gandhi (1982)

The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest. The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest. The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest.

  • Richard Attenborough
  • John Briley
  • Ben Kingsley
  • John Gielgud
  • Rohini Hattangadi
  • 354 User reviews
  • 117 Critic reviews
  • 79 Metascore
  • 35 wins & 23 nominations total

Gandhi: Trailer

  • Mahatma Gandhi

John Gielgud

  • Kasturba Gandhi
  • (as Rohini Hattangady)

Roshan Seth

  • Pandit Nehru

Candice Bergen

  • Margaret Bourke-White

Edward Fox

  • General Dyer

Trevor Howard

  • Judge Broomfield

John Mills

  • The Viceroy

Martin Sheen

  • Charlie Andrews

Günther Maria Halmer

  • Herman Kallenbach
  • (as Gunter Maria Halmer)

Athol Fugard

  • General Smuts

Saeed Jaffrey

  • Sardar Patel

Geraldine James

  • Mohamed Ali Jinnah

Amrish Puri

  • Senior Police Officer

Michael Bryant

  • Principal Secretary
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Best Picture Winners by Year


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Did you know

  • Trivia Over 300,000 extras appeared in the funeral sequence. About 200,000 were volunteers, and 94,560 were paid a small fee (under contract). The sequence was filmed on January 31, 1981, the 33rd anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's funeral. Eleven crews shot over 20,000 feet of film, which was pared down to two minutes and five seconds in the final release.
  • Goofs In the opening scene in South Africa, Gandhi is riding first class on a steam locomotive. The first class car is shown as the forward car, closest to the engine. In passenger steam engines, first class would be the rearmost car, farthest away from the engine's heat and exhaust. Second or third class would be nearest the engine.

Gandhi : An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

  • Crazy credits Opening credits prologue: No man's life can be encompassed in one telling. There is no way to give each year its allotted weight, to include each event, each person who helped to shape a lifetime. What can be done is to be faithful in spirit to the record and try to find one's way to the heart of the man.... NEW DELHI INDIA 30th JANUARY 1948
  • Alternate versions In April 2005, Skoll launched the Gandhi Project in partnership with Silicon Valley entrepreneur Kamran Elahian. Working with Palestinian voice actors and artists, an award-winning director dubbed the epic film into Arabic. It is being screened throughout Palestine in order to advance civil society goals of peaceful resistance, self-reliance, economic development and local empowerment, and plans are underway to expand screenings throughout the Arab world.
  • Connections Featured in The Making of Gandhi: Mr. Attenborough and Mr. Gandhi (1983)
  • Soundtracks God Save the King! (1744) (uncredited) Music attributed to Henry Carey Sung by Ben Kingsley Reprised when India achieves independence

User reviews 354

  • shweta-51657
  • Jun 21, 2020
  • How long is Gandhi? Powered by Alexa
  • What is 'Gandhi' about?
  • Is 'Gandhi' based on a book?
  • When did Richard Attenborough ask Candice Bergen to play this role in Gandhi?
  • February 25, 1983 (United States)
  • United Kingdom
  • Richard Attenborough's Film: Gandhi
  • Old Town Hall, Staines, Surrey, England, UK (courtroom in India)
  • International Film Investors
  • National Film Development Corporation of India (NFDC)
  • Goldcrest Films International
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • $22,000,000 (estimated)
  • $52,767,889
  • Dec 12, 1982

Technical specs

  • Runtime 3 hours 11 minutes
  • Black and White
  • Dolby Atmos

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Gandhi Movie Reflection

He’s known as Mahatma Gandhi around the world, a slender, wrinkled man wrapped in white traditional attire and leaning on his cane. The circular, wide-rimmed glasses frame the broad, aging face that has been linked with peace, wisdom, and the independence of India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world by his belief of non-violence. He worked hard to achieve the mission to spread the message of love and equality. The movie “Gandhi” directed by Richard Attenborough tells us about how his principles made the British give freedom to India and his face moved millions of crowds to fight for freedom. But mainly, this movie shows the complex life of Gandhi and his importance that made a …show more content…

Many Indians stage more aggressive protests. One example is the Chauri Chura incident that happened on the night of February 4, 1922. A large group of protesters taking part of the Non-cooperation movement clashed the local police. The angry mob set a police station on fire killing 22 policemen who were inside. Gandhi is disgusted with this and in order to solve the problem decides to go on a hunger strike, threatening his life. On Sunday April 13, 1919, a group gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh garden in Amritsar, a city in Northern India, to hold a peaceful protest about a unfair town curfew. The British General Reginald Dyer orders his group into the garden and to be in their firing positions. He says “the people have had their warning” and commands his troops to open fire. Thousands of men, women and children are killed and The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre has been recorded as one of the most deadliest events in India. From March to April 1930, Gandhi stages his most famous protest: The Salt March. Gandhi marches 240 miles from his home to the sea for action against the British Salt Monopoly. Indians were prohibited from selling and producing salt and instead were required to buy taxed, overpriced salt from the British. The march is a great success and gains worldwide attention for the Indian independence movement . This of course, leads to disruption for the British Rule. After World War II, The British grant India independence but with that there

Mahatma Gandhi: The Crucible Martyr

In 1930, after being released from prison, Gandhi started a new civil disobedience campaign against colonial government’s tax on salt. He led a march in 1930 where thousands of Indians followed him from Ahmadabad to the Arabian sea. 60,000 people were arrested including Gandhi. Once again Gandhi called off his resistance movement. He also agreed to represent the Congress party at the round table conference in London. Gandhi retired from politics in the year of 1934. He also resigned from the Congress party so that he would be able to concentrate his efforts on working within rural communities.

Haymarket Riot Essay

Topics of Inquiry: The Chicago bombing during the Haymarket Riot caused uproar throughout the crowd. It was supposed to be a peaceful protest, but turned out to be an unplanned event. Many argue that the bombing itself did not help the cause, but I will be arguing that the bombing helped the eight hour movement.

MLA Annotated Bibliography Of Gandhi

Gandhi is a biopic produced by Richard Attenborough whose lifelong dream was to make the story of the national independence leader’s life into a movie. The movie starts with Mohandas K. Gandhi, played by actor Ben Kingsley, rejecting all material possessions in pursuit of India’s independence. The storyline plays out to highlight important aspect of Gandhi’s life and ends with his assassination, where he utters the famous lines “Oh god.” Critics claim the movie is over exaggerated, however Attenborough does a fine job of bringing a visual of Gandhi’s life into Western eyes. In addition, what could be a bad thing ends up being a good thing for the layman who watches this movie. Attenborough oversimplifies Gandhi’s perspectives and ideas on social justice and religion, which leads to a very simple explanation of Gandhi’s philosophy.

How Did Gandhi Influence British Imperialism

In order to counter-act the pervasive actions the British were enacting onto the Indians, Gandhi began one of history’s most influential movements. Termed the "Salt Satyagraha", this prodigious struggle for independence had fundamentally changed the England's influence over India forever; a march which, although having minuscule beginnings, swelled to over 100, 000 humans whom all desired one thing- freedom from British oppression (MapsofIndia, 2015) Culturally, this campaign was of utmost importance as it was within the realm

Gandhi's Nonviolence Dbq

Gandhi was most opposed to the salt tax, so he started the Salt March. Before the march, Gandhi sent a letter to a British governor named Lord Irwin, informing him that he was about to break the law. However, he did not want to break the law, as he said in his letter. " Before embarking on Civil Disobedience and taking a risk I have dreaded to take all the years, I would approach you... and find a way out." He wanted to find some peace; his nonviolence acts spread across the world (Document A).

Rhetorical Analysis Of Gandhi Speech

Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. He proposed a speech to all of his followers explaining what his resolution was to gain independence, without using violence. Mahatma Gandhi adopts a subtle and affirmative tone while revealing that non violence and the spreading of love is the way to approach this movement for independence. He also portrays his outline for the movement by appealing to the audience's emotions.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Vision Of America During The Great Depression

He outed the moral and political philosophy of satyagraha, or nonviolent resistance, which he had developed while in South Africa. His message to Indians was simple: develop your own resources and control the instincts and activities that encourage membership in colonial economy and government, and you shall achieve swaraj or self-rule. Faced with Indian self-reliance and self-control pursued nonviolently, Gandhi claimed, the British eventually would have to leave. When the Depression struck India in 1930, Gandhi asked for his people not to use salt showing his new way of civil disobedience. Salt symbolized tasked the Indians' defeat to an alien government. To break the colonial government's control, Gandhi began a 240-mile march from western India to the coast to gather sea salt for free. With him were seventy-one followers representing different regions of India. Thousands of people met around and encouraging them to hold independence from British rule. (Pollard, Rosenberg, Tignor 2015 Pages

Salt March Dbq

In the Salt March, Gandhi and his people protested Britain’s Salt Tax Law and repeatedly chanted protests until they were beaten down by the British. For example, the text in Source 3 written by an eyewitness says, “As the throng drew near the salt pans they commence chanting the revolutionary slogan, Inquilab zindabad (long live revolution), intoning the two words over and over.” It also said, “The survivors without breaking ranks silently and doggedly marched on until stuck down.” This quote proves that they thoroughly protested without applying any violence to the disagreement. There is also one other massive component to this

Indian Salt March Dbq

The salt march which is nonviolent was most successful in helping India gain independence. First, before the protest against Britain’s Salt Tax law, Gandhi wrote a letter to Lord Irwin. For example, in the letter it said that salt are one of the most important thing for the poor people. Also, not be able to buy salt because of the high tax are burdensome on the poor people. “... when it is remembered that salt is one thing he must eat more than the rich man” (source #2).

Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis

One of the most widely known event would be when Mahatma Gandhi employed nonviolent strategies such as hunger strikes and protest marches in order to fight oppression. In 1930, Gandhi started the “Salt March” which was aimed at the British “salt tax”- Taxing on Indian salt so the people would have to import salt from Britain. Indians were unable to both collect and sell salt because of the British salt monopoly in India. The march and hunger strikes eventually led India to independence from the Brits. Gandhi’s success in guiding his country to freedom by conducting nonviolent means has proven civil disobedience and direct action to be

Essay about Gandhi Obituary

Indian leader, Mohandas Gandhi died at the age of 78 on January 30, 1948 at 5:12 p.m. Mohandas Gandhi was known throughout the world for his nonviolent protests against both British rule and interreligious fighting.

Civil Disobedience In The Civil Rights Movement

Gandhi opposed the country's controversial motion to fingerprint and document all Indians, leading to his many achievements in the field of civil disobedience. Gandhi became the face of a movement of noncompliance. Thousands of Indians rejected the new law, resulting in their eventual arrests (along with Gandhi). Although they were arrested, it was the statement made that counted. Gandhi and his followers were able to lead a movement against the current, fully demonstrating their power with the organization of the month long Salt March in response to the egregious salt tax that weighed heavily on impoverished Indians. Gandhi led thousands to the coast of the Arabian Sea in seek of Salt. Due to his rebellion to the law, Ghandi and some 60,000 more were arrested, and others were violently beaten by British police. However, the March continued on. Eventually, Gandhi made a deal that resulted in the end of the March, and in return, an amending of the tax. This is a prime exhibit of the wonder of civil

Mahatma Gandhi Research Paper

Aroused by the massacre of Amritsar in 1919, Gandhi devoted his life to gaining India’s independence from Great Britain. As the dominant figure used his persuasive philosophy of non-violent confrontation, he inspired political activists with many persuasions throughout the world (Andrews 23). Not only was Mahatma Gandhi a great peacemaker, but also his work to achieve freedom and equality for all people was greatly acknowledged. Gandhi’s unconventional style of leadership gained him the love of a country and eventually enabled him to lead the independence movement in India.

Civil Disobedience Gandhi Research Paper

Gandhi’s first large scale demonstration took place in South Africa, where he was working at the time. He led a march from Natal into the Transvaal to protest a number of racially discriminative laws including the Black Act, which degraded Indians by forcing them to “submit to physical examinations, provide fingerprints, and carry a registration certificate at all times,” [11] and a £3 annual tax on people of Indian descent [3]. Many marchers were “injured or killed in clashes with the security forces”, sentenced to hard labor, or imprisoned. In fact, Gandhi himself was imprisoned three times within the first four days of the march [11]. News of Gandhi’s arrest and police brutality towards the protesters spread like wildfire and caused a worldwide

Gandhi (Movie) Essay example

Gandhi premiere on November 30, 1982 in New Delhi, India. The 190 minute film was wonderfully directed by Richard Attenborough and well written by John Briley. I found this film difficult to “briefly” summarize, however I would like to share a short timeline of events through the film’s eyes.

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The Symbolism Of Gandhi In Richard Attenbrought's Film

essay on gandhi movie

Show More The movie Gandhi addresses one of the most important times in Indian history. It follows the story of Gandhi, the leader of the independence movement in India against the British. Directed by Richard Attenbrought, the movie follows Gandhi’s adult life until he died. The movie does not explore Gandhi’s childhood or university years. Attenbrought use symbols and techniques to help convey his message. Through this film the director hoped to portray Gandhi as a holy man with all positive attributes. In doing so however, Attenbrought created flaws in the story. Over all however, I thought this movie was well done and educational. The central story of this film focuses on India ’s journey to independence through the story of Gandhi. The story …show more content… He used a number of techniques and symbols to portray his opinion. Through symbolism Gandhi is made out to be a auspicious figure. The movie begins and ends with the setting of he sun over the Ganges River. This river is understood in Indian culture as a “holy river”. This river is a clear symbol of Gandhi’s auspicious nature. Furthermore, Attenbrought painted Gandhi as holy by only showing him in a positive light. The only appearance of negativity with Gandhi is when his wife and him fought in the beginning of the movie. In this scene however, Gandhi is not portrayed as wrong for fighting, instead he is regarded as morally understanding as he advocates on behalf of untouchables. Even in his death, Gandhi appeared faultless. The viewer is never given a reason for Gandhi’s death. Since it is unclear why Gandhi was shot there is nothing to suggest that he did anything wrong. Gandhi is portrayed as holy through his ability to influence the masses through the threat of him dying. Through these symbols and techniques Richard Attenbrought hoped to portray Gandhi is as a shaman. However, in doing do he created problems in truly understanding …show more content… Before watching I had read briefly about English imperialism in India, Gandhi’s strive for independence through non-violence, the long lasting affects that have come from British rule. I did not however, know the specifics of his story. It was interesting to see the formation of Pakistan . I was unaware that Gandhi lived in South Africa or that he starved himself to create change. This story also holds significance in Indian life today. Gandhi was unsuccessful in creating all the change he wanted but he was successful in creating a independent India and his teachings are still are still taught

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“Gandhi” Movie Summary

“Gandhi” Movie Summary

The movie Gandhi tells the story of Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated in 1948. It starts with his death and then goes back to his early life as a practicing attorney in South Africa. Gandhi is motivated by religious means and believes in equality for everyone. He stresses non-violence and is involved in several movements for equality. The Indians are mad because of British rule, and Gandhi leads several protests against it. The movie shows his struggle for India’s independence, and how the western press played a role in it. Finally, India gains independence, but a civil war between Hindus and Muslims breaks out, which Gandhi tries to stop with a fast. However, he is eventually assassinated.

The movie “Gandhi” starts with the tragic occurrence of Gandhi’s murder on January 30, 1948, which took place because of the separation between Hindus and Muslims into Pakistan and India. The story then shifts to Gandhi’s beginnings as a lawyer in South Africa, where he faces discrimination on a train due to his Indian background. When he refuses to give up his first-class seat, it inspires him to lead a protest by burning discriminatory laws. As a result, the demonstrators are arrested but ultimately released.

Gandhi is driven by his religious beliefs, advocating for equality in the eyes of God. He actively participates in various equality movements, emphasising the importance of non-violence. The Indian people are infuriated by the ongoing restrictions imposed by British rule, such as mandatory fingerprinting and invalidated marriage laws. While his followers pledge to fight their oppressors with their lives, Gandhi dissuades them from resorting to violence.

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Gandhi and his wife create a communal lifestyle based on purity, relying solely on the land for their sustenance. In a particular incident, they call upon all of Gandhi’s followers to dispose of any clothing made in Britain and exclusively wear garments that they create themselves. Gandhi persists in this practice throughout his life, often donning only a loincloth.

In jail, Gandhi witnesses a horrific event where the police imprison a square full of his followers who were peacefully gathered. Tragically, over 1,500 people are killed. Witnessing this atrocity deeply disturbs and demoralizes Gandhi. Despite his disgust, he continues to advocate for non-violence. However, there are occasional conflicts between the Indians and the police. In response to the popular notion of “an eye for an eye,” Gandhi aptly points out that following such a path will ultimately result in everyone being blind. Determined to fight against British rule, Gandhi organizes numerous protests. In one instance, he urges all Indians to cease their work, effectively paralyzing major cities across the nation. In another demonstration, Gandhi leads a 165-mile march to the sea in protest of the British monopoly on salt.

The Indians produced salt from the sea, which played a significant role in their struggle for independence. The western press contributed to a pivotal moment by documenting an incident where Indian individuals attempted to enter a factory in a disciplined manner, only to be mercilessly attacked by soldiers. As this unfolded, women tended to the deceased and wounded. Moreover, a reporter from Time magazine visited Gandhi in prison, capturing numerous photographs while raising awareness of his situation to the global community.

Finally, Gandhi travels to Europe to negotiate India’s freedom. During their time there, progress is made, but the official release does not occur until August 15, 1947. After India becomes free, a civil war erupts between Hindus and Muslims. This results in the division of the country, with India and Pakistan emerging as separate nations, leading to widespread chaos. In an effort to end the violence, Gandhi embarks on another hunger strike, vowing not to eat until all fighting ceases. Despite the tremendous difficulty, his resolve prevails and peace is eventually restored. Sadly, shortly thereafter, Gandhi is assassinated.

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Mahatma Gandhi Movie Essay

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you lived in some other place in the world? Would it be easier to live there or harder? Depending on where you live is a big part of who you are. The thing is, for some it is really easy to be you, but something as simple as what color your skin is can change how you choose to express who you really are. The good thing is there are people like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, who were willing to fight for you.

O Brother Where Art Thou Summary

" Film & History (03603695), vol. 39, no. 2, Fall2009,

Similarities Between Gandhi And Martin Luther King

Gandhi struggled against a ruling party in his own country while all the nations were behind him to support him on all issues. Gandhi was born on October 2nd, 1869 in Porbandar, India, where he graduated with a law degree. Mohandas

Slumdog Millionaire Analysis

In the academy award winning film ‘Slumdog millionaire’ directed by Danny Boyle, Main character Jamal Malik played by Dev Patel faces many challenges living on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, India. During the film, Jamal experiences the death of a loved one and extreme poverty adding to the challenges put upon him. Throughout the film ‘Slumdog millionaire’ Danny Boyle’s challenges help viewers to understand characters and manifest the theme “Brutality of Humanity”. The key challenge in the film that helps us understand the Theme of Beauty and Brutality of Humanity is overcoming poverty. Danny Boyle utilises film techniques such as Costuming, Camera shots and Dialogue to show the theme “Brutality of Humanity”.

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Religious Studies of Movies Essay (Movie Review)

The ten commandments, the apostle, the messenger, andrei rublev, works cited.

This movie was produced in 1982 and stars Ben Kingsley, Martin Sheen, Roshan Seth, Trevor Howard, and Rohini Hattangady (Powers par1). It won six Academy Awards for its excellent depiction of the life of Mahatma Gandhi. In the movie, Gandhi shows concern by fighting for the rights of the oppressed in South Africa. In all activities, he upholds the religious precepts of equality, peace, love, freedom, and justice (Powers par4).

In the film, he organizes peaceful demonstrations in order to fight the oppressive rule of colonialists. Police assault him severally in efforts to suppress his activities. However, Gandhi does not give up. His efforts bear fruits when he spearheads the formation of communal villages where poor people live in peace and harmony.

There is excellent depiction of Gandhi’s efforts to end the rift between the Hindu majority and the Muslim minority in India. He works hard to eradicate sectarian conflicts between Muslims and Hindus. His efforts are commendable because peace is one of the most important requirements of religious cohesion. He successfully brings peace to warring groups through a hunger strike. His persistence enables him to achieve religious and social goals.

One of his goals is to improve the welfare of the oppressed through promotion of religious precepts. Gandhi promotes his belief in non-violent civil disobedience as a means of obtaining justice, peace, equality, and freedom (Powers par6). The spirituality of Gandhi forms the foundation of all his achievements in South Africa and India. His faith and spirituality enable him to overcome the oppressive regime of British colonialists. The predominant themes in the film include peace, love, justice, and equity.

The movie “Ten Commandments” was produced by Cecil DeMille in 1956. It explores the life of Moses who frees the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. It stars Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter, Yul Brynner, Yvonne De Carlo, and Edward Robinson (TCM par1). It was chosen as one of the most historically and aesthetically significant movies.

The film is excellent because of its message and depiction of God’s relationship with man. There are many religious lessons that viewers can learn from the film. For example, it teaches the value of humility, and reveals that God guides the people whom he calls to do his work. Freedom from bondage for Israelites is a significant occurrence for Christians.

It signifies the power of God over all human beings. The film aligns the lives and tribulations of the Egyptians to the lives and troubles of Christians today. It presents the events as depicted in the Bible in a way that is easy to understand. It perfectly presents the change of attitude by Moses. He first detested the Hebrew God for bringing Israelites into slavery under the rule of Egyptians. However, his attitude changes when he encounters God, and after Israelites are delivered from bondage (TCM par3).

The most spiritual aspects of the film emerge after Moses encounters God. The film also shows the power of faith in God, as well as the importance of faith to human beings. Religious themes such as faith, suffering, God’s power, prayers, and trust are well developed in the movie through the events that take place. The movie teaches that the God who saved the Israelites from bondage is the same God that works in people’s lives today. The theme of the importance of faith and trust in God is dominant in the film.

This movie was produced in 2007 by Robert Duvall and stars John Beasley, June Carter Cash, Billy Joe shaver, and Miranda Richardson (Gilman par1). It explores the religious themes of sin, worship, repentance, and conversion. The story explored in the film bases on the life of Sonny who undergoes conversion after committing murder (Gilman par2).

After eviction from his church, Sonny undergoes conversion and starts a church. However, his sinful past comes back to haunt him. The spiritual journey of Sonny is a source of inspiration for people of all religions. Initially, his faith is depicted as self-centered and superficial.

His religion comprises mere excitement from situations and people, thus making it shallow. However, after failing and losing his possessions, he finds his way to Christ (Gilman par3). After accepting Christ, his ministry focuses on promoting Christian teachings. The film teaches the importance of God’s forgiveness because even after killing Horace, he rebaptizes himself and becomes an apostle. He successfully starts a new church that attracts many followers.

His efforts of converting people to God come into fruition when he converts Thornton, a racist construction worker. The film has several teachings that are important to the lives of religious people. These include the ability to change from evil ways to good ways, the efficacy of conversion, the importance of forgiveness, and the significance of worship. In addition, the film shows a thought-provoking progression of events that explores the coexistence of faith with sin.

The life of Duvall is a perfect revelation of the struggles that many people undergo in order to attain religious redemption (Gilman par6). The movie has many teachings and lessons for viewers. It explores the consequences of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. The life of Duvall correlates with the biblical description of religious ministers, and shows how possible it is for an individual to deviate from a good spiritual life.

Mark Gordon, Lawrence Inglee, and Zach Miller produced this movie in 2009 (Scott par2). It stars Ben Foster, Jena Malone, Woody Harrelson, and Steve Buscemi. The film revolves around the life of Montgomery who returns home after fighting in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan (Scott par2). He is assigned the role of a casualty notification officer because of his many years of service in the military. His partner is a recovering alcoholic.

Montgomery encounters an ethical dilemma when he becomes attracted to Olivia, wife to one of the killed soldiers. The film explores the negative effects of war. The war has divided people into two groups: people who have been affected by the war and people who have not been affected. The job assigned to Montgomery is difficult because of the different reactions of the families of victims. Anger, denial, and anguish are examples of emotions explored in the film.

The expression of gratitude and compassion by some people is commendable. The viewer is made to develop compassion for the families of soldiers who die in the war. On the other hand, the effects of the war are explored. The war has divided families, friends, and lovers. Communication is strained between colleagues, lovers, and family members because they cannot talk about their experiences regarding the war (Scott par4).

The theme of war explored in the movie is also explored in the Bible’s Old Testament. The theme establishes a connection between the film and the Old Testament. The war in Iraq causes a lot of suffering, agony, and anguish to the family of soldiers who die in the war. The film elicits feelings of compassion and gratitude in the viewer: gratitude for soldiers who take part in the war and compassion for the families of soldiers who die in the battlefield.

The movie “Andrei Rublev” was produced by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1971. It stars Anatoly Solonitsyn, Ivan Lapikov, Irma Raush, Nikolai Sergeyev, and Nikolai Burlyayev (Savio 65). The film explores the life of Andrei Rublev, an ancient Russian painter. It also depicts Christianity as the foundation of Russia’s history. Art and faith are two of the most important themes in the film. There is depiction of the religious concept of trinity.

Common themes include wrath, retribution, compassion, and mediation. These themes are common to the trinity as depicted in the Bible. Wrath and retribution are common traits of the father while mediation and compassion are attributed to the son. The Holy Spirit acts as the mediator between the people and the father. The film also presents a Christian view of the role that art plays in the expression of religious epiphany (Savio 67).

There is excellent depiction of good, evil, kindness, and death in the film. These themes are synonymous with religion. The film also explores the lives of monks. In religion, monks live lives that are characterized by prayers, meditation, and deep spirituality. Rublev uses art to express religious themes of love and unity. The film includes depiction of religious characters from the Old Testament.

For example, Rublev is presented as an Old Testament prophet (Savio 68). This is evident from his dressing and teachings that include ideologies of retribution and wrath. In religion, art is used to express human divinity. The theme of human divinity is well developed in Rublev’s artwork. The artwork successfully expresses the religious belief that humans are representations of God. The film explores various religious themes. However, it is a bit complicated and not easy to understand.

Gilman, Mark. The Apostle . n.d. Web.

Powers, Mike. Gandhi (Movie Review) . 2010. Web.

Savio, Nigel. Andrei Rublev: Religious Epiphany in Art. Journal of Religion & Film 3.2 (1999): 65-71. Print.

Scott, Anthony. The messenger (2009) . Web.

TCM: The Ten Commandments . n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda . "Religious Studies of Movies." January 30, 2024.

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Gandhi Film Critique Essay Sample


Film Critique Essay Introduction

In the epic drama Gandhi directed by Richard Attenborough, the spiritual and religious leader is represented as a man of nonviolence, who seeks to achieve justice and equality for all people. His patience, bravery, and perseverance enabled him to expel the British from the subcontinent. Gandhi also fought for India’s independence and own recognition for many years. The motion picture dedicated to his life and struggle teaches people to use non-violent measures to be heard and reach necessary changes. Gandhi’s campaigns were of an unprecedented scale as the spiritual leader successfully coordinated Indians’ acts across the country.

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However, force and violence were used against the protesters leading to Gandhi’s imprisonment. Despite these setbacks, the struggle continued due to significant attention and intense public pressure. The current paper seeks to analyze the way the drama Gandhi represents the spiritual leader and eminent spokesperson of the twentieth century struggling against the institutionalized violation of civil rights.

The Main Themes of Movie Gandhi in 1982

Attenborough produced the movie Gandhi in 1982. The life and experience of the Indian political activist are depicted chronologically and realistically, thus enabling the audience to deeply examine campaigns, non-violent protests, and significant events of that time. Gandhi was inspired to act radically for the country’s good. He sought to eradicate racial oppression and ensure equality for all people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The movie highlights Gandhi’s success in South Africa and his return to India as a national hero.

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Despite challenges and pressure exerted by the British authority, he attempted to change people’s lives and establish an equal society. In the movie Gandhi, the escalation of violence and murder of peaceful protestors impress the audience. The struggle for recognition and justice can be compared to the fight between such conflicting nations as the Muslims and Hindus. The most intense scene in the picture is the merciless shooting of Indian women and children by the Chinese and East Asian mercenary soldiers.

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One of the main themes raised in the movie is the representation of characters as fanatics. Most of the scenes are intense because the director depicts the reality of people’s lives, everyday experiences, work, and socialization. Attenborough realistically portrays the tumultuous time of Indian history characterized by religious fervor, protests, and devotion to Gandhi. Many citizens considered him a hero and savior. The country was similar to the battlefield. Therefore, people are represented not as individuals leading ordinary lives but constant reactionaries, who live under constant pressure. In his epic drama, Attenborough depicts the British as hopeless, cruel, and oppressive towards the Indians.

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Another theme is the realistic depiction of human dignity, self-determination, and non-violent campaigns. Despite Gandhi’s unimpeachable legacy, he could not resolve the issue of religious intolerance in a non-violent manner. The story has significantly affected me as it teaches through the efforts and actions of Mandela, Gandhi, King, and other civil rights activists to be courageous, strong, and compassionate while facing injustice and prejudice. In most cases, Indians’ lives were dark and anxious (Huggan 661). Gandhi gave ordinary people hope for necessary social changes, a better life, and a brighter future. As for me, the director’s work and the main character’s performance are inspiring illustrations of constant struggle.

Gandhi and Hinduism

Gandhi’s religious beliefs are associated with Hinduism. This religion focuses on exercising conscience, stretching the mind, acknowledging souls, and honoring the great Indian visionary. In ancient times, religion was closely connected to the individual experience. However, from the modern sociological perspective, this aspect is removed from society. Many sociologists regard religion as a social phenomenon. Gandhi, as depicted in the epic drama, liked to compare religions and spiritual ideas. The visionary did not relate religion to the individual experience; he found God within the creation (Goshen-Gottstein 103). In the Indian religion, Gandhi promoted Dharma embracing humanity. He repeatedly referred to God to find the truth.

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In addition to the humanization of religion, the visionary also sought to moralize it. Gandhi was interested not only in Hinduism but also in Christianity and Islam, which enabled him to combine various religious faiths. He would never support the religious doctrine that conflicted with moral values. Morality and religion, as well as righteousness and truth, are interconnected. Morality is the core of all great world religions. Owing to this aspect, most of Gandhi’s ideas have acquired a universalistic outlook.

One of the themes that have been omitted is the depiction of survived sectarian faiths, theological schools, and various religious creeds in Ancient India. However, the motion picture depicts individuals belonging to different religions and their attitude to Mahatma Gandhi. They sought to get his blessing and valuable advice on various matters. The visionary devoted his life to the promotion of Muslim and Hindu unity.

Film Critique Essay Summary

I have learned that willingness to recognize the truth, broad-mindedness, sympathy, and tolerance are crucial to understanding the specifics of other faiths. If a person possesses these qualities, he/she can appreciate the culture and lifestyle of other people. The visionaries and prophets of different religions have promoted the consciousness of unity emphasizing the deep sense of fraternity. Gandhi believed that unity and brotherhood could be achieved only through the comparison of different religions. Mahatma Gandhi’s love for Hinduism was based on the adherence to lofty ideals preached by Hindus. Tolerance and liberalism are the core of Hinduism. Gandhi also promoted the spiritual and ethical outlook in his speeches, campaigns, and non-violent demonstrations.

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Gandhi Movie Summary

The movie Gandhi starts off with the assassination of Gandhi on January 30, 1948. He was killed because of the split of Hindus and Muslims into Pakistan and India, instead of trying to keep the country united (which was impossible at the time). The story then jumps back to Gandhi early in his life, when he is a practicing attorney. He is traveling in South Africa on a train and is thrown off because he refuses to give up his first class seat. The conductor wants him to move because he is Indian. This upsets him and he organizes a burning of the discriminatory codes. The protestors are arrested and released. Gandhi is motivated by religious means; he believes that everyone is equal in God’s eyes. He gets involved in several movements for equality, and he stresses non-violence very strongly. The Indians are very mad because British rule continues to limit their rights. They are supposed to all get fingerprinted, and their marriage laws are invalid. Gandhi’s followers vow to fight their oppressors to the death, but he discourages them from violence. He and his wife form a sort of commune of purity. They live off of the land entirely. During one scene, they ask all of Gandhi’s followers to burn all of their clothes that were made in Britain and wear only what they can make themselves. Gandhi practices this for the rest of his life, usually wearing just a loincloth. In another scene, Gandhi is in jail, and some of his followers are peacefully gathered in a square. The police lock up the square and kill almost everyone, over 1,500 people. Gandhi is disgusted and discouraged. He continues to preach non-violence, but the Indians do have occasional conflict with the police. Gandhi’s counter to the popular phrase “an eye for an eye” says that after that, “everyone will be blind.” Gandhi leads several organized protests against British rule. In one, all Indians stopped doing their work, and the major cities in the country were disabled. Another time, he led a 165-mile walk to the sea to protest the British monopoly on salt. The Indians made their own salt out of the sea. A turning point on the Indian fight for independence was the western press. Reporters witnessed a scene in which Indians tried to get into a factory row by row, and were brutally beaten by soldiers, row by row, as the women pulled the dead and injured away.

Mahatma Gandhi Dbq

Mohandas Gandhi was a non-violent promoter for Indian independence.He was married young at 13,and went to London to go to law school.Gandhi got his degree there and was on his way to being a lawyer.He went to his first case,but couldn't even speak. Gandhi then got invited to South Africa from a businessman. Gandhi’s luck their was no good either.European racism came to him,after he got kicked off of a train,because he was “colored” and was holding a first class ticket.When Gandhi fought back because of it,was arrested and was sent to jail.After this, he became know as as a leader.Gandhi returned to India in 1896,and he was disgusted by it.British wanted them to wear their clothes,copy their manners,accept their standards of beauty,but Gandhi refused.Gandhi wanted people to live free of all class and wealth.Gandhi tried so hard and was more successful then any other man in India.They won independence in 1947. Gandhi’s non-violent movement worked because,Gandhi used clever planning, mass appeal, conviction, and compassion to win independence for India.

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Mahatma Gandhi, a nationalist and spiritual leader was perceptive and objectively so, perhaps most eminently when he instructed his zealots, “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win” (Mahatma). Gandhi has a remarkable sagacity at a young age and strengthened it throughout the succession of his life. Although the aforementioned quote merely previews the extent of his intellect, it effectively summarizes his political approach. After becoming a member of the Indian National Congress Gandhi had the potential to become a most influential leader for the Indian people, and he did. Gandhi committed his political title towards fighting against the unlawful oppression of British rule. His method of fighting, however, was a politically innovative, mental type of fight. As a firm believer in the value of Pacifism, Gandhi developed the theory of non-violent civil protest and vowed to prevent his followers from succumbing to the allure of bloodshed. The irenic nature of Gandhi’s leadership won him the admiration of many Indian people, and is now considered to have political genius prestigious enough to be studied today (Mahatma 2). In some instances, studying Gandhi’s political strategy demonstrates the benefits of an actively participating governed majority. In today’s society, many people tend to make uneducated political decisions and sometimes even refrain from making one completely. In a variety of circumstances, related to any category of politics, from the election of a new president to the enactment of new laws, a group of Americans remain unrepresented because of their refusal to exercise their right to vote. A topic such as gun control would be a fitting example of a subject that while put ...

Mahatma Gandhi Movie Analysis

In 1983 Richard Attenborough made a movie based on the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also known as Mahatma Gandhi. This movie is a biography, drama, and historical. The movie starts off by showing the assassination of Gandhi, and then goes into a flashback of his life in South Africa and India. The movie covers all importance events that were lead by Gandhi in South Africa and India. The makers put in $22 million worth of hard work to make this film possible. From the story to the actors and setting all took a lot of research, time and hard work. The film is made to look as real as possible. The film won over the hearts of many due to the actors, setting/props, and story.

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  1. Gandhi movie review & film summary (1982)

    Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. In the middle of this epic film there is a quiet, small scene that helps explain why "Gandhi" is such a remarkable experience. Mahatma Gandhi, at the height of his power and his fame ...

  2. Critical Analysis of the Movie Gandhi

    Conclusion. The political climate, the tense atmosphere, and the people in need of a leader made Gandhi effective. Additionally, the external and internal environment coupled with the characteristic traits of Gandhi made his leadership very effective. Gandhi was emphatic and stressful in his words.

  3. Gandhi (film)

    Gandhi is a 1982 epic biographical film based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, a major leader in the Indian independence movement against the British Empire during the 20th century. A co-production between India and the United Kingdom, the film was directed and produced by Richard Attenborough from a screenplay written by John Briley.It stars Ben Kingsley in the title role.

  4. Gandhi (Movie) Essay example

    As scenes move on, Gandhi takes ill, and it becomes known that he has gone on a hunger strike due to the violence between Muslims and Hindu's. At one point it is clarified. Free Essay: Gandhi Gandhi premiere on November 30, 1982 in New Delhi, India. The 190 minute film was wonderfully directed by Richard Attenborough and well...

  5. "Gandhi" by Richard Attenborough

    Introduction. Gandhi, produced and directed by Richard Attenborough, is a 1982 biographical movie that traces the life of a prominent political activist Mohandas (later Mahatma) Gandhi, who led the campaign for India's independence against the British colonial rule. The plot focuses on the key events that arguably led Gandhi to begin ...

  6. Gandhi (1982)

    The last fifty years of the life of Mahatma Gandhi leading to his assassination in 1948 is portrayed. In the late 1800's South Africa, then Indian-British attorney Mohandas K. Gandhi takes up the cause of fighting what he sees as racially discriminatory laws against colored people such as himself and other ethnic Indians. Being that South Africa is part of the British Empire, he is hoping that ...

  7. Essay on Gandhi Movie Summary

    The movie, Lage Raho Munna Bhai, themes around how Gandhian ways are relevant even in today's modern world. Gandhi has been shown as a symbol of truth and non-violence, where all of Munnabhai's quirks were about his courage to be truthful and nonviolent (The Times of India, Munnabhai shows Gandhigiri would work in today's turbulent times, October 02, 2019).

  8. Gandhi, Movie Review Example

    In the story presented by Richard Attenborough regarding Gandhi in 1982, Gandhi, his life and the legacies he left to the world became realistic even in the midst of the modern society that already recognizes new conditions of living and thinking. In this movie, it was shown why and how Gandhi, a British-trained lawyer, decides to forsake the ...

  9. Gandhi

    Film Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. Director Richard Attenborough's respect for Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) is revealed in this film's opening statement: "No man's life can be encompassed in one telling. There is no way to give each year its allotted weight, to include each event, each person who helped to shape a lifetime.

  10. Gandhi Film Review Essay

    Gandhi Film Review Essay. "I can say without the slightest hesitation, and yet all humility, that those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means" (Gandhi, 1957; 504). These words are only a glimpse of Gandhi's revolutionary sight that changed Western intellectuals.

  11. Gandhi (1982)

    Gandhi: Directed by Richard Attenborough. With Ben Kingsley, Rohini Hattangadi, Roshan Seth, Candice Bergen. The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest.

  12. Gandhi (Movie) Essay

    Essay on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Film Gandhi. Gandhi The film Gandhi (1982) is a dramatized biographical story of the last fifty years of the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the leader of India's non-violent party in India's struggle to gain freedom from the British. Starting out in a moment of bias against colored people, the ...

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    The movie "Gandhi" directed by Richard Attenborough tells us about how his principles made the British give freedom to India and his face moved millions of crowds to fight for freedom. ... Gandhi (Movie) Essay example. Gandhi premiere on November 30, 1982 in New Delhi, India. The 190 minute film was wonderfully directed by Richard ...

  14. The Symbolism Of Gandhi In Richard Attenbrought's Film

    The movie Gandhi addresses one of the most important times in Indian history. It follows the story of Gandhi, the leader of the independence movement in India against the British. Directed by Richard Attenbrought, the movie follows Gandhi's adult life until he died. The movie does not explore Gandhi's childhood or university years.

  15. "Gandhi" Movie Summary

    Read Summary. The movie "Gandhi" starts with the tragic occurrence of Gandhi's murder on January 30, 1948, which took place because of the separation between Hindus and Muslims into Pakistan and India. The story then shifts to Gandhi's beginnings as a lawyer in South Africa, where he faces discrimination on a train due to his Indian ...

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    Mahatma Gandhi Movie Essay. 1299 Words6 Pages. No man`s life can be encompassed in one telling There is no way to give each year its allotted weight, to include each event, each person who helped to shape a life time. What can be done is to be faithful in spirit to the record and try to find one`s way to the heart of the man ….

  17. Religious Studies of Movies

    Gandhi. This movie was produced in 1982 and stars Ben Kingsley, Martin Sheen, Roshan Seth, Trevor Howard, and Rohini Hattangady (Powers par1). It won six Academy Awards for its excellent depiction of the life of Mahatma Gandhi. In the movie, Gandhi shows concern by fighting for the rights of the oppressed in South Africa.

  18. Gandhi Film Review Essay Example For FREE

    An example is illustrated in the Dandi march. The amazement of the British at Gandhi's plans to march to Dandi to make mere salt and the way the march infuses fervor among people is a clip captured with brilliance. Nonetheless, there are also scenes within this film that object strenuously inaccurate and contradicting views about Gandhi.

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    The movie 'Gandhi' includes various ideas that contain spiritual and religious concerns. As the youthful Gandhi makes a difference, he organizes the Indian Congress Party of South Africa and leads an open exhibit against the law requiring Indians to carry enrollment passes. As he tried to burn the passes, he was seriously beaten by the ...

  20. Gandhi Movie Review

    to achieve political ends always placed him at odds with Jinnah's political realism. d. Also the external environment meaning the conditions pertaining in India not only changed his views, his ideas but changed the whole concept of his life to such an extent that he gave up the usual way of clothing like wearing a pant, shirt, tie; he changed totally his clothing style to wearing a self ...

  21. Gandhi Film Critique Essay Sample

    The Main Themes of Movie Gandhi in 1982. Attenborough produced the movie Gandhi in 1982. The life and experience of the Indian political activist are depicted chronologically and realistically, thus enabling the audience to deeply examine campaigns, non-violent protests, and significant events of that time. Gandhi was inspired to act radically ...

  22. Gandhi Jayanti Essay

    Gandhi (Movie) Essay example Gandhi Gandhi premiere on November 30, 1982 in New Delhi, India. The 190 minute film was wonderfully directed by Richard Attenborough and well written by John Briley. I found this film difficult to "briefly" summarize, however I would like to share a short timeline of events through the film's eyes.

  23. Gandhi Movie Summary

    Gandhi Movie Summary. 534 Words2 Pages. The movie Gandhi starts off with the assassination of Gandhi on January 30, 1948. He was killed because of the split of Hindus and Muslims into Pakistan and India, instead of trying to keep the country united (which was impossible at the time). The story then jumps back to Gandhi early in his life, when ...