7 times table problem solving

How to learn your 7 times tables

Discover easy ways to tackle the tricky 7 times table , including helpful tips from an elementary ed teacher, practice problems, and a step-by-step guide for parents and kids.

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Author Michelle Griczika

7 times table problem solving

Published March 2024

7 times table problem solving

  • Key takeaways
  • Prime Difficulty: The 7 times table is tough because 7 is a prime number without easy patterns
  • Strategies for Success: Use skip counting, memorization, and practice problems to learn it effectively
  • Build a Foundation: Learn easier times tables first to better understand multiplication before moving on to the 7 times table

Table of contents

7 times table chart

  • Tips & tricks
  • Practice problems

If your child is learning multiplication facts the 7s times table will probably be one of the last they learn. That’s because the 7s times table can be the most challenging. Why? Because 7 is a prime number. You might be thinking that 3 and 5 are also prime so why is the 7 times table more difficult? Let me explain.

A prime number is a number whose factors (the numbers being multiplied) are only itself and one. In other words, the only numbers you can multiply to get 7 are 7 and 1 or 1 and 7. The same is true for 3. Because there are less fact families for prime numbers, there are more facts to learn. By contrast, composite numbers have more factors so there are less facts to learn. Take the number 4, for example. You can multiply 2 and 2 to get 4, along with 1 and 4. 

While 3 and 5 are prime numbers, the times tables for these numbers are relatively easy for students to learn because of obvious patterns in the products and quicker addition.

For the 5s times table , students know that each product (the answer to a multiplication problem) must end in 0 or 5, and this alternates back and forth throughout the times table. Even young students can learn how to count by 5s and later connect this to multiplication.

Similarly, the 3s are relatively easy to learn despite 3 being a prime number. Once students learn the connection between multiplication and repeated addition , they can easily skip count by 3s to find the desired product. 

For example, a student trying to solve 3 x 4 might know 3 x 3 is 9. The student can then quickly add another “group of” 3 to 9 and see that 3 x 4 = 12. While this strategy also works with the 7s times table , adding 7 to a number is typically more difficult.

Let’s say a student is trying to figure out 7 x 5. The student might remember that 7 x 4 is 28. Then, the student can add another “group of” 7 to 28. While this will still lead to the correct answer of 35, it is usually more challenging for students to quickly add 7 to a number than it is to add 3 because it’s larger.

Introducing the 7 Times Tables

I recommend teaching other multiplication facts before teaching the 7 times table . Specifically, I would begin with the times tables that have predictable patterns and easier skip counting , such as the 2s, 5s, and 10s. Learning these times tables first helps students grasp the concept of multiplication as repeated addition more easily. 

I cannot stress the importance of taking the time to ensure students have a concrete understanding of multiplication before asking them to memorize multiplication facts. Understanding multiplication as “groups of” a number allows students to find the product of an unknown multiplication problem even if they cannot recall the answer of the top of their head.

Before diving into our tips, take a look at the 7 times table up to 10 :

Tips for Learning Your 7 Times Tables

While students can still use manipulatives and models to find the product of any multiplication problem, there are more efficient ways for the 7s times table. The most effective method for teaching the 7 times table is to emphasize memorization of the facts while showing students how to utilize skip counting as needed.

Emphasize Commutative Property of Multiplication

Before diving into memorization strategies, remind your student of the Commutative Property of Multiplication. This multiplication property states that changing the order of the numbers being multiplied (the factors) does not change the answer (the product). Once students learn 2 x 7, they also learn 7 x 2.

The Commutative Property of Multiplication is especially helpful for learning the 7 times tables because students should also have learned several other tables by the time they know these facts. You can show your child the 7 times table chart and circle the facts they already know based on other times tables. For example, if your child has already learned the 2, 5, and 10 times tables , then you can identify 2 x 7, 7 x 2, 3 x 7, 7 x 3, 5 x 7, and 7 x 5 as facts your child already knows!

Use Skip Counting Games & Songs

Ironically, learning the 7 times tables was probably my students’ favorite simply because of this 7s skip counting song! Skip counting songs are great when teaching multiplication because they emphasize the idea of multiplication, meaning “groups of” a number; so 4 x 7 is the same as 4 “groups of” 7, and students can count by 7 four times to find the answer. 

My students begged to sing this specific song every day and even wanted me to bring in our principal so they could show him and record it for our class’s Facebook page for their families! 

There are plenty of skip-counting songs for each times table, but this one for the 7s was their all-time favorite. They learned the 7s facts extremely fast, probably because they always sang the song!

Sometimes you have to resort to good ole’ flashcards. While skip counting is a great strategy for solving multiplication facts your student doesn’t remember, quick recall is important when taking timed tests. I never advise starting with rote memorization but in the end, students have to memorize their facts. Flashcards have been proven to create neural pathways in the brain which makes recalling information easier and quicker. Plus, many students find the act of handwriting flashcards in and of itself helpful for memorization.

Explore multiplication with DoodleMath

Want to practice your 7 times tables? DoodleMath is an award-winning math app that’s proven to double a child’s rate of progression with just 10 minutes of use a day!

Filled with fun, interactive questions aligned to state standards, Doodle creates a unique work program tailored to each child’s needs, boosting their confidence and skills in math. Try it free  today!

for families

7 times table practice problems

Here are some problems to help your child practice the 7 times table .


__ x 7 = 56


Penlope has 7 pairs of shoes. How many individual shoes does she have?


Ina spends $21 on books. Each book cost $7. How many books did she buy?

While the 7 times tables can be challenging to learn, I hope these tips have made it seem more approachable and less overwhelming for your child and/or your students. Check out more problems on our math help app !

Lesson credits

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Michelle Griczika

Michelle Griczika is a seasoned educator and experienced freelance writer. Her years teaching first and fifth grades coupled with her double certification in elementary and early childhood education lend depth to her understanding of diverse learning stages. Michelle enjoys running in her free time and undertaking home projects.

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7 times table

The 5-step plan.

  • 7 x 10 = 70
  • 7 x 11 = 77
  • 7 x 12 = 84

Step 1a: View, read aloud and repeat

Step 1a is to get familiar with the table, so view, read aloud and repeat. If you think you remember them it's time to test your knowledge at step 1b.

Step 1b: In sequence

Fill in your answers. Once you have entered all the answers, click on 'Check' to see whether you have got them all right! If you got all the answers right, practice the 7 times table shuffled in random order.

Step 2: Drag the right answer to the question

Step 3: shuffled.

Practice the 7 times table shuffled. Fill in all answers and press 'check' to see how many you got right.

Step 4: Multiple choice

Try to answer all the 15 questions right!

Step 5: Tables Diploma

Answer all the 24 questions right to get the diploma!

Too late...

Name on the diploma:, view your mistakes.

These games give the possibility to repeat the questions and improve the knowledge of the 7 multiplication table. Enjoy the 7 times table games!

7 times table problem solving

Memory times table game

Try to find as fast a possible the matching questions and answers!

7 times table memory

7 times table chart.

This is where you can practice your 7 times table. The 7 times table is the second of the trickier tables which are usually taught in year 5. You can practice the 7 times table in sequence and once you have got the hang of that you can make it a bit harder by practicing the sums up in random order. If you want to practice the 7 times table against the clock, you can of course take the speed test. If you want to practice at your leisure, we suggest you print out the 7 times table worksheet and practice with that. The seven times table is the multiplication table of 7 where we get the product of multiplying 7 with whole numbers. It is helpful to know the multiples of 7. Below you will see the 7 multiplication chart.

7 times table chart

Frequently asked questions

Print 7 times table worksheet.

Click on the worksheet to view it in a larger format. For the 7 times table worksheet you can choose between three different sorts of exercise. In the first exercise you have to draw a line from the sum to the correct answer. In the second exercise you have to enter the missing number to complete the sum correctly. In the third exercise you have to answer the sums which have been shuffled.

7 times table problem solving

Learn the other times tables as well:

7 times table problem solving

Description of the 7 times table

This is where you can practice the 7 times table by entering all the answers and then checking how many you got right. There are various ways the tables can be practiced. You are now on the 7 times table page where multiplication calculations can be practiced in sequence. Once you have mastered the table in sequence you can practice the sums in random order. You can learn the tables on a PC, tablet, iPad or mobile phone. You learn this table in year 4 maths.

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Learning the 7 times table: tips and tricks

7 times table tips and tricks

Learning the 7 times table

The 7 times table is the hardest to learn because 7 is a prime number, and so the final digit does not repeat itself until 10x7 . The 3 times table offers the same challenge, but is less difficult to learn because the numbers are smaller, so don't usually involve number changes in both the tens and units columns (in fact, only 4x3 = 1 2 and 7x3 = 2 1 do so). 

Step-by-step 7 times table learning

  • Arm yourself with your times tables learning aids  – and make sure your child is confident with the 2, 3, 4 and 5 times tables .
  • Start by explaining why 7s are more difficult, and then say the table slowly, inviting your child to join in, but not requiring it. Ask if they'd like you to do this again.
  • Then try the paired table approach (saying the table out loud at the same time as your child), going very slowly and giving your child every opportunity to catch on.
  • A judgement call from here on in, but I usually then use the paired approach to 3x7, then start from the beginning and go to 5x7 . If it sticks, great – if not, go back and build up carefully. 
  • Complete the second part of the table once the first part is secure. 

times tables resources

Get FREE Times Tables Resources

  • Printable and interactive worksheets
  • Practice workbook

The 7 times table is likely to take more practice than the others ; as long as the 2 times table (the foundation of all multiplication tables learning), the 3 times table and the 4 times table are in place, though, children can usually learn it in ten days or so.

3 times table tips and tricks

  • A brilliant mnemonic from Guardian Education to help with tricky 7s. Write down these three columns:

7 times table problem solving

  • Alternatively, write down the numbers 1 to 9, and cross each digit out as it appears in the units or ones column in the 7 times table answers . This reinforces the idea that the final digit does not repeat itself.
  • If 7s don't come easily, have your child write out what they know , and complete the table. Then see if they can write the elements they did not get first time round.
  • Use either 5+2 p coins to make a unit of 7 to build the table physically, or Numicon if you have it. You could also cut out squared paper into 7s, and use these to build up the table and count the squares.

7 times tables practice worksheets and games

For a selection of 7 times tables worksheets and printable games see below.  

Read John Bald's guide to times table learning for more general advice about multiplication tables, then browse through all times table worksheets and printable games .

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7 times table worksheets

7 times table problem solving

Free 7 times table worksheets

Here you can find a great number of free 7 times table worksheets to print. These worksheets have been created by teachers and are aimed at primary school students to optimally practice maths problems. The multiplication tables are an important basic skill. For many students, the 7 times table is one of the more difficult tables. No worries though, these worksheets will help you memorise them in no time.

When memorising the 7 times table, you can use tables you are already familiar with to make things easier. For instance, when you flip the numbers of the tables you already know, you'll quickly have several answers to the 7 times table. 4 x 7 is the same as 7 x 4, both are 28. This approach will make practising the 7 times table a lot easier. You can then memorise the other multiplications through repetition and using the worksheets.

The times tables are the basis of more elaborate calculations and one's general maths comprehension. The exercises provided here are suited for maths education taught in primary school. These free worksheets for printing or downloading (in PDF format) are specially aimed at primary school students. You can also make a table worksheet yourself using the worksheet generator. These worksheets are randomly generated and therefore provide endless amounts of exercise material for at home or in class.

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7 times table

7 times table chart up to, other multiplication tables, multiplication tables, multiplication chart, 7 times table examples, facts about multiplying by 7, faqs on 7 times tables, what is 7 times table.

The 7 times table is a mathematical table that lists the products of 7 and positive integers up to a certain limit. The table starts with 7 × 1 = 7, and each subsequent row lists the product of 7 and the next integer. The table usually goes up to 10 or 12.

  • 7 x 10 = 70

What are the multiples of 7?

The multiples of 7 are numbers that can be evenly divided by 7. Some of the first few multiples of 7 are:

7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, ...

How to write 7-times table in words?

  • One times seven is seven
  • Two times seven is fourteen
  • Three times seven is twenty-one
  • Four times seven is twenty-eight
  • Five times seven is thirty-five
  • Six times seven is forty-two
  • Seven times seven is forty-nine
  • Eight times seven is fifty-six
  • Nine times seven is sixty-three
  • Ten times seven is seventy
  • Eleven times seven is seventy-seven
  • Twelve times seven is eighty-four

What is 7 Times 7?

What is the product of 7 and 8.

The product of 7 and 8 means

Number fact about 7

Cambridge University Faculty of Mathematics

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This collection is one of our Primary Curriculum collections - tasks that are grouped by topic.

One Wasn't Square

Mrs Morgan, the class's teacher, pinned numbers onto the backs of three children. Use the information to find out what the three numbers were.

7 times table problem solving

All the Digits

This multiplication uses each of the digits 0 - 9 once and once only. Using the information given, can you replace the stars in the calculation with figures?

7 times table problem solving

Cycling Squares

Can you make a cycle of pairs that add to make a square number using all the numbers in the box below, once and once only?

7 times table problem solving

Can you replace the letters with numbers? Is there only one solution in each case?

7 times table problem solving

Multiplication Square Jigsaw

Can you complete this jigsaw of the multiplication square?

7 times table problem solving

Shape Times Shape

These eleven shapes each stand for a different number. Can you use the number sentences to work out what they are?

7 times table problem solving

What Do You Need?

Four of these clues are needed to find the chosen number on this grid and four are true but do nothing to help in finding the number. Can you sort out the clues and find the number?

7 times table problem solving

Investigate the sum of the numbers on the top and bottom faces of a line of three dice. What do you notice?

7 times table problem solving

How Do You Do It?

This group activity will encourage you to share calculation strategies and to think about which strategy might be the most efficient.

7 times table problem solving

Table Patterns Go Wild! Live

Nearly all of us have made table patterns on hundred squares, that is 10 by 10 grids. This problem looks at the patterns on differently sized square grids.

7 times table problem solving

Journeys in Numberland

Tom and Ben visited Numberland. Use the maps to work out the number of points each of their routes scores.

7 times table problem solving

Ordering Cards

This problem is designed to help children to learn, and to use, the two and three times tables.

7 times table problem solving

Let Us Divide!

Look at different ways of dividing things. What do they mean? How might you show them in a picture, with things, with numbers and symbols?

7 times table problem solving

Place four pebbles on the sand in the form of a square. Keep adding as few pebbles as necessary to double the area. How many extra pebbles are added each time?

7 times table problem solving

Sweets in a Box

How many different shaped boxes can you design for 36 sweets in one layer? Can you arrange the sweets so that no sweets of the same colour are next to each other in any direction?

Round and Round the Circle

What happens if you join every second point on this circle? How about every third point? Try with different steps and see if you can predict what will happen.

7 times table problem solving

Highest and Lowest

Put operations signs between the numbers 3 4 5 6 to make the highest possible number and lowest possible number.

7 times table problem solving

Zios and Zepts

On the planet Vuv there are two sorts of creatures. The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs. The great planetary explorer Nico counted 52 legs. How many Zios and how many Zepts were there?

7 times table problem solving

Abundant Numbers

48 is called an abundant number because it is less than the sum of its factors (without itself). Can you find some more abundant numbers?

7 times table problem solving

Find at least one way to put in some operation signs to make these digits come to 100.

7 times table problem solving

Flashing Lights

Norrie sees two lights flash at the same time, then one of them flashes every 4th second, and the other flashes every 5th second. How many times do they flash together during a whole minute?

7 times table problem solving

The Moons of Vuvv

The planet of Vuvv has seven moons. Can you work out how long it is between each super-eclipse?

7 times table problem solving

Mystery Matrix

Can you fill in this table square? The numbers 2 -12 were used to generate it with just one number used twice.

Four Goodness Sake

Use 4 four times with simple operations so that you get the answer 12. Can you make 15, 16 and 17 too?

7 times table problem solving

Multiplication Squares

Can you work out the arrangement of the digits in the square so that the given products are correct? The numbers 1 - 9 may be used once and once only.

7 times table problem solving

Factor Lines

Arrange the four number cards on the grid, according to the rules, to make a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line.

7 times table problem solving

Two Primes Make One Square

Can you make square numbers by adding two prime numbers together?

7 times table problem solving

Cubes Within Cubes

We start with one yellow cube and build around it to make a 3x3x3 cube with red cubes. Then we build around that red cube with blue cubes and so on. How many cubes of each colour have we used?

7 times table problem solving

I'm thinking of a number. My number is both a multiple of 5 and a multiple of 6. What could my number be?

7 times table problem solving

Which Is Quicker?

Which is quicker, counting up to 30 in ones or counting up to 300 in tens? Why?

7 times table problem solving

A Square of Numbers

Can you put the numbers 1 to 8 into the circles so that the four calculations are correct?

7 times table problem solving

Odd Squares

Think of a number, square it and subtract your starting number. Is the number you're left with odd or even? How do the images help to explain this?

7 times table problem solving

Up and Down Staircases

One block is needed to make an up-and-down staircase, with one step up and one step down. How many blocks would be needed to build an up-and-down staircase with 5 steps up and 5 steps down?

7 times table problem solving

Carrying Cards

These sixteen children are standing in four lines of four, one behind the other. They are each holding a card with a number on it. Can you work out the missing numbers?

7 times table problem solving

An Easy Way to Multiply by 10?

Do you agree with Badger's statements? Is Badger's reasoning 'watertight'? Why or why not?

7 times table problem solving

Multiples Grid

What do the numbers shaded in blue on this hundred square have in common? What do you notice about the pink numbers? How about the shaded numbers in the other squares?

7 times table problem solving

Factors and Multiples Game

This game can replace standard practice exercises on finding factors and multiples.

7 times table problem solving

Music to My Ears

Can you predict when you'll be clapping and when you'll be clicking if you start this rhythm? How about when a friend begins a new rhythm at the same time?

7 times table problem solving

What's in the Box?

This big box multiplies anything that goes inside it by the same number. If you know the numbers that come out, what multiplication might be going on in the box?

7 times table problem solving

Factor-multiple Chains

Can you see how these factor-multiple chains work? Find the chain which contains the smallest possible numbers. How about the largest possible numbers?

7 times table problem solving

This challenge is a game for two players. Choose two of the numbers to multiply or divide, then mark your answer on the number line. Can you get four in a row?

7 times table problem solving

Picture a Pyramid ...

Imagine a pyramid which is built in square layers of small cubes. If we number the cubes from the top, starting with 1, can you picture which cubes are directly below this first cube?

7 times table problem solving

The Remainders Game

Play this game and see if you can figure out the computer's chosen number.

7 times table problem solving

Which Symbol?

Choose a symbol to put into the number sentence.

7 times table problem solving

Times Tables Shifts

In this activity, the computer chooses a times table and shifts it. Can you work out the table and the shift each time?

7 times table problem solving

Counting Cogs

Which pairs of cogs let the coloured tooth touch every tooth on the other cog? Which pairs do not let this happen? Why?

7 times table problem solving

Light the Lights Again

Each light in this interactivity turns on according to a rule. What happens when you enter different numbers? Can you find the smallest number that lights up all four lights?

7 times table problem solving

Follow the Numbers

What happens when you add the digits of a number then multiply the result by 2 and you keep doing this? You could try for different numbers and different rules.

7 times table problem solving

Curious Number

Can you order the digits from 1-3 to make a number which is divisible by 3 so when the last digit is removed it becomes a 2-figure number divisible by 2, and so on?

7 times table problem solving

Factor Track

Factor track is not a race but a game of skill. The idea is to go round the track in as few moves as possible, keeping to the rules.

7 times table problem solving

So It's Times!

How will you decide which way of flipping over and/or turning the grid will give you the highest total?

7 times table problem solving

Square Subtraction

Look at what happens when you take a number, square it and subtract your answer. What kind of number do you get? Can you prove it?

7 times table problem solving

This Pied Piper of Hamelin

Investigate the different numbers of people and rats there could have been if you know how many legs there are altogether!

7 times table problem solving

Multiply Multiples 1

Can you complete this calculation by filling in the missing numbers? In how many different ways can you do it?

7 times table problem solving

Multiply Multiples 2

Can you work out some different ways to balance this equation?

7 times table problem solving

Multiply Multiples 3

Have a go at balancing this equation. Can you find different ways of doing it?

7 times table problem solving

Division Rules

This challenge encourages you to explore dividing a three-digit number by a single-digit number.

7 times table problem solving

Always, Sometimes or Never? Number

Are these statements always true, sometimes true or never true?

7 times table problem solving

Satisfying Four Statements

Can you find any two-digit numbers that satisfy all of these statements?

7 times table problem solving

Picture Your Method

Can you match these calculation methods to their visual representations?

7 times table problem solving

Compare the Calculations

Can you put these four calculations into order of difficulty? How did you decide?

7 times table problem solving

Dicey Array

Watch the video of this game being played. Can you work out the rules? Which dice totals are good to get, and why?

7 times table problem solving

4 by 4 Mathdokus

Can you use the clues to complete these 4 by 4 Mathematical Sudokus?

7 times table problem solving

Xavi's T-shirt

How much can you read into a T-shirt?

7 times table problem solving

7 Times Table – Fun Ways of Teaching & Learning

Share this post, table of contents, when do students learn the 7 times table.

The 7 times table forms part of the  Year 4 national curriculum  in the UK (approx 8 years old). 

By the end of Year 4, all students should know all their times tables 1-12 and in June 2020 students will be tested nationally for the first time with something called the “Multiplication Tables Check” (here’s a   link to a lot of information on the MTC ). 

In Years 5 and 6, students will use this knowledge to approach problems in geometry, fractions,.., and of course in more difficult multiplication problems. 

What do students need to know before learning the 7 times table?

Before learning their 7 times table, students should know: 

  • how to add 7 to any number (year 1)
  • the concept of multiplication (i.e. 3 groups of 7 objects)
  • the 2, 3, and 5 times tables
  • how to use manipulatives to workout a particular times table.

How are times tables taught in schools now?

Learning times tables is one of the few things that most people remember from their schooling and those that possess a good knowledge will always proudly demonstrate it.

20 years ago, and still in a number of Asian countries, times tables are memorised by chanting and repeated testing. 

Nowadays, teachers spend a lot of time making times tables fun to learn using games such as Times Tables with Emile , using songs and dance or involving other subjects (cross-curricular learning). 

Why is the 7 times table so difficult to learn?

Some believe that the 7 times table is the hardest to learn because 7 is a prime number and the numeric pattern isn’t quite as obvious as for other numbers.

There are no obvious patterns or quick tricks like for the 9 times table.

However, there is an easy way to help students remember 7 x 8 = 56. The answer to 7 x 8 is the two numbers that come before the numbers being multiplied (i.e. 5 , 6 , 7, 8).

7 Times Table Rhyme*

We’re not huge fans of rhymes, but it works for some students.

Three candies each for seven days, that would be fun, 3 x 7 = 21

7 and 4 are running late, 7 x 4 = 28

7 and 5 went for a drive. Who’s in the back seat? It’s 35

I know now and you do too, that 6 x 7 is 42

7 x 7 has four straight lines, which will = 49

56=7 x 8 (5, 6, 7, 8)

9 and 7 climb a tree, 9 x 7 = 63

12 x 7, clean the floor, 12 x 7 = 84

*copyright unknown

Times Table Facts

Always remember that there are only 12 x 12 (144) maths facts to learn for the national curriculum. 

Once you remove the 1 and 10 times tables that leaves 102 maths facts. 

Know your 2, 9 and 11 times tables and then there’s 60 maths facts left – fewer than half the 144.

The 7 times table is one of the hardest but a bit of work, patience and a growth mindset will lead to success. 

Regular practice with Times Tables with Emile will lead to all your students wanting to practice them and knowing all their times tables in no time at all. 

7 Times Table Games & Activities

Get them to work it out.

Give students manipulatives such as buttons, pasta or dried beans. 

As they will eventually need 84 manipulatives, it may mean working in groups and being prepared for a bit of a sweep up. 

Get them in their groups to write down the 7 times table up to 12 x 7. Then check with adjacent groups. 

Hopefully this exploration of the 7 times table will help embed their understanding of what the 7 times table is.  

(To reduce mess, and the number of manipulatives required, you may want to explore up to 5 x 7 instead.)  

View and Read Aloud

Work through their results as a class. Ask if anyone can see any patterns. 

7 Times Table Grid

Ask students to complete an empty multiplication grid. It’s quite a useful exercise in itself to see where some students are struggling.

The grid could be selectively empty in the 7 row or column.

It can also be useful to remind children that they can reverse the order of a multiplication to make it an easier calculation.

7 Times Table Worksheet

Use the  free worksheet that can be found here  to check on understanding and comprehension by leaving the multiplication grid with the students. 

7 Times Table Bingo

Use the  free 7 times table bingo cards that can be downloaded from here .

The teacher reads out calculations: 7 times 4. 

Students mark off 28 from their card.  

A Variation on Fizz Buzz

So for those that don’t know Fizz Buzz….

Players generally sit in a circle. The player designated to go first says the number “1”, and the players in turn then count upwards. Any number  divisible  by three is replaced by the word  fizz  and any number divisible by five by the word  buzz .

So numbers divisible by 15 become  fizz buzz . A player who hesitates or makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

So Fizz Buzz starts:

1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, Fizz Buzz, 16, 17, Fizz, 19, Buzz, Fizz, 22, 23, Fizz, Buzz, 26, Fizz, 28, 29, Fizz Buzz, 31, 32, Fizz, 34, Buzz, Fizz, …

I like to add “Woof” for any number divisible by 7!

So 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, Woof, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, Woof, Fizz Buzz, 16, 17, Fizz, 19, Buzz, FizzWoof, 22, 23, Fizz, Buzz, 26, Fizz, Woof, 29, Fizz Buzz, 31, 32, Fizz, 34, BuzzWoof, Fizz, …

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  • 7 times table Math Game

7 times table quiz - Multiply by 7 test

7 times table test.

There are a mixture of diverse and exigent x7 multiplication games quizzes in our 7 times table quiz , ranging from (7 x 1) to (7 x 12). Multiply by 7 test as a game element will reinforce a quick and easy mastery of multiplication by 7 .


Multiplication methods activities, standard algorithm.

  • Multiply 2-digit numbers
  • Multiply 3-digit numbers
  • Multiply more than 3-digit numbers

Lattice Multiplication

Box multiplication, what you need to know about 7 times table.

In order to score a 100/100 in the 7 times table test , you need to use very simple and effective methods to easily obtain correct answers when multiplying by 7 .

As an appropriate method, we can use the equal groups method to obtain our product.

Example - obtain correct answer for 7 times table test

Here, you are required to choose the correct answer from the given ones, in response to the given multiplication sentence of our 7 times table test .

Answer: [ 25, 30, 35 ]

We will quickly obtain our answer if we use the equal group method.

Multiplication equal groups - Form 7 groups of 5 apples

  • secondly, we count all the items in every group.
  • Lastly, we'll realize that there are 35 items altogether. Thus our result.

This is really awesome. Extremely simple.


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  • Year 4 curriculum map

7 times table and patterns

Unit 5 - 2 weeks

The PowerPoint file contains slides you can use in the classroom to support each of the learning outcomes for this unit, listed below. The slides are comprehensively linked to associated pedagogical guidance in the  NCETM Primary Mastery Professional Development materials . There are also links to the ready-to-progress criteria detailed in the  DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance 2020 .

Classroom slides for this unit

All spring term units, learning outcomes, related pages.

  • Curriculum prioritisation in primary maths

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7 Times table

7 times table problem solving

A 7 times table is often visible in the real world as the number 7 is often used. The number of colors in a rainbow, the number of days in a week, the number of continents in the world, all account to 7. Studying the table of 7 will provide a child with a firm foundation in mathematics that will assist them through every stage of their schooling and life. 7 times table is therefore highly important to learn for the overall development of a student. The repeated addition of 7 is the multiplication table of 7.

Multiplication Table of 7

Learning the multiplication table of 7 is an essential skill for the problems based upon fractions, decimals, and percentages. It helps in solving real-life problems quickly when the students are outside their classrooms and make students understand the sequences and patterns followed by the multiples of 7.

You can view multiplication as telling you how many groups of something you have. So, when you have multiplication of 7, you will have seven groups of something. For example, 7 x 2 tells you that you have seven groups of 2. To find the answer, you add your groups together. So, 7 x 2 turns into 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2, which turns into 14. So, 7 x 2 is equal to 14.

7 Times Table up to 10

The 7 multiplication table is all about adding the number seven times.

7 Times Table up to 10

7 Times Table Chart

7 Times Table Chart

Tips for 7 Times Table

The number 7 has infinite multiples as it can be multiplied with any whole number, and we have infinite whole numbers.

The number 7 is a prime number so in the 7 times table it does not repeat itself until 7 × 10. We can obtain the 7 times table by doing the skip counting by 7.

When a number is multiplied by 7, the answer is seven times the number. Add the number 7 times.

You can also find the product with the help of skip counting. Skip count by 7’s like 7, 14, 21, 28 . . . and so on.

Multiply. 7 x 5

7 Times Table Practice Problem

7 x 5 tells us that we have seven groups of 5 . To find the answer, we will add the groups together. So, 7 x 5 turns into 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 , which turns into 35 . So, 7 x 5 is equal to 35 .

Practice 7 Times table

Practice Problem 1

7 Times Table Practice Problem 1

Practice Problem 2

7 Times Table Practice Problem 2

Practice Problem 3

7 Times Table Practice Problem 3

Practice Problem 4

7 Times Table Practice Problem 4

Multiplication – you take one number and add it together a number of times.

Product – When we multiply two numbers, the answer we get is called ‘product’.

Multiplicand – the number of objects in each group.

Multiplier – the number of equal groups is called ‘multiplier’.

Pre-requisite Skills Understand Groups and Multiplication as Repeated Addition Write Addition and Multiplication Sentences Write Multiplication Sentences for Arrays Commutative Property of Multiplication

Related Skills Multiply by 2 Multiply by 3 Multiply by 4 Multiply by 5 Multiply by 6 Multiply by 8 Multiply by 9 Multiply by 10 Associative Property of Multiplication

7 times table problem solving

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7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Multiplication and Division Resource Pack

7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Resource Pack

Step 12: 7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Multiplication and Division Resource Pack

7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Multiplication and Division Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for Autumn Block 4.

7 times table problem solving

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • 7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Multiplication and Division Teaching PowerPoint.
  • 7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Multiplication and Division Varied Fluency with answers.
  • 7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Multiplication and Division Reasoning and Problem Solving with answers.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 4: (4C6a) Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12

Mathematics Year 4: (4C6b) Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers

Mathematics Year 4: (4C8) Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects


Varied Fluency Developing  Questions to support solving calculations using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7, to derive division facts. Includes facts using multiples of 10. Pictorial support included. Expected  Questions to support solving calculations using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7, to derive division facts. Includes facts using multiples of 10 and 100. Greater Depth  Questions to support solving calculations using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7, to derive division facts. Includes facts using non-standard multiples, such as 24 x 7 (12 x 7 x 2) and two-step problems.

Reasoning and Problem Solving Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Problem Solving) Developing  Use the given digit cards to create two fact families for the 7 times table using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using multiples of 10. Pictorial support included. Expected  Use the given digit cards to create two fact families for the 7 times table using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using multiples of 10 and 100.  Greater Depth  Use the given digit cards to create two fact families for the 7 times table using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using non-standard multiples, such as 24 x 7 (12 x 7 x 2).

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning) Developing  Explain whether calculations of money are correct or not using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using multiples of 10. Pictorial support included. Expected  Explain whether calculations of money are correct or not using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using multiples of 10 and 100. Greater Depth  Explain whether calculations of money are correct or not using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using non-standard multiples, such as 24 x 7 (12 x 7 x 2). problems.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning) Developing  Identify and explain whether a statement is correct using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using multiples of 10. Pictorial support included. Expected  Identify and explain whether a statement is correct using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using multiples of 10 and 100 Greater Depth  Identify and explain whether a statement is correct using known facts of the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and facts using non-standard multiples, such as 24 x 7 (12 x 7 x 2).

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.

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Times tables: multiplication and division facts - Problem-Solving Investigation - Year 4

Times tables: multiplication and division facts - Problem-Solving Investigation - Year 4

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Hamilton's Resources

Last updated

15 April 2024

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pdf, 657.63 KB

This in-depth maths investigation is an open-ended problem solving activity for Year 4 children. It can be used to support teaching towards the objectives: Times tables: multiplication and division facts.

In-depth Investigation: Table Digital Roots Children find the digital roots of multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. They identify patterns and relate these to what they know of numbers.

This investigation will develop maths meta-skills, support open-ended questioning and logical reasoning, and enable children to learn to think mathematically and articulate mathematical ideas.

This problem-solving investigation is part of our [Year 4 Multiplication and Division] ( https://www.hamilton-trust.org.uk/maths/year-4-maths/multiplication-and-division-2/ ) block. Each Hamilton maths block contains a complete set of planning and resources to teach a term’s worth of objectives for one of the National Curriculum for England’s maths areas.

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Year 4 Multiplication & Division - Problem-Solving Investigations

These in-depth maths investigations are open-ended problem solving activities for Year 4 children. **In-depth Investigation: Doubling forever** Children double numbers up to 20 and look for duplicate sequences. **In-depth Investigation: Doubling forever** Children double numbers up to 20 and look for duplicate sequences. **In-depth Investigation: Magical Nines** Children look for patterns when multiplying ‘nearly numbers’ by 9 using mental multiplication strategies. **In-depth Investigation: Table Digital Roots** Children find the digital roots of multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. They identify patterns and relate these to what they know of numbers. **In-depth Investigation: Rocking Remainders** Children divide 11, 22, 33… 99 by 3, 4, 5 and look for patterns in the remainders. **In-depth Investigation: Race to 200** Children apply knowledge of factors within the 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10x tables. **In-depth Investigation: Set Square** Use digits 1-9 once only to complete a calculation grid with given answers for each row and column. These investigations will develop maths meta-skills, support open-ended questioning and logical reasoning, and enable children to learn to think mathematically and articulate mathematical ideas. These problem-solving investigations come from our [Year 4 Maths Blocks](https://www.hamilton-trust.org.uk/maths/year-4-maths/). Each Hamilton maths block contains a complete set of planning and resources to teach a term’s worth of objectives for one of the National Curriculum for England’s maths areas.

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    7 times table problem solving

  3. 7 Multiplication Table Worksheet

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  4. White Rose Maths

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    7 times table problem solving


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  3. Times Table 14 Learn the Tables from 1 to 15! 🌟 #educationresources #multiplicationtables


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  1. 7 Times Table Maths Mastery Mat (teacher made)

    These engaging 7 times table mats are ideal for developing and assessing children's conceptual understanding of this particular times table.Each mat contains six questions that have been carefully designed to develop fluency, problem-solving and reasoning around the multiplication and division facts from the 7 times table. The mats would be perfect to use as morning starter activities ...

  2. Free 7 times table worksheets at Timestables.com

    Here you can find a great number of free 7 times table worksheets to print. These worksheets have been created by teachers and are aimed at primary school students to optimally practice maths problems. The multiplication tables are an important basic skill. For many students, the 7 times table is one of the more difficult tables.

  3. Learn the 7 Times Table: Tips from a Teacher

    Discover 7 times table charts, practice problems & fun memorization strategies. ... For the 5s times table, students know that each product (the answer to a multiplication problem) must end in 0 or 5, and this alternates back and forth throughout the times table. Even young students can learn how to count by 5s and later connect this to ...

  4. 7 Times Table Mastery check

    Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 322.82 KB. 10 questions that check children's understanding of the 7 times table through more complex methods than just giving them a 7 times table test. Included are word problems, reasoning questions and showing the relationship between numbers. Creative Commons "Sharealike".

  5. 7 times table with games at Timestables.com

    Step 1b: In sequence. Fill in your answers. Once you have entered all the answers, click on 'Check' to see whether you have got them all right! If you got all the answers right, practice the 7 times table shuffled in random order. 7 x 1 =. 7 x 2 =. 7 x 3 =. 7 x 4 =. 7 x 5 =.

  6. Learning the 7 times table: tips and tricks

    The 7 times table is the hardest to learn because 7 is a prime number, and so the final digit does not repeat itself until 10x7.. The 3 times table offers the same challenge, but is less difficult to learn because the numbers are smaller, so don't usually involve number changes in both the tens and units columns (in fact, only 4x3 = 12 and 7x3 = 21 do so).

  7. Y4 DiM: Step 8: 7 Times-Table and Division Facts Lesson Pac

    This Diving into Mastery teaching pack is perfect for developing mastery of the 7 times table and the related division facts. It supports the White Rose Maths year 4 small step: '7 times-table and division facts'. This resource provides opportunities to develop fluency, reasoning and problem-solving across both the PowerPoint presentation and worksheets. Children are challenged to relate their ...

  8. Free 7 times table worksheets at Timestables.co.uk

    When memorising the 7 times table, you can use tables you are already familiar with to make things easier. For instance, when you flip the numbers of the tables you already know, you'll quickly have several answers to the 7 times table. 4 x 7 is the same as 7 x 4, both are 28. This approach will make practising the 7 times table a lot easier.

  9. Times tables tricks: 7 times table

    Get to grips with the 7 times table with this clever trick.Find more help with primary maths on Oxford Owl: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/maths/What i...

  10. 7 times table

    7 Times Table Examples Word problems improve math and problem-solving skills by presenting real-life situations that require critical thinking and logical reasoning. The table of 7 can be used to solve a variety of word problems that involve multiplication. For instance, students can solve word problems using the table of 7.

  11. Multiplication and Division KS2

    Age 7 to 11. Challenge Level. This group activity will encourage you to share calculation strategies and to think about which strategy might be the most efficient. Table Patterns Go Wild! Live. Age 7 to 11. Challenge Level. Nearly all of us have made table patterns on hundred squares, that is 10 by 10 grids.

  12. 7 Times Table

    The 7 times table forms part of the Year 4 national curriculum in the UK (approx 8 years old).. By the end of Year 4, all students should know all their times tables 1-12 and in June 2020 students will be tested nationally for the first time with something called the "Multiplication Tables Check" (here's a link to a lot of information on the MTC).

  13. 7 times table quiz

    Firstly, form 7 groups of 5 equal items. Wow, we are gradually there. secondly, we count all the items in every group. Lastly, we'll realize that there are 35 items altogether. Thus our result. 7 x 5 = 35. This is really awesome. Extremely simple. 7 times table quiz: Try our 7 times table test online.

  14. 7 times table and patterns

    Pupils represent counting in sevens as the 7 times table. 2. Pupils explain the relationship between adjacent multiples of seven. 3. Pupils use their knowledge of the 7 times table to solve problems. 4. Pupils identify patterns of odd and even numbers in the times tables. 5. Pupils represent a square number.

  15. 7 Times table

    So, when you have multiplication of 7, you will have seven groups of something. For example, 7 x 2 tells you that you have seven groups of 2. To find the answer, you add your groups together. So, 7 x 2 turns into 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2, which turns into 14. So, 7 x 2 is equal to 14. 7 Times Table up to 10. The 7 multiplication table is all ...

  16. Problem solving 7 times tables

    Problem solving 7 times tables. Subject: Mathematics. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 327.84 KB. Help the ladybug complete the problems using your 7 times tables.A fun and visual way to do math involving the use of the 7 times table.

  17. 7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 ...

    Step 12: 7 Times Table and Division Facts Year 4 Multiplication and Division Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for Autumn Block 4.

  18. Multiplication Practice Questions

    multiplying. Practice Questions. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (graphs) Practice Questions. The Corbettmaths Practice Questions on Multiplication.

  19. Mathway

    Free math problem solver answers your algebra homework questions with step-by-step explanations.

  20. Year 4 DiM: Step 7 Multiply and Divide by 7 Teaching Pack

    This excellent Diving into Mastery teaching pack is a comprehensive and engaging resource for teaching your year 4 class. It supports the White Rose Maths small step 7: 'Multiply and divide by 7'. The pack includes a PowerPoint presentation that models questions with the whole class, followed by activity sheets that provide opportunities for students to practise their skills independently and ...

  21. Times tables: multiplication and division facts

    This in-depth maths investigation is an open-ended problem solving activity for Year 4 children. It can be used to support teaching towards the objectives: Times tab. International; Resources; Jobs; ... Times tables: multiplication and division facts. In-depth Investigation: Table Digital Roots Children find the digital roots of multiples of 2 ...

  22. Times Tables Word Problems Worksheet (teacher made)

    These Times Tables Word Problems worksheets are perfect to help your little one apply their knowledge of times tables to word problems. The worksheets include questions based on all times tables and have inverse problems too. These Times Tables Word Problem worksheets are ideal to help support your child aged 7 - 9 at home. Why not also try this Differentiated Word Problems for 3, 4 and 8 ...