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Comment rédiger la conclusion de son Business Plan ?

conclusion business plan

Le rôle du business plan pour la création d'entreprise

La méthode pour rédiger la conclusion du business plan, la meilleure conclusion pour votre business plan.

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Rédiger un business plan ou plan d'affaires est un exercice à ne surtout pas sous-estimer. Il faut bien anticiper les différents éléments qui vont structurer votre projet et surtout, convaincre votre lecteur d'investir. En cela, la conclusion de votre business plan est une partie fondamentale dans la création de votre document. Voyons comment bien la rédiger !

Vous avez rédigé votre étude de marché , étudié vos prévisionnels, fait le choix du statut juridique de votre nouvelle entreprise… Bravo ! Vous pouvez maintenant vous lancer dans la rédaction du business plan ou plan d'affaires , votre feuille de route entrepreneuriale.

⚠️ Mais veillez à respecter certaines règles ! Le business plan est LE document que tout investisseur ou partenaire vous demandera si vous souhaitez trouver des financements (il existe d'ailleurs des modèles de business plan concrets qui vous guideront dans sa rédaction).

Un bon business plan se compose de :

La présentation de votre projet et l'executive summary.

L'étude de marché .

Le modèle économique ou business model.

Le juridique .

Le plan de financement du projet , avec les besoins de fonds de roulement, le compte de résultat prévisionnel, notamment.

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Il est essentiel de rédiger sa conclusion avec soin, en vous assurant d'inclure tous les éléments clés, de la définition du business plan à l'analyse financière détaillée.

Où placer la conclusion dans votre plan d'affaires ?

La conclusion du business plan peut intervenir à la fin du document ou à la fin de l'executive summary . Et oui, les investisseurs reçoivent des dizaines de business plan chaque jour et n'ont malheureusement pas le temps de tous les “éplucher”. Ils s'arrêtent souvent à la lecture de l'executive summary, qui résume votre projet.

🔑 Aidez-vous de modèles d'executive summary en ligne pour bien le rédiger.

Le rôle de la conclusion du Business plan

Bien conclure votre business plan consiste à montrer les différents éléments d'orientations . Pour cela vous devez déterminer les données essentielles aux yeux de votre lecteur (investisseurs, banques, business angels , etc.) et les renforcer dans cette dernière partie.

🤝 Votre conclusion doit finir de convaincre le lecteur sur la viabilité de votre projet en lui présentant un résumé des éléments indispensables . Pour “finir en beauté”, rappelez les points fort de votre projet !

➡️ Votre business plan sera lu par des investisseurs :

Placez votre conclusion à la fin de l'executive summary, c'est préférable, surtout si votre entreprise n'a encore jamais levé de fonds.

Pour rassurer le lecteur, reprenez clairement les prévisions financières du business plan. Montrez que votre projet est viable et appuyez sur les retours sur investissements et la solidité de l'étude de marché .

Mettez en avant :

La mission de votre entreprise.

Votre avantage compétitif (étude de marché).

Vos projections financières .

➡️ Votre entreprise existe déjà et a déjà levé des fonds :

Vous avez plus d'informations concernant les clients, la viabilité du projet, le seuil de rentabilité et le modèle économique de votre entreprise. Utilisez-les à votre avantage !

L'évolution de vos résultats financiers.

Les retours clients .

La philosophie de l'entreprise et (son ambition).

Votre conclusion doit aller droit au but et rester concise . Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser une liste à puce (bullets points) pour renforcer les arguments principaux.

Ce résumé doit principalement mettre en avant l'opportunité et diminuer les risques d'investir dans votre projet. Prouver toujours vos données par des chiffres et des statistiques est une bonne pratique à respecter 👌🏽.

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Comment rédiger la conclusion d'un business plan ?

Un business plan est un document clé lors d'une création d'entreprise ou d'une phase spécifique de la vie d'une entreprise. Ce document regroupe un certain nombre d'informations clés pour les personnes à qui il est destiné : clients, fournisseurs, investisseurs, financeurs, partenaires, etc. Tous ces destinataires doivent trouver dans le business plan les éléments centraux leur permettant d'analyser le projet présenté.

La conclusion d'un business plan

Credit Photo : Unsplash Priscilla Du Preez


Ces éléments sont les suivants : présentation détaillée du projet et de son contexte, indications sur le ou les porteurs du projet, leurs parcours et leurs motivations, présentation du marché, détails sur la stratégie et le plan d'action à mener, présentation des aspects légaux du projet, détail des principaux indicateurs financiers.

La phase de conclusion d'un business plan est une phase cruciale, car ce sont les derniers éléments que les différents interlocuteurs garderont en mémoire à la fin de la lecture du plan d'entreprise.

Il convient dans un premier temps de bien réfléchir, lors de l'établissement du business plan, aux éléments que l'on souhaite transmettre aux destinataires. Selon que l'on s'adresse à des clients potentiels, à des financeurs, à des investisseurs, les messages ne seront pas les mêmes. Par exemple, si le business plan a été établi pour convaincre un ou plusieurs établissements financiers, le but du business plan sera de montrer la viabilité du projet et surtout la capacité de la société à produire des richesses suffisantes pour rembourser l'emprunt que la société sollicite. Si le business plan s'adresse à des investisseurs, il faudra mettre l'accent sur la rentabilité du projet et sur le potentiel retour sur investissement.

Une fois que les messages principaux à communiquer sont identifiés, il convient de les intégrer dans la conclusion de la présentation du business plan.

Cette conclusion doit reprendre les éléments principaux du projet : son contexte, des informations précises sur le projet, des détails sur les acteurs du projet, des informations sur le marché, ses risques et ses enjeux, des éléments sur la stratégie retenue pour mener le projet à bien, le cadre juridique envisagé, ainsi que les éléments financiers propres au projet. Tous ces éléments doivent être mentionnés brièvement, puisqu'ils ont déjà été présentés en détail lors de la présentation elle-même. Il convient dans la conclusion d'insister sur les éléments dits d'orientation, à destination des receveurs du business plan. Par exemple, si les créateurs du projet veulent convaincre une banque, il convient d'insister sur la viabilité du projet, les hypothèses raisonnables retenues, la minimisation de risque de défaut sur le crédit. Si au contraire le business plan est destiné à des financeurs, il convient de mettre en lumière la rentabilité du projet, les plus-values potentielles à réaliser, les possibilités de sortie des investisseurs du projet le cas échéant.

Dans tous les cas, il ne faut pas oublier que la conclusion doit achever de convaincre l'auditoire que le projet est viable, souhaitable, et doit lui donner envie de poursuivre l'aventure avec les porteurs du projet.

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Business Plan Conclusion: Summary & Recap

solid business plan conclusion

You’ve written your business plan, but now you want to wrap it up to make a lasting impact on your reader. In this article, we will define the conclusion to a business plan as well as provide some tips to help you attract and seal the deal with potential investors and lenders.  

What is a Business Plan Conclusion?

This business plan conclusion is a concise summary and recap of all of the components of a business plan , but especially the executive summary. It summarizes your business plan in 2-3 paragraphs, with an emphasis on the most important points.  

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Is the Business Conclusion Necessary?

It’s good practice for business plans, but not always necessary to be successful in obtaining funding.

If you have a stellar executive summary, it may be unnecessary.

If the business conclusion is written well enough, it can serve as an executive summary of sorts – a short recap that provides more detail than the business plan as a whole, but only includes the most important points. It could also serve as an executive summary that is more concise than an actual executive summary.  

How To Write a Conclusion for Your Business Plan

The conclusion of your business plan is the last thing people read before deciding to invest in you and your business, so it needs to make a lasting impression.  

Determine Location

think about your audience

Depending on your intended audience, there are two common places for the conclusion. If your plan is meant for internal purposes, you may have the conclusion at the end of the entire document. However, if you are seeking funds from investors, you want to place the conclusion at the end of the Executive Summary, increasing the chances that it is actually read.

Review & Concisely Recap 

conclusion reviews key points from the executive summary

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Startups might include the following information:.

  • Funding requirements
  • Service or benefit to the investor
  • Target market and audience
  • How products or services solve the target market’s problem
  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive advantage
  • Management team experience
  • Financial projections
  • Launch plan

Established businesses might include information in their conclusions such as:

  • Mission statement
  • Company’s history
  • Products and/or services
  • Historical growth data
  • Financial summary
  • Company’s goals

Summarize the 3-5 points in a couple of paragraphs. You don’t need to summarize everything that happened in your business plan, just the most important points of the business plan.

Support Your Claims with Stats and/or Visuals

company’s profitable revenue model

Establish a Call-To-Action (CTA)

acquire funds for lucrative returns

Proofread & Spell-Check

grammar and tone carefully considered

The conclusion needs to give your readers a sense of closure by wrapping up all loose ends while making your last pitch effort to obtain the money your business may need.

Business Plan Conclusion Example

Use this conclusion example to help you with how to end a business plan, but keep in mind to make it relevant to your target audience, industry, and funding requirements:

Expanding into the Seattle metro area will allow Skyridge to provide its cutting-edge technology to more people who need it. Purchasing the fabrication plant in Seattle allows us to produce all of our products in-house and in one location, delivering them promptly and efficiently to the northwestern region.

We have the power to change the way people use technology, and we want [Investor’s Name] to be a part of it. By investing in Skyridge’s growth, [Investor’s Name] will benefit in the following ways:

  • Inclusion with a startup that has seen XXX% growth over the past X years and our company’s management team with XX years of experience in the technology industry
  • Contribution to Seattle’s economic growth and its citizens’ access to technology that enhances their lives
  • Participation in company planning meetings and receive an XX% share in all profits earned

We can add to the number of lives Skyridge’s technologies impact, generate more job opportunities in the region, and alter the technology sector if we work together. If you agree with our vision for a better future for everyone, join us.

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Writing an Effective Business Plan Conclusion: Tips & Examples

Do you need help concluding the business plan that you have worked so hard to create? A well-crafted business plan conclusion is essential for setting the tone for the entire document, and summarizing the key points that justify why the business will be successful. In this article, we will explore how to write an effective business plan conclusion that will ensure that your plan is read and taken seriously.

How to End a Business Plan?

The conclusion of your business plan should briefly summarize the main points of your argument. It should state why you believe your business will succeed and explain how you intend to achieve your goals. A business plan conclusion should cover the opportunity, highlight the strengths of your plan, summarize your vision, and remind the reader why your business is in a unique position to succeed.

A template example of a solid business plan conclusion follows:

  • Opportunity: Explain the opportunity that your business is capitalizing on and why it is attractive.
  • Key Strengths: Highlight the key strengths of your plan, such as your competitive advantage and any unique selling points.
  • Vision: Summarize your vision for the business and its future.
  • Unique Position: Remind the reader why your business is in a unique position to succeed.

It is important to keep your business plan conclusion succinct and to the point. It should be no longer than a few paragraphs, and should be a clear and concise summary of the entire document.

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What is the final stage of the business plan?

Conclude your business plan with a presentation for obtaining funding, and provide any relevant data, graphs, and charts to back it up. Make it explicit how much money you are asking for from investors—whether it is equity, a collaboration, or a loan.

What is the appropriate way to conclude a business plan letter?

What should be included in the concluding section of a business plan.

It should also include a description of the problems you are trying to solve, a review of your marketing strategy, and an assessment of the financials. The best way to write an executive summary is to write it after you have a thorough understanding of your entire plan and can succinctly summarize it. The executive summary should include your company’s mission statement, a description of the products and services you offer or plan to offer, an overview of the problems you are aiming to solve, an assessment of your marketing strategy and an overview of the financials.

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Closing Statement Example for Business Plan: Tips & Guide

Table of Contents

Your business plan’s closing statement is the last thing an investor will read, so it must be compelling enough to encourage them to invest. The final paragraph of your business plan should do two things. It should summarize the entire document and give the reader a better grasp of your company’s USPs (unique selling propositions). By using persuasive writing techniques and language, you can ensure your ending is as impactful and memorable as possible. To help get you started, this blog post will provide tips and an example of a successful closing statement for a business plan.

What Is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a business’s strategy and operating procedures . It’s typically used to attract investors, secure funding, and provide direction for the business in the future. Typical components of a business plan include 

  • An executive summary
  • Market analysis overview
  • Financial projections
  • Details on how the company plans to achieve its stated objectives.

conclusion d'un business plan

Tips on Writing a Conclusion for Your Business Plan

Your company’s closing statement in a business plan can inspire investors or motivate employees. It should offer a view into the future by stating your goals for the company’s growth and development.  Consider the following suggestions for concluding your business plan .

Proper Amount of Information

The final section of your business plan should include a concise summary of your essential ideas. Explain why your company will succeed and how you intend to get there. This business plan section is your last attempt to convince potential backers to put money into your venture. The final section of a company plan written for internal use can be more optimistic. You could mention your future goals for growth or expansion in this situation. This will help the audience understand the direction you envision the company heading. To win over investors, you might include the following in your final paragraph:

  • The state of your company’s finances as of right now
  • Money to help your business expand and thrive
  • Customers and clients who fit your target demographic
  • Demand from Consumers
  • Particulars that set you apart from the competition
  • Your strategy to boost revenue.
  • Include the following in your conclusion to provide management with some insight into the future of the company:
  • Details about your company’s past and its offerings
  • Intentions for the long-term
  • Future growth or expansion plans

These aren’t the only points that should be mentioned in a conclusion, but they’re among the most crucial.

Incorporate Data and Statistics

To make your case more convincing, you should use evidence like figures and facts. Doing so will strengthen your argument and leave the reader with a favorable impression of your company. Your company’s financial history and growth projections may help convince investors to invest in your company. Market share and customer happiness statistics can help reassure upper management that their company is on the right track.

Keep a Good Attitude

Avoid sounding pessimistic as you wrap things up. Avoid statements like “Despite our difficulties, I am certain that our business will be successful.” Don’t dwell on past failures, but rather on your company’s successes and future prospects.  Using phrases like “I am positive about the future of our company” will leave the reader with a favorable impression of your firm.

End With a CTA

The business plan’s final section should end with a call to action. In this section, you might argue why the reader should join your cause or invest in your business. Your stand must be a concise and direct call to action. Readers need to know exactly what you want them to do, and you need to convince them to do it.

Conclude and Reflect

After you’ve finished writing your conclusion, it’s essential to go back and read it over. Ensure that your point is made without ambiguity and that all relevant details are included. Ensure the tone is upbeat and cheerful, and check for spelling and grammatical problems. To attract investors, it’s essential to have a second pair of eyes look over the final draft of the business plan. Obtaining as much input as possible will help you ensure your argument is well-articulated and persuasive. After you’ve come to a satisfying conclusion, it’s time to move on to the next phase of your business plan.

Location: End of Document or Executive Summary?

Determine whether you want your business plan’s conclusion to appear at the end of the document or the executive summary. If you’re writing a business plan to attract investors or obtain funding, consider adding the conclusion to the executive summary.  Investors will likely skim the rest of your report before getting to your executive summary. Including it there is crucial to ensure they get your main points. Doing so will give your audience a clearer picture of where you are going with your argument.

Closing Statement Example for Business Plan

We are certain that ABC Corporation will become a key player in the XYZ industry due to our extensive market research and analysis. Our unique combination of innovative products and services, competitive pricing, and dedicated customer service makes us the go-to provider for ABC customers.  The funds we secure from this investment round will help us develop and improve our products and services. It will also finance our expansion into new markets.  With your support, we can make ABC Company the industry leader in XYZ. Thank you for considering our business plan and taking the time to learn more about our company. We look forward to working with you and exploring the potential of this partnership.  Thank you for your time.  Sincerely,  XYZ Team 

The closing statement example for business plan above is an excellent example of how a business model should end. It emphasizes the objective, progress, and, most significantly, the business owner’s commitment to its mission . In summary, the conclusion should restate your company’s value proposition and create a lasting impression on the reader.

Closing Statement Example for Business Plan: Tips & Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Where to write the conclusion of your business plan?

business plan conclusion

First of all, is there a conclusion to a business plan?

Do business plans have a conclusion?

Yes, but the conclusion of the business plan is not necessarily where you would expect it to be!

The conclusion of the business plan is not at the end of the plan but in the executive summary . And there are two good reasons for that.

Firstly because the executive summary contains the key points of your business plan - the rest of your plan is only there to reinforce and back the claims advanced in the executive summary - which makes it a natural place to conclude the plan.

Then (and mostly?) because the executive summary is very likely to be the only part that will get fully read in your plan!

That's for the form, now let's look at what goes into the conclusion of your business plan.

What is the content of a business plan's conclusion?

Well... it depends on the purpose of you business plan.

If you are writing a business plan to raise financing, then you need to specify the total funding requirements, the amount you already secured (from existing shareholders, banks, business partners, grants, etc.), and eventually an overview of the key terms you would like to obtain (minimum commitment, duration of the loan, or percentage of equity on offer, etc.).

If you are writing a business plan for a supplier or a key hire, then you can adopt a more traditional type of conclusion that simply reiterates and highlights the key strengths of you project.

What tool can I use to write my business plan?

A good way to write your business plan quickly without having to wonder what goes in each part is to use online business plan software . There are several advantages in doing so:

  • You are guided through the writing process by detailed instructions and examples for each part of the plan 
  • You can be inspired by already-written business plan templates and examples
  • You can easily make your financial forecast by letting the software take care of the financial calculations for you, without errors
  • You get a professional document, formatted and ready to be sent to your bank or investors
  • It’s easy to track your forecast against the actual financial performance of your company, and to keep your plan up to date and relevant

If you're interested in using this type of solution, you can try our software for free by signing up here .

I hope this quick guide helped you to get a better understanding of how to write the conclusion of your business plan. You can find some additional information in our guide to writing a business plan .

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Guillaume Le Brouster

Founder & CEO at The Business Plan Shop Ltd

Guillaume Le Brouster is a seasoned entrepreneur and financier.

Guillaume has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade and has first-hand experience of starting, running, and growing a successful business.

Prior to being a business owner, Guillaume worked in investment banking and private equity, where he spent most of his time creating complex financial forecasts, writing business plans, and analysing financial statements to make financing and investment decisions.

Guillaume holds a Master's Degree in Finance from ESCP Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Business & Management from Paris Dauphine University.

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How to Conclude a Business Plan

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Business plans explain what a company does, who runs the company and how the company plans on hitting revenue goals, based on competitive advantages and marketing strategies. Some businesses write a business plan for internal review, tracking annual goals. Business plans are also used to seek investor loans or to finance their business. When presenting the plan for financing, it's important to conclude the plan with purpose, but to do so succinctly.

Conclusion or Executive Summary?

Business owners might confuse a business plan's conclusion with the plan's executive summary. The executive summary is actually the first section of a business plan, which provides a synopsis and a high-level overview of the major sections of the plan. A business owner might confuse this with the conclusion, because many business experts suggest writing the executive summary last, after the necessary information has been fleshed out.

The executive summary is usually a series of section teasers that give readers a high-level preview of the plan. It's also possible for the business plan to have a formal conclusion at the end of the sections. The conclusion is usually tailored and targets the informational needs of a specific investor or of a specific strategic partner.

Conclusion as a Summary of Needs and Abilities

If the executive summary states what the plan will be, then the conclusion reviews what the plan has stated. A business plan conclusion redefines the company's needs, the competence of management to achieve the goals and the key points to justify why the business will succeed with funding. Investors are looking for reasons why they should risk money in the venture; this is achieved by highlighting the unique ways in which the company solves problems and how an influx of funding will yield success. Usually, there's a specific call to action in the conclusion.

End Notes and References

Creating a business plan requires market and industry research. The larger the company or the more complicated its products or services, then it is even more important that research is needed to verify regulations, industry trends and technology innovations. End notes are the expert resources used in writing the plan and justifying propositions. These are like a bibliography in a high-school research paper.

End notes refer to specific data cited in the plan, listed in order of use by the correlating fact within the business plan. For example, the competitive-analysis section might cite consumer data obtained by public industry reports. If this is the third citation of data, the superscript is the numeral three that corresponds to the third end note.

">The Tone of the Conclusion

The business plan's conclusion should rely on facts and maintain a professional tone. Any projections and assumptions are backed by data points, the business' prior success, and management's ability to deliver. This is similar to a scientist using known facts to create a hypothesis for a new study.

For example, if the conclusion states that funding can scale factory operations by 50 percent more and yield 150 percent more in revenues, the conclusion of growth needs to be backed by those specific data points, which conclude that the assumption is correct.

  • American Energy Innovation: The Business Plan Conclusion
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With more than 15 years of small business ownership including owning a State Farm agency in Southern California, Kimberlee understands the needs of business owners first hand. When not writing, Kimberlee enjoys chasing waterfalls with her son in Hawaii.

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How to write the conclusion section of your business plan.

This tutorial explains how to write the conclusion for a business document, for example, a report, thesis, project, or any document that needs a section to gather together the main points.

The structure of the conclusion is as follows:

Reviewing this conclusion, we can see that it mirrors the structure of the executive summary. This serves several purposes:

  • Reminding the reader of the messages made in the executive summary
  • Reinforce the main message the authors want to highlight
  • Laying information throughout the white paper to nudge the reader in the right direction.

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How To Write the Conclusion of a Business Plan

Your business plan’s conclusion should encapsulate your overall justification for why your venture will succeed in order to draw investors or motivate your staff. Additionally, it ought to give a short future outlook outlining your goals for development and growth. The conclusion should also restate your company’s key selling points and leave readers with a favorable impression.

Business Plan Writer Explains How to Write a Business Plan: Part 8 The Conclusion

How to write a business plan conclusion

When writing a business plan’s conclusion, adhere to these guidelines:

1. Decide where you want it to be

Choose whether you want the executive summary or the entire document to contain your business plan’s conclusion. Consider placing the conclusion at the end of the executive summary if you are writing a business plan to attract investors or raise money. The executive summary introduces the key points of the business plan and outlines the company’s funding requirements and conditions. It can be more persuasive to potential investors to place the conclusion at the end of this summary, and it also increases the likelihood that it will be read.

You might select a more conventional location for your conclusion at the end of the document if you are writing a business plan for an established company to track progress or provide information to a third party. In this case, your conclusion should review and highlight the company’s advantages.

2. Include the right information

Depending on whether your business is a startup looking to raise capital or an established organization evaluating goals, the information you include in your business plan conclusion will vary. New companies trying to get funding might include:

Established businesses might include information in their conclusions such as:

Not all conclusions need all these details. The most crucial information for the purpose of your business plan should be included, but the conclusion should be brief. When selecting what to include in your conclusion, keep your audience in mind. Focus on the value your company provides to investors, for instance, and the reasons why this opportunity is special. Focus on company leadership’s experience and ways to lower the lender’s risk when applying for a business loan.

3. Add facts and statistics

Facts, figures, and statistics should be used to support the conclusions in your business plan. Investors want evidence that your business can succeed and that they will see a return on their investment. Include details like your track record of expanding this or other businesses, or the information you used to calculate how much funding you need. This information is more convincing than assumptions or vague statements.

4. Maintain a positive tone

Your business plan’s conclusion should be formal and upbeat in nature. You want to convey your optimism and enthusiasm for the company’s success so that the reader will feel motivated or enthusiastic to support the business. Use language that is assertive and active and conveys your confidence in the business.

5. Include a call to action

At the conclusion of your essay, include a brief call to action that instructs the reader on what to do next. The reader should be motivated to support the business’s objectives in the manner you desire. You might conclude by saying something like, “Invest in the success of Harper Corps by joining us as a minority partner in WinTec Enterprises.” In your call to action, use action words and emphasize how the reader will benefit from taking that action.

6. Review your conclusion

Make sure your business plan’s conclusion is written with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation by reading it after you’ve finished. You want it to flow naturally and be both concise and clear. Ask a friend or coworker who is not familiar with the objectives of your company to read it as well. Ask them if they have any questions about the book’s conclusion and whether reading it has piqued their interest or excitement. Then make improvements as needed.

What is a business plan conclusion?

The goal of a business plan conclusion is to persuade the reader of the company’s success by summarizing the plan’s advantages. The conclusion should highlight how the organization makes money and why it is a good investment because businesses typically produce business plans in order to obtain funding or investors. Businesses also create business plans to evaluate their performance or set new objectives.

In a business plan, the conclusion can be found at the end of the whole thing or at the end of the executive summary. The executive summary, which appears at the start of the business plan, provides an overview of what the reader can expect to learn and persuades them to continue reading. Some people conflate the executive summary and the conclusion, but there are several significant differences between the two.

Every business, whether new or established, should have a business plan with a succinct and focused conclusion.

Business plan conclusion example

Use this sample business plan conclusion as a model for your own plan’s conclusion, being sure to customize it to your target audience’s needs and requirements:

Expanding Bridgewater & Co. Our already prosperous company will be able to provide cutting-edge health technologies to more people who need them thanks to its expansion into the Denver metropolitan area. Buying this manufacturing facility in Denver gives us the chance to produce all of our goods internally and in a single location and ship them out quickly and effectively to the area. We want Sixty-Seven Investors to be a part of this exciting revolution because we have the unique ability to change lives. Investing in Bridgewater & Co. s expansion benefits Sixty-Seven Investors by:

We can save more lives if we work together, Bridgewater & Co. Products change, add to the community’s employment opportunities, and revolutionize the health technology sector. Invest with us if you share our vision for a more prosperous and healthy future.

How do you conclude a business plan presentation?

Conclusion. The conclusion of a business plan doesn’t necessarily need to be lengthy; in fact, it can be quite succinct. Your conclusion should restate the opportunity, highlight the plan’s key strengths, summarize your vision, and remind the reader of the reasons why your company is in a position to carry out the plan successfully.

What is summary in business plan?

One of the most crucial components of your plan is the executive summary, which is a synopsis of all the important sections of your business plan.

What should be done after finishing the business plan?

  • Make sure it connects to your purpose.
  • Begin to test and measure.
  • Use the 80/20 rule.
  • Learn something new (quickly)

What is recommendation in a business plan?

A business recommendation letter, also known as a reference letter, is an endorsement of the products or services that one company has provided to another business or individual.

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How to Conclude a Business Plan

by Mariel Loveland

Published on 28 May 2019

It doesn’t matter if you’re launching a brand new business or planning to expand your already successful venture: you will need a business plan. This is a road map that helps you achieve all of your business goals. It basically answers a series of questions about your company ranging from what your product is to who you’re selling it to. This, of course, can be figurative as some businesses provide services, rather than products.

For example, a plumbing company’s product is fixing pipes, not typically the retail sale of the pipes themselves. A medical practice’s product is diagnosing and curing illnesses, not typically the medicine itself (that’s usually left up to the pharmacies).

Partially completed written business plan.

Word processing software.

Inside every business plan is a conclusion – and it varies depending on the industry and the audience. Regardless, this is your final pitch to summarize your entire report. A solid business plan conclusion example is one that highlights strengths and ensures the reader that your business will be a success.

Share the conclusion of your plan with a few people you trust to make sure company outsiders can understand your points.

Explain The “Why” Behind Your Business Plan

In your business plan conclusion pdf (or printed paper if you’re going old school), you need to tell readers why they’re actually reading your business plan in the first place. For example, the conclusion of a business plan for a coffee shop looking for funding might briefly mention that you’re searching for a certain amount of money to remodel your dining space or buy a new espresso machine.

You might also want to use different business plan conclusion examples for different audiences. If you’re looking for $100,000 in funding from investors, disclose financial details in your conclusion. If you’re looking for a new partner or to sell your business, you’ll need to outline this in your conclusion as well. You might actually be looking for investors and partners or looking for investors or a buyer at the same time. Print out business plan conclusion PDFs for each specific instance.

State The Key Milestones

Your business plan probably has stacks of pages with different milestones. When do you expect to turn a profit? How long will it take you to train new staff? In how many months do you expect to break a sales milestone? Even your executive summary, the shorter preface to your plan that explains your key assumptions in everyday speak versus industry jargon, has a few milestones buried deep in its short pages.

State your key milestones in your conclusion, whether you place this in an executive summary or at the end of your report. For example, the conclusion of a business plan for a coffee shop might say that you expect to sell 1,000 lattes by the first month. Write this down along with the percentage of increased revenue you expect month-to-month and the measures you’ll take to get there. Put the milestones in a graph, table or column for easy digestibility.

Create a Call to Action

The best business plans don’t just end with an “okay, now what?” They end with inspiration. To do this, you’ll need to add a call-to-action to your business plan conclusion. The call-to-action can be anything from “invest money today” to “join us as a partner.”

For example, the conclusion of a business plan for a coffee shop might include “try one of our specialty cold brews today.” This is a successful business plan conclusion example because it gives investors the opportunity to try your product to see if they really believe in what you’re offering.

Not all Business Plan Conclusion Examples Are at the End

Before printing out your business plan conclusion PDF, think about where you’re going to actually put your conclusion. This might come at the end of your executive summary, which is at the beginning of your business plan.

You also might wish to write a longer conclusion at the end of your business plan. Either is effective, though the executive summary does come first and is most easily digested. You might have the biggest opportunity to show your business prowess in a place most investors are going to read first.

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How To Write The Conclusion For Your Business Plan

conclusion d'un business plan

The End of a Business Plan should summarize all the facts you gathered in your business plan.  A template example of a solid business plan conclusion follows (feel free to use this in your business plan):

The company’s management is confident that The Company can achieve its aggressive sales forecasts, generating total sales of approximately $XXX,XXX, $XXX,XXX and $X,XXX,XXX in years, 2014, 2015, and 2016 respectively.  In addition, The Companys’ management has carefully considered its market, potential customer base, and its ability to grow its sales average to capture market share in the (insert industry here) industry.

The Company has the potential to become a highly regarded resource in local, regional, national, and international markets.  Due to the company’s aggressive marketing strategy, establishment of the company as a “unique” entity in its industry, careful development of its products coupled with strategic partnerships with some of the industry’s leaders, and the company’s profitable revenue model, The Company has the potential to provide lucrative returns to potential investors.

For The Company to achieve status as an industry leader, it must secure initial capital.  This capital will be used for start-up costs, to establish a reputable storefront, and to further develop the business, business infrastructure, internal systems, product development, and extensive marketing and geographic positioning.

Providing that the company is able to acquire its funding requirements,The Company will be able to achieve operational success for many years to come.

Ready to get your business started TODAY? Need help writing a plan for the SBA, investors, or creditors? Don’t have the time to write your business plan? As professional business plan writers, and it’s partners have written over 1,000 business plans for companies across the globe. Click here to learn more now, email us at [email protected] , or call us at 203-685-0346!

conclusion d'un business plan

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Business Plan: Conclusion

conclusion d'un business plan

A business plan is not just a lengthy document that helps you get a loan or secure backers, even though that might be the reason you’re putting it together. A business plan is a thorough examination of whether your business idea is viable. Preparing your business plan in the early stages of developing your company can save you a great deal of time, money and heartache by showing you where the weaknesses in your idea lie and giving you a chance to correct them before you make any serious mistakes, whether with your money or someone else’s.

Your business plan will present a snapshot of your company at one moment in time. Since your company will constantly be changing, your business plan will quickly become outdated. However, the formal plan you create will serve as a document that you can look back on any time your business is struggling or you are having doubts about its direction. Consulting your plan at times like these can show you if you are on the right track. Perhaps you've strayed from your plan and need to return to your original ideas. On the other hand, if you are on track with the plan and things just aren't working, the business plan will allow you to easily examine every detail of your business and see where you need to make changes to improve your  business model . 

Once you've completed your initial plan and, one hopes, obtained the capital you were seeking, keep in mind that your business plan should be a living document. You will want to revisit it from time to time, updating each section as you learn what works for your business and what doesn't. As your business evolves, you'll find that older versions of your plan provide a helpful reminder of how far you've come. As a bonus, continually updating your plan will put you ahead of the game if you later need to secure additional financing.

There's no question that putting together a good business plan takes a tremendous amount of labor. But if you do it right, your effort will pay off. You will obtaining financing, open your doors (or expand your doors) for business and then – really get to work.

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Business Plan (8) – Conclusion and Appendices

  • October 11, 2020
  • Business Plan Guide

In Part 8 of our Guide to Writing a Business Plan we look at the ‘Conclusion’.

12. Conclusion

A business plan conclusion, doesn’t need to be very long, in fact, it can be pretty brief.

Your conclusion should; reiterate the opportunity, highlight the key strengths of your plan, summarise your vision, and remind the reader why your business is in a position to successfully execute the plan.

If you are looking to raise funding with your plan, you should detail the finance required.

Depending on who the plan is for, you could also include a ‘call-to-action’, telling the readers what they need to do next.

Add any Appendices

Finally, add any appendices that are relevant and strengthen your business plan.

You should put detailed information that supports your plan but is too ‘heavy’ to include in the main body, in an appendix. These could include things like; additional statistics, results of research that you have done, or maps.

Business Plan Conclusion Tips

  • This is a good time to transmit your optimism without exaggerating
  • Leave the reader feeling positive

The guide was written with help from the EBP Business Plan Designer Team.

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How to Write a Business Plan, Step by Step

Rosalie Murphy

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

What is a business plan?

1. write an executive summary, 2. describe your company, 3. state your business goals, 4. describe your products and services, 5. do your market research, 6. outline your marketing and sales plan, 7. perform a business financial analysis, 8. make financial projections, 9. summarize how your company operates, 10. add any additional information to an appendix, business plan tips and resources.

A business plan outlines your business’s financial goals and explains how you’ll achieve them over the next three to five years. Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing a business plan that will offer a strong, detailed road map for your business.



A business plan is a document that explains what your business does, how it makes money and who its customers are. Internally, writing a business plan should help you clarify your vision and organize your operations. Externally, you can share it with potential lenders and investors to show them you’re on the right track.

Business plans are living documents; it’s OK for them to change over time. Startups may update their business plans often as they figure out who their customers are and what products and services fit them best. Mature companies might only revisit their business plan every few years. Regardless of your business’s age, brush up this document before you apply for a business loan .

» Need help writing? Learn about the best business plan software .

This is your elevator pitch. It should include a mission statement, a brief description of the products or services your business offers and a broad summary of your financial growth plans.

Though the executive summary is the first thing your investors will read, it can be easier to write it last. That way, you can highlight information you’ve identified while writing other sections that go into more detail.

» MORE: How to write an executive summary in 6 steps

Next up is your company description. This should contain basic information like:

Your business’s registered name.

Address of your business location .

Names of key people in the business. Make sure to highlight unique skills or technical expertise among members of your team.

Your company description should also define your business structure — such as a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation — and include the percent ownership that each owner has and the extent of each owner’s involvement in the company.

Lastly, write a little about the history of your company and the nature of your business now. This prepares the reader to learn about your goals in the next section.

» MORE: How to write a company overview for a business plan

conclusion d'un business plan

The third part of a business plan is an objective statement. This section spells out what you’d like to accomplish, both in the near term and over the coming years.

If you’re looking for a business loan or outside investment, you can use this section to explain how the financing will help your business grow and how you plan to achieve those growth targets. The key is to provide a clear explanation of the opportunity your business presents to the lender.

For example, if your business is launching a second product line, you might explain how the loan will help your company launch that new product and how much you think sales will increase over the next three years as a result.

» MORE: How to write a successful business plan for a loan

In this section, go into detail about the products or services you offer or plan to offer.

You should include the following:

An explanation of how your product or service works.

The pricing model for your product or service.

The typical customers you serve.

Your supply chain and order fulfillment strategy.

You can also discuss current or pending trademarks and patents associated with your product or service.

Lenders and investors will want to know what sets your product apart from your competition. In your market analysis section , explain who your competitors are. Discuss what they do well, and point out what you can do better. If you’re serving a different or underserved market, explain that.

Here, you can address how you plan to persuade customers to buy your products or services, or how you will develop customer loyalty that will lead to repeat business.

Include details about your sales and distribution strategies, including the costs involved in selling each product .

» MORE: R e a d our complete guide to small business marketing

If you’re a startup, you may not have much information on your business financials yet. However, if you’re an existing business, you’ll want to include income or profit-and-loss statements, a balance sheet that lists your assets and debts, and a cash flow statement that shows how cash comes into and goes out of the company.

Accounting software may be able to generate these reports for you. It may also help you calculate metrics such as:

Net profit margin: the percentage of revenue you keep as net income.

Current ratio: the measurement of your liquidity and ability to repay debts.

Accounts receivable turnover ratio: a measurement of how frequently you collect on receivables per year.

This is a great place to include charts and graphs that make it easy for those reading your plan to understand the financial health of your business.

This is a critical part of your business plan if you’re seeking financing or investors. It outlines how your business will generate enough profit to repay the loan or how you will earn a decent return for investors.

Here, you’ll provide your business’s monthly or quarterly sales, expenses and profit estimates over at least a three-year period — with the future numbers assuming you’ve obtained a new loan.

Accuracy is key, so carefully analyze your past financial statements before giving projections. Your goals may be aggressive, but they should also be realistic.

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Before the end of your business plan, summarize how your business is structured and outline each team’s responsibilities. This will help your readers understand who performs each of the functions you’ve described above — making and selling your products or services — and how much each of those functions cost.

If any of your employees have exceptional skills, you may want to include their resumes to help explain the competitive advantage they give you.

Finally, attach any supporting information or additional materials that you couldn’t fit in elsewhere. That might include:

Licenses and permits.

Equipment leases.

Bank statements.

Details of your personal and business credit history, if you’re seeking financing.

If the appendix is long, you may want to consider adding a table of contents at the beginning of this section.

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Here are some tips to write a detailed, convincing business plan:

Avoid over-optimism: If you’re applying for a business bank loan or professional investment, someone will be reading your business plan closely. Providing unreasonable sales estimates can hurt your chances of approval.

Proofread: Spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors can jump off the page and turn off lenders and prospective investors. If writing and editing aren't your strong suit, you may want to hire a professional business plan writer, copy editor or proofreader.

Use free resources: SCORE is a nonprofit association that offers a large network of volunteer business mentors and experts who can help you write or edit your business plan. The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Small Business Development Centers , which provide free business consulting and help with business plan development, can also be a resource.

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Business Plan Conclusion

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How To Write the Conclusion of a Business Plan

Your business plan’s conclusion should encapsulate your overall justification for why your venture will succeed in order to draw investors or motivate your staff. Additionally, it ought to give a short future outlook outlining your goals for development and growth. The conclusion should also restate your company’s key selling points and leave readers with a favorable impression.

How to write a business plan conclusion

When writing a business plan’s conclusion, adhere to these guidelines:

1. Decide where you want it to be

Choose whether you want the executive summary or the entire document to contain your business plan’s conclusion. Consider placing the conclusion at the end of the executive summary if you are writing a business plan to attract investors or raise money. The executive summary introduces the key points of the business plan and outlines the company’s funding requirements and conditions. It can be more persuasive to potential investors to place the conclusion at the end of this summary, and it also increases the likelihood that it will be read.

You might select a more conventional location for your conclusion at the end of the document if you are writing a business plan for an established company to track progress or provide information to a third party. In this case, your conclusion should review and highlight the company’s advantages.

2. Include the right information

Depending on whether your business is a startup looking to raise capital or an established organization evaluating goals, the information you include in your business plan conclusion will vary. New companies trying to get funding might include:

Established businesses might include information in their conclusions such as:

Not all conclusions need all these details. The most crucial information for the purpose of your business plan should be included, but the conclusion should be brief. When selecting what to include in your conclusion, keep your audience in mind. Focus on the value your company provides to investors, for instance, and the reasons why this opportunity is special. Focus on company leadership’s experience and ways to lower the lender’s risk when applying for a business loan.

3. Add facts and statistics

Facts, figures, and statistics should be used to support the conclusions in your business plan. Investors want evidence that your business can succeed and that they will see a return on their investment. Include details like your track record of expanding this or other businesses, or the information you used to calculate how much funding you need. This information is more convincing than assumptions or vague statements.

4. Maintain a positive tone

Your business plan’s conclusion should be formal and upbeat in nature. You want to convey your optimism and enthusiasm for the company’s success so that the reader will feel motivated or enthusiastic to support the business. Use language that is assertive and active and conveys your confidence in the business.

5. Include a call to action

At the conclusion of your essay, include a brief call to action that instructs the reader on what to do next. The reader should be motivated to support the business’s objectives in the manner you desire. You might conclude by saying something like, “Invest in the success of Harper Corps by joining us as a minority partner in WinTec Enterprises.” In your call to action, use action words and emphasize how the reader will benefit from taking that action.

6. Review your conclusion

Make sure your business plan’s conclusion is written with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation by reading it after you’ve finished. You want it to flow naturally and be both concise and clear. Ask a friend or coworker who is not familiar with the objectives of your company to read it as well. Ask them if they have any questions about the book’s conclusion and whether reading it has piqued their interest or excitement. Then make improvements as needed.

What is a business plan conclusion?

The goal of a business plan conclusion is to persuade the reader of the company’s success by summarizing the plan’s advantages. The conclusion should highlight how the organization makes money and why it is a good investment because businesses typically produce business plans in order to obtain funding or investors. Businesses also create business plans to evaluate their performance or set new objectives.

In a business plan, the conclusion can be found at the end of the whole thing or at the end of the executive summary. The executive summary, which appears at the start of the business plan, provides an overview of what the reader can expect to learn and persuades them to continue reading. Some people conflate the executive summary and the conclusion, but there are several significant differences between the two.

Every business, whether new or established, should have a business plan with a succinct and focused conclusion.

Business plan conclusion example

Use this sample business plan conclusion as a model for your own plan’s conclusion, being sure to customize it to your target audience’s needs and requirements:

Expanding Bridgewater & Co. Our already prosperous company will be able to provide cutting-edge health technologies to more people who need them thanks to its expansion into the Denver metropolitan area. Buying this manufacturing facility in Denver gives us the chance to produce all of our goods internally and in a single location and ship them out quickly and effectively to the area. We want Sixty-Seven Investors to be a part of this exciting revolution because we have the unique ability to change lives. Investing in Bridgewater & Co. s expansion benefits Sixty-Seven Investors by:

We can save more lives if we work together, Bridgewater & Co. Products change, add to the community’s employment opportunities, and revolutionize the health technology sector. Invest with us if you share our vision for a more prosperous and healthy future.

Business Plan Writer Explains How to Write a Business Plan: Part 8 The Conclusion

How do you conclude a business plan presentation?

Conclusion. The conclusion of a business plan doesn’t necessarily need to be lengthy; in fact, it can be quite succinct. Your conclusion should restate the opportunity, highlight the plan’s key strengths, summarize your vision, and remind the reader of the reasons why your company is in a position to carry out the plan successfully.

What is summary in business plan?

One of the most crucial components of your plan is the executive summary, which is a synopsis of all the important sections of your business plan.

What should be done after finishing the business plan?

  • Make sure it connects to your purpose.
  • Begin to test and measure.
  • Use the 80/20 rule.
  • Learn something new (quickly)

What is recommendation in a business plan?

A business recommendation letter, also known as a reference letter, is an endorsement of the products or services that one company has provided to another business or individual.

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There is no one perfect way to write a business plan. There are many business planning experts with varying business plan writing formats and numerous entrepreneurs that have been successful without one. With the strongest business plan, a company will only be as successful as the execution of the team.

So there’s no guaranteed success, but writing one will increase your chances. It will act as a roadmap and self-check for you to keep your operation day-to-day in line with the over-arching business strategy. It will continue to evolve, but even the most experienced entrepreneur needs a plan.

The business plan has several other valuable uses:

  • The plan will not only help you allocate resources effectively, but will also help you manage all the moving parts and cut down on stress. You may (and probably will) come upon obstacles as your new business swings into operation. Being prepared with a plan, strategy and safety net could be the difference of you continuing operation.
  • A business plan will help enlist others in your idea. To make your business successful you’ll need some combination of partners, investors, employees, etc. These people are usually more easily compelled to offer the support you’re looking for if you have a business plan. Giving time or money to a startup is always a risk. If you show a convincing plan for success, partners, investors and employees will be more likely to jump on-board.
  • A business plan can be used as a guide — or roadmap — as you operate your business. If done well, your business plan will have created a cohesive strategy for the first 3-5 years of operation. You’ll continue to learn a tremendous amount about entrepreneurship — including: improving processes for efficiency, adjusting for your market, expanding and refining your network and data. Your business plan should evolve with you. Your strategy should be periodically revised, kept fresh and ahead of the competition.

Path to Funding from The Startup Garage

Once you’ve completed your business plan, you will need to set up your operational infrastructure. This includes getting your business license, registering as a legal entity, setting up an office if necessary and planning all the operational processes — such as accounting, IT and customer service. The Startup Garage offers a variety of resources for executing on these pre-launch activities. Visit our blog, or connect on any of the platforms below.

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conclusion d'un business plan

conclusion d'un business plan

La conclusion d’un business plan pour restaurant

Conclusion business plans

Vous avez eu le temps de faire des recherches pour avoir une idée claire et même maitriser le processus de rédaction d’un business plan. Mais dans le contenu d’un business plan, nombre de personnes négligent souvent la partie conclusion ; ce qui n’est pas du tout agréable. La conclusion de votre business plan est aussi importante autant que son contenu. Si vous avez fait un travail remarquable dans le contenu de votre business plan depuis le début, il serait décevant de le voir rejeter par votre potentiel partenaire ou financeur tout simplement à cause d’une conclusion que vous avez banalisée. Que ce soit pour votre business plan restauration rapide , ou n’importe quel projet, il est de votre intérêt d’élaborer une conclusion attrayante aux yeux de vos lecteurs. Oui, le business plan de votre restaurant serait impeccable avec une bonne conclusion qui résume tout. Découvrez alors dans cet extrait comment conclure convenablement le business plan pour votre restaurant.

L’utilité de la conclusion dans votre business plan

conclusion d'un business plan

En effet, la conclusion fait partie des rubriques importantes à ne pas banaliser de votre business plan. Certaines personnes se contentent de lire uniquement la conclusion pour voir si le contenu de votre plan d’affaires est intéressant et mérite leur attention. Dès que votre conclusion est mal faite, eh bien, ils ne s’intéresseront plus au contenu de votre business plan.

La conclusion de votre business plan résume de manière concise et claire tout ce qui a été dit dans le contenu de votre business plan. Elle permet de donner un bref aperçu du contenu de votre business plan à toute personne qui en prend connaissance. Cette dernière permet également à ceux qui ont lu le contenu de votre document de garder l’essentiel sur votre projet.

Aussi, elle permet à ceux qui ont pris la peine de lire tout le contenu de votre business plan et à ceux qui n’ont pas pu tout lire, d’être plus ou moins au même niveau d’informations. Pour ce faire, votre conclusion se doit d’être bien rédigée et impeccable.

Contenu d’une conclusion de business plan pour restaurant

conclusion d'un business plan

Suite à la lecture de la conclusion du plan d’affaire pour votre restaurant, chaque lecteur doit pouvoir garder quelques points essentiels avant de se séparer de votre document.

Ainsi, l’emplacement de votre restaurant doit figurer dans la conclusion. Il s’agit en effet du lieu où vous voulez implanter votre entreprise culinaire.

Aussi, vous devez faire ressortir la spécialité gastronomique choisie. Plus explicitement, vous devez préciser si vous avez décidé de faire des menus européens, chinois, asiatiques, italiens ou africains.

Même si vous avez prévu faire un mélange de toutes les gastronomies ou une combinaison de certaines, vous devez en parler.  

La stratégie commerciale et la valeur ajoutée que vous apportez à votre business pour attirer et fidéliser vos clients doivent figurer dans votre conclusion. En effet, la stratégie marketing est incluse dans la stratégie commerciale et regroupent les différentes techniques prévues pour faire l’inventaire de votre restaurant et augmenter votre notoriété. Sans oublier les porteurs du projet, vous devez également les rappeler dans votre conclusion.

Cependant, tout ce qui concerne l’aspect financier du projet n’a pas besoin d’être mentionné en détails, mais vous pouvez tout de même évoquer le budget relatif à ce projet ainsi que son statut juridique.

Mentionnez également votre cible ; c’est-à-dire les éventuels clients auxquels seront destinés vos plats culinaires.

Les qualités d’une bonne conclusion

conclusion d'un business plan

Tel qu’énoncé précédemment, la conclusion doit balayer les grandes lignes de votre plan d’affaires. C’est en réalité le même document, mais un mini ramassis des informations développées dans le business plan de votre restaurant. De la présentation du projet à l’étude du marché, en passant par la stratégie commerciale, le statut juridique, sans oublier les prévisions financières, votre résumé doit parler de tout ça, sans exception.

Ainsi, la conclusion de votre business plan doit être :

Concis et précis

L’aspect récapitulatif de la conclusion lui impose précision et concision. Même si vous devez parcourir les grandes lignes de votre business plan, votre conclusion ne doit pas aborder les détails dans votre business plan. Vous devez aller directement à l’essentiel.

Vous devez essayer d’être le clair possible dans votre conclusion. Les idées que vous véhiculées doivent suivre un ordre et une certaine logique. Le lecteur doit rapidement comprendre le canevas de votre business plan à travers la conclusion. Pour y arriver, construisez des phrases simples ; cela vous permettra de transmettre convenablement le message adéquat afin de faciliter la compréhension au lecteur.

conclusion d'un business plan

Sans faute et lisible

Vous devez veiller aux fautes, à la construction des phrases et aux choix des mots. Ces petits pépins sont très déplaisants pour certaines personnes. Utilisez un registre de langue qui sera avantageux pour la compréhension des lecteurs. Ce document qu’est votre business plan fait partir des documents souvent consultés au jour le jour comme des documents ressources. Il ne doit donc y avoir aucune faille pouvant être révélée des années plus tard.

Relue et modifiée

La relecture et une phase très importante. Il faudrait qu’une ou plusieurs personnes en qui vous avez confiance puissent lire ce plan d’affaire. Ils pourront relever les dernières erreurs qui doivent être corrigées. Cette relecture vous permettra également de vous écouter et de vous mettre à la place de vos lecteurs afin de notifier des erreurs qui vous ont peut-être échappées jusque-là. 

Toujours dans la même rubrique

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