
Liberation War of Bangladesh

Liberation War of Bangladesh Assignment

The Liberation War of Bangladesh, which took place in 1971, stands as a defining moment in the history of the nation. It was a struggle for freedom, self-determination, and the preservation of cultural identity. The war fought between the Pakistani military and the Bengali nationalist forces, resulted in the emergence of an independent Bangladesh, marking a turning point in the country’s trajectory.

In this assignment, we will delve into the various aspects of the Liberation War, examining its background, causes, and significance. We will explore the political, socioeconomic, and cultural factors that led to the conflict, the armed resistance and guerrilla warfare tactics employed by the Bengali freedom fighters, and the international response that shaped the outcome of the war. Additionally, we will discuss the formation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, trials for war crimes, and the lasting impact of the conflict on the nation’s identity and development.

Assignment on Liberation War of Bangladesh

1. Introduction 1.1 Background and Historical Context 1.2 Significance of the Liberation War

2. Causes of the Liberation War 2.1 Political and Socioeconomic Factors 2.2 Language Movement and Cultural Identity 2.3 Repression and Discrimination

3. Prelude to the Liberation War 3.1 Rise of Bengali Nationalism 3.2 Awami League and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 3.3 General Elections of 1970 and Political Crisis

4. Declaration of Independence 4.1 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Speech of March 7, 1971 4.2 Pakistani Military Crackdown 4.3 Formation of the Bangladesh Government-in-Exile

5. Armed Resistance and Guerrilla Warfare 5.1 Formation of the Mukti Bahini 5.2 Guerrilla Tactics and Strategies 5.3 Support from India

6. International Diplomacy and Humanitarian Crisis 6.1 International Response to the Liberation War 6.2 Humanitarian Situation and Refugee Crisis 6.3 Role of the United Nations

7. Bangladesh-India Joint Military Operations 7.1 Indian Intervention and Military Support 7.2 Liberation of Major Cities and Territories 7.3 Surrender of Pakistani Forces

8. Aftermath and Legacy 8.1 Formation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh 8.2 Trials and Accountability for War Crimes 8.3 Impact on Bangladesh’s Identity and Development

9. Conclusion 9.1 Key Takeaways and Reflections 9.2 Lasting Impact of the Liberation War

1. Introduction

The Liberation War of Bangladesh, also known as the Bangladesh War of Independence, was a significant historical event that unfolded in 1971. It marked the struggle of the Bangladeshi people to break free from the oppressive rule of West Pakistan and establish an independent nation. This assignment delves into the background, historical context, and profound significance of this war in shaping the destiny of Bangladesh.

1.1 Background and Historical Context

To understand the Liberation War, it is essential to examine the historical backdrop against which it unfolded. Bangladesh, previously known as East Pakistan, was geographically separated from West Pakistan by a thousand miles of Indian territory. Despite being united under the umbrella of Islam, the two regions were starkly different in terms of language, culture, and socioeconomic conditions.

Since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, East Pakistan faced political and economic marginalization by the dominant ruling elite in West Pakistan. The Bengali-speaking population of East Pakistan, which constituted a significant majority, experienced discrimination in various aspects of their lives, including access to education, employment opportunities, and representation in government.

The Language Movement of 1952, during which Bengalis protested for the recognition of their language, Bangla, as a state language, served as a catalyst for the rising demand for greater autonomy and self-determination in East Pakistan. The movement ignited a sense of linguistic and cultural identity among the Bengali people and fueled their aspirations for political and economic rights.

1.2 Significance of the Liberation War

The Liberation War of Bangladesh holds immense significance on several levels. Firstly, it symbolizes the unwavering spirit and determination of the Bengali people to assert their rights and fight for freedom and self-governance. The war became a catalyst for national unity, as people from all walks of life, irrespective of religion, gender, or social status, rallied together in the pursuit of a common goal.

Secondly, the Liberation War had far-reaching geopolitical implications. The international community closely watched the developments in East Pakistan, and the conflict attracted attention and support from various nations. The war eventually led to the emergence of a new nation, Bangladesh, and altered the geopolitical landscape of the region.

Furthermore, the Liberation War left a profound impact on the collective consciousness and national identity of Bangladesh. It shaped the country’s political, social, and cultural fabric, and its memory continues to resonate with the people, serving as a reminder of their struggle for independence and the sacrifices made by countless individuals.

In the subsequent sections of this assignment, we will explore the causes that led to the Liberation War, the events that unfolded during the war, the international responses it garnered, and its lasting legacy on Bangladesh’s identity and development.

2. Causes of the Liberation War

The Liberation War of Bangladesh was the culmination of various political, socioeconomic, and cultural factors that fueled the demand for autonomy and eventually led to a struggle for independence. This section explores some of the key causes that precipitated the war.

2.1 Political and Socioeconomic Factors

The political and socioeconomic disparities between East Pakistan and West Pakistan played a central role in the emergence of the Liberation War. Despite being the more populous and economically productive region, East Pakistan faced systemic discrimination and economic exploitation by the ruling elite based in West Pakistan. The central government’s policies favored West Pakistan, leading to an unfair distribution of resources and a sense of deprivation among the people of East Pakistan.

The Bengali population, predominantly residing in East Pakistan, felt marginalized and underrepresented in the central government’s decision-making processes. This political imbalance, coupled with economic disparities, fueled a growing demand for greater autonomy and self-governance.

2.2 Language Movement and Cultural Identity

The Language Movement of 1952 marked a significant turning point in the struggle for autonomy and cultural identity in East Pakistan. The movement was a response to the imposition of Urdu as the sole national language of Pakistan, neglecting the linguistic rights of the Bengali-speaking population. The protests and sacrifices made during the Language Movement united the Bengalis and instilled a strong sense of cultural identity and pride.

The Language Movement became a precursor to the broader demand for political and economic rights, highlighting the distinct cultural and linguistic heritage of the Bengali people. It served as a catalyst for the growth of Bengali nationalism, inspiring a generation to strive for recognition and respect for their language, culture, and identity.

2.3 Repression and Discrimination

The repressive measures imposed by the central government in West Pakistan further exacerbated the grievances of the people of East Pakistan. The ruling elite, primarily from West Pakistan, imposed policies that marginalized the Bengali population and suppressed dissent. Political opponents were often silenced, and dissident voices were met with repression and violence.

Moreover, the discriminatory practices extended to various aspects of life, including education, employment, and cultural representation. The systematic exclusion of the Bengali language and culture from official domains reinforced the perception of discrimination and fueled a sense of injustice among the Bengali population.

These repressive measures and discriminatory policies contributed to the radicalization of Bengali political movements and the eventual push for independence.

3. Prelude to the Liberation War

Before the outbreak of the Liberation War of Bangladesh, several significant events and developments set the stage for the struggle for independence. This section explores the prelude to the war, including the rise of Bengali nationalism, the emergence of the Awami League, and the political crisis that followed the general elections of 1970.

3.1 Rise of Bengali Nationalism

The rise of Bengali nationalism in East Pakistan was a pivotal factor leading to the demand for greater autonomy and self-determination. The linguistic and cultural identity forged during the Language Movement of 1952 laid the foundation for a broader sense of Bengali nationalism.

The Bengali language became a powerful symbol of resistance and unity, fostering a collective consciousness among the Bengali population. Bengali cultural traditions, literature, and arts played a vital role in cultivating a distinct Bengali identity, which fueled the aspirations for political recognition and autonomy.

3.2 Awami League and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

The Awami League , under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, emerged as the principal political force advocating for the rights and aspirations of the Bengali people. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, popularly known as Bangabandhu (Friend of Bengal), galvanized mass support and mobilized the Bengali population behind the demand for autonomy.

The Awami League’s Six Point Demand, introduced in 1966, called for greater provincial autonomy, economic rights, and an end to the discrimination faced by East Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s leadership and vision resonated with the Bengali masses, positioning the Awami League as the primary political representative of the Bengali nationalist movement.

3.3 General Elections of 1970 and Political Crisis

The general elections held in 1970 marked a significant turning point in the struggle for autonomy and set the stage for the Liberation War. The Awami League emerged as the single largest party in the National Assembly, securing a majority of seats from East Pakistan. However, the ruling elite in West Pakistan, including the military establishment, refused to recognize the Awami League’s mandate and denied Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the opportunity to form a government.

The political crisis escalated as negotiations between the political leaders of East and West Pakistan broke down, with the central government unwilling to address the legitimate demands of East Pakistan. The military junta in West Pakistan intensified its crackdown on dissent, further alienating the Bengali population.

This political impasse and the denial of the democratic rights of the Bengali people set the stage for a violent confrontation and the eventual declaration of independence.

4. Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence marked a crucial turning point in the Liberation War of Bangladesh. This section explores the powerful speech delivered by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 7, 1971, the brutal Pakistani military crackdown that followed, and the subsequent formation of the Bangladesh government-in-exile.

4.1 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Speech of March 7, 1971

On March 7, 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered a historic speech at the Racecourse Ground (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka. This speech, often referred to as the “March 7 Speech” or the “Declaration of Independence Speech,” galvanized the Bengali population and served as a clarion call for freedom.

In his impassioned address, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman outlined the injustices faced by the Bengali people and articulated their demands for self-determination. He called for a non-cooperation movement, urging the Bengali population to stand united against the oppressive rule of West Pakistan. The speech ignited a spirit of nationalism and defiance among the masses, inspiring them to fight for independence.

4.2 Pakistani Military Crackdown

In response to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s speech and the growing demands for autonomy, the Pakistani military junta launched a brutal crackdown on the Bengali population. Operation Searchlight, initiated on the night of March 25, 1971 , aimed to suppress the Bengali nationalist movement and assert control of the central government.

The military crackdown resulted in widespread violence, targeting civilians, intellectuals, and members of the Awami League and other pro-independence groups. Mass killings, enforced disappearances, torture, and sexual violence were perpetrated against the Bengali population. The Pakistani military’s actions during this period have been described as genocide and crimes against humanity.

The military crackdown led to a rapid escalation of the conflict and solidified the determination of the Bengali people to break free from the oppressive rule of West Pakistan.

4.3 Formation of the Bangladesh Government-in-Exile

In the wake of the Pakistani military crackdown, leaders of the Awami League and other pro-independence groups sought refuge in neighboring India. On April 10, 1971, in the town of Mujibnagar (now Meherpur) in Bangladesh, they established the Bangladesh government-in-exile, formally known as the Provisional Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

The government-in-exile, headed by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , served as the political and administrative apparatus of the emerging Bangladeshi state. It provided leadership and coordination to the liberation movement and sought international recognition and support for the cause of an independent Bangladesh.

The formation of the government-in-exile symbolized the resilience and determination of the Bengali people to establish their own nation and exercise self-governance.

5. Armed Resistance and Guerrilla Warfare

Armed resistance and guerrilla warfare played a pivotal role in the Liberation War of Bangladesh. This section explores the formation of the Mukti Bahini (Bangladesh Liberation Force), the guerrilla tactics and strategies employed by the freedom fighters, and the crucial support provided by India.

5.1 Formation of the Mukti Bahini

The Mukti Bahini was formed as the armed wing of the Bengali nationalist movement, comprising various resistance groups and individuals who took up arms against the Pakistani military forces. The Mukti Bahini operated both inside Bangladesh and in bordering regions of India.

The formation of the Mukti Bahini aimed to establish a unified military force that could effectively challenge the well-equipped Pakistani military. It provided a coordinated platform for various guerrilla groups, freedom fighters, and defected members of the Pakistani armed forces who joined the struggle for independence.

5.2 Guerrilla Tactics and Strategies

The Mukti Bahini employed a range of guerrilla tactics and strategies to wage a protracted war against the Pakistani military forces. Given the asymmetrical nature of the conflict, where the freedom fighters faced a significantly stronger opponent, guerrilla warfare offered an effective means of resistance.

Hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, sabotage, and acts of subversion were common tactics employed by the Mukti Bahini. They targeted Pakistani military installations, supply lines, communication networks, and other strategic assets. The guerrilla fighters relied on their knowledge of the local terrain and the support of the local population, often operating in small, highly mobile units.

The use of guerrilla tactics allowed the Mukti Bahini to disrupt the Pakistani military’s operations, maintain the momentum of the resistance, and inflict significant losses on the occupiers.

5.3 Support from India

India played a crucial role in supporting the liberation movement and providing assistance to the Mukti Bahini. The Indian government, led by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, extended political, diplomatic, and military support to the Bangladesh cause.

India provided refuge and training facilities for the Mukti Bahini, enabling them to regroup, rearm, and plan their operations. The Indian military also launched a full-scale intervention in December 1971, effectively turning the tide of the war. The Indian Armed Forces, in coordination with the Mukti Bahini, conducted a series of decisive offensives that led to the surrender of the Pakistani forces and the eventual liberation of Bangladesh.

India’s support for Bangladesh marked a significant chapter in the history of the conflict, demonstrating the solidarity between the two nations and the commitment to the principles of justice and self-determination.

6. International Diplomacy and Humanitarian Crisis

The Liberation War of Bangladesh captured international attention, leading to a range of diplomatic responses and humanitarian challenges. This section explores the international response to the conflict, the humanitarian situation, and the role of the United Nations.

6.1 International Response to the Liberation War

The Liberation War of Bangladesh drew widespread attention and evoked diverse responses from the international community. Several countries and international organizations expressed solidarity with the cause of Bangladesh’s independence and condemned the atrocities committed by the Pakistani military.

India played a significant role in shaping international opinion and garnering support for Bangladesh. The Indian government embarked on an intensive diplomatic campaign, engaging with various nations and international forums to raise awareness about the conflict and garner political and humanitarian support.

Many countries, including the Soviet Union, India, and several non-aligned nations, recognized the government-in-exile and extended diplomatic recognition to Bangladesh. This international recognition bolstered the legitimacy of the liberation movement and put pressure on Pakistan to end its military campaign.

6.2 Humanitarian Situation and Refugee Crisis

The Liberation War of Bangladesh resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis, with millions of people being displaced and becoming refugees. The Pakistani military’s brutal crackdown, marked by widespread violence and human rights abuses, forced a massive exodus of Bengali civilians to neighboring India.

The refugee crisis overwhelmed the region, as millions sought shelter and assistance in overcrowded refugee camps. The humanitarian situation deteriorated rapidly, with inadequate access to food, healthcare, and sanitation, leading to widespread suffering and loss of life.

International humanitarian organizations, including the Red Cross, played a crucial role in providing relief assistance to the refugees and addressing the urgent needs of the affected population. The humanitarian response focused on delivering emergency aid, setting up medical facilities, and ensuring the provision of essential services in the refugee camps.

6.3 Role of the United Nations

The United Nations (UN) played a significant role in addressing the conflict and its aftermath. While the UN Security Council was unable to take decisive action due to the veto powers of certain member states, the General Assembly emerged as an important platform for discussing and condemning the violence in Bangladesh.

The UN General Assembly passed several resolutions expressing deep concern over the situation and calling for an end to the hostilities. It also demanded the withdrawal of Pakistani forces from Bangladesh and the recognition of the legitimate government-in-exile.

Furthermore, the UN facilitated humanitarian efforts and coordinated international aid to address the refugee crisis and provide relief to the affected population. UN agencies worked in collaboration with other humanitarian organizations to provide assistance, protection, and support to the refugees and internally displaced persons.

The role of the United Nations in the Liberation War of Bangladesh highlighted the significance of international cooperation, diplomacy, and humanitarian action in addressing conflicts and alleviating human suffering.

7. Bangladesh-India Joint Military Operations

The Bangladesh-India joint military operations played a crucial role in the culmination of the Liberation War. This section explores the Indian intervention and military support, the liberation of major cities and territories, and the eventual surrender of the Pakistani forces.

7.1 Indian Intervention and Military Support

India’s intervention in the Liberation War of Bangladesh was a turning point that significantly altered the course of the conflict. In response to the escalating violence and humanitarian crisis, the Indian government decided to provide direct military support to the Mukti Bahini and the cause of Bangladesh’s independence.

Indian Armed Forces launched a full-scale military operation in December 1971, with the primary objective of liberating Bangladesh from Pakistani occupation. The Indian military provided crucial air, land, and naval support to the Mukti Bahini, coordinating their operations to mount an effective resistance against the Pakistani forces.

The Indian intervention boosted the morale of the freedom fighters and brought a significant shift in the balance of power, as the Pakistani forces faced a well-coordinated and determined adversary.

7.2 Liberation of Major Cities and Territories

The joint military operations conducted by the Mukti Bahini and the Indian Armed Forces resulted in the systematic liberation of major cities and territories in Bangladesh. The collaborative efforts aimed to regain control over strategically important areas and secure key urban centers.

Cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, and Sylhet witnessed intense battles as the joint forces launched offensives to dislodge the Pakistani military. The liberation operations involved a combination of conventional warfare, guerrilla tactics, and coordinated assaults, leading to the gradual recapture of significant urban areas.

The successful liberation of major cities and territories boosted the morale of the Bengali population and further weakened the Pakistani forces’ grip on Bangladesh.

7.3 Surrender of Pakistani Forces

The sustained military pressure, coupled with the crumbling morale of the Pakistani forces, eventually led to their surrender. On December 16, 1971 , Lieutenant General A.A.K. Niazi, the commander of the Pakistani forces in East Pakistan, signed the Instrument of Surrender in Dhaka.

The surrender marked the formal end of the conflict and the establishment of Bangladesh as an independent nation. It was a historic moment that symbolized the triumph of the Bengali people’s struggle for freedom and self-determination.

The surrender ceremony, attended by senior military officials and diplomats, represented a significant milestone in the Liberation War, with the Pakistani forces acknowledging defeat and recognizing the newly formed nation of Bangladesh.

The joint military operations and the subsequent surrender of the Pakistani forces paved the way for the emergence of an independent Bangladesh and set the stage for the rebuilding and reconstruction of the war-torn nation. 

8. Aftermath and Legacy

The aftermath of the Liberation War of Bangladesh was marked by the formation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, trials and accountability for war crimes, and the enduring impact on Bangladesh’s identity and development.

8.1 Formation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Following the surrender of the Pakistani forces, Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation on December 16, 1971. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who had been held in captivity during the conflict, returned to lead the country as the first President of Bangladesh.

The formation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh represented a triumph of the Bengali nationalist movement and the realization of their long-standing struggle for self-determination. It marked the beginning of a new era, where Bangladesh embarked on a path of nation-building, reconstruction, and development.

8.2 Trials and Accountability for War Crimes

In the aftermath of the conflict, Bangladesh faced the task of addressing the war crimes committed during the Liberation War. The newly formed government took steps to ensure accountability and justice for the atrocities committed by the Pakistani military and their collaborators.

In 1973, the Bangladesh government established the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) to investigate and prosecute individuals involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Over the years, the tribunal has conducted trials and delivered verdicts, bringing some perpetrators to justice.

The trials and pursuit of accountability have been important in acknowledging the suffering of the victims, providing closure for the survivors, and sending a message that such grave violations of human rights will not go unpunished.

8.3 Impact on Bangladesh’s Identity and Development

The Liberation War had a profound impact on Bangladesh’s identity and development. It solidified the country’s national identity, rooted in the language, culture, and aspirations of the Bengali people. The struggle for independence and the sacrifices made during the war became central to Bangladesh’s collective memory and shaped its national narrative.

The war also had a lasting impact on Bangladesh’s development trajectory. The conflict and its aftermath created significant challenges, including the rebuilding of infrastructure, addressing the refugee crisis, and managing the economic and social consequences of the war. However, the experience of the Liberation War instilled a sense of resilience and determination within the Bangladeshi people, driving them to overcome these challenges and pursue development with renewed vigor.

Bangladesh’s journey after the Liberation War has witnessed remarkable progress in various sectors, including education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and women’s empowerment. The resilience and resourcefulness of the Bangladeshi people, coupled with the support of the international community, have contributed to the country’s growth and development.

The legacy of the Liberation War continues to shape Bangladesh’s aspirations for justice, democracy, and human rights. It serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding the values of freedom, inclusivity, and social justice.

9. Conclusion

9.1 key takeaways and reflections.

The Liberation War of Bangladesh remains a significant chapter in the history of the nation and serves as a source of inspiration and reflection. Through this assignment, we have explored the background, causes, and consequences of the war, as well as the international response, armed resistance, and the formation of an independent Bangladesh.

Key takeaways from our study of the Liberation War include:

  • The war was driven by political, socioeconomic, and cultural factors, as well as the desire for linguistic and cultural identity.
  • The armed resistance and guerrilla warfare tactics employed by the Mukti Bahini were crucial in weakening the Pakistani forces and ultimately achieving victory.
  • The international response and support, particularly from India, played a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of the conflict.
  • The war resulted in a humanitarian crisis, with millions of refugees seeking shelter and assistance.
  • The establishment of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh marked a new chapter in the nation’s history, accompanied by trials and accountability for war crimes.
  • The legacy of the Liberation War continues to impact Bangladesh’s identity, development, and pursuit of justice and human rights.

9.2 Lasting Impact of the Liberation War

The liberation war of bangladesh has left a lasting impact on the nation in several ways:.

  • It solidified the identity and aspirations of the Bengali people, paving the way for the formation of an independent Bangladesh.
  • The war instilled a sense of resilience and determination within the Bangladeshi people, driving them to overcome challenges and pursue development and progress.
  • The pursuit of justice and accountability for war crimes continue to be an important aspect of Bangladesh’s post-war narrative, acknowledging the suffering of the victims and ensuring that such atrocities are not forgotten or repeated.
  • The Liberation War serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding democratic values, human rights, and social justice in the nation’s governance and development.
  • Bangladesh’s remarkable progress in various sectors, such as poverty alleviation, healthcare, education, and women’s empowerment, reflects the enduring impact of the Liberation War and the nation’s commitment to building a better future.

Studying and understanding the Liberation War of Bangladesh allows us to appreciate the sacrifices made by the Bengali people and the resilience they displayed in their struggle for freedom. It also emphasizes the significance of unity, justice, and human rights in shaping the destiny of a nation.

By delving into the historical events, causes, and consequences of the Liberation War, we gain valuable insights that can inform our understanding of similar struggles for independence, self-determination, and social justice around the world.

The Liberation War of Bangladesh serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of a people and their quest for freedom and justice. May the lessons learned from this historic event guide us toward a world where every nation and individual can realize their inherent rights and aspirations.

This concludes our assignment on the Liberation War of Bangladesh.

References :

  • Ahmed, H. (2012). Bangladesh: Past and Present. APH Publishing.
  • Raghavan, S. (2013). 1971: A Global History of the Creation of Bangladesh. Harvard University Press.
  • Hasan, M. (2016). Bangladesh: A Political History since Independence. I.B. Tauris.
  • Haq, M. (2009). Bangladesh: From Mujib to Ershad. University Press Ltd.
  • Khan, M. H. (2012). A History of Bangladesh. Cambridge University Press.
  • Siddiqi, Y. H. (2012). The Forgotten Story of the Liberation War of Bangladesh. Partridge Publishing.
  • Riaz, A. (2011). Bangladeshi Nationalism: History and Practice. BRILL.
  • Schendel, W. V. (2009). A History of Bangladesh. Cambridge University Press.
  • Mahfuz, S. (2014). Bangladesh: The Quest for Freedom and Justice. Strategic Studies Institute.
  • Islam, R. (2016). The Separation of East Pakistan: The Rise and Realization of Bengali Muslim Nationalism. Routledge.

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General Knowledge About Bangladesh

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Publications Research Dossiers

1971 liberation war, birth of bangladesh and comparison with present day pakistan, introduction.

The 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh against Pakistan continues shaping the mindset of Bangladeshi people until present day. This bloodstained historical event has constructed Bangladeshi sense of nationalism and has forged their contemporary Constitution. The Bangladesh we see today is essentially the fruit of the liberation war of 1971. In order to understand ongoing Bangladeshi politics and the socio-economic sphere, it is required to analyse the history of Pakistani colonialism and the events surrounding the 1971 liberation war that turned Bangladesh into an independent sovereign State. This research paper provides a profound overview of these historical narratives and draws a comparison between present day Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The Partition of the Indian Subcontinent and Creation of Pakistan

The liberation war of Bangladesh was not merely a war for independence fought by Bangladeshi nationalists - one of its main triggers was religion. The Pakistani government wanted to turn Bangladeshis into exemplary Muslims by alienating them from their Hindu background. This concept of religious division was also used as a root cause for the creation of Pakistan in the first place following British colonialism of the subcontinent. Ironically, religion brought together Bangladesh and Pakistan as one State during the partition of the subcontinent and later the very same religion separated the two. Comprehending the development of the liberation war of Bangladesh involves a meticulous retrospective look into the events leading to the partition of the Indian subcontinent. Following the devastating effects of the Second World War, the British colonialists gave up their control over the Indian subcontinent and the 1947 partition outlined two independent nations - India and Pakistan.

Lahore Resolution

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

The Partition

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

Discrimination and Exploitation by West-Pakistan

The Muslims of Bengal hoped that in the new Muslim state they would finally achieve a better standard of life. Given their past inferiority to Hindu landlords, Bengal Muslims were looking forward to the West-Pakistani government to ensure their fundamental rights. However, events did not unfold as the Bengali people had hoped. The West-Pakistani government proved even more discriminatory towards the people of East-Pakistan in all spheres of life - social, political and economic.

Political Discrimination

The government’s headquarters were established in the Western Wing. Besides, the political representation of the different ethnic groups was not equal in the Central Government. It was dominated by elite groups of West-Pakistan, mainly the Punjabis. Minority ethnic groups, such as the Bengali population, did not have significant representation in the government. Consequently, control over state-owned organizations, governmental mechanisms and the armed forces were in the hands of the dominant ethnic group. During the years of 1947 - 1971, Pakistan experienced prolonged phases of military rule, which made it more difficult for ethnic minorities to gain access to political power. The Bengali population did not even have satisfactory political representation in their own province. Even for higher government posts such as “Governor-General,” Bengalis were not considered good enough.

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

Such positions were awarded to people from West-Pakistan or migrants from India who assumed Pakistani citizenship. At the initial stages of the government’s creation, the West-Pakistanis sought various mechanisms to avoid handing over power to East Bengal, which harboured the majority in terms of population size. The elites of West-Pakistan tried several ways to capture the control and succeeded in their attempts to dominate East Bengal through the central government in West-Pakistan. However, the power struggle continued between different political parties and the Western elites were forced to accept the role of Bengalis in politics, through the process of creating and abandoning several drafts of the National Assembly, that gave Bengalis a satisfactory share of representation in the constitution of 1956. Before this could yield any positive outcome for the unification of the two wings of Pakistan, the country fell prey to military rule and previous assemblies were again dissolved. 

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

Economic exploitation

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

The Six Points Movement is a significant turnover in the history of Bangladesh. Despite being initially rejected, it became a core component of the election campaign of Sheikh Mujib during the election of 1970. It embraced the Mujib’s campaign on yielding equal access to economic opportunities for everyone.

Social Exploitation

Since the very formation of Pakistan, the Western part branded the Eastern as inferior, because it considered the Muslims in the Eastern Wing subordinate due to their social and cultural affiliation with the Hindu population, which were powerful, rich and dominating in East-Pakistan before the partition of the subcontinent. As a result of the partition many influential Hindus left East-Pakistan to join India. Nonetheless, the Hindu population still counted as one of the major ethnic groups present in the Eastern Wing. Historically, people from various religions had always co-existed peacefully in the East Wing, as they were naturally adopting practices and customs from one another, while tolerating everyone’s traditions and beliefs. Even today, Muslim communities celebrate programs that hold a Hindu foundation and have barely no roots or relevance to Islam. The West-Pakistani government was critical about the intimacy between the Muslim and the Hindu population. Even though the Muslims of the East Wing supported the partition, they were not willing to give up their own culture or language for the sake of becoming a Pakistani as envisioned by the elite of West-Pakistan. The West-Pakistani government remained insensitive to the cultural sentiments of the East-Pakistani people. The selection of a national Pakistani language became a contentious issue since the onset of its genesis. The West-Pakistan government did not pay any heed to the language that predominated in East-Pakistan, namely Bengali. The number of Bengali speakers were higher in comparison with the number of Urdu speakers. Urdu was the language of the elite, used only by 7% of Pakistanis. In contrast, Bengali was spoken by 56% of Pakistanis. The West-Pakistani leaders did not consider this factor while choosing an official language. While arguing that Bengali can still remain a primary language for everyday use of the people in the Eastern Province, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan and the first Governor General, declared on the 24 th  of March 1948 during a conference in Dhaka University that Urdu will become the State language. This declaration triggered a great outrage among the people of the Eastern Wing that became to be known as the Bengali Language Movement. 

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

Continuous political, economic and social exploitation took part before Bangladesh could achieve its Independence. Following are certain major events that have contributed to the resolution of this national struggle and the creation of Bangladesh as an Independent country. 

Agartala Conspiracy Case

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

Operation Searchlight

Operation Searchlight is the planned genocide that took place on the 25 th  of March 1971 and was undertaken by the West-Pakistani government against its own citizens of the Eastern Wing. This plan was the result of the victory of Sheikh Mujib’s party in the General Election of Pakistan in 1970. The West-Pakistani rulers had no intention to convey the power to Sheikh Mujib and finally their National Assembly was dismissed. The dismissal brought fierce reactions among the people of East-Pakistan and Sheikh Mujib summoned a five day long strike and protests for an indefinite period. Following the five-day strike, he exhorted the East-Pakistani people to embark on an Independence struggle. Law and order collapsed as people broke curfews imposed by the West-Pakistani Government. The Bengalis occupied the streets demanding freedom and self-determination for Bangladesh. During this period, in a meeting of Awami League, the National Anthem of Bangladesh was chosen. 

assignment on liberation war of bangladesh class 6

The Liberation War (March to December 1971)

Following the massacre of the 25 th  of March 1971, Bengalis started fighting against the Pakistani military with every resource they had. Ordinary Bengalis, especially young people, who had no knowledge or training to fight in a war, risked their lives and the lives of their family members for the sake of making Bangladesh an independent country. Following the “Black Night” of 25 th  of March, the atrocities of the Pakistani military aggravated. The operation was extended to the entire region of East-Pakistan. 

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The Bengali Nationalists assembled a shallow novice armed force called “Mukti Bahini” (The Force of Independence). The Bengali military officers of East-Pakistan took charge over the military operations of the Bengali nationalists. They divided East-Pakistan in 11 sectors in order to conduct their guerrilla operations against the West-Pakistani military. In the meantime, the Provisional Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was created in Mujibnagar by some political leaders of East-Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who was a prisoner of the West-Pakistan government during that time was made the President and Tajuddin Ahmed was made the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. This event led to the official declaration of Bangladesh as an independent state.

Refugee Crisis

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Military Support from India

After Pakistan launched several attacks on Indian territory on the 3 rd of December 1971, India joined Bangladesh in its military efforts against the Pakistani military. With the support of India as well as commands from the military officers of East-Pakistan, the West-Pakistani military was defeated. It eventually surrendered to the joint forces of Bangladesh and India leading to victory for Bangladesh on 16 th  of December 1971.  

The Rajakars

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Atrocities Committed by the Pakistani Army

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International Support

Bangladesh received continuous moral support from India since the beginning of the Liberation War. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India during that time, was able to secure support from the Soviet Union, The United Kingdom and France to ensure that there would be no directives in favour of Pakistan in the United Nations Security Council. In contrast, Pakistan received support from the United States and China. The United States provided ammunition while China provided moral advocacy. In spite of the protection and encouragement from the United States, Pakistan did not have high chances of winning the war because of the Soviet Union which played against the efforts of the United States during the war.

The Surrender of Pakistani Army and victory of Bangladesh

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Comparison between Present Day Bangladesh and Pakistan

Bangladesh has walked a long way after its liberation from Pakistan. The following section of the article discusses the advancement of Bangladesh in terms of social, political and economic development in comparison to the evolution and growth of Pakistan. The analysis intends to construct a parallel that compares the levels of flourishment and deterioration between the two countries.

Political Development of Bangladesh

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Rule of Law

Rule of law conveys the message that the law is equal for everyone and is above all.  The rule of law is vital in ensuring protection for the citizens of a country against the abuse of power by governmental and public authorities. Despite the fact that Bangladesh is a democratic country, in reality Rule of law does not exist to the desired extent. One major issue with the principles of legitimacy in Bangladesh is that the judiciary is not completely independent. While the higher courts exercise independence, the Ministry of Justice controls the lower courts. In addition, derogating political opponents often implies the practice of misemploying the rule of law. Provisions, such as the Special Power Act of 1974 and Section 54 of the Criminal Code often insinuate such machinations. They are frequently used to justify arrests and detention of the opposition. The Bangladeshi armed forces, which were expected forgers of fundamental legal standards in favour of their citizens, have been frequently biased towards the ruling party. Furthermore, pervasive corruption among the criminal justice body, especially the police force has been widespread. The judicial system has been ineffective in terms of timely management of cases, ensuring fair trial and equal access for all citizens. Particularly for the poor and disadvantaged individuals, means of entry to adequate legal services were not only deficient, but also unbearably costly. Primary reasons for the inefficiency of the Judiciary system were the low salaries of legal authorities and consequently, corruption. Albeit Bangladesh requires significant improvements in its establishment of the rule of law, its performance is manifestly greater compared to that of Pakistan. According to the World Justice Project Ranking of 2016, the score of Bangladesh was 0.41, which placed it under number 103 among the 113 countries, where the scores ranged from 0 to 1. The closer the score to 0, the more disadvantageous the situation regarding impartiality and legitimacy of the judicial body. It is visible from the score of Bangladesh that it has a long way to go before it achieves a higher advanced standard of  the rule of law. In comparison, Pakistan’s score was even lower - 0.38 and its global ranking - 106. Therefore, despite Pakistan’s historical influence and challenging aftermaths of the Liberation War, Bangladesh has managed to reach and implement legal principles of higher quality.

Accountability of Government

Government accountability refers to the obligation of official authorities to justify their actions in front of their citizens and maintain transparency and clarity of decision-making. It further encompasses a subjection to punitive measures in case of failure to liability. When mechanisms of legal responsibility are missing, corruption and abuse of power will thrive. Open, democratic and impartial election campaigns are a crucial device towards ensuring accountability. Although Bangladesh, like Pakistan, has been exposed to series of military coup d’états after gaining its independence, the country managed to extricate itself from this severe situation and establish a democratic governance system.

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Political Stability

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Control of Corruption

Corruption is one of the most problematic features of Bangladesh. It is a chronic and endemic problem, widespread across the entire social strata. Throughout the country nepotism has become a habitual conduct, a lifestyle, and it is disputable what circumstances have prompted it - the culture or the bureaucracy. Hence, it does not come as a surprise that public offices are run by nepotism and bribery. Recruitment and promotion hardly ever happen to be impartial procedures across sectors such as defense, transportation, education and health. Primary reasons for such chronic corruption among the Bangladeshi public officials are the meagre salaries and lack of labour privileges. Bribes have therefore become an alternative source of earning. The level of corruption has outspread on such a large scale that as a result the population has institutionalized and normalized this culture of bribery and nepotism. Public offices have started exploiting national funds in order to bypass and bend rules and regulations. Consequently, the gap between rich and poor has widened excessively, giving the already affluent upper-class more wealth and leaving the poor to suffer in greater misery. Even though some businesses succeeded in generating enormous profits by means of corruption, in reality this mechanism increases expenditures and therefore discourages the growth of new businesses. The enterprises usually resort to bribery for acquiring documents that facilitate the company’s legal registration, that provide license or permit for business operations or for utility connections. The adverse effects of corruption are endless. Especially within the law enforcement sector, which is responsible for social security, the effects of corruption are terribly deleterious. Police force agents fail to retain trust of the population due to their dishonourable and fraudulent reputation. Court cases miscarry in living up to the ideals of a fair trial since verdicts become manipulated and ruled by money. Despite that there is a national anti-corruption committee based in Bangladesh, it has not achieved any satisfactory results. Bangladesh might have reached a certain level of progress, yet corruption still remains a pervasive issue among the society. According to Transparency International Bangladesh, three out of four people in Bangladesh bribe officials while seeking services from law enforcement agencies or immigration services. In 2015, the amount of bribes paid to public officials was $1.1 billion USD. Even though brave efforts of digitalization are underway, the majority of public services are provided tête-à-tête, which renders bribing easier. Owing to corruption, power lays in the hands of the rich and dominant figures rather than in those who are qualified and suitable for running the country. According to the 2015 report of Transparency International, 56% of the members of the parliament were either businessmen or industrialists. When there is a lack of a check and balance system to control the financial activities of the public offices, public officials misuse governmental resources without being held accountable for it. Bangladesh has paid a hefty price for this politics-business nexus. In April 2013, an eight story building collapsed in Savar, Dhaka that hosted several garment factories. Around 1129 people, predominantly employees, lost their lives in the incident and 2500 people were severely injured. The owner of the building had a permit from the municipality to build a five story building, yet using his political connections he managed to enlarge it. Under the shadow of politics, various such fraudulent practices take place in the country. Regarding corruption, Bangladesh is in a more injurious situation in comparison to Pakistan. According to the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicator of Control of Corruption, the score of Bangladesh for 2015 was 18.3 whereas the score of Pakistan was 23.6.

Social Development

Regardless of the vast number of socio-economic and political obstacles existent in Bangladesh since independence, the state has achieved a remarkable progress in terms of social development. The Bangladeshi society has evolved impressively in terms of access to education and women empowerment, which are both vital requirements for its healthy social development.

Living Standard

The living standards of both countries can be compared through examining access to basic life necessities such as food, housing, water and sanitation, and health care facilities.

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Water and Sanitation

Access to safe water and proper sanitation facilities have improved in both countries over the years. Bangladesh has notably developed its drinkable water provision, namely for 86.5% of its urban population and 87% of its rural population. Respectively, the statistics for Pakistan are 93.9% for the urban population and 89.9% for the rural population. Therefore, Bangladesh is still in need of amelioration. With regard to sanitation facilities, Bangladesh has ensured enhanced access for 57.7% of its urban population compared to 83.1% of Pakistan, which once again calls for improvements. Nevertheless, it has been able to secure means of entry to sanitation facilities for 62.1% of its rural population, whereas Pakistan for only 51.1%.  

Food Security

Bangladesh has undergone a long way from being an aid dependent country, especially in terms of food aid, to becoming more self-sufficient in food production. However, this process of nourishment has not entirely curbed the issue of food security. Even though food production has increased, the equal distribution of food, especially nutritious food has not been ensured. Apart from the threat of overpopulation, the frequent natural calamities such as monsoon floods, river erosion and water contamination continue to impose challenges.  Impoverished families remain the primary victims of undernourishment since food prices continue to increase. According to the 2016 Global Hunger Index, 16.4% of the population of Bangladesh are suffering from malnutrition. In Pakistan, 22% of the population suffers from malnutrition. 

Basic Health care

Bangladesh invests slightly more in the healthcare sector compared to Pakistan -  the World Health Organization’s 2014 database displays that Bangladesh has spent 2.8% of its GDP on the health industry whereas Pakistan spends 2.6% on healthcare. In 2015, the life expectancy at birth for both sexes for Bangladesh was 71.8 and for Pakistan - 66.4. According to the same year’s database, the number of neonatal deaths (in thousands) in Bangladesh was 74 whereas in Pakistan it was 245. This alarming difference is equally reflected in the neonatal mortality rate. In Bangladesh, the neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births) was 23.3% compared to Pakistan’s 45.5%. Awareness about reproductive health also seems to be more widespread in Bangladesh than in Pakistan. In 2012, the prevalence of contraception usage in Bangladesh was 61.2%, whereas in Pakistan it was only 35.4% in the following year. It is interesting to note, that despite having a lower gross national income per capita (PPP in $) as well as physicians density (per 1000 population), Bangladesh implements more effective strategies and performs in a higher standard regarding reducing child mortality, increasing life expectancy and raising awareness on reproductive health. According to estimates from 2011, Bangladesh had a physicians’ density of 0.356, while Pakistan had 0.827 in 2010.

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Women Empowerment

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Social Cohesiveness

A notable difference between Bangladesh and Pakistan is the aspect of social cohesiveness. People from different religious backgrounds live in peace and harmony in Bangladesh. The history of bloodshed of the Indian subcontinent seems to have had little impact on the Bangladeshi society since people with various religious affiliations succeed in achieving a balanced co-existence and mutually beneficent symbiosis. This atmosphere of congeniality and intimacy has evolved to the extent that individuals have even adopted each other’s religious practices and religious rituals. However, this situation is fully contrasting the one in Pakistan. Although, the latter is a Muslim majority country it still adopts a cast system among them in certain areas of Pakistan such as Punjab. As a general rule, in Islam there is no cast system since the faith proclaims that all Muslims are equal human beings. Strangely enough, Pakistan exercises a cast system determined by the professions of forefathers. In Punjab region cast titles such as Butt, Jatt, Mochi are assimilated, where each of these is referring to a particular profession of the forefathers. For example, even if a person is a doctor but he belongs to the cast of Mochi (Cobbler) because his predecessors were cobblers, he would still be considered a part of the Mochi cast and would be treated accordingly. The cast system is strictly followed and intermarriage between casts is discouraged. In Bangladesh, there is no such cast system among the Muslims, yet it exists among the Hindus. Nevertheless, Muslims and Hindus associate and mingle together, and maintain very peaceful relations altogether with other religious minorities. The incidents of violence against religious or ethnic minorities that happen in Bangladesh are mostly politically induced and are often condemned and protested against by the civil society.

Economic Development

Bangladesh has a very resilient economy. Despite its internal challenges and external pressure from international strain factors, it has maintained a consistent economic growth.

In 2015, the annual growth of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 6.6% compared to 4.7% of Pakistan according to The World Bank database. Even though Bangladesh is progressing rapidly, it is behind Pakistan in terms of Gross National Income (GNI) per capita and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). In 2015, the aforementioned indexes’ score for Bangladesh was USD 3560 whereas for Pakistan it was USD 5320. Although, Bangladesh is growing faster, it needs to catch up in ensuring a higher GNI. Interestingly, even with a lower GNI Bangladesh has a higher Gross National Savings (GNS) compared to that of Pakistan. According to the Central Intelligence Agency database, Bangladesh had a GNS of 28.6% of GDP whereas Pakistan had 14.3%.

Notwithstanding Bangladesh’s remarkably swift advancement and development, a significant percentage of the population still struggles with poverty. According to the 2010 World Bank Database estimates, the poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) for Bangladesh was 31.5%, whereas the conditions in Pakistan were even more deteriorating with 36.8% of population living in poverty.


Unemployment is a grave issue of concern for both countries. Although, access to education has increased and the number of educational institutions providing all levels of educations has skyrocketed, employment opportunities have not risen with the same pace. A paradox occurs where a large youth population receive an education, yet it remains stuck into an unemployment vicious circle. Nevertheless, Bangladesh still sustains slightly better circumstances in terms of employment compared to Pakistan. According to the 2016 Central Intelligence Agency database, the unemployment rate in Bangladesh was 4.9% and for Pakistan it was 6.7%.

Population Density

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Inflation (Consumer Prices) and Exchange Rates

The wellbeing of an economy can be concluded from its inflation rate and exchange rates. Even though Bangladesh has a higher inflation (consumer prices) rate compared to Pakistan, the value of the Bangladeshi currency (Bangladeshi Taka) is higher than the Pakistani Rupee. The inflation rate of Bangladesh as per 2016 estimates was 5.6% and for Pakistan it was 3.7%. In contrast, the exchange rate against US dollar for Bangladeshi Taka was 78.5 (1 USD = 78.5 BDT) whereas for Pakistan rupee it was 105.1 (1 USD = 105.1 Pakistani Rupee). Additionally, Bangladeshi reserve of foreign exchange is larger compared to Pakistan. According to the 2016 Central Intelligence Agency statistics, Bangladesh had a reserve of foreign exchange and gold worth $29.77 billion, whereas Pakistan had $20.53 billion.

Foreign Aid and External Debt

Bangladesh has come the long way of being called the “basket case”, to be assigned with the label of a “promising economy.” The basket case referred to its huge aid dependency in the post-independence era. Many doubts were casted on whether Bangladesh would ever be able to escape its destitute situation caused by war and natural calamities. As a surprise to the international community, Bangladesh successfully came out of that phase and reduced its aid dependency significantly. During the early stages after gaining independence, a massive inflow of food and commodity aid took place. Over the years, Bangladesh was able to reduce that dependency to almost zero percentage, especially due to developments in agriculture, which helped the country to become self-sufficient in food supplies. Nevertheless, Bangladesh remains dependent regarding specialized assistance such as project aids. In relation to external debt, the state had an external debt of around $37.26 Billion USD compared to Pakistan’s $64.04 Billion USD, according to the 2016 Central Intelligence Agency’s data. One of the factors that assisted Bangladesh to rebuild its economy was the widespread presence of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). The local and international NGOs work relentlessly throughout Bangladesh and especially in remote areas. One exclusive achievement was the success of micro credit finance in bringing people out of poverty and empowering women by making them financially independent, which significantly has contributed to economic and social development of Bangladesh.

Sustainable Development

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Social, Economic and Political inferiority can never bring prosperity to a nation. Undoubtedly, Bangladesh has been substantially better off after its liberation from Pakistan. Developmental problems across all socio-economic and political sectors still exist. Nevertheless, a remarkable achievement is that Bangladesh has managed to acquire its sovereignty and independence, and therefore it has the power to resolve its problems without the domination or interference of a superior political authority, which was the case before the Liberation War. Bangladeshi people are able to proudly speak in Bengali, their mother tongue, without any fear of persecution and aggression. The Muslim population can mix freely with people from other religions without being judged and subjected to discrimination by being labelled inferior. 

Pakistan started its journey as an independent and sovereign state in 1947, Bangladesh started its journey almost 24 years later, yet the latter has managed to outperform the former in the long run. Given the fact that the growth rate of the GDP of Bangladesh is currently higher than the Pakistani GDP, it could be projected that Bangladesh will continue outrunning Pakistan in regards with the various sustainable development indexes. However, regional cooperation is crucial for achieving peace and stability in the country; It is essential for South Asian countries, including Bangladesh and Pakistan, to improve and strengthen the bonds with their neighbours. 

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April 2017. © European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS), Amsterdam

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Indo Pak War 1971: The Bangladesh Liberation War

Last updated on October 9, 2023 by ClearIAS Team

indo pak war 1971

The war of 1971 or the Indo-Pak war of 1971 or the Bangladesh Liberation war of 1971 was a revolution and armed conflict sparked by the rise of the Bengali nationalist and self-determination movement in what was then East Pakistan.

This war resulted in the independence of Bangladesh from West Pakistan.

The background events of the Indo-Pak War of 1971 are summarised below.

Also read: Village defence communities

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What led to the Indo-Pak War, 1971?

Historically, the seeds of trouble were sown in 1905 when Viceroy Curzon partitioned Bengal based on religion. East Bengal was Muslim dominant region while the west was Hindu-dominated.

After the 1947 partition of India , East Bengal became a province of Pakistan and was called East Pakistan then onwards. The east and west Pakistan were not only separated geographically, but they differed in language, culture, etc also. This led to problems in governance as well. The only common ground between the two provinces was religion,

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Language controversy

  • In 1948, Jinnah declared that Urdu will the official language and the people of East Pakistan who were bangle speaking, will have to comply.
  • This led to widespread protests in East Pakistan and the “Language Movement” began for the right of Bengalis to use Bangla as their official language.
  • This movement was led by Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, who joined the Awami League party.
  • The struggle against the Muslim league’s Urdu imposition continued till the 1960s.

Note: The UN celebrates the International Mother Language Day on 21 st February in commemoration of the 1952 police firing on language rallies in East Bengal.

Political imbalance

  • The Pakistan administration was dominated by West Pakistan and the Bengalis had no political say in the process.
  • East Pakistan had more population than the west but received lower budget allotments.
  • Bengalis were underrepresented in every aspect of administration and military.

Cultural differences

  • West Pakistan was dominated by the Punjabi and Pashtun ethnicity, while the east Pakistanis gave more importance to the Bengali ethnicity over religious identity.
  • The population of Hindus was also more in the east than the west, hence they were considered less loyal by the west Pakistan administration.
  • West Pakistanis were more supportive of an Islamic state than East Pakistanis.
  • The Bengalis took great pride in their culture and language which, with its Bengali script and vocabulary, was unacceptable to the West Pakistani elite, who believed that it had assimilated considerable Hindu cultural influences.

The 1954 provincial elections saw landslide victory of Mujibur Rehman’s Awami League over the Muslim league. However, west Pakistan was not willing to let a leader from its eastern provincial wing rule the country.

Riots exploded in the province and using this instability as an excuse, the central government established the governor’s rule in the province overturning the election results.

In 1956, Pakistan finally got its constitution, and Pakistan was declared the Islamic Republic. The national parliament was to comprise of one house with equal representation from east and West Pakistan.

6 point movement, 1966

  • This was a movement in east Pakistan spearheaded by Mujibir Rahman demanding greater autonomy for the region.
  • Their 6 demands were: Federal state, all subjects except defence and foreign affairs, separate currency and fiscal policy, taxation powers, trade, and forex reserves, separate military and navy.

Agartala conspiracy case, 1968: Mujibur Rahman went to Agartala to seek Indian support for East Pakistan’s independence. Pakistan charged him with sedition and conspiring with India charges.

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1970 Cyclone Bhola caused floods and 3-5 lakhs deaths in East Pakistan, but the Yahya Khan’s government did not provide adequate relief. This added to the animosity between the two regions.

The 1970 election again saw sweeping victory by the Awami League, but Zulfikar Bhutto-led PPP who won in West Pakistan refused to acknowledge Mujibur Rahman’s win.

This led to civil disobedience and a call for independence in Dhaka and on 23 March 1971 flag of Bangladesh was raised for the first time.

Operation Searchlight

  • On 25 th March 1971, the Pakistan army struck at the Bengali independence movement at night.
  • Mujibur Rahman was arrested and flown to West Pakistan, many Bengali students and intellectuals were fired upon and arrested in Dhaka University.
  • This resulted in millions of Bangladeshis fleeing to India, mainly West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura.
  • West Bengal was massively burdened by the rush of the refugees and the state appealed to the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for assistance for food and shelter.

Bengali resistance- the Mukhti Bahini

The Bengali armed resistance Mukhti Bahini arose against the Pakistan army and the Indian forces helped them with arms and training.

India had a very crucial geopolitical motive to help Bangladesh due to the turbulent relationship with Pakistan. A win for the Bengali movement meant a peaceful eastern frontier for India. And as an immediate reason, the refugee crisis was becoming a huge economic burden for India.

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On the global scale, the U.S –Soviet tensions were high. India had signed a Friendship treaty with Russia hence the U.S was supporting Pakistan throughout all this.

The war was on the doorstep now.

Timeline of Indo Pak war 1971

December 3: Operation Chengiz Khan by Pakistan Air Force launched airstrikes against Indian airfields in the Western Sector, including Amritsar, Pathankot, Srinagar, Avantipura, Ambala, Sirsa, Halwara, Agra

December 3 to 6:  Indian Air Force retaliates by attacking Pakistan air bases in Western and Eastern sectors. Pakistan attacks Indian ground positions in Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir

December 4:  Battle of Longewala takes place in Rajasthan where Pakistani advance towards Jaisalmer is thwarted

December 5: Battle of Ghazipur in East Pakistan. Battle of Basantar in the Western sector in Pakistan’s Punjab in the Shakargarh salient near Sialkot. Battle of Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur district of Punjab

December 6: India formally recognizes Bangladesh as an independent nation. The city of Jessore is liberated

December 7:  Battle of Sylhet and Moulovi Bazaar begins in Bangladesh

December 8:  Operation Trident- Indian Navy launches attack on the Pakistani port city of Karachi

December 9: Indian Army fights Battle of Kushtia in Bangladesh. Chandpur and Daudkandi liberated. A helicopter bridge airlifts Indian troops across the Meghna river and makes the fall of Dhaka a matter of time

December 10: Chittagong airbase in Bangladesh attacked by Indian Air Force aircraft

December 11:  Tangail airdrop of a Parachute Battalion to cut off retreating Pakistani troops in Bangladesh

December 12 to 16:  Indian forces push through to Dhaka and enter the city.

On 16 th December, Pakistan Eastern Command Commander Lt Gen AAK Niazi signs the instrument of surrender and capitulates to Indian Eastern Commander Lt Gen Jagjit Singh Aurora. As many as 93,000 Pakistani troops lay down their arms in Bangladesh.

Mujirbur Rahman was released from prison in January and went on to become the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan on 2 nd July 1972- The LoC was recognized, India gave back occupied land back to Pakistan, PoWs were repatriated and the Kashmir issue was agreed to be discussed peacefully.

How did the Indo Pak War 1971 shape today’s India-Bangladesh relations?

The Indo-Pak war of 1971 liberated Bangladesh and established a friendly neighbourhood on the eastern front for India. Bangladesh is India’s largest trading partner in South Asia and one of the fastest-growing economies. Indian firms have huge investment opportunities in the country due to their growth potential. Bangladesh is crucial for India’s connectivity and peace in the north-eastern states.

  • India had recently inaugurated the new trade corridor, Maitri Setu Bridge from Sabroom in India to Ramgargh in Bangladesh on the Feni river in Tripura-Bangladesh border.
  • Bangabandhu Mujibur Rahman was awarded the Gandhi Peace Prize 2021.
  • Bangladesh was a special invitee to India’s 75 th independence day celebrations and President Kovind is part of Victory day celebrations in Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh marked 50 years of liberation war victory over Pakistan on 16 th December 2021.
  • The nation celebrated victory in the 1971 war for independence by hosting a military parade with India’s president as a guest of honour.

Bangladesh has a special place in India’s neighbourhood first policy and the relation is ever more crucial in the current geopolitical scenario as well.

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Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective

The Bangladesh Liberation War

  • Eric A. Strahorn

December 16, 1971 marked the end of the Bangladesh Liberation War, a short-lived conflict between India and Pakistan that established the People’s Republic of Bangladesh from the territory of the former province of East Pakistan.

Although the war is best remembered for its dramatic alteration of South Asia’s geopolitical landscape, it also bears a more complex and lesser-known set of legacies for how we think about Cold War international relations, twentieth-century genocidal and sexual violence , and the limits of international law in post-conflict societies.

Map of the 1947 partition of India, where orange represents India and green represents Pakistan.

The province East Pakistan was created during independence from the British empire in 1947 . At that time, the South Asian subcontinent was partitioned into two countries: India (including lands with a Hindu majority) and Pakistan (lands with a Muslim majority). The people and territory of East Bengal became East Pakistan.

East and West Pakistan were geographically, culturally, and ideologically distant and distinct. An independence movement for East Pakistan grew up based on Bengal ethnic concerns, the right to use the Bengali language, and a desire for local political control and self-rule.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman campaigning in East Pakistan.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (center with glasses) campaigning in East Pakistan for the 1970 general election.

The seeds of political crisis that led to the Liberation War were planted on December 7, 1970. The Awami League won a substantial victory in Pakistan’s elections. The League was a political party led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who had campaigned for autonomy for East Pakistan. However, they encountered immediate opposition from General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of the Pakistan People’s Party, which attempted to prevent the Awami League from forming the next government.

After months of fruitless negotiations, the Pakistani army was deployed in East Pakistan on March 25, 1971. It pursued a policy of reprisal, targeting supporters of Bangladesh liberation and perceived enemies of the state like the significant Hindu minority.

Bangladesh nationalist poster depicting atrocities at the hands of the Pakistani army.

Bangladesh nationalist poster depicting atrocities at the hands of the Pakistani army in 1971.

Deploying weapons such as fighter jets, tanks, and napalm—and creating radical religious militias to participate in the systematic murder and deportation of the populace—the army of Pakistan committed war crimes that reached the level of genocide.

What began as an internecine conflict soon became an international one. A Bangladesh independence militia called the Mukti Bahini, which drew support from the government of India , often engaged in guerilla operations in East Pakistan from bases on the Indian side of the border.

With as many as 15 million refugees crossing into its territory by autumn 1971, India decided to intervene militarily in the autumn for “purely humanitarian reasons” according to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Pakistan preempted Indian action, however, by attacking northern India from West Pakistan on December 3.

On the left, map of Bangladesh Liberation War refugee and troop movements. On the right, text of the Instrument of Surrender.

Map of Bangladesh Liberation War refugee and troop movements in 1971 (left) . Text of the Instrument of Surrender, 1971 (right).

Although the fighting lasted for only two weeks before a Pakistani surrender, the war became a flashpoint within the wider Cold War. Fearing that an Indian victory would pave the way for Soviet domination in the region, the United States did what it could to buttress Pakistan from the outset.

The Nixon administration had, for example, dispatched the aircraft carrier Enterprise into the Bay of Bengal as a deterrent to Indian military intervention. It also refrained from criticizing the ongoing humanitarian crisis, publicly declaring between March and December that the conflict remained a Pakistani internal matter.

Even as American diplomats at the consulate in Dhaka futilely sounded the alarm over the ongoing “selective genocide,” the White House illegally transferred weapons to Pakistan in direct violation of a Congressional sanction. The U.S., in other words, was complicit in an unfolding humanitarian crisis of astounding magnitude.

Monument to the teachers and officials of Dhaka University.

Monument to the teachers and officials of Dhaka University who were killed during the Liberation War.

Estimates of the death toll vary, stretching from hundreds of thousands to some 3 million. Furthermore, the Pakistani army used rape as a weapon of war. At least 200,000 women were assaulted and some 25,000 children resulted from those attacks.

The memory of those events remains contested. The government of Pakistan has never acknowledged that any atrocities were committed during the war and continues to insist that only a few thousand people were killed. In the slim literature on the subject, scholars have debated whether the Pakistani army’s actions qualify as genocide and who should be held responsible.

Exhibition at the Liberation War Museum in Dhaka.

Exhibition at the Liberation War Museum in Dhaka displaying human remains and war materials.

In Bangladesh, the political consequences of the Liberation War continue to resonate. Awami League governments led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (known as Mujib, 1973-75) and Sheikh Hasina (1996-2001; 2009-present) have sought to punish those who collaborated with Pakistan and enacted the 1973 International Crimes (Tribunal) Act and the 2009 International Crimes (Tribunals) (Amendment) Act (ICTAA). By 1975, some 752 people had been convicted and imprisoned.

But, despite their names, these tribunals remained solely Bangladeshi in scope and have never been affiliated with the International Criminal Court , leading some observers to claim that the trials have not met international standards.

At times, justice has appeared more distant than ever.

Individuals who aided the Pakistani army, or who were involved in the assassination of Mujib in 1975, have served in the governments of General Ziaur Rahman (1975-81), General Hussain Muhammad Ershad (1982-90), and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party led by Khaleda Zia (1991-1996; 2001-2006). General Ziaur Rahman halted the war crimes trials and they did not resume until 2010 under the ICTAA.

Demonstrators in Dhaka, Bangladesh (2013) demanding the death penalty for Kader Molla and all other war criminals.

Demonstrators in Dhaka, Bangladesh (2013) demanding the death penalty for Kader Molla and all other war criminals who committed atrocities during the Liberation War of Bangladesh.

The legacy of the Liberation War continues to shape civic life in Bangladesh today. As trials have been conducted in recent years, there have been violent protests by both their opponents and by those demanding harsher sentences for those convicted. Since 2013, there have been a series of murders of prominent secularists and human rights activists by Islamists in what appears to be retaliation for the trials.

  • IAS Preparation
  • This Day in History
  • This Day In History Mar - 26

Bangladesh Liberation War (Proclamation of Free Bangladesh) - [March 26, 1971] This Day in History

On 26 March 1971, Bangladesh was proclaimed as an independent nation by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, this led to the Bangladesh Liberation War when a guerilla war ensued between Pakistan and Bangladesh liberation forces with Indian support. In this article, you can read about the Bangladesh Liberation War in which India played a big role. The Bangladesh Liberation War culminated in December 1971 with the defeat of Pakistan.

Aspirants would find this article very helpful while preparing for the IAS Exam .

Bangladesh Liberation War Background

  • Ever since the 1947 partition of India into India and Pakistan (comprising present-day Bangladesh), the residents of East Pakistan felt their culture and status were being undermined by the forces in West Pakistan.
  • The Language Movement was started in 1948 meant to assert the rights of the Bengali-speaking population of Pakistan and also for the equal status of Bengali with Urdu, which alone was declared as Pakistan’s federal language.
  • There were also disparities in the economic status of both sides. The western side received more money from the common budget.
  • The Bengali attempt to increase their status and earn respect for their language was met with severe suppression from the authorities.
  • After the general elections in Pakistan in 1970, Mujibur Rahman’s Awami League won a clear majority. But, the military in Pakistan (which had only about 5% of Bengali officers) was opposed to him becoming the country’s supremo.
  • The military government of Yahya Khan was unwilling to give up power to Mujib. Bengali nationalism was on the rise.
  • On the night of 25 th March 1971, the Pakistani army started the now infamous ‘Operation Searchlight’ in which they killed students, intellectuals and civilians in Bangladesh. Thousands of Bengali women were raped by the Pakistani army. The idea was to brutally crush the Bengali resistance.
  • Since it was obvious that the West Pakistan authorities would not give legitimate power to Mujib, he declared the country’s independence on 26 March.
  • After this, a guerrilla war started between the Pakistani army and their collaborators who were called Razakars and the Bangladeshi liberation forces. The latter forces were called the ‘Mukti Bahini’.
  • When the Pakistani forces started attacking civilians in Bangladesh, millions of refugees came to India, especially to West Bengal and Assam.
  • Many Bengali soldiers from the Pakistan army defected to the Bengali side to fight for independence.
  • Indian forces were helping by giving arms and training to the soldiers of the Mukti Bahini. India entered into combat officially on 3 December 1971 when Pakistan attacked Indian Air Force Bases.
  • Pakistan was unable to defend Dhaka once India entered into the war. On 16 December 1971, Pakistan surrendered. India won the war and Bangladesh became a free country.
  • India played a key part in Bangladesh achieving recognition from other countries of the world. The then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had toured several countries to publicise the atrocities conducted by the Pakistani military in Bangladesh. This ensured that India’s entry into the war did not cause international rebuke and also helped the new nation gain quick international recognition.
  • Bangladesh celebrates the 26 th of March as its independence day.

Also on this Day

1974 : The Chipko Movement began.

See previous  ‘This Day in History’ here .

Consider the following statements

  • Bengali guerrillas carried out Operation Jackpot against the Pakistan Navy.
  • The Provisional Government of Bangladesh was formed on 17 April 1971 in Mujibnagar.
  • The Bengali Language Movement was a political movement in former East Bengal.
  • The six-point movement was a movement in East Pakistan, spearheaded by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, which called for greater autonomy for East Pakistan.

Which of the following statements are true?

A) All the statements are true

B) None of the statements is true

C) Only 1, 2 and 3 are true

D) Only 1, 2 and 4 are true.

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The above details would help candidates prepare for UPSC 2021 .

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Assignment on Liberation War

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Liberation War of Bangladesh Composition/Essay for SSC & HSC

Liberation war of bangladesh composition / essay for ssc & hsc , liberation war of bangladesh for ssc students , introduction:.

The Liberation War of Bangladesh, also known as the Bangladesh War of Independence, was a significant armed conflict that took place in 1971. It led to the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent and sovereign nation. The war was fought between East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh) and West Pakistan (present-day Pakistan) and remains a defining moment in the history of Bangladesh. This composition aims to provide an overview of the Liberation War of Bangladesh for SSC students.


The root causes of the Liberation War can be traced back to the partition of India in 1947, which led to the creation of two separate nations: India and Pakistan. East Pakistan, despite being geographically distant from West Pakistan, was politically dominated by the West. This power disparity, along with economic and cultural differences, caused discontent among the people of East Pakistan. The struggle for autonomy and recognition of Bengali identity gained momentum over the years.

The Agitation and Repression:

The people of East Pakistan faced widespread discrimination and neglect from the West Pakistani government. The language movement of 1952, which demanded recognition of Bengali as a national language, became a turning point in the fight for autonomy. However, the ruling establishment responded with forceful repression, leading to numerous casualties.

Election of 1970 and the Liberation War:

In 1970, general elections were held in Pakistan, and the Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, won a majority of seats in the National Assembly. However, the West Pakistani establishment refused to hand over power to the Awami League, leading to widespread protests and strikes in East Pakistan. On March 25, 1971, the Pakistani military launched Operation Searchlight, a brutal crackdown aimed at suppressing the movement for independence.

The Struggle and Resistance:

The people of East Pakistan, undeterred by the military's oppression, organized themselves into armed resistance groups. The Mukti Bahini, composed of freedom fighters from various backgrounds, played a crucial role in the liberation struggle. They engaged in guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and other acts of resistance against the Pakistani forces.

International Support and Humanitarian Crisis:

The Liberation War gained international attention, and countries like India, which shared a border with East Pakistan, provided support to the Bangladeshi freedom fighters. On December 16, 1971, the Pakistani forces surrendered to the joint forces of the Mukti Bahini and the Indian army, marking the end of the war. The conflict resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis, with millions of refugees fleeing to neighboring India to escape violence and persecution.

The Birth of Bangladesh:

The Liberation War of Bangladesh resulted in the emergence of an independent nation. On March 26, 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared Bangladesh's independence, and the country began its journey as a sovereign state. The sacrifices made by the freedom fighters and the resilience of the Bangladeshi people in the face of adversity remain an integral part of the nation's history and identity.


The Liberation War of Bangladesh was a pivotal event that shaped the destiny of the nation. It was a struggle for self-determination, justice, and recognition of the rights of the Bengali people. The war serves as a reminder of the indomitable spirit and sacrifices made by the freedom fighters who fought for the ideals of freedom, democracy, and equality. Understanding and appreciating this historic event is essential for SSC students to develop a deeper sense of national identity and pride.

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Liberation War of Bangladesh for HSC Students 


The Liberation War of Bangladesh, also known as the Bangladesh War of Independence, was a monumental armed conflict that took place in 1971. It marked a significant chapter in the history of Bangladesh, leading to the emergence of the nation as an independent and sovereign entity. This composition aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Liberation War of Bangladesh for HSC students, exploring its background, key events, and the lasting impact it had on the nation.

The roots of the Liberation War can be traced back to the partition of India in 1947, which resulted in the creation of two separate nations: India and Pakistan. East Pakistan, located geographically distant from West Pakistan, faced political, economic, and cultural marginalization. The dominant West Pakistani establishment perpetuated discrimination and neglect towards the people of East Pakistan, which fueled a growing sense of discontent and demands for autonomy.

Agitation and Repression:

The quest for autonomy and recognition of Bengali identity gained momentum through various movements. The Language Movement of 1952, which demanded the recognition of Bengali as a national language, became a pivotal event in the struggle for autonomy. The ruling establishment responded with brutal repression, using force to suppress the demands of the people. The sacrifices made during this period laid the foundation for the subsequent liberation movement.

In 1970, general elections were held in Pakistan, and the Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, secured an overwhelming majority of seats in the National Assembly. However, the West Pakistani establishment refused to hand over power to the Awami League, disregarding the democratic mandate of the people. This led to widespread protests and strikes in East Pakistan, further aggravating the already tense situation.

The Pakistani military, under the leadership of General Yahya Khan, launched Operation Searchlight on March 25, 1971. It was a brutal crackdown aimed at suppressing the movement for independence. The military's actions included mass killings, rape, arson, and widespread human rights abuses. This marked the beginning of the Liberation War, with the people of East Pakistan rising up against the oppressive regime.

Struggle and Resistance:

The people of East Pakistan, undeterred by the military's repression, organized themselves into various armed resistance groups. The Mukti Bahini, meaning "Freedom Fighters," played a crucial role in the liberation struggle. Composed of individuals from different backgrounds, including students, intellectuals, and ordinary citizens, they engaged in guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and other acts of resistance against the Pakistani forces.

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The Liberation War gained international attention, with countries like India providing crucial support to the Bangladeshi freedom fighters. Indian intervention in the war turned the tide in favor of the liberation forces. On December 16, 1971, the Pakistani forces surrendered to the joint forces of the Mukti Bahini and the Indian army. The conflict resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis, with millions of refugees fleeing to neighboring India to escape violence and persecution.

The culmination of the Liberation War led to the birth of the independent nation of Bangladesh. On March 26, 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared Bangladesh's independence, marking the end of a long and arduous struggle. The sacrifices made by the freedom fighters and the resilience of the Bangladeshi people in the face of adversity remain etched in the nation's history and collective memory.

Legacy and Impact:

The Liberation War of Bangladesh had a profound and lasting impact on the nation. It not only secured Bangladesh's independence but also shaped its identity as a country founded on the principles of democracy, freedom, and social justice. The war serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters and the price paid for the nation's sovereignty. It is an integral part of the Bangladeshi national identity, inspiring generations to uphold the values of independence, unity, and progress.

The Liberation War of Bangladesh stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit and sacrifices of the Bangladeshi people in their quest for freedom and self-determination. It was a struggle against oppression, discrimination, and the denial of basic rights. Understanding and appreciating the significance of this historic event is crucial for HSC students, as it provides a deeper understanding of their nation's history, instilling a sense of pride, and inspiring a commitment to upholding the ideals of freedom, democracy, and social justice.

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JUNE 7, 1966: Six Points were Bengalis’ charter of freedom

Considering the events of that day which were to be a milestone on the road to Bangladesh's independence in late 1971, the nation has since been observing June 7 as the historic Six-Point Day

On June 7, 1966, the Awami League called a countrywide hartal in the then East Pakistan in support of the historic Six-Point programme for regional autonomy Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had announced in February of the year.  Bangabandhu was arrested on May 8, 1966, while other leaders and activists were detained between May and the hartal called on June 7. 

Considering the events of that day which were to be a milestone on the road to Bangladesh's independence in late 1971, the nation has since been observing June 7 as the historic Six-Point Day.

The Six Points have been widely acknowledged as the "charter of freedom" for Bengalis and the movement in June 1966 for their implementation was a turning point in Bangladesh's struggle for freedom from Pakistani colonial domination, say historians and political analysts.

Prof Dr Syed Anwar Hussain, supernumerary teacher at the History Department of Dhaka University, said that after the partition of 1947 politicians of different quarters had raised some issues in various times, but Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Six-Point had combined all demands.

Regarding the importance of the Six-Point Demand, he said: “I would like to mention three incidents about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to explain the significance of the Six Points.”

“First, in a conversation about the goal of the Six Points with then NAP chairman Mozaffar Ahmed, Bangabandhu said, ‘There is only one point, I just it turned around a little.’ Second, during a conversation with former student leader Abdur Razzaq, Bangabandhu said, ‘I just made a bridge to go forward with the demand of autonomy.’

“And third, while talking to poet Syed Shamsul Haque, who was working for BBC at the time, Bangabandhu had said, ‘What I want from Pakistan is how much they have taken from us, how much they will pay back and when they will leave’,” said Prof Anwar.

Historian Mohiuddin Ahmad, whose books on political history have been widely acclaimed, told Dhaka Tribune that though the key demand from the Six Points was also mentioned in the 21 demands made by United Front in 1954, the Six-Point formula was very specific, well focused and aggressive. “Within four years, the Six Points turned into one demand.”

“The leaders of the then West Pakistan realized that if they acceded to the Six-Point demand, then East Pakistan would no longer be with them. It would be a confederation automatically, and that’s why West Pakistan rejected the Six Points from the beginning,” he said.

Brief history of Six-Point Movement

On February 5, 1966, a national conference of Pakistan’s opposition parties was held in Lahore. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman placed his historic Six-Point demand at the conference, but when his fellow opposition leaders refused to entertain it, he announced the programme at a news conference.

On March 1, Mujib was elected president of the Awami League, with Tajuddin Ahmad as general secretary of the party.Afterwards, Mujib launched a campaign to gather support for the Six-point Demand.

He travelled around the country. Police arrested and detained him several times in Sylhet, Mymensingh and Dhaka during the campaign. In total, he was arrested eight times in the first quarter of that year.

On May 8, he was arrested under the Defence of Pakistan Rules after addressing a rally of jute mill workers in Narayanganj. A nationwide hartal was observed on June 7 demanding his release and that of other political prisoners. Police opened fire on demonstrators during the strike, killing several workers in Dhaka, Narayanganj and Tongi.

A booklet on Six-point Demand with introduction from Sheikh Mujib and Tajuddin Ahmad was published.

Another booklet titled “Amader Banchar Dabi: Chhoy-dofa Karmashuchi” (Our demand for existence: Six-point Program) was published in the name of Sheikh Mujib and distributed at the Awami League council held on March 18, 1966.

The leaders of West Pakistan looked at the Six-Point Program as a plan to dismember Pakistan, and they outright rejected the demands. The Ayub government projected Sheikh Mujib as a separatist and later initiated the Agartala conspiracy case against him and 34 others in June 1968. The trial was conducted before a special tribunal set up by the Ayub regime in Dhaka cantonment.

The case led to widespread agitation in East Pakistan, culminating in a Mass Upsurge in early 1969. Under public pressure, the government was forced to release Sheikh Mujib unconditionally on February 22, 1969.

The Six Points

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  15. Assignment on Liberation War

    Introduction: After reading this book (LIBERATION- Bangladesh-1971) I come to know our liberation war and the soldiers who sacrifice their lives in the War of liberation. The authors Mj Gen Dhruv C Katoch (SM, VSM) and Lt Col Quazi Sajjad Ali Zahir, they tried to highlights the achievement of our Mukti Bahini and also the Indian Armed Forces as well as the heroic sacrifices of citizens of East ...

  16. Liberation War of Bangladesh Composition/Essay for SSC & HSC

    The Liberation War of Bangladesh, also known as the Bangladesh War of Independence, was a monumental armed conflict that took place in 1971. It marked a significant chapter in the history of Bangladesh, leading to the emergence of the nation as an independent and sovereign entity. This composition aims to provide a comprehensive understanding ...

  17. (PDF) 5. From Student Activists to Muktibahini: Students ...

    This chapter examines mass violence in the context of the War of Liberation of Bangladesh (1970 - 1971) with a particular focus on the way that students of Dhaka University were particularly ...

  18. Language for Liberation: The Class Struggle Behind Ekushey ...

    Nafis H. February 21, 1952 remains one of the most significant dates in the history of Bangladesh, a landmark day in the context of the 1971 liberation war. To understand how the Bhasha Andolan (Language Movement) became a mass uprising, we must look at the class struggle that led up to the movement. A mural of five students who were killed by ...

  19. The Liberation War of Bangladesh: Emergence of Nationalism in the

    The political, social, economic, and cultural background of the liberation war of 1971 and the emergence of independent Bangladesh is huge and varied in the form of canvas.

  20. Six point movement

    Sheikh Mujibur Rahman announcing the six points in Lahore on 5 February 1966. The six point movement was a movement in East Pakistan, spearheaded by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, which called for greater autonomy for East Pakistan. The movement's main agenda was to realize the six demands put forward by a coalition of Bengali nationalist political parties in 1966, to end the perceived exploitation of ...

  21. PDF Chapter-44 Ministry of Liberation War Affairs

    Ministry of Liberation War Affairs 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Independence is the best achievement of the Bengali Nation. On 16 December 1971, the red-green flag was raised in the sky of Bangladesh after 9 month's long fierce fighting. This independence is achieved by the blood shading of million martyrs,

  22. JUNE 7, 1966: Six Points were Bengalis' charter of freedom

    The Six Points have been widely acknowledged as the "charter of freedom" for Bengalis and the movement in June 1966 for their implementation was a turning point in Bangladesh's struggle for freedom from Pakistani colonial domination, say historians and political analysts. Prof Dr Syed Anwar Hussain, supernumerary teacher at the History ...

  23. Six Point: The stepping stone of Liberation Movement

    Published on June 1, 2021. 1. Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque and Dr. M. Abul Kashem Mozumder: Six-point movement was the stepping stone of the war of liberation the basis of which was Bengali nationalism. The movement was closely connected with the development of Bengali nationalism. The response from the common people to six-point demand was ...