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How To Write Job Application Letter Sample For Any Position

How To Write Job Application Letter Sample For Any Position

It has become increasingly necessary for job seekers to submit an application letter alongside their resume during the job application process . 

But why is this so important? 

First, attaching an application letter helps to set you apart from other applicants and research has shown that about half of recruiters reject job applications without application letters. 

So if you're currently job hunting and want to increase your chances of having your resume read and landing an interview, then you need to learn how to write the perfect job application letter. 

Now we understand that writing application letters every single time you're applying for a new post can be exhausting. Some of these job openings have a really short application window, leaving you with little to no time to craft out something good from scratch.  That is why we have created the perfect job application letter template for any position with a sample you can swipe in a minute. 

What Is An Application Letter?

An application letter is a document that can either be attached to your resume, sent in the body of an email or sent as a standalone document to a potential employer, with the sole purpose of expressing your interest in an open job position. 

A well-written application letter should give the reader a good reason why you should be called in for an interview and must also highlight key skills and qualifications that make you a great fit for the role being advertised.

Aside from showcasing your job-worthy qualifications, an application letter is a great way of showing your personality and familiarity with the company you're applying to. Feel free to mention your professional goals and aspirations and how they align with the company goals. 

What Is The Format Of A Job Application Letter?

When writing a job application letter, you are expected to follow a business letter format. There's also a slight difference when formatting depending on the medium through which it will be sent. 

Here are three easy steps on how to format a job application letter

Use a professional format- you must keep your application letter professional and precise. This means that your document must include single line spacing, one-inch margins and left alignment. Avoid using fancy fonts and stick to more traditional ones like Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri.  Your font size should be between 10 to 12 points and keep the letter one page long. 

Create the heading- use a formal business letter heading if you are submitting a hard copy application. This includes your name and contact information, the date, company name and address. Example of the header:

[Your name]

[Your City]

[Your phone number]

[ Your email address]

[Name of hiring manager]

[Title of hiring manager]

[Company name]

[Company address]

Including your contact information, makes it easy for the hiring manager to follow up with you regarding the job. 

The major difference between formatting a hardcopy application letter and an email is in the heading. For an email, you'll need to include a catchy subject line that clearly states your purpose for writing. This will determine if your email gets opened and is read. A simple email application subject line would be "Videographer - Michael Williams". And unlike in a hardcopy version where your contact information is written at the top of the letter, with email, you can place it below your signature.  

Address the letter to the hiring manager-  Find out the name of the person in charge and address the letter to this person using a common business greeting like Dear Mr/Mrs and their Last Name. If you don't know their gender and which pronouns to use, you can write your greeting as "Dear First and Last Name". And if you're unable to find their names, a simple "Dear Hiring manager will work just fine.

Best Tips For Writing An Application Letter

When writing an application letter, make sure to incorporate the following tips to increase the effectiveness of your letter.

1 . Always send an application letter 

You should always send an application letter with your resume for every job you're applying for unless the job ad specifically says not to send one. An application letter helps the employer to learn more about you than they would have from reading just your resume and it also sets you apart from other applicants.

2 . Use keywords

Most job postings will include skills and abilities that they expect candidates to possess. Review the job posting to find out these keywords and incorporate them into your application letter to show the employer that you're a good fit for the role.

3 . Emphasize your skills and abilities

While your resume contains information on your skills and qualifications, an application letter offers your more room to sell yourself as the best candidate for that position. Instead of just listing your skills and accomplishments, give specific examples of how you applied your skills and abilities to situations that benefited the organisation. 

For example  instead of saying "I managed website content for ABC for 2 years" you can say " I created a content calendar consisting of four SEO-optimized articles per week for ABC's website which saw a 50% increase in organic traffic within 3 months"

4. Keep it brief

While sharing your skills and accomplishments, don't forget to only mention the important stuff and keep it short. Your application letter should be a page long, so focus on mentioning only those things that relate to the position you're applying for.

5. Proofread the letter

Don't be in such a hurry to write and submit your application letter without proofreading and editing. Maintain your professional approach by making sure that your letter is error-free. Check for spelling mistakes, punctuations and proper spacing before you click the send button. 

What To Say In A Job Application Letter

If you find yourself struggling with what to say in your application letter, you're not alone. Here are the key things to mention in your application letter.

1 . Express your interest

In the first paragraph of your letter, you're expected to express your interest in the role being advertised. Make sure to convey your enthusiasm through your words. The hiring manager should be able to tell from the tone of the letter that you're excited about working with them and that this is not just another routine letter that you're sending to every other company.  

❌  "In response to your job ad for a Graphic designer, I would like to indicate my interest in the position" 

✔️ "As a lifelong enthusiast of ABC's marketing initiatives, I was thrilled to see your posting for the position of a Graphics designer in your marketing team".

2.  List your experience and qualifications

Right after you have shown interest in the job being advertised, mention your skills, experience and qualifications in a way that aligns with the company's mission and goals.  For example, if the role you're applying for is in the financial sector, you can emphasize how you have worked within the accounting department at your previous job.

3. Mention your best personality traits

While maintaining a professional approach,  don't forget to mention your best personality traits that show your potential employer that you're friendly and easy-going. If the job requires you to work with a team, you can explain how you value community spirit.

4. Express appreciation

Before your sign off your letter, remember to appreciate the hiring manager for taking out time to read what you have written. 

5. Close the letter

 Avoid focusing on how much you need the job and instead place emphasis on what you have to offer. Also, avoid repeating cliche phrases like " thanks for your time and consideration" instead close with a promise. A simple way to go about this is to tell the hiring manager that you're looking forward to an interview with them so you can discuss how your knowledge and experience can help them achieve the company's future goals. 

To sign off, instead of using "Sincerely" you can replace it with other synonyms like " Best regards", or "Respectfully yours".

6. Add a postscript

All of the above are must-haves in your application letter but this last one is optional. Adding a postscript is a special trick that some people use. The postscript P.S screams "important information that you cannot miss" it draws the reader's attention and leaves them wanting more, hence earning you at least a callback or an interview. You can use this to tell the hiring manager something impressive about your career and say that you'd like to share more details if they are interested. 

How To Send A Job Application Letter

There are three ways you can send your application letter, you either submit it through the company’s recruitment portal or via email or a hardcopy alongside your resume in an envelope to the physical address of the company.

Since most companies now digitize their application processes, sending a job application letter through email has become the most popular option. When sending via email, make sure to use a subject line that contains your name and the position you're applying for.

Job Application Letter  Template

Contact Information (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

City, State

Phone Number

Email address

Employer's Contact Information (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

City, state

Dear Mr/Ms Last Name or Dear Hiring manager (if you don't have the name of the person in charge)

Body of Application Letter

The body of your application letter is where you show your interest in the job, the position you're applying for, and mention solid reasons why the employer should grant you an interview. It should include about three to four paragraphs and not be more than one page long.

First Paragraph - mention where you saw the job posting, include the name of a mutual contact where applicable, and express your interest in the position

Middle Paragraph- this paragraph can be broken down into two, and for easy comprehension, you can use bullet points to state and explain your experiences and accomplishments.

Final Paragraph- thank the hiring manager for reviewing your letter and including follow-up information.

Sincerely, Best regards

Your Signature (for hardcopy)

Job Application Letter Example 

Cassandra Ejiro (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

17 DLA Road

Asaba, Delta State


[email protected]

21 July 2022 (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

Hezekiah Obi

Human resource manager

Vienna Int'l Hotel

Warri, Delta State

Dear Mr Obi, 

I was thrilled when I came across your job ad for the post of a social media manager on MyJobMag and I decided to give it my best shot.

Looking at your company's ongoing project to launch new community bus terminals, it is obvious that a social media campaign would be a great way to create awareness for the brand, attract potential sponsors and connect with your customers at the grassroots level. I believe I have just what you need to bring this campaign to life.

I've worked as a content manager at New Media group where I had the responsibility of overseeing research, writing, editing and publishing of the company's blog posts. I was also in charge of handling three social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which I successfully grew to above 5000 active followers on each platform within 3 months of consistent posting. 

I also have:

Expertise in WordPress, Facebook and Instagram ads

Basic graphic design skills like creating simple picture graphics and slides best for Instagram posts

Feel free to reach out to me at your convenience to discuss your company's goals and needs in the coming year. You can reach me on 0912345678.

Best regards

Cassandra Ejiro

PS: I would love the opportunity to show you how I generated new customer leads from the comments section of the New Media Twitter handle in just a month, using my 30-day content creation calendar. 

Now that we know how to write an application letter, it is time to start applying for the right job vacancies in Kenya .

application letter for employment in kenya

Staff Writer

47 comment(s).

peris bwire

So informative thanks you so much.

Lutomia Emanuel

Great insight !, Thank you. 

Vinius Okayumba

Very helpful stuff there.Thank you 

Tsisaga Peter Ambani

Very informative.Thank you.

James Mwaniki

Nice one there a difference between a cover letter and an application letter?

mary mungai


Abdi Halake

atleast have learnt why employers never resond to my applications.. now i have learnt.  THANKS

milka akinyi

Very insightful and informative


This will surely come in handy.

Joseph Yongo

I appreciate the guidelines 

Zachariah Kefah

Very informative

Grace Waithira

Thanks for sharing I have known some issues that were a hinderance.

Hazeline Lego

Thanks I will never mss to be shortlisted for an interview,it was kind of you


this is so insightful. will have to use these formats

Priscilla Kamulya

Helpful. Thank you

Ann Njoki

Very informative.

Joseph Musau

Great insight.

Faith Yaran

I am now confident to apply for jobs.

Thank you 

Job Nyabuto

Hello..thanks for the information.

Pauline Nyakio

Thank you for sharing this


Amazing article, thank you so much.

Jeniffer muendi

Wow so informative



Rebecca Ogoti

Thanks very informative

Josphat Sitima

Much directive,,thank you very much!

Mussa Japheth

That's nice 

Tuei Nixon

This will come in handy for most job seekers.

There are also you can use to improve your writing skill.


A lovely guide.


A great guide indeed, keep ot up

Dorothy Akinyi

Very impressive and of great insight 

nelly chepngetich

Very impressive!

Michelle Foza

Pretty informative and interesting...thanks for this

Arthur Kanyi

This will be helpful, thank you.

Nehemiah Khasuru

thanks for a nice briefing

Joshua Ombok

So impressive


This nice I have learn more thank again big...

patrick musyoka

So educative thanks

Hilda Akoth

This was impactful and educative. Thank you 

Tyson Kamau

This is helpful. Thank you 

Mourine Omollo

The best I have come informative 

Evalyne chepngetich

Very informative. Now I know. 

joseph kimathi

Ippressive ideas to beginners thanks

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How to write an application letter for employment

An application letter also known as a cover letter is a document accompanied by the curriculum vitae when applying for a job. Your CV contains your skills, experience and education background in detail while your application letter for employment highlights the requirements you have for your desired job. This article will guide you on how to write an application letter for a job vacancy. Read on to know more.

application letter for employment

Writing an application letter requires some skills. Everything has to be professional. Your potential employer will want to see your abilities and talents in your application letter before seeing what you can present. The first rule of writing an application letter is that it should be concise and to the point. Employers do not have time for long letters as they are probably vetting more candidates. Check out job application letter examples and writing tips below.

Steps to writing a good letter of employment

application letter for employment in kenya

Best CV samples for fresh graduates in Kenya

  • Prepare and organize your thoughts: Keep in mind that a lot of candidates are applying for the same position. Highlight the most useful or relevant skills and experiences. You need to understand what the employer is looking for and be in a position to convince him or her that you are fit for the job. Explain your qualifications and skills in such a way that the need of the employer will be met. With the ideas of what you want to write in mind, better still, written down; you can then proceed to the actual writing.
  • Writing guide: This is a totally different write-up from a quick email to your friend or a thank you note to someone you appreciate. There are expectations from those who will receive your application. Meeting the bare minimum would mean better consideration of your case. You need to adhere to spacing, presentation and length guidelines if you want hiring managers to read your letter.
  • Length: The length should not exceed a page
  • Font: Have between 10 and 12 points in your font size so as to make your legible.
  • Formatting and margins: The format and page margins of your letter matter too. Single space your letter with spaces between every paragraph. Align your text to the left if it is not the default setting. Use at least 1” margins and use a favorable font. Times New Roman, Calibri, and Arial are the most suitable MS Word fonts to use in your application letter for a job.

application letter for employment in kenya

Complete guide to writing an effective appointment letter

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The format of an application letter

The following format should be used when writing an application letter:

This includes both your contact and that of your potential employer. The heading contains your name, postal address, the email, phone number, and the date beneath the contact information. The recipient's contact information includes the company name, the address, and their role. Add the reference just below the contact details.

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The introduction of an application letter for a job should have a simple salutation such as Dear Mr. /Ms. which is followed by the person's last name. Do not be casual in your greetings. Avoid words like “Hey or hello” and use more professional terms. Only use “To Whom It May Concern” if you are unsure of the name or title person you are addressing. You can also use general salutations like “Dear Human Resources Manager” or “Dear Hiring Manager” if the contact person’s name has not been provided.

application letter for employment in kenya

A step by step guide for writing an awesome attachment letter

This part contains the most weight in your application letter. Start by mentioning the job you want and where you heard the vacancy from. Next state your qualifications and convince your employer to be that you are the best guy for the job. Mention any accomplishments you have had in your career or how your skills saved a company you previously worked for in your application letter for a job vacancy. Employers love to hear about your achievements as they are assured that your addition to the company will make the firm more successful. Share every detail in your experience.

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In conclusion, be grateful to your potential employer for taking the time to hear you out and thank them for considering you. The conclusion is usually short, just three to four sentences.

Sign off with with a polite close like yours sincerely or yours faithfully. Complete the letter with your handwritten signature followed by your name, typed. Include your contact information as you end..

application letter for employment in kenya

Different styles used to write letters

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Job application letter template

application letter for employment

Job application letter sample

(Your contact information )

(Employer’s contacts information )

Dear Sir/Madam, (salutation)

Re: Application for the Sales Manager job

I would like to express my interest in the Sale Manager position that was posted on the Daily Magazine on 4th December 2018. My experience and skills are sufficient enough to meet the requirements of this job. (Indicate your interest in the job and from where you learned about it).

Working as a Sales Manager for MNP Company exposed me to very many activities that enhanced my experience in my line of work. I effectively managed the budgets for the company and solved customer complaints amicably for six years. (Talk about what you did in the past that enabled you to gain the skills).

Attached is my resume providing further details about me. Thank you for considering me. (Express gratitude).

application letter for employment in kenya

How to write a verification of employment letter


Kate Williams

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There you have it. A step by step procedure of writing the best application letter for employment. Go ahead and apply for that job you saw advertised. Goodluck!

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How to write application letter and sample letters of application

Last updated on: January 12, 2021 by Dennis Koech Leave a Comment

How to write application letter and sample letters of application: There are different types of application letters. However, the formal format of writing application letters is almost the same. What differs is the content of application.

Types of application letters

They include;

  • Job application letter : Normally written to request for a job. Must be accompanied by a CV.
  • Attachment application letter : Written by students looking for attachment.
  • Internship application letter : Written by individuals looking for internship.
  • Inquiry application letter : Written to inquire about job openings.

How to write application letters: Formal format

Follow these steps;

  •  At the top of the application letter should be your address  then followed by the address of company or receiver (Check for sample application letter here )
  • There after the salutation . It should look like this (Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName:)
  • Reference (This is the title of the application letter) example Application for internship in the engineering department
  • Opening paragraph : This paragraph should state the position you are applying to or for and how you knew of the position. It should also contain a basic introduction of who you are.
  • Body paragraph : Explain why you are interested in the position you are applying for, demonstrate your understanding of the position, talk about your qualification and skills in brief as they will be contained in your CV.
  • Conclusion Paragraph : State that you are ready to take the opportunity fairly. Thank the employer for her/his consideration in advance.
  • Closing remarks or complimentary remarks: End your application letter as shown below

(Your handwritten signature)

Your name typed

NOTE: Sample application letter is available here

Do you need a customized cover letter to apply for attachment or job? 

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How To Write an Application Letter

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How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

An application letter is important to include when you’re submitting your resume for a job. This type of letter allows you to elaborate on your qualifications and explains why you want the position. A well-written application letter can inspire hiring managers to call you for an interview, propelling you forward in the application process. In this article, we share the steps for writing an application letter along with a template and an example for you to use when writing your own.

What is an application letter?

An application letter, also known as a cover letter, is a document that accompanies your resume when you’re applying for a job. This letter expands upon the information you have noted in your resume. It gives you a powerful opportunity to emphasize your most relevant qualifications and explain why you believe you’re the best candidate for the job.

While you’re not always required to include an application letter with your resume, it’s always a good idea to do so. This document allows you to present a persuasive argument for why you deserve a job interview. Your application letter can also help explain your resume further, such as a long gap in employment or apparent demotion. While a resume is confined to a concise format, your application letter provides room for elaboration. Use the application letter to its full potential to increase your chances of moving forward in the hiring process.

How to write an application letter

Follow these steps to compose a compelling application letter:

1. Research the company and job opening

Thoroughly research the company you’re applying to and the specifications of the open position. The more you know about the job, the better you can customize your application letter. Look for details like:

  • Recent awards the company has received
  • Major accomplishments or distinguishers that set this business apart from competitors
  • Specialized certifications, skills or knowledge that are necessary or helpful for the job
  • The size of the company
  • The company culture
  • Charitable projects the company is involved with
  • The name and title for the hiring manager

2. Use a professional format

This letter should follow a professional format and include your name, your contact information, the date and the company’s information. Begin with a professional salutation, such as  “Dear X,”  and address the hiring manager by name whenever possible. If thorough research doesn’t yield the hiring manager’s name, you may use  “Dear [Department] Hiring Manager,”  to address your recipient.

3. State the position you’re applying for

Open the letter with a clear statement about the position you are applying for. Mention the company by name. You may want to specify where you saw the job posting. If you were referred by someone at the company, be sure to include their name and position.

4. Explain why you’re the best fit for the job

In one or two impactful sentences, explain why you’re the best fit for this job opening. Provide clear details regarding your experience, skills, education or certifications.

5. Summarize your qualifications

Mention the top qualifications that make you a good fit for the job. Provide a brief summary of your background that highlights the most important points from your resume. Consider what you want the hiring manager to know first. The reader will likely read your cover letter before reviewing your application, so this is your opportunity to make a compelling argument for why the reader should review your resume.

6. Mention why you want the job

Include a personal statement about why you want this position. You’ve already explained why the company should want you. This section details why you have chosen this company and what excites you most about this job opportunity.

7. Include a professional closing

Thank the reader for reviewing your letter, reference your resume and any other attached documents and offer to provide additional information as needed. Mention that you look forward to the next steps in the hiring process and conclude with  “Sincerely,”  as a closing.

Application letter template

[Your name] [Your address] [Your city, state and zip code] [Date] [Hiring manager’s name] [Hiring manager’s title] [Company name] [Company address] [Company city, state and zip code] Dear [Hiring manager’s name], I’m writing to express my interest in the position of [job title] at [company]. [Explain how you heard about the job and name your contact if you were referred by someone within the company.] I believe my [skills and qualifications] make me an ideal fit for this job. [Use the second paragraph to elaborate on how you would help the company. Reference specific campaigns or projects when possible.] [Use the third paragraph to summarize your key qualifications. Elaborate on your most important accomplishments and include details that you were unable to provide in the more concise format of your resume.] [Use the fourth paragraph to briefly explain why you want to work for this company. Mention the additional documents included with your cover letter, and express your excitement about moving forward in the hiring process.] Sincerely, [Your name]

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10 Must Have Documents While Applying For A Job In Kenya


The process of applying a job in Kenya should be fairly classified as a job on itself based on the technicalities involved.

application letter for employment in kenya

Right from assembling the job required documents to searching for the job openings and finally pitching your CV is a whole course that maybe should be introduced in schools.

Besides, one has to face the cruelty of applying for several jobs, atleast for one year if your are very lucky. Not to mention unfair interviews which happen to have already a pre-determined winner based on favorism.

Today, we look at a specific daunting task, of assembling the required documents, the process has been even made difficult by introduction of payable documents which amounts close to Ksh.5,000.

Below is the list of documents you must have if you are looking to start a job hunting in Kenya especially in securing government and other top jobs.

  • Application letter- specified to the job that was advertised. Short and brief
  • Curriculum VItae aka Resume or CV- detailing your qualifications and abilities with correct references
  • Educational Documents- KCPE, KCSE, Diploma, Degree, Masters and other relevant document
  • Basic skills documents eg- Driving Licence, Foreign Languages, Computer Skills etc (Have atleast one documents)
  • Recommendation letters- Letters talking about you from your referees
  • Marriage document- To prove you are married, no need to have if not married
  • Certificate Of Good Conduct – Ksh. 1,050- Payment For: Not Being a Criminal
  • Helb Clearance – Ksh. 1,000- Payment For: Not having an outstanding arrears
  • E.A.C.C Clearance – Ksh. 500-Payment For: Not Being Corrupt
  • Credit Reference Bureau Clearance – Ksh. 2,200-Payment For: Not having Debts or Loans with Financial institutions

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application letter for employment in kenya

Example of Application Letter For A Driver Job In Kenya

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Last updated on June 13th, 2023 at 09:52 am

Application Letter For A Driver Job In Kenya

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am excited to apply for the Driver position available at [Company Name]. I believe that my experience, skillset, and passion for driving make me a great candidate for this role.

I have [Number of Years] years of experience as a driver in [Industry/Company], where I have gained valuable experience in driving a variety of vehicles, including buses, trucks, and vans. I have an excellent driving record and am familiar with the local roads and traffic regulations.

I take pride in ensuring that my vehicle is always well-maintained and clean, and I understand the importance of safety and security for both passengers and cargo. I am also adept at handling unexpected situations, such as traffic congestion or vehicle breakdowns.

As a team player, I understand the importance of punctuality and am always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that deliveries or pickups are made on time. I am also willing to work flexible hours and travel to different locations as needed.

I am excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and contribute to its success as a professional driver. Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Guidelines and Best Practices:

  • Highlight your driving experience, including the types of vehicles you have driven.
  • Emphasize your driving record and understanding of local traffic regulations.
  • Mention your commitment to maintaining a clean and well-maintained vehicle.
  • Show your willingness to work flexible hours and travel to different locations.
  • Express enthusiasm for the opportunity to work with the company.
  • Use professional language and a formal tone.
  • Proofread your letter for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Attach your resume and any additional documents required by the company.
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application letter for employment in kenya

See Why Kenyans Think Candidates with Badly-Written Cover Letters Deserve Chance

  • A real estate company shared a cover letter riddled with grammar errors and incoherent language on social media
  • The cover letter sparked intense reactions on social media platforms, with netizens engaging in a heated debate about hiring practices
  • Despite the obvious flaws in the application letter, many social media users expressed support for the candidate

A section of Kenyans on social media has admitted they would hire a candidate with a poorly written application letter after an employer shared a badly written cover letter.

A real estate company shared a trending cover letter with poor grammar, which ignited reactions from netizens about hiring candidates despite poor language skills.

The letter shared showed how a candidate ineptly described himself in an incoherent manner and with glaring grammar errors that were too conspicuous.

However, in the comment section, many were interestingly impressed by the letter, saying no candidate should be denied a job based on their language proficiency.

Many opined that a candidate who takes the bold step to make an application for a job despite their writing skills deserves a fair chance in the erratic job market.

Kenyans react to poorly-written application letter

Nyaribo Kephah said:

"I can confidently state that English cannot define the capabilities of someone. I once recruited someone who could barely write his name but turned out to be the best employee."

Ken Njagi said:

"Give him a short term probation and check his performance. The work will speak louder and more fluently than any Englishman ever would."

Ninnah Colletah said:

"The confidence alone makes the person qualify. Kindly hire this person."

Kalisto Mc'Omondi said:

"Give him a chance by calling him into a physical interview, assess his potential skills and engage him within his capacity." also contacted the company that posted the letter and said it did not expect the letter to go viral and ignite the debate that it did.

"It was a very enlightening moment and I agree with all those who said they can recruit a candidate with poor grammar. This is because I do not believe fluency in English language denotes intelligence or hard work needed to succeed in a job like ours," a representative from the company said.
"I am glad we were able to ignite such a much-need conversation at a time when Kenya is grappling with worrying levels of unemployment," she added.

Jobless man's application letter goes viral

In other news, a jobless man wrote a hilarious cover letter for a job application that has excited netizens.

The letter that has gone viral on social media indicates that the unknown applicant is seeking to fill a job position.

From a keen look, it appears that the job seeker has applied for the job position left vacant by a deceased manager.

See Why Kenyans Think Candidates with Badly-Written Cover Letters Deserve Chance

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  11. How To Write a Job Application Letter Sample For Any Position

    Start with a professional email address that ideally includes your first and last name. For the subject line of your email, be clear and concise, mentioning the job title and your full name, such ...

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  19. National Employment Authority

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  21. Sample Cover Letter For Attachment In Kenya

    Example: Application Letter For Nursing Job In Kenya; Application Letter For Security Guard With No Experience In Kenya; Features. Features. Bonus. Rating. REGISTER. 1. Get $10,000 in your DEMO account ; Minimum trading amount is $1 ; Get up to 98% Rate on Return ; Fast deposits and withdrawals ;

  22. Example of Application Letter For A Driver Job In Kenya

    Application Letter For A Driver Job In Kenya. Dear [Hiring Manager], I am excited to apply for the Driver position available at [Company Name]. I believe that my experience, skillset, and passion for driving make me a great candidate for this role. I have [Number of Years] years of experience as a driver in [Industry/Company], where I have ...

  23. See Why Kenyans Think Candidates with Badly-Written Cover Letters ...

    The job cover letter sparked intense reactions on social media platforms, with netizens engaging in a heated debate about hiring practices in Kenya. ... cover letter for a job application that has ...