Exam Cheating, Its Causes and Effects

Introduction, definition of cheating, works cited.

The ability of a nation to compete effectively on the international front hinges on the quality of its education. With this in mind, it is okay to conclude that cheating in exams undermines the standard of education in a country and consequently hinders its ability to compete at the world stage. Indeed, students who cheat in exams become poor decision makers in their careers. Their productivity and level of integrity is adversely dented by their belief of having everything the easy way. Academic dishonesty is not new but with the increase in competition for jobs, most students have resorted to cheating in order to qualify for these jobs (Anderman and Johnston 75). The purpose of this paper is to research in detail the causes and effects of cheating in exams.

In the education fraternity, cheating entails: copying from someone, Plagiarizing of academic work and paying someone to do your homework. There are numerous reasons why students cheat in exams however; this action elicits harsh repercussions if one is caught. This may include: suspension, dismissal and/or cancellation of marks (Davis, Grover, Becker and McGregor 16).

One of the major reasons that make students cheat in exams is the over-emphasis that has been placed on passing exams. Apparently, more effort has been directed towards passing of exams than learning due to the high competition in the job market. Similarly, most interviewers focus more on certificates rather than the knowledge of the candidate. It is no wonder most learning institutions these days focus on teaching how to pass an exam and completely disregard impacting knowledge to students.

In some cases, students cheat because they are not confident of their ability or skills in academics. Whenever this feeling is present, students resort to cheating as a way of avoiding ridicule in case of failure. In essence, some of these students are very bright but the fear of failure and the lack of adequate preparations compel them to cheat. The paradox is that when cheating, most students swear that they will never do it again but this only serves as the beginning of a vicious cycle of cheating (Anderman and Johnston 76).

Societal pressure is another major cause for cheating in schools. Parents, teachers and relatives always, with good intentions, mount too much pressure on students to get good grades in order to join good schools and eventually get high paying jobs. All this pressure creates innate feelings that it is okay to cheat in exams if only to satisfy their parents and teachers egos.

There are times when students justify cheating because others do it. In most cases, if the head of the class is cheating then most of the other students will feel they have enough reason to also cheat. The system of education is such that it does not sufficiently reprimand those who cheat and tends to hail those who pass exams regardless of how they have done—the end justifies the means.

With the advent of the internet, it has become very easy to access information from a website using a phone or a computer. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo have made it very easy for students to buy custom-made papers for their class work. It is very easy for students from all over the world to have the same answer for an assignment as they all use a similar website. Indeed, plagiarism is the order of the day, all on has to do is to have the knowledge to search for the different reports and essays on the net (Davis, Grover, Becker and McGregor 18).

Nowadays, most tutors spend most of their class time giving lectures. In fact, it is considered old fashioned to give assignments during class time. Consequently, these assignments are piled up and given during certain durations of the semester. This poses a big challenge to students who have to strike a balance between attending to their homework and having fun. As a result, the workload becomes too much such that it is easier to pay for it to be done than actually do it—homework then becomes as demanding as a full-time job (Jordan 234).

From a tender age, children are taught that cheating is wrong; yet most of them divert from this course as they grow up. In fact, most of them become so addicted to the habit that they feel the need to perfect it. Most often, if a student cheats and never gets caught, he is likely to cheat all his life. Research has shown that students who cheat in high school are twice likely to cheat in college. The bigger problem is that this character is likely to affect one’s career in future consequently tarnishing his/her image.

Cheating in exams poses a great problem in one’s career. To get a good grade as a result of cheating is a misrepresentation of facts. Furthermore, it is difficult for a tutor to isolate students who genuinely need specialized coaching. It becomes a huge embarrassment when a cheating student is expected to give a perfect presentation and fails to demonstrate his ability as indicated by his/her grades. In addition, students who cheat in examination do not get a chance to grasp important concepts in class and are likely to face difficulties in the future when the same principles are applied in higher levels of learning.

The worst-case scenario in cheating in an exam is being caught. Once a student is caught, his reputation is dealt a huge blow. It is likely that such a student will be dismissed or suspended from school. This hinders his/her ability to land a good job or join graduate school. It can also lead to a complete damage of one’s reputation making it hard for others to trust you including those who cheat (Jordan 235).

Cheating in exams and assignments can be attributed to many reasons. To begin with, teaching today concentrates so much on the exams and passing rather than impacting knowledge. Lack of confidence in one’s ability and societal pressure is another reason why cheating is so wide spread. Cheating cannot solely be blamed on the students; lecturers have also played their part in this. Apparently, most lectures concentrate on teaching than giving assignments during class time. This leaves the students with loads of work to cover during their free time.

Technology has also played its part in cheating—many students turn to the internet in a bid to complete their assignments. On the other hand, it is important to note than choices have consequences and the repercussions of cheating in an exams are dire. First, it completely ruins one’s reputation thereby hindering chances of joining college or getting a good job. It also leads to suspensions and/or expulsion from school. Furthermore, the habit is so addictive that it is likely to replicate in all aspects of life—be it relationships, work, business deals etc. It is important to shun this habit as nothing good can come out of it.

Anderman, Erick and Jerome Johnston. “TV News in the Classroom: What are Adolescents Learning?” Journal of Adolescent Research , 13 (1998): 73-100. Print.

Davis, Stephen, Cathy Grover, Angela, Becker, and Loretta McGregor. “Academic Dishonesty: Prevalence, Determinants, Techniques, and Punishments”. Teaching of Psychology , 19 (1) (1996): 16–20. Print.

Jordan, Augustus E. “College Student Cheating: The Role of Motivation, Perceived Norms, Attitudes, and Knowledge of Institutional Policy. Ethics and Behavior , 11, (2001): 233–247. Print.

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Essays About Cheating: Top 5 Examples and 9 Writing Prompts

Essays about cheating show the value of honesty, see our top picks for examples and prompts you can use in writing.

In the US, 95% of high school students admitted to participating in some form of academic cheating . This includes exams and plagiarism. However, cheating doesn’t only occur in schools. It’s also prevalent in couples. Psychologists say that 50% of divorce cases in the country are because of infidelity . Other forms of cheating exist, such as cheating on a diet, a business deal, etc.

Because cheating is an intriguing subject, many want to read about it. However, to write essays about cheating appropriately, you must first pick a subtopic you’re comfortable discussing. Therefore, we have selected five simple but exemplary pieces you can read to get inspiration for writing your paper.

See below our round-up of top example essays about cheating.

1. Long Essay On Cheating In School By Prasanna

2. the reality of cheating in college essay by writer kip, 3. why cheating is wrong by bernadette mcbride, 4. what counts as cheating in a relationship by anonymous on gradesfixer, 5. emotional cheating by anonymous on papersowl, 1. types of cheating, 2. i was cheated on, 3. is cheating a mistake or choice, 4. tax evasion and cheating , 5. when i cheated, 6. cheating in american schools and universities, 7. review a famous book or film about cheating, 8. a famous cheating quote, 9. cause and effects of cheating.

“Cheating is a false representation of the child’s ability which he may not be able to give without cheating. It is unfair to everyone involved as it deprives the true one of the chance to come on the top.”

Prasanna begins the essay by defining cheating in schools and then incorporates how this unethical behavior occurs in reality. She further delves into the argument that cheating is not learning but an addiction that can result in students losing self-confidence, sanity, and integrity. 

Apart from showing the common causes and harmful effects of cheating on students, Prasanna also adds parents’ and teachers’ critical roles in helping students in their studies to keep them from cheating.

“It’s human nature to want to win, and some of us will go against the rules to do so. It can be harmless, but in many cases, it is annoying, or even hurtful.”

Kip defines cheating as human nature and focuses his essay on individuals who are hell-bent on wanting to win in online games. Unfortunately, these players’ desire to be on top is all-consuming, and they’re willing to go against the rules and disregard their integrity.

He talks about his experiences of being cheated in a game called AoE. He also incorporates the effects of these instances on newbies. These cheaters will humiliate, dishearten, and traumatize beginners who only want to have fun.

Check out these essays about cooperation .

“A cheater is more than likely lying to themselves more than to the people around them. A person can only go so far before their lies catch up to them, begin to accumulate, and start to penalize you.”

Mcbride dedicates her essay to answering why cheating is wrong, no matter the circumstance. She points out that there will always be a definite punishment for cheaters, whether they get caught. Mcbride believes that students who cheat, copy, and have someone else do their work are lazy and irresponsible. These students will never gain knowledge.

However, she also acknowledges that some cheaters are desperate, while some don’t realize the repercussions of their behaviors. At the end of the essay, she admits to cheating but says she’s no longer part of that vicious cycle, promising she has already realized her mistakes and doesn’t want to cheat again.

“Keep in mind that relationships are not based on logic, but are influenced by our emotions.”

The author explains how it’s challenging to define cheating in a relationship. It’s because every person has varying views on the topic. What others consider an affair may be acceptable to some. This includes the partners’ interaction with others while also analyzing the individual’s personality, such as flirting, sleeping in the same bed, and spending time with folks.

The essay further explains experts’ opinions on why men and women cheat and how partners heal and rebuild their trust. Finally, examples of different forms of cheating are discussed in the piece to give the readers more information on the subject. 

“…emotional cheating can be described as a desire to engage in another relationship without physically leaving his or her primary relationship.”

There’s an ongoing debate about whether emotional cheating should be labeled as such. The essay digs into the causes of emotional cheating to answer this issue. These reasons include lack of attention to each other, shortage of affectionate gestures, and misunderstandings or absence of proper communication. 

All of these may lead to the partner comparing their relationship to others. Soon, they fall out of love and fail to maintain boundaries, leading to insensitivity and selfishness. When a person in a relationship feels any of these, it can be a reason to look for someone else who can value them and their feelings.

9 Helpful Prompts in Writing Essays About Cheating

Here are some cheating subtopics you can focus your essay on:

Essays About Cheating: Types of cheating

Some types of cheating include deception, fabrication, bribery, impersonation, sabotage, and professional misconduct. Explain their definitions and have examples to make it easier for readers to understand.

You can use this prompt even if you don’t have any personal experience of being cheated on. You can instead relay events from a close friend or relative. First, narrate what happened and why. Then add what the person did to move on from the situation and how it affected them. Finally, incorporate lessons they’ve learned.

While this topic is still discussed by many, for you, is cheating a redeemable mistake? Or is it a choice with consequences? Express your opinion on this matter. Gather reliable evidence to support your claims, such as studies and research findings, to increase your essay’s credibility.

Tax evasion is a crime with severe penalties. Explain what it is and its punishments through a famous tax evasion case your readers can immediately recognize. For example, you can use Al Capone and his 11-year imprisonment and $215,000 back taxes . Talk through why he was charged with such and add your opinion. Ensure you have adequate and reliable sources to back up your claims.

Start with a  5 paragraph essay  to better organize your points.

Some say everyone will cheat at some point in their life. Talk about the time you cheated – it can be at a school exam, during work, or while on a diet. Put the perspective that made you think cheating was reasonable. Did you feel guilt? What did you do after, and did you cheat again? Answer these questions in your essay for an engaging and thrilling piece of writing.

Since academic cheating is notorious in America, use this topic for your essay. Find out which areas have high rates of academic cheating. What are their penalties? Why is cheating widespread? Include any measures the academe put in place.

Cheating is a frequent cause of conflict on small and big screens. Watch a film or read a story and write a review. Briefly summarize the plot, critique the characters, and add your realizations after finishing the piece. 

Goodreads has a list of books related to cheating. Currently, Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens has the highest rating.

Use this as an opportunity to write a unique essay by explaining the quote based on your understanding. It can be quotes from famous personalities or something that resonates with you and your experiences.

Since cheating’s cause and effect is a standard prompt, center your essay on an area unrelated to academics or relationships. For instance, write about cheating on your diet or cheating yourself of the opportunities life presents you.

Create a top-notch essay with excellent grammar. See our list of the best grammar checkers.

cheating on college exams cause and effect essay

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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How Cheating in College Hurts Students

Academic integrity is important, experts say, as plagiarism and other cheating may have severe consequences.

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Experts say the number of students engaging in academic dishonesty during the coronavirus pandemic is soaring.

Cheating in college is risky business loaded with potential consequences – failing classes, suspension, possible expulsion – yet it's common and perhaps more accessible than ever.

"A lot of people cheat a little," says David Pritchard, a physics professor emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has studied academic dishonesty in online classes. "There's also a few people who cheat a lot."

Though it may be tempting and feel harmless, experts caution college students to think twice before cheating on coursework. Here's how to know what is typically considered cheating and the potential consequences.

How College Students Cheat

Cheating is a multibillion-dollar business, with some educational technology companies making money off students who use their products to break or bend academic integrity rules and others earning revenue from colleges trying to prevent academic dishonesty.

Students also use classic classroom moves like scribbling hidden notes somewhere or using technology such as smartwatches. Copying a classmate's assignment or plagiarizing parts of published works for a paper remain popular methods.

Many of those tactics appear to have been replaced by artificial intelligence and generative language models like ChatGPT and Google Bard, which offer some services like writing, editing and idea generation for free.

Pritchard notes that ChatGPT has performed well on exams in certain subjects, and the American Bar Association reported in March 2023 that it passed the Uniform Bar Exam by "a significant margin." While some professors say they're keeping an open mind about ChatGPT and similar tools, others say it's impossible to ignore the reality that students are using them to cheat.

ChatGPT "is the future of cheating," Pritchard says.

Rebecca Hamlin, a professor of legal studies and political science at the University of Massachusetts—Amherst , recently joined the university's academic honesty board and has seen cases of students caught cheating with ChatGPT. She caught 12 in her own classes during the spring 2023 semester.

“If students are genuinely interested in learning how to become writers, I’m very resistant to the idea that ChatGPT can help them," she says. “It’s really risky because it’s actually way more obvious to someone who reads really good writing all day long. I can immediately tell."

But plenty of students slip through undetected or cheat in other inconspicuous ways, she says.

Most instructors underestimate just how rampant the issue is, says Eric Anderman, a professor at The Ohio State University and interim dean at its Mansfield campus. "We think we're underestimating it because people don't want to admit to it."

Here's what academic integrity experts say college students should know about the immediate and long-term consequences of cheating.

The Consequences of Cheating in College

Regardless of the cheating method, students are only harming themselves and their learning process, experts say.

“I know that sounds really cheesy, but I kind of don’t really understand why someone is going to waste their time and money going to college if they don’t want to learn how to write," Hamlin says. "That’s probably one of the top two to three skills that you gain when you go to college."

Students also deprive themselves of a genuine feeling of achievement when they cheat, says Russell Monroe, director of academic integrity at Liberty University in Virginia.

"There’s a sense of dignity in knowing that I got a grade that I earned, whether that’s for an assignment or a class," he says. "You can look at your degree with pride knowing this is something I achieved on my own merit and didn’t have to outsource anything to anyone else or steal or plagiarize."

Some penalties can have a lasting effect and financial repercussions. They are often less severe for first-time offenders, but colleges keep records of such behavior. Students who continue to cheat and get caught risk failing a class, receiving academic suspension or being expelled from the school, which may come with a note on their transcript explaining why they were dismissed. This designation will likely make it harder to enroll at another college , experts say.

Students who fail a class due to academic dishonesty are usually allowed to retake it. If it's a class required for graduation, they don't have a choice. Either way, that means more money out of pocket, perhaps in student loans .

Failing a course also typically harms a student's GPA , particularly if they don't retake it and earn a higher grade. This could jeopardize eligibility for financial aid or scholarships and lead to academic probation .

Each school has its own policies and disciplinary measures, and professors may vary in how they address academic dishonesty. Some may handle it on their own while others may send it to a disciplinary committee. It often depends on the severity of cheating, Monroe says. For example, cheating on a discussion board assignment isn't seen as as serious as plagiarizing a dissertation or final exam paper, or cheating on a credential or certification exam, he says.

Plagiarizing on capstone course papers or other assignments tied to graduation is a particularly egregious offense that could jeopardize a student's ability to graduate, experts say.

“We are putting our stamp of approval on you to move on to the next step," Monroe says. "That next step might be graduation, but if we’re doing that based upon bad information or false information, that’s a serious problem.”

Even students who think they got away with cheating may suffer consequences, such as missing out on foundational information that they need to learn and apply in higher-level classes.

Additionally, graduates who cheated and perhaps even ended up with good grades may find themselves starting their career unprepared and lacking needed knowledge and skills. And for jobs that have a safety component, unprepared workers could put themselves and others at risk.

Then there are occasions when academic dishonesty is revealed later and torpedoes a career, sometimes in a public and humiliating way.

Know What Is and Isn't Cheating

While some students are well aware that they're cheating and see it as merely a means to an end, not all forms of academic dishonesty are intentional. In many cases, it's an accident made while under stress or when a student has procrastinated , experts say.

Sometimes students make mistakes because they aren't properly prepared to engage with college-level work. For example, improperly citing sources on a term paper can lead to charges of plagiarism.

"I think part of what happens is students aren't always taught in high school how to cite and evaluate information from the internet," Anderman says. "And I think a lot of them, when they get to college – and this is not an excuse – truly don't realize that you can't just look something up on the internet and put it in your paper, that you still have to cite it, and they get caught."

Colleges commonly use a variety of plagiarism-checking software, such as Turnitin, which flags written work that may be uncited or improperly cited. These tools help keep students honest and significantly decrease plagiarism, experts say.

Some forms of cheating, such as intentional plagiarism, buying papers online or paying someone to complete course work, should be fairly obvious, experts say. This is often referred to as "contract cheating," Monroe says, and it's an offense that can lead to expulsion from Liberty.

"It’s very difficult for us to know when that’s happening, but when we do find out, we view that very seriously because there are significant portions of your entire degree that may not have been done by the student at all," he says.

Other areas aren't as clear-cut, particularly what is permissible when it comes to collaborating with classmates, sharing information and using AI products. Monroe says Liberty doesn't ban the use of AI or tools like ChatGPT, but there are boundaries around their ethical use. Students can use these tools to edit and get inspiration, but any assignment turned in must be the student's original work.

Experts also caution against using online companies that position themselves as tutoring organizations but largely help students cheat. Colleges offer many academic resources that students can use instead, and at no extra cost.

“I would definitely encourage a student who’s facing a tough situation or feels that they can’t do their work on time to contact their professor and see if there’s some kind of alternate arrangement that can be made," Monroe says.

Many professors are willing to accept work late, he says. Liberty’s policy is to take 10% off of an assignment's overall grade if it’s late.

“We definitely prefer a timely submission of work," Monroe says, "but contact your professor. They are definitely willing to work with students within the scope that they’re allowed to. That would definitely be a better situation than turning to cheating."

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Common Reasons Students Cheat

Students working in a lab wearing scrubs and gloves.

Poor Time Management

The most common reason students cite for committing academic dishonesty is that they ran out of time. The good news is that this is almost always avoidable. Good time management skills are a must for success in college (as well as in life). Visit the Undergraduate Academic Advisement website  for tips on how to manage your time in college.


Another common reason students engage in dishonest behavior has to do with overload: too many homework assignments, work issues, relationship problems, COVID-19. Before you resort to behaving in an academically dishonest way, we encourage you to reach out to your professor, your TA, your academic advisor or even  UB’s counseling services .

Wanting to Help Friends

While this sounds like a good reason to do something, it in no way helps a person to be assisted in academic dishonesty. Your friends are responsible for learning what is expected of them and providing evidence of that learning to their instructor. Your unauthorized assistance falls under the “ aiding in academic dishonesty ” violation and makes both you and your friend guilty.

Fear of Failure

Students report that they resort to academic dishonesty when they feel that they won’t be able to successfully perform the task (e.g., write the computer code, compose the paper, do well on the test). Fear of failure prompts students to get unauthorized help, but the repercussions of cheating far outweigh the repercussions of failing. First, when you are caught cheating, you may fail anyway. Second, you tarnish your reputation as a trustworthy student. And third, you are establishing habits that will hurt you in the long run. When your employer or graduate program expects you to have certain knowledge based on your coursework and you don’t have that knowledge, you diminish the value of a UB education for you and your fellow alumni.

"Everyone Does it" Phenomenon

Sometimes it can feel like everyone around us is dishonest or taking shortcuts. We hear about integrity scandals on the news and in our social media feeds. Plus, sometimes we witness students cheating and seeming to get away with it. This feeling that “everyone does it” is often reported by students as a reason that they decided to be academically dishonest. The important thing to remember is that you have one reputation and you need to protect it. Once identified as someone who lacks integrity, you are no longer given the benefit of the doubt in any situation. Additionally, research shows that once you cheat, it’s easier to do it the next time and the next, paving the path for you to become genuinely dishonest in your academic pursuits.

Temptation Due to Unmonitored Environments or Weak Assignment Design

When students take assessments without anyone monitoring them, they may be tempted to access unauthorized resources because they feel like no one will know. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, students have been tempted to peek at online answer sites, Google a test question, or even converse with friends during a test. Because our environments may have changed does not mean that our expectations have. If you wouldn’t cheat in a classroom, don’t be tempted to cheat at home. Your personal integrity is also at stake.

Different Understanding of Academic Integrity Policies

Standards and norms for academically acceptable behavior can vary. No matter where you’re from, whether the West Coast or the far East, the standards for academic integrity at UB must be followed to further the goals of a premier research institution. Become familiar with our policies that govern academically honest behavior.

The Effects of Cheating on Exams

How it works

Cheating on exams has become more prevalent throughout the 21st century as the importance of learning is eliminated. It disobeys the expectations for a well-behaved Stuyvesant student, and the offense becomes a violation of the morals of society. In highly-competitive schools, such as Stuyvesant, students are prone to running after success through their academics. Everybody is so concerned over competing to be the best in the class that most students have actually forgotten that a school’s purpose is to educate.

The obsession with running after success is so intense that students try finding any way possible to get to the top and some, to extreme cases, resort to cheating. Cheating embodies the sins of incontinence, violence, and fraud to which the punishments are and aren’t appropriate; these characteristics are comparable to the different circles of Hell in Dante’s Inferno.

Cheating is acting dishonestly to gain advantage in a competitive situation. Success in academic achievements is often earned through a student’s hard work and dedication. However, neglection to such means may usually lead to their tendency to cheat off of others because they do not believe in their own abilities and accomplishments. The students can only become guilty of their undeserving grade. Cheating is immoral because it consists of stealing other students’ intellect and calling it your own. It creates a sense of disrespect and injustice amongst the honest students that actually put the time and effort into studying. Furthermore, cheating stimulates a loss of truthfulness and suspicion between students or a student and a teacher.

The theme of incontinence is great significantly in students’ lack of self control and gluttony in the Third Circle of Hell. The culture of cheating has certainly developed along the years. Some students are forced into believing that they must cheat in order to be successful and get the best grades. Additionally, peer pressure and overwhelmness of workload may lead to temptation. However, when teachers fail to notice cheating, the student starts believing that they can get away with it a second time; this cycle will eventually become a habit where he/she is unable to restraint from temptation. This situation is comparable to that of gluttony, which is the overindulgence of food. In both cases, the guilty parties face a lack of restraint from their inclination. In the Third Circle, the Gluttons are submerged beneath “gross hailstones, water gray with filth, and snow come streaking down across the shadowed air” (6.13-4). By rolling around in the dirty hail for eternity, the Gluttons are symbolized as pigs. The sinners are treated like pigs because they gorge themselves in food, displaying animalistic qualities.

The violence depicted in the Circles of Hell are far more severe than the violence present when cheating in examination. Violence is usually portrayed as physically and intentionally using force to harm others. In Dante’s Inferno, most of the sinners in the Seventh Circle of Hell have committed acts of brutality. While the Circle is divided into three rings, those violent against their neighbors and property, such as Murderers and Tyrants, are sent to the first ring “near the stream of blood .. [to] boil” (12.47-8). These sinners were burned, as a punishment, in the symbolic amount of blood they spilled killing those injured violently. Those who are violent to themselves and commit suicide are sent to the second ring where the soul “rises as a sapling, a wild plant; and then the Harpies, feeding on its leaves, cause pain and for that pain provide a vent” (13.100-2). Here, the souls are turned into trees because they are ungrateful about their body. In comparison to cheating, the offenses in the Circles of Hell are far more immoral. Most cases of violence for cheating usually only relate to peer pressure from bullies and possible threats to share answers; students who are hesitant to help their “friends” are afraid of rejection. Nonetheless, the violence in cheating is unparalleled to the violence in Inferno because there is no true sign of intentions to harm students.

The school’s expected counter-penalty for cheating in examination is usually an automatic zero and a call home notifying parents of the unacceptable behavior. Punishments are certainly necessary for committing a sin as bad as cheating. If the school were to not reprimand them, students would continuously get away with such behavior and no one will learn what’s right. The appropriateness of the counter-penalty is well, but its effectiveness is low. Failing a student because they cheated on a particular assessment will encourage them to be more serious about the situation. However, further cheating cases should not be detention because it will not effectively allow them to be reflective on the situation. The purpose of cheating is because the students feel that they are lacking. Instead of detention, an effective punishment is forcing the students to handwrite the test paper several times until they have the information memorized. This will allow for better understanding of the text and removes the need for cheating. The rationale behind this counter-penalty is to suggest that if the students are interested in looking at other test examinations, they might as well rewrite and memorize every portion of the exam afterwards. Detention and forcing students to stay at home will not effectively help on their self-improvement.


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Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams Essay

Introduction, consequences of a college student cheating in exams, works cited.

The education system is usually faced with a lot of challenges one of them being cheating in exams. The main reason behind cheating in colleges is usually to pass the examination and reach the expected grades. Many students suffer from transition from high school to colleges and the belief that college education is tougher than that in high school makes them panic hence the temptation to cheat in exams.

The learning atmosphere in colleges, for instance, lack of strict rules with much freedom also may make the students relax and forget their studies hence cheating due to lack of adequate time to revise for exams.

All in all the factors that lead to cheating do not in any way justify the wrong act and the students usually face a lot of consequences. This paper gives an insight into some of the consequences faced by a college student because of cheating in exams.

There are various consequences that are linked to cheating in exams in the college level. The student face some punishment which in most cases is determined by the seriousness of the cheating, the institution’s stipulated rules and regulations in regard to examinations, the particular lecturer’s or professor’s view of the circumstance among other factors.

One of the consequences involves failure in the specific course which leads to the overall failure. This is because cheating may result in getting a zero mark.

Apart from the failure, the student may also face the academic examination and disciplinary body which may make severe judgment for instance suspension or probation in case of first attempt or discontinuation or expulsion of the students in case of repeated attempt which affects not only his or her academic life but also the general life for instance in terms of securing employment opportunities.

Another consequence of cheating in examination among the college students is that the habit of copying or relying on others as opposed to working hard in their studies creates a negative attribute on them where they lack creativity and originality in their academic work.

They also lose the sense of responsibility as they depend on others for their educational success reducing their chances of gaining new knowledge which adds to their pool of existing knowledge hence putting them in better places in various aspects of life.

The ethical and moral grounds of the college students who engage in cheating habits is also undermined which may affect all other aspects of their lives as they do not value accountability and ethics for example in family or work place settings (Hinrichsen 1).

In the event that the student who engage in cheating exam successfully finishes the college education, he or she may create a false character to the outside world as the certificates and other documents shows that the student is capable or fit for a particular position in the work place whereas he or she has little or no knowledge on the field.

The lack of independence and responsibility could also be carried on to the work place where the individual becomes inefficient and highly non-resourceful reducing the possibilities of securing and retaining a good job.

The students who are caught in cheating also face a lot of embarrassment and shame such as facing the disciplinary body which could be ruthless thus affecting their self esteem negatively.

The reputation of the particular student is also damaged as he or she is viewed as being incompetent and wrong by the other students, the lecturers and professors and even the administration. This reputation may have negative impact to the student even long after the cheating incident. A student who engages in cheating exams without being caught may also consider him or herself as a winner forgetting that it may affect them sometimes in future.

The students may find themselves being involved in other unethical acts in their adulthood which could lead to more severe consequences than those faced in an educational setting. Another effect of cheating in exams is that the honest present and even the future students in the system also suffer from the cheating behaviour.

This is because the cheating is deemed to affect the education system in a given manner as the rules tend to be inclined to both the honest and the cheating students. The grades of the honest students are also affected as they tend to be positioned lower than the cheating ones because the cheating students perform better in most cases although their means are not justified (Smith 1).

Cheating in exams among college students is in the rise as the school systems become more lenient in terms of the examination rules and regulation, the guidelines given to the students and also the consequences accrued to the cheating act. Students usually find themselves taking advantage of cheating at the expense of working hard.

It is thereby advisable that the education systems in colleges should be revised where the importance of ethics should be impacted to the students to ensure that the students are able to be resourceful and responsible even in their professional careers and other general life matters.

Hinrichsen, Erik. “ Consequences of Cheating on Exams in College ’. Bright Hub , 2010. Web.

Smith, Andrew. “Consequences for Cheating in School”. Ehow, 2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 25). Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams. https://ivypanda.com/essays/consequences-of-a-college-student-cheating-in-exams/

"Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams." IvyPanda , 25 May 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/consequences-of-a-college-student-cheating-in-exams/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams'. 25 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams." May 25, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/consequences-of-a-college-student-cheating-in-exams/.

1. IvyPanda . "Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams." May 25, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/consequences-of-a-college-student-cheating-in-exams/.


IvyPanda . "Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams." May 25, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/consequences-of-a-college-student-cheating-in-exams/.

  • Essay Examples

The Cause of Cheating (cause and effect essay)

Many essays have been written about the consequences of cheating, whether at the post-secondary level or at other academic stages. People who cheat on tests, essays, or assignments find themselves facing repercussions such as failure, suspension, expulsion, and lack of credibility. And if someone succeeds at cheating once, they are likely to repeat the task – perhaps next in a work environment. But not as many pieces of writing examine the causes of cheating. In other words, what leads children and adults to deceive in the first place? Are there definable factors that lead to cheating in the first place? I would say yes. Factors such as: stress, procrastination, and lack of study skills leads to cheating in academic settings.

One of the main factors that cause people to cheat is the pressure and stress revolving around exams and grades. In many cases, so much relies on one exam: status, awards, scholarships, advancement. Who would take the risk of bombing a test or project when so much of the future depends on the result? Students need to be able to see the path beyond success or failure and strategies to deal with anxiety and pressure in the interim. They can be taught how to do deep breathing exercises to minimize test anxiety and they can write in a journal to help put their thoughts to paper. Both of these strategies can aid students in working through difficult times, instead of avoiding them.

Sometimes students feel the need to cheat on final evaluations due to lack of preparation. They have procrastinated, by putting off studying, and now have no other avenue to pursue other than the route of deceit. Students need to be taught, at an early age, that studying is important and cannot be put off until the last minute. Studying in small increments is more effective than an all-night cram-a-thon. Plus, it helps alleviate stress by taking work and sectioning it into manageable doses. Parents can model this by not waiting until the end deadline to get their taxes done or stressing at the store because they need to buy something just then when they should have picked it up a week ago.

Lastly, students lack some skills that go into test preparation. Perhaps a reading of Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, should become mandatory reading for those still in school. The author offers advice on ‘putting first things first’ which, in essence, teaches about organization and prioritizing – a skill that many students lack. They might want to study, but aren’t sure how to go about it or find time for it in their busy schedule.

There are more factors that can be explored in terms of the causes of cheating in academic settings. No one reason can cause a student to cheat. But by analyzing certain key factors, change can be implemented. Students can be education about working through their problems, and not avoiding them. There are better options out there than cheating.

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Cheating in Examinations. Why Do Some Students Do It?

L K Monu Borkala

  • What is cheating?
  • Reasons why students cheat in exams
  • Effects of cheating on students

Cheating can be defined as a dishonest act to gain an undue advantage. In educational parlance, cheating is usually associated with examinations.

It includes various forms of cheating like plagiarizing content, copying, or even impersonating another person to write an exam.

In The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong To Get Ahead , David Callahan, co-founder and research director of Manhattan-based public policy think-tank Demos, demonstrates cheating through different means.

Professional athletes’ use of performance-enhancing steroids, reporters’ disguise of fiction as journalism, physicians’ promotion of drugs of questionable efficacy in exchange for payments from pharmaceutical companies, students’ cheating on exams and submitting plagiarized work, and music fans’ piracy of CDs on the internet, as well as theft by employees and high-stakes corporate crime.

Why Do Students Cheat in Exams?

In schools and colleges, cheating is not unheard of. There have been numerous instances where students have been caught cheating in examinations. The important question to answer here is why do students cheat?

There are many reasons why students cheat in exams. We have enumerated a few of these reasons below.

1.Poor Time Management

One of the main reasons why students cheat in exams is because they are pressed for time. With lack of time, students resort to cheating because they are unable to finish studying portions.

To overcome this problem, students must get into the practice of making realistic timetables . A timetable can help you set time for each subject, giving more time to tougher subjects and a bit more relaxed time for easier subjects.

Stressed Student

This stress is one of the main reasons for students to cheat in exams. Unable to bear the stress and tension, students may resort to unlawful means like cheating during examinations.

3. Fear of Failure

No one likes to fail. It is a known fact that failure is looked upon as a taboo in our society. Students who fail are ridiculed by society.

These students are often looked down upon with disdain. Therefore, to avoid being ostracized by the community, students often resort to cheating in exams.

4. Educational System Pressure

The educational system today does not exactly have a scientific approach. It is not cut out for individual minds.

The education system caters to the bulk of the student population, leaving out a section of students unable to cope with the system.

So, what happens to these students? Well, these students are pressured to keep pace with the syllabus even if they cannot do so.

What do these students do then? These students resort to cheating and other dishonest methods of keeping up with the syllabus.

5. Family Expectations

Another reason why students cheat in exams is because of the pressure put on them by parents and other members of the family. This is one of the main reasons why students cheat.

Let’s take a typical example of a parent, who has a very high educational qualification and runs a successful business or enterprise.

Such a parent will also expect their child to study well and secure higher degrees and educational qualifications.

However, what if the child is incapable of performing to the parent’s expectation? What if the child is an average student?

The child may also want to prove to his or her parents that they can be as successful as their parents. This can lead to cheating to perform to parents’ expectations.

6. Comparison with Friends


Another reason why students cheat in exams is that they want to perform as well as their classmates and friends.

Healthy competition is not a bad concept. However, if this competition turns more serious, then it can lead to cheating and unfair means to achieve higher scores.

7. Cut-Offs and Limited Seats in Prestigious Institutions

Many institutions have a minimum cut-off below which students will not get admission into the institute.

Therefore students resort to cheating in exams to achieve high scores and get into prestigious institutions or pass prestigious administrative examinations.

8. “Everybody Is Doing It” Attitude

Another reason why students cheat in exams is because of the “everybody is doing it” attitude. This attitude discourages diligent and truthful students from studying and working hard.

Such students may think if others are cheating and getting marks then why should they study hard and get the same marks. So, they give in, even though they can study and achieve great success.

Cheating in Exams Causes and Effects

These were just some of the answers to the question why do students cheat? To understand this better, we can try and decipher some of the causes and effects of cheating in exams and find possible solutions for the problem of students cheating in examinations.

As mentioned above, some of the reasons why students cheat in exams are also the causes of cheating.

In addition to the above reasons, we can also mention media as one of the main causes of cheating

amongst students. You may ask how the media can play a role in this? The answer is simple.

Over the years, the means of communication have increased tenfold. Students have access to more than one means of communication.

Today, apart from television and radio, students have social media, cellular mobile phones, and facetime to communicate. This communication , though a boon in many cases can also be a bane.

Many times, media houses showcase successful people from prestigious institutes. Unknowingly, media houses indirectly advertise that the only way to reach success is through a particular channel of education and no other way.

Thus, this undue showcase of successful careers can influence students the wrong way. Students come to think that the only way to succeed is by getting into a particular university for a particular course. Thus, paving the way for students to think about getting it through hook or by crook.

The media portrays these successful personalities with a lot of wealth, fame, and respect in society . This blindly encourages students to try and achieve that success even if it means by unfair methods.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that one of the causes of cheating is the socio-economic disparity between classes and sections of people.

In an urge to become rich and successful overnight, students may employ shortcut methods like cheating.

An article published by the Carnegie Mellon University states several reasons why students cheat in exams:

  • Unfair tests and unprofessional teachers
  • Obligation to help other students fair better in examinations
  • Poor study skills
  • Competition
  • Exam anxiety
  • Lack of knowledge on the consequences of cheating
  • The perception of escaping punishment

The causes and effects of cheating in exams are straightforward. There are numerous ill effects of cheating.

They can have a deep impact on the career and life of students. We have enumerated some of the effects of cheating on students.

1. Admonishments

Students caught cheating in examinations are severely punished. These punishments can range from getting debarred in exams, expelled from school, or even suspended for the rest of the academic year.

Consequently, these severe punishments can have grave repercussions on the student’s wellbeing.

2. Lifelong Record

When a student cheats on an exam, the incident is put on record and becomes a bad black spot on the student’s life ahead. It can affect a student’s career and life.

3. Meaningless Careers

failed career

Getting a job through unfair means can only take you through the first step. Sustaining yourself in the job will purely rest on the knowledge you have acquired. Through cheating, you can pass examinations but you will not acquire knowledge.

4. Loss of Reputation

Your reputation defines your character . It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation but a minute to lose it all.

Your single moment of cheating can ruin your reputation for the rest of your life. So, remember, the reputation for a thousand years can depend on your conduct in a single moment.

These are the causes and effects of cheating in exams, it can be rightly said that cheating can lead to worse situations that can affect your entire life and career ahead.

So, remember, it is up to you to decide if you want to make it the right way. Cheating is a choice, not a mistake.

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What are the consequences of cheating in exams?


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What is cheating?

How to cheat in an exam, what are the consequences of cheating in schools.


Cheating definition: 

Cheating is the act of obtaining advantages or rewards without following the rules that apply to others. Examples include cheating in a board game or in a test at school.

What causes cheating?

  • The problem is related to the issue of merit and rising competition. Students have to fight for the best possible grades in order to get into the most valued courses at university. Cheating in an exam is seen as an easy solution.
  • This spirit of competition usually translates into the idea that all is fair, that only the result counts. But this idea is challenged by well-known sportsmen and women who are regularly involved in doping cases, even though they are role models for the younger generation . 🚴🏼
  • When a child is under family pressure and is not allowed to make mistakes , or there is no room for failure, fraud and cheating may appear to be the only way to live up to expectations.
  • Finally, a student may start cheating to join a group of peers or friends who encourage this malpractice, to try and rebel or to challenge the school system. 

But seriously, do you really think I'm going to encourage your child to commit a crime? Certainly not. 

  • We all know the trick of the scientific calculator on which it is possible to record formulas or even definitions (but this does not work in French  or English lessons!)
  • A cheat sheet can be written behind the label on the water bottle or hidden in the bottom of a pencil case
  • The mobile phone wallpaper acts as a notepad, which we pretend to use to look at the time 👀

All these tricks are well known classics that sometimes work during an assessment but are incredibly risky, and evidence of malpractice and cheating in exams.

Online tools

During school isolation periods in the past few years, even the most serious students enjoyed the thrill of cheating on online exams, which were much more difficult to monitor by teachers and schools. 

This may have been collaborative fraud via chat groups with classmates on platforms such as Snapchat or WhatsApp. Others even paid more advanced candidates to take the exams for them. Or, more simply, they took their tests online with a second computer open on the Google homepage.

But keep in mind that whether online or face-to-face, the cheating student still faces the same risk of punishment! 👮

Cases of cheating in class 

If a student hasn’t managed to revise , wants to cheat and is caught in class, it can seriously damage his or her results, as well as reputation or even place at the school. They could get a zero on their assessment, contact home or even detentions and exclusion from the school. 

Parents and guardians even make an agreement with the school before their child starts to never cheat or be involved in any malpractice, which schools are serious about throughout their time there. 

What are the penalties for exam fraud?

National qualifications such as GCSEs , A-Levels and exams at university are all official exams recognised by the government. If an exam invigilator catches your child cheating in the examination room, a verbal and written report will be drawn up and an investigation will begin.

Depending on the seriousness of the situation and the exam board or school, cheating at the exam can lead to different types of sanctions:

  • Reprimand. This is a disciplinary sanction, a call to order without too serious consequences, usually reserved for internal school exams only (not National qualifications where consequences are more serious)
  • Removal from the course or overall diploma, sometimes resulting in having to restart completely
  • Immediate contact to the exams regulation authority, JCQ , who monitor most exam boards like AQA or Edexcel 
  • No awarded mark, grade, GCSE, A-Level or points for the course at university in that subject (usually named an ‘Ungraded’ or U)
  • Sometimes a ban on taking any National exams for a number of years
  • Sometimes, but infrequently, a ban on enrolling into a higher education institution for 5 years

Exam malpractice is rising; in 2019 Ofqual reported an 11% rise in malpractice reports, and this includes teachers and schools helping students to cheat!

Can you pass your driving test if you cheat at your exam? 

I've always heard that a student who is caught cheating on the exam is then likely to be barred from taking any other official exam, including the assessment to get their UK driving licence. 🚗

Today, I can officially tell you that this is an urban legend. As the driving licence is not linked with our education certification system, it is not affected by the sanctions. But, cheating in an exam (and getting caught) can change your mindset to all other exams you go on to sit for the worse. 

But rather than having to ask yourself this question, the best thing to do is to book some lessons online with our tutors. They will help your child to prepare well for challenging exams like GCSEs, without the need to cheat! 


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What Are the Negative Impacts of Cheating on Students in College?

February 8, 2023 | Blog Articles | Share: Twitter   Facebook   Linkedin

Cheating on exams in college has never been a more serious problem, with scandals in institutions ranging from Harvard to the U.S. Naval Academy . The negative impacts of academic dishonesty affect institutions, administrators, professors, and test-takers alike, devaluing their degrees and leading to possible legal and financial repercussions . Oftentimes the testing industry doesn’t talk about negative repercussions that can affect students if a culture of cheating persists in an institution. But because of the negative outcomes that can result from cheating, it’s vital for institutions to invest in security measures to prevent and detect cheating on exams.

In this article, we will explore the reasons test-takers have for cheating on exams and how it affects those test-takers. We’ll also look at ways institutions can mitigate the prevalence of cheating and prevent unwanted fallout.

Moral Disengagement and Cheating Culture

There are a number of methods that test-takers employ to gain an unfair advantage on exams. They also have a number of motives for doing so. These motives can range from the personal to the professional. We’ll focus on two of the major reasons here.

Academic Pressure

Because of the high stakes of many exams, test-takers may feel increased pressure to do well. They may believe—and it may well be true—that passing an exam is necessary for them to continue with their major, graduate on time, or even get a job.

The belief that failing an exam could lead to negative consequences can cause test-takers to feel enormous pressure to cheat on exams in order to avoid those consequences. A recent study by Turnitin shows that 90% of students believe their peers cheat on exams. Though the same study says students understand how academic integrity is crucial for the assessment to be meaningful, they are still tempted to cheat because they believe that cheating is common.

Moral Disengagement

Graphic depiction of 90% of students with the stat: 90% of students believe their peers cheat on exams.

This perception of a culture of cheating can lead test-takers to believe they will be at a disadvantage if they do not cheat, since so many of their peers are. A culture of cheating, combined with this belief that not cheating puts a test-taker at a disadvantage, can lead to moral disengagement .

Moral disengagement is a process by which a person—in this case, the test-taker—gradually disengages from their personal morality. This process can lead to a test-taker cheating on exams, even though they believe cheating to be wrong. When test-takers perceive a culture of cheating, they see the value of the exam being lowered. In combination with their perception that their peers are cheating on the exam, this devaluation can lead them to put less moral weight on the concept of cheating, making it easier for them to engage in cheating behavior.

The same Turnitin study referenced previously asked students and faculty to determine whether certain behaviors counted as cheating. The study found that 18% of students did not think the use of unauthorized materials on an exam counted as cheating. A staggering 31% of students believed that hiring someone to write an essay for them is not cheating or is only somewhat cheating. Whether or not a student views a behavior as cheating can have a direct impact on how likely they are to engage in behavior that may lead to a culture of cheating at an institution.

How Test-Takers Can Be Affected by Cheating on Exams

The impacts of cheating on test-takers can be varied and consequential, both on those who engage in cheating behavior and those who don’t. For those who do cheat, the most obvious consequences are academic. Cheating on an exam can result in failing that test or—in many cases—failing the class entirely. Academic consequences can go beyond one class as well, sometimes leading to suspension or expulsion from the program or the institution entirely.

Impacts on Students Who Cheat

If allowed to continue, cheating behaviors can be habit-forming. Even if a test-taker feels that cheating is wrong, they may be tempted to engage in cheating behavior on a specific exam or assignment that is of significant value to their degree or program. If they give in to that temptation, it will be easier to do so the next time. Like many forms of dishonesty, cheating can be a slippery slope that may lead to more substantial behaviors in the long run.

When test-takers who cheat on exams are not found out, the effects can spread out into the wider world, beyond the test, class, and college degree. When a test-taker who cheats passes their exam, there can be dire consequences for their employment. They may find themselves hired for a job they are unqualified for, which could lead to a variety of unwanted results. Being unqualified could cost them a promotion, an assignment, or even their job. From the employer’s perspective, hiring an unqualified candidate leads to increased acquisition and firing costs, requiring them to replace incompetent workers. It could also lead to legal and financial repercussions for both employee and employer in a high-stakes job in an industry like medicine or finance, ultimately eroding the employer’s confidence in the exam program.

“The impacts of cheating on a program’s credibility and the students in that program can be devastating, but a robust academic honesty policy and clear communication of expectations can help prevent a culture of cheating. “ Ashley Norris, PhD, SVP, Strategic Communications and Policy

According to a recent study conducted by the ATP Workforce Skills Credentialing Security and Privacy Committee, over 80% of employers surveyed agreed that it is very important to be able to verify credential authenticity. If there is a history of test-takers cheating on a particular exam or a particular program’s exams, employers are much less likely to trust in that program’s credentials, which ends up hurting everyone associated with that program—test-takers and instructors included. 

Impacts on Students Who Don’t Cheat

The effects of cheating don’t only touch those who engage in cheating behavior. The reputational damage done to a program through a culture of cheating affects everyone in the program. In addition, students who don’t cheat can face unique consequences when cheating is allowed or perceived to be allowed.

When faculty believe there is a culture of cheating, they adjust their policies and responses accordingly. Often instructors will begin to police student behavior much more strictly when there is a perceived culture of cheating. This can mean putting undue pressure on academically honest students, causing them unnecessary stress and anxiety. This can negatively affect their performance on the exam and in the program as a whole.

When students believe there is a culture of cheating, it can affect the way they view their program and their participation in it. With enough of a change in this view, students may leave the program entirely. Students who believe their peers regularly cheat may begin to feel they are at a disadvantage if they do not also cheat. It can also lead them to question the accuracy of their own assessments. They may begin to feel that in order to succeed in their program, they also need to cheat. This can lead to the moral disengagement we discussed previously.

Strategies for Reducing Cheating on Exams

While the effects of cheating are numerous and can reach test-takers and institutions alike, there are ways to mitigate the incidents of cheating and, therefore, the consequences of that attempted cheating. Here are some strategies to consider:  

  • Mitigation Strategy 1: Evidence shows that the mere inclusion of a human proctor can lessen incidents of cheating. Adding a human element lets students know you take academic honesty seriously.
  • Mitigation Strategy 2: Be proactive in communicating your program’s misconduct policies. Knowing that an institution, instructor, or exam deliverer is aware of the potential for cheating can both curtail possible cheating and assure honest students that those who attempt to cheat are being watched and—hopefully—caught. 
  • Mitigation Strategy 3: Be clear in your communication, both verbal and written, about what test-takers can expect on exam day. A simple reminder that there is a process for the exam indicates that the instructor or exam administrator cares about the outcome of their exam. 

Cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty may be on the rise, but a proactive approach, a clearly communicated academic dishonesty policy, and an open discussion of consequences of cheating can help. With these measures in place, and an online proctoring platform that works with you to prevent cheating rather than punish it, your program can avoid the negative impacts discussed previously. Your test-takers will have an overall better experience, and your exam program will maintain its integrity.  

Learn more about how to prepare your test-takers with better communication by watching our recent webinar on the topic.

School Life Diaries

Consequences Of Cheating In Exams: Examples And Effects

Consequences Of Cheating In Exams

Cheating in exams is a serious issue that has far-reaching consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. It undermines the integrity of the education system, diminishes the value of qualifications, and erodes trust between students, teachers, and institutions. 

Consequently, deserving students may miss out on opportunities such as scholarships or admission into competitive programs due to unfair competition from those who cheat.

Consequences of Cheating in College

Cheating in college exams can have serious consequences for students .

1. Cheating can lead to Class Failure

Academic dishonesty, such as cheating during exams, has the potential to result in students failing their classes. When students resort to cheating as a means to achieve better class performance, they not only compromise their academic integrity but also put their future at risk. The consequences of cheating can extend beyond immediate academic repercussions and have long-lasting effects on a student’s educational journey.

One of the primary academic consequences of cheating is the failure to grasp essential concepts and skills that are necessary for success in subsequent courses. Cheating stains a student’s reputation and raises questions about their character and reliability. A failed class due to cheating may leave a permanent mark on their academic transcript, potentially limiting opportunities for internships or postgraduate studies.

2. Legal consequences

The legal consequences of cheating in exams can have a long-lasting impact on one’s future. When employers or educational institutions discover that an individual has been involved in academic dishonesty, it raises questions about their character and ability to follow ethical practices. This can severely damage their reputation and hinder their chances of securing employment or admission into higher education programs. Moreover, having a criminal record for cheating can limit one’s opportunities for professional licensure or certification in certain fields where integrity is highly valued.

Cheating in exams not only undermines educational integrity but also carries significant legal consequences. Those who engage in such practices risk facing legal actions that can have far-reaching effects on their future prospects. It is important for individuals to understand the gravity of these consequences and make ethical choices when it comes to academic pursuits.

3. Cheating leads to Suspension and expulsion

Suspension and expulsion are disciplinary measures commonly imposed in response to dishonest practices that compromise the integrity of the educational system. When students engage in cheating during exams, they not only undermine their own learning but also violate the trust and fairness upon which academic institutions are built.

The consequences of suspension can be severe, as it involves a temporary removal from school for a specified period of time. During this period, students are barred from attending classes, participating in extracurricular activities , and accessing resources provided by the institution. This interruption in education can significantly impact a student’s academic progress and overall development.

Expulsion is an even more drastic repercussion of academic dishonesty. It entails a permanent dismissal from the educational institution, effectively ending any further enrollment or association with the school. Expulsion carries long-lasting consequences beyond just missing out on education opportunities. It tarnishes one’s academic record and reputation, making it difficult to gain admission into other institutions or pursue certain career paths that require a clean disciplinary history.

4. Academic reputation

A strong academic reputation is built upon a foundation of integrity and ethical conduct in educational institutions. Academic integrity refers to the honesty, trustworthiness, and ethical behavior expected from students and faculty members within an academic setting. It encompasses various aspects such as avoiding plagiarism, citing sources correctly, and conducting research with honesty and transparency.

Reputation management plays a crucial role in maintaining the academic reputation of an institution. Ethical behavior is essential for creating a conducive learning environment where knowledge is valued and respected. When students engage in cheating during exams, it undermines the principles of fairness and equal opportunities for all learners. To uphold academic integrity and manage their reputation effectively, educational institutions need to emphasize ethical behavior among their students through awareness campaigns, workshops on proper citation techniques, and clear guidelines on acceptable conduct during exams.

5. Cheating makes it hard to secure a Job

Cheating during exams not only undermines a student’s academic integrity but also raises serious concerns about their ethical values, which can have far-reaching consequences on their future career opportunities. Employers value honesty and integrity as fundamental qualities in potential employees, and discovering a candidate’s history of cheating can severely tarnish their chances of securing a job.

With competition for employment becoming increasingly fierce, employers are constantly seeking candidates who possess strong moral character and uphold the principles of fairness and trustworthiness. Consequently, those who succumb to the allure of cheating must grapple with the long-term impact on their personal growth, self-esteem, and ability to make ethically sound choices in future endeavors.

6. Cheating can cost you a scholarship

Scholarship opportunities can be lost as a result of engaging in dishonest practices during academic evaluations. Cheating not only undermines the integrity of the evaluation process but also has long-term consequences that can impact one’s future prospects. Many scholarships require applicants to demonstrate academic excellence and ethical conduct, making cheating a significant deterrent.

The impact on future prospects cannot be overstated. Scholarships provide financial support for students pursuing higher education and open doors to various opportunities such as internships, research projects, or study abroad programs. Cheating not only disqualifies individuals from immediate consideration but also diminishes their reputation and credibility over time. The impact extends beyond financial aid as it hinders access to valuable experiences and raises doubts about one’s abilities in competitive environments where integrity is paramount.

7. Creation of a false character

When students resort to creating a false character in order to cheat in exams, they not only undermine their own personal growth but also compromise the principles upon which academic institutions are built. The consequences of creating a false character extend beyond personal growth and affect the broader notion of academic integrity. It creates an unfair advantage for those who engage in such deceitful practices while disadvantaging honest students who have diligently worked towards achieving genuine success. 

8. Cheating in school erodes your independence

When students resort to cheating in school, they are essentially relinquishing their independence by relying on illicit means to achieve academic success. By not putting in the necessary effort and taking shortcuts, students miss out on valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. In essence, cheating prevents them from learning essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and perseverance that are crucial for their future endeavors.

The impact of cheating on personal growth extends beyond the educational setting and can have severe consequences in adulthood. Students who habitually cheat may struggle with decision-making and lack confidence in their abilities to tackle challenges independently. This eroded sense of independence can hinder their professional development as they enter the workforce or pursue higher education.

9. Cheating in school prevents progress

Academic dishonesty in educational settings hinders the forward momentum of personal and intellectual growth, creating a stagnant environment where genuine progress becomes elusive. When students resort to cheating in school , they bypass the essential process of learning and understanding the material. By taking shortcuts, they deprive themselves of valuable opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

To prevent cheating and promote integrity in schools, academic institutions have implemented various measures such as academic integrity programs. These programs aim to educate students about the importance of ethical behavior in academia and provide resources for developing good study habits. By instilling a sense of responsibility and emphasizing honesty, these initiatives encourage students to take ownership of their education and learn through legitimate means.

10. Cheating in universities causes stress

Cheating in universities contributes to heightened levels of stress among students. The pressure to perform well academically can lead some students to resort to cheating as a means of achieving success. However, the consequences of such actions often result in increased stress levels. Students who cheat may experience constant anxiety and fear of getting caught, which can negatively impact their mental well-being.

 One major factor contributing to the stress caused by cheating is the lack of effective stress management techniques. When students rely on cheating instead of developing their skills and knowledge, they miss out on opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. This reliance on dishonest practices creates a cycle of stress and dependence, as students become increasingly anxious about maintaining their academic performance through unethical means.

11. Cheating in school brings Embarrassment

Embarrassment is a common emotion experienced by students who engage in dishonest practices within the educational system. Cheating in school not only undermines the integrity of the academic environment but also has significant psychological and social consequences for those involved.

When students resort to cheating, they often experience a profound sense of embarrassment, knowing that their actions go against established norms and values. The psychological impact of cheating-induced embarrassment can be profound. Students may feel guilty and ashamed for their dishonesty, leading to increased stress and anxiety levels. This emotional burden can affect their overall well-being and academic performance, as it becomes difficult to focus on learning when plagued by feelings of embarrassment.

12. Cheating is a form of disrespect.

One of the key aspects to consider when examining the act of cheating is the underlying disrespect it displays towards the educational system and its values. Cheating in exams is a form of disrespectful behavior that undermines the principles of academic integrity and moral values. This disrespectful behavior not only compromises their own personal growth but also diminishes the credibility and value of education as a whole.

Cheating reflects a lack of appreciation for the learning process and devalues the efforts put forth by both educators and students who adhere to ethical principles. It sends a message that shortcuts and deceitful practices are acceptable means to achieve success, undermining the foundational basis upon which education stands.

Effect of Cheating on the Learning Process

The impact of dishonesty during exams can have significant implications for the overall educational experience. Cheating not only undermines the integrity of the learning process but also has detrimental effects on motivation. When students resort to cheating, they are essentially bypassing the opportunity to engage with the material and develop a deep understanding of the subject matter. This lack of genuine effort and comprehension can lead to a decrease in intrinsic motivation, as students become more focused on achieving high grades rather than truly mastering the content

Examples of cheating in college

Cheating in college can take various forms, including copying from fellow students during exams or assignments. Another example of cheating is when someone pays another person to write essays or papers for them.

1. Copying from fellow students

Copying from fellow students during exams undermines the integrity of the assessment process and compromises the fairness of grading. This act not only has serious consequences for the individuals involved but also poses ethical implications and challenges academic integrity. When students resort to copying, they disregard the importance of genuine learning and academic growth. Consequently, their education becomes superficial and lacks the necessary depth that would prepare them for future challenges.

Copying from fellow students during exams not only has immediate consequences for those involved but also raises important ethical concerns regarding academic integrity. The act itself undermines genuine learning opportunities and inhibits personal growth in critical areas such as problem-solving and independent thinking. Moreover, it disrupts fairness in grading processes and erodes trust within educational institutions.

2. When someone writes essays or papers for you.

Outsourcing the writing of essays or papers undermines the authenticity of academic work and hinders the development of critical thinking skills and independent research abilities. When someone else writes an essay or paper on behalf of a student, it not only compromises their academic integrity but also deprives them of valuable learning opportunities. 

Plagiarism detection tools have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years, making it easier for educators to identify instances of outsourced writing. The prevalence of such unethical practices raises serious ethical implications within educational institutions.

Outsourcing the writing of essays or papers has severe consequences on both individual students’ academic growth as well as broader educational systems’ integrity. It undermines authenticity by compromising academic rigor while hindering critical thinking skills and independent research abilities. The use of plagiarism detection tools serves as a deterrent against such practices but cannot completely eradicate them entirely.

3. Using textbooks, notes, and formula lists on exams

Utilizing textbooks, notes, and formula lists during examinations can significantly impact the educational integrity of the assessment process while potentially hindering the development of critical thinking skills and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Academic dishonesty is a serious concern in educational institutions, as it goes against the principles of fairness and equality.

Allowing students to rely on external resources during exams undermines the purpose of assessing their knowledge and proficiency in a particular subject. When students have access to textbooks, notes, or formula lists during exams, they may rely solely on these materials instead of actively engaging with the course content. This reliance not only diminishes their ability to think critically but also prevents them from fully comprehending complex concepts. Exams are designed not just to test factual recall but also to assess students’ analytical skills and their ability to synthesize information. 

Allowing students to use textbooks, notes, and formula lists during examinations can compromise educational integrity by promoting academic dishonesty. It limits opportunities for critical thinking development and impedes a thorough grasp of course material. To ensure an effective assessment process that fosters genuine learning outcomes, it is crucial for educational institutions to discourage such exam preparation methods that undermine intellectual growth and hinder academic progress.

4. Collaborating in tests or exams without permission

Collaborating with others during tests or exams without proper authorization can compromise the integrity of the assessment process and undermine the principles of fairness and equality in education. Collaborative learning, when properly facilitated and authorized by instructors, can be a valuable educational tool that promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Collaborating in tests or exams without proper authorization is detrimental to both individuals involved and the integrity of education as a whole. It is important for students to understand that academic success should be based on one’s own efforts and abilities rather than relying on unauthorized collaboration. Upholding ethical behavior is crucial for maintaining fairness, equality, and credibility within educational institutions.

5. Copying from Online Tutors

Online tutoring has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and accessibility. Students can seek help from qualified tutors anytime, anywhere, and access a wide range of study materials. While online tutoring offers numerous benefits for students, it is important to recognize the potential risks associated with this practice. Copying answers directly from online tutors not only undermines the purpose of examinations but also violates academic integrity. Plagiarism prevention strategies play a crucial role in addressing this issue. 

Educational institutions should prioritize implementing strict policies against cheating and plagiarism, educating students about the importance of academic honesty, and providing resources for developing effective study skills. Implementing plagiarism prevention strategies and comprehensive academic integrity programs can help instill a sense of responsibility among students while promoting ethical conduct in their educational journey.

Solutions to cheating in school

In order to address the issue of cheating in school, it is crucial to educate students on the importance of honesty and integrity. This can be done through regular discussions and workshops that highlight the negative consequences of cheating and emphasize the value of ethical behavior.

1. Educating students on the importance of honesty

To instill principles of honesty in students, it is imperative to educate them about the significance of integrity during examinations. Emphasizing the importance of ethical behavior in academic settings helps foster a culture of integrity and promotes academic honesty. By educating students on the consequences of cheating and highlighting the value of honesty, educational institutions can create an environment where students understand the long-term benefits of maintaining their integrity.

Educating students about the importance of ethical behavior lays the foundation for fostering a culture of integrity within educational institutions. When students are aware that dishonesty can have serious repercussions not only on their academic journey but also on their personal growth and development, they are more likely to adhere to guidelines promoting honesty. Promoting academic honesty goes beyond just preventing cheating; it encourages critical thinking skills, self-discipline, and intellectual growth. 

2. Creating anti-cheating pledges

Creating anti-cheating pledges can be a powerful tool in addressing the issue of cheating in exams. These pledges serve as a visible reminder for students to uphold their integrity and make ethical choices when faced with academic challenges. By signing such a pledge, students publicly declare their commitment to honest practices, creating awareness not only among themselves but also among their peers. This collective effort towards maintaining academic honesty can have a profound impact on reducing incidents of cheating.

Creating anti-cheating pledges is an effective strategy for discouraging cheating in exams as it creates awareness about its consequences, promotes student accountability, and builds trust within educational institutions. By encouraging students to actively commit themselves to uphold academic honesty through these pledges, a culture of integrity and personal responsibility can be fostered. Implementing such measures not only deters cheating but also instills valuable life skills and values in students that extend beyond the academic realm.

3. Instructors changing the definition of success

An alternative approach employed by instructors involves redefining the criteria for achieving success within an academic context. Rather than solely focusing on exam performance, instructors are changing expectations and placing greater emphasis on alternative assessments to evaluate students’ understanding and knowledge. 

This shift in mindset aims to reduce the pressure that often leads to cheating and encourages students to engage more deeply with the material. By changing the definition of success, instructors aim to create a learning environment that focuses on growth and understanding rather than simply memorizing information for exams. This change has a significant impact on students as it encourages them to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper comprehension of the subject matter.

Cheating in exams has serious consequences in college. Students who are caught cheating may face disciplinary actions such as receiving a failing grade for the exam or even being expelled from the institution. To combat cheating, schools can implement various solutions. Firstly, they can promote a culture of academic honesty by educating students about the negative consequences of cheating and emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct.

Schools can implement strict monitoring measures during exams to deter and detect instances of cheating. This can include using proctors or invigilators during exams or employing technology tools such as anti-plagiarism software to identify plagiarized content. By promoting academic integrity and implementing effective preventive measures, we can ensure that exams serve their intended purpose – assessing students’ true abilities and preparing them for success in their future endeavors without resorting to dishonest practices.

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16 Cause and Effect

Writing for Success

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine the purpose and structure of cause and effect in writing
  • Understand how to write a cause-and-effect essay

The Purpose of Cause and Effect in Writing

It is often considered human nature to ask, “why?” and “how?” We want to know how our child got sick so we can better prevent it from happening in the future, or why our colleague a pay raise because we want one as well. We want to know how much money we will save over the long term if we buy a hybrid car. These examples identify only a few of the relationships we think about in our lives, but each shows the importance of understanding cause and effect.

A cause is something that produces an event or condition; an effect is what results from an event or condition. The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena relate in terms of origins and results. Sometimes the connection between cause and effect is clear, but often determining the exact relationship between the two is very difficult. For example, the following effects of a cold may be easily identifiable: a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough. But determining the cause of the sickness can be far more difficult. A number of causes are possible, and to complicate matters, these possible causes could have combined to cause the sickness. That is, more than one cause may be responsible for any given effect. Therefore, cause-and-effect discussions are often complicated and frequently lead to debates and arguments.

Use the complex nature of cause and effect to your advantage. Often it is not necessary, or even possible, to find the exact cause of an event or to name the exact effect. So, when formulating a thesis, you can claim one of a number of causes or effects to be the primary, or main, cause or effect. As soon as you claim that one cause or one effect is more crucial than the others, you have developed a thesis.

The Structure of a Cause-and-Effect Essay

The cause-and-effect essay opens with a general introduction to the topic, which then leads to a thesis that states the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event.

The cause-and-effect essay can be organized in one of the following two primary ways:

  • Start with the cause and then talk about the effects
  • Start with the effect and then talk about the causes

For example, if your essay were on childhood obesity, you could start by talking about the effect of childhood obesity and then discuss the cause or you could start the same essay by talking about the cause of childhood obesity and then move to the effect.

Regardless of which structure you choose, be sure to explain each element of the essay fully and completely. Explaining complex relationships requires the full use of evidence, such as scientific studies, expert testimony, statistics, and anecdotes.

Because cause-and-effect essays determine how phenomena are linked, they make frequent use of certain words and phrases that denote such linkage. See Table 5.1 “Phrases of Causation” for examples of such terms.

The conclusion should wrap up the discussion and reinforce the thesis, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the relationship that was analyzed.

Be careful of resorting to empty speculation. In writing, speculation amounts to unsubstantiated guessing. Writers are particularly prone to such trappings in cause-and-effect arguments due to the complex nature of finding links between phenomena. Be sure to have clear evidence to support the claims that you

Writing a Cause-and-Effect Essay

Choose an event or condition that you think has an interesting cause-and-effect relationship. Introduce your topic in an engaging way. End your introduction with a thesis that states the main cause, the main effect, or both.

Organize your essay by starting with either the cause-then-effect structure or the effect-then-cause structure. Within each section, you should clearly explain and support the causes and effects using a full range of evidence. If you are writing about multiple causes or multiple effects, you may choose to sequence either in terms of order of importance. In other words, order the causes from least to most important (or vice versa), or order the effects from least important to most important (or vice versa).

Use the phrases of causation when trying to forge connections between various events or conditions. This will help organize your ideas and orient the reader. End your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis. 

Adapted from Writing for Success  by University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing,  CC Attribution NonCommercial 4.0  

Cause and Effect Copyright © by Writing for Success is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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    Study shows that one reason why students cheat is because they feel as if they almost have to because of their peers. In their article, "Source Is Important When Developing A Social Norms Campaign to Combat Academic Dishonesty ", Jennifer N. Engler and Joshua D. Landau maintains that "By this account, students cheat because they believe ...

  17. The Causes and Effects of Cheating on College Exams

    CAUSE AND EFFECT CHEATING ON COLLEGE EXAMS Although there are a lot of just and honest students in colleges right now others don't care about their education. Students continually try to cheat their way trough graduation. But the dilemma comes when they find out that the consequences are mo...

  18. Consequences Of Cheating In Exams: Examples And Effects

    6. Cheating can cost you a scholarship. Scholarship opportunities can be lost as a result of engaging in dishonest practices during academic evaluations. Cheating not only undermines the integrity of the evaluation process but also has long-term consequences that can impact one's future prospects.

  19. Cause and Effect

    A cause is something that produces an event or condition; an effect is what results from an event or condition. The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena relate in terms of origins and results. Sometimes the connection between cause and effect is clear, but often determining the exact relationship between ...

  20. Cause And Effects Of Cheating

    Cause And Effects Of Cheating. Cheating is an issue that affects many students at one time or another through out their education. It is a serious issue that can be dealt with in a number of ways. There are many different versions of cheating: copying homework, looking at another individuals test paper, plagiarizing, and so on.

  21. Causes And Effects Of Cheating

    The first cause that make them to cheat is the pressure and stress on them revolving around exams and grades. Most of students are under pressure from their family, friends and teachers. They are afraid that their friends make fun of them, their parents will complain for giving them not a good result. On the other hand, if they see their class ...

  22. Cause and Effect of Cheating in School Free Essay Example

    The choices you make can follow you the rest of your life. Cheating is an issue that affects many students at one time or another throughout their education. There are many different ways to cheat: copying homework, looking over at a peers test, plagiarizing, and so on. Nothing good comes from cheating your way through school, the only person ...