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25 Best Photography Websites of 2024 for Your Inspiration

Looking to create a beautiful photography portfolio website? These 25 examples from various genres will give you a wealth of ideas and inspiration.

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Your photography website showcases your best work, shares details about you, and provides a way for potential clients to get in contact.

Even if you’re not a professional photographer, having your own photography website is great for displaying your latest photos, making it easy to share them with friends and family.

For your inspiration, we’ve selected 25 photography portfolio websites from various popular genres built with popular website builder Pixpa.

Each shows a different style and approach to showcasing photos online.

If you’d like to have a go at building your own photography website, tap here to try Pixpa free for 15 days.

25 Great Examples of Photography Websites

All of these websites for photographers were built using Pixpa and its photography website templates . Notice how photographers in different genres have selected templates that highlight their photography style and meet their business goals.

Wedding Photography Websites

The portfolio website of a wedding photographer is their primary sales tool.

Like all portfolios, it needs to showcase your talent. But more importantly, it needs to communicate to potential clients precisely what they’d get if they booked you.

Many wedding photographers like to include a sample gallery that shows a wide range of shots captured during a typical wedding ceremony.

Another handy tool for wedding photographers is Client Galleries by Pixpa. These allow your clients to view and proof their images and order prints or downloads.

Some businesses have a full e-commerce solution that takes bookings and handles payments, while others keep it simple with a photo gallery and basic contact information.

Here are some great examples of wedding photography websites.

William Lambelet

William Labelet

Lambelet is an award-winning photojournalist and wedding photographer from France. He travels worldwide to capture amazing moments at all types of wedding ceremonies.

His website is minimalistic and simple. There are slideshows of his best works, and albums load in the same photo-centric format. This showcases what makes his site one of the best photographer websites. Note that Lambelet keeps a separate site on a different domain for his work as a photojournalist.

This is an inspiring website for photographers who are starting out.

Andrew Guy Studio

Andrew Guy Studio portfolio

Guy’s wedding photography portfolio website is eye-catching and effective. Color and black and white photos of different orientations are shown in a collage-style gallery.

Larger photos can be viewed by clicking each image, which opens a slideshow viewer. Guy only includes his best work and doesn’t overcomplicate his portfolio with too many categories or choices. He has a simple FAQ page and a contact form.

Drew Makenzi Photography

Drew Makenzi Photography Portfolio

Here’s one of the many popular photography websites to take inspiration from.

Makenzi uses a more complex site that feels more e-commerce based than a portfolio. But it’s full of gorgeous images, with a full-screen slideshow taking up the landing page. Below the fold, you’ll see the quick bio of Makenzi and gallery choices for each of her specialties.

Portrait Photography Portfolio Websites

Portrait portfolios are similar to wedding photography websites: you aren’t just showcasing your best work – you’re trying to land new clients.

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Since all photographers have a distinctive style and specialize in different types of portraiture, you need to curate your albums to clarify what your clients get from you.

This isn’t to say that you should feel limited. Most portrait photographers have a favorite field, but it might not be their primary money-maker. Include multiple galleries on your site so that the right client connects with the right images to make the sale.

Here are a few sites to visit and get awesome photography website ideas.

Knolton Photography Co.

Knolton Photography Co.

If you are looking for photography website examples for inspiration, this is worth checking out.

Knolton’s landing page has a unique twist. Their large banner image features four of their best portraits, framed on the wall above a comfortable bench seat. His photographer website is a great place to find inspiration for your own photography projects.

The result is a little more personal and puts the product into clear perspective. Lower on the page, you’ll find individual galleries for their target markets – weddings, seniors, families, and sports. Lastly, there’s a quick-and-easy contact form.

Olga Miljko

Olga Miljko website

Miljko is a Miami-based fashion and portrait photographer who has done projects for Chanel, Ritique, and Katana swimwear. Her galleries are divided into her focus areas, and project requests link to a calendar for booking or quotes.

The portfolio is collage-style, with large striking images showing her talent and specialties.

Josh Loves Light

Josh Loves Light

Josh is a commercial portrait and brand strategy photographer from California. Since his business is structured a little differently than other photographers, so is his website.

His home page features a scrolling gallery of his best images. In addition, links take you to portraits and individual “Featured Clients” pages. Likewise, a “Projects” page links to photo sets based on specific photo shoots and objectives.

Studio J Photo Group

Studio J Photo Group

Studio J focuses on headshots and event photos in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Their website makes an impression with their best work, which is a powerful marketing tool since this is exactly the impression you want to make if you’re in the market for a good headshot. Headshots have a horizontal-scrolling gallery bar with a highlight focus effect.

Abstractt Studios

Abstractt Studios

Nitin Patel of Abstractt Studios is a portrait, film, fashion, and theater photographer from India. His site is striking in that it is mostly black and white images and mostly presented in symmetrical squares.

The tidiness and order compliment the complex and deep portrait style. Color images are used but are carefully grouped in the layout to not ruin the balance of the website as a whole.

Family Photography Websites

Many wedding and portrait photographers also shoot families, but these are different sorts of shoots. If family pictures are part of your business, dedicate an album to showing them. A family photography album includes big families and lots of kid shots.

There are often lifestyle shots as well, something that highlights the group’s common interests.

Even family photography can be segmented, of course. Maternity, newborn, newlywed, and kid photos are all unique subsets.

Consider dividing your portfolio to include lots of variety so that clients can imagine what their final images would look like. Here are wedding photographers’ websites to get inspiration.

Organic Aperture Photography

Organic Aperture Photography website

Organic Aperture Photography of Lubbock, Texas, specializes in portraits. Their galleries highlight their primary markets – seniors, families, pets, couples, and weddings.

The website is e-commerce centric, with purchase options for one, two, or three-hour sessions and prints right on the website. The portfolio section is a gallery view of color images. The website also links to client galleries, each locked for client privacy.

RedC Photography

RedC Photography

RedC is the brainchild of Maurice Redrick of San Antonio, Texas . His tagline is fun, natural, and understated – all qualities that shine through on his professional photography website.

His work includes portraits, sports, headshots, and newborn photography. His galleries are divided into his target groups and curated with his best images.

Rose Boutique Photography

Rose Boutique Photography portfolio

Rose Boutique is a full-service photography studio located in Chicago. Their site is divided into business branding, family photography, and milestones. Their story-driven style is evident in every step of their website. Photos are grouped into sets for the impact of the story.

Lifestyle Photos – Best Photography Websites

Lifestyle photography is a blend of portraiture and commercial photography. It can also be an editorial, like a magazine or photojournalistic endeavor.

Every lifestyle photographer has a little bit of a different take on what they’re after, so each one has unique needs from their portfolio.

Many times photographers will want to combine lifestyle photography with other genres. It’s important to keep in mind how your customers will be searching to find you – will they be looking for a lifestyle photographer, or are they more likely to be looking for portraits or weddings?

Don’t overlook the most common names for what you do, and then get descriptive from there.

Christopher D. Bates

Christopher D Bates

Bates toes the line between commercial brand-building photography and lifestyle shoots.

He not only includes galleries of spectacular images on his page but also has pages dedicated to the services he offers and who would be interested.

His galleries are equally divided between lifestyle and editorial shoots, but the quality of his storytelling is apparent in both.

Miranda Mazza

Miranda Mazza

Mazza is based in Texas and specializes in lifestyle portraiture. Her galleries feature fewer images that are presented bigger than most.

Her outdoor settings compliment the organic nature of her photography, as does the scrolling gallery style of the website.

Monica Christensen Photography

Monica Christensen Photography

Christensen is a lifestyle photographer from Michigan. Her site has personal touches you don’t see in many photo portfolios. For example, a large part of the home page is dedicated to a personal welcome message.

Below the fold are links to booking a session, features work, and more about her. Of course, there’s also a quick contact form. Her portfolio consists of open galleries from her best shoots.

This technique works well to show what a family lifestyle shoot looks like – a collection of pictures that work together as a set.

Fine Art Inspirational Photography Websites

Fine art portfolios are much less commercial than other types of photo websites. These images are likely divided into projects or sets, where the photos’ purpose is to tell a complete story.

Another thing to keep in mind with fine art websites is the look and feel of the website. The backgrounds should complement the photography. A plain black or white background is usually best, especially if you’re using black and white photography.

Ryo Yanagi

Yanagi is a Japanese fine art photographer based in Tokyo. Her work is black and white and spans from “Sha-Bokusho,” the three-dimensional expression in ink, to nudes and still lifes.

For a photography website, the portfolio is simple – four galleries accessed from the home page. Each gallery is dedicated to a particular photo project or set.

Tyler Grace

Tyler Grace

Grace is a conceptual artist from Australia . His work is described as cinematic, dark, and thought-provoking. His website is too, with dark background colors that add to the tone of the imagery.

The home gallery features a set of his best and most memorable works, while individual project galleries add an artist’s brief.

Grace keeps a separate web portfolio site for his fashion portrait and commercial photography business since these have different audiences.

If you like to be inspired by eye-catching and unique photos, this is one of the best photographer websites to keep an eye out for.

Commercial Photography Portfolio Websites

Commercial photographers are usually booked for a project, so this is a good way to organize your portfolio. By showing the variety of images you can create on one topic, you give your potential clients an idea of the package you could create for them.

All clients like some choice, so you want to prove you aren’t a one-shot wonder.

Some photographers create a main gallery with a mix of their best photos. This catches the eye and gets customers to investigate deeper.

Then, there are separate galleries dedicated to each project, so they can get an in-depth look at the detail and organization you could bring to their job.

André Ormset

André Ormset

Ormset is a photographer and digital artist from Norway.

His composite photographs are unique and catching. From “Houses in Strange Places” to “Children’s Fantasy,” each gallery on his site highlights one of his favorite projects.

In addition, he has added an “Other Projects” gallery to capture an assortment of great stand-alone images.

Ormset has created the perfect portfolio – somehow, he has perfectly showcased a commercial photographer’s career but maintained the feel of an artist’s portfolio.

Duncan Fenn Photography

Duncan Fenn Photography

If the afterburners of the F-18 fighter jet on the homepage don’t give it away, Fenn is an aircraft photographer. His images are mostly captured at airshows around Australia.

Galleries are divided by airshow and by aircraft type. The site relies on a handful of striking images that fill your screen, while the galleries require scrolling down.

The site is busy overall, but the layout works well and is eye-catching given the subject matter.

Landscape Photography

Landscapes are all about big pictures of big places. A popular technique for organizing a landscape photography portfolio website is to use a large home page image or slideshow to draw a viewer’s attention.

If you’re shooting landscapes, your clients are more likely to be professional photo buyers than consumers. In this case, you can spend less time on the “about me” and more time displaying your best work. Here are photography pages and sites to watch out for in Landscape Photography.

Leroy Souhuwat

Leroy Souhuwat

Iceland-based Souhuwat’s nature photography is presented in a minimalistic and impactful photography website.

Symmetrical galleries with dark backgrounds highlight his striking compositions.

Beyond one gallery, the website is pretty sparse. There’s an Instagram gallery stripe on the bottom of the homepage, but Souhuwat skips the standard contact form and About Me section.

Travis G. Decker

Travis G. Decker

Decker is a landscape and travel photographer from New Mexico with collections of classic lens photos, landscapes, and specific destinations. His photography website is simple.

The home page features a large, high-resolution version of four of his favorite images in a small slideshow that serves as his introduction. More galleries are found below the fold of the site.

Travel Photography

Travel photography websites share much in common with landscape sites. Many times, travel will be integrated into a gallery with one or more elements, like landscapes or portraits.

Travel photography is a broad category and could include anything from scenic shots to food or even lifestyle.

Marcel Steinegger Photography

Marcel Steinegger Photography

Steinegger’s portfolio immediately catches your eye with a full-page slideshow of his best images. A selection highlights each gallery of the site – stars, clouds, beings, black and white, drama, and views.

Clicking each takes you to an individual slideshow. The site avoids the gallery layout, which can feel crowded on a webpage like this. Instead, each image is displayed individually on a black background .

The only other content is a short about me page and a contact form. It’s simple, but it’s still captivating.


MODzent has many galleries, so they’ve cleverly divided their galleries page into subsections based on keywords. The effect is neat for anyone with an extensive photo collection they want to share online.

In travel photography, it would work very well with different destinations. MODzent uses their photography blog with great effect, with a separate blog post highlighting each photo expedition.

Black and White Photography Sites

Artists who work in black and white will undoubtedly understand the importance of elegant and understated web design. The point is to let the work speak for itself without any interference or distraction.

Lola Wajskop

Lola Wajskop

Wajskop is a film photographer with a striking web portfolio. S

he understands the impact of black and white photography, so she has two galleries on her site – one for black and whites and one for color images. Each collection is a simple gallery.

Thomas Striegl

Thomas Striegl portfolio

Striegl is an artist through and through, challenging not only your visual senses but also your notions about the terms we use to describe our photography.

He has a home page with a traditional-looking left menu bar. To the right, a large slideshow presentation shows each gallery.

Van Andre Rensburg

Van Andre Rensburg

Rensburg captures black and white portraits with a fine art aesthetic. There are only two collections: photo and video. The collections are scroll-through galleries of the artist’s best works.

The effect is fluid and works very well – Rensburg obviously spent plenty of time curating the images for the site.

Should Photographers Have a Website?

There are plenty of ways that photographers can share their photos online. While many love sharing them on social services like Instagram, Flickr, or 500px, having your own portfolio site gives you authenticity.

Social sites are marketing opportunities for professionals to help them create a following. But if you’re selling your work, there is an expectation that you’ll have a website.

So does every photographer need a portfolio site? Probably not. Casual weekend hobbyists might be happier to keep it simple and stick to social media or photo-sharing sites.

On the other hand, if you’d like to offer your services or sell your work, having a portfolio is the first step toward making money from your photography.

Best Photography Websites FAQs

How many photos should I put on my photography website?

A photo portfolio should be a collection of your absolute best work. In nearly every instance, your motto should be “less is more.” Every single image should be unique and impactful. Ideally, you only want one picture of each shoot – avoid having multiple images that feature the same scene or model.

There are exceptions, however. For example, a wedding or event photographer might want photo galleries that show what complete sets of photos look like. Likewise, a commercial photographer might want a photo gallery highlighting the final set of iamges they delivered to a client. These would be in addition to the photographer’s primary portfolio gallery.

What should a photography website include?

If you’ve ever wondered what you should put on your photography website, here are the main things.

  • Branding – your name, logo, and company colors to make the website your own
  • Primary photography portfolio – collection of your absolute best work
  • Artist info – a little about yourself and how to get in touch or book a session
  • Call To Action (CTA) – contact form or links to your social media

How much does it cost to build a photography website?

The overall cost of a photography website varies depending on how you want to build it and what you want it to be able to do. There are free options, but most of these will be too limited for businesses and photographers with growing portfolios. You’ll find that free options may force you to have ads on the site or limit your SEO options. Many free options are also limited to single-page business listings.

With a hosting provider and a WordPress site, you can get a portfolio setup for very little money – usually less than $10 per month. However, working in WordPress requires a lot of practice, numerous third-party plugins, and a ton of patience to learn how to make it all work.

Website builders like Pixpa can save you a lot of time and aggravation. Pixpa’s pricing plans range from $5 to $25 per month, depending on your required feature set. And building a site on Pixpa, with a range of professionally-designed templates, is easy as pie.

You can also check this list of other great website builders from our friends at Dorik.

How do I create a free photography website?

The exact process you use to make a free photography site will depend on the hosting provider you choose. They all work a little differently, but many have setup videos and training to get you started quickly. Remember that most free sites limit the number of pages you can create or limit your use of features like custom domains and SEO support.

Photographers who are selling their work need the best photography websites they can make. Portfolio sites are simple to make and easy to maintain, but you do have to have your eye on exactly what you want the site to do for you.

From sharing with family and friends to marketing a busy photography business , your photography portfolio can rock on Pixpa. You can try out Pixpa for free and start building your portfolio website right away – tap here to get started today >>


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41 Examples of Inspiring Photography Websites

Last Updated January 5 2024

Written By Juhil Mendpara

A good photography website is a showcase for photos. Take inspiration from real-world photo galleries to design your digital photo gallery.

Notice how galleries are uncluttered and how they use whitespace to distinctly display each photo ⁠— replicate that .

A real-world photo gallery

More than any other type of website, a photography website should show rather than tell. Actually, to put it more accurately, a photography website should show and then tell if asked (through a click on Learn More link, for example). After all, you still need to share (and potential clients want to know) your story, your approach behind past photography projects, client testimonials, etc.

While a unique look and feel are important, exercise a bit of skepticism about photo galleries that are a little too unusual. For example, photo galleries that scroll horizontally (left to right) are unique but can be difficult for visitors to browse.

Above all else, your website needs to be usable — you don’t want to frustrate your visitors!

So how does a well-designed photography website look like? I went through hundreds of photographers’ websites. Below, I have shared some of the best photography websites for inspiration.

Tip: Use ← and → arrow keys to browse.

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photography websites ideas

1. Scott Snyder

Scott Snyder is a product/object photographer based in Costa Mesa, California. His photography is clean-cut and top-of-the-line quality, as apparent from his minimal photography portfolio .

The professional photographer showcases his best photos with plenty of negative space on the homepage. You can find more about each photography project by clicking on the associated photo: He mentions his roles in the project, what he did to successfully complete the project, about the client, and more for each photo. It’s a lot of (well-written) text, but it follows the “show and then tell” principle I discussed in the intro.

Besides showcasing his work on the homepage, he has a separate Work page where he has displayed more of his works beautifully in a two-column layout.

photography websites ideas

Even the overall website experience is fantastic. Scott uses easily-readable fonts; the scrolling animations are on point; there’s a small ‘about me’ section; there are appropriately placed CTAs (Contact, Instagram); etc.

2. Almost Real

Almost Real lets you shop for fine art photography from a collective of creatives. It’s a beautiful site with a gallery feel — simple and austere with plenty of whitespaces.

If you plan to sell your photography as a product and not a service, Almost Real is an ecommerce store with a worth-replicating website design.

Important features of the website: All photos (i.e., products) are well-categorized, you can browse a particular artist’s work, you can click on the magnifying glass that appears on hover to see photos closely, etc.

3. Meiwen See

Meiwen is a professional designer and photographer that features travel, people, editorial, and interior photography. He is also a designer, combining his many artistic talents to help his clients with branding, art direction, and more. If you plan on selling other complimentary services alongside your photography business, see Meiwen’s website.

His site is minimalistic. On the homepage, he has gone with two main things: a short bio and his photography and design portfolio with a few featured items. The minimal navigation bar helps visitors find more of his portfolio items, the contact form, or the primary social media profiles (Behance, Instagram, and Pinterest).

Potential clients interested in his photography click on “photographer” from the site title or navigate through the navigation bar. And they find this gorgeous four-column portfolio:

The masonary layout looks nice.

4. Levon Biss

Levon Biss is a photographer in London. He has some authentic and gorgeous work with people, soccer, and insects. His work has been published in TIME magazine, The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, and many other respected international titles.

The website showcases featured photos uniquely yet in an obvious way as far as user experience is concerned. It doesn’t follow a fixed column and an image per column structure. Instead, the designer has fixed the container width and defined whitespace between two images ⁠— in simpler words, if the image fits side-by-side in the defined space, it will enter there; otherwise, it will go below.

Besides, the menu on the left side looks natural for navigation of other important pages. It hides all the menu items behind the icon, which is not ideal for desktop sites. However, it works beautifully in this case because Levon gets to showcase his work in a full-screen gallery.

Note : Levon also has a Shopify store on a different domain, where he sells his photos. He could have chosen Squarespace Ecommerce to sell on the same website, but he didn’t for some reason. See our Shopify vs Squarespace comparison to learn why Squarespace Commerce would have worked.

5. Juno Photo & Film

The website of Juno Photo & Film displays the photographer’s beautiful work nicely. Upon landing, the homepage hero section captivates with a selection of stunning wedding photos. These visuals are complemented by a muted color palette and refined typography, contributing to an elegant aura.

The design leans towards minimalism, ensuring that the photographs remain the focal point.

As you explore, you’ll find a straightforward navigation bar guiding you to various galleries. Each gallery, whether it features weddings, elopements, engagements, or the latest work, showcases the photographer’s knack for capturing moments with precision.

Adding a personal touch, an ‘About’ section delves into Juno’s journey and vision. For those wishing to connect, a user-friendly contact page facilitates easy inquiries. Juno also has a separate “Investment” page listing all his photography and videography packages.

Overall, the website provides an uninterrupted viewing experience on both desktop and mobile. Juno Photo & Film masterfully blends artistic display with user-centric design, making it a worthy wedding photography website to look up to.

Side Note : This website is built using one of our favorite third-party Squarespace photography templates , Apache by Brittamade.

6. Peter McKinnon

Peter McKinnon is a photographer, videographer, and YouTuber from Toronto. His 5 million+ subscribers YouTube channel has some awesome tutorials that help others learn in a fun way. You can also purchase presets and buy gear from him.

His website is more of an influencer’s personal brand website where they sell their merchandise and less of a photography portfolio . You’ll notice how Peter is at the center of the website and not his work.

If you want to build a website for your personal brand and showing photography is secondary, then Peter’s website may be a good inspiration.

7. Andrew Heeley Photography

Andrew Heeley Photography caters to unconventional and alternative weddings. Yet, and smartly so, Andrew has kept the website’s look and feel conventional:

  • There’s a big, beautiful hero image.
  • The navigation bar is conventionally located, with conventional options (About Me, Portfolio, Pricing, Blog, Contact).
  • There are galleries and photos everywhere.
  • Testimonials and “Featured On” sections are suitably placed for social proof.

I specifically like two things on this website:

  • Aesthetics : Andrew uses a simple, readable font and adds the flair where needed with eye-catching underlines. Also, the website’s color scheme is beautiful — the brown, yellow, and background whitish-yellow colors combine gorgeously.
  • Copywriting : The writing on the website (be it the homepage copy or stories on the blog) is straightforward and effective — something his potential clients would enjoy reading and have no difficulty understanding. Example:

All in all, Andrew’s wedding photography website is a solid inspiration for your business site.

8. Sanz Lena Photography

Sanz Lena is a fashion and beauty photographer based in Paris. He has been working since 2012 and has an impressive portfolio. There is also editorial work, still-life, and personal-based work in addition to his main focus.

His website is built using Format, one of the two best website builders for photography portfolios (the other one’s Squarespace ).

The website uses a classic ready-to-use Format template and looks awesome. It defies the “have plenty of whitespace like in photo galleries” rule I mentioned earlier, but it works as the thumbnails contrast each other (Side note: You need to know the rules to break them. )

9. Mel Volkman

This website is the portfolio of Mel Volkman, a fine artist based in Maine. It features a clean and simple design, with a focus on showcasing her work and selling prints.

For the ecommerce store, she uses an Instagram profile-like three-column template. She also showcases her photography in the Journal , where the photos are stacked one below another.

10. Jonathan Gregson

Jonathan has worked with big brands like Heinz, The Coca Cola Company, Amazon, and small businesses like Ginger & White London cafe (whom we featured in our cafe & coffee shops website examples collection) over his 20+ years of professional photography career. You can categorize Jonathan as a food photographer., though he also has other stunning work.

His website is an excellent example of a photography website keeping photos front and center. Though, it could use some whitespace.

This website can be a good inspiration for photographers with huge portfolios (like Jonathan’s). Jonathan showcases thumbnails of different projects at the top. People can click the thumbnails to see all the work of that particular project.

11. Mike Kelley

Mike Kelley is a photographer located in California. You can view his excellent work that is focused on architecture, as well as his love for airplanes. He loves the world of art and design and merging these into his projects.

The website is clean, with the homepage divided into two columns. The main section showcases his works, whereas the left column helps visitors navigate different parts of the website - his work portfolio in a particular sector, the ecommerce store where he sells portraits, the about page, the contact page, etc.

12. Claire Byrne Photography

Claire Byrne Photography offers an enchanting look into wedding moments filled with timeless romance. The website, designed with sophistication, draws visitors in with full-sized images on the homepage. Dreamy hues and a refined font enhance the allure of Claire’s photographic artistry.

Her galleries vividly showcase her ability to capture both candid emotions and scenic beauty. Simple navigation guides visitors through her expansive portfolio, touching testimonials, and comprehensive photography packages. In the ‘About’ section, Claire’s passion for capturing love stories shines.

Overall, the website stands as an invitation to a world where love stories are artfully immortalized, making Claire a prime choice for couples wanting lasting wedding memories.

13. Edzera Gallery

Edzerza Gallery is a Canadian online art gallery that specializes in Inuit art. The website offers a wide range of Inuit art, from traditional carvings and sculptures to contemporary paintings and prints.

The website also features a blog, which offers news and information about Inuit art and culture. In addition, the Edzerza Gallery website provides educational resources, including a glossary of Inuit terms and a brief history of Inuit art.

14. Adrieana Blazin

Adrieana is a photographer raised in New Jersey. She has some sharp and breathtaking images of animals, people, and more. There are a lot of black and whites for a classic yet loud vibe. She also used to be an opera singer and learned a lot about what it meant to succeed from her years in that field.

She uses a slider to show her beautiful photography in the portfolio section. I love the images but am not a fan of the portfolio design choice here. It isn’t bad per se but looks very 2015ish ⁠— but it sure is a way to showcase photography in case you are looking for something that isn’t just photos stacked in columns.

15. Pedro N The World

Pedro moved from Brazil to the USA when he was 22 years old to further his education. His portfolio is an impressive tribute to his imagery skills. He is unique in his images in that they are not just beautiful but soulful and emotional as well.

His portfolio with images in three columns looks like an Instagram profile, which is great because a) it looks beautiful, and b) Instagram would have tested a lot of options and found a three-column design is the best.

photography websites ideas

16. Haris Nukem

Commercial photographer that provides images that stand for something and accompany important messages. You can check out his “press” tab on the website and see where his images have been featured and read articles about the photographer and his skills.

The horizontally scrolling portfolio looks a bit weird, but you’ll know that it scrolls horizontally anytime you enter the website.

photography websites ideas

17. Liller Photo

Liller Photo is run by Lauren, who is based out of Chicago. She offers weddings, engagements, family sessions, and more. She has a fun yet soulful vibe and appreciates to her core what she gets to capture. Her Mom being an artist, taught and inspired her to follow her artistic ways.

The website homepage is a simple slideshow of her recent best work. I am not a big fan of sliders, but no one can deny showcasing full-size pictures right at the top will work wonders for a photographer’s website.

18. Lieben Photography

Lieben practices wedding photography, newborns, families, and more. Her gorgeous portraits have been featured in Bridal Magazines for other brides to swoon after. She books up sometimes up to 18 months in advance, so you’ll need to grab her services quickly!

I am not sure, but her beautiful photography might have featured on one of the wedding websites we came across.

19. Brandi Toole

Brandi is based in New York and works as a wedding photographer. What started as a side job as an assistant at a studio, became an eye-opener for her true passion in life. Now 7 years in, she can’t imagine doing anything else but wedding photography.

20. Jessica Chou

Jessica Chou is a photographer serving California. Her work has a documentary vibe to it, and she likes to take a raw approach to her practice. You can find images of some big names within her portrait portfolio.

The site uses a well-built Squarespace photography template that showcases her work in a single-column layout, which makes the photos pop and gives the website a minimal look.

21. Alex Tran Photography

Alex is living in Montreal and providing photography services, including headshots and editorial work.

The website uses a nice masonry gallery with ample whitespace as borders to display all gorgeous photos.

22. Milkovi

The website for Milkovi features a clean and modern design that is easy to navigate. The home page features a large header image and links to collections. The site has a simple color scheme of white, black, and gray, with accents of green and blue.

23. Carmen Hunter

Carmencita Huter is a world-renowned photographer whose work has been featured in magazines and galleries all over the world. She is best known for her portraits of famous people, which have earned her a reputation as one of the most skilled portrait photographers in the business. In addition to her work in portraiture, Huter is also an accomplished landscape photographer, and her images of natural settings have been praised for their beauty and artistry.

24. Mathieu Stern

Mathieu Stern was born in Paris and is now a professional photographer and filmmaker. He loves to experiment with vintage and new-age lens. His lens museum page is an awesome exploration of a huge variety of lens options. You can also see where his work has been featured and view his blog.

25. Grace Chuang

Grace is a photographer and a creative mind all around working on several different projects. She also works for Gingko Bioworks, using strategies based on Biology as opposed to production.

26. Will Bremridge

Will is based in London and has stellar commercial and editorial photography. Take a look at his portfolio and you’ll see all sorts of celebs in his lineup. He also offers classes and travels worldwide for his projects.

27. Kayla Fisher Photography

Kayla is an Arizona-based wedding photographer that hopes to push the boundaries with each and every couple she works with. She is willing and loves to travel for work and views it as a non-stop educational journey that’s a whole lot of fun!

28. Mile Nagaoka Videography

Nagaoka is a videographer based in Tokyo. He offers freelance services in videography including independent films, hosting workshops, and more. You can check out his documentaries and view his commercial work in both video and photography via his site.

29. Amelia Allen

Amelia Allen is a photographer based in London. She has beautiful work in fashion, documentaries, and portraits. She started out as an assistant and has taken steps from there to become successful.

30. CW Management

CW Management is a talent management organization for models and actors. They are well known and work closely with some big-name casting agencies from around the world.

31. Cassandra Ladru

Cassandra is a lifestyle and wedding photographer, also working in fashion and editorial. Her style is romantic and timeless, being featured in Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.

32. Brandon Woelfel

Brandon is a photographer based out of New York. Check out his portfolio and his instagram directly from this page. You can also view neat before and afters and learn about the gear he uses to achieve the look.

33. Julia & Gil

Julia and Gil are a team of photographers that want to capture any and all versions of two people in love. They travel and work worldwide and have over 7 years of experience. Look to them for presets to assist in your own editing in Photoshop and Lightroom.

34. Tffy DeJesus

Professional makeup artist that works in commercials, fashion, and special effects among others. Her portfolio is so full of variety from clean and fresh, to dark and scary. She has done some very unique makeup for music videos that really bring a theme to life.

35. J. La Plante Photo

J. La Plante Photo is a beautiful wedding photography website that mesmerizes visitors with its captivating aesthetics. Specializing in capturing love stories through the lens, this site takes viewers on a visual journey like no other.

The website’s use of parallax scrolling creates a stunning effect, immersing visitors in a dreamlike ambiance. As you scroll, images gracefully transition, revealing glimpses of heartfelt moments and tender emotions. The seamless and fluid navigation enhances the overall browsing experience, adding an element of enchantment to each click.

Beyond the mesmerizing visuals, J. La Plante Photo’s website proudly showcases a plethora of credentials, awards, testimonials, and all other “social proof” elements. These accolades serve as a testament to the photographer’s talent and recognition within the wedding photography industry.

The website’s design effortlessly balances elegance and simplicity, allowing the photography to take center stage. With a sophisticated color palette and tasteful typography, the site exudes refinement and sophistication, perfectly complementing the artistry of the captured moments.

Furthermore, the thoughtfully organized galleries allow visitors to explore a diverse array of weddings and love stories. Each gallery showcases the photographer’s ability to capture the uniqueness and beauty of every couple’s journey.

36. Danilo and Sharon

Sharon and Danilo Vasic are a married photography duo based in Europe. They both have experience in fashion and advertising, which overflows into their portfolio of weddings and editorial.

37. Adam Bird Photography

Adam is a wedding and portrait photographer in Birmingham, England. His work is a wide variety of vibes from mystical to fresh and romantic. You can visit his store and purchase presets for use in Lightroom and Photoshop.

38. 5-Year Bike Trip

Tomi is a 35-year-old photographer that has set out on a 5-year journey to travel the world by bicycle. You can view his glorious adventure on his site and read about why he started the journey. His connections to riding, nature, and photography are a fresh outlook on life!

39. Alessandro Casagrande

Italian artist that lives in California full time. He is the founder of BACCALA Magazine. You can take a look at his photos of music, view his book that takes a look at the intimacy of relationships, and check out his general portfolio.

40. Marvin Lei

Marvin Lei practices photography in Long Island and NYC. You can contact him for all people-related photography. He also has a page for Lens Ball photography which is unlike anything we’ve seen! Check out his page on what gear he uses, and find the companies he works with for branding specifics.

41. Deanie Chen

Deanie Chen is based in Los Angeles. She focuses on portraits, lifestyle, sports, and live music. You’ll find it all when browsing through her site. She currently attends college as well and is furthering her education in addition to her art skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do i need a website for my photography.

Yes, you need a website for your photography business. It acts as a center for people interested in your services. They'll visit it to see your previous works, know about you, read testimonials, etc.

Which is the best website builder for photographers?

I recommend you use either Squarespace or Format for photography portfolios . For an overall photography website that will have a blog, a store, etc., Squarespace is the best choice.

What about photography website builders?

Niche photography website builders like Pixpa, Cargo Collective, and SmugMug can do a great job of showcasing photos and be cheaper, but a general-purpose website builder (that also has everything a photography website needs) like Squarespace is recommended for its range of features and scalability options.

How do I create my own photography website?

Use a website builder like Squarespace or Format. They have gorgeous templates to showcase photography in the best light -- you can choose one of those templates, make a couple of changes, and create your photography website.

What should a photography website include?

Must have: A typical photography website includes the photographer's best work, an about section, and a contact form or contact details. Can have: You can (and should) add other things like testimonials, social media feed, print store, blog, etc.

How many photos should a photography website have?

You don't want to confuse the visitor or have them just scroll through your mesmerizing photos, so do not add more photos than necessary to showcase your skill. Remember: Less is more. If you have a large portfolio, it's best to display your work in a funnel. First, show thumbnails of featured projects at the top and then show more photos of each project if the visitor clicks the thumbnail.

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Vandelay Design

33 of the Best Photography Websites & Portfolios of 2023

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A portfolio website is an essential marketing tool for any creative professional. Whether you’re a designer or a photographer, potential clients will judge your capabilities by what they see on your portfolio site. In many cases, your online portfolio will be one of the most significant factors a client considers when deciding who to hire (your photos are your product).

Photography websites showcase work, provide biographical information regarding the artist, include a contact page for visitors, and are perfect for inspiration and creative influence. Below are 33 portfolios with different styles and approaches.

Create Your Own Photography Website: If you want to create your own site, we recommend Squarespace . They have a large collection of beautiful templates that make the process fast and easy. You can also customize your site easily with the drag-and-drop website builder. Plus, Squarespace has all the features and functionality you need, including e-commerce capabilities to sell your photos.

Showcase of Photography Websites

In this article, we showcase some of the best photography websites in the industry, as well as the current web design trends. Here you’ll find photography portfolio websites that are well-designed and also showcase amazing photos. You’ll see a few different styles and approaches.

Many of the best portfolio websites use a large background image or slider to showcase photos. Others use many smaller thumbnail images to fill the screen.

A minimalist design style is also common because it allows the photos to be the center of attention rather than being overpowered by the graphic design details of the site.

Jen Huang Bogan

Photography Websites - Jen Huang Bogan

Built with Squarespace

The first portfolio site we’ll showcase features a minimalist design style and a clean layout. You’ll see several large photos as you scroll down the homepage. The navigation menu is in the left sidebar, which stays in place as you scroll.

Visitors can access themed photo galleries (weddings, engagements, and portraits) to see more of the photographer’s work.

The site also includes a shop with photo prints and books available for purchase. The shop is powered by Squarespace’s e-commerce functionality.

James Tye Photography

James Tye Photography

Like many photography websites, James Tye’s portfolio features a full-screen photo on the homepage. However, this site takes a unique approach by using a sticky footer that includes the logo, navigation menu, and social media icons.

Several themed galleries are accessible from the navigation menu. The site also includes a blog and a contact page. A brief bio is also included on the contact page.

Mike Kelley

Mike Kelley

Mike Kelley is an architectural photographer, and his homepage features a beautiful example of his work. The “previous” and “next” links at the bottom of the left sidebar scroll through a selection of photos.

The “portfolio” link in the navigation menu opens a dropdown with links to specific categories within the portfolio.

Peter McKinnon

Peter McKinnon

Peter McKinnon’s homepage features a full-screen background picture of the photographer. His site is unlike some other photography portfolio website examples showcased here because the shop is a more prominent section than the portfolio. Peter creates and sells digital products like Lightroom presets, video LUTs, and more through his Squarespace shop.

This Wild Idea

This Wild Idea

This photography website uses a simple homepage that includes two columns of photos. The header navigation menu includes links to the important parts of the site like the portfolio and the shop where prints can be purchased.

A link to the “about” page is off to the right, separated from the rest of the navigation menu.

Greg Ross

Built with WordPress

Greg Ross’s portfolio website uses a text-based logo at the center of the header. The navigation menu is split to the left and right.

The site uses a clean design and basic black & white color scheme. The homepage features a slider that allows the user to scroll through a number of photos.

Giles Clement

Giles Clement

Giles Clement’s homepage includes a centered title and navigation menu on top of a full-screen background image. The background rotates through several photos, changing every few seconds.

After you click on any of the links, you’ll see a different section of the site with a more tradition header that includes the logo and menu.

Deanie Chen

Deanie Chen

Deanie Chen’s photography website uses a splash page with a full-screen background photo. When you click to enter the site, you’ll see the homepage, as shown above.

The page features many photos that can be viewed by scrolling down. The navigation menu also includes links to several categorized layouts.

Harold Feng Photography

Harold Feng Photography

Built with Pixpa

Harold Feng’s site also uses a splash page. There are two options that visitors can select: event photos or travel photos. Clicking either button takes you to a portfolio page (the travel portfolio is showcased above).

The site also includes a shop, where visitors can purchase prints.

Danilo & Sharon

Danilo & Sharon

This wedding photography portfolio website takes a unique approach by featuring a video on the homepage. The site has a luxurious feel, which is appropriate for a wedding photographer.

Below the fold on the homepage, you’ll see logos of publications that have featured Danilo & Sharon. The logos of Vogue, Elle, and others provide credibility and social proof.

Johnny Edward

Johnny Edward

Johnny Edward’s homepage showcases photos in two vertical columns. Visitors can scroll down the page to see a large selection of images.

This professional photography website uses a sticky left sidebar with links to the portfolio and other pages. Social media links are also found in the sidebar.

Lieben Photography

Lieben Photography

The homepage of Lieben Photography uses a full-screen slideshow to showcase a several stunning images. The site also includes a blog and a small shop.

Dolly Ave

Dolly Ave’s homepage features a bold, full-screen background photo. If you hover the mouse over any of the links in the vertical menu on the left side of the screen, the photo changes.

The site’s primary navigation menu is in the header next to the logo. Social media icons are on the right side of the header.

Lara Jade

Portrait photographer Lara Jade’s website uses a clean layout with a white background, which is common for photography websites. The homepage shows a selection of photos in a grid. The navigation menu also includes links to a few category-specific galleries.

Chris Collado

Chris Collado

Chris Collado’s homepage includes a series of full-width images with links to galleries: portraits, weddings, city of dreams, and events. The photography website also includes a brief bio and contact details.

Morgan Norman

Morgan Norman

Morgan Norman’s photography website uses a splash page with a full-screen background image. When you click the button to enter, you’ll land on the page shown above.

This site features a clean design and layout. One unique aspect is that the logo is on the right side of the header and the menu is on the left.


Built with Wix

Nois7 is the site of Robert Jahns. Although this site includes the standard items you’d expect from a portfolio site (photo galleries, bio, and contact info), the shop is the site’s primary focus.

Photo prints are sold through the shop. The homepage showcases the latest prints and bestsellers. This could serve as an excellent example for professional photographers who want to prioritize the e-commerce aspect of their photography website.

Amber Garrett Photography

Amber Garrett Photography

As you scroll down Amber Garrett’s homepage, you’ll notice some animation effects as text and photos slide into place.

The site includes detailed information and pricing for prospective clients. Amber also offers mentoring sessions for other photographers.

Knolton Photography

Knolton Photography

Knolton Photography’s homepage is unique among the sites featured in this list. Instead of using a full-screen photo or a few columns of photos, the site uses a mockup that showcases the photographer’s work as wall art.

Amelia Allen

Amelia Allen

Built with Format

Amelia Allen uses a text-based logo like many photographers. But the tilted letters give it a unique and interesting appearance.

The homepage shows photos in two columns, and each photo links to a different gallery or page on the site.

Lela Porta Photography

Lela Porta Photography

Lela Porta’s homepage features a full-screen grid of photos. You can click on any of the photos to view a larger version.

The navigation menu includes links to galleries for pregnancy, babies, portraits, and commercial. Each of these pages includes information on the services offered. This is one of the key elements for most photography websites.

Taylor Gray Photography

Taylor Gray Photography

This site uses a gray and white color scheme that presents an alternative to the black & white color scheme used by many photography websites on this list.

The homepage showcases three photos. A bio of the photographer can be found below the fold. Of course, the navigation menu in the header provides all of the essential links.

Taylor provides “wedding experience” and “portrait experience” pages to give potential clients the important details about her services. These pages are really well done and may serve as excellent inspiration for your own site.

Lisa Michele Burns

Lisa Michele Burns

The homepage of travel photographer Lisa Michele Burns features a grid of beautiful, colorful images. The “portfolio” link in the header opens a drop-down menu with links to categorized photo galleries.

Some of the links in the navigation lead to pages on Lisa’s business website, The Wandering Lens . At The Wandering Lens, she offers photo prints, online courses, e-books, Lightroom presets, and more.

Emilee McGovern

Emilee McGovern

Emilee McGovern’s site uses a splash page with links to her photojournalism and editorial work. Once inside, the site uses a clean layout. Regardless of whether you select photojournalism or editorial from the splash page, you can still access the entire site through the navigation bar.

Syringa Studios Photography

Syringa Studios Photography

Syringa Studios is the portfolio and photography website of Annie Schroeder. The homepage includes a full-screen newborn photo.

This is a fairly small site. It includes galleries for newborn photos and maternity/family photos. It also includes an “about” page with a brief bio and a “contact” page.

Dan Kennedy Photography

Dan Kennedy Photography

Dan Kennedy’s homepage showcases photos in a grid, including magazine covers that feature his work. The “portraits” and “fashion” links in the header lead to categorized galleries (the homepage is the “portraits” gallery).

One unique aspect of the site is that in includes a podcast, although no new episodes have been published recently. Still, this serves as an example of how you can host a podcast on your Squarespace website .

Andre Ormset

Andre Ormset

Photographer and digital artist Andre Ormset uses full-width background images on the homepage that link to categorized galleries. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see a few images that each link to a different photo gallery.

Apertura Arquitectónica

Apertura Arquitectónica

  Built with Pixpa

This architectural photography portfolio showcases three columns of photos on the homepage. The static sidebar includes a logo, navigation menu, and Instagram link. The “projects” link in the navigation opens up a sub-menu with links to specific projects.

Overall, there’s very little text on this site. The “about” page has a one-paragraph bio, but this site is mostly focused on showcasing photos.

Cliff Endsley

Cliff Endsley

This photography website includes photos that link to different galleries. You can also use the menu links to navigate to the gallery of your choice. Througout the site, you’ll see lots of big, colorful photos.

Anwita + Arun Photography

Anwita + Arun Photography

The site of this creative duo includes four different galleries of portfolios. They can be accessed through the images on the homepage, or by clicking links in the drop-down navigation menu. The site also includes a short behind-the-scenes video of their photoshoot for Kellogg’s.

Rachel Veltri Photo

Rachel Veltri

Rachel Vetri’s site stands out from most photography websites with a unique layout and something other than a standard black & white color scheme. The site provides plenty of information for prospective clients on the services and packages offered.

Pro Shotz

This sports photography website site features a full-screen slider on the homepage. Portfolios are provided for several different sports. Of course, the site also includes a photographer bio and contact information.

Jeremy Blode Photography

Jeremy Blode Photography

Jeremy Blode’s portfolio is another one that uses a unique layout and design. The homepage includes subtle parallax scrolling effects . Aside from the standard pages and sections, this site also includes an FAQ.

Characteristics of Effective Photography Websites

Take note of the obvious and subtle differences in how successful photographers manage their layout and site organization. The design of the site should serve the style and purpose of your portfolio.

While there are several different approaches used by the photography websites in this showcase, one thing they all have in common is a simple or clean layout. For the photos to stand out, the design and layout should be simple. If you’re choosing a photography website template, go with a design that won’t compete with your photos for visitors’ attention.

Photographers will have thousands of photos to choose from for their home image(s). It might take time to decide what imagery you want visitors to see first, but quality is more important than quantity. You want to give each photograph the space it needs on the screen.

Try to pull visitors in with one or two striking images that will encourage more exploration. For example, travel photographers may showcase one epic photo on their homepage with links to galleries for further browsing. Another common approach is to use grid layouts to showcase several photos.

Many photography sites use a toggle feature so visitors can view photos one by one or see a thumbnail grid for a quick overview. A scrolling grid with mid to large-sized images is a great, simple way to encourage visitors to keep viewing, plus this will feel familiar to anyone who uses Instagram.

Use text wisely. If your portfolio is journalistic or story-based, it might make sense to include some context or explanation with the photos. Testimonials or price information makes sense in some cases, too. Just ensure the text doesn’t overwhelm the page and detract from the impact of the amazing photography.

Frequently Asked Questions

Squarespace is our favorite photography website builder. We love Squarespace because they offer a great selection of templates to build a beautiful site in no time. You can also customize the design and layout to suit your preferences. Squarespace provides all of the necessary functionality for a portfolio site. You can even use the e-commerce features to sell photo prints, digital photos, or other products. Squarespace is our suggestion if you want to build one of the best photography websites on a budget.

There are some options for creating a free website for photographers, but the features are limited, and you may have ads on your site. Wix is one option. But for just a few dollars per month, you can use a platform like Squarespace and get a professional website using a beautiful template.

If you want to make money with digital photography, you should have your own portfolio website. You could use platforms like Instagram, 500px, or Behance to showcase your photos, but having your own website and domain name will give you more control. You won’t be susceptible to decisions made by the platform. Having a website is a must for a commercial photographer.

It’s possible to get a professional-looking photography website for less than $20 per month (Squarespace starts at $16 per month) using a website builder. Of course, if you have a designer/developer create a custom website for you, it can easily cost thousands of dollars. But thanks to the beautiful templates provided by Squarespace, a custom design usually isn’t necessary.

The photos should be front and center. Most professional photographer websites use a minimalist design and color scheme, which helps to keep the focus on the photos. The site should also include your bio, links to any press or media that you’ve received, a description of the products or services that you offer, and a way for visitors to contact you. Allowing visitors to purchase photos is ideal but not essential.

Having e-commerce functionality on your portfolio site is not necessary. However, it does work well for many people and may improve the client experience. If you shoot landscapes, you might be able to sell fine art prints to your visitors. Wedding photographers may be able to take orders from clients or wedding guests through private photo albums with purchase options. Leading platforms like Squarespace provide e-commerce capabilities with credit card processing.

This is really up to you. Adding a watermark can protect against people using your photos without your permission. However, it can also impact the overall look and appeal of the photo. If you decide to use a watermark, we recommend using an attractive logo or badge rather than a bland watermark.

Final Thoughts on Photography Websites

If you’re a photographer, your portfolio site is a critical aspect of your business. Thankfully, creating a professional portfolio site doesn’t need to be complicated. The design and layout should be simple so your amazing photos can be the center of attention. You can use a template from Squarespace and get one of the best websites for photographers on a small budget.

Hopefully, the best photography websites showcased here have provided some inspiration that will be useful when creating your own site.

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Steven is an industry veteran with nearly two decades of web design experience. He was instrumental in the launch (2007) and growth of the Vandelay Design blog. Vandelay Design is one of the leading web design blogs and has reached more than 50 million visitors. Steven has also been a regular contributor at other websites like Smashing Magazine and Envato's Tuts+ and was a contributing author for the Smashing Book. Connect with Steven at LinkedIn .

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39 Best Photography Websites in 2024 (Updated)

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Photography websites can offer lots of inspiration for photographers of any levels. We can all learn from other photographer’s work, no matter the level of our skills. We collected the 39 best photography websites we could find. Take a look at these portfolios to find new ideas for showcasing your photographs.

1. Photography Websites: Tom Hull

Screenshot of Tom Hull photographer website

2. Amelia Allen

Screenshot of a website about photography

3. Adam Bird

A screenshot from a beautiful photographers website

4. Haris Nukem

A screenshot from Haris Nukems photographers website

5. Mathieu Stern

A screenshot from a photographers website

6. Alexis Julia

A screenshot from a beautiful wedding photography website

7. Pedro Oliveira

A screenshot from a beautiful photographers website

8. Sanz Lena

photography websites ideas

9. Ariana Jordan

A screenshot from Ariana Jordan photography websites

10. Cassandra Ladru

A screenshot from a wedding photography websites

11. Jason Cox

A screenshot from one of the best photography websites

12. Julia and Gil

A screenshot from one of the best photography websites

13. Gray Malin

A screenshot from one of the best photography websites

14. The Hearnes

A screenshot from 'The Hearnes' one of the best photography websites

15. Will Bremridge

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

16. Diane Villadsen

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

17. Grace Chuang

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

18. Brandon Keith

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

19. Jenna Mahr

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

20. Griffith Imaging

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

21. Liselotte Fleur

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

22. Pat Kay

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

23. Chris Zielecki

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

24. Lauren Naylor

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

25. Dory Younes

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

26. Tayler Smith

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

27. Deanie Chen

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

28. Brandon Woelfel

A screenshot from Brandon Woeffel photographer websites

29. Luke Bateman

A screenshot of a portfolio from one of the best photography websites

30. Danilo and Sharon

A screenshot of work from one of the best photographers websites

31. Sean McCoy

A screenshot of work from one of the best photographers websites

32. Dolly Ave

A screenshot of work from one of the best photographers websites

33. Alessandro Casagrande

A screenshot of work from one of the best photographers websites

34. James Tye

A screenshot of work from one of the best photographers websites

35. Mike Kelley

A screenshot of the homepage from one of the best photography websites

36. Giles Clement

A screenshot of the homepage from one of the best photography websites

37. Emilee McGovern

A screenshot of the homepage from one of the best photography websites

38. Levon Biss

A screenshot of the homepage from one of the best photography websites

39. Bobby Bandz

A screenshot of the homepage from one of the best photography websites

We chose these photography websites for two reasons. Because they belong to talented photographers and because they have a creative layout or simple design. These photography websites are great sources of inspiration. You can find new ideas and techniques. They also make you realise that many successful photographers experiment in various genres. Moreover, they provide an overview of different website lookouts that you can choose for yourself. There’s never been a more competitive time to build a photography following. Our Social Success Strategies eBook helps you do just that!

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Website: | Built with Sierra theme

Lil & Eve Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Lil & Eve

Website: | Built with Milo theme

Marija Laca Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Marija Laca

Website: | Built with Skye theme

Ivan Ripic Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Website: | Built with Montreal theme

Ben Fohdo Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Website: | Built with Montreal theme

Brooke Anderson Photo Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Brooke Anderson Photo

Website: | Built with Montreal theme

Chris Joubert Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Chris Joubert

Website: | Built with Hudson theme

Kusjka du Plessis Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Kusjka du Plessis

Website: | Built with Skye theme

Los Pepes Co Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Website: | Built with Hudson theme

Nikos Koutoulas Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

Nikos Koutoulas

Website: | Built with Canvas theme

This Jess Photography Inspiring photography website built with Pixieset

This Jess Photography

Website: | Built with Skye theme

Feeling inspired and ready to customize your own Pixieset website?

If you're eager to roll up your sleeves and add more personality into your Pixieset Website, head over into your dashboard and start playing with the options and features available inside your Design tab ( here's a detailed tutorial ). We've also shared some additional styling ideas in this article with best font & color combinations for your photography website .

photography websites ideas

How to build your first photography website in 2024

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16 Most Inspirational Photography Websites

Design and web design trends are always on the move. Creative folks from all around the world keep coming up with mind-blowing website layouts, bringing to life their best and most original ideas. So do the wedding photographers from the Flothemes community! No wonder, the new Flex builder allows them to easily materialize any concept or vision that they’ve had boiling in their mind for a while now, but couldn’t quite verbalize. Since we’re huge advocates of beautiful yet also functional website designs, we wanted to share this amazing collection of 16 inspirational photography websites (all built with Flothemes). They are meant to motivate and challenge you to create something as unique and personalized for your own website. With Flex, the sky is the limit!

If you want to create a photography website as original and elegant as these examples, you can do that with Pixieset Website , and the drag-and-drop website builder called Flex Editor . You can start with a free plan , try for yourself all the features, and then decide if it’s the right tool for your photography business.

Photography & Wedding Photography Website Inspiration

Scroll down and look through all of these lovely examples to get a good charge of website inspiration and motivation. These 16 photography websites are listed in no particular order, we believe that each one of them is amazing and deserves to be at the top of your inspiration list!

Julia and Gil Wedding Photography & Film
Phil Chester Wedding & Couples Photography
Lalu Photo Family & Maternity Photography
Brad & Jen Wedding Photography
Julia Kathleen Weddings & Elopements Photography
Ashley Smith Weddings & Elopements Photography
Maine Elopement Collective Elopement Photography & Planning
Mack Eveland Photo Photography
Gione da Silva Wedding Videography & Photography
Twin Flames Wedding Photography & Videography
Ali Daugherty Lifestyle Family Photography
Heather K. Purdy Wedding & Couples Photography
Samm Blake Weddings & Portrait Photography
Mauro Beoletto Wedding Photography
Katie Jean Wedding Photography
Jennifer Moher Wedding Photography

1. Julia and Gil Verso Theme


2. Phil Chester Lyra Theme


3. Lalu Photo June Theme

laluphoto-website design flothemes

4. Brad & Jen Photography Mono Theme

photography websites ideas

5. Julia Kathleen Velvet Theme


6. Ashley Smith Photography June theme


7. Maine Elopement Collective Faro Theme


8. Mack Eveland Photo Verso Theme


9. Gione da Silva Images Lyra Theme


10. Twin Flames Mono Theme

photography websites ideas

11. Ali Daugherty Mono Theme


12. Heather K. Purdy Lyra Theme


13. Samm Blake Verso Theme


14. Mauro Beoletto Faro Theme


15. Katie Jean Photography Verso Theme

photography websites ideas

16. Jennifer Moher Velvet Theme

jennifer-moher-photography website design

Here you go, 16 Brilliant and Mesmerizing Photography websites, listed in no particular order, but meant to inspire some new ideas and projects into your creative process. Craving for more inspiration? Check out additional inspiring photography website examples here.

How to Build a Photography Website

If you want to build a website as beautiful and original for your own photography brand, we recommend doing it on Pixieset Website , and you can start with a free account. You get a library of ready-made themes to build a new website fast, and have the freedom to design your own creative layouts using the Flex Editor. Check this article if you need more guidances on how to build your first photography website .

Flothemes Team, Inspiring You.

Danilo & Sharon: How to Stop Seeking Perfection in Photography

Danilo & Sharon: How to Stop Seeking Perfection in Photography

Trento - Portfolio Theme for Your Destination & Lifestyle Photography

Trento - Portfolio Theme for Your Destination & Lifestyle Photography

One comment, 15:59 july 20, 2017.

What a great photography and very inspirational for those who want to launch their own website too. Everyone will be fascinated with this creation of yours. Targeting our individual skill so that we can harness and create new things out of it.



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