University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Block I

My Journey As a Writer

Essay 1 revision.

Feedback to Learner

You have given some good details about your reading/writing life. Your English is very good, but you have some minor errors. Your essay gains power and focus as it goes on. The beginning is a bit disorganized, but by the end you have the wind in your sails.

To revise this essay for the portfolio at the end of the semester you will want to think about developing your paragraphs. Then you will want to correct any grammar errors. Good job.

For the revision, I decided to look at the Professor Hays comments. I added relevant information and took out unnecessary words. I looked through each and every yellow comments to respond to each comments. I corrected fragments and run-ons.

The Journey of my writing life

I honestly don’t remember what I first wrote or the first book I read but what I do remember is that I hated reading while growing up. I wasn’t a big fan of reading and my mom always forced me to read. She always promised me anything if I decide to read to her. I was a shy little girl who did not talk that much. I can recall that as I entered into my teenage years I started to read more.  High school was when I really got into reading so I read a lot of books and wrote a lot. My English teacher in high school made me enjoy reading. She made us choose the book we interested us a students. Also I have learned that I only enjoy reading books that I am not force to read. I like picking out my own books to read instead of assigned books to read because they get boring. I was very passionate about what I read and would always discuss it with people.

Writing has always created a safe space for me because it lets out my thoughts. I write to be free. I write to be heard. I write to have a voice. It takes a lot of time for me to be focused when writing. When I have a paper to write, I sometimes get anxious. I think way too much about the paper. I have pictures and outlines in my head about the structure of the paper. If I cannot think about any ideas to write, I get stressed out. And when I get stressed out, I get mad. A lot of people knows that when I pick up a pen or when I start to write, you better not dare talk to me. I remember the day I was writing a paper, thoughts were flowing in and it felt good. Then my friend decided to come in my room and start yelling. As soon as I heard her voice, all the rush I had to write my paper was completely gone. I don’t like typing when I first start out to write. My mood determines the way I write. When I am stressed out, I tend to have a hard time at writing. My reading life kind of correspond with my writing life. Without reading, I can’t write. Reading a book helps me become better in writing because I take notice of the grammar used and how I can apply it to my own writing.

My weakness in writing is my lack of confidence to believe that I can write. My writing is improving and I have definitely come a long way. Since English is not my first language, I get discouraged by how my writing skills are. The first essay I ever wrote was hard for me to write. I didn’t k ow the first step of how to put a paper together. I would start writing and get frustrated that my ideas are not coming together. I knew what I wanted to say but my thoughts weren’t translating into the paper. To help develop my confidence, I always say to myself that I can I write. Before I start writing anything, I think about the content for a while. Then I write my ideas in bullet points and not look at it until the next day. After this, I start taking out ideas that make sense to me in my outlines. When I first got this assignment, I had to plan out what to write. I wrote new paragraphs everyday so that I could think of new ideas. Any form of writing for me takes a lot of time and effort. My writing style is that I like to write at home in my room or any place where there is complete silence.

My writing practice will help me succeed in the academic community because I will be less stressed about writing and taking every process step by step. In Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Draft,” she explains the importance of writing of being ok with what you write first. She said “Very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve done it” (Lamott). This is honestly true because I go through this process every time. Trusting myself in the process that what am writing will come together in the end. If my friend is struggling with writing, I will tell them to trust the process. Don’t sweat it too much and take it step by step. Write one or two paragraph a day and go back to rereading. Rereading also helps me improve my writing. I always go back to edit or take out ideas.

I like writing in various context because it challenges me to become a better writer. Even when I text, I text in full sentences. I think that writing a lot now will prepare me for future writings because I know that I will be doing a lot of writing as a Psychology major. My favorite tools to write with is a pencil because I feel more connected with my brain and my thought process. I don’t like when I start out writing to type on a computer. I like getting my ideas out on paper before typing. My writing practice will nurture my writing because it let me express and trust myself that I can write a good paper.

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My Relationship with Reading and Writing: a Reflection

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My Journey in Reading and Writing

Updated 25 October 2023

Subject Learning ,  Experience ,  Books

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Category Education ,  Life ,  Literature

Topic Reading

If there is one childhood event that I wish to erase completely from my mind is the struggle that I went through to become the proficient reader and writer that I am today. My journey in writing and reading as a child had many ups than down. Nonetheless, since the memories of the event are here to stay, I chose to focus and appreciate the end game and the milestones that I proudly got to realize in the long run. My reading and writing phase would not have been possible were it not for the assisted performance help I got from the schools’ Assisted Performance Councilor.

            As a small child, I always admired escorting my elder sister and brother to board the school bus; I fancied the school life as I knew I would land the opportunity not only to realize my academic dreams and future goals as I was always told, but also make new friends and play a lot. At least that is what most children imagine of when they think about school. Little do they know that the academic journey might not be a walk in the park as some of their elders seem to depict. The first few days in school were all smooth; no pressure at all, until it came to a point that we all had to jot down our names. Strangely, all other kids seemed to quickly grasp on what the teacher was saying; they all were impressively not only able to write their names, but also read the alphabetics in their right orderly.

            Me, on the other hand, seemed stagnated as I could not keep up the pace with the rest of the students. I always misspelled my name, not to mention that I could not even read the first ten alphabets in an orderly manner. I became the laughing stalk in my class; their stinging laughter echoed in my ears and left my heart shattered into tiny pieces, and that made me dread for the next class session. The teacher could not understand me, and my wild guess was that she thought I was faking it, or rather trying to be a nag. She always circled my work errors with her red pen and sternly told me “fix it”. I started feigning sickness every morning to avoid going to school since I was not ready for another traumatic experience. Mingling with my friends became my worst nightmare since they kept teasing me about my stammering during class reading sessions, not forgetting that they even told of my predicaments to other students from other classes. With such negativity and bullying from my peers, there was no way my environment could be productive; thus, I became distanced, angry, and a bitter child who seemed to see negativity in every situation.

            One day I gathered courage and told of my predicaments to my dad. As understanding as he is, he decided to accompany me to school where he had a lengthy chat with my English teacher. Later on, the teacher called me after the class, took me to an Assistance Performance Councilor. Through frequent and thorough interactive sessions with the counselor, he was able to identify my problem; lack of confidence and slow learning. Slowly by slowly and step after another, he taught me on how to master the relationship between spoken and print words, between sounds and letters, and read simple words with phonically regular and high-frequency words. With every session grew my confidence which amounted to new levels daily, and I could then not only use but also apply insights and skills to sound out unfamiliar words.

            As time went by, my teacher became impressed with the progress I had achieved since I turned out to be the best reader in my class. At times, she could even request me to lend help to my fellow students who had difficulties navigating through reading and writing. Back at home, everyone was aware of what I was undergoing and thus were more than willing to help me out. My siblings shared what had worked for them while at that stage, while my parents encouraged independent reading by selectively buying books with few words per page, with illustrations and large type-size. To ensure ample time and opportunity to apply strategies and practices learned, I would read stories while my family sat around to listen and correct me where I went wrong. I have never been proud of my self like then. Funny how I became confident so much that I would lag behind in malls and stores trying to read and spell the words on various commodity packages.

            Being a victim of slow learning and writing, I usually try to understand the learning predicaments of those around me by recalling that were it not for the help and understanding I received, then I could not be where I am today. It is upon all parents, and more so teachers, to be patient with all students right from the tender age since that is the phase where not only is the foundation of the child laid in learning, but also where they gather the motivation to pursue the next learning level. We all, nonetheless, should always be ready to help those in need.

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Teaching With Light: Ten Lessons for Finding Wisdom, Balance, and Inspiration

Student resources, my writing journey, this is my story. my purpose in sharing it with you is to encourage you to think of yourself as a writer so you can share your ideas with others. teachers often ask me why i decided to write and publish books. as i reflect back i see that each book has its own story and reason for emerging. i never thought of myself as a writer and never imagined it as a goal. in fact, i wasn’t even sure i liked writing and sharing my ideas with other people..

My journey as a writer began when I was ten years old. My family decided to take a trip to Florida to visit my grandparents and it would take me out of school for two weeks. One week was school vacation and the other week was required school time. I was in the 4 th grade and my teacher’s name was Mrs. Orr. I can still see her standing in the front of the room saying, Carol, instead of giving you work to complete, I am going to have you keep a diary of your trip. Write each day what you did and when you get back it will be printed in our class newsletter for all the students to read.

Well, you can imagine my reaction. I would rather do the homework than write the events of my trip for my classmates. Several years ago when cleaning out my mother’s home, I found that copy of the class newspaper. At the top of the article I saw my name and the events of my trip. It brought back memories of how I struggled with what to say, and it also brought back a sense of pride to see my written words.

When I became a teacher I did the typical writing of lesson plans, units, and notes to parents. Teachers are always writing. We mostly write for our students, their parents, or for administrative reports. We don’t often have the opportunity to write our perspective. Our writing purpose is usually for others. My first real writing opportunity came when a state grant was offered for teachers to create a project that would serve students or teachers. In education we don’t often get funding to create something we think is important, so I jumped at the chance to propose an idea. I had just finished hosting a student teacher and had lots of notes about what I had done with her. I was thinking, “What’s missing?”  and the idea came to me to write a guide for cooperating teachers who are hosting student teachers.

Cooperating teachers welcome beginners into their classrooms, but often don’t have the protocols or skills to observe and provide feedback to them. I decided to write a handbook and I titled it, “So You’re Going to Be a Cooperating Teacher: A Guide for Classroom Teachers.”  The purpose of the guide was to create a common language for cooperating teachers in our school district so they would know how to prepare and support a student teacher. The proposal was funded. I wrote it, copied it, and distributed it widely. Teachers responded positively and this was the beginning of my journey as a writer of education books. It also shifted my love of teaching students, to a love of supporting new teachers.

I shared one of my copies with an editor from Allyn & Bacon; Simon & Schuster (Now Pearson Education) and it led to the publication of my very first book, Techniques and Strategies for Coaching Student Teachers. As I look back I remember writing this book quickly and easily. I had the original copied cooperating teacher guide as a model and I wanted this to be a practical and useful tool for classroom teachers. It just flowed! I felt a sense of urgency to get the message to them and I was inspired.

About the same time, I decided to apply to a doctoral program and focus my studies on teacher development. This led to my work in higher education in the practicum office at a city university where my new book would be used! This was so exciting. Cooperating teachers didn’t usually have a book so I felt we were offering them something tangible beyond the college handbook. I knew this would benefit the student teachers I placed with them.

During my time at the university I was invited to write a 2 nd edition for Techniques and Strategies for Coaching Student Teachers (Pearson) and a new book to be its companion, Strategies for Successful Student Teacher (Pearson). These books would both be used to benefit the education program and provide a structure and common language for both the cooperating teacher and the student teacher. Now the student teachers could guide their own development. Strategies for Successful Student Teaching is still in print, but the Techniques book for the cooperating teacher is not. I am happy to say that I will be taking the content from the cooperating teacher book and creating a free on-line course that I will share with universities and schools through my website. I still believe cooperating teachers are crucial to the development of teachers.

Both of these books had a purpose and could be used in the work I was doing. I tend to write for a reason. I continue to ask “What’s Missing?” and then I reflect on what I could contribute to this gap. So when I was also invited to collaborate on an education text Touch the Future Teach! (Pearson), I wasn’t sure if this was the project for me. It was a book that would be used in education courses but there were already books out there to do that. To be honest I wasn’t sure this was the right fit for me, but I convinced myself I could do it. So instead of trusting my gut, and sticking with my no answer, I experienced the downside of the writer’s journey. Having to write!!!! It didn’t flow like the others. Deadlines. Forced topics that I did not generate. Different perspectives. I did love and appreciate the chapters I contributed, but all in all, it was a painful and long process. So my learning from this is, just write what feels right! You don’t have to say yes to every writing request!

This fortunately did not end my writing journey. Instead it focused me back to my own personal question, What’s Missing? And the answer that came to me was a book for mentors who are working with the graduates of our program. Those very same cooperating teachers who needed guidance during the practicum, now are becoming mentors for the student teachers who are hired by their district. These teachers were asking the same questions, What do I do? What do I talk about? How do I mentor? And that is when I proposed, Mentoring in Action: A month-by-month guide for mentors and their new teachers (Pearson).  It was published and used in our city program and across the country.

After the writing of this book, I changed jobs to be closer to home and my work shifted to working with two k-12 school districts. After meeting with the mentors who were using by mentoring book, they suggested I write a companion book for the novice teacher. Since I had done a student teacher book I felt I could do this and I wrote, The First Year Matters (Pearson). The purpose of this book was to allow the novice teachers to be full partners in the mentoring process. The mentor and the mentee would have the same content, only written in a different voice, so they could communicate more efficiently. The books worked well together and provided the novices with practical protocols and reflections to help them develop their practices. to provide these beginners with additional support. These mentoring companion books led me to an opportunity to collaborate with the State Department of Education to develop a state-wide hybrid mentor train the trainer program.

When this project was completed I decided to formally retire from the university, thinking my writing journey was over. That is when a group of dedicated teachers and colleagues approached me to continue to offer the mentor training I had previously offered through the state. I began writing and developing content for on-line courses. Writing continues in new ways, scripts for videos, ideas for courses, journal prompts and guides.

At about the same time I was leaving the university I enrolled in a yoga teacher training program. The integration of the yoga perspective and my teaching career merged and what I learned in yoga training was merged into my newly created business Mentoring in Action! This writing and all the videos from Project SUCCESS and TEACH! South Coast are available for free on my website

Formal retirement gave me time to consider revising the two mentoring books I had written for Pearson. With my new mindfulness lens and the videos I had produced, I knew I could create a more updated mentoring curriculum. I requested and received my copyrights back from Pearson and signed a contract with Corwin. I am pleased to say that the 2 nd editions for both Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers ( Corwin 2017 ) and The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher (Corwin 2017) are bestsellers!

So I thought I was done, but as I listened to novice teachers and their mentors, they  shared so much about the stress of teaching that I decided to write about mindfulness and self-care. I began to offer self-care workshops at yoga studios and also at teacher leadership and mentoring conferences. These sessions led me to self-publishing two books on Amazon; Mindful Living: Art and Affirmations to Nourish Your Soul, and Mindful Mentoring: A Guide For Mentors and Mentees. Other professions, medical, church groups, youth mentoring, university college students, and others are using the books because they are not content based for educators.

Most recently I completed the On Your Feet Guide to Mentoring Conversations (2020) a hands on document that highlights key features of the mentoring book. This quick and easy reference was fun to write because it had me look at what is most important to me in mentoring and bring it forth in a clear and concise way.

And now here I am with my latest book, Teaching With Light: Ten Lessons for Finding Wisdom, Balance, and Inspiration (Corwin, 2021). This book is a culmination of all I have learned along the education path. My stories from the beginning of my career, the authors who inspired me, and the practices I have used to maintain my balance are all here. So I guess you could say that my writing journey has been successful when I responded to my inner question of What’s Missing? And how can I write something to fill that need? Instead of writing what someone else wanted me to write.

I did not map this journey out. In some ways it came to me.  If anyone ever said to me in those beginning years of teaching that I would be a published author leading my own company, I would never have believed it! Yet, here I am. As I review my career I acknowledge that writing has been instrumental to the way in which I communicate with others. It all began in 4 th grade when I had to write that diary that would be read by others. I encourage you to find your writing bone and see what you have to say. It may be a blog, a video, or a guide for your colleagues. Be creative and open to the answers that come to you. I believe teachers are leaders. We can lead from the classroom or in education related professions. Part of being a leader is sharing what we know. Reflect on your relationship with writing. Think about “What’s missing?” and how you can fill that gap with your expertise and knowledge. Begin your writing journey.

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My Writing Experience: a Journey of Growth and Self-expression

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Words: 645 |

Published: Sep 1, 2023

Words: 645 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Early encounters with writing: a foundation for expression, challenges and growth: navigating the writing process, the evolution of expression: writing as a personal sanctuary, writing as a lifelong companion: looking forward, in conclusion.

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    My journey as a writer began when I was ten years old. My family decided to take a trip to Florida to visit my grandparents and it would take me out of school for two weeks. One week was school vacation and the other week was required school time. I was in the 4 th grade and my teacher's name was Mrs. Orr.

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    College of San Mateo. ESL. ESL 400. JusticeGoldfinch483. 2/16/2022. View full document. McDougal 1 John McDougal ENGL 100 Professor Emily September 13, 2021 Journey of Reading And Writing Reading and writing was very challenging for me growing up, and even harder with my parents divorced. My mom loves reading and would sometimes read to me at ...

  22. My Writing Experience: a Journey of Growth and Self-expression

    Early Encounters with Writing: A Foundation for Expression. My foray into the world of writing commenced during my early school days. I vividly recall the sensation of grasping a pencil and forming my first letters—a simple act that marked the genesis of my writing journey.

  23. My Writing Journey Essay

    My journey began as soon as I was put into my first "American" classroom (1st grade). It felt as if I was an alien that somehow got airdropped onto a foreign planet, everyone around me spoke in weird sounds and wrote strange symbols on paper. Days went by very slow as I struggled to keep up with the class, all the while trying to make sense ...