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5 Max Weber Theories and Contributions (Sociology)

5 Max Weber Theories and Contributions (Sociology)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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max weber overview and key ideas explained below

Max Weber (1864-1920) is one of the founders of modern sociology. He is best known for his work on symbolic interaction, modern capitalism, and the protestant work ethic.

Born in Erfurt, Germany, Weber studied to be a lawyer and economist at the universities of Heidelberg, Berlin, and Göttingen, before pivoting in his academic career to sociology.

Weber was interested in the subjective human experience with his ideas substantially contributing to the founding of symbolic interactionism . This theory held that sociologists should examine micro-level human experiences as a way to explain society rather than focusing on macro-level factors like broad social structures .

Weber also contributed ideas such as social action, rationalization, bureaucracy, and the role of religion in shaping society.

Weber’s work has had a lasting impact on the field of sociology. His ideas remain foundational for the study of sociology.

Max Weber’s Theories

1. weber’s theory of rationalization.

Weber coined the term rationalization to explain how society has shifted from reliance on traditions and emotions towards reliance on rationality and science. He tied this concept to the rise of modern capitalism (Turner, 2002).

Rationalization involves the increasing use of calculable rules, procedures, and methods to organize social life (Whimster  & Lash, 2014). According to Weber, it is most evident in corporate bureaucracies. For example, we can see rationalization aparent in the clearly-defined workplace rules and hierarchies of the modern bureaucratic state.

The rise of rationalization led to the displacement of intuition as a key tool for decision-making (Beetham, 2018). Weber argued that the increasing complexity of capitalism meant that intuition was no longer possible – everything needed to be calculated, traced, and regulated.

Factors contributing to the rise of rationalization included:

  • Growing respect for science and technology
  • The growth of capitalist economies
  • The emergence of modern bureaucracies (Whimster  & Lash, 2014)

He believed that rationalization was a key feature of modernity, and that it had both positive and negative consequences for human society:

On the positive side, rationalization has created amazing efficiency and additional productivity that has underpinned modern capitalism (Turner, 2002). It has also enabled the growth of scientific and medical knowledge and rapid technological progress.

However, Weber also argued that rationalization had negative consequences for society. His key concern was that rationalization would break down social relationships and suppress individual creativity and spontaneity (such as in large businesses who cannot be as innovative as startups).

He also foresaw a dystopian future where an “iron cage” of bureaucracy existed, where individuals were trapped by impersonal rules and regulations that led to distorted and inhumane results.

Read my Full Guide on Weber’s Theory of Rationalization

2. Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy

Weber was very interested in the ways societies are organized through bureaucratic organizations. He looked at bureaucracies and determined some key features of how they tend to operate.

Weber (1921) coined the term ‘bureaucracy’ to explain an organizational and managerial approach to maintaining order in advanced societies. He believed that bureaucracies were the most effective (and ultimately inevitable) organizational response to a society with an increasing need for:

  • Professionalization: secure and efficient legal, financial etc. transactions.
  • Rationalization: organization based on reason and objectivity rather than emotions or arbitrariness.

For Weber, bureaucracy is not a type of government. It is strictly an ideal management structure run by technocrats following several key organizational characteristics, including:

  • Division of Labor (Specialization): Instead of hiring generalists who could work across areas of need, employees in bureaucracies tended to work on specialties within the organization.
  • Merit-Based Recruitment (Formal selection): A dispassionate and functioning democracy should make hires based on meritocracy rather than personal connections, social capital , nepotism, or favoritism.
  • Hierarchy (Clear line of authority) : The bureaucracy is structured as a hierarchical pyramid, enabling effective governance and distribution of responsibilities.
  • Career Orientation: Within the hierarchical structure, clear career advancement opportunities are present, allowing people to stay inside the bureaucracy throughout their working life, and gives them career milestones to work toward.
  • Formal Rules and Procedures: Formal, written, rules and procedures are put in place to govern the culture and norms of the institution and maintain an orderly and fair workplace.
  • Impersonality: The entire institution is dispassionate. Decisions are made based on the written rules and procedures rather than the personal preferences , biases, or proclivities of managers and supervisors (Beetham, 2018).

Weber noted that the above features didn’t reflect how all bureaucracies would work (he differentiated ideal from real bureaucracies), but nonetheless he thought these elements represented some key themes (Whimster, 2007).

Interestingly, he was also cognizant of the potential flaws of bureaucracy, including their rigidity and lack of space for creativity.

Today, Weber’s theory of bureaucracy is still taught in organizational theory classes for people studying business, management, and macrosociology.

Read my full guide on Weber’s Theory of Bureaucratization

3. Weber’s Tripartite Classification of Authority

Weber discussed the tripartite classification of authority in his seminal work Economy and Society (1922) and his essay Politics as Vocation (1919).

According to Weber, authority is ‘legitimate domination’ and has three ideal types:

  • Charismatic Authority : authority is placed in one charasmatic ruler who inspires their followers (Radkau, 2013).
  • Traditional Authority : authority is endowed by tradition such as through inheritance (e.g. a King).
  • Rational-legal : authorities are put in place through a clear set of rules and procedures such as an election.

His concern with authority also reflected a preoccupation with the progress of society through advanced capitalism. He believed that each type of authority represents a progressive advancement over the previous type as authority becomes more and more institutionalized within capitalist societies (culminating in rational-leval authority).

Charismatic AuthorityBased on the personality and charisma of the leader, who is able to inspire and motivate followers through their own personal qualities and vision (Beetham, 2018).Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership during the Civil Rights Movement.
Traditional AuthorityBased on long-standing customs and traditions that are seen as legitimate sources of authority (Whimster, 2007).The authority of a monarch or a tribal chief based on inherited status or long-standing traditions (Radkau, 2013).
Rational-Legal AuthorityBased on a system of rules and procedures that are established and accepted as legitimate sources of authority (Lachmann, 2007).The authority of elected officials in a democracy, who are elected based on a set of rules and procedures outlined in a constitution or legal system (Beetham, 2018).

4. Weber’s Theory of Religion

Weber is also well-known for his work on the sociology of religion. The three main themes in his work on religion were:

  • The effect of the protestant work ethic on the emergence of capitalism: Weber, a Protestant, believed that Protestant beliefs, particularly Calvinism, underpinned economic growth (Lachmann, 2007). The protestant focus on the importance of hard work glorified god, and that successful people were blessed by god. These values led to an entrepreneurship culture that underpinned modern capitalism.
  • How religious ideas underpinned social stratification: The protestant work ethic was also useful for justifying social stratification (Beetham, 2018). People who were successful were blessed by god with wealth, while those who did not work hard enough were justifiably poor because they were not blessed by good for working hard in his honor.
  • The Christian roots of Western civilisation: Weber held that Western capitalism was a direct result of the concept of Protestant work ethic, and that capitalism as well as western values of individualism directly emerged out of Protestant values.

5. Weber’s Theory of Social Action

Weber’s social action theory holds that humans create social reality through the choices they make – they’re active, not passive, creators of societies. This led to a new major sociological paradigm by the name of symbolic interactionism .

Social action theory holds that everyday interactions powerfully affect social norms and structures (Martin, 2011). It is through human social (inter)actions that cultures are created.

This is held in contrast to another dominant paradigm – structural-functionalism (proposed by Durkheim) – which held that it was broad social structures that fundamentally influenced society and culture (Beetham, 2018). But Weber felt structural-functionalism did not give enough credit to individual agency .

Weber argued that social action could be categorized into four different types, each of which is driven by a different set of motivations:

  • Rationally purposeful action: Social action that is goal-oriented and takes place following rational thinking and analysis. Rationally purposeful action is associated with rationalization and highly valued in advanced capitalist societies (Beetham, 2018; Lachmann, 2007).
  • Traditional action: Traditional action takes place when people are following customs or traditions. For example, we regularly act in ways consistent with social norms and expectations. Traditional action was highly valued in pre-modern and collectivist cultures where social hierarchies are highly valued (Turner, 2002).
  • Value-rational action: Social action that is consistent with a person’s value set, such as their religious or ethical system. It remains rational because it’s ideologically consistent, but can also be overly dogmatic .
  • Affective action: Affective action refers to action that takes places as a result of an emotional reaction to a situation. It can include actions based on love, anger, or other overpowering emotions (Martin, 2011).

Read More About Weber’s Social Action Theory

Criticisms of Weber

While Weber is one of the most important and influential theorists in sociology, his work is not without criticism. Criticisms include that it is overly focused on subjective experiences and that he had a strong protestant bias (Swedberg, 2018).

Some key criticisms are outlined below:

  • Subjectivity : Weber’s work emphasized and magnified people’s subjective expereinces. He wanted to examine individuals’ lives and choices, but this focus tended to lead to under-emphasis on objective scientific analysis (Lachmann, 2007).
  • Poor Theorization of Social Structures: Structural-functionalists argued that Weber’s emphasis on individual agency overlooks the ways social structures limit and constrain social action.
  • Historical specificity: Historical specificity refers to an academic’s focus on one culture and era to the exclusion of all others (Radkau, 2013). For Weber, he tended to focus on the historical context of Western Europe, and in particular, protestant reformation. This means his work is not necessarily applicable to other cultural or historical contexts.
  • Religious Bias: Weber’s work reflects his own biases toward protestantism (Swedberg, 2018). He was a central proponent of the concept of the protestant work ethic, which can be used to justify protestant ethnocentrism.

This summary is only a brief introduction to Weber’s theories. Investigate each in more depth in order to truly understand each point. There’s substantial additional depth that can be ascertained from each, and a deep corpus of literature expanding on, critiquing and applying Weber’s theories and contributions to sociology.

Beetham, D. (2018). Max Weber and the theory of modern politics . New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Lachmann, L. M. (2007). The legacy of max weber . Berlin: Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Martin, J. L. (2011). The explanation of social action . Los Angeles: Open University Press..

Radkau, J. (2013). Max Weber: a biography . New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Swedberg, R. (2018). Max Weber and the idea of economic sociology . New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Turner, B. S. (2002). Max Weber: From history to modernity . London: Routledge.

Whimster, S. (2007). Understanding Weber . London: Routledge.

Whimster, S., & Lash, S. (Eds.). (2014). Max Weber, rationality and modernity . New York: Routledge.


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1 thought on “5 Max Weber Theories and Contributions (Sociology)”

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It was very intersting to read part of Emile Durkheim and Max Weber’s contributions to sociology

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Bureaucratic Theory of Max Weber (Explanation + Examples)

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In many aspects of our lives, from workplaces to government services and schools, we encounter the structured system known as bureaucracy. A bureaucracy is an organizational model defined by a hierarchy of authority, clear divisions of labor, strict rules and procedures, and impersonal relationships, all designed to enhance efficiency and consistency. This formal system of organization and management is deeply rooted in theories, and one of the key figures behind its conceptualization was a German sociologist named Max Weber in the 20th century.

As you continue reading, you'll learn about the details, the history, and the widespread influence of Weber's Bureaucratic Theory.

The Historical Context of Weber's Bureaucratic Theory

pyramid and ladder

It's often said that to understand something truly, you need to know where it came from. So, let's move back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

This period was marked by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and the expansion of formal organizations. In other words, the spirit of capitalism was growing, and traditional structures were not keeping up.

Imagine cities growing at a crazy-fast pace and factories buzzing with activity. All these institutions needed a way to manage their size and complexity.

Enter Max Weber, a keen observer of his times. Born 1864 in Erfurt, Germany, Weber grew up witnessing the transformative changes sweeping through Europe.

The world around him was evolving, and traditional managing methods were proving ineffective. There was a need for a more systematic approach.

Weber's Bureaucratic Management Theory was his response to this challenge. The term "bureaucracy" might conjure up images of red tape and slow-moving government agencies, but Weber saw it differently.

According to Max, bureaucracy was the most powerful tool for organizing large-scale operations . Instead of seeing it as a problem, he identified it as a structure that could bring order to chaos.

According to Weber, one of the first things needed was a division of labor based on practical and technical qualifications. An organization must have a hierarchy of authority to maintain control of informal groups.

Weberian bureaucracy demanded there be an impersonal relationship between an employee and employer . This well-defined management theory, with a clear set of rules, is meant to overcome the limitations faced by traditional structures.

To frame it another way, imagine you've been given thousands of puzzle pieces, and you're expected to assemble them quickly. Without a clear picture or guide, the task seems daunting.

Weber's theory tried to provide a clear picture, offering a structure and a method to make sense of all these pieces. Now there are even careers in industrial organization !

Six Major Principles of Bureaucracy

When you get a new gadget, it usually comes with a manual – a step-by-step guide detailing how to use it, its parts, and the best way to make it work.

Similarly, Weber's Bureaucratic Theory has its own 'manual' or principles. These six major principles ensured that large organizations could function smoothly. The bureaucratic model does this by reducing confusion and inefficiencies.

Here are the basic principles Weber outlined in his 'manual.' Remember that the entire organizational structure is rules-based, which are the basics that governments or business organizations must follow.

1. Hierarchical Structure: Imagine a pyramid. At the top, there's the boss or the leader of a bureaucratic organization, and as you move downwards, there are various levels with different roles and responsibilities.

In bureaucracy, this well-defined hierarchy ensures that everyone knows their place and there's a clear chain of command.

2. Division of Labor: Consider when you and your friends tackled a big project together. Each of you took on a specific task matching your skills, right?

In the same way, bureaucratic organizations divide tasks among their members based on expertise. This makes sure things are done efficiently. People with technical skills will be in a different department than someone with human resource management skills.

3. Formal Selection: Ever been to a job interview? That's a formal selection process in action. Positions in bureaucratic organizations are filled based on technical qualifications and performance. They shouldn't be based on favoritism or personal relationships. These formal rules and regulations guide both selection and promotion.

4. Rule-based Conduct: Established rules and procedures guide actions in bureaucratic systems, ensuring consistency and fairness.

5. Impersonal Relationships: Personal feelings or relationships shouldn't interfere with work. Decisions are based on facts and rules, not emotions or personal biases.

6. Career Orientation: People are encouraged to grow, get promoted, and achieve higher ranks based on merit.

Weber believed these principles could provide a solid foundation for any large organization. But he was also aware that nothing was perfect. This model has both shining advantages and glaring limitations, which you'll soon discover.

Benefits and Limitations of Bureaucracy

division of labor

Every coin has two sides; the same goes for Weber's Bureaucratic Theory. On one hand, this organizational structure has been applauded for bringing order and efficiency to large institutions.

Conversely, it has faced criticism for being rigid and sometimes dehumanizing. Let's weigh the pros and cons.

Benefits of Bureaucracy

1. Efficiency. Think about a conveyor belt in a factory, systematically moving items from one point to another. With their clearly defined roles and procedures, bureaucracies ensure tasks are completed quickly.

2. Clarity. Ever felt relief when someone gives you clear instructions for a task? The clear hierarchy and rules ensure everyone knows their job and responsibilities in bureaucracies.

3. Predictability. Everyone, from employees to clients, knows what to expect because of the consistency in operations.

4. Fairness. Picture a referee in a game ensuring everyone plays by the rules. Bureaucracies, with their impersonal nature, make sure decisions are made objectively, without favoritism.

5. Stability. Bureaucracies offer stability because of their established structures and rules.

Limitations of Bureaucracy

1. Rigidity. Bureaucracies can sometimes be slow to adapt to changes because of their fixed rules and procedures.

2. Red Tape. The maze of procedures and paperwork in bureaucracies can sometimes hinder swift decision-making.

3. Dehumanization. Ever felt like just a number in a system? Bureaucracies, emphasizing impersonal relationships, can sometimes make individuals feel undervalued.

4. Resistance to Innovation. Bureaucracies can sometimes resist new ideas because of their commitment to established procedures.

5. Bureaucratic Inertia. Bureaucracies can become so self-serving that they resist changes, even if they're for the better.

In life and organizational structures, there's no one-size-fits-all. Bureaucracy, with its many advantages, has its fair share of challenges.

It's essential to understand both to make informed decisions and to recognize where improvements or changes might be needed.

Characteristics of an Ideal Bureaucracy

red office tape

For a bureaucracy to work efficiently, it needs to have some rules based on certain characteristics. These are like the precise measurements and steps in a recipe.

1. Clearly Defined Roles. In an ideal bureaucracy, everyone knows exactly what they’re responsible for. This takes advantage of human capital, ensuring everyone has their proper place based on their abilities, skills, and experience. This also ensures central planning.

2. Documentation. Keep records for everything. Whenever you need to verify something, there’s always a paper trail or, in modern times, a digital record.

3. Consistent and Unbiased Rules. Just as traffic laws apply to everyone on the road, rules are the same for everyone in a bureaucracy and are applied consistently, without bias.

4. Predictability. Imagine going to your favorite restaurant and ordering your go-to dish. You expect it to taste the same every time, right? Similarly, in a bureaucracy, actions, and decisions are predictable because they follow rules and procedures.

5. Expertise. Just as a surgeon specializes in surgery and a chef excels in cooking, members of a bureaucratic system are trained and skilled in their specific roles. It’s all about putting the right person in the right job.

6. Continuity. Institutions built on bureaucratic principles are designed to outlive any one person. In other words, they want to last as long as possible.

Examples of Bureaucratic Organizations

Sometimes, the best way to understand a concept is to see it in action. Bureaucracy isn’t just a theory on paper; it's been implemented in various forms across the globe.

Let's explore some real-world examples of bureaucracies.

1. Government Agencies. When you think of bureaucracy, this is probably the first thing that comes to mind. Governments worldwide use this structure to manage tasks, from issuing licenses to maintaining public order.

2. Corporations. Large companies often use bureaucratic structures. Think of Apple, Toyota, or HSBC. They have departments dedicated to specific tasks, strict hierarchies, and many rules and regulations that guide every process. All this ensures they operate seamlessly across different continents.

3. Educational Institutions. Universities like Harvard , Oxford , and the University of Tokyo manage thousands of students, faculty, and research projects. To do this efficiently, they use a bureaucratic structure with deans, departments, and committees, each with its set role.

4. Hospitals. Institutions like the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins Hospital deal with life and death daily. For them, clear hierarchies, specialized departments, and rules aren’t just about efficiency; they're about ensuring patient safety and care.

5. International Organizations. The United Nations , World Health Organization , and International Monetary Fund tackle global challenges. Given their vast scope and the many countries involved, a bureaucratic structure helps them function effectively.

Comparison with Other Organizational Theories

The world of organizational theories is vast and varied. There's more than one way to organize and manage large groups of people.

While bureaucracy stands out as one of the most well-known, other theories have unique merits and challenges. Let's look at a few.

1. Scientific Management Theory . Pioneered by Frederick Winslow Taylor, this approach is all about efficiency.

Taylor believed in optimizing every job for the most productivity. Unlike bureaucracy, which emphasizes structure, scientific management focuses on the tasks themselves.

2. Human Relations Theory . This theory, sparked by the Hawthorne Studies in the 1920s and 1930s, emphasizes workers' social and emotional needs.

It's a stark contrast to bureaucracy’s impersonal approach. It argues that happier employees are more productive.

3. Systems Theory . Systems theory views organizations as complex systems with interrelated parts. Instead of focusing on hierarchy or tasks, it emphasizes the relationships and interactions within the organization.

4. Contingency Theory : This theory is about adaptability. It suggests that there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Instead, business organizations should adapt their structures based on their environment and challenges. This makes it more fluid than the rigid structure of bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy, Capitalism, and Political Ideologies: A Comparative Overview

In the tapestry of societal organization, numerous models and ideologies weave together, creating the fabric of our communal lives. Bureaucracy, an organizational model, often intertwines itself with economic systems and political ideologies. Capitalism, as a predominant economic philosophy, has its distinct attributes. Likewise, political ideologies, such as socialism and democracy, offer different visions for governance. As we delve into the core tenets of these systems, we'll explore their characteristics, differences, and the intricate dance of their coexistence in modern society.


  • Definition: Bureaucracy is an organizational model characterized by a hierarchy of authority, clear divisions of labor, strict rules and procedures, and impersonal relationships. It is designed to enhance efficiency, predictability, and consistency.
  • Key Features: Hierarchical authority, written rules and procedures, specialization of labor, and impersonal relationships.
  • Application: While bureaucracy is not a political ideology, it's a form of organizational structure in many governmental and non-governmental institutions worldwide.
  • Definition: Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit—market forces, such as supply and demand, guide production and distribution.
  • Key Features: Private property rights, voluntary exchanges in markets, competition, and profit motive.
  • Application: Many modern nations have economies based on capitalist principles, though they often combine them with some form of government intervention or regulation.

Other Political Ideologies

For the sake of this comparison, I'll briefly describe socialism and democracy, two common political ideologies:

  • Socialism: An economic and political ideology where the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. It emphasizes economic equality and often involves a degree of centralized planning.
  • Democracy: A political system in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. It emphasizes individual rights, freedom, and participation in governance.

Comparing the Three:

  • Nature: While bureaucracy is an organizational structure, capitalism is primarily an economic system, and socialism and democracy are political ideologies. This means that while bureaucracy can exist in both capitalist and socialist states, the economic systems in those states might differ.
  • Emphasis: Bureaucracy emphasizes efficient administration; capitalism emphasizes individual profit and market dynamics; socialism focuses on communal ownership and equality; democracy values individual rights and representation.
  • Applications: Bureaucratic structures can be found in private corporations (a product of capitalism) and government institutions (which may exist in democracies, socialist states, or other forms of governance).
  • Interplay: It's essential to note that these ideologies and models can coexist. For instance, a democratic nation can have capitalist economic policies and bureaucratic institutions.

While bureaucracy, capitalism, and political ideologies like socialism and democracy intersect in various ways, they have distinct characteristics and objectives.

The Evolution of Bureaucratic Theory Over Time

centralized network structure web

Much like fashion trends or technology, theories evolve. They adapt, merge, get critiqued, and sometimes even undergo significant shifts.

Weber's Bureaucratic Theory, though groundbreaking in its time, hasn't been immune to this evolution. Here are some of the changes that happened.

Post-Weberian Shifts

After Weber, scholars began to notice the limitations of strict bureaucratic structures, especially in the face of rapid technological and societal changes. They advocated for more flexible, adaptive systems like:

  • Holacracy : This is a decentralized management system where decision-making power is distributed throughout self-organized teams rather than a strict hierarchy. Companies like Zappos have experimented with this approach.
  • Agile Organizations : Inspired by software development, agile methodologies focus on adaptability and customer feedback over strict planning. Many tech companies have embraced agile principles to remain nimble and responsive.
  • Network Structures: These organizations function more like a web of interconnected nodes than a top-down hierarchy. They focus on horizontal communication and often rely on digital tools to collaborate.
  • Adhocracy : Coined by Warren Bennis and Philip Slater in the 1960s, this term describes organizations that operate oppositely to bureaucracies. They are adaptive, creative, and driven by innovators rather than strict rules.
  • Platform Organizations: Companies like Uber or Airbnb function mainly as platforms connecting two user groups. They don't have the traditional hierarchical structures of classical firms but operate more as facilitators in a networked ecosystem.


Neo-Weberianism tried to merge the efficiency and structure of classic bureaucracy with a greater focus on the needs and satisfaction of both employees and the public.

Influence of Technology

The digital age, with its computers, internet, and AI, has dramatically changed how organizations function.

Technology has challenged bureaucratic structures, prompting adaptations to accommodate rapid information flow and decentralized decision-making.

Globalization's Role

In today's interconnected world, organizations aren't confined to national boundaries. Modern bureaucracies have had to merge practices and norms from diverse cultures, leading to more inclusive and adaptive structures.

Modern Relevance of Weber's Ideas

Max Weber might have penned his Bureaucratic Theory over a century ago, but its ripples are still felt today. Here are a few ways it impacts us still.

1. Digital Bureaucracy. In today's digital age, bureaucracy has taken on a new form. Governments and corporations are adopting e-governance and digital management systems, combining Weber's structural principles with modern technology.

2. Corporate Management. Major corporations, like Amazon and Microsoft, still use a form of bureaucracy, albeit modernized. It's about balancing structure for efficiency and flexibility for innovation.

3. Public Administration. Modern governments use these bureaucratic management principles to serve their citizens. It ensures service consistency and fairness, much like a reliable postal service delivering timely letters. There are several administrative processes to go through for any centralized decision-making.

4. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Groups like Doctors Without Borders or Save the Children operate globally. Bureaucratic structures help them coordinate efforts, manage resources, and drive missions.

5. Academic Studies: Weber's theory isn't just practiced; it's studied. Universities worldwide include it in their curriculum, ensuring new generations understand its significance.

As we draw this exploration close, it's evident that Max Weber's Bureaucratic Theory isn't just a relic of the past. It's a living, breathing framework that continues influencing how we organize, work, and think.

From its start, bureaucracy was all about creating order from chaos. It did this by establishing a system where large groups could function together.

While the world has transformed dramatically since Weber's time, this core need for structure remains. Think about it: even in our personal lives, we create routines, lists, and schedules to manage our time and tasks.

Bureaucracy has its advantages, like ensuring consistency and fairness. But it also has challenges, like making people feel like numbers.

The theories and ideas we explore aren't just academic—they shape our world, influence decisions, and impact our daily lives.

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  • > The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory
  • > Max Weber

weber hypothesis

Book contents

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory
  • Copyright page
  • Contributors
  • 1 The Emergence of Social Theory
  • 2 “What Is a Classic?”
  • 3 Karl Marx
  • 4 The Marxist Legacy
  • 5 Émile Durkheim: Theorist of Solidarity
  • 6 What’s in a Name?
  • 7 Max Weber
  • 8 Weberian Social Theory
  • 9 Georg Simmel and the Metropolitization of Social Life
  • 10 Pounding on Parsons: How Criticism Undermined the Reputation of Sociology’s Incurable Theorist
  • 11 Symbolic Interactionism
  • 12 Erving Goffman and Dramaturgical Sociology
  • 13 Structuralism
  • 14 Norbert Elias, Civilising Processes, and Figurational (or Process) Sociology
  • 15 Phenomenology and Social Theory
  • 16 Pierre Bourdieu: An Intellectual Legacy
  • 17 Developing Ethnomethodology: Garfinkel on the Constitutive Interactional Practices in Social Systems of Interaction
  • 18 Jürgen Habermas
  • 19 Anthony Giddens, Structuration Theory, and Radical Politics

7 - Max Weber

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  03 December 2020

Max Weber’s work explored two great themes from a universal comparative historical perspective: the relationship between economy and society, and the effects of religion on socioeconomic life. This chapter sets forth his theses and accomplishments in investigating these themes, particularly as related to the world of modern capitalism. In this context, it also considers his analyses of rationality, rationalization processes, authority or domination, and the nature of the scientific calling, as well as the enduring significance of the Weberian legacy.

Lawrence A. Scaff is Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Sociology at Wayne State University, Detroit. He is the author of Fleeing the Iron Cage (1989) , Max Weber in America (2011), and Weber and the Weberians (2014), and coedited The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber (2019).

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  • By Lawrence A. Scaff
  • Edited by Peter Kivisto , Augustana College, Illinois
  • Book: The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory
  • Online publication: 03 December 2020
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Max Weber and Organizational Theory

  • Reference work entry
  • First Online: 01 January 2018
  • pp 3949–3954
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weber hypothesis

  • David K. Brown 2  

883 Accesses

1 Citations

Bureaucratic theory; Rationalization theory

Legitimate authority: rule with the consent of the ruled based on cultural beliefs that justify social hierarchies.

Charismatic leadership: a highly personal type of rule where a following obeys an individual due to belief in that person’s unique, gifted qualities.

Traditionalism: a system of rule where subordinates obey the demands of a group of superiors because they are natural inheritors of such authority.

Legal rationalism: a modern form of rule embedded in impersonal, written rules of conduct and subordination to offices held by persons who claim technical expertise required to perform specific tasks.


Max Weber (1864–1920) was a German social theorist who was instrumental in the establishment of the discipline of sociology and much of its subsequent development. His circle of colleagues and students included luminaries of the era such as Georg Simmel, Robert Michels, Werner Sombart, George Jellinek,...

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Bendix R (1978) Kings or people: power and the mandate to rule. University of California Press, Berkeley

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Brown, D.K. (2018). Max Weber and Organizational Theory. In: Farazmand, A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 16 June 2018

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-20927-2

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-20928-9

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Conflict Theory According to Max Weber

Charlotte Nickerson

Research Assistant at Harvard University

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Charlotte Nickerson is a student at Harvard University obsessed with the intersection of mental health, productivity, and design.

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Max Weber’s conflict theory posits that there are three main sources of conflict: economic, social, and political.

This theory focuses on the competition between social groups, rather than individuals, and attempts to explain social change and stability as a result of group conflict (Marx & Engels, 1847).

In this view, social order is maintained by domination and power rather than by consensus and conformity.

Key Takeaways

  • Max Weber’s (1864-1920) conflict theory posits that there are three main sources of conflict: economic, social, and political.
  • Economic conflict arises when people compete for scarce resources. Social conflict occurs when people have different values or beliefs.
  • Although Weber believed that the economic realm was the most important source of conflict, he criticized Marx’s view that it was entirely responsible for the phenomenon.

A tug of war between a business man and a group of people

Weber’s Ideas around Conflict Theory

Weber’s (1905) version of conflict theory differed from Marx’s in several important ways. Weber criticized Marx by claiming that he over-emphasized the influence of economic factors as the main source of social inequality and a cause of social behavior (Marx & Engels, 1847).

Firstly, Weber believed that class was not the only source of conflict in society. He argued that conflict arises as much over values, status, and a sense of personal honor as over class.

While Weber agreed with Marx’s idea that social class is the most important type of status inequality, he contended that Marx ignored and neglected other important types of status inequality and differences based on gender, ethnicity, religion and nationality – which have little to do with wealth or profit (Weber, 1905).

Weber considered these stratification systems to be organized around two important dimensions: status and party. Status refers to a person”s honor or prestige. That is to say, the amount of respect a person receives from society.

This may be expressed in economic reward or political deference. Those who lack status could be subjected to prejudice and discrimination from those with status.

Meanwhile, Weber defined ‘parties’ as interest groups that either exercise power or influence or wish to do so. For example, a worker’s union may exercise striking power to increase wages or better working conditions. Weber believed that these two dimensions were fundamentally independent of each other.

In many societies around the world, and in many walks of life, men dominate women, majority ethnic groups and religions exploit ethnic and religious minorities and powerful nationalistic groups and societies repress other national groups or societies because they are interpreted as ‘inferior’.

For example, the dominant immigrant groups to a country — especially one that had previously colonized its inhabitants, may be treated discriminately, being provided with fewer social and economic opportunities on the virtue of their origin.

NS-SEC system of occupational classification

Weber’s theory of social stratification influenced the setting-up of the NS-SEC system of occupational classification.

The NS-SEC system of occupational classification is used to measure social class in the UK. The system was first used in the 1951 Census and has been revised several times (Rose & Pevalin, 2003).

Weber’s Criticisms of Social Class

Weber defined a social class as a group that shares a similar market situation. Because of their skill-set, those in a particular social class receive similar economic rewards.

For example, a skilled worker and an unskilled worker will receive different wages for their work. However, Weber argued that Marx’s idea of social class failed to explain the status differences that exist within social class strata.

For example, within the upper class, ‘old wealth’ such as that embodied by the Royal Family and the aristocracy seems to have more status than ‘new wealth,’ as symbolized by owners of companies or wealthy celebrities (Weber, 1905).

These differences in status between members of the same social class exist for lower classes as well. Within the middle classes, for example, there exist status differences between the upper middle class, the professional and managerial middle classes, and white-collar workers.

While those working professional jobs may have higher incomes than white-collar workers, the latter may have more status because of the type of work they do. For example, a stock trader is likely to have a higher income than a schoolteacher, but the schoolteacher is likely to have more status because their work is seen as being more important and beneficial to society.

Within the working-class, there are status differences between the ‘labor aristocracy’, those who are semi-skilled and unskilled but working, and those who are long-term unemployed and dependent on benefits.

On the upper end of income ranges, a plumber may significantly outearn even many in the middle class but maintain a working-class status for having a “blue collar” job.

As Weber added to conflict theory, economic wealth is related to, but not entirely determinant, social status and power.

Weber and Power

Weber (1905) believed that conflict did not always lead to social change; instead, they might just as easily lead to the reinforcement of existing power relations.

Weber identified types of power that have little to do with economics or social class. For example, people may acquire power because they have greater physical or military strength over others.

Others may acquire a legitimate form of power called ‘authority’ from the state or society to exercise power over others, for example, the Prime Minister, the police, and teachers each exercise authority.

Furthermore, people, regardless of physical strength or societally-given authority, may acquire charismatic authority from the strength of their own personality, resulting in the acquisition of a following.

A popular social media star may, for example, wield significant economic and social power as a result of their online following. The important point that Weber makes in identifying different types of power is that none of these types of power originates in the way capitalism is organized and controlled.

This means that, even if capitalism were to be abolished, other forms of power would continue to exist. Weber’s ideas on conflict theory, therefore, present a more nuanced view of social change than Marx’s class struggle paradigm.

Critical Evaluation

Weber notes that it is not always the capitalist class theory of Marx that is responsible for inequality, exploitation, suffering and conflict.

He presents a method for sociologists to construct complex and multi-dimensional models of stratification. Weber acknowledges that it is important to consider all three dimensions when studying social inequality: economic, social and political.

While Marx’s theory focuses on the economic, Weber adds the political and social to create a more comprehensive view of societal stratification. He also acknowledges that there is not always a clearcut struggle between two groups, as Marx would have posited. Those occupying one “class” status in some respects may occupy others simultaneously (Weber, 1905).

Despite its influence, Weberian Conflict theory is not without its critics. Neo-Marxists, for example, criticize the notion of status differences within social classes.

Marxists see these as deliberately created by the bourgeoisie to divide and rule workers so that they never achieve full class consciousness and become a dangerous revolutionary class.

Additionally, Weber’s work has been criticized for its Eurocentric focus (Collins, 1980). Critics also argue that Weberian conflict theory does not pay enough attention to the role of women in society and gender as a general source of conflict.

In general, Weber’s work reflects the ideas and values of his time; however, feminist sociologists have more recently created gender-based conflict theories inspired by Weber’s expansion of status and power differences.

Bartos, O. J., & Wehr, P. (2002). Using conflict theory: Cambridge University Press.

Binns, D. (1977). Beyond the sociology of conflict. New York: St. Martin’s.

Collins, R. (1980). Weber”s last theory of capitalism: a systematiz ation. American Sociological Review , 925-942.

Marx, K., Engels, F. (1847). Manifesto of the communist party .

Marx, K., & Engels, F. (1967). The communist manifesto . 1848. Trans. Samuel Moore. London: Penguin, 15.

Rose, D., & Pevalin, D. (2003). The NS-SEC described. A researcher’s guide to the national statistics socio-economic classification , 6-27.

Weber, M. (1905). Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus . Berlin.

Weber, M. (1978). Economy and society: An outline of interpretive sociology (Vol. 1). Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press.

Wells, A. (1979). Conflict theory and functionalism: Introductory sociology textbooks, 1928-1976. Teaching Sociology, 429-437.

Weber, M. (2009).  The theory of social and economic organization . Simon and Schuster.

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Max Weber's Three Biggest Contributions to Sociology

On Culture and Economy, Authority, and the Iron Cage

 University of Amsterdam, Artis Library

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  • Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • M.A., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • B.A., Sociology, Pomona College

With Karl Marx, Émile Durkheim, W.E.B. DuBois, and Harriet Martineau, Max Weber is considered one of the founders of sociology . Living and working between 1864 and 1920, Weber is remembered as a prolific social theorist who focused on economics, culture , religion, politics, and the interplay among them. Three of his biggest contributions to sociology include the way he theorized the relationship between culture and economy, his theory of authority, and his concept of the iron cage of rationality.

Weber on the Relationships Between Culture and Economy

Weber's most well-known and widely read work is The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism . This book is considered a landmark text of social theory and sociology generally because of how Weber convincingly illustrates the important connections between culture and economy. Positioned against Marx's historical materialist approach to theorizing the emergence and development of capitalism , Weber presented a theory in which the values of ascetic Protestantism fostered the acquisitive nature of the capitalist economic system.

Weber's discussion of the relationship between culture and economy was a ground-breaking theory at the time. It set up an important theoretical tradition in sociology of taking the cultural realm of values and ideology seriously as a social force that interacts with and influences other aspects of society like politics and the economy.

What Makes Authority Possible

Weber made a very important contribution to the way we understand how people and institutions come to have authority in society, how they keep it, and how it influences our lives. Weber articulated his theory of authority in the essay  Politics as a Vocation , which first took form in a lecture he delivered in Munich in 1919. Weber theorized that there are three forms of authority that allow people and institutions to attain legitimate rule over society: 1. traditional, or that rooted in the traditions and values of the past that follows the logic of "this is the way things have always been"; 2. charismatic, or that premised on individual positive and admirable characteristics like heroism, being relatable, and showing visionary leadership; and 3. legal-rational, or that which is rooted in the laws of the state and represented by those entrusted to protect them.

This theory of Weber's reflects his focus on the political, social, and cultural importance of the modern state as an apparatus that strongly influences what happens in society and in our lives.

Weber on the Iron Cage

Analyzing the effects the "iron cage" of bureaucracy has on individuals in society is one of Weber's landmark contributions to social theory, which he articulated in  The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism . Weber used the phrase, originally  stahlhartes Gehäuse  in German, to refer to the way the bureaucratic rationality of modern Western societies comes to fundamentally limit and direct social life and individual lives. Weber explained that modern bureaucracy was organized around rational principles like hierarchical roles, compartmentalized knowledge and roles, a perceived merit-based system of employment and advancement, and the legal-rationality authority of the rule of law. As this system of rule -- common to modern Western states -- is perceived as legitimate and thus unquestionable, it exerts what Weber perceived to be an extreme and unjust influence on other aspects of society and individual lives: the iron cage limits freedom and possibility.

This aspect of Weber's theory would prove deeply influential to the further development of social theory and was built upon at length by the critical theorists associated with the Frankfurt School .

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Max Weber’s Social Action Theory

Table of Contents

Last Updated on December 10, 2022 by Karl Thompson

Max Weber (1864-1920) was one of the founding fathers of Sociology. Weber saw both structural and action approaches as necessary to developing a full understanding of society and social change.

For the purposes of A level Sociology we can reduce Weber’s extensive contribution to Sociology to three things:

Max Weber: Three Key Points

This final point can be illustrated by a quote from one of his most important works ‘Economy and Society’, first published in the 1920s, in which he said ‘Sociology is a science concerning itself with interpretive understanding of social action and thereby with a causal explanation of its course and consequences.’

weber hypothesis

Social Action and Verstehen

Weber argued that before the cause of an action could be ascertained you had to understand the meaning attached to it by the individual. He distinguished between two types of understanding.

First he referred to Aktuelles Verstehen – or direct observational understanding, where you just observe what people are doing. For example, it is possible to observe what people are doing – for example, you can observe someone chopping wood, or you can even ascertain (with reasonable certainty) someone’s emotional state from their body language or facial expression. However, observational understanding alone is not sufficient to explain social action.

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

weber hypothesis

In this famous work, Weber argued that a set of religious ideas were responsible for the emergence of Capitalism in Northern Europe in the 16-17 th century. Weber argued that we need to understand these ideas and how they made people think about themselves in order to understand the emergence of Capitalism. (NB The emergence of Capitalism is one the most significant social changes in human history)

The video below, from the School of Life, offers a useful summary of Max Weber’s ideas about the emergence of Capitalism

Weber’s Four Types of Action (and types of society)

To illustrate these different types of action consider someone “going to school” in terms of these four ideal types: Traditionally, one may attend college because her grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles have as well. They wish to continue the family tradition and continue with college as well. When relating to affective, one may go to school just because they enjoy learning. They love going to college whether or not it will make them broke. With value rational, one may attend college because it’s a part of his/her religion that everyone must receive the proper education. Therefore, this person attends college for that reason only. Finally, one may go to college because he/she may want an amazing job in the future and in order to get that job, he/she needs a college degree.

Weber believed that modern societies were obsessed with efficiency – modernizing and getting things done, such that questions of ethics, affection and tradition were brushed to one side – this has the consequence of making people miserable and leading to enormous social problems. Weber was actually very depressed about this and had a mental breakdown towards the end of his life.

Evaluations of Max Weber’s Social Action Theory

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Max Weber’s work is also the basis of the ‘Interpretivism’ part of Positivism versus Interpretivism .

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Arguably the foremost social theorist of the twentieth century, Max Weber is also known as a principal architect of modern social science along with Karl Marx and Emil Durkheim. Weber's wide-ranging contributions gave critical impetus to the birth of new academic disciplines such as sociology and public administration as well as to the significant reorientation in law, economics, political science, and religious studies. His methodological writings were instrumental in establishing the self-identity of modern social science as a distinct field of inquiry; he is still claimed as the source of inspiration by empirical positivists and their hermeneutic detractors alike. More substantively, Weber's two most celebrated contributions were the “rationalization thesis,” a grand meta-historical analysis of the dominance of the west in modern times, and the “Protestant Ethic thesis,” a non-Marxist genealogy of modern capitalism. Together, these two theses helped launch his reputation as one of the founding theorists of modernity. In addition, his avid interest and participation in politics led to a unique strand of political realism comparable to that of Machiavelli and Hobbes. As such, Max Weber's influence was far-reaching across the vast array of disciplinary, methodological, ideological and philosophical reflections that are still our own and increasingly more so.

1. Life and Career

2.1 epistemology: neo-kantianism, 2.2 ethics: kant and nietzsche, 3.1 rationalization as a thematic unity, 3.2 calculability, predictability, and world-mastery, 3.3 knowledge, impersonality, and control, 4.1 the “iron cage” and value-fragmentation, 4.2 reenchantment via disenchantment, 4.3 modernity contra modernization, 5.1 understanding ( verstehen ), 5.2 ideal type, 6.1 charismatic leadership democracy, 6.2 nationalism and power-politics, 6.3 the ethics of conviction and responsibility, 7. concluding remarks, primary sources, secondary sources, other internet resources, related entries.

Karl Emil Maximilian Weber (1864–1920) was born in Erfurt, Thuringia to a family of notable heritage. His father, Max Sr., came from a Westphalian family of merchants and industrialists in the textile business and went on to become a National Liberal parliamentarian of some recognizable influence in Wilhelmine politics. His mother, Helene, came from the Fallenstein and Souchay families, both of the long illustrious Huguenot line, which had for generations produced public servants and academicians. Evidently, Max Weber was brought up in a prosperous, cosmopolitan, and highly cultivated family milieu that was well-plugged into the political and social establishment of the German Bürgertum [Roth 2000]. Also, his parents represented two, often conflicting, poles of identity between which their eldest son would struggle throughout his life — worldly statesmanship and ascetic scholarship.

Educated mainly at the universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, Weber was trained in jurisprudence, eventually writing his Habilitationsschrift on Roman law and agrarian history. After some flirtation with legal practice and public service, he received an important research commission from the Verein für Sozialpolitik (the leading social science association under Gustav Schmoller's leadership) and produced the so-called East Elbian Report on the displacement of the German agrarian workers in East Prussia by Polish migrant labourers. Greeted upon publication with much praise and some political controversy, this early success led to his first university appointment at Freiburg to be followed shortly by a prestigious professorship in political economy at Heidelberg. Weber and his wife Marianne, an intellectual in her own right and early women's rights activist, soon found themselves at the center of the vibrant intellectual and cultural life of Heidelberg; the so-called “Weber Circle” attracted such intellectual luminaries as Georg Jellinek, Ernst Troeltsch, and Werner Sombart and later a number of younger scholars including Marc Bloch, Robert Michels, and György Lukács. Weber was also active in public life as he continued to play an important role as a Young Turk in the Verein and maintain a close association with the Evangelische-soziale Kongress (especially with the leader of its younger, liberal wing, Friedrich Naumann). It was during this time that he first established a solid reputation as a brilliant political economist and passionate public intellectual, albeit with a somewhat unpredictable and laconic temperament.

All these fruitful years came to an abrupt halt in 1896 when Weber collapsed with a nervous-breakdown shortly after his father's sudden death (precipitated by a heated confrontation with Weber). His routine as a teacher and scholar was interrupted so badly that he eventually withdrew from regular teaching duties in 1903, to which he would not return until 1919. Although severely compromised and unable to write as prolifically as before, he still managed to immerse himself in the study of various philosophical and religious topics, which resulted in a new direction in his scholarship as the publication of miscellaneous methodological essays, and especially that of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, testifies. After this stint essentially as a private scholar, he slowly resumed his participation in various academic and public activities. With Edgar Jaffé and Sombart, he took over editorial control of the Archiv für Sozialwissenschaften u. Sozialpolitik , turning it into the leading social science journal of the day as well as his new institutional platform. In 1909, he co-founded the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie , in part as a result of his growing unease with the Verein 's political orientation and lack of methodological discipline, becoming its first treasurer (he would resign from it in 1912, though). This period of his life, until interrupted by the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, brought the pinnacles of his achievements as he worked intensely in two areas: the comparative sociology of world religions and his contribution to the Grundriss der Sozialökonomik , in particular the sections on economic and legal sociology, which would be put together and published posthumously as Economy and Society . Along with the major methodological essays that he drafted during this time, these works would become mainly responsible for Weber's enduring reputation as one of the founding fathers of modern social science.

With the onset of the War, Weber's involvement in public life took an unexpected turn. At first a fervent nationalist supporter of the War, as virtually all German intellectuals of the time were, he grew disillusioned with the German war policies, eventually refashioning himself as one of the most vocal critics of the Kaiser government in a time of war. As a public intellectual, he issued private reports to government leaders and wrote journalistic pieces to warn against the Belgian annexation policy and the unlimited submarine warfare, which, as the War deepened, evolved into a call for overall democratization of the authoritarian state that was Wilhelmine Germany. By 1917, Weber was campaigning vigorously for a wholesale constitutional reform for post-war Germany, including the introduction of universal suffrage and the empowerment of parliament.

When defeat came in 1918, Germany found in Weber a public intellectual leader, even possibly a future statesman, with relatively solid liberal democratic credentials who was well-positioned to influence the course of post-war reconstruction. He was invited to join the draft board of the Weimar Constitution as well as the German delegation to Versaille; albeit in vain, he even ran for a parliamentary seat on the liberal Democratic Party ticket. In those capacities, however, he opposed the German Revolution (all too sensibly) and the Versaille Treaty (all too quixotically) alike, putting himself in an honorable yet unsustainable position that defied the partisan alignments of the day. By all accounts, his political activities bore little fruit, except his advocacy for a robust plebiscitary presidency in the Weimar Constitution, and his political influence was marginal at best despite the widespread respect he commanded from the general public.

Frustrated with day-to-day politics, he turned to his scholarly pursuits with renewed vigour. In 1919, he briefly taught in turn at the universities of Vienna ( General Economic History was an outcome of this experience) and of Munich (where he gave the much-lauded lectures, Science as a Vocation and Politics as a Vocation ), while compiling his scattered writings on religion in the form of massive three-volume Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie [ GARS hereafter]. All these reinvigorated scholarly activities ended abruptly in 1920, however, when he suddenly died of pneumonia in Munich. Max Weber was fifty six years old.

2. Philosophical Influences

Putting Weber in the context of philosophical tradition proper is not an easy task. For all the astonishing variety of identities that can be ascribed to him as a scholar, he was certainly no philosopher at least in the narrow sense of the term. His reputation as a Solonic legislator of modern social science also tends to cloud our appreciation of the extent to which his ideas were embedded in the intellectual tradition of the time. Broadly speaking, Weber's philosophical worldview, if not coherent philosophy, was informed by the deep crisis of the Enlightenment project in fin-de-siècle Europe, which was characterized by the intellectual revolt against positivist reason, a celebration of subjective will and intuition, and a neo-Romantic longing for spiritual wholesomeness [Hughes 1977]. As such, the philosophical backdrop to his thoughts will be outlined here along two axes: epistemology and ethics.

Weber encountered the pan-European cultural crisis of his time mainly as filtered through the jargon of German Historicism. His early training in law had exposed him to the sharp divide between the reigning Labandian legal positivism and the historical jurisprudence championed by Otto von Gierke (one of his teachers at Berlin); in his later incarnation as a political economist, he was keenly interested in the heated “strife over methods” ( Methodenstreit ) between the positivist economic methodology of Carl Menger and the historical economics of Schmoller (his mentor during the early days). Arguably, however, it was not until Weber grew acquainted with the Baden or Southwestern School of Neo-Kantians, especially through Wilhelm Windelband, Emil Lask, and Heinrich Rickert (his one-time colleague at Freiburg), that he found a rich conceptual template suitable for the clearer elaboration of his own epistemological position.

In opposition to a Hegelian emanationist epistemology, briefly, Neo-Kantians shared the Kantian dichotomy between reality and concept. Not an emanent derivative of concepts as Hegel posited, reality is irrational and incomprehensible, and the concept only an abstract construction of our mind. Nor is the concept a matter of will, intuition, and subjective consciousness as Wilhelm Dilthey posited. According to Hermann Cohen, one of the early Neo-Kantians, concept construction is fundamentally a cognitive process, which cannot but be rational as Kant held. If our cognition is logical and all reality exists within cognition, then only a reality that we can comprehend in the form of knowledge is rational — metaphysics is thereby reduced to epistemology, and Being to logic. As such, the process of concept construction both in the natural ( Natur -) and the cultural-historical sciences ( Geisteswissenshaften ) has to be universal as well as abstract, not different in kind but in their subject matters. The latter is only different in dealing with the question of values in addition to logical relationships.

For Windelband, however, the difference between the two kinds of knowledge has to do with its aim and method as well. Cultural-historical knowledge is not concerned with a phenomenon because of what it shares with other phenomena, but rather because of its own definitive qualities. For values, which form its proper subject, are radically subjective, concrete and individualistic. Unlike the “nomothetic” knowledge that natural science seeks, what matters in historical science is not a universal law-like causality, but an understanding of the particular way in which an individual ascribes values to certain events and institutions or takes a position towards the general cultural values of his/her time under a unique, never-to-be-repeated constellation of historical circumstances. Therefore, cultural-historical science seeks “ideographic” knowledge; it aims to understand the particular, concrete and irrational “historical individual” with inescapably universal, abstract, and rational concepts. Turning irrational reality into rational concept, it does not simply paint ( abbilden ) a picture of reality but transforms ( umbilden ) it. Occupying the gray area between irrational reality and rational concept, then, its question became twofold for the Neo-Kantians — one being in what way we can understand the irreducibly subjective values held by the historical actors in an objective fashion, and the other, by what criteria we can select a certain historical phenomenon as opposed to another as historically significant subject matter worthy of our attention. In short, the issue was not only the values to be comprehended by the seeker of historical knowledge, but also his/her own values, which are no less subjective. Valuation ( Werturteil ) as well as value ( Wert ) became a keen issue.

According to Rickert's definitive elaboration, valuation precedes values. On the one hand, he posits that the “in-dividual,” as opposed to mere “individual,” phenomenon can be isolated as a discrete subject of our historical inquiry when we ascribe certain subjective values to the singular coherence and indivisibility that are responsible for its uniqueness. In his theory of value-relation ( Wertbeziehung ), on the other, Rickert argues that relating historical objects to values can still retain objective validity when it is based on a series of explicitly formulated conceptual distinctions; that between the investigator's values and those of the historical actor under investigation, between personal or private values and general cultural values of the time, and between subjective value-judgment and objective value-relations.

In so positing, however, Rickert is making two highly questionable assumptions: one is that there are certain values in every culture that are universally accepted within that culture as valid, and the other that a historian free of bias must agree on what these values are. Just as natural science must assume “unconditionally and universally valid laws of nature,” so, too, cultural-historical science must assume that there are “unconditionally and universally valid values.” If so, an “in-dividual” historical event has to be reduced to an “individual” manifestation of the objective process of history, a conclusion that essentially implies that Rickert returned to the German Idealist faith in the meaningfulness of history and the objective validity of the diverse values to be found in history. An empirical study in historical science, in the end, cannot do without a metaphysics of history. Bridging irrational reality and rational concept in historical science, or overcoming hiatus irrationalis (á la Lask) without recourse to a metaphysics of history still remained a problem as acutely as before. While accepting the broadly neo-Kantian conceptual template as Rickert elaborated it, Weber's methodological writings would turn mostly on this issue.

German Idealism seems to have exerted another enduring influence on Weber, discernible in his ethical worldview more than in his epistemological position. This was the strand of Idealist discourse in which a broadly Kantian ethic and its Nietzschean critique figure prominently.

The way in which Weber understood Kant seems to have been through the conceptual template set by moral psychology and philosophical anthropology. In conscious opposition to the utilitarian-naturalistic justification of modern individualism, Kant viewed moral action as simultaneously principled and self-disciplined and an expression of genuine freedom and autonomy. On this Kantian view, freedom and autonomy are to be found in the instrumental control of the self and the world (objectification) according to a law formulated solely from within (subjectification). Furthermore, such a paradoxical compound is made possible by an internalization or willful acceptance of a transcendental rational principle, which saves it from falling prey to the hedonistic justification of a subjectification that Kant found in Enlightenment naturalism and which he so detested. Kant in this regard follows Rousseau in condemning utilitarianism; instrumental-rational control of the world in the service of our desires and needs just degenerates into organized egoism. In order to prevent it, mere freedom of choice based on elective will ( Willkür ) has to be replaced by the exercise of purely rational will ( Wille ). Instrumental transformation of the self is thus the crucial benchmark of autonomous moral agency for Kant as well as for Locke, but its basis has been fundamentally altered in Kant; it should be done with the purpose of serving a higher end, that is, for Kant, the universal law of reason. A willful self-transformation is demanded now in the service of a higher law based on reason or, one might say, of an “ultimate value” in Weber's parlance.

Weber's understanding of this Kantian ethical template was strongly tinged by the Protestant theological debate taking place in the Germany of his time between (orthodox Lutheran) Albrecht Ritschl and Matthias Schneckenburger (of Calvinist persuasion), a context with which Weber became acquainted through his Heidelberg colleague, Troeltsch. Suffice it to note in this connection that Weber's sharp critique of Ritschl's Lutheran communitarianism seems reflective of his broadly Kantian preoccupation with radically subjective individualism and the methodical transformation of the self [Graf 1995]. All in all, one might say, as Ernest Gellner did, that: “the preoccupations of Kant and of Weber are really the same. One was a philosopher and the other a sociologist, but there … the difference ends” [Gellner 1974, 184].

That which also ends, however, is Weber's subscription to a Kantian ethic of duty when it comes to the possibility of a universal law of reason. Weber was keenly aware of the fact that the Kantian linkage between growing self-consciousness, the possibility of a universal law, and principled and thus free action had been irrevocably severed. Kant managed to preserve the precarious duo of non-arbitrary action and subjective freedom by asserting such a linkage, which Weber believed to be antiquated in his allegedly Nietzschean age.

According to Nietzsche, “will to truth” cannot be content with the metaphysical construction of a grand metanarrative, whether it be monotheistic religion or modern science, and growing self-consciousness, or “intellectualization” à la Weber, can lead only to a radical skepticism, value relativism, or, even worse, nihilism. According to such a Historicist diagnosis of modernity that culminates in the “death of God,” the alternative seems to be either a radical self-assertion and self-creation that runs the risk of being arbitrary (as in Nietzsche) or a complete desertion of the modern ideal of self-autonomous freedom (as in early Foucault). If the first approach leads to a radical divinization of humanity, one possible extension of modern humanism, the second leads inexorably to a “dedivinization” of humanity, a postmodern antihumanism [Vattimo 1988, 31–47].

Seen in this light, Weber's ethical sensibility is built on a firm rejection of a Nietzschean divination and Foucaultian resignation alike, both of which are radically at odds with a Kantian ethic of duty. In other words, Weber's ethical project can be described as a search for a non-arbitrary form of freedom (his Kantian side) in what he perceived as an increasingly post-metaphysical world (his Nietzschean side). According to Paul Honigsheim, his pupil and distant cousin, Weber's ethic is that of “tragedy” and “nevertheless.” [Honigsheim 2003, 113] This deep tension between the Kantian moral imperatives and a Nietzschean diagnosis of the modern cultural world is apparently what gives such a darkly tragic and agnostic shade to Weber's ethical worldview.

Weber's main contribution as such, nonetheless, lies neither in epistemology nor in ethics. Although they deeply informed his thoughts to an extent ruefully under-appreciated even today, his main preoccupation lay elsewhere. He was after all one of the founding fathers of modern social science. Beyond the recognition, however, that Weber is not simply a sociologist par excellence as Talcott Parsons's Durkheimian interpretation made him out to be, identifying an idée maîtresse throughout his disparate oeuvre has been controversial ever since his own days and is still far from settled. Economy and Society , his alleged magnum opus , was a posthumous publication based upon his widow's editorship, the thematic architectonic of which is unlikely to be reconstructed beyond doubt even after its recent reissuing under the rubric of Max Weber Gesamtausgabe [ MWG hereafter]. GARS forms a more coherent whole since its editorial edifice was the work of Weber himself; and yet, its relationship to his other sociologies of, for instance, law, city, music, domination, and economy, remains controvertible. Accordingly, his overarching theme has also been variously surmised as a developmental history of Western rationalism (Wolfgang Schluchter), the universal history of rationalist culture (Friedrich Tenbruck), or simply the Menschentum as it emerges and degenerates in modern rational society (Wilhelm Hennis). The first depicts Weber as a comparative-historical sociologist; the second, a latter-day Idealist historian of culture reminiscent of Jacob Burckhardt; and the third, a political philosopher on a par with Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Rousseau. Important as they are for in-house Weber scholarship, these philological disputes need not hamper our attempt to grasp the gist of his ideas. Suffice it for us to recognize that, albeit with varying degrees of emphasis, these different interpretations all converge on the thematic centrality of rationality, rationalism, and rationalization in making sense of Weber.

At the outset, what immediately strikes a student of Weber's rationalization thesis is its seeming irreversibility and Eurocentrism. The apocalyptic imagery of the “iron cage” that haunts the concluding pages of the Protestant Ethic is commonly taken to reflect his dark fatalism about the inexorable unfolding of rationalization and its culmination in the complete loss of freedom and the evaporation of meaning in the modern world. The “Author's Introduction” ( Vorbemerkung to GARS ) also contains oft-quoted passages that allegedly disclose Weber's belief in the unique singularity of Western civilization's achievement in the direction of rationalization, or lack thereof in other parts of the world. For example:

A product of modern European civilization, studying any problem of universal history, is bound to ask himself to what combination of circumstances the fact should be attributed that in Western civilization, and in Western civilization only, cultural phenomena have appeared which (as we like to think) lie in a line of development having universal significance and value [Weber 1920/1992, 13].

Taken together, then, the rationalization process as Weber narrated it seems quite akin to a metahistorical teleology that irrevocably sets the West apart from and indeed above the East.

At the same time, nonetheless, Weber adamantly denied the possibility of a universal law of history in his methodological essays; even within the same pages of Vorbemerkung, he said, “rationalizations of the most varied character have existed in various departments of life and in all areas of culture” [Ibid., 26]. He also made clear that his study of various forms of world religions was to be taken for its heuristic value rather than as “complete analyses of cultures, however brief” [Ibid., 27]; it was meant as a comparative-conceptual platform on which to erect the edifying features of rationalization in the West. If merely a heuristic device and not a universal law of progress, then, what is rationalization and whence comes his uncompromisingly dystopian vision?

Roughly put, taking place in all areas of human life from religion and law to music and architecture, rationalization means a historical drive towards a world in which “one can, in principle, master all things by calculation” [Weber 1919/1946, 139]. For instance, modern capitalism is a rational mode of economic life because it depends on a calculable process of production. This search for exact calculability underpins such institutional innovations as monetary accounting (especially double-entry bookkeeping), centralization of production control, separation of workers from the means of production, supply of formally free labour, disciplined control on the factory floor, and other features that make modern capitalism qualitatively different from all other forms of economic life. The enhanced calculability of the production process is also buttressed by that in non-economic spheres such as law and administration. Legal formalism and bureaucratic management reinforce the elements of predictability in the sociopolitical environment that encumbers industrial capitalism by means of introducing formal equality of citizenship, a rule-bound legislation of legal norms, an autonomous judiciary, and a depoliticized professional bureaucracy. All this calculability and predictability in political, social, and economic spheres was not possible without changes of values in ethics, religion, psychology, and culture. Institutional rationalization was, in other words, predicated upon the rise of a peculiarly rational type of personality, or a “person of vocation” ( Berufsmensch ) as outlined in the Protestant Ethic . The outcome of this complex interplay of ideas and interests was modern rational Western civilization with its enormous material and cultural capacity for relentless world-mastery.

On a more analytical plateau, all these disparate processes of rationalization can be surmised as increasing knowledge, growing impersonality, and enhanced control [Brubaker 1991, 32–35]. First, knowledge. Rational action in one very general sense presupposes knowledge. It requires some knowledge of the ideational and material circumstances in which our action is embedded, since to act rationally is to act on the basis of conscious reflection about the probable consequences of action. As such, the knowledge that underpins a rational action is of a causal nature conceived in terms of means-ends relationships and aspiring towards a systematic, logically interconnected whole. Modern scientific and technological knowledge is a culmination of this process that Weber called intellectualization, in the course of which, the germinating grounds of human knowledge in the past, such as religion, theology, and metaphysics, were slowly pushed back to the realm of the superstitious, mystical, or simply irrational. It is only in modern Western civilization, according to Weber, that this gradual process of disenchantment ( Entzauberung ) has reached its radical conclusion.

Second, impersonality. Rationalization, according to Weber, entails objectification ( Versachlichung ). Industrial capitalism, for one, reduces workers to sheer numbers in an accounting book, completely free from the fetters of tradition and non-economic considerations, as the market relationships do vis-à-vis buyers and sellers. For another, having abandoned the principle of Khadi justice (i.e., personalized ad hoc adjudication), modern law and administration also rule in strict accordance with the systematic formal codes and sine irae et studio , that is, “without regard to person.” Again, Weber found the seed of objectification not in material interests alone, but in the Puritan vocational ethic ( Berufsethik ) and the life conduct that it inspired, which was predicated upon a disenchanted monotheistic theodicy that reduced humans to mere tools of God's providence. Ironically, for Weber, modern inward subjectivity was born once we lost any inherent value qua humans and became thoroughly objectified vis-à-vis God in the course of the Reformation. Modern individuals are subjectified and objectified all at once.

Third, control. Pervasive in Weber's view of rationalization is the increasing control in social and material life. Scientific and technical rationalization has greatly improved both the human capacity for a mastery over nature and institutionalized discipline via bureaucratic administration, legal formalism, and industrial capitalism. The calculable, disciplined control over humans was, again, an unintended consequence of the Puritan ethic of rigorous self-discipline and self-control, or what Weber called “innerworldly asceticism ( innerweltliche Askese ).” Here again, Weber saw the irony that a modern individual citizen equipped with inviolable rights was born as a part of the rational, disciplinary ethos that increasingly penetrated into every aspect of social life.

4. Modernity

Thus seen, rationalization as Weber postulated it is anything but an unequivocal historical phenomenon. As already pointed out, first, Weber views it as a process taking place in disparate fields of human life with a logic of each field's own and varying directions; “each one of these fields may be rationalized in terms of very different ultimate values and ends, and what is rational from one point of view may well be irrational from another” [Weber 1920/1992, 27]. Second, and more important, its ethical ramification for Weber is deeply ambivalent. To use his own dichotomy, the formal-procedural rationality ( Zweckrationalität ) to which Western rationalization tends does not necessarily go with a substantive-value rationality ( Wertrationalität ). On the one hand, exact calculability and predictability in the social environment that formal rationalization has brought about dramatically enhances individual freedom by helping individuals to understand and navigate through the complex web of institutions in order to realize the ends of their own choice. On the other hand, freedom and agency are seriously curtailed by the same force in history when individuals are reduced to a “cog in a machine,” or trapped in an “iron cage” that formal rationalization has spawned with irresistible efficiency and at the expense of substantive rationality. Thus his famous lament in the Protestant Ethic :

No one knows who will live in this cage ( Gehäuse ) in the future, or whether at the end of this tremendous development entirely new prophets will arise, or there will be a great rebirth of old ideas and ideals, or, if neither, mechanized petrification, embellished with a sort of convulsive self-importance. For the “last man” ( letzten Menschen ) of this cultural development, it might well be truly said: “Specialist without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines that it has attained a level of humanity ( Menschentums ) never before achieved” [Weber 1904-05/1992, 182: translation altered].

Third, Weber envisions the future of rationalization not only in terms of “mechanized petrification,” but also of a chaotic, even atrophic, inundation of subjective values. In other words, the bureaucratic “iron cage” is only one side of the modernity that rationalization has brought about; the other is a “polytheism” of value-fragmentation. At the apex of rationalization, we moderns have suddenly found ourselves living “as did the ancients when their world was not yet disenchanted of its gods and demons” [Weber 1919/1946, 148]. Modern Western society is, Weber seems to say, once again enchanted as a result of disenchantment. How did this happen and with what consequences?

In point of fact, Weber's rationalization thesis can be understood with richer nuance when we approach it as, for lack of better terms, a dialectics of disenchantment and reenchantment rather than as a one-sided, unilinear process. Disenchantment had ushered in monotheistic religions in the West; in practice, this means that ad hoc maxims for life-conduct had been gradually displaced by a unified total system of meaning and value, which historically culminated in the Puritan ethic of vocation. Here, the irony was that disenchantment was an ongoing process nonetheless. Disenchantment in its second phase pushed aside monotheistic religion as something irrational, thus delegitimating it as a unifying worldview in the modern secular world.

Modern science, which was singularly responsible for this late development, was initially welcomed as a surrogate system of orderly value-creation, as Weber found in the convictions of Bacon (science as “the road to true nature”) and Descartes (as “the road to the true god”) [Weber 1919/1946, 142]. For Weber, nevertheless, modern science is a deeply nihilistic enterprise in which any scientific achievement worthy of the name must “ask to be surpassed and made obsolete” in a process “that is in principle ad infinitum ,” at which point, “we come to the problem of the meaning of science.” He went on to ask: “For it is simply not self-evident that something which is subject to such a law is in itself meaningful and rational. Why should one do something which in reality never comes to an end and never can?” [ Ibid ., 138: translation altered]. In short, modern science has relentlessly deconstructed other value-creating activities, in the course of which its own meaning has also been demolished beyond repair. The result is the “ Götterdämmerung of all evaluative perspectives” including its own [Weber 1904/1949, 86].

Irretrievably gone as a result is a unifying worldview, be it religious or scientific, and what ensues is its fragmentation into incompatible value spheres. Weber, for instance, observed: “since Nietzsche, we realize that something can be beautiful, not only in spite of the aspect in which it is not good, but rather in that very aspect” [Weber 1919/1946, 148]. That is to say, aesthetic values now stand in irreconcilable antagonism to religious values, transforming “value judgments ( Werturteile ) into judgments of taste ( Geschmacksurteile ) by which what is morally reprehensible becomes merely what is tasteless” [Weber 1915/1946, 342].

Weber is, then, not envisioning a peaceful dissolution of the grand metanarratives of monotheistic religion and universal science into a series of local narratives and the consequent modern pluralist culture in which different cultural practices follow their own immanent logic. His vision of polytheistic reenchantment is rather that of an incommensurable value-fragmentation into a plurality of alternative metanarratives, each of which claims to answer the same metaphysical questions that religion and (early modern) science strove to cope with in their own ways. The slow death of God has reached its apogee in the return of gods and demons who “strive to gain power over our lives and again … resume their eternal struggle with one another” [Weber 1919/1946, 149].

Seen this way, Weber's rationalization thesis concludes with two strikingly dissimilar prophecies — one is the imminent iron cage of bureaucratic petrification and the other, the Hellenistic pluralism of warring deities. The modern world has come to be monotheistic and polytheistic all at once. What seems to underlie this seemingly self-contradictory imagery of modernity is the problem of modern humanity ( Menschentum ) and its loss of freedom and moral agency. Disenchantment has created a world with no objectively ascertainable ground for one's conviction. Under the circumstances, according to Weber, a modern individual tends to act only on one's own aesthetic impulse and express arbitrary convictions that cannot be communicated in the eventuality; the majority of those who cannot even act on their convictions, or the “last men who invented happiness” à la Nietzsche, lead the life of a “cog in a machine.” Whether the problem of modernity is accounted for in terms of a permeation of objective, instrumental rationality or of a purposeless agitation of subjective values, Weber viewed these two images as constituting a single problem insofar as they contributed to the inertia of modern individuals who fail to take principled moral action. The “sensualists without heart” and “specialists without spirit” indeed formed two faces of the same coin that may be called the disempowerment of the modern self.

Once things were different, Weber claimed. An unflinching sense of conviction that relied on nothing but one's innermost personality once issued in a highly methodical and disciplined conduct of everyday life — or, simply, life as a duty. Born amidst the turmoil of the Reformation, this archetypal modern self drew its strength solely from within in the sense that one's principle of action was determined by one's own psychological need to gain self-affirmation. Also, the way in which this deeply introspective subjectivity was practiced, that is, in self-mastery, entailed a highly rational and radically methodical attitude towards one's inner self and the outer, objective world. Transforming the self into an integrated personality and mastering the world with relentless energy, subjective value and objective rationality once formed “one unbroken whole” [Weber 1910/1978, 319]. Weber calls the agent of this unity the “person of vocation” ( Berufsmensch ) in his religious writings, “personality” ( Persönlichkeit ) in the methodological essays, “genuine politician” ( Berufspolitiker ) in the political writings, and “charismatic individual” in Economy and Society . [ 1 ] The much-celebrated Protestant Ethic thesis was indeed a genealogical account of this unique moral agency in modern times [Goldman 1992].

Once different, too, was the mode of society constituted by and in turn constitutive of this type of moral agency. Weber's social imagination revealed its keenest sense of irony when he traced the root of the cohesive integration, intense socialization, and severe communal discipline of the “sectlike society” ( Sektengesellschaft ) to the isolated and introspective subjectivity of the Puritan person of vocation. The irony was that the anxiety-ridden, egotistical, and even antisocial virtues of the person of vocation could be sustained only in the disciplinary environment of small-scale associational life. Membership in exclusive voluntary associational life is open, and it is such membership, or “achieved quality,” that guarantees the ethical qualities of the individuals with whom one interacts. “The old ‘sect spirit’ holds sway with relentless effect in the intrinsic nature of such associations,” Weber observed, for the sect was the first mass organization to combine individual agency and social discipline in such a systematic way. Weber thus claimed that “the ascetic conventicles and sects … formed one of the most important foundations of modern individualism” [Weber 1920/1946, 321]. It seems clear that what Weber was trying to outline here was an archetypical form of social organization that can empower individual moral agency by sustaining group disciplinary dynamism, a kind of pluralistically organized social life we would now call a “civil society” [Kim 2004, 57–94].

To summarize, the irony with which Weber accounted for rationalization was driven by the deepening tension between modernity and modernization. Weber's problem with modernity originates from the fact that it required a historically unique constellation of cultural values and social institutions, and yet, modernization has effectively undermined the cultural basis for modern individualism and its germinating ground of disciplinary society, which together had given the original impetus to modernity. The modern project has fallen victim to its own success. Under the late modern circumstances characterized by the “iron cage” and “warring deities,” then, Weber's question becomes: “How is it at all possible to salvage any remnants of ‘individual’ freedom of movement in any sense given this all-powerful trend” [Weber 1918/1994, 159]?

5. Knowledge

Such an appreciation of Weber's main problematic, which culminates in the question of modern individual freedom, may help shed light on some of the controversial aspects of Weber's methodology. In accounting for his methodological claims, it needs to be borne in mind that Weber was not at all interested in writing a systematic epistemological treatise in order to put an end to the “strife over methods” ( Methodenstreit ) of his time. His ambition was much more modest and pragmatic. Just as “the person who attempted to walk by constantly applying anatomical knowledge would be in danger of stumbling” [Weber 1906/1949, 115; translation altered], so can methodology be a kind of knowledge that may supply a rule of thumb, codified a posteriori , for what historians and social scientists do, but it could never substitute for the skills they use in their research practice. Instead, Weber's attempt to mediate historicism and positivism was meant to aid an actual researcher make a practical value-judgment ( Werturteil ) that is fair and acceptable in the face of the plethora of subjective values that one encounters when selecting and processing historical data. After all, the questions that drove his methodological reflections were what it means to practice science in the modern polytheistic world and how one can do science with a sense of vocation. In his own words, “the capacity to distinguish between empirical knowledge and value-judgments, and the fulfillment of the scientific duty to see the factual truth as well as the practical duty to stand up for our own ideals constitute the program to which we wish to adhere with ever increasing firmness” [Weber 1904/1949, 58]. In short, Weber's methodology was as ethical as it was epistemological.

Building on the Neo-Kantian nominalism outlined above, thus, Weber's contribution to methodology turned mostly on the question of objectivity and the role of subjective values in historical and cultural concept formation. On the one hand, he followed Windelband in positing that historical and cultural knowledge is categorically distinct from natural scientific knowledge. Action that is the subject of any sociological inquiry is clearly different from mere behaviour. While behaviour can be accounted for without reference to inner motives and thus can be reduced to mere aggregate numbers, making it possible to establish positivistic regularities, and even laws, of collective behaviour, an action can only be interpreted because it is based on a radically subjective attribution of meaning and values to what one does. What a social scientist seeks to understand is this subjective dimension of human conduct as it relates to others. On the other hand, an understanding( Verstehen ) in this subjective sense is not anchored in a non-cognitive empathy or intuitive appreciation that is arational by nature; it can gain objective validity when the meanings and values to be comprehended are explained causally, that is, as a means to an end. A teleological contextualization of an action in the means-end nexus is indeed the precondition for a causal explanation that can be objectively ascertained. So far, Weber is not essentially in disagreement with Rickert.

From Weber's perspective, however, the problem that Rickert's formulation raised was the objectivity of the end to which an action is held to be oriented. As pointed out, Rickert in the end had to rely on a certain transhistorical, transcultural criterion in order to account for the purpose of an action, an assumption that cannot be warranted in Weber's view. To be consistent with the Neo-Kantian presuppositions, instead, the ends themselves have to be conceived of as no less subjective. Imputing an end to an action is of a fictional nature in the sense that it is not free from the subjective valuation that conditions the researcher's thematization of a certain subject matter out of “an infinite multiplicity of successively and coexistently emerging and disappearing events” [Weber 1904/1949, 72]. Although a counterfactual analysis might aid in stabilizing the process of causal imputation, it cannot do away completely with the subjective nature of the researcher's perspective.

In the end, the kind of objective knowledge that historical and cultural sciences may achieve is precariously limited. An action can be interpreted with objective validity only at the level of means, not ends. An end, however, even a “self-evident” one, is irreducibly subjective, thus defying an objective understanding; it can only be reconstructed conceptually based on a researcher's no less subjective values. Objectivity in historical and social sciences is, then, not a goal that can be reached with the aid of a correct method, but an ideal that must be striven for without a promise of ultimate fulfillment. In this sense, one might say that the so-called “value-freedom” ( Wertfreiheit ) is less a methodological principle for Weber than an ethical virtue that a personality fit for modern science must possess.

The methodology of “ideal type” ( Idealtypus ) is another testimony to such a broadly ethical intention of Weber. According to Weber's definition, “an ideal type is formed by the one-sided accentuation of one or more points of view” according to which “ concrete individual phenomena … are arranged into a unified analytical construct” ( Gedankenbild ); in its purely fictional nature, it is a methodological “utopia [that] cannot be found empirically anywhere in reality” [Weber 1904/1949, 90]. Keenly aware of its fictional nature, the ideal type never seeks to claim its validity in terms of a reproduction of or a correspondence with social reality. Its validity can be ascertained only in terms of adequacy, which is too conveniently ignored by the proponents of positivism. This does not mean, however, that objectivity, limited as it is, can be gained by “weighing the various evaluations against one another and making a ‘statesman-like’ compromise among them” [Weber 1917/1949, 10], which is often proposed as a solution by those sharing Weber's kind of methodological perspectivism. Such a practice, which Weber calls “syncretism,” is not only impossible but also unethical, for it avoids “the practical duty to stand up for our own ideals” [Weber 1904/1949, 58].

According to Weber, a clear value commitment, no matter how subjective, is both unavoidable and necessary. It is unavoidable , for otherwise no meaningful knowledge can be attained. Further, it is necessary , for otherwise the value position of a researcher would not be foregrounded clearly and admitted as such — not only to the readers of the research outcome but also to the very researcher him/herself. In other words, Weber's emphasis on “one-sidedness” ( Einseitigkeit ) not only affirms the subjective nature of scientific knowledge but also demands that the researcher be self-consciously subjective. The ideal type is devised for this purpose, for “only as an ideal type” can subjective value — “that unfortunate child of misery of our science” — “be given an unambiguous meaning” [ Ibid ., 107]. Along with value-freedom, then, what the ideal type methodology entails in ethical terms is, on the one hand, a daring confrontation with the tragically subjective foundation of our historical and social scientific knowledge and, on the other, a public promulgation of one's own subjective value. Weber's methodology in the end amounts to a call for the heroic character-virtue of clear-sightedness and intellectual integrity that together constitute a genuine person of science, or a scientist with a sense of vocation who has a passionate commitment to one's own specialized research, yet is utterly “free of illusions” [Löwith 1982, 38].

6. Politics and Ethics

Even more explicitly ethical than was his methodology, Weber's political project also discloses his entrenched preoccupation with the willful resuscitation of certain character traits in modern society. At the outset, it seems undeniable that Weber was a deeply liberal political thinker especially in a German context that is not well known for liberalism. This means that his ultimate value as a political thinker was locked on individual freedom, that “old, general type of human ideals” [Weber 1895/1994, 19]. He was also a bourgeois liberal, and self-consciously so, in a time of great transformations that were undermining the social conditions necessary to support classical liberal values and bourgeois institutions, thereby challenging liberalism to attempt a radical self-redirection. To that extent, he belongs to that generation of liberal political thinkers in fin-de-siècle Europe who clearly perceived the general crisis of liberalism and sought to resolve it in their own liberal ways. Weber's own way was to address the problem of classical liberal characterology that was, in his view, being progressively undermined by the indiscriminate bureaucratization of modern society.

Such a concern with ethical character is clearly discernible in Weber's stark political realism. Utterly devoid of any normative qualities, for instance, the modern state is defined simply as “a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory [Weber 1919/1994, 310],” whether that legitimacy derives from charisma, tradition, or law. Further, he held that, even in a democratic state, domination of the ruled by the ruler(s) is simply an unavoidable political fact. If the genuine self-rule of the people is impossible, the only choice is one between leaderless and leadership democracy ( Führerdemokratie ). When advocating a sweeping democratization of post-war Germany, thus, Weber envisioned democracy in Germany as a political marketplace in which strong charismatic leaders can be identified and elected by winning votes in a free competition, even struggle, among themselves. Preserving and enhancing this element of struggle in politics is important since it is only through a dynamic electoral process that national leaders strong enough to keep an otherwise omnipotent bureaucracy under control can be made. The primary concern for Weber in devising democratic institutions has, in other words, less to do with the values and institutions that can realise the ideals of democracy as such than with the breeding of a certain character fit for national leadership. So far, Weber's theory of democracy seems to contain certain authoritarian elements that can support Jürgen Habermas's famous critique that Carl Schmitt, “the Kronjurist of the Third Reich,” was “a legitimate pupil of Weber's” [Stammer (ed.), 1971, 66].

Leadership democracy is, however, not solely reliant upon the quality of its leaders, let alone that of a caesaristic dictator. In addition to electoral competition, Weber saw localized, yet public associational life as a breeding ground for the formation of charismatic leaders. When leaders are identified and trained at the level of, say neighborhood choral societies and bowling clubs [Weber 2002], the alleged authoritarian elitism of leadership democracy comes across as more pluralistic in its conceptualization, far from its usual identification with demagogic dictatorship and unthinking mass following. Insofar as a civil society, or “sectlike society” in his own parlance, functions as an effective medium for the horizontal diffusion of charismatic qualities among lay people, his notion of charisma can retain a strongly democratic tone to the extent that he also suggested social pluralism as a sociocultural ground for the political education of the lay citizenry from which genuine leaders would hail. In short, the charismatic leadership ideal in Weber's political project also requires a heterogeneous and pluralistically organized civil society as its corollary. Together, Weber expected, strong national leadership and a robust civil society would form a bulwark of political dynamism in times of bureaucratic petrification.

Weber's preoccupation with civic education runs like a thread through his nationalism as well. There can be no denying that Weber was an ardent nationalist. And yet, his nationalism was unambiguously free from the obsession with primordial ethnicity and race that was prevalent in Wilhelmine Germany. Even in the Freiburg Address of 1895, which unleashed his nationalist sentiments with an uninhibited and youthful rhetorical force, he makes it clear that the ultimate rationale for the nationalist value-commitment that should guide all political judgments, even political and economic sciences as well, has less to do with the promotion of the German national interests per se than with a civic education of the citizenry in general and political maturity of the bourgeois class in particular. At a time when “the ultimate, most sublime values have retreated from the public sphere” [Weber 1919/1946, 155], Weber found an instrumental value in nationalism insofar as it can imbue patriotic feelings among the citizenry and thereby increase their participation in public affairs.

Crucial to this civic educational project was, according to Weber, exposing citizens to the harsh reality of “eternal struggle,” or power-politics ( Machtpolitik ) among the nation-states with which Germany had to engage actively [Weber 1895/1994, 16]. Weber observed with more than a hint of envy, for example, that it was “the reverberation of a position of world power” that exposed the English citizens “to ‘chronic’ political schooling,” and it was this political education that made possible both the empire-building and liberal democracy [ Ibid ., 26]. In this sense, Weber's nationalism can be surmised as a variant of liberal imperialism, or social imperialism ( Sozialimperialismus ) as it was called in Germany; to that extent, one might say that his political thinking is not free from the problems of liberalism in turn-of-the-century Europe [Beetham 1989, 322]. Such a diatribe notwithstanding, what is of more significance in our context is Weber's obsession with a liberal characterology and civic education. The next question that Weber's ethico-political project raises is, then, what kind of character virtues are necessary for the kind of leadership and citizenship that can together make a great nation, while holding inevitable bureaucratization in check.

Weber suggested two sets of ethical virtues that a proper political education should teach — the ethic of conviction ( Gesinnungsethik ) and the ethic of responsibility ( Verantwortungsethik ). According to the ethic of responsibility, on the one hand, an action is given meaning only as a cause of an effect, that is, only in terms of its causal relationship to the empirical world. The virtue lies in an objective understanding of the possible causal effect of an action and the calculated reorientation of the elements of an action in such a way as to achieve a desired consequence. An ethical question is thereby reduced to a question of technically correct procedure, and free action consists of choosing the correct means. By emphasizing the causality to which a free agent subscribes, in short, Weber prescribes an ethical integrity between action and consequences, instead of a Kantian emphasis on that between action and intention.

According to the ethic of conviction, on the other hand, a free agent should be able to choose autonomously not only the means, but also the end; “this concept of personality finds its ‘essence’ in the constancy of its inner relation to certain ultimate ‘values’ and ‘meanings’ of life” [Weber 1903-06/1975, 192]. In this respect, Weber's problem arises from the recognition that the kind of rationality applied in choosing a means cannot be used in choosing an end. These two kinds of reasoning represent categorically distinct modes of rationality, a boundary further reinforced by modern value fragmentation. With no objectively ascertainable ground of choice provided, then, a free agent has to create a purpose ex nihilo : “ultimately life as a whole, if it is not to be permitted to run on as an event in nature but is instead to be consciously guided, is a series of ultimate decisions through which the soul — as in Plato — chooses its own fate” [Weber 1917/1949, 18]. This ultimate decision and the Kantian integrity between intention and action constitute the essence of what Weber calls an ethic of conviction.

It is often held that the gulf between these two types of ethic is unbridgeable for Weber. Demanding an unmitigated integrity between one's ultimate value and political action, that is to say, the deontological ethic of conviction cannot be reconciled with that of responsibility which is consequentialist in essence. In fact, Weber himself admitted the “abysmal contrast” that separates the two. This frank admission, nevertheless, cannot be taken to mean that he privileged the latter over the former as far as political education is concerned.

Weber clearly understood the deep tension between consequentialism and deontology, but he still insisted that they should be forcefully brought together. The former recognition only lends urgency to the latter agenda. Resolving this analytical inconsistency in terms of certain “ethical decrees” did not interest Weber at all. Instead, he sought for a moral character that can produce this “combination” with a sheer force of will. He called such a character a “politician with a sense of vocation” ( Berufspolitiker ) who combines a passionate conviction in supra-mundane ideals that politics has to serve and a sober rational calculation of its realizability in this mundane world. Weber thus concluded: “the ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility are not absolute opposites. They are complementary to one another, and only in combination do they produce the true human being who is capable of having a ‘vocation for politics’” [Weber 1919/1994, 368].

In the end, Weber's ethical project is not about formal analysis of moral maxims, nor is it about substantive virtues that reflect some kind of ontic telos. It is too formal to be an Aristotelean virtue ethics, and it is too concerned with moral character to be a Kantian deontology narrowly understood. The goal of Weber's ethical project, rather, aims at cultivating a character who can willfully bring together these conflicting formal virtues to create what he calls “total personality” ( Gesamtpersönlichkeit ). It culminates in an ethical characterology or philosophical anthropology in which passion and reason are properly ordered by sheer force of individual volition. In this light, Weber's political virtue resides not simply in a subjective intensity of value commitment nor in a detached intellectual integrity, but in their willful combination in a unified soul.

Seen this way, we find a remarkable consistency in Weber's thought. Weber's main problematic turned on the question of individual autonomy and freedom in an increasingly rationalized society. His dystopian and pessimistic assessment of rationalization drove him to search for solutions through politics and science, which broadly converge on a certain practice of the self . What he called the “person of vocation,” first outlined famously in The Protestant Ethic , provided a bedrock for his various efforts to resuscitate a character who can willfully combine unflinching conviction and methodical rationality even in a society besieged by bureaucratic petrification and value fragmentation. It is also in this entrenched preoccupation with an ethical characterology under modern circumstances that we find the source of his enduring influences on twentieth-century political and social thought.

On the left, Weber's articulation of the tension between modernity and modernization found resounding echoes in the “Dialectics of Enlightenment” thesis by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer; György Lukács's own critique of the perversion of capitalist reason owes no less to Weber's problematization of instrumental rationality on which is also built Jürgen Habermas's elaboration of communicative rationality as an alternative. Different elements in Weber's political thought, e.g., intense political struggle as an antidote to modern bureaucratic petrification, leadership democracy and plebiscitary presidency, uncompromising realism in international politics, and value-freedom and value-relativism in political ethics, were selected and critically appropriated by such diverse thinkers on the right as Carl Schmitt, Joseph Schumpeter, Leo Strauss, Hans Morgenthau, and Raymond Aron. Even the postmodernist project of deconstructing Enlightenment selfhood finds, as Michel Foucault does, a precursor in Weber. All in all, across the vastly different ideological and methodological spectrum, Max Weber's thought will continue to be a deep reservoir of fresh inspiration as long as an individual's fate under (post)modern circumstances does not lose its privileged place in the political, social, cultural, and philosophical self-reflections of our time.


Max Weber Gesamtausgabe (Collected Works) have been published continuously since 1984 by J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) in Tübingen, Germany. The original editorial committee consisted of Horst Baier, M. Rainer Lepsius, Wolfgang Mommsen (deceased), Wolfgang Schluchter, and Johannes Winkelmann (deceased). More than forty volumes are planned (twenty-three volumes of Weber's writings, eleven volumes of his letters, and seven volumes of his lectures); some twenty volumes have appeared so far. For general information about this project and updates, the reader is referred to Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe .

Primary Texts

  • Weber, Max. 1895/1994. “The Nations State and Economic Policy (Freiburg Address)” in Weber: Political Writings . ed./trans. P. Lassman and R. Speirs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • –––. 1903-06/1975. Roscher and Knies: The Logical Problems of Historical Economics . trans. G. Oakes. New York: Free Press.
  • –––. 1904/1949. “Objectivity in Social Science and Social Policy” in The Methodology of the Social Sciences . ed./trans. E. A. Shils and H. A. Finch. New York: Free Press.
  • –––. 1904-05/1992. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism . trans. T. Parsons/intro. A. Giddens. London: Routledge.
  • –––. 1906/1949. “Critical Studies in the Logic of the Cultural Sciences: A Critique of Eduard Meyer’s Methodological Views” in The Methodology of the Social Sciences .
  • –––. 1910/1978. “Antikritisches Schlußwort zum Geist des Kapitalismus” in Max Weber: Die protestantische Ethik II: Kritiken und Antikritiken . ed. J. Winckelmann. Gerd Mohn: Gütersloher Verlaghaus.
  • –––. 1910/2002. “Voluntary Associational Life ( Vereinswesen ).” ed./trans. Sung Ho Kim. Max Weber Studies 2:2 (2002).
  • –––. 1915/1946. “Religious Rejections of the World and Their Directions” in From Max Weber .
  • –––. 1917/1949. “The Meaning of ‘Ethical Neutrality’ in Sociology and Economics ” in The Methodology of the Social Sciences .
  • –––. 1918/1994. “Parliament and Government in Germany Under a New Political Order” in Max Weber: Political Writings .
  • –––. 1919/1994. “The Profession and Vocation of Politics” in Max Weber: Political Writing .
  • –––. 1919/1946. “Science as a Vocation” in From Max Weber .
  • –––. 1920/1946. “The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism” in From Max Weber .
  • –––. 1920/1992. “Author’s Introduction (Vorbemerkung to GARS)” in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism .
  • –––. 1920. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie (three volumes). Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck, 1978.
  • –––. 1921-22/1978. Economy and Society (two volumes). ed. G. Roth and C. Wittich. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • –––. 1924. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Soziologie und Sozialpolitik . Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck.
  • Weber, Marianne (ed.). 1926/1988. Max Weber: A Biography , trans. H. Zohn/intro. G. Roth. New Brunswick: Transaction.


  • From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology , ed./trans./intro. H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1946).
  • The Methodology of the Social Sciences , ed./trans. E. A. Shils and H. A. Finch (New York: Free Press, 1949).
  • Weber: Political Writings , ed./trans. P. Lassman and R. Speirs (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
  • Beetham, David. 1989. “Max Weber and the Liberal Political Tradition,” European Journal of Sociology 30.
  • Brubaker, Rogers. 1992. The Limits of Rationality . London: Routledge.
  • Bruun, Hans Henrik. 1972. Science, Values and Politics in Max Weber's Methodology . Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
  • Gellner, Ernest. 1974. Legitimation of Belief . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Goldman, Harvey. 1992. Politics, Death, and the Devil: Self and Power in Max Weber and Thomas Mann . Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm. 1987. “The German Theological Sources and Protestant Church Politics,” in H. Lehmann and G. Roth (eds.), Weber's Protestant Ethic: Origins, Evidence, Contents . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hennis, Wilhelm. 1988. Max Weber: Essays in Reconstruction . London: Allen & Unwin.
  • Henrich, Dieter. 1952. Die Einheit der Wissenschaftslehre Max Webers . Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck.
  • Honigsheim, Paul. 2003. The Unknown Max Weber . New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publisher.
  • Hughes, H. S. 1977. Consciousness and Society: Reorientation of European Social Thought . New York: Vintage Books.
  • Käsler, Dirk. 1988. Max Weber: An Introduction to his Life and Work . trans. P. Hurd. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Kim, Sung Ho. 2004. Max Weber's Politics of Civil Society . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Löwith, Karl. 1982. Max Weber and Karl Marx , trans. H. Fantel. London: Allen & Unwin.
  • Roth, Guenther. 2001. Max Webers deutschen-englische Familiengeschichte 1800-1950 . Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck.
  • Schluchter, Wolfgang. 1981. The Rise of Western Rationalism: Max Weber's Developmental History . trans./intro. G. Roth. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Stammer. Otto. Ed. 1971. Max Weber and Sociology Today . New York: Harper.
  • Strauss, Leo. 1950. Natural Right and History . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Swedberg, Richard. Ed. 2005. The Max Weber Dictionary . Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Taylor, Charles. 1989. Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Tenbruck, Frieidrich H. 1980. “The Problem of Thematic Unity in the Works of Max Weber,” British Journal of Sociology 31:3.
  • Mommsen, Wolfgang. 1984. Max Weber and German Politics, 1980-1920 . trans. Michael S. Steinberg. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Vattimo, Giani. 1988. The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics inPostmodern Culture . trans. J. Snyder. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Max Weber, Gesamtausgabe und Studienausgabe (Collected Works) , publisher's official site
  • Max Weber Studies , a British journal devoted to the philological studies and interpretations of Weber's works:
  • Max Weber , a site with some of the major collected works in the German original.
  • Verstehen: Max Weber's Home Page , maintained by Dr. Frank Elwell, Rogers State University.
  • SocioSite: Max Weber , a Max Weber reference site

Adorno, Theodor W. | Bacon, Francis | -->Cohen, Hermann --> | Descartes, René | Dilthey, Wilhelm | Foucault, Michel | Habermas, Jürgen | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | Hobbes, Thomas | Horkheimer, Max | -->Kant, Immanuel --> | Locke, John | Machiavelli, Niccolò | Marx, Karl | Nietzsche, Friedrich | -->Rickert, Heinrich --> | -->Rousseau, Jean Jacques --> | -->Strauss, Leo --> | -->Windelband, Wilhelm -->

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weber hypothesis

Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.


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  3. Max Weber

    Maximilian Karl Emil Weber (/ ˈ v eɪ b ər /; German: [maks ˈveːbɐ]; 21 April 1864 - 14 June 1920) was a German sociologist, historian, jurist, and political economist who was one of the central figures in the development of sociology and the social sciences more generally. His ideas continue to influence social theory and research.. Born in Erfurt in 1864, Weber studied law and history ...

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  6. Max Weber

    Max Weber (born April 21, 1864, Erfurt, Prussia [Germany]—died June 14, 1920, Munich, Germany) was a German sociologist and political economist best known for his thesis of the " Protestant ethic," relating Protestantism to capitalism, and for his ideas on bureaucracy.. Early life and family relationships. Weber was the eldest son of Max and Helene Weber.

  7. The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory

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  8. Introduction (Chapter 1)

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  12. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

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  16. Max Weber

    This is a file in the archives of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Max Weber. First published Fri Aug 24, 2007. Arguably the foremost social theorist of the twentieth century, Max Weber is also known as a principal architect of modern social science along with Karl Marx and Emil Durkheim. Weber's wide-ranging contributions gave critical ...

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  20. Kapotnya District

    A residential and industrial region in the south-east of Mocsow. It was founded on the spot of two villages: Chagino (what is now the Moscow Oil Refinery) and Ryazantsevo (demolished in 1979). in 1960 the town was incorporated into the City of Moscow as a district. Population - 45,000 people (2002). The district is one of the most polluted residential areas in Moscow, due to the Moscow Oil ...

  21. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  22. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  23. Moscow Oblast

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